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Document No. 21. REPORT





For the Year 1897. You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library

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State of New Jersey, Office of the Quartermaster General, Trenton, October 30th, 1897.

To the Governor a?id Covimander-in Chief :

In accordance with law, I submit herewith the annual report of

this department for the fiscal 5'ear ended October 30th, 1897 • There have been no new organizations added to the National Guard since the date of my last report. The condition of the arms and accoutrements in possession of the troops is good, as is shown by the annual returns of the company commandants. The use of the white or summer helmet for oflScers and enlisted men of the National Guard has been abandoned by resolution of the State Military Board, and in place thereof a campaign hat of drab felt, U. S. Army pattern, has been adopted to be worn in field and camp, on fatigue or stable duty, and at rifle practice. Canvas leg- gins, U. S. Army pattern, have also been adopted for same service.


The organizations of the First Brigade, consisting of the First,

Second and Fourth Regiments, infantry ; First Troop, cavalr}^, and Gatling Gun Company A, and a detachment of the Hospital and Ambulance Corps encamped at Sea Girt by regiments during a period of three weeks from July loth to 31st. The expenses were as

follows :

Construction, maintaining and taking down camp... S2,650 34 Transportation 4,658 06 Subsistence 7 746 99 Music 1,23G 00 Cooks, waiters and laundress 984 93 Freight and expressage I99 37 Fuel and light 306 43 Quartermaster-General's Department 274 05 Incidentals I47 58 Pay of officers and enlisted men 22 796 25

S41,000 00 (3) You are QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'SViewing an Archived Copy from the NewREPORT. Jersey State Library


The Second Regiment, Colonel Samuel V. S. Muzzy, and the First Troop Cavalry, Captain Frederick Frelinghuysen, represented the National Guard of New Jersey in the parade at Washington, March

4th, J 897, on the occasion of the inauguration of President McKin- ley. The expense incident to this parade amounted to $7,376.51 and was paid by authority of an act of the Legislature, approved March ist, 1897. The Naval Reserve paraded on this occasion under Com- mander Charles B. Dahlgren. April 27th, of this year, was the date of the great parade in New York City, the occasion being the dedication of the tomb of General Grant. The entire National Guard and Naval Reserve of New Jerse}^ went over the line of march and elicited much favorable mention by their splendid appearance. At Philadelphia, May 15th, at the unveiling of the Washington Monument, the Sixth Regiment, Colonel William H. Cooper, and Gatling-Gun Company B, Captain John R. Jones, paraded. On June 9th, the Seventh Regiment, Colonel Charles Y. Bamford, assembled at Trenton for parade and out-door and maneuvers. The weather was inclement, and after a street-parade the companies returned to their respective quarters. On October 21st, the Third Regiment, Colonel Benjamin A. Lee, assembled for battalion-drill and movements at Somerville The arrangements for railroad and water transportation for the parades at Washington and New York were made by this department with the several railroad companies of the State, and the various movements were made promptly, without accident or delay.


Stores to the value of $5,890.75 have been drawn during the year under the Federal Government act for arming and equipping the militia of the States and Territories, leaving a balance of $18,587.44 to the credit of this State on the books of the War Department. The balance standing to the credit of the naval militia of this State on the books of the Navy Department is $1,644.78. You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERALS an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library5


Balance November 1st, 1896 83,097 78 Amount of receipts for fiscal year ended October 30tb, 1897 1,724 04

$4,821 82 CREDIT.

By bills paid by the Quartermaster-General as per vouchers filed with the Comptroller of the Treasury 3,284 19

Balance October 30th, 1897 $1,537 G3


For expenses for division, brigade and regimental headquarters $1,^81 43 Allowances for Gatling gun companies 1.344 51 Allowances for cavaliy troops 2,000 00 Allowances to companies of the National Guaid 24,563 82 Hospital and ambulance corps 1,000 00 Camp and Garrison equipage and Quartermaster's stores and miscellaneous supplies 7,992 91 New unifoims 14,143 57 Transportation for battalion , inspections and parades, and pay of brigade inspectors 3,000 00 Compensation of officers and employes and expenses Incurred in connection

with rifle range and practice... 9,993 06 Re-building target pits and butts 2,493 25 Pay of officers and enlisted men and expenses incurred in connection with annual encampment 41,000 00 Compensation of Superintendent and employes, and for forage, fuel and maintenance of the State camp grounds 6,996 70 Expenses, repairs, water and maintenance of the State arsenal 1,490 93 Expenses of military boards and courts martial 300 70 Pay and expenses of officer detailed from U. S. Army 695 11 Maintaining, heating and lighting the armories in Paterson, Jersey City and Camden 9,295 61 Transportation for disabled soldiers to the Home at Kearny 21 48 Inaugural parade at Washington 7,376 51

8138,189 59


For rent and maintenance of headquarters, $300 00


For rent and maintenance of battalion headquarters $300 OO Allowance for three divisions, 931 54 Maintenance of vessel, tools and supplies, 1,249 31 Repairs to vessel, 2,498 91 Sails, spars and outfit, 2,499 89 Annual cruise, 1,499 52 Pay of shipkeeper, 600 00

$9,579 17 You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New REPORT.Jersey State Library


For rent and maintenance of battalion headquarters, S300 00 Allowance for three divisions, 378 31 Maintenance of vessel, tools and supplies, 2,098 07 Repairs to vessel, 1,589 73 Transportation of divisions to vessel, 115 71 Pilotage, 145 00 Traveling expenses of officers on ins'ruction day 217 74 Pay of shipkeeper 591 25

$5,435 81


Statement A. —Payment of ojfi&cers aud enlisted men of the First Brigade.

Statement B.—Camp and garrison equipage, ordnance and ord- nance stores received at the State Arsenal from the United States during the year ending October 30th, 1897.

Statement C. —Uniforms received from the contractor and issued to companies of the National Guard during the year ending October 30th, 1897.

Statejnent D.—Clothing, camp and garrison equipage and Quarter- master's stores, implements for sappers and miners, hospital supplies, ordnance and ordnance stores at the State Camp Grounds, Sea Girt,

N. J., on October 30th, 1897.

Statement E. —Clothing, camp and garrison equipage and Quarter- master's stores, implements for sappers and miners, hospital supplies, ordnance and ordnance stores at the State Arsenal on October 30th, 1897.

Tabular Statement A. —Ordnance and ordnance stores in posses- sion of the National Guard,

Tabular Statement B. —Ordnance and ordnance stores in posses- sion of the Naval Reserve.

Tabular Statement C. —Ordnance and ordnance stores in posses- sion of military academies and schools. You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the NewREPORT. Jersey State Library7

Tabular Statement D.—Ordnance and ordnance stores in posses- sion of independent militar}' companies.

Tabular Statement E. —Ordnance and ordnance stores in posses- sion of tbe Posts of the Department of New Jersey, Grand Army of the Republic.

Tabular Statement F. —Ordnance and ordnance stores in posses- sion of Camps of the Division of New Jersey, Sons of Veterans.

Respectfully submitted, RICH'D A. DONNELLY, Quartermaster- General of N. J. You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library


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Trenton, N. J., October 30, 1897.

Ceneral Richard A. Donnelly, Payniaster-Geiieral of New Jersey.

General,— I have the honor to submit herewith a report of the payment of the ofiicers and enHsted men of the First Brigade,

National Guard, for services at Camp Griggs, Sea Girt, N. J., July loth to 31st, 1897, both days inclusive, pursuant to the " Supplement

to the act entitled ' An act for the organization of the National Guard of New Jersey,' " approved May nth, 1886.

First Brigade Staff $1,026 00

First Regiment.

Field and Staff and Non Commissioned Staff S705 00 Company A 489 00 Company B 526 50 Company C 514 50 Company D 519 00 Company E 541 50 Company F 528 00 Company G 543 00 Company H 406 50 Company I 393 U) Company K 516 00 Company L 505 50 Company M 469 00 6,646 50

Second Reg iment.

Field and Staff and Non-Commissicned Staff $662 50 Company A 656 50 Company B 471 00 Company C 537 50 Company D 344 50 Company E 382 25 Company F 555 75 (H) You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library 12 QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S REPORT.

Company G S165 75 Company H 432 00

Company I 447 00 Company K 265 00 Company L 540 60 Company M 351 00

Fourth Regiment.

Field and Staff ard Non Commissioned Staff 8699 00 Company A 468 50 Company B 415 50 Company C 459 75 Company D 543 00 Company E 475 50 Company F ~ 489 00 Company G 460 50 Company H 458 60

Company I 403 50 Company K 576 00 Company L 655 50 Company M 479 25 6,583 50 First Troop, Cavalry 1,337 OO Galling Gun Ccmpany A 533 50 Hospital and Ambulance Corps 658 50

522,796 25 Very respectfully,

SAMUEL S. ARMSTRONG, Captain and Paymaster. ^


Camp and Garrison Equipage and Ordnance and Ordnance Stores Received from the United States Government During the Year

Ending October jo, i8gy.

December 19, 1897. From Major John Pitman, Ordnance Department U. S. Army, Frankford Arsenal, Pa.

33,000 revolver bullets, cal. .45.

January 5. From Major John Pitman, Ordnance Department U, S. Army, Frankford Arsenal, Pa.

17,000 revolver bullets, cal. .45. You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S REPORT. ]3

April 26. From Captain A. H. Russell, Ordnance Department U. S. Array, Rock Island, Ills 50 nose bags.

