
Study on “Standardization for Mechanical Engineering in ” DesignStudio Standardization

Study on “Standardization for Mechanical Engineering in China” ContentsContents

1 Management Summary 4

2 Quo vadis China? 5 2.1 Development of standardization in the past 50 years 5 2.2 Outlook for coming years (summary) 6

3 Levels and contents of the twelfth 5-year planning 7 3.1 Basis for planning and assurance of implementation 7 3.2 Overview of current 5-year planning 8 3.3 Follow-up activities in the course of twelfth 5-year plan 9 3.4 5-year planning for mechanical engineering 10 3.4.1 What is planned in terms of standardization? 10 3.4.2 What is planned in terms of certification / accreditation? 12 3.4.3 What is planned in terms of mechanical engineering? 12

4 National technical legal and standardization situation 14

5 Development stages of the Chinese standardization system 15 5.1 Company standards (= Enterprise Standards) 15 5.2 Nationwide / uniform standards (= Chinese Standards) 15

6 China's current standardization system 16 6.1 Reorganization of the standards system 16 6.2 National Standards (= level 1) 17 6.3 Industry Standards (= level 2) 17 6.4 Regional Standards (= level 3) 21 6.5 Enterprise Standards (= level 4) 21 6.6 Scope of the 4-level system 21 6.7 Extension of levels (Standardization Law Amendment 2007) 22 6.8 Special issue “Machinery Safety” 22

7 Governmental organizations related to mechanical engineering 24 7.1 National standardization organization 24 7.2 Standardization organizations for mechanical engineering 26 7.2.1 Development of the mechanical engineering sector 26 7.2.2 Present situation of the mechanical engineering sector 27 7.2.3 China Machinery Industry Federation CMIF 29 7.2.4 China Academy for Machinery Science & Technology CAMST/CAM 31 8 Standardization work in mechanical engineering 32 8.1 Overview of Technical Committees (TCs) 32 8.2 Participation in Chinese TCs 33 8.3 Standardization procedure and publication of results 34 8.3.1 WTO/TBT Notifications 34 8.3.2 Standardization process 35 8.3.3 Monthly standardization publication 36 8.4 Sourcing / translation of standards and documents 38

9 Market access requirements for mechanical engineering products 39 9.1 Recognizable developments 39 9.2 Product Quality Law and regional regulations 40 9.2.1 Product Quality Law 40 9.2.2 Regional regulations 40 9.3 Product safety (China Compulsory Certification = CCC) 41 9.4 Reduction of energy consumption 44 9.5 Reduction of harmful emissions 45

10 Abbreviations and Internet addresses 46

Attachments Attachment 1 48 Overview of machinery safety standards Attachment 2 CMIF-related research institutes 52 Attachment 3 National Technical Committees (extract from overall overview) 54 4 MANAGEMENT SUMMARY

1 Management Summary

China is the most important export market for Standardization is regarded as a key component German mechanical engineering manufacturers. because mandatory national standards in China However, only compliance with binding Chinese are comparable to national legislation. Interna- standards relevant to the corresponding product tional and European standards are increasingly ensures unproblematic market access. Unam­ adopted as Chinese standards, unfortunately biguous and transparent technical market access however, frequently with changes in terms of rules are decisive for success. contents.

China has taken two steps to change or control Chinese market access requirements in the form market access requirements more intensively. of laws, regulations and product standards are often a barrier for foreign companies. In particu- The eleventh 5-year plan from 2007 ”heralded“ lar, lack of transparency and the complexity of a new strategic organizational orientation of Chinese legal regulation and standards cause the Chinese mechanical engineering industry problems. and reinforced regulation of market access. This study describes in detail the interrelation In 2008, the mechanical engineering industry, between the twelfth 5-year plan and national previously fragmented by numerous ministries government activities at all levels. At the same and administrative authorities, was merged time, the study also looks at current and fore­ under the umbrella of the super-ministry seeable developments of technical market ”Ministry of Industry and Information access requirements relevant to mechanical Technology“ (MIIT). engineering.

Based on the statements Furthermore, the entire mechanical engineer- • “China cannot maintain the economic boom ing-related standardization landscape is shown, abroad with mere product business” and also in terms of organizational activities in the • “With its current quality and technology - hierarchy chain State Council – Ministries – folio, China can neither supply the domestic Associations/Federations - Technical Committees. market nor can it outcompete foreign high- technology enterprises” the time had come in Part of this chain is focused on industry-oriented 2011 to go on the offensive with the twelfth mechanical engineering organizations and their 5-year plan. activities, e.g. in the field of machinery safety. On the one hand, in China there is currently no Key phrases at the People's Congress in 2011 comparable set of rules such as the European were: Machinery Directive. On the other hand, there • “Reduced dependence on exports – increased are first approaches in various other areas of domestic consumption on the basis of an regulation (e.g. RoHS, WEEE), which are oriented advanced social network” and towards European regulations. • “Away from mass production – towards high technology”. In the medium term this situation will be aggra- vated by the fact that from 2013 the authority Based on the superordinate 5-year plan, any or- in charge of certification has been testing the ganization working for the Chinese State Council, introduction to certification of complete machine down to individual companies and across all systems via voluntary certification for machines technical committees, is required to ensure its manufactured in China (“Voluntary Machinery implementation. Certification”). This study reports on this and further activities such as “stepped up market surveillance in the mechanical engineering sector” in the chapter “Product certification”. QUO VADIS CHINA 5

2 Quo vadis China?

2.1 Development of standardization Numerous books have comprehensively de- in the past 50 years scribed the Chinese technological / political / economic development and the underlying When the People’s Republic of China was Chinese mentality. They range from Sun Zi, about founded in 1949 the border closed for almost the 300 BC (“The Art of War”) via Marco Polo and entire international standardization for about the Jesuit Adam Schall, 1645 (“Director of the 30 years. For this reason, even today there are Chinese Imperial Astronomical Office”) up to the still numerous GOST standards in the Chinese present with the former German ambassador in world of standardization – a consequence of the China, Konrad Seitz (“China – Eine Weltmacht initially very close economic relationships to the kehrt zurück (China – The Return of a World Soviet Union and other Eastern Bloc countries. Power), Munich: Siedler Verlag, 2002”); from International contacts were running on the back the former DIN employee Reinhard Weissinger burner. Big combines and “collectives” (Danwei) (“Industrielle Normung in der Volksrepublik China ruled over the economic and social development im Rahmen der Modernisierungspolitik 1978 bis of the country. The union of life and work marked 1983” (Industrial Standardization in the People’s daily routines. In the 90s many Chinese still only Republic of China in the Course of Modernization knew the way from their corporate flat to work or Politics 1978 to 1983) up to the current work to the market providing their necessary everyday by Frank Sieren (“Angst vor China, Wie die neue commodities. Whole districts, towns and villages Weltmacht unsere Krise nutzt, 2011” (Fear of lived on a product in a combine (“from the womb China, How a New World Power Exploits our to the tomb”). The type and quality of processes, Crisis). products and thus also innovation regarding locomotives, trucks, heavy-duty machinery All of these have in common that commands and products of daily life was determined by from above have been and will be implemented combine-internal / Danwei-internal industrial consistently and successfully (no matter whether standards (= Enterprise Standards). Bicycles positively or negatively), in the long run aimed at without lighting and uniform Mao-style clothing making China the centre of the world. dominated the streets. After the foundation of the People's Republic in 1949, this consistent way of thinking and acting Regardless of this, since the foundation of the can be divided into four government phases People’s Republic, China has been more or less (see Fig. 1). active in the field of standardization. As early as 1978 the “Department of Standards & Specifi- 1949 to about 1979 Mao Zedong cations” was established (primarily still on the „Dark Age“ basis of Enterprise Standards as described above). 1979 to about 1989 Deng Xiaoping Since 1957 China has been member of the IEC „Break-Up Period“ and since 1978 member of the ISO. Chinese 1989 to about 2003 Jiang Zemin employees of international TCs mainly came „Conservation Period“ from standardization institutes and universities From 2003 to 2013 Hu Jintao related to combines and, as a rule, their English „The Modernization“ was poor. However, this has completely changed meanwhile: Today young, technically qualified In spring 2013, two new names started shaping experts with excellent command of English the future of the country: Xi Jinping as state and characterize the scene. Moreover, China attempts party leader and as prime minister. at occupying every free post of chairman or Both are excellent specialists with various univer- secretary in international committees, increas- sity degrees and perfect command of English as ingly showing up with its own standardization well as profound understanding of international concepts / application for new items (NWIPs). / the Western way of thinking and acting. 6 QUO VADIS CHINA

China’s political phases after 1949

1st generation 2nd generation 3rd generation 4th generation

Mao Zedong Deng Xiaoping Jiang Zemin Hu Jintao Xi Jinping The revolutionary The reformer The preserver The modernizer „Dark Age“ „Break-Up Period“ „Conservation Period“ „Team Player“

1949 1976 1989 2003 2013

Fig. 1

2.2 Outlook for coming years • Province governors will implement numerous (summary) protectionist measures for protecting their blossoming regional industry. Since Deng Xiaoping started opening China in 1978 the Chinese economy has boomed rapidly. National standardization programs will also: This development was and is based on imports • Focus on China-specific solutions, and utilization of high-quality machinery and • Not adopt international standards one to one, systems (from simple machine tools to complete • Raise the number of mandatory certifications manufacturing systems). This range supplied by in the field of energy and product-related Germany is broadened by importing high-quality environmental protection. components for manufacturing factory equip- • Still exclude foreign companies from or give ment in China, with a special focus on quality them limited access to standardization TCs. and functional safety. In the years to come, “life” in China will be more difficult for foreign To gain and keep an overview of all this is difficult mechanical engineering companies (in spite as the landscape of mechanical engineering- of statements to the contrary on part of Chi- related institutes, public agencies, organizations nese political leaders) due to targeted national and foreign enterprises is multifaceted. But as a Chinese improvement programs. Overheated rule, their specifications and “wishes” determine export of Chinese products, which is subject to new directions (laws, directives, periodic amend- international fluctuations, lack of know-how in ments, standards and even establishment of new the high-technology sector, lack of or unreliable companies). quality in the field of manufacture and products as well as insufficient holistic thinking are focal Not only European experts see it this way. issues of improvement measures in the course of The American Chamber of Commerce of China the current 5-year activities. The domestic market AMCHAM, sketched identical scenarios in its will be structurally enhanced with strong govern- 2011 White Paper, already hinting at increasing mental subsidies. Funding programs in the field US influence on standardization and certification of research and development as well as quality in future. improvement measures could lead to escalation of the competitive situation in China but also on the world market.

Furthermore, insight gained in the past 10 years will continue to hold true: • Requirements made by the Chinese govern- ment authorities affect imports (e.g. govern- ment officials should drive Chinese cars, wind energy farms may only be built by Chinese enterprises, only Chinese power stations are considered in invitations to tender). LEVELS AND CONTENTS OF THE TWELFTH 5-YEAR PLANNING 7

3 Levels and contents of the twelfth 5-year planning

3.1 Basis for planning and assurance in our view, often seems undemocratic. Planning of implementation and permanent surveillance of its implementa- tion characterize the development of structures, Understanding China means “rethinking”. The in this case in particular of the economy. In this historical development in the past 2,000 years development process, four state organizations in combination with the size and social/ethnic can be discerned (reflected in the 5-year planning diversity of the country has led to a culture that, described in the following):

China’s strategic organizations of economic development

State Council

State-owned Assets State General Administra- National Development ­Supervision and Adminis- tion of Quality Supervision, Ministry of Science and and Reform Commission tration Commission of the Inspection & Quarantine Technology (MoST) (NDRC) State Council (SASAC) (AQSIQ)

Planning and surveillance of …

Quality/standardization/ Overall strategy China All state facilities certification strategy 5-year planning Buildings, equipment, Innovations National Standardization Macro Economy capacities 5-year planning S&C

Fig. 2

All these governmental organizations are directly • AQSIQ (State General Administration of subordinate to the State Council and are respon- Quality Supervision, Inspection & Quarantine): sible for nationwide implementation of measures Competences range from entry-exit of tourists, resolved by the People’s Congress. raw materials, animals, plants to food safety, • NDRC (National Development and Reform metrology and national standardization and Commission): In charge of formulating of certification. policies for economic and social development, • MoST (Ministry of Science and Technology): balanced economic development and restruc- Coordinates all scientific and technologic turing of the Chinese economy activities in the country. Has also responsibility • SASAC (State-owned Assets Supervision and for a number of laws, e.g. in the field of Administration Commission of the State patents, trademarks and copyrights. Council): In charge of coordination and material outfitting of all 1000 federations / associations. Moreover, SASAC is responsible for managing the remaining state-owned enterprises, including appointment of their top management as well as drafting acts governing state-owned companies. 8 LEVELS AND CONTENTS OF THE TWELFTH 5-YEAR PLANNING

