Field Guide to the Geology of Northeastern Oman

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Field Guide to the Geology of Northeastern Oman *+R൵PDQQ00HVFKHGH$=DFNH0$O.LQGL )LHOG*XLGHWRWKH *HRORJ\RI 1RUWKHDVWHUQ2PDQ 6DPPOXQJJHRORJLVFKHU)KUHU *HRORJLFDO)LHOG*XLGHV %RUQWUDHJHU6FLHQFH3XEOLVKHUV B Field Guide to the Geology of Northeastern Oman pages Sample eschweizerbart_XXX Gelogical Field Guides – Sammlung geologischer Führer Edited by Peter Rothe Volume 110 pages Sample Borntraeger Science Publishers · Stuttgart · 2016 eschweizerbart_XXX Field Guide to the Geology of Northeastern Oman Gösta Hoffmann, Martin Meschede, Anne Zacke, Mohammed Al Kindi pages With 227 figures Sample Borntraeger Science Publishers · Stuttgart · 2016 eschweizerbart_XXX Hoffmann, G., Meschede, M., Zacke, A., Al Kindi, M.: Field Guide to the Geology of Northeastern Oman Author’s addresses: Prof. Dr. Gösta Hoffmann, Steinmann-Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Paläontologie, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Nussallee 8, 53115 Bonn, Germany. [email protected] Prof. Dr. nat. Martin Meschede, Lehrstuhl für Regionale und Strukturgeologie, Friedr.-Ludwig- Jahn-Str. 17A, 17487 Greifswald, Germany. [email protected] Dr. Anne Zacke, Mineralogisches Museum der Universität Bonn, Poppelsdorfer Schloss, Mecken- heimer Allee 169, Bonn, Germany. [email protected] Dr. Mohammed Al-Kindi, Geological Society of Oman, P.O. Box 993 Postal Code: 112 Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman. [email protected] Front cover: “Mother of all outcrops”: Deformed Radiolarian Cherts (see EP 24). We would be pleased to receive your comments on the context of this book: [email protected] This publication has been made possible with the generous support by Geological Society of Oman (GSO) pages ISBN 978-3-443-15099-0 ISSN 0343-737X (Geological Field Guides – Sammlung geologischer Führer) Information on this title: © 2016 Gebr. Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photoco- pying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Gebr. Borntrae- ger Science Publishers. Publisher: Gebr. Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung Johannesstraße 3A, 70176 Stuttgart, Germany Sample [email protected], ∞ Printed on permanent paper conforming to ISO 9706-1994 Layout: Satzpunkt Ursula Ewert GmbH, Bayreuth Printed in Germany by Tutte Druckerei GmbH, Salzweg eschweizerbart_XXX Foreword and Acknowledgements This publication is a joint effort of members of the Geological Society of Oman (GSO) and the German Geological Society (Deutsche Geologische Gesell- schaft – Geologische Vereinigung e. V. DGGV). The charter of the DGGV explicitly outlines the purpose of the enterprise to be the facilitation and en- couragement of scientific communication to all persons interested in geo- sciences (§2,3c). The DGGV also aims to foster its relationship with interna- tional organisations with similar goals (§2,3k). The main purpose of the GSO is very similar: since its foundation in 2001, the GSO has become a leading society in the preservation of Oman’s geological heritage and natural wonders. The society provides seminars, lectures, workshops and field trips to a range of people in various geological fields. The fascinating geology of Oman is obvious, not only to the expert. Visitors to the country are immediately impressed by the variety of landforms and rocks. For many this comes as a surprise, as the general perception of “Arabia” is often related to dry, barren desert landscapes. Therefore,pages 3000 m-high moun- tain ranges or perennial wadis with crystal clear blue water might be unex- pected for the first-time visitor. We hope that with this book the reader will be able to put the variety of Oman’s beautiful landscape into a scientific context and to understand the processes that led to its formation. Consequently, this book aims to serve as a general introduction and guide to the geology of Oman for laymen, students and geologists alike. This publication would not have been possible without the support, encour- agement and help of many people and organisations. Anne and Gösta explored the country extensively while employed at the German University of Techno- logy. The support of the university management is kindly acknowledged. Of- ten, the field logistics were carried out by Golden Highlands. The support of the company’s skillful team was essential in many successful trips, some to very remote areas. Fruitful conversations with geoscience-students from Oman and abroad motivated the compilation of this book. This work was further supported by The Research Council Oman (TRC) project ORGEBR–10–006 “Short- and long-term environmental changes along the coastline of Oman (Arabian Peninsula)” and TRC project ORG/ GUtech/EBR/14/014 “Quaternary sea-level changes in Oman”. Furthermore, the help of several individuals is kindly acknowledged: Wilfried Bauer and Wiekert Vissers reviewed the introduction chapters. Thank you to Stefan SampleSchmid for comments on EP 24. Hartmut Seyfried gave valuable comments on EP 19. Adolphe Nicolas and Françoise Boudier shared insider tips on outcrops within the ophiolite. We had productive discussions on boudins and mullions with Wilfried Bauer on EP 98. Wolfgang Frisch proofread the chapter on eschweizerbart_XXX Foreword and Acknowledgements IX author of several textbooks concerning plate tectonics, structural geology, and regional geology of Germany. Anne Zacke graduated with an MSc equivalent diploma in Geology at the University of Greifswald in 2003. She gained her PhD in Natural Sciences at the University of Cologne in 2007. Her thesis dealt with palaeoecological and palaeooceanographic reconstructions of warm shelf seas by analysing the apa- tite of Cretaceous and Paleogene shark teeth. After her PhD she worked as a research fellow at the State Museum of Natural History Karlsruhe in the De- partment of Museum Education. In 2008, she took the opportunity to move to Muscat and worked as one of the first staff members at the Geoscience Depart- ment of the newly established German University of Technology in Oman. She moved back to Germany in 2014 and is currently deputy head of the Minera- logical Museum of Bonn University. Anne works on the interface of science and public, so her main focus is on museum’s didactics and education as well as scientific collections. Mohammed Al Kindi graduated with a BSc in Physics and Geology from Aberdeen University in 2003. Mohammed then obtained a PhD from Leeds University in structural geology in 2006, studying thepages structural evolution and fracture pattern of the Salakh Arch in the Oman Mountains and relating the surface observations to subsurface data. He worked for Petroleum Develop- ment Oman first as a consultant in structural geology, then as a senior produc- tion geologist. His main interests include the regional geology of Oman, tec- tonic evolution of the region and structural setting of hydrocarbon reservoirs. Mohammed has been a member of the committee of the Geological Society of Oman since 2009. He joined the committee as an executive director from 2009 to 2012, then as a president in 2013. He has published and co-authored a num- ber of scientific papers and books about the geology of Oman. This publication has been made possible with the generous support through the GSO The Geological Society of Oman (GSO) is one of the first vocational societies established in Oman. Since its foundation in 2001, the GSO has become one of the leading societies for the preservation of Oman’s geological heritage. It pro- vides seminars, lectures, workshops and field trips in various geological fields. SampleCurrently, it is involved in designing and establishing a number of geological museums in Oman. There are more than 1,000 members including well-known geological experts. The society also provides geological consultancy and as- sistance to various ministries in Oman. eschweizerbart_XXX X Foreword and Acknowledgements DGGV The German Geological Society (Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft – Geolo- gische Vereinigung, DGGV) emerged from the fusion of the former German Society of Geosciences (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, DGG) and the Geological Association (Geologische Vereinigung, GV) in 2015. The DGG was founded in 1848 as the Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft and merged in 2004 with the East German Society of Geological Sciences (Gesell- schaft für Geologische Wissenschaften, GGW). The GV was founded in 1910. Currently the DGGV has about 3,600 members from universities, industry, and private economy and is the leading member of the umbrella organisation of geosciences (Dachverband Geowissenschaften, DVGeo). The DGGV organ- ises annual meetings, workshops, excursions and is publisher of well-known international journals (International Journal of Earth Sciences, German Journal of Geology). pages GUtech The German University of Technology (GUtech) is a private university in Muscat/Oman. The university was founded in 2007 and the accredited BSc and MSc programs see a growing number of students each year. The vision of the university is to become a leading university of technology in Oman and the wider region, thus defining the highest standards in education, research and innovation. GUtech provides students with the education required to become highly qualified and socially responsible graduates, guided by German excel- lence in science and technology with a firm grounding in Oman’s
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