UCSD Library Handeville Department of Special Collections

RECORD OF MATERIALS REMOVED FROM THIS FILE • TUCSON, , The materials described below have been removed from this file ~ARD op Dn,&CTOR• and placed in a different file in this K. &.. HART. ,..... l collection. 0. M. IUTLU.Jat y, PNI. 8ARAIIOC. MALTYIOMO H. A. DRACHMAN. U Y. flret J. L 'WOODI. T....uttr MEDICAL A. DC. o. I. lkfiHIRIOif, IMrttetJ PU8UC UTIUTIU Collection I ~ 0 r ~~"t-<1-#-(;- ,:.:; e' - H s :s J> I 0.1.11011 Oflbl •• AIIOC. L.C..IAIIU AIIOCIATID IWIU fl,tt.LUOAI 8UILDERI QCHA._ Box I HICOMITT MOTOR TJIW)U AII DCo fi,I.HOWIU COUIITY F'AMI 8UREAU R.RAIIfi-N R&TAIL IIERCHAJITI' AllOt'. Folder__ ~'-1~-----­ W.O. HODGION Allat. AIIOC. CW UICII•" H8 ILIAI HID RICK .raq,. MF'R&. WKLM. AAOC. J.A.DUIIUATH Description of DR. W, Y, WHITIIIORE Oot. 14, 1921. materials: 11 "- L Q..c r<... f'«J F= ..s P! IJ t.J & !f J c c= ttl 1 GJI d , F . /1e-:: TA y ur. D. C. Rhodes, Field Engineer, Automobile Club of So. Calif., 1344 s. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, Calif • . Dear Sir: ·

• VIe are ·in receipt of your letter of the 3rd inst., enclosing a oopy of a letter received by you from the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors refusing your Club permission to erect signa in Maricopa County. This whole proposition was placed before the Board of Directors of the Southwest Bankhead Highway Association at a meeting here on Oct. 13th. Their Secretary will no doubt inform you of the action taken by that Ass ociation and we believe that the • whole matter will soon be straightened out to the interests of all parties concerned. We believe the Sou.th\vestern Bnn .~­ Removed to: __~''~ ~~~~7~~~~~c~C:~A~· head Highway J\ssociation will hnndle the ma.tter entirely ~~~x~/~?~1 ~~-- ~~~o~z~J~)______satisfactorily and we are, for the time being, awaiting the outcome.

Thanking you for your kind letter, we beg to remain Yours very truly,

• TUCSON CHAlffiER OF COHl.! r~ RCE ~- ::;> Processor: C trll' O.J-J,,; we;, J \.H. ~;d~ Acting Secretary. AHO/lb •

• • • O.A . MA T\H:L,.cau:acMT MISS BUENA Ol..OER.cc~tcAt ' , •


I ( •

And Hiahway D~rtnt And ltiahway Department Chamber oF Commerce Chamber of Cnmmcrc.c October 14, 1921. - 2 ..

