Regeneration Proposals: Public Consultation Results

1. Background

Farnworth town centre has been identified as one of the Greater Mayor’s Town Centre Challenge areas. Council is working with partners to develop a vision and a masterplan for the area which will improve Farnworth’s economic viability and benefit the community.

Between June and November 2018 an extensive engagement exercise took place with over 500 residents in Farnworth. The aim of the engagement was to ensure local people and interested parties had the opportunity to contribute to a new vision for Farnworth. The results from this engagement exercise fed into the development of a series of regeneration proposals for Farnworth.

On 19 December 2018 a report was approved for consultation by the Deputy Leader. This report proposed six development options for the public to have their say on. This report summarises the consultation.

The results of this consultation exercise will feed into the development of a masterplan for Farnworth Town Centre.

2. Methodology

The consultation sought to ascertain the views of residents, businesses and any other interested parties on the six development proposals.

The consultation period ran from 14 January to 1 February 2019.

A questionnaire was made available online and promoted via the council’s website, via social media and via press releases in the Bolton News. A printed version of the questionnaire was available on request and copies were distributed at key points; Farnworth Library, Farnworth Leisure Centre, New Bury UCAN Centre, Age UK resource centre (Cross Street) and Unit 14 Brackley Street. A copy of the questionnaire can be found at Appendix A.

A presentation summarising the proposals was made available on the website, alongside the full report which went to the Deputy Leader so that respondents had information to permit intelligent consideration and response.

Eight drop-in events were held at a range of different times / days, in the centre of Farnworth (14 Brackley Street) so that residents and businesses could view the proposals on consultation boards (Appendix B) and have the opportunity to speak to members of staff if they wished. The drop-in events were promoted on the council’s website, on social media and in the local press.

3. Response

Over 130 residents / business representatives visited the drop-in events to give their views during the consultation period and 252 responses were received via the consultation questionnaire.


An exercise was also undertaken with secondary school children to find out what they wanted their town to look like in the future.

Formal responses were received from Bolton Active Travel Forum and Farnworth Voices Steering Group, these can be found at Appendix C.

Questionnaire Respondent profile

Demographic information about respondents is detailed below:

Q: Please tick the box that most closely describes your interest in this issue/

A resident in Farnworth 60%

A resident in Kearsley 27%

A resident in Harper Green 7%

A resident in another part of Bolton 2%

From a community / voluntary group 1%

A business in the borough of Bolton 1%

Base = 250 Other 2%

‘Other’ included people who worked or shopped in Farnworth or ward councillors.

• 95% gave their ethnic origin as White British, 1% Asian / Asian British, 1% Mixed / Multiple Ethnic Group, 1% Black / African / Caribbean / Black British and 2% said they ‘prefer not to say’.

• 77% felt that their day-to-day activities were not limited due to long term illness or disability, 23% had some limitations

• 74% had no caring responsibilities, 26% had some caring responsibilities


• The age of respondents ranged between 20 and 84, the distribution is shown in the chart below

Base = 196

151 people gave their contact details so they could be kept informed about the masterplan development.


4. Questionnaire Responses

Proposal One: Redevelopment of the Market Precinct

Respondents were given the following information:

The proposal would involve the redevelopment of the market precinct for a mixture of uses including retail, leisure and residential. The site includes the existing market precinct, the former market and Saddle Pub site. The residential-led development would have active ground floor town-centre uses which could include retail (Brackley Street frontage), leisure, health and fitness and restaurant uses.

Q: What are your views on this proposal?

Would you welcome the redevelopment of the area for better shop units, new leisure and food and drink? Do you think building flats or apartments on the upper floors so that more people can live in the town centre would be a good idea?

A total of 232 comments were received to this question. The comments have been coded and categorised and are shown in the table below.

Number of Categorised comments respondents Yes - agree with proposals / that development is needed 98 In favour of more shops/better shops/bigger names 71 In favour of housing 62 Against housing 45 In favour of the leisure centre and social activities e.g. bowling 23 In favour of cafes / restaurants 23 Less take-aways, charity shops etc. 22 Against the closure of Home Bargains 19 In favour of / comments about a market 17 No – against the proposals 11 Table includes categorised comments with 10 or more respondents in category

Comments relating to each category are explained in more detail below.

Yes – agree with proposals / that development is needed (98 comments)

Respondents welcomed the development proposals and felt that this was needed in Farnworth; “I think this is a good idea as it will generate more income,” “Anything regarding a better offer for Farnworth would be great,” “Just needs something doing. Farnworth is a dreadful place at the moment,” “Yes I would definitely be in favour of redeveloping the Market Precinct for retail, leisure and residential. This is the heart of Farnworth’s town centre”

In favour of more shops / better shops / bigger names (71 comments)

Respondents were in favour of improving the retail offer. Suggestions were made in terms of which shops were needed; “A better mix of shops would benefit rather than every other shop being the same,” “Better shop units, new food and drink, yes if you're thinking Costa,


Subway etc.” “Better shops something like Walkens would be great,” “Farnworth is desperate for some big name companies like Costa, Wetherspoons, or good independent stores with something different to what’s on offer at the moment,” “Improved shops aside from bargain and charity shops are required …more independent stores are required,” “I would love to see more local shops such as greengrocers, butcher's” “More well branded shops are required to entice people to come into Farnworth. Primark would be an ideal example.” “Bringing in big branded shop names i.e. Primark, McDonalds, Burger King, KFC” “Wilkinson’s would be good”

In favour of housing (62 comments)

These respondents welcomed housing as part of the re-development of the market precinct, however some respondents attached conditions to this; “Apartments over shops is a good idea as long as they look modern and don’t get left empty,” “I can understand the need for housing, but I would oppose housing that was for single young males, with no employment income, under 30 years of age, ASB and criminal background,” “Living accommodation is a good idea to help the area grow,” “Flats and apartments on upper floors – yes” “Yes it seems to work in Little Hulton with people living over shops/precinct” “Any residential units should be social housing / housing association linked” “Good idea providing it is tenanted by the right people.”

Against housing (45 comments)

These respondents were against the housing proposals as part of the precinct development for a variety of reasons including parking issues, a potential rise in ASB, and businesses needed over residential; “I don’t think flats over shops will work - they get dated quickly and the flats over the Rock in Bury have lots of ASB,” “I do not think building flats in the middle of Farnworth will be good for the town because Bolton council will fill it with undesirables,” “I imagine these apartments will be built and owned via a 3rd party, most likely cost far too much to own resulting in agencies buying them to let for astronomical amounts due to them being town centre apartments,” “Maybe not have residential areas above, there would be increased need for parking etc, and I'm not sure who would want to live there,” “No to flats above precinct units - enough strain on the utilities already,” “The town centre is surrounded by residential areas … the town centre is lacking good and decent businesses,” “Don’t turn the town centre into a housing estate!”

In favour of the leisure centre and social activities (23 comments)

These comments were in favour of providing leisure activities as part of the re-development, and made suggestions on what these should be; “I agree with building better facilities we desperately need a cinema, bowling alley, indoor play for youngsters,” “Leisure, food and drink are the only things that will keep any town centre alive in these times” “The whole site should be redeveloped for local use i.e. leisure facilities / gym / keep-fit classes,” “New leisure opportunities are definitely needed,” “A bowling alley, laser quest, crazy golf or Cinema will be a good idea to draw people into Farnworth for a family day/evening out,” “We are very limited with only one cinema in Bolton and the rest being on surrounding retail parks and you either need a car or a be prepared to use public transport.

In favour of café’s / restaurants (23 comments)

Comments in this category were positive about the development of cafés and restaurants in the market precinct; “Costa is a missing link - the only place without one!” “I think food and drink outlets would be great; there is a shortage of 'pub restaurants' and even coffee shops (such as Costa) which are always great to arrange to meet friends, or colleagues,” “There’s no real coffee shop - I want real coffee,” “Having a restaurant would be a nice change, as

5 there are only cafes or pubs to eat,” “Farnworth is completely full of food outlets but none of these could you say were high quality” “More cafes and eating places open at night,” “Food and drink is mentioned in this proposal and we certainly do not need any more takeaways. A nice coffee shop / restaurant or cafe would be acceptable.” “Regarding the food and drink side it would need to be a large chain of restaurants rather than take-aways.”

