on board the Wawasaet at the tim* Mlhoedlauooiu Heading. of Ms burning A Washington dispatch of tha 10th say* the latest estimate of the teas of DO HOT SLAM THU GAIK. Ilia puts the number at about seventy; fifty six UmIm « had so far boon recovered, though not Wow. doall***A m «n; 1 Hut *heu yoa mo so late. I «M jtm »mM to careful, dear. To mht ite Ida gala. Ell Perk I an a Balloon a tic. Tot Senate He Cone every atgki. Clinton Independent Th th* Manager* of tha Daily Graphic: Aa4 eo doss taaelog Kat**, The Gxxtlkmeji 1 received your onto this To toll mm, moxi day. what o'clock The/ heart y«a »Um tto gau. morning, inviting me to go up In the bal loon. You any you desire me u> go ns Tew oeaMy lea, loot utgfct. ^oa know. the representative of the Dmilff Ontphio — Jh»i u.»w in very late to be the official historian of the first (We've tailed about eo many Uuu* ) great aerial voyage across the Atlantic. Uk, da aot eUai the gate. VOL. VII-NO. 44. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1873. WHOLE NO. 356. You also my t Tor all Ike artefcbur* hearing; U • White your going. Mr. Ferida*. might aot coa Will aajr oar fa lure fair tribute any great priuri|il* to seteaes. and wrhlte We've keen flUcuariag { eo I keg w* ha vs aoudag sgaiaat you Manually. s«UI. your You will not slam the gate. The Utah Territorial election occurred 00 vere thunder, rain and wind storm on the departure waald gratify the Aaaerlcaa people, aad they will come and roar all night within A a Eloquent Temperance Latter* ageable, and at last started off and ran OoDcnil Sens summary, you would b* rash*' d to carry oat that brautifal For, though U Is very true, a few yards of the camp, and cases have away with me. How long he ran with the 4th. Tbe Mormon ticket was unanimously evening of the 7th. Great damage was duoe theory of moral pfalloooptoy the greatest good to I wish they would wait chosen, the Gentiles not participating. The to some of tbe streets, gutters were obstruct ­ the greatest number.*** occurred when they have attacked it I Some sixty years ago there was barn In me on his back 1 cannot »ay; THK OLD WORLD. To caavaee our affaire, uolil - usual number of women and children voted. I thank you, gentlemen, for your flat­ W< U -pray dou't slam tkr gala, remember one uian, a European, who bail one of the tnidland counties of England It seemed a good while, but the first ed, snd water rollnd In torrent* two and three spoil the night in a tree watching a male one William Hoppe, who, when about I knew 1 was going over his head and A I-oudon paper of recent date aajrt that In several counties In Illinois aud Iowa the fuel deep. Kldcwalks were carried away, cel­ tering invitation, which I herein accept. Al least aat turn; by-aad by, lion which hail sprung Into the camp and twenty yearn of age, came to thia country plowing the gn 111 ml on all fours. Then atatemeute had been officially made that tha farmers have made independent nomination* lar* flooded, heavy trees prostrated, and gar ­ I don ’t know wlint 1 have done, or why uVn fa "war hoiu«'rT wait lie started off into the storm and was Eugllsh Government knew nothing of the you single me out and invite me to go up Your coming. 1 »hall a)way* like seized apiece of meat kindly taking no and settled in Vermont He possessed a for county officer*, and adopted resolutions dens ruined. The city looked in many places To hear you elaaa the gate. notice of the terrified scramble he caused, powerftil frame and an indomitable will, gone. I scrambled to my feet; hut no Pmian concession to Haros Renter until It pledging themselves to vote for the tickets as though convulsed hy an earthquake. and improve my condition. However, 1 and which, after roaring for a little, was and aniaaaed a considerable sum of sooner rot up than I was knocked down had been granted. Earl Granville stated In thus put in the field. will make positive arrangemeute to go up For whether you go out or la. money, while cultivating a small (arm in as if I had been struck with a club. tbe House of Commons that the first he There was an election in North Carolina on in your balloon any time after the 20th of At early hours or late. joined by two lionesses, tne three proceed ­ The Kentucky election occurred on the 4th. ing to eat all the buffalo meat in stork, a comparatively sterile country'. Hint* Throe times was I struck down before beard of It was from Reuter himself, lust the 7Ui, to determine whether certain proposed August. I have consulted with many of The whole world will Dot tease me thru. Report* from the Mate al large Indicated that About that horrid gate! one always keeping guard while the other were sometimes thrown out that he ob ­ I could keep my feet. My hat is a sight beptember. A correspondent says that Itcuter amendments to the State Constitution should my friends here, and they ail advise me James W. Tole la elected State Treasurer by two went to water. tained hit money' not so much from agri to lichold the crown being actually torn regarded till concession with the eye of sn or should not tie ratified. These amendments to go. Of course it makes them feel sad, an overwhelming majority over Machee, Inde ­ This is a habit of theirs w hen they have culture aa from smuggling goods over the to rags. When 1 got back to the com ­ Englishman, which he regard* himself by res­ are seven in number, relating principally to but they are glad to make tha sacrifice— THE LION. killed any tiling, to protect it ftoui vul­ border from Canada. After a time he mand I found that many of the wagons idence aud lntcre*t, and offered Earl Granville pendent, who received only a few thousand finance*, snd were all adopted. {flat! to contribute the life of one they tures, wolves, and jackals, which, if not concluded to come West, and bought a were disabled, and one entirely wrecked. votes throughout the entire State. A light Information has been received from Han An­ ove so well to the cause of science. My A whiter in Fjind ami Wttier Um« We went into camp on the spot, and sent an opportunity to reap the political l>ct»cflt of uncle, Consider, says the sadness of my prevented, would pick the bones clean in farm near Wheeling, in Cook County, tbe grant for England. Granville ignored tbe vote was |M>(lcd. The Democratic candidate* tonio, Texas, that the little town of Frio was nlcaaunilv relate* what Ur knows of the where he settled with Ids wife and latuily out after the missiug, and by dark, to my fur the Legislature are elected In nearly ail the fixed departure would be somewhat allevi­ a few' minutea. political significance of the Conors* It mi, and lately attacked by a large hand of Indians, for ­ king of Bi'mU: 1 know a Dutch hunter, a very power ­ more than thirty years ago. Every thing great satisfaction, every animal iwlonging counties. It is pn(liable that Evans, the Ke- ty In number, who captured stock, and at­ ated if he could only be assured that I The public must feel some difficulty in ful man, w ho was once sleeping out near he touched seemed to prosper,his farm of to the command was in camp, my home treated It entirely a* a commercial speculation would never return. which It was entirely out of the ordinary line publleau candidate, has tiecn elected to Die tacked the inhabitants, wounding one aud You ask me what I desire to take as forming a true estimate of the prowess of the Nkwavuma. He had been unsuccess 11ure-hundred arret w as one i*f the best in among the first. Scarcely a man among Mate beirntc from the Hopkinsville district, the African lion from the number of con ­ of the policy of the Government to protect. murdering Dr. Mosaey, seventy-seven year* of luggage, offering me any space which I fully pursuing game all day, and had Cook County; he built ujmui it a splendid us but received severe bruise*; my hand* over McKenzie, Democrat. Fayette County flicting statements made by different trav­ A Paris dUpetrh of the ith says there was age. The Indians were I icing pursued by both may ueaire. First of all, I should like made no camp fence or other* protection, mansion, entirely of pressed brick, and are black and blue from the blows of the elects Pratt, Radical, to the legislature by a elers and hunters. The truth appears to hall-stones. Others had their heads rut much excitement over tbe fact that Count de soldier* and citizens when tbe messenger left. to take several Saratoga young ladies. an he had got no meat with him. During for years everything was lovely. With small majority. Jessamine County elects the lie that, while each one has formed an the increase of his wealth his family also and bodies badly bruised. A large yellow Pari* had gone to visit the Count de t ham- At a mass meeting held at Moot real, Cana­ They like to take up a good deal of room, the night lie was awoke by something Radical candidate for the Legislature. opinion from the behavior of the particu­ catching bold of hold of his arm. Think increased, until, in 1843, he had thirteen dog was literally beaten to death, and a lM»rd, and had arrived at Vienna, where he da, on the evening of the 5lii, spirited resolu ­ but 1 assure you they arc very light. Tbe President reached Washington on the lar animals they chand'd to meet with, ing it was a wolf he made a tremendous children, all living. Hopps had, however number of young antelopes were found was received by the* Emperor Francis Joseph. tions were passed calling ou the Dominion They arc anything but solid young ladies. 5th, and Senator Morton had a long comiulta- In case the* balloon is too heavy, the Ihe fact that ever}' single lion differs from effort to free himself, striking out at i( become aa inveterate to|*er, and in conse ­ dead from the same cause. When tbe In view of the reconciliation of the Bourlwm Government and the Lower House of Parlia­ lion with him. A Cabinet meeting was held. young ladies are willing to be throw n out another in temper and disposition has with the disengaged arm. The blow was quence, family troubles frequently arose. storm ceased the hail was from two to and Orleans brain-lie*, to which this pro ­ ment to investigate promptly the Pacific Rail­ Wen allowed to drop out of sight. That A largoutuantlty of petroleum oil was burn ­ way scandal of Canada, no matter who may tie as ballast. It is thought that they would such that if it did not knock the animal In the month of June of that year, the three inches deep on a level, and a foot or ceeding points, the Vigilance Committors of tbe some lions will make a point of attacking ed at Long Island City on the 5th. The float away very gracefully —as Virgil down It any rate drove It l»ark, and cn whole community was startled a ith the more in drifts. ” I.eft and extreme heft of the Assembly were damaged in consequence of tbe revclattoii* any human being they sec w ithout the news that William lloppa had murdered fire was caused by Captain Meyers, of says; shied him to snatch up hit rifle and Are. holding dally sessions, aud were prepared to made. “ 81c liar ad a*tra." slightest provocation admits of no doubt, his wife. The news proved true. While an oil l>argc lying alongside of a The lion, as to his astonishment it turned . The BInc-Hird. call the leading WMBkMS of their rasps d ive Presideut Grant has issued sn Executive or ­ while it U at tens! equally certain that out to be, jumped away roaring, and next under the influence or liquor, be dtsein pier, lighting III* pi|>c, whereupon Twelve young ladies here to-day, with parties together when the time comes to take der, announcing his approval of the new rules there are others that can hardly be forced morning was round dead a few yards off. howeled her. An inquest was held, and the vapor from the oil ( ommuutested with the prepared by the CSrll-Servlce Board last June, Worth dre ’ssqpand hair put up in "hard- Tiik blue-birds and the house-wrens action. to retaliate, and which, even when wound ­ They are excessively fond of eating he was found guilty and committed to flame, the barge waa shattered and set ou fire, soap scollops, ” only weighed ninety-eight ed, will always rather run than fight. more frequently come into collision. A The entry of the French troop* into the and stating that they will lie put In operation as pounds. buffalo and other game, killed too late in take his trial. He had no sooner been and Captain Meyer* killed and his body burned Generally shaking, ami subject to the few year* ago I put up s little bird house city of Nancy on the 5tb, was welcomed with soon as the necessary arrangements can be I should like also to Uke my horse and the day to be broken up, and, even w hen safely lodged In the jail of Cook County in tile back end of my garden for the ac­ to a crisp. Five barges aud atiout $15,0UU lime exceptions, 1 have found that the great enthusiasm by the citizens. made. dog-eart. We may land miles from the hunters are sleeping by it, they will than he inquired for the lawyers w ho had commodation of the wrens, and every sea­ tianrels of oil were cousumed. Los* $'JU0,0U0. lion of Southeastern Africa rarely noee out defended JumperU, and noon after 1V>I. Tbe British Parliament was prorogued on A full report of the Special Commission on any street cars and out o! the sight of any come almost within the glare of the fire, son a pair have taken up their abode Vice- President Wilson was In Boston ou tbe of its way to attack people; will, in point and tear and crunch away*, taking no John Van Arman and Mr. K. W. tbe 5th. In hw speech on tbe occasion the the abuse* of the United States branch of the omnibus; besides, it will be uiccr to drive there. One spring a pair of blue birds 5ih, looking very well. He was improving of fact, shun a conflict when avoidable notice of shots or stones, but an occasion McComaa became his counsel. By the Queen acknowledges her obligation* to the Vienna Exposition has been received at Wash­ into town in style anyway. looked into the tenement and lingered ington. The conclusions are the reverse of There is nearly always some explanation al growl, unless hit, when they are pretty time the trial was reached, Col. Van 1 louse of CommiMi* for the provision* by fast 1 should also like to take up s watch­ of its behavior when it acts otherwise; about several days, leading me to hope complimentary to General Van Buren and hi* dog and double-barreled shot-gun, to be certain to make one spring into the center Arman had left, with bis regiment, for that tney would conclude to occupy it. which she was enaMed to promptly meet the Sonic enthusiastic mcmliers of the Grand either the hunter has approached so near of the eamp and do all the mischief they the seat of war, and bis place was Ailed Army of the Republic in llotiokeii, N. JM re­ confidential assistant, General Mayer, and used in case Mr. Wise and I disagree before seen that the animal is afraid to Hut they finally went away, and later in oldigstiiMi* imposed upon her by the award of about the meals served at table, or to pre can. Apropos of thin, 1 NMUtar hear by Mr. Wirt I>exter, who put in a plea of the season the ’w rens appeared, and after a the Geneva arbitrators. &be announced that cently com|>ciicd a salooo keeper to take down some of their subordinates. turn tail, and, urged by its very fears, iug of a \s was sentenced to palpitates with music a* this little vaga English and French representative* for the livered by the Mayor of the city, and George Spain, vessels comprising the European strap the balloon to the deck of a steamer If theanimal, judging by your behavior, steady aim—he only hail a single laurel— death. l>ond. And the pair I speak of seemed protection of foreigners aud their property, M. I>wen, President of theBoard of Education, squadron under command of Rear Admiral or lace it tight, if the ladies did not object, imagines that you do not waul to hurt it, and fired at the nearest, which made a On the application of his attorneys, a exceptionally happy, and the male had a even if force had to be employed. responded. Case have been ordered to flpauisi. jiorta. to a train of cars. Borne along at the it will, after trying you for several min- Itound upward and fell dead. The other su|wrsedea* was obtained from the small tornado of song in hts crop that Count de Chaiubord received the Count of A passenger train and a freight train 00 Uie The Ohio Constitutional Convention ad rate of twenty miles an hour on a freight utea, and even making oik * or two sham took no notice, and after a minute resum­ Supreme Court, and, on apnea), that kept hitn ’’rottied ” every moment in the Chicago, Burlingtou A Quincy Railroad collid ­ journed 00 the Mh to reassemble in Cincinnati car, Mr. Wise could have ample opportu ­ charges, often walk away ami allow you Paris at Vienna on tbe &th. nity to make his experiments with air ed its meal, upon which he quietly loaded Court reversed and remanded the case, day. But before their honeymoon was A Parliamentary election at Grvecnwlch, ed near Na|ierville, 111., on the Mh. Two men on the 2d of Decemtier. to do the same; but merely raising the and shot it dead upon the spot, ft show­ and ordered a new' trial. It was not until over the blue-bird* returned. I knew some ­ were killed and several others injured. currents and toll gates and thing*. I really arm, much less pointing the gun at it, is England, to fill the vacancy caused by the Tbe lUiuol* Board of Railroad and Ware­ believe that the safest way to do is to all ed great pluck, for, alone in the dark with 18H, however, that the new trial took thing was wrong before 1 was up in the A reeent storm on the Montana Division of house Commissioner* have becu in daily con ­ sure to make it come on. One or two in­ two lions, and only one shot to trust to, is place, his counsel evidently considering morning. Instead of that voluble and death of 8 ir David Halomsn, has resulted in s get in the balloon, put It. on a clipper stances of this occur to me. A large Conservative triumph. This Is the first In­ the Union Pacific Hallway la described as fear ference w ith the leading railroad men. ship­ anything but a pleasant position. that the fact of his having been a long gushing song outside the window, I heard ful. The bail in some places was piled up to ship, and let the wind blow us any where native hunting party had gone ont, and Sometimes I it are heard the moat ex­ time in jail would have a good effect the wrens scolding and crying at a fear stance, since 1*52, of a Conservative candi ­ per* and producers of the Htate on the freight except over large islands or continents. were scattered over the thorns. One of date living elected for the borough, and tbe a height of two feet. rates question, with s view of coming to a fair If everything is satisfactory, and you traordinary concerts going on round w ill* a jury At last the trial came off, ful rate, and on going out saw the blue­ Tbe Mayor of Chicago telegraphed to the my gun bearers, who had gone with it, MM the lioaffffWS in ir on. wnlvi and he w as aquitted, and again w alked birds in possession <»f the box. The |>oor result Is thought to iudkatcj that tbe Con ­ and just liasi* of trans|Mirtation charges. will send me a few thousand dollars to suddenly found himself face to face with hyenas, and jackals keeping up a contin ­ the earth a free mac He went back to wrens w'ere in despair; they wrung their servatives will return to power after the ap­ Mayor of Portland, Oregon, on the 5th, asking A largely attended farmers’ pknlc was held buy champagne and cigars, and breastpins, a full grown male lion, without a yard !*•- ual round of howling, squealing aud his old neighborhood and commenced hands and tore their hair, slier the wren proaching general elcctiou, with a working if Chicago could do anything for the relief of at Riggs ’ Grove, Mott County, 111., on tbe and a loaf or two of bread —an absolute the fire-sufferers. The reply was that at pres­ tween them. He had presence of mind laughing, which, being interpreted, meant, work but no one would have anything to fa»hion, but chiefly did they rattle out majority. 7 tb, at which, among others, the following necessity, you know-, when you are going enough to stand perfectly still, without I suppose, that they were very hungry do w ith him—even his own children re­ their disgust and wrath at the intruder* Tbe Intel view on the 5tli between the ent no help was needed. The total loss hy the mottoes were displayed: “If any political to travef—if you will do all this, w hy. I’ll even attempting to take one of the Portland fire was comgMtcd at 11,10,075. Uke your money now, and sftying. “May and wished the lions would clear out anil fused to see him, aud he felt that he w as I have no doubt that if it could have been Counts de < bsrabord aud de Paris was cordial, party stands between us aud uur rights, let It spears he carried in his left hand into the let them begin. It is by no means un ­ truly and utterly alone in the world. His interpreted! t would have proven the rank­ A Salt Lake dispatch of the Mh say* it was die; ” "farmers to the front; ” politicians, Heaven bless your great enterprise,” put other. After a couple of minutes the and the political situation in France was not usual to flnu a wolf or jackal lying dead, farm hail been mortaged to pay the ex- est and most voluble Billingsgate ever ut­ understood that Mrs Ann Eliza Young had at­ take back scats;” "corn must go up, monop ­ it in my pocket, where you will always orutc turned away, turning around every pensesof his tltfunsf. and was at length alluded to. know where it is. Yours warmly, punished on the spot tor daring to ap­ tered. For the wren is saury, and he has Madrid advices on the ith were to tbe effect tempted to compromise her divorce suit for olies must go down;” “corporations must econd to watch them. Before going far proach too near the bigger robber** sup­ sold for $18,000. Of this sum, $10,>>00 a tongue in his head that can outwag any Eli Perkins . it met another tnan, who raised his spear, that the Insurgent* at Cadiz had surrendered $15,000, without the knowledge or consent of otiey the laws as well as individuals. ” hmiTiKa. Angus* 1. per, and I have often seen the *po<»r of went to his counsel for their ow n and the other tongue known to me. her lawyer*; but the latter preferred to carry ts if to throw it. It instantly sprang on where a lion had chased wolves several court fees and $.,500 was left to him. This to the National troop*. Tbe Government The wife of Cassius Claxou, of Henry Coun ­ The blue birds said nothing, but the out the prosecution. ty, Kv., was awakened a few nighta ago by a aim, and inflicted such wounds that he quickly disappeared in the maelstrom of troop* had re-occupied 80 it*. The Germans Animal Magnet I mu . hundred yards away from his prey male kept an rye on Mr. Wren; and wheu At Rockford, III., a few nights ago, a lied within half an hour. 1 have no Much has Imen written about thalr roar, whiskey; aud then, as if good fortune he came too near, gave chase, driving him had raptured two lusurgmt frigates in tbe man named Payne attempting to get in at tbe doubt that if this man also had stood still aud I must confess to haring been disap and kind Providence were always help­ to rover under the fence, or nndcr a rub­ harbor of Malaga. The Insurgents had gain ­ young woman was badly burned by the ex­ window. Mrs. Claxon seized a pistol and The dividing line between Nature and he would have been perfectly safe. Again, pointed in it at first ; but after a time I ing him with golden opportunities to do bish heap or other object, when* the wren ed poaaeaaion of Orihueia, and threatened plosion of a kerosene lamp while she was •hot Payne through the bead, inflicting a fatal the Sujiernaturai is in some place* very a hunter of mine was following buffalo discovered that, though it ha* no resem­ well, a legacy of $7,500 came to him from would scold and rattle awar, w hile hi* Alicante. A powder magazine In Valencia attempting to fill It when lighted. wound. Mr*. Claxon lias been tried and hon­ obscure. A young gentleman of the name tracks into some thickets; suddenly a male blance to thunder, or anything of that fegtnad. At last this all disappeared, pursuer sat on the fence or the |>ea^brush exploded on the 5th, killing many 1 us urgent* In an interview on the fith with Colonel orably acquitted. of J. R. Brown, a resident of Red Oak, lion roae out of one of them and snarled and William Hopps, upon wltonT bright Hughes, Representative Plait, aud Messrs, sort, it really is a very* awe inspiring w,Uingjor_hlm to *"Gfyt¥Ul>» frnoi*MM to At a recent meeting of the Brooklyn (Wl*.) la., aged twenty-one years, called at the at him; he had hardly sefin it when ap wound. It cli otic glMMfi ft I !»'■ MNMM ful In the approaching Guiwrnatorial election Brown was introduced as one possessing hind he heard the low growling of a roar that fills the air, and dies away again head, not a friend in all tin? world ; a* A a ing their enemies, and hoping, no doubt, threatens to depopulate some district* In of Wisconsin. remarkable psychological powers, of in Virginia. He announced his willingness to Tbe Conservative nomination* for State third. Partly turning, so as to watch in a low muttering. Lirma coming from child who did not revolt from contact or that thing* would lake a turn, and they Russia. which the assembled editor* were invited them all. he saw the latter was a lioness; ______conversation with him. Alone, and an presently did. The outraged wrens were do all in hi* power, consistently with his posi ­ officer* in Virginia are: F«ir Governor, Jame* a different direction will often keep it up A discussion In tbe British Cabinet on tbe to make a test. Wc were informed tliat,^ and that three cults, not much larger Ilian 1 f4ir half an hour, answering one another, outcast. Ills misery and destitution at fully avenged. The mother blue-Wrd had tion, to aid Colonel Hughe* aud the Republi­ L. Kemper; Lieutenant-Governor, Roticrt E. if anv person would go to another part of cals, were following their mother, one of and it shows liow the animal is drefldod, last caused him to ask for admittance in­ lain* her full complement of egg* and ?th resulted in imp<*rtunt change* in tbe Min­ can cause in that Mate. Wilber*; Attorney General, R. T. Daniels. the building and deposit any article what­ them running toward him without show that the moment it is heard near catnp to the Cook County Poor-House, at was beginning to set, wheu one day, as istry. A London telegram says; “The Mar Pre»ldcnt Grant ha* signed the postal treaty The steamer Wawsi^et, of Washington soever in a secret place, Mr. Brown, being ing the least fear. He had, unaware*, got there is a dead silence. More wood i* Jefferson, and a few days ago he became her mate w is perched above her on the quls of Klpon and Mesars Cl»04w* awl Bax­ between this Government and the Jiq»ane*e City, was burned on the Potomac River, below blindfolded, would take the jwnion by the into the center of a lion family. The hastily heaped on the fire, and all the j an inmate in w hat w ill probably be hts barn, along came a boy with one of those ter have resigned, tbe two former for private Empire. _ _ Arquia Creek, 00 the evening of the Hth, and hand and lead him directly to the place, lioness, in fear of her offspring, rushed natives uneasily shift their positfons__and ! last home on earth, and when he dies, clastic sling* and cut him down with a reasons. Gladstone, in addition to tbe Pre The Massachusetts Democratic 8 tate Con ­ of the large number of passengers on laaini the only condition being that the person up, and, as he afterward described it, fair­ take up their guns and speart. More | instead of leaving a magnificent inheri- petdde. There he lay like a bit of skv micrabip, assumes the l haucellorahip of the vention is to tie held at Worcester, Septem­ depositing the.article should keep hi* ly danced round and round him. spring ­ than once I have lost a night's sleep by a lance to his children, and having « fallen upon the grass. Tbe widowed bird the tmat, over forty were drowned. The fol ­ Exchequer, in lieu of Lowe, who assume** the ber 3. lowing account of the disaster is given by mind intently fixed upon it- One of the ing to within a yard of him, sideways, serenade of this description, the lions. | splendid monument erected to his mem seemed to understand what hail hapjx'iied, Home Office. Bruce la to be made a peer, and At tbe New York Colored Republican State Doe. Kenney, liar-keeper of the steamer: gentlemen of the Tribune thereupon went I tack wards, and * every way but on him. being hungry, smelling our meat and orv. be will descend to the grave unhon- and without much ado disappeared next will succeed Lord Kipon as President of the Convention, which met at Saratoga on tbe flth, into an adjoining room, closed the door, In this case. al**>, he stood still without ored, if not unsung. —CSicnq., Trilrun*. dav In quest of another malt*. Just before reaching Cbattcrton ’s Landing, keeping prowling about close to until Council. Arthur Peel become* Liberal whip. seventeen delegate* were preaeut. A motion on tbe Virginia aide of the Potomac, atiout and placed a coin inside a volume of the anv movement, for, as said, it was a dawn The low, warning moan uttered In the meantime the wrens werubeside ! was adopted to form a permanent orgmniza Poland Ored it-M obi lier report, and cover- themselves with delight; they fairly Other changes arc expected lu a few days. five miles below Acuuia Crack, and after the hundred to one he did not kill the mother; by them, if you approach too near a A Remarkable Van. John Bright join* the ( aldnet as Chaw-ellor tion, and tin* Convention adjourned to meet whistle of the tioat had been blown a# a signal ed thi* volume with several other books. and, suppose be had, the other two would thicket where'they are concealed, is a screamed with Joy. If the male wiw I** of lier approach to that landing, the steamer Returning, Mr. Brown, having a handker- have soon avenged her. It ended by their fore ••ruffled with whirlwind of his of the Duchy of Ijmraster.” j in New York City, October ‘i. most unpleasant noise, and when I first O xk of the most remarkable men of 8 . II. White, of Illinois, has been elected at tbe time l^ing atiout a third of Jt a mile chief tightly bound over his eyes, took tin* ultimately retiring into the thicket, and heard it 1 almost mistook It for the moan the present day is Baron Reutnf, thei ecstasies,” he was now in danger of being A cable dispatch of tl* 7th say* there had from the shore, fire