&kNDA ITEM No,.... 5--__a COUNCIL


Date: 12 OCTOBER 201 1 I Ref: SP\23\03\06 I

.. Purpose of Report 1.1 The purpose of this report is to inform Committee on progress with regard to the review of Conservation Areas agreed by Committee on 8‘h December 2010 and to seek approval for the amended boundaries of the existing conservation areas.

2. Background

2.1 It is a legal requirement (Section 61 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) () Act 1997) that local authorities shall from time to time review existing Conservation Area boundaries. Conservation areas are defined as ‘areas of special architectural or historic interest the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance’.

2.2 Authority was granted on 8* December 2010 to carry out public consultation on the proposed changes to the boundaries of the existing six conservation areas. The seventh Conservation Area () was reviewed in 2009 and now has an approved Management Plan. The changes derive from applying the criteria set out by the Scottish Government. The revised boundaries will be set out in the North Lanarkshire Local Plan when published.

2.3 Following the boundary review, Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plans (CAAMP’s) are being prepared for each of the six areas. Following public consultation these documents will provide a concise source of management guidance for each area, and comply with the Historic Scotland good practice guidance. The revised boundaries and Management Plans will also assist in supporting bids for external funding (whether CARS or HLF) to help enhance the areas (as for example at Burngreen Park in Kilsyth).

2.4 It may also be noted that the three current variations in Article 4 Directions across the seven Conservation Areas also need to be addressed to provide a more consistent approach to managing development in Conservation Areas. However the Government currently proposes to amend permitted development rights later this year. This may involve replacing Article 4 Directions with uniform controls over development within Conservation Areas.

3. Conservation Area Boundary Review

3.1 Local public meetings were undertaken on the proposed boundary changes. The following consultations took place with regard to each area: : Blairhill and Dunbeth Coatbridge LAP 12 July 201 1 : Cumbernauld Village Village Community Council14 July 201 1 Airdrie: Drumgelloch Airdrie LAP 13 July 201 1 Airdrie: Victoria and Town Centre Airdrie LAP 13 July 201 1 : Hamilton Road Motherwell LAP 13 July 201 1 Cumbernauld: Dullatur: Dullatur Community Council 5thSeptember 201 1

3.2 In so far as there was any comment it was broadly to support the proposed variations in the Conservation Area boundaries.

1 122 3.3 The details of the proposed revised boundaries are attached in Appendix 1

4. Financial Implications

4.1 Consultation on the revised draft boundaries was shared with the Batch 3 Supplementary Planning Guidance consultation. Public meetings on the boundary review were facilitated through the existing LAP structure or through Community Council meetings. There is a duty to inform Scottish Ministers of the designation and provide them with boundary information in a GIS format and to publish notice of the revised designation in the Edinburgh Gazette and one local newspaper. Revising the boundaries at this stage will ensure that the North Lanarkshire Local Plan will, when published, be up to date.

5. Corporate Considerations

5.1 Internal and external consultation of the proposed new boundaries was carried out in March 201 0 involving relevant council services and community groups, in addition to the consultation in summer 201 1. Appendix 2 details the consultation responses and suggested actions in terms of changes to the boundaries.

6 Recommendation

6.1 It is recommended that the Committee agree to vary the existing Conservation Area boundaries and re-designate the following six areas as Conservation Areas - all as shown in Appendix 1 Proposed Boundary Changes maps, but for Dullatur Conservation Area with the addition of land at Prospect Road, and 4 additional properties fronting The Lane, as per the details set out in Appendix 2.

0 Victoria and Town Centre, Airdrie,

0 Blairhill and Dunbeth, Coatbridge, 0 Cumbernauld Village, Cumbernauld

0 Drumgelloch, Airdrie, 0 Dullatur, Cumbernauld 0 Hamilton Road, Motherwell,

6.2 Committee is also asked to note the intention to carry out full public consultation on the draft Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plans for these six Conservation Areas as part of the next batch of Supplementary Planning Guidance consultation (probably early in 2012).

