• 284: CREWE GREEN. . (KELLY'S and held since 1893 by the Rev. Henry Ireland Dlackburne Parish Clerk, William Waddington. U.A. of Brasenose College, Oxford, and hon. canon of Letters through Grewe. Wall Letter Box, at Church, Chester. The vicarage house was erected in 188g by cleared IO.IO a.m. & 7.15 p.m. Poit Letter Box, Crewe Hungerford, third Baron Crewe. The Earl of Crewe P.C. road, cleared 10 a.m. & 7.25 p.m. Crewe, I mile dis- is lord of the manor and sole landowner. The soil is sDnd tant, is the neDre~t money order & telegraph office and clay; subsoil, very wet. The land in this neighbour- Xational School (mixed), built by Hungerford, third hood is principally in pasture. The area of Crewe town- Baron Crewe, in r882, for qo boys & girls; average Bhip is 1,964 acres of rand and 6g water; rateable value, attendance, go; & is suppQrted by the Earl of Crewe; £r3,815; the population in 1901 was 400. William Waddington, master FRIV.\TE RESIDENTS. Green Samuel, cowkeeper Smith "\Villiam, stud groom to the .Alien John West, Ba.rthomley road Hartley Peter Pendlebury, farmer, Earl of Crewe .Blackburne Rev. Canon Henry Ire- Park farm, Weston road Stringer John, farmer & assistant over- 1an d ,_u.~.-...· • ( v1car,· h on. canon o f Hilditcb Tbos. miller, Mill hou5e seer, Arnicia t€nementJ Ohester), Vicarage Humphries James, farm bailiff to the Thornhill Mary (Mrs.), farmer Buchan James Earl of Crewe, Home farm Thornhill William, farmer, Bank fro