Less takeaways, charity shops etc. (22 comments)

Some respondents were in favour of more shops and restaurants but not lower-grade shops like takeaways and charity shops; “What we don't need is more take away food shops or fast food shops,” “Sounds good so long as they’re filled with good shops and not more charity shops and takeaways,” “No more vaping shops, charity shops, pound shops or gambling establishments please,” “The area certainly needs more variety of shops as Farnworth is over ran with takeaways and charity shops,” “Yes. Get rid of all the charity shops,” “I agree to the need for Farnworth to improve in its range of shops and quality food and drink establishments. However, my fear would be to house even more low-hygiene rated takeaways and cheap £1 shops,” “There are already more pie, fish and chips etc. on Brackley Street and Market Street than we need.” “It’s like the ‘curry mile’ only Farnworth is the ‘take away mile’”

Against the closure of Home Bargains (19 comments)

There were several comments relating to Home Bargains and not wanting it to close or move; “Home Bargains is the busiest shop in Farnworth and I think it would be ridiculously stupid for you to close it down rather than use all the empty units near the bus station,” “Leave Home Bargains alone we’ve already lost the market and B&M there’s enough empty buildings in Farnworth” “Leave Home Bargains where it is – it’s the most popular shop in Farnworth,” “We do need a lot of redevelopment but not at the expense of the shops that are already in place i.e. Home Bargains,” “We do not want Home Bargains to close it's a life-line of people on a lower income.” “If Home Bargains goes Farnworth will go, Home Bargains is the best shop there is in Farnworth.

In favour of / comments about a market (17 comments)

Some respondents commented about the need for a market; “All you need is a proper market and shops like Bolton indoor market,” “Farnworth would benefit from a return of the open market, if it is not too late” “Farnworth needs it's market back in place,” “The Market Precinct does need redeveloping but conservatively within a framework of the current space and bus stop...The ground floor could still house a space for a market akin to that available in Walkden.” “There had been a market in Farnworth since ~1870. Markets if run properly bring shoppers into a town centre and are also good for other businesses in the town centre”.

No – against the proposals (11 comments)

Some respondents were against the proposals, for a variety of different reasons; “No - due to traffic already bad in morning and evenings,” “Absolutely ridiculous...why not renovate the existing buildings with decent local builders,” “It's all well and good building this and that but the real reason most shops and businesses are put off the area is the amount of drug crime, shop lifting and the teenagers who attempt to terrorise places,” “No - It would mean more anti-social behaviour in the town centre.”


Other comments (31 comments)

There were several other comments of which there were not enough to warrant their own category but are still significant, these include suggestions for a health centre, more public toilets, keeping historic buildings, improvements for transport; increased CCTV security for businesses, having a DWP service in town and incentivising new businesses with reduced business rates; “I think this would be a fantastic site for a major health centre. There are 3 GP clinics within Kearsley and Farnworth. Bringing them all under one roof with other health services so people don't need to travel as far,” “I think this area would be best used for building the 'hub'- it would connect Brackley Street and King Street and make better use of the new bus station,” “In the actual market precinct maybe we could have a market back - or have farmers markets/ food festivals,” “The Wifi offer in the whole of the town centre is important to attract people in. The overall layout of the town centre and the future of attractive historical buildings in Farnworth town centre and the outer town centre area needs good thought,” “I am interested in what transport development is planned including cycle and walkways around the area.” “To attract new business ‘security’ should be a priority and a discounted package to implement security should be offered.”


Proposal Two: New Community and Civic Hub

Respondents were given the following information:

A new community and civic hub could be delivered in a number of locations in the town centre. A possible location for it could be using some or all of the Home Bargains site (which is not currently in council ownership). The hub could include some or all of the following; library, council services / offices, improved health facilities, community forum and a café.

Q: What are your views on this proposal?

Do you think it is a good idea to create a new hub for council services, health services and to provide a community venue in the heart of the town centre? Should this include a new ‘state of the art library?

A total of 247 comments were received to this question. The comments have been coded and categorised and are shown in the table below.

Number of Categorised comments respondents Against closure / moving of Home Bargains 102 Against library proposals 101 Yes, in favour of a hub … but some had concerns / conditions 96 Use the current Town Hall for Hub/Council Services etc. 62 No – don’t agree 48 Use what (the buildings) we've got 47 Specifically a health hub/health centre/health services 23 Comments against using the proposed site/s (use other sites) 14 Keep the historic buildings 12 In favour of library proposals 12 Table includes categorised comments with 10 or more respondents in category

Comments relating to each category are explained in more detail below.

Against the closure /moving of Home Bargains (102 comments)

Respondents were against the closure of Home Bargains due to it being one of the most popular shops in Farnworth; “One of the only reasons to shop in Farnworth,” “Home Bargains, along with ASDA are the cornerstone of Farnworth’s shopping centre – leave Home Bargains alone” Home Bargains is a well-established and well-used facility for those with and without money. If this goes or relocates then the footfall into Farnworth may possibly decline,” “Home Bargains is a very popular shop and in a great location I do not think that this should change”

Some were also against the use of the Home Bargains site and suggested alternative sites for a hub including the old Burton’s site and the Hitchins site; “There are plenty of other places like the units behind the indoor market on King St,” “I believe the hub is a great idea but I think other sites within Farnworth could be utilised for this” “Home Bargains should not be touched, there are plenty more suitable sites for a 'hub'”


Against the library proposals (101 comments)

Respondents were against the proposals to move the library to the town centre ‘hub’ for the following reasons;

Love for the historic building / the original purpose / the history; “I and others are totally against the loss of our beautiful Carnegie 'gifted listed' Library. I feel it is sacrilege to ever suggest such an out-of-touch suggestion. This outrageous suggestion will be the biggest setback to this much awaited regeneration project, because you have underestimated just how US Farnworth people feel about our Library and instead of positivity it will cause greater negativity and put the people of Farnworth's backs up,” “The Carnegie Library should remain what Carnegie donated his money/building for - a library,” It’s in a beautiful listed building that could be made into a fantastic feature and demonstrate our heritage,” “We have a perfectly functional library in Farnworth already and I would chain myself to the building before I let that be taken from the beautiful building that it's already in.”

The location; “Keep the library where it is, well connected, listed, community hub and a proud part of the towns-history,” “It’s 2 minutes-walk from the new proposed site” “The library is fine where it is.”

No change needed; “Nothing wrong with the current library,” “As for a state of the art library we already have a historic one I think that the money should be spent improving this,” “You should use the library facilities that are already in place.”

In favour of a hub – but some had concerns / conditions (96 comments)

Some respondents thought it was a good idea to a have a ‘hub’; “A hub for council services would bring people to the centre and help improve footfall,” “A new hub building would be of interest, by placing council services and health services all in one building is a positive move, it would make it easier for people of all ages and abilities to attend in a central location rather than being sent across the other side of Bolton, like at the present time.” “All in one place is much more accessible for local people 'one stop shop' new up-to-date library would be great,” “Fantastic idea the hub. Library - I am not sure if we need state of the art just a good hub to access all services.”

Some of the respondents in this category said they liked the idea of a hub, but only if it preserved the ‘historic’ buildings like the town hall and library building (30 comments), didn’t use the Home Bargains site (25 comments) and didn’t affect the existing library (16 comments); “Provide a hub for community interests only. Leave library where it is, this building and Town Hall need to be preserved” “Fantastic idea for a ‘hub’ but an awful idea to use Home Bargains,” “I like the idea of a hub where residents can go but I don't think it needs to be in the centre of Farnworth”

Use the current town hall for hub / council services (62 comments)

Respondents suggested that the existing town hall building was the best location for a ‘hub’; “Council services should revert back to Town Hall,” “Utilise the existing town hall better,” “Definitely not! The town hall building was recently upgraded at considerable cost so why waste money on more council services? Utilise the town hall for council services.” “The town hall needs to have its services put back into just another ghost building,” “No, no, no – we have our own hub, our town hall - We want back possession of this building to use for the purpose that it was built for. It could be the hub for community and voluntary sectors … but also incorporate the Housing Dept. which at present residents travel to Breightmet for.”