3.2 Overview of current 5-year An interesting aspect for standardization is the planning fact that on 56 pages of this superordinate 5-year plan again and again standardization is stated Independent of the person-related “10-year” as the basis for achieving these new goals. In phases, twelve 5-year plans have meanwhile connection with standardization terms such as been passed by the People’s Congress, meeting “energy efficiency, low carbon, new technology, annually after the Chinese New Year (2778 repre- environmental protection, ” sentatives of all provinces, autonomous regions, are used. special economic zones and direct-controlled municipality such as and ). These A brief overview of the 2011 – 2016 goals 5-year plans always provide the basic direction 1. Economic development will be propelled for the coming 5 years and are modified and to a new level extended as required by a statement of accounts China has set an upper limit of a 7% annual in the People’s Congress every year. The actual growth over the next five years combined “work”, however, is done in numerous ministries with distinct improvement in quality and and organizations subordinate to the State performance of the overall economic growth. Council (e.g. State Administrations). However, previous year targets (e.g. 7.5%) have always been exceeded by up to 11%. Higher-level key words of the twelfth 5-year plan passed in 2011 describe environment-oriented, 2. The transformation of the pattern of economic fair, open and technological development of the development and economic restructuring will country, with the following two goals characteriz- be accelerated. ing this 5-year plan: Efforts are to be made to build stronger links • “Reduced dependence on exports – stronger between information processes and industri- domestic consumption based on an expanded alization, to strengthen the manufacturing social network” industries and to support emerging industries. • “Away from mass production – towards high China wants to speed up the development of technology”. the service sector and increase its contribution to the BIP by 4%. Furthermore, China considers This new plan clearly underpins once more the increasing R&D expenditure to 2.5% of the qualitative – not quantitative – future economic BIP and accelerating its transfer to practical growth of the country, ensuring involvement of application / up-to-date production. the entire population. Furthermore, China wants 3. Social undertakings will be developed to open more strongly and increasingly rely on enormously. win-win strategies, also taking the aspect of In the social area, nationwide improvements peaceful, but stronger growth of the Chinese regarding the standard of living and social economy into account. (“I hear the message loud conditions should be introduced. and clear, alas, I am doubtful of….”). To achieve 4. Effective conservation of resources and these goals, China relies on economic restruc- protection of the environment will be carried turing, environmental protection and the social out. balance of all its citizens. Principally, however, The share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy domestic / national consumption should drive consumption is planned to reach 11.4%; growth in an environmentally friendly way. The energy consumption and CO2 emissions per planned measures should lead the country away BIP unit are to be reduced by 16% or 17%; from the extreme dependence on world trade emission of major pollutants is to be reduced and international fluctuations, and draw the by 8 to 10%; forests should be increased by national market more strongly to the attention 600 million m3 and areas of forest to 21.66%. profile of Chinese manufacturers. LEVELS AND CONTENTS OF THE TWELFTH 5-YEAR PLANNING 9

5. People’s wellbeing will be improved 3.3 Follow-up activities in the course comprehensively of the twelfth 5-year plan Social tensions are to be reduced in the long term; per capita income of urban and rural China is aware of the fact that these superor- residents should be increased by 7%, adjusted dinate targets can only be achieved when the for inflation. Moreover, up to 45 million new entire government hierarchy contributes to their jobs are to be created in large cities. implementation. In the months after announc- 6. Reform and Opening up of resources will be ing the twelfth 5-year plan all major ministries deepened comprehensively and all important governmental branches (e.g. Prices for resource and ecological products commissions, administrations, associations…) should become calculable again for the published their resulting 5-year plans. Only these domestic industry. A flexible mechanism for documents provide more detailed information determining product and resource prices is to on political trends and the development of the reflect demand and supply more transparently, domestic industry. also reflecting/including scarcity of resources and costs for environmental damage. As a rule, these follow-up activities are divided 7. The government’s internal reforms and into three “sub-5-year planning levels”: self-improvement will be strengthened continuously State Council Level Internal reforms and self-improvement across • August 2011: Comprehensive Working all governmental authorities are to be continu- Program on Energy Conservation and ously strengthened. Emissions Reduction during the twelfth FYP Period (2011-2015 Note • December 2011: Schedule to Control In cooperation with a local partner, Greenhouse Gas Emissions during the VDMA initiated a survey in 2012 regarding twelfth FYP Period (2011-2015) the effects of current 5-year planning • December 2011: Plan for the Industrial ([email protected]). Transition and Upgrading during the twelfth FYP Period (2011-2015)

Ministry Level • January 2012 / NDRC: Plan for the Industrial Transition and Upgrading during the twelfth FYP Period (2011-2015) • March 2012 / e.g. for the mechanical engineer- ing sector CMIF: National Plan for Machinery Industry • July 2011 / MoST: National Plan for Science and Technology Development During the twelfth Five-Year Plan Period (2011-2015) • December 2011 / MEP: National Plan for Environment Protection During the twelfth FYP Period (2011-2015) • January 2012 / MoHURD: China twelfth FYP for Building Energy Saving (Draft) • From October 2011 / meanwhile 10 further ministries and federations: Guides for Foster Emerging Industries of Strategic Importance 10 LEVELS AND CONTENTS OF THE TWELFTH 5-YEAR PLANNING

Administrative / Vice-Ministry Levels 3.4 5-year planning for mechanical • April 2011 / CNCA: National Plan for the engineering Development of Accreditation and Certification during the twelfth Five-Year 3.4.1 What is planned in terms of Plan Period (2011-2015) standardization? • December 2011 / SAC: Plan for Development In charge: State Administration of Standardiza- of Standardization during the twelfth Five-Year tion (SAC) Plan Period (2011-2015) In 2009/2010, SAC initiated a 3-year project All these detailed 5-year plans can be seen as called “China National Standardization System”. puzzle pieces, clearly showing the close linkage This project is still active and aimed at installing or overlapping within the components a platform for more effective standardization • Scientific development development management. One component of (technological upswing) this project is the revision of the standardization • Innovations based on proprietary activities law. In spite of frequent announcements this • Environmentally friendly development in the project has not borne any results so far. In the energy and environment sectors meantime, the activities have been stopped. • Reinforced standardization activities within Furthermore, in 2010 SAC started to control more international competition strongly the flood of standards, reduce the num- • High-quality certifications ber of standardization projects, at the same time • Enhanced cooperation in strategically improving the quality of newly published stand- promising areas ards in China. As a consequence, the number of standardization publications was dramatically This offers numerous business opportunities for lower in 2010 than in 2009. Some of the results the German mechanical engineering sector, as in of this “standard-setting and revision action” are Germany conservation of resources and environ- now selectively available; however, the strategy mental protection have been essential strategic papers they are based on have never been made approaches in the development of new products public. in the past years. Brief review of the past years The SAC plan focused on shortening the stand- ardization process, eliminating errors and closing gaps. In terms for closing gaps almost 15,000 standards were modified of newly published. At the end of 2010 SAC proudly published two major figures: • The national standards landscape comprised 26,400 standards (Standards Level 1 “National”) • The industrial standards landscape had grown by over 10,000 to 44,143 standards (Standards Level 2 “Sectors”).

The average age of Chinese standards fell from 10.2 to 5 years, the cycle of elaboration and revi- sion decreased from 4.5 to 3 years. An essential success factor was increased involvement of the Chinese industry in national standardization work; at the end of 2010 about 40,000 Chinese experts were active in 1140 national TCs and SCs. LEVELS AND CONTENTS OF THE TWELFTH 5-YEAR PLANNING 11

What will happen next? • Increased involvement of China in The current SAC plan 2011-2015 – this is also international standardization laid down in the MoST (Ministry of Science and Compared to China’s present international eco- Technology) Technology Standards Specific nomic significance (meanwhile China ranks in Plan – focuses more strongly on quality and more position 2 before Japan) as well as its influence uniform presentation of standards in future. on international politics and economic affairs/ Special attention is to be attached to their crises, China still feels underprivileged and not increased significance for economic development sufficiently recognized in the field of interna- (standards should be an incentive for developing tional standardization (IEC, ISO, ITU). For this new products). reason its strategy for the coming 5 years is – to increase China’s influence in general This in particular concerns the following 5 key (distinct increase of Chinese representation issues: in control bodies of important international • Increased support and accelerated stand- committees), ardization in the field of strategic and new / – to increase the number of Chinese standard- future-oriented industries ization proposals (envisaged are up to 5000 Special importance is given to the (manufac- international standards based on Chinese turing) industry. Furthermore, 7 key industries standards), are listed: – to involve Chinese experts in over 2000 – Energy Saving and Environmental Protection international standards, – New generation Information Technology – to fill 10% of all secretarial and chair – Biotechnology positions with Chinese representatives. – High-end Equipment Manufacturing – New Energy • Continuation of reforms of the entire stand- – New Materials ardization system according to 2009/2010 – New Energy Vehicles planning. In the twelfth 5-year planning term, The legal basis for the entire Chinese standard- development in these fields is expected ization system (standardization law, directives to be supported and pushed ahead by and numerous amendments) is still being more than 2000 standardization projects. examined for possible improvement.

• Increased adjustment and management of • Increased adoption of international standards. (“mandatory”) standards 90% of all international standards are to be Legally mandatory national and industry-re- adopted into national standardization. This is a lated standards have great influence on the very ambitious goal because by October 2012 industry as well as the national market. Quality about 40% of the 28,000 National Standards and applicability of these standards will have a (= GB standards) had been adopted, but only strong impact of the industrial development in 16% were really identical. With regard to the next 5 years. SAC intends to cooperate more 50,000 industry standards, the number of closely with all relevant ministries and other adopted standards is less than 10%, only. organizations concerned (e.g. MoST, CMIF...) – to check the number of mandatory Note standards (at present about 3000 national The English version of the current 5-year plan standards) of SAC (2011 – 2015) can be downloaded at – and to draft a consultation procedure for ensuring the esteem and importance of these legally binding standards. 12 LEVELS AND CONTENTS OF THE TWELFTH 5-YEAR PLANNING

3.4.2 What is planned in terms of certification / accreditation? • Optimization of the industry sector under In charge: CNCA = State Administration for consideration of process and quality improve- Certification & Accreditation ment as well as environmental protection requirements; for example Mandatory product certification (= CCC) can – Support of measures for reducing energy still only be applied for and certified in China. consumption, Accreditation of foreign certifiers is not fore­ – New technological findings for revising the seeable. The national plan for the development implementation rules of CCC-certification. of accreditation and certification essentially covers the following items • Increased recording of industrial experience • Continuation of improvement activities of the In order to facilitate the certification process current certification and accreditation system for companies, industrial experience is to be In this context, work on the new legal basis for increasingly incorporated into existing rules, the future “Certification & Accreditation Law” such as integration of system-related national will be continued and intensified. Currently the and international product experience, experi- existing system is still based on laws from the ence in connection with modern manufactur- 1990s or the beginning of the 2000s: ing procedures, product quality case analyses – Product Quality Law (2000), and evaluation of safety risk assessments. – Import & Export Commodity Inspection Law (2002), 3.4.3 What is planned in terms of mechanical – Regulations on Compulsory Certification engineering? (2001/2009). In charge: CMIF = China Machinery Industry Federation • Improvement of market monitoring system There are two aspects: In 2011, China published numerous statements – Basis for improving management and test on the stagnation of the Chinese mechanical equipment of test laboratories, engineering industry. These statements focus on – National pursuit of new requirements / the expected appreciation of the and rising specifications in the entire field of environ- costs in the social sector or purchase of material. mental protection (from energy efficiency / In the middle of 2011, the CMIF Vice-President labeling, RoHS via REACH, low carbon up to Hr. Cai Weici said in the course of presenting the WEEE). 5-year plan for the mechanical engineering sec- tor: “In the coming years, we will see an upward • Increased multinational cooperation trend in the field of high-end machine exports; Not only attendance of international events at present, however, an increase cannot be per- but also more active future participation in ceived.” He ascribed this to an apparent global events and projects, e.g. by IEC, ISO, IAF, ILAC, downturn, decreasing demand and rising costs. APEC, … Almost simultaneously Mr. Jia Qinglin, Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese Peo- • Product safety CCC ple's Political Consultative Conference, appealed Improvement of mandatory product certi- for greater efforts to intensify sustainably devel- fication in connection with restructuring of opment of the Chinese mechanical engineering national key industries and the revitalization industry. plan mentioned in the 5-year plan (plans to restructure the national industry), as well as permanent dynamic adaptation of the “He noted that the machinery industry should certification scope (= reduction of the 173 push forward industrial upgrades over the 12th existing sub-categories). Five-Year Plan period (2011-2015), raise the quality and efficiency of the industry, accelerate mergers and acquisitions to forge conglomerates, and enhance the industry‘s ability to withstand risks.” Original quote LEVELS AND CONTENTS OF THE TWELFTH 5-YEAR PLANNING 13

A general statement by those responsible at Furthermore, increased attention will be government level for the Chinese mechanical attached to environmental protection. “Green engineering sector is that the national industry Manufacturing” is to be subsidized with a should no longer invest in the expansion / in- focus on the reduction of engine fuel by 10%. crease of existing machine parks, be it production plants or completely new companies (the goal In autumn 2011, Prof. Sun Bolin, head of the advi- has always been increased exports). Instead the sory council of the Automation Society of China, money will be invested in research and develop- wrote an interesting paper on high technology in ment and the training of personnel in the inter- the mechanical engineering sector. ests of quality improvement and international competitiveness in the next 5 years. “… China has always been a great manufacturing In the course of their statistics for 2012, CMIF country but not a strong one, and it must first published the following trends/figures for the develop the high-level equipment which will Chinese mechanical engineering industry: make it a strong manufacturing country that is 2010 growth of 33.93 % ahead of other countries. That is why the twelfth 2011 growth of 25.06 % five-year plan of the equipment industry centers Relative to the turnover, however, profits fell from on manufacture of high-level equipment.” 55.6% in 2010 to 21.14% in 2011.

Taking this into account, in 2011 CMIF announced six targets for the period from The equipment industry offers good opportuni- 2011-2015 (CMIF response to 5-year plan): ties for the development of industrial automa- • It is a basic goal to maintain stable and healthy tion, namely in 4 sectors: aerospace, high-speed growth in the mechanical engineering indus- trains, engineering and intelligent systems. try. The average growth rate of the Chinese • Aerospace: e.g. wide-bodied aircraft, mechanical engineering sector should reach helicopters, engine systems,... 12% in the current 5-year period; the average • Rapid trains: e.g. sequence control systems growth rate of mechanical engineering exports for high-speed trains, urban link trains, city of the same period should exceed 15%. trains,... • Another important goal is modernization of • Ocean engineering: systems for mining, industrial structures and stronger growth exploiting, production, processing and storing, of modern manufacturing services (in future for operation and service, for underwater more system solutions are to be offered). systems, systems for maritime surveillance,… The share of these system solutions for the • Intelligent equipment: precision and intelli- top 100 mechanical engineering suppliers gent measuring and test instruments, intelli- is intended to rise to 25% of their overall gent control systems, basic components and turnover. elements, ultra-modern programmable ma- • Moreover, CMIF plans to provide more capaci- chine tools and intelligent special equipment. ties for independent national innovation. Large and medium-sized businesses want to spend 2.5% of their overall turnover on R&D projects. The turnover share of new products is planned to rise to 25% with a significant increase in the number of patents and patent quality. • The fourth goal mainly concerns foreign im- . China wants to consolidate / strengthen its industrial basis and slow down “excess” import of complete systems and basic manu- facturing equipment. • CMIF also plans to optimize R&D in general as well as R&D processes under consideration of a joint and integrated platform for digital R&D developments. 14 NATIONAL TECHNICAL LEGAL AND STANDARDIZATION SITUATION

4 National technical legal and standardization situation

At an early stage in the course of the annual Peo- Pertinent laws are ple’s Congress, China laid the legal foundations • Standardardization Law for all efforts in the field of technology regarding • Productquality Law • Standardization • Import & Export Commodity Law • Certification (e.g. China Compulsory • Energy Law, Renewable Energy Law, Energy Certification) Conservation Law • Import and export safety • Bylaw on Accreditation and Certification • Environmental protection • Energy utilization (e.g. Energy Labeling). This landscape of laws and implementation guidelines is not static but is permanently ex- In this context, laws and the pertaining execution panded and modified by amendments. A particu- guidelines (= regulations/rules) have been im- larity is that standards (if marked as mandatory) plemented at national/industry and at regional have legal character and must be observed. levels throughout China.

