Serving Your Church

Serving Your Church


8:15am Prayer Service Leader: Cindy Gnech

10:00 am Service:

Acolyte: Olivia MillerSermon: Thaddeus Sampson

Greeter: Bobbee KarchnerLiturgist: Barrett Rhoads

Nursery: Carly Rogers/Larry Porter Lay Reader: Henry Greenawald

Sound Volunteers: John Butari, Bruce Neely, Bill Miller, Jeff Karchner

Lay Support: Cards: Donna Schwalm/Lois Schwarz Flowers: Darla Stammel Telephone:Arlene Randby

This Week’s Schedule

Monday - Audit – 6:30p; Pastor’s Evaluation Team – 7p

Tuesday-Zumba – 6:30p7p; Womyn’s Chorus Bd. Mtg. – 7p; Craft Workshop at Todoroff’s -7p

Wednesday-Be Joyful Book Study -7:30p

Thursday-Band – 2p; AA Mtg. – 7p; Hbg. Assn. Exec. Mtg. – 7p

Friday - TOPS – 10:30a

Saturday -UCC Board Mtg – 10a; PCC Search Comm -1p

Birthdays (Aug 10–Aug16): Gail Weidman-Jones, Kathy Knapp, Mary Ann Maguire, Zachary Mahan, Sue Webb, Katie Johnson-Allen, David Reinke, Greg Clark, Africa Degler, Tom Washic. Birthday information is available in the Messenger each month and can also be found on our website at

Attention all Parents of Young Children! Six different Activity Bags for infants-toddlers, ages 2-4 & ages 5-8 are located in the back of the sanctuary and are available to help keep children occupied. Bags can be taken and then returned after worship. Bible activity sheets are also available from the ushers.

During worship we invite you to leave your children in our Church Nursery. Infants will remain in the crib nursery with caring volunteers. Supervised play for the older children will take place in the preschool room next door. Both are located in the hall beside the Sanctuary.

The Lower Paxton Lion’s Club is holding a series of informational meetings for high school aged youth interested in joining a new community-based Leo Club, whose purpose is to do community service projects and raise money for local charities while having fun! Meetings will be on Aug. 21, 28 and Sept. 4, 17 at 6:15pm at the East Shore Library. For info call Salli Miller at 329-5384.

Welcome to CPUCC!

Thank you to Sharon Clarkfor writing today’s liturgy and to Thaddeus Sampson for preaching.

The Altar flowers today are presented to the Glory of Godin honor of Rachel Washic’s 19th birthday by her parents, Tom and Beth.

The Bulletins today are presented to the Glory of God in honor of Brett Hoover’s birthday by his family.

Today the Remembrance Book is open to the pages acknowledging the Gifts given to the Glory of God in memory ofJoseph Zedlar.

Neil & I truly appreciate all of the cards and prayers from our church family as we celebrated our wedding and mourned the loss of my grandmother. – Sara Weiser

Tami Johnson is grateful for the church flowers. As she moves forward on her journey, it’s nice to know so many people are praying for her.

The new Art Gallery exhibit is up in the office hallway and features the works of Danish artist Bo Gorzelak Pdersen. He began painting in 1999 and his expressionist works are often inspired by poetry or by mythological or biblical themes.


For the remainder of the summer the Adults will combine classes in Fellowship Hall at 9:00am

In Adult Sunday School on August 10 the program will be about the 2014 Mission Trip. August 17will be a program by Scott Sicilianoabout his Seminary trip to the Holy Land. On August 24 there will be a “Show of Talent” and Aug. 31 will be a study of Rob Bell’s “Rediscovering Wonder.”

This summer we are studying the book “Be Joyful (Philippians) Even When Things Go Wrong, You Can Have Joy” by Warren Wiersbe. Join us on Wednesdays at 7:30pm in the church Parsonage.

Children & Youth fAITH DEVELOPMENT

Sunday School classes will be from 9-9:45am thru Sept. 7th.

Beginning today the elementary Sunday School class will be held on the main level in Room 1.

The Stewards for Human Resources and Congregational Records are currently in the process of conducting Pastor Bonita’s annual staff evaluation. We are requesting appropriate input from members of the congregation who have had experiences with Pastor Bonita which may not be common to all members. This would include activities such as visitation when hospitalized, funeral planning, wedding planning, or committee or team meetings. Provide your feedback to Roy Blose () or Faye Mertus () by Sunday, August 10, 2014. Thank you for your assistance.