No – don’t agree (48 comments)

Some respondents didn’t agree with this proposal, many disagreed because of the potential implications on the library and Home Bargains, others just felt it wasn’t needed “No as we have all the necessary buildings, that money could be spent on to bring it up to date,” “No, not, a very bad mistake - why waste money on something what will get used only for kids and druggies abusing it,” “No- we have community hubs. We already have a very good library, council offices etc.” “No hub got enough things like that - got enough offices that aren’t being used,” A new hub - No as the old one will stand unused, don't waste your money.”

Use what (the buildings) we’ve got (47 comments)

Suggestions were made to use existing buildings for the location of the hub, including; the old job centre, jaguar garage, B&M, RBS, Library, Travis Perkins; “There’s an empty area where B&M use to be, there’s a job centre that’s empty and shops shut everywhere – so why use the one place that is open and does well for the area?” “Why did you not redevelop the old DSS office? That has been made into office space, about time you got your heads into gear and look at empty buildings not closing a thriving business,” “Why the expense of building a hub - there are plenty buildings already suitable,” “Why buy (compulsory purchase) a building when there are other buildings available for hub?”

Specifically a health hub / health centre / health services (23 comments)

Some respondents made specific comments about the proposed health centre; “A Health Hub would be welcome. Health service provision is poor,” ““I am in favour of a new health centre & the people of Farnworth, should not have to travel in order to receive medical access,” “If it was to have a Dr surgery, Walk In centre, NHS dentist. – yes it would be a good idea,” “Health Centre & Café - a big one, proper health centre,” “A hub is a good idea but I think a fully functioning health centre is needed not just health facilities.” “NHS/Health facilities should be enhanced as many people dislike having to travel to Breightmet for health issues.”

Keep the historic buildings (12 comments)

There were specific comments about the preservation of historic buildings such as the town hall and library. “I would however have to be secure in the knowledge that the current grade 2 listed building that houses the library would be used to the benefit of the local people,” “Yes, I think it is a good idea to centralise it but the historic building which currently house these things must be kept for us and made use of appropriately,” “The library building is so important to the people of Farnworth, a guarantee that this will remain as a civic/community building must be given,” “The current library building is attractive and has been part of Farnworth for a long time, so I would ask what would happen to that building? It would be a shame for that to go to ruin.”

In favour of library proposals (12 comments)

Comments in this category specifically related to the moving of the library to a more central position; “I think it would be a good idea to re-site the current library as it's a mooch down there. They already run a number of services from there but these should be more accessible,” “The current library is disjointed from the town centre unfortunately but too many libraries have been closed and moved into ‘hubs’ that have then been closed down altogether - if the library footfall is needed to improve town centre footfall then a 100-year legally-binding pledge to ensure a library with same current capacity is written into the new hub building use,” “The library does need to be moved to make it more accessible,” “Bringing

10 library into the centre could open up to community spaces i.e. community rooms,” “Yes - it would be good to have a large library; open all hours - that also houses council services and healthcare” “I agree that the library should be moved closer to the centre of Farnworth.”

Other comments (25 comments)

Other comments to this question included suggestions for improved parking, internet café’s, weddings in the town hall, public toilets, ensuring the youth are provided for, improving the digital skills of Farnworth residents, links to nature / greenspaces and ideas for social / community groups; “Digital skills of residents are lacking in Farnworth and it is not fair that too many are being left behind in the technological age. This is not just a matter of access to money, many residents have not been informed of the value understanding and accessing the internet can bring to their lives. I propose one of the retail units or part of the Hub to become a Digital garage premises,” “Writing group for Farnworth,” “The reception area should share all the rural and woodland spaces that Farnworth has to offer - maps with links to Crompton Lodges and the Irwell Valley, local art/ photography etc.”


Proposal Three: New Housing Development

Respondents were given the following information:

This proposal would involve new housing development around the town centre on council and privately-owned land. Sites for consideration include those already allocated in the local plan, the north side of Park View, the Market Street car park, land to the back of Market Street properties and the conversion of the town hall to apartments.

Q: What are your views on this proposal?

Do you think it’s a good idea to build more housing within and around the town centre? What type of new homes do you think are needed in Farnworth town centre to meet local demand as well as attracting new residents to the area?

A total of 241 comments were received to this question. The comments have been coded and categorised and are shown in the table below.

Number of Categorised comments respondents Need other things (businesses, shops, infrastructure, amenities, parking) 67 Build houses / homes for families 53 Build affordable / social housing 49 Concerns around type of people and anti-social behaviour housing will attract / that homes will be unattractive / town needs better image 45 No housing / not a priority 43 Don't convert town hall to apartments 39 Build flats / apartments 33 Just saying yes, housing type not given 29 Don't build on Market Street car park 21 Utilize existing space - renovate existing premises / add homes above shops / build on derelict land 19 Build homes for older / disabled people 14 Don’t build flats / apartments 14 Need to retain / provide greenspace 13 Build homes for professionals / more expensive housing 12 Table includes categorised comments with 10 or more respondents in category

Comments relating to each category are explained in more detail below.

Need other things - businesses, shops, infrastructure, amenities, parking (67 comments)

Respondents felt that other things were needed (e.g. new businesses, shops, infrastructure and amenities) to the improve the town centre, either instead of new housing, alongside housing development or beforehand, as they felt this was required to attract new people; “Residents won’t come without development in the town centre,” “Why build houses when there's nothing else to encourage people into Farnworth?”


Parking was a concern; “Farnworth needs parking otherwise some people will never visit the town centre,” “New homes are all well and good but parking in Farnworth is a nightmare,” “Where will people park if you keep taking away the car parks?”

Respondents were also concerned with the lack of shops; “A good shopping centre would bring people back,” “The market is missed” “We need a proper shopping centre with toilet facilities to meet local demand,” More shops and more retail and leisure would be amazing rather than houses - this would attract new people!”

Some respondents felt that new housing would bring added pressure to existing services such as dentists and schools and the roads; “Roads around Farnworth are already too busy… to build further multiple occupancy buildings is just going to stretch schools, parks health centres further,” “I haven't seen anything in the plan for an increase in schools, GP's, and road improvements. There are certain times of the day when the roads in Farnworth are gridlocked with cars accessing schools, the hospital and the motorway” and “No point building more homes in town centre to attract more residents because the local infrastructure can’t cope now. Doctor appointment waiting list, not enough nursery places, not enough jobs or employment that is above minimum wage.”

Build houses / homes for families (53 comments)

Some respondents felt that it was important to build homes for families as part of the masterplan; “If you want to attract families then it should be houses over apartments” “I feel larger houses are required within Farnworth for families that are larger than the average 2.4,” “Bigger houses for bigger families” “Homes for young families,” Some respondents suggested locations for these family homes; “Family homes close to the centre are perfect,” “Family housing facing park”

Build affordable / social housing (49 comments)

Respondents felt that any housing development should include (or be only) affordable. Some respondents felt that this should be social housing, others were happy to see private rental or homes to buy, as long as the cost was affordable; “Affordable homes for the low income people,” We need houses people can afford and more council houses for people who can't afford to buy,” We need lots more social housing not houses for people to buy half of Farnworth people are living on breadline and struggling to feed families.” “More affordable housing for families who cannot get out of renting and would love to own their own home.”

Concerns around type of people and potential anti-social behaviour housing will attract / homes will be unattractive / town needs better image (45 comments)

Respondents voiced concerns over exacerbation of existing undesirable behaviour from social / multiple occupancy tenancies.; “Worried what type of residents any new social housing will attract,” “Current housing above shops is being used as drug dens,” “They will be given to the dead-legs to live in,” “I understand the need for social housing but people should be vetted and houses maintained by residents and landlords,” “There are high crime rates due to the high amount of rented, social and shared housing in the area.” “Typical families don't want to live close to the town centre because of young children and impressionable young people seeing drunken people leaving pubs.”