was discovereddiscover <1 in the ,u.maIl f,y the left hand, held the hand watching him as he cleared out Had he rent asunder. He inflated his throat ind !.eew a marked improvement In the appearanra President of tbe American Educational A*so- hold, and the hose was attached, h«l ImmediatelyImmediately, ^ # mofnent against his own (Mr. B ’si of some large auitnal in pain ; but it in monarch of the telegraph. The history 1 elation, with a full complement of Vice-Presi­ been nervous, or done anything but re­ variably means that the lion in in a laid of his rise, from humble estate to be guest -aroled a« wren never caroled before. of the crops, in Frame, and there was a prom but lx fore the men could reach it tbe confla ­ head, and then walked against the door of main quiet, there is no doubt he w ould * temper, and you bad better uot go U*» And the female, too, how she cackled and i*e of an abundant harvest of excellent qual dents. A. 8 Marble, of Massachusetts, Is gration iiecame general, as the fire had t«een of king* and courts, the autocrat of the I Secretary, and John Hancock, of Ohio, Treaa- burning for some time. The fire had l*een the adjoining room. The door l>eing not have come out alive. close. wires, ami one of the wealthiest men in darbd alx>ut! How busy they lx>th were’ j opened, he marched against one of the I urer. smoldering. It I* supposed, for some hours, On the other hand, a lion will seldom The danger, if you come to clone quar­ Europe, is interesting and instructive, Ru>hinn tin n*'si, they litutM th*** ’ A Vienna dtspateb of the 7th say* that in liis and u|)on tbe opening of the hatches It l>ur»>t glass door* of a bookcase having a dozen stand much bullying He may, and often ters w ith them, can hardly* be exaggerated. DffiDllliaron ikruwiReuter wasw •** born lMin 1881, at vCasM-l*. egg* out in leas than a minute, wren late interview with the Count dcChambord the The Massachusetts labor Reform Cooven- forth with great fury, driving the inen from or more similar opening*. Thi* door lad ­ will, get out of your'way; nay ’ even leave There are cases where, single handed, and a principality of Germany. ■^■parentsIlia \ time. They carried in new material, aw»l Count de Pari* acknowledged the f«»rm**r to i Hon met at Lowell on the 6lh, and Judge Rot* the hold, and completely baffling all attempt* ing opened, he placetl the hand of the bis pray if you approach It, and should Arnos] onlv with a spear, a native has suc­ were Jew*; his father, the Kabbi Josa- by the third day were fairlv installed he the bend of the House of Bourbon and of 1 ert C owley, of I^owell, w*s chosen « halrman. to sutidue it. • ___ gentleman, who had secreted the coin, on In an instant great confusion prevailed on you follow him, will perhaps do so a ceeded in hilling one tint lias sprung on phat, a learned but poor man. At the age again in their old quarter*; but on the the royal line of France. On the return visit A series of resolutions was adopted. the Poland Credit-Mobllter report, and second time, but that is about the extent I him without receiving anythingbut trifling third day. so rapidly are these 1 tile tbe vessel, the* passengers becoming jianic- of nineteen he started out to seek hi* for ­ of i bamtiord to the Count de Parts, the Utter Tbe Democratic Mate Convention of Ohio stricken and frantic witn few, and very few said, “There it it.” He did not claim to of it. lie teems to argue. “I’ve retired j injuries; but these are ’only exceptions tune. finally arriving at ltenzig, where he dramas played, the female blue bird reap­ know 1that the thing was, but he knew* peared with another mate. Ah! how the met C bamtiord at the door of bis hotel snd assembled at Cotumhu* on the 6th. All the having pnaaace of mind sufficient to take care twice, and hem you are at rat- agai n; well, ] that prove Ihe rule that where they* strike w as il! used and half starved, suburouent- escorted him within. counties in the State were represented. W. H. of themselves. . , where the place was. if you muat have It, come on nearer, if they kill. Unlike other larre game, they ly obtaininr a position as clerk in a bank wren *toek went down then! .What din- The steamer was, without a seco nd * delay, Several experiments similar to the fore ­ may and despair filled again those little It has been determined that Henri Rochefort Ball, of Muskingum, was elected permanent you dare;" and then. If a male, he growls divide their attentions equally, springing ing bouse* at Gottingen. W hilst there he bss recovered his health sufficiently to undergo beaded for the shore on the Virginia side and going were tried, with the invariable re­ deeply and makes his man* bristle up from one to another, and lighting with submitted s plan to the Russian Govern ­ breasts! It was pitiftil. They did not chairman. Resolution* were adopted —that in a few minutes ran aground about two hun­ sult that Mr Brown, by placing the hand round him; or, if a lionet*, crouches tooth and claw in the most wonderful ment for the improvement in its finances, •cold a# before, but after a day or two the fatigue of the voyage, and be has been the Democratic party seeks to revive no dead dred vards from the Virginia side. of the experimenter on his on n forehead, Uoqrn like a cat. lavs her ears back, and Manner. It is a grand sight to see one ami the Czar, in acknowledgment, sent withdrew from the garden, dumb with sent to New Caledonia to serve a sentence of issues, hut stands by its principles, which are At this time the flames had spread with fear­ was enabled to walk directly to the place grief, and gave up the struggle. —Joh a expatriation for life. suited to all time* and circumstances, and ful rapidity, and In the excitemeut many •diowa her teeth. In any case you arc in charge a native regiment sent out after it, him 43,000 in gold. After this he ar JumiM-d overboard. Several of lhern jumped where the object liad been placed. It for it, tha bruts is fhirly roused, and retire M thev sometimes are, springing over the ranged for a partnership in a Berlin //wm»MgAs. is Smbnfr't Month.y. According to adUpateb from Berlin of the •uppurta the Federal Government in all Its was also ascertained that if a person ^ D into the water In-fore the steamer struck bot ­ or advance as yon like, asrittrge is inevit- heads’of the first line right into the cen liouso, married Miss Clementine .Wagner, Htb. the (holers is prevalent in the hnrrack* in constitutional authority, and op|>osea nullifi ­ tom Hhe was provided with but two small should merely fix his thoughts on any ob ­ able. ter, flying about, knocking men down the daughter of a banker, and on* of the State Fairs for 1*78. that city. cation *nd secession, defending the reserved ImisU, and in tbe fretisy of the moment one of ject in the building, Mr. Brown would go 1 lived (or many yean tenong these | with every blow, until, a complete sieve most elegant women of Berlin, lie then Madrid dUpstclics of the Mb announce that rights of Mates and the people; denouncing these lioats was thrown overi*oard and lost by directly to it, having first placed the per­ ( aurouMA, Sacramento, September 14 tiassetigers who, uncontrolled, were endeavor ­ animals, and their very name recalls in of anslgai wounds, it dies fighting, tx < awe a Christian, and, out of gratitude Valencia has unconditionally surrendered, and all monopolies, and elasa legislation by tbe son ’s hand on his own head. The only ing to launch her numerable recollections and anecdote* They generally lie in the ksku thorns. to hi* early protector, the Dancrath Reu­ to 21. . _ General Campos has occupied the city. Car Government; pledging the rineere ami honest explanation Mr. B can give of his power, Perhaps the muat beaatifui sight I aver or In the dense evergreens which line the ter, he adopted the name by which be is Georgia, Macon, October 27 to 81. efforts of the Democracy to obtain for the ag ‘ *- placed on saw in connection with them, worth all rivers, ami in the summer in the reed*, Illinois, Peoria, Bepteniber 15 to ‘iff tAgens was expected to surrender speedily. leading to now known to the world. After his mar­ The third quarter of the* last milliard of the rleulturiat* of the country redress of their the Zoos »n the world, was on a morning | The la-st chances for killing them are ob. riage he removed to 1‘aris, where be com Indiana, Indiooapolio, rteptember 10 to person i* October 10. _ war Indemnity was paid by France on the Mb grievance* and equal and exact justice; con ­ 1 bad gone out to hunt with one bearer at tained in the former place, as you often mcnced the real aim of his life. His first demning the salary bill, and denouncing tbe er aground The flames spread with such rapid thinking. He does not pretend to read dawn I had not gone far from camp, j come across them asleep when you are Iowa, Cedar Rapids, September 8 to 12. Instant. ity that tbe tiller ropes were on fire before tbe anybody ’• thoughts in any other way than attempt at obtaining rapid news was that mcmlicra of Congress who supported the mea­ and my gun was still unloaded, w hen I ; stealing about after game. It is better not of employing carrier pigeons to and from Kansas, Topeka, September 22 to 26 London paper* announce that Ix>cd Freder ­ vessel struck the ground. this. wm examining some buffalo spoor, while ; to fire if its head is toward yon, as even places where there was no telegraphic Maine, Bangor. September 16 to 14 ick Charles Cavendish and 8 lr Arthur M ellea- sure or accepted the Increased pay, aod Presi­ Over forty paseeager* were drowned, 01 It is fortunate that Mr. Brown was born 00 looking up! ssw mv gun-bearer, who I if you shoot it through the brain, its dv- Maryland, Baltimore, October 2* to ley Peel would assist Gladstone in administer ­ dent Grant fog using hi* Influence in be­ • bora ooly six bodies had been recovered at communication. At this time ue was tbe time Kennev left tbe scene of the wreck. in the nineteenth century in stead of the had my cartridges, running away at full | Ing hound may land it on top of you ; but very poor, but, to his credit be It said, be 31 ing the office of Chancellor of the Exchequer. half of and for signing the law; declaring the seventeenth, else he would havebeen burn npecd/ Knowing he must haw seen t if you see one, go round and tnr to gets Michigan, East Saginaw, September 15 Republican party to be Justly responsible for A Is iut one-half the uasseuxers on the a- had all along supported his poor old A Vienna journal of the Hth report* that the wasaet were women 1 ed for a witch. As it is probable that h« something to frighten him so, I did not shot at its back—they always lie on their mother, who never knew how he bad to to 2ft Count fie Cbamte>rd had accepted the thnme the evil* snd w rung* in legislation and tbe Ad ­ Whom weir ew nmft to couutrv place* along ill give some public exhibition of hi* ahouL but went to where he had been side —and then there is a good chance at struggle to do ft, but thought he was get Minnesota, ftt. Paul, Hcptember 23 to of France, a formal teoder of which had teen ministration of which the country complains; the Patomac to spend a short time write their powers, we turn him over to the "*cien standing, a few yards ahead, ami there, j the head or heart, with a possibility of ting rich. In 1857 Ue left Paris for I>on- 24. made him by s deputation of Legitimist* etc., etc. lion. William Allen, of Rosa Coun ­ friends. There was quite a number of colored lists.” That there is no humbug in his sure enough, not twenty yards off. were a breaking the backfome. Sometimes the don, where be devoted himself assiduous ­ Montana, Helena, September *20 to ty, was nominated for Governor, by acclama­ people among the passengers. case, we are fully persuaded. The exper pitir of Hons; the lioness rolling on its j bush Is too thick for you to go round, and Cable dispatches of the 91h state that tbs ly to getting first news, and very soon, by October 4. . , . - cholera had entirety disappeared from Vienna, tion. For Lieutenant Governor, Barnabas Private telegram* from Havana, received In iments to which he submitted in the back and sirstriking at fbe male’s bead with in that case hide, and break a twig, or dint of hard work, by the number of bis Nebraska. Lincoln. September 1 to «. Burn*, of Richland, Supreme Judge, long New York on tbe flth, state that General Poc office of the Tribune in the presence of give a low whistle, and it will get up, un New Hampshire, Manchester, tteptem and that an Inquiry by the authorities of Paris its fore paws like a kitten, while he stood agencies, by the cables he laid, and his term, II. C. Whitman, of Hamilton; short tello, at the head of 3,000 men, had routed half a dozen extremely skeptical expert mo. certain what has disturbed it, ana give t>er 30 to October t . showed there had hero no case of that disease majestically above her. I stopped a perfect arrangements, he was enabled to term, Charles II. Scribner, of Lucas; Attorney aud captured Clenfueg«i# without a shot being menters, seem to prove the existence of a raeni to watch them, and it was well every opportunity for a steady shot get almost a monopoly of news. He forced New Jersey, Warerly, beptember 22 to In that city this year. physico-psychob»gic force, to which the worth it, and then rushed off after my Snnetimes one meets them in bad A dispatch from Barcelona on the 9th say* General, M. A. Dougherty, of Franklin; fired, and proclaimed Don Carlos King of ihe London fiao to his terms by obtain ­ ^Northern Ohio, Cleveland, September Treasurer, tieorge Welmvr,of Summit; < omp- name of ‘‘animal magnetism ” is most com ­ KaflVc to load. The position was good, places, where It would be very dangerous ing the Emperor ’s celebrated New Year’* the Carlisle were concentrating Indore Bergs Hpaln. monly applied. The existence of such a and I might have killed one to a certainty; to fire if alone, wheo, if seen. It i* Is-t speech, which was the forerunner of the h.i to October 4. preparatory to making an attack upon that troller, J. K- Newcomer, of Marion; Mem tier The Agricultural Department reports that force ’ Has long been suspected, bat the but when I bad succeeded in getting him to stand one ’s ground, not attempting to Italian war, six hours before the Govern North Carolina, Raleigh. October 14 to city. A Bayonne telegram of the 10th say* Board of Public Works, Christian Bcbetx k, of the prebablr wheat yield for 1873 will be 230,* conditions of iu operation arc so rare, and down from the top of a bic; tree, ana went make any offensive movement, and not to men is of Europe were notified of It. In 18. the Carlisle had surrounded Ogarzum, in the Mercer. A telegram was received from Mr. OOO.tWO bushels. Tbe largest absolute falling the means of verifying the testimony con ­ back, they had gooe. I suppose they kneel down; for some reason, probably l*fl4 he sold out for 41,350,000, and when New England, Medford, Beptembcr 2 Province of Gulpuzcoa. The Republican Allen accepting tbe nomination for Governor. off In corn la In Illinois, where there isa re­ cerning it are so unsystemat izedAhal it has must have got our wind. No doubt they because they themselves always crouch the Government of England look posses The follow ing order in relation to the pro ­ duction of fifteen per cent. Tbe Depart preparatory to attack, lioaa will rarely l° New York, Albany, September 24 to troop* bad rrtreated to Pampcluna, from no scientific basis or recognition what- had been hunting all night, and bad been sion of the telegraph in 18flfl, be hmiprivi Elizondo, leaving the Carllet* in possession of posed State Grange Convention of Wiscouoln, ment reports that tbe flax culture I# greatly As a starting point for some well- down to the river to drink preparatory to stand this if anything of an ugly temper. leges for white he received about $3 October 1. ' When you do fire try for the shoulder, or, Northern Nararre. baa twrn issued : on tbe increase In Iowa. authenticated information npnn tbe sub going to had. non The tttle of Baron was conferred Ohio, Mansfield, Reptember 1 to 5. Ta the Pstmns of Wtseooda: . Ject, wc suggest that the medical profes if a very crackcram shot, andana not at all uer Pennsylvania, Erie, Beptember 23 to It seem* that very few live* were lost In tbe A fire at Portland, Maine, cm tbe 9th burned I do not think the lion deserves his upon him in 1870. He has four children. Wilt th. approbation of the Master of the State up tiirae steamers, one grain elevator, with don of Chicago appoint a committee, tiiUMkiMflf beasts, thmirh oerbaiM he brain; do not aim too high, aa In height he is about five feet three inches 26 Investment aud defense of Valencia, three hun­ Graaze. after c«iu*altath>a. It ha* bsva deemed whose testimony would be universally ac .r. 1 u.' fas* i. EffccU, l» to five feet four inches, of * tender build, Rhode Island, Providence, September 9 dred killed and wounded covering tbe losses brstni modify the r~olnrto«- of tha Dodge Coaaty contents, several freight sheds, a large quan Coin (-nil. in .hi that they will read from and after Uty of wharf property, etc. Five Uvea cepted, to hold a “seance” with Mr decidedly more sagacious, and the black • •P* glance. With a mate, in firing at high nervous temperament, energetic and to 11. on twth sides; but the Injury to the city and »h«-word Kc-ilved'IOITWI Was ■■■■■follow*: II I . That • Brown, and report the fheta.—Chicago 7>i JLUninrTrT^T u C«ruinlr *«rr I tl* .boulder, rare the (Win* mane Vermont. Rutland, September 9 to 12. troa* of llesheafiry ei Wteroorie b# reported lost Value of property destroyed quick. He is axeiwdingly generous, and commerce waa very great. One hundred ti»n of th* Palmas bun*. Auf/uMt 7. dnierou. »d either oC Ike two eould *b.ch corer. It d«» uot r.u« you to his soirees are surpassed ny none in Lon Virginia. Richmond, October 28 to 81. bouses were damaged by the bombardment held at Watertownlows on Tuesday, Aagaol SS. 1ICX estimated at *400,000. OTST. .few momenta, with bn, little | gjWWS-S* “£jr for tbs parpoaam of.If dispatch of the Dh any* that ***** —The at the Universityuty of nr twelve being by no means rare. Llkn before your pursuer resumes the tense Department would endeavor to secure tbe ra- urged In her luhalf. Virgiaia has reduced the Board of 1the Tbe storm occurred on Tuesday, the removes tha wniiru: erases the colored Fourteen German beer nailers were arraigned ter, in a population of about oue hundred, all the feline tribe they hunt MOtn by It has, to my knowledge, ssved more than loaee on hall of tha MHuwapolto officer* im­ had some twaatyeaam sod twelve students to an almost miraculous degree night than hy day, but in the nninhnW^d t4th, about four o ’clock In the afternoon ground, and It cannot be restored There at Worcester, Maas., on the 7th, nod af them one man at a pinch. ^ It came on with such force and rapidity U no absolute protection against the alter­ prisoned at Fort Garry, pledging that Ifsora- deaths daring the previous week. During the of cheapness The University report districts tbov prowl aboat by daylight, teaecd they *hatl appear to answer in a 4 ane- for the third time. 8lx were fined fllflO and mentions a mens of eight whose board especially when hungry Whan 4heir — Russ is beats as in old men. One has that the surveying party were taken by ation of ordinary documents If written to the House of Oorrec same week there were eighteen cholera surprise. Many of the animals broke with copying ink, and cooled ns finished, dian Court when the eaee la called. only cast them $9 per month, and one hunting nas been succ» Wbl the r deep the lust psssed away at Niyjt..Novgorod at the thin for stx months, and ordered to fled one In 41. I#uD State student whose total expense for liv­ whole day In *ome thick id hard by their age of 197, having been bom in 1744 He away from the wagon* and stampeded the executor of an affidavit may pfovkh On the motion of sundry defendants in the Hardy fonea, over eighty yeara old, other* were overUiroed and tumbled on unassailable evidence of the original text, Oeffit Mnhllkr snlta f Catharine II, and was in top of eaeh other Into a gulley, the for s year. They all appealed aad gave hail realty hanged at Newham. V. U, for the mur rent, boaid. lights, foci, and wash inf, haa ?Mnk. SS. Hfc* all carnivora, they tnu»t the rank* of the Kostina amt fill through and thus protect himself from injury hy a In which fo file their answer* to the Govern fee of Robert Miller, a constable, February 1, the campaign from 1W & T?14 ifl. animal* only escaping tlirough the break- aklHftil erasure, but if shrewd rogues are meat MM, Judge fthipman, at Hartford, has as required. been under |140 drink freqn^riy, ami their presence is s The National Fdncatkmel Association cow- 1* 79 , while Miller, with two others, waa carry Ing of the harness The cavalry horse* bent on fraud U in difficult to pruned fixed upon the first Monday la October. sure sign of water being Mr. | oldest son Is tfl rluded Its sessions at Elmira, If. Y., on tha lug Joans ts prison on a charge of lar. m y —A company from Boehm have recent­ — WW' ■■■ became unmanageable and ran away with against them. One hundred and fifty immigrant* Their favorite food is kuffals sad sebra. their riders. The whole company was .. .. u>» •— 7th. The time and place for holding the next Tea saw caaew of cholera were reported ha ly purchased a large tract of birch timber preferably the latter, though they geoer —The statistics of the Pmsbyterisu Boat is pnseed through forh, III., ou the 4th, land in the town of Fotcroft, Maine, and General Assembly show that ritety-eight completely demoralised —A new university having been pro* meeting of the Association eras left to the Chattanooga, Torn., on the flth, three of which ally go after the former, as they are more Major Townsend had rather a doleftil posed for Texan, and hid* foe the focal km hound for Omaha and the Weal. Theer are are expending $55,040 in preparation to <-«*ily sulked from frequenting IkfiTMek- of the ministers of that church died with Board of Director*. were fatal. experience 44My horse,” he said, “be­ Invited, the town of Corricana offers the advance guard of 14,000 Russian* who are It Is mM them were one hundred aad fifty manufacture spools and bobbins. «f ktjtofk ’ wan in the last year, some of them of coming la this country. Dahuqne, Iowa, waa visited by a very se­ neat ability sad came panic stricken and utterly unman $100/100. MM IIU.IN SEWS. LEGAL NOTICES. BAlLBOAi DENT1STRY. 1»T8 . 2lu 3ndt|)tndcnt A MINIRTNINISTMATON'S SALK-SfU af ^FRIXR AND •« NRI R Flint has flvu ohease faetwnea. nil It UMT IS THK <'HI.4PI:n T | X trSims, aoat•IV af O mML In thr ma'lar DelrsK 4 JMlIvaakft Raftlr«a4. L AS* Sneak thieves art now the arj at 2u« laUK uf JI»lMIN W.UfSSIDI DacaaM L'oUliurtker u*.irales wilUaava Si John •j pswaiW of DR U X. roltMIN M »* BaUn S Imkjf gt v a Ibml b> virtue aad la par We Study to Please. aadag ’l commit m mar mb. Grand Rapids. •a..'* of o«*uir aad aalbaatj granted la mm by W KMT. IlMhawvf ** *i nay offit«iu Michl|u. llunT* At Judge al Prabau fur tbacuanli u< (Mates,lu (40IN(4 ------aBuilding, m Mm. SMly Mi aad at I lu * oa. Jh»i Urand Rapids only . Seveoty Iva |»craoua wera jailed in* •all swl Ultlf betoaglns la Mid • !« ceased, I will THUBBDAY, AUa 14, 1873. Night Kipress wltii sia*ptug ear, at t 4* a Millinery! Grand Rapids in duly. SYLVESTER MOTT, •Stlai pAbtta aud Ian tu t|a hi^lirtl bbkW, on Grau4|Mapids mad Ur aad Hav*a •ataid.f, tba 1WS day of iMiWnbrr, A. D. 1*33. Malia14 40 p m. for Grand Haven, Grand Rap The K«aft Saginaw Us this year is TIOMIKV and C«ismUui *t U« mS It- at 1 a'nwh la th. .fWru.iaia.al IS* I'robait- OSra ttsM»f Ml Ghana**/. P#rtualsr an* Milan ta lb* »M««f af Ml. Johna, ta aald rvaaly, all ibr t4 * UOINU KAMT, Jkk md his ivhui In 8210,080 and Mr. Jnsae llojt pays «• settling title lu ml nisi rt|hi tai.ud leinta ui mM d-mud in aad lu Right Kip at » ac a m.for Itokroti TkUlratokas iU M« f»rUa* MIMm'i (upstair*), Ibr tadowlsg described r»»lr*uitlu-wll : A place b«r« bct*u cotttlt tuued to be shot dead, exactly one-truth of it A. JuhM Mlrb mil of land bouiutad a* Mlnwat Commencing *•'»' H»a#»daf eaar altaokad, ruda autl H|bl fral wwt uf ibt toath-wral rrrurr M.arJ at Ah* p.m. for *>waaaa. by the mi iUry cosrt, tad will soos The Ren ion of the Twenty-second Mall al I U p-•-tor ltoto»»« of luuda ilrwfrd bjr Saub Van Mlrl-t* In Urarp W Hi John* Aa*omm»»dailoa l«a*ea al VnL m.. Michigan Infantry will take place at A STOUT Btowu. Ihvnce running wtM t*r> mda, ilaatti-* north U Axet-aled an Uni pardooed b; the ATTomilT AT LAW. Mi JaliM. MteMgaa. all ruda, I Sauna aaal lau tuda, Ibraor aoalS all amvlag la Dairoll at ttm «»*ma . retaraing leave. Miss M. E. DARLING, Milford, August 28th. UIn Ii Waal >1mI,s»ii|| Mr, M ImV. rada to plar* af »>eg1 n at tig , Mag oa anuih-i-asi I tet roll at » * p m . arrteiag at •». John* MISR President U Haavv*. J. m rwiva. gaartrr of Ik* south-aest quarter of aarttoa iwn, MTThrough llrketslo nil noiaU Rant aad W tsi A man was taken for a deer at Bea- in tewmhlu night north of tangr two waal, tu tkc eaa b* parch used al li A M.Dvpa*- llrowa ’a BARTOW A FE0IWA, Hl.KKriNO CAMH OR ALL RIGHT TRAINS Taxation ros ths Nsw Capitol .— var Lake recently He now area day ­ Slain ,d Mir iii** a- A lau. a plu«a of laud baundid ffl TTORNEY* »»# Uoaaarllon at La* sad a* falloas : foutatmctn« i«u ti«i wral at tha aualh Refrv slxoent • at l»*lroit, Ovaaa# and Grand Ha rtulirlionla Cbantri), WvMpbala, ClBioa era, nradupon Company '* Favry HWamer mm Uairoll Ill# building of tbs Ospitol will oonl light through his arm. A anal corner of laud* dudwl by fiefoh Van Sic III* ff• ,*« « m e a futility. Michigan. lu OrofM W. Brown, thence running wral four River Com far table hotel abate depot al Grand I* nuw prepared wit h a superb start fa supply Mr. George W. Vaughn, i former rod*ana fourteen and our-half f *t, thence north II g t pR Ike want* and de mand* of the ladies of this •.,*, •seh cittieu si the Ststs (According !•> FASQUELLE, ...M. 0. CON NKCTIONH. - Al I>atrotl .with Gr^t Wim- resident of Adrain, lost $100,000 by L. W. Ira roda. thrnrr rut four ntda aud foum-au and mautty. tbs census of 1870 ) 81.10 18, or sn aiatooamMaaaoa. . OU m witS I’luutruiiag Aiturar), la th# UHTDAtiK RAX.ai—ihrfanilharing baru NEW of the StAte ss equslised in 1H71, —n 1052 man i«d and 582 colored life in C»arl lloatr, it. Joiiot, Mitbivaa. 344 C J ALTO . IH78. s. watsaiaaa/______a. —as. , aaad* lu ih* condition* of n cartaln morignr* Bleached and Pressed Kent County last year. M•»r« troll time) : Tba annual meeting of the pioneers al 4k o'clock P M l* Ih* after af Ik* Reiri«l*r uf Alianlie Kxprr**. daily - la tbe a oral aad most improved style af ifc# aftf for six jeers. K*ch persou paying I OMOtOt’A nilf I'H YHlt’I AN. ..Srr In Iked* for CHatun runnly. hfu-klgan. ta LHirifl Fuat Third ...... 4. ■- Uoore attl at th* pMlnBrt. will att.ad !•» all tsxes upon 81,000 vslostion will psj of Kalainasoo county is to be held at H u f and h In block It. *ic*pt •& To which w* are constantly adding tlon, apply by p*r*on or letter ta General oHee of the remsiksblj iotelligctit sod hucciss feel tiff of we*l end or *nl* of aaid lot*. In the vil- tk* Company, no 141 JefTaiwoo avauo*, car. Grt#- TTORN KYH and ('oun*t.|lor*al law,aad (toll* i back, 25.000,000 are in the booin. tnge of Kmmon*T|i|e, Clinton toauly, Mlcbigan. — wold *lreel, T*etrv»iL M. K DARLING. ful rnsnsgement of Mecsr*. Kwonsberg A| lor* In ('hanrarjr, St. John*, f Union Co. Mkk. Uaitrd-Inue I7lk. 1174 F B MNGW. Wftl’a Paa* Agt , Detroit. Quite a Urge secession was made to o. i. trtcitiaa. I s. a cimoi, WILLIAM P MOOKK. Mortgtgee W. K. VICflH, GenMdagt.. Hamlltoa.OnL A Robbins of thst city. The fscilities New Styles of Chamber and Parlor Suites. »t Johns. April OA. ftTS. Mg tf tbe Kaiamatoo Giange on the 2d, some OHT4* A 4a •: RALEt- Dtkall having PICTURE FRAMINC A SPECIALTY. offered ere shared in bj Indies end of the substantial and prominent far­ MISCELLANEOUS. , been mad* la ih* ruadtliun* of a certain Nvu M• Ml ttUUi mortgage, made and ntM-ut*d on Ike HOTELS. gentlemen alike, aud the influence felt mers of the town uniting with it. wroad day af Itay, A l» |R7t, by Mary A- Hiun •ua, Mortgagor, Io Utmrg* W Kmiaunt, Mortga ­ . ST. JOHNS MANUFACTURING CO. PERHINHOUSE, Dr. Truman Hopkins, of Otsego, Marble Works ! in sll the commercial circles of the ge*. which tald millgagi vu duly recoidrd In lt>* May Utk, 1*71 144 Nnnr Court House Square, committed suicide on Wednesday, tief,°e Soda Fountain for Sale <*®ce of Ih* Kegtater <>t l>reda for lb* county *»f IN HT. JOIIMH. North west bj this institution alone, Ultnlon and Hislc of Michigan, on lhe third day ir. JOHXB, / / / MICu• was 65 years old, aud bad resided in -AT A- May. A ll 1171 la Idber numbor twenty ell CJS), is its best living monument. oa ymge on* hundred ami ninety live (IM), of BACC’8 Si, Johas Jun<‘ 2dt 1873 . L. M. SHERMAN A CO., the place five or six years. Mnrtgag «*, at Bine and a half (IS i o'rtork In the JOHN SWEENEY, Proprietor. John Bii/.xle, of Vcvuy, Ingham BARGAIN I forenoon, and the aimienl oun due on *aid mort ­ Are now prepared to faratsb Tits Bilk toil (Jlobti says s gentleman gage having be«>n duly aaatgned by ikeaakl tieoig* From and after this data I a ball aall for county, has sold 25 bushrls of lisp One of Tuft's Up lop Soda Poaniala*. of Sue \V Kmmoiit to John It ek*. on the twelfth day This house la aotlraiy new, and was opened to of tbst eitj has had the honestj to ad ­ llaitan Marbk, wttk iwu |4 vallan hmnlalna, one uf June, A I» 1^1 by aa inalramral la writing Corner ^tore! the public In Daeember, 1*4* The room#srelarge, Moiiunirnitn, berries this season, from a patch con ­ •tenrraior. one drnfl tub* and eight ay rug. c**e* and under I he baud aud teal of the aaid tirorge well ventilated and pleasant Htages leave lau 'l it l»l «-| M. The whole ikin« In r'***d repair and will be sold boos*dally for 8 t. Loot*, fthlea. Ml. pleaMat, Ma­ mit that for ten thousand dollars of taining 15 square rods of laud. W. BienioM, which »ald aeatgnment waa duly rw- Crtha, ata bargain. Apply al the I *n*r**»**v nfllra, or conted In Ike oMce of ibeUegi-trr uf Ibeed*. In to*T. tVOIXM F*. ple Bapids, and all petals north . Good •tail' ag for C’upplnif nntl the Credit Mobilier stock which was Competition between tbe Detroit aad tor the eoualy of Cilnlou and Htale aloreenld, Ready- Pay! team.Inroaoactloa with tba hoaaa. A share of Addrea* NcOOXAI S 4k DAVIS, on the aevvnteenth day of Jane, A. I). 