Ur. D. C. Rhoden. October 14, 1921. D. C. Rhodes, Field E · ~nr The Automobile Club of SouthPrn , Los .Ar.,eeles, California. t~t he wa :.ted to return to El Paso t.1at way, and knew nothing of ti1e road. He says your Travel Bureau Dear friend Rhodes: • advised strongly acainst ~ttrntn to go by ~~ of Ajo, ancl told him the Blythe-:Shrenberg road to :Phoenix ! a.r nclon~;/ article in ·:oday's Herald tcllinD was by far the bent wa.y 2ack to El Paso. He took the ; of our !neeting a.t Tucson yesterday. I arn sorry that you Blythe road back und s:tys it '•:as far worse t~n the could r:ot have f. een there, ~or I think ,.,c would nave pro- Aj o road. Jir. Ru..ncl drives a {;rea t d~tl a.nd declares fitted by having you present. tha Ajo road today by far the best road fron El Fnso "o Los Angelea . He ·las made the trip no less tha.n fifty times in the last ~ .1."' • You will see tha.t we g.re t;oinG to fight :Phoe:ix to ten years t·la.t I know of, and. is a ""lnlsh, ani I hope that you ·..nd your Club will join us gcniune rand llug. He is the president of the El Paso in signi11.g the road ·.vest fror.1 ~con throuGh Aj o. Even if Ritulithic co~n ~ 1 c has put down ~ot of the street ~r copa. county does come i1 , tile Tucson people Ym.nt to siGn :pQ.ving in Arizon;t, ·new I.:exico and El Paso ~~. nd knows roads. "ae Aj o/oad anyhow, .u'.d I feel sure that you vd 11 do it for them, . tis is just a.other feeder for C~lor1rl. From I believe that if your club is giYing this sort of all I ~old hear .it ~ bett er road to travel westward infor1nation it is just nor~~ton. ~ll your people throuatl Aj o to Ywna t~ ! it is to go by •·w.y of Phoeni:A to not to place too much confidence in the :lope they t;et froL Yuma. They tell r_e in Tucson that it is u.n eao·r one G"'V' Phoenix on roads, ~ nd to try to Bet it ~ro all oources . trip 'b etween Tucson and Yuoa by \',-ay of Aj o, but i 3 a t;~ .. day trip by ~ way of Phoenix. I have !:O bri cf to offer for the Aj o road ron~.ll • as I know nothing a1)out it, 1:t:t I thin'· that all roads ought ~ think in Tucson t ~ t your club is nrejudi ced to ha.ve a SliUc\.rc deal, and I k .tH)\7 t'1 t your club ~t!.t to nt.t~ Yuma-Ajo-Tucson road ~ c it is-liable to give them a squnre deal . send tour1.ats to first . I told ther.l I did not believe that, and that I thought o/t.;~ ~ broad I winh :,rou ,. ould \'.Ti te r.1c n letter, r have l.:r. enough to realize that as long as you could Get the tour- Ui tchcll to do so, tlll~ r.1e sorr.ethinG a. ··out the club's !sts into Southern California you would r~l get t~ efforts to o.scertair1 road conditions ~ r.d its im:partiality ... o Los Angeles anyway. Besides t 1 is, I believe you have in routing tourists. I will prirtt it ard I think it \-:i 11 a road under way now that will strike the Holtville-San d o r.4Uch to dissipilte t he idea in parts of Ar~on t " ;\.t you Diego road south of the Salton Sea ~r run up to Los n.re 1ot 11 shoctinr, n . -~t" . A ..geles . l:lc:'-.~c l£tt r r- l:c r fror.& you, either confidentially, One of our El Paso club members drove tro~~ to or otherwise, if your. club will cR.rry out its s i ('l:inrr pro- Los A: geles last ,·,•eek by w, ty of Aj o a r rl Yuma o.. rll he says r--.~ for us westv;Q.rd from Tucoon throuch Aj o to Ywtla., if just to find out what your people wouid say, 'he asked ~t • Phoenix c.r~d Ross t Arizona Automobile club con ~ .uc Jo :rour club a.bout the road he had juat passed over, contencli·ng r cfus e to 1 et :.-ou nicn ·.hrouu,h ~ · r i copn County. You "'~1 rest n.s:-;urcd • !::.z. t who. teYer you tt•ll ne con- ficlcnti;l.lly will be o t ·ictly confic!entiHl, anu if :_;ou h:J.YC n.ny aucc;estions to offer t:o r::e oo t l.at I can, nppure .tly on MISS DUeNA DE~ cc.'A" C • M , HARVEY, Tfl CAaUfllr:fl ... • Other Communities Along Southern Route Tire Of OIAII:CTOIIIIa DI,.II:C""r'O_.. Maricopa Attitude. ~ . .AC. C . H . LCSTitR SPCNCCR OAR•v•tUAC 0 . A , fo'l.t.ATIN A . J". P"II:OAN W .O . AOI:. I ~JO IIUCNA OILDCR POATCA' TH OC ROAD IS NO\V C . N , HAAVI:Y' 0 . c; .VOUNODLDOD JN GOOD Sl-lAPE C . V , LATHAN /;L ~) If, ~'A ', ~ '..:- • I Fight May Be Made To T akc Bankl1cad Higlnv.ty And Hichway D~rtnt F roJn Phoenix nlircly. Chamber Commerce or fl7 .-;. -\ , '' \ llTI '\'. .. t:' ,:, ~:. ,\rl:.. , ,...,, li-t#h•tf2hh T:lh•l !\l:trl '';' ruuntJ' ttiU prrmlt u, ...\ lt•trntl1oll• rhJh or Sou h•·rn Cn II '••rn I.a tfl ~t. Ul' •I • nft :al,r .; tlu'l - 3 - • 31nrlt:'ll .... cour:tr r oa•ts forrnl ng tbe ll.:1nkhf'ftcl hh:h"·:ty nt aouth..,rn Arl• 'l'lll:t or t h,. to n~t AlonJt thft hhfh" :IT l!r. D. c. odes. October 1921. t~ Y.t 1'":1 n ,, \·um!l. "'Ill Rl~n :a ron•l 14 , w ~ ttorn TuC"sun , J brou•h .AJo to "Lureu. :anol 1~t P!t04"':11x a:1d ~llrl· . .:•.'}:• ',·uu:uY•. \I _tt tlJ .. CJn_ of ttc~r.cl1 • •• • • • • • • 'fhi:J ' .:1:1 fha tr~o:r 4rcJ3fon t:er.-, !•e:.: .. rc!:Oi :t!trr:roon ot th"' en. r .... , f' o! th u tt: ~t rn ~ k- my own initi tive, t;.ke g,ny action t h at will help our lv·.•tl ll!r''" .JY zu. udO&Uon. ~1tt'd to- sigf\.ing ror~ I will be glnd to hca.r from J:"ttl .. r CN· t!u• •1'rc!:ll PUt'lJO e ot tak- you. Ju:: 4 tJ n en th,. tc!tu:tl oC tbc •uper- ' 'l.fr•n oC :\T:u·kor:1 county to 'P" rmlt Zh• C.l.,C.. rr l.t c:ub to t!r~ct l~; n • You have not answered bj· query about t:te signs up ntttr r~r ~n~.ltl' oC :l.farlcol'il c·ount)' luu1 jolr:tJy :'IS:J"I'C d on Jut llny ~.r.d down t h e valley between El P"'so il. rld Socorro, in event ! r. l' r.;l~ '·' ! 1 r .. lt r'~tnt.t·t oC .. \' f') CVIUfl! l ; • ~ ( rv! t ~~ l';tSO to the other ror~ ~ll throuch. It seems t o we t 1mt •::l II C•r:li.L to h.\' the C;~CornO elub your club could conaistently do "thi s \7ork, t l) O~t th • 8JJ;:l!', as 1 would .\ l:ti!Hifm"'•• Dcot"I,Jan • . : •• •• "" tie-in r.i th your !:iign system crosn norther n lfew l:exi co • F.., ·... ry cor • 'Ha::.ty a'·• .: ~ ,• , 't l n.e lrta' r flt't.•l'l_t::'"•l b ; . ..; c·t~rcl·. \ r • r. ~ :"l. h···a prc•ant 7t"ster- 4l:t y Wt'r..:: l'r ·:a!•h·nt Frt,;d tt~r. ot nl~rt!: ,,. 'T'!!.:\r)" Ely li!U'tln. oC Omu.:l:t : :&n•l dlr•·.:torl'l 3. J. Bo en. Personally, old ~n I rum very a · xiouo to get t h · ac ot lJlteh•!e: Geor,;;;_. E. DuJ:ton. of o~l :t: Sh:t•! On) rr. ot Tuc:son. and signs up durinG r.ty ~rJllnot . .to n aa president of the •;• .,\, ~J:rtln or El. P.uo. Tho Blabce and Ooug-1 rn'!n were authorlzt'd to Au touobile Club, a rA I ~nt all the help you can gi ve me. r-er•r..-.. ~nl Totnbstono In the mcetlna: nnd nlao h:uJ aurnncu tha.t they could ap;:1.k to,. Demlng a.nd Lor&J•- ··;1 th kindest rer;o.rds and hopi1 c; to hear from you bur,:: tn the rn.:lttc-r. The writer mnde " motfoa at tho soon, I ~ ODf'nln,;- ot the mt'etln.: that Prt'thh:nt Sutter b" Instructed to a:o to Phoenix lo conault with the lJarJc:op:1 count7 cotnll'l:lon~ In an dtort to tndu.c Very truly yours , th11m to •t:1n d by thtlr a.:reenu:nt ot 1n•t )lay, to hnve u... Southern Call· forn i:L ~t pl:lce algna alon the Dllnkhend. To fof't ""'uft11 or Dn"ak orr. J . J. now n. or UfahcG. At~ ('Rtlct the motion to the ff,.ct th:at rltl~nt Suurr be In tructt•l to uU another t-.tln~ of the bo:\rd or dlr~tor. 1t Prcsi Club. n C:t!lu•ary. ftrter Jut conault• with l1r ~ol''l oftlcla lJ', to am4:n4 the eon• ,.tltutlon aantl byt " ·• or the usoda- tlnn to cn~;o the routft bJ" war or ~Jo t •J Yum:& ln~ttd ot by WA)' of l'lu,)f!hl:l to Tumn. Tho matron u AmentJ .. tl, ltecondod by :Ur. Buxton. w:uc unnntmou:tl)" carried. llr. nuxton then oftered a reaolu.:. Uon th c. ju(Jce Sutter be lnl'trc:t~ to lnrorm the ltarJc:op!l. county com• lnc:r~t thAt un!u• th"1' atooll by t~ llJ:rl!utnent d~ by ll:ulcopa ancJ l"o:~: reprucntMivra at Do~~:lR '" ~A to tlow tho Calltornhl club to •ls;n the Dankhead. ot~r cltlcut on the route " U1 At ttMCO tolke 8tep let Bl~n • tha rond \\·e l rronl TUC"l"on to Tutil throur;h Ajo an•l thnt at the ncJ.t an• nunt m.,ollhf: ot tho Dnnkhto:td Hh:h- •n)' a ll•tclntlon. 'tfhlch Ia co b hnld n"'tt 4\prll In Phfle•nb. l'tfi&Ht will b lnkt-n tn ch:1n ·o th•, D:Lnkh · ~c'J blr.h· ~· n)" :u1•l route It ~tt tttJ~t .\,Jo • an•l \'umn trcun Tttr-11o n rnth •r th:\n tro~; l'ho nlt " · al Ptt'"''nl. Thl• Wll8 :tnlo~tl lllll'~ d. lluw rhot"nh: ,,.... nrrprct. The nankh .. :uJ route 'Waa tak•n throu,h flhn nh only art r a hard lh;ht mru1e by f:l J•&ao. Dlab ~. Dous:- 1a Dn•l o ton~~t del• :u ft for Phoenl:r. "'ThiN Ia whnt ..., ~rt for (Ctt"tlnntci cu' »•ce 2 nl.-m• I) MAY·SIGN R ~OAD ~ O CALIFORNIA ~JO BY· • D7 WA G. A.Y: ll ..\llTJN. OF • (CvDUauc• lro• pqe L)