Some respondents felt that the town centre was rundown, which would put off potential residents; “The whole place just needs a good clean,” “More housing in the town centre would not improve it at all if they are going to be social housing, the centre would be turned into a ghetto!”


No housing / not a priority (43 comments)

Respondents in this category felt that there was already sufficient housing within the town centre, that existing buildings should be utilised, or that they just weren’t a priority; “Redevelop the houses we already have, fix up empty buildings for homes and encourage repairs to be done faster for tenants,” “No houses are needed… What demand ????” “We don’t need more houses. We need to support the people in the houses we already have” “No we need new business to build up Farnworth THEN look at housing. Who wants to live in a ghost town?”

Don't convert town hall to apartments (39 comments)

Respondents felt that the town hall was an important building that should be retained, they suggested that it be used to provide a range of services; “Can't believe you want to convert the Town Hall to apartments, what a waste of a beautiful building” “Why get rid of the town hall? Leave our buildings alone” “Leave the Town hall alone, use it for the hub and bring it back into use for the local community.” “Flats in the town hall? No but here's a radical idea - use it as a town hall” “Need to keep our Town Hall identity. Possibly may need to amalgamate the library within the Town Hall.”

Build flats / apartments (33 comments)

Some respondents suggested that apartments / flats were a good idea; “Apartments with easy access to transport links and with accessible parking” “Flats above shops in town Centre” “one- and two-bedroom flats” “Apartments seem to be the way forward for a lot of other places,” “Apartments and flats above shopping areas could be beneficial”

Just saying yes, housing type not given (29 comments)

Some respondents agreed that housing was needed but didn’t specify type; “There is a massive demand for new homes and this regeneration is desperately needed,” “I agree with the proposed housing in Farnworth Town Centre,” “More houses are always needed.”

Don't build on Market Street car park (21 comments)

Some respondents felt that building on Market Street car park would exacerbate current parking problems and deter visitors to the town; “Where will people park if you keep taking away the car parks? Granted it's the most unused but still used by a lot of people,” “Market Street car park should be left as a car park,” “Market Street car park is a much-needed parking space and is always full, losing this would affect the businesses at that end of Market Street” “Parking is a premium in Farnworth, building on a car park would mean even less people travelling to a town already in its knees.”

Utilize existing space - renovate existing premises / add homes above shops / build on derelict land (19 comments)

Respondents suggested areas which could be utilised for housing, either instead of or in addition to the current proposal; “So much land and derelict buildings could be put to housing use,” “Land on Mabels Brow also could be used. I think this was originally going to be flats. this would encourage growth at the Kearsley roundabout side of town as well,” “There’s empty land everywhere what are turning into dumping grounds - example one on George street by the mill why not use them,” “Too many empty properties in and around Farnworth as it is,” “Already a lot of empty commercial buildings to renovate into housing around the town centre,” “Why not use Travis Perkins old site?”


Build homes for older / disabled people (14 comments)

Some respondents suggested that accommodation was needed for those over 50 and those with disabilities; “The only housing that should be built anywhere near or in the town centre should be for older people with disabilities,” “There's a lot of people who need ground floor accommodation so more of this would be very welcome,” “Ageing population needs more sheltered accommodation” “Over 50's housing” “Disability or pensioner friendly and prioritized for the vulnerable, which may help reduce pressure on housing in the wider area by having less immobile people in 3+ bedroom houses”

Don’t build flats / apartments (14 comments)

Some respondents felt that flats and apartments were unnecessary, either because there was sufficient provision already or because of the kind of people they tended to attract; “Apartments lead to lack of social interaction and short termism,” “Will end up full of bedsits and HMOs,” “Not more apartments for rent,” “Make it worth living in before you make more flats nobody wants.”

Need to retain / provide greenspace (13 comments)

Respondents wished green space to be retained or increased; “You also need to look at creating green places within the developments,” “Houses with a garden are a must,” “The new properties need to incorporate greenery and be aesthetically pleasing - give people something to take a pride in.”

Build homes for professionals / more expensive housing (12 comments)

Some respondents suggested more up-market builds for professional people; “Homes for … professional people who commute. Farnworth and Kearsley have good motorway access that has never been fully utilised,” “Premium housing developments would be a good idea - this could increase house prices” “Flats for young professionals, in and around the bus links to Bolton / Manchester.”

Other comments (33 comments)

Other comments to this question included building outside of the town centre, building homes for young people, single people and the homeless, building bungalows, building a mix of social and private housing; “New housing in other areas around the town centre would be beneficial, to stop the need for more visitors to use car parks,” “I think we do need new homes for the homeless,” “I would like to see a mix of social and private development that caters for all ages and also gives first time buyers the opportunity to own their own home.”


Proposal Four: Extending the Leisure Centre

Respondents were given the following information:

This proposal would involve extending the leisure centre so it can offer more health and fitness activities. There are also privately – owned sites on the corner or Albert Road / Brackley Street which could be redeveloped for complementary town centre uses.

Q: What are your views on this proposal?

Do you think an extension of the leisure centre is a good idea? What other new uses should be proposed at the Albert Road end of Brackley Street to make it an attractive gateway to the town centre

A total of 228 comments were received to this question. The comments have been coded and categorised and are shown in the table below.

Number of Categorised comments respondents Yes – agree with the proposals 164 Youth clubs / facilities for children and teenagers 40 Access - paths, cycle paths, one-way system, parking etc. 27 No – don’t agree with the proposals 21 Improve pool 20 Cost of activities 16 Gateway suggestions 15 Improve retail offer 15 Health centre 13 Improved signage / business fronts 12 Not sure / reservations / unclear 11 Cinema 11 Negative re: fast food / KFC 10 Table includes categorised comments with 10 or more respondents in category

Comments relating to each category are explained in more detail below.

Yes, agree with the proposals (164 comments)

The majority of respondents agreed with the proposals to extend the leisure centre; “Yes the leisure centre needs improving,” “Yes Farnworth Pool and Leisure centre is very well-used and this should be built upon to prevent health issues and increase physical activity,” “Yes as it's got a lot of wasted space around it and is only 1 floor,” “Yes an extension would be good. It could offer more variety and encourage people to take part in fitness activities.”

Youth clubs / classes (40 comments)

Suggestions were made to improve activities for young children and teenagers, either at the leisure centre or elsewhere within the town; “Have a sensory area for young children. Somewhere for people to go with young children” “Yes as we need more things for the

16 young people to do that will stop them being on the street,” “The leisure centre does need more facilities...the chance of offering young people a safe place to play football in the darker hours at a small cost,” “It is always a good idea to promote more leisure pursuits something involving a hall to be used by teenagers, example 5 aside, netball, aerobics. Anything that would give teenagers something other than hanging around doing nothing,” “Yes. We need somewhere for the youngsters to go like a youth club.”

Access - paths, cycle paths, one-way system, parking etc. (27 comments)

Respondents commented on the access to / around the leisure centre and suggestions were made to improve it; “There’s little you can do in this area as the traffic infrastructure is very limiting. You can only exit via Albert road if you enter this way, at the moment this area is frustrating when it is busy,” “Yes, more green spaces and pedestrian/cycling paths linked to the back of Market,” “Also need improved access! One way out of the Asda car park is ridiculous we have leisure centre, dentist, Asda and fuel and one exit route ridiculous.” “Everything should be easily linked. That’s a given and surely architects/planners will find that easy. It’s hardly good planning if there’s no proper access to places in such a tiny town.”

No – don’t agree with the proposals (21 comments)

Some respondents didn’t think the proposal to extend the leisure centre was a good idea; “Not needed - adequate for Farnworth,” “There are 2 gyms in that area already so we don’t need another one!” “We have a pool and a gym that are not overused. We have at least 6 gyms of various prices within a 2-mile radius of Farnworth, therefore no we don’t need it extending. The money could be better spent elsewhere,” “No - not that well used apart from school holidays, better use land for more car parking.”

