INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Medieval Celebrations House makeover Audley High flying at Peak Pursuits community news

ISSUE: 28 JUNE 2010 DONATIONS WELCOME Your local Newsletter to service the needs of the people from the parish of Audley.

Audley Medieval Celebrations St Georges Day is celebrated on the old Audley Motte on the Millennium Green

[email protected] Web: EDITOR: E Moulton 2 Advertisements Audley Community News

Mixed Grill packs and BBQ Packs now available

Quality local & home reared Beef, Lamb, Pork & Poultry. Local free range eggs. 01782 722432 56 Church Street, Audley. G&L.J. Fairbanks & Son The Royal Oak Seasonal baskets, bedding plants, container plants, perennials & shrubs. Monday to Thursday 4pm to 11.30pm. Friday-Saturday 12noon to 12pm. Free range eggs for sale Sunday 12noon to 11pm.

Pool End Farm Nursery, Leycett Lane Leycett, We cater for small Weddings, Newcastle Staffs. 01782 624399 Christenings or Functions

5 Traditional Ales Pedigree & Marston’s +3 Rotating Guest Ales

Heathcote Road, . Tel 01782 720193. [email protected] Features 3

Contents: Dear Readers News Welcome to yet another issue of your Children’s Centre at the Audley library Views local parish newsletter. We hope the which may encourage more people from Sports new look to the magazine is welcomed our parish to use its excellent services. Recipes by our readers. We have had a mixed Thanks to Peak Pursuits we now at last Memories from the past response to the changes but we hope have our Climbing Centre at the recently that over time readers will appreciate refurbished Boughey Hall. All theses Poetry & Rhyme the more professional look and realise project have brought our village back Forthcoming events that the contents will always stay the to life and have brought visitors to our School information same. shops and businesses. The closing of Readers letters The news team would welcome your yet another store has happened with Bereavements comments with regards to the look the closure of the late Fred Boon’s Printed at Printers. of the magazine, including alternative Outfitters, but it may soon be brought subjects for future issues. These last back to life as a new business venture Editor: E. Moulton few weeks have been a busy time an application for change of use has Tel: 01782 721565 throughout our village I attended the been submitted. Maybe the prospects Medieval Celebrations, where I have to for our village is on an upward spiral. Assistant Editor: Sue Wykes congratulate the organisers who did a Let’s just keep our fingers crossed. Reporter: Margraret Pointon fantastic job of work. I then went on I hope you enjoy your read. Proof Reader: Linda Coleing to the opening of the new Sure Start Editor Ernie Moulton. Design: Chris Tunnicliffe

Monday 15th March. Pictured left to right: Julie Grindey licensee of the Plough Inn presenting a cheque for £50; Harriet Maddock our World Kick Boxing Champion presenting a cheque on behalf of Bignall End Cricket Club for £250; Alison Potts a representative of the Air Ambulance receiving the donations; John Jones (Bones) the Biker Chairman, presenting a cheque for £1800 assisted by John Harrison Chairman of Bignall End Cricket Club. Presentation to Air Ambulance Bignall After the presentation I spoke to Alison Potts from the Air Ambulance End Cricket Club. We all know how the group is just to socially meet and who explained that the money raised cold the weather can be in the early raise money for charities. The group would be a great help to the massive months of February, but did you realise meets every Monday evening at the cost of keeping the Air Ambulances in that during the weekend of the 5th Roebuck Public House Burslem at the air and all monies raised in this area February 2010, the Danger Mouse 8.30pm. Everyone is most welcome. will be spent in this area. The Air Bikers held their annual rally and sleep For more information about the group Ambulance which is a voluntary group over in tents at the Bignall End Cricket go to who rely on donations has 3 helicopters Club on Boon Hill. The group of Their annual event at Bignall End based in the Midlands which covers motorcyclists or “Bikers” as they are Cricket Club consists of Bands in more than 6 million people and it costs known come from and concert, Raffles, Donations and five point six million pounds to run the Cheshire and are known as Danger entrances fees with the proceeds service. For more information about Mouse, but when they have their rally going to charity. the Air Ambulance go to at the cricket club they are known as The photograph shows the or Frozen Nuts. No wonder with how cold presentation to the Local Air Ambulance tel: 0800 840 20 40. Editor. the weather has been! The main aim of Service held at the Cricket Club on 4 Audley & District Family History Society Audley Community News Audley Gasworks

Situated at Wyn Brook on Wereton Road, the gasworks opened on 24 December 1878 having cost £5,000 to construct. It consisted of a retort house, purifier house, lime shed, meter and governor house, workshops and a manager’s house. Coal was heated in the retorts and the gas condensed was scrubbed to remove ammonia, then purified before passing into a gasholder. The gas was then regulated as it passed into the gas mains which varied from 8 inch to 3 inch diameter, measuring 5.75 miles in length through the district. A by-product of the gas production was coke which was used in the furnace which The gasworks at Wyn Brook with the manager’s house in the centre of the photo and gasholders to the right. heated the retorts. By 1885 the gas mains are recorded as supplying 173 consumers and 55 street lamps from an annual consumption of 527 tons of coal. Consumption reached 1056 tons in 1908 producing 10 million cubic feet of gas. The number of consumers reached 1000 by 1913. Gas supplies to outlying areas of the Audley district took many years to achieve, for example Boon Hill was connected in 1891 and in 1909. In addition not all homes in the district were connected even when the gas supply reached them. Following the First World War of 1914-18 the older gas mains The new 12 inch gas main being laid in Church Street, Audley in 1921. were gradually replaced. The engineer was John Mottram, manager of the gasworks. The photo at top right shows the gasworks at Wyn Brook with the manager’s house in the centre of the photo and gasholders to the right. The photo centre right shows the new 12 inch gas main being laid in Church Street, Audley in 1921. The engineer was John Mottram, manager of the gasworks. The photo right shows the new gas main being laid in Chester Road by Ralf Proctor in 1928. Clive Millington

The new gas main being laid in Chester Road by Ralf Proctor in 1928.

The society meetings are in Audley Church Hall: Admission £1.00 to non-members. All welcome. Research 2-4pm on the first Wednesday in every month Talks 7.30-9pm on the first Friday in January, March, May, July, September and November Research 7-9pm on the first Friday in February, April, June, August, October and December E-mail: [email protected] Website: www. Visit the website for ‘The Changing Face’ series of photo articles on Alsagers Bank, Audley, Bignall End, , Miles Green and Wood Lane. Click on ‘Old Audley’ link on home page. [email protected] Features 5

What do you know emphasis on improving the quality of that being treated with dignity is a basic care, and the experience of using the human right, not an optional extra. about Dignity in Care? services. Staffordshire Social Care They believe that care services must Workforce Partnership wish to raise be compassionate, person centered, as awareness of Dignity in Care and inspire well as efficient, and are willing to try to people to get involved in the Dignity in do something to achieve this. Care Campaign. For more information please visit: What you can do…… In support of this campaign you have dignityincare Dignity in Care is about winning hearts the chance to sign up as a Dignity Or call the SSCWP office on and minds, changing the culture of Champion. A Dignity Champion is 01782 442909 care services and placing a greater someone who believes passionately Election Results. Audley Parish Council Awards for 2010. General Election Audley Parish Council held their Elected - Paul Farrelly - 16393 Labour annual Presentation Awards, at the - 14841 Conservatives Audley Pensioners Hall, on Thursday 15thApril 2010. Chairman - 8466 Liberal Domocrates Ian Wilkes can be seen on the right - 3491 UKIP presenting the “Robert Edwards” award to Ike Williams. Ike, a former Parish Newcastle Borough Council Chairman of 15 years, is now Council Election the Chairman of the newly formed Elected - Dylis Cornes - 1299 Lib Dem Bates Wood Wildlife Reservation in - 831 Morgan Labour Halmer End. Ian Wilkes thanked Ike for all his hard work during his time as - 755 Glenn Conservatives a councillor and for the sterling work - 284 Heath UKIP he and the volunteers had done at the Bates Wood project. Mr Williams thanked the council for A thank you to the his award and spoke of the need for the Ian Wilkes presenting the award Ike Williams people of Audley. parish council to give its full backing to The family of Fred Boon, Outfitters deter any further intrusion on the land of of Church Street Audley, would like to Bates Wood by the proposed bridle path say a huge thank you to everyone in extensions. Bates Wood nature reserve Audley for the friendship, support and is maintained by a group of local custom they have given to dad over volunteers and is now a well established the past 40 years. Dad loved his life at place for the people of the parish to the shop and having spent time here walk and enjoy the country wildlife. recently helping out, I can understand On the right can be seen Jessica why. You’ve all been so welcoming and Stevenson and mother Jean of Vernon friendly. Avenue Audley who were presented with A very special thank you to Pauline the “Green Trophy” award for all the who has been “Brilliant”….and now hard work they both do in making sure retires after 46 years!!!! Dedication, our streets are tidy and clean. Jessica commitment and full of fun are words and Jean often take a plastic waste I’d use to describe Pauline and we bag with them on their way to school really hope she has a very “Happy to help to remove litter which has been Jessica Stevenson and mother Jean retirement” as she deserves it. deposited in our streets. Thank you all once again. Jill Griffiths (daughter) 6 Features Audley Community News