SHIRLEY LINTON HEAD OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Local Government Access to Information Act: for further information about this report, please contact Dave Sutton on 01236 632636

123 2 APPENDIX 1 - Proposed Variations to Existing Conservation Area Boundaries im Proposed Change A - Extend boundary to include Centenary Park to the west - integral to setting of war memorial to east within existing CA.

Primarily a diverse collection of residential areas reflecting the wealth and social stratification of the area during its industrial peak. The inclusion of Civic and industrial historic sites would better reflect the heritage of the town in amore representative manner - Proposed Change A - Extend boundary to include West End Public Park and War Memorial, which are contemporary and integral to the character of the Conservation Area. Proposed Change B - Extend boundary to include Dunbeth Park to east of the Conservation Area, which are contemporary and integral to the character of the Conservation Area. Proposed Change C - Include Summerlee Heritage Park (all integral with CA area) and some smaller boundary adjustments. Also possible further extension shown by dashed line to include Listed Lamberton Engineering Works, Sunnyside Railway Station and historic cottages to north. Proposed Change D - Include trees on eastern side of Blairhill Street, which are not currently protected and form half of the avenue of trees of amenity value with positive contribution to CA. Proposed Change E - Remove inappropriate 1970’s houses - detrimental to character of CA. Proposed Change F - Include former Coatbridge High School within CA as it will enhance CA and rationalise boundary at same time. ProDosed Chanae G - Include Victorian Sianal Box at Railwav Station

Cumbernauld Village Conservation Area boundary was identified in the 1970s and does not include important surviving cottages at Roadside as well as villas further to the east. Proposed Change A - Extend boundary to include important surviving cottages along roadside as well as villas further to the east and woodland setting to south. Also include good quality CDC sympathetic infill (rows of cottages) which make a positive contribution to the character of the CA. Proposed Change B - Minor change to correct previous boundary mistake to include rear gardens of

Drumgelloch Conservation Area (Airdrie) has a strongly defined and robust boundary with only minor changes required. Proposed Change A - Amend eastern boundary to remove 1970s incongruous bungalows of lower quality not consistent with the character of the Conservation Area. Proposed Change B - Amend boundary to remove are to south to reflect recent modern development inconsistent with CA character. e C - Include Victorian cottage with distinct character consistent with CA.

Dullatur Conservation Area - An area of strong character located within a dramatic and prominent landscape setting context. Boundary should be extended to take into account setting and provide protection of mature woodland setting. Proposed Change A - Extend boundary to include Dullatur House to south, the original and oldest house in the village built in 1740, which Historic Scotland should consider for listing. Proposed Change B - Extend boundary to include Dwelling ‘Glenbrook’ and ‘The Glen’ to the north and woodland setting. Proposed Change C -Include 13 (Old Victorian ex-Dullatur Golf Clubhouse and) 15 Dullatur Road and

3wellings. Park contemporary to and integral with the CA, part of the context and the setting of CA. Proposed Change B - Extend boundary to the west to include sandstone villas which make a positive :ontribution to character Proposed Change C - Possible extension of boundary to northeast to include Heritage Centre, Bentley ‘lotel Bowling Club and dwellings on High Road. Prominent from railwav, fine villas with crow stepped

Vo changes as review took place in 2009.


