UKRAINIAN NATIONAL SHRINE OF THE 4250 Harewood Road NE Washington, DC 20017 Phone: 202-526-3737 Fax: 202-526-1327 E-mail: [email protected] Webpage: IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY PLEASE CALL: 202-262-5040 Pastoral Care entrusted to: Father Robert Hitchens Father Wasyl Kharuk Theophil Staruch Most Reverend , Auxiliary of Philadelphia - in residence Sunday – June 7, 2015 Слава Ісусу Христу – Слава на віки Glory to Jesus Christ – Glory to Him Forever

Sunday June 7 9:00 a.m. (For the ) 11:30 a.m. (+Wasyl Gerula from Orysia Dackiw) Tuesday June 9 At Parish 9:00 a.m. (+Irene O Bura from Family) Wednesday June 10 At Parish 9:00 a.m. (+Michael Fedak and Ann Zinowski from the Fedack Family) Thursday June 11 At Parish 9:00 a.m. (Living and Deceased of the Nagurney-Medwid Family from Irene) Friday June 12 At Parish 9:00 a.m. (In Reparation for the Sins of the World from J. Chabot) Sunday June 14 9:00 a.m. (+Anna Haberchak from the Fedack Family) 11:30 a.m. (For the Parish)

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR CHOIR Our Choir deserves much praise for their great accomplishment last Sunday as they sung and prayed the Hurko Divine Liturgy. We are very blessed to have such a dedicated group of faithful people who desire to use their talents for the glorification of God. Mnohaya Lita! SUMMER CHOIR SCHEDULE - AND INVITATION (NO AUDITIONS, EVER - JUST COME SING!)

Have you found yourself listening to the church choir, daydreaming of joining in? In the summer, the choir convenes once each month - a great time to come test drive the choir for yourself! Only a desire to sing is required: Some choristers read music well, others not at all. Some sing every day, others have not sung in decades. Some grew up with Ukrainian liturgical music, others are hearing it for the very first time. There are no auditions, and never will be - come and grab one of the choral binders to sing, hum, or just tap your foot in rhythm - come and see, if the choir is right for you. If it is, you'll then also know that you are just right for the choir. Come sing! During its summer hiatus, the choir will rehearse and sing a choral liturgy once each month:14 June - 10:15 rehearsal, 11:30 liturgy, 12 July- 9:00 liturgy, 10:15 rehearsal, 2 Aug 10:15 rehearsal, 11:30 liturgy. Near the end of summer, weekly rehearsals will resume 30 August; bi- weekly choral services will resume 6 September.

DEACON ORDINATION FOR 2015 – DEACON JOSEPH MATLAK - AXIOS-AXIOS-AXIOS St. Josaphat Seminary is happy to announce: Subdeacon Joseph Matlak will be ordained a deacon today at St. John the Baptist Ukrainian in Pittsburgh, PA, by Bishop Bohdan Danylo for the of St. Josaphat. Mnohaya Lita! Should you wish to congratulate Deacon Joseph and his wife Katie, their address is: 245 Lincoln Avenue Apt 604 Pittsburgh, PA 15202.

GETTING MARRIED IN 2016 OR 2017? If you are considering getting married at our parish in 2016 or 2017; please contact the priests.

GRADUATION SEASON IS UPON US – PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU ARE GRADUATING Please let us know of our PARISHIONERS who are graduating this spring from high school, college, or graduate school. We would like to honor all of them at the 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy on Sunday, June 14. Please let us know by sending us a note or emailing us the information. So far our list includes - High School: Christina Curtis University: Mary Dzwonchyk MS (Catholic University), Frank Miller MS (Georgetown), Andrea Hetmansky BS (St. Francis)

GRAVE BLESSINGS AT CEDAR HILL TODAY JUNE 7 AT 2:00 P.M. Grave Blessings will take place TODAY, June 7 at Cedar Hill. We will gather at the Main Cross for a Panachyda Service and then bless the Fr. Joseph Denischuk tombstone. Following this, we will bless individual graves of those families present. Rain or Shine.

PRAYER LIST OF THE SICK OR AGED Our prayer list of the sick or elderly and friends of our parish: Robin Ann Barrisch, Charles Belanger, Barbara Blendy, Bluey Family, Mary B.H., John Butler, Theodore Caryk, Rostyslav Chomiak, Mary Dutkewych, Solomia Dutkewych, Bernard F, Theodore Fedak, John Fedkiw, Nancy Fisanich, Jacqueline Harrell, Steve Henshaw, Catherine Hetmansky, Julia Hetmansky, Walter Hetmansky, Daniel Horeczko, Tyler Jeffries, Anne S Kerda, Michele Pretka Litvar, Mufada and Family, John Moeller, Nadia O’Shea, Fr. Ruslan Romaniuk, Margaret Mary Burger Rose, Roman Rusynko, Lisa Schaible, Deacon Charles Schultz, Christopher Sell, Lindsey Sydnor, Lisa Pretka Turner, and Tamra Ward. If you know of someone who should be on this list, please email or call with the name of the individual. Our intercessory prayer for the sick and the aged is truly helpful and comforting. In your Christian Charity, kindly remember our sick parishioners in your prayers and perhaps a card or note.