The Stables

Who would have ever though an old horse and pigs, his uncle John kept his The Stables Coach House is a listed derelict building, tucked away behind ferrets in there too. The ferrets were building so the owners had to comply the William White Buildings in Church used by her uncle John and father with a conservation officer and building Street Audley, would become the Frank Brown of Booth Street, to go out inspectors. The building had just two subject of a television programme? rat catching. She recalls often mother rooms downstairs no ceiling or stairs, it Well indeed in October 2009 The Elsie giving her sandwiches and a was a complete shell with lots of holes Stables Coach House was featured flask of tea to take to where they were and cracks in the walls. After many on House Wreck Rescue on Discovery working and it was horrible to see all months of renovation the building is Real Time. The Stables Coach House the dead rats lying about. The old farm unrecognisable inside. The Stables is can be found behind the archway of horse, which was housed in the Stables, now a first class show home consisting the William White buildings at the rear was used to pull a plough when of three bedrooms all with vaulted of the Boughey Hall. The old forgotten working the field which was situated in ceilings with the master bedroom building was bought at auction by Karen New Road in the area of Leddy’s Field. housing a contemporary shower en Murphy and her younger brother Lee When the cart was attached to the suite, with a family bathroom with Kirkpatrick for £77500 as a renovation horse they often gave friends a lift on Jacuzzi bath and separate shower. project and at least five different the cart driving through the village. She The final piece of work to be done TV companies wanted to cover the never though that the old small dark is to create a lovely courtyard just renovations. The history of the old stables would in the future be turned somewhere nice to sit and admire and building goes back to the 18th century, into a modern house and become the to finish off the exterior of the building. as records show that a row of old subject of a television programme. It’s nice to see old buildings being cottages and gardens were removed to brought back to life instead of building build the White buildings which were on new land in our village. built in 1855. Nell Bedford (nee Brown) contacted the magazine to say that her grandfather Thomas Brown purchased the Stables in 1919. He was a smallholder, then in 1928 was described as a fishmonger, a fruiterer in 1936 and then later as a groom and gardener. The photograph below shows Thomas and wife Dorothy standing outside their home with a window full of cauliflowers. His home was to the right of the archway entrance to the Stables, which can be seen at the end of the entrance. Nell recalls, her grandfather Thomas using the old Stables to house his farm [email protected] Features 7

Audley Brass Band Audley Theatre was once again the Solitaire. James joined the band to guidance of Musical Director Colin venue for An Evening of Music with the play the cornet in 2005 and has now Hartly and the expectations for the Audley Brass Band Annual Patrons and progressed to the position of Soprano future were looking bright. Sponsors Concert on Saturday the 10th Cornet. Colin explained that this was Audley Brass Band is now competing of April. Musical Director Colin Hartley one of the hardest instruments to learn in competitions with bands who have warmly welcomed the audience who and all the hard work and dedication had far more experience, but due to had gathered to hear the performance. James and Colin as director had put in their dedication they are now starting to It is now one year since Colin took over was shown in an excellent performance. be taken as a serious threat throughout as Director of the band which was Peter Moxon who joined the band the country. Peter thank the sponsors; J struggling to the point that it may have in 2009 performed Londonderry Air on Mayer Plant Hire, Whitchurch; D Watson had to close 18 months ago. During the Tenor Horn, an instrument he only Plant Sales; A.J. Law Contractors; AJK his first year in office the standard started to play two years ago after a 40 Plant Hire and Scotts Plant Hire. Audley of play and the quality of its musical years break from playing a Cornet. This Brass Band is in desperate need of new performances have risen to unbelievable was then followed by the memorable instruments at a cost of £120000 and heights. The theme for the night was a Matt Munro song Softly as I leave You, like many other voluntary groups needs showcase of what the newly introduced performed by duet Euphonium players the help of funding and donations. If younger members of the band and Sarah Bowker and Mark Woodvine. you wish to make a donation or know a few slightly senior members could A young Tim Gidman aged 12 of any funding available they would love display. gave the audience something to put to hear from you. Audley is and should Colin a former Royal Navy Marine their hands together for when he be proud of their Brass Band and just Band member has introduced a number performed a solo on the Repiano remember our village band has been in of younger members to the band and Cornet with his rendition of Elton John’s existence for well over 100 years. Here has worked extremely hard to bring Nikita. Unaware to the audience, just is an opportunity to make a difference the best out of them. His dedication seconds before Tim was to perform, his and make sure our village rings with the to excellence and perseverance with instrument broke and as all performers sound of music for many years to come. each band member was shown during that night had to go on he loaned one the evening of musical entertainment. from a close colleague and still gave out It’s amazing to know that all these an excellent performance. young members of the band who are The final soloist was twelve years now performing are all from our local old Patrick Marshall on the Trombone villages. The audience were treated to who gave us a rendition of the popular a trip around the world, with music from Scottish song Skye Boat Song, who America, Spain, Ireland, Russia, the helped to finish off a night full of Caribbean, Scotland and Wales with a excellent entertainment. Finally number of others included. Peter Haxwell the Audley Brass Band The first soloist of the night was Chairman explained how far the band James Griffiths aged 14, who played had now moved forward with the 8 Features Audley Community News

PCSO Sarah Gibson, with local make the residents feel safer in their No Cold Calling resident Norman Titterson and Lorraine homes and reduce the number of cold in Durber close Betteley ( Durber Close & Kellsall Way callers in this area. Getting a No Cold Scheme Manager) can be seen at Calling Zone has been a long process please. the Durber Close complex with the as funding was needed for the signs recently installed No Cold Calling sign. which Aspire has kindly participated PCSO Sarah Gibson has been working with. The signs are now in place which alongside Aspire Housing to arrange are 30X40cm plastic signs and are for Durber Close and Kelsall Way to fixed to the existing complex sign posts. become a No Cold Calling Zone. The No Cold Calling Cards are available idea behind this is to give the elderly from your local Police. Please contact and the more vulnerable residents of Sarah Gibson at 0300 123 2345 (at these small complexes the confidence prompt 16736) or email sarah.gibson@ to say “NO” to Cold Callers. It is not or PC R enforceable by the Police, but they Dolman and PCSO I Blythe. You may will be working closely with the local also ask Ian at the Audley Post Office residents and Aspire Housing trying to for a card.

fields were litter picked and a picnic totalled 7 bags of rubbish, Joanne then Beauty Spot bench that was attracting anti social spent time talking to dog walkers on Clean up. behaviour was cut up and taken away. The Green making them aware of their During a week in April Newcastle Further down the area, the stream responsibility in clearing up after their Council Community Warden Joanne between The Green and Audley FC was dog, and gave poop a scoop bags out. Morris teamed up with The Millennium also litter picked and had over 9 items If you have any areas you think need a Green Volunteers to carry out a spring of fly tipping removed from it, including clean up, please leave a message for clean of the Millennium Green. The car tyres, a chair and a 3ft outdoor Community Warden Joanne Morris on Santa decoration! After the clean up that 01782 717717.

Frank, was born in 1896 and was the youngest of the boys and he can be seen standing in the middle at the back of the photograph. The other boys were Herbert, Fred, George, Albert, James and Harry. We are trying to trace the family tree and while we have had lots of success with information before 1911, the current generation seem to be a bit of a mystery. It would be so pleasing if anyone of your readers can help to fill the gaps with regards to any of these men down to the present date and if anyone has any old pictures we would love to see them if possible. If you have any information no matter how small I would appreciate it if you could either contact me at 07977 487042 email [email protected] or Appeal for information contact the Editor. If anyone can help The News team has received of Audley. We would love to be able to either contact Louis or contact the an appeal from Louis Fenemore of help her to find her family roots. This is Editor of the Newsletter. Uttoxeter with regards to members of a picture of the ‘Fryer boys’, taken, we her family who came from the parish believe, around 1918. My grandfather, [email protected] Readers letters 9

Dear Editor song around a camp fire. Having been born near to Mill Dale The people who lived and worked the Barthomley Road Audley, I thought you Small Holdings would finish work at and your readers might like to hear lunch time and join in with the activities about some of the details of what took Mr Glover and his family who lived in place there on a Good Friday for many the middle of the Dale had to rely upon years. a spring for water and would have to In Mill Dale there were three houses carry buckets of water on a yoke to classed as Small Holdings. At the east supply his home and family. Mr Glover end near to what is known as Jacob’s would put thorns around the spring to Ladder lived the Richardson family. In discourage the visiting children from the middle of the Dale lived the Glovers playing in the water and dirtying it up. and at the far end lived the Wilshaws. I remember Mrs Glover separating the All of the residents kept a few cattle and milk to make butter and nothing went to a few pigs. On every Good Friday many waste, as the skimmed milk was fed to people from around the parish brought the pigs. As a young school boy I often their families to visit Mill Dale, for some went to help with the separating of the it was a full day’s visit. They would milk and my reward was a sugar butty. bring food with them and drinks for a I have seen in your magazine other picnic. There was always an Icecream memories of Mill Dale and as far as I van parked up and you could buy Hot can recall it never rained on a Good Crossed Buns. Friday in Mill Dale. Great memories Audley Scouts would come and set up from many years ago. Eric Bennion camp and at night time they held a sing Audley.

Dear Editor Dear Editor Dear Editor Vandals on Audley Allotments Our winter has now been and gone I just have to say thank you! In late February vandals caused havoc leaving our roads looking like we have On Friday the 19th February Mrs on the Audley Allotments. They stole been bombed from above. Reddell of Bignall End was travelling such items as plastic tubing, wood, Everywhere you drive throughout our home on the number 34 bus from rubber, rubbish bins, plastic chairs and parish we have to try and avoid potholes Newcastle to Audley and unfortunately water buts. They then proceeded to set and roads in a very sad state of repair. left her handbag on the seat of the bus. everything they had collected on fire. How come we have to wait so long On her arrival at home she realized what This must have been a considerable before anything is done by our local had happened. She then contacted the sized fire which was not far away from authorities? The Government don’t bus company not having much hope the children’s play area and as far as I hang about putting up taxes on fuel and that she would recover the handbag. am aware no one called the emergency increasing our road fund licence. So On Saturday the 20th February, Mrs services. These people must be come on what about our roads before Redell received a telephone call from stopped before someone is badly someone gets seriously hurt. Motorist. the bus company saying that the injured. If you know anything about the handbag had been handed in to the incident please contact the police on Dear Sir driver by a passenger who was on the 03001234455. R. Cooper Bignall bus at the time and the driver had given I read in an earlier issue of your End Out of pocket Allotment Holder the bag to the Lost Property Office of magazine that the car parks in the the bus company. Mrs Redell wishes village of Audley were to be repaired, to take this opportunity to thank the as they were getting quite dangerous If you have something that you’d passenger for their honesty in looking to park in. How come it’s taking so like to share with the community, after her treasured possession. long? The one between the Co-op and why not get in touch: Mrs Reddell Tesco is a nightmare with large holes [email protected] and craters. All drivers be aware when parking there. D.M Audley. 10 Features Audley Community News