Levels of the Chinese technical legal system

National Peoples Congress Law

State Council Administrative Regulations

The people’s congresses or their standing committees of the provinces, autonomous Local Regulations regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government

The ministries and commissions of the State Council, the People’s Bank of China, the State Audit Department Rules Administration as well as the other organs

Mandatory Standards GB or NN


5 Development stages of the Chinese standardization system

5.1 Enterprise Standards ZB A General ZB B Agriculture & Forestry With the foundation of the PRC (People’s Republic ZB C Medicine, Public Health, Labor Protection of China) in 1949 the official national standard- ZB D Ores & Mining Equipment ization authority “Department of Standards & ZB E Petroleum Specifications” (DoSS) was set up. In the first ZB F Energy Resources, Nuclear Technology years, its activities mainly focused on corporate ZB G Chemical Industry and combine-related standardization. Every com- ZB H Metallurgy pany was required to submit internal standards ZB J Machinery (comparable with German terms such as tech- ZB K Electrical Engineering nical manual, quality manual, manufacturing ZB L Basic Electronics, Computer & manual or even sales manual) to this authority ­Information Process and its regional offices. At a very early stage a ZB M Communication, Broadcasting key code was allocated to these standards. This ZB N Instruments & Meters key has remained unchanged to the present ZB P Construction Engineering day and was fixed in the 1986 Standardization ZB Q Building Materials Law as fourth level of Chinese standardization ZB R Highway & Waterway Transportation (see chapter 6.6). ZB S Railroad ZB T Road Vehicles ZB U Shipbuilding 5.2 Nationwide / uniform standards ZB W Textiles (= Chinesische Standards) ZB X Foodstuff ZB Y Light Industry, Cultural & Daily Articles Very early it was clear that nationwide uniform ZB Z Environmental Protection standards were necessary for the individual sectors. In addition, each ministry was furnished The abbreviation ZB J was applied to mechanical with the sovereign right to draft and manage engineering technology or to technologies man- these special standards. Only administrative aged by the mechanical engineering ministry; supervision was in the hands of the Beijing-based further technology groups were also managed authority DoSS. This China-internal system was by the mechanical engineering ministry (this / is filed as “ZB = 中标 Zhong Biao” (= Chinese system of standards management is still partially Standards). functional today). 16 CHINA’S CURRENT STANDARDIZATION SYSTEM

6 China’s current standardization system

6.1 Reorganization of the This new law and its implementation guidelines standards system also include, in expanded form, the Enterprise Standards existing since 1949 as well as special In 1989, the State Council passed the Stand- regional standards. ardization Law. Almost at the same time the DoSS successor organization CSBTS (China State • Ebene 1: National Standards GB (valid for all Bureau of Technical Supervision) was set up. This industries and regions) new organization was responsible at adminis- • Ebene 2: Industry Standards CB …YZ (valid for trative level for standardization throughout all individual industries in all regions) China incl. establishment of national TCs, as well • Ebene 3: Regional Standards DB (only valid as all relationships of international standards or- regionally) ganizations. Certification remained in the hands • Ebene 4: Enterprise Standards Q of other autonomous organizations. (only mandatory for the company drafting them) The essentially new aspect of the Standardization Law provided for replacement of the ZB system For levels 1 to 3, utilization continues to be by a new system on 1 March 1999. managed by adding /T This replacement and its legal protection as • Without /T = legally mandatory, Standardization Law is also called “4-Level e.g. GB, CD, DB … System of Chinese Standardization”. • With /T = not mandatory (voluntary), e.g. GB/T, CD/T, DB/T

Levels / scope of Chinese standardization system

Amendment Standardization Law 2007


Service-Standards Regional Standards

Association-Standards Industry Standards

Standar­­ GB dization ZB National Standards LawLaw


6.2 National Standards (Level 1) Apart from these three abbreviations there are some more which, however, do not“play a major This system called GB (GB = 国标 Guo Biao = role” in international import / export National Standard) is valid for all industries and • GBJ Construction & Design National all regions in China. There are three groups of ­Standard National Standards, meanwhile widely known: • GBW Sanitary National Standard • GB Mandatory National Standard • GBZ National Occupational Health & Safety • GB/T Voluntary National Standard (OHS) Standard • GB/Z National Standardization Guiding • GJB National Military Standard Technical Documents • GSB National Certified Reference Materials • JJG National Compulsory Metrology Linked to this measure, the ZB codes were ­Standard for Calibration & Official “theoretically” replaced for all sectors (industries/ ­Verification technologies) in 1999. • JJF National Metrology Standard for ­Calibration

6.3 Industry Standards (Level 2)

The abbreviations initially defined per ministry have meanwhile been adjusted by ministerial amendments in the course of the 1996 and 2001 five-year plans. At present the following standard group abbrevi- ations apply:

Industry Standards (= Level 2)

New ­Code Scope Responsible Body / Organization Old Code

AQ Work Safety State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS)

BB Packaging China National Packaging Corporation (CNPC)

CB Shipbuilding State Commission of Science, Technology & ZB U Industry for National Defense (COSTIND)

CH Topography & Mapping State Bureau of Surveying & Mapping (SBSM)

CJ Urban Construction Ministry of Construction (MOC)

CY Press & Publication State General Press & Publications ­Administration (GAPP)

DA Archives State Archives Bureau (SAAC)

DB Seismology China Seismology Bureau

DL Electric Power State Economic & Trade Commission (SETC) DLGJ SKJ

DZ Geology & Mineralogy Ministry of Land & Natural Resources (MLNR)

EJ Nuclear Industry State Commission of Science, Technology & Industry for National Defense (COSTIND) 18 CHINA’S CURRENT STANDARDIZATION SYSTEM

Industry Standards (= Level 2)

New ­Code Scope Responsible Body / Organization Old Code

FZ Textiles China Textile Industry Association (CTIA) FJ ZB W

GA Social & Public Security Ministry of Public Security (MoPS)

GF China Administration of Industry and Commerce

GH Supply and Marketing All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives (ACFSMC)

GY Radio, Film & Television General Administration of Radio, Film & Tele­ vision (SARFT)

HB Aviation State Commission of Science, Technology & Industry for National Defense (COSTIND)

HG Chemical Industry State Administration of Petroleum & Chemical ZB G Industry (SAPCI)

HJ Environmental Protection State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)

HS Customs General Administration of Customs of China (GACC)

HY Oceanography State Oceanic Administration of China (SOA)

JB Machinery China Machinery Industry Federation (CMIF) ZB J

JC Building Materials China Building Materials Industry Association (CBMIA)

JG Construction Industry Ministry of Construction MoC JJ

JJ Metrology National Institute of Metrology (NIM)

JR Finance People’s Bank of China (PBOC)

JT Communication Ministry of Communications (MOC)

JY Education Ministry of Education (MOE)

LB Tourism China National Tourism Administration (CNTA)

LD Labor & Labor Safety Ministry of Labor & Social Security (MOLSS)

LS Grain State Administration of Grain (SAG)

LY Forestry State Forestry Administration (SFA)

MH Civil Aviation Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)

MT Coal China National Coal Association (CNCA) ZB D

MZ Civil Affairs Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA)

NB National Energy Administration (NEA) NY Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) CHINA’S CURRENT STANDARDIZATION SYSTEM 19

Industry Standards (= Level 2)

New ­Code Scope Responsible Body / Organization Old Code

QB Light Industry China Light Industry Federation (CLIF) ZB Y

QC Automobile Industry China Machinery Industry Federation (CMIF)

QJ Space Technology State Commission of Science, Technology & Industry for National Defense (COSTIND)

QX Meteorology China Meteorological Administration (CMA)

SB Trade & Commerce Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) ZB X

SC Water Product Ministry of Agriculture (MOA)

SH Petrol Chemical Industry State Administration of Petroleum & Chemical Industry (SAPCI)

SJ Electronics Ministry of Information Industry (MIIT)

SL Water Resources Ministry of Water Resources (MWR)

SN Commodity Inspection China State Administration for Certification & Accreditation (CNCA)

SY Petroleum & Gas State Administration of Petroleum & Chemical SYJ Industry (SAPCI)

TB Railway Transportation Ministry of Railways (MOR)

TD Land Administration Ministry of Land & Natural Resources (MLR)

TJ Railway Traffic Control Ministry of Railways (MOR)

TY Sports State Sports General Administration (SSGA)

WB Commodities management China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing (CFLP)

WH Culture Ministry of Culture (MCPRC)

WJ PLA Industries Civil Products State Commission of Science, Technology & Industry for National Defense (COSTIND)

WM Foreign Trade & Economic Co- Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) operation

WW Cultural Relic Protection State Administration of Cultural Heritage (SACH)

WS Hygiene Ministry of Health (MOH)

XB Rare Soil State Bureau of Material reserve (SRB)

YB Ferrous Metallurgy China Iron & Steel Association (CISA)

YC Tobacco State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau (STMB)

YD Telecommunications Ministry of Industry & Information Technology (MIIT) 20 CHINA’S CURRENT STANDARDIZATION SYSTEM

Industry Standards (= Level 2)

New ­Code Scope Responsible Body / Organization Old Code

YS Non-Ferrous Metallurgy China Non-ferrous Metals Industry Association (CNMA)

YY Medicine & Medical Equipment State Food & Drug Administration (SFDA) ZB C

YZ Posts (SPB)

ZY Traditional Chinese Medicine State Administration of Traditional Chinese ­Medicine (SATCM)

Due to reorganization of the ministries the following codes are no longer actively applied:

Industry Standards (= Level 2)

New Code Scope Responsible Body / Organization

CECS Construction Engineering China Construction Engineering Standardization Committee

CW Press & Publication Technical Supervision Department, Bureau of Technology (used before 1989) ­Development, State Press & Publication Administration

DY Electric Power Ministry of Power Industry

FJ Textiles Machinery State Textile Industry Bureau

GH National Supply & Marketing National Supply & Marketing General Agency

LS Grain Former Ministry of Grain

NJ Agricultural Machinery Ministry of Agriculture

SD Water Resources Former Ministry of Water Resources & Electric Power (used before 1991)

SG Electrical Engineering Former Ministry of Light Industry

ZY Traditional Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine Administration Bureau

In daily practice, e.g. in project tenders or regional approval documents, you are always faced with non-applicable ZB codes or “frozen” industry codes. The only solution here is a targeted search for now existing successive national or industry standards. CHINA’S CURRENT STANDARDIZATION SYSTEM 21

6.4 Regional Standards (Level 3) 6.5 Enterprise Standards (Level 4)

For mechanical engineering, no standards are As described in chapter 5.1, the Enterprise known at regional level (standardization level Standards came into being after 1949 in the 3). This area is more about regional peculiarities time of large combines. or specific regional requirements induced by climate, nutrition or safety. Confusion can arise In the meantime, there are more than 1.4 million from the defined abbreviation for the industry of these Enterprise Standards. They are carefully standards in level 2 “Seismology = DB”. guarded and include the know-how of these companies. These standards are usually not For your information, an overview of these = available to foreign companies / organizations. 地方标 Di fang Biao (Chinese for: Regional Standard): Structure of standards code for Enterprise DB11 Beijing Municipality Standards DB12 Municipality Q/LL EEE NNNN-YY DB13 Hebei Province Q/ = general code for enterprise standard DB15 Nei Mongol Autonomous Region ­ LL = code of the regional / provincial author- () ity in charge of standard approval DB21 Liaoning Province EEE = company code DB22 Jilin Province NNNN = standard code assigned by the authority DB23 Heilongjiang Province YY = year of approval DB31 Shanghai Municipality DB32 Jiangsu Province DB33 Zhejiang Province 6.6 Scope of the 4-level system DB34 Anhui Province DB35 Fujian Province The 4 levels of the Chinese standardization DB36 Jiangxi Province system comprise (as in October 2012) DB37 Shandong Province National level GB 28,000 standards DB41 Henan Province Industry level AQ ...YZ about 50,000 standards DB42 Hubei Province Regional level DB about 8,000 standards DB43 Hunan Province Enterprise level about 1.4 m standards DB44 Province DB45 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Reliable figures are only provided for Level 1. DB46 Shanxi Province Figures specific to industries must be obtained DB50 Chongqing Municipality individually in direct contact with the standard DB51 Sichuan Province suppliers in charge (e.g. CAMST (CAM) or CMIF). DB52 Guizhou Province DB53 Yunnan Province Level 1 “National Standards” is oriented to a large DB54 Xizang (Tibet) Autonomous Region degree towards international (e.g. ISO, IEC, ITU,...) DB61 Shaanxi Province or foreign standards (e.g. DIN, JIS, ANSI, GOST,...). DB62 Province According to a statement made by SAC “more DB63 Qinghai Province than 50% of GB standards are identical with DB64 Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region international standards”. DB65 Uygur Autonomous Region 22 CHINA’S CURRENT STANDARDIZATION SYSTEM

