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- Consumption of Both Resistant Starch and ß-Glucan Improves
- A High Amylose Wheat Diet Improves Gastrointestinal Health Parameters and Gut Microbiota in Male and Female Mice
- Polymer Pie Teacher Guide
- Physicochemical Properties of Brown Rice As Influenced by Gamma-Irradiation, Variety and Storage
- Spring 2012 Lecture 20
- Legume Starches and Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus) Gum Blends: Pasting, Thermal, and Viscous Properties
- Gelatinization of Wheat Starch As Modified by Xanthan Gum, Guar Gum, and Cellulose Gum
- A World of Sugars: from Sugars in Space to Daily Life
- Effect of Different Rice Starches, Inulin, and Soy Protein on Microstructural, Physical, and Sensory Properties of Low-Fat, Gluten, and Lactose Free White Sauces
- CARBOHYDRATES STRUCTURE and CLASSIFICATION • Term Carbohydrate Is Derived from the French: HYDRATE DE CARBONE • Compounds Composed of C, H, and O
- Effects of Amylose and Amylopectin on the Functional Properties of Starch Jen-Fang Chen Iowa State University
- High-Amylose Wheat Foods: a New Opportunity to Meet Dietary Fiber Targets for Health
- Amylose Starch with No Detectable Branching Developed Through DNA
- Starch Glycogen Chain 17 Starch Glycogen Site Plant Animal (Mostly Liver&Kidney)
- Starch in Food: What Makes Rice Sticky, Why Does Bread Stale, and Eat Your Beans!
- Amylose/ Amylopectin
- AN2302: Starch Amylose and Amylopectin Molar Mass and Size Distributions by AF4-MALS Rick White and Eija Chiaramonte, the Procter & Gamble Company
- Effect of Hydrocolloid Gums on the Pasting, Thermal, Rheological and Textural Properties of Chickpea Starch