Donnie Coffman
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The regular meeting of the Boyle County Fiscal Court was held on the 27th day of October, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Members present at the meeting were:
Patty Burke John Caywood Donnie Coffman Jack Hendricks Dickie Mayes Phil Sammons Judge Harold McKinney
Others present at the meeting were: County Attorney Richard Campbell, County Clerk Trille Bottom, County Treasurer Mary Conley, EMS Director Brad Ellis, Assistant EMS Director Malcolm Miller, EMA Director Mike Wilder, Sheriff Marty Elliott, Deputy Dustin Clem, Solid Waste Director Donna Fechner, Public Works Director Duane Campbell, Shannon Greene, Jacob Pankey, Mark Morgan, Valery McMann, Jennifer Kirchner, Mayor Mike Perros, Kelly Coffey, Paula Fowler, Bennett Coffey, Crystal McPherson, Laura Guerrant and Todd Kleffman.
Judge McKinney called the meeting to order. Magistrate Burke gave the invocation.
Bennett Coffey, a Montessori student, led the Court in the pledge of allegiance. Judge McKinney made the motion to bestow the title of Honorary Magistrate upon Mr. Coffey. Magistrate Sammons seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Magistrate Mayes made the motion to approve the minutes from the previous meetings held on October 2nd and October 13th. Magistrate Sammons seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Laura Guerrant, CASA of the Bluegrass Executive Director, informed the Court concerning CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates). To date, there have been 389 children served through the CASA program. CASA is defined as a “voice for the children going through the court system”. Anyone that would like to volunteer is asked to contact Ms. Guerrant.
Crystal McPherson, Family Services Executive Director, presented an overview of Family Services to the Court. The top issues currently being addressed are housing, child care and transportation.
Jennifer Kirchner, Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) Director, extended an invitation to the Court to attend the EDP Community Conversation meeting. The meeting will be held on November 4th at 7:30 a.m. in the basement of the Boyle County Library.
Mark Morgan and Jennifer Kirchner updated the Court concerning the Trails Alliance. Three groups came together to form the alliance. The three groups now operating as one are Clarks Run Creek, bike group and Safe Routes to School. A grant in the amount of $130,000.00 has been awarded to the recreational trails program from the Department for Local Government. Additional funding applications will be submitted.
The Court acknowledged the September 2015 Financials for the CVB.
Donna Fechter, Solid Waste Coordinator, requested a thirty day extension on presenting the current contract with M&M. The extension will be paid at the new rate which will save the County money. Magistrate Burke made the motion to extend the current Solid Waste Contract at the new rate through 11/30/15. Magistrate Caywood seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Donna Fechter, Solid Waste Coordinator, announced that the tire amnesty program went very well. She accepted over 9,000 tires. The Household Hazardous Waste collection will be held on November 7th from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
County Attorney Campbell requested to have a part time Assistant County Attorney hired to fill in while Mrs. Coleman-Dean is on pregnancy leave. He recommended Susanne McCollough who has experience in family court matters. She will work approximately ten (10) hours per week through the middle of December. Magistrate Hendricks made the motion to hire Susanne McCullough as a part-time, temporary Assistant County Attorney at a rate of $45.00 per hour. Magistrate Mayes seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. The County Attorney will reimburse the County for the full amount of salary paid to Ms. McCollough.
Brad Ellis, EMS Director, discussed the Medical Director’s position with the Court. The County has been operating with the same director since 1994. Dr. Enlow has resigned from his position as medical director due to health issues. Mr. Ellis would like to recognize Dr. Craig Enlow for his services during this time. He further recommended Dr. Jeremy Stitch as the replacement. He currently works as a physician in the emergency room. He will work under the same contract terms as Dr. Enlow. Magistrate Mayes made the motion to approve and authorize Judge McKinney and County Attorney Campbell to prepare and sign the contract for Dr. Jeremy Stitch as the new Medical Director for EMS. He will be replacing Dr. Enlow effective 11/1/15 through 6/30/16. Magistrate Hendricks seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. The contract payment term will begin 11/1/15.
Brad Ellis, EMS Director, requested permission to hire part-time personnel. He requested that Mike Henson and Jacob Arnold be hired as part-time EMT’s at a rate of $8.00 per hour. He requested that Jerri Ann Calin be hired as a part-time Paramedic at a rate of $11.00 per hour. Magistrate Coffman made the motion to hire the new personnel. Magistrate Burke seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. Valery McMann requested a meeting to discuss employee insurance rates. Magistrate Burke made the motion to call a special Fiscal Court Meeting on Friday, October 20th at 9:00 a.m. Magistrate Coffman seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. The Insurance Committee will meet at 8:00 a.m. prior to the special meeting.
The Court acknowledged the Joint Jail update report.
County Treasurer Mary Conley discussed the life insurance renewal for employees. Lincoln Financial submitted a quote in the amount of $.296 cents per $1,000 of insurance. Magistrate Hendricks made the motion to approve the life insurance renewal for employees with Lincoln Financial Company. Magistrate Coffman seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. January 1, 2016 is the renewal date.
Public Works Director Duane Campbell discussed fuel related issues with two tractors used for mowing. After investigating, it was discovered that the problems were moisture related. To date, $3,300.00 has been spent on the Massey Ferguson tractor. Fuel treatments are being added to see if the issues will get better.
Public Works Director Duane Campbell discussed the dump truck bids. Worldwide Equipment submitted a bid in the amount of $120,985.00 for a fully equipped Kenworth truck. The line item is budgeted at $145,000.00. The truck can be ready in six weeks but the equipment cannot be installed until February, 2016. Mr. Campbell offered that one option is to take the truck to Richmond and have the equipment installed for an additional $6,000.00. The truck would be ready to use in December. Magistrate Hendricks made the motion to purchase a Kenworth dump truck from Worldwide Equipment at a cost of $120,985.00. Magistrate Mayes seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Public Works Director Duane Campbell updated the Court on the heating and cooling system in the Courthouse. The HVAC system will be ready very soon in the Courthouse. Outside lighting at the jail has been fixed.
Public Works Director Duane Campbell presented the bridge replacement agreement to the Court. The agreement covers bridge replacement projects up to $99,000.00. Magistrate Sammons made the motion to approve and authorize Judge McKinney to sign the Bridge Replacement Agreement and Resolution. Magistrate Mayes seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. The Resolution will be recorded in Resolution Book 2, page , in the County Clerk’s Office.
The Court acknowledged the Boyle County Conservation District’s September meeting minutes and financials.
Magistrate Caywood made the motion to approve the budget adjustments for September. Magistrate Coffman seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
The Court acknowledged the Sheriff’s Third Quarter Report.
The Fiscal Court’s First Quarter Report has been submitted to Department for Local Government.
The Court acknowledged the Fiscal Court’s September 2015 Financial Statement.
Magistrate Sammons made the motion to authorize payment for purchase of dump truck upon arrival. Magistrate Mayes seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Magistrate Caywood presented the Sheriff’s Committee Report. Magistrate Caywood made the motion to approve the report. Magistrate Burke seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Magistrate Coffman made the motion to pay the bills, make the transfers and adjourn. Magistrate Mayes seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Harold W. McKinney County Judge Executive