very interesting speakers. 19th of Council’s Adult August 2009 was the day we had & Community our annual bowls match thanks to Learning (ACL) the Audley Parish Bowling Club who allowed our club to use their facilities. Service. Now I was not in attendance, I was on holiday but it is rumoured that Forthcoming events brought to you one of the winners prayed for rain as by Sue Cartwright, your local Outreach they were becoming rather tired. The Worker from Staffordshire County ACL winners were Geoff Keen and Vivienne offers “Step into learning” courses in Downs, congratulations to both. Our the community centre to adults with Christmas lunch had to be postponed few or no qualifications. These courses from January 2010 to February due are for people who want to learn new Audley and District to the bad weather. This event was skills, gain confidence, have some fun Probus Club very well attended by members, family and get advice on the next steps to help and friends and everyone enjoyed their them get on in life and in work. The The Probus Club meets every meal. April saw our visit to Salford course also includes an introduction third Friday in the month at the Quays visiting the Lowry Centre and to one of the following: Feeling good Butchers Arms Audley, where we Imperial War Museum North. It was with Complementary Therapies~ basic enjoy an excellent meal. We are quite a windy day but that did not stop hand massage, looking at essential oils, a non fundraising, non sectarian us from enjoying ourselves. I do believe reflexology, head massage & looking at organisation who welcome business that there was not so much shopping the contra-indicators of the oils. Being and professionals, male and female done by our lady members. Husbands creative with Arts~ painting & drawing over the age of 55 years. We talk kept a tight hold on their wallets. techniques & exploring differing types with likeminded friends and listen to R Kinnersley Hon Secretary. of art materials. Crafts~ making cards & gift bags, glass & silk painting. Moneywise~ budgeting skills, percentage rates, debt management & how to compare prices. Being safe at Home~ safety within the home, hazard awareness, food preparation & storage & the dangers of poor hygiene. Healthy Living~ making healthy food choices, smoothie making, the benefits of exercise & smoking & alcohol issues. Grow your own~ soil types, seed planting, weed & pest control & environmental issues. Back to work~ if anyone would be interested in creating a CV, job search, looking at An Exhibition of Art by attending. The group reported what application forms & communication Local Amateur Artists a wonderful day they had, a most skills. The above courses are twenty worthwhile rewarding experience. The hours long. They also offer a National To be held at the: Audley & District group are now busily painting away to Open College Network certificate Community Centre Saturday 19th provided a varied and interesting display in Personal Development which is June2010 10am-4pm A group of for our village to see. You are invited accepted by all colleges. The courses local people interested in ‘Painting to come along and take a look at what are free and all resources necessary for Pleasure’ meet on a weekly basis has been produced, browse, chat and are supplied. For more information on Thursday mornings in the Wood join them for light refreshments. Why contact Sue on 07870504258 Lane Community Centre. Last year they decided that they would like to not bring a friend? For information exhibit their work locally and arranged regarding details of the exhibition an exhibition in the Audley & District please contact Margaret Williams on Community Centre, not knowing 01782 721543. [email protected] Features 11 Children of Engagement Project Audley Residents For The Community Association CARA Council Of Staffordshire During the next 6 months the What a year it’s been so far for Playbuilders Scheme. Playbuilders is Community Council of Staffordshire CARA, we’ve got so much news to tell a scheme aimed at building play areas will be undertaking, on behalf of and you all about what we’ve been doing designed for children within the 8-13 in liaison with Staffordshire Local during 2009 and 2010 and successes age bracket for fun and adventurous Involvement Network (LINK), a county that we’ve achieved! Phase 1 of the play and all of the equipment is built wide community engagement. This will plans has been completed to install using natural materials. As this would be a focused consultation programme the drainage on the field, level out the create one part of our overall plan with existing networks, groups and land and re-seed the entire area and for the park we decided to submit individuals in order to ascertain peoples begin work on the path ways around the our application bid for this grant, and views, concerns and experiences park. Our annual Fun Day in July 2009 despite two previously failed attempts of health and social care services was the first event that we held on the this wasn’t enough to put us off trying throughout the county and to find out field after the completion of Phase 1. again! After much time and effort how people believe these might be Following on from the success of the spent gathering the information and improved or changed to benefit their Fun Day, on August 22nd 2009 we held documentation we needed, our bid communities. In order to gather views our Stars in their Eyes night at Audley was submitted in February 2010. After and raise awareness of the Local WMC. This was so successful that we a few tense weeks and nervous nail Involvement Network we are keen to were asked to re-run the entire show biting, in March we got the news we all talk to as many groups or individuals at Silverdale WMC on 27th November. wanted to hear, we had been successful as possible. Chris Welch, Chief We’d like to take this opportunity to in our bid and we had been awarded Executive of the Community Council thank the Committee’s of both Audley a total of £49,445.39 In addition to of Staffordshire said “Clearly it is a & Silverdale WMC for allowing us to this we have been awarded a further challenging task to contact so many put on our shows and for the support £500 from the Local Action Partnership people in Staffordshire but it is one received from everyone who took part (LAP) to help to buy play equipment which the Community Council feels will & attended. Special thanks must go to for the infants area of the park. Work be worthwhile in adding value to the Shanice Harris and the whole of Vibe will be commencing on the playing work of Staffordshire’s LINK. We will Dance Academy who took part along field sometime in the near future to be collating a comprehensive cross with our committee members & many create the play area designed for the section of opinions and experiences friends of CARA. As always, our biggest Playbuilders scheme. All residents will so that the Local Involvement Network events are our annual Fun Day and the be informed when the work begins as will be able to move forward resulting Stars in their Eyes nights, but there are we will be closing the field to the public in positive improvements in health and many other events throughout the year whilst the work is carried out. We’ve social care services in Staffordshire”. If that we hold and attend that aid our now come full circle back to our Fun you are keen to give us your thoughts continued success. For example we Day, which will be held on the playing or experiences or invite us to some of were invited to attend the Newcastle- field on 10th July 2010. There will your group meetings please contact under-Lyme Borough Council Jazz & be plenty of fun & games and other the Community Council of Staffordshire Blues Festival, where we had a stall activities for everyone to enjoy. We on 01785 242525 alternatively email on the May Bank Holiday, we held our would now like to take this opportunity [email protected] children’s “Witch Hunt” on the playing to thank everyone in the community for field at Halloween and there was also their continued support over the last our Christmas Fayre which we held at 6 years, and if anyone wishes to join Audley Church Hall. All of these bring CARA or become involved in helping AUDLEY us to more recent events and in March at any of our events, then please email WORKINGMENS this year we held our Easter Fayre at the us at [email protected] Pensioners Hall where we raised almost or call us on 07796 052535 or 01782 CLUB £300. The committee has also been 722000. Debbie Brockley & Toni Ginnis New Road Bignall End. working extremely hard during the last Secretary Children of Audley Residents Entertainment Every Saturday few months on applying for a grant from Association (CARA) 8.30pm to 11.30pm. Staffordshire County Council for the 12 Bereavements Audley Community News

Lilian Rose Moulton higher up, just below what was known as the Railing Row where her last two To My Mother On the 18th of February 2010, at sons were born, David and Anthony. the CGH, Lilian, aged 89 years, sadly Lilian was such a wonderful lady, even You don’t get any medals Mum For passed away after a battle with illness during the hardship of bringing up such the job you have to do Although you which she had fought so courageously. a large family when times were so work much harder You’re brave, Lilian was a resident at the Wilbraham difficult, she always had a smile upon constant and true. House Care Home, a place she so loved her face. A mother who always put her Your fortress is just four brick walls and was a former resident of Vernon children first and in later life even with A ceiling and a floor You have to battle Close Audley. Lilian was the loving wife health problems always loved to have with your heart That’s what God of the late Arthur, the adored mother her family around her. made mothers for. of her eight children, a nana and great The funeral was held on the 8th gran who will never be forgotten. March at the Audley Methodist Church You’ve struggled on all your life Lilian was born in Red Street, Bignall End followed by a short service No battle is too big for you You’ve Chesterton and after marring Arthur at the Bradwell Crematorium. All had many big decisions to make But went to live in Alsager where the first donation were sent to the British Heart you always came smiling through. of her family were born, Pauline and Foundation. The poem to the right of You tried to be brave when I had to John. Then for a short while lived in this tribute, To My Mother was handed go Behind your smile was a tear In Wood Lane where her second son Ernie to her son Ernie. It was written by an your dear heart you wanted to cry was born. The family then moved on unknown soldier during World War 2 And I know it mother dear. to live in High Street, Halmer End living and he finds this a fitting tribute to his near to the old Bowers shop where she mother and all the mums who have I still can see your loving smile had three more children all girls, Sylvia, sadly passed away, who will always be And feel your tender kiss, I remember Jennifer and Marie then went on to live remembered and sadly missed by their all the little things That I’m loving families. beginning to miss. They should inscribe your name on a Keith Coffey scroll of fame, In letters of purest gold Peacefully on March 16th 2010, at Keith will be sadly missed by all his No honour could be too high for you home, Keith aged 61 of Bignall End extended family and friends. The But your deeds are seldom told. passed away. Keith was the dearly funeral was held on the 26th March loved husband of Susan, father to John, at the Bradwell Crematorium. All I somehow don’t think they will ever Stuart and James and granddad to donations went to the Cheethams know They don’t even seem to hear Rebecca, Jack, Ashleigh, Liam, Lewis, Childrens Ward. Please accept our Of the millions of mothers that are like Ryan, Zack, Jordan and Skye. condolences. you God Bless you Mother Dear. [email protected] Bereavements 13

