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VOL. 37 | NO.240| REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00          Security situation in Jammu and Rs 50,000 cr to be invested in JK after launch of new scheme, says HM Amit Shah has improved: Manoj Sinha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

National Conference will LS Speaker advises par IN BRIEF win next assembly elections panels to regularly visit far 17-year-old Afghan in J&K: flung areas in J-K, , NE boy detained by police     at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rtist paints an idol of lord Ganesha at a workshop ahead of the 'Ganesh Chaturthi' festival, outskirts in CDC8>=B70E4142><4<>A40=BF4A01;4 4E4;>?<4=C>D=28;4;42C8>=B %DA?0ACH383 Jammu. GOF PHOTO C8>=0=3B0830=8=@D8AH8B $$!1(-,!*-,%/$,"$-,.!&$ $$.$!)$/-,.!&$ $$  $!/*#-,.!&$

National anthem BSF, ITBP get new chiefs GDP growth JK reports 166 new positive cases, singing contest winners   D=4 C> 0=D0AH  rebounds to 20.1 pc in felicitated in $3$*'( 2&  (8=67B10C27 <0C40=3 &(>5 319681 recovered so far 5824A 5A>< C74 )0<8; $03D         &0=:09!D<0A(8=670  203A4A>A0C>>:270A64>5C74 Q1 on low base /(,!&!/ 2&  10C27 &(>55824A>=)D4B30H )& C70C 6D0A3B C74  $3$*'( 2&  C>>:>E4A0BC74=4F38A42C>A )74 >E4A=<4=C >= !0B7<8A 8E8B8>=0; :< ;>=6"8=4>52CD0;>=CA>; )D4B30H8=5>A<43C70C  64=4A0;  >5 C74 >A34A "F8C778=0 (8=678B2>= =380B42>=><826A>FC7BDA643C> ><<8BB8>=4A ! &0=3DA0=6 =4F?>B8C8E420B4B>5=>E4; (42DA8CH>A24F78;478B10C27 B834A430=0A278C42C>5?>;824  ?4A24=C8=C74?A8; D=4@D0A &>;4>=)D4B30H54;828C0C43F8= >A>=0E8ADB%+   <0C4 (0=90H A>A0 0BBD<43 A45>AD=CAH 4703 =4AB >5 C74 =0C8>=0; 0=C74< C4A>5C78B58B20;74;?431H0;>F10B4  5A>< 0<= 270A64 >5 C74 =3> )814C0= ?4C8C8>=43C74(D?A4<4>DAC >5 C74 H40A 06> ?4A8>3 34B?8C4 0 B8=68=62>=74;3>=C74 >A34A &>;824  )& (8=67 0=3 5A><!0B7<8A38 8= 5>A20AAH8=6>DCA45>A=3F0E4>5%+  >220B8>= >5 =34?4=34=24 5A><C74'090BC70=203A4>5C74 E8B8>=70E4144=A4?>AC43 8=C74?>;8244BC01;8B7<4=C5>;  )74 6A>BB 3><4BC82 ?A>3D2C 0H B?0AC>5I038!030HC7DBC0:8=6C74C>C0; ;>F8=6F7827C746>E4A=<4=C &7032>=CA02C431H ?4A #07>CB0E24;41A0C8>=B0?A> B?4280;  >5 C74 2>D=CAHB BC0AC4368E8=6058G43C4=DA4>5 =D<14A>5?>B8C8E420B4B8= 6A0<<4F0B74;30CC740D38C> ;0A64BC1>A34A6D0A38=65>A24 24=C 8= C74 2>AA4B?>=38=6 ?A8; 0< CF>H40AB0C;40BCC>C7427845>5 D=4@D0AC4A>5   022>A38=6 A8D<70;;>5C748A42C>A0C4>5 C70C <0=B >E4A  :< >5 C74 =C4;;864=24 DA40D C74   ;B> >=4 >E83 C> 30C0 A4;40B43 1H C74 $0C8>=0; =5>A<0C8>=0=3&'(A8=060AC> =380=1>D=30AHF8C7&0:8BC0=   5>A486= B42A4C0AH C74 340C7 70B 144= A4?>AC43 ?8C0;B 8=2;D38=6  5A>< H40AB70B144=E0228=0C43 54;828C0C4C74F8==4AB>5C742>= 0=30=6;034B70=370B01>DC ',278450=3C74*=8>=7><4 (C0C8BC820;%55824$(%>=)D4B30H 5A><!0B7<8A8E8B8>= 0<= 0=3  02A>BB 0<558280; B?>:4B?4AB>=  ;0:7?4AB>==4; 8B50C74A B42A4C0AH )78B8B0;B>C7458ABC )746>E4A=<4=C7038B430=0 #>A4>E4A  <>A4 5A>< !0B7<8A !0B7<8A )74D;;4C8=0;B> B083 )7438E8B8>=0;2><<8BB8>= 0=3A4C8A43 &(>55824A>5C74 C8<4C70C0B>=BC4??438=C>C74 C8>=F834;>2:3>F=0CC74>=B4C>5 %+   ?0C84=CB 70E4 8E8B8>= 4B834B C78B 8=5>A=4=4F20B4 4A>5!0B7<8A?A4B8343>E4AC74  10C27&A0:0B7(8=670;B> B7>4B>578B50C74A0CC74C>? $$&/-31'-,.!&$ A42>E4A43 0=3 144= 38B  ?4A24=C>5C74?>?D >5#D2>A

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Nirmala sad demise of our beloved Sh. Nagarmal Kapoor S/o Lt. shall be performed on Shori W/o Late Sh. Niranjan mother Smt Nancy Pandita Jagan Nath Kapoor R/o Wednesday Ist September Nath Dhar (Shashoo) ERO W/o Lt. Sh Bansi Lal H.No. 1, Near Court Complex Devsar presently re - Sh. Nagarmal 2021 at 12 pm onwards at Shri Sat Pal Sh. Ravi Ji Pandita originally resident Smt Nancy (Pakhri Wale).Tenth Day will Kapoor Arora siding at L. No. 15 Block – 71 Dhar Pandita be performed on 1-9-2021 our residence 118/4 Flat No. 1 Jagti Township of Shoogpora, , Wednesday at Kabir Mandir, Channi Himmat, Jammu. Nagrota on 26/08/2021.Tenth Kashmir presently residing Near High Court at 10 am. DEEPLY MISSED BY: Day will be performed on at Qrt.No. 6, Block-K, TRT 4/09/2021 (Saturday) at Muthi Kriya will be performed on 4- Son & Daughter-in-law Nagrota Jammu on Monday 9-2021,Saturday at our resi - Ghat near Director School 23-08-2021.10th Day Kriya Dr Mohit & Dr Shivani Arora Education Muthi at 8:30 am. dence H. No. 1, near court shall be performed at TRT Daughter & Son-in-law GRIEF STRICKEN complex at 11 am. Uthala will Nagrota near Community Dr Sandhaya & Dr Madan Gandotra Smt. Nirmala Shori - Mother be performed on 4-9- Hall on 1-09-2021 at 8.30 Grand Children: Dr Tanisha Arora, Smt. Versha Ji - Wife 2021(Sat) at Gurudwara Brothers & Sisters-in-law AM. Lakshaya & Sakshi Gandotra Kalgidar, Rehari Chungi at 4 Sh. Vesh Nath Dhar H/o Smt. Late Jaya Ji GRIEF STRICKEN PM to 5 PM. 9419195157, 9419194511 Sh. Tej Krishan Dhar H/o Smt. Shakti Dhar Daughter & Son-in-law GRIEF STRICKEN: Sh. Varinder Dhar H/o Smt. Sujeeta Dhar Sons & Daughter-in-laws Smt. Reeta Ji W/o Sh. Bansilal Dhar - Smt Simmi & Sh Anil Kumar Pandita Smt. Jeevan Jyoti & Lt. Yashpaul Kapoor UTHALA Sister & Brother-in-law Grandson: Kartik Pandita Smt. Anju Kapoor & Sh. Sat Paul Kapoor Smt. Asha Ji W/o Lt P.N. Bhat - Masa &Masi Mobile No’s: 8713066423, 8713066424 With profound grief and sor - Smt. Meenu Kapoor & Sh. Sanjay Kapoor Smt. Shakti W/o Sh. C.L. Koul - Masa &Masi row, we informthe sad de - Sister & Brother-in-law Sisters & Brothers-in-law mise of our beloved Sh. Smt. Kundan W/o Bansi Lal Koul Lt. Parkasho Devi & Sh. Chunni Lal Gandotra Vinod Kumar Bali S/o Lt. Sh. Lt. Smt. Girja Pandita W/o Vijay Kr. Pandita ADH-BARKHI Daughters & Son-in-laws Kuldeep ChandBali of Smt. Kalpana Goja W/o Rajander Goja Six months have passed Smt. Vimla & Sh. Kulbhushan Chander Srinagar at present Paloura. Komal, Ankit, Shivani, Sakshi since you left us for eternal Smt. Reeta Verma & Sh. Rajesh Verma Uthala shall be performed at Sh. Vinod Cell No.: 9596726104, 9419143505, journey. The void you left still Grand Daughter & Grand Son-in-law Hari Mandir Rehari Colony Kumar Bali 9419242668, 7006222214, 9810566938 remains and secret tears still Mrs Priya Kapoor & Mr. Abhey Mahajan Jammu on Wednesday (01- flow but we feel your pres - Grand Daughters & Grand Sons:- ence and blessings at every 09-2021) from 3:00pm to Smt Rajindra Preeti, Komal, Diksha, Kanav, Vivek, time. Adh Barkhi of our 4:00pm. BARKHI Khanna Dhananjay, Ankit, Shriya, Laksh, Arsh, Asmi GRIEF STRICKEN beloved mother Lt Smt Mob: 8082765252,9469761869, 9086687908 Time flies so fast. You were Rajindra Khanna W/o Lt Sh Smt. Manish Bali -Wife the pillar and strength of our - Daughters and Sons-in-laws Harbans Lal Khanna will be family. No words can de - performed at our residence H Mr. Umesh Bakshi & Mrs. Pooja Bali Bakshi scribe how much we miss Mr.Mohit Sharma & Mrs. Indu Bali No. 136-A Gandhi Nagar FIFTH DAY you andhow empty our life is Jammu on Wednesday 01- Brothers and Bhabhis without you.Deeply missed With profound grief and sor - Smt. Padma Bali W/o Lt. Sh. S.S.Bali Smt Promila 09-2021 at 12.00 noon. row, we informthe sad and and fondly remembered by DEEPLY REMEMBERED BY Smt. Shanta Bali W/o Sh. B.K.Bali family.The Barkhi of our Bali untimely demise of our Grand Sons: Shivay Bakshi & Yashmit Sharma Daughters beloved sister Smt Seema beloved mother Late Smt Kamlesh Khanna Contact nos.: 8899248643, 9419231999, Promila Bali W/o Late Sh Gupta W/o Sh Vipan Kumar 9419197409, 9419140701 Neelam Khanna Gupta R/o Rehari Jammu. Angat Ram Bali will be per - Lovely Khanna Fifth Day will be performed Smt Seema formed on 1, Sept,2021 at on Wednesday 01-09-2021 Gupta 10.00 AM, at our residence H at 10am-11 am at SP OBITUARY No. 131,Sector 11,Nanak OBITUARY Academy near Raghunath With profound grief & sorrow, Nagar, Jammu. Temple, Bari Brahmana. we regret to informthe sad DEEPLY REMEMBERED BY :- With profound grief and sor - GRIEF STRICKEN demise of our beloved moth - Sons & Daughters-in-law row, we inform the sad - Brother's and Bhabhi's er Late Smt Lalita Shoriee Mr Sanjeev Kumar Bali & Mrs Renu Bala demise of Sh. Jawahar Lal Sh Vijay Kumar Gupta and Smt Raj Gupta Pandita W/o Lt Sh Radha Mr Raj Kumar Bali & Mrs Manju Bali Thusoo S/o Lt. Sh. Tara Sh Ravi Kumar Gupta and Smt Sunita Gupta Krishan Pandita R/o Chogul, Daughters and Sons-in-law Chand Thusoo R/o Gotingoo, Sh Raman Gupta and Smt Anita Gupta Handwara Distt A/p Smt Lalita Mrs Renu Bakshi & Mr Sanjeev Bakshi Kupwara A/P Jagti Shoriee Mrs Anu Rampal & Mr Arun Rampal Township, Jammu on 28 Sh. Jawahar Kids- Sahil, Ragav, Komal, Anushi, Ridhima Purkhoo Migrant Camp, Lal Thusoo Cont: 9596808011, 9419913334, 9419148993 Block – E (14) on 29 Aug Pandita And All the Beloved Ones August 2021. Mourning is be - 2021 at 9.00 AM.TENTH Mob No. 9906096960 ing observed at House No DAY will be performed at 212, Lane No 11 and14, Purkhoo (Gumpul Ghat) on 7 Laxmi Nagar, Muthi, Jammu. 10TH DAY Tenth Day will be performed With profound grief and sor - September -2021 (Tuesday) 10TH DAY at 8:30 AM. on 05 September 2021at row, weinform the sad de - With profound grief and sor - 8.00 am at Muthi Ghat near mise of our beloved Late Sh. GRIEF STRICKEN : row, we regret to informthe Daughters & Sons-in-law Director School Education, Mela Ram Nagotra S/o sad and ultimately demise of Jammu. LateSh. Lajju Ram Nagotra Smt Usha Ji W/o Lt Sh Soom Nath Dhar our beloved father Mr. Avtar Smt Rita Raina W/o Sh Piaray Lal Raina GRIEF STRICKEN R/o Ambphalla,Jammu.10th Krishan Krandu S/o Triloki Brothers & Bhabhis Day will be held on 01-09- Sh. Mela Ram Smt Veena Pandita W/o Sh Raj Nath Pandita Nath Krandu originally R/o Mr. Avtar Smt. & Sh. Poshkar Nath Thusoo 2021(Wednesday) at H.No. Nagotra Cont : 9796495592, 9596644651, 9622034956 (Kralyar Rainawari, Sgr, Krishan Krandu Smt. Choti W/o Lt. Makhan Lal Thusoo 434 Ambphallanear Shiv Kmr) presentlyat B702 Smt. & Sh. Kashi Nath Thusoo Mandir at 11.00 am. Steller Jeevan Sec 1 Greater Smt. & Sh. Bushan Lal Thusoo GRIEF STRICKEN KRIYA & UTHALA Noida UP. Tenth Day will be Nephews & Nieces-in-law Smt. Jyoti Devi- Wife With profound grief and sorrow, performed on 6th Sep. at Smt. & Sh. Ashok Kumar Thusoo Sh. Naveen Kumar & Arti- we regret to inform youabout the 6:30AM at Muradnagar Ghat. Smt. & Sh. Pran Nath Thusoo sudden demise of our beloved Son & Daughter-in-Law GRIEF STRICKEN: Smt. & Sh. Satish Kumar Thusoo Sh. Madan Lal Sethi S/o Late Sh. Lalit Kumar & Meeta- Late Smt. Phoola Krandu Smt. & Sh. Anil Ji Thusoo Son & Daughter-in-Law Sh. Sarwanand Sethi R/o Ward Mr. Deepak Krandu (Son) No. 8, Samba.13th Day (Kriya & Smt. & Sh. Raj Kumar Thusoo Smt. Asha Kumari & Sh. Pardeep Sagotra - (Daughter-in-law and Son) Daughters & Sons-in-law Uthala) will be performed on 1- Sh. Madan Lal Daughter & Son-in-Law Mrs.Vandana and Mr.Pamposh Krandu Smt. Usha & Sh. Jai Krishan Bali 09-2021 (Wednesday) 12pm Sethi Mob.: 7006611272, 9797411039 onwards at Pakki Mandi Mrs Babita and Surender Kaul Smt. Fancy Kumari & Sh. Sunil Kumar Raina Community Hall. (Daughter and Son-in-Law) Smt. Rajnee Kumari & Sh. Puran Ji Bhat GRIEF STRICKEN:- Mrs Rachna and Arvind Raina Smt. Pushpa & Sh. Suresh Kumar Pandita 10TH DAY/KRIYA/UTHALA Smt Radha Rani (Wife) (Daughter and Son-in-Law) All Maternal Grand Children Smast Krandu Parivar With profound grief and sor - Bhabhi & Brother Shikha, Karan Roy, Puneet J. Bali, Smt Ramesh Sethi Kaul's,Hakhoo's,Mattoo's,Gadoo's,Thusoo's, row, we regret toinform the Aditya Raina, Khushboo Raina, Harsh &Sh Bansi Lal Sethi Bindra's, Bhan's,Raina's and Khodbali's sad demise of our beloved Pandita, Sanvi Bhat, Kavish Bhat, Daughters & Son-in-laws Due to Pandemic condolence may be extend - Sh.Nagarmal Kapoor S/o Lt. Naira Pandita & Avirath Roy Smt. Sheetal Sethi & Sh Anil Kumar ed telephonically Best Regards Jagan Nath Kapoor R/o Smt. Pooja Sethi & Sh Tushar Dogra Thusoo’s, Kar’s, Bali’s, Pandita’s, Raina’s, Bhat’s H.No. 1, Near Court Complex Vandana Sethi (Daughter) Sh.Nagarmal (Pakhri Wale).Tenth Day will Nikhil Sethi (Son) Mob: 9103342604, 7889360394,7889718331 be performed on 1-9-2021 Kapoor Mobile : 9796643676, 9717796118 KRIYA/UTHALA Wednesday at Kabir Mandir, WITH PROFOUND GRIEF Near High Court at 10 AND SORROW, WE RE - am.Kriya will be performed GRET TO INFORM THE SAD KRIYA/UTHALA BARKHI With profound grief and sorrow, on 4-9-2021,Saturday at our DEMISE OF OUR BELOVED TILL MEMORY FADES AND we regret to inform the sad and residence H. No. 1, near SH. A BHINAV NEGI S/O SH. LIFE DEPARTS. FIRST DEATH untimely demise of our beloved court complex at 11 VIJAY KUMAR R/O WARD mother Smt. Kamlesh Rani W/o am.Uthalawill be performed ANNIVERSARY (BARKHI) OF NO. 8, SAMBA (J&K). KRIYA SH. ABHINAV Late Sh. Ramesh Chander on 4-9-2021(Saturday) at OUR BELOVED LATE SMT WILL BE PERFORMED ON NEGI Trehan R/o Chopra Shop, Gurudwara Kalgidar, Rehari PRAKASH DEVI W/O LT SH 1-9-2021, WEDNESDAY AT Garhi, , who passed Smt. Kamlesh Chungi at 4 PM to 5 PM. HARI OM GUPTA SHALL BE OUR RESIDENCE WARD away on 21st August, 2021 at Rani SMT PRAKASH Jammu. Kriya/Karam at 10.00 GRIEF STRICKEN: PERFORMED ON 31-8-2021 DEVI NO. 8, SAMBA. UTHALA AM & Uthala/Rasam Pagri at Sons & Daughter-in-laws (I.E TUESDAY) AT11:00 AM ON - WILL BE PERFORMED ON 03:00 to 04:00 P.M on 1st Smt. Jeevan Jyoti & Lt. Yashpaul Kapoor WARDS AT DEWAN JANJ 1-9-2021 (WEDNESDAY) AT September, 2021 (Wed), will be Smt. Anju Kapoor & Sh. Sat Paul Kapoor GHAR SARWAL, JAMMU. OUR RESIDENCE AROUND performed at our residence Colony No. 2, Opposite M.E.S Smt. Meenu Kapoor & Sh. Sanjay Kapoor DEEPLY REMEMBERED BY:- 4-5 PM. Sister & Brother-in-law GRIEF STRICKEN : Gurudwara, Chopra Shop, P.O SONS & DAUGHTERS-IN-LAWS Garhi, Udhampur-182121. Lt. Parkasho Devi & Sh. Chunni Lal Gandotra LT SH SUDESH GUPTA & SMT SHUKLA (MOTHER & FATHER) GRIEF STRICKEN Daughters & Son-in-laws SMT. SHASHI NEGI & SH. VIJAY KUMAR SH NARESH GUPTA & SMT SUSHMA Narinder Kumar Trehan -Son Smt. Vimla & Sh. Kulbhushan Chander MRS. PALAK NEGI (WIFE) SH RAKESH GUPTA & SMT SIMI GUPTA Varinder Trehan -Son Smt. Reeta Verma & Sh. Rajesh Verma MASTER ADVAITH (SON) Mrs. Anjali & Mr. Manoj Gupta - Grand Daughter & Grand Son-in-law DAUGHTERS & SONS-IN-LAW (BROTHER& SISTER-IN-LAW) Daughter & Son-in-Law Mrs Priya Kapoor & Mr. Abhey Mahajan SMT NEELAM GUPTA & SH ASHOK GUPTA SMT. ROMI NEGI & SH. ABHISHEK NEGI Mrs. Neeraj Trehan-Daughter-in-Law Grand Daughters & Grand Sons:- SMT SHARDA GUPTA & SH SUBASH VAID (SISTER & BROTHER-IN-LAW) Mrs. Jyoti Gupta -Daughter-in-Law SMT RAJNI GUPTA & SH RAJEEV GUPTA Grand Children: NavyaTrehan, RitwikTrehan, Preeti, Komal, Diksha, Kanav, Vivek, SMT. SAMRITI & MAJ. MANOHAR PRATAP AananditaTrehan & Aahna Mahajan Dhananjay, Ankit, Shriya, Laksh, Arsh, Asmi ALL NEAR AND DEARS MOB: +918826952789, +917889405253, Contact Nos :- 9622015121, 9419163802, Mob: 8082765252, 9469761869, 9086687908 MOBILE NO: 9906227999, 9419194731 +919910055397 7006961057 & 9419215236 LOCAL     3  &( $)$"% #  Apni Party BJP Govt in J&K proved disastrous and inaugurates Party Office in Udhampur ominous in every aspect: Bhalla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"<91<+7 9<1+83=/. ,C ?<>2/< 2/ ?<1/. 09< #$+8. #1+@/+838 >2/03/6.908/?<9$A+= 38-6?./.  38 >2/ 7+: /=:/-3+66C 38 @3/A 90 >2/ :/+6/.>9>2/-3>3D/8=90>2/ "385?+8>29><+ /:+<>7/8> 90 *99691C -381 /?<9=-3/8-/+=+ ><9.?->9/+,9?>>2/ + 5/C89>/ =:/+5/< 09< <+38 A+Rajouri DDC reviews pace of progress; emphasises on adherence to people to follow Covid Appropriate Behaviour quality parameter, timely payment of wages JAMMU, AUGUST 31: District Administrations. continues to be strictly re - Division have already been COVID related guidelines, RAJOURI, AUGUST 31: velopmental activities be - were further asked to expe - Divisional stricted to 25. instructed by the social distancing norms, ing carried out in the dis - dite the geo-tagging of all Divisional Commissioner Jammu, Dr Dr Langer said that it Government to strictly en - wearing of masks and As many as 2678 rural trict was held threadbare in the developmental assets Administration Jammu has Raghav Langer said that has been brought to the no - force the compliance of maintaining hand hygiene. sector works have been ap - the meeting. and ensure timely pay - appealed people to strictly reasonable restrictions for tice of the administration Covid related SOPs. He further requested to all proved under district Reviewing the progress ments to the beneficiaries follow the COVID related COVID containment are that some people/commer - Further, he asserted target groups to take vac - Capex plan in Rajouri on PMAy houses being under MGNREGA. guidelines, social distanc - still in force across the cial entities are violating that the night corona cur - cine doses upon their turn District for the current fis - constructed in the district, For the effective man - ing norms, wearing of and have this ceiling limit of gather - few and timings of closure and as per the schedule no - cal. the DDC asked the con - agement of grey water in masks etc besides take vac - been given top priority to ing, and are also not adher - of commercial establish - tified by concerned District Similarly, as many as cerned officers to make the district, the DDC cines to stay safe amid ex - break the chain of trans - ing to COVID Appropriate ments have to be strictly Administration. 