Sbi3u Genetic Processes Unit Test

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Sbi3u Genetic Processes Unit Test



Knowledge/Understandin Communication Thinking and Inquiry Application g /13 /4 /6 /4

Write your name in the top right corner of each page. For Part B and Part C, circle your answer in the tables below. Good lucks!

PART B: MATCHING [K/U - / 6 marks]

Question Answer

1 A B C D E F G H I J

2 A B C D E F G H I J

3 A B C D E F G H I J

4 A B C D E F G H I J

5 A B C D E F G H I J

6 A B C D E F G H I J


Question Answer

1 A B C D E

2 A B C D E

3 A B C D E

4 A B C D E

5 A B C D E

6 A B C D E

7 A B C D E PART A: SHORT ANSWER [24 marks] Answer the following questions in the space provided. The number of marks is indicated in each bracket. You must show all work to get full marks for each question. Make sure I will be able to distinguish your uppercase letters from your lower case letters, so choose the letters you use wisely. For example, don’t use the letter ‘S’.

1) Black coat colour in cocker spaniels is dominant to the white coat colour. Spotted coat pattern is recessive to the solid coat pattern. The gene for pattern arrangement is located on a different chromosome than the one for colour, and the pattern gene segregates independently of the colour gene. A male that is homozygous recessive for the coat colour trait and homozygous recessive for the coat pattern trait mates with a female that is heterozygous for the coat colour trait and heterozygous for the coat pattern trait. [T/I - / 8 marks]

(2 marks for Punnett square(s))

a) What is the genotype of the male cocker spaniel? (1 mark) bbhh

b) What is the genotype of the female cocker spaniel? (1 mark) BbHh

c) What are all the possible phenotype(s) of their offsprings? (2 marks)

Black with a solid coat, black with a spotted coat, white with a solid coat, white with a spotted coat

d) One of the offsprings from this mating (between the male of 1a and female of 1b) is black with a solid pattern. What are all the possible genotype(s) of this offspring? (1 mark)


e) What is the probability that the offspring from this mating (between the male of 1a and female of 1b) will be white with a solid pattern? (1 mark)

1/4 or 0.25 or 25% 2) Use the pedigree below to help you answer the following questions. The affected individuals in this pedigree have an inherited genetic disorder. [A – / 4 marks]

a. How many of the individuals with the inherited genetic disorder are female in this family? (1 mark) 2

b. How many children does the couple in the first generation have? (1 mark) 5

c. What type of inherited genetic disorder do the affected individuals in this family have? (1 mark) Autosomal recessive

d. Is there enough information to determine the genotype of the affected female in the fourth generation? If so, what is her genotype? (1 mark) aa

3) Describe the difference between incomplete dominance and co-dominance. Provide an example of each. Use full sentences and only the space provided. [C – / 4 marks]

Incomplete dominance Co-dominance

4) In humans, individuals affected with Duchenne muscular dystrophy experience a progressive weakening of muscles and loss of coordination. This condition is an X-linked recessive disorder. Predict the genotypic and phenotypic ratios that would result from each of the following couples: [T/I - / 4 marks; C - / 4 marks]

a. A female with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and a male without Duchenne muscular dystrophy

(1 mark, T/I) Female’s genotype: XrXr Male’s genotype: XRY

(1 mark, T/I)

(1 mark, C) Genotypic ratio – 1 : 1 (XRXr : XrY)

(1 mark, C) Phenotypic ratio – 1 : 1 (females without Duchenne muscular dystrophy : males with Duchenne muscular dystrophy)

b. A female who is a carrier for Duchenne muscular dystrophy and a male without Duchenne muscular dystrophy

(1 mark, T/I) Female’s genotype: XRXr Male’s genotype: XRY

(1 mark, T/I)

(1 mark, C) Genotypic ratio – 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 (XRXR : XRXr : XRY : XrY)

(1 mark, C) Phenotypic ratio – 2 : 1 : 1 (females without Duchenne muscular dystrophy : males without Duchenne muscular dystrophy : males with Duchenne muscular dystrophy) PART B: MATCHING [6 marks, K/U] Answer all matching questions on the table provided on the first page by circling the correct letter. There is only ONE answer per question; select the best definition for each term. Each question is worth one mark.

