Ernest Becker Middle School

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Ernest Becker Middle School

2016-17 Course Syllabus Middle School Beginning Orchestra Mr. Andy Emerson, Instructor [email protected]

Course Description: This course is designed for the student who is interested in learning to play a string instrument. It includes the development of skills necessary to become independent as a musician. This course emphasizes the place of string music in the Western musical heritage. It concentrates on the development of note-reading skills, aural skills, rhythmic patterns, intonation, and tonality inherent to Western string music. The importance of sustained group and individual effort is stressed. A progression of fundamental and technical proficiency is expected. Emphasis will be placed on having a variety of performing experiences. This is an elective course that may be repeated.

Materials/Supplies: Instrument and care supplies Sheet Music and Folder (provided) Pencil

Grading Policy: 90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79% C 60-69% D 31-59% F 30% Minimum Fail F 20% Missing Work/No Effort F 0% True Zero (Cheating) F

Grading Procedures: Grading for the class will be based on the following percentages for each quarter:

 Rehearsal Skills Assessed Weekly 30% o Preparedness for Class . Timeliness . Instrument is well kept and ready to play . Music is well organized and ready to use . All supplies are available and ready (pencil, folder, reeds, oils, rosin, etc.) o Posture . Sitting up straight with good playing position o Note Taking . Writing notes in music when asked o Engagement . Visibly engaged, focused on music/conductor, and is not disruptive o Transitions . Transitions from piece to piece efficiently without disrupting or distracting others o Understanding of Part . Plays correct notes, rhythms, dynamics and blends well with other parts  Performance Skills Assessed Weekly 20% o Demonstration of technical and melodic exercises o Individual and Group performance assessments  Public Performances Assessed at ALL public performances 30%  Written Assignments Assessed Weekly 10%  Semester Final Exam Assessed at the end of each semester 10%

Beginning Orchestra 2016-17 Performances and Extra Rehearsals Being part of the orchestra program will require extra rehearsals and sectionals and will have a mandatory attendance policy. Everyone will be given advanced notice in order to have ample time to schedule these activities. Extra rehearsals allow for many things not attainable during the regular rehearsal period and benefit the entire organization. Students who do not attend extra rehearsals, no matter the reason, will not be given the available points.

Performances are a mandatory attendance function for all musical groups at Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy. Not only are these concerts fun, but they also serve as a summative assessment of students’ performance skills. Grading will be based on the ensemble’s performance. Individual performance skills will be assessed in class.

Everyone will receive advanced notice of events so you will have time to plan your schedule accordingly. Students missing a performance will only be given the opportunity for re-assessment in the event of extreme circumstances like Family Emergency, Severe Illness, etc. - Work, vacation, homework and forgetfulness are NOT extreme circumstances).

Concert Attire Students are expected to provide their own Black Dress Pants/Skirt, Black Dress Socks/Shoes and White Shirt.

Concert Dates: Add these dates to your calendar now in order to avoid any scheduling conflicts:  Winter Concert: Wednesday December 7th, 6:00 PM  Spring Concert: TBA (May)

Instruments School owned instruments are available for student use. Students may take instruments home for practice once parents sign a school instrument use agreement. Students are responsible for any repairs that are a result of misuse or abuse. Instruments available for beginning orchestra include: Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass

Parents may also provide an instrument for their child. It is recommended that parents check with the music teachers at Agassi Prep before purchasing an instrument. Some “cheap” instruments can be unreliable/poor quality. This can have a dramatic effect on student success…please consult your student’s music teacher before purchasing an instrument.

Basis for Semester Grades: Mid-Term grades will reflect only the assessments given up until the end of first quarter. Semester grades will reflect all assessments given throughout the semester. Semester exams will be comprehensive of the material covered during both quarters (semester) and will be worth 10%. Final semester grades will reflect assignments and assessments completed throughout the semester and the final exam grade.

Citizenship: Behavioral expectations are based on one simple principle that covers all situations—RESPECT. Respect for the right of each individual to obtain an education should be a daily concern for each student. This means that the teacher’s responsibility to provide this education should be respected and not interrupted. In addition, each student is expected to respect the rights of others to participate without interruption.

A student’s citizenship grade will be evaluated in accordance with the Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy parent/student handbook.

General classroom expectations in Orchestra are: 1. Be on time. 2. Be prepared. 3. Be respectful. 4. Water only in the room. 5. Follow the expectations in the AACPA parent/student handbook.

Consequences: 1. Warning 2. Call Home 3. Detention 4. Conference with a parent 5. Referral Beginning Orchestra 2016-17 Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy Middle School Beginning Orchestra 2016-2017

I have read and understand the syllabus and expectations for the course.

Student Name (Print): ______

Student Signature: ______

I have read and understand the syllabus and expectations for the course.

Parent/Guardian (Print): ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Contact Information:

Telephone (home): ______

Telephone (cell): ______

Telephone (work): ______

Email: ______

How do you prefer we contact you? (Please check all that apply.)

_____ Home Phone Available hours: ______

_____ Cell Phone Available hours: ______

_____ Work Phone Available hours: ______

_____ Email

Beginning Orchestra 2016-17

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