Highcliffe & Parish Council 31 March 2021

Minutes of the Virtual Meeting of & Walkford Parish Council held this day at 6.30pm Present: Cllr R Hutchings (Chairman), Cllr A Martin (Vice-Chairman), Cllr N Brooks, Cllr T Butcher, Cllr N Geary, Cllr L Harris, Cllr W McNeill and Cllr S Smith. Also Present: T Jamieson (Clerk) and 4 members of the public. Part 1 – Open Items 21/46 Apologies for Absence – No apologies were received. Action

2147 Declarations of Interests – There were no Declarations of Interest.

21/48 To Confirm Minutes of the Meeting Held on 24 February 2021 and the Extraordinary Meeting held on 3 March 2021 The Minutes were taken as read, confirmed as a true record and would be signed at a later date. Cllr Martin made a comment regarding Item 21/43 Meeting 3 March 2021 stating that he had submitted a complaint alleging a breach of the Code of Conduct by a member of the Parish Council. The matter was being reviewed by the Monitoring Officer and he would report back to the Parish Council when a response had been received.

21/49 Chairman’s Remarks a) The Chairman reported that he had received communication from regarding CCTV and the offer of a grant from BH HWPC. He was informed that the CCTV cameras would be installed at the rear of the castle. After some discussion it was decided that a decision regarding the grant should be deferred and that the Chairman would discuss with Highcliffe Castle details of their Risk Assessment and the possibility of a CCTV camera being sited on the main entrance driveway.

21/50 Carbon Footprinting Tool Cllr Harris gave a presentation on the Carbon Footprinting Tool. LH& All It was agreed that a copy of the presentation and details of the Tool would be sent to all members who were asked to familiarise themselves with the Tool. It was also agreed that the Parish Council should start dialogue with BH BCP Council (Kate Ryan & Cllr Mike Green).


21/51 Matters Arising from Previous Meeting that are not otherwise included in the Agenda a) 21/26a Lease for Old School House The Chairman reported that there had been no progress made.

b) 21/26b Transfers of Play Areas & Recreation Ground The Chairman reported that he had received a copy of the proposed BH Heads of Terms which he would circulate to members to review and All make comment to Chairman asap. The Clerk was instructed to write to the Lawyer for his comment. Clerk The Chairman would negotiate terms with BCP Council and a final BH decision would be made at the PC meeting on 21 April 2021.

c) 21/27d Bus Shelter Maintenance The current position had been noted and a further report and a programme of works from BCP Council was expected. The PC was not asked to contribute towards the works.

d) 21/27e CCTV at Nea Meadow The Chairman reported that there had been a recent break in at the Bowling Club and that the Committee would be looking at the whole issue of security on the site. The PC was not committed to any funding but would continue to liaise with the Bowling Club to improve security on the site.

e) 21/27g Christmas Lights The Vice-Chairman reported that a meeting would be held with the AM contractors to obtain estimates of costs. These would be brought back to the PC for discussion before any decisions are made.

21/52 Planning Report Cllr McNeill reported on the current position and it was agreed the following actions should be taken:

Castle Lodge 8/21/ 0167/ FUL and 8/21/ 0168/ FUL WMc A further objection to be submitted.

Highcliffe School Plans No response had been received from the School. Cllr Brooks stated Clerk that there were still considerable parking issues in roads around the school. It was agreed the School be contacted again regarding the proposed planning application.

21/53 Updates on Council Initiatives a) Neighbourhood Plan Cllr Brooks reported that a good response had been received from the survey and the working group was working through them to produce a report. The presentation to Members would take place on 14 April with “sign off” by Parish Council on21 April and submission to BCP Council 22 April 2021.


b) Revitalise the High Street Cllr Martin reported that he had a constructive discussion with the from the BCP Cabinet Member for Transportation & Sustainability and a further meeting was to take place on 12 April.

21/54 Financial Report The Clerk presented the Finance Report and asked Members to ratify payments that had been approved prior to the meeting in order that Clerk payments could be made in the current financial year and to note the and current bank balances. Unanimously Approved.

21/55 To Approve Facebook Protocols The Protocols as set out were unanimously agreed and adopted. The Clerk was instructed to add the Policies on the website. Clerk

21/56 Wingfield Pavilion The Chairman reported that since accepting the tender from Greendale Construction Ltd the application for a Football Foundation grant had been accepted. The Hawks Football Club would also make a contribution. Commencement date would be 4 May 2021 with expected 16 weeks of work. Temporary toilets would be required at a cost of approximately £300 for the duration of the works. Members unanimously approved the cost and the Clerk was instructed Clerk to order the toilet. Members unanimously noted and approved the current position and agreed a meeting should be held with the Surveyors and Construction Company to agree proposed contract variations. Also attendees the Chairman, Cllr Brooks, the Clerk and a member of the Hawks FC. The Clerk to inform Hawks of date and time of meeting. Clerk

21/57 Annual Parish Meeting and Parish Council AGM The Chairman reminded Members that the Annual Parish Meeting and Parish Council AGM would have to be face to face meetings if held on the proposed dates 25 & 26 May. It was unanimously agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting be held as advertised subject to satisfactory arrangements with HRA regarding social distancing etc. The Clerk was to confirm the attendance of BCP Clerk Council’s Chief Executive. Subject to agreement with HRA it was unanimously agreed that the Parish Council AGM be held on26 May at the Old School House (large hall) with the proscribed conditions.

21/58 Update re BCP Zonal Parking Scheme Cllr Brooks reported that the original scheme would not be implemented as planned to start May 2021. Talks with Friars Cliff Residents Association would continue and it NB was agreed that meetings with HRA, FCRA and local residents should continue to reimagine more satisfactory parking arrangements along the coastal strip. Cllr Brooks would report back to PC.


21/59 Support for HAT’s Plan for Flags for the High Street The Vice-Chairman reported that as lockdown was eased and non- essential retail outlets were able to open it was important that a strong message that the High Street was open for business be sent to residents and visitors. HAT’s had suggested flags could be flown throughout the High Street and made a request for £1,500 to purchase and fit 48 flags. Cllr Brooks offered the sum of £500 and it was proposed and seconded that the Parish Council make a £1,000 contribution to HAT. Vote: Unanimous

21/60 Council Vacancies The Chairman reminded members that at the last meeting it was agreed that the PC should seek to co-opt more members once face to face meetings could be held. It was agreed that as the present plan to ease lockdown indicated that such meetings may be able to take place mid- May. It was agreed that the PC should go ahead with recruitment by placing Clerk a notice advertising the vacancies on the PC Website, Facebook and notice boards.

21/61 Introduction to Christchurch Dementia Friends’ Community Alliance Cllr Harris introduced the subject and it was agreed that Members BH should study the documents to see what support the Parish Council could offer. The Chairman would look at the documents and formulate a response showing an expression of interest.

21/62 Date of next meeting Wednesday 21 April 2021 at 6.30pm

21/63 To consider passing a resolution to exclude the press and public present pursuant to the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business. Proposed & Seconded Carried unanimously.

The meeting closed at 8.19pm

Signed …………………………………………. Date………………………..