1*71, In nubile patronage I# solicited .______ldd-tf To vsi l>M. allotted to him be hsksliesdj received and Bay i'ity and Flint and Pere Mar­ bfaple Rapid*, Mick. Llbar number 2* of Mongagea, on pag.< »l And ( J'erawcrfp Cafarcfi Jt I mmy.) May Utb. iris---- Ml If ______there i* now al IhM date claimed to be due and Relieving It ta be for the Interest off both seller Of Anarrlean and Foreign War Me*, g s*d a* tka two hundred thousand dollars in ruon- quette Railroads, begins to wax owing na Ike above deacrlbed mortgage lb* turn • ad buyer. BIDDLE HOUSE, beat sod cheap as tk* cheapest warm. rj>HK CKNTKK of one hundred and seventeen dollar* and seventy- Conataaily an hand and for sala ej, and still holds large and valuable eight rent* jflK7R|, be^de* an alloraey fee uf DETROIT, MICH. Partlralar mltcmtlwm fa Bnlldlng The dying counsel of a Monroe wo- fifty dollars in said indent are of mortgage, stipu­ Stottr. Ml 11 a. U air r-Takira, land rights, from which further profits ...» late-! and provrtdtd for la caar any proceedings Stop and Think. t ape, Ac. j #v«i_ /-»> « ii. ! man, given to her daughter, should be •Hoald be taken to forerinoe thr saM mortgage, J. F AXTiMDKL, Frsprlcfer. are anticipated. The Globe calculates ® \ MEAT MARKET wbenev-r any default should be made la tbe pay­ kTiIbop eoraerVCilntwn Avenue aad R>|lan r graven in gold and impressed on everj Pure Drop and Medicines! Can you pay year that the same ratio of profits upon the j.,uuggiil. It e as, “never turn a blue I* at ill oa the upward track, and people raa Ikere ment of the sunt*. >f any part thereof, aeeured > y Htrrrl, Ht John*. find the beet of thr said moligsge And no suit at law or pro- Rlaatfard Fafesi Rrtflrlseat SWEET’S HOTEL. I ceedtngs in equity having l>een iaetCnted or bad We will ■•( Be tafierMlfl. whole capital of the Credit Mobilier of ailk.” bv said Mortgage* nr hla BMigus, to recover tbe GRAND RAPID8, HIGH. i tv . i ,4.1.41 . I by said Mortgagee °r his assigns. 1, May'J4tk, 1S7X. m about four million dollars would giv«- A Grand Rapid* servant girl kindled Frf>h, DriPd and Sail Mfltn. ••m.aaerurml.orany part ihaevof. Now there Paint*, /‘nr# Ground ' fore, by virtue of the power of Sale4* In th* aald T. H. LYON. Jr., - Proprietor. an aggregate of eightj millions as the ■ fir,< M ksrouane. She is now in s A* beaetafnre, and ll *lmll be my further aim la mongag* •tmtalned, and also by vlna* af the Oils, COFFEE, •tovise means of beat serving my nulomm, all of •tntuieof Ibe Hints of Mlrklgao. In sorb canes Grocer’s Bills Late of the RATH BON HOUSE. very low condition and with but alitthl ST. JOHNS KAKEKY, a mount of a{>oils alrea«ly divideil, but whom will plea** accept my warmest thanks for made aad provided. Notice Is hereby given, that Varnmshe*. Toburro, all kind*, bop« a of rt-covory. Fools still Houriah tht r kind and liberal palromtgr ta the past, and I oa the 1 vse at 11 e I It ifftltlll day ml ^ep- After running three or all mon tha, any bettor, Furnished Throughout Equal to any the private pickings of the inside ring trust by keeping good meats and dealing alike unto lr mm her. A- D. 1*73, at one o'ebx-k in ike after Paint Brushes, Oifurt, Walker htrrel Weak, iu mii age of {•rogrevg all men to merit a continuance of ike same. noon of **id day. at tk* west frot t door of Ike •ay easier, tbaa the day you purchase f Bachday fint>0laaa House in Michigan. have, doubtless, absoibed twenty mill­ Court House for tk* eminty of Cllntoa, In the la the future, a* la the past, will pram and clam­ The girls are catching the fever too. Toilet and other Yanlrt Xotions, One Hundred htmlaoBely fit tad up Room a, W M HAHIKY State of M b Hi can, la the eiltage of Ht John*, la our with Ita demands ion dollars more. They are forming boat clubs in various 17S:tf •aid county of Clinton, there will be sold at puhiie Soaps, /Wf/ km* School Thirty-two rooms, comprising all of tk* bnefc HI Johns. March £14. 1*73 vendue to tbe hlgbeot bidder, the premtseer* des- portion of th* Kathbun House, used in connection ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN parts of the country. It is a more y h: rriM in Mid mortgage, to nit : Village kits nun Dye Stuffs, Book*, RBMEMRKK: with Hwort's Hotel for tbe aoeotnmodatlunof board ­ A Littli Timid .—The New Yotk bered **-ven (7) and right 1*1. la block nuwlervd er* snd guests congenial exercise ttiau wielding tbe twenty iwojttl. In tbe vtllag** «*f Hi. John*, ac /Vr/smrry, Paper Ac Stationery, Graphic has invited several persons to broomstick. eordtng to la# recorded pint of aald vlllaa* (told 1 •ale will be made subject lo the ps> meols of Ibr ) Pur* Ground Spice*, Full Itn* Blank “Sufficient unto the day is become pa**engers in tha voyage across Tlw crop of paachas at South Haven, remainder of Mid raortgegr not )*• due. and which 1 OB.CROOK’S WI>E OF TARt (Ml ID STURh’Rt.KR. Prou r he# not yet been assigned by Ibe above named | Nut*, Book*, cheap, s. ■ TomTern YYrarvof______aanhll* the Atlantic ocean in (he balloon w hich on the Lake Michigan shore, is very MUSIC STORE! the evil thereof.” teal hasproved Dr .Crook* George W Kramons. Mwtgngee — lHated June 1 W laeafTar to have rone* large this year. It is expected that 17ik, 1*73. Candi'* , Pur* H'tne* and is being fitted out for Pruffaaor Wise i IN HT. JOHNS. JOHN HICKrt. Assignee. | merit than an/ similar 'from 45,000 to 50,000 baskets will be TEAS eery cheap, Liquor*, for me­ TRY TIIB preparation ever afft-red la I am new prepared to furnish tk* tnd Donaldson. They ask Ben Butler J. O SiLB**, Att’y tor Asstgnee 34* tha pabtte. It la lid* In shipped from that point. te close. dtcinal u*e. tha medicinal qualtttcHof to go as bistriographer of the expadi- Tar, ami tmaqoaiexft Ibr (flrkrilH M. Jfilis (rickerx The Boston Reii Stockings h*T« Mtrhigan. county of Cliataa. la the matter dtogaaraof thaTtovowUdfe UOR, but hr declines, thinking lie might pponngeJ 10 visit Jackson ou their of tbe ICsiate of 8 f HANNA II II IIOlMiKri. Ib Doctor Rafg aMc.de personally Laagf, performiua tha WM. H. TRIPP ' reaaed Notice Is hereby given tbst by virtue and la quanlltirs to salt purchaser* and at price* that In pursuance nf license snd authority granted to 4# preparing Preacr I pMam*, moot remarkablerura It go beyond the reach of telegraphs and western trip. They play in Chicago •OMunliycurMOir will defy rompatutaa aad I can safely wanaal Having leaned and Sited ap In saperb *tyle, tbe me by Ibe Judge af I'ro ate far tbe county of night ar Aar* aadCnlffi. lihaeac newspapers, (’has. A. Daua of the on the I6ih, and rcturniug, will drop I ClintoT. to eel I real estate belonging lo Mia dr- them to he equal ia afl rasps els la tka building owned by r#*M»l, I trill sell at pubhe sue-ton ta the highest many earn of At _ X r .S'*, received .u iaviutios, *>■«?•* J* lk* on *" tl P‘*J «>*• Mstsd.- and firaarkitk, UulU I h'dder. an Wednesday, the S7tb day of Auguat, HPBClALTtEM: has beca pronouoorvl m 1*73. at one o ’rlork I* Iff., at tbe Probate Office, The game will be 00 tbe 17tb, J. T. William*, f’llmfam .% venue, Doctor liituu * —OF — opeet fio Lr titc-oa com- which he curtly replied, thnnking them la lb* village of 8 t Johns, Clinton county, all the A Rllt* 1*1 1 Is*. alnta. For The oldest man in Lapeer county right, title and Interest of sard deceaard In and to Cut hurt l«* 1*1 11 *• * S Best Crackers Haile for the favor shown, sod regrettiug lln* there displayed a Sne line of the following denrrtked rani estate, lo nil Tbe lives st Milville. Misname is Hart­ south three-fourthsof tbe East half of the North­ l>tatB***la«i»at Plll»». thst professiousl engsgeruents will not east quarter of section tbtnv-three 13SL in town man. He is one of the veterans of I)v apcptlc 1*111*4, D. C. HURD, ship sig 1*1, north of range three III weal, ia CI|Q, . >l*t*mlii4'h4* PM* - . When |ran warn aayvaiug is »aa mm at allow him to iccept. Geo. W^CMMs olV IUIHM •latatAtt loe- ** GRilKGK C RllnVCt, tamia Harass «*i niammt • a*4 far la ftl*a . I akafl always fteap a M Umm 441.7a Afnlnwlnitie of mlt ermpaiama af flee akin. Appetlto, McClellan exceedingly regrets thst it *°d is still sprightly and active, kkaef and Hound Nlmate, it Groceries, (TT coatcounty of Clinton, ss Tk* Probate Court for (••I aid Pure s#da Wtlfr. is not possible for him to avnil himself Mrs. P. M. Pratt, of Lansing, has Mid( ooanty.count) In tbe matternsllw of theIbe Ratal* of Jane 3d, l«73 ______* 4S tf FRESH BREAD. CAKES. of the privilege. Prof. James C. Wat- rfmd lo the Common C<»««*cil of tbst Km bracing the beat and latest af tbe day. Any Cbarlea L Hcboaieia. Krnrat 11 He h on let a and j PIES. AC.. pteae of mo*i< or musical insti an.rnt, act kept ia t’aroline F. brhoalela, Minors. Notice i* hereby V K \V AHRANQKM KN ITto ***** FrffrotoTiatoHiaaVfVMV j City, x very earnest remonstrance Provisions, too of our State Uuivrraiiy has aUo s«orh, will be famished on short notice, and at Ik* 1 given that by vtrlue nodm in bor-uaftr* of itrrnsr Rivet tons toyaarhyklem And shall hold myself in readiaess lo tarnish pri­ against the removal of (he dead from lowest market price, fb-tarcea J 000 aad Sga snd authority granted to me by the Jadgr of Pro- I vate and public pumas, e-d>i»ng. and frsilvai#, keen iovitrd, but ha thioki he has more the prvaeol City Cemriry, alluding to pto«e*tockofsheet* of most* now on baud. A full and com- bate for the county of Clinton and Hist* of Miebt- m n, to sell real estate belonging to said Mloor*, Flour, with all tbe lasartra tbe season, will aftord nn importAot busiDcsa. vUI sell at pahUe sort km ta IIh- highest bidder. • abort novfre In connection with m> store mom I the great lax upon many poor people ; «>nr Itoiordsy. tbe |3t It«*r* LtixurloM. bought 6,000 barrels of sail at $1.45 344:7w fluardtoa of Mid Minor*. NEW GOODS removed, kerstoia, herafalaai Mtaraaea last neaaioo of the Micbingau Legitlg. on the cars. \Ve alto learn inciden ­ Lt'glll Stoneware, 4# ilka Kyra, White hgelllag, IIrerm, Lott«*P v% Nfitt* ]*«a|»4ki*« >I(4IH%TI OKDKH-HUUftf Mlrbtgan. lure : t\D TIIK ri.UE TO BIT THEM. DM Rarra or any kind of Humor rapidly tally, but on aulbority, of a sale of EllV«‘ltt|H*M, 1 ruant) of t’haton, ss. Ata s«-*sloa ut the Ac , and become satisfied that yon can do bettor dwindle and disappear under Ha Influence. Probata t'ourt for tk* roanly of CHntoa holdra by pay lag as you go. Try lk In toot It will do you more good, aad cam •'Tbe People of the 8 t»tc of Micbi- Onondaga salt to Toledo firm of 10,000 Ink. IN iim, *1 ike IVotobi* Office. In the village ol Ht. Jokna, yoa more speedily than any and all ocher gao enact, that no peraoo or persons ^* rre^* 11 81-82$. This certainly in- on ftoturdat the IStb day of Jaltr.i* tka year oaa pvaRarattaao combined Wkm ta HI It la no- Aad tk* like. 1 shall also keep a So* stack of the thousand eight hundred and arvealy three. D. C. HURD. lure's own restorer ? A anlabla omyd of Iroa Of lk# boat brands, by tha Caas, Can shall pursue, or hunt, or kill any wild dioatea higher prices. Since tbe first best brand* of Prraeat, Joel II. Cransoo, Judge of Probate. . GOlilTl •omtainod with tbe medicinal properties of alshsd at tbe lowest price*. In the matter of th# estate of DANIEL roki Boo# dl vested of all dlaagraaonla quall- •lk, wild duck, doe, or fawn, *ave only at tide in the Courier warning manu ­ 8IT. JOHNS «. Johas. Get. loth. 1*72. TlltlMAM, Deceased. Appllrailoa having been (fiacreaaoi to Wm P. Flint.) Uaa It will cure any f3ie>aake or Lamgft during the months oi October, Novem facturers of ibe combination, prices Cigars and Tobaccos. this dsy made by Lac) E Tkotaaa. A dmtalstnvtrls fitosdlai^ Rjaesse jrMimrmloir dirrej All these goods will b# warranted a# represent - j of Mid estate, for aa eateasl< n of tbe time limited Lffi ft Hmrffi fl wmii tflllnifi --- •or and Decomber in each year; or have materially stiffened, and our for tbe pa) meat of the debts of said deceased. Him tv *d and sold at mndrnto price*. Thereupon ll Is ordered, That Tuesday tbe Nth >** by Mercurial or other polaono, kill or destroy by any means whatever prognostications have in a measure N M Music Tear bars ran be furnished with day of Aaguat,_____ 1472, at one o'clock_____ In thr *fl*-rnoon are all cured by it. F«w Ay mtollla, or SypDi- been fulfilled. We look to see tali AaatoauVbaaaA ^ hTs-v H Wi5jTtoned tot licLZhZ* tbe hear tog of Mid sold »Hto^ton appllrat boa, and Carriage Factorv. llffta taint, there to notnfng euual to iC A v Voi^ •r attempt to take or destroy,dedtrna an v dealer* at.vand, then y Mvlng p«atsge, Ac J |bj|| l)kc. rr^)llora to-lr* at law of aald '* NAL.fi: Htat# of Micbtgaa. dock or mallard dm k, save only from X Th* Probate Court lor the eoanty of Ionia lb« first day of September iu each WHEAT—Bitra White, »1 41 (In the matter of tbe Estate of Marika if. Waldron, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO •• No.i,|i«a a Minor. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue, BEST MATERIAL, Having found out by actual experience that a GIVEN AWAY. ’ir 10 *hw first dsy of January next »• NoMl A and la pares* acc of I lea o ne sad aatkonly granted Mowing ” to mm l>y tka Judge af Probate of tk* county of credit bualnaaa, la its general form, la detriment C •• No. 1, Red f 1 as Ionia. In the Rtate of Michigan, to sell rest estate AND and uamfr, we resulted, oa the first day of Jana, Ft.oL K -XX XX D 40 per kkL batongtav lo Mid Minor I wtH aall at public auc­ FINE WATCHES 1*73, ta clom oar books aad ta aall so nor* goods A Fine German Chromo. Th« MBo*a Kiixtr.** —A re*idcnt of •• -XX X f» a* •• tion to the highest bidder, oa Retards), th* 3Mb day of September, A. D 1*74, at oar o ’< lark la tba w* iind an ixboant caooao. aonrru an » our county informs us that Mr. K •• -XX H 00 *• afternoon, al tbe premia** hereinafter described, And tka pa re baaing of tk* NRA0Y FOB FBANItKi. FBKB TO BVBBV Davison, who resides a few miles east COHN MRAL-fl 4Aprv lot Ike. the following described piece or parrel of toad, to All Wort Filly Warranted! i«MT r„a wit: Th* south west fractional quarter of th* of 8 t. Johns, clipped 424 pounds of FEED fil U per !•« pound*. northwest quarter of orctloa thirty-one 41 ^ in wool from 52 sheep the past *eam>n RHAN -74* per 144 p*miu 4* Iowa aevsn. north of rang* three west, in the Having had many years esperteae* la the nuk To Cash or Ready-Pay Customers which i. AO average of^sr ££ tM>RN -49rents pee ba. *b*l)eA. eoanty of Clinton snd Hi sir of Michigan, aabtect lo tk* right of Dower of Mary J. I Ism mood. -- Ing aad repairing of Watcbea, Clocks and Jaw- I IINVKRVXOUND, OATS eStoD ceat* par bv We would here my that yoa eaa bay all OR, Dated Auguat 3d. 1*74. Hrj, |l*a mm many advantage* over those who 1 shall i it of goods la tka pound, per head. This i» certainly BARLEY — fl 0Sper awt MARY J HAMMOND. 344:7w Guardian of aald Minor. aae* bat a very limited knowledge of seek thing*. one of th« largest yields of arool ^f Rt’TTBK -ll«aota per Ik. 1 ask for a share of tk* public pat raa age Life Below the Ourfaot. Which we have any knowledge. Osr CIIKBI4B ISernla perikv JHOH IT»: OHI)I.H.-Nul«of Mtoktgaa, State Prison Matrons, GROCERY LINE, BY THUS. W. KNOX. old f.iend Mr. I) tleaervcs tbe premium LARTl • rent# perlk. (!omt) of Clinton, a*. Al a aeasloa of Iks I*. (JOKTTK. lrebate Conn for ike County a; Clinton, hidden Rt. Johns, Jane fit k, 1*73 36* tf ^ Clinton countv. K44GH 13 reals per dag. at ih* Prahat*■ Office,vih i ■ * s"lath* www vtflagu* ■ -m~ wof» At. wwwsia)Jokai, Whlek I will mil oa 842 Panes OcUrfi. * I*t iTATofat - 44 par ba. •oToaaday.|, the 4tk day of Aaguet. ta the year At Greatly Reduced Prices I R4 Isaac . Gratiot baa some “lambs'* one thousandind eight hundred snd seventy-three, 188 File EBfraflBff*. TUKNIFH- m-wnta perks. Preaaat,t JoelJoe III H Craimoa.Craimoa.Jadgt Jadge of Probata C llOCKEBY coming 00. however, which give prom Tk* finest Invoice af Ralatm iMidenta and Aaridaata keyaod tka nftloR* 04* par to , la the matter of tk* Estate of SIMON P. REASONABLE TERMS. Rmgmra at frame ... io% la lt«. Light Startling Adveatarm ia ail forte is.* of “ovfrkhaffmvjng** all *wrb figure* WHITE HEANH~9l74par k%. GIRtMlN. lie ceased Oa reading and filing Ik* World: Ml oaa and Mode mt Working pal it lea af Jobs P Glhaaa, praying that ike last Toma ml (ram 40c. la fll.f#. as th«*«—that ia, when (boy get their APPLEH oncost par ka. Syrlay A Saanrr Lsods. them: Uaderrurrent. nf Hahty Gomkltag and will aad testament of Atman P Glkeoa mi ha ARD tto Horror.. Cjrcro# and their Myffiggfo ffi Tka — Dna-I,4e per p«»aoA: approved and admitted to probata, and that • eem- growth — Grot ml Jmemal, Ang 1st Ever Mr* oftoewd in this market, const.ting of Walmaara ml (ram* hOr. ta kOc• JM Ways of Wiekcdness: |»r *•>•* aad tkair PORK. -Per bsaral, #17 40. misaton Issue la take tka testimony af tka wit- i Warrant them i*m Fully fWreto; D*.wain the Dept I i of the HeaRtraogw nesses to aald will. Aad all ether goad* at Equally Low Prleaa In Htones ,4 the Deter* inn • f Cniae. Tlociu. —An OvogHo eorres HKEF #4 44lo D ft per 140 Thereupon it ia Ordered, that Monday tba 1st Aa I do my awn work. Tke kaak treats mt «ip»rim* with kriaaad* IIIDEH—Greaa.4 tek. Fine Broad Cloth Suits, day of Aaatvmkae, A D. 1673, at 4 o ’clock la tka j nights in opt am den* nod gambling heHa7Tlf* in FGwdeot of ths Detroit tree fo* eases, L assigned for tk* hearing of Mid pat* TliRBklBff #Br 014 FrifB4s ab 4 /Vai . M Dry. 14 toll*. ttaa, sad that ike hair* at law nod k-gataas of sold ! AVfnte, atoriaa af enles; adventures among la 0. W. B1RKEB. fitrtBs mamm. ynaroer* through Hewer* aad ('atoe«*mk#- wriCing under date of HALT- #2 » par barrel. Imported Diagonal Suits, dec eased, and all other persona iwto rvated In aald At. Jokna. Fek tut. 1*71. 3T7 tf Auguat 6«h, will, are reaairwd la appear at a session of aald Midanto in mi am: (Ua aad pteaer: tarkare^ arja : PELTS— | 7M« #3M eeurt, then ia ka katdea at the Piabat# office, in For peat favara. ood treat sen* will haaoma (*f *hm inaatoitiea: wewdaf falWglarim : andsr M A PLE Him A K - NbffittMt Imported Scotch Suits, ike vlhaga of At Johns aad show causa. If any there nHeaded tomam w* kav* been compelled ta world of tka a rest aitim.ate.. ate “A esse of poealisr importance has RREmWAX. -fiOrpartU., ka, why a com mission should aa* Issue a* pray id adopt tka wa have, aad which for ia aald pailtloa, ar d why tka will akaaM oat ka AH5IH .><>31 O First National Bank caarae which to ear Sf* — ** - 'B**i* rl: *• county. WHITE FtHH -E *M. Ral #040v Cheviot Suits, •ppewaafi Aad It to further Ordered, that a otic* oaly mfe-guard foe tk* fatal*. Agents Wanted to given to |i<« persons Intel sated In aald sat ate, OR AT JOHNS S^RMY time Hineo Dr.Cha.Ies A. Carle. rRGfTT. Ra |- #4 44. far tkto wmV Ksaloffivq territory given Agents WOOL-SSetagea off tb# pendency of aald nstitteo, aad Ike oaa moke ftoaowesk la sailing tkta koakTIlend who had heretofore practiced medicine Cottonade Suits. bearing thereof, ky eaust ug a copy of CAPITAL, fiAO.ftOO r^aPrrwHM la anyway Indebted ta a* am re- fo tht 1 owuahip of BennigtoA, removed tkto • Ur quested ta out Immediate settlement and for circa inn and terms fo agnate. I keep constantly an band la fsAarlkoi with dent, a aewaoaper printed aad clrcwlatrd la mid Murfilaa, • >10.006 paymanf. lo La i.gabfkrg sod entered iato Mrtwer these a fall lla* of eoanty, af Clinton, for three aaeeaaalv* weeks J. m. mvmm # mrnm, •lip Sill. hr. * B W.H |T£7d ADVERTlfl previous ta aatd day of toarlag. W. BUNDAY CRARLRR KIPP, President, HARTFORD. CONN „ or CHICAGO. ILL JOEL If CRANHONTjudge of Probata. JOHN HH ER, Tto* President. r. L. VU t OVittT 4 f*. tk#r« .o<4fcrr pbjrnoitn Dr. Mark Lid (Atrwaaopy.) 344 3w ||K-OPENIX« DR THR 'JVMIUD ANNI AI. FAIffi Geits’ Furnishing; Goods, ■aa now oa band a large sad varied asm rt meat off ff.fi. WALKER. Cashier Jaaa 7th, 1*73 3*7 •bit, doiag btmiocM. ,nd ioto CN —ag rag — A too, a faR oaaartmaat off tba bast style# off 17 hereby given that Primary rtebool District Mroctara t — •,,“«»»*nt silk bin, b; whirk, number twa, of l^kanon, la CUnton Hraly, la MEAT MARKET f-,i I hr ooaidrmioti of Liddoll, Mleklgaa, bn* duly dealg •mind snd d. - mined Oimit Kiev, Alva* H Wum, HATS urg or vicinity forever I map* four west, la Michigan, far a acboot alts for Crockery! OF HI’HRARDWT«»N. Mid Ihstrtri , sad application ha* toea daly madi Ess alee depoalto, boy and sail rackaaga mm all ttrr. JOHNS, MICHIGAN. th fir Bin AT. Liddell went to Rri«. X X BENNETT. to Joseph F Ow*n. a Justle*Justfoe #1at the r*aceTsare of Mid sseervala snd determine tba potato, deal Is Gold. Oliver, Canada Maaay, Penney Iran ia, and after staying a few Lahoeaa.foratory ta Af •!*# mast daalraklo t«*ai Choice Trees 8 iyt. 30th, Oct lit, 3d 4 34, 1173 . just ,-ompeiiMt ton l« fee add acre for United State* Ronds, toe., Ac. fimatya dapaatts TY. myrtot w, wA#ks returned to Laingwborg and of , #u«-h sekoat adta. aad tk# aae realty af using tk* torn I ll Frmll aaff Ornamraial. TVto Fair to sym la tka C-matta* off LEGAL NOTICES. as* foe tb* reason that mid (Nstrirt saaaat agree Urmd Curls$200tommtnd thermwtract wftk tka awaeea off aald land upon tk* manna FOR RALE AT H. W. WALTON, Thm Curie vwfwBrd to do. LiGdsIl iMlM'Hetoe.Oraitoi ARaafrala j tloa to ka paidUd Ikarafoe,therefor, whtokwhisk Jary will ameaakla Sariifs Departieit Tk* AaaaaftaMoa affiwa a sail y RAIR CfiM m iraionkk h notice Ra-, ™ •'7 of load oa tka Hlk lay of Auguat. A. WaoM kora my ta tka pahUe that ka has again then went ioto practice aguiu sad Carl# » afofoak F. M . for tka parpom of atmk of Great Bargains, aaaaadtka mmi market la tka atov* daaeWWd UI"Stimtolii. A determining tka Juat campaam Of sum* ** small pa aae dollar, ee whlek tateraat place, wkara may ka found at all time* tk* tost invokes the aid of equity to rsatruia far *a«d toad foe said site, aad tka at tka rate of five per seal, par aaaam to paid on $4,600 IN PREMIUMS. iflWs ll Dm 81. JfihBs Hnrry. •fomu liar t HuotiagtoG Sl Header Hag tka mate.- I rated July 36tb, tka find days of Jao* aed Daeamkar, a* all am CHARLES P1GGOTT, 3 of Mason. Appear for complainant rBBHICHS. Si r jitjUffsJscet Glass-ware on deposit on* month prov iso* lo them dates, tka »«, m aa4d lieiifia, am aR parmna foe ne Direct or af mid Or bool Dtotnai Roasts, Jerome If. Turner, of this «ity, for ■ptoaat deal cl ag mmU swamp lamia, cnmmewciag mma aa la tka Ravtoga Ranks af tka Beat am Having pa re baaed aa Interest In tka K un ary Broil*, 9080.00. eat* busked ky Mr. J • Rlano, I am * sates a. af y emrn%-mme* quarter af affiffi 6, ranatag and States sad at Una. Fries. . M«oa*nee nf i F VAehool District* Hi tkta aed adH«*«« m«» #ng tka Mgkwap tot warn mrnm Residence for Sale. MM ftWNtg OWN TO ALL. toafi ood oaa- ttea deairing to praaeva means to kelld house* ky •taw# k Nash. H; tkaam tkvmagk tka north bar a Seva foe aoto at a bargala. kto Stone-ware, CLOSINS OUT Mia Flora Rogers, of Ki 16. thane» tkrooah the mat k$lf $f §wH g H tk# lean* of bo a da. era daaired ta mea«si«au MM LM la M; that f* led m Atal* street, ll I* soppl lad Always *a heed, aad Tka perm at at oak. aad will oAe* ram la ff g asman to . Brown for Wwash of aad asso rt meat af all kinds af bearing sSrgasrmag smstr* — A. V. f RIRTRR, decretory nlM ^ R puir of steers aad 80 Apply M tka | AT LOW PRICES, m GRT. -ALEX PULFEKY ■torfcet aad at a* low price* of oora ta th^ oar. INfiw WM. BTAR. Onto Apffilldlk.l a Ms April sm. im m May DO, 1T3 rm 6,000 and 20,000 in exchange for 1 Doz. of Pounds of Goods, at a. TEACHBDT k CO.’S STORE.

Maple Rapim .—Two diji if lest ! Mr. 0. 9. Peck, hardware, prowl- Lost .—O n Sunday last, at o Plead O uiltt . — Jas. H. Lott, Slit ^ndrprndrnt week oar lira* tu ocoupied it Miple ' oentljr perohed on the corner, keep* the Rpbcopal Church, a bunch of small charged with an assault upon Casper KspitU Rod ii different ptru of Rwti ■ kb *tor* will • locked witk that claw key* The finder will be suitably re­ Fiok,a German In the employ of Brown township. A* w• Mired ihil bnati 1 of good* Ike public most item and*, Closing TERBS $1.50 k TEAK,IN AOVARCI. warded by returning them to me. Bros., carriage-makers, of our village, ful Tillage our «jm reeled upon May j Neon. WkiUcre A KHieott fiud Rnv. A. Rtavs. was srraigoed before Justice Hoyt, oo THE BOSTON new buildings, wbiek apeekfc ia rouod pleelj of buein#** in wool eardiug, m Tuesday last, plead guilty and fined SaiAWASaan O ooitt has very re­ Out snd telling terra* of it* steady growth, well ae planing and draising lumber, $25. The difficulty ap|*ears to bare HOME MATTERS. cently been made the eeene of a poison ­ and tb«bright and glowiag snticipatioa* | Our friend MoCrnckin, blacksmith, grown out of law-suit tiled the day ing affair. A German poisons hb of ill buuy and enterprising citizen* adds mnaio to the bustle with the merry mother-in-law and then oonfosses ths before between tho parties for repairs Sale! Coriithiai Lodfe No. 241, That which appears to occupy the pub­ clang of hb hammer. oo a earriags top, in which Lott was K. a A. M. erime. He is now in jail at Corunna. rt-Mim AT THE Mr. 8. Ingraham, oooper, finds hard Tl««« will W • n>«uUr Co ««iik Im1Im of Cor lic mind moat at the present time, is ■■■ ■' beaten. In the evening after the suit ta< hUu No Ml. W. A A. M.. at M—oa • tbs construction of a fist*boat designed work in trying to keep up with hb f 'oaaacTio*.— The wheat spoken of Mali. NO. JokM, Uieb., o» Ih« tullowiag d*«**. the parties met, wbeu Lott accused 8 TORE. Hi O# TOO w M to traverae the diver between that plaoc orders. in our last iarae as being raised upon Fiuk of having sworn false, which Fiok Moad»> , Hr$»l. »tb Honda). Nov. imb Low MoMay, OH l»tb. Monday, Una. Ml snd Ionia. Rev. K Modge, our late The eomiug of the Harvest Dsnoe, Mr. Van Seoy's place, in Essex, was replied by calling him aeon of b —h, Connty Superintendent of SobooU, is by 8. Reed, b animating and refresh nol upon hb old farm, but upon lsod dllll DIRECTORY. whereupon Lott slapped, cuffed and master and owoer of the craft, aad in ­ ing those who have labored hard in the worked by a Mr. Skinner. Mr. Van kicked him. Fink making but little Price (oairr«alloNol. •orvteo at 1»M A M- aad 7 00 P M. NakWlb stigator of the enterprise. It is cal­ harvest jnst ended. 8coy informs us that he raised 180 resbUnoe Fiok b over 50 years old School »ia*ard*-*u-l) after mormon —rvt —. Prayer In conclusion, the people of Maple me-lio* Tkanntaj al TU® P. U Boy* ’ CiroU culated that she will draw about 18 acres, which turned 15 bushels per sod claiming, as we understand, to be C. SHEPARD, M<>iol«> evening Girt* ’ Prnyar Meeting Friday, Rapids are bound to be among the Store! at 4 PTll , both al Paaior’a room* inches of water, and will have a capa­ acre. badly hurt, so much so as to be unable M K PANOO, Pastor. city of carrying between nine and ten things that arIP There are many more Iteiuly lor lJiiwtiioMa*. Manager, 44 Sea Foam ” Busted .—Prof. Swee­ to leave hb bed oo Tuesday, and Dr. »T. JOHNS, NrlhadUl RpUcayal, things in ^thb township of which we loos besides her sngine aad other ney, barber in the bank block, b ooe Wiggins was called to bis asitbtaooe. |wil««alt*HA M lad IN P M. **bbafb should like to epesk, but spaoe pre­ SeHooi •• It M Clan* Mooting a tor HabOath equipments. It b generally feared of the inventors of a preparation for the Lott is a young mnn of good reputation • ream* wnkee Ota— Mrvtiog aa Tuesday »»*•■ vents. However, we will here men­ I hr at 7SU, fallowed by a tUbu.ih tb-hool Tanchor’a that the water in many placet in the head and hair, which bids fair to out ­ and peaoeable heretofore, sod a black­ Moot lag. Praiar Meeting on Tbn .day evening, tion that Mr. Wm. Fox, a farmer re* MAPLE RAPIDS, • MICHIGAN, al 141 OMcial arvtlni tbr flrat Tueadny eean- river will be too shallow to float her rival 44 Sea Foatn, M of which so much smith by trade. He paid hb fine and Ibr of «acb aaoath. aiding about two miles South of the A. J. RlTiWELL, Paalor. ia, but Mr. Mudge informs us that he has been said on fences and out-build ­ was discharged. Wo understand that 10 cent* per yard for Prints, Rapids, will soon commence the tree amtiat. has mads a careful survey and meas ings, in thb section. So look out for a suit for civil damages will be com ­ Bertie— al !• » A M nod 1*0 P M. Mabbath tion of s fine two story frame bouse. — Is the place to get a Square Deal. He boo I Immediately alter aiorwInR —rvke Prayrt uremeet of the river, and finds but few the new discovery. menced by Fink. worth 12 1-2 cento, at meat I hr Tharada) evening al Id* D B. MUNOKR. P»‘ur. places that will require dredging and The main part to be 26x18, with two fixing She will he propelled upon wings 24x16—verandah in front. We Tns new Congregational Church In A ttbndance .—Mr. 8am ’l Davie, NOTH K.-All AMOUU mads with at pre­ of the firm of Davis A Sweeney, bar­ STEPHEN SON ’& vious to Augu.t UL 1*71. nut ho —tiled imute- tbs same principle as the M bsimippi believe that Sir. Abhy of tbb village, Bell b up. and its rich tones greeted dialoly. or Iba nrgligeoee so to do will Rwroly boats, and it is expected she will be has the contract for doing the work. the ears of onr people for the first time, bers under tbe bank, attended the make trouble (SMrtfl H. D. MoCABK. launched and ready for use in about last Saturday. The belfry, which b grand colored oelebration, at Sand- e Wa would direct the nt ten tion of We keep conniaiitly on hand and for sale, at prices which — Ionia is to bare a stesmer to plow two weeks. We wish her and her some six feet lower than the peak of witch, Canada, in tbe fore part of tbe Hats for 75c., $1 and $150.^ onr readers to the advertisement of the tba water* of Graod river, Master every success. the roof, renders the sound dnll and present month, in honor of the aboli ­ NT third annual Fair of the Central Fair — Mr M P. Looey, of the Bengal We understand that Mr. E. D. leaden to the people in the east and tion of American Slavery. Wm. worth $1, *1.50 and *2, at Aaaociaton, in an other column. Fisher, of Colchester, Got., Wm. Scott, yard, baa entered into contract to fur* Moss b making speedy preparations to .———- t##»> — - south-east part of the village. When Defy Competition! Dish 142,000 brick for the new Kugine Early .—Watermelons and pump­ tbb is remedied we think it will be of Windsor, snd tbe Rev. Mr. Jefferson, close out kb stock and wind up his STEPHENSON’S. House, at $6 per M. at the kilo. business for a while at least, until he kins have already made their appear­ pleasing to all interested. of Bell River, Got., were present and —The next regular meeting of the shall have regained his full eye-sight ance in thb miaket, which b much addressed the roesting. Tbe exercises Silveh Wkddino .