Contact: Clare Ovey Tel: 03 88 41 36 45

Date: 10/08/2015 DH-DD(2015)784

Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers.

Meeting: 1236 meeting (22-24 September 2015) (DH)

Item reference: Communication from the applicant (29/07/2015) concerning the case of Buntov against the Russian Federation (Application No. 27026/10)

Information made available under Rule 9.1 of the Rules of the Committee of Ministers for the supervision of the execution of judgments and of the terms of friendly settlements.

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Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.

Réunion : 1236 réunion (22-24 septembre 2015) (DH)

Référence du point : Communication du requérant (29/07/2015) concernant l’affaire Buntov contre Fédération de Russie (requête n° 27026/10) (anglais uniquement).

Informations mises à disposition en vertu de la Règle 9.1 des Règles du Comité des Ministres pour la surveillance de l’exécution des arrêts et des termes des règlements amiables.


29 JUIL. 2015



This statement is addressed to the Committee of Ministers by a Russian citizen, V.M. Buntov (Applicant on Complaint No. 27026/10 “Buntov against the Russian Federation”) in accordance with Rule 9 §1 of the Rules of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on the Supervision of the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and of the Terms of Friendly Settlements.

July 29, 2015

EMERGENCY STATEMENT due to the grave condition of the Applicant

• On ’s willful contempt of the European Court of Human Rights Judgment dated June 05, 2012 on Complaint No. 27026/10 “Buntov against the Russian Federation”. • On uncontrolled and violent repression of the Applicant by the authorities of the Russian Federation in the Federal Government Institution Penal Colony 1 Supermax 2 (FKU IK-1 OIK-2) in Solikamsk, Perm Territory • On a protest hunger strike and dying condition of the Applicant in solitary confinement of Solikamsk FKU IK-1 OIK-2 • On the authorities of the Russian Federation causing the Applicant to commit suicide / attempt suicide and deliberate deprivation of the Applicant’s fundamental right - the right to life guaranteed to him by art. 2 of the Convention • On Russia’s complete contempt of all international obligations assumed and requirements of the European Convention • On a conspiracy of silence and arbitrariness of the authorities of the Russian Federation in the Perm Territory

I. This emergency statement is addressed to notify the Honorable Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, that for the time being, the authorities of the Russian Federation, after again committed severe tortures of the Applicant on 22.02.2015 at Penal Colony 12 (IK-12) of the city of of the Perm Territory, have continued their repression, and have now organized persecution for pushing the Applicant to commit suicide through the indefinite hunger strike of the Applicant proclaimed by the latter to protest against the aggressive, ongoing and uncontrolled repression inspired against him by the authorities of the Russian Federation in the Perm Territory. To date, the Applicant’s hunger strike already lasts for 21 days, and he is in serious condition, in complete isolation, in a constant state of hypertensive crisis – there is unprecedented life threatening danger of imminent death, in solitary confinement at Federal Government Institution Penal Colony 1 Supermax 2 with special conditions of economic activity(FKU IK-1 OIK-2 OUKhD) of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service (GUFSIN) of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory.

1.1. The authorities of the Russian Federation have isolated the Applicant in solitary confinement and deprived him completely of fresh air – for 19 days of unlawful retention of the Applicant in solitary confinement the authorities of the Russian Federation never took him for a walk, and the officers in command of the colony continue to actively punish and coerce the Applicant to withdraw his complaints from the European Court and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

1.2. The Applicant draws the attention of the Honored Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe that the solitary confinement where he is being held illegally is located on the 1st floor of the medical unit of the colony (similar to a punitive confinement) and is a cold basement, without forced ventilation, with high humidity and low air temperatures.

1.3. Under the conditions of isolation and hunger strike of the Applicant, as well as his dire state of health, the authorities of the Russian Federation organize searches in the solitary confinement of the Applicant; aggressively search all the belongings and bags of the Applicant; ostentatiously seize personal belongings of the Applicant; walk in dirty shoes over the Applicant’s underwear and clothing scattered during the search; staff defiantly pollute means of personal hygiene (pull cotton swabs, cotton pads out of their packages and crumple them with dirty hands), trying to provoke the Applicant; write unlawful reports against the Applicant based on fictional events; impose unlawful disciplinary sanctions; try to falsely discredit the Applicant, and all this is accompanied by a strong psychological pressure, forcing the Applicant to withdraw his complaint from the European Court, by threats of physical violence and constant bullying. 1.4. Despite the fact of severe hypertensive disease of the Applicant and his state of permanent hypertensive crisis, ignoring the weakness of the Applicant’s health and other consequences of his hunger strike, the authorities of the Russian Federation, in order to undermine the health of the Applicant to the maximum extent, do not prescribe him bed rest, do not assign him the status of a patient, and he is forced to follow the order of a healthy inmate during the whole day. Despite the chill from hunger and low temperature in the confinement, the Russian authorities unlawfully reprimanded the Applicant for wearing warm underwear under the form of an inmate and forbade him to wear it, not allowing the Applicant to keep warm in the cold confinement. 1.5. At the same time, heavy hypertensive disease of the Applicant without proper treatment and control has passed into the active phase; it is accompanied by severe course and irreparably affects end-organs – the heart and kidneys of the Applicant. So, on 09.07.2015, the stuff of Solikamsk FKU IK-1 OIK-2 in order to send the Applicant to the solitary confinement had to use handbarrow of the Medical Unit, as the Applicant was no longer able to stand on his feet after another hypertensive crisis. 1.6. At present, the authorities of the Russian Federation, instead of eliminating the threat of impending death of the Applicant and the reasons for his protest hunger strike, are threatening him to apply new tortures and reported that the Applicant will be subject of the torture of force-feeding method. 1.7. The Deputy Head of Medical Department No. 11 of the Federal Public-Funded Healthcare Institution Medical Unit 59 (FKUZ MSCh-59) A.G. Belenkov, warned the Applicant that the Applicant’s hands and feet will be handcuffed fix, his head will be strap fixed, then they will insert a rubber hose into his mouth, put it down the esophagus into the stomach and will forced-pour food into it, and in case the Applicant resist, a smaller diameter hose would be introduced into the Applicant’s nose. 1.8. The term of imprisonment of the Applicant ends in 2026; 4 times in 5 years, he was severely tortured, his health is completely ruined, and now there is organized actual persecution and unprecedented repression in the Perm Territory - the Applicant was subjected to real psychological tortures, and put into an aggressive environment in which existence is hardly possible – force-feeding is not an option in this situation, but the Russian authorities do not intend to stop their power of repression, as they are organized by the superiors of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Perm Territory of the Russian Federation, and the officers in command of Solikamsk IK-1 OIK-2 say this openly to the Applicant. 1.9. The Applicant stated that he considers the threats of using the above method of forced feeding as a regular torture and intends to fight against it even if it ends in a rupture of the esophagus, nasopharynx, or leads to other possible consequences of the torture-feeding. II. After the brutal tortures of the Applicant (22.02.2015) in IK-12 of the city of Gubakha, the authorities of the Russian Federation have not allowed the Applicant to restore his health at all, neither gave him proper treatment, but on the contrary continued their repression and the following two months the Applicant spent in Remand prison 3 (SIZO-3) of the city of (from 04.03.2015 to 05.05.2015), which even more aggravated his state of health, and “The prescribed treatment does not correspond to the diagnosis”- this fact was established by the Russian body for supervision in public health "RosZdravNadzor" during the study of medical records of the Applicant. Besides Roszdravnadzor has found that in IK-12 (in 2013 and 2014) and SIZO-3 of Kizel (from 04.03.2015 to 05.05.2015), the doctors did not give a proper medical care and treatment to the Applicant, which also confirms our earlier statements to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, on the refusal to provide health care to the Applicant in SIZO-3 of Kizel (Attachment No. 1. Statement from Roszdravnadzor dd. 13.04.2015 on the basis of the medical files of the Applicant).