We will be having Red Cross CPR & AED training in September. We are looking for a few volunteers who are regularly in attendance at Worship and/or church activities who would be willing to be trained. If you’re interested, contact Kathy at or 545-3782.

Message from the Deacons of Stewardship - Looking for a way to serve your church? The Deacons of Stewardship are asking you to prayerfully consider serving on the church council as a deacon or steward. This is a monthly obligation for council meetings and perhaps a monthly meeting with your fellow deacon, steward or a committee. This a great way to get to know your fellow church disciples and help to make church decisions for our programs, classes, hospitality, budget, evangelism, missions, worship and so much more. We need spiritual leadership and your well thought out ideas. Council positionsare for a term of two years. If you feel that you are called to serve on Council, please call Barrett Rhoads at 439-8065 or Sue Reinke at 545-0440.

Rally Day is coming! Join us for Worship on September 7 at 10:00am. Sunday School for all ages will be held at 9:00am. Following Worship we will have a Church Picnic. The Deacons for Congregational Life are offering a lunch of Applewood Smoked Pulled Pork or Grilled Chicken BBQ with baked beans, coleslaw, macaroni salad, and a roll. Tickets are $6.50 for Adults and $5 for kids 12 & under. Tickets are available today from Greg Clark or Michael Shafer or in the office weekdays.

Members of the Unity Circle met recently to discuss ways to improve our welcome to all. Along with Karin and Sherry, the Deacons of Evangelism, we decided to have a Welcome Center outside of the sanctuary for visitors to sign in and receive our new welcome bag. The bags were decorated by the children’s Sunday School classes, and include gifts of microwave popcorn (Thanks for “popping” in!), a CPUCC pen & pad, and a church schedule. We will open our Welcome Center on Rally Day. We will also sing a new CPUCC Welcome Song written by Ellen DeStefano just for CPUCC! Join us on September 7th!

We are looking for a few volunteers to serve as Money Counters of the church offerings. Counting happens on Mondays. After training, you would be part of a team that counts every 3rd month. For more information, contact our Financial Secretary, Priscilla Fledderjohn at 671-0487.

The Congregational Life Deacons, Michael Shafer and Greg Clark are planning a Reception for Pastor Bonita’s Return on Sunday, August 24 following Worship. They will supply the main dish but are asking you to help with the rest, according to the schedule below

Welcome Back Reception for Pastor Bonita

Name ______# Attending ______

1st letter of your last name: A-I—Appetizer; J-Q—Salad or Side dish; R-Z—Dessert

I will bring ______

Our beloved and excellent Youth Leader, Lydia Graeff, is resigning from her position effective August 31, to attend graduate school in Boston. In order to continue this important ministry and build on Lydia’s accomplishments, we are recruiting for a new Youth Leader to begin September 1, 2014.

All interested, qualified persons are invited to apply for this position. Please see the bottom portion of this announcement for the job description and duties that will be expected from this position.

Interested candidates should submit a letter of application, resume, and three references to . Deadline for applications is August 15, 2014.


Position: Youth Leader - Average 10 hours per week

Reports to: Senior Pastor and Deacons of Children and Youth Faith Development

Position Summary: Youth Leader is to minister to and be an example for the youth at CPUCC. He/she will organize and facilitate youth meetings and activities. She/he will also teach Sunday School and attend worship services.

Responsibilities of the Youth Leader:

1. Prepare lessons and teach Youth Sunday School Class.

2. Organize, facilitate and encourage youth activities. This could take the form of on-site youth meetings, Youth Fellowship, retreats, mission opportunities, worship participation, Penn Central Conference retreats, Lancaster Seminary opportunities, and National Youth Event

3. Meet with pastor and staff at least once a month to coordinate programs and worship opportunities.

4. Communicate with pastor, staff, deacons and youth using most appropriate technology or social media available. (Web site, Texting, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities required:

1. Be a Christ-like example for the youth

2. Love to explore and grow in their faith

3. Able to communicate Christ's message and make it relevant to the youth

4. Love ministry to youth

Responsibilities of CPUCC:

1. Provide guidance and support from Pastor, Staff, Deacons, and congregation

2. Provide expenses for lesson/youth material

3. Commit to prayer and encouragement to Youth Leader

Terms of Employment:

1. Average of 10 hours per week

2. $385 per month and paid Social Security (not to exceed $5000 per year)

3. Two (2) weeks paid vacation

4. Six-month evaluation to assess performance