wllat we did for l'hoenhr," •aid ODt of tho delta;atea )'eater.Jay. ~t 11 Umt lor ua to 80 without Phoenix." ..l'boe•la "''ll ahoot •lr•l••t er ..' "'• owiU qttlt." anl4 Ju••• tlaU•r· *Yo• ,,o... •ea4 ane ot·•r tllere ltal o•ee• Jlo~: 'Tlll ~.rr lh·e ap •• Ita DC'c~nc 10 aUow t~.. rua• to be alaae4' or ,.. ''Ill ala• tke ro•• •' AJo .... r~r ••yu · 0111' HaDHCiua 'fltla PJioeala •• far •• rooau·r•fl•a I• n•4 affaln Ja o~~l'tt. \\'e all aot to•ctlaer •• a ,;oo4 Jro~t..ltlo at l>uPal•• 1••• lla7 aaad J•laucaals ••• llroku I C.." A Jetter trom tht Arl1ona Automo• bllc club orterln.r to pJaee •ls:na lon~r tho entire route tn Arizona. but uk- t na: aaalatnnc• fN)m &.b• boarda of •uver,·laor•. '~ reacl atac1 ordered ta.blc4. ,,·vuhl t:lhultaate !lea.. · The .ArJaonll club la pl"lnl' •l.:n• nlonar tbe U!lnkbc:ad In llurJcopa countJ'. Thl• club C'nonot ptaea •ll:na In Now :..toxtco or to Texaa ancl th• California elub retuate 'o )'lace Sla l~n ~t ot Arizona unJeu It' eao continuo the1n lhrou-.h Ari&OPL IThll would l~~ El Pa1o and New llexleo unablt to a!5"G ~zc at, an upcn•• prohlblUve. · • Thl• enUre matter waa lhreabe4 out at the Do~~l mteUnc wben th• acreament v.·a• r~Aolod wiLh the C&U• rornla .~l to place tbe •Jcn.. At that time the r~ontc ot )far· Jcopa eount7 a5reea to IL • Tbe road to Alo from TucaoD Ia rti- J'Orted coo4 . and AUtomobUiat. can make the trip !rom Tuc•on to ruma Jn a daJ'. eaauy. it was reported at thea rneetlncl.."'hlle lt takea two da)'a from hero to xuma by wa,. or l'hoonlx aad the road Well ot ord~ bT \\'&1 or Yuma la. very poor. Tile J\Jo-YumA Roa.. Jt. a Flahburn. a member ot tba hlshwaT commlaaloG of tbl• (l'ho&J ~ont. •al4: --T•• 1la1Ct4 SCatta ....,. C'OD• To7 ella•• ~ route frona T•cr••• 'Co Ta.JDa. 1»7 ".,. of mo•l rr•ctlral rout.. AJ•• ••. ••• ·~o J"oad wc:at of ~onlx to Tum& 1• now ~c:r)" poor-praoucau,. lm· Jl:lll:ll~ncl u tba' I• the route ~on by tho Jn~Ad blchway. t.hll condition block• lbrouch traftlo on tho D4nkhrncl. Phoenix. hza• to route ttaUlc out by Dltlhe and &brcnburs:. v.·eat of l.,hoenlx, nnd make tourllltl Jcoave tbe Bankhead weal of l'hoeDis. 10 uur alo•"" or 'B:ankhaad aU the ,_.• ,.. t. a 1n11on:mer anyhow, Jf we k.-tll routlna: 1.r~l bJ' "•ay of l•bocnlx. JOO 111~ .Gr••ltd• .. n·.. _,t ot tr~ by •:1" or AJo, roa,l . Js Jood. n~ cc-unty b.:as r~ d c:~Jttl a IC'QOt1 ro:art tor lOG ll~!' Qn\1 " '" ~'· " only 50 moto to bulltl :~ro~ th• ~n A o rt!tt'·~tlon to t"Ot'l.:t~ t~ rc.H'f\ to AJo. , TbtU1 ~.r. of A.,Jo we f1:avo :: ~ to rl~~t to connect wlth tho ~ count7 lD~ • .. \'"um.& ~ont l.s no\Y bull•Un.; east to SIO'-".lU :~d r~ Uh. re ~ll build to C:n~r-t wlth ocr ro:ad c:~t of Ajo. lt wnl be but a r~ tnonl~.. until t'r~ \\·IJI ~J A ~rr:! d ro:atl from Tuc:- aon to ·n:~ by 'n".-:17 of ..\Jo. d~~ld!ll' th.- c~t ro3.•l Dcro ~ ~~'t~rn Arl:on:t. ••It t• ~ l : ': to co4t lrn~ countY ISOO.OOll to flnlt!\ t~ r oDd. t~ Wfl r~t .: ) n~: t~ do 1t :&:\d w-.s "·:Ln: )'OUr IU;tOIJrt. Jl:anr Car" o~rr nl~. ~t nc!:~ and latond!ly co C!l!'~ Wt:'lt west from htrG by """" of AJo and :1 ~r camo from Uut weat. Tho•fl Cron\ Lht weat all reported. tht road C041d. ", • .r • MTh• C~l~ot~ t~t hl•tlway t:om_. tnrJ.,Ion hm• let a c:ontr:let tor 10 mu,. ot eucereto road eut from HnltYitle to :~. Tbe t-o:~

(C 0 P Y ) # 2. to us that the people of Arizona wanted us to do such work. Nor did the thought or~nt with us . We have letters on file dated a good n~Bn years baclc from prominent Arizonians, suggesting that we NOVEMBER 2nd. 1921. ~ not vari ous roads in Arizona , and even urging us to corJ~ into the State vd th our organization and all its services . The requesiathot we signpost t m Banl

the insignia of the Arizona Automobile Club on already comn1itted to ~n by way of Ajo also. He our Ban!,head Highway signs through Arizona, this is also says that the name nBankhead" should not be entirely agreeable to us, if agreeable to all com- placed on any or the eigne. I had thought it was • munities, and in fact was suggested by our Mr. Rhodes to be on all s ist;ns. \'/e really do not know what to to your Mr. Ross at the Douglas meeting. You should do 1~ what to think. All vte want is that y?u all anticipate, o~r that other commercial bodies p,et to~tr and once and for all come to a defin- contrtn~ in their communities toward the expense ite and ltn~ decision, and then officially tell of the si ns will insist on their names being placed us what that decision io, and what Arizona does on the ~n. There is a very modest limit to the ot• does not want uo to do. We can no£ accomplish ~nt of data that can be placed on a road ~n with- onythinp, under prooent conditione, as you can out dtron~ its usefulness. This should not bo readily appro ciote. overlooked. This is not a matter of surmise with us as we r..ave received a telegram from Ely Martin of Ir you vmnt to call another ~nrl Dou las, under date of October 26th., of which the tn~ for the rurpose of rrn~ at o. uniform following is an exact copy:- and lastin" decisi.on, our rperesentativcs will at- tend, but we must be a2;sured the t t1~ plan Douglas, Ariz., is adopted has the approval of !11 concerned1 and October 26, 1921. is thorouBhly understood. "D.C. Rhodes, We realize that you made the sugges- Automobile Club of tion r~rdn black letters on our signs to be Southern O:llif. erected in Arizona, and that we did not reply, Los An~l Cal. but at the tn ~ of receivi n~ the ~tton things were evidently in such a chaotic condition "Just returned from Tucson and found your that we hRrdly knew with whom to correspond or wire stop At Tucson tn~ ~lnd of what reply to make to the letters we received. Phoenix ~rntd that Maricopa County would allow your Club to ~n Bankhead Frankly, we think it would be a mis- Route in that County and this r.as accepted take to use the black lettering, particularly as by association stop You are to ~n all the other signs to be placed tro~ot your route as or~nll ~rd on at DouRlas State by your local Club are to be black. It is end as far west of Phoenix as you and our unders tandin F! that the · Bankhead Highway is U3ricopa Supervisors think advisable to be featured as a transcontinental route, ·and stop Drcto~ also went on record as we feel, therHfore, that it would be wise to use fa voril"JZ s fllning by you of route frorr.. a somewhat distinctive sign for that particular Tucson to Yuma by Ajo and Colonel Fletcher route and vre \\"ould much prefer to use the blue your representative agreed to it stop for that purpose ; and also for tho reason that Tucson agreed to defray cost of signing and we will use blue from El Paso to the Arizona line will write you about it stop Arizona Club and from Yuma to San D~o . n~n is to be on your ~n in ~rco County but not in other counties stop we It is very evident the t tho re is do not want Bankhead markers on any siRns not complete harmony existinr- between the Arizona at r~nt letter follovis. Club or Maricopa County, and other conmunities in the State, p£U''ticularly Dou;;las and Tucson, • Ely Martin." but \'Ia surely oonnot and rtill not be drawn into any local oortroversies. We would lilre to please This, you will realize, complicates matters you all, and ~ certainly Will not nt~ into again. You ~~t the Arizona Club insignia on all any r~~nt that would be acceptable to ot•e ~n on the Eankhaad route, and Mr. Martin says community but cont1•ary to the wishes or several "only in Maricopa County." Also you ask that we others, or vice versa. Ir we are to sign the alpn only tr.e Bankhead, while Mr. Martin says we are Banl;head Hiphway acrosn Arizona, which wo nre ready and willinp to do, it must be with o full • # 5. •

• knowledge that we are carrying out the wishes or • 'every one concerned, and in every detail, including type of sign, wording, insignia, etc. COPY 0• RESOLUTIOn What we want to know now is,--can suoh PASSED BY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ltOVE1illER 7, 1.921. a condition be brought about? If so, we are ready to start as soon as a complete understanding is reached. I am sending copies or this letter to fessrs. Ely Martin, G.A. Martin, Harry Welch, S.J. Ross, and S.H. Bo~r and will await with interest some defin: te light on the subject. "Upon motion by Bo.ker, seconded by ·.·roods, all

members voting yes, it was ordered t hat nuthori ty be Very truly yours, ....1'?' 1 ven to the Automobile Clnb of Southern California to (~d) Standish L. Mitchell sign Pima Cotnty roads, at a oost of not to exceed ~ 1. per Secretary. mile, lncludi n a- maintenance." SLM CL:MC

• • s DIRE:CTORS ADVISORY BOARD • PIIC ..DII:..,. W L VAI.CN,.IN£ rRANM .J. DCLCHCA• .J1t S..oo Doa.oo c 0 p y ~ ..... IC ••DC.O.T H W KEU.CR r a. rt.c~. .,,.. c"'"''" n, ~-'lllcc P•c•"''"'T HOAAC£ O . ... t~~CR W L. DCNCttLCV. O""'"'oc. rqtO L , AloCl:R .JOHH H. rtSHEA. s,..,. ft&a-..t•••o A C &ALCti rAAN"' A. MtLlCR. t't:tltD~ P'"RANK P rUNT C. A. OAALQW, Ml:ooN I;DWAAO T. Orf" C D. HUDDARO. SA"'''"' D...,n_.. DAVID R. rARIS::5,Cou ..ac&.' HAAAV C:HANDLCA UEN. MAODO", Tu"••c IV.AN "CL50. Assoc••Tc c:ou.. oc"' ltDWAAO 0 LVMAH CUA!l. DONLON, Vunuot' .J. O . COCo.~on"' th•'"'''" 0•\V 1,1 :OO:o#!.Ool~."l' tt .J NtCUOt.!>. f ..., ... • OCNCRAt. Orfl'tCC J:>UON S II MC 60:lfi M IN .... 0 november 8, 1921.