2.1. Ombudsmen and the Applicants’ representatives repeatedly reported in the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation and other competent authorities, that the Applicant, after being subjected to torture (22.02.2015) in Gubakha IK-12 cannot further stay in the Perm Territory and there is an urgent need, in order to ensure his safety, to take him to another region, as in the Perm Territory the Applicant will be in direct and indirect powers expressed through personal, official, related and corruption ties – of interested parties, under the same repressive minded officers in command of the Penitentiary Service of the Perm Territory of the Russian Federation, headed by General Zheludov which, according to the words of G.M. Nazarov, head of Gubakha IK-12 (the latter tortured the Applicant on 22.02.2015), personally ordered to torture and force the Applicant to abandon all his complaints to the European Court.

2.2. The transfer of the Applicant to the neighboring colony IK-1 OIK-2 in Solikamsk, within the Perm Territory, did not provide him safety, but on the contrary has been carried out by the authorities of the Russian Federation as a basis for further brutal tortures of the Applicant and for a promised to him by the authorities of the Russian Federation physical elimination, as well as provided an opportunity to the concerned authorities of the Russian Federation to apply against the Applicant further unpunished repression, which is happening now.

2.3. Nevertheless, despite the threat to the life of the Applicant in the Perm Territory, in spite of all the requests, applications, complaints, Article 8 of the Convention and the national legislation whereunder the Russian authorities have to imprison the Applicant in a radius of less than 300 kilometers from the place of residence of his family – the Russian authorities transferred the Applicant to the most terrible and oppressive penal colony in Russia, “White Swan”, tragically known since the days of the Soviet Union as the “meat grinder” for political prisoners and citizens who are undesirable to the authorities, to continue the repression and promised physical liquidation to the Applicant.

2.4. On 05.05.2015, the Applicant arrived at IK-1 FKU OIK-2 “White Swan” in Solikamsk, and starting the first days of the Applicant’s stay in the “White Swan”, the Russian authorities put him under repression, forcing him to abandon the claims against the stuff of IK-12, abandon all claims against the chief of IK-12 G. M. Nazarov, Shamin and Mulenko (who tortured the Applicant) and to confess that the Applicant’s injuries are allegedly self-inflicted, as well as to withdraw all his claims from the European Court and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

2.5. Upon the arrival of the Applicant to a Prison-Transit Point (hereinafter the TPP) of IK-1 OIK-2 “White Swan” in Solikamsk, doctors registered extremely high blood pressure (hereinafter the BP) of the Applicant - 220/110 mm Hg. (Attachment No. 2. List of the primary examination at TPP dd. 05.05.2015), which also indicates that the paramedics in SIZO-3 of Kizel for two months expressly understated the Applicant’s BP and falsely entered in the Applicant’s medical file values of BP like for an astronaut - 120/80 mm Hg and etc.

2.6. After arriving to IK-1 OIK-2 in Solikamsk, officers in command of the colony for 10 days, without giving any reasons, held the Applicant in a solitary confinement of the Prison-Transit Point (TPP). So far, the local court has not considered the Applicant’s complaint.

2.7. On 14.05.2015, on the first day of the Applicant’s stay in the colony hospital, paramedic Nikitina recorded BP of 240/140 mm Hg. (Attachment No. 3. Examination of the Applicant by the therapist in the hospital of IK-1 OIK-2 dd 14.05.2015). In the hospital of the colony, the Applicant was also subjected to power repression of the doctors, especially on the part of the Deputy Head of Medical Department No. 11 of FKUZ MSCh-59 A.G. Belenkov and psychiatrist Kovalyaev. Doctors gave the Applicant potent antihypertensive drugs which are quickly addictive by the body, so the body can no longer keep a certain level of blood pressure without administering such drugs, and subsequently they made fierce pauses and systematically deprived the Applicant of drugs for several days for which reason the Applicant’s condition was rapidly worsening. Doctors have also entered false physical data into the Applicant’s medical file, falsified it, and the treatment of the Applicant was not effective and aggravated his condition even more.

2.8. On 08.06.2015, in defiance of common sense, grossly violating the law, Deputy Head of Medical Department No. 11 of FKUZ MSCh-59 A.G. Belenkov who was actively repressing the Applicant in the medical unit, routed the Applicant in serious condition out from the hospital, stopped to give him medication and openly told the Applicant that the colony administration ordered him to discharge the Applicant out of the hospital and to falsely found the Applicant allegedly “employable.”

2.9. At the same time, the doctors of IK-1 OIK-2 “White Swan” seeing that the Applicant is in critical condition, assumed no responsibility and in the discharge summary of the Applicant dd. 08.06.2015 they wrote: “Discharged on the order of the Deputy Head of Medical Department No. 11 of FKUZ MSCh-59”, and also pointed out, that “During the time spent in the hospital the patient was in stable condition, against the background of the treatment without positive dynamics, the BP figures remain at the level of 200/100 mm Hg. (Attachment No. 4. The Applicant’s discharge summary dd. 08.06.2015).

2.10. On 10.06.2015, two days later after the unlawful expulsion of the Applicant from the hospital and depriving him of treatment, doctors have recorded the Applicant’s BP of 240/130 mm Hg. (Attachment No. 5. Examination of the Applicant dd. 10.06.2015) For most people, such a high BP during a long period of time is lethal. This condition is classified as the strongest Hypertensive crisis, and in such a serious condition the Applicant needed a dynamic treatment and bed rest, but instead of bed rest, on 09.06.2015, the Applicant received from doctor A.G. Belenkov a certificate on the alleged “employability.”

2.11. Moreover, when the Applicant had a meeting with Deputy Chief of IK-1 OIK-2 “White Swan” A.I. Kibanov – and he, in addition to the threats to plant drugs into the Applicant’s wife belongings, if she comes to see him, openly told the Applicant that the officers in command of IK-1 OIK-2 “White Swan” received an order to provide the Applicant with a maximum repressive regime “until he dies whatsoever”, referring to the natural death of the Applicant due to exacerbation of his chronic diseases.