What are the exact figures of standards taken 6.7 Extension of levels 2007 over (as in March 2012)? (Standardization Total number of adopted Law Amendment) standards: 11,500 standards (about 40 % ) In 2007, the existing standardization law was Thereof extended by further standardization options IDT (100 % identical) 4,430 standards • Association Standards EQV (equivalent, devi­ation • Service Standards in information) 1,370 standards (comparable to PAS = Public Available Specifica- MOD (modified, technical tion or TR = Technical Report). deviation) 2,680 standards NEQ (not equivalent, title/ They were intended to provide the option of subject identical) 2,040 standards standardizing content within a shorter period (> 3 years). This option can be used by all ministries Adoption according to sources: / associations / federations active in standardiza- ISO 5,500 Standards tion. One of the first organizations was CAS (China IEC 2,400 Standards Association of Standardization). It has meanwhile ISO/IEC 360 Standards published about 180 Association Standards, e.g. DIN 100 Standards • CAS 169 Household fresh-keeping refrigerator US-standards about 1,000 Standards • CAS 105 Calcined petroleum coke Other (GOST, JIS, …) about 1,000 Standards For the wide field of possible services this Attention even with “IDT” designations, as the amendment also includes the option of publish- international reference standard is frequently an ing special papers such as outdated version. • CAS 132-2006 Standard for flat panel display TV set / installation service Consequently, • standard requirements provided in the For these new standardization areas numerous course of contracts (tenders), new Technical Committees (TCs) are planned. • standards product business is based on, • standards used in the course of certification are to be verified carefully in terms of their 6.8 Special issue adoption status, and if necessary an authorized “Machinery Safety” translation should be commissioned. An essential focus for mechanical engineering is In Level 2 only a very small percentage of the safety-related standards for functional, electric “Industry Standards” are based on international and general machine safety. Meanwhile, China is reference standards. Here, Chinese standar­ active in all relevant ISO and IEC committees as dization contents drafted by industry-oriented P-member; for these TCs, mirror committees have institutes, universities or large national enter- been established in China. China has fully adapted prises prevail. to A-B-C structuring: • Basic Safety: A-Standards: Level 3 “Regional Standards” and Level 4 Basic design rules, general aspects to be taken “Enterprise Standards” are 100% Chinese. into account for all machinery. • Group Safety: B-Standards: A safety aspect or a protective measure relevant for a larger group of machines. • Product Safety: C-Standards: Detailed safety measures for an individual machine or an identical group of machines. CHINA’S CURRENT STANDARDIZATION SYSTEM 23

Structure of machinery safety standards

ISO/TC 199 Basis for all safety activities ISO 12100 A (+ ISO 14121 old / Risc assessment) 类

SAC/TC 208

Group standards for specific B safety aspects / components, e.g IEC 60204 类

Most concrete / important C product-related machinery safety standards 类

Fig. 5

The following Chinese TC’s are responsible for the Overview of the major standards adopted into implementation of safety standards: the Chinese standards system ISO TC 199 China TC 208 / Safety of Machinery In addition, there are about 400 Chinese stand- (responsible for national safety ards in the GB and JB area for the C-Standard infrastructure standards scope. (A class), Common Criteria (B class) and special-purpose machinery Attention safety standards (C class) and other Not all European safety standards have been professional areas of standardiza- adopted. There are numerous autonomous tion work) Chinese safety standards ISO TC 131 China TC 3 / Fluid power systems ISO TC 184 China TC 159 / Automation systems Note and integration A selection of important Chinese safety stand- IEC TC 44 China TC 231 SC 3 / Safety Control ards for machines is provided in Attachment 1. System (industrial machinery and electrical systems in the field of security control system) IEC TC 65 China TC 124 / Systems and func- tional safety (industrial process measurement and control system, electrical / electronic / programma- ble electronic safety-related func- tions of the system safety, security and other instruments, including: working conditions (including EMC), system evaluation methods, func- tional safety) 24 GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS RELATED TO MECHANICAL ENGINEERING

7 Governmental organizations related to mechanical engineering

Here three essential organization levels must The AQSIQ task field includes: be mentioned (Original text from AQSIQ documentation of 2002) • National planning aspects “Top overall 1 Drafting & implementing of laws & regulations standardization level” AQSIQ (see 7.1) related to quality supervision & quarantine • Superordinate planning aspects “Top mechan- 2 Administration & supervision of ical engineering standardization level” MIIT – National quality work (see 7.2.1 and 7.2.2) – All matters related to metrology & unified • Mechanical engineering related standardiza- National measurement procedures. tion level CMIF / CAMST (see 7.2.3 and 7.2.4) – National entry-exit inspection & quarantine. – Entry-exit health inspection & quarantine and epidemic monitoring. 7.1 National standardization – Entry-exit animal & plant quarantine. organization – Import & export food & cosmetics. – Statutory inspection of import & export In the course of the 2002 National People’s commodities and import license system. Congress, reorganization and consolidation of – Quality inspection agencies to include joint the most important parties involved in standard- ventures. ization (CSBTS) as well as in import certification – Special equipment, i.e. boilers & pressure and national certification (SAIQ und CCEE) were vessels. disclosed. A vital aspect of this measure was the – National product quality. creation of high-grade national quality assurance – International cooperation in the fields of taking the aspect of international competitive- AQSIQ’s concern. ness into account. – Work out & organize science & technology development and laboratory establishment. Meanwhile, this newly established ministry – Plans, organize & develop education & train- AQSIQ (State General Administration of Quality ing of expertize personnel for the National Supervision, Inspection & Quarantine) quality work. looks back at 10 years of successful work. – Supervisory control over the entry-exit & The significance of this ministry also becomes quarantine authorities nationwide. clear by the number of ministers: 1 minister – Administration of the National accredita- und 4 vice-ministers. tion & certification and the standardization authorities.

Two vice-ministers are assigned to the AQSIQ ministry (the heads of this organizations are called Administrator with the rank of a viceminister) • SAC Standardization Administration China • CNCA State Administration for Certification & Accreditation GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS RELATED TO MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 25

AQSIQ integration and sub-organizations

Structure of AQSIQ State Council

Administrations Special Organiza- Administrative Organizations Institutions Ministries and and Bureaus under tion directly under Offices under the directly under ­directly under the Commissions The Ministries & the State Council State Council the ­State Council State Council Commissions

Standardization Conformity Assessment

Standardization Administration State General Administration of State Administration for Certi­ of China (SAC) Mr. CHEN Gang Quality Supervision, Inspection & fication & Accreditation (CNCA) Quarantine (AQSIQ) Mr. SUN Dawei Mr. ZHI Shuping National standardization ­technical committees + WGs + SCs = more than 1 100

31 provincial Bureaus 15 direct affiliates 10 associations 35 CIQs directly of Quality and of AQSIQ ­attached to AQSIQ under AQSIQ ­Technical Supervision

Fig. 6

AQSIQ SAC goals and tasks • China Association for Standardization CAS The State Council assigned SAC with the • National Institute for Metrology NIM following tasks which are annually verified by • China National Institute of Standardization the People’s Congress. CNIS (Original text from SAC documentation from 2002) • China Bureau of Fiber Inspection 1 Drafting & implementing of laws & • Research Center for Certified Reference regulations related to standardization. ­Materials 2 Formulating of development programs • China Quality Press on standardization. • China Standards Publishing House 3 Developing and revising of National • China Special Equipment Inspection and standards, their examination, approval, ­Research Center CSEI numbering and publication. • Special Equipment Licensing Office SELO 4 Management of funds used for developing & • Bureau of Safety Supervision of Special revising of standards & standardization. ­Equipment SESA 5 Management & guidance of standards- related scientific & technical work, education SAC and training. Standardization Administration China 6 Administration & coordination of National standardization technical committees . CNCA 7 Coordination & guidance for trade (sector) & State Administration for Certification & local standardization registration of trade and ­Accreditation local standards. • China Certification & Accreditation Association 8 Represent China in international & regional CCAA standardization organizations; Participation • China National Accreditation Service for in international/regional standardization Conformity Assessment (CNAS) activities; Sign & implement international • China Information Security Certification Center agreements on standardization. (ISCCC) 9 Administration of National systems of organi- • China Quality Certification Center (CQC) zational entity codes & commodity bar codes. 10 Dissemination, implementation & populariza- tion of National standards. 11 Administration of nationwide information work on standardization. 12 Notification & inquiry of standards stipulated by WTO/TBT. 26 GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS RELATED TO MECHANICAL ENGINEERING

CNCA goals and tasks Under the umbrella of AQSIQ, numerous central- The vice-ministry CNCA was set up with the ized but also regional government authorities are following tasks especially for the purpose of gathered, either directly subordinate to AQSIQ or product certification and accreditation / allotted to the two vice-ministries. approval of certifiers, laboratories and auditors (Original text from CNCA documentation from 2002) The ANSI website provides a very good overview: 1 Drafting and implementing of laws & regulations related to accreditation standards_system/key_organizations.aspx & certification, safety license,hygiene registration & conformity assessment. 2 Supervision & administration of relevant 7.2 Standardization organizations accreditation & personnel registration for mechanical engineering bodies. 3 Drafting of catalogues of products subject 7.2.1 Development of the mechanical to compulsory certification & Safety License engineering sector System (SLS). Machine building was one of the key objectives Organization of implementation of of the ministerial activities in the country after compulsory certification & SLS. 1949. Already in 1956, CAMST (China Academy Work out/promulgate conformity assess- of Machinery Science and Technology) was ment procedures, technical requirements & founded as special organization for mechanical certification marks engineering issues. When the standardization 4 Responsible for hygiene registration as- law was passed and the CSBTS was founded as sessment of manufacturing & processing standardization organization close to the State establishments of import-export food & Council, reorganization of the government or- cosmetics to include registration notifica- ganizations was resolved in the course of 5-year tion & overseas registration. planning. In 1998 MoMI (Ministry of Machinery 5 Supervision & standardization of certifica- Industry) was converted into SMIB (State Machin- tion business of Chinese and foreign bodies ery Industry Administration Bureau, also called operating in China. SAMI) and subordinated to the former SETC Accreditation of certification bodies and (State Economic & Trade Commission). Although laboratories. the industry had replaced the old inflexible 6 Responsibility for qualification screening of combines by a new generation of competitive technical competence of respective bodies small and medium-sized companies, the new for calibration, verification, testing, survey, organization SMIB continued to be responsible safety inspection, inspection and quarantine for “command & control”. In 2001, in the course bodies of the tenth 5-year plan, a change-over took 7 Administration & coordination of inter­ place towards more flexible, industry-oriented national cooperation in the field of support of the mechanical engineering sector. certification, accreditation & conformity At the same time, the State Council merged the assessment. Representation of China in previously independent state administrations ISO, IEC, PAC, IATCA, ILAC, APLAC. and departments for domestic trade, coal, me- 8 Responsibility for research, promotion and chanical engineering, metallurgy, petrochemical implementation of international guidelines, industry, light industry, textile industry, materials recommendation & standards related to industry and the non-ferrous sector under the conformity assessment, certification & umbrella of the SETC. The organization in charge accreditation. Notification & consultation of mechanical engineering changed its name to about WTO/TBT SPS where certification & China Machinery Industry Federation CMIF. In accreditation is concerned. 2008, responsibility of the SETC was transferred 9 Drafting of fee charts for certification & to the MIIT (Ministry of Industry and Information accreditation. Technology), thus involving CMIF in the strategic 10 Administration of subordinate accreditation planning of the Chinese economy. & certification bodies & representative offices. GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS RELATED TO MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 27

Development of mechanical engineering organizations

State Council

before 1998 1998 2001 since 2008

State Economic & State Economic & Ministry Ministry of Industry and Trade Commission Trade Commission of Machinery Information Technology (MIIT) (SETC) (SETC)

Command Supervision & Supervision Administration and Control of Control

China Academy of State Machinery China Machinery China Machinery Machinery Science Industry Administra- Industry Federation Industry Federation and Technology tion/Bureau (SMIB) (CMIF) (CMIF) (CAMST od. CAM)

Command Management of Umbrella/Management for and Control of

Machinery Machinery Machinery Machinery Industry Industry Industry Industry

Fig. 7

7.2.2 Present situation of the mechanical The 24 departments and offices of the MIIT engineering sector 1. General Office – Responsible for general office Since 2008, all known mechanical engineering management and security, administration and activities have been allotted to the Ministry for surveillance of daily activities, press releases, Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). department information security, etc. 2. Department for Politics and Legislation – Hierarchy and Structure of the MIIT Responsible for drafting strategies, laws for 24 departments the industry, provision of information for Allocated to the MIIT via the State Council and industry sectors. SASAC: 3. Department of Planning – Responsible for – 9 administrations strategic planning and development of the – 2 mechanical engineering organizations industry, as well as asset and investment (CMIF, CAMST) management. Below these allocated to mechanical 4. Department of Finance – Responsible for engineering organizations: expenditure, budgeting and monitoring of the – 82 associations / federations + financial and assets situation. Also entitled to numerous regional / local sub- submit proposals regarding prices and taxes. organizations 5. Department of Industrial Policy – Responsible Below this level: for drafting and implementing industrial poli- – 180 Technical Committees cies (focal development points; restructuring) (standardization) as well as defining market access require- ments. 6. Department of Science and Technology – Responsible for drafting and implementing strategies and standards for high-tech sectors such as bio-sciences, new materials, aero- space, electronics, information technology, etc. 28 GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS RELATED TO MECHANICAL ENGINEERING

