MASS SCHEDULE Saturday:MASS 4:00 SCHEDULEpm • Sunday: 10:00 am Saturday: 4:00 pm • Sunday: 10:00 am WEEKDAYS MondayWEEKDAYS & Tuesday: 8:30 am Monday & Tuesday: 8:30 am HOLY DAY MASSES HOLYConsult your DAY weekly MASSES bulletin. St. John Bosco (1815-1888), better known as Consult your weekly bulletin. “Don Bosco”, was not only a skilled administrator, PARISH OFFICE HOURS missionary and educator of boys, God also chose on Phone:PARISH 440-288-0106 OFFICE • Fax: HOURS440-288-0143 1305 Erie Avenue Lorain, OH 44052 occasion to work miracles through him. One feast Phone:Monday, 440-288-0106 Tuesday, Thursday,• Fax: 440-288-0143 Friday: day, all the boys in his “Oratory” school at Turin, www.stanthonylorain.org9:00 am - 3:00 pm Italy were scheduled to receive Holy Communion Monday,Wednesday: Tuesday, 9:00 Thursday, am - 2:00 Friday: pm from him at Mass. When Communion time came, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm however, he opened the ciborium containing the sa- SACRAMENTALWednesday: 9:00 CELEBRATIONS am - 2:00 pm cred hosts and found it almost empty, while 650 stu- CONFESSION: Saturday 3:00 pm or by appt. dents were lined up to receive! (The sacristan of the SACRAMENTALBAPTISM: Call the Parish CELEBRATIONS Office to register. BaptismsCONFESSION: will be held Saturday on the 3rd 3:00 Sunday pm or of by the appt. month Chapel almost fainted when he saw the surprised BAPTISM:MARRIAGE: Call theActive Parish Parishioners Office to register. only. look of the as he took the cover off the cibor- BaptismsCall at least will be6 months held on in the advance. 3rd Sunday No date of the may month be ium. The Sacristan had completely forgotten to put reservedMARRIAGE: until discussion Active with Parishioners priest of the only. parish. out another ciborium filled with altar breads to be ANOINTINGCall at least 6OF months THE in SICK: advance. Call No the date Parish may Office be consecrated during that Mass!) reserved until discussion with priest of the parish. Don Bosco paused only a moment. Then he ANOINTINGPARISH SCHOOLOF THE SICK: OF Call RELIGION the Parish Office lifted his eyes to heaven, breathed a little prayer, PARISH SCHOOL(PSR) OF RELIGION grasped the ciborium and started to administer Com- Grades 1−8 meet in school on Monday at 6:15 pm munion to the kneeling boys. Marvel upon marvels, [email protected](PSR) Grades 1−8 meet in school on Monday at 6:15 pm each time he removed a host, another appeared to [email protected] SCHOOL replace it. Thus, there were enough to take care of

440-288-2155ELEMENTARY • SCHOOL 650 students, and probably some left besides. Natu- Lucia Heddleson, School Principal • ext 232 rally, this miraculous multiplication could not be 440-288-2155 • [email protected] kept quiet at the Oratory. His associates asked St. Julio LisaAlarcon, Stefan, School Secretary Principal • ext. •231 ext 232 [email protected] John about it, and he agreed that something remark- [email protected] able had occurred.“God is good” he said, “and He PASTORAL STAFF saw to it that the boys were taken care of.” Rev. Edward J. Smith, Pastor • ext. 248 Today we celebrate Corpus Christi – the Father Thomas Sanders, OSB, Weekend Associate Church’s special feast in honor of the Eucharistic Deacon Paul Heise Deacon James Stewart (retired) Body and Blood of Christ. Appropriately, the gospel Deacon James Stewart (retired) chosen relates ’ feeding the 5000 by multiply- Eric Gilles, Maintenance Supervisor [email protected] ing the loaves and fishes. It was a miracle clearly [email protected] foreshadowing the institution of the Eucharist. Our Kim Kuhn, Parish Secretary • ext. 221 [email protected] Lord has not often been called upon to multiply al- Diana Lesiecki, Business Manager ready consecrated hosts, as He did for Don Bosco. In [email protected] truth, it is a miracle that at every Mass in the world, Kathleen Obermiller, Communications Director since Holy Thursday, Christ has multiplied Himself [email protected] as Eucharistic food. Thus, the faithful, as today’s William Shaffer, Music Minister gospel says, “have all eaten and were satisfied.” [email protected] ~Rev. Edward J Smith

JUNE 23, 2019 THE MOST HOLY BODY & BLOOD OF CHRIST SUNDAY OFFERTORY REPORT Amount Budgeted Weekly……...... $4,807.69