2.12. Thus, the unlawful expulsion of the Applicant from the medical unit in critical condition, was organized by the officers in command of the colony for repressive purposes, knowing that in brigade No. 2 the Applicant will have to be a whole day on his feet and to carry out all the regime activities, including morning exercises in his state of constant hypertensive crisis, which can cause heart attack or stroke of the Applicant.

2.13. After the Applicant’s request to release him from the physical exercises, as after exercise in the morning the state of the Applicant deteriorates extremely for the whole day, and in spite of the common grave condition of the Applicant, Head of the Department of Educational Work at IK-1 OIK-2 “White Swan” A. I. Barulko, issued to the Applicant the following certificate:

“In reply to your statement dd. 09.07.2015 we inform you that according to Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dd. 03.11.2005 No. 205, each penal colony has a strictly regulated daily schedule, taking into account the particularities of working with certain categories of convicts, the time of year, local conditions and other circumstances.

The daily schedule includes the reveille, bedtime, personal hygiene time, physical exercises, and other. The daily schedule is based on an example, approved by an order signed by the head of a Correctional Facility and communicated to the staff and convicts.

At the same time, cl. 14 of the Internal Regulations of a Correctional Facility obviously state the duty of a convict to comply with the established schedule of the Correctional Facility. Physical exercise is one of the items in the daily schedule of the Correctional Facility to be obeyed by the convicts. The daily schedule of FKU OIK-2 OUHD of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation in the Perm Territory has been approved by Order of FKU OIK-2 OUHD of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation in the Perm Territory dd. 18.02.2015 No. 140, and physical exercise time is from 6-15 to 6-30.

On the basis of the medical certificate dd. 07.07.2015 convicted Vitaly Maratovich Buntov, born in 1976, can perform a set of exercises and morning exercises, except for exercise-related bend-overs of body.

In case of non-fulfillment of one of the items in the daily schedule, and namely, physical exercises, convicted V.M. Buntov, born in 1976, may be subject to punishment in accordance with Article 115 of the Penal Execution Code of the Russian Federation.

Head of the Department of Educational Work among the convicts at IK-1 FKU OIK-2 OUHD of the Main Directorate of the Federal the Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation in the Perm Territory, major in the internal service A. I. Barulko

July 13, 2015.”

2.14. Using these regulations of the Russian Penal Legislation, superiors and officers in command of IK-1 OIK-2, under the threat of punishment, daily forced the Applicant, having severe stages of Hypertension (stage III, gravity 3, risk degree 4) and coronary artery disease, to exercise together with other convicts of the facility, deliberately trying to impair well-being and state of health of the Applicant in such a way.

III. In view of the fact that all the conversations of the Applicant with the representative of the European Court under criminal case No. 122 are openly tapped, the colony superiors, the authorities of the Russian Federation, after learning the details of the representative’s appeal to the European Court and the fact of the request by the Court to the Government of the Russian Federation for the original copy of the Applicant’s medical file, the authorities of the Russian Federation in order to falsely discredit the Applicant before the Court, have become actively falsifying his medical records and insert misleading information into it.

3.1. Despite documented by doctors the highest BP data of the Applicant, the Applicant’s diagnosed hypertensive disease, accompanied by its severe manifestation, the Russian authorities falsely accused the Applicant of alleged feigned hypertensive crisis, of allegedly aggressive behavior during examinations of the Applicant allegedly straining himself on purpose during BP measurements. The authorities of the Russian Federation, in the person of the doctor Kovalyaev, who several times threatened the Applicant to apply potent psychotropic tranquilizers, roughly falsified and entered into the medical file false medical records dd. June 12, 13, and 14 2015, and submitted to the Court that false and defamatory for the Applicant information.

3.2. On 23.06.2015, the European Court granted to the representative the Applicant’s medical records, provided by the Government of the Russian Federation to the European Court on 19.06.2015, and in view of the false statements by the Russian authorities on the alleged feigned hypertensive crisis of the Applicant, obvious falsification of his medical records and other information falsely discrediting the Applicant provided by the Russian Government to the Honorable European Court, as well as to obtain objective and impartial expert assessment of the actual state of the Applicant - medical records, available to the representative and received from the European Court on 23.06.2015, have been transferred to an independent expert study.

3.3. On 29.06.2015, Doctor of the Federation of Forensic Experts of Russia, an expert in forensic and medical examination A. A. Zaikin, responded to questions taken up with the experts and gave his expert opinion No. 118/7/I:

“The citizen Vitaly Maratovich Buntov, born in 1976, has the following diseases: Arterial hypertension stage 3, gravity 3, risk degree 4, obesity gravity 1, urolithiasis, intracranial injury (closed head injury). CRF (chronic renal failure), NCA (cardiopsychoneurosis), HVG (chronic viral hepatitis) "B", ischemic heart disease. Chronic cholecystopancreatitis, chronic duodenitis, nefroptoe gravity II, post- traumatic encephalopathy gravity 1, glomerulonephritis, osteoarthritis, arthritis of the left shoulder joint, Gonarthrosis of knee joints gravity2.”

“Given the systolic and diastolic blood pressure of the citizen Vitaly Maratovich Buntov of 200-220/100-120 mm Hg, his 117 kg weight, 178 cm height, BMI 37.0 (obesity, second degree), the presence of CRF (chronic renal failure), NCA (cardiopsychoneurosis), the citizen Vitaly Maratovich Buntov has a hypertension stage 3, gravity 3, risk degree 3-4 (the risk in this case has range-reflected fluctuations due to the failure to provide to the citizen Vitaly Maratovich Buntov the diagnostic procedures required in this case). Essential hypertension stage III is diagnosed in the presence of one or more of the associated conditions that are not inherently eliminable, and due to the above conditions the improvement from stage 3 to stage 2 or 1 is impossible”

“There were no improvements in the condition of the citizen V. M. Buntov throughout the entire observation since 05.05.2015; clinically it should have been manifested as “moderate gravity”, but by the end of inpatient treatment in Medical Unit 11 it changed for the worse and can be considered as “serious”, hence the citizen Vitaly Maratovich Buntov was not able to work but in need of an adequate and effective patient treatment, in a specialized hospital or department of cardiology. Feigned “hypertensive crisis” or “self-regulated raising of blood pressure by a person” in any position or “intensively exercises before measuring blood pressure” to distort the results of the study of blood pressure up to the numbers of 200-240/110- 140 mm Hg is impossible”

“Essential hypertension stage 3, gravity 3, risk degree 3-4, of the citizen Vitaly Maratovich Buntov, DOB 12.14.1976, is accompanied by its severe course, can cause in the citizen Vitaly Maratovich Buntov, DOB 12.14.1976, the following complications: development of angor pectoris, myocardial infarction, hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke, cardiac asthma, pulmonary edema, dissecting aortic aneurysms, retinal brigade, and uremia. Hypertensive crisis, which may lead to the death of the citizen Vitaly Maratovich Buntov.” (Attachment No. 6. Medical report of the expert in forensic and medical examination A.A. Zaikin No. 118/7/I).

