Arts in Australia
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- Indigenous Fine Art in Far North Queensland
- Dear Sir/Madam, the Arts in Tasmania Will Be Devastated by the Federal
- Recent Tasmanian Sculpture and Three-Dimensional Art ISBN 0 86779 000 8 RECENT TASMANIAN SCULPTURE and THREE-DIMENSIONAL ART
- Policy on Arts for a Multicultural Australia
- Australia Council Submission to the Standing Committee on Indigenous
- Nineteenth Century Natural History Art and Belonging in Tasmania
- Visible Art, Invisible Artists? the Incorporation of Aboriginal Objects and Knowledge in Australian Museums
- Australia Council for the Arts Submission Nationhood, National Identity and Democracy Inquiry
- Indigenous Australian Art: an Analytical and Cultural Survey
- The Arts and Australian Education: Realising Potential
- For the Love (Or Not) of Art in Australia Tony Bennett and Modesto Gayo
- "Beyond Dreamings: the Rise of Indigenous Australian Art in The
- The Hidden Topography of Australia's Arts Nation
- Domestic Arts Tourism
- MAKING ART WORK a Summary and Response by the Australia Council for the Arts
- Terry Smith Writing the History of Australian Art AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL of ART 1983
- The Role of the Arts in Australia the Role