Sunday Collection (6/9/19)…………….. $5,758.00

7/1/18 to Date over/(under) Budget…… ($2,197.93)



Sunday - June 23 - The Most Holy Body & Saturday, 6/29- 4 pm Blood of Christ PLEASE SIGN UP TO HELP! 10:00 am - †Ralph Koontz, Jr. Requested by: Family Sunday, 6/30 - 10 am Allison, Katelyn & Madelyn Smith Monday - June 24 - The Nativity of St. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY 8:30 am - †Betty Niemiec Today we celebrate the gift of

Tuesday - June 25 - Weekday the Body and Blood of Christ. 8:30 am - †Tom O’Doherty & John Sas We hear Jesus ask his disci- Requested by: Janine O’Doherty ples, “Why do you not give them something to eat your- Saturday - June 29 - Sts. Peter & Paul, Apostles selves?” And He shows them 4:00 pm - †Lee Bomback how by the multiplication of Requested by: Family the five loaves and two fishes.

Sunday - June 30 - 13th Sunday of Ordinary Today, as you donate to the St. Vincent de Paul Time Society, know that the multiplication of the 10:00 am - †Gary Obermiller loaves and fishes will happen again and the Requested by: Family hungry will be fed!

WHEN YOU GET YOUR CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPES THIS MONTH, YOU WILL NOTICE A CHANGE. The envelopes that are for the Diocese of Cleveland will be in Pink to make it easier to distinguish between the ones for St. Anthony’s and the ones for the Diocese. This was changed because of your suggestions. Please continue to share your thoughts with us!

DONATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE In memory of George Simonovich for St. Anthony Church by Russell & Arleen Gilles.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JUNE 23, 2019 Sunday: Gn 14:18-20/Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4 [4b]/1 Cor 11:23-26/Lk 9:11b-17 Monday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10/Ps 71:1-2, 3-4a, 5-6ab, 15ab and 17 [6]/1 Pt 1:8-12/Lk 1:5-17. Day: Is 49:1-6/Ps 139:1b-3, 13-14ab, 14-15 [14]/Acts 13:22-26/Lk 1:57-66, 80 Tuesday: Gn 13:2, 5-18/Ps 15:2-3a, 3bc-4ab, 5 [1b]/Mt 7:6, 12-14 Wednesday: Gn 15:1-12, 17-18/Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9 [8a]/Mt 7:15-20 Thursday: Gn 16:1-12, 15-16 or 16:6b-12, 15-16/Ps 106:1b-2, 3-4a, 4b-5 [1b]/Mt 7:21-29 Friday: Ez 34:11-16/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [1]/Rom 5:5b-11/Lk 15:3-7 Saturday: Vigil: Acts 3:1-10/Ps 19:2-3, 4-5 [5a]/Gal 1:11-20/Jn 21:15-19. Day: Acts 12:1-11/ Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [5]/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/Mt 16:13-19 Next Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21/Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11 [cf. 5a]/Gal 5:1, 13-18/Lk 9:51-62


ADORATION CHAPEL “What is the Eucharistic Adoration Visit? It is the meeting of our soul and of all our being with Jesus. It is the creature meeting his Creator, the before the Divine Master, the patient with the Doctor of Souls, the poor one appealing to the rich One, the thirsty one drinking at the Font, the weak one presenting himself to the Almighty, the tempted one seeking a sure Refuge, the blind one searching for the Light, the friend who goes to the True Friend, the lost sheep sought by the Di- vine Shepherd, the heart led astray who finds the Way, the foolish one who finds Wisdom, the bride who finds the Spouse of the Soul, the nothing who finds the All, the afflicted who finds the Consoler, the youth who finds Life’s Meaning. It is the shepherds at the Manger, Magdalene at the house of Simon, Nicodemus who arrives by night. It is the holy conversations of the Samaritan of Zacchaeaus, of Philip and of all the apostles with Jesus especially during the last week of His earthly life and after the resurrection. One approaches Jesus as the Mediator between God and humanity, as the Priest of the Father, as the Victim of expiation, as the Messiah come to the earth, as the Word of God, the Shepherd, the Way and Truth and Life, the Savior of the World.” ~Bl. Fr. James Alberione