May 27. From Major John Pitman, Ordnance Department U. S. Army, Frankford Arsenal, Pa.

80000 rifls ball cartiidges, cal. .45. 20000 revolver bullets, cal .45. 50000 carbine blank cartridges, cal. .45. 3000 friction primers. 5000 revolver ball cartridges, cal. ..38. 2.5000 target pasters, black. 5000 revolver blank cartridges, cal .38. 100000 target pasters, buff. 5000 carbine bullets, cal. .45.

June 15. From Major John Pitman, Ordnance Department U. S. Army, Frankford Arsenal, Pa.

50000 carbine ball cartridges, ca). .45

June 17. From Captain A. H. Russell, Ordnance Department U. S. Army,

Rock Island, 111.

200 paper targets, A. 30 cloth silhouettes, F. 10 target frames, D. 100 paper silhouettes. D 10 target frames, E. 100 paper silhouettes E. 10 target frames, F. 100 paper silhouettes, F. SO cloth silhouettes, D. 1 set marking rods, disks and brushes. 30 cloth silhouettes, E

July 9. From Major V. McNally, O. S. K., U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. 300 Boxer fuses.

July 10. From Captain A. H. Russell, Ordnance Department, U. S. Army,

Rock Island, 111.

scabbards, belts. 150 bayonet Hoffman attachment. | 150 waist

Jnly21. From Major Charles W. Williams, Quartermaster U. S. Arnij^, Philadelphia, Pa.

6 storm and recruiting flags.

August 7. From Lieutenant Colden L'H. Ruggles, Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Army, Frankford Arsenal, Pa.

35000 target pasters, black. 100000 target pasters, buff. I You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library 14 QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S REPORT.

August 9. From Lieutenant Golden L'H. Ruggles, Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Army, Frankford Arsenal, Pa,

fiOOOO rifle ball cartridges, cal. .45.

August 10. From Lieutenant W. S. Peirce, Ordnance Department U. S. Army,

Rock Island, 111.

" " 50 paper silhouettes, E." | 150 paper silhouettes, F."

September 2. From Major W. H. Rexford, O. S. K., U. 8. Army, Springfield, Armory, Mass.

500 rear sights, complete, model 1884, for Springfield rifles, cal. .45. You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S REPORT. 15


Statement of Uniforms Received from the Contractors and Issued to the National Guard during the Year Endiiig October go, iSgy. You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library 16 QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S REPORT.


Clothing, Camp Equipage, Quartermaster' s Stores, &c., at the State jo, i8gy. Camp Grounds, Sea Girt, N. J. , October

6 great coats, cavalry pattern. 3 table cloths, dining, linen. 3 livery hats. 1 table cover, red 4 livery coats. 134 napkins. 4 pairs livery trousers. 186 toilet towels. 168 bathing suits. 440 dish towels. 2 bath-houses. 8 bath towels. 2 garrison flags, arms of New Jersey. 2 roller towels. 1 garrison flag, U. S. 121 pillows. 3 flag staffs, regimental, small. 158 pillow cases. 130 canteens, U. S. pattern 12 pillow cases, Imen. 66 hospital tent poles, upright. 11 bolsters. 46 hospital tent poles, ridge. 7 bolster cases. 772 wall tent poles, upright. 132 sheets, double. 455 wall tent poles, ridge. 191 sheets, single. 1639 common tent poles, upright, new pattern. 44 bed spreads, doiible. 844 common tent poles, ridge, new pattern. 50 bed spreads, single. 1225 common tent poles, upright, old pattern. 8 Cretonne curtains and fixtures. 670 common tent poles, ridge, old pattern. 22 pairs window curtains, Swiss. 26 Sibley tent poles, 6 pairs window curtains, lace. 48 Sibley tent tripods. 31 window shades. 3 sets poles, stakes, &c., for canopy tents. 29 window screens, wire. 53 floors for hospital tents. 1 portiere curtain. 209 floors for wall tents 1 pair andirons. 648 floors for common tents. 2 door mats. 18500 tent pins, single notch. 9 woolen rugs, large. 3750 tent pins, double notch. 7 woolen rugs, small. 26 guy ropes for tents. 7 woolen druggets, large. 30 sentry boxes, complete. 134 yards carpet, in use. 1 arm rack for guard tent. 189 yards matting, in use, cottage. 180 camp cots, electric. 35 pieces matting, new. 930 camp cots, canvas. 53 pieces matting, in use, tents 906 bed sacks, single. 16 yards linoleum, in use, cottage. 278 mattresses, single. 10 stair rods, . 1 mattress, single, hair. 1 carpet sweeper. 2 mattresses, single, hair, small. 26 scarlet blankets. 44 mattresses, single, folding, for guard tent. 8 gray blankets. 10 mattresses, double 6 white blankets. 2 mattresses, double, hair. 2 rubber b'.ankets. 1 lounge. 6 rubber ponchos. 2 folding bedsteads, double, enameled. 1 letter press and table. 1 bedstead, iron, double, enameled. 6 office desks. 3 bedsteads, iron, single, small, enameled. 1 office table. 1 bedstead, iron, single, enameled. 6 office chairs, revolving seat. 9 bedsteads, double, plain. 1 case of drawers. 12 wire spring bottoms for bedsteads. 13 field desks. 1 wire spring bottom for single bedstead. 29 tables for field desks. 1 Japanese screen. 25 wooden chairs. 1 bureau and mirror, walnut. 40 wooden chairs, cane seat. 17 bureaus and mirrors, plain. 8 chair cushions. 3 bureau covers. 2 patent rockers, cane seat. 10 bureau covers, linen. 159 rockers, plain. 4 stand covers, linen. 4 reception chairs, wicker. 1 table wash stand and cover. 4 reception chairs. 4 wash stands, ash. 16 dining chairs, leather seat. 41 wash stands, plain. 1 piano, upright. 11 clothes racks. 1 piano stool. 1 set awnings for cottage 1 piano cover, rubber. 264 writing tables, plain, small. 1 thermometer, small. 3 card tables, . 122 camp chairs, folding. 1 dining table, extension, square. 1609 camp stools. 2 dining tables, extension, plain. 1028 wooden stools. 4 dining tables, drop-leaf, plain. 14 wooden settees. 6 tables, round, plain. 2 wooden settees, cane seat. 2 tables, large, plain. 1 settee, corner, wicker. 2 cook's tables. 2 settees, bamboo. 23 table cloths, dining. 4 pictures, framed. You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New REPORT.Jersey State Library17

buffet, corner. 12 peppers, glass. waste baskets. 4 vinegar pitchers, glass. clothes baskets. 2 sugar bowls, glass. bushel baskets. 1 cream jug, glass. postal scale 2 pepper boxes, tin office clock, 8-day. 2 dredge boxes, tin. nickel clocks, 1-day. 4 table casters, plated. nickel clock, marine. 1 table caster, glass. mirror, mantel. 12 napkin rings, rubber. mirrors, large. 1 water pitcher, plated. mirrors, small. 24 table spoons, plated, fine. kerosene lamps, stand nickel. 18 table spoons plated, common. kerosene lamps and brackets, wall. 24 dessert spoons, plated, fine. kerosene lamps, stand, glass. 18 dessert spoons, plated, common. kerosene lamps, hanging, plain. 33 tea spoons, plated, fine. kerosene lamps, hanging, brass. 46 tea spoons, plated, common. kerosene lamp, hand, glass. 24 coffei spoons, plated, fine. kerosene lamps, tin with reflectors. 2 mustard spoons, plated, fine. lanterns, tubular, oil. 24 table knives, plated, fine. 40 lanterns, candle, tin. 67 table knivei, plated common. 6 street lanterns. 20 table forks plated, fine. 2 iron frames for do. 67 table forks, plated, common. 2 electric torch lighters. 90 table forks plated, old, commo#. 439 candle sticks tin. 24 dessert knives, plated, fine. 22 water carriers, tin. 31 dessert knives, plated, common. 4 water coolers. 22 dessert forks, plated, fine. 1 watering pot tin. 24 oyster forks, plated, fine. 1 watering pot zinc. 2 butter knives, plated, fine. butler's tray, complete 2 butter knives, plated, common. 30 wooden pads. 1 soup ladle, plated, fine. 21 fibre pails. 1 sauce ladle, plated, fine 60 horse buckets. 1 carver's set. plated, fine. 68 wash tubs. 1 carver's set, steel. 1 clothes wringer. 2 carver's steels. 2 wash boards. 1 carving knife, steel. 11 hand scrubs 1 soup ladle, plated. 1 foot tub. 30 ladles, tmned. 1 shower-bath attachment. 2016 table spoons, tinned. 4 cuspidors, china. 974 tea spoons, tinned. 172 ewers, china. 12 butcher knives. 190 wash bowls, china. 2 pastry knives. 1608 cups, china. 5 butcher's cleavers. 2274 saucers, china. 3 butcher's chopping blocks. 1632 dinner plates, china. 59 flesh forks 3il soup plates, china. 16 cook's forks. 722 tea plates, china. 80 basting spoons. 2728 soup bowls, china. 2 spring balances, small. 58 nappies, china. 1 spring balance, large. 288 water pitchers, ch na. 1 knife box. 11 cream ju»s, china. 1 wooden spoon, large. 1 chocolate pot, china. 1 corkscrew. 1 cracker jar, china. 1 flour pail. 43 sugar bowls, china. 4 sugar scoops, tin. 408 vegetable dishes, china. 18 skimmers, tin. 43 butter plates, china. 2 strainer, tin. 387 meat phtters, china. 1 tea strainer, tin. 1 punch bowl, china. 2 coffee strainer, tin. 2 sets tableware, china, decorated. 22 tea kettles, tin. 2 sets tableware, china, decorated, fine. 1 tea caddy, tin. 6 egg cups, china 1 coffee caddy, tin. 11 soap cups, china. 3 spice boxes, tin. 3 match holders, china. 10 spice boxes, wood. 2 tooth-brush holders, china. 2 wooden bowls, large. 3 mugs, china 1 pastry board. 9 chambers, china. 1 rolling pin, wood. 7 slop jars, china. 1 crumb brush and tray. 4 earthen bowls. 1 cake box, tin. 4 stone jugs. 3 cake tins. 3 stone jars. 4 cake turners. 1 spoon holder, glass. 2 jelly moulds, tin. 150 table tumblers, glass. 1 steamer, tin. 70 tumblers, fancy, glass. 5 sets muffin tin. 7 table tumblers, cut glass. 11 muffin rings, tin. 27 tumblers, fancy, cut glass. 783 tin cups, pints. 4 table goblets, glass. 1 flour sieve, tin 16 finger bowls glass. 16 pie tins. 6 fruit dishes, glass. 5 lemon squeezers. 4 water pitchers, g ass. 7 funnels, tin. 4 water pitchers, glass, silver top. 2 liquid measures, tin. 110 salts, glass. 2 farina boilers, tin. 4 salt cellers, glass. 3 potato mashers, wood. 5 salt shakers, glass. 3 egg beaters. 2 Q M You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library 18 QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S REPORT.