1MoCra.cken ·william, Englesea house Jenners Benjllmin, stud groom to the Vaughan Alfred Ellis L.R.O.P. & S. Smith William, Rose cottage Earl of Crewe 'Edin., L.F.P. & S.Glas. physician & Vaughan Alfred Ellis, Crewe cott-age Knott John, farmer, Bridge farm surgoon & medical officer & public McCracken William, estate agent to vaccinator, Haslington district,Nant- COMMKRCIAL the Earl of Crewe, Englesea house wich union, Crewe cottage Bootili Richard, farmer, Field"s farm Micklewright Margaret (Mrs.), tern- Waddingtun William, school mas-ter Cliff Thomas, farmer, Crewe gates perance hotel, Crewe Green road & parish c-lerk Dunkley Benjarnin, carpenter to the Oulton John, fanner, Smitih's green 'Wettenhall William, gardener to the 'Earl of Crewe, Lime Tree cottage Price Thomas Hy. frmr. Clapfl"at-es fm Rev. Canon H. I. Blackburne M ..i Fenna Henry, gardener to the Earl of Richards William, frmr. Model farm Whittaker Lizzie (Mrs.), frmr.Bank fro Orewe [Slinn George, gamekeeper to the Earl Wilkinson John, farmer, Toll Gate fro Glenister George, stn. mstr. Crewe rd of Crewe CROUGHTON is a township in the parish of St. owners. The soil is clay; subsoil, sand. The chief crops Oswald, Chester city, on the Shrop!>hire Union canal, are wheat and oats' and .some land in pasturage. The 2! mile-s north-east !"rom Mollingt-on station on the London area is 28r acres; rateable value, £515; the population • and Norfth Western and Great Western joint railway, lD 1901 WllJS 29. d north-east from Chester, in the Wirral division of the county, higher division of the hundred of Wirral, Chester Letters through Chester, delivered 8 a.m.; dispatched nnion and county court district and petty sessional · 5.20 p.m.; sundays, u.r5 a.m. The nearest money division of Chester Castle. The trustees of the late order & telegraph offic~ is at Upton, about 2~ miles Robert Aston esq. are lords of the manor and chief land- . distant J one~ Eliza (Mrs.), f:umer I N evitt George, farmer [ Lightfoot Samuel, farmer CROWTON is a. township and scattered village, formed Crowton House, a mansion of brick, close to the church, April, 23, 1872, as a consolidated chapelry out of Crowton is now the vicarage house, being the property of the 1md Onston townships in Weaverham, and a detached Ecclesia.stical Commissioners. Rufe Oswald Leycester esq. part of Norley St. John: it iSt r mil~ west from .A.cton of Toft, and Hugh Edward 'Wilibraham esq. of Delamere Bridge station on the London and North Western railway, House, Cudding-ton, are joint lords af the manor and chief 2 miles west from Weaverham and 6 from Northwich, in landowners. The soil is heavy; subsoil, clay. The land the Eddisbury division of the county, hundred and petty is principally in pasture; the chief crops are wheat, oats osessional division of Eddisbury, union and county court and potatoes. The area of the township is 1,738 acres; district Gf Northwich, rural deanery of Middlewich and rateable value, [3,584; t'he .IXJpulation in 1901 wa.s 479· archdeaconry and of Chester. The Hiver Weaver Post Office, Crowton.-Mrs. Fanny Bellringer, sub-post. come~ up to this place. Christ Church, erected and con- mistress. Letters arrive at 8. 45 a.m. through North- -secrated IB71, :is an edifice of red sandstone in the Early wich via Weaverh>am; dispatched at 6 p.m. Postal English style, from designs by th~ l~te John L. Pearson orders are issued here, but not .paid. .A.cton is the esq. R.A., F.S.A. Gf LJndon, cons1stmg of chancel, nave, nearest IIWney order office & Norley the nearest tele- no_rt_h transept, south porch, an~ ~western bell _g-able con- 1 graph office, 2 miles distant tammg 3 bells: there are 24-B s1ttmgs. The register dates , h ( · d) b "It · f h "Id a from the year 1871. The living is a vicarage, net yearly · 8 c ~1 dmixe • u~ m 1 rJ~·8 or 200 t c 1 ren; aver ge value, £194, derived frGm .th~ EcolesiaSII:ical Commis- a n ance, 95 ; ame.s nver, mas er sioners, with residence, in the gift of the vicar of Weaver- ONSTON, a small village, a. mile and a hall west ham, and held since r8g5, by the Rev. Joseph Francis from Weaverham, was. annexed to Crowton in 1892 by 1'helps. There is a small Primitive Methodist chapel the County Council, confirmed by Local Governmen' here, en~oted in 1840, with a Sunday school attached. Board Order No. 28,045· • Phelps Rev.JosephFrancis, Vicarage ho Haddock John. farmer Minshall Ralph, farmer Tomlinson John Hayes John, blacksmith Moret

DARE S:BURY is a village and parochial chapelry, name of the "White Chapel of England," W!l.!l the sub­ • .constituted 27 Feb. 188o, with a station in Moo re town- j ect of some of the remarkable prediction11 of William ship, on the London and North Western and Great Wes- or Robert Nixon, an iNiternte and half-wittro t&n joint railway, and i,s on the road from Chester to "prophet," said to have lived in the Teign of Warrington, 4~ miles south-west from Warrington and Edward IV. and believed to have been a native of OvN; 5! north-east from Frodsham, in the division his prophecies, which are adopted by Fielding, in his ()of the county, hundred of Bucklow, petty sessional divi- "Tom J ones," and alS

.a. C'ha•pel .or ohancel at the east end of the south aisle, 1 Gf Byrom, and Cooke, of Moore, and to the Rev. Joseph rebuilt by the lord of the manor in 1773, nilrth and south I Blackburn, 32 years incumbent here, d. 20 June, 1787; porches, and an emoottled western tower with pyramidal and a fine monument of whi.te marble. with s~·mbolical roc>f, conta.ining a clock and 6 bells : this church, under t.he figures by John Gibson R. A. to Sarah, wife of Henry