3.4. This expert opinion testifies to the fact that the Applicant, even before the hunger strike dd. July 09, 2015, had not received any effective treatment and had already been in a critical condition, in permanent Hypertensive crisis. It is obvious that forced discharge of the Applicant from hospital was performed for repressive purposes, and the Applicant’s hunger strike in such state of health may cause the Applicant’s death in the nearest future.

3.5. Based on the results of performed study of the Applicant’s medical records by a specialist in the field of forensic medical examination, in which the expert established that at the end of inpatient treatment, i.e. actually at forced discharge of the Applicant from hospital, he was in a “critical” condition, it will be fair to consider unlawful expulsion of the Applicant from hospital by A.G. Belenkov to be a criminal offense provided for in article 124 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Failure to Render Aid to a Sick Person” and article 125 of the RF Criminal Code “Leaving in Danger”.

3.6. Based on the highest data of the Applicant’s ABP (arterial blood pressure) which is officially registered in the Applicant’s medical record and has been very high, at crisis level, for the last five months, and on the basis of the expert opinion dd. June 29, 2015, the Applicant’s condition is critical, which is verifiably proved and documented, in the state of a permanent Hypertensive crisis, and taking into account such a long hunger strike – the Applicant may die at any moment.

3.7. However, despite the critical condition of V.M. Buntov and documented absence of his treatment in the Perm Territory, the representatives of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory continue to declare in their official replies that the state of the Applicant’s health is alleged to be “satisfactory”; moreover, they provide this false information to the Central Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation and the European Court.

3.8. In addition, we have got the results of RosZdravNadzor’s medical examination. It follows from the results of this examination that the Applicant did not receive any treatment at all for 2.5 years, in 2013 and 2014, that he did not receive any proper medical care after being tortured in IK-12 of Gubakha on February 22, 2015; the Applicant did not have any proper medical care and treatment in SIZO-3 of Kizel (Attachment No. 1. Statement from Roszdravnadzor dd. 13.04.2015 on the basis of the medical files of the Applicant)

3.9. Despite of false statements made by the authorities of the Russian Federation stating that the Applicant allegedly received adequate treatment in the Perm Territory, Roszdravnadzor has found the following: • “... In presence of the doctor’s recommendations dd. March 02, 2013 on control of ABP for convict Buntov up to 2 times a day, control ABP measurements are absent in the medical record for the period from March 02, 2013 to September 16, 2013. • In presence of the doctor’s recommendations dated September 16, 2013, there is also no information on ABP control in the outpatient medical record. • Interim epicrisis for the year of 2014 (the date of the epicrisis is not specified) contains information that the patient received the following treatment: antihypertensive drugs and diuretics, and was examined by a physician in 2014. There are no entries in V.M. Buntov’s outpatient medical record about any medical examinations by medical staff, and about recommended and received treatment. • The medical record does not contain any information about performance of the surgeon’s prescriptions, there was no consultation with a physician. • The data on V.M. Buntov’s arrival in FKU SIZO-3 does not correspond to the report addressed to the head of the institution (historical data was not collected during his medical examination, closed wounds and bruises were not described). During the examination upon his arrival, blood pressure control was not recommended (in case of boosting up to 180 mm Hg), the course of pharmaceutical drugs administration was not specified. • In presence of convict Buntov’s complaints on frequent urination, the frequency of urination was not specified in the progress notes, the nature of urination (painful, painless, etc.) was not specified, clinical treatment was not prescribed to exclude or confirm renal disease and to establish the existing phase of the disease (remission, exacerbation) (records dd. March10, 2015, March 11, 2015, March 15, 2015, March 16, 2015, March 17, 2015, March 19, 2015, March 20, 2015, March 21, 2015, March 22, 2015). • In the progress notes, at complaints of cerebrovascular pathology (encephalopathy), this diagnosis was not specified. • The prescribed treatment is inconsistent with the established diagnosis (the diagnosis is hypertensive disease, and the treatment is prescribed for cerebrovascular pathology)... • There is no therapist’s consultation recommended during the medical examination dd. March 18, 2015 by the surgeon. • At high rates of blood pressure (190/100 and 180/100), blood pressure control twice a day (in the morning and in the evening) was not arranged. • In the progress notes of the medical staff of the health post, during the period from March 04, 2015 to March 22, 2015 the effectiveness of prescribed treatment was not registered. In absence of positive dynamics and at ineffectiveness of drugs prescribed for V.M. Buntov’s outpatient treatment (continued heart pains, headache, persistent high blood pressure), health workers did not organize any consultation of a physician to adjust the treatment, the performance of ECG was neither organized. • At complaints of pains in areas of injuries, condition of the skin cover was not described (dynamics of the size of hematomas and bruises, bruises blooming). Entries in the medical record do not allow to establish when a complete resorption of hematomas and bruises occurred. • The outpatient medical record contains no information about receipt by V.M. Buntov of prescribed drugs, medical procedures card with a mark about performance of prescriptions is not presented....”

Thus, analysis of medical documentation showed that medical care delivery for V.M. Buntov was not of good quality”.

3.10. These violations are only a small part of all the arbitrariness of state authorities of the Russian Federation with regard to deliberate refusal to the Applicant in medical aid that resulted in his current critical condition. Moreover, a major part of physical data in it was intentionally falsified by the doctors. Medical assistant Popova in FKU SIZO-3, Kizel town of the Perm Territory, repeatedly falsely registered the Applicant’s pressure as 120/80 mm Hg – such pressure is true for an astronaut, but not for the Applicant with most severe, III stage of Hypertension.

3.11. All authorities of the Russian Federation in their official responses state that in 2014, while he was still in IK-12 of Gubakha, the Applicant allegedly refused from hospitalization and treatment in Medical Unit No. 9 of FKUZ MSCh-59 and in total, allegedly refused from hospitalization twice, referring to his written refusal dated 2014 and June 01, 2015.

3.12. At the request of the Applicant’s representative, management of IK-1 OIK-2 “White Swan” in Solikamsk, sent by mail a certified copy of the Applicant’s medical record in which the representative discovered this fraudulent refusal from hospitalization dated 2014 which all the authorities of the Russian Federation refer to and which is assigned to the Applicant.

3.13. The Applicant draws attention of the Honored Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe that he did not refuse from hospitalization in 2014, he did not even know about the opportunity to undergo treatment in hospital No. 2 of FKUZ MSCh-59 of the Perm Territory. Thus, this refusal is grossly falsified by the authorities of the Russian Federation, as the handwriting in the document and the signature thereunder do not belong to the Applicant and significantly differ from the Applicant’s handwriting and signature (Attachment No. 7. False Refusal from Hospitalization).

3.14. In fact, in 2014, the authorities of the Russian Federation deprived the Applicant of the opportunity to pass an extended medical examination and treatment in hospital No. 2 of FKUZ MSCH-59 of the Perm Territory for repressive purposes and committed official forgery having attached to the Applicant’s medical record a fraudulent refusal from hospitalization written by a completely different person. (Attachment No. 7).