827 works have been ap - sure that all the houses be - stressed upon the con - pected fresh wave of pan - mission at this crucial junc - Behaviour (CAB), thereby imposed and the default - "Together we can pre - proved under Back to ing constructed under the cerned officers to make demic. ture. putting the population at ers/Violators be firmly vent any surge in cases and Village programme phase scheme are completed concerted efforts to con - All the target groups He said that as per the large at risk. dealt under relevant sec - increase in Positivity Rate, III of which tenders have within set deadlines, be - serve grey water to raise the have been advised to take latest orders of SEC, the The District tions of the Disaster by avoiding gatherings and been allotted for 300 sides the concerned were water table in the district. vaccine doses upon their maximum number of peo - Magistrates and Senior Management Act and the following Covid works. asked to ensure timely pay - The DDC impressed turn and as per the sched - ple permitted to attend any Superintendents of Police IPC. He appealed all citi - Appropriate Behaviour", The information was ment of instalments to the upon BDOs and executing ule notified by concerned Indoor/ Outdoor gathering of the Districts of Jammu zens to strictly follow the the Div Com said. shared here at a meeting beneficiaries under the agencies to accelerate the chaired by Development scheme. pace of work in their re - Commissioner, Rajesh K The BDOs were direct - spective areas by adopting Navin inaugurates sale of vegetable Advisor Farooq Khan visits Shavan today to review the ed to ensure that the work innovative methods. performance of the Rural on all the houses in their re - He directed the con - K P Colony Development Department. spective areas is started cerned officers to redouble seedlings at Lalmandi The DDC asked the within ten days. The DDC their efforts in achieving Participates in cultural Programme Executive Engineer REW asked for starting all the the targets and also asked to complete the estimation tendered works immedi - them to pace up the works organised on Janamasthami of all the works at the earli - ately and also asked for and ensure cent percent KULGAM, AUGUST 31: est. completing the tendering completion of the targeted Among the others, process of all the works un - works within stipulated Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Farooq Ahmad Khan, CPO, Mohammad der B2V3. time frame. today visited K P Colony Vessu and persided over a cultural Khurshid; ACD, Sushil About Adhar seeding, The District programme organised by Vessu Welfare Committee on Khajuria; ExEn REW, Noor the DDC issued instruc - Development Janamasthami. On the occasion, inhabitants of the colony Ali and Block Development tions for achieving hundred Commissioner also asked apprised the Advisor of various issues including inade - Officers attended the meet - percent Aadhar seeding of for maintaining proper quate accommodation, promotion and inter-district trans - ing. Discussion was held on fer of employees appointed under PM's Package besides all the beneficiaries of the quality, while executing the works approved under establishment of KV School for their wards. Advisor Khan district in one week and al - developmental works be - District Capex Budget, pay - appreciated the talent of kids for presenting a mesmeriz - so asked for organizing spe - sides, also warned of any ments under MGNREGA, ing cultural bonanza. "Government is committed to bring cial camps in their respec - laxity and asked the con - back all those people who left the valley due to turmoil and PMAy, B2V3, grey water tive jurisdictions for the cerned to work with a settle them here back", Advisor Khan asserted. Advisor management, 14FC, status said purpose. proactive and people gave a patient hearing to the issues and demands raised by of playfields and other de - The concerned officers friendly approach. SRINAGAR, AUGUST 31: Principal Secretary said Agriculture Kashmir the people and assured them an early redressal of the that seedlings of different Farms, Syed Waseem same. Deputy Commissioner Kulgam, Dr Bilal Mohi-Ud- Principal Secretary crops produced on scientif - Ahmad Shah, Joint Din Bhat; SSP Kulgam, Gurinderpaul Singh and other offi - Jahangir chairs 186th Board meeting Agriculture Production & ic lines are more disease re - Director Agriculture cers also accompanied the Advisor during the visit. Farmers Welfare sistant and productive, Extension, Shahid Iqbal, of J&K Services Selection Board Department, Navin Kumar which ultimately makes Joint Director Apiculture Forest Rights Act Choudhary, today inaugu - venture of vegetable pro - and Mushrooms, Board releases recommendations in favour of candidates rated the sale of seedlings of duction economically vi - Mohammad Syed and other different vegetable crops able. He asked the kitchen senior officers of the de - DC Rajouri reviews progress JAMMU, AUGUST 31: Secretary Sachin Jamwal, various issues including re - produced purely on scien - garden lovers to avail this partment were also present. on disposal of claims Vinay Khosla, Deputy lease of withheld recom - tific lines in High Tech opportunity and take maxi - Later, Principal The 186th Board meet - Secretary, Mamta Rajput, mendations of District Polygreen Houses at Lal mum benefit of all such ini - Secretary AP&FWD RAJOURI, AUGUST 31: ing of J&K Services Administrative Officer and Cadre, Divisional Cadre Mandi, Srinagar. tiatives offered by the de - presided over a farewell or - Selection Board was con - other officers of J&K Jammu, Divisional Cadre The sale witnessed partment. ganised in honour of 5 To review the progress regarding the disposal of claims vened under the Services Selection Board Kashmir, UT Cadre and tremendous enthusiasm of Director Agriculture Agriculture Officers of under Forest Rights Act in the district, Deputy Chairmanship of Khalid participated in the meet - overlapping or dual de - people with overwhelming Kashmir, Chowdhary on their Commissioner Rajouri, Rajesh K Shavan today convened a Jahangir, Chairman, J&K ing. Chairman informed grees. After threadbare dis - participation, not only from Mohammad Iqbal, in - superannuation today. meeting of the concerned officers, here in his office cham - Services Selection Board that the Computer Based cussion, the Board decided Srinagar but also from far- formed the Principal The retirees included ber. Among the others, ADC Rajouri, Sachin Dev Singh; here today. The meeting Test Examination (CBT) to release recommenda - flung areas of the valley. Secretary about various Chief Agriculture Officer ACR, Tahir Mustafa Malik; Conservator, Mohan Dass; was attended by Board for more than 1200 posts of tions in favour of 29 candi - While interacting with steps being taken up by the , Mohammad DFO Rajouri, Arshdeep Singh; DFO Nowshera, Suresh members including different categories in dates in various disciplines the beneficiaries, Principal department for promotion yousuf Shah, Director Manda; CPO, Mohammad Khurshid; ACD, Sushil Mohammad Shafiq Chak, Health and Medical and 04 candidates were de - Khajuria; and Tehsildar Thanamandi, Mehmood Khan at - Secretary said that the de - of Vegetable Production Rakhs and Farms, Shabir Nazir Ahmad Khwaja, Education Department has clared as not eligible and 01 tended the meeting. After threadbare discussion, the con - partment is committed to and kitchen Garden culture Ahmad Wani, Deputy Pritam Lal Atri, Harvinder been successfully conduct - selection has been can - cerned officers of Forest, Revenue and RDD apprised the promote kitchen garden in urban areas. It is expect - Director Law Enforcement Kour, Ashiq Hussain Lily, ed by the Board. He con - celled after extensive delib - meeting about the current status of FRA claims and other and backyard vegetable cul - ed that more than 3 lakh hy - Kashmir, Navtej Singh Bali, Neelam Khajuria, Narayan gratulated the members, eration. The Board also ap - related necessities with regard to its implementation at ture in the urban areas of brid seedlings of different Regional SMS Ramesh Dutt and Professor grassroots level. The Deputy Commissioner called for Controller of Examination proved selection list of 02 valley and a number of Tasleema Peer, Controller types will be distributed Kumar and Accounts adopting a coordinated approach for its effective imple - and Officers of J&K candidates and 27 posts of steps have already been tak - of Examination, Ashok among the growers, he Officer Jan Mohammad mentation and emphasized upon the concerned depart - Services Selection Board different categories per - en in this regard. Kumar, Special Secretary added. Joint Director Koul. ments to work in synergy to obtain desired results . for the same. The meeting taining to various depart - Law, Jang Bahadur, had detailed discussion on ments . DC B’gam briefs on Director FCS&CA conducts extensive tour of Udhampur, Ramban, and Doda Covid scenario in Reviews winter preparedness for dumping of food-grains in snow bound areas of the district Marwah, Warwan and Padder, functioning of the Department JAMMU, AUGUST 31: mills namely Shalamar garding winter dumping of sale depots in village PRIs of the area with regard the said meeting. He also Flour Mill, Trikuta Flour food-grains for three (3) Basmina, Inshan in to availability of food- agreed that sugar meant for Appeals masses to adhere to Director Food Civil Mill and RC Flour Mill were months. Warwan, food stores in grains and functioning of public purpose is lying in Supplies & Consumer checked and on the spot di - On day two, the Chatroo and Mughal the Department. the store and not lifted by CAB, SOPs; get vaccinated Affairs, Dr Naseem Javaid , AUGUST 31: rections were passed to Director conducted field Maidan, Atholi and The public of the area him till date, which has Choudhary, conducted an stop allocation of wheat to visits in the Sub-Division Gulabgarh in Padder. lodged a complaint against been brought to notice by extensive tour of The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Budgam, Shalimar Flour Mill as the Marwah in District The Director also met the Salesman of Naib Tehsildar concerned. Udhampur, Ramban, Shahbaz Ahmed Mirza today appealed the people of quality of Atta was not up to Kishtwar and held meet - District Development Government sale Depot On the basis of afore - Kishtwar and Doda dis - the district for strict adherence to Covid-19 the mark and the mill ings with PRIs and public Commissioner, Kishtwar Patnazi. Accordingly, the mentioned facts, the sales - tricts and reviewed imple - lacked testing equipments, camps were also held in and discussed various is - Director also visited the man Daljeet Singh was Appropriate Behaviour (CAB) other SOPs and under - mentation of ongoing de - besides the consignment which various issues were sues particularly renova - sale depot Patnazi where placed under suspension take vaccination to prevent further spread of Covid- partmental schemes. meant for distribution were raised by the public out of tion of road link to Tehsil the prominent persons of pending enquiry into his 19 and emergence of 3rd wave as predicted by the During the tour, the found to be underweight. which some issues were re - Machail for timely dump - the village, PRIs, conduct owing to misap - health experts. Director held interaction At Ramban, interac - dressed/resolved on the ing of food-grains for harsh Nambardar, Chowkidar propriation and non distri - The DC was addressing a routine press briefing to with the general Public, tions were held with DDC spot. Inspection of Stores winters and tender finaliza - and local administration, bution of food grains/be - present the overall Covid situation of the district be - PRIs regarding availability Chairperson Ramban and and FPSs were also con - tion with regards to door including Naib Tehsildar sides non-maintenance of sides containment and mitigation measures adopted and distribution of food District Development ducted, particularly keep - step delivery of foodgrains concerned and Patwaris record and the TSO was di - in the district. Speaking on the occasion, the DC said grains at various places. He Commissioner with regard ing in view winter pre - and DDC assured both will were present. On the spot rected to handle the distri - that strict adherence to precautions like wearing also redressed public griev - to functioning of the paredness in remote and be ensured in time bound inspection reveals non- bution himself under close masks, following hygiene methods, avoidance of un - ances on the spot. Department Public griev - hard zones of District manner. The Director, FCS maintenance of record and supervision of Naib necessary gatherings and ensuring fast track vaccina - The Deputy Director ances and doorstep deliv - Kishtwar particularly Sub- & CA appreciated the role of less quantity of ration avail - Tehsildar concerned. tion are keys to eliminate the looming threat of 3rd Food and Rationing, Dr. ery of food grains. Division Marwah i.e. Assistant Director, able in the store viz-a-viz is - Every place detailed in - wave of Covid-19. Javed Iqbal Rather and the Food Stores at Ukhral Marwah, Warwan and Kishtwar. sued quantity. Few people teractions were held with Regarding weekly Covid status of the district, the Assistant Directors of the and were also in - Subdivision respec - He also visited Tehsil raised the issue of non-dis - the concerned PRI's and DC revealed that presently there are 107 active posi - Districts accompanied him spected by the Director. He tively also Checked Food Bonjwah and inspected the tribution of rations to them public and on the spot di - tive cases, besides there is some increase as new cases during the tour. also held an interaction Stores Matigauran food-store/sale depots, in - for months together, which rections were passed for re - have been reported from the areas of Beerwah and In Udhampur, Flour with locals and PRIs re - (), Marwah and teracted with the public and the salesman accepted in dress of public grievances. . To avoid the situation getting out of control, the DC said that the district Administration is doing mass DC Gbl reviews progress on DC B’pora kick-starts UT Level Rugby sampling particularly in the vulnerable areas to trace out new infections. The DC said the recovery rate is at 98 percent Vaccination drive in district Championship at SK Stadium while positivity rate is still at 0.5 percent in the dis - BANDIPORA, AUGUST 31: Senior Superintendent of velopment of infrastructure trict. He reiterated that the administration has not , AUGUST 31: DMOs and BDOs to ensure daily targets are achieved. CMO was directed to en - Police Mohammad Zahid, and assured every possible down sized the grip on the situation and all arrange - The Deputy The Deputy Commissioner (DC) sure all 94 designated vaccination sites Vice-Chairman JK Rugby support from the district ad - ments are in place but the public need to display ele - Commissioner (DC) Ganderbal, Krittika Jyotsna today are active and sufficient medical staff is Association Gh Nabi Tantray, ministration. ments of seriousness and Cooperation amid the Bandipora, Dr Owais Ahmad chaired a meeting to review the status available on these sites. She exhorted Manager Ali Sports Academy Dr Owais while interact - Pandemic.To avoid the situation getting out of con - on Tuesday kick-started the of ongoing Covid vaccination drive and upon all the officers to intensify the Faisal Ali, Officers of JK ing with the players, ex - trol, the DC said that the district Administration is J&K UT Level Rugby 7C’s other measures in the district. During process of Covid-19 vaccination drive Sports Academy, Civil and pressed satisfaction about the doing mass sampling particularly in the vulnerable Championship at SK Stadium the meeting threadbare discussion was for 18-44 years of age and special thrust military officers were present youth of Bandipora excelling areas to trace out new infections. Regarding vaccina - here. The championship is held on the status of ongoing vaccina - shall be given on 2nd dose for people on the occasion. in sports and said the youth tion DC said about 60 percent vaccination in the age being organized by Bandipora tion drive and issues hindering the over the age of 45 years and asked the Speaking on the occasion, have showcased their talent in group of 18 to 44 has been achieved. Persons falling in Rugby Association under the progress of vaccination in the district. concerned not to show any laxity in this the DC said it is a matter of several UT, national and even such groups still unvaccinated are requested to get aegis of J&K Sports Council The CMO briefed the meeting about the regard. The DC directed all the depart - great pleasure that the sports international platforms. He vaccinated and take it as an urgent requirement. and Ali Sports Academy availability of vaccination, establish - ments to work with added dedication infrastructure has been devel - said the youth have potential Meanwhile the readers can also find this news Bandipora. About 600 play - ment of CVCs and progress on vaccina - and sought cooperation among all de - oped to the level that and talent and there is a need ers from about 16 districts of item on official Facebook Page and Twitter Handle of tion drives in the district. The DC partments including Health, Revenue Bandipora district is able to to expose and polish this tal - the J&K UT are participating District Information Centre Budgam: stressed upon the concerned and Education to achieve the daily tar - host the UT level champi - ent. He said events like these in the tournament that shall facebook.com/dicbudgam/ twitter.com/dicbudgam