Improve the pool (20 comments)

There were some specific comments about the pool needing improvement and a suggestion for a second pool (as some schools are having to go out of the area due to capacity); “The public pool requires much needed funding to make it more attractive to people. It is too small & is quite dated,” “Yes make the pool bigger/ split the pool into fun side and serious swimmer side,” “One of the things I think needs addressing is the small area to view the pools. Other baths have much better facilities for spectators as we once had,” “The pool requires desperate modernisation, the changing rooms have been upgraded over the years but not the pools. If Farnworth had larger modern swimming facilities this would encourage more visitors to the area.”

Cost of activities (16 comments)

Some respondents commented about the price of activities at the leisure centre, they felt that the cost should stay affordable; “It would however need funding to help with the financial cost to keep it at a reasonable cost for the youth,” “Good idea if the pricing makes it affordable to use,” “Fitness should be affordable and available for everybody,” “A good idea but the leisure centre is far too expensive compared to private gyms,” “I think its good idea - hopefully it can bring in cheaper activities for people to go to a maybe free session at leisure centre.”

Gateway suggestions (15 comments)

Suggestions were made in terms of a gateway to the town centre including Albert Road, Market Street, King Street and Home Bargains. The following comments were made; “Albert road has a gateway which should be covered in colour… a once proud showpiece which now has no flowers!” “The Albert road end of Brackley Street is the gateway to the town

17 centre,” “Maybe a play/green area/gardens would be good as the gateway to the town centre,” “In my opinion the best gateway would be Market Street - Albert Road would be used as a road to bypass the town centre if you didn’t wish to visit it,” “I always think the Home Bargains side is more the gateway to the centre as it feels more like the entrance to all the pedestrianised shopping areas,” “Not sure Albert Rd can ever be an attractive gateway - not when you stick a KFC there,” “Better gateway would be King St - good access to Brackley St from bus station and create access through Cross St to University/park area.”

Improve the retail offer (15 comments)

A number of comments to this question related to the desire to improve the shopping offer in Farnworth; “An attractive gateway would be made up of shops that are attractive to the economy of Farnworth rather than boarding everything up and building houses” “On Brackley Street let's have some individual local shops i.e. butchers, greengrocers, fish and poultry shop, sweet shop all individually owned.” “No more charity shops, takeaways, barbers or hairdressers or cash exchange shops - we need shoe shops clothes shops furniture shops,” “Some form of retail site if big enough with a link to Asda car park.”

Health Centre (13 comments)

Some respondents suggested combining the leisure centre with a health offer; “Redevelop the leisure centre - model Bolton One. Build a medical centre like Bolton one, run classes educational and health,” “Yes, perhaps that location would be ideal for a health services,” “This is a major must-have to develop leisure and health and wellbeing facility. It will attract people to join gyms, access health activities, better opticians, dentists, wellbeing services to improve their overall health and fitness, mental health” “Yes, potential to co-locate health services and council services with this.”

Improved signage / business fronts (12 comments)

There were some suggestions that improved signage and business fronts would make the area a nicer place; “I also feel shop fronts should be made attractive and maintained,” “It would be a good idea to have big signage at the front of Brackley Street, 'Farnworth Town Centre' showing there is a modern town centre open for business,” “Public Art in a style that would be welcomed in Farnworth at Albert Road front of road area of Queens Building,” “I think Asda should be encouraged to do more with its external aesthetics, you drive in from Albert Road it's just brickwork, some softening - planting, signage.”

Not sure / reservations / unclear (11 comments)

Some respondents were unsure whether this proposal was a good idea and suggested more research into whether there was a demand for such facilities; “Not sure,” “Depends if it needs extending” “It depends how much the leisure centre is used now. There is no point extending if the facilities aren't used,” “Will it be used? - maybe to start with - look at leisure centres in other areas.”

Cinema (11 comments)

Some respondents felt a cinema could enhance the area; “We badly need a cinema and a music venue,” Yes. A cinema? Everything should be easily linked,” “Hopefully a cinema,” “Would it be feasible to look at the provision of a small cinema or a small bowling alley at the Albert Road end of Brackley Street as leisure opportunities?” “Build a cinema as leisure retail. Get the anti-social kids off the streets particularly outside Asda.”


Negative re: fast food / KFC (10 comments)

Some respondents didn’t think locating KFC or other fast-food outlets was a good idea in this area; “Not a KFC for a start, putting another takeaway there when Farnworth is full of them and then moaning that everyone is obese and we have no health facilities,” “Well seeing as there will be an unwanted fast food restaurant next door yes I would say extend it. Then people can burn off the calories,” “What would be the use in extra health and fitness activities when you are allowing a KFC to be built there?”

Other comments (70 comments)

There were quite a few comments that didn’t warrant their own category but are still significant; these included comments about soft landscaping (planting / green spaces), the suggestion of a café / coffee shop, suggestions of other activities – skating, bowling, go- karting, snooker hall, climbing walls and cultural space (music, arts, history, events); “I am promoting a Youth Arts Centre for Farnworth for drama, music, dance and digital,” “A dedicated music and arts venue,” “Extending the leisure centre yes, a cafe, event rooms maybe,” “The old job centre could be a bowling alley.”


Proposal Five: The Library Building

Respondents were given the following information:

One of the ideas for bringing more people into town and making it easier for people to access library services, is to consider relocating the library to the town centre. Housing the library in a ‘state of the art’ community hub building could generate more activity and ‘footfall’ in the main shopping area

Q: What are your views on this proposal?

Do you think moving the library to a modern facility in the town centre would encourage more people to use the library and spend more time in the town centre? If this happened, can you think of any alternative ideas for the use of the existing building that would ensure it remains accessible to the public.

A total of 232 comments were received to this question. The comments have been coded and categorised and are shown in the table below.

Number of Categorised comments respondents No – don’t agree with the proposal 150 Like the existing building / it is in a good location 72 Yes – agree with the proposal 50 Develop / promote existing library – update, more activities / services 33 Library move will encourage greater use 27 Library move won’t encourage greater use 25 Concerns the building will be lost 21 Use as hub / community centre 13 Cost / resource concerns 13 Alternative use – arts / cultural 13 Library links other areas e.g. park to town centre 10 Table includes categorised comments with 10 or more respondents in category

Comments relating to each category are explained in more detail below.

No – don’t agree with the proposal (150 comments)

There were lots of reasons why people disagreed with the proposal to move the library. These reasons are explored further in some of the categories below, but are summarise here a) The history – Carnegie gave the building as a library – should remain a library b) Nothing wrong with the current location / no need for a new one c) Beautiful building – concerns about what will happen to the building d) Disagree that it would generate more footfall in town centre

“This suggestion will cause more negativity for the whole project than any other suggestion,” “Absolutely not. Leave the library alone!!!” “The current library should remain as the library,” “No, the library is fine where it is no need for a new building,” “It is not allowed. No. Carnegie would turn in his grave. Think of the Farnworthians and leave it alone for its original purpose.


Non-negotiable idea,” “I for one will be protesting loudly if you even think of closing our much loved library or moving it.”

Like the existing building / it is in a good location (72 comments)

Respondents were very attached to the building; “We have little to be proud of in Farnworth so the library needs to be kept at all costs - it is an impressive building,” “I believe people have used the library for years and like the fact it is in an historic building,” “I consider the library part of Farnworth’s heritage and as such should remain in its current building.”

Also, many respondents liked the location; “Personally I think the library is close to the town centre,” “I and most people like the quiet area of the library,” “The current library is lovely and I would argue is not very far away from the centre, it only takes me about 5 minutes to walk,” “I think our library is already very accessible - It’s a 2-minute walk and has parking directly in front,” “The library is in a good place, by the park - I regularly take my children to the park and library at the same time as they're so close,” “It’s not more than 500m from the centre of Farnworth now.”

