TUGboat, Volume 36 (2015), No. 1 55

The Treasure Chest macros/generic apnum in macros/generic Arbitrary-precision numbers in pure TEX. Special note for this installment: please see Barbara Beeton’s editorial column for some CTAN news and macros/ action recommendations. ** latex/base The following is a list of selected new pack- latex/doc ages posted to CTAN (http://ctan.org) from Oc- latex/required/cyrillic tober 2014 through March 2015, with descriptions latex/required/graphics based on the announcements and edited for extreme latex/required/tools in macros/latex A major update to LAT X 2 , by default incorporating brevity. E ε changes previously included only by explicitly loading Entries are listed alphabetically within CTAN the fixltx2e package. A new latexrelease package directories. A few entries which the editors subjec- and other mechanisms allow for controlling this. The tively believe to be of especially wide interest or included LATEX News #22 has details, and additional otherwise notable are starred; of course, this is not articles are expected for the next TUGboat. This intended to slight the other contributions. LATEX release will be included in TEX Live 2015 We hope this column and its companions will and its pretests, and not distributed (in TEX Live) help to make CTAN a more accessible resource to the before that. TEX community. Comments are welcome, as always. The psnfss and babel packages, though also required parts of LATEX, are maintained separately from base LAT X, and thus are not changed in this  Karl Berry E update (and they still work, too). The announcement for CTAN: lists.dante.de/ biblio pipermail/-ann/2015-March/008366.html. bibfilex in biblio GUI bibliography manager written in Free Pascal. macros/latex/contrib avremu in macros/latex/contrib fonts Microprocessor simulation in pure LATEX. fontmfizz in fonts bankstatement in macros/latex/contrib Access MFizz font icons in LATEX. Generate bank statements from CSV data. * newtxsf in fonts basicarith in macros/latex/contrib Sans serif math fonts based on newtxmath and STIX. Typeset textbook-style basic arithmetic. begingreek in macros/latex/contrib Typeset Greek in pdflatex. graphics bondgraphs in macros/latex/contrib ticollege in graphics/pgf/contrib Draw bond graphs using TikZ. Draw scientific calculator keys in TikZ. bookcover in macros/latex/contrib tikz-dimline in graphics/pgf/contrib Typeset book covers and dust jackets. Draw technical dimension lines in TikZ. boxedminipage2e in macros/latex/contrib tikz-palattice in graphics/pgf/contrib Framed minipages of a specified total width. Draw particle accelerator lattices in TikZ. calculation in macros/latex/contrib tipfr in graphics/pgf/contrib Typeset reasoned calculations (calculational proofs). Output menu items, screenshots, and calculator keys cryptocode in macros/latex/contrib in TikZ. Typeset pseudocode, protocols, game-based proofs and black-box reductions in cryptography. cyber in macros/latex/contrib info Annotate compliance with cybersecurity requirements. latexcheat-de in info/latexcheat cybercic in macros/latex/contrib German adaptation of the English LATEX cheat sheet. “Controls in Contents” for the cyber package. datetime2 in macros/latex/contrib Formatting dates, times, etc. macros datetime2-* in macros/latex/contrib musixtnt in macros Language modules for datetime2. MusiXTEX extension library enabling transformations doclicense in macros/latex/contrib of the effect of notes commands. Putting documents under Creative Commons licenses.

macros/latex/contrib/doclicense 56 TUGboat, Volume 36 (2015), No. 1

ebproof in macros/latex/contrib versonotes in macros/latex/contrib Typeset formal proofs in the style of sequent calculus. Display brief notes on verso pages. ekaia in macros/latex/contrib * xcolor-solarized in macros/latex/contrib Format for the Basque scientific journal Ekaia. Defines the 16 colors from Schoonover’s solarized elzcards in macros/latex/contrib palette. Typeset business cards, index cards, flash cards. xprintlen in macros/latex/contrib etdipa in macros/latex/contrib Print TEX lengths in a variety of units. Lightweight template for scientific documents. in europasscv macros/latex/contrib macros/latex/contrib/babel-contrib Support for the 2013 Europass CV standard. fancyslides in macros/latex/contrib babel-bosnian in m/l/c/babel-contrib Custom presentation class built on . Babel support for Bosnian. * fcolumn in macros/latex/contrib New column type f for typesetting financial tables macros/latex/contrib/beamer-contrib from raw data. epyt in m/l/c/beamer-contrib fei in macros/latex/contrib Simple and clean theme for beamer. Support for the FEI University Center (Brazil) style. fixocgx in macros/latex/contrib Support ocgx in all known engines. macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib gender in macros/latex/contrib citeall in m/l/c/biblatex-contrib Promote gender neutrality in gendered languages. Cite all entries of a bbl file created with BibLATEX. genealogytree in macros/latex/contrib Pedigree and genealogical tree diagrams. macros/plain glossaries-* in macros/latex/contrib Language modules for glossaries. epsf-dvipdfmx in macros/plain/contrib gsemthesis in macros/latex/contrib Supplement for epsf. when using dvipdfmx with Geneva School of Economics and Management PhD non-origin EPS images. thesis format. havannah in macros/latex/contrib macros/ Board diagrams for the games Havannah and Hex. interchar in macros/xetex/latex indextools in macros/latex/contrib Managing character class schemes in X TE EX. Fixed with bidi support. imakeidx * xespotcolor in macros/xetex/latex jslectureplanner in macros/latex/contrib Spot colors in X LE ATEX. Generate and manage university course material. jumplines in macros/latex/contrib Newspaper-style teasers with later continuations. support leadsheets in macros/latex/contrib crossrefware in support Typeset leadsheets and songbooks. Scripts for working with crossref.org. ndsu-thesis in macros/latex/contrib ctan_chk in support North Dakota State University disquisition class. gawk script for verification of CTAN uploads. prftree in macros/latex/contrib epspdf-setup in support Typeset natural deduction proofs. Standalone epspdf Windows executable. romanbarpagenumber in macros/latex/contrib hook-pre-commit-pkg in support Typesetting roman page numbers with bars. Pre-commit git hook to check LATEX syntax. sduthesis in macros/latex/contrib lug in support Thesis template for Shandong University. Shell script to update TEX Local User Group sesamanuel in macros/latex/contrib pages from the LUG database. Support for Sesamath Society books and papers. turabian-formatting in macros/latex/contrib Chicago-style formatting based on Turabian’s work. urcls in macros/latex/contrib web Support for University of Regensburg styles. yacco2 in web LR(1) compiler-compiler that emits literate grammars.