LOS AHGU£S. CAUf. OFF'IC£ OF THE SECRETARY November 8th., 1921. Automobile Club of f" outhern Coliforn ia., 1344 South ~ro St. , Los Aneeles, California Gentlemen: Col. Ed. Fletoher, The Board of Supervisors of Pima Countv, Fletcher Building, !irizone, at a meeting ~d november 7, 1921, passed • San Diego, California. n resolution authorizine; you to aip.n Firna County roads, a.t a. cost not to exceed ~1 •.25 per mile: this f y dear Col. Fletoher:- coat to include maintenance. Your letter of November 5th., You understand, of course , the t this nppliea • addressed to Yr. Me tay, h e been handed only ·to strictly county. roads, a.a the Supervisors hc.ve to ma, as he is out of the City attending no jurisdiction over the state highways passing through the opening of the ~ testa at Pima County. Pittsburg, California. Very truly yours , • ?lhile e appreciate keenly your H. R. BATTERTOii efforts in behalf of the signpost in g -prob- Clerk, Supervisors. lems in Arizona., I feel t~t they ar . still Board of far from a unit on the uatter. By way of explanation I enclose a OOt'\V of ~ letter ImB :\'/ which I wrote recently to Mr. C~. H. McAr- thur, one of the officials of the Ato~o ile - Club •


Secreta.rv. CL:KC •


• • • Tombstone, Arizona Automobile Club at Southern Californai Decoober 15,1921. • • • • • november 22. 1921.

Ur. R. E. ~rn • TO ;mol! THIS IllSTRut!El1T MAY COllCERlT : Pima County Highway Commission, Tucson,Arizonn• • The Clerk of the Boord of Supervisors at their meeting of november 21. 1921. presented to the board a oommuniontion from the Chamber o£ Commerce at Douglas, Arizona, requestint permission for the Dear Sir: Automobile Club of Southern California to erect signs along the Dank- head Highway in Cochise County. - - • . Your letter December let,, to Mr Doig, It was unanimously agreed to grant this request being granting us permission to sign the Tucson-Ajo understood that the club is to erect their s ~n \'11 thout cost to , Road at hand. The Automobile Club of Al'izona • Cochise County. - ia now signing ~~n roads which includes the Tucson-.Aj o road, and as they seem to be dofng very splendid work, we do not feel as if we • should con~ down end sign the Bankhead Highway . as per our original agreement in Douglas last • l.fay • I, 1!. c. HJ~-l: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Cochise We appreciate and thank you foe the interest County, Arizona, do hereby certify that the above proceedings is a true you have taken in thia metter and t1·ust that and correct copy of a part of the minutes of the meeting held by the at uny t~~ we can be of service to you,please boord on november 21, 1921. let uo know • • Ill ·. /ITllESS ·:iHEREOF, I ho.ve hereunto set my hend and affixed the seal of my office, this the 22nd, da of Uovember, A.D.l92l. Very truly yours, ( Signed) D • c. . Rlo~ _ , t:. c. ILtina 11 s Field Er~nr Clerk of the Board of Supervisors,

• of Cochise County, Stnte of Arizona •

• ,

- . • •

Jooanbor 20, 1~~ 1 •

• Dooomber ~o . 1921. • noard of o~~ooro. Pima County • • Joard of ~ oror. Cooh1oe County. Tuooon, Arlnona. • Toobot,no, J~ zon. ontlonm: Gentleman: 10 eo!-:. ot1loo o z-oco Lpt o~ :-:-o~ oop:r of rooolution of :ovcrnbor 7t , 1~. zto- \7c c.cknor;leuco l.•oceipt of your latinr to tho Au.tooobilo Cluil o:r ot·l('~:l ";ol- action of november 22d, 1921, outhorlzine . 1fom1o. oocttrinr: normi"'oion to '1 ~ ni ,.-.no on tho .Autooobilo Cl.ttb of =3 outhern CB11forn1a oot1 t ~1 hir·hrnrro in you:... cot'lt~r. - to oroct signs • .. o no~.7 hnve tho r1rhto of \7ay from Yuco., via Ajo o.nd 2n.ooon to t1te • non ~oxlco J.ine. :o no:7 i C't"'O thir- n rnl ~~ oo1 fl•vo Yt'!r'..a, v!o. : jo and . ~tcoo:1 to t :1c -t: -.."~ ~c;:co llno. end \70 hopo to r ot t 10 ••~ or: "' ~ :tlo Clnb o:r .. ; out"111rn ·.!e u ill cJ~o every e f:!:ort to Ccl o1~n1~ to oo~cnon ··J·0'-·1: i re t1iotoly. have tho .An.tornobllo .Clttb of ·outhorn California get buoy trrnodiately. . o:.1l~ 1n , :you fC'r yoru: co pll"ntlon. :'hanl:lne; you :ror yom- cooporation.

Yourn vory truly, , • ., ...... -.·,or- -~ •.. .:...... __...... ' SA!: ~ :OO CWJ.mER 0? cor.rroc CE, . • .J.f...... r::t': .AH Dy .. -o-h-n&_r.r._u-.. n-.~. ·t "' fu en u 1;,... ;t;t:O1 lfi[' Chiiirmnn .:! tate and Ifo.tlonc.I · !i ·1~·rn; Cor ..1 t too. H r~n Comm1ttoo.

. ..

• • Of'FICCRS DIRECTORS ADVISORY BOARD W . t. VAl HliNr: , Ptt t.ltlfH'I' W L VAU:N'tUtlt riU•.HK o1 PCLCHCR, .J•. SA• D.< eo •• W t\CLLI:If . "'o"'.l"'t.~lt.t H W . MitlLCR r' B . rt.~. lloH':o~ tiOU""CC 0 MIL.LI. II. 2-VI ~ '"' t>OI>t HI HOnACC: O . MILLC" W L OC.NCHLC'( O•,.•o&: TANOI!Ut t. . MITCitl: LL. ~cr ,,.,, .. .~r: D t. bAMCff JOHN H. ,.I SHEA, S.11 D~. c ..o rR.NfK A MILli:R, Rtvc•••oc: !UOH&V rt I! LL.I5 ..J•• A "'t c: t•& ••oo• A C OALCH rRAffM P r"l.IUT C. A . PARLOW. Me:• .. I:OWARO T orr C D HUDDARO. SAM'!'"' D.utD.-A • 01\VIO ll I AUI , ""'''"r~ ttAifHY C.ttAt~O Cfl nc ... MADOOA, TuLA•C IVAN I\ L!o 0. A"'t ~l .. fl. Ct IVU'IIr" t.OWAAO 0 LVM/"U CHA:., OOtfLOtf. VeNT"""' .J II LII•I•IN Ul I, O"'Uil11 .. " ,,,.., .. ,,,. tl•W t.A OCR . ~t.o-..... H .J NICHOL!., PowotoA

OC.Ul:RAL Of",.ICC PHONCS UOMC .~ Daaombcr 2S, 1921. t.t,.,,. "' .. a c.

• 1344 GOUTif fiGUCUOA ST

., "' £, .. -"~ lOS AHG£l[S. CAUr. -: ~ .!') • • 1 ••. ·..*' • . ru "\ . y .... - , .. . ..::.. • ~ IIobcon, OF'riCf: OF' THE: SCCRETARY • ntomob!lo Club o:C otllol.~n Cali:r. • ~nn Di co, Call-f.