Term Definition 1. Genotype (B) A. An organism that has two different alleles for a certain gene 2. Phenotype (C) B. The combination of alleles for any given trait, or the organism’s entire genetic make- up 3. Dominant (E) C. The physical and physiological traits of an organism 4. Recessive (J) D. An organism that has recessive alleles for two different genes 5. Homozygous (G) E. The form of a trait that always appears when an individual has an allele for it 6. Heterozygous (A) F. The form of a trait that never appears when an individual has an allele for it G. An organism that has two identical alleles for a certain gene H. One of two or more forms of a gene I. An organism that has dominant alleles for two different genes J. The form of a trait that only appears when an individual has two alleles for it

PART C: MULTIPLE CHOICE [6 marks, K/U] DF Answer all multiple choice questions on the table provided on the first page by circling the correct letter.. There is only ONE answer per question; select the best response for each question. Each question is worth one mark.

1) A test cross is one in which the organism with the.. a. known genotype is mated with an organism that is of the opposite genotype to the organism being tested b. known genotype is mated with an organism that is heterozygous for the trait c. unknown genotype is mated with an organism that is heterozygous for the trait d. unknown genotype is mated with an organism that is homozygous dominant for the trait e. unknown genotype is mated with an organism that is homozygous recessive for the trait

2) Which of the following statements regarding phenotypic ratio is true? a. From Mendel’s monohybrid cross experiment using peas, he observed a phenotypic

ratio of 3:1 in the F2 generation. b. From Mendel’s dihybrid cross experiment using peas, he observed a phenotypic ratio of

9:3:1 in the F2 generation. c. If the traits Mendel examined in his monohybrid cross experiment followed an incomplete

dominance inheritance, he would have observed a phenotypic ratio of 3:1 in the F2 generation. d. Both (a) and (c) is true, but not (b) e. All statements from (a) to (c) are true 3) The probability of inheriting two traits (e.g., both dimples and freckles) is equal to the probability of.. a. inheriting the first trait multiplied by the probability of inheriting the second trait. This is only true if the inheritance of one trait is dependent of the inheritance of the other trait. b. inheriting the first trait plus the probability of inheriting the second trait. This is only true if the inheritance of one trait is dependent of the inheritance of the other trait. c. inheriting the first trait multiplied by the probability of inheriting the second trait. This is only true if the inheritance of one trait is independent of the inheritance of the other trait. d. inheriting the first trait plus the probability of inheriting the second trait. This is only true if the inheritance of one trait is independent of the inheritance of the other trait. e. None of the statements above is true.

4) The chromosome theory of inheritance states that.. a. traits determined by genes are inherited through the movement of chromosomes during meiosis b. traits determined by genes are inherited through the movement of chromosomes during mitosis c. chromosomes are located on alleles, and alleles provide the basis for the segregation and independent assortment of chromosomes d. Both A and C are true e. Both B and C are true

5) Which of the following statements regarding the law of independent assortment is false? a. The law of independent assortment states that the alleles for one gene segregate or assort independently of the alleles for other genes during gamete formation b. This law applies to genes that are linked c. Mendel came up with this law after analyzing his monohybrid cross experimental results d. This law was demonstrated in the beaker babies activity e. Both (B) and (C) are false

6) Which of the following statements regarding gene therapy is false? a. Gene therapy is a technique aimed at treating genetic disorders by introducing the correct form of the defective gene into a patient’s genome b. In gene therapy, a copy of the normal gene is inserted into a vector which is usually the DNA of a mouse c. The benefits of gene therapy is currently short-lived because new genes are not successfully integrated into the cell’s chromosome d. Gene therapy is still in the experimental stage e. The goal of gene therapy is to cure all genetic disorders

7) The Rh gene (rhesus factor) is located on a different chromosome and segregates independently of the ABO genes. The Rh+ allele is dominant over the Rh- allele. A mother with blood type AB, Rh- negative and a father with blood type O, Rh-negative, could have.. a. a child with blood type O, Rh-negative b. a child with blood type AB, Rh-negative c. a child with blood type O, Rh-positive d. a child with blood type A, Rh-negative e. None of the above is possible

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