7. Department for Supervision and Coordi- 16. Department of Software Services – Respon- nation – Responsible for supervising and sible for the development of the software analyzing the situation of the national and industry including drafting and implemen- international industry, preparing forecast tation of technical standards for this indus- and warnings for the sectors and solving try. Coordination of information security. problems that might occur. 17. Department of Communications Develop- 8. Department for small and medium enter- ment – Responsible for the development prises – Responsible for preparing guide- and management of communication net- lines for the development of small and works and for the development of network medium-sized enterprises (SME) as well technologies including the definition and as drafting development policies for these supervision of prices as well as tariff poli- companies. cies and standards. 9. Department of Energy Efficiency and 18. Department of Telecommunications Man- Resource Consumption – Responsible for agement – Responsible for supervision and drafting and promoting measures in the management of telecommunications and field of energy efficiency, resource con- information services and for securing service sumption and environmentally friendly levels including emergency services. Also manufacturing procedures. manages telecommunications resources 10. Department of Production Safety – Respon- such as domain names etc sible for managing job and product safety, 19. Department of Communications Security – including production and of haz- Responsible for safety of network and ardous materials. Also involved in examin- communication solutions and for drafting ing and evaluating occupational accidents. and implementing corresponding safety 11. Department of Raw Materials – Responsible guidelines, including elimination of harmful for managing raw materials including information from the network. research of market conditions abroad. 20. Radio-Administration Bureau – Responsible 12. Department of Mechanical Equipment – for wireless infrastructure management, Responsible for policies, planning and distribution, supervision and control. development of mechanical equipment in 21. Department of Information Technology – the industry including machines, aircraft, Responsible for promoting information civil aviation, civil ships, etc. technology (IT) and the integration of IT 13. Department of Consumer Products – with existing technologies. Responsible for managing the consumer 22. Department of Information Security Co- industry including light industry, textiles, ordination – Responsible for setting up food, medical and household appliances. safe information systems and promoting Also responsible for planning and manag- information security. Also responsible for ing tobacco, salt and sugar. heading and supervising the government 14. Department for Civil-Military Integration – departments with regard to security of Responsible for coordination of civil and important information systems and core military technologies. networks. 15. Department of Electronics and Informa- 23. Department of International Cooperation – tion – Responsible for managing pro­ Responsible for international cooperation duction, development and support of and communication (including Kong electronics and information technology- and Macau). based products 24. Department of Human Resources – Responsible for personnel requirements of the ministry and its sub-divisions and work units. GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS RELATED TO MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 29

Structure of organizations relevant to mechanical engineering

State Council

State General Administration Ministry of Science Ministry of Information & of Quality Supervision, Inspec- and Technology (MoST) Industry Technology (MIIT) tion & Quarantine (AQSIQ)

China Academy of Machin- China Machinery Standardization ery Science and Technology Industry Federation Administration of China (CAMST) (CMIF) (SAC) Standardization Standardization Department Department

48 Associations 15 19 Institutions e. g. CEEIA, Subsidiaries e. g. ITEI Standardization CAAM Standardization Department Department

Numerous regional Numerous regional sub-organizations sub-organizations 12 TC for National Standards (GB) 25 TC for National Standards (GB) 121 TC for National Standards (GB) 20 TC for ­Machinery Branch TC for Machinery Branch Standards (JB) ­Standards (JB)

Fig. 8

Allocated Administrations Moreover, apart from these national TCs (which Before 2008, these organizations were partly are “supervised” by SAC) there is an unknown independent ministries or administrations. number of sector-specific TCs (under direct management of MIIT). The first eight cover all 38 trade associations of VDMA. 7.2.3 China Machinery Industry Federation CMIF • The State Administration of Coal Industry As mentioned above, the link between the MIIT • The State Administration of Mechanical and the machinery industry is CMIF (China engineering Industry Machinery Industry Federation). CMIF is an indus- • The State Administration of Metallurgical try-wide superordinate organization for further ­Industry subordinate national mechanical engineering • The State Administration of Petroleum and organizations and numerous industrial units, Chemical Industries academies and machinery-oriented universities. • The State Administration of Light Industry CMIF covers the following areas: • The State Administration of Textile Industry • Electronic devices • The State Administration of Building Materials • Heavy duty and mining equipment Industry • Petrochemicals • The State Administration of Non-ferrous • General mechanical engineering ­Metals Industry • Agricultural machines • The State Tobacco Monopoly Administration • Construction machines • Combustion engines Under the umbrella of the MIIT more than 180 • Machine tools and tool industry national Technical Standards Committees are cur- • Instruments and measuring devices rently administratively managed via associations • General mechanical engineering components and federations, of which 80 TCs cover the entire • Environmental protection equipment mechanical engineering sector, e.g. • Food and packaging machines • TC 208 Safety of Machinery • TC 146 Technical Product Documentation • TC 159 Automation Systems and Integration 30 GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS RELATED TO MECHANICAL ENGINEERING

Within these 12 categories there are 271 indus- Furthermore, a number of further regional trial sub-categories. All in all, according to CMIF research institutes could be mentioned here; in 2011, 120,000 mechanical engineering (Attachment 2). enterprises and research institutes with about 20 million employees are covered. As a rule, the multitude of CMIF tasks could be summarized in 8 blocks: Via SASAC (State-owned Assets Supervision and • Gathering/handling/distributing information Administration Commission of the State Council), for the government and mechanical engineer- which is responsible for administration and ing companies (e.g. statistics, forecasts,…) facilities (buildings and estate), 48 associations • Preparation and provision of mechanical engi- and 19 institutes are directly allocated to CMIF. neering standards national/industry-specific, including establishment and organization of Allocated associations and federations, e.g. all necessary TCs and SCs. • China Association for Machinery Standardiza- • Quality enhancement in the mechanical engi- tion CAMS neering sector, e.g. diagnostics and consulting • China Association for Mechatronics Technology as well as support for certifications (drafting • Technical Development Foundation of the Ma- and publishing essential criteria for product chinery Industry certification and possible environmental • China Machinery Industry Information Insti- protection certifications incl. training of tute personnel) • Machinery Industry Information Center • International and national cooperation as well • China Machinery Consultants International as organization of training programs (CMCI) • Organization of trade fairs and exhibitions • Machinery Industry Price Research Center • Support of environmentally friendly/energy- • Comprehensive Service Development Center saving products in member companies of Machinery Industry • Consumer protection: preparation of industry • Legal Affairs Center of Machinery Industry regulation and training of member companies • Educational Development Center of the with regard to such new laws and rules Machinery Industry • Publication of magazines, bulletins and • Human Resources Development Center for advertising support. the Machinery Industry • Harbin Welding Technology Training Center • Machinery Industry Training Center • Machinery Industry Training Center • SETC, Machinery & Environmental Industry Development Center (MEIDC) • Center for Power Equipment for the Machinery Industry • Economy & Management Research Institute of the Machinery Industry • Beijing Electrical Research Institute for Tech- nique & Economy of the Machinery Industry • Instrumentation Technology & Economics Institute • China Automotive Technology Research Center GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS RELATED TO MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 31

7.2.4 China Academy for Machinery Science • Mechatronics based on high-quality technolo- &Technology CAMST / CAM gies (= T.) Since 1956 there has been a very active organiza- Green T. and equipments, electrical physics T. tion, the China Academy for Machinery Science and equipments, network T. and engineering, &Technology, which meanwhile is also under the non-standard complex mechatronics plant umbrella of MIIT. In the past 50 years, this state • New materials and application support academy has primarily dealt with the support of New T. of materials machining and its appli­ the Chinese mechanical engineering sector but cation, new composite material T., special also with research & development. In mid-2011, functional materials T. CAM announced to align its work more strongly towards the new twelfth 5-year plan. To achieve these goals, 15 research centers as well as 2 companies for practical implementation For this purpose CAM has defined 4 focal points: are subordinate to CAMST. e.g. (Original text from CAMST Website) • Beijing Research Institute of Mechanical and • Future-oriented manufacturing technologies Electrical Technology (BRIMET) (= T.) • China Certification Centre for Automotive Generic T., precision plastic forming T., Products (CCCAP) high efficiency-clean-energy saving heat • Beijing Research Institute of Automation for treatment T., precise complex mould T., high Machinery Industry quality and efficiency welding T., precise • China productivity Center for Machinery and high quality casting forming T., new and high quality surface protection T., modern design T., precise mechanical transmission T., developing forecast of the industry of major technical equipment • Increased penetration of the manufacturing industry with new information technologies (= T.) Synthesize integral T. and integrated auto- mation T. for informationization of manufac- turing industry, precision measurement and automatic measurement T., industrial robot and artificial intelligence T., modern logistics automation T. 32 STANDARDIZATION WORK IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING

8 Standardization work in mechanical engineering

8.1 Overview of To the foreign observer, however, there are Technical Committees (TCs) two distinctive differences between these two committee levels: Standardization activities cannot be clearly • The field of industry-specific TCs is very non- assigned within the pillar “MIIT – CMIF – CAM”. transparent as opposed to that of national All three government organizations, which are TCs. As a rule, information about existing or relevant to VDMA, are in charge of TC activities planned national GB TCs can be acquired via and TC coordination in the framework of their the Internet (SAC website) or by enquiry at subordinate research institutes or the allocated SAC. companies (with their own development activi- • The landscape of industry-specific TCs is a ties). In total, 80 national mechanical engineering “secret”of the ministerial organizations, and TCs and about 30 … 60 industry-specific TCs can only Chinese companies (if they are coopera- be allocated to this group of three. tion partners) know details about these TCs. Secretariat organizations or chair people are As a rule, responsibility for national TCs in terms often in charge of both types of TCs, but work on of their foundation and permanent surveillance them is strictly separated. lies with SAC. At the beginning, SAC often had to cope with protracted search and persuasion pe- Another essential difference between the two riods for finding partners in the ministries when TC levels is the degree or the general adoption of allocating new TCs; by State Council decree, how- foreign standards. Meanwhile 40% of GB stand- ever, this has completely changed. Companies are ards are probably based on foreign standards now forced to participate in standardization and, (as already described in chapter 6.6). The rate of from a certain size, to occupy chairmanships and adoptions in the field of industry-specific stand- secretariats. ards can be counted “on the fingers of one hand”.

In the course of the current 5-year plans, the As of March 2012, the level of national GB aspect of high-technology has meanwhile often standards includes resulted in real competition between the super- 528 Technical Committees TC 1 to TC 528 vising organization (e.g. CEC, CEEIA, CMIF, or….) 755 Sub-committees and the institute or company in charge of a TC. 95 planned TCs TC 529 to TC 624. SAC continues to have a voice when selecting a secretariat or a chairperson. These are also mirror committees for 231 TC / SC of IEC Generally the following applies: 559 TC / SC of ISO • Responsibility for TC at national level 52 other affiliation (e.g. ITU, CAC, FAO,...) = SAC in almost all of which China is a full member • Responsibility for TC at industry level (P-member). = industry ministries / organizations For an extract of the complete table “Chinese National TCs” refer to Attachment 3.

Note The complete overview is available as download under STANDARDIZATION WORK IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 33

8.2 Participation in Chinese TCs In the course of the Preliminary Stages (specifica- tion of a new project) every enterprise resident in In general, regulation by the Chinese standardi- China can submit documents from the corporate zation authority SAC allows for participation of Enterprise Standard fund to the relevant TC if no foreign companies in Chinese committees. If the respective standard exists at national of industry secretariat, the chair or individual key enterprises level. Only in case of personal participation in refuse this, there is no formal provision in the SAC the TC, is the standard likely to be submitted as regulations to enforce participation in meetings. Proposal.

Conditions for permitted participation in Even full membership does not ensure dem- committees is essentially limited to two factors: ocratic preparation of a draft or final version. • The foreign enterprise must have legal status Within the realm of its strategic and political in China (= development / manufacturing responsibility, every superordinate organization location). (ministry, association, federation, administration) • Only Chinese company employees are in charge of standardization has the right of final permitted to participate in the committees. review of the publication and is entitled to mod- Discussions and documentations are ify the standard (e.g. if member companies are exclusively in Chinese. not able to meet these new requirements or only foreign companies are able to supply). Full membership can only be obtained with a time delay. As a rule, the qualifying period can A special item is the “International representa- last up to one year. In parts, also Chinese TCs tion of China in TC activities of ISO and IEC”. have or have imposed membership restraints. Basically, SAC decides on Chinese participation When participation has been approved, first in such events and about participants to be del- membership is granted in observer mode. Within egated. Also here meanwhile cases are known a period of 6 months, qualification of the new where national employees of foreign companies member is “tested”, then full membership can be have been delegated. granted. SAC and the supervising organization support Only membership ensures identification of all national as well as international activities with new and current projects in the relevant TC and subsidies / travel cost allowances. access to proposals for new standardization projects (NWIP) or draft standards, all published Regardless of this, all Chinese organizations are in Chinese. There is a large number of standards interested in know-how transfer in the course of magazines in the field of mechanical engineer- new standardization projects. In the past years, ing; unfortunately these monthly publications numerous international and also national stand- contain no or only sporadic information on new ardization guest speakers have closely cooperated projects or the status of a current project. at different levels in China. 34 STANDARDIZATION WORK IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING

8.3 Standardization process and 8.3.1 WTO/TBT Notification publication of results As a rule, publications are also submitted to WTO as TBT Notice. Unfortunately, the SAC Website Meanwhile the standardization process has been strongly based on international processes. only contains Chinese originals of documents, Furthermore, the period between NWIP and pub- and they are only listed in Chinese (see Fig. 9). lication has been reduced to 34 months. In case of interest / demand please contact the All process activities are based on the ISO/IEC following address directly Guide Part 1: “Technical Working Procedure”. WTO/TBT National Notification and Enquiry Moreover, all specifications from the “Procedure Center of the People’s Republic of China for Standard Development” by WTO/TBT" are Phone +86 10 84603768/84603882 met. Fax +86 10 84603811 E-Mail [email protected] Application for a new standard is executed via the superordinate organization in charge, but is supervised by SAC. In addition, a standard code can only be applied for/issued centrally. The original document must be submitted to this authority (which also monitors the time limits).


