Basel II
Top View
- Basel II and Developing Countries: Understanding the Implications
- U.S. Implementation of Basel II: an Overview
- PREDICTING the UTILIZATION RATE and RISK MEASURES of COMMITTED CREDIT FACILITIES Ihor Voloshyn1 National Bank of Ukraine Email: Ihor [email protected]
- Regulatory Capital Measurement and Management Framework for the Implementation of Basel Ii/Iii for the Nigerian Banking System
- Bank of Georgia Group PLC (Incorporated in England and Wales with Registered Number 10917019)
- For Diversity in the International Regulation of Financial Institutions: Critiquing and Recalibrating the Basel Architecture
- Regulatory Capital Arbitrage Opportunities Under the Standardized
- Impact of Basel I, Basel II, and Basel III on Letters of Credit and Trade Finance
- Bank Supervision Russian Style: Evidence of Conflicts Between Micor- and Macroprudential Concerns
- Principles for the Sound Management of Operational Risk
- Citigroup Inc. Basel II.5 Market Risk Disclosures As of and for the Period Ended June 30, 2013
- Draft Basel II NPR
- Basel Draft Circular
- The Comprehensive Approach of Basel II
- Rethinking Operational Risk Capital Requirements
- The Basel II Risk Parameters
- Basel II Pillar 3
- The Loan Equivalency Factor for Revolving Lines of Credit In