23 chopping trays, wooden. 3 picks and handles. 5 meat choppers, hand. 3 grubting hoes. 4 trays, plated. 1 mason's hoe. 8 trays, tin. 1 garden hoe. 569 tin plates. 3 scuffle hoes. 924 wash basins, tin. 2 garden rakes, iron 33 wash boilers, tin. 30 wooden lakes. 30 dish pans, tin. 1 pair garden sheais. 106 coffee pots, tin. 20 and helves. 20 coffee pots, tin, large. 2 shovels. 2 coffee pots, agate. 2 shovels, long hindle. 2 tea pots, agate. 6 shovels, pointed. 1 roaster. 3 scoop scovels. 3 graters, tin. 1 sod-cutter. 8, tin. 50 spades. 392 tin pans, assorted. 1 pjir pulley blocks. 87 tin dippers. 1 stretcher for wire-fencing. 3 coal stoves, heating. 1 drag chain and hook. 25 cooking stoves. No. 8. 3 clevises 4 cooking stoves. No. 10. 2 mauls, wooden. 3 naphtha stoves. 1 maul, iron. 4 stoves and caldrons, 60 gallons. 3 mole traps, iron. 46 coal Bods. 7 wheelbarrows, 8 fire shovels. 17 pitchforks. 20 skillets, iron. 5 stable forks. 8 griddles, iron. 23 stable brooms. 1 waffle iron. 1 hay knife. 17 sauce pans, iron, large. 1 hay fork, unloading. 22 sauce pans and lids, iron. 1 step ladder. 6 sauce pans, tin, large. 1 , cross-cut. 3 sauce pms, tin. 2 carpenter's , cross-cut. 45 frying pans, iron. 1 carpenter's saw, rip-cut. 51 iron pots 1 buck saw. 1 pot scraper. 2 carpenter's . 1 gridiron. 1 saw setter. 2 boilers, oval, iron. 1 putty knife. 4 boilers, large, iron. 2 carpenter's hammers. 2 fish boilers, iron. 2 riveting hammers. 1 fish boiler, tin, large. 1 sledge hammer. 1 fish boiler, tin, small. 1 spirit level. 8 kettles, agate. 1 set augur-bits, ^4 to ^-inch. bit, to 3-inch. 1 kettle, enameled. 1 extension J's 148 camp kettles, iron. 1 augur, % inch. 173 mess pans, iron. 2 screwdrivers hand, 144 dripping pans, iron. 3 carpenter's . dividers. 1 coffee mill, iron. 1 pair carpenter's 2 tea kettles, iron. 1 pair clippers, 6-inch. 1 toaster. 1 jack , 31 bioilers wire. 1 2 biuig borers. 2 carpenter's hatchets. 1 grocer's scale. 1 tape line, 100 feet, line, feet. 1 platform scale, Fairbanks. . 1 tape 75 braces. 1 stanard scale, U. S., Meyer. 2 carpenter's %-inch. 1 hay scale. 5 bits for do 14 to iron. 1 meat safe. 2 carpenter's squares, refrigerate- s, 1 nail cutter. 6 ice boxes, large. 1 nail punch. 10 pairs ice tongs. 1 box opener. 4 ice picks. 5 crow-bars frames. 1 ice crusher. 2 grindstones and 1 ice plow. 10 files, asserted. 1 freezer. 1 mason's trowel. 5-inch. 7 ice hooks and handles. 1 bench , , 4-inch. 1 ice . 2 bench 2 ice saws 1 bench vise, 2 inch. 1 ice-cutting bar. 1 pipe vise. 2 sets sadirons, patent. 2 pipe stocks, hand. 10 sadirons, common. 8 pipe dies, 2-inch to i^-inch. li^-inch to i^-inch, 1 iron stand. 4 pipe taps, 8 mops am handles. 3 pipe tongs, extension. large. 2 slop pails, zinc. 1 pipe tongs, chain, 3 branding irons, ' New Jersey." 2 j.ipe cutters. alligator pattern. 1 stencil plate, brass, " New Jersey 4 p pe wrenches, Sttrtson pattern. 1 warehouse truck. 2 pipe wrenches, 2 grass scythes. 3 screw wrenches, monkey. 2 snaths for scythes. 1 ratchet drilling machine. 2 brush scythes 2 machine tops 2 snaths for brush scythes. 3 cold chisels, hand. cast iron. 2 grass sickles. 4 sinks, for pumps pipe, galvanized, inch. 1 brush axe and helve. 100 feet iron 2% galvanized, 1 inch. 2 brush hooks and handles. 18 feet iron pipe, galvanized, inch. 7 mattocks and handles. 61 feet iron pipe, \]{ You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S REPORT. 19

54 feet iron pipe, galvanized, i^ inch. 20 target frames, F iron, U.S. pattern. 8 feet iron pipe, black, 2% inch. 26 bracing rods, iron, for target frames. 12 feet iron pipe, black, 5^ inch, 6 targets, iron, image, 48 feet iron pipe, black, J4 inch. 34 silhouettes, cloih, D, U. S. pattern. 40 feet terra cotta pipe; tj inch. 34 silhouettes, cloth, E, U. S, pattern. 4 feet terra cotta pipe, 4 inch 31 silhouettes, cloth, F, U. S. pattern. 1 trap, terra cotta, b inch, 26 silhouettes, paper, D, U. S. pattern. 1 trap, terra cotta, 4 inch. 42 silhouettes, paper, E, U. S. pattern. 1 tee, terra cotta, 4 inch, 10 silhouettes, paper, F, U. S. pattern. 1 lot pipe fittings, iron 2 sets marking rods and brushes for same. 50 pounds band iron, 2% inch. 57 signal flags and statfs. 1 Dean steam pump and boiler, complete, 4 streamers, U. S. pattern. 1 Worthington steam pump and boiler, com- 4 target frames and carriages, complete, 12x6 plete. feet. 1 set wrenches for Dean's pump. 52 target frames and carnages, complete, 6x6 1 lot packing for .'team pumps feet 1 piece hose, .3-inch, for water sprinkler. 72 target frames and carriages, complete, 6x4 1 portable forge. feet. 22 iron pumps. 25 target frames, 6x6 feet. 2 wooden pumps. 24 target frames, 6x4 feet. 31 iron hydrants. 15 target score-boards, large. 16 paper targets, A 72 disks and handles, 200 yards. 50 paper targets, B. 47 disks and bandies, 500 yards. 5 paper targets, 1000 yards. 2 disks and handles, 1000 yards. 1 sea target, muslin. 48 figures, wood, 1 to 48 inclusive. 1 anchor for sea target. 125 feet copper chain for targets, extra. 16 target number boards. 2 Waid indicators, compU te. 20 target frames, D iron, U. S. pattern, 25000 target pasters, buff, U. S. 20 target frames, E iron, U. S. pattern.

Medical Supplies.

1 case amputating instruments. 1 case for drugs, large, 1 medicine chest, new pattern, U. S. 1 set splints, wood. 1 medicine chest, old pattern. 1 druggist's scale. 1 stomach pump. 2 spatulas.

6 bed pans , 1 oil stove, small. 2 commodes, wood. 1 hand litter, N. J. 6 druggist mc rtars. 1 ambulance wagon, U S. pattern, complete. Lot ot drugs, old. 1 set harness for ambulance wagon, 2-horse.

Miscellaneous Stores.

