Libertine's Xetex-Documentation

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Libertine's Xetex-Documentation Manual for L L with XƎTEX Advantages of XeTex over classic LaTex, examples of configuration Deutse Version ebenfalls erhältli. P H P Libertine Open Fonts Projekt Berlin, den 21. MÄarz 2009 Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Advantages of XeTex 3 2 Commands 3 3 Choosing OpenType-features 4 3.1 Leers: ..................................... 4 3.2 Numbers/Figures: ............................... 4 3.3 Ligatures: .................................... 4 4 Links 4 5 Appendix 5 2 1 Advantages of XeTex ² Full Unicode-support. You can enter all Unicode-Glyphs directly into the source code. ² Simple usability of TrueType- and OTF-Fonts ² Full OpenType-support: { automatic substitution of standard activated OpenType-features, i.e. ligatures su as ff, fi, , , fl,ffi, ffl,, , … { shiing from Stylistic Sets, i.e. old style figures, proportional figures, ÄÖÜ as trema-leers, substitution of german ß with ss { true GPOS-kerning 2 Commands e XeTex-interpreter is being invocated via xelatex instead of latex or pdflatex, example: xelatex Document.tex e output is a PDF-file, ergo analog to our example as Dokument.pdf Because the interpreter needs to know wi fonts to use and because XeTex needs some special paages, the document heading looks a lile bit different from usual. Following commands should be entered into the heading: \usepackage{xunicode} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{xltxtra} In contrast, the definition of the input encoding (inputenc) is obsolete, because XeTex consi- ders UTF-8. Some examples found in the internet begin with following META-information: %!TEX TS-program = xetex %!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode though this doesn’t seem to be obligatory. ere are different possibilities to tell XeTex, whi fonts to use locally or globally. We do this in the heading via: \setromanfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Linux Libertine} \setsansfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Myriad Pro} \setmonofont[Mapping=tex-text]{Courier New} As a consequence we get Linux Libertine as main font and define Myriad Pro as sansse- rif (i.e. for titles) as well as Courier New as monospaced (i.e. for source-texts). e formation during the document can be done via \setromanfont, \setsansfont and \setmonofont. If you want to set certain options (whi we list and describe later on) globaly, you can do that by adding the definition to the one above. Example: You want to have Old Style Figures for the entire document and therefore define the following. \setromanfont[Mapping=tex-text, Numbers=OldStyle]{Linux Libertine O} 3 3 Choosing OpenType-features 3.1 Leers: Small capitals as in „L“ can be activated via {\addfontfeature{Letters=SmallCaps} Libertine} As option can also be used: Uppercase and UppercaseSmallCaps. Style-Sets su as for „“ instead of ÄÖÜ can be activated via {\addfontfeature{Variant=01} ÄÖÜ} Further sets in Libertine are 02 for kalligraphite K und R as well as 03 for the substitution of ß/ẞ with ss/SS. 3.2 Numbers/Figures: Oldstyle or lowercase numbers su as can be activated via: {\addfontfeature{Numbers=OldStyle}1234567890} Further options are Monospaced for table-numbers (default), Proportional for proportional figures (useful in ordinary text), Lowercase/OldStyle as above, SlashedZero resp. NoSlashed- Zero for a/no slashed zero. Exponents with true Indices¹: ¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁰ Lⁱʳⁱⁿ {\addfontfeature{VerticalPosition=Superior}1234567890 Libertine} Inferiors with true Indices: ₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉₀ Lₑₑ {\addfontfeature{VerticalPosition=ScientificInferior}1234567890 Libertine} True fractures as ⅓: {\addfontfeature{Fractions=On} 1/3} 3.3 Ligatures: Standard ligatures are activated by default, i.e. ff, fi, , etc… Historical ligatures su as: „st“ und „“ can be activated via {\addfontfeature{Ligatures=Historical}„st“ und „ct“} With the option NoCommon you can deactivate standard ligatures (what we do not recommend). You’ll find the source code of this article in the appendix. 