Yes – agree with the proposals (50 comments)

There was some agreement amongst respondents that re-locating the library in a modern facility in the town centre was a good idea; “Relocating the library would be a fantastic way of bringing it into the present,” “Yes, brilliant idea - people need to read more, reading is important to get the skills to get on in life,” “Yes - as the current library is on the outskirts,” “As a member of the library I have hardly visited lately due to distance from the town centre and lack of choice in books. I would strongly welcome this proposal,” “I think that moving the Library facilities to the new proposed hub with state of the art facilities is essential and will ultimately increase its use and secure its future. I fear for the future of the Library in its current location. By moving it, it will increase opportunity for accessibility and could become a major focal point for the community,” “Yes move the library to the town centre, make it accessible by bus – no-one wants to carry heavy books a distance.”

Develop / promote existing library – update, more activities / services (33 comments)

Respondents suggested that the existing library could be updated, provide more activities and be promoted more to encourage greater use - some felt that improved parking would encourage greater use; “Get more people to use it - you should update it with a cafe and play area for small children,” “Give it a better signage for those who don't know it is there,” “Just update the existing library, why waste a perfectly good building,” “Is it not worth advertising events like they do at central library,” “Just make better use of the library we have, try putting more services into it. A good pathway through an attractive park with signage would help.” “If you look at other library's like Blackrod they even have baby groups not just reading groups need make it more appealing and accessible with groups,” “You need to invest in the current library and promote it,” “Keep the library just improve the parking.”

Library move will encourage greater use (27 comments)

Some respondents agreed that moving the library further into the town centre would increase its use; “I do think it will encourage more use of the library along with any other services it has to offer,” “The library in its current position is under-utilised,” “Having the library closer to Farnworth centre would encourage more people to use it,” I think a more central location of the library would encourage the use of the services. Possible use for job searches, internet services, internet cafe hub service,” “More people will visit the library in a hub.”


Library move won’t encourage greater use / more footfall (25 comments)

In direct contrast to the previous category, some respondents felt that moving the library wouldn’t encourage greater use; “I don't think people would use the library any more than they do,” “It isn't used because we are in an age where you can Google everything,” “This would not make more people use the library,” “Moving or expanding the library would not necessarily increase its use in this day and age of the internet and digital book downloads,” “I don't think that this will make people use it more as most people know where the library is and it’s just a matter of choice.”

Some didn’t think the move would increase footfall in the town centre; “No I don't think moving the library would increase usage of the town centre. I feel the only thing that will increase footfall is the variety of shops and products available,” “Disagree - more footfall will come with better shops.” “No not really – you’ll get a lot just walking by because it's a shopping centre where you go to shop - not read,” “People don’t call in a library while they shop.”

Concerns the building will be lost (21 comments)

There were concerns amongst respondents that the building would be left to ruin; “It's too nice to fall into disuse,” “You only want to sell off the building, you have sold off enough of Farnworth's buildings already,” “It just means the library building will be closed for ages like the job centre was,” ““I do not trust the Council to protect the glorious Carnegie Library (Farnworth Central Library). If there were absolute assurances that the library would stay as a Council-owned building that was not rented to commercial organisations then this would be acceptable” ““As long as the old library does not end up derelict,” “Stop destroying our historical buildings it was built as a library and should remain so,” Knowing Bolton Council it would be left to rot then they would have an excuse to knock it down.”

Use as hub / community centre (13 comments)

It was suggested that the library building could be used as a community centre / hub; “A community area where people can go to grab a drink bite to eat which is suitable to families,” “Use the building for the civic hub!” “Existing library could be used for more community based projects for all ages,” “If it is moved the building could be used as a community centre/ theatre?” “Need to have community rooms to hire for community groups,” “Potentially it could be a community centre, a youth club or a meeting place for local groups i.e., craft workshops, baby and toddler groups.”

Cost / resource concerns (13 comments)

Some respondents felt that the proposal would be a waste of money or resources; “Waste of money. It’s fine where it is,” “Absolute waste of time and money! The library is fine where it is. I would be annoyed if this was to happen it would be a huge mistake and a missed opportunity” “I don't believe a new library is good use of investment,” “A "hub" would be ugly and the cost could be better used elsewhere cleaning up the town centre and incentivising a few big names and independents to set up,” “Leave it where it is, moving it is a waste of resources.”

Alternative use – arts / cultural (13 comments)

Suggestions were made for alternative uses for the library building in relation to arts and cultural activities; “Open space for community performances, exhibition space, theatre and cinema space,” “Encouraging use of the building for events such as small concerts, poetry reading events and having with more of a local history emphasis,” “If the library moved, there

22 is a need for entertainment like a cinema hall, the library could be renovated to host cinema or theatre site,” “Old library could be used as a museum,” “How about using some of Bolton’s museum and archive team to set up exhibitions and genealogy days,” “Perhaps the existing building could become an arts/culture base where classes and sessions are delivered by organisations such as Trust Music.”

Library links other areas e.g. park to town centre (10 comments)

Some respondents thought the library provided a good link to other areas of the town; “No, the library needs to stay where it is, take it away & all the shops along the road leading to the library would be like a ghost town... the children's park & The Well is in that area,” “I’m against the library moving it then disconnects the park from the town and library,” “If the links from the centre are improving to that area hopefully more people would walk up-to the library,” “I think with the plans to link the park better to the centre there isn't a need to move the library,” “If people were able to visit the library, meet friends for a coffee and spend time in the park, bowling etc. it would pass a pleasant few hours. Use the facilities we already have, combine resources, give people a purpose to visit that part of the town.”

Other comments (48 comments)

Other comments related to fears that the library might close if it moved and further suggestions for alternative uses of the building (café / bistro, wedding fairs, accommodation, play centres, work enterprise centre); “This building would be great for Farnworth Baptist Church to move into as the current building on Trafford Street, just behind the library is now too small for the services the church offers,” “I would hate for Farnworth library to close or move I have not been in for a while but I would love to think that my Daughter will be able to use the library when she needs it,” “Cafe or restaurant would be good,” “Didn’t work having New Bury and Marsh Lane libraries – just led to closure,” “This needs to be used to help support those out of work....maybe running cv writing workshops and interview preparation sessions,” “Convert it into a register office / wedding venue.”


Proposal Six: Public Realm Upgrades

Respondents were given the following information:

Improving the public spaces on Cross Street and Gas Street could help link the town centre to the park and the university campus. It is not proposed to remove cars from these streets but to make the routes more pedestrian friendly, using good quality materials to match the recent improvements to Brackley Street and Market Street

Q: What are your views on this proposal?

Do you agree that Cross Street and Gas Street should be the priorities for public realm treatment? Would improvements encourage more people from the university to use the town centre and more people to use the park? Or do you think other parts of the town centre would benefit more from this work – for example the route to the railway station.

A total of 211 comments were received to this question. The comments have been coded and categorised and are shown in the table below.

Number of Categorised comments respondents Yes – agree with proposals 79 No – don’t agree with proposals 42 Agree with improving the route to the railway station 28 Neither agree or disagree 25 Other areas / everywhere is a priority 21 Transport improvements 21 Park improvements 20 Table includes categorised comments with 10 or more respondents in category

Comments relating to each category are explained in more detail below.

Yes – agree with the proposals (79 comments)

Within this category over 60 comments were positive about the Gas Street and Cross Street proposals, the remainder were general positive comments with suggestions of other areas that would benefit; “Any cosmetic work to make anywhere look better in Farnworth is a yes from me, as long as it's not at a cost of losing something else,” “I agree that Cross Street and Gas Street should be priorities for public realm treatment, they are a forgotten neglected part of the town,” “It would be good to see these streets upgraded and for clear way-markers to be placed between the park and town centre,” “Yes the whole area and Old Mills nearby are a mess,” “As a resident who lives close to the streets that are mentioned I would appreciate any new plans to make a much pleasing aspect to our streets, the walk concourse from near the park to King street is a lovely airy space to walk through past the university campus. I feel if this was to be replicated on gas street / cross street etc it would bring much improvement.”