FUTURE EVENTS Graduates Honored – Sunday, June 14, 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy The World Meeting of Families will be held in Philadelphia Monday, September 21 through Friday, September 25, 2015. The Visit of Francis is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, September 26 and 27. Registration for the World Meetings of Families is happening right now. Everyone can register by going to a specially dedicated website . Additional information about upcoming events is also available.

УКРАЇНCЬКИЙ КАТОЛИЦЬКИЙ КРАЙОВИЙ СОБОР ПРEСВЯТОЇ РОДИНИ 4250 Harewood Road NE Washington, DC 20017 Phone: 202-526-3737 Fax: 202-526-1327 Email: [email protected] Webpage: IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY PLEASE CALL: 202-262-5040 Духовна Опіка під зарядом отців: Father Robert Hitchens Father Wasyl Kharuk Deacon Theophil Staruch Most Reverend John Bura, Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia - in residence неділя – 7 червня 2015

Слава Ісусу Христу – Слава на віки Glory to Jesus Christ – Glory to Him Forever

Неділя 7 червня 9:00 ранку (For the Parish) 11:30 ранку (+Wasyl Gerula from Orysia Dackiw) Вівторок 9 червня в парохії 9:00 ранку (+Irene O Bura from Family) Середа 10 червня в парохії 9:00 ранку (+Michael Fedak and Ann Zinowski from the Fedack Family) Четвер 11червня в парохії 9:00 ранку (Living and Deceased of the Nagurney-Medwid Family from Irene) П’ятниця 12 червня в парохії 9:00 ранку (In Reparation for the Sins of the World from J. Chabot) Неділя 14 червня 9:00 ранку (+Anna Haberchak from the Fedack Family) 11:30 ранку (For the Parish)

ПЕРЕД НАМИ СЕЗОН ВИПУСКНИКІВ–ПРОШУ ПОВІДОМІТЬ НАС, ЯКЩО У ВАШІЙ РОДИНІ Є СТУДЕНТИ- ВИПУСКНИКИ. Прошу повідоміть нас, якщо хтось з наших парохіян закінчує своє навчання. Ми хотіли б їх привітати на св. Літургії в неділю 14го червня в год. 9:00 ранку.

ВІДПРАВИ НА ГРОБАХ В CЬОГОДНІ 7 ГО ЧЕРВНЯ Відправи на гробах в неділю 7 го червня на цвинтарі Cedar Hill Cemetery в годині 2:00 по обіді.

ВІНЧАННЯ В 2016 АБО 2017? Якщо Ви бажаєте повінчатись в 2016 або 2017 році, будь ласка зв’яжіться з нашими священиками якнайшвидше.

СПИСОК МОЛИТОВ ЗА ХВОРИХ НАШОЇ ПАРОХІЇ І ПРИЯТЕЛІВ Robin Ann Barrisch, Charles Belanger, Barbara Blendy, Bluey Family, Mary B.H., John Butler, Theodore Caryk, Rostyslav Chomiak, Mary Dutkewych, Solomia Dutkewych, Bernard F, Theodore Fedak, John Fedkiw, Nancy Fisanich, Jacqueline Harrell, Steve Henshaw, Catherine Hetmansky, Julia Hetmansky, Walter Hetmansky, Daniel Horeczko, Tyler Jeffries, Anne S Kerda, Michele Pretka Litvar, Mufada and Family, John Moeller, Nadia O’Shea, Fr. Ruslan Romaniuk, Margaret Mary Burger Rose, Roman Rusynko, Lisa Schaible, Deacon Charles Schultz, Christopher Sell, Lindsey Sydnor, Lisa Pretka Turner, and Tamra Ward. Якщо Ви знаєте когось, хто пoвинен бути на цьому списку, прошу повідомити нас. Наші молитви за хворих парохіян є дуxoвно помічні. У Вашій християнській ласкавості просимо згадати про наших хворих у своїх молитвах і листовних вітаннях.

FUTURE EVENTS Graduates Honored – Sunday, June 14, 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy The World Meeting of Families will be held in Philadelphia Monday, September 21 through Friday, September 25, 2015. The Visit of is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, September 26 and 27. Registration for the World Meetings of Families is happening right now. Everyone can register by going to a specially dedicated website . Additional information about upcoming events is also available.

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR CHOIR Our Choir deserves much praise for their great accomplishment last Sunday as they sung and prayed the Hurko Divine Liturgy. We are very blessed to have such a dedicated group of faithful people who desire to use their talents for the glorification of God. Mnohaya Lita!

SUMMER CHOIR SCHEDULE - AND INVITATION (NO AUDITIONS, EVER - JUST COME SING!) Have you found yourself listening to the church choir, daydreaming of joining in? In the summer, the choir convenes once each month - a great time to come test drive the choir for yourself! Only a desire to sing is required: Some choristers read music well, others not at all. Some sing every day, others have not sung in decades. Some grew up with Ukrainian liturgical music, others are hearing it for the very first time. There are no auditions, and never will be - come and grab one of the choral binders to sing, hum, or just tap your foot in rhythm - come and see, if the choir is right for you. If it is, you'll then also know that you are just right for the choir. Come sing! During its summer hiatus, the choir will rehearse and sing a choral liturgy once each month:14 June - 10:15 rehearsal, 11:30 liturgy, 12 July- 9:00 liturgy, 10:15 rehearsal, 2 Aug 10:15 rehearsal, 11:30 liturgy. Near the end of summer, weekly rehearsals will resume 30 August; bi- weekly choral services will resume 6 September.