Gilbert Amador Gloria Badillo Lindsey Marie Ballas Janet Baxter Joanne Bilancini Loretta Bliss Tim “Swampy” Burton Gary Butchko Marvin Campbell Donna Clark Bill Claus Lynn Coscho Ann Cusella Ann DiFrancesco Helen DiLuciano Jerry Donovan Anna Mae Ebinger Bea Ellis Deacon Jose Flores Scott Friges Bea Giacobbe Brian Grace Renee Golowenski Delores Gonzalez Fr. John Hadnagy, Tim Haupt Clara Hodorowski Phyllis Holomuzki OFM Conv Jennifer Humphrey Al Jacobs Ralph Koontz Pepsi Lachowyn Deacon Luis Maldonado Ann Marshall Barbara McCalland Ellen Morgan Victor Munoz Mary Nazario Nick Penick Liz Profant Elizabeth Raddell Emily Raddell Elizabeth Savinsky Amy Schmidt Elmer Schneider Joan Schwartz Deacon Jim Stewart Celia Stanislaw Andrea Taylor Audali Torres Rosa Torres Peter Uies Stacie Velasquez Sherri Wedgeworth Peg Young

Call the Parish Office if you would like to add someone to this list. Please notify us when to remove the name. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Call the “Prayer Line” for immediate prayer requests, Georgianna: 440-288-1644 or Dee: 440-984-3874

1305 E. ERIE AVENUE LORAIN, OH 44052-2226


A NIGHT OF HEALING Join Peter’s Shadow Healing Ministry for a Night of Healing Prayer with Fr. Bearer on Wednesday, June 25th, start- ing at 6:30 pm. This evening of healing will be held at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, 1905 Portage Trail, Cuyahoga Falls 44223. All are welcome, and there is no charge for this event.

ANNIVERSARY OF RHODA WISE’S HEALING THANK YOU & CONGRATULATIONS On Friday, June 28th, it is the Feast of the Sacred We are grateful to everyone that purchased Feast Day Heart and also the 80th anniversary of the healing Raffle Tickets & came to our Feast Day Brunch! of Rhoda Wise’s abdomen. There will be a Mass Congratulations to our Grand Prize winner for the Feast in honor of the Rhoda Tony Delgado from seller Susan Delgado & our Wise at St. Peter’s Church in Canton at 7 pm. 2nd Place Winner Ilona Pataky. For more information and to learn more about Rhoda Wise, who is being investigated for canoni- Weekly Activities zation as a Saint, please visit the Facebook page: SUNDAY, JUNE 23 RhodaWiseHouse, or

MONDAY, JUNE 24 7:30 pm - New Life Prayer Group (Adoration Chapel) ST. TERESA SATURDAY NIGHT SUPPER

TUESDAY, JUNE 25 Join us on Saturday, June 29th 9:00 am - Pierogi Production (Social Hall) from 5:30-7:00 pm at the St. Teresa Hall. Menu is BBQ Chicken, Baked WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26 Potato, Corn on the Cob, Salad, Rolls

THURSDAY, JUNE 27 & Dessert with Beverage. Tickets are

FRIDAY, JUNE 28 $10 each. Get them in the Church 3:00 pm - Divine Mercy Holy Hour (Adoration Chapel) Office, Monday - Friday 9 am - 3 pm or call, 440-934-4227. SATURDAY, JUNE 29

SUNDAY, JUNE 30 SVDP PARISH VACATION CATHOLIC CAMP Join us for the Children’s Liturgy of the Word! Join us on a wild adventure through biblical water sto- ries with , St. John the Baptist, and Jesus. Dis- CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE cover how water transforms our faith through stories, WORD IS NEXT WEEKEND crafts, games, songs, healthy snacks and more! Vaca- Children age 4 through 4th grade who tion Catholic Camp “River Days” will run from attend the 10 am Mass will be invited Monday, July 15th to Friday, July 19th from 9 am to to join Children’s Liturgy of the Word. Noon at St. Vincent de Paul Church, 41295 N. Ridge The children will be lined up in the main Rd., Elyria. Cost is $20 per child. Scholarships are aisle before the readings & led to the side chapel in available. Children entering grades Kindergarten the church. There they will do activities about the through 5th are welcome to attend. Junior/Senior High week’s readings to help them understand on their School teens & adults are needed level. Right before the offertory, the children will re- as volunteers. Please register by Wednesday, July 10th. Contact turn & sit with their families for the remainder of Jackie at [email protected] Mass. Liturgy of the Word will take place each or 440-324-6615 EXT. 4. All are month on the Last Sunday! Please plan to join us! welcome!

Phone: 440-288-0106 •


PLEASE HELP US KEEP “UP TO DATE” • If you recently had a child, and the baptism took place at another parish; please let us know so we can update our files. • If a child has moved out of your home, and is living on his/her own; please let us know. • If you are a young adult, supporting yourself, living on your own or with your parents, you should be independently registered with our parish. • If your son or daughter has gotten married, at a parish other than St. Anthony’s, please let us know so we can make the appropriate notation in our records. • If you have changed your address, email or phone number, please let us know so we can have the correct information on file.