3]/^ boxes soap. 3 hay shelving-;. 2 cans black pepper. 2 dumping bodies for farm wagons extra. 5 cans mustard. 1 water-sprinkling wagon. 3 wagon jacks. 8 horses, in use. 2 hay rakes. 5 sets carriage harness, 2-horse. 1 hay tedder. 2 sets carriage harness, 1-horse. 2 mowing machines, field. 3 sets team harness, 2-horse. 4 sets knives for same. 2 fly nets, leather. 1 lawn mower, horse. 8 halters, leather. 1 lawn mower, hand. 2 neck halters. 1 fanning mill 15 tie ropes. 1 land roller, iron, horse. 4 Surcingles. 1 land roller, wooden, horse 4 horse blankets. 1 land roller, iron, hand. 5 horse blankets, sweating. 1 road scraper, horse. 5 lap covers, cloth. 3 dirt scoops, iron. 2 carriage whips. 2 plows, 2-horse. 1 pair horse clippers. 1 harrow, 2 horse. 1 officer's saddle. 1 feed cuiter. 1 officer's bridle, N. J. 59 grain bags. 1 saddle cloth, plain. 3 half peck measures, wood 1 carriage, 2-horse. 2 oil cans, self-sealing. 2 wagonettes. 1 ladder, 20 feet long. 1 carriage, jump seat. 1 ladder, 16 feet long. 1 surrey. 1 manger, iron, extra. 1 J agger wagon. 5}^ tens fertilizer. 1 Brewster buggy, sidebar. 2 truck wagons. 2 12-pounder Napoleon guns. 3 farm wagons. 2 carriages for same. 2 farm wagons, dump body. 2 12-pounder limbers. 4 carriage covers, muslin. 2 sets firing implements, 12-pound guns You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library 20 QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S REPORT.


Clothhig^ Camp and Garrison Equipage, &c., and Ordnance and Ordnance Stores in the State Arsenal, October jo, iSgj.

4 uniform helmets, samples. 28 camp cots, electric. 1 uniform helmet, Gatling Gun Co. B. 25 mattresses, single. 7 uniform helmets. Third Regiment. 576 common tents, old pattern. 12 uniform helmets, Sixth Regiment. 674 common tents, new pattern 3 uniform helmets, Seventh Regiment. 294 wall tents 11 fatigue helmets. Sixth Regiment. 478 wall tent flys. 9 fatigue helmets. Seventh Regiment. 27 Sibley tents. 1 fatigue helmet, Third Regiment 52 hospital tents. 1 fatigue cap. Sixth Regiment. 61 hospital tent flys. 1 uniform coat, N. G., infantry, sample. 2 canopy tents. 1 fatigue coat, N. G., infantry, sample. 148 sets common tent poles, old pattern.

1 uniform coat, N. G , cavalry, U. S. regula- 31 sets common tent poles, new pattern. tion. 52 sets wall tent poles. 1 fatigue coat, N. G., cavalry, U. S. regula- 67 sets hospital tent poles. tion, 3685 tent pins, S N. 10 great coats, N. G., officers, old patttern. 2075 tent pins, D. N. 3084 great coats, N. G., infantry. 480 metallic slips for tents 80 great coals, N. G., cavalry, new pattern. 1300 wooden slips for tents. 6 pairs chevrons, sergeant-major, gilt. 2600 wooden buttons for tents. 5 pairs chevrons, quartermaster sergeant, gilt. 26 metallic rings for tents, J^-inch, 5 pairs chevrons, commissary-sergeant, gilt. 850 metallic ring, for tents, li-8-inch. 6 pairs chevrons, color-sergeant, gilt. 500 metallic rings for tents, Jg-inch G pairs chevrons, general guide, gilt 250 metallic rings lor tents, 4-8-inch. 12 pairs chevrons, principal musician, gilt. 290 yards cotton puck, 8 ounce, 2 pairs chevrons, bugler, gilt. 200 yards cotton duck, 10-ounce. 4 pairs chevrons, hospital-steward, gilt. 180 yards cotton duck, 12-ounce. 4 pairs chevrons, sergeant-major, cloth 100 yards linen bagging. 2 pairs chevrons, quartermaster-sergeant, 300 yards flax canvas. cloth. 13 pounds sewing twine, 5 fold. 3 pairs chevrons, commissary-sergeant, cloth. 11 pounds sewing twine, 8 fold. 6 pairs chevrons, color-sergeant, cloth. 16 axes. 6 pairs chevrons, general guide, cloth. 36 axes and helves. 2 pairs chevrons, principal musician, cloth. 30 fireman's axes and hehes. 13 pairs chevrons, bugler, cloth. 22 axes helves, extra. 5 pairs chevrons, hospital-steward, cloth. 4 camp hatchets and handles 9 brassards, medical department 14 picks. 25 pairs chevrons, first sergeant, infantry. 6 pick handles. 14 pairs chevrons, sergeant, infantry. 10 spades. 9 pairs chevrons, corporal, infantry. Ifi shovels. 28 pairs chevrons, lance corporal 2 mattocks and handles. 3 pairs chevrons, first sergeant, artillery. 53 camp kettles, iron. 4 pairs chevrons, sergeant, artillery. 1261 tin plates, N. G pattern. 10 pairs chevrons, corporal artillery. 1025 tin plates, old pattern. 55 pairs of State service stripes. 247 tin cups, pints. 70 pairs of U. S. service stripes. 171 tin cups, half-pints. 1693!--s yards dark blue cloth, coats, infantry. 15 tin dippers. 1607>"3 yards dark blue cloth, blouses, infantry. 4.52 table knives, N G. N. J. 2110J/2 yards light blue cloth, trousers infantry. 865 table forks, N. G. N. J. 19>'s yards light blue cloth, officers' trousers. 619 table knives, plain. plain. 22 gross buttons, N. G , infantry, large. 728 table forks, 26 gross buttons, N. G., infantry, small. 200 table spoons, tinned. 3 gross buttons, N. G., artillery, large. 80 tea spoons, tinned.

6 gross button«, N. G , artillery, small. 16 butcher knives. 2 gross button?, N. G., cavalry, small. 7 co^k's firks. 6 butcher's cleavers. 1 gross buttons, N. G , cavalry, small. 1 8-12 gross buttons, N G., hospital and ambu- 10 meat choppers, hand. pattern. lance corps, large 400 knapsa' ks, N. J , old 1 gross buttons, N G., hospital and ambu- 1569 knapsacks, Merriam pattern. lance corps, small. 853 haversacks, canvas. 202.5 scarlet blanke's 15 snare drums, new. 1230 gray biankets. 4 snare drums, U S. pattern. 176 pairs red blankets, common. 121 drum heads, batter. 168 rubber blankets 46 drum heads, snare. 22 rubber ponchos 24 drum cords 2 bed sacks, single. 15 drum braces, Ifather. .316 camp cots, canvas. 10 drum covers, rubber. .

You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library21

26 drum covers, muslin. 3 stencil plates, 1 to 0, sets. 11 drum slings, leather. 4 lanterns, tubular, tin. 33 drum slings, webbing 5 lanterns, candle, tin. 25 drum sling hooks, extra. 5 heating stoves. 53 drum snares, sets. 5 stable forks. 30 pairs drum sticks. 3 hay fcrks, hand. 28 drum stick carriages. 2 wooden rakes. " 56 fifes, "C 3 wooden pails. 40 tin wash basins. 30 hand scrubs. 33 tin cans, one galli^n 2 wheelbarrows, wood. 13 tin cans, half gallon. 1 wheelbarrow, ircn. 10 tin cans, quarter gallon. 1 bushel measure, wood. 17 pairs manacles 2 half bushel measures, wood. 38 pairs handcuffs. 1 peck measure, wood. 1 post flag. 3 carpenter's hatchets. 5 storm flags, U. S. regulation. 3 carpenter's saws 1 bunting flag, 6x4 feet. 2 carpenter's hammers. 6 bunting flags 4 sledges atid handles. 1 burgee, lanies' fiilet 2 mauls, iron.

1 burgee, Camp Griggs. 69 axe slings, leather 1 hospital flag, post and field. 86 spade slings, leather. 2 hospital marker flags n;ounted. 2 commissary chests and contents 20 color slings and sockets. 90 grain bags. 9 stencil plates, A to K, sets.

Implements for Sappers and Miners.

3 hand carts. 18 police lanterns. 6 drag ropes and hooks. 18 tubular lanterns, brass 6 scaling ladders. 6 pairs cutting pliers. 6 crowbars.

Unserviceable Camp ayid Garrison Equipage

284 great coats, cavalry pattern. 704 canteens, U. S. pattern, old. 28 great coats, U. S. infantry. 2023 knapsacks, N. J. 38 great coats, gray, infantry.

Hospital Supplies.

3 cases surgical intruments, field. 3 hard litters, N.J. 1 case surgical instruments, pocket. 1 ambulance litter, U. S. pattern. 4 medicine panniers, new pattern. 4 hand litters, U. S. pattern. 3 medicine panniers, old pattern. 28 slings for litters, webbing. 3 medical service belts, H aud A corps. 12 rubber canteens.

Baggage Train.

2 horses, in use. 1 set harness, one-horse. 1 carriage. 2-horse. 12 pairs harness extra. 1 ordnance wagon, 2-horse. 28 chain halters 1 truck wagon, 2-horse. 4 collars, extra. 1 cart. 6 wagoner's saddles 1 set carriage harness, 2 horse. 1 set farrier's tools, incomplete. 1 set truck harness, 2 horse. 13 stretchers for harness. 1 set cait harness. 130 pounds horseshoes.

