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The Muslim-Croat Civil War in Central Bosnia Number Twenty-three: Eastern European Studies Stjepan Mesˇtrovi´c, General Editor Series Board Norman Cigar Bronislaw Misztal Sabrina Ramet Vladimir Shlapentokh Keith Tester Charles R. Shrader The Muslim-Croat Civil War in Central Bosnia A Military History, 1992–1994 Texas A&M University Press College Station Copyright © 2003 by Charles R. Shrader Manufactured in the United States of America All rights reserved First edition The paper used in this book meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, Z39.48-1984. Binding materials have been chosen for durability. o Shrader, Charles R. The Muslim-Croat civil war in Central Bosnia : a military history, 1992–1994 / Charles R. Shrader.—1st ed. p. cm.—(Eastern European studies ; no. 23) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-58544-261-5 (cloth : alk. paper) 1. Yugoslav War, 1991–1995—Campaigns—Bosnia and Herze- govina. 2. Bosnia and Herzegovina—History, Military. I. Title. II. Eastern European studies (College Station, Tex.) ; no. 23. DR1313.3 .S54 2003 949.703—dc21 2002153967 Excerpt from Rebecca West, Black Lamb and Grey Falcon: The Record of a Journey through Yugoslavia in 1937, courtesy Macmillan Publishers Ltd., London, 1946. To those who suffered English persons, therefore, of humanitarian and reformist disposition constantly went out to the Balkan Peninsula to see who was in fact ill-treating whom, and, being by the very nature of their perfectionist faith unable to accept the horrid hypothesis that everybody was ill-treating everybody else, all came back with a pet Balkan people established in their hearts as suffering and innocent, eternally the massacree and never the massacrer.
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