officers/officials, including Tehsildars, gets of vaccination. onship. He said more needs to championships help the local conclude on Wednesday. be done with regard to the de - talent to expose themselves. Glimpses of Future 5 lOcal/natiOnal JAMMU, WEDNESDAy, SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 DM calls for Div Com felicitates National Anthem intensified vaccination drive for priority groups singing competition-2021 winners SHOPIAN, AUGUST 31: The District Magistrate (DM) Shopian, Sachin Kumar Vaishya today convened a meeting at Mini Secretariat here Appreciates DIPR for holding series of events successfully to take stock of the progress of vaccination process and discuss the roadmap for scaling up the percentage of the SRINAGAR AUGUST 31: lantry awards while serving in years of independence, the vaccination to protect and safeguard precious human lives army and police. Jammu and Kashmir government in the district. The DM on the occasion called for an inten - As part of Azadi Ka Amrut The Div Com said that on the had announced a National sified and continued Special Vaccination Drive of all vul - Mahotsav celebrations, the 75th Independence Day, the Anthem singing competition nerable and target groups to break the transmission chain Information Department today National Flag was hoisted at more 2021 for the first time in J&K. of infection in the district. During the meeting, Vaishya re - organised a day-long programme than 7000 places here. Commemorating Azadi Ka viewed the current vaccination status and directed the to felicitate National Anthem He congratulated the winners Amrit Mahotsav, Lieutenant concerned to cover all left out populations of 18 plus years singing competition winners and said that Kashmir is fertile in Governor of UT Jammu and target groups as soon as possible. He said vaccination is 2021 at Auditorium Hall of art and literature and providing a Kashmir had announced individ - imperative to fight the Coronavirus pandemic and pushed Directorate of Information and conducive atmosphere and better uals and groups to participate and for vigorous vaccination in the district particularly of vul - PR Srinagar. platform to the upcoming young the entries were open from first to nerable groups including shopkeepers, street vendors, On the occasion, Divisional artists is the need of the hour. 7th August 2021. transporters and other people directly involved in the pub - Commissioner (Div Com) Inculcating the real essence of pa - An overwhelming response lic delivery system. Kashmir, Pandurang K Pole who triotism in our young generation was witnessed while receiving the The DM urged all the officers to ensure vaccination of presided over the function as will definitely yield fruit in terms video clips of individuals and 18 plus years of age group and cent percent vaccination chief guest distributed certificates of national integration, peace har - groups from every nook and cor - target is achieved within their respective jurisdictions at and cash prizes among the win - mony and tranquility in near fu - ner of UT. an earliest and to ensure proper outreach and expanded ners at both divisional and district ture. the first phase district level vaccination coverage in the district. level. During the program, the stu - competition was held and 90 fi - He further added that additional vaccination sites Speaking on the occasion, the dents of different Educational nalists were shortlisted for 3 cate - were established at specific locations so that maximum Div Com lauded the role of DIPR Institutions who participated and gories i.e. 13-18, above 18 and target population is benefitted and Covid-19 vaccination for holding such a series of events were declared winners of the dicted by health experts. Joint Director headquarter DIPR, groups respectively from all the process has been expedited by mobilizing Asha workers, successfully. He said that the National Anthem singing compe - The winners of the National Irshad Ahmad, Assistant Director districts of Kashmir only. Anganwadi workers, BLOs as well as PRI members and re - competition attracted huge par - tition at Divisional level and in the Anthem singing Competition also PR, Kashmir Mohammed Aslam The final selection was made ligious heads across the district to scale up the vaccination ticipation from all districts of district Srinagar were also felici - showcased their talent on the oc - Khan, Assistant Director (Advt) by a professional Jury at the Joint drive. He said that SOPs and other guidelines like wearing Kashmir and both male and fe - tated. casion and enthralled the audi - Javaid Ahmad, Cultural Officer Directorate of Information of masks, sanitization, hand washing and Vaccination are male students participated with At the outset, the Artists of the ence with their individual per - Kashmir Tawheed A Mir, District Kashmir with the consent of imperative to curb Covid infection. Vaishya said that the great enthusiasm. Cultural Unit Srinagar of DIPR formances. Syed Shakeel Shan Information officers, employees Divisional Administration District Administration is working very hard in the fight He said are as pa - presented thematic songs related formally welcomed the guests and of DIPR and students of different Kashmir and 9 winners in three against Covid-19 pandemic and people of the district have triotic as people in other states of to Covid-19 awareness and Safety conducted the proceedings while schools were present in the func - categories were selected on the extended their cooperation due to which visible decline and have served the Nation Protocols to be adopted to fight as Joint Director Information tion. It is pertinent to mention basis of voice quality, pronuncia - has been witnessed during first and 2nd Wave of Covid-19 on all fronts and have won gal - any possible third wave as pre - Kashmir Inam ul Haq Siddiqui, that as a part of celebrations of 75 tion, presentation and timing. pandemic. Jammu: PC & PNDT Act DAC 4 roads among 6 projects completed in 100 days at Kishtwar approves registration of 6 private DDC reviews pace of progress on Capex budget, languishing projects, PMDP, B2V works KISHTWAR, AUGUST 31: Sharma, here today. The meeting was at - ultrasound diagnostic centers District Administration tended byJoint Director Kishtwar has completed six Planning Mohammad JAMMU, AUGUST 31: play the rate list for various diagnostic projects, including 4 road Iqbal; Assistant tests and warning against sex determina - projects in 100 day time- Commissioner The District Advisory Committee tion in at least three languages with picto - the deadline set for comple - Development, Kishore (DAC) Jammu on PC PNDT Act, 94 today rial signs. He asked for enhanced vigil on tion of these . Singh Katoch; Chief approved registration of 6 new private ul - the clinics and to undertake regular in - The district administra - Education Officer, Rashpal trasound diagnostic facilities at its meet - spections of their facilities.During the tion has set a 100 day dead - Singh Chauhan; Executive ing chaired by Additional Deputy meeting, opinion and advice of all the com - line for a total 23 projects Engineer PHE Anil Kaylu; Commissioner, Satish Sharma, here at the mittee members were sought in detail for taken up at different places Executive Engineer REW DC Office. new registration and renewal of registra - and at different dates. Six Mohammad Aslam lone, During the meeting, opinion and ad - tion of various private ultrasound clinics. projects have been com - besides other officials. vice of all the committee members were The case files of private ultrasound di - pleted on completion of the At the outset, the Joint sought in detail for new registration and agnostic facilities were recommended by deadline, which includes 3 Director Planning in - renewal of registration of various private the Inspection Committee for registration roads under PMGSy and 1 formed about the physical ultrasound clinics. under PC PNDT Act, 94 and Rules. under PWD, besides 2 sci - and financial status of the The case files of private ultrasound di - The committee also approved two cas - ence laboratories con - various developmental agnostic facilities were recommended by es of renewal of registration which were structed at GHSS Boys and works undertaken by the the Inspection Committee for registration further sent for approval of the partments to complete the cers to ensure the full utili - for the works under B2V3 GHSS girls Kishtwar. various Indenting and exe - under PC PNDT Act, 94 and Rules. Chairperson of DAC (Deputy tendering process in the sation of the District Capex by tomorrow besides he The information was cuting agencies under the The committee also approved two cas - Commissioner). Sub-Division Dachhan funds and avoid the surren - was asked to ensure sub - given at a meeting held to Capex budget, languishing, es of renewal of registration which were Among others the meeting was attend - Marwah- Warwan and dering of the same as it shall mission of all estimates review the progress of the PMDP, B2V3 and other further sent for approval of the ed by Chief Medical Officer Jammu, J P Paddar on priority basis. be viewed seriously. He along with technical sanc - execution of the ongoing schemes. While reiterating Chairperson of DAC (Deputy Singh; Medical Superintendent, Gandhi The chair was apprised stressed to ensure the com - tions by next Friday. developmental projects un - the deadline set in the pre - Commissioner). Nagar Hospital, Dr. Indra Bhatyal; that the work in these sub pletion of projects under On the issue of the der Capex budget, lan - vious meeting, the DDC re - The ADC instructed the concerned of - Pediatrician, Dr. Mahesh Chander Gupta; Divisions have been ten - PMDP and B2V3 as per the punctuality of employees, guishing project and viewed the target achieved ficers to keep vigil on private ultrasound Gynecologist, Dr. Naresh Khajuria; Arti dered and work is going on timeline in the DPR. the DC directed all the PMDP, B2V3 and other in the tendering process centres to check any violations of the PC & Khurana Consultant Radiologist Jourian, at a fast pace to meet the Meanwhile Xen PHE heads of departments to schemes chaired by District and allotments on various PNDT Act. Dr. Ayushi NGO member, Information timeline. was directed to route the es - monitor the same and take Development works. He stressed all the Satish Sharma also asked the CMO to Assistant Natyapal Singh and other con - The DDC exhorted up - timates through ACD stringent action against the Commissioner Ashok concerned indenting de - ensure private centres prominently dis - cerned officers. on all the concerned offi - Kishtwar for grant of AAA erring officers. 40,000 Trout fish seed stocked Continuing public outreach, Union MoS Jal Shakti interacts with in Warwan, Marwah area Panchayat representatives, Paani Samiti members at Srinagar Director Fisheries Dept conducts 3 day tour of Visit Tangnar Water Supply Scheme at Pantha Chowk KISHTWAR, AUGUST 31:

SRINAGAR, AUGUST 31: the schemes and plans of the J&K administration for provid - Tanks, Chlorination unit, and Muhammad Ajaz Asad; Mission Director Fisheries Jammu & Kashmir, Bashir Ahmed Government are being imple - ing tap water to large population water testing laboratories at the Director Jal Jeevan Mission, Dr Bhat stocked about 40,000 trout fish seeds in natural water Continuing public outreach mented at fast pace. in the , he expressed his water filtration plant. Syed Abid Rasheed Shah; Chief bodies /trout streams of Warwan and Marwah area during during the second day of his visit While giving the example of hope that the UT administra - On the occasion, the Minister Engineer PHE Kashmir, Iftikhar his three day tour of District Kishtwar. He was accompanied to Kashmir, Union Minister of Jal Jeevan Mission, he said that tion’s target of 100 percent tap was informed that the plant sup - Ahmad and other concerned. by Joint Director Fisheries (Chenab Valley) M. A. Derzi, State for Jal Shakti & Food such schemes are being executed water for every household till plies potable water to several The Minister also visited Joint Director South Kashmir M. M. Bazaz; Assistant Processing Industries, Prahlad while keeping future in mind so 2022 will be achieved in set time - Srinagar and Budgam areas and Food Testing Laboratory Director Fisheries Kishtwar Bharat Bushan; besides con - Singh Patel today held an inter - that the next generation would line. the filtration plant is equipped Srinagar where he inspected cerned field staff accompanied the Director during a special active session with Panchayat take pride at the facilities which On the occasion, the Minister with the latest VT (vertical) testing and analysis sections and drive of stocking. The Director Fisheries stated that in its representatives and Paani Samiti would be at their disposal during also visited 10 Million Gallons pumps to lift water upwards also interacted with the staff endeavours to promote fish breeding in natural water bod - members here at Pantha Chowk their time. per Day (10 MGD) Tangnar from , and also consists there. ies, Department of Fisheries have stocked 40 thousands to discuss the status of Jal Jeevan He urged people to actively Water Supply Scheme, Pantha of a service reservoir. Earlier, the Minister paid Trout seeds in Marsudar, Guzar, Bata and Daswal trout Mission in their respective areas. participate in all the develop - Chowk here and inspected the During his tour, the Minister obeisance at Zeastha Devi streams of Warwan & Hajka nallah in Marwah area in pres - During his interaction, the mental activities so that better functioning of the filtration was accompanied by Temple, Shankaracharya ence of PRI and DDC members. He said the department has Minister observed that the role facilities could be provided to plant. Commissioner Secretary Jal Temple and Shital Nath Mandir been taking regular management measures of natural water and responsibility of Panchayat them. The Minister inspected dif - Shakti Department, M Raju; where he prayed for happiness, resources by augmenting these water bodies with quality, representatives will increase as While congratulating the ferent sections including Alum Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, prosperity and well-being of all. disease resistant varieties of fish seed both in Trout waters as well as in Carp waters. "Under this programme the Fisheries department has already stocked Dul Hasti reser - voir with Indian Major Carp and exotic carp seed and today Advisor Khan takes part in Webinar of National Trust stocking of various trout streams of Warwan . Asks every person to play his/her role in making lives of PwDs easy & comfortable SRINAGAR, AUGUST 31: and Kishore BaburaoSurwade, pendent and successful lives if further said that,” the meeting with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, DDG, DEPwD were the special provided with proper support will pave way for strengthening Mental Retardation and Advisor to Lieutenant guests. and opportunities to excel. the activities for Divyangjan in Multiple Disabilities. The other Governor, Farooq Khan today The meeting was attended He further said that parents the category of Autism, Cerebral welfare programmes of the trust remarked that it is the duty of by District Magistrates, in particular and society in gen - Palsy, Mental Retardation and includes Gyan Prabha for post every conscious human being to Superintendents of Police, Chief eral has to play a pivotal role Multiple Disabilities in the UT”. school vocational training /pro - play his/her role in making the Education Officers, Chief while dealing with people with During the webinar it was fessional courses for enhance - life of disables easy and com - Medical Officers and District disabilities. He urged that they revealed that the trust offers ment of skill of persons with fortable. Social Welfare Officers from the should be encouraged to take number of schemes and pro - Autism,Cerebral Palsy, Mental The Advisor was speaking as various districts of J&K and part in various activities of life grammes for the safety and wel - Retardation and Multiple a chief guest at a webinar organ - Ladakh along with other to live positively steering their fare of persons with autism, Disabilities. Uddyam Prabha ised by National Trust (NT) for Government officials of Social lives as per their aspirations. He cerebral palsy, mental retarda - scheme is for promoting income the Welfare of Persons with Welfare Department and organ - maintained that only society has tion & several other disabilities . generating economic activities Autism, Cerebral Palsy,Mental izations, professionals and to change its point of view re - It was said in the web meet for self-employment of persons Retardation & Multiple Divyangjan from the region. garding these persons and only that ‘Niramaya’ is a health in - with these disabilities. Disabilities, a subsidiary of On the occasion the Advisor think in terms of inclusivity. surance scheme to provide af - ARUNIM (Association of Ministry of Social Justice & expressed his elation for inclu - Sheetal Nanda told that the fordable health cover to persons Rehabilitation under National Empowerment, Govt. of India. sion of J&K under the ambit of meeting was one of the first to with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Trust Initiative of Marketing), is Secretary, Social Welfare, National