Ordnance and Ordnance Stores.

33 Springfield rifles, cal. .45, model 1873. 726 sight guards for rifles, cal. .45. 45 Springfield rifles, cal. 45, model 1884. 600 wiping rods, wood, cal .45. 19 Springfield rifles, cal. .45, special, model 899 headless shell extractors, cal .45. 1884. 3245 screw- drivers for rifles, cal. .45. You22 are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New REPORT.Jersey State Library

872 screw-drivers for rifles, cal. 45, combination. 4 Gattling guns, long, cal. .45; model 1875. 14 Springfield carbines, cal. .45, model 187 i. 4 carriages for Gatling guns, model 1875. 20 Springfield carbines, cat. .45, model 1884. 4 limbers fordo. 242 rifle muskets, cal. ..58, T. A. Co. 1 e.\tra pole for limber, hand. 36 rifle muskets, cal. .5S, Colt's P. F A. Co. 1 drag rope for Gatling gun. 25 rifle mu5kets, cal. .58, Savage A. Co. 2 sets firing implements, Gatling gun, .45. 5 rifle muskets, cal. .58, cadet, Maynard 153 feed cases, tin, Gatling gun, .45. primer. dismounting bars for 3-inch howitzer B. L. 10 rifle muskets, cal. 58. breech sights for 3-inch howitzer B. L. 75 Colt's revolvers, cal. .45. thumb screw for do 5 Colt's revolvers, cal. .38, army model. cup gas checks, spare for 3-inch howitzer 66 Colt's revolvers, cal. .38, navy model. B. L. 1 signal pistol. collar guide bolts, spare for 3-inch howitzer 1 set signal pistol accoutrements. B. L. 800 spring vises, U. S. collar latches, spare for 3-inch howitzer 388 spring vises, U. S. Springfield rifle. B. L. 2520 tumbler and band spring punches. combination wrenches, spare for 3-inch S4+ mainsprings, cal. .45. howitzer B. L. 336 tumbler screws, rifle, cal. .45. carriage wrench, spare for 3-inch howitzer 150 tumblers, rifle, cal. .45. B. L. 650 firing pins, rifle, cal. .45. nose-plate wrenches, spare for 3-inch how- 700 firing pin screws, cal. .45. itzer B L. 30 breech blocks, rifle, cal. .45. elevating screws, spare for 3-inch howitzer 100 breech block caps, cal. .45. B. L. 800 breech bl"ck cap screws, cal. .45. elevating screw pins, spare for 3-inch how- IG receivers for rifles, cal. 45. itzer B. L. 48 breech pins for rifles, cal. .45. cartridge bag formers for 3 inch howitzer 34 guard plates rifles, cal. .45. B. L 30 guard plate screws, cal. .45. bristle sponges and staves for 3. inch how- 38 guard bows, cal. 45. itzer B. L. 100 guard bow swivels, cal. .45 woolen sponges and staves for 3-inch how- 25 guard bow swivel screws, cal. .45. itzer B L 75 hammers for rifles, cal. .45. sponge covers, canvas, for 3inch howitzer 110 rear sights for rifles, cal. .45, model 1879. B. L 372 rear sights for rifles, cal. .45, complete, marine sponge, for 3 inch howitz?r, B. L. model 1884. sponge bucket, leather, for 3-iach howitzer 90 pistol grips for rifles, cal. .45. B. L. 250 extractors for rifles, cal. .45. drag ropes for 3-inch howitzer B. L. 140 ejector spriags, cal. .45 check ropes for 3-inch howitzer B. L. 65 ejector spring spindles, cal. 45. guide ropes for 3-inch howitzer B. L. 30 ejector studs, cal. .45. canvas covers for 3-inch howitzer B. L. 40 hinge pins, cal .45 canvas paulin for 3-inch howitzer B. L. 70 triggers for rifles, cal. .45. sight guard, leather, for 3-inch howitzer 20 t igger screws, cal .45. B. L. 10 long screws, cal. .45. passing boxes, leather, f r 3-inch howitzer 100 side screws, cal. .45 B. L. 150 cam latches, cal. .45. gunner's haversacks, canvas, for 3 inch 550 cam latch springs, cal. .45. howitzer B. L 40 thumb pieces, cal. .45. lanyard for 3-inch howitzer B. L. 100 butt plates, cal. .45. linch pms, spare for 3 inch howitzer B. L. 220 butt plate screws, cal. .45. linch pin washers, for 3-inch howitzer 6' rifle stocks, cal. .45. B. L 220 tip. for stocks, cal. .45. 449 cartridge boxes, 16 ounce, for 3-inch how- 230 tip screws, cal .45. itzer B. L. 150 side washers, cal. .45. 600 cartridge bag followers, wood, 3-inch how- 80 bayonet clasps, cal. .45. itzer B. L 80 bayonet clasp screws, cal. .45. schrapnel charges, 2% ounces, 3-inch how- 65 joint pins for rear sights, cal. .45. itzer B. L. 10 ramrods for rifles, cal. .45. shell charges, 8 ounces, 3-inch howitzer 256 ramrod stops, cal. .45. B L. 336 band springs, cal. .45. powder measures, 1 pound, 3-inch howitzer

84 banJs, upper, cal . 45. B. L 78 bands, lower, cal. .45. powder funnels. 90 Bridle's rifle, cal. .45. 1 plug wrench, 3-inch BL howitzer. 140 Bridle screws, cal. .45. 1 fuse cutter, 3-inch B. L howitzer. 140 Sear's rifle, cil .45. 50 fuse shrapnel, 3 inch, filled. 130 Sear screws, cal. .45. 216 fuse shrapnel, 3 inch, unfilled. 1000 Sear springs, cal. .45. 50 fuse shells, 3-inch, filled. 90 Sear spring screws, cal. 45 236 fuse shells, 3-inch, unfilled. 441 cavalry sabres. 60 cartridges. 3-inch, 16 ounce. 63 artilery sabres. 2 12-pounder Napoleon guns, bronze.

43 non-com. oflBcer swords 2 6-pounder field guns, '.il4 inch, bronze. 58 sabre belts and plates, N. G regulation. 2 6-pounder field guns, SJ^inch, bronze, 100 non-com. officer swords, with belts, leather. rifled. 29 non-com officer sword frog-. 2 field carriages for 12 pounder guns. 955 non-com. officer sword shoulder belt-plates. 3 field carriages lor 3!^-inch guns. 75 cutlasses, U. S. N 4 Griffin guns, 3-inch, r fle 75 cutlass belts. 4 field carriages for same. 75 cutlass frogs 2 limbers for 12-pounder guns. 149 single sticks 3 limbers for 6-pounder guns 2 Billinghurst S: Requa batteries, complete. 4 limbers for Griffin guns 2 limbers foi do. 10 caissons fjr 12-pounder guns. You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library23

8 caissons for 6-pounder guns. 1000 carbine belts and hooks, buffed leather, old 6 battery wagons pattern 6 travelinj; lorgos 23 carbine slings and swivels, U. S., new. 16 sponge buckets for 6-pounder guns. 73 pistol holsters, cal. .45. 86 tar buckets for 6-pounder guns. 2 pistol holsters, cal. .38, army model. 10 sponges and rammers for r2-pouader guns. 66 pistol holsters, cal. 38, navy model. 12 sponges and rammers for 6-pounder guns. 40 pistol holsters, cal. .36. 3 sponges and rammers for 3 inch guns. 230 cap pouches, cal. .58. 5 bristle sponges and staves for 6-pounder 84 gun strings, cal. .45, new. guns. 14 gun slings, cal. .45, worn. bristle sponges and staves for 3-inch guns. 180 gun slings, cal. .58, worn. 58 sponges, woven, for 12 pounder guns 738 cartridge bags, 3-inch howitzer. 6 sponges, woven, for 6-pounder guns. 610 cartridge bags, 3inch gun 71 sponges, woolen, for 3-inch guns 353 cartridge bags, 3i^i-inch gun. 95 hand spikes. 372 cartridge bags, 12-pounder gun. 3 worms and staves for 12-pounder guns. 380 cannister shot, fixed for 12-pounder gun. 5 worms and staves for 6-pounder guns. 150 shells, fixed for 12-p'under gun. 20 worms and staves for 3 inch guns. 280 case shot, fixed for 12-pounder gun. 16 vent covers, leather. 40 case shot, fixed for 12-pounder howitzer. 4 vent punches. 100 cannister shot, fixed for 12-pounder how- 16 priming wires itzer. 30 thumb stalls. 67 James' solid shot, unfixed, 3^/i inch. 30 lanvards. 128 Jnmes' percussion shells, unfixed, 3]/^ inch. 21 gunner's haversacks, leather. 4000 friction primers, 2 390-1000 inches long. 22 gunner's pouches, leather. 600 friction primers, 1 75-100 inches long. 6 gunner's pincers. 4200 friction primers, U. S. 23 fuse cutters, old pattern. 190 pounds Dupont's cannon powder. 24 fuse wrenches, old pattern. 430 pounds Dupont's cannon powder, I. K. E. 24 tow hooks, old pattern 675 pounds Dupont's musket powder. 8 port fire clippers. 100 pounds rifle powder, F F. F. 9 canvas paulins for guns, 12 x 15 feet. 100 pounds lifle powder, F. G. 1 canvas paulin for gun, 6 -x 12 feet. 1060 blank cartridges, musket, cal. .58. 2 canvas pulins for mountain howitzers. 188 blank cartridges, 3in. howitzer, one-pouud. 6 pendulum hausses for guns. 117 blank cartridges, 3-in. howitzer, ^^-pound. 4 globe sights for guns. 7900 revolver ball cartridges, cal. .38. 11 patent tompions for 12-pounder guns. 5800 revolver ball cartridges, cal. .45. 9 patent tompions for3^ inch guns, 6635 revolver blank cartridges, cal. .38. 11 patent tompions for 3-inch guns 16000 percussion caps, musket. 44 cartridge boxes and plates, cal. .45, Mc- 6000 percussion caps, pistol Keever, new. 39000 rifle ball cartridges, cal. .45. 43 cartridge boxes and plates, cal. .45, worn. 49000 carbine ball cartridges, cal. .45. 252 cartri ge b^x plates, cal .45, extra. 75500 rifle and carbine blank cartridges, cal. .45. 130 bayonet scabbards and frog>, cal. .45, new. 7000 blank caririd?es, cal. .45, Gatling gun. 4 bayonet scabbards and frogs, cal. .45, worn. 5000 metal ic shells, cal. .45, copper, new. ii'i bayonet scabbard* ard frogs, oal. 58, wcrn. 8700 metallic shells, cal. 45, reduced, 6 grains. f)0 bayonet scabbard attachments, extra. 500 metallic shells, cal. .45, reduced, 10 grains. 103 waist belts and plates, cal. .45, new. 8000 metellic snells, cal. .45, reduced, 12 grains. 49 waist belts and plates, cal. .45, worn. 20000 percussion primers, Winchester, No. 2%. 67 wai";! belt plate-, cal. .45, extra. 2000 bullets, cal. .45, patched, 550 grains. 146 cartridge belts and plates, webbing, cal. .45, 7000 bullets, cal. .45, patched, ."lOO grains. infantry 1500 bullets, cal. .45, patched, 420 grains. 200 cartridge belts and plates, webbing for Lee 31000 bullets, cal. .45, patched, 405 grains, flat rifle. point. 22 cartridge belts, webbing, cal .45, cavalry. 6000 carbine bullets, cal. .45, 405 grains. 305 cartridge boxes, U. S., cal. .58. 2500 reduced bu'.lets, solid base, cal. .45, 230 85 cartrigde boxes, pistol, cal. .38, navy grains. model. 42000 revolver bullets, cal. .45, 230 grains.