No - disagree with the proposals (42 comments)

Some respondents disagreed with this proposal stating that it was a waste of money and that other areas would benefit more (e.g. the town centre, shops). There were concerns that the area would be used by local gangs / drug users and didn’t think it would encourage

24 people from the university to go into town; “I don’t feel the need to improve the links between the town centre and university campus,” “It would be a gateway to drug use and dealing and local gangs for fun,” “I think a pedestrianised area around Gas Street and Cross Street would be a waste of money as few people enter the park at these points and the town centre would still be separated by King Street to these areas,” “When the university was open as a college the students used to come into the town centre with no problems,” “This would not work. There are enough entries to the park,” “No-one needs light coloured paving to entice them into Farnworth it's not Hansel and Gretel,” “Please do not even think to give us more of the same as Brackley street!! Horrendous, one step forward two steps back. It looked far superior before we got Bolton's cast off stones.”

Agree with improving the route to the railway station (28 comments)

Respondents welcomed the idea of an improved, safer route to the railway station; “A better route to railway station would be better for people - streets can be really dark sometimes” “A link to the Farnworth railway is essential,” “A route to the railway station is more of a priority than Cross St and Gas St but it must go hand in hand with an increase in services,” “I believe the route to the railway would benefit more from this, I live on Moss St right by the railway and it is not easily accessible,” “I think the route to the train station would be better and better sign posts to it because you cannot see Farnworth train station from the main road,” “Route to railway station through Darley St. Including developing the car park at the corner of Park St.”

Neither agree or disagree (25 comments)

There were some respondents who were unsure or had no preference; “Not sure about this proposal,” “I couldn't tell you where these streets or train station are and I've lived here 18 years,” “Just depends what you mean by improvement you are not very explicit,” “Don’t know,” “No idea,” “Not sure.”

Other areas / everywhere being a priority (21 comments)

Some suggested other areas (or the whole town) were a priority for public realm improvements; “Everywhere should be for public realm - Farnworth is tiny so it’s doable,” “A total upgrade - everywhere is needed,” “An improved, safe access from Brackley Street through past the theatre to the park is a great idea,” “I feel Market Street needs more attention,” “I think to regenerate Farnworth should be an 'ALL INCLUSIVE' piece of work, you cannot improve one without the other... Let's encourage more residents of Farnworth to use our glorious Park (not just University students)” “Other parts of the town are more deserving in my opinion,” “Why does it have to be one or the other? Just plan accessible paths/links, with added greenery and plants all over town,” “I would concentrate on the appearance of Market Street and Albert Road - the two main roads through Farnworth leading to and from Manchester, Walkden etc., and don't give a very good impression of our town at present as they look neglected.”

Transport improvements (21 comments)

There were several comments about much-needed improvements to the rail service to / from Farnworth, suggestions of trams and some comments regarding traffic flow in the town; “The route to the rail station would be a great however we need more frequent opportunity’s to catch a train at Farnworth,” “Maybe trams could eventually be introduced from Manchester to the station,” “Generally, (if we are lucky), we have one train an hour in each direction into Farnworth station,” “How about trying to improve traffic congestion? Farnworth is a town used as a through route to the motorway. Congestion around that area is bad. Pedestrians can’t cross roads...don’t close roads off that are used as alternate routes through the town!”


Park improvements (20 comments)

Improvements to the park were suggested such as improved safety, parking, benches, toilets, lighting and other activities; “Farnworth park for me presently is a no go area it’s lonely not well lit I go out early morning with my dog and I drive from Kearsley to Moses Gate country park bypassing Farnworth park to get there,” “Farnworth park it’s full of glass, legal high paraphernalia, undesirable people, so if you can improve it that would be fantastic,” “Stick a carpark at a sensible spot of the park and you’ll attract more visitors,” “Farnworth Park has been neglected for so long it would take a massive amount of money to bring back to its former glory,” “The park needs to be somewhere people want to go, at the moment it is a mess - supermarket trolleys, broken benches, those not broken have homeless sleeping on them, evidence of drug use everywhere , no flowers, poorly maintained lawns... why would you want to go there?” “I personally will not use it for fear of attack,” “The park could do with more benches for people to sit and more bins.” “Park has a low dip in the middle with no lighting making it an unsafe through-fare from one side of Farnworth to the other, if it didn’t have a dip you would be able to see people walk right through.”

Other comments (36 comments)

Comments that were not numerous enough to warrant their own category included; suggestions about parking, lighting, more pedestrianised areas, cycle paths, making the area cleaner, using quality materials, having better roads and pavements; “A pedestrian crossing on King Street outside the indoor market would be a huge improvement to encourage people to walk over that side of town,” “Better street lighting please - maybe include some kind of shuttle from the town centre - train station?” “Maybe a multi-storey car park nearby may help,” “Simple improvements would probably be most effective. If the places are clean, that would be a start. If the areas were kept litter-free, and the parks and footpaths weren't covered in dog mess, people would be more likely to use them.” “We need recreational areas revamping. The roads are a disgrace because they haven’t been properly resurfaced using decent materials.”


5. Other comments received

Alongside the questionnaire submissions, formal responses were received from Farnworth Voices Steering Group and Bolton Active Travel forum, these can be found in full at Appendix C.

Secondary school aged children were also asked what they wanted Farnworth to look like. Their requests included a coffee shop (Starbucks), cinema (maybe on the old Travis Perkins site), bowling alley, trampoline park and more fast-food outlets (happy about KFC and McDonalds coming). They also requested somewhere where they could just chill out / hang out – a safe place to meet with their friends (Cube was suggested). They felt they had nowhere to go at present and don’t want to hang around on the streets. Shops they suggested included Primark, Pound land/world and B&M bargains.

6. Conclusions

Over 130 people visited one of eight drop-in events to view the proposals during the consultation period. A total of 252 responses were received to the questionnaire. Most of the respondents (94%) were residents in either Farnworth, Kearsley or Harper Green.

Positive comments were received about the proposed re-development of the market precinct; respondents were in favour of more / better shops, cafés and leisure facilities but there was some disagreement about the residential development.

Some respondents were in favour of a community and civic hub but were strongly against the closure of Home Bargains and the re-location of the library. Improved health facilities were welcomed. Some respondents felt the town hall should be reserved for council uses and in the interest of preserving the old buildings in the town.

In terms of new housing development around the town centre, respondents favoured family homes and affordable / social housing. There were some concerns around the type of people and anti-social-behaviour that the housing might attract.

Respondents were very positive about extending the leisure centre, they requested more facilities for young people, improved access to the centre and an enhanced swimming offer.

There was strong disagreement with the proposal to move the library to a modern facility in the town centre. Respondents were against this proposal due to their love of the historic building and concerns that it would be left to ruin, some felt it was fine in the current location and some disagreed it would generate more footfall in the town centre.

Finally, respondents were generally positive of the proposal to upgrade the public realm on Cross Street and Gas Street but also suggested other areas of the town that would benefit from this.


Appendix A: Copy of the questionnaire

Farnworth Town Centre Masterplan Consultation Background A draft masterplan for Farnworth town centre has been developed and we would like to get your views on the initial proposals. It is important that residents, visitors and other stakeholders express their views to help guide and shape decisions. Please read the information in the summary document and the full report which went to the Executive Cabinet Member meeting on 19th December 2018 and then complete the questions below. Please be aware that the answers you give in this questionnaire will be passed on to a team of town centre development experts (BDP and BE Group) who have been commissioned by Bolton Council to prepare a masterplan. Proposal One: Redevelopment of the Market Precinct The proposal would involve the redevelopment of the market precinct for a mixture of uses including retail, leisure and residential. The site includes the existing market precinct, the former market and Saddle Pub site. The residential-led development would have active ground floor town-centre uses which could include retail (Brackley Street frontage), leisure, health and fitness and restaurant uses. What are your views on this proposal?

Would you welcome the redevelopment of the area for better shop units, new leisure and food and drink? Do you think building flats or apartments on the upper floors so that more people can live in the town centre would be a good idea?

Proposal Two: New Community and Civic Hub A new community and civic hub could be delivered in a number of locations in the town centre. A possible location for it could be using some or all of the Home Bargains site (which is not currently in council ownership). The hub could include some or all of the following; library, council services / offices, improved health facilities, community forum and a cafe. What are your views on this proposal?

Do you think it is a good idea to create a new hub for council services, health services and to provide a community venue in the heart of the town centre? Should this include a new 'state of the art' library?


