Infectious Disease Reports 2020; volume 12(s1):8731 Performance comparison of higher (100 %) when using real-time PCR. two malaria rapid diagnostic Both RDTs showed a 100% agreement. RT- Correspondence: Puspa Wardhani, PCR detected higher mix infection when Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of test with real time polymerase compared to microscopy and RDTs. Medicine, Universitas Airlangga/Dr. Soetomo. chain reaction and gold Conclusion: RightSign and ScreenPlus General Academic Hospital, Jl. Prof. Dr. standard of microscopy RDT have excellent performance when Moestopo No. 47, 60132, Surabaya, using microscopy detection as a gold stan- Indonesia. detection method dard. Real-time PCR method can be consid- Tel: +628123176937 E-mail:
[email protected], ered as a confirmation tool for malaria diag- 1,5 Puspa Wardhani, Trieva Verawaty nosis. Key words: Malaria, rapid diagnostic test, 2,5 Butarbutar, Christophorus Oetama real-time polymerase chain reaction, Adiatmaja,2,5 Amarensi Milka microscopy detection. Betaubun,3,5 Nur Hamidah,4 Aryati1,5 Contributions: Conceptualization: PW. Data 1Clinical Pathology Department; Introduction curation: PW TVB COA AMB. Formal analy- 2 Indonesia is a malaria endemic area. Clinical Pathology Specialist Study sis: PW AA NH. Funding: KEMENRIS- Programme, Clinical Pathology The province of Papua has Indonesia’s TEKDIKTI RI. Investigation: PW PW TVB Department; 3Clinical Pathology highest malaria burden. All Plasmodium COA AMB, NH, AA. Methodology: PW AA. Subspecialist Study Programme, species are present in Papua, including the Project administration: PW TVB AMB COA Plasmodium knowlesi (P. knowlesi) Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty Resources: PW AA NH. Supervision: PW AA originally discovered on Kalimantan Island. NH. Validation: PW AA.