1700 cartridge box plates, cal. .58, U. S. • 10000 bullets, sph-rical, cal. .45. 600 cartridge box plates, monogram. 14000 lubricants for patched bullets. 680 cartridge box belts, leather. 2 target butts and shields. 50 cartridge box b'lt plates, figure 1. 45 cavalry sftddles, worn, old pattern. 50 cartridge box belt plate;, figure 2. 19 cavalry saddles, L. C. U. S. pattern, new.

50 cartridge box belt plates, figure 3. 43 cavalry bridles, ol 1 pattern, worn 50 cartridge box belt pi tes, figure 5. 19 cavalry bridles, U. S. pattern, new 50 cartridge box belt p'ates, figure 6. 60 watering bridles, ol 1 pattern, worn. 50 cartridge box belt plates, figure 7. 16 watering bridles, U. S pattern, new. 50 cartridge bix belt plates, figure 8. 53 halters, old pattern, worn. 50 cartridge box belt plates, figure 9. 18 halfrs, U. S. pattern, new. 2100 cartridge box belt plates, eagles. 55 saddle blankets, old. worn 167 waist belts, leather, cal. .58 19 saddle blankets, U S pattern, new. 36 waist belt plates, letter A. 19 pairs saddle bags, U. S. pattern, new. 50 waist belt plates, 1- tter B. 24 surcingles, worn 50 waist belt plates, letter C. 15 surcingles, U. S. pattern, new. 50 waist belt plates, letter I). 10 officer's saddles, seated 50 waist belt phtes, letter E. 2 Whitman's saddles. 50 waist belt plates, letter F 4 officer's bridles, staff. 50 waist belt plates, letter G. 5 officer's bridles. N- J. 50 waist belt plates, letter H. 2 saddle cloths, plain.

.50 waist belt plates, letter I. 2 saddle cloths , non-com staff second brigade. 50 waist belt plates, letter K. 6 color sockets, cavalry. 1166 waist belt pi ites U. S. 21 pairs spurs U. S. pattern, new You24 are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library

4 pairs spurs, worn. 32 valises, artillery. 21 pairs spur straps, U. S. pattern. 38 curry combs, old. 20 canteens and straps, U. S. cavaliy, new. 4-3 horse brushes, old. 20 haversacks and straps, U. S. cavalry, new 2 curry combs, U. S pattern, new. 18 lariats, old pattern. 2 horse brushes, U S pattern, new. 15 picket pins, old pattern. 16 nose bags, U. S. pattern, new 2 sets prairie cart harness, old. 58 horse covers, canvas, U S. patterns, new. 4 sets Gatling gun harness, old. 20 stable frocks, U. S pattern, new 6 whips, artillery. 20 pairs overalls, U. S. pattern, new.

Imperfect and Unserviceable Ordnance and Ordnance Stores.

19 Sharp's rifles, cal .45. B. L. 280 ball screws, cal. .58. 8 rifle muskets, cal. .58 cadet. 300 ball screws and wipers, cal. .69. 1 rifle musket, cal. 58, T. A. Co. 10000 spare cones, musket. 5 Derringer rifles, altered, cal. .68. 1250 tumbler screws, cal. .58. 27 U. S. muskets, cal. .69, model 1842. 16 cavalry sabres. 20 rifle muskets, Enfield, cal. .677. 11 artillery sabres. 6 rifle muskets, Austrian, cal. .54. 12 artillety swords, foot. 2 rifle muskets, Belgian, cal. .69. 14 artillery sword belts and plates. 84 Colt's revolvers, cal. .36. 88 N. C. O swords U. S. pattern. 26 Colt's revolvers, cal. .44 43 N. C. O. swords, Masonic pattern 121 cartridge boxes, cal. .45. 42 musician's swords, old pattern. 176 bayonet scabbards and frogs, cal. .45. 36 N. C. O. sword Ir. gs. 100 waist belts, cal. .45. 4 gunner's haversacks, leather. 550 gun slings, cal. .45 3 gunner's pouches, leather. 75 cartridge boxes, cal. .58. 41 cavalry saddles, old pattern. 48 cartridge box belts, cal. .58. 33 cavalry bridles, old pattern. 67 waist belts, cal. .68. 12 cavalry halters old pattern. 45 cap pouches, cal. .58. 4 sets harness gatling gun. 94 gun s ings, cal. .58. 180 rounds ammunition, Billinghurst battery. 336 bayonet scabbards and frogs, cal. 58. 763 sabre knots, buffed leather, old. 813 sets pistol appendages 3 nose bags. 195 bullet mculds, spherical. 1100 loops for waist belts. 2390 wooden tompions, musket, cal. .68. 880 slides for waist belts. 380 patent tompions, musket, cal. .58. 24 prolongs lor guns. 7000 wipers, musket, cal. .58. 2700 revolver ball cartridges, cal. .36. 1880 wipers, musket, cal. .69. 2880 revolver ball cartridges cal. .44. 1890 wipers, altered, cal. .69. 22 sabre belts and plates, N. G. regulation. 9360 screwdrivers, musket, cal. .58 and .69. You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library


(25) You26 are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library


Statement of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores in Possession of the

National Guard, October jo, iSg'j.

Division Headquarters Brigadier General P. Farmer Wanser, Commanding First Brigade Brigadier-General B. W. Spencer, Inspector-General Rifle Practice Brevet Brigadier-General G E. P. Howard, Retired Brevet Brigadier-General J. M. TanValen, Retired Brevet Brigadier-General John C. Patterson, Retired Brevet Brigadier-General John C. Owens, Retired Colonel William F. Decker, Assistant Inspector-General Rifle Practice. Colonel Charles A. Reld, Assistant Inspector-General Rifle Practice.... lileutenantColonel Daniel B. Murphy, Inspector Second Brigade Colonel John T. Van Cleef, late A. D. C. Commander-in-Chief Colonel Anthony B. Kuser, A. D. C. Commanoer-ln-Chlef Colonel Nathan B Haines, A. D. C. Commander-in-Chief Colonel Cyrus F. Loutrel, Deputy Quartermaster-General 1 .. lileutenant-Colonel William 8. Rlghter, Paymaster Division Staff Lieutenant-Colonel Mortimer Lampson, Medical Inspector Lieutenant-Colonel Charles F. W. Myers, Surgeon First Brigade Major Thomas F. Bedle, Quartermaster First Brigade Major S. Wood McClave, Engineer First Brigade Major William M. Palmer, Quartermaster Second Brigade Captain Roy Inglls, Commanding Hospital and Ambulance Corps

Total., 1 15 16 13 19 You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library27


Statement of Ordnance and Ord7iafice Stores in Possession of the National Guard, October jo, i8gy.


— You28 are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library


Statemeyit of Ordnayice and Ordnance Stores in Possession of the National Guard, October ^o, i8gy.