Trust. He said that this aim at creating awareness in the Mental Retardation a Marketing Federation for de - Sheetal Nanda was the guest of step would go a long way in ben - UT of Jammu & Kashmir which andMultiple Disabilities.It was velopment and marketing of honour and Anjali Bhawra, efitting the people with differ - was previously excluded from also revealed that ‘GHARAUN - products made by persons with Secretary, DEPwD, ent disabilities. He said that the implementation of the DA’ is another life long shelter Disabilities, the participants Chairperson, National Trust such people can live an inde - National Trust Act, 1999. She and care scheme for persons were informed. Glimpses of Future 6 Edit/OpiniOn JAMMU WEDNESDAy SEPTEMBER 1 2 ,021 Glimpses of Future 3 years of unseen ‘Naya Pakistan’ ESTABLISHED IN 1986 By : BHOPINDER SINGH PM, Imran had promised a lean team of ‘change leaders’ and ush - Imran started with the promise ered in a 21-member Cabinet — to - Third wave fear of bringing a change in governance day, it has bloated to 54, comprising but he also has been caught in the other party members that Imran here are fears among people about the emer- old maze of religion and military harangues against today, or made Generals. Three years ago, Imran up with unelected members. The gence of third wave of covid 19 in India. The Khan swept to power with a re - name-calling and blame-game has experts believe that third wave may peak in formist rallying cry to deliver ‘Naya only become shriller, with the ‘past’ T Pakistan’ (New Pakistan). His polit - as the most invoked means of de - October and November that is a matter of great con- ical vehicle PTI (Pakistan Tehreek- flecting any awkward attention e-Insaaf) was equated to a veritable from the crumbling present. cern.The scientist, who is a part of the three-mem- ‘jazba’ (passion) the party’s official However, it is on the issue of reli - ber team of experts that have been tasked with pre- site noted, “addressing the root gious extremism that the failure of causes of religious extremism” as Imran has been spectacular and re - dicting any surge in infections, said that the intensi- amongst its foundational ideology. grettable. Signs started early with ty of the third wave will be“much lower” than the Much hope was riding on the him axing an internationally proverbial “political outsider”, who renowned economist from his panel current wave. An IIT-Kanpur scientist who is part of did not belong to any of the bor - of advisers, Atif Mian, only because the three-member team of experts that have been oughs plaguing Pakistan such as the of his faith (Ahmadi), whom the pu - feudatory system, military barracks ritanical Pakistani Government tasked with predicting any surge in infections, said or the madrasa-schooled ignora - does not recognise as Muslim. muses. Imran had seemed refresh - Soon, Imran’s Government (and if no new virulent emerges, then the situation is un- ingly different as an Oxford-educat - sition to the law unto themselves, unprecedented lows, with person - the Military) were seen cutting likely to change. However the third wave's peak is ed, successful (captain of the World Pakistani ‘Generals’, prior to his ‘se - alised character assassination of ‘deals’ with the likes of Tehreek-i- Cup-winning Pakistani cricket lection’ , is a forgotten memory, as the Opposition leaders, unsubstan - Labbaik (TLP) instead of taking calculated on the basis of if a more virulent mutant team), well-travelled, liberal (had the beholden Imran Khan dutifully tiated attributions, intemperate stern action for fanning poison in than the existing ones emerges by September. If the earlier married a westerner of extended the current Pakistani and mocking tone to populist rheto - society on the issue of blasphemy. Jewish faith) he seemed just the Chief of Army Staff’s tenure, contin - ric to hide the Government’s fail - Meanwhile, offering patronage and third wave peaks, the country may see only 1 lakh right candidate to course-correct uing the Military institutions tradi - ures, one after the other. Imran’s succour to organisations like daily cases as against more than 4 lakh when the Pakistan from the slippery slope of tion of extraconstitutional levers. crass language and undignified al - Jamaat-ud-Dawa and Sipah-i- religious extremism, terror ecosys - The Pakistani Military’s penchant lusions have sunk the conversations Sahaba continued unabated. For a deadly second wave was at its peak in May. Status tem and ignorance. Today, as it en - for control with a civilian façade has far below the relatively pedestrian society mired in regressive chauvin - s and New Variant ters the fourth year, ‘Naya Pakistan’ led to many calling the system a standards of the likes of Nawaz ism and sexism, Imran chipped in Quo is when no new mutant come reeks of sameness to the past, only ‘Hybrid Martial Law’. Meanwhile Sharif, Asif Zardari, Pervez with his own shocking observations is when 50% more infectious mutant comes by more obviously and decidedly so. the political discourse amongst the Musharraf or even the clearly bigot - like, “If a woman is wearing fewer Imran’s theatrical railing and oppo - civilian politicians too has reached ed, Zia-ul-Haq. Upon becoming the September. Last month, the model suggested that 3 years of on Page 7 the third wave could peak between October and November and the daily cases could shoot between 1.5 lakh to 2 lakh every day if a more virulent mutant Afghanistan in transition, no end to turmoil in sight of SARS-CoV2 drive fresh infections. However, no By : AALOc SRIvASTAv Hindu religions till the 8th or 9th century began converting to mutant that was more infectious than the Delta Is India's calculated wait-and- with the advent of acts of loot and emerged. The fresh data comprising the vaccina- watch stand purposeful or an at - sacrilege perpetrated by foreign tempt to find a prominent role for it - tribal and non-tribal chieftains and tions that have taken place in July and August, the self in dealing with Afghan affairs?. kings such as Ghenghis Khan of sero-surveys that gave insights about the anti-bod- Afghanistan, having a population of Mongolia. Ahmed Shad Durrani is 3.84 crore, a per capita GDP of $580 considered as the ablest of them, ies were factored in while assuming the scenarios. and an average annual individual in - though. Presently, this beautiful and ccording to a study by the researchers of Institute come of 14 lakh in Afghan currency enchanting country having a tough A (2020 figures), was not an Islamic terrain with immense metallic and of Mathematical Sciences, the R or the country to begin with. It was not ful - opium production potential com - ly under the control of the British ei - prises 99.7 per cent Muslims, of Reproductive value of the coronavirus pandemic ther. It is an irony that August 18 is whom 88.9 per cent are Sunnis was 0.89. It is necessary that the R value is under observed as the 102nd same as in Pakistan but diagram - Independence Day of this country matically opposite to Iran where one that can help arrest the spread of infection. that takes pride only in taking re - Shias are in the majority. When Vaccination has been the biggest weapon world- venge,if a prominent dialogue in a Islam began dominating, the num - Rambo blockbuster is to be believed. ber of Sikhs and Hindus was bound wide to combat coronavirus and more than 63 crore World Bank data indicates that to register a rapid fall, so much so doses have been administered in the country. The Afghanistan is one of the six poorest that their combined strength was countries and that only Somalia, barely one thousand according to only way we can defect the corona virus is to follow Burundi and Sierra Leone have a the last count. Now, exactly 655 lower GDP per head. But the popula - covid appropriate behavior, wear mask, avoid Sikhs and Hindus are being evacuat - outgoing CEO. While shrewd, so - peaceful transfer” of power has be - tion growth of 2.33 per cent (fertility ed. On 15th August, when India was phisticated and westernised Abdulla come reality? Though August 31 is crowding. rate of 4.55 births per female) can be celebrating the 75th anniversary of has declared that God will decide the slated to be the ‘D’ date for ultimate adjudged definitely on the higher independence, co-incidentally in fate of the now-former President, a pullout by the US, the UK,France side. The ethnic groups of Afghanistan, it was a different ball statement from Karjai is very much and Germany,Taliban or Talb—e- Pashtun,Tajiks, Hazaras and game, a different kind of liberation awaited. One will not be surprised if Ilam (literal meaning seekers of Uzbeks, speaking mainly Dari and that was happening.President their hand is later discovered in the knowledge) were closely watching Pashto languages, used to inhabit Ashraf Ghani lost no time in fleeing ‘return’ of the Neo-Taliban. Is and following the developments Road to school four major territories of Balkh, with close associates and lots of Afghanistan in the doldrums again? from their strongholds in many Herat, Ghazni and Kabul. The cash. His predecessor Hamid Karjai What would happen to this cold, dry pockets of Afghanistan and offered Pashtuns or Pathans who primarily stayed back and is now getting closer fruit- and opium-producing moun - bases to a handful of friendly Islamic followed Jewish, Buddhist and to old foe Abdullah Abdullah, the tainous country, now that a “non- Afghanistan o n Page 7 Is India clueless on Afghanistan? By : SUBRAMANIAN SWAMy leadership. For this, to begin with, it is necessary to acknowledge the The Govt must consider its op - hard agonising truth that no other tions in remaining engaged with power from the West to the East has Afghanistan and of ordinary people considered India’s interests or con - who boldly placed their faith in tribution to date, while charting the Indian leadership. Taliban takeover course on Afghanistan. Such shock - of Kabul on August 15 was noisy but ing blocking out of India has been the desperate appeals of innocent found in the cut-out of several Afghans who wanted to leave the quadrilateral arrangements, e.g., country for securing their individual the main negotiations held by the liberty could not be arranged ade - “Troika plus” consisting of the quately by the international com - United States-Russia-China- munity. Taliban has already taken Pakistan that pushed for a more “in - Thorough implementation of standard operating procedures could over most of the provinces, but clusive Government” by including help schools keep open for long. The Indian Government’s Sarva Shiksha Kabul is the cherry topping. India the Taliban; the alternative group - Abhiyan launched in the early 2000s had a popular campaign tune and has been largely silent. As of now, it ing of Russia-Iran-China-Pakistan video School chale hum. It showed primary students from Kashmir to is not clear what the Narendra Modi that formed a “regional arc” that has Kanyakumari rushing towards their schools in the first flush of morning. It Government’s policies are with re - today enabled them to retain their showed their enthusiasm to learn and meet their friends at school. The gard to the situation in Afghanistan. Embassies in Kabul; and the con - campaign tune was discontinued long ago; however, the enthusiasm man- On the ground, it chose to make nectivity quadrilaterals formed by aged to live on. It lived on until the schools were physically closed due to India “speak with its feet” with clamour for visas, and get no reply, country that undertook perilous but the US and China, respectively, with the pandemic last year. And now that the Government is planning to Indians fleeing through focusing instead on the task of ambitious projects such as a new Uzbekistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan, reopen them on September 1, we might now need School chale hum 2.0 or Government-provided flights. But bringing a few hundred Indian na - Parliament building, the Zaranj- that depend heavily on Taliban pro - something more potent. We certainly cannot expect the students to be the not all have left due to Talban allies’ tionals back home. The Modi Delaram Highway, and the tection and Pakistani port access. same after a hiatus of nearly a year and half. They now have mixed feelings terror in the provinces and near the Government’s silence is in sharp Chabahar port project in Iran, the India is nowhere in these arrange - about going to school, many are willing while a lot many are reluctant. Kabul airport. Prime Minister contrast to the past, particularly the infrastructure for transit trade. As a ments-a loud denigration of the Many are enveloped in their comfort zones and are too lazy to pack their Narendra Modi early on ordered the last 20 years till recently. India had consequence, India by far is the one Modi Government. Neither India’s bags for school. However, amid these arguments, there is a genuine con - full evacuation of the Indian then been at the forefront of discus - country that polled consistently so-called traditional strategic and cern, the risk factor of infections as the third wave lurks. The parents are Embassy and all Indian personnel sions in Afghanistan and on highest among countries that defence partner, Russia, nor its cur - hesitant of sending their children to schools who, at this moment, are un - within hours of Afghanistan Afghanistan. India’s role strength - Afghan people trusted. It seems in - rently fastest-growing global strate - armoured soldiers going out on the field after a horrible intermission. President Ashraf Ghani’s departure ened over the tenure of three differ - conceivable and incomprehensible gic partner, the United States, While the Government has allowed Bharat Biotech to conduct vaccine tri - from the Presidential Palace. A little ent Governments in Delhi in three that the Government can choose to thought it important to include als on children, the rollout may still take months. The students have signif- earlier, Indian diplomats and staff areas: infrastructure building and simply walk away from such capital India in any confabulation or insist icantly compromised their studies and school life and hence it was of ut - had departed from Kandahar and development assistance, encom - invested and nurtured, regardless of that their envoys, Zamir Kabulov most importance to figure out a way to open schools, at least in the COVID- other provincial capitals to reach passing all 34 provinces of the coun - the developments in Afghanistan, (who is Russian President Vladimir free . The Delhi Disaster Management Authority, therefore, has is - Kabul. Most Indians have been evac - try; building democracy, such as in the domestic political considera - Putin’s special envoy to sued Standard Operating Procedures to be followed by students, teachers uated. At the UN Security Council in helping script the Constitution and tions in India and geopolitical sensi - Afghanistan) and Zalmay Khalilzad and staff after the schools resume on Wednesday. All educational institu - New york and UN Human Rights technical assistance to hold elec - tivities of some neighbours. (US Special Representative for tions would operate at 50 per cent capacity and must have mandatory Council in Geneva, India has ex - tions; and educational investment, Therefore, it would be abdication of Afghanistan Reconciliation), quarantine centres. The reduced attendance capacity and staggered lunch pressed its worries about terrorism, as also allowing thousands of young responsibility. The Government briefed their counterparts in New breaks (in open spaces) are aimed at ensuring social distancing and min - human rights and refugees, but has Afghans to study in India, be trained must instead consider all its options Delhi about the details of their nego - imising large assemblies. The SOPs look good on paper and its thorough not mentioned the Taliban itself as professionals and soldiers, and in remaining engaged with tiations with the Taliban leadership. implementation could actually minimise the risk factor. However, stu - even once by name. And in India, the become skilled. India was the first Afghanistan for its future and of the New Delhi was unable to assure its dents are required to comply with the protocols and the school staff need to Government appears to be just as country that Afghanistan signed a ordinary people of Afghanistan who diplomatic staff that they would be Road to school on Page 7 mute, as thousands of Afghans strategic partnership with, the only boldly placed their faith in Indian Is India on Page 7