~ dear Ur. Hob a on: o :on.;:'l Fl ._i.o"c\.. • .~... ,.. ~ "":""".. ., a.• -iL r:..... ·• • •• -•J t ...... ~~ ·.,.· ' "" ~ ~ - I- ~ . n : ie...,c , .-.1_ 1 .LV.L:•1• • .1•.-. • I lulvo •tho oonnont o! Ywnn Cotmty 3oart1 of Suporviooro. l'Jr.n. County Boord of Snp- ervlooro , ond Coohioo Cowtty Doard of ~ r looro ... i , .... •• •• • J.. I to DUt up Autocobilo Club or Jouthorn Collfornia 1 ~ !-• •u ..~:r:o·-: ... : · ~~ 101· . :~ • • • ~:l~...r J..• .,, ...... . - -~""~··· oirna olon~ th ordorlanu routo. '• ' ~ --cc:-:_,.,. :• rt o!'- 'I U ur -J.O::'-'~ I. v!..•.., .>- i·n 1 ... t:.1. ·-· - ~ ""'o..., t~~. ," ri,.CJlL- .1 ...... :..it"'!'ff"'. · .,:,,, ....,o t"t..... £-1r.-- J ~ ···•• o"''V...... • ·•...... ,...... :. J.e.n.,.in::. ., .,. !., l,l,.sno uoo your inflmnoo to lmvo jil not ~n~cr ~J~r l~tt~ ~ r~~ ~t: ~ ~ ~ t "" L .. • ,1 .., j 1~ ~ ~ '\ t"' A- z J T' t'\ "' I ; J. J. "'t - r: (; t' ~. - ~' . - .,.. ! ,. tho Automobile Club of SouU1orn Coll£orn1a 11vo ...::;.~ .. ... -~:.; • .- .. .a.&r .:> \1 • • ~ .J -"""' ...... w ._;; ...... , ...... ~ - ~ 1 ::~o· "1 ,. n...... 1· ·:~ ... cl . .: . ~ up to tholr t:.:~oont code u 1 tll mo to th1o o~oot . ,..,,.._""'•r_-.&.-.J. . -::v vv_..,..... "·• ~.... v ~·- :.,. 1 '"-u.,_u " ;"• i t·--.~J. · . , ...... -"' • ., . .,...... · .. ~.. .: .. ~"'. i "· C ~ ~..~ ~ n .... y 1 n v .1 E= .1. -:. .:: .. ;:o u .r " ••.• ., - - ... .:. 4 :- ~ .. • ...... -J. ..: ...... ~ - !Ill\ ~ l • n - .. , ,...... - ~· l. . • "' - t• , ~ -- ~ • -"'\ Co~rnt·lltl tio.Tls on tho article you t- 0 ,··.c -=...... ~ .... \.1 c ..' '- • f.: c "'J. •• ..; "'~. ' :,. t:: \ ~ • - ; -::: J - • -- _ • ., • .. A .. ·- •• • • a • ...... 0 . . r' • '. .. • ~· - • n ...... J .3 bnd. in tho "Timoo" on tho front pr. a of tho Auto• J. ..~. - ~ u ..,..., ..... 1 .J•..., • • .. ..L. .,; •• ..., • r ~C.:::. .o~""' ...~ :Jr-.. ' • t -~· ' --.- ~ •. ! .L - - I_.., 3 '-·o ..'tV'-4 . , lo • .l .:.. •• ~ 1 ..~- -~:.~~ • 4 , ... . mobllo : ootlon...... , • fl • .. - • . .... , ., .... .• ~ t"' - J. ... ; ; ,.. 1 ••. t.:,:.- d ... :: .- - v ...... 1 J. • • • • V .. # .. - w ...... v_ .. .• r .... I ...- 1 ,., •, ...... .~ ... 0 . • .. t ~ Ia uont tllo Antomoblln Clttb of ...... ~ • c 1.... • ., l ..; • .., ...."' " '-" ... ·• • _ ... 1 .. r: t, :. ., ""'V •...... J •• \ .... , . - i - ... t J"r ' r. l ... • :;out rn Co ifornin olr,no .,ordorlond routo oll tho ~- •• 1.. J. "L\,; ~ - -· - ~- • .L:O. J • ~ r ..-, • .. J ·~ ., • . r . .: ~ ~ on ~~ ~oz o AltOl~ 1O • i 1. -.. ... ~ vl' ~ ""' I. ... UB;J irOCl DiOGO to Pl.Ulo, and ...... • --• ' • ... • •• .... -8 ...... • , ~ ~ £...... ,...... o- ,., ~- ' • -... • . ' •- "l i' -:., (\ I - y .. # .. .. 4 . - .. - .., - w• # L c.&' .., , .:.. ~ .., Don't fo t it. ~ -·" . '":, ..,; ·.. ~ '" "'- ...... :.&.n • ,. ! • ' .:. r. ~- to ...\6.. ' . ',; en ..l. Yottro vary t l.'uJ.:r, ... ~ • • -...... ; ..- J. .. e ...... • '' .:. I _\,.< -... • .,• ..• J ...... ,. ... 1 .-:.. • • ~ 1 .., C , _ .. _, .~ l~ ' . .;- •. • -,f . L •• .; J·r, : .• ·;· •1"' • •• .....; -....,; ...v l l. 11• • u- ...... ,.. ... - l~ . t . - ...... ! ...... : ' • . -·... - - •• .L :-. t .:..or. • ••- .L' • .. a ... Y ll ...... "'t' . : .;..a_~ .·• • ~ ..\ ...... ~~.... • - • r •·c "" a -l •Jr .. . .L.• ' - . .,-- -r:~~~ v - w ~ ., · "· "! ;:: '" L,-~ .,._ ·..,.•" - ! ... .,. !. ; t I.;.. • : \# • - .. ... , . ~~ .... ~ -.' • :: oir' ... ~ • t.. =..; ~ ~ l!. :; : t ~ . ~ j (l • • ._.- ..... __. ... - ..J -..~J n .• ... ,. -- -&. .. n~!l v ·... .. :.;:~ • ...: .. : • • fJ •

.... • .. .. ~ ' .. l - .. ~ · J f - • .. ... • • ... f .. ,. .,. -., , "' - • • .. 1 ' v .- • • • ~ .... J. ' " ""' ~ • ...... , ~ J ~ ., .,"'\ . ... - , ~ -.r.' . ~ .I -.. . ' ... ~ • , I ., "' r f"' " ' It- ... , el '-' \.1 • • • ~ - ' tJ • ., ••• .& .. - • • J - ~ :J _. ; .. J.. • ...... ; .J ., .&. ., .. .. ·. I "" I L • 0 1"" C. ""l• •... ' , ., J.. • I • • ...... • l _.. t ,. ,. .. , .., - ' 1 1!.J. "' - t'•• .; J t..i.J ~ ...., .. - '...._ ...... ~ ...... · •' .,., ..- •• v l ' : -1· • -r • • • .. ; .J p.J "::- - ••• • I> 6 t;j r I t ~: ... 1~ l (J • till ::: c. t r.. t _.... r. :1 ... - ·. : ! 1. - n t, -1 i""', · ·~ --~ ~ ~:.1· ~!'-. ., L...J .. •.... • -r·i fV .. · ..... - · \J j • • ·' • .. cut :: - • V ...,. tJ • ! ., • •

• • • • OF'FICERS OIRCCTORS ADVISORY BOARD W , \. VAL NTINr p.,C,..Ilf•n W L VALCHTtrU: ,.PAHM..J OC'-CHCR .~o S-AN0oc;oo H \'V •u:: Lt.Cff -••• 'lloc: r. ,,.,._ me.. .. , H W MCt.t.Cn ,- U rULLCP. l~r1o~ t40UACC 0 "'' l ' O!'-~ ' ' "' tl~ltt HO~~ACC O . MILL.Cit W L tJ t4CttLC.V. o .... .,oc ftTANDI:ltl 1.. Ml1 tt Ll.., !lrceu· ,,..,,. rRC:D l. JIAMCU ..JOUU tt rt~HR. !;.~." bu•-•0•100 ~ DNCY tt l.LI .JH A• t ~:c: t•H• A C UALCU rRAUM A. IAILLI:R, fltvl'lt tD rnA UK ,. ruu T c A . fiAni..Ow. M.- .... row.Ar.n T orr C 0 ttUUOARO. ~'"' D;~~OAJOA DAVID n f # Ill I , Cuu•t,.t'& lti\JfJt'f CttAUtl t U UCff MAIJ00Jt, '"'"'" t\·AN hC •, ' · • 04; '"'11: c O."l"'r • I.UWAitU U t..V ... Aff CUA!... OOULOfi, Vconu.,,. • 1\ l(PI'ItCl (tl t , 1 ''"''"".. ~ t ''"' .. '' u ~1 .... ~"OC . ~llH'O!'"~ tf J UICitOt_r,, J>t,ueo .. ,.

