Willy Musschoot [email protected]

This questionnaire has not been validated as a personnel selection tool. It is against the law to use it as such. On the other hand it can be used freely in other settings by anyone who wants so.


This questionnaire assesses how you perceive yourself.

The following pages present 44 pairs of statements. Within each pair, choose the statement that you believe best expresses the perception of yourself. In some cases, neither of the statements may appear to be appropriate. In this case, choose the statement that comes closest to how you think your perception to be. In other cases, you will have some doubts about which statement gives the best description of yourself. In this case, choose the statement that is closest to your self-perception. Some statements contain expressions suggesting a comparison: "more", "less", "rather". "More or less than what?", you might wonder. In the case of "more", for example, think of "more than half the population".

Put a cross next to the statement you believe best expresses your perception. Do this as authentically as possible. This is not a test involving "true" or "false" answers. This questionnaire does not deal with "good" or "bad". Your answers fit in a theory in which all the elements discussed contain positive aspects.

Ponder your choices carefully and take your time to answer. A well-considered answer is worth more than a superficial one.

1...... Less self-assured action ...... More self-assured action

2...... Responds rationally to problems ...... Respond emotionally to problems

3...... Doesn't engage in confrontations easily ...... Isn't afraid of engaging in confrontations

4...... Controlled reactions ...... Lively reactions

5...... Cautious ...... Tends to take risks

6...... Isn't very good at inspiring others ...... Is good at inspiring others

7...... Tends to withdraw when attacked ...... Counterattacks easily

8...... More serious ...... More exuberant

9...... Lenient ...... Demanding

2 10...... Rather even-tempered ...... Moody

11...... Keeps to the background when in company ...... Comes to the forefront when in company

12...... Expresses feelings less easily ...... Wears his heart on his sleeve

13...... Balanced and reserved when voicing an opinion ...... Straightforward

14...... Convinces others with factual arguments ...... Convinces others by focusing on feelings

15...... More of a follower ...... More of a leader

16...... Uses plain language ...... Uses colourful language

17...... Lets people talk first and decides afterwards ...... Interrupts the discussion and decides

18...... Predominantly business-like ...... Easily excited

19...... Doesn't really like attracting attention ...... Likes attracting attention to a certain extent

20...... Fewer gestures during discussions ...... More gestures during discussions

21...... Doesn't impose his will easily ...... Imposes his will easily

22...... Keeps body movements more under control ...... More pronounced body movements

23...... Taking one's time ...... Speeding things up

24...... Fewer facial expressions ...... More facial expressions

25...... Tends to ask questions ...... Tends to make statements

26...... Seems more serious ...... Seems more fun-loving

27...... Less inclined to exert pressure ...... More inclined to exert pressure

3 28...... Speaks in a less lively manner ...... Speaks in a lively manner

29...... Careful in formulating opinions ...... Spontaneous in formulating opinions

30...... Less inclined to show feelings ...... More inclined to show feelings

31...... Defends a point of view more calmly ...... Defends a point of view more forcefully

32...... More oriented towards facts and logic ...... More oriented towards feelings and opinions

33...... Avoids clashing with others ...... Not afraid of clashing with others

34...... Less inclined to engage in small talk ...... More inclined to engage in small talk

35...... Makes less use of power ...... Doesn't shrink from using power

36...... Sticks more to factual and logical reasoning ...... Refers more often to anecdotes and stories

37...... Allows others to speak ...... Prefers to speak himself

38...... Is more business-like and uses facts and figures ...... Prefers working with people

39...... Prefers postponing decisions when uncertain ...... Prefers taking decisions, even when the outcome is uncertain

40...... More structured use of time ...... Less structured use of time

41...... Somewhat reserved ...... More resolute

42...... Tends to stick to the subject ...... Tends to wander from the subject

43...... Rather vague, unclear about what is expected ...... Makes clear what is expected

44...... Proposes ideas systematically ...... Proposes ideas less systematically