Printed, published and owned by Prem Nath Sharma, Printed at Glimpses of Future Press 63 Padha Street, Purani Mandi, Jammu. Chief Editor Prem Nath Sharma, Associate Editor : Rajiv Sharma, Ph. 2546079, Fax 0191-2547240, RNI NO. 43798/86, email : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Glimpses of Future 7 natiOnal JAMMU WEDNESDAy SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 Court seeks police ATR on plea for FIR against Karni Sena chief, priest over communal remarks PRESS TRUST Of INDIA Nagar police station to register FIRs mies and incited them to take vio - will Taimur be born, nor will New Delhi, Aug 31 against Suraj Pal Amu and lent action against them. The Karna Aurangzeb, Babur, or Humayun be yatiNarsinghanand for making di - Sena Chief was quoted in the com - born. We are 100 crore, and they are A Delhi court has sought an ac - visive remarks in an attempt to in - plaint as saying, Muslim brothers? 20 crore. esides this, the com - tion taken report (ATR) from the cite a riot and encourage vigilan - What brothers? These butchers. plainant sought FIR against Dasna police on a plea seeking FIR against tism. Khan moved the court after Now you have the strength. Friends, Temple Priest yatiNarsinghanand KarniSena Chief and Dasna Devi the SHO refused to receive the copy we will have to strengthen our for allegedly saying at Aligarh in Temple priest for their allegedly of the complaint for registration of youth. In another mahapanchayat Uttar Pradesh that people studying communally provocative speeches FIR against Amu and in Haryana's Pataudi on July 4, he in certain educational institutions against the Muslim community. Narsinghanand. In a criminal com - urged the crowd to destroy "cannot bear true faith and alle - Metropolitan Magistrate Rajat plaint filed through advocates mosques, instigated them to take up giance to the Constitution of India Goyal directed the police to answer SarimNaved, Kamran Javed, and arms, and murder those belonging or uphold the sovereignty and in - whether any complaint has been AnshuDavar, Khan relied on the al - to the Muslim community and take tegrity of India". Khan further al - made against the duo by com - leged communal remarks made by revenge for the lives lost during par - leged: The accused intentionally in - plainant Faizal Ahmed Khan and the duo earlier this year in Uttar tition, the complaint alleged. The sulted prominent central universi - sought to know what action has Pradesh and Haryana. The com - complaint quoted from the alleged ties like Aligarh Muslim University been taken on it, the status of the in - plaint alleged that Amu urged the speech of Amu as urging the crowd: and Jamia Millia Islamia, clearly vestigation and if any FIR has been crowd at a mahapanchayat in We will shoot them one by one. Will aiming to target the Muslim com - registered. The complainant, a law Haryana's Indri city on May 30 to we shoot them or not? If you want to munity as these institutions are teacher, has sought direction from treat persons belonging to the make history in the country, don't popularly associated with the the court to the SHO of the Jamia Muslim community as their ene - become a part of history. Neither Muslim community . Dalit girl from Delhi raped, killed in NCB apprehends Prime accused, 4 others in Kodakara Gurgaon; landlord's relative arrested two Nigerian drug PRESS TRUST Of INDIA home in Gurgaon. She with others, has killed peddlers in Mumbai hawala case granted bail by Kerala HC Gurgaon, Aug 31 also said that my daugh - his daughter. The PRESS TRUST Of INDIA PRESS TRUST Of INDIA been laid against 22 per - observations, the high tional court/committal ter would stay there and Gurgaon Police said it Mumbai, Aug 31 Kochi, Aug 31 sons. All the 22 persons court granted bail to Rouf, court as and when required. A 13-year-old Dalit could play with the has registered a case have been arrested also," Muhammed Ali, Raheem, The heist case was regis - girl from north Delhi's daughter of her broth - under sections 302 Two Nigerian nationals were The prime accused and the high court said. Besides Martin and Edwin T W sub - tered and a special team of Narela was allegedly er." However, around 3 (murder) and 120B arrested by the Narcotics Control four others in the Kodakara that 10 out of the 22 ac - ject to the condition that Kerala police was constitut - raped and killed at pm on August 23, the fa - (punishment of crimi - Bureau (NCB) here, in a follow up hawala money heist case cused were granted bail on each of them shall execute a ed to investigate it after a neighbouring Gurgaon ther was informed by nal conspiracy) of the action in connection with the have been granted bail by August 13 by the high court bond of Rs one lakh with complaint was filed by by a relative of her land - his landlord that his Indian Penal Code and drugs case against actor Arman the Kerala High Court on the basis of filing of the two solvent sureties for the Shamjeer Samsudheen that lord, officials said daughter has died, the SC/ST Act. They said Kohli, an official said on Tuesday. which had in July denied final report by the police, like sum to the satisfaction on April 7, a gang had Tuesday. They said FIR sates. Around 7 pm, further sections were The Mumbai zonal unit of the them the relief on the Justice K Haripal said. "The of the jurisdictional court. stopped his car on the landlady's brother they took the body in a added in the FIR after NCB conducted raids at various ground that several co-ac - (high) court also found that The other bail conditions Kodakara flyover in Praveen Verma has private ambulance to the postmortem report locations in Mumbai and neigh - cused were at large and a lot even though it is stated that imposed by the high court Thrissur district and looted been arrested on the the girl's Narela resi - confirmed sexual as - bouring suburbs on Monday of evidence was yet to be re - it was only a preliminary fi - include -- surrendering of Rs 25 lakh kept in the vehi - complaint of the girl's dence for cremation, it sault, and Verma was night and recovered narcotic sub - covered. In its latest order nal report, overwhelming their passports within 10 cle when he was on his way father who made a PCR added. When the father arrested. Earlier this stances from two Nigerian drug dated August 27, the high grounds were not urged for days of release on bail, not to Kochi from Kozhikode. call when the accused got suspicious, he made month, a nine-year-old peddlers, an official said. Earlier court said that all the 22 ac - the continued detention of to contact or influence the Though the complaint had allegedly tried to force a PCR call and Narela Dalit girl was alleged on Sunday, the agency had arrest - cused, including those who the accused persons. The witnesses or tamper with stated that only Rs 25 lakh the family to cremate police station staff rape and killed in Delhi ed Kohli, after raiding his resi - committed the robbery and very same reasoning are ap - the evidence, not to enter were stolen, the investiga - the body. In an FIR filed reached the spot, and Cantt area. The girl died dence in suburban Andheri and those who hatched the con - plicable here also," the Thrissur revenue district tors later found that the ac - with the police, the girl's took the body to the under suspicious circum - recovered a small quantity of co - caine from him. During the spiracy and shared the judge said and added "these except for the purpose of at - tual amount could be about father has said, "On Babu Jagjivan Ram stances even as h er par - probe, it came to light that the booty, "have been brought petitioners also can be re - tending courts and to ap - Rs 3.5 crore and it was a July 17, my landlord's hospital in ents alleged that she seized contraband had originated to book. "A final report has leased on bail". With these pear before the jurisdic - 'hawala' transaction. wife said that her sister- Jahangirpuri, the FIR was raped and forcibly in , the official in-law has given birth to stated. The father has cremated by a cremato - said. The NCB was investigating a child and she was tak - alleged in the FIR that rium's priest in south - the route and links used to bring ing my daughter along landlady's brother west Delhi's Old Nangal the cocaine to Mumbai and the in - with her to her brother's Praveen Verma, along village. Contn. from Page 6 ...... volvement of other traffickers. 3 years of ...... clothes, it will have an impact on men” and recently on the Imran has remained vocal, passionate and unsuccessful in K'taka to decide on relaxing curbs on Ganesha falling educational standards in a madrasa-rife Pakistan, positing the counter-narrative of Pakistan as a “victim” of Imran solely blamed the ‘English-medium education’! terror, yet the man known as ‘Taliban Khan’ continues the Imran’s solution to train children and society properly patent Pakistani doublespeak on issues like the Taliban, festival based on inputs from experts : CM was only to teach them Seerat-un-Nabi (Biographies of religious extremism and modernity. The last hope stand - PRESS TRUST Of INDIA strictions on Ganesha fes - the Holy Prophet). But Imran’s religiosity, like his morali - ing against the darkness of Taliban, Amrullah Saleh, exco - Bengaluru, Aug 31 tival. Citing COVID, the ty, remained flexible and predicated on convenience — on riates Imran’s Government by insisting, “Afghanistan is government had earlier one hand he accused French President Emmanuel too big for Pakistan to swallow”; yet, in the last three Karnataka Chief banned the public celebra - Macron of ‘encouraging Islamophobia’, and in the case of years, that is the yeoman service done by Imran towards Minister Basavaraj tion of the Ganesha festi - the clearly persecuted Chinese Uighur Muslims, he rather burning Afghanistan.Irony dies a thousand deaths when Bommai on Tuesday said val by setting up pandals, ingloriously and meekly surrendered saying that he ac - Imran’s PTI ends its falsehoods on its official party site by the government will take a and had said that people cepts the “Chinese vers ion” due to “extreme proximity and re - ending the portion on its “mission” by quoting celebrated decision on relaxing re - must celebrate it in their lationship” with Communi st China! For a nation that has secularist Faiz Ahmed Faiz’s immortal lines, “Jab raa - strictions on Ganesha fes - homes and no procession steadfastly remained under the infam y of being jkaregikhalq-e-khuda; Lazimhaike hum bhidekhengey” tival celebrations, on will be allowed while ‘Greylisted’ on the international terror financing watch - who actually wrote this against Zia’s illiberal, doctrinaire September 5, after getting bringing the Ganesha idol dog agency, FATF, the comments emanating from and degressive misuse of religion towards orthodoxy. necessary inputs from the or during the immersion Pakistan on the Taliban are shocking self-goals of com - Imran has been a schizophrenic usurper of identities to districts and the expert of the idols. Meanwhile, plicity. From senior PTI leader Neelam Sheikh’s “Taliban present the “winning identity” from an electoral perspec - committee. The Chief terming the road accident is with us to free Kashmir”, to Interior Minister Sheikh tive, and sadly in a country facing caught in the vortex of Minister who held a meet - that occured in the city Rashid taking credit for India’s ostensible “defeat” with extremism, it is only befitting that Imran contextualises ing with senior Ministers, during the early hours of the advent of Taliban in Afghanistan Pakistan is openly and justifies the likes of Taliban or expansionist China, officials and experts on Tuesday in which seven legitimising and welcoming the Taliban, in Afghanistan. whilst stuttering his way in broken Urdu. Monday had deferred a youth, including a Tamil decision on allowing full- puts from Deputy mittee on what decision Nadu MLA's son, were fledged Ganesha festival Commissioners and has to be taken and neces - killed as "shocking", Afghanistan ...... celebrations for which Superintendents of police sary measures to be put in Bommai said, police will countries. China,meanwhile, has made it clear to have due to her utter helplessness in the rapidly changing sce - several BJP leaders and of all the districts, and the place. They have sought inquire into the reasons friendly ties with the new regime. Pakistan, for obvious nario? India will have to be more proactive given the large groups with Sangh Parivar health department has some time, so on for the accident. "One reasons, has kept herself subdued or may have consciously presence of Afghans in India.Only the passage of time will background were mount - been asked to do a com - September 5 we will hold a should be careful while decided to maintain a low profile.The facade of the Doha talks tell if the bold act of Pakistan to recognise Taliban or the ing pressure. "Right deci - plete analysis," Bommai meeting, and we will de - driving during the night was arranged in a haste, by purposely sideliningIndia.India's complete silence of the entire Islamic world has paid off.in sion has to be taken at the said in response to a ques - cide on it." Several organi - time for safety of self and late participation in “apology to talks”,at the relatively low the emerging scenario,a vital buffer State is Iran and it may right time, all the inputs tion on "delay" in the deci - sations and political lead - others. Safety rules like level of a Joint Secretary, proves that its be slipping out of India’s horizon. Iran may choose to react that were required from sion. Speaking to re - ers, mostly from the BJP speed limit, signals, road VasudhaivaKutumbakam policy received a setback. after getting a sense of what is happening in Afghanistan; various districts were not porters here, he said, "the and with Sangh Parivar humps have to be fol - Despite her two-decades-long involvement in the re-devel - that much can be expecte d after t he recent change of guard there at yesterday's meet - opinion was to take guid - background have been de - lowed, to avoid such acci - opment efforts, this strange country is still to get out of in Tehran. The stand of Israel, in view of rapid develop - ing. We have sought in - ance from the expert com - manding relaxation of re - dents," he said. drugs, arms and ammunition and an ever-ready ments in the Islamic world, will have to be also watched,par - Inclination to fight for the cause of Islam.Was India’s slow ticularly after her successful diplomatic ties with UAE and Rains cause water but calculated wait-and-watch stand purposeful or was it Morocco that were reportedly brokered by the US. HC adjourns hearing in logging in Delhi, traffic Is India clueless ...... secure from Taliban militia and their Pakistani benefac - cant”, or even “suspended” depending on the new regime movement affected tors, in order to keep diplomats in Kabul. It was able to ne - in Afghanistan committing to international norms on hu - Tejpal case till Sep 20 PRESS TRUST Of INDIA gotiate a diplomatic outpost at Kabul airport that would al - man rights, women’s rights, minority rights and others.As New Delhi, Aug 31 low it to place a core team as with the US, the United Chairman of the Taliban Sanctions Committee (or the PRESS TRUST Of INDIA month, Tejpal in a sub - to file their applications Rains lashed many parts Kingdom and other North Atlantic Treaty Organization 1988 Sanctions Committee), India must not act shy, but in Panaji, Aug 31 mission before the HC before the Chief Justice of the national capital on (NATO) countries, it is time to accept India’s diplomacy fact use its muscle to ensure terrorists such as Sirajuddin sought an 'in-camera' for the hybrid hearing Tuesday morning, leading to was a huge failure. This acceptance will mean that India's Haqqani and other members of the Haqqani group respon - The Goa Bench of hearing of the Goa gov - into the matter. Pangam waterlogging and traffic foreign policy needs a reset and a new diplomatic strategy. sible for brutal suicide bombings on Indian embassies and the Bombay High Court ernment's petition chal - requested the bench to snarls in several areas of the While the Modi Government found it inconvenient to consulates, not be given any exemptions: on travel, re - on Tuesday adjourned lenging his acquittal in adjourn the matter by city. According to Traffic vocally protest the talks with the Taliban and the extended course to funds, or arms.Thus, Prime Minister Modi’s the hearing on the Goa the case, and sought its another two weeks to file Police and Public Works line to Pakistan to facilitate the talks with these “friendly” forthcoming speech at the UN General Assembly sched - government's appeal dismissal while raising the application before Department (PWD) officials, global leaders thus far, it is necessary for India to publicly uled for September 25th will be an appropriate occasion to against journalist Tarun preliminary objections the Chief Justice. The waterlogging was reported decry such an outcome that has clearly worked against express India’s position on the civilised future of Tejpal's acquittal in a on its maintainability. bench then fixed the underneath AIIMS flyover, India's interests till now. In order to do so, India must be - Afghanistan and thus challenge the rest of the internation - 2013 rape case, pending However, Solicitor matter for hearing at Ring Road near Hyatt gin by rallying in the United Nations, to exert its influence, al community to refuse legitimisation of the Taliban request before the Chief General of India Tushar September 20. Solicitor Hotel, both sides of Savitri explicitly in its own interest, and that of the still existing on regime, unless the regime is willing to negotiate on all these Justice for a hybrid Mehta, appearing for the General Mehta was not flyover, Maharani Bagh, paper, the Afghan “Republic” in the UN, which cannot be issues.In dealing with the Taliban regime, the Modi (physical plus virtual) Goa government, had at present in the court on Dhaula Kuan to 11 Murti car - allowed to be just abandoned. At the UN Security Council Government must determine the nature of its engagement hearing into the matter. that time opposed Tuesday. On May 21 this