3.15. On June 01, 2015 the Applicant motivated and reasonably refused from hospitalization in the department of cardiology of hospital No. 2 of FKUZ MSCh- 59 which is managed by doctor A.E. Sunegin, who previously, on April 17, 2015, threatened the Applicant with assassination through an artificially induced, preparative death of the Applicant which would be impossible to distinguish from a heart failure, and taking into account the Applicant’s coronary heart disease and severe Hypertension, assassination of the Applicant would look like a natural death. Threats of doctor Sunegin were real and the Applicant had no doubt that Sunegin would carry them out during the Applicant’s stay in the department of cardiology in hospital. Moreover, A.E. Sunegin and his wife, Deputy Chief of hospital No. 2 of FKUZ MSCh-59, called to IK-1 and IK-2 every day and demanded that the doctors send the Applicant to their hospital. When the Applicant found out about these calls of doctor Sunegin and his wife, the Applicant wrote this reasoned refusal, and fearing to fall into the hands of aggressive and concerned doctor Sunegin, the Applicant asked in his application that under no circumstances he should be given to the doctors of hospital No. 2 of FKUZ MSCh-59 (Attachment No. 8. Reasoned Refusal of the Applicant with the Applicant’s original handwriting and signature).

3.16. If you compare refusal from hospitalization fabricated by the authorities of the Russian Federation for 2014 (Appendix No. 7) with the motivated refusal of the Applicant from hospitalization dated June 01, 2015 (Appendix No. 8) where there is the Applicant’s original handwriting and signature, it will be obvious that the handwriting and signature in the refusal dated 2014 (Appendix No. 7) do not belong to the Applicant and the refusal is grossly fabricated.

IV. On June 08, 2015, after the Applicant in crtitical condition was expelled from the medical unit, he was assigned to brigade No. 2 which consisted of convicts – activists (criminal elements) who were perpetrator level in the organized criminal group with the help of which senior management of IK-1 OIK-2 of Solikamsk execute their power of repression and informally manage the colony. It is the so called Section of Discipline and Order (SDiP) which was officially prohibited in Russian prison colonies back in 2010, but was actually transformed and exists till present day. 4.1. Now, SDiP in IK-1 OIK-2 “White Swan” consists of convicted activists occupying administrative positions in the colony: janitors, quartermasters, commandants, various supply managers, work-assignment clerks, assistants – they are all organized, have leaders or “seniors” (also from among the convicts - activists) and fulfill any orders of the colony administration. Convicts – activists are vested by the administration of the colony with all imperious and administrative powers and informally perform most of the functions for the prison colony staff. By order of administration, they also manage the prisoners and escort them, restrict, beat and punish other prisoners, blackmail them, take away products and personal belongings, humiliate, provoke, exert psychological pressure and fulfill any orders of the management, including assassination of convicts.

4.2. Organized criminal group (OCG) of convicts – activists in IK-1 OIK-2 “White Swan” is well organized, all its actions are planned, practiced and jointly coordinated by senior management of the colony: Alidibirov, Kibanov, Koshelev, Voytenko, Novikov and Barulko. The actions of convicted activists are also co- ordinated on a daily basis by junior management unit of the colony: Epanchin, Melkhoroev, Mitrakov, Likhanov, Artemiev, Krasnogorov, Sibagatulin, Drogaytsev, Yakushev, Erofeev, etc. The “brain” of the OCG of convicts – activists in IK-1 OIK-2 “White Swan” consists of the following convicts: Anatoliy Zubov –headquarters’ orderly man Aleksandr Alekseevich Teplekov – commandant of the zone Roman Aleksandrovich Baskov – assistant in work-assignment room Aleksey Viktorovich Ponosov – work-assignment clerk These convicts – activists (criminal elements) have all imperious and administrative powers, ordinary staff of the colony even reports to them. They are the leaders of the OCG in IK-1 OIK-2 “White Swan” receiving orders from the colony management, they control and coordinate the actions of their perpetrators: Semechkov – supply manager of brigade No. 2 Vakhrin – quartermaster Kuznetsov, Aksenov, Mitrofanov, Novikov and others. In the medical unit: Spiridonov, supply manager in the medical unit, orderly men Iarychev, Ivanov, Kovalev

4.3. The activity of the above mentioned convicts – activists, criminal elements, on the territory of IK-1 OIK-2 “White Swan” is carried out with full knowledge of senior management of the colony. Moreover, senior management of IK-1 OIK-2 “White Swan” actively and openly uses the above listed criminal elements in their interests, to achieve their goals, to implement repressions of unwanted convicts, to receive profit, etc.

4.4. Convicts – activists in brigade No. 2 of IK-1 OIK-2 “White Swan” Semechkov (supply manager), Vakhrin (quartermaster), Kuznetsov, Aksenov, Mitrofanov (orderly men), etc., immediately, at the time of the Applicant’s transfer to brigade No. 2, declared that the senior management of IK – Alidibirov, Kibanov, Koshelev, Head of Security Department – Voytenko, Head of Investigative Department – Novikovov, Head of Educational Work Department – Barulko, and junior employees of Security Department and Investigative Department of the Penal Colony (IK) gave them unofficial order to turn convicts of IK against the Applicant, falsely discredit him and provoke conflicts.

4.5. Following the order of the administration, the above mentioned convicts – activists and the colony staff in brigade No. 2, starting from June 08, 2015, on a daily basis, on behalf of the management of the colony, threatened, humiliated, and deliberately insulted the Applicant, distributed falsely discrediting information among the prisoners and incited them to physical violence against the Applicant.

4.6. It was no longer possible to tolerate all this bullying of the staff and ongoing aggression on the part of their perpetrators - convicted activists - and on June 23, 2015, the Applicant submitted an application about the crime to the Head of the colony Kh.M. Alidibirov with the request to transfer him to another brigade and not to place him next to convicts – activists. He informed that if repression does not stop, he will be forced to start an action in form of a protest hunger strike against arbitrariness of authorities. The administration ignored the Applicant’s application and only increased aggression.

4.7. On June 26, 2015, the Applicant’s representative, during personal meeting with the 1st Deputy Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia A.A. Rudoy, also spoke about all seriousness of the situation and begged to transfer the Applicant to another brigade and not to place him together with the convicts– activists, but the Applicant was still subject to provocations and aggression on the part of the convicts – activists and the situation was not resolved.

4.8. Contrary to national and international law, senior management of IK-1 OIK- 2 “White Swan”, instead of solving the problem and stopping brutal repression of the Applicant, created even more aggressive repression for the Applicant and with the help of convicts – activists made his existence in brigade No. 2 unbearable.

