Whole Exome Sequencing Study Identifies Novel Rare and Common

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Whole Exome Sequencing Study Identifies Novel Rare and Common Molecular Psychiatry https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-018-0112-7 ARTICLE Whole exome sequencing study identifies novel rare and common Alzheimer’s-Associated variants involved in immune response and transcriptional regulation 1 Joshua C. Bis et al ● Alzheimer’s Disease Sequencing Project Received: 21 December 2017 / Revised: 1 May 2018 / Accepted: 14 May 2018 © The Author(s) 2018. This article is published with open access Abstract The Alzheimer’s Disease Sequencing Project (ADSP) undertook whole exome sequencing in 5,740 late-onset Alzheimer disease (AD) cases and 5,096 cognitively normal controls primarily of European ancestry (EA), among whom 218 cases and 177 controls were Caribbean Hispanic (CH). An age-, sex- and APOE based risk score and family history were used to select cases most likely to harbor novel AD risk variants and controls least likely to develop AD by age 85 years. We tested ~1.5 million single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and 50,000 insertion-deletion polymorphisms (indels) for association to AD, using multiple models considering individual variants as well as gene-based tests aggregating rare, predicted functional, and loss of 1234567890();,: 1234567890();,: function variants. Sixteen single variants and 19 genes that met criteria for significant or suggestive associations after multiple-testing correction were evaluated for replication in four independent samples; three with whole exome sequencing (2,778 cases, 7,262 controls) and one with genome-wide genotyping imputed to the Haplotype Reference Consortium panel (9,343 cases, 11,527 controls). The top findings in the discovery sample were also followed-up in the ADSP whole-genome sequenced family-based dataset (197 members of 42 EA families and 501 members of 157 CH families). We identified novel and predicted functional genetic variants in genes previously associated with AD. We also detected associations in three novel genes: IGHG3 (p = 9.8 × 10−7), an immunoglobulin gene whose antibodies interact with β-amyloid, a long non- coding RNA AC099552.4 (p = 1.2 × 10−7), and a zinc-finger protein ZNF655 (gene-based p = 5.0 × 10−6). The latter two suggest an important role for transcriptional regulation in AD pathogenesis. Introduction Genomic studies have revealed that late-onset Alzheimer disease (LOAD) is highly polygenic, with as many as 30 susceptibility loci identified through large-scale meta- analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWAS), tar- ’ Alzheimer s Disease Sequencing Project members are listed below the geted exome genotyping array, and several early whole Acknowledgement exome sequencing (WES) studies [1–12]. Although AD These authors contributed equally: Joshua C. Bis, Xueqiu Jian, Brian susceptibility is highly heritable (h2 = 0.58–0.79) [13], W. Kunkle, Yuning Chen much of its genetic architecture is still unknown and few These authors equally supervised the study: Adam C. Naj, Myriam rare variants have been detected thus far [3, 6, 7, 14–19]. Fornage, Lindsay A. Farrer Discovery of rare variants in genomic studies, even those Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article with large sample sizes and examining highly heritable (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-018-0112-7) contains supplementary diseases, remains challenging due to statistical power lim- material, which is available to authorized users. Variant summary data itations in detecting all but the most strongly associated can be found at the NIA Genetics of Alzheimer 's Disease Data Storage variants (odds ratio (OR) > 1.5) [20–23]. The protein coding site (https://www.niagads.org) under accession number NG00065. regions of the genome, or exome, are the best characterized * Lindsay A. Farrer and most conserved portions of the genome and the source [email protected] of most variants identified to date that are responsible for Extended author information available on the last page of the article Mendelian diseases [24]; thus, the exome is a more J. C. Bis et al. attractive and less expensive target for identifying rare In addition, we sampled a set of “enriched” cases from variants of large effect on disease than the non-protein families having at least three affected members for whom coding portion of the genome. the diagnosis of AD was verified by direct examination or The Alzheimer’s Disease Sequencing Project (ADSP) was review of cognitive testing data and medical records. Cases developed jointly by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) from early-onset AD families or families with a known and National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in PSEN1, PSEN2,orAPP mutation were excluded. Within response to the National Alzheimer’s Project Act milestones each family, we selected only one AD case, typically the (https://aspe.hhs.gov/national-alzheimers-project-act)tofight member with the lowest a priori AD risk (based on the risk Alzheimer’s disease (AD) as an effort to analyze the genomes score defined above), provided this person had sufficient of well-characterized individuals with and without AD. To genomic DNA. In addition, because 172 of the “enriched” detect rare variants and genes associated with LOAD, we cases described above were of CH ancestry, we also performed single-variant and gene-based analyses, including selected a set of 171 age- and sex-matched cognitively annotated loss-of-function analyses, on the ADSP Discovery normal CH participants to serve as controls. Participant Phase Case-Control WES dataset, and attempted to replicate characteristics are shown in Table 1A. associations in three independent WES datasets, a GWAS dataset containing single nucleotide variants (SNVs) that were imputed using the Haplotype Reference Consortium (HRC) Procedures [25] reference panel, and the