riageway, Shahjahan Road, (UNSC) in the remained period as Chairman, India must with this new regime. The question of whether India will The court fixed Tejpal's request for the year, a sessions court ac - W-Point ITO, Lala Lajpat Rai be vocal about its abhorrence of a Taliban-run Afghanistan move from its fruitless back-channel talks with the Taliban September 20 for next 'in-camera' hearing, say - quitted Tejpal, the for - Marg and Moolchand under - that seeks to reverse the gains of democracy developing in and with Pakistan in the past few months, into something hearing. Till now, the ing the "country has the mer editor-in-chief of pass, among others. Due to the past two decades. A pathetic diluted statement that substantive remains to be seen.In a world of hard geopolit - matter was being heard right to know how the in - the Tehelka magazine, waterlogging, the traffic India drafted as UNSC president on August 16 did not even ical realities, it is also uniquely India's soft power, autono - online. On Tuesday, for stitution dealt with the in the case where he was movement at a few stretches mention opposition to theso-called “Islamic Emirate of my based on principles and a Hindu tradition selfless assis - the first time the matter girl (victim)". On accused of sexually as - was restricted and people Afghanistan”.India must thereafter take a leading role in tance to those in need, such examples as Parsis and Jews, was taken up physically, Tuesday, state Advocate saulting his then col - were advised to avoid these the debate over who will be nominated to Afghanistan’s particularly has been the unique voice of in the wake of the Goa General Devidas league in a lift of a five- routes. "Carriageway of IO - seat at the UN, and whether the Republic’s appointed cur - VasudhaivaKutumbakam. We must make that voice heard rent Ambassador will remain, or the seat declared “va - loud and clear on Afghanistan, loud and clear and now. government relaxing Pangam and a lawyer star hotel in Goa in CL Dwarka to NSG Dwarka is several COVID-19 curbs representing Tejpal November 2013 when closed due to waterlogging, due to a drop in the sought time from a they were attending an Please avoid using this route number of the viral in - bench of Justices M S event. Later, the Goa Traffic is hea vy on Narayana Road ...... fection cases in the Sonak and M S government filed an ap - road as the stre tch from Narayana to Dhaula Kuan monitor students for any symptom in order for the schools compulsory and online classes will still be available, it coastal state. Earlier this Jawalkar, as they are yet peal against it in the HC. has been damaged. to remain open. Also, since attendance has not been made would be worth seeing how the students react to it. Glimpses of Future 8 wOrld JAMMU,WEDNESDAy, SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 UNSC proscribed terror entities LeT, JeM need to be called out, condemned in strongest possible terms: Shringla United Nations, Aug 31 (PTI) Council resolution... is a very The Council adopted a India's Presidency, the Council we have extended over USD 3 important and timely pro - strong resolution drafted by issued a strong resolution on billion of assistance to Pakistan-based terror nouncement, coming as it does France, the UK and the US, with Afghanistan that again con - Afghanistan in infrastructure groups Jaish-e-Mohammed under India's Presidency of the 13 members voting in favor and demned in the strongest terms development, capacity build - and Lashkar-e-Taiba are UN UN Security Council. I want to permanent veto-wielding mem - the attacks near the Kabul air - ing, education, agriculture, ar - Security Council proscribed en - highlight the fact that the reso - bers China and Russia abstain - port. eas that are important for the tities that need to be called out lution makes it very clear that ing. Responding to questions The attack, claimed by the people of Afghanistan," he said. and condemned in the strongest Afghan territory should not be from reporters after the adop - Islamic State in Khorasan It is learnt that India, as possible terms, Foreign used to threaten or attack any tion of the resolution, Shringla Province, an entity affiliated Council President, worked very Secretary Harsh Vardhan other country, in particular also said that as a neighbour of with the Islamic State in Iraq closely on the Afghanistan reso - Shringla has said. underlines the importance of Afghanistan, a country with and the (Da'esh), result - lution and played an important, Addressing the media at the combating terrorism. It also whom India has historical con - ed in the deaths and injuries of constructive and bridging role. UN Security Council stakeout refers to those individuals and nection, the resolution as well over 300 civilians and 28 mili - India's concerns and views here on Monday, Shringla un - entities that have been desig - as the Council's engagement tary personnel, and takes note have been taken on board and derlined that the Council reso - nated under Security Council over the month of August on of the Taliban's condemnation reflected in the resolution. The lution on Afghanistan, adopted Resolution 1267," Shringla said. Afghanistan has been "very very of this attack, it said. fact that the resolution, which under India's Presidency, refers "In that context, I may men - important." The resolution "demands came just a day before India's to individuals and entities des - tion that the LeT and the JeM, "I've already mentioned to that Afghan territory not be Council presidency ends and Representative to the UN had "reaffirmed the importance ignated by the world organisa - are UN Security Council pro - you about the number of out - used to threaten or attack any which has strong language on Ambassador T S Tirumurti had of combating terrorism in tion. scribed entities, terror entities comes on Afghanistan that the country or to shelter or train ter - combating terrorism, under - reaffirmed that there is no mili - Afghanistan to ensure the terri - Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish- that need to be called out and Council has produced over the rorists, or to plan or to finance scores that India kept the focus tary solution to the conflict and tory of Afghanistan should not e-Mohammed as well as the condemned in the strongest last month and I think all of terrorist acts, and reiterates the in the Council on the situation declared that they do not sup - be used to threaten or attack any Haqqani Network are pro - possible terms. So, I think from these are very, very significant importance of combating ter - in Afghanistan throughout its port the restoration of the country, and that neither the scribed terror entities under that point of view, it has been outcomes," he said. rorism in Afghanistan, includ - Presidency month. Islamic Emirate. Taliban nor any other Afghan UNSC resolution 1267 (1999) quite unequivocal in the Under India's Presidency ing those individuals and enti - The resolution is seen as a The Council had expressed group or individual should sup - concerning ISIL (Da'esh), al- Council and I think that also re - for the month of August, the ties designated pursuant to res - first in terms of highlighting the its deep concern about the high port terrorists operating on the Qaeda, and associated individu - flects the views of Council mem - Council held three sessions on olution 1267 (1999), and notes situation in the war-torn coun - levels of violence in Afghanistan territory of any other country. als, groups, undertakings and bers as we understand it from Afghanistan and issued three the Taliban's relevant commit - try, including underlining the following the Taliban's military The August 27 statement on entities. the discussions" he said. press statements on August 3, ments." need to build on Afghanistan's offensive, and had called for an the airport attacks had under - JeM founder Masood Azhar Shringla chaired meetings 16 and 27, the last one strongly Shringla said India's en - gains over the last 20 years. immediate reduction of vio - lined the need to hold perpetra - and LeT leader Hafiz Saeed are of the Security Council as condemning the "deplorable at - deavour over the last 20 years The August 3 Security lence. tors, organisers, financiers and also listed as global terrorists President of the powerful 15-na - tacks" near Hamid Karzai has been to provide develop - Council statement on the The August 16 statement sponsors of these reprehensible under the 1267 Sanctions tion UN body as India's month- International Airport in Kabul ment assistance to the people of 'Escalating Violence in that came a day after the acts of terrorism accountable regime. long presidency comes to an end on August 26. Afghanistan. Afghanistan' issued by Council Taliban took control of Kabul and bring them to justice. "Today's UN Security on Tuesday. On the penultimate day of "Over the last two decades, President India's Permanent Saudi TV: Drone attack on airport Japan ministry seeks 2.6% defence hike amid China worries Diaoyu. cluding Ishigaki Island, where a wounds 8, damages plane Japan's military spending and new military base with a land-to- capabilities have grown continu - sea missile defense system will be Dubai, Aug 31 military base in yemen's settled into a bloody stale - ously since former Prime Minister opened. Ishigaki is north of the south, killing at least 30 mate even as international Shinzo Abe took office in uninhabited but Japanese-con - A bomb-laden drone on Saudi-backed yemeni diplomatic efforts to halt December 2012, rising by 17% trolled Senkaku Islands, which are Tuesday crashed into an troops and marking one of the fighting intensify. The over the past nine years. Abe's also claimed by China and called airport in southwestern the deadliest attacks in the Houthis have accelerated government allowed Japan's self- Diaoyu. Saudi Arabia, wounding country's yearslong civil their push to wrest control defense force to play a greater in - Japan's military spending and eight people and damaging war. No one claimed re - of the oil-rich government ternational role by adopting a new capabilities have grown continu - a civilian plane, Saudi state sponsibility for the strike, stronghold of Marib in re - interpretation in 2015 of the war- ously since former Prime Minister television reported, the lat - which bore the hallmarks cent months, and escalated renouncing Article 9 of the consti - Shinzo Abe took office in est assault on the kingdom the Iranian-supported their cross-border attacks tution. December 2012, rising by 17% amid its grinding war in rebels. on the kingdom. Critics say Japan, as the over the past nine years. Abe's neighboring yemen. Since 2015, yemen's As the rebels pressed world's fastest-aging country with government allowed Japan's self- The Saudi-led coalition Houthi rebels battling the their offensive on Marib, fighting in yemen blamed Saudi-led military coalition the yemeni military said it a shrinking population, should al - defense force to play a greater in - the assault on yemen's have targeted international thwarted an attack on the locate more money toward health ternational role by adopting a new care and other purposes instead of interpretation in 2015 of the war- Iran-backed Houthi rebels, airports, along with mili - nearby city of Rahbah on Tokyo, Aug 31 Taiwan and rivalry with the defence spending. renouncing Article 9 of the consti - saying it was the second tary installations and criti - Monday. The raging battles United States, were specifically Costly items in the latest budg - tution. The Defence Ministry also such strike on Abha airport cal oil infrastructure, within around the critical Marib Japan's Defence Ministry on noted in this year's defence report et request included 130 billion yen seeks to increase research and de - in the last 24 hours. An ear - Saudi Arabia. province in recent months Tuesday asked for a 2.6% increase adopted in July. (USD 1.18 billion) to acquire a velopment spending to a record lier ballistic missile attack Those attacks, often have left thousands of fight - over this year's record budget as it The report said China's in - dozen more US-made F-35 stealth 325.7 billion yen (USD 2.96 bil - scattered shrapnel across striking near the southern ers dead, mostly Houthis, seeks to further strengthen the creased military capability and the fighters from Lockheed Martin, lion) for game-changing technolo - the tarmac but caused no cities of Abha and Jizan, and killed 12 government country's military in the face of lack of clarity regarding Chinese casualties. The Houthis did including four F-35Bs capable of gies such as unmanned aircraft have rarely caused substan - troops on Monday, said a China's growing assertiveness in military spending is a matter of not claim responsibility for short takeoff and vertical landings operated by artificial intelligence. tial damage but over the military official who spoke the region. grave concern" and criticised the strikes and its military that can operate on two Japanese The ministry is seeking nearly years killed at least one per - on condition of anonymity The ministry's budget sought China's maritime activity in and spokesman did not answer helicopter carriers that are being 105 billion yen (USD 1 billion) for son, wounded dozens and because he was not author - 5.48 trillion yen (USD 49.86 bil - around Japanese-claimed waters. calls seeking comment. converted.The report said China's home-developed fighter jets the rattled global oil markets. ized to talk to reporters. lion) for the year starting April 1, Japan has been stepping up Beyond saying that increased military capability and first in about 30 years since the Within yemen, the Saudi- yemen's war started in 2022, in what could be a record defence in the country's south - Saudi forces had intercept - led bombing campaign has 2014, when the rebels the lack of clarity regarding Mitsubishi F-2 by around 2035, a high if approved by the Finance western regions and islands, in - ed the explosive drone, the drawn international criti - seized the capital, Sanaa, Chinese military spending is a multibillion-dollar project led by Ministry and parliament later this cluding Ishigaki Island, where a coalition did not elaborate cism for killing civilians, and much of the country's matter of grave concern" and criti - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. year, after a nine-year consecutive new military base with a land-to- on the assault or provide hitting non-military targets north. The Saudi-led mili - cised China's maritime activity in In order to beef up its space increase. sea missile defense system will be details about how people like hospitals and wedding tary coalition intervened and around Japanese-claimed wa - forces, Japan wants 84 billion yen Japan's concerns about opened. Ishigaki is north of the were hurt. parties and devastating in - months later to dislodge the ters. (USD 765 million) that includes China's increasingly assertive mil - uninhabited but Japanese-con - The attack comes just frastructure in the Arab Houthis and restore the in - Japan has been stepping up purchasing lasers and satellites to itary actions in the region, as well trolled Senkaku Islands, which are days after missiles and world's most impoverished ternationally recognized defence in the country's south - track targets in space, as well as in - as Beijing's growing tension with also claimed by China and called drones slammed into a key nation. The yemen war has government. western regions and islands, in - creasing space force personnel. Monoclonal antibody treatment combo cuts hospitalisation Pak FM Qureshi says global among high-risk Covid patients: Study Washington, Aug 31 (PTI) given emergency use au - treated, the researchers world study suggests that November of 2020 and community must not thorisation (EUA) by the said. At day 21, only 1.3 per when patients who are at February. A combination of two US Food and Drug cent treated were hospi - high risk due to a range of Comparing their out - monoclonal antibody Administration (FDA). talised, compared to 4.2 comorbidities contract a comes with 2,335 untreat - treatments keeps high-risk The research enrolled per cent of those who had mild or moderate case of ed patients, the ICU ad - abandon Afghanistan; warns COVID-19 patients out of nearly 1,400 patients at not been treated, they said. COVID-19, this combina - mission and mortality the hospital when infected Mayo Clinic in the US, of The study found that at tion of monoclonal injec - rates also were significant - with mild to moderate dis - whom 696 received the the end of 28 days, 1.6 per tions gives them a chance ly lower with monoclonal of serious consequences ease, according to an - drug combo between cent of those treated were of a nonhospitalised recov - antibody treatment. servational study pub - December 2020 and early hospitalised versus 4.8 per ery. In other words, they The researchers noted Islamabad, Aug 31 (PTI) tion and also realise the im - made commitments and lished in The Lancet's April while an equal cent of those who had not recover safely at home," that the FDA in April re - portance of staying engaged pledges to form an inclusive EClinicalMedicine journal. matched cohort did not re - been treated. said Raymond Razonable, voked the EUA for bam - Pakistan's Foreign in Afghanistan. government, it remained to Monoclonal antibodies ceive it. The disease status This translated to 60- an infectious diseases spe - lanivimab alone and now Minister Shah Mahmood "It will give you a very be seen whether they would are laboratory-produced of the patients was evaluat - 70 per cent relative reduc - cialist at Mayo Clinic, and endorses use of combina - Qureshi on Tuesday warned good holistic view of what keep the promises. molecules engineered to ed at 14, 21 and 28 days af - tion in hospitalisation senior author of the study. tion monoclonal antibod - the international communi - the challenges are, what the "It is important for us serve as substitute anti - ter treatment. At each among treated patients, A previous study by ies. ty not to abandon concerns are, what the op - that all Afghans, even those bodies that can restore, en - point, the numbers for according to the re - Mayo Clinic researchers "Our conclusion over - Afghanistan, saying repeat - portunities are and what who do not support the hance or mimic the im - hospitalisation were sig - searchers. suggested the use of bam - all at this point is that mon - ing the mistakes of the past needs to be done in the days Taliban, feel represented by mune system's attack on nificantly lower in the Of those who were sub - lanivimab reduced hospi - oclonal antibodies are an and an economic collapse of ahead," he said. this government and it re - pathogens. treated group. At day 14, sequently hospitalised, the talisations in high-risk pa - important option in treat - the war-torn country will Qureshi urged the world mains to be seen whether The combination of the 1.3 per cent of the treated rates of ICU admission and tients by 40 60 per cent. ment to reduce the impact have serious consequences. to remain vigilant about the the Taliban take this into ac - monoclonal antibody group were in the hospital, mortality were low, they That study involved of COVID-19 in high-risk Addressing a press con - role of spoilers in count, he said. treatments -- casirivimab compared to 3.3 per cent of found. 