Everyone Should Have a Number: 1,2,3 Etc

Group Essay

You will write an essay as a group. You must first write an outline for the essay. Follow the outline format given to you earlier. Be sure to write a strong thesis statement. Your entire essay should be geared toward proving your thesis. Your essay should be well organized with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Each paragraph should also be well organized. Remember to follow the rule of three when writing your organizational statement and body paragraphs. Include a topic sentence for each body paragraph. Details are important. This is history. Be specific. Include dates and specific events and people when necessary.

Before you start:

Everyone should have a number: 1,2,3 etc.

The group will turn in one essay. Each person should write his/her name on the essay.

Step 1.  Person # 1 reads the question out loud to the group.

Step 2.  The group discusses the answer to the question and tells Person # 1 what to write down for the introduction.

Step 3.  Person # 1 writes down what the group tells him/her to write.

Step 4.  Person #1 reads what he/she wrote out loud to the group.

Step 5.  The group tells Person #1 to delete, add, or change the answer if needed.

Ø  This includes facts as well as grammar. Remember, everyone in the group will receive the same grade, so be sure you speak up if you think the answer needs to be changed in any way.

Step 6.  Pass the paper to Person #2. Repeat steps 1-5 until all parts of the outline and essay have been written and each group member has had a chance to write.

Ø  Remember, the teacher will be looking for different types of handwriting in the essay, so be sure everyone in the group gets a chance to write.


1.  The teacher will be checking the essay closely since each essay would have had the chance to be edited by several different people.

2.  Everyone in the group will receive the same grade unless the group feels that a certain member did not contribute adequately to the writing and editing of the essay.