—Mr. A Mrs A large and full line of 6t. John* Prohibition 8ociety will be earlier than usual. of ths oelebration were dedicated to snd former good health. Mr. Moss Isaac Holton, of this village, celebrated held at the roomaof Rev. M K. Paaeo, tho emancipation of ulares io this coun ­ Linen Coat* for #1, $1.50 and has earned for himself a handsome Lost .—A gold bracelet between St. their 25th anniversary wedding day, Friday evening, August 15th. try, and tbe speeches were quite ap­ competency during his business career, Johns and Tiffin ’s corner. The finder on Friday evening, Angus! 8tb, 1873. — Mr. John O Palmer, who was propriate, aud were delivered in an $2, worth $1.50, $2.00 and aud winds up with many waim friends will be suitably rewarded by leaving The attendance was large, and every­ it at Ifeavenrich’s store. able and entertaining manner. The DRY GOODS, elected Justice of tbs Peace last Spring, Mr. Wd llsynes, who injured one thing, without doubt, passed off with speakers mentioned tbe influence which $2.50, at has just entered upon the duties of bis of hb eyes with a whip lash bat a short Wa never aaw a “ bo*tie before ” with as much merriment snd gtiety as the emsneipstion of the slaves in the office. time since, has been in Detroit, using until the other day at M. Heavenrich’a on the first occasion. Absence from West India Inland* had on American —Rev. Clarence Beckwith, a student every possible means to savs the same. store, snd that was created by the town prevented ns from participating STEPHENSON'S. Slavery, and extolled England for set­ GROCERIES, of Olivet College, preached in the Con ­ Mr. Myrou Moss and family are multitude after the goods at a low in the festivities of the evening, as we ting the noble example to this country. gregational Church, in Ovid, on Sun ­ making arrangements for a visit in one aud a 44 one price.” otherwise should have done. The pres­ They also spoke of the conduct of the day laat, morning and evening. of the New England States. ents bestowed upon the happy pair, Pantaloons for $1, $1.50 and Ot*a friend and eoterprising citizen, colored soldiers in the rebellion, and —Mr. Warreo, our drayman, barely Mr. Sami. Keed, Mr. E. M. Smith who are creeping on into another child­ N. J. Gibbs, Esq., will socn re-euligbt said that the freedom of many a slave eaoaped loaing two fingers from bis left and others from Maple Rapids, were hood, as it were, were all costly, very BOOTS & SHOES, $2, worth $1.50, $2.00 and onr citizens with the cheapest snd had been dearly brought by tbe blood band, while operating a feed-cutter, the in attendance npou the late Buffalo fine ami appropriate. The pair have moot perfect gas light now in use. Wc of near frieoda. The rdaves earned other day. races, and will spend a few weeks with our best wishes for a long, peaceful $2.50, at shall speak more fully of theenterprise their freedom of the Uuitcd States by —There will be an abuudaoce of friends iu the various parts of the East. sod happy life, and may they be spared as it mstornL tbe service they did io its armies.— butternuts sod walnuts this season, the Mr. 8. 0. Shepard, who lately pur­ to enjoy and reap the blessings of the HATS & CAPS, trees everywhere being loaded with Aside from tbe speeches the balauce STEPHENSON’S. chased the stock iu trade and business Keep it in Mind .—We trust those golden wedding. of the time wa* speut with edibles and them. ot Messrs. Smith A Covert, well- of onr patrons who are in any degree A Fine ScooL-llorsa. —A fins brick drinkables, which were spread io great — “There is a seventy cow power known dealers m general merchandise, indebted to us will call and adjust the school-house, 32x24 feet on the ground, profusion upon tbe tables iu the grove. Ladien* and Gent’s Hose for cheese factory a mile or do (rout Pe* has arranged the old stand so that same, up to the first of August at least. with 24 feet posts, is now in the course READY-MADE warno," says the Hubbardston Adrrr- everything in aud about the place pie* We need the money to increase our Sam nays the oecasioo was one which of completion in District No. 1, Essex, 12*, 15 and 25c., worth 20, famr. sent* an air of business and thrift. business snd to perfect our appearance. will loog rent iu tbe tniuds of the —The following is said to be on s Hut goods are regularly classified and (known as the Wolcott District.) A colored people in attendance. Wa would invite especial attention 200 pound bell snd a hamUome belfry 30 and 40c., at gravestone near London : arranged, and each department is as — “Champion” and “Iron Clad' '‘Poor Mar*iia Bhtell ha« gone away. to the new double column advertise- j will add to its beauty and attraction, well filled as most stores in much larger Dairy Caus for sale by CLOTHING, Mar would If aha row'd, bat bar eouldb ’t al«jr: ineot of Mr. 8. C. Shepard, Maple The house will have a capacity of Bar bad 1 bad leg* aod bwddlab rough places As you enter, on the right is [354:w4] McFaelan A Ceoul . STEPHENSON’S. 1$ vii her two i**d teg* that carried her off.' evenly and nicely arranged shoes sod Kapida, in this issue. The fact that seating sixty-four pupils, and the seat* —You can be suited with Dog Col ­ —Th. Coogr.gaiiu.tol for l.*>Z, gtnt. and Mr. Shepard is a liberal advertiser, are designed to be of the Harrington lars at Me Parian A Croul's. 854 .3 And, in fact everything kept in a produces strong evidence that he is a will meet at the residence of Mr. Jas. children • wear. Next to tbt-se arc hats patent. The brick work b being done — Any person having a good single Grass Linen only 20c. a yard, I>oak, on Tuesday evening next, Aug. liberal dealer. by Mr. Isaac llolton and the carpen­ home they wi»h to exchange for a new and capa in boxes. Then comes a fine three spring, two nested, Democrat 19th. A cordial invitation is extend ­ ter work by Mr. T. Abby, both of stock of fancy candies snd confection ­ In no year before, within our recol Wagon, can be accommodated by call­ worth 30c., at thb village, which accounts for the fiue ed to all. eries, snd next to thb is a complete lections, has the month of August, iu , ,, ing upon the Sngo Bros., at Barker's —An envious mao says that since ,. . , ... appesranoe the building presents. The ! »tock of teas aud fine groceries. On tbi. p»rl of lb, country, witne,« d inch ^______^ _k..„ Shop, St. Johns. j structure will cost about $1,500 when STEPHENSON’S. the postal cards were introduced, the the opposite aide, aud passing back to sod abundant aud fine crop of early — Before buying Stoves call at the fully completed, and will reflect much hardware of McFarlan A Croul. They WE SELL postmistresses are not getting an average tbc fro|lt| u m goug luj wied tlock of potatoes. The Early Roue is chief credit upon the intelligent loving peo ­ arc selling them very low. 354:4 of more ib.u three hour, ,leep a ad<- clothing —a kuo»ledge of among the early vsrities oow raised. What does the villian ra**ao ? ple of District No. 1, Essex. — You can be nuited with Dog Col ­ Cottonades only 25,30 and 40c which branch of business be b in every snd fiud slow sale at 40c per bu*hel lars at McFarlan A Croul ’s. 354:3 11 C’eiitN. —“Old Probabilities" are posted w#y familiar. Next to the clothing Bon ( Print, on our streets. Change in Business .—As may be Tiik best assortment of Trunks snd up m th. 1 •*. : ’ • inform us comes the doth*, of which be intends worth 30, 40 and 50a, at seen by a notice elnewherc in this issue, V a Iiccm in town, may be found at tbc Tiib New Detartuee .—Mr. U the weather has been for the twelve to keep s first class assortment. Then tbe dry g«>ods firm of Ileavenrioh A “Star Clothing Store ”—just received. 66 PluniAtcad has leased the building snd 71 nil ii in 66 hours previous and twelve hours to comes the notions, snd then the fine Guiterman bas been dissolved. Mr. 351 rtf E. K Bennett . 9 STEPHENSON’S. lot lately occupied by Wm. Uyao as a come. dress good*, after which we fiud a long lleavenricb, who remains, will oonduct For Salk .—Two good durable boot and shoe shop, at the head of Wheelbarrows (new) may be had at a — Ths little steamer Lixzis familiar section filled with the beat brands aud tbe business, in all its branches upon 66 bargain by applying at this office. 4’outmoil 66 7 ly known to tbc people of L.n.in*, [ th# mo(t f„i1,otja b|e ,„d dcoir.ble riio,on Av<-°u*. * n l '• 00" 'horoo^li ’y a safe, pleasant__ and aati»faotoiy ba-i* ; A large line of Broadcloths, kU been token to O-o-o nnd pl.eed t„ of prlDU fronl of „ld repn.ring the bu.ld.ng, to which piece ^ ^ t'nr Mr. K M HliltM* <>S«r* for i«I«! tbe new course which oo the Shiawassee River to tun be- to be able to remove bis £>■ r**td*nee, iltu*lr4 in n plranunl part of Ht. > Casnimeres and Tailor’s on tbe counter, ir en element show. | * fXP* C** 1 he has marked out for the future, will JobiM.aod hi* ilarc nnd lot, iltu)<*d in tbrhnnrt Bent standard Wheeling, 13£c. in about three tween Owoaso and Coruona. , well filled with thoeearticle*deily ^e* 'n8 ‘ prove satisfactory and advantageous of bu«|jM»«n, nt a bargain. Both bnlldinf* nro row- j —Chas. M. Croewell, Secretary of weeks. pnralivol) new and writ arranged for«omfort nnd sought by the people of such a com ­ __ mmm______to himself and his patrons. It is the tola —> 66 Trimmings, at lowest possi­ ths Board of Psnal, Pauper aud Re- TIediani 66 11 munity. In the rear of the main A ccident -—O n Friday of last week ow prto* »y$Um, of which we shall here- formity Institutions, b now in tbe AUOl'ST FLOWER ble aLsh prices, at store-room b an apartrneot where the a little fivo-yoar-old girl, daughter of after speak, and attempt to show to tbs The n«*l mi—mblr brine* in tbr world are Northern country visiting jails, poor heavier goods are kept, such as crock- W. W. Hum mss ton, of Bengal town ­ consumers its many advantages. Now th<*« iuffrrin* frnu I>r?prp*ia nod Litw Con- Common “ 66 IO boo*, end b.-p.tole. We expect be ery ,too “e> glM< ,nd woodro v,rM> ship, while playing about a wagon, fell that this is the season for the purchase plaint. Mu—than —aty-flra prrml of th* pe<>plr in tha rmlrd SUIn af aflirtrd with STEPHENSON’S. will eieit onr iantitolione. eufem by tbe barrel nnd toe by tbe and broke one of her arms juat below the of wheat, we would say that Mr. th—e two di — nnd their rfnet. »sch a* *uar YOUR CHOICE IN —'“Nerede bee a Dew county named chr(t Underneath the rear part of elbow. Tbe elbow of the same arm Heavenrich is io the market, and will •tomarh, »ick hradmrho. habitual r — of Dr. A ttention Fiebmsn —There will der on the shortest possible eold, and have some jolly fellow by the place of business will always be well chasing. Mr. Heavenrich takes this Has* **d *«t a TS cant bottle, or a —apl* bottle be a special meeting of Eagle Company f—« of ehars*. Try it. AT name of Lemon for a companion. stocked with good and seasonable opportunity of returning thanks to his No. 1 sod Alert Hose Company No. 1, notice, at —Lost somewhere in this village, oo goods, as well as manned by gentle ­ many friends and patrons for tbe great Tuesday, July 29th ult, an old pocket at the Engine House, oo Saturday TOM 1*. manly and obliging elerke. Mr. Shep­ number of favors reoeived at their book, ooutainiug about $8 in money — evening, August 16th, at 6j o'clock.) FOLBT—At tbr —•idmer of her parent*, ia th« 91.00 PER PAIR. STEPHENSON’S. a $5 bill, a $1 bill, a silver half dollar ard informs us that he likes Maple hands, and hopes by hb en# end e love Towathlp of Bengal, Clinton connty, Mtrb., e Every member b expected to be July 2Stb, 1*73. of Lung Di—r. Mtrta, daugh ­ and some serin. The finder will be Repide and the people iu and about it, prux iyoiem to merit a continuance of ter of Tho*. * C- Holej , aged tt year*, 1 month rjiHt: him AH 0 i in o ‘i o liberally rewarded by leaving the same present. By order of ind • d*y*. and that he intends to make that place like favor*. Cl«—land, (Ohio.) paper* plea— ropy. at thb office. * H. P. A dams , Chief Engineer A Good Paper^ColIar hb home, and hopes by etriet attention Mr. Guiterman will take up hb resi­ —Next week we shall publish the to bneioee* sod equare dealing! to re­ A h Old Clintonitb Sbvbbblt dence at Ann Arbor, from whence he MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. add reel delivered before the Central ceive a due proportion of the public D balt With—We learn that about came, sod where be bas, as he lessee IO Cents a Box. Michigan Medical Society, at Lan­ two weeks sinoe Mr. Wdb Aldrich, inftOLI TION NOTItE.-Tbe eopart- patronage. He has already given fair here, many fast friends. We regret D nrrabtp heretofore dinting under th* name sing. July 9th, 1873, by Dr. G. W for many years a resident of Ovid hb departure, but as it must be, we and *ty'r of Hearrarteh A Gallerman, Ht. John*, evidence thnt he will do his share to- Mtrb.. ha* tbl* day been dt —olred by mutual coa- IS k Topping, of DeWiu, Mich It b a towards building up and populating township, and well knowo throughout wish him and bb pleasant little family **at Ail not —, arena at* and outstanding debt* in# thing, and we hove no doubt but will be paid aad eoilocted by M. Heavenrich.— UNDER THE 8UN ! tbe place. May he never <4grow weary the Couoty for some of his official acta, a loog and peaceful future. Ot. Jobaa, Attgaet llib, 1*7*. Coffee ‘A’ Sugar, Cents. M ItKAVKNRlCIt, iZl wbot it will be read with iotereet by iu well-doi >g. ” was robbed at East Sagioaw of a very M OUITKRMAH. nearly every one of our readers. Th« mi. itbsi Trappers. Messrs. McDonald, Davb A Co., small am on at of money, and the Our city officials excel in ooe thing, —Tbe temperanoe people have re­ FARM FOR A Good Brown Sugar, 10 Cents. are enjoying n healthy trade in their at being so uoueually smell, hb at least, aud that b trapping. After Th. • h.». war against the saloon Mi a irgalnc line. lasts became enraged aad threw having set several traps in various lo On Saturday night B. D. Tbe undersigned offer* for *ale at a bargain hi* And all other gofxiit in proportion. Our friend, Dr. Sanborn, b allevi­ him over the bridge railing into tbe entities, they succeeded io makiog one varyery dodeetruble—rab— rarafarm wf TOtu aerwa*merwa* «baa*nua«rd Parkhurst, i| the Gibbs House, was on *erttoa 1, la tbe Township of Bengal, IX mile* REMOVED ating the ilb and pains of the afilieted river. He wee, however, renoned and fine haul, catching throe, Mr. Shaver, aortb-weat of tbe village of Rt. dobn*, oa tbe Ms- arrested open a charge far the eeeood pi* Rapid* road. Tb* farm la all improved, with aad b fast gaining so sociable reputa­ relieved by a policeman. wife and child, in ooe trap, and all at the deep Ion of a wood loa, with a comfonoble Don't fail to give us a call and ex­ T* tb* well-known stand recently occupied by A. o flsass. on Monday he joined issue and log boa —, good frame barn, aad a thrifty yoaag tion in that oommanity. a single haul. Stimulated with such orchard I hereon. It la well watered by Hein* TE AC HOOT, wbcrv they Lav *p*a*d gars hail fur hb appearance Sept. let. A Malicious Falsehood .—Ws no- •prince, aad located ia a good neighbor hood I Mrs. Sanborn appears to bo doing by tho last iasne of th • JUfuh h om spleodid success, they have now set n will ateo —II three bora —, on* spring roll, two new amine our goods before pur­ with aa —Sectio n 2, of the Compulsory wIVb row* with their rale—, one (amber wagon, the lending millinery baoinrss in Ma­ that n report has been set afl rat by trap upon a moot magnificent scale ad ­ on* top baggy, plow*, harrow*, and all far mine School Law, provides that tha Director Implement* upon tba premia—. Th* farm and ple Rapids. some ill designing person or persons to joining tho post office, by digging a other property named will b* —Id. If doelrrd, oa Entire New Stock! ot every school district shall cause to La«(li*mg TiwrTime anaand tiasyw.mmj Trrmsa.irrm* Iftb* chasing elsewhere. Mr. C. G. Rand, jeweler, keeps time the effect the! the cheese maaul —rd That y. tbe Sib M-Teachout’a Old Stand. nal. n heavy bill fer demegsn might be and most masterly enterprise. 8t day of September. 1*7*. at I o ’eloeb la tb* ah—sea I. A J. W Hewitt, at the old be assigned tor tbe bearing of —Id poMMon, aad Certainly, tbsjmaa of llffi______fixed against such thoughtless person*. Johns eaa well afford to pay for a few that tbo nett of kin of nM Ward*, and all other Remember the Boston Square Dealer, acr stem, am as neaa), tumbling out p* —an* >a4—Ii I la —Id route, — required to CvwW MntiDJIV nnt )|„,d I^$Ww tm fifi^Pufikitm ^ The gentlemen of tbe 8t Johns Cheese broken limbo, or even necks, for the appoor at a a—afcm of —Id Court, then to bo bold- L HALL & CO. goods to an appreciative public on at tho Pr* bat» < Hlif*. ta th* village of St. April Mb. ran hat intimation, far it ia0well Factory have too fine a reputation for sake of gratifyiog men wko were evi­ Johns aad *Low —a—. If aay tbo — be, why tbr p*a prayer of tbe net It tower *Le«td not be graMSat S. C. SHEPARD, Manager. k 4Lyman |Reod has a boom- Lais Brown '‘holds hb bignw m ” and liacm and fairness to lei snob a dently trappers ia their boyhood. And It I* Further Ord ered, tb— note* be fives to Um pwen no inter* —*4 la * —d — >*. of tbo NILE, KUHINI.K *r RENT. of^buehwboat growing on hb Is ever on hand to greet hb patrons. Bimoh . . in say degree, deter tbe minds tall! A C*rrrt ’» *14 Staid. ” on Wight Street, sn fiieient to Mr. Alfred Shaw, druggist, although of tbeb patrons. People should bo —Don ’t forget your dog, have a col ­ THB Hotel farabh “oomlebiag* for on# family at tho corner, ” keeps buny and rar<’ful bow they speak, of lar on him. A fine assortment at Me- liUaaa • btoitky m4 growing tnfc. ImJ wkwr* taaijra * Baldwin , at *. Farina A Croml ’e $64:3 Is leetataaa MHt SuMs by taatc to be called inonopoBste. —Amrta taonUds of Ita wonder rfal effleaey in Uueef eee efteekowFimai« ru» Rwmee reptile took plane in Peoria, recently, se­ Os ifelr «a*S»VW U> fHlr Dtliii, thAD ii| ulfcc r i THE GBEAT ALTLIUTHE N Mhiailn Ham tut iiiUs a 4ui i litrir UgUMHikli uhmc (rw !?_ *?£■*«*« *u ^j. As ftfflot of tbe Are Adp4 ItS w> tiffed conding In a local |>ap<*r. ^ tWUiWs of ksr rights and perJWof every degrse of ktclllgeftcc. sod tewaww etess^W^y wffie1DaJf fillH fillCCf."MM ffiEEsiP iWliiln Oua u mm t» hot iui -u uiAi r, we Incline to the opinion leas of mother* aad ckUdraa. from the faahte lafaal and blood pruiriER. ThUd^Ward" foundlntK back yard, after every rank of life. Tbtrsiciaas of the Aral re- Tiutt twm penooi vtn recently fff eae week eta U lha aduii. lt aervaeta eeMMy of II ifi do ! ft qaftek Doatrnm. taken 111 ftl 1’ituLi w h from eating ■utokrt! dusk, an immense snake lyiajf in the epevUMttty, and perfectly 14.nver»*nt with the iitihiA, vaMevas wind #aHa. rqgalaiaa tha hew- TLo iuercdieiit* are puhluiard Bilurt of difit uMM air! rvuit tiki, rtcoinmiiid >. and gtvaa rata, health, and eafeettaamther and grass He procured an ax#, and when he this ss one of tbe most effectual In their line Ita. Wa halteva it Ve be tha Reai aad laraat Reme­ on each bottle ©i o.t dicing. It chopped pro o Red foiN are becoming a nuiaance In had the reptile into about a dozen af prcparsiioDs far the cure af Cholera, dy lathe War id In all aaeaa of DYlirrtRT aad Is ward find rmmmicmlrd by £ lecea, he discovered It K) be I gartlen * Tbnt uuder the Um# honored Democratic ban ­ lie voice that clamors incessantly fbr the K«MKk*. pin. F*Si<* 7 , Mil r»«n* l ner. with this declaration of principles inarrthod return of the stolen fund*, jarring very Cholera Morbus and kindred bowel troubles DlAREMOLk IE ( MILDUEM, wheUer It srlaaa tmm Pbjiieiibt wherever ii baa % lambe suffer nee which had not been properly bung 4>a ita folds, ora angaga la tha conStci. and wo now so common among tbe people. Taeihtag or fram any other cause. Fall dtramtoaa bran introduced. It will up In the coal shed." earnestly appeal to petrWOc mao of every claae. discordantly upon the long pleasant ho|i- for aatag Will ac< oiupaay each bottle. Nana Oaautaa The richest man In Dearer la a Meat* u ii booi regard to party nMpu* in tha s in its yserious stagra, JtHK V- can with an Indian u\la, and she leads s post lea, and the public will set the whole It is an infirmity of man to cling to the the fashion. s Prussian apothecary, lac lotted powder*, . t rug vis to rescue the Uutwtemt frtal the bands such as quinine, aloes, rhubarb, and other of dkktaest men. and redeem U tf*»m (ha fiood of story down as a myth until it has substan ­ teachings of a past gensration, ana to stub­ IJJA TJtSAI, WJUI J: men who are determined to reform, greet. lleaJth-refoim ami Temperance ad Etch JlhONCJiJ T1S % JYFJt 1 O l '& K . taillo«rs: taken the reins into their own hands, and BKOWX’fl VERMIFUGE COMFITS MililVUH MmKlfcA of the envelope, which is quite small, are prevailing deception of the present age, Cftfra arinirg fn m in impure Hr. i. Walker's' C*Ellfornia ) in* baa been arrested fur stealing an um then closed together and secured. When “ You Iiuvu do on u noble work to-da Xi nothing but the unsavory memory of the la the impression that every human biped will destroy Worms wltbawt Injury to ilia ehlta. being coodition of 1) • I !r rd. rend You have adopt.>t u plutfbnn that present power shall remain to disgrace rarar Bittfrs are a pvrely YtyfftaMa brclla. taken, U is soaked in water lor a moment of either sex must be stimulated, and the perfectly whits, aad free from aU color!a# or other D for ourltotuDALiH A lmanac , in A CurxuND youth had his hand taken until softened, then gulped down whole. defy criticism. You hsvw prrMOted a our halls of legislation .—Dvbvtpu Iterald. poisoned chalice is labeled “ Medicated lujuiiowa lagradiaala nasally used la worm prepare w hicb you w ill find rartificetra prrpanttion, nLTt!© chiefly from the nu- off in a planing mill lately. He was to ticket such as never tu fore was prwsented liitters,” the belter to palliate their use tleaa. frrm reliable Fnd truktwoiiby Uve lu rl>a fount! on the lower r«n*eM uf hare given it away in marriage next day, to the people of this Stele, and 1 any now FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. and prolong the epidemic. One of the CURTIS A BROWN, Proprietors, the Hierra Nevada inounUinh «»f Califor ­ Presents from the Shah. to yon In all horn et sincerity, us u mutt Vo. tlS Faltoa itrwt, Raw York. I’hjRiciiiUB, M.nibUifi ct the anyhow. most zealous workers to cure this malady, Gospel Ri d otb( f*. nia, the medieinfti j>n*j»ertied uf wJiidi who hue never been over sanguine and Dn. Joseph Walkkr . Inventor and Pro. AaM kg DmofftsU end CteakS. end Aaakra ta A — One might as well skin a horse and Ir Saratoga is the Bcthrada of our A rMOTiMtatr*. sst la diamonds, was also offer never deupoodent, 1 say to yon that I MsOSUnes, at Twxarv rivs tun a Uox. Pr- X. Mfiliea Ckrx, nf Fatitmors, ure extrftcflud tfifttra without the uw nation, it ia probably mi acooent of the •d to Karl Oran Title, who exiraclsd the tartars, expect it to work for him, aa to akin a prietor of Uie famed Califurria V ink rsys be La* um U it In ismi rf tu rotate firmly believe that the ticket you have and utlir dutattx wttb u.U4 bvauaiao of Alcohol. Tho (ltteetfcfi U number of “poole** gotten ap there every pressed 1* to Ms heart, sad returning tha dls farm and expect It to grow crops. oar Bitters, believes in making Bitters dally ttdked. Wliat Is the caura of tho nionds, rsplsloed to the hhah. that much se h. this day made will be elected on the sec that are “ true medicine, ” and advises the The Homaal FasUiy B n. summer. thaakod him. Ms ~ ----- ood Tuesday of October next" —Strawberry Juice.—Put two parts of Liniment Dr.TC.Pvfk, of Da 11 in ore. rsmn- anpumllelH iifteoiwe of Vinegar Hit­ forhads his recta. „_ _ ------_ _ sick man to swallow a draught that will W>eii«la It to ».i J^raoua n.ffrrltiK v.H Dtap.Ho a recent storm In North ('aro- clean strawberries, without crushing L ters f* Our auiiwcr Ut that they renwA’w monarch- London T>i raspaadmet oft 4» The following telegram was received wash out the Leprosy of his disease. Io la tha beat remedy la the world for the following Idteraeed I-!ood, •eying it ts superior to lina fvurjr telegraph pole for a mile on them, into a largo-mouthed jar; add to ft | aov 1141* rat»4 < i x.I• <4B# h# baa followed the old-fashioned ideas which I accept (he nomination and dcatrv the Conven ­ general character of all other Bitters, are Itocn to BitJf b It Mflttfd I y Ha !>*•, 1liat hlotnl purifier Mud a iifo-Kii injf9363. fc', tion U> accept my vraiitud* for It I aec. pt It bw ture without heating. The sugar gradu ­ levy. Cotas, rteah Woonda.Bwrua.Seee Throat,Spinal [I s cheerfully rer« nn»nds It to ail bw SxnvAirr girls In Montana get *f AO gold British statesmen have been taught to re a s I a perfect Henovutor mid luvi^orutor as a great success and J / VUaliser, evi a month, with the use of a piano and sew. causa the Convention, by hastowing it. ax presses a ally extracts the iulce of tbe fruit, which Complaints, flprataa and Brulaca, CUR Is and Fever. [frletida ai <1 •< qwaHilatircs. •nect, in rejecting the substantial part of Wrliaf thatI may ba of aom** earvtra la promoting ia left tasteless and coiorlesa, and forms a deuce of one popular fallacy and correct For Internal and External use. 1 CrhVtD ft Co., I n yplHs. at GorAan*- of the 8)»tem. Never before in tho ing machine, besides three nights “off" the Shah’s present, sod reserving that the successcos of tealha ffrv-aigr»-al Damuaracy, upon whosr cd. ______8 Ila operation te not only to relieve the patient, but |vlllr, Ya.,11/ it DiMf L*» (ailed Io give bi*lcry of tlio world bax a uiodit iue be«n in the week. • «i< • tax and that afinr,m lust*i tha..peemachy, i clear syrup, which Is readily separated by entirety ramova tha causa of tha euayliloi. lt pro# |uali^S4 •«». which was only complimentary. On this aud Uapptua** of the Americas pvopV. means of a flannel strainer, and must be Eam’l 0. MoFaddea, Marfremhoro ’, com tn muffed {HuMtuinf ilia rrmxfkaWo A DBSTmrcnvK freshet washed sway side of (lie Atlantic, under the dispensa Fran xi.ik gave excellent advice to,ne peo- trmtss and pervades the whole system, ruaiortag of VnrWAB llITTltlta ill liexilDg Ikd m _ ^______Wa. At mixed with once-flfth part of alcohol. healthy action ta *□ tta pans, and quickening tha i »*,» n . • red him of Maw the corn patch of a Wisconsin farmer, anil lion of Grant, such a gift would have been le who desired success in life; andid yyet ■■■■■Bn.atamS uben ail else failed. sick of every di«*-*><• iiutn l# heir t». Hicy laid bare an almost inexhaustible lead The Juice has a very delicate odor, but his rules were by no means infallible. ’ A nr*- a gciitle PurgatiTO u* wtdl ns n Tonic, Inated in a very different fashion. One of POIJTICAL ITEMS. will not bear the least heat without de Taa Hor •xroli * Paxacsa te Purely Vegvtabte and TUX BORADAXJd IS CONNECTION WITH OTR mine. our ClirUtian statesmen would have pressed man may, by Industry and economy, ao- relieving Congestion or lnfl»imuuttiiui of slroy ing its taste. AD Healing. the Liver aud VlAWil tfrganK, iu lUltoua A mbthanic in Portsmouth, N. II, has the diamonds to his heart and return* t ileus the tieople force his cumulate a large amount of property, and Prepared by not been able to do any work in eleven the photograph, if he returned anything. ment, our Ini|M-rlaf Ifrraideut will continue —Strong alum water, we aee It asserted, in the end be may lose it. It is one thing crRTlfl A BROWN, Dir-uoi. vrarit, on account of a friend crushing his And he would have explained to the Shah his hold upon his office, even if he re­ (but we do not know who is responsible Ui make money, and nuite another to keep No. MS Fulton atrort, Maw York. The prepertkH of Du. y .'ai .ker ’h hand while shaking it. that as all the Ring chiefs In this country duces every State to a provincial condi ­ for the aaeertion) is sure death to bugs of it- There is no doubt that a life iustir For ante by ail DrugKteta. mstmm V ikkoak lliTTF:Mn an, Ap**rfe»t, lHa^hiHWic, will ears ChlHa ard Fewer. Liver Ceaiplalttl, Dya- A child was born in Worcester, Mass., wear diamonds, he could have offered no tion equal to that which he has forced any description. Thketwo iMiunds or pul­ ance policy In a good company is s good pcp.la, etc. Wa gnarants* ftosabaLta superior I# C'knninative, Kulritimta, ldttalh**. Pimwtic, the other day, whose mother t» nineteen I more welcome present to a friend of the upon unhappy Louisiana ^—Albany (Af. Y.) verized alum, and dissolve in three quart* investment in the majority of instance*. The Littlk 1’orfohal .—The contents • It other Ekv>4 Purifier*, bend far Dvsuiptivs StuiaMvc, C%miit<*r IrriUut, Hudontio, Altera of boiling water, allowing it to remain The money is paid wheu the family most of tbr August number are excellent. "Life |4 i><,\ \ LI) ( Apply while hot with a brush, or what is tance wilb s Royal Prlneem," by Caroline Marvb ft ft. Commerce fit., Jto'.limon, Ni. Dr,igj-1»ls -ii<|i;«-n Agta Hau I raarMN-o t ’.i' f •/•nix maiuly written by Chleb Cushing, shows veution, voting for the platform, were four of creditor*. We do not hesitate to re­ Remember Io ask n ur Tit ;j«*1 if r Rovanxi ia. A MAH»*Acm>KTTn woman went before better, use a syringe to force the liquor in Craue. and "Uldu Nt. . N. a justice the other day and twore that a that Lord Granville w as not In high festh lb-publican Senators, —Stone, Hurley, commend tlie New York Life Insurance **ol«f Hw nlII l»TNfvl-f« i *»«4 IV »l*r« rr at Washington before this incident, Fitch and Miles—whose votes would have ihe cracks of the wall and bedstead. Scat- Company as one of the strongest and best, mu . are continued, lu addition to these there are neighbor woman had bewitched her into Jer also the powdered alutn freely in all to all who seek insurance. several abort and entertaining stories and poem*. R. R. R. having cramps and spasms. But now that he has reflected upon the secured the very legislation In theaeaaion "Among tha Flowers" la the Ufle of n very pretty head of the nation by refusing a valuable of 1W72 or 1H75, which the platform, for those places, and you will soon be rid of O kb day lately Mrs. Dr. Mary Walker these fnscct nuisances which fill one with King or lha Hlomt. frontkph'ce. A picture-story —“Rum aud Ruin' — gift from the Shall, It is easy to under ­ which they now profea* to vote, demand* is given In ibis number. The term* of tkk popu ­ was am**ted in Baltimore for wearing disgust. F«*« D*<>r*T rose -I wm stuckvd with Ah. stand in wliat temper the next diplomatic Setting up a platform Is ornamental work. lar link monthly are only fit W) a year, and in ad- RADWAT’S READY Itants. And the next day Baltimore had —To Extract Grease Spots from Book* diKuinsi Dnqwj four ywmn age. 1 u«ok inedtiiua icr “conflagration. ” Judgment. u°t< will be written If he hail declined Voting in the Senate is the useful part of froei Ivr tfkd4-rrii! doctor*: f applied to thv »txth; dtthm to tbe magazine you will get two beautiful nziXiXBF a »1k or paper, and thntilflil mr i»a*t rraii dy. Another thought 1m Atxty rent* will rerun a raatawdng ouiflt. includ ­ |»ee«iaely the same tint, has been found -----In whatever light this psy business ■tight h«-Ip nr If | W4»nld hr tapped, hot I wm ao Cures the Worst Pains would have waxed eloquent in his horn then press upon it pieces of blotting pa­ ing both rbromo*. Address J«»rk E Miller. Pub- upon the Island of Capri, and is cited as is regarded, it stand* a« nr rxo« another instance of uatural selection. age to the British IVemier, tiecausc he is of open, bald-faced robbery, and no argu four Kism or tnk Bioou atirrnteed My *uu raid lirber. 