2,335 treated patients patients," Razonable ference with his German Afghanistan. The interna - He said that Germany and imdevimab -- has been those who had not been "Once again, this real- from Mayo Clinic between added. counterpart Heiko Maas, tional community has to dis - was preparing in close coor - who is here on a two-day trip cern between those standing dination with other nations to discuss bilateral issues for peace and the spoilers. to organise charter flights and regional situations, he He said Pakistan has after the Kabul airport be - Longest war's cost: thousands of lives, trillions of dollars said that this is a pivotal mo - been hosting over three mil - came functional again and ment in Afghanistan's histo - lion Afghan refugees for take eligible people to Washington, Aug 31 But its death toll for Afghans taneously, and many American member states, through April: ry. The international com - decades and emphasised the Germany. and Americans and their NATO troops served tours in both wars, 1,144. munity must remain en - need for creating an envi - Qureshi also said US military planes have car - allies is in the many tens of thou - some figures as noted cover both Afghan civilians, through gaged. Humanitarian assis - ronment in Afghanistan so Germany, an important in - ried the last US service members sands. And because the US bor - post-9/11 US wars. April: 47,245. tance must flow. Do not let that the need for another ex - vestor in Pakistan, is one of and diplomats from Kabul's air - rowed most of the money to pay THE LONGEST WAR: Taliban and other opposition the economic collapse in odus does not arise again. the largest trading partners port, ending America's longest for it, generations of Americans to Percentage of US population fighters, through April: 51,191. Afghanistan take place," Commenting on the col - in the European Union and war. come will be paying off its cost, in born since the 2001 attacks plot - Aid workers, through April: Qureshi said. He warned lapse of the Ghani govern - there were possibilities of Ordinary Americans closely the trillions of dollars. ted by al-Qaida leaders who were 444. against repeating mistakes ment, Qureshi said they enhancing trade with it by watched the chaotic withdrawal A look at the US-led war in sheltering in Afghanistan: Journalists, through April: of the past, saying abandon - were not speaking the truth developing economic link - from Afghanistan, as they did the Afghanistan, by the numbers, as Roughly one out of every four. 72. ing Afghanistan is not an op - on the actual situation in ages. start of the war nearly 20 years the last Americans deployed there THE HUMAN COST: AFGHANISTAN AFTER tion as it will have serious Afghanistan. Earlier, Qureshi and ago, in the weeks after the 9/11 at - departed. Much of the data below American service members NEARLy 20 yEARS OF US OC - consequences . Qureshi said He said that the recent Maas led their sides in the tacks. is from Linda Bilmes of Harvard killed in Afghanistan: 2,461. CUPATION: that the international com - statements by the Taliban delegation-level talks, which But Americans often tended University's Kennedy School and US contractors, through Percentage drop in infant munity's cooperation was were encouraging and they focused on the promotion of to forget about the Afghanistan from the Brown University Costs April: 3,846. mortality rate since US, Afghan essential for ensuring stabil - will have to show respect for bilateral cooperation in di - war in between, and it received of War project. Afghan national military and and other allied forces overthrew ity in Afghanistan and the human rights and interna - verse fields, and regional measurably less oversight from Because the United States be - police, through April: 66,000. the Taliban government, which visiting German foreign tional norms. peace and security, particu - Congress than the Vietnam War tween 2003 and 2011 fought the Other allied service members, had sought to restrict women and minister would be in a better Maas, in his remarks, larly the Afghanistan situa - did. Afghanistan and Iraq wars simul - including from other NATO girls to the home: About 50. position to assess the situa - said while the Taliban had tion. Glimpses of Future 9 hEalth JAMMU,WEDNESDAy, SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 Healthy Eating Includes Cultural Foods Healthy eating is sometimes seen emphasizes the importance of culture on the tables of a white family. as a necessary evil. and food traditions to healthy eating The lack of cultural representa - On one hand, it’s essential to good (2). tion or ethnically diverse illustrations health, but on the other, it’s sugges - However, the field of dietetics still sends an unspoken message that local tive of restriction and self-denial has a lot of work to do to ensure cul - and cultural foods may be unhealthy. steeped in Eurocentrism. tural competence, which is the effec - yet, true healthy eating is a fluid Even in the , where I’m tive and appropriate treatment of concept that neither has a specific from, many nutrition programs are people without bias, prejudice, or look or ethnicity nor needs to include modeled on the American food pyra - stereotypes (3). specific foods to count. mid, which then implies what healthy During my training to become a Here are foods you’ll commonly eating looks like to the local commu - dietitian, cultural needs and food see on health websites in the West, nities. practices were acknowledged, but plus some traditional-food counter - However, nutrition and healthy there was limited interest or practical parts: eating are not a one-size-fits-all di - application. In some instances, there While kale is a nutritious veg - etary prescription. Traditional meals were few institutional resources for etable, so too are dasheen bush (taro and food culture deserve a seat at the healthcare professionals. leaves) and spinach. table too. What does healthy eating re - Quinoa is an excellent source of In this article, I’ll explain why cul - ally look like? protein and dietary fiber, but rice and tural foods are integral to healthy eat - Healthy eating is loosely defined beans are too. ing. as the consumption of a variety of nu - Chicken breast is low in fat and What are cultural foods? trients from dairy, protein foods, lauded as a must-have for a healthy Cultural foods — also called tradi - grains, fruits, and vegetables — what’s diet, but if you remove the skin from tional dishes — represent the tradi - known in the United States as the five other parts of the chicken, those tions, beliefs, and practices of a geo - food groups. pieces are low in fat too — and higher graphic region, ethnic group, reli - The main message is that each in iron. Atlantic salmon is rich in gious body, or cross-cultural commu - food group provides essential vita - omega-3 fatty acids, but so too are lo - nity. mins and minerals needed to support cal salmon varieties and other fatty Cultural foods may involve beliefs good health. The USDA’s MyPlate, fish such as sardines. prepare a vegetarian curry dish, such fast. Ema datshi: a spicy stew, popu - about how certain foods are prepared which replaced the food pyramid, il - If kale, quinoa, and Atlantic as dhal (split peas) with turmeric or When nutrition messages and lar in Bhutan, that’s served with yak or used. They may also symbolize a lustrates that a healthy plate is half salmon aren’t available in your re - saffron. counseling lack inclusivity, diversity, cheese and may include mushrooms, group’s overall culture. nonstarchy vegetables, one-quarter gion, your diet isn’t automatically To people who aren’t familiar with and understanding, we water down green beans, and potatoes These dishes and customs are protein, and one-quarter grains (4). poor. Contrary to mainstream health them, these dishes may not seem to fit the science and rob communities of Kalua pork: a traditional passed down from generation to gen - However, the Caribbean is a melt - and wellness messages, a healthy the Western image of nutritious or enriching culinary perspectives and Hawaiian dish that may be served eration. ing pot of six food groups — staples plate isn’t limited to Eurocentric healthy food — but they’re filled with experiences. with grilled fish, eggplant, or taro Cultural foods may represent a re - (starchy, carb-rich foods), foods from foods, and traditional foods aren’t in - fiber, complex carbs, and vegetables. Furthermore, a breakdown in Schäufele: roasted pork basted gion, such as pizza, pasta, and tomato animals, legumes, fruits, vegetables, ferior or nutritionally unfit. How does culture affect what trust and communication between a with German beer that’s often served sauce from Italy or kimchi, seaweed, and fats or oils (5). Healthy eating looks different you eat? dietitian and the people they’re serv - with potato dumplings and sauer - and dim sum from . Alternatively, Traditional one-pot dishes can’t across communities and locations Culture influences the foods you ing may result in health disparities kraut or creamed savoy cabbage they may represent a colonial past, always be distinctly portioned on a based on food access, sustainability, eat, your religious and spiritual prac - and poor health outcomes (3). Pelau: a popular one-pot dish in such as the fusion of West African and plate. Rather, the food groups are and food cultures. tices, and your perspective on well - If you don’t trust your dietitian, the Caribbean made with caramelized East Indian food traditions through - combined into a single dish. The role of cultural foods in ness, healing, and healthcare you’re less likely to comply with their chicken, parboiled rice, pigeon peas, out the Caribbean. For example, the traditional one- our lives (7Trusted Source). counsel. and an array of vegetables and green Cultural foods may play a part in pot dish called oil down is made with Cultural foods and traditional Research suggests that even your What’s next? seasonings religious celebrations and are often at breadfruit (the staple — a starchy fruit food practices provide a deep connec - thoughts about certain foods and your We must remember that cultural The bottom line the core of our identities and familial that has a texture similar to bread tion to community and healthcare. willingness to try new ones are largely foods fit the concept of healthy eating Healthy eating is simply the con - connections. once cooked), nonstarchy veggies like They connect us to our past, foster so - influenced by your cultural back - even if they aren’t gentrified, popular - sumption of multiple nutrient-rich Cultural foods must be fully spinach and carrots, and meats like cialization in the present, and create ground. Moreover, your classification ized on social media, or aligned with food groups to support good health. integrated into the Western chicken, fish, or pork. memories for the future. Plus, they of what’s regarded as food, and what the Western paradigm. Contrary to mainstream health framework Healthy eating is much more play a major role in dietary compli - isn’t, is linked to your culture These are comfort foods, ways of and wellness messages, healthy eat - Healthy eating includes cultural fluid than what you see online ance and success. (8Trusted Source, 9). life, and important sources of nutri - ing looks different across communi - foods — but that message isn’t promi - your desire to eat certain foods is When my mother teaches me how Therefore, healthy eating must be tion for many immigrant and non-im - ties and regions. It doesn’t have a spe - nent and often goes unapplied. often the result of targeted and suc - to prepare oil down — a one-pot dish interpreted and understood within migrant families in the United States. cific look or require particular foods. The U.S. Department of cessful food marketing. This market - of breadfruit, taro leaves, pumpkin, the context of culture. These cultural foods exemplify Although the American and Agriculture’s (USDA) Dietary ing usually comes through a coconut milk, and smoked bones — I For example, in the United States, healthy eating by combining several Canadian dietary food guidelines en - Guidelines for Americans is one of the Eurocentric lens that lacks cultural am simultaneously connecting with dinner is likely the main meal of the food groups and including a variety of courage including cultural foods as a gold standards for nutrition guide - nuance (6Trusted Source). the ancestral food traditions brought day, while lunch is a light salad or nutrients: part of healthy eating, nutrition mes - lines in the West. It recommends For instance, Googling “healthy from West and having shared sandwich. However, in the Caribbean, Ugali: a staple dish in Tanzania sages and counseling often lack the meeting people where they are — in - eating” reveals a flurry of lists and im - family moments. lunch is often the heaviest meal, made with cornmeal and often served competence and inclusivity to rein - cluding their cultural foodways (1). ages of asparagus, blueberries, and Similarly, I connect to the food whereas dinner is lighter and, more with traditional meat and vegetable force the importance of cultural The Canadian Food Guide also Atlantic salmon — often in the arms or traditions of East India every time I often than not, remarkably like break - dishes foods. 5 Food Items To Keep Eating 3 Servings of Whole Grains a Your Kidney Healthy Day May Lower Heart Disease Risk

In today’s world, a nutritious diet and how they can assist to keep your Capsicums are rich in antioxi - combined with physical exercise is kidneys healthy. dants. Apart from that, it contains a essential to keep the body healthy. A Spinach significant amount of Vitamin C. To healthy diet not only solves nutrient The green leafy vegetable is high keep the kidneys in good shape, cap - deficiencies in the body but also pro - in vitamins A, C, K, iron, magnesium sicum should be included in one’s di - tects against a variety of diseases. The and folate. Spinach contains beta- et. kidney is a filter that eliminates tox - carotene, which helps to enhance im - Cauliflower ins from the body. It is always critical munity. Include spinach in your diet Cauliflower is high in vitamin C, to maintaining kidney function in ad - to keep your kidneys healthy. folate and fiber. It is a healthy source dition to overall health. The kidneys Pineapple of these nutrients which helps body to can be harmed by a poor diet. This Pineapple consumption can help clean toxins. Cauliflower eating can can result in disorders ranging from to boost immunity. It has a high fiber help to keep kidneys healthy as it does kidney stone formation to kidney content, which aids in the prevention not contain high level of sodium, cancer. We often neglect our eating of kidney diseases. It’s rich in man - potassium or phosphorous and thus and drinking habits, which is haz - ganese, vitamin C, and bromelain, an reduces pressure on kidney. ardous not only to our bodies but also enzyme that helps reduce inflamma - Garlic to our kidneys. Healthy food items tion. It’s also a low potassium alterna - Garlic has low sodium, potassi - must be included in your diet for tive for those having kidney prob - um, and phosphorus content, which proper functioning of kidney. lems. is good for patients with renal dis - Let us discuss some of these foods Capsicum ease.