Arnold Johnson Kelvin George Sargent

On the 27th October 2009 Arnold Suddenly on the 15th of January Johnson aged 90 years fell asleep for 2010, Kelvin aged 56 years passed the last time. Arnold was born in 1919 away. Kelvin leaves loving wife Diane, and grew up on Heathcote Road in devoted sons Paul & Andrew and Miles Green. He was one of 10 children adored grandchildren Cameron, Codie, and attended Wood Lane school and Lewis, Talia, Danny & Deonnie. Kelvin also the Hill Top Methodist Chapel. sadly passed away whilst at work, he Arnold was a Normandy veteran serving was employed by the P&O Ferrymaster in the armed forces during the 2nd company. Kelvin was a resident of world war. He was a member of the Maddocks Street Audley and had Cheshire Regiment and would often tell lived in the parish for more than 26 us tales about his army experiences. years. During his time in the parish Arnold met and married Nancy Harrison he had worked in the local mining and started his married life in a cottage industry for about 16 years and was a their thanks to all who gave their kind in Butters Green where they were well known member of the local clay support to them through such difficult blessed with two children, Elizabeth shooting club. The funeral was held at times. All monies raised were donated and David. In 1977 Arnold and his St James Church Audley on the 29th of to the British Heart Foundation. Our wife moved to Ravens Park, where they January. Kelvin’s family wish to extend thoughts are with you. enjoyed their retirement. Arnold was a family man, he especially enjoyed the company of his grandchildren, Fred Boon In 1970 Fred joined Roberts Outfitters Laura, Amy and Emily and then to of Chester Road and eventual took over follow his great-grandchildren, Olivia, On the 16th March 2010 at St Luke’s the business. In 1980 Fred moved to Alice and Harry. Arnold was a well Hospice Winsford Fred Boon sadly what was then Embertons Outfitters in known character in Bignall End and passed away after a short illness. Church Street Audley and has spent the even though being 90 years old he was Fred was the owner of the well known last 30 years supplying our parish with a very active man until the very end. Outfitters shop in Church Street Audley. excellent quality clothing. Fred was a Arnold’s death came as a huge shock to Fred leaves adored wife Joyce, son keen gardener and one of his proudest his family and he will be forever missed Stephen, daughter Jill and he was a moments was when he was awarded by his wife Nancy, grandchildren, great- loving granddad and much loved father- his Audley in Bloom trophy. Fred was grandchildren and many who knew him in-law. Fred was a resident of the never happier than being in his garden throughout the parish. The funeral was village of Alsager but had worked in the or tending his seedlings which he grew held at the Audley Methodist Church Audley parish for over 40 years. Fred in the upstairs of his outfitters store on the 5th of November, followed by a started his association with the clothing in the village. The funeral was held at short service at Crewe Crematorium. industry as a boy when at the age of St James Church Audley on the 30th Please accept our condolences. 14 years he was employed at Knots of March, followed by cremation at the Burslem Outfitters where he eventually Bradwell Crematorium. Please accept IF you have an announcement became the manager. Fred had a two our condolences, Fred will be sadly you’d like to make please email year break when he joined the RAF to missed by his family and friends who [email protected] complete his 2 years of national service. knew him.

David Riley Mala. David grew up with his brother contractor and became very well John and attended Ravens Lane School known in our parish. David was a keen On the 27th of and then went on to attended Halmer rifleman, a Venture Scout Leader and January 2010 at End School. After leaving school he found pleasure and interest in Amateur the City General worked an NCB Apprenticeship and then Radio. The service and cremation took Hospital, David worked at Holditch Colliery, Shelton Iron place at the Bradwell Crematorium aged 68 of Audley sadly passed away. and Steel, and British Industrial Sand. on February 10th, 2010. David will David leaves his loving wife Margaret After being made redundant David set be greatly missed by all his family and devoted children Sharon, Tony and up his own business as an electrical and friends. 14 Features Audley Community News Peak Pursuits Successful Launch of the new Climbing Arena.

Peak Pursuits was started in 2000 Staffordshire with a brilliant facility. The Climbing Centre Opening by managing director Paul Ball and There is currently nowhere else in this Hours are: currently employs 44 full time staff. region that offers this combination of Weekdays 2pm-9.30pm The head office is in the old Council bouldering and lead wall climbing.” Weekdays Offices in Audley and in 2008 a second Paul added that they will be starting School Holidays 10am-9.30pm office in Rixton near Warrington opened. a climbing club which will give young They provide a full range of outdoor people in Audley and North Staffordshire Weekends and pursuits, team building and personal the chance to get involved in the sport Bank Holidays 10am-6pm development to the leisure, corporate of climbing. The centre also boasts a and schools and youth group sectors. café on the mezzanine where spectators To climb unsupervised climbers must Peak Pursuits have converted the can enjoy an elevated view of the be deemed competent. If required, former function suite of the Boughey activities whilst enjoying refreshments. Inductions for (£10) are available by Arms Public house into a Climbing To mark the opening of the first phase, prior appointment enabling participants Centre. The building has been divided the Audley Climbing Centre staged a to then register with the centre and into different climbing zones and there very successful open day on Saturday climb for just £3.50 per session. are routes for children and beginners, 27th March. It was attended by over Under 16s can climb accompanied bouldering and seven metre high 150 people and the Peak Pursuits staff by a competent adult climber or join sections for the more advanced climber. ran instructed climbing taster sessions the Saturday Morning Climbing Club. Overhangs and “chimney” sections throughout the day. The opening day All sessions are supervised by the mimic natural rock challenges without was also attended by Brian Joy and fully qualified, friendly Peak Pursuits the risk of bad weather stopping the Jason Humphreys from Team Fire and Leaders. climbing experience. Paul Ball says Ice GB who enjoyed climbing at the The Charges for the Sessions are: “The project has been a real team effort centre as part of their preparations for and we are very proud of the results. their race to the South Pole in 2011. 5yrs -10yrs £4 per session The interior had to be totally gutted Brian commented “This is going to be 10.15am 11.15am and required extensive renovation a great venue in Audley and it’ll just 11yrs - 16yrs £5.50 per session work including a new roof and skylight. keep getting better.” The second phase from 11.30am-1.30pm The assistance we received from the will see an additional lead wall and a Redundant Buildings Grant Scheme and high traverse section. This will provide Advice is to pre book and for adult Audley Community Learning Partnership a lateral route approximately 5metres charges please Telephone for the has helped Peak Pursuits to utilise from the ground posing a different type details 01782 722226 an empty space and provide North of challenge to the climber. [email protected] Features 15 There Will Be A Weekend Of Celebrating 200 Years Of Methodist Christian Witness In Audley Sunday 5th September will see a fortunate enough to be able to build are people with a passion for sharing celebration of 200 years of Christian a new Church Hall, a much needed their faith in a communal way. Their witness in the Bignall End area. The facility at the time. This hall was used worship is welcoming and provides an services will be held in the Audley as the Church for some time following opportunity for all ages including Junior Methodist Church which now serves the closure of the large 1876 building Church to come together to celebrate Audley and Bignall End and is part of and then once again after much hard the love that God offers to all. the Wolstanton & Audley Circuit which work and planning the present Church, A universal, unconditional love. forms part of the Chester and Stoke a lovely light airy building was erected District. The day will also include a in 1990, opening onto New Road. We celebration of the coming together of will be having visiting preachers on the two congregations of Audley Central Sunday 5th September, in the morning As Timothy Dudley Smith says in Lord for the years your and Audley Peoples in 2003 to form at 10.30am Dr. Kevin Watson from his hymn: love has kept and guided, Urged and a new Church now known as Audley Englesea Brook, and at the 6pm service inspired us, cheered us on our way. Methodist Church. Over the years the the Reverend Raymond Jones, whose Past put behind us, for the future congregation that meet there have father Reverend Lionel Jones was the take us, Lord of our lives, to live for worshipped in the existing church and minister of the Church in the 1950s Christ alone. the other 3 chapels that used to exist in and is still remembered by some of the area namely Vernon Place, Audley the congregation. Audley Male Voice Peoples and Boon Hill which sadly no Choir will be taking part in the evening longer exist as Methodist places of service. The choir was originally formed worship. The first Chapel in Bignall End from male members of the chapel And as Joseph Hart wrote: was built in 1810 and known as the choir meeting together for a sing. On ‘Tis Jesus the first and the last, Wesleyan Chapel. This was followed Saturday 4th September the Covenant Whose spirit shall guide us safe by a large dominant two storey building Players (UK) Trust will be putting on two home, We’ll praise him for all that built in 1876, known as Audley Central 25 minute plays. This will begin at 5pm is past And trust him for all that’s Methodist. The first building then and a faith tea will be shared during the to come. became the school. In 1953 we were interval. Audley/Bignall End Methodists Audley & District WI News

Unfortunately I missed the March you’d been naughty. Perhaps we could Then in July I don’t know whether I am issue, but we have enjoyed the start learn something from the ‘Good Old looking forward to this or not, but we of 2010. Roy Matthias gave a funny Days’. In April we all looked forward have Zazu - Belly Dancing. I just know and informative talk about his job, to a ‘Seasonal Look at my Garden’ that if they ask for volunteers then I will ‘Tales of a neck-end Bobby’. It did with David Tideswell, and knowing be hiding under the table! Ken Marshall bring back memories of ‘Dixon of Dock David this was involved with wildlife, will be coming in August with ‘A Taste Green’, only this was real life and a especially birds. In May it’s our AGM of the Hedgerow’ - with tastings. Look very hard job just in a different way to and I haven’t even started balancing out for our poster in ‘Naughty but Nice’ nowadays. Roy came in full outfit with the books. Then we have our birthday each month, but if you fancy joining us helmet and cape, apparently the cape party in June when the Audley Ladies for a visit come to the Church Hall at was so heavy, especially when wet with Choir will be entertaining us. I enjoyed 7.15pm the last Thursday in the month. the rain, (no cars then) that it came listening to the choir when they held Telephone Anne 721957, or Glenis in very useful as a weapon. I would their fund-raiser for Haiti, they have lots 722009 for information. imagine that you wouldn’t want to be of new members and were brilliant. I on the receiving end of that cape when hope they are practicing ‘Jerusalem’. 16 Features Audley Community News News From Audley Mvc