Pro-Life Answers to False Pro-Choice Arguments (Part II) As pro-lifers, we need to educate ourselves and have answers to pro-choice arguments and rhetoric. Over the next few weeks, we will highlight the typical pro-choice claims and we will arm you with good and accurate information to refute their misleading and false arguments.

A woman's right to "choose"? The word "choice" (as used on the subject of abortion) is probably the most misleading and deceptive term in the English language. While it might sound good to say that government should allow people to make all their own choices, that is neither practical nor desirable. Some choices are crimes. All crimes are choices. Once a woman is pregnant, barring a miscarriage or an induced abortion, she will have a baby. Therefore, her only "choice" is, "How is the baby going to come out?" Will he or she come out alive and crying, or dead and in pieces? Truly, her choice is between life and death---a live baby, or a dead one. Consider this hypothetical situation. A group of young men have just started a "Right to Rape" or- ganization. They argue that they have the right to choose to rape women. The real question, they tell us, is, "Who decides, us or the government? We believe that the government should stay out of this very private matter." Furthermore, they want the state to set up tax-funded centers where they can rape women in a safe, legal fashion. Clearly, our response would be, "Absolutely not; rape is wrong!" Note carefully that the real and overriding question is not, "who decides" but a question about the action itself. We must first ask our- selves, "Is rape right or wrong?" Only then can we answer the question of who has the right to choose to do it. And so it is with abortion. No one should have the "right to choose" abortion because it involves taking the life of a separate, innocent human being and is therefore an atrocity.


Bus will begin loading at the St. Anthony Parking Lot at 7:00 am and leave promptly at 7:30 am.

The Trip will tentatively begin with Mass at St. John the Baptist Basilica in Canton. The bus will drive by McKinley High School, where Mother Angelica attended and stop for a quick tour of the burial place of President McKinley. We will tour St. Anthony All , the home parish of Mother Angelica and St. Peter’s Church, where Rhoda Wise worshipped. Time permitting, we will make a quick stop at the famous Heggy’s Candy Store be- fore heading to the Rhoda Wise shrine, where Mother Angelica was healed as a teenager. We will also stop at the gravesite of Rhoda Wise & her family. Finally, the pilgrimage will end with a visit to the Santa Clara Monastery, where Mother Angelica lived as a cloistered religious.

Bring a packed lunch to have a picnic at the Rhoda Wise Shrine. We return to St. Anthony’s approx. 5:30 pm.

Don’t miss this opportunity! The cost is $30 per seat. Limited Seating available. Deadline to RSVP is TOMORROW, 6/24. Call Marcie, 440-288-6628.

JUNE 23, 2019 THE MOST HOLY BODY & BLOOD OF CHRIST SUNDAY Lorain International Festival Friday, June 28th 5:00 - 11:00 pm Saturday, June 29th Noon - 11:00 pm Sunday, June 30th Noon - 6:00 pm

Stop at the St. Anthony Booth for Potato & Cheese Pierogi, Potato & Cheese with Jalapeño Pierogi, Buffalo Chicken Pierogi, BBQ Chicken Pierogi, Mac ‘n Cheese Balls, & the “King “Sandwich.

CLUSTER PARTNERS WEBSITES If you would like to submit an article for an St. Teresa of Avila Parish upcoming Bulletin, please send requests to [email protected]

St. Church by Monday at 10 am. Bulletins are sent to print every Tuesday!

Dr. William M. Schwartz Dovin and Reber Jones Matthew A. Stempowski, DDS Funeral & Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Parishioner Family Dentistry - Ins., Visa, ® M.C. Accepted Cremation Center 1936 Cooper Foster Park Rd. W ROSE JACOBS REALTOR Eve. & Sat. Hrs. Lorain, Ohio 44053 Office 440-282-5156 1110 Cooper Foster Park Road Call 934-4485 or 365-9872 Amherst, Ohio 44001 Phone: (440) 233-4155 440-320-4891 Fax: (440) 240-8715 5330 Meadow Lane Ct., Suite B 440.985.2100 3644 Oberlin Ave. • Lorain, OH 44053 (North College Meadows) ® Full Service Realtor Parishioner Reidy-Scanlan-Giovannazzo Funeral Home & Cremation Service 2150 Broadway • Lorain, OH Traditional Funerals Pre-Arranged Funerals • Cremation Call for a Free Consultation Vincent J. Giovannazzo 440-244-1961 Proud to serve Lorain County J.B.E. LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT Jason Petkovsek Residential • Commercial LAWN MAINTENANCE 440-233-LAWN (5296) [email protected] American Slovak Club 2915 Broadway Hall Rental/Catering Fish Fry • Bowling Meeting Rooms 440-245-5146 3-E-4-2 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 14-0147

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3-E-4-2 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 14-0147