若查询2010年1月之前的TBT通报历史数据请点击 这里 • 中华人民共和国国家标准《硫包衣尿素》 NEW [2012-04-23] • 中华人民共和国国家标准《化学试剂 包装及标志》 NEW [2012-04-23] • 中华人民共和国国家标准《用于非石油基液压制动液的汽车液压制动缸... NEW [2012-04-23] • 中华人民共和国国家标准《工业自动化产品安全要求 第9部分:数字显... [2012-02-02] • 中华人民共和国国家标准《工业自动化产品安全要求 第10部分:记录... [2012-02-02] • 中华人民共和国国家标准《工业自动化产品安全要求 第12部分:回波... [2012-02-02] • 中华人民共和国国家标准《工业自动化产品安全要求 第13部分:磁致... [2012-02-02] • 中华人民共和国国家标准《工业自动化产品安全要求 第14部分:仪表... [2012-02-0]


8.3.2 Standardization process • Committee Stage Before standards are published or before Submission of the document as Committee TBT Notice the following stages have to be Draft (CD) to all the TC members for comments passed: • Voting • Preliminary Stage Final stage in which technical objections are Specification of a new project still possible • Proposal stage • Approval Proposal for a new project No “official” modifications possible by • Preparatory Stage members, only Yes / No vote Preparation of a Working Draft (WD) usually • Publication by the TC chairman during one or several Publication of the standard in various stand- TC meetings ards media (e.g. SAC Website, unfortunately only in Chinese)

Overview of overall process

Stage Code Stage Name Task Operator Result Duration Corres- Corresponding (Months) ponding to ISO/IEC’s to WTO’s Procedure Procedure

00 Preliminary Suggesting new TC PWI — — 00 working items

10 Proposal Proposing new SAC NP 3 I 10 working items

20 Preparatory WD TC WD 10 II 20

30 Committee CD TC CD 5 III 30

40 Voting DS TC DS 5 III 40

50 Approval FDS TC FDS 8 IV 50

60 Publication Standard SAC GB, GB/T, GB/Z 3 IV 60 ­publication

90 Review Periodically CSP Confirmation 60 V a 90 review and amendment

95 Withdrawal — TC Withdrawal — — 95

a The beginning of Stage V of WTO corresponds to the date of implementation as identified by a national standard.


8.3.3 Monthly standardization publication Usually two dates are given Each month, every new national and industry- Issuance date 2012-04-10 “Publication” specific standard or cancellation is published on Execute date 2012-05-01 “Implementation” the SAC website (unfortunately, only in Chinese). Example from SAC standards bulletin of the past Depending on the effort involved in the change- months, e.g. over a period of one year might pass between publication and implementation.

Monthly notices of standardization

Standard Chinesischer Titel English Title Replacing Date of Date of Number (rough translation) Publication Implemen-­ tation

GB 1103.1- 棉花 第1部分:锯齿加工细绒棉 Cotton - Part 1: 部分代替:GB 14.11.2012 2013-09-01 2012 jagged machining Upland 1103-2007 cotton

GB 1103.2- 棉花 第2部分:皮辊加工细绒棉 Cotton - Part 2: 部分代替:GB 15.11.2012 2013-09-01 2012 roller machining Upland 1103-2007 cotton

GB/T 6097- 棉纤维试验取样方法 Cotton fiber test GB/T 6097- 16.11.2012 2013-09-01 2012 Sampling procedure 2006

GB/T 6102.2- 原棉回潮率试验方法 电阻法 Raw cotton moisture GB/T 6102.2- 17.11.2012 2013-09-01 2012 absorption 2009 Test procedure for resistance

GB/T 6499- 原棉含杂率试验方法 Raw cotton GB/T 6499- 18.11.2012 2013-09-01 2012 test procedure for impurity 2007 degree

GB/T 983- 不锈钢焊条 High-grade steel electrode GB/T 983- 05.11.2012 2013.03.01 2012 1995

GB/T 1234- 高电阻电热合金 High electrical resistance GB/T 1234- 05.11.2012 2013.05.01 2012 alloy 1995

GB/T 2290- 煤沥青 Hard coal pitch tar GB/T 2290- 05.11.2012 2013.06.01 2012 1994

GB/T 2422- 试验方法编写导则 术语和定义 Terms and definitions of GB/T 2422- 05.11.2012 2013.02.01 2012 guidelines for preparing 1995 test procedures for environ- mental tests STANDARDIZATION WORK IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 37

Monthly notices of standardization

Standard Chinesischer Titel English Title Replacing Date of Date of Number (rough translation) Publication Implemen-­ tation

GB/T 环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验 Environmental Tests – Part 2: GB/T 05.11.2012 2013.02.01 2423,18- Kb:盐雾,交变(氯化钠溶液) Test procedures – Kb test: 2423,18- 2012 salt spray, cyclic (sodium 2000 chloride solution)

GB/T 环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验 Environmental Tests – Part 2: GB/T 05.11.2012 2013.02.01 2.423,50- Cy: 恒定湿热 主要用于元件的加速 Test procedures – Cy test: 2423,50- 2.012 试验 Damp heat accelerated 1.999 component test

GB/T 环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验 Environmental Tests – Part 2: GB/T 05.11.2012 2013.02.01 2.423,51- Ke:流动混合气体腐蚀试验 Test procedures – Ke test: 2423,51- 2012 Fluent mixed gas corrosion 2000 test

But also new industry releases each month

DL/T 254- 燃煤发电企业清洁生产评价导则 Coal energy generation, 1st edition 2012.04.06 2012.07.0 2012 cleaner production evaluation guidelines

NB/T 31021- 风力发电企业科技文件归档与整理 Energy generation from 1st edition 2012.04.06 2012.07.01 2012 规范 wind, Enterprise technology specification File archiving and organizing

JT/T 825,1- IC卡道路运输证件 第1部分:总体 IC-map 1st edition 2012.02.20 2012.05.01 2012 技术要求 Road traffic documents – Part 1: General technical requirements


8.4 Sourcing / translation Meanwhile organizations all over Europe of standards and documents (e.g. DIN, BSI, EU) have concluded cooperation agreements with SAC for the purpose of provid- Meanwhile all partners relevant to the machinery ing GB data. They are available in the following sector (e.g. CMIF, CAM, SAC, and CNIS) regularly databanks: provide five focal points in the course of public • DIN German-Chinese Standards relations and provision of standards: Information Portal • Preparation of yearbooks and analysis / statistics and enterprise documentation • BSI China-GB Standards Portal • Publication of monthly standards magazines • Bibliographic data of their standards and • EU EU-China Standards Information update service Platform • Provision of standards / customer-specific standard collections ranging from “in-house to international papers” All three services do not offer Chinese industry • Translation (as a rule, Chinese – English). standards (search, viewing standards, transla- tion). Yearbooks and monthly publications have already We recommend cooperating with an authorized become "in demand" and are available in most Chinese organization, e.g. foreign mechanical engineering organizations. In • CNIS National Library of Standards this context cooperation might be possible with • China General Machinery Industry Association CNIS / CSSN offers standards search, translation, • China Machinery Industry Yearbook Editorial purchase and consulting services authorized by Committee numerous ministries (headed by AQSIQ / SAC). • Machine Industry Information Institute of Machinery Industry Press. Especially for authorized translations positive Contact addresses are the Standardization experience has been made with Departments of CMIF and CAMST • TransForyou (Beijing) Translation Co., Ltd. CMIF, CAMST Over the years, at CAM close cooperation has As a support for the industry, extended coop- developed of about 180 TCs and different minis- eration in the field of bibliographic data and terially independent authorities responsible for authorized translations with elite institutes are standards. Apart from mere machinery-oriented possible. Experiments with three parallel trans- JB standards, also SY, SH, NY, MH, LY, LS, JT, JJ, JC, lation options (Germany – China general – China SL, QS, QC, DZ and QB activities are evaluated and authorized) have shown that technical terms their results offered in the internal CAM stand- are often translated differently, causing more ards service. confusion than clarification for the user. • CAMST (CAM) Standardization Department of the China Moreover, these results also showed that in some Academy of Machinery Science & Technology cases excessive prices were charged for trans- lations (often referring to time-consuming first translations). “CAMST (CAM) can provide the standards data on its web page; subscription is necessary. CAM holds and controls different data banks. For these data, CAM can guarantee correctness.” Original quote from personal conversations MARKET ACCESS REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PRODUCTS 39

9 Market access requirements for mechanical engineering products

9.1 Recognizable developments Market access is essentially defined by the following hierarchical influencing factors which Since the reorganization of standardization and must be fulfilled for deliveries to pass customs mandatory product certification in the year 2001 or for companies not to be blocked from the these issues have constantly been extended or Chinese market: adapted to international activities. Never has • Product Quality Law (listing of factors market closure by unfair market access require- which can always cause blockage from ments for foreign companies been at the centre market access) of considerations, but it has always been the • Mandatory Standards (can be used by objective to gear Chinese products towards a (Chinese) competitor in case of non- international competitiveness or to make compliance to block certain products from domestic use of products “safer and cleaner”. the market – at least temporarily • Product Certification CCC (this system Still, this system leads to extra delays and higher includes numerous catches, complicating costs for companies of the German mechanical market access) engineering industry; also unwanted transfer • All internationally relevant topics such as of know-how is possible due to requirements for energy labeling, RoHS, REACH, low carbon and provision of necessary test documents. WEEE are also in the implementation phase in China. As also in this field, deviations from Market access work of the relevant ministries and European regulation can occur, “stumbling administrations is determined by three essential blocks” or market access barriers will be key points: encountered in the medium term, as well. • Product safety • Reduction of energy consumption At present, there is no CCC certification for com- • Reduction of pollutants. plete machines. According to CNCA statements, after 2013 tests will be made for Chinese na- tional manufacture/supply on a voluntary basis.

Stage of market access requirements

Environmental and energy certification

China Compulsory Certification CCC

Mandatory Standards GB, DL, SD, …

Product Quality Law and regional regulations


9.2 Product Quality Law and 9.2.2 Regional regulations regional regulations Another nontransparent issue for the mechanical engineering sector and the German industry in 9.2.1 Product Quality Law China is that, similar to standardization, also in Since 1993 there has been a law that could block Level 3 “Regional Standards”, regional legal im- all product imports to China. A striking paragraph plementation guidelines, in particular regarding in Section 27 of the Product Quality Law reads: corporate work safety and environmental pro- tection, are published almost every month, and Marks on the products or on the packages might and certainly will complicate production in thereof shall be authentic and meet the the country; here for example publications from following requirements: March 2012: 1 with certificate showing that the product has • Beijing passed quality inspection; (S) Safety operation technical guidline of 2 with name of the product, name and address suspending steel platform in construction of the producer, all marked in Chinese; site in Beijing, issued by Beijing Committee of 3 with corresponding indications in Chinese Housing and municipal and rural construction regarding the specifications and grade of the on Mar-16-2012. product, and the name and quantity of main • Guangdong ingredients, where such particulars are to be (S) Notification on amending Guangdong indicated according to the special nature and provincial work safety administration rules and the instructions for use of the product; with regulations on implementing “Management corresponding indications on the package of of Emergency Response Plan for Work safety information necessary for consumers to know Accidents”, issued by Guangdong provincial in advance, or providing consumers in advance work safety administration on Mar-6-2012, with documents indicating these information; effective from Apr-7-2012. 4 with production date, safe-use period or date • Hubei of expiry at easily spotted areas if the product (S) “Notification on safety administration is to be used within a time limit; of stacker crane for housing construction in 5 with warning marks or statements in Chinese Hubei province", issued by Hubei housing, for products which, if improperly used, may municipal and rural construction office on cause damage to themselves, or may endanger Mar-16-2012. the safety of human life or property. (E) Work plan for supervision and administra- tion of discharging to lake illegally in Wuhan, According to the CNCA, at present this passage issued by Wuhan environmental protection is only applied to four product groups: animal office on Mar-13-2012 and vegetable products, toys and clocks. In case (S) “Disposal plan and audit plan for significant of imports concerning the development and risk aspect and key work position in Wuhan”, modernization of China's own industry (“invest- issued by Wuhan work safety office on ment goods”) authorities have so far refrained Mar-13-2012. from applying this law. But individual actions • Zhejiang by different customs offices (e.g. customs office (S) Administration work plan for enterprise Pudong) have already led to rejection of imports. work safety regarding to flammable metal Meanwhile, European companies have increas- dust in trading industry and production indus- ingly reacted to this “Sword of Damocles”. try in Zhejiang province, issued by Zhejiang Province work safety office on Mar-20-2012. (E) “Annual water consuming management plan in Zhejiang Province”, issued by water source officel on Mar-5-2012. (E) Notification on publishing Zhejiang provincial methods of auditing total amounts of primary pollutants in contruction projects (Trial), issued by Zhejiang Province Envrion- mental protection office on Feb-24-2012, effective from Apr-1-2012. MARKET ACCESS REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PRODUCTS 41

9.3 Product safety CNCA is responsible their issuance (see chapter 6.1) In 2001, existing certifications (import certifi­­- cate “CCIB” and implementation certificate In practice, it has proved useful to use the CNCA “Great Wall”) were merged under “CCC” (China catalogs (to be viewed via the CQC Website) as Compulsory Certification). a basis when searching for possible certification requirements. One catalog was issued per product group (e.g. welding machines). Since autumn 2011, For each catalog, one sub-category search 23 catalogs / implementation rules with 167 with subsequent individual product inspection sub-categories have been passed and periodically (Implementation Rules) is possible. adjusted.

Scope and structure as well as contents of CCC catalogs

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 “Where do I find my “Is my product listed in “Details on my product product group?” this sub-category?” to be certified.”

Per sub-category Sub-categories • Products per catalog • Standards 23 catalogs (173 in total) • Tests


Overview of catalogs with sub-categories – Catalog Agricultural Products For mechanical engineering the following items with 2 sub-categories are important: • Individual products (also taking spare parts • Complete devices into account) – Catalog Welding Machines Here a great number of catalogs must be with 15 sub-categories considered, starting from cables via switches to motors and pumps.