OLN f7A\. OF'ncc PUOt' S UOf.Ct: .~O!!; '"'""" .... ,

IJ414 GOUllf fl Ul:UOA ST.

~· ~ 1"• .3 • • • .:.... ., M.v t l , . • -·• '"v ...... •... .j t • -- Al". -.. . • LOS ANGCltS. CALJr•

• .,. • .. . L .. • - • ~~ .. Of'r&CC OF TH£ SECRETARY ! " . :t ~~: - Si.;...,: ":1 - "' "' • :: - U •. J t. Feb. 24, 1922. ,r .. •· ..J. 11 - - ~·. •• ~ ,. .... _ · 1· ... l~ - .JV.- -...... o .:..r •• ..&...... ~ ...... -- .... ~ ... -,. ., .1· - v· - ··-: 1...... ·, .. n• ...! t.,.·- -...... , ~· '"" "" . - .. 1 ...... _,. L • - I - ~ • . : ...... l

...... ,, v ~. - ·-• -_, -··- .Y '...- •• • ..l .Y ._ V \.6> ._ J Mr. Ed. Fletober, San Diego, Cal. My dear Ur. Fletcher: This is to inform you that at a special meeting of the Board of Directors of ...... - ~ - ; J~ the Club held last evening your letter of February 13 to Mr. Valentine, and which letter I had acknowledged for Mr. Valentine under date of the 16th was presented to the Board of Directors. The ntire matter to which your letter pertained was fully discussed and considered. I am glad to advise you that the Board was unan- imous in ita opinion that the Club should at onoe undertake the signpoeting of tbe road from San Diego by way of Ajo and Tucson to El Paso, and thence north to Socorro; and that the Club also signpost as much of the road from Yuma to El Paso by way of Pheonix as can be aatiefaotorily arranged for. I can safely state that work on the s1gnpost1ng of the Ajo road will start within a wee or ten daye.

SLM-CL A1~llOB ~. COB OF ARIZONA . . . Jlaroh ... Phoontx; Arizona, . l'~t ' . 1 9 2 2 • Uorch 2, '1922 • • • •

Board or Directors, Automobile Club at SOutham Ca11:torn1a. Chamber or Conmeroe·;. San Diego 1 Cal ifornia • . Dcuglao, Arizona. . '

~ oontlemon:

Gentlamn: · ~1o Cl~ is orgnnizod to bonet1t and advertise the ontiro atato, and ita officers axpectod thnt all tho govcrnQontnl and civlo Thanks kindly for your lottor. of FobruarJ 24th·. ~.. :-~.!·.... ot ~.-.... organizations 1n tho etato, knowing tho groat good e1m11ar clubo have aocompliehod in other statos, would o.~rt us. I approolato the action o:r tho Auto Club. Enclosed finl . our arpeal tor aosistance to only one county has been clipping from tho S3n ~~o "Union.,, dlio h is refused and va teal sure it will later be g1van. The Stnte Dlgbwa7 . Department supp11ea n truok an1 driver to assist 1n signing otato and I hope it :reots w1 th your approval. highway&J Olla ·county and Maricopa County furn1eh the posts and erect the signs nhich we · supply, in their territory{ Plnnl and • • Santa Cruz c runlleo onch pay us ~1. n milo toward ho t1cmk which filth l:inl poraona1 regards. I am .. .. we do within their ·bordcro, and tho City or Phoenix hos paid tor oll oigns . t1aed in the ·ct ty n nd vic1n1t)"·· • ioooroly yooro. · All theoo signa bear an Arizona emblem, bava colora different tor thm e used by any ot the ourromd1ng otntos rind nhcn placed nt • the border lines or the state, will announce to the tourist, "hon ha . . tirot ecoo them, that Arizona is a really up.to-dste stato o1th n live Automobilo Club and progroootvo citizens • E!!':KLU Tho bo.lanca of tllo fundo ne cesnsry for d :>ing thio work, ~n. , .n. n~1n~1n~n ... t~ othar ~r1~. of tho C.lub,. in ~coo or t:h:l t ~ ticen o~ntrt 07 ottr c~tr morebcro, .must cane rrom ~ r dueo ·or 1t'}q1vidunl memoors and from the special mombot•ahips sold to ox1ot~D roo~no , garogoa .and hotola. Under o1roumstanoea tho to • • our me!l'bershlp c ~!Jtn tll date baa been tai:r in all ooct1ons or tho • stato, excepting Ooch!so and P!mn Count1oo, an1 tho BoardD ot Superv1ooro or thece two count1oe , bnve not to date replied to our lottors nddreoood to thom about to~ montho ago noklng ror their noo1atance. The Auton\obilo Club or Southern Cnl1forn1n is ngain anxiouo to eroot a1gns through Arizono nnd anr intoll1gont can should know that tho)" wish to do this for the benefit or thOlr atato nnd thom- aelvos, and cvory patriotic oitizon or th!o otate ~ld objoct to tbo· eroct1on or tbeoe signa bo nJ;-1ng n Callfornta on1blom so thnt it would r appoar that we ••• wore oooept1ng r1t~ from thom. Ue use the oaoo aystom ot rood signing ao the Automobilo Club or Southern Cal1fcrn1a bocnuse 1t is tho best and, as one ot tho1r repro entotivas tntormod uo we would not be allowed to pu\ our a!gno ln tho1r stoto, thoro must bo nnny good roasonai t 1:th tmioh . wo aro not torol~ familiar, why tbo work or ono 0 ub 1o d1e- advantageouo to ~o. tlork or that or another.

I • • It it. to "tbD doa!re of' PIDR aDd Cooll1ao aountioo to btlvo a!gDD or the Automobile Qlub ot S:.rthorn C4tf-Jrn1n o crooo tboao oowsUes. t!:dD or1zot1~n vlll do no turt=.:or 1201'te alons tbJGo Unes 1n thoao c ·unltleo and vll1 vl tlldrat: oU 1te eorv1ooo ln tbnt p:)rt1on :)f .our otnto. If' 1t io ~r clea1ro tbnt. an Arlaono Club. oroot1ng.o1gna edvort1o1ng Ar1B~n ~n d all ~~ltto 1n lt, do tbia .0rk and .assn alao ·all 70UJ' rood~ oa l_t !e·:$ble, vo muot hove aot loao_ tbGn tho toUocrl!'s o~t .or aupporta Wo t baw a letter tr.o.- ~r Boord or .. ~r~. ·o odv1a!ng ut1 tbl,t ,tbe,. t:lll re!::burso uu. at the rato ot 61.85 e td.lo for ·au. ro! ~ utgaad la your CtJ"''!n1t~ ond ve must ~ .a.t l,OtUit.· 80. 111D.tl~~o1 ~; f!nrob 9tli; ~ or . tbo ~-n~o !Jt ~nr~ ~nn!ttn ·=tllll't tlia,. !!!ll~ rJ oeursd bJ' the t!rst or Aprt·l. It=tb1s guo ' iS reoe1Y8d prami)tly tto 111 proociod ~d!o ~tol to log the rona tram ~on to Rode"• on 1r0 hOw a ].reed)' rc ~od slpa tr ttt Phoenix· to TueBon; ond ondonvar to bllve thee 1n plo.c:e bef'Ol e the ~!J' toarlata nrri;ve for the Bankhead llotional Co~o nt1~n on April 24th. ' · t;o \'IOulcl o~t t tm t tll1D be g!von prO!!Spt. attention as ~r Boar d !lt ~oro Dlot : .!~n~. u 111 be glad to aupply nDJ' · odd t1~nol ~ rnJ.l :nt you ESJ' daalre b7 tclopbona or· t o lecrnm • . • P. D. n~ll !a tbe roprasontatlvo ot tbo Club ln Douglou and baa oll tho ~C't DBceaoor:y tor accepting UJmb crob1ps.

VO'f"1 truly ~D • .

(Slgnod) S.J. R~B President.