Colonel E. A. Campbell, Commanding First Regiment Lleatenant-Colonel R. Heber Brlentnall, First Regiment Major Henrj W. Frepraan, First Regiment, Major Frank Hayes, First Regiment Captain George W. Church, Quartermaster, First Regiment Captain Henry AUers, Assistant Surgeon, First Regiment. Lieutenant Andrew B. Byram, Battalion Adjutant, First Regiment. Captain Joseph H. McMahon, Commanding Lieutenant Patrick J. Urlffin, Late Commanding Captain George Handley, Commanding... fiS Captain Harry T. Spain Commanding Lieutenant William H. Black Captain Alfred Williams, Commanding Captain James K. Walsh, Commanding Captain John D. Fraser, Commanding Captain George M. Buttle, Commanding Captain Frank E. Bnyd, Commanding Lieutenant Adolph (i. Frey Lieutenant William H. Ring Captain Robert L. Smith, Late Commanding Captain Arthur Rowland, Commanding Captain George W. Deelhs, Late Commanding Captain Cornelius A. RelUy, Commanding. Captain Theodore C. Reiser, Commanding Captain Edwin R. Westervelt, Commanding

Total. You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New REPORT.Jersey State Library29


Statement of Ordyiance and Ordnance Stores in Possession of the National Guard, October 30, iSg'/.

i a & n .

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Statement of Ordnance ayid Ordnance Stores in Possession of the National Guard, October jo, iSgy.




Lieutenant-Colonel Edwin W. Hlne, Commanding Seoond Regiment. Captain John T. Hilton, Adjutant Captain Walter V. Clark, Inspector Rifle Practice Lieutenant John H. Hopper, Quartermaster Captain Charles F. Adams, Battalion Assistant Surgeon Lieutenant William M. Brien, Battalion Assistant Surgeon Lieutenant Alfred T. Holler, Battalion Adjutant Captain Frederick T. Van Dervoort, Commanding 1 73 Lieutenant Charles Reynolds, Commanding 65 Captain James Parker, Commanding 'to 1 80,10 Lieutenant Albert Van Walraven Lieutenant William H. Stalter Captain Hamilton M. Ross, Jr., Commanding 60i 1 Lieutenant James T. Barker Lieutenant John H Doremus Captain Henry R. Qoesser, Commanding '65 Lieutenant Lorenzo Gismonri Lieutenant John Brinkerhoff Brevet-Major Charles Barr, late Commanding... Captain Frank S. DeRonde, Commanding 16 Lieutenant Henry M. Coxe Captain John Engel, Commanding Lieutenant George E. Wells Captain Isaac Schoenthal, Commanding Captain Terence E. Murphy, Commanding Lieutenant Stuart C. Smith Lieutenant Nathan C. Horton Captain Thomas H. Slack, Commanding Lieutenant Bayard T. Garrabrandt Captain Add'son Ely, Commanding Lieutenant Joseph J. Blake Lieutenant Robert A. Bruuner Captain Edward L. Petty, Commanding Lieutenant Albert S. Jones, Commanding Gun Detachment Sergeant Frederick W. Wlnterburn, Non-Commlssloned Staff Sergeant Michael Buckley, Non-Commissloned Staff Sergeant Abram Mosler, Non-Commissloned Staff

Total. 639 279 884 66 30 E& You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New REPORT.Jersey State Library31


Statement of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores iji Possession of the National Guard, October jo, iSp/.


-3 a i a


60 fl .

You32 are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library


Statement of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores in Possession of the National Guard, October go, i8gy.

Colonel Benjamin A. Lee, Commanding Third Regiment Capialn Charles W. Irwin, Inspector Rifle Practice Major Victor Mravlag, Surgeon Lieutenant Clarence M. Slack, Assistant Surgeon Major Benjamin King Captain Louis J. McVlcker, Adjutant Lieutenant Robert L. Patterson, Battalion-Adjutant Captain Nelson Y, Dungan, Judge- Advocate Lieutenant William R. Bennett, Quartermaster Captain Jerome R. Muddell, Commanding Lieutenant John H Ryno Lieutenant George E White Captain Charles Morris. Commanding Lieutenant Alonzo D. Sherman Captain and Brevet-Major William H. De Hart, Commanding. Lieutenant Frederick A. Blckel Lieutenant Louis J Park Captain Joseph Kay, Commanding Lieutenant Robert W. Watson... Lieutenant Henry Landahl Captain Dennis F. Collins, Commanding Captain Cyrus W. Squler, Commanding 60 Captain Henry O Bauer, Commanding ' 5S Lieutenant Richard S. White Lieutenant Simeon P. Dey Captain Gilbert S. Cook, Commanding Lieutenant John E. Wehrly Sergeant Stephen J. Keefe, N. C. Staff Sergeant Charles H. Scbllchter, N. G. Staff

Total You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library33


Stateme7it of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores in Possessmi of the National Guard, October 30, iSgj,


s Id s

1 a!

e Sim You34 are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library


Statemeyit of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores in Possession of the National Guard, October jo, i8gy»

Colonel Robtrt G. Smith, CommandlDi; Fourth Reglraent.. Major Josfiph H. Brenslnger Major A. P. Bush, Retired Major Henrj LohmaDD, Jr Captiln Benjamin M. Gerardln, Adjutant Lieutenant Benjamin F. Moore, Jr., Quartermaster Lieutenant William Robertson, Battalion Adjutant Lieutenant William H. Bowly, Battalion Adjutant Lieutenant Frank H. Cole, Battalion Adjutant Lieutenant John J. Brorierlck, Assistant Surgeon Captain William M. Kllnk, Judge-Advocate Captain Charles H. Sprlngsted, Inspector Rifle Practice Lieutenant John T. Prlngle, Commanding Gun Detachment Lieutenant-Colonel J. Howard Bumsted, Jr., Late Commanding. Lieutenant James A. O'Neil Lieutenant Samuel Drayton Captain Andrew Derrom, Commanding Lieutenant Frederick Ege

Captain John C. Graham, Late Commanding , Captain Henry H. Brlnkerhoff, Commanding Lieutenant Daniel C. Burns, Late Commanding LleutenantJohnJ.Toffey Lieutenant Marmaduke Tllden Captain Thomas B. O'Neill, Late Commanding

Captain Edward See, Commanding , Maj'ir Arthur L. Steele, Late Commanding Captain Edward I Edwards, Late Commanding Captain John H. Keim, Commanding Lieutenant E H. Randolph Lieutenant T. Bergen Gaddls Captain Samuel K. Bouker, Late Commanding Captain Wallace N. Vreeland, Commanding Captain Henry Splelman, Late Commanding Captain Frank A. O'SulliTan, Commanding Captain Lewis G. Wilcox, Commanding Lieutenant Arthur L. McFarlane Lieutenant Geor'/e G. Rhoderlok Captain Ernest Fischer, Commanding Captain Alvin H. Graff, Commanding Lieutenant Peter S. Hulslzer.,., Lieutenant Herbert S. Culver Captain George F. Seymour, Commanding Sergeant Frederick L. Morris, Gun Detachment Corporal Elias S. Morris, Gun Detachment

Sergeant William R. Clements, Non-Oommlssloned Staff. . Sergeant Theodore A. Johnson, Non-Commlssloned Staff Sergeant John P. Dickson, Non-Commlssloned Staff

Total I 447 357 767 35 38 47 4a You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library QUARTERMASTEU-GENERAL'S REPORT. 35


Statement of Ordnance and Ordnayice Stores in Possession of the National Guard, October jo, iSgy.



s > » a E a. tn You36 are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the NewREPORT. Jersey State Library


Statement of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores in Possessio7i of the National Guard, October jo, iSg^'

Col Wm H Cooper. Commanding Sixth Regiment Lieutenant-Colonel William H^Stansbury, Sixth Regiment M ajor E.lmund DuBolB, Si).lh Efglment ajor Benjiimin W. Cloud, Retired, Sixth Regiment.- Major John I. Shlno, Sixth Regiment Captain Christopher S. MoGrath, Adjutant L'eutenaiit William M. Angle, Battalion-Adjutant Brevet-Major William B. E. Miller, Retired Captain Joseph F. Clime, Inspector Rifle Practice Lieutenant William J Browning, Quartermaster Captain Thomas D. Landon, Commanding 1 51 Captain Charles R. Shlmer. Commanding. 8 58 Captain Lorenz o.D. Dyer, Commanding. 10 50 Captain George S. West, Commanding 1 50 Lieutenant Alonzo Thompson 1 .... Captain D. T. Mathers, Commanding I 60 Lieutenant C. Walter Shivers Lieutenant Chas. W. Barber ii: Captain Samuel E Perry, Commanding 9, Lieutenant Ernest W..McCann 1 . Captain John A. Mather, Jr., Commanding 36- 50 Lieutenant James E. .Mather 1 Lieutenant William S. Tash 1 Captain H. Freeman Douglass, Retired 1 Captain Langdon W. Harris, Commanding 5 Lieutenant Samuel G. Barnard, Commanding Gun Detachment. 1 Sergeant Warren Wayne, Gun Detachment 1 Corporal David B. Perkins, Gun Detachment 1 Sergeant Upton S Jpflferys, N. C. Staff 1 Sergeant Tuttle C. Walner. N. C. Staff 1 Sergeant J. M. Driver, N. C. Staff 1 Sergeant E. M. Turner, N. G. Staff 1

Total ' 374 93 441 28 You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library37


Staieme7it of Ordna?ice and Ordnance Stores in Possession of the National Guard, October 30, i8gy.


m i u

u a >

1 You38 are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New REPORT.Jersey State Library


Sia1c7ucnt of Ord7iance and Ordna7ice Stores in Possession of the National Guard, October jo, iSgy.