After a prolonged cold spell of weather there are signs of Spring. Our 24th annual Celebrity Concert held on March 21st was thought to be one of the best “so far”. Certainly our artistes Camilla Roberts , Ji- Min Park and Ingrid Surgenor were out of the top Our forthcoming concerts are eagerly 7th), Barthomley Church (May 15th), drawer and they received well deserved anticipated. None more so than the Wolstanton United Reform Church (Oct rapturous applause from a large and Gala Concert on the 10th of October 23rd), and Congleton Methodist (Nov enthusiastic audience. As a reviewer when we will have as our Guests 13th )are dates for your diary. It is wrote “Celebrity is a much overused the Grimethorpe Colliery Band- one anticipated that next year’s Celebrity word these days but on Sunday evening of the best loved top brass bands in concert will be held on the 11TH of April. we were indeed in the presence of the country. We are sure there will The choir, as always, is on the musical excellence”. Congratulatory be much interest in their visit to the lookout for new members and comments makes the effort put in to Victoria Hall Hanley. In addition we are prospective members would be most preparing for and arranging concerts looking forward to revisiting the “Potato welcome to “sit in” at a Thursday such as these very worthwhile. The Shed” at Great Warford in July when rehearsal(7.30pm) in the Methodist choir is always mindful of the support Macclesfield Silk Brass will be the guest Hall in Audley. Further information it receives enabling us to bring such band. Visits to Coppenhall Church, can be obtained on our website artistes to Stoke-on-Trent. Crewe (April 25th) Market Drayton (May

committee meetings or to pop in to the towards the upkeep of the centre. Audley Community centre on a Wednesday morning for a Any items that have not sold have Centre Agm Report. coffee and a chat. been recycled and used again at St Chairman, Ron Bourne reported James’ Church sale and other local Audley and District Community the loss of 3 valuable members of charity sales. Centre held its annual general meeting the committee with the resignation of A new storage container has been on 24/03/2010. Secretary Dawn Brad and Lynn Bradshaw for personal purchased and is housed adjacent to Dobson expressed how busy the reasons and chairperson Sarah Bonam our other container on the car park. community centre had been during due to work commitments. He wished Disaster hit the centre when it was the past 12 months. She found that to express his thanks for all the valuable discovered that we had had a water her position as secretary had become help they had given whilst serving on burst with the result that the wooden a 24/7 days a week post. One of her the committee. floor had lifted and therefore making the main aims had been to reduce the The Car Boot continues to run at the centre unusable. In March contractors cost of posting and printing materials. centre under the auspices of the PAMS re-laid the floor and the centre was Dawn was pleased to announce that Medieval Society. The management given a spring clean. The centre is the community centre had formed team have no other involvement other now open and fully functional. excellent links with Newcastle Borough than the hiring of the hall. Functions Finally, Ron commented on the Council and Audley Parish Council at the centre can be provided for and excellent facilities that the people of and wished to express her thanks to the bar if required will be run under the the parish had in the community centre. Councillor Dylis Cornes and Mr Phil licence of an outside bar caterer. At the present moment in time there Bartells of Newcastle Borough Council. The centre has had an excellent are 5 core members of the During 2009/2010, Dawn took on the season of fundraising events which management team who with help from responsibility of the Booking Secretary, included weekly coffee mornings, bric their family and friends run the centre. a position she has enjoyed. Finally she a brac sales, summer sale, Christmas We appeal for new members from the appealed to members of the parish Fayre and a nearly new clothes sale. parish to come along and join our group who wished to volunteer to help at the All the items that are for sale have been and help us continue our successful centre to come along to one of the donated by the general public to help role as a community centre. [email protected] Features 17

JOHN JACKSON YOUR LOCAL HIGH CLASS FAMILY BUTCHERQUALITY MEAT PRODUCE Beef - Lamb - Pork - Poultry Freezer Orders Welcomed Freshly Cooked Meats / Ham / Tongue / Cheese /Pies / Bread / Cakes/Oatcakes.

172 Ravens Lane Bignall End Sot Staffs We now accept credit and debit cards Open 6 Days Per week - Tele: 01782 720737

Audley Football have been visiting us for the past nine supported the club in helping to serve Club Donations. years and we appreciate your continued behind the bar, your support was greatly support. Thursday & Friday night saw appreciated. After a slow start on the Monday & the balloon juggler make an appearance, Finally for all who descended on us to Tuesday our festival kicked into gear on the Wednesday night. The weather was what he can do with balloons is amazing. sample our beer we hope you enjoyed against us on the first two nights but He is a talented man who gave his time yourselves and that you will revisit us and it was nice to see the die hards there freely to support us at the football club help us to celebrate our special 10th Beer to start and sample what we think was Gromit we thank you. By Saturday Festival in 2011. an excellent choice of 38 real ales and evening the beers were dropping very As we promised at the start of the ciders. As in previous years we kept our fast, so on the Sunday we decided to beer festival, a percentage of our profits price at £2 per pint as we believe we are sell off the remains at £1 a pint, what are donated to two local groups and a a community beer festival and aim to give a bargain! This saw all the beer drunk cheque for £300 has been presented to members of the community a good choice and as previous years left the football Audley Community News to help them of real ale that is not normally available club with a handsome profit. We would to continue with the publication of what in the area and at a price that tempts you like to thank all who sponsored us at the we believe to be an excellent community into our club house to see what we are festival, without your help we could not news paper. We have also presented about. This year we saw many new faces put on such an event. I would also like Audley Health Centre with a trolley for but also faces of our supporters who to thank members of the community who their ECG monitor. K Chell AFC. Bignall End Hair Studio Bignall Quality styling by qualified staff End specialist on all types of hairdressing. Barbers Shop

Price List Hair Cut. £6.50 Kids. £6.00 OAP. £4.50 Back & Sides. £4.00 Grade all over. £4.00 Wash & Cut. £8.00 Beard Trim. £1.50 Open 5 days per week | Mon Closed | Tue 9.30am - 5.00pm. Wed. 1pm - 5.00pm | Thurs 1pm - 6.00pm. Opening Times Friday 9.30am - 7.00pm | Sat 9.30am - 3.00pm. Mon – Fri 8.30 am – 7.00 pm Saturday 8.30 am – 4.00 pm Tibb Street Ravens Lane Bignall End Sot. 01782 722777 26 Ravens Lane Bignall End S-O-T Next door but one to the Post Office 18 Features Audley Community News

Back row: Roy Smith, Donald Carter, Derek Watson, John Adams, Gordon Wilshaw. 3rd row: Vera Proctor, Sheila Mainwaring, Barbara Burgess, Sonia Heath, Freda Watson, Irene Crowther, Betty Huxley. The forgotten 2nd row: Ron Lockett, Jose Bailey, Dorothy Titterton, Gladys Wilshaw, Joan Hansall, Dennis Butters. Front row; Ted Llewllyn, Stan Whitmore, Edgar Farrington, Cyril Eardley, David Heath, Eric Farmer, Jim Pupil! Swinnerton. Head teacher: Miss D Edwards, Other teachers: Miss D Cornes, Miss D Hodgkinson. Sheila Johnson of Chester Road Audley and her grandfather was a local coal mine of Rogers in Heathcote Road Miles sent in this school photograph of the merchant. When the strike was over, Green, to hold up the coal bags even Audley Infants class of 1937. The Sheila, who would have been around through the frosty weather so that her reason why she sent in the photograph eight years old just stayed at home and grand father could fill them with coal. was that this was the last time she went it appears the record of her attending Even to this day Sheila has no idea why to school. At around the same time must have disappeared. Her grand they never came to find her, but she told the photograph was taken there was parents never received a visit from the the Editor of the magazine that she has a schools strike on and the children school or any demand for her to return, managed to survive throughout her life were all sent home. Sheila lived on she just stayed at home and helped on even having missed all her schooling. Rye Hills with her grand parents who the small holding. Sheila often went out had a small holding with chickens etc, with her grandfather to the local coal Audley Health an appointment with the doctor of Our appointments are for 10 minutes Centre information. your choice; however once a doctor’s but appointments with our training surgery is full you will be offered an doctors and medical students may take Whilst the Practice operates the appointment with an alternative GP or 20-30 minutes. If you have either a Advanced Access appointment offered an appointment on a different complex or multiple problems, please system and aims to offer same day day. Please note that all the GPs are ask for extra appointment time to allow appointments to those who want them, not in surgery for every session. An for full discussion. This will prevent the we have listened to feedback from appointment is for one person only. patients after you being inconvenienced our patient surveys and increased We are a group practice and you may due to over-running appointment times. the number of appointments that are see any of the doctors, not just the If you make an appointment you will be available to be booked in advance. one that you are registered with. expected to attend for this or to cancel These pre-bookable appointments will During busy periods you may have it with reasonable notice. The staff have be available up to 2 weeks in advance. to wait a few days to see the doctor a difficult job and your co-operation and Wherever possible you will be offered of your choice. respect is appreciated. [email protected] Audley & District Community Centre 19

Audley & District Community Centre

Web: Email: [email protected] Secretary: 07921450599 Booking Enquiries: 07506159834 POP-IN for a coffee...... MONDAY We are looking for volunteers who are able to give a helping hand during our Indoor Bowling Club ~ 1.30pm Coffee Mornings, and Fundraising Events...... you don’t need any experience, just Contact: Doris 01782 722248. a willingness to help. If you would like to know more then come to our Coffee Weight Watchers ~ 6.00pm morning on Wednesday 8.30am until 11.30am, have a coffee, see what happens and if you are interested then just ask for Ron or Dawn who will be able to tell you all about it. Or if you prefer contact Dawn on 07921450599. Thank you. TUESDAY Indoor Bowling Club ~ 1.30pm Contact: Doris 01782 722248. Slimming World WE ARE AVAILABLE FOR HIRE Start 5.30pm and Start 7.00pm Having a Party? WEDNESDAY Starting a Keep Fit Group Bargain Sale, Coffee Morning & Internet Café ~ 9am until 11.30am or a Reading class? Audley Community Newsletter Need a room for a Meeting or a 1.30pm until 3.30pm Public gathering? ……………… Contact: Ernie 01782 721565 Contact our Booking Secretary on 07506159834 or THURSDAY email: [email protected] Ju-Jitsu ~ 6pm for more information. Contact: Deb 01782 723960 FRIDAY COFFEE MORNING Fighting Fit With Lea ~ 4.15pm & BARGAIN SALE Contact: 07751551939 Every Wednesday 8.30am until 11.30am with FREE Internet Café SATURDAY MORNING 9.30am until 11.00am My BabyTime ~ Every 2nd & 4th Contact: Charlotte 01260 299337 Scouts Car Wash ~ Every 3rd 10am

Coming up………… Car Boots 2010 Please contact Summer Fair Christmas Market Parish Of Audley Medieval Society 31st July 2010 13th November 2010 on 07762285315 for 10am until 3pm 10am until 3pm more information 20 Features Audley Community News Dunkirk and back for one of our village sporting heroes. Wereton Queen’s Park F.C Staffordshire Junior Cup Winners 1955.