4.9. After the authorities of the Russian Federation, having listened to payphone negotiations of the Applicant with his representative, learned that the Applicant’s complaint No. 25327/11 “Buntov against Russia” would be considered by the European Court as a matter of priority, in priority order, the authorities of the Russian Federation started to aggravate the state of the Applicant’s health in all possible ways and used unprecedented aggression, inhuman methods of psychological influence and degrading treatment in relation to the Applicant. The Applicant stated that during five years of his persecution by the authorities of the Russian Federation, for his complaints to the European Court, the Russian authorities have currently applied an unprecedented level of aggressive repression, brutal humiliation and even more inhuman methods of forcing the Applicant to withdraw his complaints against Russia from the European Court, which a person just cannot tolerate. They have committed grave crimes against person.

4.10. The above mentioned convicts – activists in brigade No. 2 of IK-1 OIK-2 “White Swan” started to behave in a much more aggressive way and by order of the senior management of the colony resorted to extreme forms of degrading and inhuman treatment: in the process of coercion of the Applicant to withdraw his complaints from the European Court, they spitted at the Applicant, at his clothes and bedding; publicly humiliated the Applicant and subjected him (his wife and child as well) to extreme forms of abuse, shaked their genitals in the face of the Applicant; threatened the Applicant with sexual and physical violence, accompanying their threats by appropriate gestures in the genital area; on behalf of the administration, imposed on the Applicant all possible restrictions and disciplinary sanctions; aggressively provoked conflicts, put convicts in the brigade against the Applicant and urged them to physical violence against the Applicant; took, stole and spoiled the Applicant’s personal belongings; poisoned the Applicant’s products so that the Applicant suffered from acute food poisoning – he had splitting headaches and severe vomiting for several days.

4.11. In addition, the convicts – activists on a daily basis, in highly aggressive forms forced the Applicant to withdraw his complaints from the European Court and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, openly telling the Applicant that the orders of his repression are given to them by the management of the colony, therefore, they are confident in their impunity and are free to do with the Applicant whatever they want.

4.12. The authorities of the Russian Federation, with the help of convicts – activists, have caused to the Applicant strongest emotional trauma and exposed his personality to moral violence. The human psyche is not designed for such a long inhuman treatment, and psycho-physical resource of the person is also physiologically limited.

4.13. The authorities of the Russian Federation do not just want to kill or bring the Applicant to death; while doing this, they want to make him suffer for the fact that the Applicant actually dared to complain about the officers of the penal colony, indicated their family names and continues to complain against Russia. Their

goals are to humiliate the Applicant to the maximum extent, mentally destroy and suppress him as a person, that is why the authorities of the Russian Federation made the Applicant an outcast, a subject of public ridicule and humiliation so that all the convicts could see, had fear and knew the consequences of complaints against the colony management and Russia.

4.14. These are not just periodic provocations, insults and humiliation - these are daily constant multiple insults and humiliation of the Applicant, moral and psychological torture of the Applicant – from morning till night.

4.15. Thus, for the Applicant’s complaints to the European Court and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, as well as for complaints against officers of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory, the Russian authorities have subjected the Applicant to unprecedented aggressive repression, destroyed the remnants of his health and drove him to despair by daily inhuman treatment.

V. In spite of all of active actions and complaints of the Applicant at the national level, at the moment, the authorities of the Russian Federation completely ignore all the applications of his representative and human rights defenders, have not taken any positive actions to protect the Applicant and have not even attempted to neutralize the cause of the Applicant’s hunger strike, but still continue to actively repress and drive the Applicant to suicide by hunger strike.

5.1 During this time the Applicant, his representative and human rights activists submitted the following documents:

On 23.06.2015 the Applicant submitted an application to the head of the penal colony and asked to transfer him to another brigade, and stop persecution by convicts – activists of Brigade No .2

On 26.06.2015 the representative personally submitted an application to the Deputy Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation with a request to stop the persecution by the convicts – activists of Brigade No. 2 and transfer the Applicant to another brigade.

On 04.07.2015 an application was submitted to the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation upon ignoring the application d/d 23.06.2015 of the Applicant by the authorities of the Russian Federation, absence of any investigation and elimination of the facts threatening the life of the Applicant. On 09.07.2015, being unable to withstand the harsh persecution and inhuman humiliation by Russian authorities, and with the hope to escape from intolerable persecution by the administration of the penal colony and the convicts - activists (criminal elements) controlled by it, the Applicant was forced to use the only means of self-defense and announced an action of term-less hunger strike to protest against his ongoing persecution for his complaints to the European Court and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

On 09.07.2015, the representative, via the Internet consulting points, urgently sent similar applications regarding the crime to the Federal Security Service (FSB) of the Russian Federation, Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation, Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation about uncontrolled persecution in regard to the Applicant and presence of an organized criminal group of convicts-activists on the territory of the penal colony.

On 10.07.2015, a public statement was published in the media and sent to the Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation by human rights activists

On 16.07.2015, the Applicant’s representative got a personal appointment at the office of the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Russian Federation, Mrs. E.A. Pamfilova, and in addition to the presentation of the facts of illegal composition of the court, which convicted the Applicant, she informed the Ombudsman that the Applicant is currently illegally isolated in solitary confinement, still on hunger strike (at that time for 8 days already), and is subjected to violent persecution by the administration of the penal colony and convicts - activists for his complaints to the European Court and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

On 20.07.2015, the representative applied to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation of the Moscow City upon aggressive and uncontrolled persecution of the Applicant and bringing the Applicant to suicide/suicide attempt by Russian authorities.

5.2. All applications of the Applicant, his representative and human rights activists are completely ignored by Russian authorities, administration of the penal colony, Prosecutor’s Office, Investigative Committee and other competent authorities of the Russian Federation The interested administration of the penal colony continues its aggressive persecution, hides from human rights activists the serious condition of the Applicant and the reasons for his protesting hunger strike, and the press flatly refuses to cover the Applicant’s situation, for fear of unlawful criminal persecution and pressure from the authorities of the Russian Federation.

5.3. The Applicant has been on hunger strike for 21 day already, and, taking into account his isolation, his severe hypertension and, as a result, injury of target organs (heart and kidneys) - every day of the hunger strike could be the last one for the Applicant. But to date, no one has responded to the applications and interfered in the critical situation of the Applicant, because the Applicant’s death is advantageous to the authorities of the Russian Federation, and the administration of the penal colony informed the Applicant that if they could bring the Applicant to natural death, they would do a great favor to the state.

5.4. The natural death of the Applicant is very advantageous for the authorities of the Russian Federation, as in the case of the death of the Applicant, his complaints against Russia in the European Court and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe will “die” as well, which contain irrefutable evidence of the administrative practice in Russia in uncontrolled torture of convicts in prisons and informally institutionalized administrative practice of inhuman and degrading treatment of convicts in Russia.

5.5. The Russian authorities also realize that it has not been yet such level of lawlessness, persecution and number of torture applied to the same person in Russia for the whole time of Russia’s participation in the Council of Europe, and informally institutionalized administrative practice of torture and inhuman treatment with convicts in Russia may serve as a pretext for making next, shameful for Russia, pilot judgment by highly respected European Court.