129 8 APPENDIX 2 - Consultation Responses March 2010 and Summer 201 1

9 130 Learning and Leisure Assessed as part of the existing CA review Services boundaries and controls are adequate orocess Head of Property.. Remove former Albert Primary School site Assessed as part of the existing CA review Services from Drumgelloch Conservation Area process No - site is considered sensitive- contributing to the wider character of the area. It should be kept within CA to control impact on CA and 'Stanley House' Housing and Social Consider affordability and development Assessed as part of the existing CA review Work Services opportunities within conservation areas process. Management Plans will support Consider removal of former Albert Primary new development where it enhances the School from Drumgelloch Conservation character and quality of the area. area as its inclusion could Dotentiallv See above re former Albeti PS. increase development costs. Councillor Burrows Verbal reauest that area at Holmbrae Assessed as part of Potential Conservation Avenue should be considered as a Area study. potential CA Not considered to be of sufficient aualitv Strathclyde No comment Passenger Transpori East No Comment Council Philip Morgan-Klein - Extend Cumbernauld Village CA to include Assessed as part of the existing CA review Chair of Cumbernauld House Park and process. Cumbernauld Village Cumbernauld Glen Cumbernauld House/Park considered to Action for the have separate character to Village CA Community (CVAC) and physically cut off by 'Wilderness Brae' - Do not include in CA. Miss E P Roy - No need for any changes Disagree: CA review process and government Cum bernauld advice support the need for revisions. Historical Society Mr J B Elliot - Albert Primary School should be kept within Assessed as part of the existing Conservation Stanley Park, North Drumgelloch CA. Sensitive, prominent Area process Biggar Rd, Airdrie location. Site also opposite 'Stanley Park', Agree - Should be kept within CA to control the oldest inhabited dwelling in town (1820) impact on CA and Stanley Park M S Carmichael Drumgelloch CA and Victoria and Town Assessed as part of the existing Conservation Centre CAS could be more appropriately Area process named. Also Victoria and Town Centre No change to names required and would should be extended slightly to east. lead to confusion John Freebairn, Questioned need for so much guidance Detailed comments noted and to be Kilsyth when it already comes from central considered in any future revision to the government. Detailed comments about the CAAMP. Kilsyth CA Appraisal and Management Plan Douglas Logan Cumbernauld House Estate including Assessed as part of the existing Conservation Comyn Motte, and Forth and Area process Clyde Canal should be considered for CA Cumbernauld House/Park considered to status have separate character to Village CA and physically cut off by 'Wilderness Brae' - Do not include in CA. John Kirkhope Area to north of Castlecarey including Assessed as part of the existing Conservation 'Putlog' bridge, viaduct and woodland to Area process canal should be considered for CA status Not considered appropriate Brenda Morgan-Klein Support given for an article 4 direction for Comments noted Cumbernauld Village Cumbernauld Village conservation area. Community Council The extension of the conservation area was accepted. Mr & Mrs Jamieson, Oppose the inclusion of The Glen, Glen These two late 19" century buildings are still The Glen, Dullatur Cottage & woodland east of Glen Rd in considered to have good architectural /historic Dullatur Conservation Area, due to character and merit inclusion in the CA. The increased costs to the Council for little woodland area also contributes to the setting benefit, and that the two houses have been of the Conservation Area and thereby merits altered and were not part of the original inclusion; there are no anticipated significant Dullatur village development. financial implications to designation. No change recommended to the proposed new

1"131 boundary recommended.

Amanda Gibson, Supports the Council’s proposed boundary Proposed amendments agreed (subject to Dunluce, Dullatur changes to Dullatur Conservation Area, but confirmation of new ownership boundary), to seeks further amendments to add land to be consistent with the proposed boundary the west of Dunluce (now part of that revision to include The Lane. property), and Prospect Road itself.

Dullatur Community 1. Support a marginal enlargement of the 1. 5 of the properties referred to are already Council Conservation Area boundarv, to proposed for inclusion in an amended include Dullatur House and properties Conservation Area boundary. In addition, in The Lane bordering the existing CA, Cruachan, would also be included by this DCC to bring additional control against any representation. Cruachan, as well as 3 other loss of trees and boundary walls in this modern properties between it and the Lane, do area. contain mature trees which add to the 2. Extend CA boundary to mid point of character of the area; all these properties Prospect Road (to reflect property titles originally formed part of the grounds of Dullatur on south side) House (already proposed for addition to the CA). On balance, it is considered that all the 4 properties west of Dullatur House fronting The Lane should also be added to the Conservation Area. 2. See response to above representation; it is considered more logical to include all of Prospect Road and footways in the CA.

Margaret Smillie, Individual representation as per DCC As above. Pine Lodge, Dullatur representation above.

Mrs Young, Prospect Supports proposed boundary changes to Comments noted Rad, Dullatur Dullatur CA, including woodland area.