T. Baddeley, A Keeling, K Moore, R Bourne, G Fryer, C Rhodes, P Blairs, A Hogarth, A Elsby, J Docherty (Capt), L Riley, A Furnival, J Hulse. Result. Port Vale 1 Wereton QP F.C 2

Below we can see the successful the Seaforth Highlanders Allen was a 1955 especially with having his brother 1954-55 Wereton Queens Park Football member of the Normandy landings on Clive as the then manager. team who won the Staffordshire Cup the 6/6/1944. Later his family received During Allen’s army career he also Final beating Port Vale 2-1after a replay a telegram from the war office stating played football with many noted players, at the Stafford Rangers ground. On the Allen was missing in action presumed having Billy Wright as there physical day of the final, 14th May 1955, Audley dead. Six weeks later the family education instructor and the Crompton was a deserted village with many received notice Allen had been found in brothers from Arsenal as team from the parish giving their support to a French hospital suffering from shell members. Allen won many medals for our local village team. Wereton were shock, which unfortunately Allen never football during his army career and it managed by Clive Furnival and our fully recovered from. was known he should have had a trial sports man from the village was his Allen was discharged from the army for Stoke City, but unfortunately the brother Fredrick Allen Furnival, who in 1947 and went to live in the Bristol 2nd World War put an end to any hope was a member of the most successful area and worked in the Wills tobacco of that. Allen’s love for sport was also village team, who preferred to be factory. Whilst living in Bristol Allen shown when he went on to play cricket known as Allen. played football for a local football team for our local village team, Audley, on a Allen, seated 2nd from the right named Downend Rovers. During the number of occasions. Allen was a well bottom row in the photograph, was 1947-8 season Downend Rovers won known member of our parish and was born on the 7th June 1925 and began the Gloucestershire Junior Cup Final also one of our local window cleaners, his life in Foden Street Newcastle, near with Allen as a member of their team often seen pushing his cycle loaded to where the old Registry Office stood. and during the game Allen was spotted with buckets and ladders through The Furnival family moved on to live by a scout from the Bristol City Football our parish streets. In later life Allen in Leycett this was then followed by a Club and he was invited for trials continued to have health problems but move to Scot Hay and Wereton Audley. with the club. Allen was signed as a always came across as a gentle man It is known that as a young man Allen professional player and played just one so respected by all who knew him. enlisted in the army on the 17/7/1943 full season for Bristol City during 1948- Unfortunately he was diagnosed with and after his training period ended he 9. Little is known about what Allen did Motor Neurone Syndrome and was was placed with the Black Watch where until he returned to North Staffordshire admitted to the Bradwell Hospital where he stayed for about 8 months. In April and started to play for his local Wereton he passed away in 1997 after suffering 1944 Allen was then assigned to the Queens Park team in the early 1950s. from a stroke. For all those of us who Seaforth Highlanders for the rest of The crowning glory for Allen was, of remember Allen, he was such a gentle his army duties. During his time with course, the Staffordshire Cup win in warm man [email protected] Features 21

Sports Quiz

1. Which sport is called Toxophily? 2. Which city hosted the 2002 Winter Olympics? 3. What is the minimum amount of points that can win a frame of snooker? (Assuming the opponent does not concede early) 4. Which British sporting body has the initials B.S.J.A.? 5. Who was beaten by Muhammad Ali in the “Thriller in Manila” boxing match? 6. Which British sportsman was stripped of his OBE in 1988? 7. Which German city hosted the final of the 2006 Football World Cup? 8. Was David Gower a left or right handed batsman? 9. Which Rugby League team won the Challenge cup every year for the 1st half of the 90s? 10. In speedway racing, how many laps of the track does a race consist of? 11. In darts what do the letters PDC stand for? 12. Boxer Amir Khan comes from which town? PAINTER & DECORATOR QUALITY WORK AT AFFORDABLE PRICES Please turn to page 30 for the answers. Gary Ford. Tel: 01782 622402 Mob: 07928661030

Leddy’s Field our Parish walkers who use the area. Picture pairs of mallards have returned. shows visitors enjoying one of the new Soon there should be some ducklings. Wild Life Reserve. seating areas. Three seats have been This week the Ranger has seen a paid for by a generous grant from blackcap and a pair of chiff-chaffs. the Prime Foundation and have been The heron is around but very shy. placed where people can rest and see Other birds will be attracted by the 18 the pond and woodland scenery. One nesting boxes put in by the Bowmen. of the most rewarding ways to see The daffodils planted by the Audley the fox, heron and water birds is to sit Bowmen, the bluebells planted by quietly by the pond in the morning. The the Cubs are thriving and spreading. seats are also appreciated by parents Catkins have been an early treat. The whose children are playing on the first flush of green is showing on the way home from Ravensmead School trees rather later than usual and the via Leddy’s Field and Hall Street. The native cherry will be a creamy delight school has asked about nature visits soon. In late April the first sighting of and the rebuilt bridge, repaired paths tiny black balls of fluff on the water- The hardest winter for years and and new seats will facilitate their newly hatched moorhen chicks. Water now a bright spring-just what a wildlife adventures. The woodland is also hens are distinguished from moorhens reserve needs. The cold weather brighter and more accessible since the by their red beak with a yellow tip brought Canada geese, redwings and major tree management programme. and the coot’s beak and forehead are signs of badgers and foxes searching Indeed the Parish Council has spent a white. Feeding small amounts of bread for food. great deal of thought, time and money to water birds is OK but avoid leaving Also a chance for landscaping and on turning Leddy’s Field into the popular bread floating on the pond as it dirties restoring the infrastructure of drainage, exciting green space that local people the water. Leddy’s Field a quiet place paths and the bridge, all making better and visitors are increasingly enjoying. to relax and enjoy your local wildlife. access and conditions for the many Now the spring has come and the two Leddy’s Field Support Group. 22 Features Audley Community News

St James Church Every Friday morning from 10am until 12 noon we share refreshments in the Catch Phrase Quiz Mothers Union church hall, which includes a very good Who said the following catch phrases? second-hand book stall. We would so 1. Hello Playmates. look forward to you joining us, if you 2. You Lucky People. need any future details please contact 3. Just Like That. We wish to invite you to join us at our Annette at 721058. Mothers Union are 4. Wakey, Wakey. meetings on the 3rd Thursday of every planning a Mile Marathon on Saturday 5. Who Loves You Baby. month 7.15pm at St James Church 11th September to help raise funds 6. Say Good Night Gracie. Hall. Guest speakers for the next three for Literacy Development in various 7. Goodnight Children Everywhere. months are: African locations. Further details will be 9. Good Night John Boy. th published later. 17 June Sheree Green 10. Yabba Dabba Do. ‘Faith at Work’. 15th July Jean Warham. Answers can be found on page 30. 19th August Rev Peter Davies.

times by request to Ian Knight, our Trek to Tanzania St James Administrator by calling at the church Church, Audley Office or by telephone (01782 722146). Due to unforeseen circumstances We hope to make a booklet available my (Kate Mottram’s) Douglas Macmillan We want to make the church more shortly giving more information about charity trek to Tanzania has had to be accessible other than for services the interesting features of the church postponed from August 5th 2010 until and so it will be open each Thursday including some of its history. A visitors October 7th 2010. I would however and Friday (other than school book will be available for you to enter like to say an enormous thank you to holidays) between 10am and 3pm in any comments you wish to record all who have donated so far. the afternoon. We will put a notice and any suggestions you wish to There is currently a collection tin board outside on the church steps make. Entrance will only be available situated in both Audley Post Office to announce this. Most of the time, through the front door unless special and The Butcher’s Arms, Audley. there will be no one in attendance arrangements have been made. A Alternatively for more information at the church thus giving you the CCTV system is in operation both inside about the trek or to make a 100% freedom of looking around in your own and outside the church for protection. secure online donation please visit time. It will also be possible to have Trevor Carman – Church Maintenance the church opened for you at other Officer Many thanks! Kate Mottram [email protected] Food for thought 23

Orange Madeira Cake temperature water to the pan 170g/6ozs unsalted butter Ginger Beer and stir. Using a jug or a funnel, A little extra butter for greasing fill some large screw-cap plastic 170g/6ozs plain flour First you need to make a bottles approx seven-eighths full Plus extra flour for dusting ginger beer plant. In a large jar (you need to allow for expansion). 170g/6ozs granulated sugar with a screw top place 1 teaspoon Squeeze the air out of the bottles Grated zest of 3 oranges of dried yeast, 2 teaspoons of to prevent them from exploding Juice from 1 of the oranges ground ginger, 4 teaspoons under pressure, and screw on 4 eggs of sugar and 565ml/I pint of the lids. ¾tsp baking powder cold water. Stir then loosely Store the bottles in a safe place Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas replace the lid. Keep at room at room temperature and leave temperature. Every day, feed the 4. Grease a 1Kg/2lb loaf tin and dust for 3 to 4 weeks to brew. The with flour. Cream together the butter and plant with 2 teaspoons of ground sediment in the cloth should now ginger and 4 teaspoons of sugar, sugar together until light and creamy then be halved. You can discard one fold in the orange zest. Add 1 egg at a giving a good stir afterwards. half of the solid from the plant After a week, the plant will be time beating well. Add a little flour if the or give it to someone so they mixture starts to curdle. Fold in the flour, ready and you can make the may start their own plant. Place ginger beer. then the baking powder and orange juice. the remaining half in a clean jar Place into the prepared tin and level the To make the beer with 565ml/1 pint of water and surface. Place in the oven for approx. Place 1kg/2lb 3oz of sugar continue to feed as above. 50mins or until a skewer inserted comes and 1 litre/1¾ pints of boiling Many thanks to a resident of out clean. Allow to cool in the tin, then water in a large pan and stir until Wood Lane for this recipe. If turn out and cut into slices. the sugar has dissolved. Add you have any old family recipes the juice of 4 lemons. Strain the we would love to hear from contents of the ginger beer plant you. I’m sure many of you will from the jar through a fine cloth have watched on TV “The Hairy into the pan. Put the cloth with Bikers” in their quest for old the sediment to one side for now. recipes so let us do the same Add 7 litres/12 pints of room in Audley Parish. Marmalade Tea Loaf 140gm/5oz marmalade Sausage and 175gm/6oz butter Potato Salad 175gm/6oz light muscovada sugar 750g new potatoes 3 eggs beaten 8 sausages 225/8oz S.R. flour 1 thinly sliced red onion ½ teasp. baking powder Bunch of spring onions, chopped 2 teasp. ground ginger ½ cucumber, chopped 1 teasp. mixed spice 4 tomatoes 100gm/4 oz. Pecan nut halves 6 tblsp. Salad dressing Preheat the oven to 180C/ Gas Mark 4. Butter Chopped parsley. a 1kg/2lb loaf tin and line with greaseproof paper. Boil the potatoes until just tender and Set aside 1 tablespoon of the marmalade in a cook the sausages. Cut into bite sized small pan. In a mixing bowl blend the remaining pieces and allow to cool. Allow to cool marmalade, butter, sugar, eggs, flour, baking powder then place in a bowl. Add the thinly and spices for 1 to 2 minutes until smooth and light. sliced red onion, the tomatoes, spring Stir in three quarters of the pecan nuts. Place in the onions, and cucumber. Season well and prepared tin and smooth the top. Sprinkle with the add the dressing and mix well together, remaining nuts. Bake for approximately 1hour 15 Sprinkle over the chopped parsley. minutes until a skewer inserted comes out clean. If necessary cover with foil after approx. 40minutes if browning too much. Remove from tin and cool slightly on a rack. Gently heat the rest of the marmalade stirring until smooth and spread over the top of the warmed loaf. 24 Features Audley Community News Opening of the Children’s Room Audley Library.