1M Itandolpb street, Ctikafo. * known to entertain a prejudice against ment ran strip it of its loathsome charar much of the grease as possible. IUve be wuukl -«*wd to you far It, and did ao. R bra I ONE TO TWENTY MINTTTE& The Tramorifti, a Georgia paper, says the whole canine race. Indeed, it is pos­ ready some fine, clear, eaacntlal nil of tur­ hf.-au tu lakr- U I roakl not lie duwuorrilup ll/HER WRITING TO ADYKMTLHTIM.lt* ter. The present Congress, before it shall •‘fighti by wrartni: ahMMlagr I wm able to walk VV pleats mmy yoa mw the ndvrril NOT ONE HOUR that It “can ’t say as to the crops around sible that such an occasion might even pentine, heated almost to a boiling state; rat have been in session an hour, will cost a Utile. I had nol put os my .locking* (or aom** In this sapor. arrsa asADtim tbis xavnnirmurr there, but Georgetown is the place to get have afforded a basis of reconciliation the country or almost tlin-< warm tlie greased leaf a little, and then OTuaiha. IVrwona who vtetu-d me Ihoti.-hf I enuW Into a fight if any one is aching fur exer­ with IiOfd Cock burn, in spite of his ncg. with a soft, clean brash, wet with the nol live any length of um«. I very **,n felt tkffl Need any on© SufTor with Pain. cise. times a* much as an entire session cost the heated turpentine both sides of the spot- vour MirdHin* wm helping me. and by thr tlmr 1 CHOLERA REMEDY lect of ('aleb’s hook. But to refuse dia country la-fore the war. and twice as much bad uwd »br orond battle I could pul un my A Eadway'a Bendy tUAief la a ('are tar every Pala. Twenty eight different kinds of “bit­ ted part. By repeating llii* application »l«rklftiri. and begun la furl rotnfonahlr In turn RsApaa. you will find It ta that Favorite 1 loins moods is to reproach a President who did aa the famous war sessions. —-/odiuao/x^ta Remedy, it was rax riawr axd i* ters” sold in Rhode Island for “strictly not refuse houses, horses, lands, bonds, Sentinel the grease will be extracted. lastly, with ■mnth. thr walrr waa all guue, and I wm a living medicinal use” are undergoing analysis another brush dipped in rectified spirits »krkion; hut my apprtltr wm rood, aud I brgan THK ONLY PAIN ItKMKDY w imm, cigars, or Indeed anything hut a -----President Grant s last speech—de ­ to cam itr.b. and I now look m well aa aver I did by the State chemist fr *m an excise taunt dog encumbered w ith his own freight In of wine, go ovei the place, and tlie grease and trv\ 4j*Hr writ. H amah Pkntx . that Instantly stops tbe most rvrrurUUii* pstn*, allays livered July JO, at Kingston X. Y., at a will do longer apnear, neither will the laftawimatinrta, and cures Coagsattowu. wliether of iha of view. this not proof of British hatred of free rei-eplion given by General Shar|*e—as Lt THSJOSLSOH. ( irarfirld Cat., IVa*. CHOLERA IN INDIA. A VnsiftAft writes to s Richmond institutions, cropping out in a new form ♦ pajx r be discoloreu. Wrtfr f<»r circular* to D. U*n*oui, Hon A C*.. Wbata Mimiox *bt Sava t Lang*, stomach. Bow els, or other gtends or organs, by published in the New York Times: “ In ­ Haffalo. V Y. * * * “I regrsitosa/ that the ebnler* haa pro- one application. paper that he is oppoaed to the election —y. y. Sun. dies and gentlemen of Kingston: I have —During a late conversation w ith one vailed hers of lals tu a fearful extent For the last of aa unmarried man for Governor, and of our egg dealers, he advanced the three weeks, from ten to Shy or sixty fatal rases IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MIN DTE*, been in your county two days, and I have theories that eggs spoiled because the yel­ Wx aee try tbe Chtcagn paprra that Pt(*tkk each day have been reported I rhxsen- CONGESTION OF THE LUNGA. competition and the poverty of the people hatch. Ills theory was, so long as there and w 4>tn« nevery* here, Johi in rvctxaraending l>east. One c ame all the way from (’uba control of the tlovernment during the was a portion of the white or albumen tery. Fiat. W'lnd in tbe Bowels. Hour Mom THROAT. D1FFK < LT lately to bite a Portland fruit dealer. He would admit. A few days prior to that, times in which the evils c>»oi|datned of ^o Amw'i Auudyw lAntmeni lobe the l»cat inter­ •eh. Iiyrpepsiu, hick Headartir. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. there was information of a huge gas mo ­ between tkc yellow and shell, the egg was nal and external family medicine ever Invent ­ ••tana (laolero. whra all otlxrr Keane- made the voyage ia a buach of bananas by the farmers have sprung up. Jo that 4ka Fall. HTSTKRICft, CROUP. DIP1ITIIFK1A. nopoly, which Kellogg was controlling by practically air-tight, hut when the yellow ed. That’s our expci icnce CATARRH. INFLUENZA. and took the find opportunity to carry out party alone these wrongs are attributable. came in contact w ith the shell it adhered It five* Iastvnt Relief from Aehiog Teetk. his fell design. virtue of the authority in Louisiana which la section* of the country where HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE. enables the Governor to ki-ep a hill in his VVhy not* No other organization has to it, and allowed tbe access of air.— »rif you d«ui’t want to disgust everybody NEl EALGIA. lUiEUMATIftM. Tux young person who blows out the had the slightest control of the legislation Journal of Ike Farm. w illi your off ’ naive breath, cure jrour Catarrh rovor Ahxxct iVguo COLD CWTLLA, AGUE CIIILLfL pocket as long as it suits his convenience, upon which it dcpeinl*. fiTaWreward is offered Frex alia, tiler* te ao remeJy held ta greater rateetn The sptdtcatlon of ibe Kendy Relief to »bs purl mnnins gas. abuts the window and retires to his out of which th<*s«? evils have grown. — ami sign it when it suits hit interest —To Plow Down Grass —Tlie Canaelian by the pr«>priet«jr of l>r. Cage's Catarrh Kem IF-ter »rrr o tul Ague —Take thr* e eMpoonf*!* or pari* where tbe pals or diAculty exist* will afford peaceful couch, has turned up again, this A/adison (IT is.) jAif/y JouhmI. of the P ai v-K ii.lrb ta a bowl half a pint of but water, Fanner says: “Notwithstanding the ut­ *dv for ■ ease «*f Catarrh which be cannot ftififft tvfn/iiftv time at Dubuque, where there were two Now there is information of a huge steal weh aweetawed with H>->lassss. m the attack laeomtng Twenty drops hi hslf a tumbler of water wffl. In a uuder Kellogg's sanction, by which 2.500 -----Wc have studied over Matt (’ar most pain* and care in plowing, the grs*N, cure. It U sold l»y druggists. ;v» ou. bathing freely the chest, buck aad bowel# with the few uMMiiatX*. cure ( ramps, rposiu*. four Monos h. of them, man and w ife, and both had s pentcr ’s speech at Janesville, defending medicine at the same tints. Repeal tb« duas te twsa- Heartburn. *Wk Ileodocbe. Plarrlica. Dj •eatery. Cotie. LOW RESERVOIR narrow escape. acres of land have been sold at twenty, especially If long, will bristle upinbcsrd* tf nrnatea If ththe _ first'— dorr “doesn4i( at< p tbs ebllL< Wind In thu Rowds, aisl all In ’ernal I'slns. five cent** an acre as sw amp lands, whish the liark pay kleptomaniacs, and the and tufts here, there, and everywhere. In­ Per* pi ratio * has no effect on the Elm Hii4MaM It pr Hlia e a vMinting *and It pr«-nab)y * Hi If Traveler* should always carry a buttle of ilnd- Thk Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Credit Mobilier stork Jobbery, until we wood am! Warwick collara. They retain (be aloinarb I* very f4iah, take a tmff Tais Kl ij.aa wsi sltrsfi II* lief wt»h them. A few «Ir.-,•# ta really include some of the moat valuable juring alike the ap|>carance of liie field ineold water ■weeteoed «Hh ragur. after each xpuara. waier wKl prwvrut stekness or polna from change of have open top cars attached to each one have cotne to the conclusion to buy a pair and its capacity for growth. l>o you their shape under all ordinary circum­ prraeveraoce In Ibe above treatment baa cured many water. It ia hollar than French Urandjr ur Bilters as a suburban property in tlie neighborhood severe sod obstinate cases <»f this disease of their passenger trains, for the purpose of New Orleans. This pro;ierty is said of pistols and become a “Knight of the wish to remedy this great difficulty* ’ If stances, and are tbe best to wear in warm WHhS t A to KXTtRXA I-LY. AAA UXIMEXT. aUiaahtaft. of allowing the passengers to view the to lie worth several millions of dollars, road. ” There are just as gitod places so, use the chtin and ball to your idow. weather, nothing gives quicker ease te tana, ( sia, Jkwiasa, country and beautiful mountain scenery around here for a man to build up a g fire, ai.d the wound beuls Ilka ordinary sores. Ferrr and Ague cured for fifty cents. There te sot as they pass along. $7u0 or $*U). A Government like Kel- paying business in a highway robliery, try them. A piece of ordinary trace chain Tbaaaw'ithHag with RUErJTi ThOf. UOf ’Tar NEC amncdtel am u( tu tail world that will rare Fever and as Washington presents to the average • mditUm Fuwdfrt »h*>uM U: given to horses KILO I A. It sot a positive r*re. they find ths teas- Ague.and alf*»thcr Malar1ou*.1Ul1o4)sJ*carlc1.Tjph**ld, The way types can be eccentric is logg's, which rests upon the sup|a>rt if w ill do very well. Fa*Un one end of it tiiat are “kept up. * To boraea and cattle Atasr gives them tallef when no other remeiiy wilt. Yell«« sad other Fevers laWted by liiSVXT'tnLUA shown by an Iowa special as it appeared elected highwayman—IjaCrvs* (His.) that graze in summer they should only be Kvaav ItoiauBsueau should keep Met bun A sod so aulck ss Raowat 's Rasnv ffxusr. l nited States troops, and lias no concep ­ to your coulter, and to the other end apply It M tbs first art*- k of uny Puts It will gtru in a Chicago paper, about the arrest of a Demvcrmt. altei'h a round iron ball of from two to three given In winter and spring. aupsfactorT rsilef and save hours uf -liffkriM Flftr Peals par Bw*lie. tion of responsibility beyond that of Do not trtSr with yourset*. • bytesting uairled rem mail rob tier, 'upon whose person was keeping Itself in power, in the same way —The iniquity of the salary steal ap­ pound* in weight—leaving the chain lour •dies Be sure you cull for tbe f'A IN- a/V I /CM found rifled letters and two nail ivy#/” which it attained power, cannot help hut pear* greater as we examine it more, enough to permit the ball to reach back NrSIrlaal Pol.on. aw the \\ wnr. fte'Dlrt* Uoae aceompuag each bottle. "HEALTH! BEAUTY! Mail keys of course. why Congressmen should receive $025 to about the middle of the mould board, Prtew. *:» cent a. M eewla. and fll.hO per Boftte. la* corrupt. The temptation would be a Tb» patriartltf louk «»<< mercury, no bl.mutb, do 8TRONO AXD PURE TUtU BLOOD—INCREASE OF A veracious New Hampshire agri ­ great out for men inclined to be honest; each month during their vacation, is a and there let It drag along un the off side, iodtae. mi bmarhte of pr»tar»lnm. no .trychoria, do J. LHIKHMAtO., riOTiunuU.O., FLERI1 AND WEIGHT - CLEAR HETX the opportunity is ample for those who mystery to the tax payers. This at once of course." quinine Uappj aid gvDUrmm ' they did not even Pt"prietor* for tbe Southern and Western btataa. AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION culturist solemnly asseverates that after IF’lur ante by nil Muaictna Dealer*. the grasahop{>ers had eaten up all his are troubled w ttii no good intentions. In dispels the claim made*, that a Congress —Bathingr in Cold Water.—We do not know of Um- riteunce of tbcM* 'Wpectfica," asd yet SECURED TO ALL. f.i3 Suited io all Climates, man cannot live comfortably at Washing- hop vines he saw them with his own eves the meantime, there seems to he nothing know who i* the author of tbe following, they ttvad anUI It aeeuied a# If Ib alb bad forgot Ira ASD Fa JCOC* fob bxxsd - making united efforts to pull the poles for the people of Louisiana to do hut to Urn on $5,000. To bring tit in matter but it seems to have been written by some Ibetu. Tbetr medicines were barb# sad root*. They DR. RADWAY’S out of the ground. submit to svstematic and voracious plun- home, let the people of the Fifth Iowa one who frofesaca to know what he is bare left thi* fact on record, and the world aaem* UST TO USZ! ilering .—(jfneagu Tr\b\tn*. District ask themselves what the Hon. to he sow taking not*- of It and returatag to tbe Woodsox , talking about, and it accords, to a large Gov. of Missouri, and Gen. John A Kasson has done to earn the $625 ®r»t principle* of asedleauoti IhwietterXitasBacb Sarsaparillian Resolvent CHEAPEST TO BUT!I Jas Craig, and several oilier gentlemen of extent, with our own experience: Noth­ each month since the Alii of March.—Iks ing is more common than a custom of HHlt-r*. ike purest an be- BODY UNDERGOF-S, UNDER THE IN­ Ttutom fbr fiotsg tagrwaad ens, and were arrested and fined for vio ­ The following resolutions were adopted tlevad unpikiUy la all lha poiaona wMrh Igurv ta FLUENCE OF THI8 TRCLT WON­ ing England he presented his photograph daily habit. Delicately-organized ladies DERFUL MEDICINE, THAT BETTER COOKING# lation of the Kansas game law. by the recent Itemocratic Slate Conven ­ the pharaiaorpi*. now prooouure ibla palatable CONSUMPTION tion. in »csai4»n at Columbus: set in diamonds to Lord Granville, the not unfrequenlly have established tlie Anri Its Cure. MM IT Spiders “weighing three or four British Minister of Foreign Affairs. Lord same course, considering it conducive to tonk sod altrralh r an ail »uflckst remedy fur Every Day an Increase in Flesh and $«lrk«r 1. That tb«- DrotoawUr party seek* to dyapepata. Dvrvoua drhUHy. conatipatloa. hliiuM pounds ” arc among the natural attrac- revlYr no dt*id l**«i*». hot #Uo*fta*< complaints, headache, iatermittvat fever*, and all lions of JHitfida. if travelers' teles mav be which $fr rutten that wing of King* had visited this country, vital warmth in that way has not only eu.ru. Its theory U ftrw* to arreta tbt decay, thru Every drop nf the * IRFAPAIRLLTAW HE^T.T- AXD UD4 odm >m drug* now an rrekleraly ad mint* te red by w*«M impair or ik-.irojr ibrm In order to main however, and tried his diamonds on Sis injuml, but destroyed more than ever butta ep ibe system. Phywlclaas findtb* '»**r(nnr cor ­ EM eniumuiMcalea tl«r>>ugb the Hlood. MwetU. I nsc. Thk student*editors of s small Western lain and prr«mr ibor rkht» it loaku upon a praeLlilotM-r* of ii»c "herulc ' aebowi. in care* that rect The reedy startling cures performed by WUb aad other fiuld* ued Juice* off thasvamta. the vigor Especially AdaptH college paper having printed some re- strict cuaetmctkiai af the Federal (\Mtaiiiaihm. It cor Robeson or anv other of the Secreta­ were benefltted thereby. A reaction, aa it giU'bi rail* be controlled by milder Irratment. on. a * • l are pnof. life, fur 11 rcmlra ibe wa*!* Gtsn'iutar l»«aa—» l W-eru in the Thn»ul. have been sued by her fur $20,000, which «*< ^eminent to nearp or deatrov tbe cneiiiuiUmal er have got them back again. —JVV* York quently follows, a direct draft upon the •kiaiu>. A<* it t*. ih* ibinkiug public, who arc geu trrifig into the etrrwlatlna. It nt oner gr» i»i<-s with Tune a*. No*kru te lha OsrwW sod other part* of the rtgbu or inaak. have akendv pat enrrupoua. and decay coosoa. It purtftc* the sour, ca syaism, 8«ne Kves. Awuneirou* dtsrhnegev from ttw VASTS CT E7IETIS7SMA sum, remarks the Detroit Tribune. “i* an omtoM* ail laterfemnee by law with tbe private the 'biiirerun# prvparaiWma a*ide ai> Bltiara tu ibeir atead m a aafr and excelb-nl Fever nw «, Held Head. Ring Worm, tteit ifh< ur.t. BOXsJD -BY paper.” nnhltr [>racr of *aS»t» and advocate, the rreate»t case, becau»e an extra seasion of C’ongres* imagined. A tepid bath makes no such hoaeebold Bi'-dkine, adapted to almuat everr ail­ Conaumpt t* n. Fnalpelue. A< nu. ITa, g -pots, Woenia In Ibe k'Urh. indivtdaal liberty eon*h>cent with pnbUc order It Put an In largr wvdfr-vhapH Wtetfeu. Tuntors. ('sweevu la lbs Woxute and alt xreakwnlr.r and at the time would Dot have been an evil— injurious demands, and therefore, ia not ment eae*-f»i (he orvawie aud deadly eontaglans bearing the In atar'v .Igaafurv. a ad ia painful dt-barges, Mgi,i bwewta, nn*l all wa* cs uf EXCELSIOR Thk gallant editor of a Southern journal bt tte\c* in tbe capacity of I be people for *elf ii\jurious or perilous to those of a frail dl*ei For norr than iwrnty >rathk fatuoaa Mid hy thr bv»l DtugglfiU. Prepared by lbs Ilf# prtnrxpie, aru within tbs enrattv* rsnge of rhH is in a bad frame of mind because a lady, fovernnaeot. and oppow. all property qaaliSrationa at any rate no more of an evil than a ses­ rvAaiilvt and BlwevnUve•venth-e h««haa hem annaalty V'K k I*r of M drrx Cbemisiry, and nlew dxr* u*e will a* condition* to Ibe right of ruffrage or eligihllily sion of Congress at any time—or even an Construction .—Jiural Fete Yorker. MrengUM-iifng ila h-*M atom tha public roufidruce J. II.MII.I.Mll.Nl John M.,ReW York. prwva to aay person using Kfot Hfbei of thssufarms MANUFACTURING who exhibited canned frail at an agricul ’ to bold *•««■»■. ft favor* liberal |*«. tor tin- natn and k n»)w labea the lead «»f every advvrtleed med ­ ______, 111 Et l»l T S EDS %11. ' ' see of dlseuau. Its potent power to curt mens. COMPANY, tural fair, was only awarded a blue fib rsltaatbat) of foreigner. it m*i*t* upon equal expense to the people.* The eholce of the icine tuauofactured ia this country W nor a ax Ao Vu. j k 1CMAJUUM>N A lu. PT. l^»i in U tbs |nU«st, 4telijr heron,mg rednred hy thf win and exact jo*lev to ail men It oppo-m ail President was lietwecn grabbing $25,000 Appetite. and de,vHapos|tlon that Is mniinaalhr pr<*rrenting, sue- boo, w hile a young* man who, on the same monnpoH* a. and drniea tbal It M within the pro —i'rrymred hy es Keyufar /hytirten.— rands la arresting these *•»>•, ana rt*OTi Uie asms 612 and 614 N. Main Street, occasion, excelled in shooting at a mark, a year out of the Treasury, in direct vio ­ *a . Dvarwtrry and I with new nuiterlsl made fr«»m bnaltby btaod —and tbl* vtuce of tbe Uovrrument to Irgtalate for tbe bene- the b AldlAPARILLl AN wilt and does waire-s core got $150. St of particular claiwea at the expense and lation of Uh* Const it tit bin. and losing the A t certain seasons, as in spring and rb4ea. m well m ail Affection# of the (Vowels, are ST. LOUIS, MO. opportunity to pocket that increase upon rvadilv aiMierrd and than Highly cured by Dr larertxat far when ooee this remedy commences ft. Think of the nobis red man running a io the detriment of the remainder of summer, tbe appetite of even tlie very Jayne a t arminative Ralwun work of pbnfirstin*, sad uxwvweds la dtexlatehlng the the rommaaity It thrref,** opfNNw* the his already exorbitant pay. lie chose the robust is apt to fail, and tbe relish for lua* uf uruatsu. U* r»*nulr» Will bn rs|«M. and svsrv day sawmill! But tiiia Is what some of the •ymem by which a large portion of the proSt pro t (Its pattern will frri binisctf growing tetter aad stiOT>g -| dneiag wealth of the country is exempted from grab. He inuat suffer the consequence*. — meats and heanr food to wane. Tills Is Tub more toveteral# and uanumaerable ft, thu loud finslai betsat, upputi uaiwvstag. und Klamath Indians in Oregon are doing, W-hester {N Y.) Uni"*. A*rur may prove, an iter ordmarv trraunen! fisali and weight Increasing and the mill turned out 350,000 fret, last taxation, and demand* that all comiltmitmai all right enough, for animal diet io warm Xrltlui la thr lmiii4 li.tr hr#cfli n ( "oionty 4bms ihr *«xx’r»«tU43i Kraut v*wr exerf issraw *hall be u^-d ta remedy thl* tnra* i.. |( -----Wliat could be more impressive weather heats the blood, tends to head Hite all kuuwu raw d ial agsaia In tbs curs of Chrotikv, hero year. But it is shamefal to bring these in.l«u that oar lanff law* .hflbld b. framed with a fuiooa, ( oms Ui u- . »*val auU bkia dla cimta, but li Is Ih* sons of the forest down from hair fo mill- T*** *® reveane. and m>t to tax the commanity for than a squad of junketing Congressmen aches, and is generally unwholesome, un ­ uaiy poaldrsrwr* (or less sparing!/used. On the other band, TEE MARKETS. logs. ^ °f pkfikulif isduflrW* It rrto/nlfr * traveling free over a land grant railroad, KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAIHTft, the eell* of an trrvdremable cerreacy. Hal insist, and viewing the million* o? acres of farm fresh vegetshles, berries, fruit and bread O ne of the austere professors of Vale that In the rvtom to specie payment* rare should ______NKW TOR*. Aog Urinary and Womb fiwsm, Gravel, lAabstea, prop«r, lands they hare given away. We know are cool ling. corrective, and what the Ik/E. Moppi(s of Watur, lanuallatai ■ of ( rtus, ftrtgbr* came rushing oat to find Uie man who be taken not u> serlooaiy disturb the hustaem of BEEF CATTLE...... fiRM h the oonatry. <*r nnjo*tiy injure the debtor class, it of nothing more to, unless thev were en­ palate most craves. Don't be afraid logo H(K»S Dmard ...... * 1 Hasans, MStmitnnrln, and In xU isus «bsm thsrs arc •w krlrk-tteat dn*-**-*. ur tbu water Is t hlek. steady, m ltd hau dared to pull the college bell. lie apfwnckte* the bet * at* c.afrvred by the railways, gaged in cyphering out the rent profits without meat for a mouth or so, and, if MHKXP- Uve...... go with ruhalanct* like thu while of an «srx, or thruuds was told that Yale had won every one of but oppoww at) comidnattons «fjxll**y companies each received for hi* vote But while this you like, live purely upon vegetable regi ­ (XiTToN- Middling ...... l IU» w Mr* silk, nr i bsrs te n aiorfcid. gc« Tr*iMp<,rtati.>* Perfect Pur gative and Regulating Pills. is Just as necessary for tlie man who Afawk Cattle...... 8 etc* BP.UF acounta*rc>'* uf llJtN, TUIN«.ra. lead CoxrnnlMetffMSe luwi A gentleman who has tried It says the HwiacJag classes t hence every Jnst m«marr that patch from San Francisco shows where HOGS— Live...... 4. -aoTtaadulph Mrsst,vet. ChicUhb ago. m . tend* to protect them from oppression and to Ira works only wltli his brain to eat beef and HOOKv. and fil alt . N*t«vOr tantulcua. ihrtatf mated with svsrn ga»n. ur Cetatf Mapsan, beat way to catch a rat, which ha* liquid the sympathies of the Republican pnrty §H|IP Ooad to Choice...... 4 ’WURWfcfr___t A prsttx rhrwMM, lith.. * ‘C*H»fi- pwrgr. rsyatafu, itwrtfr, rtenasu nr.d s, thr*** *»r more numbers mnu. way's nfikhr lhauurn at ah dteMSdcrs of Ibu Mwu its way* into wir room, is lei lay a hr** deserves aad rarrtva* aor *ympaUiy and support, really are in the contest lietwecn tlie peo with his hands. The stomach and the KOGA- Frvwh...... CM KM WITH RY KMT THING, atYx-’ru nOLLlvus,Wowul*, KUfnsrs, fnatef^Xwms* Woo- Cow rcitl and TfilflfrtffMo flat upon tne floor, close to the mold and that wr cordially recommend the conservative pie and the railroad monopolies. It was per ,-sill Irua haa J' 1UI pm-**. I'M If K ft* vft a •s, Hradat-hu. InaMtpai><>n, Cautfv«-au»a. L tte»» resolution* adopted at the rdbmt National Labor brain are twins; the former being the FLOUR- W hile W inter Extra... 4 year tu adranca. Adrtrcus N. fi, Prrhlna. H«»s [IjripcpUa, HUluasnraa, Hillous. Trph*'a tbl Ti |a>«»td Nil IABALE COLLMiE. Hillsdale. m„,m, board. The rat will ran into the boot t ongriMs at Cleveland favoring arbitration aud sought to make the canuidaU-s for the cider, and having tirior right to care Let Spring Extra...... 4 Ag_l, l«X Wasltlniloa M.. Bosloa. Mass |4T ORAL* Ff tars, InJUnanathm of ths b<>amu, | tK and aU du TUK MOAT COftfKLKTE FA< ILITlKlk amp co-opera tVm Legislature pledge themselves on this GRAIN - wheat Aprtng. No. d.. 1 EHH t Very **»i terms to ysa I teal #* awfe. r»n<*fu»nla (M ths Internal Tterr-a. Wa* raawd Is artmeo ls uf un y^ . for protection, when he Is readily cap­ that be well provided for; and it will sus Writs lu me diraw* a# above. tured. X Thai although always foaatfttat'.ng a larva question; but the RepublicanCuUi« »,f tha llcad- Hurriud and inf the average yield is greater than on Bomb- "'«• hereby pledge aur ataenre and bomwl effovm to came to exacting individual assurance* Uirm, aa they must regard eating at all as Tailed ...... •aaMtahfiKtang, sbtnrriag at liamart, tterai os dress ALEXTNDIKC ElP«6i"f.>rta obtain fur thorn nl ws of thslr grtrvonces and from candidate* that they would act In HfsmiiM ycnaataio# *bsw la a l.ytag ronurmjnm- era plantations, and the quality superior. eqaal and exact Justice a prosaic duty, obligatory on them be­ ______CINCINNATL nssu rf VMM. !»■*"* of Vsha beture thu **♦«>»*. Fern «. That the public land* should ha sacredly re accordance with these declarations, they cause they have a bias in iavor of living. FLOtTR^ Family. New...... H CM clrvwlar aad ettva •ruts; nr. If arcl Dili I’aia te IIP flrmd. IHirHict «M I'rrsjitmiton. Ip s man must be robbed by highway­ wood for actual *eub-r* who will dwell upou and were reluctantly compelled to expose the WHEAT Red. New...... IfX •ttU'rT.ZJZig.' ^f..r ' r^OTM Idtenrud ihu nkte aad Fjrvth fta la fit fifth men, Wisconsin is the place to have it We all know that we must eat to live; but CORN...... 45 fi iV* i, t.unba, and VuAAeu IIwmw of ><•#<. Burning lu cuIUvaie them, and that t*r wilt C4mtinoc ta rtr hollowness of their pretensions .—Missouri we by no means live to eat simply be­ tha rieeSt k law 4ama at MADWAVa FILLb wit done. A pair of these gentry who were nonnee and oppose, aa wa have always renounced Hepublienn. OATH...... u u frsa tha ay atari from all tha ab*>ru-named dteurdsr*. and opposed, all gifts af *nch lands by the Guv came we eqioy what we eat. We are not *YR ...... « fi ntl 159 HUT Hiu. robbing a farmer, the other day, held aa eraaeat to ifveorporated companies PHcs Oft f ’swiu par Hex. teuld hy Drwgglatu, S5i4K£S3j3«5emosnewu or *n tbs time then at any« “““ nmbrain over his head to keep the sun •The fact ia the farmer* are brgin gourmands because we relish chops, nor 1 x Um ...... «udy for wua. •tars tree. Add rues a. fiUnuon ft Co^l t Thai the ffoute-t danger to frsa inaUtattan* M EMA^LAwaaa aoea MialeiMMIMMen ,Cfl vS TvLe UtoafXK READ -FAIAK AND TRUIL“ Amid aau ted* off wtitto they went through him. and of The wide spreading cuvrunttoo that rhreatn w tha ning to see and t feel that they pay the are we invalids because we want straw- •fop sH Alin %T * IO.N u M Warren KA..B. Y taxes while somebody steals the profits of lienAea. ___ rr Lout*. Bushels gro< n«l l*fifurmalmn wurth thuanaads wiuhu prat rsn. r%* prices audio- of a shower of pebbles happened thirty daavufSfe otoptqoad In popular elsrtlsa*; when an stand how It is, they will toon find out nor'i for August. OATB—No. t...... lt*f i K«lp three mftlen off the oosst front Portland, SiMy af adke-hoMevu. with ths *oucti.m of the that the legislation of the country Is la HYR--No. t...... JENRINtS SEMIRART. AY,T™ AI' i 'eotwtrwchT tpik1 flnv ’i'nUMut. ase tbetr rdktal Mffaence to control Far both sexes. Flaw stow# lutMlap and NMMW U Years *4 r.-c* V*w V -wfi. pelting the deck of the steamer New the hand# of jobbers. land grabbers, and Wanted. I^UvUb^Bte...... ten tt.i grounds. Ten depurtxnentaI superior sdvantages In elections: when bribery of coetoaa bowse offkwrs kkED ...•i...... York, while on Ita way from St. John to * *■ sstabHahad usage . whan ring* cf plun der rr* all. A full corps of professor*, fatalWMilta Collew- REWARD trading politicians, who are the tools of a'tar tied Fan term opens August J5Th Seal for Boston. It is the opinion of an eminent are tha recipient# of milHoOi of iiionojHdy. But whether they see it or Thr National Lira Irsirakck Com ­ MILWAUKEE. geologist that the stones were taken up Mod for FLOTTR- flprlm aa. of SOT not, it Is true that Uie Kepnhll part of the United States of America, WHEAT—April g. No. t. ■Tflr.tTTATOimil. 