Proposal Three: New Housing Development This proposal would involve new housing development around the town centre on council and privately owned land. Sites for consideration include those already allocated in the local plan; the north side of Park View, the Market Street car park, land to the back of Market Street properties and the conversion of the town hall to apartments. What are your views on this proposal? Do you think it is a good idea to build more housing within and around the town centre? What type of new homes do you think are needed in Farnworth town centre to meet local demand as well as attracting new residents to the area?

Proposal Four: Extending the Leisure Centre This proposal would involve extending the leisure centre so it can offer more health and fitness activities. There are also privately-owned sites on the corner of Albert Road / Brackley Street which could be redeveloped for complementary town centre uses What are your views on this proposal? Do you think an extension of the leisure centre is a good idea? What other new uses should be proposed at the Albert Road end of Brackley Street to make it an attractive gateway to the town centre?

Proposal Five: The Library Building One of the ideas for bringing more people into town and making it easier for people to access library services, is to consider relocating the library to the town centre. Housing the library in a 'state of the art' community hub building could generate more activity and 'footfall' in the main shopping area What are your views on this proposal? Do you think moving the library to a modern facility in the town centre would encourage more people to use the library and spend more time in the town centre? If this happened, can you think of any alterative ideas for the use of the existing building that would ensure it remains accessible to the public?


Proposal Six: Public Realm Upgrades Improving the public spaces on Cross Street and Gas Street could help link the town centre to the park and the university campus. It is not proposed to remove cars from these street but to make the routes more pedestrian friendly using good quality materials to match the recent improvements to Brackley Street and Market Street What are your views on this proposal?

Do you agree that Cross Street and Gas Street should be the priorities for public realm treatment? Would improvements encourage more people from the university to use the town centre and more people to use the park? Or do you think other parts of the town centre would benefit more from this work - for example the route to the railway station?

About you

So we can understand how our proposals affect different people, we would be grateful if you could answer the following questions. Any questions you prefer not to answer - please leave them blank.

Please tick the box that most closely describes your interest in this issue [tick one box] nmlkj A resident in Farnworth nmlkj From a community or voluntary group (please state below) nmlkj A resident in Kearsley nmlkj A business in the borough of Bolton (please nmlkj A resident in Harper Green state below) nmlkj A resident in another part of Bolton nmlkj Other (please state below) nmlkj An interested partner organisation (please state below)

If you are responding on behalf of an organisation, group or business you do not need to complete the rest of this section

What is your postcode?

What is your age?

Are you ... nmlkj Male nmlkj Female nmlkj Other (specify)


What is your ethnic origin? nmlkj White British nmlkj Asian / Asian British nmlkj Prefer not to say nmlkj Other white nmlkj Black / African / Caribbean / nmlkj Mixed / multiple ethnic Black British groups nmlkj Other ethnic group

Are your day to day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted or expected to last, at least 12 months? nmlkj Yes, limited a lot nmlkj Yes, limited a little nmlkj No

Do you look after, or give any help or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others because of either a long term physical or mental ill health / disability or problems due to old age? (do not count anything you do as part of your paid employment) nmlkj No nmlkj Yes, 20-49 hours a week nmlkj Yes, 1-19 hours a week nmlkj Yes, 50 hours or more a week

If you would like to be kept involved in the Farnworth Town Centre Masterplan development proposals, please leave your contact details below.


Email address

Postal address (if no email)

Thank you for completing these questions. Please now either: - hand your completed form to a member of staff - scan it and email it to [email protected] - post it to: Freepost RTTT-YTEL-YSXS, Consultation & Research Team Second Floor, Town Hall, Victoria Square, Bolton BL1 1RU (you do not need a stamp)


Appendix B: Consultation boards






Appendix C: Comments




Farnworth Voices Steering Group 22nd January 2019

Attending: Councillor Maureen Flitcroft Paul Wilson, Salvation Army Bernadette Tither, Resident Carol Sheridan, Resident Hannah – Detached Youth Worker, Zacs Youth Bar Hannah Walsh – Detached Youth Worker, Zacs Youth Bar Tracey Wilkinson, Zacs Youth Bar Tracy Hindley, Kearsley resident (+ Video Box) Gaynor Cox, Community Engagement Officer Shonagh Ingram, Community Engagement Officer

Apologies: Councillor Paul Sanders Sandra Baker, Farnworth Baptist Church Pat Duckworth, Flowers Estate RA John Pye, Bolton Council Margaret Kay, Farnworth Parents Group Bev Picton, Salvation Army Carole Crawley, Resident, Cawdor Avenue

Those attending agreed that we should capture the conversation and submit a joint response, rather than compile individual responses:

1. Redevelopment of the Market Precinct for a mixture of uses including retail, leisure and residential

Existing shops not big enough for big retail shops – need a mix for both big retail / small independent shops.

Rent on Unit 14 is apparently £23k per annum (with accommodation on top), other units £1k p/m rent (pub) - not financially sustainable.

NB. Market Pub now serving food (tapas)!

Will you lose visitors/shoppers during development / construction? Development needs to be phased and managed carefully. Need to consider access. There will inevitably be a short- term slump.

Don’t want to develop big retail units and then find no-one wants to move in.

Walkden town centre – not much footfall, except during the Christmas markets when it was heaving.

No sit-down restaurants in Farnworth town centre – massive need.

Jaguar Garage (although outside the town centre) is tailormade for a restaurant. Discussion about rent/change of use.


2. New Community and Civic Hub

Market site is good area, rather than the Home Bargains site, to develop a Community Hub, and would be linked to bus station.

Need a cultural / creative space for (free) community events.

Possibly give an upper floor to office space for council / health services.

Farnworth Little Theatre – won’t allow anyone else to use their space – can’t get hold of anyone there – no way of getting in touch [apparently you need to write to them].

A Community Hub would be good for evening events.

Need a café that opens in the evening.

Need flexible space, particularly for young people, that didn’t service alcohol.

Zacs Christmas Do – they wanted to book St Gregory’s Social Club but they quoted too much. The Labour Club offered them space at virtually no cost.

Establish a joined-up network for venues in Farnworth?

Previously attended a gig in local church in Farnworth that had a pop-up bar. Really good to attend an event in a different location.

Businesses / services / churches / venues – they all just need to get people through the doors.

3. Promotion of housing development around the town centre on council and privately-owned land

Why would private owners want to give up land? Why wouldn’t they just want to build on it themselves? Concern that housing will be built and then nothing will happen after. Where will existing businesses go? e.g. scrapyard.

Students / residential development – many University of Bolton students are currently bused in. If you have students here you need a Wetherspoons – possibly on the Burtons site?

Residential development raises the issue of parking again – block of flats – possibly multi- storey car park / parking permits / integrated or basement car parking? Needs looking into. But mine shafts!

Complaints of young people, coming off the park and causing problems on residential areas

Skateboarding area – young people requesting places outside young people’s centre for activities. Can there be something – leisure facilities - for young people near the park?

4. Extending the leisure centre and using the adjacent site on Albert Road/Brackley Street junction for complementary use

What’s happening with existing gym, if gym facilities created as part of the new development?


Leisure element is important alongside residential development, to create/sustain a community.

Everyone agreed that car parking – Asda in particular – was a big issue: the amount of traffic; problems accessing/exiting; and flow of traffic. Privately-owned (Asda) town centre car parking – how will future development affect this?

5. The library building

Why does it need to move? [bringing more people into the town centre]

Land adjacent to the library? Could this be used for car parking?

Suggested uses include: • creative / cultural space, e.g. for community theatre / performances (with café / gallery housed at the Community Hub) • young people’s centre • heritage centre • wedding venue

6. Extension of the public realm upgrade work

Liked the walkway through to (Home Bargains) car park.

Current public realm works stop at Salvation Army, which seems wrong.

The tractor moving back and forth has loosened all the red brick paving outside the Salvation Army building.

Big pieces of commissioned pieces of art on side of Home Bargains?

Public Realm extension linking town centre to Cross Street will make it very attractive