Charlotte, a member of the Children’s Room staff, can be seen below enjoying herself with the toddlers Left to right: Carol, Elizabeth a member in the now completed room. of the Newcastle library staff, Janice and Amanda enjoying hand decoration and a chat at the Open Day

Saturday the 24th of April brought officer Rob Dolman and his PCSO • Advice on parenting, local childcare the opening day of the Audley Parish team members. options and access to specialist Sure Start Children’s Room. A new What is a Children’s Centre? services for families like speech extension has been recently built at the therapy, healthy eating advice or help rear of the library premises to house Children’s Centres are developed with money management. this much needed facility. On a sunny in line with the needs of the local • Help for you to find work or training Saturday morning the library was filled community so no two children’s centre opportunities, using links to local with mums & dads and their children to are a like. They provide a variety of Jobcentre Plus Offices and training see what wonderful facilities have now support and activities for parents and advisers. carers. Their services are available to been provided. There was a number Audley is fortunate to have the main of ongoing activities throughout the you from pregnancy right through to when your child goes into reception at Children’s Centre at Audley Library and morning, with a colouring competition a link site at Richard Heathcote Primary for the kids, creative play taster primary school. There is also a core set of services they must provide: school Alsagers Bank-in addition we sessions for the toddlers and mini have activities and information at movers with baby time, followed by • Child and family health services, satellite sites. reading for fun. Jewellery making, ranging from health visitors to breast For more details about the face and hand painting were there feeding support. Children’s Centre contact Julie Walker for everyone to participate in. Joining • Most centres offer high quality on 07814198549 and if you would like in the opening celebrations were childcare and early learning-those your details adding to their mailing list members of the Audley & District First that don’t can help advise on local please forward your information to Responders, Newcastle Borough Council childcare options. [email protected]. Re-cycling team and our local police [email protected] Features 25 Medieval Celebration comes to Audley

Audley Medieval Society re-enacted scenes to help our village to celebrate St George’s Day which may indeed have happened many years ago on land known as Castle Hill in the village near to the Audley & District Community Centre. The site used was where the Audley Motte (or castle) once stood. The society must be congratulated on the organisation of this excellent event. Visitors were treated to archery, War, Black Dog Molly Dancers, Squire the Best Dressed premises, which went birds of prey were on display, authentic training and more. to Conrad Mottrams Funeral Directors, dancing and re-enacting of scenes of Many months of preparation had of Church Street Audley who will be medieval mayhem. During the day’s gone into this event, which included a presented with a scroll of honour. entertainment we were treated to Tug of competition throughout the parish forVinyl ExchangeWhat a great day out for the village.

Potteries Buildings Potteries Buildings Supplies LTD Supplies LTD

Building materials Your local Sand/gravel/decorative gravels MOT/topsoil Calor Gas supplier Bark chippings Portable heaters Sleeper Roofing Patio heaters Drainage Landscaping BBQs Timber Insulation Caravans Plaster board Forklift trucks 01782 562222 01782 562222 [email protected] Turner Crescent, off Loomer Road Chesterton, Turner Crescent, off Loomer Road Chesterton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs, ST5 7JZ Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs, ST5 7JZ 26 Features Audley Community News

The Community First Responder What do we get paid? What do scheme has been running for over The simple answer is nothing! All five years of which I have seen four of responders are volunteers. We give up them since I qualified. The scheme our time to train, retrain and continually our First was for rural areas where it takes up date our skills as well as responding the ambulance service that little to the emergency calls we get. Responders longer to reach. We were initially with Staffordshire Ambulance Service which Who Funds the scheme? developed their responder schemes We rely on donations from the do? with further abilities. We are now under community we support for all our West Midlands Ambulance service and costs and always vowed never to raise continue to maintain and advance the more than we need. The ambulance skills taught. service provide the training and So What do we do? replenishable items we use, including communications. We answer “ 999 “ calls received by the ambulance control. These calls If you wish to Join , help or require are given to the appropriate responder further information please contact me It has been a while since a on call and ambulance staff. We each on 01782 723393 or 07962265868. description has been written of what are at different skill levels and only Paul Sargent Coordinator we do as first responders and I have calls relating to our skill levels will be been asked since my last article to what given (an ambulance crew will also be degree we are trained? dispatched to the call).

COUNCILLORS ADVICE SURGERIES COUNTY COUNCILLOR AUDLEY PARISH Jo Jo’s DYLIS CORNES COUNCIL Tel. (01782) 720289 VICE CHAIR Dog grooming service with the personal touch. dylis.cornes@newcastle- BERT PROCTOR Give your dog the care it needs. Tel. 07900166169

BOROUGH COUNCILLOR Please contact one of the IAN WILKES above persons for any information regarding Tel. (01782) 722343 Council matters.

Tree Surgery Service

(N.P.T.C. Qualified)

Pruning / Felling (Large or Small trees) Conifer hedges topped/ Hedge cutting specialist. General Garden Maintenance Tel: 01782 721735 For FREE quotations call: James Speed 357 Heathcote, Halmerend, SOT, Staffs, ST7 8BH Mobile: 07747 030858 or 01630 647619 Many years experience. [email protected] Features 27 Service in The Swan Inn the Community Chapel Street Bignall End The Rotary Club of Audley would like to recognise individuals in our area that work selflessly for the benefit of the people 6 Real Ales & 4 Traditional Ciders in our community. We are looking to present ‘Service Above Self’ awards to individuals who make a difference to lives, Monday 5pm to 8pm eat for less without looking for recognition or reward. It may be someone who is well known in the area, or someone who few know than a “£1” ‘It’s a Bargain’ but works tirelessly in the background. Maybe a member of a local organisation, or simply someone who is always there Meal and a Pint or equivalent for for people. If you think that there is someone who deserves £3.50. recognition, please complete a nomination form, enclosed in this addition of the ‘Audley Community News’ and leave it in the box at Audley Library. Forms can also be downloaded Monday from our website: Open the Box Stashed with Cash audleyrotaryclub/downloads May be in excess of £300 to Win. Your hosts Sarah & Carl Audley Methodist Church. On Friday the 2nd of April the Audley Methodist Church Recently undergone refurbishment held its annual Easter Service, on the car park between Co-op Store and the new Tesco store Church Tel: 01782 720622

Locality Action Partnership have to be recruited as members and the getting more people through & Audley Rural Parish members will vote for governors. diagnostic areas. Council Public Meeting The hospital have 600,000 patients In answer to a question on what per year through the hospital and weaknesses there are still at the hospital & Consultation. 300,000 through A & E, therefore they it was stated that A&E still need further must get the basics right from the start, improvements. There are a large number This was the second public meeting and learn from other people’s experiences of people through every day. Average is for residents of the Parish to ask question and mistakes. high with 407 in one day this winter, but on matters of concern to themselves, The floor was then opened the surges in number make it very difficult held in the Audley Pensioners Hall on the for questions: to cater for. Another area is parking and 11th March 2010. The main focus of The first concern expressed was the building of new premises add to this, this meeting was for people to find how the cost of Foundation Trust affecting which led to questions about disabled the possible transfer of the local Hospital patient’s treatment and care, but it was parking with the explanation that there to a Foundation Status would affect them. explained that the hospital is paid a have been meetings with disabled groups Andrea Green from the hospital national tariff rate per person treated, to discuss the problem. One lady gave attended and representatives from the that Foundation Trust would not impact the hospital a compliment in respect of Police Staffordshire County Highways finances. There were concerns expressed the hearing service she had dealings with and the Fire Service and residents from about the situation at A & E, with the recently, saying “so someone has made the Parish. answer being that there has been a great a difference for good.” Some personal In opening Andrea Green stated deal of improvements over the last year issues were to be taken up outside of that the hospital should be working and part of this is that Cancer patients the meeting. Non Health issues raised. on a single site by 2013/14. The now do not have to go through the A & E, Complaints about bins blocking footpaths main objectives are – accountability – but directly into the correct environment. on bin day and illegal parking of footpaths transparency and above all that it is vital Concern expressed also about the and problems that arose through the to listen to the public, not just patients. If speed of test results, the reply was that severe winter we have had this year, Foundation Status is achieved people will there have been great improvements in also the legacy of potholes. 28 Audley Parish Forthcoming & Past Events Audley Community News