4 44 from the bed of some fresh water brook plays into the hands of wants an unit in every town in the No * ...... ■«fl8 ORCHARD SALTS rug ftssaor futt* lu by a whirlwind. fanlter* from merited pnni-hmenf and country, ana will pay Uuerally for busi­ COEN-No fi. | is nothing more or less than a' tender to CARY AMINO BOOKS KENT FEFE FOE Tnn Um steel dealers of Missouri re- emm that |K»wer that ia crushing oat the very ness secured. The prlacipsl feature* of fi. .. . • . f ths Oitnpany are its great financial Efcrt-k; ■*: all Iteftilk few* fit A, rently held a meeting at Kansas Cky, at life of all the laboring mea of the nation W; w«SSSB!!,TS^ak. tfiREATWORK erally a ubiirwashiviK affair. Grand Hmpsds (MieA ) strength. Ira low premiums, and ita lib­ which the late action of the Missouri >n begin to las* confidant. _ IMHP cunr ELAND >1 Love. Ms Una, Power, ftp. railroads in abolishing return passes for eral iMilkiea. Ita plans are easily under WHEAT—Na. • Red ...... H * 0 tt.flflH •MM. and that the fame sff (hr oval RepoMic t* -----It is perfectly proper to name the stood, and those devoting only fi portion AO § .SS Wesleyan University. stock shippers *ud v Billy discussed A hnsM fiNOgknt tha etrtnxed world To farmers' movement o fl...... wady these rvtl* We Iwid that the rucsipi* and the Anti Monopoly •f their time to insurance are enabled OATH N . This lasttfattoe presents sdraetMea WMUrpuaas decided disposition to ship by steamboat party, because H has, in fi ha ad red duffer o* ta—MWNRI I# lilflta. AAdraae leas the railroads will exp—iitncoa <4 Um- tlawrwmast *baH toMp often times to accomplish gratifying re. DETROIT mn.fr-) ni t Pmmisgk . Mtddkioww foes Mhod. that R* patronage shall he car tailed and all ent con vent loos, dec! ared Itself as opposed WHEAT-No « New ...... •1 « m $i 5T H-HECTIR IMMMI the stand they Have that m salts. We do not know of a comp any ifi a rtfli better deserving of patronage by those Aavber. New...... I.M M I St*, iirAcnR rr» taken. it Ml M COEN- No...... 4*4* .01 llifli^^^H A nnstmrrt. specimen of official Adel. fraud and^awrvtpti^ta wanting tmmraare, nor one with which OATR ...... *1 an agrat cow hi more advantage o usly con eased pa Woof in fr>a t to ta pease. Aid^Yo; Itj to trust occurred at Lancaster, Pjl, vinos shall ha iffi *peaker* ___ Toirno. ■ am* nert himsHf. K A Rollins is President, WHR\T Amber Mwb. New.,.. Ita. ECNHY Ri»WF. CowerH RWN. lows recently - The ffialki of that city were | hy the uMtad vulsa of fit nance with these d»-, M ■.! r.mdsma wttboal mws MNMm If Is per- ami Jar Onoke is Chairman of tbe Finance _____ No t Rad. New...... conveyed to the depot In the evening, and feetly proper to rail ths Republican party COEN Mixed leeeaeeea*' txotowixo toe Vails cured Committee Address branch idIke of OATR R.. fl.. •MteivOd e e«i WNhowt pete or terowveoteweo. Wood left uawetched upon a railroad track; Ufi*Me aud JemaOTTH Ihe ‘ Mraopoly party." be ranee its leaders Company, at Philadelphia. Address. THVBhBy U. while the officer having them ia charge tlooa I repeal; and um fiifi In Amur of tne tariff monopolies, and ____ BUFFALO. BEEF CATTLE ...... DR wm hney here and there, two mall bags It moaopeUsa, and oppose the farum eeeeeeeaaeeeeaaaaaaa DR. WHITT IFK. «» dre found ia the streets, of aa and monopoly party. So long aflEEP—Lira looaeaseeeeae* taT OOTs. ujj? ^elected ^li.'u rlLuur. french Economy In (he hlichen. Mh Mkgill , in a Utter from frame to TUK OAkDKX GAIK. the ( hit ago J'ril/HHs, write# a# follow# concerning the saving habits of the Tut ItttW hoi (M th« (ardva gau French housekeeper* : Hlug* and laiaf* Mr drraaartli n«H »f Oir mink ot #•»«*. "Compared with Hit*e French people, Her thv tours will fltdv aad the bran nmol wall our American* are wantefuPy improvi ­ Pur (he |mIm to «bkh II lilNgi dent and extravagant |t i„» to mi H»- ihmkrtti not that hU !•«•» !»**»*! Ilm they live on just about one half what the VI III r1(M>a Mw« Into msnlMMMi's prima. And honor aud rlrhr* and great rraoau The Clinton Independent. American* do. They have a knack, 00 Haj arod hi* name to the - duwa to speak, of making a little go a great Hr gaaedi *»u(h and h< gaarih north, way. and of extracting subsistence or n. • xlugeth back and hr nciartih forth. And hia ferart heat* high a« I ho heart of kittga, comfort from thing* an American would Pur hia auiil la poiavd on the future a wing*. throw awray or never notice. It may he The Muir bo» on thr garden gala instructive to point out a few of the mat­ Mating* aud alng*. vol . viiL—no . in. ter# lo which reference i* b« re made. In Ilr lollnrrth there till the hour la lair. ST. JOHNS, MICII., THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1874. WHOLE NO. 410. the first plaee, not au ounce of food is And kla heart grow* large with a J«*» innate. Ana life * u|i»trlliug airing*. wasted in harvesting or preparing for ght* and dajra. market In tlie next place, not an ounce Ar« the atar* lhat ,'uiile Into hap|»> wava; not easily Ik * su trised, anti #|uit*tlv the vain hope that a stray bullet or arrow roliliery, securing between $•%.(»»» and #0.1*111 CURRENT ITEMS. ers and grade the bed anew It U sup more of vegetables, flesh, fish, or fow I U«' think* of the (loner* aud *lri«aM* tnal ri*« amusing mvself w hi LATEST NEWS. groceries, or liquid* than is really needed l ndar hi* fool neath the glancing *kl«a. SE resting with build- might flud an entrance. Hut now 1 thought in money and a large amount in iMiuds, the jioscd that a vein of quicksand run* lie lookrth raal and hr lookolh »wt, ing castle* in the air aud writing exocra I might as well show mv teeth a little, so greater part of the latter having since been A IIARTFoKii (Uonn.) family wa# under the hard pan of the surface at ever g«ie# into the jx>t or kettle, or is Till the dajr ha* gone to hi* gUoion* real, ble sounds in my diary. Due day, 1 began carefully to select, from spot* destroyed. Tlie New York authorilic* disl*«. startle*! by a heavy craah in out* of their that |xnut, and thut the water from the placed on the table. The wife of every Pur hi* *oul U dreamt tig of Ix-sulICnl thing*, French family knows to a nicety what while lying thus listlessly beneath a tired from, the most probable |M»rti»»n of Here Levy** statement and refuse to take parlors the other night, ami immiu foumi high ground, saturating it aud becoming Aud hi* heart baata hign a* the heart ot the l»ody concealed in them, aud every Rihsiu,at Last, l{(Tognii(>H the quantit y of each kind of fix>d i* the least clump of man/.anita, I did not get up him to New York. that a red squirrel had gnawed otf the Imprisoned, exert* a hydraulic {Kiwer, The little bur on the garden gate wheu my flock begun to stir but allowed few minutes would send a ball on an ex* Spanish Republic. cord of a picture. lifting the surface In accordance with that will suffice to make a comfortable Kiug* and *nriug* A Kurt in.n\iN State Convention lias lx*en meal, and not a particle more or less is them to gradually scatter lu all direc ­ ploring expedition, and with such gtsul A IIahtkokd man ha# been trying the thi* theory a meth«Ml of deep drainage is lie will *taud n«* long, ho all! cra*o to wait called to meet at Worcester, Mass., on the *»th served. There are no slop-buckets full Ou me (Hit ward march of an Inward fate, tions over_ one__ of_ those... ____littler ____parks .I hav#_ effect that thev h«mui ceased tiring ut uie ek|x-i iment of domesticating partridge*, to lx- adopted at once. described. They did not seem inclined altogether and turned their attention to of OctoIxfT. of broken Victuals left or the table after t*r wild Imagining*. which ha# no often failed, lit* kept them A m«»no the papers recently recorded at Ilr mar riae Into manhood a loftr pride, to move in any particular direction hut my Him k, which had remained tremhiinu breakfast or dinner to he thrown Into the The Carlista Achieve a Victory Til R low a State a*c at hi* fret lie down — of ground. Suddenly some of the num- arrow* piercing the helpless animal* un Tiik Arkansas State Republican Conven ­ aw ay; such quantities are not bought a* That I* Iho hoy who *wiug* amt *ing* on hi# hand* and hi* elbow a on a table, Lord Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill, her tiM»k fright at something, and w ith j til they had killed all they could pot-*ibly tion liu.-v I well (ailed for Sept. 15. to become stale or sjxdled in the cellar On the garden gate, that *tug« aud *wing«; Decided Defeat cf the Ohio New Cod - and. hi* wife happening to wake him, be m>ii of the English Marquis of Hland- Ilr may *land one day with tne he*t of king*. that unaccountable celerity common carry off. when they ceased. or puntry. (Servants are never permit­ 0.1 the IMh a man was arrested »t < (dell, started up ho suddenly a* to dUlocalc his ford. Under thi* marriage settlement - i Am. H. Hitler, i* l'ow/A'a ( waimhUM. to herds or droves communicated 1 bad hoped that when this operation slilution. ted to WiiHtc, or steal f<**d for |*oor rela HI., iutcd to see that quis of lllundford, are constituted tru* llrtMrrD V«r* firllu«« In the mortality under live years running up kitchen and her pantry with sharp eye# bei-n feeding so quietly a moment before they had no such intention. They km w TrnsM** An Augusta Ilia > dispatch of the IMh *uy* tee* to receive and pay over an annuity Hohkthcka 1 think ni«*n art* Itorn with were rushing at the lop of their speed as well us 1 that no alarm would be given low it. v. I . a fight was expected Ix-twecn whit*-* and to Vi or fib per cent, of the w hole number and unflagging care. The economy in during the summer month#—that it is of $10,OOU in gold, and it i# stipulated the consumption of fuel for cooking and a kind of mental loadstone in their brain* toward the center, each one wheeling until 1 failed to bring the Hock in at black* at Ridge Spring*. S. C\, him! tliat tx*t that, iu case Lady Churchill (Mi** which makes rathindividual week out hi* sharp alsiul and running in an opposite night, and then the succor would not proponed to establish, twenty mile# out house-warming i* immense a* compared races were arming. An uneasy feeling pre­ of the city, a sanitarium for haiie#. Jerome) should die before her husband, wit lift hat in our wasteful country. One own particular destiny w ithout hit hav­ direction, and so almost instantly start out until the next morning, and Etc., Ktc., Ktc., Etc., Etc. vailed that a war of races was aixiiit to Itcgin leaving no i**ue, $125,000 in gold shall im In Pari* natural flower# are much : reason of course i*. that woixl and coal ing a great deal to do with the matter "bunching" the A k so completely that they appeared determined to have m\ iu that State, in whh ll event the wliite pea. thereafter he paid to la»r«l I hut chill, aud himself. lie think* he is engineering bin one might have w alked over their bat ks scalp to revenge the braves 1 hud sent to worn at one side of the wai-t, and are in France are scarce and dear. They ph id Georgia, on the Savannah River, would a further provision is made for the pay­ cost at lea*t double the price paid there- craft in the most indcp#indent manner with ease. 1 was startled out of my rev- tfn happy hunt ing ground' The\ would arranged in thiswise; A small bouquet is ment of $250,1 MM) in gold to tin ir heir*. iM>**tble, when in reality he may be erie by the pattering whir-rr of tluir not risk un a**uii!t iu the daytime, and TIIR 01,0 WOHLD. go to the rescue of the w hite fieople of South plated in a tiny glass holder containing 1 for ill the l ailed Flutes; hut tlie do- Carolina. Arms and ammunition were Ixdng *hou)d Initli of them die leaving Issue of likened to a toy swan in the hand* of ru*hing feet, and saw instantly that so they were waiting for the night in A( (ouin no to n Madrid di»|»:«t* h of t)ic a few drop* of water, which i# then con ­ mestie consumption is not one-quarter their marriage. • a* much.” Kate, Iwihhinfj hither and thither a.* hia something unusual had caused their order to creep upon me under cover of IMh tlie I .irli-l* had cut the ruilway and ship|*cd from Augusta. cealed in the fold# of the sash. int*treat present* the positive or negative fright. Often such bunching wuncaused its darkness. It was about three o'clock telegraph lilies bt-tween 8ar«goas» ai>d A otvvrvTitix of s|M»rt»ui*-n will b<- held Tiik |xxir immigrant'# day. a* regard* end of her magic rod. M v own particu Two Rich Men. The Old Story. by the vamosing of a disturbed coyole In the aftcrmxin when I was attacked, Madrid. The Kefiublleau ticn. Itluneo had at Niagara Fall* on the Oth of (h-ptenitx-r for j cheap fare* to the \\ * *t, i* over, it seems, lar loadstone always impelled me to the of jack rabbit; but this time their fright and from that time until dark no further for the present, the official* of the com ­ relieved *\ itloriu aad com|M-lled the re- the ptir|M**c of f«*ruiing a National S}*irts. A New Y ork correspondent of till frontier; and It alone,! am very sure, seemed more thorough than 1 had ever *lio|s were fired by either the Indian* or peting lin« s having buried the hatchet Tiik other day h young man came into treat of the t. al'li^t* to Katella. A l arlist Cincinnati Hmrit, write*; wa* the cause of my being found aw ay of) before observed, each one striving to myself. T hey bad doubtless giM»d rea- men's Ass«M‘iati«in. | and agreed to restoration of the old rate* our office and said to the editor; " Yes­ di*t*ateh, dated Bavoune, Aug. 1*. say* ** The chief holder of personal estate in in the wihla of Ari/.oua in the summer ot penetrate the flock so a* to gain the pro sons for not tiring, and 1 bad no d« *irc to ’Inr. Pennsylvania Republican State Con ­ —somethin* like 150 per cent, advance terday I wa# released from the Eastern that iiiti. Tr Is tally had raptured the this city is Commodore Vanderbilt, who l*4tf—. 1 had fought everything on the lection of hi* comrades. I did not change waste a single ballot the stix k of ammu­ vention wa* held at Harii*burg, Pa., oil tin- on the recent tariff. IVnitentiary. 1 had two month* taken town of Hindi* Urgel, northeast of la-rid a. IS estimated at $ ilMMMi.iMM). the largest off from my time f*»r good behavior. 1 Plains, front a dare devil Comanche my |*o*iti<»n in the leant, but iu\ jx-rfet tly nition 1 bad already drawn heavily upon it Ml 1 The following nomination* were made: j Hknhy Rkan , a X* w York fruitdeal ­ Tin* lighting wa* d. -|n rate and the hm*e* on pari of whic h i* in railway property, lie was put in for lareeny. I want to turn d<*w u to a cowardly l ie, and thought I quiet, listening and looking with sen** * unle*« I was certain of my shot. I had. For Judge of the Supreme Court, E. M. j er. rendered gloomy liy the robbery from there wa* no red deviltry on the face of j rendered doubly acute by the danger at the beginning of the frav. some forty both *• i«h-s heavy. The ( artist* secured a own* enough iu the Connecticut River over a new leaf and lie an honest man. Paxon; Lieutenant Governor, A. G. Olm hi* firm of *125 ,(NNl by a confidential and N* w Haven Road* to he a Director Hut I find it almost inipo**ihle to find the earth that I was not up to; and so. which I almost fancied I could detect in round* in my cartridge-box, and eighteen large amount of war material. clerk aw hile since, committed suicide at when 1 landed at Prescott, dead broke, J the air. Mv {x>*ition was very favorable shots in my rifle, liesblc my revolvers to stead. Auditor-General, Harrison Mien; See- ! in each, and he alsw ow ns the controlling work. 1 have been reading your paper A 1*1 sp.%Ti ll of the Idth says that on tin* n-tarv of Internal Atfairs, W K. Heath. A Jersey 4 ity recently by- throw ing hitnself interest in the Central, Hudson and Lake in the Renitentinrv, and I thought I would after an extended trump through South­ for screening my person, but unfor ­ fall hack upon; and I felt confident of preceding dav miner* had a«*« nil'led under the wheel# of a passing exprewt ern Colorado aud New Mexico, 1 wan tunately gave the same opportunities to platform w as adopted —eulogizing the Kspuls [ Shore, hesidca hi* *t«»« k in Ohio A call in and see if you could not help ine the result, unless they should provoke at litirh.illi to disrUM their grlevancea aa train. Mississippi and other iiiqxirtant road*. perfectly willing to take a little job of any assailant* I might have. mv Are until my supply was exhausted tieau and denouncing the Ik niocralie parties; in regard to t mployment. ” In reply to workingmen. TJiev were addressed by Hrad. They have a six year-old hoy at Harri- It was said of George I’cabody that lie sheep-herding in order to get a stake for All at once my heart jumped into my and I ut their mercy. 8o 1 resolved to d*-< taring in favor id the amplest protection the questions, 44 What work can you do? laii^li ami other K« putdb an*. A tna-» meet­ man, N. II., w ho weighs 14b |x>und*. The made* almost the- e ntire hulk of his enor ­ the next spin around. It did not rutile { mouth for n single instant, and then my make it an even exchange of au Indian and fullest dt velopmcnl to tlie agrii ulturai, what trade are you master of? ” lie ing of those favoring home rule wa* held at following are his dimensions: Around mous wealth after his fiftieth year. 1 answered: 44There is ju*t the trouble. my equanimity in the b ast when mv em­ nerves seemed changed into chilled steel for a hull. or else hold my fire. milling, maiiufu* luring and int-i hanh al pur­ the chest,forty five inch**#; thigh,twenty, Glasgow, Scotland,ot* the lt’»lh, which w.i* at­ think a stronger statement can he made I never learned to do anything. Wh< n I ployer informed me that his raueft was wires a* 1 saw tin* coppery, *nakrv form The evening wore slow ly and anxiously suits, and in f.iv**r «d putting a stop to railway eight inches; ankle, fifteen inches; wrist, tend* d i*v 'JO.ioi |m r*»*ns. According to a of the Commodore*, for he has made the- was a lad I idled away my time And but a short distance from the somewhat of hii Apache, about forty yard* di*taut. away, and the night pnmiiaed to ht- us land grants, and improving the navigation of ten inches; arm a» shoulder, seventeen LotidoU *li«pat* h of the lsth several base ball largest parf of hi# money since he w a* now there i* nothing that I am muster of noted Hell Canon aud Devil's Cedar* —in slowly rise from a perfectly prone po*i- Ida* k a* ink It clouded up as mkiii us the great inland river* ; declaring tin nee* «*ity , inches; length of leg, sc vent ecu inches; fact, the most exposed of some dozen lit { tion to one on the hands and knees, and elut's had itceii forim-d in the North of En­ sixty—that is, within the last score of except seating rane-wat chairs, w Inch I the sun set, and in the distance could he id protection to manufacturing Interest*; , height, N>rty seven and a half indie*. 1 suppose that when th* tie ranches which formed the seltletneni , jx'er glaringly a!tout It w a* ch from hi* gland A London di-patch of th* ‘Jlttli savs the years. war i learned in prison; and that business is heard the muttered roll of a threatening condemning tlie attempt to c»t;il*li*h free I Tiik old, abandoned Fort Hale, near broke out lie was not worth five mill- ot Pheno \ alley. He saw that this in manner that lie was in doubt us to my thunder-storm. Darkness came on very Foreign Ofllee bad received information lhat all done in the IVnitent iary; so thut trade through III*- re< ipro* il v treaty w ith < un- New Haven. mu*t be an unpleasant sort ! ions. The ine c**ant and enormous in- there is no demand for it outside. If I formation produced no visible effect u|Min j exact |x»sition, owing, 1 *up|x»*e, to the quit kly, and with it I knew would • ome tin Spanish Republican tn**»ps liad reeentiyv ada; asserting that tlie Democratic |»artv i* of thing to have around. Those tmex- ' crease of railroad value * and the colossal only had a trade 1 could get a place. A me, and so he incidentally remarked that fact that I invariably moved some di* the lust desperate attempt of the Indians lire«l upon stiiin British naval offleers s* nt to atu-mpting to bring 011 a war of races in the ; plodcd shell* are still lying about the I exte nt of hi# operation* have brought an g« ntlctnan wanted a man to-day lo take his last herder had just been killed by lance from tin sisit’where I wa* ln*t vis tii effect my destruction. Hut when it tin i*.«*t of Spain to protect Hritisii interests. tiie Indians, but cheerfully assured me S**uth, and that th*- eolitlliuauee of the Re- ground. Somelxxly has recently dumped ' inc rease *0 stupendous a* to re-mind u* care of his garden; if 1 had undcr*tood ildc whenever I lay down, in order t" came to skulking in the dark I was a* a load of hay up against the magazine i of the old stories of Oriental magic. The that lie had lasted for two months, which prevent them from marking my cover, much at home as they, and I felt confi ­ A I*vhi* dispatch of tlie 1*»th says that publican party is nc< esaary to aeeure equal the hu*inc»* of a gardener 1 could have was something unusual for a herder; tiie (imeruor of St. Marguerite liad protested rights to all; calling upon Coiigr* *» to see I door to keep people aw ay, hut if thi* hay 1 only instant-e in w hich real and personal had a place ut good w agi * right away.” and so creeping easily u|*on me. dent of giving them the slip. should happen to get on fire there would : estate i* combined alnio*t equally in the “ f*«r,’ said he, 44 they all become used to The savage's ImmIv , through a little As *o«>n. then, a* it was dark enough to his innocence of complicity in Ha/ainr's thut the guarantees of the new amendment* We have in mind, at thi# moment, he lively times. vast possessions of one individual is another person who i* struggling lal»ori- the Indians, and careless, by three or I opening in the bushes, was completely conceal my m iveuienta, I slid cautiously • •i«js*. Fight ]*er*<«na were III eusbsly to the Constitution «d the United States arc four weeks, and get picked otf when ! exposed to my aim w hile he remained "I fear ,” hhi*1 a minister to hi* f)»x k, j found in A. T Stewart. He owns ously and honestly to support his family. over my breastwork, and in a perfectly eharged witli connivance, but !*oth Mar- enforced by appropriate statutes; favoring I enough in each of these shape# ot wealth there i* no need of It." in hi* attitude of intense listening; Mini, “ w h« n 1 explained to you in my last char­ Hut he is in the same condition. He has prone |m mi tion commenced crawling in a ahal and Madame Itaraine imd published a free I'anking, the aggregate volume of the ity-sermon tliat philanthropy was the to make a dozen men r>« li. lu ]»oint of never learned any business -. he is master 1 assuted him that l bad no desire to with scarce a movement, 1 laid the barrel direction directly opposite from the set­ declaration tlist «iic alone was r* *f»«Mi«ible f-*r heroine familiar with my socially in* eurrenr y to tx- regulated by the lie* * *-ith-« of hive of our specie*, you must have under- real estate he has two great dry good* of nothing, except indeed tho*o brain he* of the rifle iu tin* palm of my left hand, tlement. hoping that that side would Im- Id* flight. A Paris dispatch of tin* l**th *ays the jx-ople and recognize*! law's of trade; re- 1 < lined neighbors at all, and that I did and, with the elbow on the ground a* u * 100*| me to #ay specie, which may ac­ j establishments on Broadway*; also the <>t industry that require uo experience lc»s guarded. 1 had almost reached the tfie of!l< er detailed t<» Investigate the circtia- alUiming the declaration «d the National MetrojHilit in Hotel and the former l ni- not doubt but that three months would rest, took deliberate aim and drew the rover, and was among some loos* !»ow|- count for the smallness of the collec ­ or apprenticeship, and that can Ik - picked still find luc a vigilant pastor of hi* s'am *•* att’ nil ing tile cscajx* **f Marshal ils Rcpublit an i onvention «d 1 **7 J in favor of a tion. ^ <*u will now prove, 1 hope, by tarian Chun h. Add to these the Hap up at a day ’s notice, and lienee they are trigger. He fell heavily forward at Un­ der*. when I suddenly detected a dark d the con* Iu«ioii that til*' flea k. He was evidently relieved at this, sharp re|x»rt w hich follow ed ; and I am Caine had r< return to s|x*< ie payments at the earli. *t your present contribution, that you are j list Church in Aiuitv street, now u*cd ov <-r*tore to be gr» at hook wherein are recorded the contiiv am**, il that Ihtcain simply left by adopted Indorsing Guv. John T. Hartr*t 11ft a* take.” i 1*1 »eau row, in Wrecker stree t, and #o easy for a man with a family on hi* moved a little to one side, hoping that if ! above all hi* Fifth avenue palace, which running to Prescott so often iu se arch of deeds done in the flesh here opened the i he saw me he would take me lor one of an ofx-ti 4Hh thechoi.-e « theconvention f*»r prrsid.-nt of A Kiiopk 1st and convict recently ad ­ hands to do that. mitted to his spiritual guide that on one co*t $1.(NM)(NM). In pcr*onal estate i* lo- a new shepherd ! *n»n\ turned t«» the letter It, ran hi* c\e his ow n >arty. It turned out u« I antici- . - v Racaiiie hns written to the theUnited at*"* in !**«•}. Within a few days we fell in with a Well, pretty soon we arrived at Ids down it until he to Reed, and Minister of InU rior «le< larinig lhat no |x r*oiis occasion he liad suffered the keenest re­ *t«K k in trade, capital and hills receiva­ friend of about forty years of age, who came J. It., puled. ust oppo«ite me lie observed ble, which must lx- $10.(MM),< k. In this other laltorersas the “ new herder ” They then and there credited me with having (r.twlmgin the same direction In* wa* tind n* phew. He concludes thu» " Ke*eut- burst” on the IMh. AI*oul #1U»,0UU damage tour cucumber* from a jxH*r hut deserv ­ education, having graduated at college ing man, and ate tli* 111 That night, he manner Stewart wield* both e!n*»f* of and n!*o*tudir Gov ­ The grasshopper# have done immense I' of property in a very peculiar manner. now, when approaching middle life, Mispickm* aroused, and, turning, ad He ha* a strong affinity for tlio*e thing* by far the mo*t dangerous employment five or thirty red devils arose from as dreseed me in a sharp, querulous whis- I M-r*< *ns hid been recently convicted in ernor. Resolution* were adopted —favoring a damage in lloseawen, Canterbury. with a wife and several children, in a in that death-stricken country; for flit* many hiding-places and gave such h St. Petersburg of revolutionary prop*. *tri* t eonstrm tlon of the Con*tituth>n of the Franklin an*! other town* in New Hamp ' which pertain to trade, and to thi* alone world and in a country where p« r. My answer was to send a ball It i# said that hi* estate* Can not he less herder himself afforded the Apaches fine hideous yell that thedemonsof the infer­ crushing through hi* skull, and lio n to gandUm and sentenced to from two to United States, and insisting that no dlirc. One farmer estimates that they! all is push, and hurry, and com ­ have injured hi* hay crop to the amount ! than $«IO,U(MI,CMM).” «]H>rl to hunt down, while the sheep they nal region* might well have taken a lc* dart into the cover. With another horri ten years* imprisonment. Among them wen- power should Ie exercised by the petition, aud where the demand i* of fifty ton*, and another made of every man, 44 What can you could secure from his ffock offered an j son in their art front it. I hey evidently ble veil the whole band arose, some of two holies in atllu* ut circumstanee*. General Government that i» not clearly »ut* hi* loss at forty ton*. They also ma< e a raid among The Drift. do? ” he finds hiiu*elf without any additional inducement In the way of sup|N>sed that one of their numlx-r n»d the neare st firing in tlie direction 1 took, delegated or clearly Implied in the At« OR1H.VU to a Ik riin tciegraui of tlie l'.*tii the fruit tree* and corn-taase)*, devour- trade or calling of which he i# master, furnishing the most toothsome repast discovered me and bad fired the *-hot. w hile all joined in an eager pursuit I necessary excrcl**- of the pow<-r so delegs «d, tlie Brusseta C'**ngnsa ha*l aliand**ned tlie ing the latter a* fa t a* they appeared. The political tendencies of the Atneri- compelled to do the easiest, most rudi ­ they knew, ex«ept mule meat—the latter Hut their jells suddenly ceased as I gained the top of another ridge far in op|*oaing all monopolies and corn bln at ion* Russian progrumm* and udo;*ted resolution# im ek lean people have lain very thoroughly mentary, the* poorest ftaid work Ho, a* article of food appearing to till the *amc sprang from my own cover, rifle in hand, advance of them all. hut stumbling over formed for the oppression t»f the people; a*l A N! is R . *. of New Ia>nnof th* m-e- wa* attended by a piiysii ian. an emetic thi* year in New Hampshire in the ex­ or woman, who conies to you for char­ meandered back to town aud left my em­ the only ouc who had erawh-d into e*sary revenue; denouncing all legislation administered and other medicine# given treme Last, an I in < tregon in the < \wemc ity. or for work, or help of any kind: tain. among the bushes. Mv pursuer* TIIK. X V.W U« 11(1.II. NVeat, in Kentucky and Tennessee in the ployer in the lurch. It was shearing dangerous proximity to me. They eagerly follow ed the noise it made, think­ seeking to Interfere with the individual right- him, hut nothing gave permanent relief. 44 What ran you do? ” and the answer Tnr. rrr • nt refsirl lhat the Sj*ani*h C#«*v- renter, in North C arolina on the South will he: "Anything;” vvhich means, of time, and the flock wa* divided; the un- I quickly discovered their error, and their ing it to lx* mv retreating form, and were **f the citizen in the selection <>f his own *»•<»- He ( \pin d in great agony. eminent I id agre* d to cede I*ort*» Ri«o to Atlantic coast and in Arkansas in the cotiri e, 44 Nothing. ” sluared being under the *u|H*rYi»ion of appalling yells at OIK «*cc»*« d. w hile ea< h thus coinplciely throw n olT tin* traik elates, and particularly what i» known *• the A Renn -ai vama young lady recently (* rm mv. in consideration of the recognition valley of the Mississippi. I'hu* all part* an assistant, while I was assigned to the . one darted to a cover like *«> many fright­ When they were at a safe distance I placed a piece of wedding cake under If every person were master of some ­ >i\ tliat |-«*** • r >•( th«- Spanish R« j.u Mh , hml Supph mental < jvil Right* bill pending Is- of the Union have been "sampled": thing, kn« w how to do something that is sheared, which, in. the course of two ened partridges One alone remained cautiously emerged, and before they di** fore the Federal Congress, a* a palpable v is» flier pillow, and went to Im-<1 with the i i New England, the Ra< trie, thec ent* r. the weeks’ clipping, w at expected to comprise ex|H»*ed. He was evidently the < hief of covered their error, if indeed they did at » J. - 1 a><«! ui»f».tjtMlr«l t»> Secretary Fi*li. happy belief that *lic would dream of useful, and that i* in demand, and if tin* Iatioti of the Constitution, intended to v**x, South, the Southwest and (including the plague *|Mit*of dissipation and vice that the whole nock, aad the transient hand the )>and, and had remained at some dis ­ all. I was *afc undercover, and silently a. 1 onl.ti^ t" a \Va*!iiiiir’*'ii dhpatch <>f Hi** #ei ing her future husband That even | harass, oppress and degrade the |>«.-ople **f the New York town elections) the Middle infest the land were dried up. nine tenth* would then In - discharged tant e away and, thinking himself out ot threading my w ay tow ,»rd the valley, •J»«!i. ing. however, *Im* had eaten two plate# I Southern Stat*-*, and prtxfuctivc of untold -**■ Atlantic. Without a single exception, of the |M»verty would he annihilated. That evening I put my repeating rifle— reach of danger, sUmhI IxJdlv out. and in where I soon arrived, bloody and almost i • >\- ito-i.iv m nomination# on th.