4 Links Linux Libertine: XeTex-Homepage: XeTex-Tutorial (englis): Tex-Live-Distribution: ¹as long as available in Libertine, i.e. here not for „L“ 4 5 Appendix e XƎTEX version is: 0.996 Source-code of this article as example: Listing 1: elltext dieser Datei % ! TEX TS−program = x e t e x % ! TEX e n c o d i n g = UTF−8 Unicode %%−−−−−−−−−−−−Definitionen −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− n documentclass [a4paper ,12pt]f s c r a r t c l g % Koma−S c r i p t −Verwendung %n documentclass [ a 4 paper , 1 2 p t ]f r e p o r t g % k l a s s i s c h ohne Koma−S c r i p t %−−−−−Packages −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− %n u s e p a c k a g e [ u t f 8]f i n p u t e n c g % not needed by XeTex −> must be UTF8 n usepackage f x u n i c o d e g% f o r XeTex ! n usepackage f f o n t s p e c g% f o r XeTex ! n usepackage f x l t x t r a g % f o r XeTex ! n usepackage f u r l g % f o r XeTex t o b r e a k l o n g URLs a t l i n e ending n usepackage f ngerman g % choose your l a n g u a g e h e r e n usepackage f m u l t i c o l g % e r l a u b t e s mit n b e g i n und n end Teilbereiche mehrspaltig zu s e t z e n n usepackage f g r a p h i c x g % s u p p o r t o f JPG , PNG und PDF−G r a f i c s n usepackage f w r a p f i g g % u m f l o s s e n e G r a f i k e n im F l i e ß t e x t %n u s e p a c k a g e f v e r b a t i m g n usepackage f p i c i n p a r g n usepackage [ german ]f v a r i o r e f g % b e t t e r r e f e r e n c e s %n u s e p a c k a g e [ wide ]f s i d e c a p g % e r m ö g l i c h t s e i t l i c h e Beschriftung von Abbildungen und T a b e l l e n n usepackage f c c a p t i o n g % Anpassungsmöglichkeiten f ü r Abbildungsbezeichnungen %n u s e p a c k a g e f capt −o f g n usepackage [colorlinks , linkcolor=blue]f h y p e r r e f g % r e f e r e c e s as l i n k s / URLs i n t h e PDF n usepackage f l i s t i n g s g %n u s e p a c k a g e f ragged 2 e g %n l e t n raggedright n RaggedRight %n u s e p a c k a g e [ newcommands , newparameters ]f ragged 2 e g % b e s s e r e Zeilenumbrüche be s . b e i n c a p t i o n %−−−−−−−−−−−Font defenitions f o r Xetex n defaultfontfeatures f Scale=MatchLowercase g% t o a d j u s t a l l used f o n t s t o t h e same x−h e i g t => Harmonization %n setmainfont [ Mapping= tex −t e x t ]f Linux L i b e r t i n e g% n setromanfont[Mapping=tex −t e x t ]f Linux Libertine Og% n setsansfont[Mapping=tex −t e x t ]f Linux Biolinum Og% n setmonofont[Mapping=tex −text , Scale=0.9] f C o u r i e r Newg% %%−−−−−Formatierungen −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− n s e t l e n g t h fn marginparwidth gf0cmg n s e t l e n g t h fn oddsidemargin gf0cmg n s e t l e n g t h fn evensidemargin gf0cmg n s e t l e n g t h fn t e x t w i d t h gf15cmg n s e t l e n g t h fn t e x t h e i g h t gf24cmg n s e t l e n g t h fn topmargin gf−1cmg n s e t l e n g t h fn p a r i n d e n t gf0 p t g %<−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− %n s e t l e n g t h fn p a r s k i p gf1 ex g %<−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− %%n s e t l e n g t h fn baselineskip g f 1 . 2 ex g 5 %n p a g e s t y l e f h e a d i n g s g % c c p a t i o n p r o v i d e s t h i s c a p a b i l i t y % Change t h e f o r m a t o f a f i g u r e c a p t i o n % For more o p t i o n s s e e t h e package documentation n captionnamefont fn b f s e r i e s n footnotesize g n captiontitlefont fn footnotesize g %%n s f f a m i l y %n captionstyle fn RaggedRight g %% n captiondelim f −−− g %% n hangcaption %%−−−−−−−−−−−Dokumentvariablen −−−−−−−−−−−−− nnewcommandfn Autor gf Philipp Henning Poll g %%−−−−−−−−−−Silbentrennung : Definitionen −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− %n showhyphens fWortg%−−zum Anzeigen von Trennstellen im Wort fg n hyphenation fHaus Holz−ze−ment−dach Ra−sen g %%−−−−−−−−−−−−Dokument s t a r t s here −−−−−−−−−−−−−− n begin f document g n begin f c e n t e r g% n thispagestyle f empty g n includegraphics[width=4cm]f S i g n e t .
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