Honors Freshman Summer Reading

Freshman Summer Reading

All students are required to read the two books listed below that correspond to their academic level. Students will be expected to discuss the required reading in class at the beginning of the year. Teachers will assess students based on their required reading. Such assessments may include quizzes/tests, essays, class participation, and other relevant assessments


1.  The Tiger’s Wife—Tea Obrecht

This book will be discussed in English classes. Students are encouraged to keep a reading journal and take notes as they read. In their notes, students should identify major characters, setting, key plot details, as well as any significant/though-provoking passages and/or questions the text raised.

2.  The Fifth Mountain –Paolo Coelho

This book will be discussed in Religion classes. Students are encouraged to keep a reading journal and take notes as they read. In their notes, students should identify major characters, setting, key plot details, as well as any significant/though-provoking passages and/or questions the text raised.


1.  A Separate Peace—John Knowles

This book will be discussed in English classes. Students are encouraged to keep a reading journal and take notes as they read. In their notes, students should identify major characters, setting, key plot details, as well as any significant/though-provoking passages and/or questions the text raised.

2.  The Fifth Mountain –Paolo Coelho

This book will be discussed in Religion classes. Students are encouraged to keep a reading journal and take notes as they read. In their notes, students should identify major characters, setting, key plot details, as well as any significant/though-provoking passages and/or questions the text raised.

College Preparatory

1.  The Natural—Bernard Malamud

This book will be discussed in English classes. Students are encouraged to keep a reading journal and take notes as they read. In their notes, students should identify major characters, setting, key plot details, as well as any significant/though-provoking passages and/or questions the text raised.

2.  The Fifth Mountain –Paolo Coelho

This book will be discussed in Religion classes. Students are encouraged to keep a reading journal and take notes as they read. In their notes, students should identify major characters, setting, key plot details, as well as any significant/though-provoking passages and/or questions the text raised.