In 2009/10 we are making a big push coming up with ideas. A project leader towards eradicating the remaining and deputies were elected to carry the The Rotary 1%. To help raise funds and - just campaign forward. Dressing Down Day, as importantly - raise awareness, we a poster competition and a concert were have embarked on a ‘Thanks For Life’ discussed and it has been confirmed that Club of campaign. In Audley and the surrounding the school will devote a day this term to area, we have been working with the local this, with the proceeds being donated Audley schools to make children aware of the to the polio eradication campaign. On immunization campaign. March 11th we visited Sir John Offley When children are immunized, their Primary School in Madeley to meet with ‘pinkie’ finger is painted purple to the school council. The council is made distinguish who has been immunized. up from children in each age group in This has formed the basis of symbolic the school and they decide which charity events in some of the schools, as well as they will support during the school year. other initiatives. The Rotary Club were The school has three church services a invited to speak with staff and students at year and the collections are given to the 5 schools in our area and each response school to pass on to their chosen charity. has been different. On February 26th The school council voted unanimously Rotary made a commitment we visited our first school, The Meadows to give the collection from the Easter to immunize the world’s children Primary School in Madeley, who invited Service to the campaign. Also, on March against polio in 1985 and became a us to their school assembly. Posters, 11th, we visited Sir Richard Heathcote spearheading partner in the Global leaflets and stickers were handed out primary School in Alsager’s Bank and Polio Eradication Initiative three years and polio was explained to them, followed performed “Purple Pinkies” on a pre later. The other partners are the World by a ‘Thanks for Life’ DVD. The school school playgroup and in five different Health Organisation, the U.S. Centres children are completing a project on classes. This raised over £60 for the for Disease Control and Prevention and India so they were particularly interested Polio eradication programme.. We visited UNICEF. Rotary’s primary responsibilities in the work in this country. The school Crackley Bank Primary School on 23rd include fundraising, advocacy and has circulated information to the parents April and ran a ‘Purple Pinkie’ day and volunteer recruitment. To date, Rotary with a view to the school performing the school raised £84. Everywhere that has already contributed more than $800 its own “Purple Pinkie Day” with the we visited we were impressed by the million to the polio eradication effort. children being asked to bring along 50p children’s enthusiasm to help and the Thanks to Rotary and its partners, the to raise money for the immunization club would like to thank pupils, staff and number of polio cases has been slashed programme. The school has already parents for their support. by more than 99%, preventing five raised over £70 with an ‘own clothes’ Rotary Contacts Public Relations: million instances of childhood paralysis day. On March 3rd we were invited to Neil Ginnis (01782 721483 neilginnis@ and 250,000 deaths. At the start of our meet with part of the school parliament Secretary: David Royle work, polio infected more than 350,000 at Madeley High School. We met with (01270 764201 [email protected]) children annually. In 2008, fewer than cabinet members from years 7 & 8 who Website: 2,000 cases were reported worldwide. were very enthusiastic and were soon audleyrotaryclub

Quiz nights MONDAYS 9pm Fishy Friday FREE entry, FREE drinks to the Winner Selection of fish dishes served Plough Inn Team of 4 Maximum on Fridays. CAMRA Pub Of the Month April 2010 Monday Specials Tea-Time Specials Tues to Opening times: “BUY ONE GET ONE Free” Fri ( 2 for £9.95 selected menu ) selected menu. Bottle Deal for (3) Mon to Mon 5pm-11pm / Tues to Sat 12noon £6 Thursday. -11pm / Sun 12noon -10.30pm Steak night 2 Steaks + a Bottle of Wine £20.00 Food times 2 Ravens Lane Bignall End Sot WINE WEDNESDAY Mon 5pm - 9pm /Tues to Sat ST7 8PS For all your bookings Buy 2 large glasses of wine 12pm -9pm /Sun 12 noon -4pm. contact Julie on 01782 720469 get rest of bottle FREE [email protected] Audley Parish Forthcoming & Past Events 29

C.A.R.A Audley Cricket Club Audley Cricket Club would like to acknowledge the support of the local businesses for sponsoring the Fun Day/Open Day 2010 Junior Fun Run and Activities. Many thanks for making it a success. The Children of Audley Residents Association Invites HAIRWAYS ALANTECH COMPUTERS everyone to attend our annual FUN DAY & Opening AUDLEY BUILDERS BODY ARMOUR Day celebrations. MERCHANTS AUDLEY COUNTRY MEATS ORIENTAL CHEF SAFEX Sat July 10th 2010 From 12noon to 4pm EBONY & IVORY BARGAIN BOOZE SCRAGG & LUNT THE BUTCHERS ARMS The Year of 2009/2010 has been a very good year AUDLEY NEWS ROYAL BALTI for C.A.R.A with our successful bid for a grant from WOOFS & WHINNIES CO-OPERATIVE the County Council Playbuilder Scheme. Why not HEADMASTERS OF TESCO EXPRESS come along and help us celebrate our success?. Why AUDLEY HORSLEYS not bring your friends and family for an afternoon of Fun AUDLEY BARBERS AUDLEY POST OFFICE and support the local children? Refreshments will be available. Fun and games for all the kids to play. Raffles and Bric a Brac stalls. Car Boot pitches / Stalls £6 on the day or £5 pre booked. For more details contact: Plant Sale & Toni 01782 722000 or 07796052355 Coffee Morning Saturday 12th June 10a.m. ~ 12 noon Held in aid of Audley Library THE MILLENNIUM GREEN TRUST At Honeysuckle Cottage, Hall Street Audley, Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 8DB. Wereton Road, Audley Tel: 01782 720527 (Gasworks Bank). MON 2.00 -7.00 TUE 9.00-1.00 2.00-5.00 WED CLOSED THU 9.00-1.00 2.00-5.00 Audley New Health Centre FRI 2.00-5.00 Church Street Audley SAT 9.30-1.00 New Opening Times Monday 8.00 am to 6.30 pm 24 Hour information Tuesday 8.00 am to 8.00 pm Reservation & Renewal Wednesday 8.00 a m to 6.30 pm Thursday 8.00 am to 8.00 pm 0845 330 0740 Friday 8.00 am to 6.30 pm Surgery Telephone Number (01782) 276999 (Prescription Enquiries (01782) 276960) Membership is Free. (NHS Direct 0845 46 47 Available 24 Hours)

Children’s Easter Egg competition Winners Please give us your details for future From issue 27. Congratulations go to: Kimberley / issues to promote your events. Sarah / Jack / Bradley / Aaron / Clayton. Thanks to all the entries. [email protected] 30 Features Audley Community News

Dear Readers, As some of you may remember from previous editions, I used to advertise a clothing alteration and repair service as “The Perfect Fit”. After having a break from work to spend more time with my children I have now re-started my business and love being back in touch with the friendly people of Audley. I have lived in Audley since 1999 after having moved around the UK a bit with my husband’s work. As a family we really enjoy living in Audley. We have some great neighbours and friends, and love what Audley has to offer. My boys have recently joined the climbing club at Peak Pursuits and love it. Farm is the best place to be. Opening hours: “The Perfect Fit” is now open at Studio There are a wide range of businesses Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10, Townhouse Farm, Alsager Road, here including Townhouse Brewery, 9am - 3pm, 3.30pm - 5pm Audley. Not only am I offering clothing Staffordshire Customer Rifles and alterations and repairs, but I am now Wednesday & Saturday The Stove Emporium. If you need any 9am - 12noon also selling gifts and crafts, some of alterations and repairs or something which are made by local crafts people, a little bit different for a special gift, To contact me call 07788494262 including myself. I want to stay local please drop in and have a look around. Best wishes Joanne. for the local community and Townhouse Hope to see you soon.

GK MOTORSPORT Answers to the Sports

Auto welding specialist. Quiz from Page 21 Brakes, clutches, Tuning for 1. Archery most makes and models. 2. Salt Lake City, Utah, 7. Berlin MOT failures free USA 8. Left estimates. 3. 22 9. Wigan 4. The British Show 10. 4 Pre MOT inspection. Jumping Association 11. Professional Darts Chester Road Audley SOT 5. Joe Frazier Council Tel: 01782 721292 Mobile: 07771 533944 6. Lester Piggott 12. Bolton Need a Handyman? Call Anthony for those jobs you never get around to.


A.S. Handyman Services. 30 Wood Street, Bignall End, Stoke-on-Trent. Tel: 01782 721387 Mobile: 07952 165133. [email protected] Features 31 ABBA Tribute Band

A group of local performers from around the parish are now wowing their audiences with all the old famous ABBA hits from the past. The group were inspired by the film Mamma Mia and City an ABBA tribute band. They have about where they are performing by local couple Sarah Mullock (who plays gone on to perform their stage show following them on Facebook or on their Frida) from Miles Green and Barrie at many venues across Staffordshire website at: www.summernightscity. Sayers (who plays Bjorn) from Bignall and Cheshire. With stunning costume They are available for End, joined forces with Anna B (who changes and amazing lighting effects, private parties, corporate events, plays Agnetha) and Ashley Steadman the show includes many of ABBA’s pubs and clubs, for more information (who plays Benny) together with Chris greatest hits and some of the lesser either call: 07543411860 or email Mullock as their sound engineer. The known songs. Their next appearance [email protected]. group were only formed in 2009 and will be at Audley Workingmen’s club on have now become Summer Nights the 29th May, but you can find out more

Occasions william riley & sons ltd. Seedsmen - ironmongers - hardware - agricultural & horticultural merchants


Key cutting service while you wait. Ironmongers. Post Office...Euro in stock. Widest range of greetings cards & gifts in Greetings cards and stationery. the area‘Audley thru Time’ book on sale here! Garden seeds/grass seeds and fertilizer. Extended range of magazines. Confectionery Wire netting and electric fencing. Calor gas...and more. Dry Cleaning. Stationery. Lottery

78 Church Street Audley ST7 8DA Tel: 01782 720212 fax: 01782 722089 Tel: 01782 720323 Web: email: [email protected] HORSLEYS Horticultural & Domestic Hardware Best value locally. Daily papers - Magazines - Sweets - Chocolate - Household needs

Quality wines and spirits at bargain prices. Rent a DVD for £2.99 or 2 for £5 per night / 20 new releases every month. Need to send a fax or have At Horsleys, you’ll find just about something laminated? everything you could possibly We are agents for DRY CLEANING. need all under one roof. Paint, wood, glass, nails, adhesives, fishing tackle, pet food even horse feed - the list goes on and on. Basically everything apart from a kitchen sink, although we do sell plugs. Drop by and take a look for yourself.

Pea &Bean seeds in stock. bedding plants Hanging baskets FOOD re-cycle bags NOW available FREE LOCAL DELIVERY

63 Church Street, Audley. Tel: 01782 720507 21 Ravens Lane, Bignall End. Telephone 01782 729113 MILES GREEN GARAGE For All Occasions MOT Testing station Florist Card and Gift Shop Specialists in funeral flowers For that something special why not try us for flowers, chocolates, gifts, toys and a wide selection of greeting cards. We have something for all occasions. Don’t forget Fathers Day 20th June

From an MOT, a service, a repair and anything in between, Miles Green will take care of it. We can also sort out your tyres and exhausts. We also offer a free collection and drop off service and in an emergency you can give us a call 07780 505191. Call Craig and we’ll take care of your vehicle. Tel: 01782 720333


HEATHCOTE ROAD, MILES GREEN. 80A Church Street Audley. Telephone: 01782 720060 Mon-Fri 8am-5.30 I Sat 8am-12.30noon [email protected] FREE LOCAL DELIVERY