• . ~ . .. . . ~ . • . • I I t P. s. ~ nra' vr1t!ns a similar lott~ to Tucson anu 5!sboo and wo tmat haw tbotr oupport :also along a·!!d.lnr . 11noo. ThO wr1tor 11111 probably be in TUcaoa Dondoi' oad it might bO uoll., U 1ra ~to! to son4 a comtttoe U!ero ana wo cnn discuaa nll tbta thor gbly. (Sigaod) S.J. Rooo •

• tJ.. • that I c:an assure you succus of tors, not only as ers thereof but Streets is such affairs, but the conspituous be completed this year and· iJ largely due to their for their unselfish and nd~dl efforts that it will the orpnization will be an edifice worthy of the organl- wisdom and ability, and I d~ they as committee men1bers to which tasks z~ton and worthy of Southern Cali· will all agaee with me that the time and they have given most liberally of the fomia. thought they have given and the sac· valuable time which they otherwise busi- Insurance-AU of you know of my they have made are ell repaid would have spent with their own I ri&ces intense interest in the Inter-Insurance • the results. ness affairs or in the carrying out of by Exchange. It is a conspicuous exam- Cub should work toward in· important sodal obligations. The ple of the quality of service rendered membership only as such in- Every Department bas kept pace creased by the Club and the success that has attendant upon the weU bal· with the growth of the organization. e:rease iJ attended its work is extremely gratify- growth of the Oub as a whole:, Decause of the increased activities at- anced ing. During the past year the Depart• functioning as an organization of ser· tendant ur•on our large increase in rncnt has grown in volume of busineaa, \Ve should be progressive, at membership, scope of service and per- Tice. in efficiency ond In geneml 51tcngth. the same time maintaining our stand- sonnel, t!•e Club has outgrown its pres- In it had 162 employes. fn 1920 conserving our ideals. ent quarters. The working force at 1919 ards and were 284 and last yel\r there wert campaign for better highways headquarters bas been gTeatly incon- there Our The following figurn show the should be pressed vig- venienced through congestion which 300. in California growth in the past year: ot~ California are in the past _few months has been acute. extent of orously. The of Premiums writ· entitled to roads that will ten. 1920, amounted withstand all reasonable: r------~ to $1 ~71.; in be traffic burdens that will • 1921. $2.443.184.53. upon them and it is placed } 1 olicics issued, the duty of this organiza· Year's Growth i1z Figures 1920, 37;772; 1921, tion, representing the mo· 46,077. toring public as it does, to MEMBERSHIP. The aim of the work wisely and energet- December 3lat, 1921, was 62,145, Tho net membership to offer a pol- ically for the adoption of 31at, 1920, Club comr,ared with a net membership December icy to members rep. the but possible road con- of 49;406. The net increase for the year was 25.7 resenting a combi- struction policies. Road nation of security, Construction Policies: Be- percent. service and low coat cause of our ct~t along INSURANCE DEAR~lE. has been reaJiud. these lines the Club has 1920 1921 The Inter .. Insur- been accused of playing Premiums written ______$1,347,616.65 $2,443,184.53 ance Exchange of .,olitics by State Officials, 46,077 Club has be· whose plans of road con- Policies issued ------37,772 the come one of the -~cton ha Ye been criti- LEGAL DEPARTMENT. great automobile iii· cize.:: ~ our engineers. 1 1920 1921 • surance orpnua- believe that this statement ·---- 11,872 19,556 of the world. needs no refutation but in Matters handled tions has not only out- order that it may be per- TOURING TOPICS. It local com· fectly dar to all I wish to 1920 1921 stripped but com- state emphatially t b a t panics Net circulation --- 50,000 60,000 favorably with neither this Club, nor any pares SERVICE DEPARTMENT. com· of its Directors or Officers, ROU'fE AND MAP the largest • as sucb, ha•e any interest 1920 1921 panics of the United In volumt' whatever in politics whether 573,816 693,014 States. Inquiries answered -----·- stand! they be ational, state, of business it )laps issued ··-··---··--··-· 3,339,631 3,814,640 tov county or city. very near the R~ DEPARTMENT. among all the com· with • We should continue 1920 1921 panics of the United undiminished vigor our cam- 6,368,301 States. In this con- to promote public Strip maps --·-···-·.. ·-- 4,135,450 paign 3,361,000 nection it must be safety on the highways not llotel and Garage lists-.... 2,142,825 considered that in the direct ~­ 3,141,225 only through Fire prevention ·------··-· 1,631,600 the CASe of other tirities of tbe sign posting 29,380 58,410 leading writers of and other departments hut Map sets ··------· Jobs completed ---·---- 1,487 2,239 automobile insur- br <~ntn out to t!Je pub- ance, policies are Total impressions ...... 11,566,953 20,085,427 lic tbe prineij)al sources of written in every danger and by enlisting TOURING BUREAU. State in the Union their eo-operation in pre- 1920 1921 whereas the Club's Yenting Joss of life and 330,880 331,614 Exchange confines property. Personal calls ----····--- itself to the thir- Telephone calla ···-- -- 228,273 245,657 I extend congratulations 3,804,952 teen S o u t h e r n to aU who haYe participated Maps given oul----- 3,339,631 Counties of this iD the great work of the Letters answered ----...... 14,663 15,743 State. organization, and I heartily Legal-The Le· suc:- thank you all for your gal Department hat cetJful efforts during the increased in personnel and activity year of my incumbency as President It was thi• condition that led the Di- erection of during the year. The Department bu to ~oot. the growth, efficiency and rectors to provide for the ro~n on the handled 6,181 claims for the Inter- sttenct& of the Ctnb. I wish to par- a suitable building. and Figueroa Insurance Exchange, an ~nc:r of • ticularly commend the Board of Diree- new building at Adams ,

• ..

• • • 28 • • f'OUBINQ • !'OPIO • 60 percent o~ 192D. The total collec- able, and has under way a battery and Parle. One tion by tho. of the most popular road Lepl Department for the flasher where electric power cannot be maps ever issued Exchauce .amounted by the Cub is the to $149,610.38. an obtained. A crew from the Engineer- new Los Angeles County road iDc:rcue of 83 percent over map. 192D. The ing·Department made a trip East, tak- Touring Departmeat handled 3,187 cases Bureau-Ideals of service for ing map data and completing the work have been ~ where there wu no insurance developed to a· ~ point started a year ..~CO· . It now. has the by the Touring responsibility and 902 claims made Bureau, a Department necessary data to make maps covering with which against members under similar circum- the members of the Cub every main road in the . arc familiar, and stances. an increase of 52 percent and which is called upon Drafting-The Map Drafting De- continually to serve the members. Dur- 65 percent, respectively. The saving to partment members has made the greatest pro- ing the yenr this Department at head- was $113,500.81, an increase gress in its of 65 percent. history during the past quarters and through the branch offices The Department handled year. Although 348 special matters handicapped by Jack took care of 331,614 personal c:altt, an- for the Club and of adequate quarters 6,844 traffic matters. the Department swered 245,657 telephone calls, dlstrib·

• • • • • I • • Dl .. ltCTOIIS orr•c•"• 0 ADVIIDitY eOAaD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE • • HA"tt~J . A 0 N . WAlLACC ~- HAttiiiY J • • AU I ... ~111111 I.DWAIIIO " · YALIHfiHI lfUAIIf O ' ~H "ND"CW Y . .... ULII:. I-t&&.CO - . IDWAIIID 1111 . VAL.IMIINI. IU YoU ,..n•DIIII CL..AIIOIIIN A. UINT HilL rc'tRII fiOY 100h4L , ..., ... w-couwnca OP THit CL..AI.O..H A UINf. I liD VICI l'eltiOIIIT tiOfiACII: 0 NILLifl ..... V, C.ALL ~OH ~ WILT, llPII Co NOT POR PUBLICATION FOR USE OP MKM8•118 ITANDIIP4 L. MIYCHIL.L.. IIC.. tAU' a GIN L, IIIIAN&elll .u.o• rAtt.. AND AU.IH ... Hlc:t~l . &.o. Allea.a CO, ·~·-· ttALI'H tti'I'NOLOL A ..T, ll,lllfU'P w. r. ,..., ... LOe ,._GA., CO, rwu•oa-1 UNITED. STATES OF AMERICA CHAI, IIII , LIND.II'..,, ~D llc:eataii'P HUOH J LOW I. 0....1 CO. Rlc:H•IIID • • HAM ...ON. .. , ..._ CO MAY 26 1922 GENERAL NO. !558 C. I . WCifAY, PIHD ...O'IItotl .I"' IIIII A. GUTHIIIII...... t.~~ .... eooooo CO. WASHINGTON. D. C:.. ~ ALLIN !)A VII. OIIIIIIU COVII .. ~ ~AC 0 , ~"'D ..... ~-CO C\..,P'OIIIO .. o•UA, AeU OIOOIII&L COVIIeU. ~A..C H . THIIIOQ.-, .... ~t O.t... CO I I lA If, Cooo1r 11oeooou• DWIOMT MUtti'HY. ...""• ...... c;o H"IIIVIl\' A "'LLIN. M•• ~~~~·~· Pu•• OICJCIOH P . MAODOA. TIIUIII Co rHII, fDWNilNI) tiANN .. , NaUC fltL.oto-a CO\IIIUL MILTON M. TIAGUI. Yll.lrtwM CO