Colonel Charles Y. Bamford, Commanding Seventh Regiment...., Lieutenant-Colonel .Vudrew J. Buck, Seventh Regiment Major Richard F. Goodman, Seventh Regiment Major Chae. B. Leavltt, Late Surgeon Seventh Regiment Major Richard R. Rogers, Surgeon Captain George T. Cranmer, Quartermaster, Seventh Keglment.. Lieutenant Frederick GUkyaon, Battalion Adjutant Captain Louis N. Clayton, Commanding Lieutenant William F. Sklllman Lieutenant Gouverneur V. Packer Captain George L. Forman, Commanding Lieutenant William G. Maddock Lieutenant Frank J. Towers Captain Horace M. Reading, Commanding Captain John E. Walsh, Late Commanding Captain Bernard Rogers, Commanding Lieutenant Chas. F. Stout

Captain Peter Vredenburgh, Commandmg , Lieutenant Joseph A. Yard

Lieutenant James E. Soden , Sergeant Jacob Mayer Captain Wlnfield S. Gale, Commanding , Captain Irving J. Kern, Commanding

Captain John W. Adams, Commanding , Lieutenant Edward Caterall Lleuteuant James V. Cain Captain RIchd. R. Whitehead, Commanding Gun Detachment Sergeant Jacob M. Coward, Gun Detachment. Sergeant Frank Allaire, Non-Commlssloned Staff Sergeant Philip Arnold, Non-Commlssloned Staff Sergeant Frank H. Lalor, Non-Commlssloned Staff

Total. 408 119 6321 271 27' 24 You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library39


Statement of Ordnayice and Ordnance Stores in Possessmi of thf National Guard, October jo, iSgy.

ISo i

a "3. 5 .

You40 are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library


Statement of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores hi Possession of the National Guard, October 30, i8gy.

Captain Wullum L. Fleh, Commanding GatUng Gun.

Llputenant Walter B. Adams, Gatllng Gun , Lieutenant Oncar H Condlt, Gatllng Gun Lieutenant William B. Graves, Assistant Surgeon.. Captain John R. Jones, Commanding Gatllng Gun.

Total., T6l 58 12& You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library41


Statement of Ord7iance and Ordnance Stores in Possession of the

National Guard, October 50, i8g'/.


•3 i S S

1 s You42 are ViewingQUARTER an ArchivedMASTER-GENERAL'S Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library


Statement of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores in Possession of the National Guard, October ^o, iSgy. You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New REPORT.Jersey State Library43


Statement of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores in Possessioii of the National Guards October 30, iSgy.

9!a ,|»^B

67.. 4 67 ..! 67 70 67 67 67 134 67| 250 67i.. 6 57,67; 57[ 57 671 67 57 67 67, 250 ... 1'..

124 1 9 124 57 124' 127 124' 124 124' 191 1B4 124 124 124 124 67'57 67'57 57 124 57' 124 124 You44 are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library


Statement of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores in Possession of the National Guard, October ^o, iSgy. You are QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'SViewing an Archived Copy from the NewREPORT. Jersey State Library45


Statement of Ordnance and Ordyiance Stores in Possession of the National Guard, October 30^ iSgy.

a s

•a ft d d You46 are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library


Statement of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores in Possession of the

National Guard, October ^o, iSpy. You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library47


Statement of Ord?iance and Ordnance Stores in Possessio?i of the National Guard, October jo, iSgy.

a o

1 2 n

1 08 You48 are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library


Statement of Ordnance and Ord7iance Stores in Possession of the Naval Reserve of New Jersey, October 30, iSpy. You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S REPORT. 49


Statement of Ordnance and Ordnayice Stores in Possessioyi of the Naval Reserve of New Jersey, October jo, i8gj. You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library 50 QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S REPORT.


Statement of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores in Possession of the Naval Reserve of New Jersey, October jo, i8gj. You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library51


Statement of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores in Possession of the Naval Reserve of New Jersey, October jo, i8gy.

6 •a o ?s 1

-s You52 are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New REPORT.Jersey State Library


Statement of Ordnance and Ordriance Stores in Possession of Military Academies and Schools, October jo, iSgy.

Rev. Ellas Schenck, Bralaard Institute, Cranbury H. P. Davison, Collegiate Institute, Salem H. K. Trask, South Jersey Institute, Brldgeton 60 ...... 60 E. M. Rellly, Burlington College, Rev Burlington j, ...... I sO 60 J. B. Gibson. Burlington College, Burlington Rev. J. M. Clere, Burlington College, Burlington Major A. A. Campbell, Military Inst'tute, Freehold Henry E. Slaught, Peddle Institute, Hlghtstown Rev. E H. Porcile, College Sacred Heart, Vineland

Phoebus ^ . Lyon, West Jersey Academy, Brldgeton Prof. C. E. Brower, Glenwood Collegiate Institute, Matawan Cant. T. D Landon, Bordentovvn Military Institute, Bordentown J. G. McVlckep, Montclair Military Academy, Montclalr Sacred Heart Schools, Trenton Williams. Sweeney, Jersey City High School, Jersey City Laselle H. White, Paterson High School, Paterson Rev. Jas. A. MoFaul, St. Mary's School, Trenton Richard F. Loos, Mt. Holly .Military Academy, Mt. Holly Rev. John E Condon, St. Peter's College, Jersey City Rev. Michael O'Reilly, St Joseoh's School, Trenton Henry M. Maxson, Plalnfleld High School, Pialnfield S. OUn Garrison, New Jersey Training School, Vineland Prof. William H. Brace, Trenton High School, Trenton Prof. William Llbbey, Princeton University, Princeton Major J. H, Brenslnger, Grammar School No. 9. Jersey City William C. Armstrong, New Brunswick High School, New Brunswick.. Andrew D. Warde, North Pialnfield High School, Plalnfleld

Total 30 140 698 50 819 8 You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library53


Statement of Ordnance and Ordyiance Stores in Possession of Military Academies and Schools, October 50, iSgy.

1 YouM are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New REPORT.Jersey State Library


Statement of Ordnance' and Ordnance Stores in Possession of

Independent Organizations, October 30, i8gy. You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library55


Statement of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores in Possession of Independent Organizations, October jo, iSgj. You56 are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New REPORT.Jersey State Library


Statement of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores in Possession of the Department of New Jersey, Grayid Army of the Republic, October 30, i8gy.

d o g > , ^ -

- - It* M ,M|H CO P,M is; S5

Parker Grubb Post, Burlington A. T. A. Torbett Post, Morrlstown Col. R. C. Johnson Poet, Salem

Wlnlieltt Scott Post, Plalnfield , A. L. Riibeson Poet, Brldgeton

Aaron Wilkes Post, Trenton ,

William B. Hatch Post, Camden , James B. Morris Post, Long Branch Major Woerner Post, Hoboken 4 4 Conover Post, Freehold 6..

Kearney Janeway Post, New Brunswick , Arrowsmlth Post, Red Bank 16 Bartlett Post, Caldwell James Stratton Post, MuUlca Hill 12 .. .,

Leonard Tlee Post, MlllvlUe (Disbanded) , 1|8 General Haiker Post, Glaseboro (Disbanded) 50'.. . J. C. Shlnn Poet, Port Norrls 251 3 .. Phil. Kearney Post. Newark 24

Thomas Smythe Post, Elmer , 12 General George B. McClellan Post, Frenchtown. 8 G. K. Warren Poet, New Egypt James A. Garfield Post, Newark

*Jame8 H . Van Busklrk Post, Bergen Point General Wadsworth Post, SomervUle Uzal Dodd Post, Orange James M Weart Post. Hopewell Phil. Sheridan Post, Newark Hamilton Post, Trenton 9| 8

Reno Post, Lakewood , General John A. Logan Post, Camden Ridge way Post, Beverly "ioio

Clinton B Fisk Post, Atlantic Highlands , N. J Home for Disabled Soldiers, Newark Major-Qeneral David Hunter Post, Princeton.... 20 Colonel Starr Post, German Valley 25 Major C. A. Angel Post, Lambertvllle 34 .. General Gerehom Mott Post, Rutherford 6 John McOray Post, Cape May City 25

Thomas W. Eayre Post, Vlucentown , John Murray foet. Cape May W. B Gushing Command, U. V. U., Jersey City.. General D. A. Russell Post, Hammonton

Total 7234520 788 19 5 12 17 12 146 31 1»

•Now General Sherman Post, No, 100, You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library57


Statement of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores in Possession of the Department of New Jersey, Grand Army of the Republic, October ^o, iSgy.

1 n

1 CO


EQ d

2; You^8 are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New REPORT.Jersey State Library


Statement of Ordnance ayid Ordnance Stores in Possession of Sons of Veterans, Division of New Jersey, October jo, iSgj. You are ViewingQUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S an Archived Copy from the New JerseyREPORT. State Library59


Statement of Ordyiance and Ordnance Stores in Possession of Sons of Veterans, Division of New fersey, October 30, iSgj.

m 8 n 0 X. You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library

$ •';Pi.