Overview of catalogs with sub-categories

Catalog Sub-category Implementation Rules No. Issue

Welder Small AC arc welding machine CNCA-01C-015: 2007 2007-08-06 (of 15 Species) AC arc welding machine CNCA-01C-015: 2007 2007-08-06

DC arc welding machine CNCA-01C-015: 2007 2007-08-06

TIGWelder CNCA-01C-015: 2007 2007-08-06

MIG/MAGWelder CNCA-01C-015: 2007 2007-08-06

Submerged arc welding machine CNCA-01C-015: 2007 2007-08-06

Plasma arc cutting machine CNCA-01C-015: 2007 2007-08-06

Plasma arc welding machine CNCA-01C-015: 2007 2007-08-06

Arc welding transformer protection CNCA-01C-015: 2007 2007-08-06 against electric shock device

Welding cable coupling device CNCA-01C-015: 2007 2007-08-06

Resistance Welding Machine CNCA-01C-015: 2007 2007-08-06

Welding wire feeding device CNCA-01C-015: 2007 2007-08-06

TIGWelding Torch CNCA-01C-015: 2007 2007-08-06

MIG/MAGWelding torch CNCA-01C-015: 2007 2007-08-06

Welding Clamp CNCA-01C-015: 2007 2007-08-06

Agricultural products Plant Protection Machinery (Knapsack CNCA-05C-029: 2006 2006-08-15 (total 2 Species) Sprayer(Device), Knapsack Duster (Device), Knapsack spray powder machine)

Tractors: Wheeled Tractor (in single-cylinder CNCA-05C-074: 2006 2006-08-13 diesel engine or 25 Horsepower and the fol- lowing multi-cylinder diesel engine driven)

Fig. 14

Note According to CNCA / October 2012, the total of 173 sub-categories will be reduced to 145. MARKET ACCESS REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PRODUCTS 43

At the current state of knowledge the situation China is also member of IEC EE and accepts CB- “CCC can only be obtained in China” is not likely Sceme test reports when the national standard to change. At present, in China there are is identical to the IEC standard, which is true only • main certifiers accredited for CCC in very few cases (only 35% of the 430 standards (e.g. CQC,CCF) 10 certifiers used by CCC are identical or adopted from ISO/ • laboratories accredited for CCC IEC). As an example, here the standards of CCC (e.g. TILVA, CHEARI) 2700 labs welding machines:

All in all, as of autumn 2011 in terms of certified Within the framework of the CNCA-5-year plan products there were: quality / capability of laboratories will increas- thereof in China 400,000 ingly be tested. At present, expansion of the CCC thereof in Germany 3,500 product landscape is not expected. thereof in Japan 7,500 thereof in the USA 3,000 i.e. about 7.5% outside China.

Follow-up factory inspections can meanwhile also be executed by non-Chinese organizations.

Standards for welding equipment

Small AC arc welding machine GB15579.6-2008 IDT IEC60974-6:2003 CNCA-01C-015:2007

AC arc welding machine GB/T8118-1995 ? IEC 974-1:1989 CNCA-01C-015:2007 GB15579.1-2004 IDT IEC 60974-1:2000

DC arc welding machine GB/T8118-1995 ? IEC 974-1:1989 CNCA-01C-015:2007 GB15579.1-2004 IDT IEC 60974-1:2000

TIGWelder GB/T8118-1995 ? IEC 974-1:1989 CNCA-01C-015:2007 GB15579.1-2004 IDT IEC 60974-1:2000

MIG/MAGWelder GB/T8118-1995 ? IEC 974-1:1989 CNCA-01C-015:2007 GB15579.1-2004 IDT IEC 60974-1:2000

Submerged arc welding machine GB/T8118-1995 ? IEC 974-1:1989 CNCA-01C-015:2007 GB15579.1-2004 IDT IEC 60974-1:2000

Plasma arc cutting machine GB/T8118-1995 ? IEC 974-1:1989 CNCA-01C-015:2007 GB15579.1-2004 IDT IEC 60974-1:2000

Plasma arc welding machine GB/T8118-1995 ? IEC 974-1:1989 CNCA-01C-015:2007 GB15579.1-2004 IDT IEC 60974-1:2000

Arc welding transformer protec- GB10235-2000 — CNCA-01C-015:2007 tion against electric shock device

Welding cable coupling device GB15579.12-1998 — CNCA-01C-015:2007

Resistance Welding Machine GB15578-2008 — CNCA-01C-015:2007

Welding wire feeding device GB/T15579.5-2005 IDT IEC 60974-5:2002 CNCA-01C-015:2007

TIGWelding Torch GB/T15579.7-2005 IDT IEC 60974-7:2000 CNCA-01C-015:2007

MIG/MAGWelding torch GB/T15579.7-2005 IDT IEC 60974-7:2000 CNCA-01C-015:2007

Welding Clamp GB15579.11-1998 EQV IEC 974-11:1992 CNCA-01C-015:2007


(English original quote by CNCA): 9.4 Reduction of energy According to CNCA No. 4 Announcement dated consumption 9 February 2012, the certification bodies are required to create their own certification guides “The more energy is generated, the more energy for the applicants to apply for a new certificate is consumed.” Already in 1997, the “Energy Con- or change their certificates according to the up- servation Law” was passed, but only in 2005 did dated standards. This guide must be submitted this law bring about the first publication of two to CNCA to file for record before the implemen- important documents: tation of the new standards. After the updated • Catalog of Products Subject to Energy Label standards come into force, the applicants must (first group) apply for a new certificate or an exchanged certif- • China Energy Label Design icate according to the certification body’s guide. Also the certification bodies must report their Between 2005 and March 2012, the organization testing capability to CNCA according to the new responsible for “Energy Labeling” (also called standards before the new standards are imple- Energy Efficiency) CECP (China Certification Cen- mented. Through this the certification bodies tre for Energy Conservation Products) designated can get the qualification accreditations and nine product groups for “mandatory” certifica- certifications. tion based on the 4 focal points of energy saving For the official news please refer to • Home • Lighting ggxx/549582.shtml • Industrial products • Transportation. Note • CCC can only be obtained in China From the industrial area, motors were first • Certificate is only valid for 5 years included in product group 8 in 2010. • Factory inspection is executed once a year Respective details: (initial inspection only possible by Chinese • Relevant standard: GB 18613-2006 certifier) • Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency • HS Codes (commodity codes) are only and the energy efficiency “auxiliaries” for CCC search  • Grades for small and medium three-phase – statements can deviate from customs office asynchronous motors to customs office • Label & test report specification: The rules of – HS-Codes can cover CCC obligatory / Energy Efficiency Label for small and medium non-obligatory parts in one number three-phase asynchronous motors • Modifications are possible within the 5-year • Government specification: Energy Efficiency period and cannot be planned Testing Laboratory Recording Table • Despite all CCC aids meanwhile available there Meanwhile a special government program has are still many gray areas when clarifying CCC been initiated to the effect that “for every motor • Spare parts mandatory according to CCC are manufactured in accordance with this rule the a major bottleneck, so that an early spare-part manufacturer receives 100 RMB”. strategy is essential. Already in March 2010, the statement was extended by “more could be in industry areas”. Key items 3 and 4 are thoroughly anchored in the current 5-year plans; here are two examples: • Support of the industrial implementation and further increase as well as creation of environ- mental conditions for improvement of the Energy Efficiency Standards. 倡导节能为主流发展方向,推动节能技术创 新。同时,迫使企业改变营销策略,主推高效 节能产品,使高端消费转变为大众消费。政策 推动行业高效节能技术和产品能效水平普遍提 升,行业呈现出良好的技术升级换代态势,为 能效标准升级创造了环境。 MARKET ACCESS REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PRODUCTS 45

• Energy-efficient automobiles are the main RoHS orientation of the Chinese market, whereby On 28th February 2006, the act „Administration the effect of energy savings and reduction of an the Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic emissions is already very remarkable. Information Product“ (ACPEIP) was published. 政策实施一年以来,节能车型数量达到 2009年 ACPEIP is commonly also referred to as China 的4倍以上。中国已经推广节能汽车250多万 RoHS, as so far the same substances have been 辆。这是2009年全年销售量的5倍。政策实施 prohibited as in the EU Directive RoHS. In 2007, 推动我国1.6升及以下小排量节能车出现旺销态 a self-declaration of the manufacturers as to 势。以推广节能汽车约450万辆,节油近1.5亿 which substance is contained in the products 升 (lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium (chromium VI), polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), According to the Energy Label Management polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) was Center of CNIS (China National Institute of Stand- introduced. Up to now, prohibition of certain ardization) two activities have currently reached substances and integration of CCC has not been an advanced planning stage: concluded (discrepancy in the ministries). So far • From September 2012, market surveillance only 6 product groups from the telecommuni- in terms of energy certification implemen- cations / information technology sectors have tation is to be increased. Severe penalties for been affected. Risk of extension of the range of non-compliance to the Energy Label regulation application still exists. are envisaged. • Follow-up planning for further motor groups REACH has started. Original quote: “CNIS called for With regard to“Registration, Evaluation, comments on two National Standards drafts Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals”, for energy efficiency of high voltage motors China already published the decree “Measures and permanent magnet motors”. on the Environmental Management of New Chemical Substances” in September 2003. In 2005, the technical rules for the underlying 9.5 Reduction of harmful emissions tests were published, but the control system on chemicals is still in its infancy. Numerous ministries (SAC, CNCA, MIIT, NDRC, SEPA, SFDA, CNIS) have been occupied for years Low Carbon with different topics resulting from product-re- Mid-2011, the NDRC (Mr. Jiang Zhao Li from lated environmental protection. Various product Climate Protection Department) reported on groups (e.g. MIIT Telecommunications – SFDA the state of activities in China for the first time. Medical Devices) in combination with varying In his report he referred to the twelfth 5-year requirements have so far only led to partial im- plan, suggesting that low carbon is an important plementation or considerable industry-oriented component of “climate protection”, and that work deviations in most areas. on the study “Low Carbon - Product Standards / The following activities are presently underway: Labeling and Certification” would begin immedi- RoHS Ristriction of Hazardous Substances ately. REACH Environmental Management of New Chemical Substances WEEE Low-Carbon Low-Carbon Products In March 2009, the “Chinese WEEE Regulation, WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic State Council No. 551 Order” was published and Equipment / Acceptance of was to be applied from 1st January 2011. Based Electronic Waste for diposal on this regulation the first product group was published by the State Council in September 2010. It primarily covers household appliances (TVs, air conditioners, washing machines, refriger- ators and computers). For the mechanical engineering industry no activities are currently known. 46 ABBREVIATIONS AND INTERNET ADDRESSES

10 Abbreviations and Internet addresses


AmCham China American Chamber of Commerce China

APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation

AQSIQ State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection & Quarantine

CAMST China Academy for Machinery Science and Technology

CCF China Inspections Centre for Fire Protection Products

CECP China Certification Centre for Energy Conservation Products

CIMF China Machinery Industry Federation

CNCA State Administration for Certification & Accreditation

CNIS China National Institute of Standardization

CQC China Qualification Center

CSBTS China State Bureau of Quality & Technical Supervision

CSBTS China State Bureau for Quality and technical Supervision

DOSS Department of Standards & Specifications

IAF International Accreditation Forum

IEC International Electro-technical Commission

ILAC International Laboratory Accreditation Conference

ISO International Standards Organization

ITU International Telecommunications Union

MEP Ministry of Environmental Protection

MIIT Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

MoHURD Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

MoST Ministry of Science and Technology

NDRC The National Development and Reform Commission

SAC Standardization Administration China

SASAC State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission

SEPA State Environmental Protection Agency

SETC State Economic & Trade Commission

SFDA State Food and Drug Administration

SMIB State Machinery Industry Administration Bureau (also known as SAMI) ABBREVIATIONS AND INTERNET ADDRESSES 47

Internet addresses


SAC TBT Notices

SAC Normenpublikationen




AQSIQ-Überblick key_organizations.aspx






Attachment 1

Overview of machine safety standards A ISO 12100-2:2003 GB/T 15706.2-2007 Safety of machinery – Basic concepts, general principles for design Part 2: Technical principles

ISO 12100-1:2003 GB/T 15706.1-2007 Safety of machinery – Basic concepts, general principles for design – Part 1: Basic terminology, methodology

ISO 14121-1:2007 GB/T 16856.1-2008 Safety of machinery – Risk assessment – Part 1: Principles

ISO/TR 14121- GB/T 16856.2-2008 Safety of machinery – Risk assessment – Part 2: Practical 2:2007 guidance and examples of methods

B EN 349:1993 GB 12265.3-1997 Safety of machinery – Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body

EN 563:1994 GB/T 18153-2000 Safety of machinery – Temperatures of touchable surfaces – Ergonomics data to establish temperature limit values for hot surfaces

ISO 14123-1:1998 GB/T 18569.1-2001 Safety of machinery – Reduction of risks to health from hazar- dous substances emitted by machinery – Part 1: Principles and specifications for machinery manufacturers

IEC 61496-1:1997 GB/T 19436.1-2004 Electrical safety of machinery – Electro-sensitive protective equipment – Part 1:General requirements and tests

ISO 14118:2000 GB/T 19670-2005 Safety of machinery – Prevention of unexpected start-up

ISO 13851:2002 GB/T 19671-2005 Safety of machinery – Two-hand control devices – Functional aspects and design principles

ISO 13855:2002 GB/T 19876-2005 Safety of machinery-Positioning of protective equipment with respect to the approach speeds of parts of the human body

ISO/TR GB/T 20850-2007 Safety of machinery – Guidelines for the understanding and use 18569:2004 of safety of machinery standards

ISO 13856-2 GB/T 17454.2-2008 Safety of machinery – Pressure-sensitive protective devices – Part 2: General principles for the design and testing of pressure- sensitive edges and pressure-sensitive bars

ISO 13856-1 GB/T 17454.1-2008 Safety of machinery – Pressure – sensitive protective devices – Part 1: General principles for design and testing of pressure- sensitive mats and pressure-sensitive floors

ISO 13850:2006 GB 16754-2008 Safety of machinery – Emergency stop – Principles for design

ISO 13849-1:2006 GB/T 16855.1-2008 Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts of control systems – Part 1: General principles for design

ISO GUIDE 78:2008 GB/T 16755-2008 Safety of machinery – Rules for drafting and presentation of safety standards

IEC 60204-1:2005 GB 5226.1-2008 Electrical safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of ­machines – Part 1: General requirements

ISO 14119:1998 GB/T 18831-2010 Safety of machinery – Interlocking devices associated with mit Amd1 guards – Principles for design and selection ATTACHMENTS 49

Overview of machine safety standards B ISO 14120:2002 GB/T 8196-2003 Safety of machinery – Guards – General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards

EN 574 Two-hand control devices – Functional aspects – principles for design

EN 62061 Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and electronic programmable control systems

EN ISO 13857 GB 23821-2009 Safety of machinery – Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and lower limbs