According to new research pub - triglyceride levels. How to incorporate more whole lished in The Journal of Nutrition, Whole grains contain fiber and grains into your diet Individuals with depression, diabetes eating whole grains is associated with heart-healthy nutrients Tewksbury, PhD, national smaller increases in waist size, blood According to Mary-Jon Ludy, spokesperson for the Academy of pressure, and blood sugar. PhD, chair of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, said the This was true for middle-aged and Public & Allied Health and associate Dietary Guidelines for Americans rec - might benefit from antidepressants older adults who ate a minimum of professor, Food & Nutrition at ommends at least three servings of three servings a day. Bowling Green State University in whole grains a day. "People with depression and dia - Those who ate less than one-half a Ohio, whole grains are better for us Refined grains should be limited betes have poorer health outcomes serving a day did not fare as well. because they include all the edible to three servings or less. than those with diabetes alone, and More whole grains helps lower parts of the grain kernel: the bran, the A serving is usually the equivalent regular antidepressant treatment heart disease risk factors germ, and the endosperm. of a small slice of bread or a half-cup of could lower their risk of complica - The researchers’ goal in conduct - When grains are refined, the fiber- a cooked grain product like pasta, tions," said study author Shi-Heng ing the study was to determine just rich bran and the nutrient-rich germ oats, quinoa, or rice. Wang, Ph.D., of the China Medical how whole grain versus refined grain are removed, she explained. What is “A good place to start,” said University in Taichung, Taiwan. consumption would affect various risk left behind, the endosperm, is mainly Tewksbury, “is to look at what foods "People who adhere to their anti - factors for heart disease, including starchy carbohydrates and a smaller you are already eating that are refined depressants have better diabetes out - waist size, blood pressure, blood sug - amount of vitamins and minerals. grains and see if you can replace them comes and quality of life than those ar, triglycerides, and HDL cholesterol. Ludy said that these lost compo - with the whole grain version. with poor adherence," said study au - The team used data from the nents play important roles in health. “Eating pasta? Maybe try out re - thor Chi-Shin , M.D., Ph.D., of the Framingham Heart Study Offspring “Fiber helps to maintain steady placing it with whole-grain pasta,” she National Taiwan University Hospital Cohort — which began in the 1970s — blood sugar levels, can lower choles - said. “Same for breads or other bread in Taipei, Taiwan. to assess these risk factors. terol, and promote healthy digestion,” products.” The researchers conducted a na - There were 3,121 people who par - she explained. According to the Oldways Whole tionwide retrospective cohort study ticipated in the study. Most were “The combination of fiber with B Grains Council, one easy way to deter - of 36,276 patients with depression white, with an average age in the mid- vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin), mine if a food contains whole grains is and diabetes to determine if antide - 50s. vitamin E, minerals (iron, magne - to look for the whole grains stamp. pressants could improve diabetes The researchers looked at the par - sium, selenium, zinc) provides a host They say that to reach the recom - outcomes. They found the regular an - ticipants’ health outcomes for a medi - of disease prevention benefits, includ - mended amount of whole grains, you tidepressant treatment was associat - an of 18 years to determine what effect ing lower levels of inflammation and can eat three servings with a 100 per - ed with a lower risk of death and heart whole, and refined grains had. reduced rates of heart disease, hyper - cent stamp or six servings with any disease. They compared the changes that tension, stroke, type 2 diabetes, colon whole grain stamp. Other authors of the study include occurred at four-year intervals. cancer, and obesity.” If there is no stamp, they suggest Le-yin Hsu of the National Taiwan The findings of a new study sug - People with diabetes face a higher The team found that waist size in - She did want to note, however, looking elsewhere on the product for a University in Taipei, Taiwan; and yi- gest that people with diabetes and de - risk of depression, which makes them creased less among those who ingest - that refined grains may be fortified statement that the product contains Jiun Pan of the China Medical pression who take antidepressants more likely to die or develop diabetes ed more whole grains. with nutrients like folic acid that do whole grains. If the first ingredient on University in Taichung, Taiwan. might face a lower risk of serious dia - complications including heart and In addition, blood sugar and sys - not naturally occur in whole grains. If the label is whole grain, then the The manuscript received funding betes complications and death. kidney disease, stroke, eye, and foot tolic blood pressure increases were you are attempting to increase your chances are good that it’s mainly from the Ministry of Science and The findings were published in problems. Depression makes dia - greater in those who ate fewer serv - whole grain consumption, especially whole grain. Technology, the China Medical the Endocrine Society's Journal of betes complications worse due to ings of whole grains. if you are pregnant or may become Some of the terms that may be University, and the Ministry of Clinical Endocrinology and stress, body weight changes, and lack Lower intake of refined grains was pregnant, it’s a good idea to make sure used to identify whole grains include: Health and Welfare. Metabolism. of exercise. also linked to greater mean decline in you are getting enough folic acid. whole grain [name of grain] Glimpses of Future 10 EntErtainmEnt JAMMU WEDNESDAy SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 Raj Kundra Pornography Case: Sherlyn Chopra The sassy Chitrangada Singh requests Shilpa Shetty to 'accept her mistakes'; Shilpa Shetty and kids to move out of Raj Kundra's shares tips for women to survive says, 'Please show some sympathy towards all those helpless girls' house; to live separately from husband? in Bollywood on their own terms

Chitrangada Singh is one of the finest and most-talented actresses we have in Bollywood. She can slip into the skin of any character and charm us with her perform - ances. She is truly an inspiration and has stood tall in the industry on her own terms. As she turns 45 today, the actress shares the secret behind her success and how to survive the big bad world of Bollywood.The actress believes that there is no substitute for pas - sion. “Be in the film industry for the right rea - sons. you need to have the passion for cine - Shilpa Shetty's husband, vacy. She recently returned that Raj Kundra's trouble touch a penny from Raj's as - ma or acting,” says the Desi Boyz actress. Raj Kundra, was arrested on on the judge's panel of Super seems to be adding up. The sets. The friend reportedly Chitrangada says one needs to be interested 19 July 2021 on the allega - Dancer Chapter 4. The ac - friend revealed that the added that Shilpa Shetty is in the medium. “you should do it because it tions of producing and dis - tress reportedly put forth a Hungama 2 actress is in a working and is independent interests you and not just because you are in tributing porno graphic con - condition saying that she huge shock after the huge enough to take care of her awe of the whole idea of being an actor. That tent through application pro - would not be answering any revelation. "She had no clue children. The actress has also clarity is extremely important,” she grams. He has been in judi - controversial questions. And that the diamonds and du - informed the industry folks opines.Sating that hard work is utmost im - cial custody ever since his ar - now, a new report has sur - plex were coming from nefar - that she is open to more films portant, the actress feels one needs to have a rest. Shilpa Shetty had kept faced. As per a report in ious resources," Bollywood after Hungama 2 and thick skin. “you need to believe in yourself away from the limelight for Bollywood Hungama, Shilpa Hungama quoted the friend Nikamma. And if reports are and not in the 1000 opinions that people will some time and refused to Shetty is allegedly planning saying. Furthermore, the re - anything to go by, Anurag have and the 100 opinions that will change comment on the ongoing to live separately with her port stated the friend saying Basu and Priyadarshan have every day,” she asserts. controversy requesting pri - kids.A friend of Shilpa said that Shilpa doesn't want to already offered her roles.

Bade Acche Lagte Hain 2: Disha Parmar calls Rahul Vaidya Oops! Mouni Roy suffers lucky as she got the show within 15 days of their marriage a wardrobe malfunction, In the last month, we saw actress Shilpa trollers question the Shetty Kundra's husband Raj Kundra getting ar - terview with Spotboye, Disha Parmar rested for producing pornographic content and shared her excitement on doing the distributing it through applications. Since that show. She said that she very excited be - choice of her dress phase, we saw Sherlyn Chopra making several cause it was such an iconic show and so allegations against the businessman. She al - loved by people and the characters legedly said that Raj earlier wanted to make were so beautiful. And it did so well, it videos on the concept of glamour but later shift - was so well received. She also said that ed nudity and semi-nudity.Now, Sherlyn has she is nervous and excited at the same shared a two-minute video on her social media time. She admitted that she is under a account, where she questioned the statement bit of pressure. Disha added that while made by Shilpa Shetty on Super Dancer and re - the characters are still Ram and Priya, quested to show sympathy towards helpless it’s a fresh take on the era we are in to - girls. She said, “you expressed that you bow day and the approach to love. She also down to all those women who bravely face all the shared that this is her first show post challenges of life, does that also include those marriage and she thinks the experi - helpless victims who courageously recorded ences that she has had and the emo - their statements at different police tions that she feels now as a person, stations?Sherlyn went on to add that Shilpa's will definitely help her in portraying fans harassed her on social media and said, the character of Priya better. Disha “These days whenever I post anything on social says that she is different from Priya but media, your followers troll me saying that my she can relate to Priya. She also praised pictures are photoshopped. But let me tell you her real-life husband, Rahul Vaidya that all the investigating agencies of the country and said that he is lucky for her.Disha are much educated than you, me and your fol - said, "I will give him all the credit in the lowers. They know how to get into the details. world. I keep telling him that as soon as Also, a few days ago I read you post about faith, we got married I got this show. So, you which made me feel very good. I feel that belief is are very lucky for me. I think it’s be - such a powerful force that it can spread light cause of him that I am able to strike a even in the most hopeless situations. I request balance between my personal and pro - you, that being a female, please show some sym - fessional life. He’s been so supportive. pathy towards all those helpless girls, who have Disha Parmar and Nakuul Mehta's Ram Kapoor and Sakshi Tanwar im - Within like 15 days of our marriage, I been urging for justice. They have complete faith Bade AccheLagte Hain 2 will begin pressed us as Ram and Priya. Now, we was on sets. He has been so encourag - in the law of the land.” Well, it will be interesting from today. We will be getting to see have Pyaar Ka Dard Hai actors Nakuul ing. I cannot thank my husband to whether Shilpa replies to Sherlyn's request or Nakuul Mehta and Disha Parmar back Mehta and Disha Parmar playing the enough for this. He is the secret that not. again as a TV Jodi. In the first season, iconic role of Ram and Priya. In an in - everything can be managed. Shakti Kapoor finally opens up on Shraddha Kapoor and Rohan Shrestha's wedding rumours

Reports of Shraddha Kapoor and 'never stopped Shraddha or Rohan Shrestha's wedding have been Siddhanth (son) from following doing the rounds of the industry for a their dreams.' "Many people ask me while now. The two have been spotted if I stopped Shraddha from becom - together on various occassions which ing an actress, but that is not true. I made their fans wonder if they are going want her to shine and do well – she is to take their rumoured relationship a such a hard-working and talented notch higher. While the rumours con - girl. I call her my ‘golden girl’. She Mouni Roy had an oops moment recently. In a video tinue to spread like wildfire, Shakti has made it on her own in shared by celeb photographer Viral Bhayani, she can be Kapoor has set the records straight Bollywood,” he added.A couple of seen in a printed halter-neck dress. She is seen running about his daughter Shraddha's mar - days ago, Shraddha’s cousin towards her car as videographers follow her. When she riage with her childhood friend.Rohan Priyaank Sharma and her aunt sat in the car, her dress slid and revealed more than she is a family friend, I have known his fa - Padmini Kolhapure gave us a hint. must have desired. She immediately shut the car’s ther for many, many years. Rohan visits When asked about their shaadi door.The video gave a chance to trollers as they com - us often, but he has not asked for plans, Priyaank told India.com, “I mented on the choice of her dress. “Ektarafbaalo se chu - Shraddha’s hand in marriage. And be - am going to say no comments, main paliyadusretaraf hath se.. y they wear dresses in which sides, today children decide these kyabolunyaar (what should I say they aren't comfortable!!" asked a user. "Why to wear things on their own. If Shraddha tells now). But yes, if you say looking for - such dresses if ur not comfortable Why?" asked another me that she has chosen a life partner for ward to it, then obviously, weddings user. "Aisekapde ka kyafaydajissebaarsambhalna - herself or even if Siddhant does, I will are good to look forward to. The pade...(What's the use of wearing clothes that you have readily agree. Why will I refuse? But at more the merrier, why not!”On the to keep adjusting?" questioned yet another user. “Samaj this point, they are focused on their ca - other hand, Padmini said that we ka gandegi ha ye sab,” commented another user. A user reers. Marriage is an important deci - will come to know whenever it hap - also asked why she was not wearing a mask. Mouni is sion and the way people are breaking pens. “Marriage, wow! That’s a known for posting several bikini pics on Instagram. On up, it bothers me sometimes. One has to strange question (she too giggled) the work front, Mouni will be seen in Ayan Mukerji’s be sure before making a decision like agar waisahogatoh khabar mil jaigi Brahmastra along with alongside Amitabh Bachchan, that,” Shakti Kapoor told Spotboye.The (if she plans to get married, you’ll Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and Nagarjuna. The film has veteran actor further added that he has come to know).” been in the making since quite a few years now.     11 LOCAL "%%-/&+0+(,%*

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