AMORTIZATION OF WAR PLANTS f'HONI hiCHMOND ;U U The Bureau of Internal Revenue has computed ratios of estimated post- ·war costs of replacement for use in p reparation of claims for nn1ortizntion . of manufacturing equipment and ships acquired after April 6, 1917, \Vhich contributed to the prosecution of the war. AU ratios are ~rd in per- centages based on prices of June 30, 1916, as too per cent. The ratios, AP'P'ILIATCD WITH AMERICAN' AUTOMOBILE AaaOCIATIOH O&NII:RAL HEADQUAATII:Ra- P'IOU&AOA aTA&ItT AT APA .... - Loa ANOI:Lit. which vary from 240 per cent for hard lumber to 6o per cent for structural • .... TlftMIIIAL. AN,fU- ... •oJI :r•.o steel, are sho\vn on page I 570. HAL H08SOH, DI5TRICT IMHAOU LOll A-L l. SAH DI,GO DISTRICT OFFIC' • ~OH:: z FR.ANICUH 1131 PETROLEUM SPECIFICATIONS 2100 FOURTN A~ P. 0 . tlOX lOll, SAN DIEGO 12. CAUFORNI.A The Interdepartmental Petroleum Specifications Committee prepares October 26, 1950 tentative specifications for all petroleum products, including gasoline, kero- I sene, fuel, and lubricating oils. to govern purchases by the United States government. It has just made public its tentative methods for testing pe- Colonel Ed Fletcher troleum products, a public hearing on \vhich \Viii be held in Washington on 1020 - 9th Avenue July 3· The nature of the methods suggested is outlined on page 1571. San Diego, California ELECTRICAL POWER STATIONS l\tiaps of several states showing the location of power stations and trans- mission lines of electric public utility companies have been prepared by the Dear Colonel Fletcher: Geological Survey. They are of use not only to manufacturing plants lvhich are considering the advisability of purchasing power instead of generating it, Attached please find a break do\vn of passenger cars entering but also to companies contemplating the location of factories \Vi thin economi- Southern California through quarantine inspection stations of cal reach of electrical power. The states for which maps are available arc the California Department of Agriculture from 1923 through 1949. named on page I 570. These figures were obtained through Don Doig, Manager of our VICTORY NOTES Touring, Map and License Department and he has asked me to advise you that the California Department of Agriculture did Interest on ~ per cent Victory Notes will cease on June 15, these not segregate Out of State registered vehicles from California notes having been called for redemption on or before that date. Other registered vehicles until 1929; t herefore no attempt has been Treasury matters are mentioned on page ~· • made on this sheet to segregate in any year. He further states • that if you would oould HIGHWAYS desire this, it be done • Equitable distribution of t~"

CITY WATER SYSTEMS The Census Bureau is issuing comparative reports showing \Vater sup- ply systems municipally owned in the 253 cities of the country having 3o,ooo· or more inhabitants. with statistics on comparative total and per capita reve- nue and expenses for each riWr The reports may be had in the manner in- dct~n page r57'. ' ~tl"1t. ... -t tt-~ ~/...:z: .

~ 1- .,( 'h ~ >.:?;- ~~ }, • ., • 1569 • • GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL AGENCIES • • Interest ceases to accrue on ~ per cent Victory Notes after June 15. Victorv Ncaa: AU ~ per cent Vietory Notes b.avlns been eell•• for redemption on June lS, 1922. interest on them wU1 cease on that date. Aa announced on February 9, 1022, the Treasuey iJ prepared to redeem any of these note$ be.tore June 16 at par and accrued In- terest to dnte of redemption. Ateording to the latest reporta S" per eent Victory Notoa to ' an aggregate faeo amount of over $100,000,000 have been preMnted for advance redemption under thb cencral offer to redeem, and there are now outatandlns about f270,000,000 of thcso note.. Cntijiccata oflndlbUdne••: Federal Reaene Banks have been authorlud until further notice to redeem in cash before June 16, at the holder'• option, at par and cr~ lnloNat, Trusuey certlficatea of indebtedness of Serlea T..J-1922, dated Juno 16, 1021, and Sorl 1 T.J-2· 1922, dated December 16, 1921, both maturing June 16, 1022. War r~n Corporation: Duriug the week ending May 20 tho War Flnanco CorJ1oratlon • approved a toW of 78 advances, aggreptlng $3,283,000, for agricultural and Uvc.atock pur- pose3. The progrea of tho orderly mukeUng of agricultural producta 11 evldcnctd by lncrc~· ing repayments of advances made by the 'Val' Finance Corporation; according to n autc:mcnt l from its managing director. In one day, l\by 20; repayments aiJfC!pted $1,121>.000. Of this amount, $851,338 Wall repa.ld by 116 n~ situated in ditrerent puts of the ~ontr. Coopernth·e 1 m:ukctlntc asaoclaUona repald a total of $145,£43 on the ~ date; and repayments from li\' C• atock Joan ~onn! aggregated $131,979. For the past two montbs, the rcn)·rr.cnt~ to the War Finnnc:o Col'poratlon have been slightly In excesa of tho an\ounts di.sburt:cd on new np· plications. Member Banka: Further increases of i2G.ooo,ooo ln holdings of corporate aeeurltles end of $20,000,000 in loallS bAted on such securities besldea an lnereese of $33,000,000 in the total investments in government aeeurltiea, as against a total reduction of $12,000,000 in loans secured by government ob1igatloDJ and in ordinary eommerclal loans, arc indieatcd ln the Federal Resene Board's weekly statement of condition on May 10 af 799 member banks in lending cities. WuklJI StaUJMnt: The statement of condition of Federal Reserve Banks for the week ending May 17 indleates further decre:aseS a1crerating $14,300,000 ifn discounted .and pur· chased bills, aJso a reduction of $22,500,000 in government securities, largely Treasury notes. The re.scrve ratio ahows a further rise from 77.3 to 77.6 per cent. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION The following complaints and orders have been Issued by the Commission during the past week: Con~r and Bo,cott: Order In Docket No. G03 iJ issued agalnat an association of bard- ware jobbers and a number of indlvldual hardware companies. It was charged that they com- bined and cozuplred to compel manufacturers and importers to re!u1e to aell to two other com- panies, one or both ot which were cooperative associations o! retailers. It was further charged thAt rupondent.s combined or conspired to boycott or threaten manufacturers with JoslS of pa- • tronage, for selUng to the latter two cmnpanics or others engnged In a almllar bualnesa on the a:uno • terms and conditions accorded by tho manufacturers to members of the hnrdwaro jobbers' as- IOdation. These charges were proved to the Commielon'a satisfaction end order to ceaso nnd desbt was wued. -· Pureluue of Compditor: Order In Doclcet No. 351 rcquire.s a meat packer to dl5pose o! the capital atock of a eompetlng company which it hAd purchased. The Commission !ound that the purchase by tbe meat pac:ktr of the entire capital stock of the competitor under the condltlons and C'irc:umstancea in the ease constituted a violation of Section 7 of the Clayton Act. Fclae Advertiling: Orden In Dockets Nos. 78-S and 844 requlro two drug stores doing business in a jurudleUon over which tbe Comrnwlon bas lntrut4l4 authority to cease adverHs- lng pyroxylin plastics (celluloid) toUet articles under the designation of "French Ivory," "Pari· Jian lwry," "Pyroxylin or'~ "American Ivory," ete. Order in Docket No. 72:i Is against a firm engaged ln eelUng secondhand adding machines. It was shown that the respondent advertised and sold adding machines as "rebuilt." whttn t~ 'ftre simply overhauled, and advertised for aale severn! hundred adding machines as of eertntn mAke when sueh was not the fact. Formal Complaint No. 879, against a retail dealer ln clothing doing an lntentato business, r~ tala adverllllng ln the aale of cotton plUJh coati as "leeland Seal Plush," or "Seal Plash" coata. ComJMreial Br~r: Formal Complaint No. 878 Is entered against a dyestuaa manu- fadurn for glvfng cuh gratuities In nbstantlal amounta to textile mUI operaton and other o1!ieiah of euatomen to lnftuenee the aale of aupplfet.

Ed Fletcher Papers 1870-1955 MSS.81 Box: 1 Folder: 19

General Correspondence - Automobile Club of Southern California

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