5.6. Therefore, the authorities of the Russian Federation in the Perm Territory are doing and will do everything possible in order to falsely discredit the Applicant before the European Court and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, falsify documents of the Applicant and submit their fabricated evidence, as much as possible creating intolerable conditions of existence and hostile environment for the Applicant, so that the Applicant, if possibly, could die not by the hands of the Russian authorities, but himself, because of exacerbation of his severe chronic diseases, in permanently aggressive environment.

5.7. The Russian authorities deliberately chose July and August for the culmination of their persecution, as just at that time of the year there is a holiday season in Russia. All the authorities of the Russian Federation, deputies, human rights activists, ombudsmen, etc. are legally on holidays, so the critical situation of the Applicant in the Perm Territory, his protest hunger strike, severe state of health and ongoing persecution of the Applicant by the authorities of the Russian Federation for his complaints to the European Court and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe are completely unheeded by state and public bodies, and the Russian authorities in the Perm Territory have a great opportunity to liquidate the Applicant without additional noise and public attention, that they successfully use at that time. 5.8. The Applicant draws attention of the Honored Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe that Russia failed to comply with the ECHR decision d/d 05.06.2012 on Case No. 27026/10 “Buntov against Russia”. The Russian authorities used brutal physical torture to the Applicant already thrice after the decision above, and they have been subjecting him to continuing persecution and harassment for his complaints against Russia for five years, forcing him to waive his complaints to the European Court and the Committee of Ministers.

5.9. The Russian authorities, for the purpose of persecution, do not absolutely treat chronic diseases of the Applicant. For 5 years of persecution and torture, the Russian authorities turned the Applicant from an outstanding athlete into a disabled person, with a large number of chronic diseases, among which the most critical are renal failure, ischemic heart disease, severe hypertensive disease of the 3rd stage, 3rd grade, risk 4, which came to the active phase and uncontrollably affects the target organs of the Applicant (heart and kidneys). This is evidenced by the strongest hypertensive crises and constant crisis blood pressure (recorded in the patient chart of the Applicant) - from 200/100 mm Hg to 240/140 mm Hg which cannot be cured even using drastic anti- hypertensive drugs.

5.10. The Russian authorities openly and brutally destroy the Applicant in the Perm Territory. The competent bodies completely ignore all our applications, and at present the Applicant is obscurely dying in solitary confinement, in the hands of the persons concerned. Over the past 2 months the authorities of the Russian Federation heavily injured the Applicant mentally, and using brutal humiliations they brought the Applicant to despair and forced to start the protest hunger strike in a very poor condition. It is terrible to imagine through what the Applicant passes, and to what consequences his protest hunger strike could come, and whether he will be able to get out of it, and whether he will survive at all.

5.11. At the same time, the Applicant is close to forty years old, he is no longer young; and systematic torture and 5-year persecution completely destroyed his health. The authorities of the Russian Federation have been constantly keeping the Applicant in psycho-physical stress situations and environment for the past 5 years already; they applied brutal torture to him 4 times for 5 years; at present they are aggressively repressing him, using degrading and inhuman unfair coercion practices towards the Applicant for withdrawal of his complaints from the European Court and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

5.12. The respected Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, based on the totality of the above-stated and other events taking place with the Applicant, taking into account the distinct persecution of the Applicant in the Perm Territory by the authorities of the Russian Federation for his complaints submitted to the European Court and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, as well as the demonstrative and proven non-treatment of the Applicant and other facts of arbitrariness of the doctors and authorities of the Russian Federation in the Perm Territory, gives good reason to believe that no any proper medical care will be provided to the Applicant somewhere in the Perm Territory, and the authorities of the Russian Federation in the Perm region, did not stop their repression, and the applicant’s stay in the territory Perm Territory will not stop their persecution, and the stay of the Applicant in the Perm Territory in general without any protection can lead to the death of the Applicant or, no doubt, to the next brutal, physical torture by the authorities of the Russian Federation

5.13. And we also inform that all our applications to the competent authorities, in spite of the seriousness of the situation, are sent by definition for consideration to the Perm Territory as well as to preconceived administration of the Main Directorate of Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory - thus, in the Perm Territory the authorities of the Russian Federation check themselves and the Applicant’s arguments, of course, do not allegedly find their confirmation, while the Applicant has been balancing on the verge of life and death for a long time already.

VI. The Russian authorities create the situations in which it is practically impossible to prove the persecution and harassment in respect of the Applicant for his complaints to the European Court and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, in view of his full dependence on them, on a completely enclosed territory which is fully under their control.

6.1. According to the penitentiary legislation of the Russian Federation, the Applicant is forbidden to collect, store and provide any evidence, and he is deprived of this possibility completely.

6.2. At the same time, the administration, repressing and forcing the Applicant to withdraw his complaints from the European Court and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe is very numerous, well organized, tightly interconnected by authoritative, friendly, family, corrupting and other relationships; it has a wide network of numerous loyal and fully dependent on them convicts - activists who on their orders realize organized persecution in respect of the Applicant and provide any convenient for the administration false testimony against the Applicant; they possess the most advanced authoritative and administrative powers to create, legitimize and provide any false evidence against the Applicant.

6.3. The authorities of the Russian Federation, It is enough for the authorities of the Russian Federation to print, sign and seal a paper with any false charge of the Applicant (or with negatives of the facts mentioned by the Applicant), and it immediately becomes an official document - evidence against the Applicant, and is unconditionally accepted

by the authorities of the Russian Federation, as it is evident from all the cases, appealed by the Applicant, of torture applied to the Applicant by the authorities of the Russian Federation from 2010 to the present.

6.4. At present the Russian authorities subject the Applicant to repression in IK-1 of OIK-2 “White Swan” in Solikamsk, continue to aggressively punish and force the Applicant to withdraw his complaints from the European Court and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. At the same time, the persecution and harassment are carried out so that the Applicant could not prove them, and among proven facts we only have the facts of falsification of the patient chart, failure to render proper medical care and evidence of the Applicant.

6.5. Having created intolerable, inhuman, degrading living conditions for the Applicant, the authorities of the Russian Federation, using unprecedented aggression, force the Applicant to withdraw his complaints from the European Court and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (they are very annoyed by the fact of providing priority to Complaint No. 25327/11 “Buntov against Russia”, and the Russian authorities anticipate the imminent fair decision against Russia, and therefore they are in a hurry regarding the persecution and harassment of the Applicant), for which reason the Applicant was forced to start the action of protest hunger strike to protest and appear with open accusations of concrete officials and convicts - activists in bringing him to suicide / suicide attempts (through hunger strike).