ADSP family-based whole genome sequence dataset. Genotype calling and data processing WES data were generated at the Broad Institute, the Baylor Methods College of Medicine’s Human Genome Sequencing Center, and Washington University’s McDonnell Genome Institute. Sample selection and data preparation An effort was made to assign all samples from a study of origin to the same center and there was a relatively balanced Study participants were either European-American (EA) or number of cases and controls at each center. Genotypes for Caribbean Hispanic (CH) ancestry and were sampled in two bi-allelic SNVs and insertion-deletion polymorphisms ways. To maximize contrast between cases and controls, and (indels) were called using ATLAS2 using version Ch37/ power to discover novel associations, the majority of parti- hg19 of the reference genome. A coordinated effort was cipants were chosen using a risk score that included dosages implemented for centralized variant calling and quality of the APOE ε2/ε3/ε4 alleles, sex and either onset age (for control (QC) efforts in order to create one batch of data for cases) or age at last exam for controls (or pathology-based analysis. Although there were differences in allele fre- adjusted age at death for neuropathology control) [26]. All quencies across sequencing centers for some variants, it was cases were at least 60 years old and met NINCDS-ADRDA difficult to determine whether these represented technical criteria for possible, probable or definite AD based on artifacts of different capture kits, variability in genetic clinical assessment, or had presence of AD (moderate or background among cohorts assembled for this study, or high likelihood) upon neuropathology examination. To chance differences that will often occur for infrequent or maximize our ability to discover novel genetic associations, rare variants. QC steps and methods for evaluating cryptic we chose cases whose AD risk score indicated that their relatedness, population substructure, differential missing- disease was not well explained by age, sex, or dosages of the ness, and variant annotation are described in the Supple- APOE ε2/ε3/ε4 alleles. Conversely, cognitively healthy mentary Materials. controls were selected with the goal of identifying alleles associated with the increased risk of or protection from late- Single-variant and gene-based association analyses onset AD. At the time of last exam, all potential controls were at least 60 years old and were either judged to be Statistical models & rationale for covariate adjustments cognitively normal or did not meet pathological criteria [27, 28] for AD following brain autopsy. Controls were All models included adjustment for sequencing center and selected for this study on the basis of the risk score indi- population substructure. Before conducting the primary cating that they were the least likely to develop AD by age analyses, we evaluated up to 20 PCs for association with 85 years. Applying the risk score resulted in a sample that AD status. Only ancestry-specific PCs that significantly contained 2,220 AD cases (40%) and 752 controls (14%) associated with AD status (P<0.005) in at least one of the who were ε4 heterozygotes and 161 AD cases (3%) and 17 three adjustment models were included as covariates (EA controls (<1%) who were ε4 homozygotes. subgroup: PC1, PC5, PC8, PC9, PC10, PC11, PC18; Whole exome sequencing study identifies novel rare and common Alzheimer’s-Associated variants. Table 1 Participant A. Discovery Sample Characteristics AD Cases (N = 5,740) Cognitively Normal Controls (N = 5,096) Ancestry Sampling N Age Sex (%F) APOE E4 N Age Sex (%F) APOE E4 (mean) (%carrier) (mean) (%carrier) EA Case-Control 5,015 75.25 55.8% 40.6% 4,919 86.53 59.2% 14.4% EA Enriched 507 83.61 63.3% 66.9% NA NA NA NA Hispanic Case-Control 46 72.59 71.7% 43.5% 6 85.94 66.7% 16.7% Hispanic Enriched 172 75.45 61.6% 39.5% 171 73.46 60.8% 39.2% B. Replication Sample AD Cases (N = 12,121) Cognitively Normal Controls (N = 18,789) N Age Sex (% APOE ε4 N Age Sex APOE ε4 (mean) F) (% carrier) (mean) (% F) (% carrier) CHARGE WES 612 81 67% 54% 1,836 80 58% 24% ADES-FR WES 1,142 74 64% 49% 1,104 80 58% 22% FinnAD WES 1,024 74 62% -- 4,322 71 51% -- ADGC GWAS 9,343 74 54% 64% 11,527 75 54% 25% Hispanic analyses included PC1 and PC2).
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    SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES Supplementary Tables 1-18 contain the predictive signatures determined for each AML subgroup using Prediction Analysis for Microarrays (PAM). Each row indicates probe set ID , gene symbol and abnormality. In addition, two scores are indicated, which represent the standardized centroids for each class for probe sets surviving at the chosen threshold. By definition, cases with the abnormality are coded as class "2" and cases without the abnormality as "1". Supplementary Table 19 contains class prediction data using Prediction Analysis for Microarrays within normal karyotype AML. Table 1. Predictive signature AML and inv(16) Probe set ID Gene symbol Abnormality 1.score 2.score 1 201497_x_at MYH11 inv(16) -0.0793 0.8532 2 207961_x_at MYH11 inv(16) -0.0089 0.0959 Table 2. Predictive signature AML and t(15;17) Probe set ID Gene symbol Abnormality 1.score 2.score 1 226210_s_at MEG3 t(15;17) -0.0506 0.6432 2 205110_s_at FGF13 t(15;17) -0.0326 0.4151 3 210998_s_at HGF t(15;17) -0.0262 0.3333 4 210997_at HGF t(15;17) -0.0179 0.2276 5 223828_s_at LGALS12 t(15;17) -0.0178 0.2267 6 210794_s_at MEG3 t(15;17) -0.0127 0.1611 7 204537_s_at GABRE t(15;17) -0.0064 0.081 Table 3. Predictive signature AML and t(8;21) Probe set ID Gene symbol Abnormality 1.score 2.score 1 205529_s_at RUNX1T1 t(8;21) -0.6454 6.9461 2 228827_at --- t(8;21) -0.6058 6.5197 3 205528_s_at RUNX1T1 t(8;21) -0.4917 5.2917 4 213194_at ROBO1 t(8;21) -0.2334 2.5115 5 206940_s_at POU4F1 t(8;21) -0.1883 2.0269 6 216831_s_at RUNX1T1 t(8;21) -0.1705 1.8353 7 211341_at
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