EN 60947-5-5 GB 14048.14 Low-voltage switchgear and control gear – Part 5-5: Control circuit devices and switching elements – Electrical emergency stop devices with mechanical latching function

EN 842 Visual danger signals – General requirements, design and testing

EN 1037 Prevention of unexpected start-up

EN 953 General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards

C EN 201:1997 GB 22530-2008 Machinery for plastics and rubber – Injection moulding ­machines – Safety requirements

EN 1870-2000 GB 12557-2010 Woodworking machines – Safety code

ISO 8230:1997 GB 25116-2010 Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery – Dry-cleaning machines using perchloroethylene

ISO 11553:1996 GB 18490-2001 Laser processing machines – Safety requirements

EN 1974:1998 GB 22749-2008 Food processing machinery – Slicing machines – Safety and hygiene requirements

ISO 4254-1:2008 GB 10395.1-2009 Agricultural and forestry machinery – Safety – Part 1: General requirements

EN 1010-3:2002 GB/T 20956-2007 Printing machinery – Safety requirements of the design and construction for cutting machines

ISO 20474-1 GB 25684.1-2010 Earth-moving machinery – Safety – Part 1: General ­requirements

ISO 11111:1995 GB/T 17780 Safety requirements for textile machinery

EN 692 Machine Tools – Mechanical presses – Safety requirements

EN 693 Machine Tools – Hydraulic presses – Safety requirements

EN 289 Rubber and plastics machines – Safety – Blow moulding ­machines intended for the production of hollow articles – ­Requirements for the design and construction

EN 422 Blow moulding machines for producing hollow parts – Design and construction requirements

EN ISO 10218-1 Robots for industrial environments – Safety requirements – Part 1: Robot 50 ATTACHMENTS

Overview of machine safety standards

C EN 415-4 Safety of packaging machines – Part 4: palletisers and depalletisers

EN 619 Continuous handling equipment and systems – Safety and EMC requirements for equipment for mechanical handling of unit loads

EN 620 Continuous handling equipment and systems – Safety and EMC requirements for fixed belt conveyors for bulk material

GB 18209.1-2000 Safety of machinery – Indication, marking and actuation – Part 1: Requirements for visual, auditory and tactile signals

GB 18209.2-2000 Safety of machinery – Indication, marking and actuation – Part 2: Requirements for marking

GB/T 18569.2-2001 Safety of machinery – Reduction of risks to health from ­hazardous substances emitted by machinery – Part 2: Methodology leading to verification procedures

GB/T 18717.1-2002 Ergonomic design for the safety of machinery – Part 1: Principles for determining the dimensions required for openings for whole-body access into machinery

GB/T 18717.2-2002 Ergonomic design for the safety of machinery – Part 2: Principles for determining the dimensions required for openings for access of parts of the body into machinery

GB/T 18717.3-2002 Ergonomic design for the safety of machinery – Part 3: Anthropometric data

GB 5226.2-2002 Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines – Part 32: Requirements for hoisting machines

GB/T 19436.2-2004 Electrical safety of machinery – Electro-sensitive protective equipment – Part 2: Particular requirements for equipment using ative opto-electronic protective devices(AOPDs)

GB/T 16855.100- Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts of control systems 2005 Part 100: Guidelines for the use and application of GB/T 16855.1

GB 19891-2005 Safety of machinery-Hygiene requirements for the design of machinery

GB 5226.4-2005 Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines – Part 31: Particular safety and EMC requirements for sewing machines, units and systems

GB/T 16855.2-2007 Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts of control systems – Part 2: Validation

GB 17888.2-2008 Safety of machinery – Permanent means of access to ­machinery – Part 2: Working platforms and walkways

GB 17888.1-2008 Safety of machinery – Permanent means of access to ­machinery – Part 1: Choice of a fixed means of access between two levels

GB 17888.3-2008 Safety of machinery – Permanent means of access to ­machinery – Part 3: Stairs, stepladders and guard-rails ATTACHMENTS 51

Overview of machine safety standards

C GB 17888.4-2008 Safety of machinery – Permanent means of access to ­machinery – Part 4: Fixed ladders

GB/T 17454.3-2008 Safety of machinery – Pressure-sensitive protective devices – Part 3: General principles for design and testing of pressure- sensitive bumpers, plates, wires and similar devices

GB 19436.3-2008 Electrical safety of machinery – Electro-sensitive protective equipment – Part 3: Particular requirements for Active Opto- electronic Protective Devices responsive to Diffuse Reflection (AOPDDR)

GB 16655-2008 Safety of machinery – Integrated manufacturing systems – ­Basic requirements

GB 23819-2009 Safety of machinery – Fire prevention and protection

GB 23820-2009 Safety of machinery – Lubricants with incidental product ­contact – Hygiene requirements

GB 23821-2009 Safety of machinery – Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and lower limbs

GB/T 25749.3-2010 Safety of machinery – Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances – Part 3: Test bench method for the ­measurement of the emission rate of a given pollutant

GB/T 25749.1-2010 Safety of machinery – Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances – Part 1: Selection of test methods

GB/T 25749.2-2010 Safety of machinery – Evaluation of the emission of airbor- ne hazardous substances – Part 2: Tracer gas method for the ­measurement of the emission rate of a given pollutant

GB/T 25749.4-2010 Safety of machinery – Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances – Part 4: Tracer method for the measure- ment of the capture efficiency of an exhaust system

GB/T 26118.1-2010 Safety of machinery – Assessment and reduction of risks arising from radiation emitted by machinery – Part 1: General ­principles

GB/T 26118.2-2010 Safety of machinery – Assessment and reduction of risks ­arising from radiation emitted by machinery – Part 2: Radiation ­emission measurement procedure

GB/T 26118.3-2010 Safety of machinery – Assessment and reduction of risks arising from radiation emitted by machinery – Part 3: Reduction of radiation by attenuation or screening

GB 18209.1-2010 Electrical safety of machinery – Indication, marking and actuati- on – Part 1: Requirements for visual, acoustic and tactile signals

GB 18209.2-2010 Electrical safety of machinery – Indication, marking and ­actuation – Part 2: Requirements for marking

GB 18209.3-2010 Electrical safety of machinery – Indication, marking and ­actuation – Part 3: Requirements for the location and operation of actuators 52 ATTACHMENTS

Attachment 2

CMIF-affiliated research institutes(extract)

Shanghai Industrial Boiler Research Institute (SIBRI) Shanghai Instrument Research Institute (SIRI) Shanghai Optical Instrument Research Institute Shanghai Power Equipment Research Institute (SPERI) Shanghai Research Institute of Materials (SRIM) Shanghai Tools Factory Ltd. Shenyang Automatic Lathes Research Institute Shenyang Blower Research Institute Shenyang Blower Research Institute Shenyang Drilling & Boring Machine Research Institute Shenyang Foundry Research Institute Shenyang Machine Tools Research Institute Shenyang Vacuum Technology Institute Shenyang Water Pump Research Institute Suzhou Electrical Processing Machine Research Institute Technology Research Institute of Mechanical Industrial Apparatus & Instruments Tianjin Combination Clamping Apparatus Research Institute Tianjin Copying Machine Research Institute Tianjin Gear Research Institute Wuhan Heavy Machine Tools Research Institute Wuhan Material Protection Research Institute Wuhan Mechanical Technology Institute Wuxi Pneumatic Technology Research Institute (CPIA) Xi‘an Industrial Automation Instruments Research Institute Machine Tool Accessory Research Institute Zhanjian Deli Carburetor Ltd. Zhengzhou Machinery Research Institute Zhengzhou Research Institute of Abrasives & Grinding Beijing Crane & Winding Machinery Institute Beijing Machine Tools Research Institute Beijing Machinery Industry Automation Research Institute (RIAMB) Beijing Mechanical & Electrical Research Institute Beijing Metal Structure Plant Beijing Milling Machine Research Institute Beijing Printing Machinery Research Institute Beijing Research Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Technology (BRIMET) Beijing Tianhai Industry Ltd. Chain Research Institute, Jilin Industrial University Changchun Testing Machines Research Institute ATTACHMENTS 53

Changsha Sawing Machine Tools Research Institute Slotting Machine Tools Research Institute Changzhou Aircraft Factory Tools Research Institute Chengdu Xianghe Phosphorus Chemical Cooperation China Agricultural Mechanization Science Research Institute China Agriculture Machinery Science Research Institute China Automotive Technology & Research Center (CATARC) Chongqing Cylindrical Gear Machine Tools Research Institute Chongqing Industrial Automation Instruments Research Institute (CIIAI) Assembled Machine Tools Research Institute Design Institute, China National Electric Equipment Corporation (CNEEC) Woodwork Machinery Research Institute Gansu Rock Drilling Machinery Pneumatic Tools Research Institute Hangzhou Camera Machinery Research Institute Harbin Kutter Machinery Research Institute Harbin No. 1 Tools Factory Harbin Research Institute of Electrical Measuring Instruments Harbin Welding Research Institute Hefei General Machinery Research Institute (HGMRI) Huhehaote Livestock Machinery Research Institute Jinan Foundry & Metal Forming Machinery Research Institute Kunming Precision Machine Tools Research Institute Luoyang Bearings Research Institute Luoyang Mining Machinery Research Institute Luoyang Tractor Research Institute Machine Building Standards Research Institute, CAMST Meter Machine Tools Research Institute Building Materials Research & Design Institute Nanjing Gas Turbine Research Institute National Product Quality Inspection & Testing Center for Castings & Forgings Shanghai Cutting Tool Works Co., Ltd. Shanghai Diesel Engine Research Institute (SICERI) Shanghai Electric Appliance Research Institute (SEARI) Shanghai General Gas Valves Factory Shanghai Grinding Machine Tools Research Institute Shanghai High Pressure Vessel Co., Ltd. Shanghai Industrial Automation Instruments Research Institute 54 ATTACHMENTS

Attachment 3

National Technical Committees (extract from complete overview)

Note: Complete overview table can be downloaded at

National Technical Committees

ISO TC 199 TC 208 P Safety of Manufacturing Beijing CMIF China Machinery machines ­Engineering 100044 Industry Federation ­Institute

ISO TC 38 TC 209 P Textiles Textile Industry Beijing CNTIC China National Standardization 100025 ­Textile Industry Institute Council

ISO TC 38 TC 209 SC 1 P Basis Textile Industry Beijing CNTIC China National Standardization 100025 ­Textile Industry Institute Council

ISO TC 38 TC 209 SC 2 P Cotton Technical supervisi- Shanghai CNTIC China National textile on of the Shanghai 200040 ­Textile Industry printing & Textile Industry Council dyeing

ISO TC 38 TC 209 SC 3 P Woollen China Textile In- Beijing CNTIC China National fabrics dustry Association 100742 ­Textile Industry Technology Center Council

ISO TC 38 TC 209 SC 4 P Linen China Textile In- Beijing CNTIC China National textile dustry Association 100742 ­Textile Industry Technology Center Council

ISO TC 38 TC 209 SC 5 P Silk Zhejiang Silk­ Hangzhou CNTIC China National Science and Tech- 300011 ­Textile Industry nology Co., Ltd. Council

TC 209 SC 6 Knitwear Tianjin Institute Tianjin of Knitting 300193 ­Technology

ISO TC 38 TC 209 SC 7 P Line Textile Industry Beijing CNTIC China National Standardization 100025 ­Textile Industry Institute Council

ISO TC 38 TC 209 SC 8 P Hosiery Jiangsu Sunshine CNTIC China National Group Co., Ltd. 214426 ­Textile Industry Council

IWTO TC 209 SC 9 P Industrial Inner Mongolia Erdos CNTIC China National Internati- Textile Erdos Cashmere 17000 ­Textile Industry onal Wool Group Co., Ltd. Council Textile (National Cashme- Organiza- re Products Engi- tion neering Technology Research Center) ATTACHMENTS 55

National Technical Committees

TC 210 Tourism CNTA National Tourism Beijing CNTA State Tourism Administration, 100740 ­Administration Supervision & Ma- nagement Depart- ment

ISO TC 115 TC 211 P Pump Shenyang Institute Shenyang CMIF China Machinery of Water Pump 110026 Industry Federation

TC 211 SC 1 Volumetric HGMRI Hefei Gene- Hefei CMIF China Machinery pump ral ­Machinery 230031 Industry Federation ­Research Institute

TC 211 SC 2 Tianjin Pump & Tianjin CMIF China Machinery Machinery Group 300400 Industry Federation Co., Ltd.

IEC TC 72 TC 212 P Household GEARI Guangzhou CEEIA China Electrical automatic Electrical Aparatus 510300 Equipment Industrial controller Research Institute Association

TC 212 SC 1 Inverter Hisense Group Co., Foshan Ltd. 528303

IEC TC 7 TC 213 P Electric SECRI Shanghai Electric Shanghai CEEIA China Electrical wire & Cable Research 200093 Equipment Industrial cable Institute Association

IEC TC 18 TC 213 P Electric SECRI Shanghai Electric Shanghai CEEIA China Electrical wire & Cable Research 200093 Equipment Industrial cable Institute Association

IEC TC 20 TC 213 P Electric SECRI Shanghai Electric Shanghai CEEIA China Electrical wire & Cable Research 200093 Equipment Industrial cable Institute Association

IEC TC 46 TC 213 P Electric SECRI Shanghai Electric Shanghai CEEIA China Electrical wire & Cable Research 200093 Equipment Industrial cable Institute Association

IEC TC 55 TC 213 P Electric SECRI Shanghai Electric Shanghai CEEIA China Electrical wire & Cable Research 200093 Equipment Industrial cable Institute Association

IEC TC 46 TC 214 P Dietetic CGCC Department Beijing CGCC CHINA GENERAL service of Industrial 100834 CHAMBER OF COM- ­Development MERCE

IEC TC 46 TC 214 P Dietetic CGCC Department Beijing CGCC CHINA GENERAL service of Industrial 100834 CHAMBER OF COM- ­Development MERCE

ISO TC 72 TC 215 P Textile Power Institute Beijing CNTIC China National machinery of China Textile 100025 ­Textile Industry & accesso- Machinery Council ries Imprint

VDMA Standardization

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Author Joachim Fröhlich ASCC Unternehmensberatung Germering

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