School Improvement Planning

Representative: Belinda Hope

District: Broward

School: Pine Ridge Education Center

Date: 09/21/2011

2011-2012 Differentiated Accountability Requirements

Correct I Alternative School Checklist

School Improvement Planning
DA Requirements / Evidence of Compliance / Status / Strategies to Attain Compliance / Person Responsible / Expected Date of Completion
The SAC shall review Alternative school performance data and determine the causes of low performance. The SAC shall advise the school on its Alternative SIP. / School Advisory Council meets in conjunction with leadership team to review data and set goals for the alternative school SIP. The principal shares data with the SAC at monthly meetings and solicits input from SAC for monitoring and revisions. / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / The School Advisory Council will conduct monthly meetings with all stakeholders to review and monitor goals and action steps. / Damon Martin and Geraldine Bartelle, SAC Co-Chairs and Belinda Hope, Principal, Jon Feldman, Assistant Principal / 6/8/12
The school shall complete a mid-year narrative report to analyze progress from the baseline to mid-year assessment that is reported to the Department to identify strategies for student interventions. / Baseline and midyear data will be established through administration of the District Benchmark Assessment Test in reading, math, and science; the school will administer a writing assessment to be scored with the FCAT Writes rubric. Baseline and midyear progress will be reported online to the state, and shared with the SAC and leadership team. SAC and leadership team will collaborate on identification of intervention strategies based on analysis of baseline and midyear data and will submit a midyear narrative report to the DOE and District identifying specific strategies for student performance interventions. / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / The Baseline and Mid-Year Reports will be completed and submitted per designated timeline. / Belinda Hope, Principal, Jon Feldman, Assistant Principal, Lavina Robinson, Curriculum Specialist / 1/9/12
* Non-Title I and Title I A, B, and C schools are required to complete the report only for students not making AYP.
The school shall establish a Literacy Leadership Team consistent with the K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan. / The principal, assistant principal, reading coach, curriculum specialist, instructional coach, reading teachers, content area teachers, guidance counselor, media specialist, ESE specialist, are members of the Literacy Leadership Team (LLT). Under the guidance of the principal and reading coach, the LLT will meet bi-monthly to focus on literacy initiatives, programs, student performance data, and literacy concerns throughout the school. The primary goal of the team is to ensure that all stakeholders support the work of the reading coach and the school’s literacy goals through a whole-school approach. / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / The Literacy Team will monitor students’ reading data (BAT1 and 2), FAIR and other assessments and make recommendations for school improvement goals and strategies. / Belinda Hope, Principal, Jon Feldman, Assistant Principal and June King, Reading Coach / 6/8/12
Educator Quality
DA Requirements / Evidence of Compliance / Status / Strategies to Attain Compliance / Person Responsible / Expected Date of Completion
Teachers should be experienced and or trained in providing alternative educational services and interventions for at-risk students. / Teachers are oriented to our school’s policies and procedures for serving alternative education students during the pre-planning week of school. In addition, teachers will participate in ongoing professional development activities that will address alternative educational services, as well as how to provide interventions for at-risk students. Teachers are also trained in the RtI process, which is the monitoring process for the implementation of interventions. / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / Teachers will be train in Framework for Poverty professional development. Teachers participate in weekly team meetings with the behavioral specialist, family counselor and ESE specialist to share best practices when working with at-risk students. / Courtney Davis and Chandra Evans, Behavior Specialists, Judith Pizam, Family and Adrienne Dixson, ESE Specialist / 6/8/12
Professional Development
DA Requirements / Evidence of Compliance / Status / Strategies to Attain Compliance / Person Responsible / Expected Date of Completion
The school must ensure that Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDPs) for teachers of targeted subgroups include professional development targeting the needs of subgroups that did not meet AYP. / Principal or designee meets with each teacher to assist in development of PGP (IPDP) that addresses subgroups not making AYP. / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / Principal will review the school’s Comprehensive Inservice Report to identify teachers that need specific professional development courses that target economically disadvantaged students. / Belinda Hope, Principal,
Jon Feldman, Assistant Principal / 10/3/11
Curriculum Aligned and Paced
DA Requirements / Evidence of Compliance / Status / Strategies to Attain Compliance / Person Responsible / Expected Date of Completion
The school shall ensure that students are properly placed in rigorous coursework directed towards the established educational goals of each student. / Principal, Assistant Principal(s) and Guidance Dept. monitor placement of all students to ensure that all are properly placed in rigorous coursework. In addition, each student is provided with an Academic Improvement Plan that is monitored and updated regularly. / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / After registration students’ assessment data is analyzed and home school transcripts are reviewed to determine appropriate course placement. / Shayla McCloud, Guidance Counselor, June King, Reading Coach and Laura Kolo, Instructional (Math) / 6/8/12
The school must implement the district K-12 Reading Plan. / Principal, Assistant Principal, reading coach, and members of the Literacy Leadership Team (LLT) ensure that the school implements K-12 Reading Plan with fidelity. School-wide literacy activities, classroom walkthroughs, and review of lesson objectives document the fidelity of implementation. / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / All instructional staff will explore the district K-12 Reading plan during weekly professional learning communities. The Literacy Team will continue to monitor the implementation of the Districts K-12 Reading Plan by conducting daily classroom walk-throughs, reviewing lesson objectives and conducting ongoing meetings with teachers and instructional coaches. / Belinda Hope, Principal, Jon Feldman, Assistant Principal and June King, Reading Coach / 6/8/12
