University of Nebraska Medical Center DigitalCommons@UNMC MD Theses Special Collections 5-1-1932 Diabetic coma J. Milton Margolin University of Nebraska Medical Center This manuscript is historical in nature and may not reflect current medical research and practice. Search PubMed for current research. Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Medical Education Commons Recommended Citation Margolin, J. Milton, "Diabetic coma" (1932). MD Theses. 218. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at DigitalCommons@UNMC. It has been accepted for inclusion in MD Theses by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNMC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. DIAB3TIC COMA J. MIJ/rON 1l1LARGOLIN THE illnVERSITY OF NlsBRASKA COLLEGE OF ~~DICINE -- OMAHA, NEBHASKA 1932 - DIAB3TIG COl£.<\ Diabetic coma is a true medical emergency. It is just as much an emergency as an acute appendicitis or an incarcerated hernia, and as in the latter condition, with every hour that passes without treatment the chances for life decrease. It is early intervention that counts. Therefore, a physician should never let an engagement or any personal desires keep him from the bedside of a patient whom he thinks may be in coma. HISTORY Diabetic coma has been known as a clinical entity since l8bO when a German, Von Dusch and a Scotchman, March firs t de scri bed it. 'l'wen ty years later, Kus smaul publ i shed his classical description of diabetic coma. It is the IlKussmaul breathing, II as described by the author which is the outstanding and characteristic feature of diabetic coma.