Little Baddow Parish Council s2

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Little Baddow Parish Council s2


An Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Memorial Hall on April 7th, 2016. The Meeting commenced at 7:30pm. In attendance: -

Dr N Cooper - Chairman Mr K Bonsor Mrs M Buckley Mrs M Coates-Jones Mr P Irvine Mr M Richmond Mr J Robinson Mr J Scott Mr R Shepherd

Mr R Upward (Parish Clerk) Members of the Public – 5


53/16 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Councillor Cooper declared a Personal Interest in the planning application for Pipers Pool and abstained from the discussion and voting. Councillor Cooper declared a Personal Interest in all planning applications.

54/16 MINUTES It was proposed by Councillor Shepherd and seconded by Councillor Irvine that the Minutes of the Council Meetings held on March 3 and March 11, 2016, are accepted as correct records of the meetings. The proposal was carried.

55/16 MATTERS FROM PRIOR MEETINGS Minute No/Date/Councillor Subject Status 186/13 Speed warning signs Review ECC policy on speed warning Not included in 2016-17 budget. December 5, 2013 signs, establish costs and bring proposal Alternatives to be considered at Councillors Shepherd to Council. the May meeting. 129/15 Parking on grass Investigate alternatives to prevent CCC requested to proceed with August 13, 2015 residents parking on the grass at Spring installation of bollards. Councillors Shepherd/Bonsor Close 161/15 Footpaths 1 & 2, 21 Contact land owner to get footpaths re- PRoW advised that fence repairs October 1, 2015 instated. are at the owner’s discretion. Councillor Irvine Investigate problems reported on FP21. CLOSED

56/16 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Comments were received regarding parking on The Ridge at school start and finish times, water flowing down Colam Lane, poor sight lines at the Colam Lane junction with The Ridge due to the hedge at Hill Cottage, unsightly fencing on The Ridge and noise from the public address system at Trifarm disrupting the Church service.

A request was made for a mobile telephone mast to be installed on Danbury church.

Mr Simon Johnson, on behalf of Maldon Archaeological and History Group, requested permission for a further investigation of Heather Hills. It was agreed that he would provide a written report of the previous investigation and present a specific proposal on the location of the new trenches at the May meeting having consulted with EWT.

1 57/16 DEVELOPMENT IN THE VILLAGE Mr Ferguson presented the following planning applications: -

58/16 CORRESPONDENCE Writer Subject Outcome 1. ECC Refusal to Essex Bridleways to convert Noted. Clerk to pass footpath in Heather Hills to a bridleway. documentation to the History Centre. 2. Danbury PC Invitation to Annual Parish Meeting on Councillors Cooper and Shepherd Monday April 18 from 7pm. to attend 3. DCLG Inspector’s objection to Local Plan Noted overruled and new inspector appointed. 4. Witham resident Complaint about aggressive horse Noted. Clerk to respond rider in LB. 5. Resident Request for permanent Blue Badge Councillor Cooper has replied re- parking spaces at the Memorial Hall. stating Council policy on Blue Badge parking 6. ECC Consultation on Waste Local Plan – Noted Pre Submission Draft – ends April 14. 7. Resident Complaint about hazardous parking at Noted. To be raised with Paper Mill Lock on Good Friday. Councillor Spence 8. Councillor Spence ECC update Noted.

9. Roseville Projects Requesting permission to hold Council did not support this event “Everest Challenge” on North Hill and Clerk to reply outlining the hazards on North Hill and the inconvenience to residents 10.RCCE Best Kept Village and Churchyard Councillor Buckley Entry Forms 11.Resident Excessive speeding on The Ridge To be considered at the May meeting.


It was proposed by Councillor Shepherd and seconded by Councillor Irvine that the accounts are approved for payment. The proposal was carried.

60/16 PARISH ASSEMBLY The Chairman advised final arrangements for the Assembly.

61/16 MEMORIAL HALL Councillor Cooper provided feedback from the User Group Meeting.

A number of cracks in the hall ceiling has appeared since the new roof installation. A meeting with Barkers is scheduled for April 18 to agree how to resolve.

It was proposed by Councillor Shepherd and seconded by Councillor Irvine that £430 is spent to improve access to the kitchen door. The proposal was carried.

2 It was proposed by Councillor Shepherd and seconded by Councillor Robinson that a grant of £155 is made to the Film Club to cover the cost of the PRS and PPL licences. The proposal was carried.

It was proposed by Councillor Shepherd and seconded by Councillor Irvine that a grant of £90 is made to EWT to cover the cost of hiring the hall for a treasure hunt in July. The proposal was carried.

62/16 SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITIES The revised list of Special Responsibilities was agreed as presented and with Councillor Bonsor added to Emergency Planning.

63/16 ACTION PLANS All the Action Plans were reviewed. It was agreed that any further work on Affordable Housing should be undertaken as part of a Neighbourhood Plan. 64/16 LITTER PICK Councillor Buckley advised arrangements for the litter pick on April 23.

65/16 COMMUNITY CARE GROUP It was proposed by Councillor Shepherd and seconded by Councillor Robinson that a grant of £126 is made to the Community Care Group to cover the cost of CRB checks. The proposal was carried.

66/16 WGPA It was proposed by Councillor Irvine and seconded by Councillor Shepherd that £350 plus VAT is spent to repair the goal mouths on the football pitch. The proposal was carried.

67/16 VILLAGE APPEARANCE Councillor Bonsor presented proposals for floral displays to improve the overall appearance of the village. It was agreed to obtain specific cost estimates for the next meeting.

68/16 INFORMATION ITEMS Councillor Richmond reported on a meeting with the War Memorial Committee regarding the dedication service. A second meeting is scheduled for late April and a proposal will be brought to the May meeting.

Councillor Shepherd advised that the sight screens at the Sports Ground had been destroyed in the recent storms. The Cricket Club are investigating an insurance claim.

The Clerk advised that some of the play equipment at Wickhay Green had been covered in paint. A clean-up has been authorised.

69/16 NEXT MEETING The next Parish Council Meeting will take place on Thursday May 12, 2016 commencing at 7:30pm.

The meeting closed at 9:30pm

Chairman May 12, 2016


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