Florida’s Continuous Improvement Model
DA Requirements / Evidence of Compliance / Status / Strategies to Attain Compliance / Person Responsible / Expected Date of Completion
The school must implement Florida’s Response to Intervention model set forth in the Statewide RtI Implementation Plan. / The school has established a Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) team, with a calendar for ongoing meetings, to address all RtI issues and activities at the school. Leadership has participated in District Professional Development on the CPS/RtI process, which includes tiered instructional and intervention levels for academic and behavioral concerns, as well as effective progress monitoring of all Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions. / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / Administration will continue to monitor the implementation of the RTI Model. The RTI meetings are held weekly on Mondays at 9:30a.m. The RtI facilitator is responsible for notifying the Team as to which cases will be brought up for review. The RTL facilitator is responsible for maintaining written records for the Team. A log is maintained for each student which contains information gathered for Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions. If necessary, more intensive, individualized Tier III interventions will be discussed, implemented and monitored. / Adrienne Dixson, RtI Facilitator,
Cynthia Lassiter Support Facilitator / 6/8/12
The school must implement Florida’s Continuous Improvement Model (FCIM). (FCIM implemented school-wide) / The Leadership Team has effectively implemented the Florida Continuous Improvement Model.
SIP Plan was developed using the following data:
·  FCAT Scores
·  BAT Scores
·  Item Specifications and mini assessments (Used to drive instruction)
The following will be used to Prepare instruction:
·  District’s IFCs
·  Secondary benchmark base on data
·  Pre-Test
The following steps will be taken to check progress throughout the school year:
·  Assess mini benchmarks
·  Disaggregate mini benchmarks data
·  Monitor data, IFCs and students individual academic progress
·  Analyze FAIR Data
·  Monitoring the teaching and learning process
·  Providing opportunity for tutorials and enrichments
·  Monitors instructional delivery via Classroom Walkthroughs
·  Conduct Learning Communities, and provide teachers with professional development opportunities / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / The Leadership Team will continue to implement and monitor the FCIM. All teachers have been trained on the FCIM. / Belinda Hope, Principal,
Jon Feldman, Assistant Principal and Lavina Robinson, Curriculum Specialist.
Laura Kolo, Instructional Coach / 6/8/12
School administers screening, diagnostics, and provides remediation, acceleration, and enrichment. / The Leadership Team will administer pre and post screening assessments, and diagnostics. Students are provided the opportunity to participate in tutorials, remediation, acceleration and enrichment.
Students are given the FAIR assessment; DAR Assessment, TEMA and TOMA are given to all students who are ESE, level 1 and 2 in reading and math.
Remediation is given to those who need it through intensive coursework and through utilizing push in and pull out strategies. Students are progress monitored through the use of the FAIR, RtI meetings, and the review of Academic Improvement Plans. When appropriate, as indicated through the progress monitoring process, students are accelerated into more rigorous coursework. Enrichment activities are provided through the use of project-based learning, educational software, and providing the students with real world experiences. / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / The Leadership team will continue to provide ongoing assessments and diagnostics. Data will be disaggregated and students will be provided tutorial and enrichment based on their mastery level. / Belinda Hope, Principal,
Jon Feldman, Assistant Principal and Lavina Robinson, Curriculum Specialist, Laura Kolo, Instructional Coach / 6/8/12
Monitoring Process and Plans
DA Requirements / Evidence of Compliance / Status / Strategies to Attain Compliance / Person Responsible / Expected Date of Completion
The school must provide quarterly updates on the implementation of the School Improvement Plan to the School Advisory Council and make updates to the School Improvement Plan. / The School Advisory Council Sub Committee chairs will provide the School Advisory Council with quarterly updates on the implementation of the School Improvement Plans. The School Advisory Council Sub Committee chairs will provide the SAC Chair Bi Monthly updates on student data performance. / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / The School Advisory Council Sub Committee chairs will continue to provide bi-monthly reports to the SAC Chair and quarterly updates to the School Advisory Council. The School Advisory Council will continue to monitor and make necessary recommendations and changes to the School improvement Plan. / Damon Martin and Geraldine Bartelle, SAC Co-Chairs and Belinda Hope, Principal,
Jon Feldman, Assistant / 6/8/12
The school leadership team must monitor implementation of the School Improvement Plan. / The School Leadership Team monitors the fidelity of implementation of the School Improvement Plan. There is constant communication between the School Advisory Council and the Leadership Team. Classroom Walk-throughs will be conducted to ensure strategies are being implemented with fidelity in the classrooms. / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / The Leadership Team will continue to communicate with the School Advisory Council in order to monitor the effectiveness of the School Improvement Plan. Leadership Team meetings are held on Tuesdays. / Leadership Team Members / 6/8/12
The school must participate in a comprehensive instructional monitoring process. / All department chairs, coaches, and administrators are trained in Classroom Walkthrough. Teachers have also been trained in use of data. CWT data is reviewed at faculty and leadership meetings. Decisions regarding professional development, coaching, and mentoring will be made based on data. Data chats are conducted among administrators, administrators with teachers, and teachers with students. / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / The leadership team members will be train on the updated Classroom Walk-throughs and FCIM and continue to implement effective progress monitoring programs. / Belinda Hope, Principal,
Jon Feldman, Assistant Principal and Lavina Robinson, Curriculum Specialist. / 6/8/12

(Rule 6A-1.09981, DA-2, November 2008)

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