6.6. In case of lethal outcome of the protest hunger strike - death of the Applicant in solitary confinement, the Applicant accuses the following persons in intentional bringing him to suicide:

Head of IK-1 OIK-2 “White Swan” in Solikamsk - Kh.M. Alidibirov Deputy Head of IK-1 OIK-2 “White Swan” in Solikamsk – A.I. Kibanov Chief of the Investigative Department (OD) - Novikov Head of the Security Department - Voytenko Head of the Department of Educational Work - Barulko Officials of IK-2 OIK-2, allegedly checking themselves: Head of IK-2 OIK-2- Khomyakov Chief of the Investigative Department of IK-2 OIK-2 - Filipsonov

6.7. Currently, those guilty persons, being confident of their impunity and unconditional support by the authorities of the Russian Federation, threaten the Applicant with criminal prosecution for allegedly slandering them. 6.8. The Russian authorities put and keep the Applicant in a cleft stick: they constantly subject the Applicant to the most violent persecution forcing him to the withdrawal of his complaints from the European Court and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, and created intolerable conditions of existence for him; but the law deprived the Applicant of any possibility to record and prove the persecution and coercion. 6.9. The evidence of Russia is completely on the side of the penal colony administration abusing its power (especially in the situation of interest of the authorities of the Russian Federation against the Applicant): any convict subjected to repression is forced to meekly tolerate any illegal persecution and extortion of money by the administration or claims about these abuses of power; and not being able to present any evidence, he is subjected to criminal prosecution by the Russian authorities for false accusation, etc. 6.10. The Russian authorities openly informed the Applicant that his complaints on the head of IK-12 in Gubakha, G.M. Nazarov, will cost him dearly, and that after the disclosure by the Applicant of their organized crime group in IK-1 OIK-2 in Solikamsk of convicts - activists, ruled by the penal colony administration, and the publication of the names of all its members and their patrons, the penal colony administration would create a hostile environment and persecution for the Applicant in any brigade of IK-1 OIK-2 “White Swan”, so any transfer of the Applicant to another brigade in IK-1 of OIK-2, which he requested, would not provide any security to the Applicant. 6.11. From July 23, 2015, there is no any news regarding the Applicant. The authorities hide his state and status from human rights activists, his representative and public, and flatly refuse to comment on the situation. 6.12. The part of the Applicant believes that the authorities of the Russian Federation will try and that time to mislead the respected Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, and until the death of the Applicant they will claim that the Applicant allegedly is in satisfactory condition, that the situation is allegedly under control and that allegedly nothing threatens the Applicant’s life 6.13. Contrary to the false claims of the Russian authorities about the allegedly satisfactory state of the Applicant, this application contains documented records of dangerously high values of the Applicant’s AT, objective facts are recited and irrefutable evidence is presented of the poor condition of the Applicant, in which he was before the start of his protest hunger strike.

6.14. In this context we kindly ask the Honored Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to show its goodwill in full, consider the arguments of the Statement regarding willful disregard by Russia of the Decision of the European Court d/d 05.06.2012 on the Applicant’s Case No. 27026/10 “Buntov against Russia” in view of the fact of aggressive destruction of the Applicant by the authorities of the Russian Federation in the Perm Territory, the fact of applying to him the extreme forms of humiliation of an individual in the process of forcing him to withdraw complaints from the European Court and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, as well also taking into account the evidence presented, beyond reasonable doubt, and if necessary, to organize the mission and conduct its own investigation in order to personally verify the serious condition of the Applicant and consequences of his protest hunger strike.

VII. We also inform the Honored Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe that G.O. Matyushkin, representing the Government of the Russian Federation, in his reply d/d 19.06.2015 to the European Court confirms the fact of ignoring the competence of the European Court by the Russian Federation and the attempts to discredit locally the decision of the European Court in respect of the Complaint No. 27026/10 “Buntov against Russia”, as well as of the facts set out in it, which is confirmed by the words of the Commissioner of the Russian Federation at the European Court, G.O. Matyushkin, and despite the decision of the ECHR d/d 05.06.2015 on Case No. 27026/10 “Buntov against Russia”, he openly declares:

“In view of the above stated, taking into account that the applicant’s four previous requests for interim measures were dismissed by the Court’ (See the Court’s letters of 8 July 2010 (it concerned application no. 27026/10), 20 September 2012, 27 February, and 18 March 2015), that none of the applicant’s allegations of ill-treatment has been so far confirmed in the course of the domestic criminal investigations and that his other allegations have been checked by supervising prosecutors and have found no confirmation either, the Government see no grounds for granting the most recent applicant’s request for interim measures”.

And that is when there are the Applicant’s torn nails! There is the evidence of belonging them to the Applicant! There are traces of mechanical removal of the nails! There are expertise conclusions confirming their mechanical removal! There is the decision of the European Court confirming the fact of torture! And there is no any event of crime for Russia!

The authorities of the Russian Federation issued another decision to dismiss the criminal case “for lack of evidence of crime” on the recognized fact of torture of the Applicant in 2010 by the European Court in its decision d/d 05.06.2015 on Case No. 27026/10 “Buntov against Russia” (Attachment No. 9. Decision on dismissal of criminal case)

Based on the above and other available evidence, the Applicant on Complaint No. 27026/10 “Buntov against Russia” makes the following statement:

• On Russia’s willful contempt of the European Court of Human Rights Judgment dated June 05, 27026 on Complaint No. 10/10 “Buntov against the Russian Federation”. • On incessant aggressive persecution, torture and inhuman humiliation of the citizen Vitaly Maratovich Buntov by the Russian authorities in connection with his appeals to the European Court and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. • On the destruction of the Applicant, organization of uncontrolled persecution of the Applicant by the authorities of the Russian Federation in the Perm Territory and bringing him to suicide / suicide attempts by protest hunger strike.

The Applicant asks the Honored Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe:

• Urgently interfere in this critical situation and to save the life of the Applicant for his further participation in the administration of justice by the European Court; • Apply the appropriate mechanisms forcing Russia to stop torture and uncontrolled persecution of the Applicant in the Perm Territory and to ensure real security of the Applicant, as well as the actual execution by Russia of the ECHR decision d/d June 5, 2012 on Complaint No. 27026/10 “Buntov against Russia” • Make Russia responsible for systematic torture of V.M. Buntov and willful gross systematic violations of the rights of V.M. Buntov and human rights in general. • Take all possible measures by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe at this stage, as the Applicant is objectively is in serious condition, and there is a real threat to his life.

List of attached documents:

1. Statement from Roszdravnadzor dd. 13.04.2015 on the basis of the Applicant’s documents. 2. List of the initial examination of the Applicant on TPP d/d 05.05.2015 3. Examination of the Applicant by therapist in the hospital of IK-1 OIK-2 d/d 14.05.2015 4. The Applicant’s discharge summary d/d 08.06.2015 5. Examination of the Applicant d/d 10.06.2015 6. Medical report of the specialist in the field of forensic - medical examination A.A. Zaikin No. 118/7 / I 7. Fabricated refusal from hospitalization 8. Motivated refusal of the Applicant to be hospitalized with the original handwriting and signature of the Applicant 9. Decision on dismissal of criminal case d/d 13.05.2015

Applicant V.M. Buntov July 29, 2015