- IMh; of ice cream, about a pint of *traw ber- I rial and political evil* to t»*»th ra< *-*. w herever there has been a conte*t be­ Tlie poor house and jail would he 44 To a trusty Henry—and my revolvers and ! short, sharp sentences seemed to be di exhausted by the long strain upon ntv I’r.'iiibitioni*t — Fourth Ohio Di-trict. Rev. rie*. several *wce( cake# and two large ! tween patties, the Krpuldh in* have la-en Let.”—A’ Jtl,f knife in the fa st iMmsible condition, and meting tlie movements of the r« *t, who nerves, but, strange to say, only triHingly J Stile* (a iii|'Ih*U; Txi.fitleth OhioDi*trict, D Ae»v»ai»ini , to a rejmrt received at Sioux pickles; and she now *aya *hc would in *be morning, with a canteen for water w ere now darting from covert to cuvrtl di*astrously beaten. Here is the record injure d I w as greete d like one from U <1 k Ihuii I onirri"**ional noiiiinstion ou the City, lows, from Fort Sully, on the lt*th, In- rather remain single all her life than of the .change* m two tears. and a -mall lunch, sallied out to *>i»cnd for the parixwe of surrounding me. He the dead, and my bullet-riddled clothes 1*tli R. put,|h ,*n —Thirteenth Indiana Ih»- dtail* to tlie number of 4,. to 1 now learned that tny as*istant had ti.-u* t«n tt.c I'.rtti Anti M«»iio|*oly—11 hint n-pul*4-d with heavy !<»•». Custer’* I**-* wa* wa* (onvicted in Little >ha*ta, t al. The n n . lir Uluru . H > r< New lUuy of a large python, sent last year to th>* the gras-s grew thit kly enough to afford lx* able to slnxit into the si/e of a hat been undoubtedly attacked as well as reported to be titty killed and wounded. jury fixed the tin*' at one dollar, and the , pasturage for my flock, and where they crown all day at that distance, almost mvse!f, for lie and Ids H«x k were mi**- Imx .i Di*tri< t L L. \m»M »rth !>♦ mm ratic shire. Keittnr k v, X'M'logicul Garden* at Dublin from Cal­ - *i\th iM.li.tii,1. ( I'I J.,hn*oii. < .»ti;n-«. Justice followed with a speech. “Thi* T»nu*-**'-e. would be out of the way of the unf# need j chuckled as f recognized how thoroughly j in ’g also. My employer expressed tlo A riiiK at Joliet, Ill., on tlie I'.nh destroyed man # Ireen tried four times, gentlemen of \rkan»a«. K -ntnek (, Arkan-n*. cutta. by Dr. D#d>*on, apja-ar* in the a|»- * j. -it.,) n> >iit: 1 > a 11< .it * - .li 11,« •* t, 1in - * r .11 u* — field.**. It wa* as dangerous a locality he was deceiving himself. Raising my conviction that lie wa- killed, as lie u:i« pro|N rty valued at #l(W.».«ww*. the jury,” he said, " and you ’re the flr*t i omi'iicut. Tcaaess* •- I OUO'lii ut. P# ndix to the r#-|Mirt of tin* Nd# n#*c and for a solitary man to '‘stand off' rifle I took a rapid aim and fired lie I 1 ( I Virginia Rldrict. t ha* J Faulkin r. North l .irv N< w Hutui* Art iM partment just issued. It seems too ** used ” to the Indians to lx* careful. A Grsrvv find ohire. I ifth T'-xa-, John llam «m k . NineU*»nth Jlii Hus. roving band* of Indians in as broke short off in the midst of a com* | And so it proved; for, u|»on going out date says that Father Ilya* ilithc had r-‘«igtied ! him guilty. Hut what under heavens did OrejroU- \ arth A iru- (hat in January, IN?:*, the python w a* could well lie fixed up. The hole coun ­ maud, leaped nearly his own height in mil*. S S Mar-liull. renoininst'-d. R« pntili- seen on a mango tree overhanging a tank w out iu xt morning to ignore the remain his |x»*ition-.: .*5\ — Dakota T rritory , \t O n thi ‘Jttlh tli«- h*»r-e Fellow* raft, at Sara done an average dcccn tilling ’ ’Taint In ured in u|*>n me tlieir beaten to a jelly Ix-twccn two large A Burh igh. toga, ran four miles in 7:R*'- Y. tx-ing tin-fast­ • any of your IiUHines* anyway what he’s this year not Italy the two Htates which attempt lieing made to f Itlnale Hung himself into th«* tank, dUap|»caring f*-at« d by a majority <*f ala*ut jnm. Iv VV a *iiin <«ton . the other day. a little ble sizes, w ith an ocrasioual bare |H-ak, again get concealed, anti made up my Theod'ire Tilton, in which lie i# n-pre- Island (in which tin* lteiinx-rats nomi ­ iK'neath tlie water and remaining in in giving him a Christian burial, and then l>oy. while playing at hide and seek, hid but usually these grassy s|K>t» an* mind that l must go into a more *it« l •• -tiled »* tirin'.v In*luting on tin- truth of Avim i 4 K«*mi»hvn . an Omaha (Neb.) girl, nated no candidatcKj every Mate having *tri# i se#lu*ion for some time, for fi#* informed mv employer that I did not in a large sole-leather trunk with a fringed with an undergrowth thick tered sj*ot, as 1 would soon fall. Taking hi* rhsfirew a^ainut Mr. Here tier, lie fur- was fatally burned, recently, while atbmpt- elections so far this year ha.* gone Deni was not seen again for a month, when In* think sheep herding tny strong suit. He spring lock, and unconsciously locked « uough to corn eal a man at a few paces, advantage of tlu ir momentary distrac was profuse in Ids protest at ion* of re­ ni-h' d tin- interviewer >itli a card ni w l»i« G ing to start a tire with k* r**-« lie. »Krat i«* was again observed on another mango while here and there a stunted cedar, or lion at the h»ss of their chief, I dodged himself in Hi# playmate*, upon hear­ The Democratic gain* liaven»»t bc#-n tn-#* oti the edge of the #am<* tank. Hi* gret at the determination, )**< au***, lie wa* written the following: " III* »Wi>rn *tat* ing him cry, after an unsuccessful at­ juni|»er, rises above the tangle of a few , under the cover of the bushes, and then TIIK MAKKKTS. confined to tin* Mute* hitherto Repuhli- reappi a ranee hav ing Ih-#-h r#-|Mirted to *aid, I was the only herdsman lo* had <*••-nt wa* n< v» r thought of t»y T 1 till *ft»-r tempt to release him, gave the alarm. A feet, and comprises all the timber to Is- ran swiftly at right angles to niy assail­ AttSCft tt. l#74. can. TL#* satin* remarkable progression Dr I bill*# in by Mr. Oscar Fraser, of the ever had who did not got foolishly Ik - t III r had originated the ( oiiimittce of In* ludv neighbor was the first on tin M*t. fotind for miles. Great Isiwlder* form ant# toward a bare (x ak at some little "used" lo the Indian* and allow him Nkw Y<>n». ft tina 1; 'tl 1 Nilwsakee Spring, Mat# * Kentucky which gave (»n*# l# y paratus and succeedcil in otitaining a see, it wa* a comparatively easy matter divined that I had fled very ill her la half, iiiiD'iuti. ing tliat #he had g"n»- ft Z'*tl S' H y Westers* 1#let»» $l.*ZI Hat ity, i ir to the little victim Additional aid IMNRi majority, now giv#-* the Democratic jMirtrait of th<* animsl cuile#l up in th<* for an A pat he to creep ujNin vou at his , quickly, but were deceived as to ; from him forever. Mr. Ile<'i-her'»a|*«'logv wa* $ <*i Vom *1 4'JUv^c. 0*1 /* N» w VV ,-*t- Soon arrived, the lid wa* forced (< < 1 • was rescued. I(c«t«iratives were at once tunity to stick an arrow through your ribs. I wa* half way to iuy intended position \\ .Rxihllll.” Gn the 17th Mr. Bee« her wa* C'omtiioii to extra 11 f|iM«i«i IO.O mo majority, and the aggregate Dem­ morning, vv h# n hi* capture w u* to In - at- Only one thing was in my favor, and that they discovered the fxdiit for whi« li O ne long summer afternoon there came | nt rv < d w ith a notice that Mr. Tilton w a# mImmi! n«vi //»*<;# lm*-cd. t*.7;* :j,i»'#». applied, and the little fellow when last ocratic majority in the recent county t« inpted. On the following day, at #*ord- Live. $4.Xig4 '^. that was the irregularity of this under ­ I was making. They then pursued with lo Mr Davidson** the uiosicuriou# *jx-ci- . to com mem e *utl azaiuat him for the seduc ­ heard from, though still weak, was be­ #-l#*ctions i# n#»t les* than 50.OU*) Ea*t ingly. a snake-charmer and several growth. It had spud* where it was al shots and frightful yells, but a few men of an old bachelor the world ever tion of Id* wife. Frank D Mt,niton, on the ('#ic*#o —flow* -Cholff, tf, 017(4.©; ifwxl. yond danger. Tennessee, the stronghold ot ravlicalism #-«Mdu*« with some nets pr#w:ce#led to the heard of. Hr wa* old, gray, wrinkled $l.R9itft; medium. f4: IV. the wrath of parents and step mothers, -—i**ra —. ,— 1*7 ».----| persons had gone to th<- City for HUotloT the Indians to select a spsit which they Ratty took unusual pain# with her dres# O* the loth, owing to a misplaced switch, rimr- !A bite winter extra f\7S(rt7 75; and come to our land on horse bar k to ttr»*l»if. limit. ft* M. up. snake rharnier and more and moment I gained the summit and *ent a *,.riring extra f.'.tiMj*.’ H heat wprlng ...... 5 Ks* 5.M7 7.1* #4 4*411 j coolie*, thought most favorable to their purpose ball at the fop most of mv pursuers, who w henever lie w a* expected. 1 an excursion train collided with a coal train No |t MWMkr. Cora- N*» * unite themselves by the tiond* of wedded f»lu-ll»j...... S.445 ill,’ Hf* | w#*re momentarily ex|H-ete#l on the s]M>t. and "lay for the expected victims. had ju*t e merged from the bashes He One day the contest waged unusually I 011 a aiding at F.ddinghain Station, \ J. Mu Onh-Ko. XilrtiStc. Hf* No Y. 7V.r7V**< . love. Mi** Harah looked to l»c fourt«-en 1 ... I.VJS ft# • I 1 *##> I The gard#-ner, however, with singular I took a good survey of the situation, ntping. and Aunt Ratt v left in di*gu#t and . . . or fifteen year* of age When the vv tiiiamiMMi. . 1XS |.'*5 a 155 i.i ;* prudence, *«*<*ur«*d a third l»rila- by giving gave a yell and darted bn* k again into ; Five )M‘r»oii« wen- killed and fourteen *ei 4V,!Wr; geec*-. w ashed, Alt. fl#«ece. ui»w ashed. M as. 4J» 7T7 4o» and at once saw that my ('omanehe the cover, a* did all hia companion* a# went out into the gnnien j ou«ly injured. gr^CV ; palled. ST # M»c Eirsl clear prcAch«*r a#ke«I Hunt 44 if he would take Trt»u*«ta)«-...... * 7*et *#» j notice of their intentions, and thus Dr. tactic* would not do to rely upon here, soon as they saw that I did not intend * That ix-ar! " she muttered to herself fi’si HSisM.(a>; s« rond-rlcsr. |(7 'ilnltl.kl; oin this woman t<» he his lawful wedded Kiuitb ...... I.iv* sit 1 All zto ! Dobson ’s party wi'r#* flrst in the fl«*ld. and all that would carry me through was a# «hc *t«*oped to gather a flower which Tnk Governor-General of Canada w#* en- mon tM.srtl*. f J" ’** tli '»• fencing. §HI iqiMi; wife, and would protect, comfort and Rnthcrfufd.. . . t,rsn im 4.#tlS 1 MX 1 The operation* e#»mmen<-ed by the snake- fleeing any further, for there i# not A shingles. laidipXm; lath. extreme watchfulness* and a careful bravery enough in the whole Apache attracted her attention. b rtained by the city offieial# of Chiesp-o on #up|H>rf her a# long a* he should live," Tlie*e eight counties,situate#! in differ ­ charmer a*#'«*nding the tr# e and la ing Ciwrina *n -/l*»r- p tRXJk 11 S#s4— R* d, avoidance of the chaparral as much as tribe to enable them to march up o|*enlv *• What did you run for* ” said a gruff j the 15ih. * - an ".*• he promptly answered, 44 Yes, sir, if 1 ent part* #»f tin* Htate, gave Grant 401 bitten s#*ven 1>- in the hand by the wa# in my xiwer 1 biro made up my in the fare of a rerc|x peating rifle in the band* voice liehind her. { Ji iHie Wn.i.i4w«, of the Circuit Court of i 4.40s flirt*f t . §.... J‘vrk — $-*i ;\a can. ” wlibh, bv the way. was a most majority in IBT’J. and now give a Demo python, who bailed to appreciat#* his mind to uit it out on that line If I of a determined, desperate man. Like] " To get rid of you. ” ©OU /,/ird Uq^lViC. considerate answer, in view ot the cratie majority of 15.548. rfianns. The python, then, a* on the j Chicago, oil the 15th rendered a d*** i#i*Mi in I drought and hard times.—(rnUsitin Trn- «fcould be “jumped," a# the*expression most other Indians they must hsve some " You didn't do it, did you? ” i the fautou* ( henry ra*e. the effect of whleh j Sr Lofts. <’«///# - Fslr lo rhotre. fl'VK'.(A7X itki the drift all one w ay since New former occasion, made a hurried retreat for being attac ked is rendered in front ­ "No; you are worse than a burdock -Live f*. 7XSZ7 .XS /7»*r - \ \ Full f7 '••u, utssnmn . opened toward the tank hut was netted by the protection for theirtaxlies. or their brav­ wa* to dismUa the • omptainant#’ bill and to Hampshire the |Nilitieal eaifipaign ier parlane*e, for I was convinced that to burr.” X® H h*«t No. t Red Fall, fl l#uzl 17. i ora - Tiik hitter freight tariff war which the of we have the liest n*a*»»n* for ex coolies, who onirted hi.n off in triumph, ery soon vanishes in the air. d«x lare that Mr Cbrtfjr bad n»d l*een law­ No. X l#i|Z7r. tints No. 1 i-hil V. ffp 77 attempt a retreat over such a route as 1 •* You won ’t grt rid of me, either.” mv HitrUy Wiiifork Mess. |Z175 New York railmad# are waging u |mhi the |K-#-tintf a like result in the election# to the great di*gu*t of the other party, And just allow me to pause one mo ­ fully d* |«HM-d from the F.pl#eo psl ministry. would lie conipcllc-d to take would be to make assertion that of " I won ’t, eh?” eron. l.nrH -u t*r I4'4r. canals is most effectually killing the w hich ori ur during tb« remaining month* who, with their snake-chariuer and tin ir ment here the An ap|x-al was taken to the Supreme Court. wor#e than fedly. • upward of twenty tribe* of Indian# with 44 Only in one way.” Nav(riiv.--/t«vf Hprlnr XX. tx 7U0-MS> business of the tow r«>mpanies, and the #»f this year. Between the 1st #d Sep­ oxdics, were “just In time to be t»Ni Well, the first day wore #low)y away .tunstnin to a ( har)c»ton iS. C’.) dispatch It Aeof-Xprlng No |!.pWr.l 10** ; No t ft IM( present prospect is that iransiairtation tember anil the 4th-#if Novemh#*r next late.” Some tliflleulty was experienced whom it has been my fortune or mi*for 44 An»i that? ” < s i **. •* .• — •• \ .* . ■ and I saw no sign* of Indians, either In tune to liecotnc |x*r#onally acquainted, 44 Marry me." of the Ifflh, tteorgetown, in that State, waa Hf* No. 1, *X|fXlr. Hnrley -No. X, will soon be entirely suspended by the there will lie elections in thirty-two ia procuring a passage for the python to that or several succeeding ones. 1 did the Apaches are ihr imwl arrant cow apis. 44 What! 1® two f)ogi#*al Garden*,- where he was re- I. the daytime, and my eveninr# were #rx»n the Ar#t hits of a hall, la conclusive evi­ or no; I’m in a hurry ” •ought to control the muntr, In which the quarter cents |»er bushel, w hich, accord ­ tainty of securing hut three of the twenty- reive#l with the welcome ne In Oregon and right in N«irth fi 100(100.000 Twenty-five per rrnt. of sight and hesring of the ranches in the rapidly spread themselves out so as to 44 All right; 1 thought you were of age. passed by the last Congees#, hsd so far mediam. gA •■■rxX.TV HnfS- Yorkers, p V»u ran ran at alxiut the same expense as the Carolina, and the party iiro|Mirthta the potato Is solid, dry substance, and of 7 ID: Phlldrlphu §7 TV-ra fc Mksmp Best. ordinary boat, and make two trips lo the morning until I returned with my flock completely encircle the knoll or peak at Good by worked s contraction of the currency to the fi5 5U. good. fi4 ©«4 «> stands: Ib^nMierats eight', H« publican this (124 per cent, is starch. One hun­ at night, was 1 free from the dangers «•( whose top I was. f paid no attention to 44 Jabez Andrews, don ’t be a fool 4 (’ome extent of $1 JWO.tiSi A majority of the banka borsr-hoat’s one. t.lai k Hyman, a negro) one. Of course dred ami fifty bushels of potatoes, whi# h an sMack. and so there was always sufll this for a few miputes, hu-ving myself back. 1 any* Why. I believe the critter withdrawing their circulation were from the . ___ When a piece of territory settles awav this proportifta will not h#dd out through may lie raised as easily as twenty bush­ cient excitement about my work to pre­ with arranging the loose rocks so as to haa taken me for earnest ’ Jabez Andrews, WV.I .nd *..uth ' ■*rr»W-»T. V t. •-** * Mr.,, rlty below its accustomed level, the matter Is the following elections, hut It cannot els of wheat, contain *i.?50pound*of dry, vent the time dragging very heavily on form a more complete shelter. This was I’ll consider '* | where great numbers of cranes collect very easily explained, and the same is fall 1<» be near enough #i h ave the lb- nutritive substancesnostanee TheI lie twenty bu«n- my hands 1 found my dock, too, was easily accomplished and I lay down be­ “ 1 don't want any considering. 1 ingo ­ C'uiat.ss Lrrv. • Prusslsn Jew. has given every year to rear tbetr young The th#* case w hen there is a suddeni uupheaval. ublicwas^ia a large minority ia the next • els of wheat would contain only 1,044 verv watchful aad very easily alarmed ; hindnion my barricade,oamcaor. feelingirriing fori«»r the»nr timevime ing.mg netBet gykv Hastings is waiting for me himsetf up to Hit Moomingivm (Ill.) suthori newts are high up in the large trees, and But in the vicinity of flcheaectI soy. NY, Elou*e The result of the last six months ’ pound* of dry sulwtance, of whi#*h HO aad I Watched their movements vary quite secure 1 now examined the wound I thought fd give you the first chance, tins, dslmtog to ba cme of th* murderers of • are as large as a bushel basket inside a phenomenon has occurred which gives (eating of public sentiment, therefore, is per rent is starrh. and as starch is the c lonely. I hi ring the heal of the day thev 1 bad received at the flrst Art, aad found Ratty AN right; good-by ” * Nathan, In 1*70 He says he bad a partner rise to a great deal of speculative in , ia the highest degree encouraging for the material in living N»die# which furnishes would collect la the shade of the little it waa a mere scratch, but my clothing 41 Jabet! JaRap: That stuck «p Be k who Instigated the rtime, but that be (Levy) wealthy young English widow, quiry. Tne railroad near that place forit speedy return of the Amerlean Heoublk nutrition 1«» the respiratory processes clumps of junipers aad lie quietly few oom|flete?y riddled If s-nng# shan't have him Jabeg, vet! ktUsd tbs vh na with a stonemason's tool whose passion D small feet, offer* to about a hundred feet has several tiroesm ta the reft ways of the era whubpre- aad fat to the tissue*, for there purposes some time At these times 1 was arso in Meanwhileeaawhfle the ApfichetAttach were keeping Do you bear—Y-a-a!”— Z sharp at one end and round sad heavy at Um marry the man who Is ovnr five left tal risen to such a degree as to H ceded I he civil war agd its train of Radical a crop of potatoes ia worth double a crop the habit of picking n spot where 1 could op a desultory fire nt my UtUt fortress ip mal. other, wbik his •Mg iftad ; of tanners 316, of iron woreere AM * * rrrala R. STRICKLAND, r A ()r(«t L tent !•<• given twine eaaailiiatlen and aeitto away from lawyers toil journalists, Apply the Brake*! bar mth. |Aa7 »t 10 o'clock A M , lat Em of wat ef 4I*| uted litk-e to lira* E*tat« t oii^ey THUE8 DAT, AU008 T 17 , 1874 . and all concentrated on iron-workers tbc R.gtmec ef DoodofovCUato* reuatf, I>4 14 “ ancing done will 4«apatcblentmteb AoebtA gen' tolor an I* and _ I 10 Libor **44 of Mortgage*, •• pog« Stl_ J lulls ra. at I polo! ad la aald mr'.w to bo |NMd aboald M) yrucardlifa bo lalw to tort^Uoo aald •:*X IH TUX 4 ■•» AFft.%1 | M No place is docent from powerful in the world, General Me • <.rt|if* and koiuu or prorood lag at Uor or la ass A Demoeraric Slate Courouf .. wlu May he prwenred of 1*K 4* k CORBIN for aa which women ere excluded. Shell Constantly ua band aid tor sot* •qoil) having booa laottiutod lo rocovot anjr port . bo TalM Hall. KikMM, Thoradej Sep Llrllan tells us that all men are so- Ntop the Jlac*hlne! of tba dat>| aot ured by aald Mortgage. Now iboro littlele momoney na al any offiertn Michigan. Hurd's we exclude women from the oars, be- j rolled, and those uufit for tlald service ; loro, by virtu* of Ibo yoorr of aaia lo aald Mort- Building. HI Jobna. 334 1 y l* u* rt UHL, 1174. •* If c' M.Ow ilka purpose ! gago ountalaod and of ibo atotot# la aoeb eooo •f uomi.oilog em»4i+^ ^ tl%|. #ito> cause the smoking-car ia apt to be a m* employed as military tailors , wado and arovldod, Not loo to borvby gi von that oa SYLVESTER HOYT, Ik* lUMIdlOi Of * —*■ -*- — Kaataan m uSOy ciirty placet When a man takes bis I or mines Onoe apply this principle Pore Drop anil Medicines! the Silk flaf wf Seytr iaa brr, IS74, at TTORNEY and Cna»oelov nt Law nnd So o'ciork in tba aftomoun. at tbo Waot froat door of llrltor In Cbnnaery Pnrtlcnlnr attenUoa wife and daughters into the cars, their . to women and you may draft as many klaufard Palral Stdldsak. ibo Court Hooao tor Clinton county, Michigan, la givenA to eollortlng nnd oettling title to real ettata *•**••*' sly will oloct foot deiogeio# lor imI preaenoe bring* decency It will be of them for military duty as you please. [ tbo rlitagv of St Johns, lo aald roomy, tboro will office Iu Mt Far Ian * lillton'a Block, Iwsatair*. riprsoo |>)|T, t# w^iafc, «»4tr tb* last apportion Purs Ground bo aold al public vendue to tbo btgboat b-dl' r tbo >t. Jobna Mtoh ______334 tf (he same at the polls. j The amount of it all ui,is. that Woman | Faints, nroaotoco la sold mortgage dooertbod vti: aovoa || |aeoUllod la tba lower branch of »ba OA.LL JSJT id Block uno, ta tba vtilago of Roimouavill#, la A STOUT P taia Layialanira, bat ovary organised oouuty will 2. “Politics art necessarily eorrup- must be enfranchised It is a mere Oils, COFFKJS ; * Cllotno county, Michigan. - l>aiad Juno 4ib, 1>74- TTORNXY AT LAW, Si Jobna, Michigan bo ooUUod io at >aaat two d* lag* tea ting. ” Then why not advise good Tobacco, nil hwd*. URORCiK W KMMONS, Mortgagor . question of time 8 he must be a slave Varmskss, Fraaiaa A Bat non, Att’ya for Mortgagoo. office In Ranh Bioeh, aoath door, Sd door. la aooordoooo with a roaoloiloa of a for mar A men, aa well aa good women, to quit or an equal; there is no middle Cigar*, M Bastow . J II Fssiwa Ptato CooeouHoa, all oouattoo, amaopt tboaa of tba Faint Brush**. % f UHT4.I4.K SAME. - DaWaW lamf voting! ground. Admit, in the slightest de­ ill boon atada io tba conditions of a oovtalo BARTOW A FEDLWA, Cppov Poaiaaola, nun bo roprooeatod by taaUaot Toilet and other Yanis* yotioht mortgage, osoentod May Sd. IMS. by Jaawa Boll dm agate* 3. M Woeecsn art sufficiently reprtsen- gree, her right to property or education, j a ad Mary L, Boll to Richard KUtott, and roeordvd TTORNEYS and Connaellor* nt Low and ID- C. HTTHJD’S Soap*, Full line School Solicitor*In Chancery Weetphalia, Clinton It la hoped that County Committees, la calliaf Utl already, through their influence on In tbo oAco of ibo Kegtaior of I>ooda for CUoton A and the must have the ballot to protect county, Michigan, onJonoStb, 1174, in Libor S3 County, Michigan. tbatr aoaroot loos, will extend a cordial invitation Tlien why was it that the the one and use the other. And there Dys Stuff*, Books , of Mortgages, on paga U4, on oblcb aald mortgage to all opposed to tba aorraptioaa and misrule of Cooiniou Law of England, (which Lord gpe no objections to this such as would Fer turnery Paper Stationery, thoro la cialmod to bo dua at the data of tbla notice L. W. FAS0UELLE, M D , tba party la powar to participate in tba primary tbo lam of two hundred and ninety- ala and 24 UlO avaiciao son acanaoi. Office ot bla residesce, Brougham called "a disgrace to any equally hold against the whole theory | dollars, besides an attomey feo of tarenty-flvo dol ­ meotlug bald to alact delegate# FOR GROCERIES Pure Ground Spue*,Full hue Blank on Walker street, coat of Ciioton Aeenuo, St. lar*, to aald mnrtgnga otipulated io be paid atoiuld Johns,r Michigan. Call* promptly altended to |3S4 Datroit, July *», 1174 heathen nation,’ ao far as it related to J of republican government. Nut*. Book*, cheap, any proceeding* be taken lo fororloao the same, By ordor of lb* Stele Draorraiic Committee. Woman) prevailed almost universally -af——- and no suit or proceedings at law or In euuity hav­ WALBR1DGE A COOK, Candle*, Pure Wins* and ing boon Instituted to rvenrer any port of tho debt FOSTER FRATT, Chairman until the “Woman's Rights'’ agitation .MICVICAR SEWS* aecurod by aold mortgage, Now therefore, by virtue I TTOBNEYHand Cou nee 1 tors ot J^w and So That can't be Beat for Quality or Price. TEAS cert iheap, Liquor*, for me- i ot the power of sale I n aold nor gag# contai nod.and Heitor# In C hancery . AH buatneaaeatruotod lo began, twenty-five years ago t It was of the statute to aucb caaea made and provided, A(heir care will be promptly ond faithfully attended DfMCrttlC <#■■!> fUTtatlU. not till women___ t>egan__ to talk__ _about A boy oamed Robinson had both of to clo*e. dicinaf u*e. Notice la hereby given, that on tb* Tta elfllr to. «i«*f or ItiitfR** townahl,* St«, Notth of Range one Wot, < ontntn- water coloraor India Ink Head of Clnton Arenur , The truvttH's of the German Deal and I g 39 and 14 10b act ra of land, in C linton county, o'clock 0. M , for tba purpose of selecting delegate* 4. uIf teomun win »f, i/ would dtttde A gin* 1*1 1 Im, • *■#• aide. (I t. W. Taoostnn. Artist. to attend tba State tooreaUoo at MUaiKw, I>utuh Asylum at Royal Oak, in rbi*. So give him a call Mieblgnu; >tlao. tho Houth half of the North-west September lOlb. 1974 Each town a ill b# antltlad familim." But families and nations CJlltllll ft if* 1*1 11 »a , quai.er of tho Nofth-eaat quartet and 1 hr North- State, have determined upon removing And lit* will satisfy all I>l a i*b* Ik a* «i 1*IIIm. half of the Houth w«at quarter of the N'.nh eaat • A J. WIGGINS. to delegate* aa follow* : have quarrelled tw ice as much over re­ HYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Office otri Batb 3, Lebanon 4, Bingham 7. Itallaa 4. Olive 3 their institution to Detroit. IMi>f*|>t If* l*IHai. quarter of Hortloo nine. In the *ame towuahlp, ligion as over jtolitic*, evor Mince the1 He will give you caah jountv and H'ute, containing fur') acre* of land, Murgei * l> nn * atore All prof*-*aional . all* Weetphalia 4. DeWltt 4. Kayla 4, 41 raenbu*h 4. Geo. R Smith, formerly a conductor I tV*HfInf*lif* I*I1 Im, Pnight or day, promptly attendod to Particular Victor 3. Kiley 4, Ovid 4. Bat gal 4. Duplalu t, world U*g»n. If you allow women to according loibaotiglnal lortty. Hated J .neilh, k»a«i 4. Watertown 4 on the D. L. vV L. M. R. R., has been For Butter and Eggs ball ICI.ru in Ointment. mmA Nr 1874 ItICfl AKI> ELLIOTT. M-.rt****# attention gi ven to 47 hrowlc and Survlcal oaaea Each town will aaod delegate* with instructions cliooae their own religion, why not : J. 4>. aiLIII, Alt') for Mortgage# 4'W held for trial oo a charge of foigerj, in And goods for the ^atne Nil rriiallNiie af Ik# akin SPAULDING A CRANSON ~ to nominate a candidate for a aaai In the lowar their ow n paity 1 Hr. I II. UnllS'i rtlfbrslrS « «rf trout b of tba State l.rg:a atnra from the Flral and addition *o a charge of Urccoy iu steal­ TTORNEYS and CoansoUoraat Low.andHoU. Second H#pie*#otetlvt Districts, at this Conven- 3. “ fTomm would only vote as their \ He ll not refuse. for Aelbnia. gJlhat I or III lot Au/'nl 29th, 1474. at 10 OclocS A tors In Chancery Ht. John*. Clinton Co. MUt Uoo —delegate# from each District drawing aalde ing passenger fare tickets of that road. tool and Pure Soda Haler. A M , al n»y place »n the eilUm# wl Hhepar<1«% ille, 0.1. rriUPiio. | i. a. ciiMor and making betr own nomination. husbands or fathers do." Many worn-j So please oblige a fot • «llu-h not oaonclnji os th* lino of I). A MAKHIHttN BUTTON, en have no hual«uds and no living tional insurance Coo vent ion will he By calling soon. M K K on K of H W 4 of aaeilon *, T.-wn 7, WII VAN DYKP. fathers. If they have, and vote as; TKW VHHANUKMKNT North of Ka«ae *>r>« West, running Ibenee Soath- |M1E CKNTKR ULo. W. KrfTKtf. held in Detroit, commencing Septem­ eaat arr>»a* the H W’ 4 of aald aortton 8 to the —— — - .«*»• - ■ — - — these meu do, no harm will he done i ber 2d. This association is composed Weal line of aald aection. theme ttouth near the Kiond District ( onvrullaii, If they vote cllMerently—-as they are ^ ^ heads of the insurance depart- line and on W H of N W « of aertlon 17 till It A Democratic District Convention lor tba W*at- atrlkea dry land on said dracrlptton. MEAT MARKET ar Dlatrlcl .1 Clinton county, will Fc held at my likely to do on quwUon. of ten.- mcliU jo ,be „riouf 8ut „ Alao, at •• me time and place f will let for dig WExi I'll ALIA, septrmber IT, I8T4. at penu.ee, religion, »nd the nght to cou- J A, UriII,i K,pia, rfc,.nt|Vi Heury ' fit.a a ditch from Kaat line of N W % of H E a of la at ill ot. the upward track, acd j. f/.f le .an ti nt one o'clock in tba aftero.ton tor tba purpose of •croon 17 in aald town, runnlrc nearly W ?*• atruaa Sod the teat of •alerting a candidate for Representative tor raid trol their own property or their ow n who pleaJ guiltv to s charge of •aid description to the W eat line of aaiiit\ tersect to theamcalled Bad Creek Diuh on fald Aa heietofora . and It shall ha my further al.< will ua entitled to the aarne number of delegates C. “ The beet women «dll not vote. ” days io the House of Correction—pret •rctlon SO Held will to tot to the low.at Md- SsvteaanM * kaslssrvias ■) • •a at tba County Conveution. ! der or bidder# ao«l in aretlona t«» aalt Jobber#.— whom will plaaaa accept my warmest tbaaAa Br Oacia or Coimmi. Will they not ? Then they are not ty light punishment for hia offence, we , Hhepatdavtlle, Aognat S:b, 1174 their kind and liberal patronage lo the past, ai.<‘ truly the beat women Women who WM HliEPARD, trust hr kccplr.g good meats and daaiing alike u> should think. I>rmlr» Comn>ia«loner of the Town of tyeld. County allmonto merits aontlnuarce of t he same are really conscientious w ill not shirk A bottle Was picked out of the De ONE HUNDRED CITY LOTS of Clinton. State of Michigan______404 3 Tnx term* of twenty-five Senators IV M BKBl.k I their duties when the time comes, de troit river near the foot of Twelfth St., rOX 14 »; »• her«*> *lrrr» that 1 Wm HI ep- expire on the third of March next.— IN THE CITY OF LAN8INC. ard, I>raln Cc>n»o».aei » er of tho lowu of Und. lit. Job na. Mar h .‘»'d 1173 174 tt p«nd upon it. Was there a loyal wom­ ou Wednesday of last week, containing NClinton county, tftatoof Michigan, will, on the Tho suc<*ca»ors of four Senator* have an in the land, who would have staid 3*th day of Auyuat neat, 1S74 lei o» ratiao to he s card on the back of which was writ­ let to iHe toweat reaponathl* bidder or bidder*, the already been elected Senator Hager, at home, 1! a voter, when Abraham ten : “ G. J. Rennie, -hipw recked off d.eging of a err tain ditch in aald loan of ihl4, RHIlLSEmMBPm caT.ed the “Co* lutch.'’ and paaolng Utrongb be of California, will be succeeded by Lincoln's re-election was at stake f Isle Royale, Lake Superior, 22d July, fol|>>w!ug dew rlbed land, rti Commencing at the f^AS SmKH AQl Governor Booth; Senator Bucking­ 7. “The most refined women will lg7 jf Any one finding ibis scud word I have for bale a large number of the most durable Lot- in| NEW GOODS I branch of Maple River. *> < al*eJ, at a point on the not vote " Many of the most refined ' INI) THE PI. U L TO Bit THEM. t A of N E « of aectl n 24, t.»wu 7 north < f range ham. of Connecticut, by the Hon. Wm. to my brother, B. Rennie, Colliog* the City of I^anning, which 1 will «*ell for en-h or on •me Wrat, running East and Houth on sold 1. A of tla women whom the land hna produced wood, Ont.’ N K • of aai.l are-l<>n 24 acroaa tba corner of W 1- W. Eaton ; Senator Thurman, of Ohio» * of N W « ofae«tlor27. thei> KTTI], \V , of said wrtH'it 27. thenca East at>d Houth will be his own successor, snd Senator acre*# the N W a of h E 4 of •#• tlon 27, thence schools for freedro«n, visited Five ’camp meeting, near Battle Creak. North and £«•' »rm-« the H E 4 of N E % of said Lewis, of Virginia, will be succeeded Points in New York, entered into l^ar- twenty-four thousand five hundred feet IV l* ►Mnl •eetfon 27, thence North and East acroaa tba W ) LONG TIME! of N W « of section 34. to tbo highway running rooms to persuade their husbands a way, of canvas. The meeting wax such a • II i« IV East and Weal between lections 24 and 23 and by Lieutenant Governor Withers.— ;•ur*»t nanana^m^^w^^^^^mI'mjiMH A gwarante-^ratia «•-»l -wwrJluea« In- section* 27 and 22, running East along a-.td high SuU ty Cra *u Senator Buckingham and Lewis are or tended hospitals during the war. | great sued*** that arrangein-mts are •7 to a |*olnt intersecting a ditch on land* owned airatle eaaa.lfo«ur» noch.rgo«a i Refinement that takes the place of cou- being made to hold another mammoth and occupied by Mnaeo Hlngbera on aald aectton 23 P B.-Dr Filler’s Pi ■a * V0 c« tit* *bou Id be n*ed Republicans sod will be succeeded by to .suit buyers. Parties wishing to invent money at the best FB£ JEMELRI! 5rtaid lotting will take place at 10 o'clock A M of rlth H»rup. 3*4 l> science in weakness, not strength mating ab<»ut October 1st, probably advantage, and those desiring to secure home** which will the day above, at the point on aald highway where Democrats; Senator Hager, an inde­ 8 u Bad women will ix>te •aid ditch first Intersect* the highway, and will be lien vote" Jacob H. D GilUit, father of the rfPid, -v lncreMe in vnlne * ^ find il ^vantag, on. to examine AND PLATED WARE, let In aecllon# to suit contrnc ’oia. rtperlrtcationa pendent Republican. may and will vote, as bad men giT.-n at the leuli g. Map of said dl ch can be hoc ki hv me previous - July 2Wih, c : this property. C locks, seen at my office at any lime The following are the names of the But they will not vote iu the o|ten late Thaddeus K. Gillett. a former 147| WM SHKl'AKP. HpcctncIcM ft«»it < l>rain * n.n.i*wi. i.cr of the Town *»f <»»lJ remaining Senators whose terms will! character of bad women; for vice in lawyer and Circuit Court Commi*Nioner women, by instinct and |>olicy, con- of Detroit, made an unsuccessful nt- l(cl oil i* I’M « 1 >HOH %T» OH148.H. - »t« fMlchlfOS, expire on the third of March : Lansing is growing faster than any other City in Central ft;«unl> of Clinton, ••. At a ••••ton of tbe I coali itself and i«as*-« under another tempt at suicide by laudanum on th * Pocket Cutlery.Ae Frobair Court for tba County © Clinton, holden o Bayard of Delaware. Gilbert of Flor­ Michigan, at the Probate office, loth* % lllagr of Bi Johns, o name. The worse women are, the morning of the 18th instant. 11c was on Monday, tbe 17th dav of August, in U a year ft ida, Pratt of Indiana, Hamilton of more strikingly they will counterfeit once wealthy, hut of late ha* beeu an rl lA l Al ATTXN riON OIVEN T4» | noe thousand e>eht hundred and a#rent) - four |‘re**nt .J«»elTl 4’ranaon Juda> «f Probate. o Maine, Hamilton of Maryland, Wash- virtue, when they come to vole ; rely inmate of the cour.ty hous**. Miafor- and property which i* now selling at it low figure will noon In the matter of the Estate of NATHAN j o upon it. tune drove him tu attempt tin* tal Pine Rnti'lies R l.oWE, !»«■ n»a*.l On rradtrg and llltr.g j turn of Massachusetts, Chandler of he beyondw the rea«'h of many.or Buyr while #vou can secure 1 the petition, du y tx-rlSed of Itarbel 1»« * t>ray- j G. “/ should >oA wish to hear iny of hia own life. A ♦ic ha*>ng »l the i»n< mg that th*- last will and leataioer.t of aa. I de- | Michigan, Uamvey of Minnesota, Ames loti* at a low price, a small payment down, and balance on ; i*ea#ed i»*ay he pr««»-d and allowed. wife */>cak in Town-meeting ” Nor M. V. Borgman, superintendent -*t Thereupon It la Ordered, that Monday the 7tk of Mississippi, Scburi of Missouri, Tip- 1 wou ij to hoar you, unless you the Detroit House «*f i'orrs tifiu, has long time. Lots rum'c iu price front Two llu ml nil to Twelve llavlae had ia *ij year#* aperient# 'U the mak­ day of H#t temher, A I>. 1174. al • o ’eltxa In Ihe 4 AvaaHaoH *> ing and repairu g <•! \\ alch**. * otk* an*1 .lew- '■ toirDoon.Lasaignedforthe bawr.ng of aald petltioc ton of Nebraska, Stewart of Nevada, said something worth saving. But asked the Common ( ooncil for 82 .1,000, lltimlml Dollar*. faM ^i^h to buy or exchange oilier proper­ r ry . gUaa me many ad»ai:*»;r» ..ter u<-*ewho and that tbe belt* at law obd iegatr*-* of aald Stockton of New Jersey, Fenton ofiyou art? often willing to jay other with which to make addition- to h*s tiartlat a eery Itwiud Know.edge wf a h thing*. deeeaae-l and allother persona interested In said ty tor a ffood Farm. 1 aak for a share >f the public patronage . will, are required to appear at a •♦•alon of aald New Vork, Seott of I'emutlnnii, men*, wive* »« »ii.K public, .ml if hotel. %in older to accommodate hia court.tbeoto he hotdenatthe 1‘roba'e Office, id uplift her voice hrgfl v increased pstrottagc at t<* •I. tl. CANE, |{. UOKTTK. the rltlag*- uf it John* and show cause,Ifany there Spr.gu*- of Khode I.UuJ, Brownlow * omAJ1 m-T p.'opc. v he, why tb* will ahou'd r*ot he approved whv not to N|tf*wk #t‘TC them single rooms, instead of Ht Jobn*. June 17 1n, 14*3. 34* if A:.! |t • further ordered. t?'#t notice r 6 * to sing nonaense, 40B:3iu LAMHING, MICH. beglten tu t ■ e person# interested In •aide#* ale. W. BUNDAY of Tennessee, Flanagan of Texas, Ld-1 KDM j ‘ crowding guest# in conpiea into rooms • of tbe pendency of the bearing thereof by <-au#lrig only four feet in width by seven feet in WINES, LIQUORS, a copy of tii>• order to be published In t he Clin- munds of Vermont, Boreman of West 10. * /t will turn women into men ; Ion Independent, a n*war*aper printed andclreu- LanU a large and varied * as ^4tu «pt at Virginia, and Carpenter of Wisconsin, j Happily you cannot do that. It is lic­ length. lated In aald county of Ckintos. for three tuccea- the le»i brand* '>1 MEDICINES. alee week* preetona to •••<1 day of bearing. it is almost certain that Brownlow, j C* UI*' women, after all, are differ- We Study to Please, bejss JOEL ll CRAN?M>K. Judgeof Probate, — The lnr^pat *t»M k of lit*eit hihI lln- Pure Alcohol at f A true copy) 4S9 3w p , -..lent from men that we deny the Tii-fA',('t| collnr- lit St. .lokit* fan W Hauagan, Boreman and Carpenter will . . . ___ , l>8*. *1 4»Ml«»BI*M. V y It o It III 4IH HI M ' M hTgan. * r right of men io represent them, fomul at th»* " '•tar f lotliinj; Sfnrr*.'* F eoont* of t'imton.a* At a of the be succeeded by Democrats.— Hyam- I|lake for rhelJlt judge them in Pure Purt tl me at Probate Coart for thecounty of Clinton, holden — Kxtra %tit*. *1 owleu's. dotte New*. court, and spend their tax-money. It jarJ. worth at Stephens->n • on Tuca .1 a tl to h day of Aueuat.in tb# year tbev are the same with men, the> have Pure California ll tue at ' one thou* ai -J eight hundred and aerenty four. Present. Joel If Cranaon. Judge of Probate OfIMO mi TStUraaim’ PUnlc al HllloMalo theume nghU ; if they are distinct — Kinhroitlfty for 2o yarn, Di'i .1 4>aala*i8*«s. In the matter of the Estate of THOMA i* The picnic of the granges of Hills- from men, they need the ballot to make worth .r>0c. at 8 tepbensoo s. MclNTYRK, I», *••••* d On reading and Aline the Pure Catawba If me at petition, duly terlfled. of John If Kedewa dale County and vicinity, under the awa for themselves. Take which view —If you wi«h to purclia adminiairator of aaid rauie praying'.hat hi# Aiat •m* a1 Mood 1>8 *. .Voslen's. I and Anal arcon&t may be sett led and allowed. auspices of the Hillsdale County Coon- you please, it comes to the ssine thing. Saratoga Trunk goto the " >ur < lofh- Pure Concord Grape Tl'tne at Thereupon it la 'irdrreg, That TuewJav, the 4th cil of Pstrona of Husbandry, held at H j , (,rwm who t ikes proyervrou^r ,nK Store." ] day of September, 1874. at * o'clock lb thcforeoooo, a super t slovk ot 1>8*. .IflMllMl'o. he assigned for the bearing of aald petition, and that Hillsdale receutly, was attended by an care of her household has no time to — Kxtrt tine two button Kid GIov «-n the heirs at law of aald deceased, Pure Clinton Grape It me at and all otbar persons Interested In aan », only 81 a pair. are required to appear at a eesatoo of aald court, wiR a failure on accoont of the ex- not gay^ **\ !uan who properly mi|>* I>8*. Joh Ioii ’s. then to bo boldan a* the Probate office. In the Til­ lage of Bt Jobna. and show cause, if any there bo. and tremc hot weather, but tho picnic ituclf porta bis household has no tilne to Pure Nat ire Grape ICtne at why theproyer of th* petitioner ahoold not So was a fine 4uccctn. A I>i*. Joalon'B. gran'ed And It ia Punter Ordered. That notice procc«iOD vh know anything about j»oliti<*s(’ Meut COMMERCIAL. ' be given to the persona Inter* ated In said estate, of Stone-ware, formed in the western portion of the; Are mpt claim that th*»»r o >au day’s Pure Eld* r herry H'me at tbe pendency of aald petition, and tbe bearing thereof, by caoalng a copy of this order to be city, just before noon, by Chief Msr- work ia harder than that of their • ST. JOHNS MARKET. I>i*. .Ion Ioib 'n . published In tb* Clinton Independent, a news Always oa bond, and •hal Chester, which marched through aper printed and ctrcolated lu aald county of wives. Lorrecied weekly by 11. N Oaiavutr Groecr Pure ft'iue Plant Jtrms at 'Union, for three aucceaalve wteas previous to tho principal streets of the city to the t 13. “Politics lie beyond the sphere Price* far I anurrt Pradurli. 1>I*. «IOffil4»U*ffi. said day of hearing fair ground, w here cloths were spread NEW i OKI. II CRANSON. Judgeof Probate AT LOW PRICES. of women.*' That is always the excuse Maple Hugar ...... 10 12 < A true copy) 4SS3w % Pure “ French Brandy at JlL St. John*, April 32d. 1173. 134 and baskets opened, and the picuicers for excluding s disfranchised claw Apples, per bo ...... •A 0 Beans per tu 2 tw a 1 L L>i*. Joslea'a. partook of the good thiogs which the Bancroft savs that the original charter Hawaii j-ar || 24 ■e 2* 4263 C. TURNER 4 SON8 v baskets contained. The procession of Wlffl„ Butter per lb...... At * 2a Pure California Brandy at put the government into Barlay per bn .. 1 24 A 1 74 - - EMPORIUM! was over thre« hundred teem, in b,nJ, of »a roy»i «'unc’1. “ ifoiassaw.. a ou *10 S l>t*. afoaleu ’B. New Firm o <« J l M> |fi ,’tb, tod, tbou^.i dritcu it a -birp ground tbat --‘politicsik >IiUca lie rievondteron.1 the Co..p.r bQ 44 <* 1 00 IIaa11 tirrnoti douratock af Furol'ore to the P.omaieadrnmer, a r aak the attention of tbepobll Pur* Holland Gin at «tlk. the, -ere ne.rl, tbree^uAMer. * feMlon o( mer..h»nU." ' So the 12 A 1* lo our large t arte* y of 1>I*. *1 un Ii'Ii'ni And unoooiahU 74 ot au hour pA^Aing a g.ren po.nt. The ' nU wko out with sir EJw.nJ n—A.,.. a i io 0 '•* a 4 U Pure J a man a Rum at protean *AA he»ded b, the He^l.ng A\drj, ^ uke „..y the lil*rtiee ofUrea*------—1 chickens per lb IU :4 12 Flail ■ Fauci I FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE Dr rased turkey • per lb IU <• IX Di*. *1 onlou* m. Nleer Cornet bend, And About n.,d«., tb)> K lan(, (Momim wrote Wk, Kgga per dor ...... 10 A 12 Pure Bedford Rum at m th. Troce«.oD camec.me tb.the CamdenC .mden : jn gnM wn%mpt : „ p|,««nt u> Hay per too ...... • 00 IIidoa, trimmed per lb.. 4 3 o • I <»**!«• ta*as. Cornet hand. At the fair ground ad­ Uroey per lb...... L>r. behold |KX>r cobblers and pitiful me­ 12 <42 1* dresser were made by S. H. Brown, Hop* per lb...... JO 34 Pure Bye tCbisksy at chanics, who have neither house nor Hickory oat* per bo . . 1 24 1 44. ig» navir*# purchases th# Orueery Master of the State Grange, who con­ Lard per lb...... IS 14 Dr. IMIFRTAKFRS, Stock of P L VAVCOXBANT.and added largo land, strutting and making no ni4»an lTt# bog. per loon# OF EVERY DKHC IIIPTION. ly thereto, would hero say »© th* paoph that they cluded by saying that from the grange boot 4 00 0 00 figure at their elections. ” Now the ...... 3A Pure Bourbon H'hiskey at NT. JOHNFS, ar* In want of would come the future glory aud the 1 00 To which a * are '•<*» •'•nt.y adding merchants and mechanics have the Peit* ...... 1)|*. A I Ot iI a*ll*aa. future destiny of this country ; by J. 1 0U We bavoa lyleudld M U IIKANIt, ballot and it is only women against Tui2l%etTb>?.*!!! au Pure Eh nr of ft'ins at ard *r* now prepared to artei * fti**-a * ep bt t I Webster Childs, of Washtenaw Coun- 4 New Styles of Chamber and Parlor Suites. th* Tillage or country W* beep a good assort whom the same eld objection is brought Turtipaper bo.... 40 40 l>8*. # V < »*•!«-is'a*. meot of : GREENBACKS, ty, who oaidsnd that there were 50,000w,wu , J " | wmaouper>«.... 74 1 00 up Wood, II to 30 inebea per cord patrons in Michigan, who now had the 1 0u 1 40 I PICTURE FRAMINC A SPECIALTY. A good auppl* of th* above tor Medicinal obiur- Rendj-Xndr Coffin^ on hand. gloriooe privilege of going io loe dai - . It uOl ka.t to tuck RUT—fciAAfin W 74 OS pose* only .and fur other purposes noee'needapnon* "need *j Country Produoe, Ac. rloriooa privilege of going to the bal­ 0 00 1 |0 t plv " In ad-ltttou in 'he cofur»lowiest of llqoora, 1 os A s uo All calls promptly allPtided to, lot-box And mifrin* the nominAtioo Mmiy Utuxm th* ***. In .n ST. JOHNS MANUFACTURING CO. will be found a good at or a of l»ruga. Medicines. either day ar night 344 lot-box and ratifying the nomination Red.par bo ...... 0 00 •4 *9 M*r Ulk.ltlt-A44 Solid and Fluid Katrseta and Tlnclore# of tbe Io eg hang* for made by the political rings which oriental country, a physician can only moat re,lable make, also a sure Ague Eradieator prescribe for a woman by feeling the ! Knaii Prices* and tbe heat Toni- for Weak y Famalea lu the practically ruled this country, and that 1 74 A 0 OU Blacksmithlng. First National Bank World Night and day call* promptly attended (arriasreslH agons the only safety to the government waa pulse in an arm thrust from behind a (oyster*-Retail, per rao ...... 40 as «a toaauaual. O. (’ JOHl.IN W 1>. curtain. But as no political intimacy . pi^perThi0'.*** 1* ’P#r c*" .‘!i 90 Bt. Johns, Jan. I?*h. 1874 '371 tf) io their being represented at the pri­ 7 ttt AIM The oniarstgned having formed a co-pa«tner*hip «»F BT Jt>IIN' would exceed that which already exists I i^om n»#si per lao i bo.... fot th* eoudocung and carrying «»n of tbe 8 * » ___ mary caucuses and all the way throagh ; . .. 2 00 M 2 14 SHKlflW HIDRS or may exist between the physician Waterlta»*>>p«rbbi..’‘ #4 •ml'.king **u*inew* have __ V .... 2 24 (A 3 00 CAPITAL, SAO.OOO and by Mr. Johnston, editor of the Leaaed lb* ihoy of 4. I •fiaraol*, atmilua > Hukqan Farm*. Tbe'eaembltge waa »fd h“ U>« clergymAn and C-fiiifi-iMl pSrto,...... * 14 00 *3 JJ • foratrly aied by Jas. Loll, ____ “ MO.0044 Merchant Tailoring, z • 00 •8 AT CAt H OK treated with exoellent rantio from the pAiiahionert. the achool-Aupennten-1 h.„. ,. . 12 nt .. . 40 * Would *lat* to l betr friend* and tbe public get • C R A Rf.LB KIPP. Preatdem, Moacow Ole* Club and from tba cor- d«“ »“d h‘» ,h« meirhant ______erstly, that they will hold thernsalraa In readinaa* JOHN lilt KB. Vlca Pre* 1dei B net band. One of tba moat noticeable “d >>» book krepcm, tbe mill-owner ______^^7,, w.t to do all kinds of 4 # W.MKKK, !'*•! < r. Hav n« fully recovered from Ihe effect* of the . Ready-Pay Prices. features of tbe day was the elegant operatives,- —the objection ls CA U llON*w:^ ■oaeo—All per fire, and secured room*, for the present. < C rHTO M W O It 14 IMrerlarv : fl. banner* of C.mbm. Be.d.n*. If.ll. |Ma ID™ boomkl, prefer TnArnh, IN CIBBON8 ’ BUILDING, Cambria, Reading, Promptly aud •a'lahciorl'y. CamtaKirr, Ai va# II. W*t a»a, •Ionv llira* Jmui 1’rroa In addition to a flne atoeh of Oroeorla* a*4 dalaand Allen Grange# These ban- j ioatitutiona, go and live where they Ii OMehloos or other property •«pare baaed of Ransom Would here aay to o*y old friends aud petrous that Provision*, w« shall keep a welt •uloetod otoak ef OAwrai R. M tint t have ln«t opened a ner# were of heavy silk, and made |»revail; but if the American system ure In tho hands of Porter K Perrin tor col tort ion Shoeing A Carriage Ironing tbe beat brands of doable. On on# side of tbe Cambria be tbe beat, let it be made conaiotent jj^^jRj^tuuon of -rb cm *.- j Mar, I Hu ml Hoeelve depoalt*. hoy and *efi eiehangv oa all FINK LINK la totail? uuauthorlaod by aa ___A BP___ KC IA LTV Hoping to r colvo i SAGE BROTHERS, Crookor;., banner were tbe worda, in (old, M Home, w»th itaelf. Th# public are cautioned against purchasing of or share of tbe public patronage, w* remati obedt point#, deal lu Gold, rtllver, Canada Money, |ww« cannot fight, so they j I Pulled State# Rood# 4c , Ac Receive <'epo«1ie Mt(flie-War** and Sweet Homo" and an oil painting rep- 14- poyuble For maa? year# ia tbo employ of O. W* Barker LOTT dt WISE in the toko pleasure la announcing to their friends and um ; should not pots.** Formerly women |Any p#r*o Mffi any of our mo Bt. Job no, J one 24th. 1874 3033m iting a woodland ho on I ' _ . . , "• * a a | chine# unpaid tor, ar* relocated to notify Porter the public generally that they have opened bust Glnaa«Wara. other side was inneribtd, on tb# same were refused jiermi*aioo[lermUaioo to hold reel | W. Porrm ut owe. Utters of gold, the words M Cambria estate, on tbe same ground “When *L*!!------g*°YFK* -. M. CO. ICT1X0 IT , k M1LWAI SaTiDis Departmeot PIECE GOODSI D Embracing all the Grange. Patrons of Husbandry, No. fiefs implied miltery servi co ” wrote lilCK ft* I«, Of aunt* as amall aa on* dollar, ov shirt, luteieat Cflniwit trraat, just uunh ut lisp j at the rote of fire per rest per annum la paid ou Rirhaai* flutol, It* na a call uahuasvsr |uu T4.n On one side of tbs Reeding ban Dr. Johnson in 1776, "it is easily din­ Lfitfb( Nad Most Dffcirablf Shlpb have uuythlmg tm hay ar null* TEN REASONS 1074* lha Sr*t doys of Jur.aaod IhceaiLer, ou ail aoma ner was printed in golden letters tbe earned why females could not inherit L’atll further untie*, train* will leave Saint on deposit one month prorloua to these date* the ruu Mmm w her* I hey util S« ep la Mock um Vauconsant A Leland. words, *' Reading Grange, Patrons ol them Wat this reason is at an end. why top snoru> erY ooRsrir&i- *• tu th* Boring* Honka of the Eastern Gents' Husbaodary, Xo. 76: ” on tbs other io As manners make laws, manners like Miiod at 14 la a.tn. for Onid Kaytdi oaly. States und eitle* St Juha*. May 13th. 137 a Wl Night Etprot. with Mroplng ear. at 3 34 a.m. SuF*School iFioirlcta In this an 1 ad>>lMit>gc uu* like letters tbs word% “ In ensentiab wise nqieal them/’ Tbe same reason &r OraaA Rspida udOnnd Haretroa. | Buggies, ail at 3.44 p m fnrOraad Haven He* deal ring to prueur* mean* to build houara by dr . j. BALL A CO'I unity, in non-esnsntisls liberty, io all mg applies now to voting. The Grain-Drill: OOlNOlANf- iKolaaoeof bond*, ore d*#1red to communicate Wagons and things charity/1 and in oil a painting Besides, the objection proves too Night ¥■ iproa* ll |.3i a m for Detroit. ilb Wow Patrol Improved Irury aleovih# •*« sMoahsa* with o* Buslneas Suita Llafuui Vila representing a sbeef of wheat. On one much. It appears by the puplinhed l-tl lo th# genuine Pioneer foeee-FeeB Drill Mi tod at 42# p.m. forOwnoon Bell o#r own Draft* on all places lu England Wkteh will bo cut nnd up to ordor tu ihe Cutters 0—ll Is th* Ltghtoot ta Draught Mails* IV.3ap m.for Detroit. France aud Germany, and transact a Genera eye cupi •ids of the Hillsdale banner wart tbs d of Military Statistics that of AccommodationAce- mw'cfoii'to loaro* at t7.0#.o * a• w arriving i*-.,,, _ M words ‘'Hillsdale grange , Patioos of examined for military duty, more t—D to th* Mom Durable ■ la Detroit at llffiaoaa moral ml Umro* wm 1*11 A HAI DWIN A| Top# or maSfrlsa ahwHjff'j'» oar broad/* and ao oil painting repre­ en ; far mors useless than th# fighting aud win always da by fan aa they Mtoa l. icidvRIfl senting a fiald of grass Ming mowed. woman of Dohoasey. Are they there­ For pomphkrm aud farther RiErvrrk.Tv U CUlhmf w *m UmamUM ' we* 1'oloa I ml C1» t * . Mich The extrsiom eloaed aboat fore to ha disfranchised, like C* W. LfBVy Lyai*» Nllltv Duvrett True Prase nod tho Inutoa*. In o as'toffiotery moua Oteo oa a toll —t al tour tor |S If pr roar A MJI M'S bate sit fir# ia tba evening On the otbar hand, af all i puu Citrru* Cmrr D fi X Mm lfd CST."" The hrii>asAB»K Bauntts ’• a agon KCriRUMN (OXVEMWX Waai«»Cha»ai«r,a lam. ary aacwr Tba farm bouse m uceu — Ik nuell a ta tbe best place In tow n NEW A DV ERTI1EM ENTS ('bang* m stamped ou every thing p»ed by Mr Trowl»rid|# aud tarnily, to but Gent's FuruDhli.g Good* and ------Jht jfadrprndrnt “-r manufactory l»on com itrr Jk KMTKM, _Lyony___1* _____Mill*, lor a- rpaui__jpbieiS. •rtting------B I „ 4 #. Mill ' of ooftort i of f i i« ui«od tkt 24lb ittSul. It ia s«ipp4«cd to be tb* Is JHd-Gcraa. extent, over tba surface of! tbe affair* of the bowisoLold wiitb true aerea in forth ithe advantage* ibe I mj ire Grain . SK || )| ) | || || )> *oh :i OMioti CN VrWMk M l|« which glided the oanocs of Okcm<*« and womanly grace, aud during tbe buay ST OIDKM or COM work ol an incendiary. Three hundred Drill (iimmmm over r'•there in market. wAV/VfV/V\J TO LOA.b S TRIMS. 11.50 A TEAK II APT A ICE. Balano© of tho old County Offi­ bia du»ky followers Ita bank' wera aeaaou, with but little help < xcrntiug ^ •* Nfu (iff Imitid 10 uiuflif| tali liUilH'Uffi men employed is tbeae shop* are tem­ skirted by tbe piimeval forest, for tba bar daughter a. ba» done tbe work for Farmer*, when a«»u urtf III Hi t0f«4 fMMYH hm Mtrkl li gllvt Ittk cers Re-nominated Sow or the TfttAia ami Tbisila * porarily thrown out of employment ax bad not resounded in 16 or *0 farm ban this region. example of usefulness. which miigbt itaixKiad PM'Iu .u * ____ •• Km* Am*" is Mkiiwak .—A mau 4aa Cmrlllasg Aciaa Uhlla Sallai* •C°l*s* Friday one of St. Johns moat en To-Jav,It instead of thia ex pause of profitably bo followed by buudrods of hruLtrc. acknowledged, - l>y all, tu old. #w u i.«u.i .* u,. named Klliott, of Lam»inir *ent lo tea for aharlff. water, a luxuriant growth of waving the wotueu ol tbe preavtit day who are couuties, to U the beat Drain Drill in BARGAINS. ergotic citiacua started for Shepards Purler, NilklD A Mlddfl, Jackson on Wedi»e*day of laat week, .Tbe Kepublioan Convention of thia ! gram greets tba eye. Fiuely caltivs- dreaming their unprofitable live# away, jj*8 wwket, and t it only one told at nk<4iiimmi»k<4(KABI C •• *•»» fill#, a small station ou Ibe line of the niMM" oirkooa*4 • Eli 1 and abducted a boy fire or aii yeaia old county, to nominate candidate# for ted farms aretrt upon iu borders, aud the dressing extravagantly, devouring nor- 0ranger prices, ARCHITECTS Streot, at. J«H»**. Will W frJX r>eno. i Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad , »eveo k»o«e\ |.»r eil»*» *»r*r*rl|f. k*4«'rv of from the house of bis wife, from whom county officers and to elect delegates ooatly farm_____bouses, ____ well-filled ______barns, _ . and *la and Beecher Tilton nastiness, or —Embroidery for 15 cent* a yard, Superintendents. idea sf usr beautiful iilla^t, b*r ^ ^,,1 An attempt waa uiude to the State, Congressional and Sena ezteueive orchards tell their own story circulating fashionable small talk, worth 25e at Htephtutun’s. O. M. HIDDEN, the purpose of picking blackberries, of thrift aud plenty. Highways like —Womens Sarge Sb<»«*a A1 .'mi per Corintkiai Lodie Mo. 241, to arrest him. bnt he sueeeeded in get torial Conventions, assembled et the slender threads traverse these broad A t tho Orc.t H.uk.upt 8»le, »t the |M)ir „ McChkbe’e 4W is • at iu, Hash IBlwck, which he thought might add to his •It M A V' C ITY. MICH. ting away. Court House, in this village on Friday acres in different directions, aud in - Uatker Carriage 8bop, in >t. Johns, ‘ . .jet,*** **• of"weahi, , coo,m. u«ii 1 ...... 11 ocloek by H. 8. Hilton, Chairman Tbe Best \i tbe Cheapest our young friend \\ m. L. Hicks, Jr., , ^ „ . - . . . dara through tbe ocean of waving groen of (). W. Barker will Ue sold, cheap, —The largest stock of n eck tie**, U«a4av. a, itTaMoaeaf. Aagms a. >«• it mekes no difference. He went. He : , f . . . . of the Countv Committee, after which . u JSa * •: - - •J*-. »• :: wanted to go off on tbe 12 20 train. so received by mail a horned toad from at lightning speed, drawing precious including the Carriage Shop aud cou- bowa and silk handkerchiefs rau be A|*rU a. ho •' Fit Wort," haltor broko .ad _ Co n**»«rt. porm»u«Bily or- |o,d. ol humtoit; »ud u.erchandi.. M*o.Also, h..„,«houses and,od lot*,I two gul l Ws> 4. Xoi. aa. “ he hurriett home to get r«*ady. Ills the found at tba Star Clothing Store. Juf# a, D. .... •ganued by electing Gaol. 0. L. Spaul- i L wry body in the Htatc of Micln* watches, a gold chain tvtwo revolvers, Jal| a, wife ami a vicious outside woman were tamed• mod. whirl. Iim • ic.ird muol. •U'o- d| Ch.irm.n and II H. Hilloa. 8oc g»u bu board more or l<*» »bout .Sro- Sco [xaMr. for pa.titiculara ? £ - A L . ...a AW... ft. n A i . ” 1 . rt rt S — NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. cleaning house, and it waa some little f,on » the curious It has been ator Chandler a farm, yet few* people, •«d .ho r**? 7 H ome I’xfer .—The home puper ad* HOME MATTERS. before he could get bia society atolcu, or baa strayed away nuou. tT»:OHDI.K. -Htatrof vertiaea your town, truthfully repre­ CouttijCounty of Cllntou . .At a irwiun of th« Probata CoartCo for tD« county ofCMntoa, boktihtt sents the reapeclability and huaineaa ib« Probsts Offlr, m tbs vflhm* of Mt .Johns, on HsturUay, the 22.1 .lay of Auifust.in tbs jrear enterpri** of i»T ritisona You should ous tbousuiid slsht buodrsdl ai.J seventy four Prrssut, Jo«I II. Crsnsoo, Judirv of Probate. ft* l a personal interest in it. have your In tbs matter oft lie kutiulHAMl'EI. U L l< UlliXW. I>seeasersy » lively appeal awe#. dancing around and yelling pen*# m4 waa i (HHltilTNl a rarr a| C'onventiou then took a rr«*»**§ ^senatoreQmlor < handler had hia attention through ita eolunaua, Mnwanieitl MsmhmiftsirwadMdtSSIo _ Our school* o|rt*n ou Monday licit thiuga When *he brought bia linen \ r«^. Thr rr,** ,‘i ™^,Cf4wjr ApfMcr A t r> i rr\ .»r O a rn >trit tbs Toa.J until 2 o ’clock P. M •ailed tO the rich laud* of Holland, ...... 'ihsrsuponttisOnierfd.Tbst Uoudsy.tbs Uth eoat, he sat the pir in a chair, lo put 1 mesa •n«trad of TucMlay, as many auppwr I* H .\t»^ liifonoatM.n mat O romnmtihAtr^l Cpon re assembling, the following which had boan reclaimed from dreary , . .i . • . . .. , bssaalgued for tbs bsarlDK of said pstitloa.nud that — Mr. L B. Mattison it expected 00 • <»*t, but in hit norvousum n>« *n tuntl «ir If’tfrxrh. lowledge that may interest its read* tbs hshsat law and ts^steesofss'd d«ceassd, aud W I. II ll persona were named aa a committee to tnarahea by a thorough system of drain • II other persons tntsrestsd In sold wtll^re repair EWHO^S BROS. n« me from Salt Lake in a few data stepped on the end of a l »ug handled ... 1 . « I mrrr IK 111 linill WIIH UN KINI (V ^ . J a lid lid p tO 111 S kt » fi 1 V*-** 1 ■'** r ed to sppssr st • session of ssld Court, then to hs aeh et delegates to attend the State, j*®®'., . . ... , , , g . . .* . ioiaen,iholden st morntbs Probsts Offlrs.ln thsTlilsg#ks ofo Ht ■ Whrr* Will etwn>* he foUIld S I i Tg» ttOck Of Ul U fSTllI Tkavou *. - Tbr f«»IUiW • , . _ . . _ semblance of the soil to that of the which can only bo found ini a first Han j, i n# — Tbe Oliver Chilled Plow* are whitewash brush which was balanced w reuse, If snjr tbers bs, why tug ar* tbr trao*Ai*ti«ite A nd It is Further Orders*!, t hot nodes be given to ■ ftuN, Mlvcr aud Siffl B«w eotkuty, 4* appears by tbr rrcirtl* iu thr tiona. ( has. Kipp, Bingham j John A. mined on purchasing a portion of the the persons Interested In said . stele, of Ibe pen-I deucy of the besrlug thereof, by csusiny of thi* SHCtiou. s copy of this order to bs published in '.bs — Mr John Hickarecm Clinton Independsnt, s newspaper printed and 1 circulated In sold county of Clinton for threesuc* j SPECTACLES! lr>u» a recreation tom csssIts weeks previous to said .Uy of hesring. JOKL If. CH A Ni** >N, J ttJge of Probsi s, Of thisarPI£RlOlt RRA.X|» Lawrence. (Atruscopy) do a I ••••li.ii' ti b «i'ft GurlAltfe 1'wt Wi ll •# JerteS — Tha right to erect w stock of l • • » . I rnt iw l/jvr. i im #is «e • ar* r nov »u'tw-i tite, billiouaiiea*, flatulency, morning HOHUi: ORDER, state of Michigan | t area on Clinton Avenue appear* !• t* where the pie was and got up again south esst * gee u. m for it. :oiv saw fit. The reclamation of this County of Clinton, so At a session of the ... . __ i , a . i i » , . * John Farmer 'o Kiimhsth (»ro>»m. es*t * o* • vent lull ,tad ”n",‘w Km>nf ,l,e P JPWPLPV gaining ground. \\ hat a pity - with a howl that would nave melted the »«st % xse. ia.in imits*. for /mA-A II t'Urk, U s Pniti. Ns'.aon Scott to Ehss Wrott, und. S of west S >f t H 1- sk*s.e«, 1. utLsi JrtsV•“.“«! bj.br hundred, of ton. ol b»y being 'tomacb. Uoilode, .ud 1110.I ibe I|W ** ** * V — It |« believtd that great prepei stoutest heart 8ha wanted him lo D'lrtb-vcrtt % Ssr. lo, In Oreentvusk. tot |ju" Brown yr>; nunarru aim tevwuty fuur Rll/S Wrotl to Sslrt*n Seott, M (dsaesf load Sf» See bit n. litHun, Wsinsr sud Jav , t asries cut annually upon it. TlicThe aurlisurface has diae«se« that are induc'd by over ex l’rww^nt, Jovl It. Crtoiou, Judge of rrobntw. liona tie being ruade by our farmer#, wait while abt set aped oft the surplus, ie,ta Orwabosb forfi.aoo lo tbw matter of tbe rtUit of JOHN II. Watches, Clocks, Ac. ft'rsv, tk>>m. 4*» seres ,‘Xh0 w Wm4r be«n e> well dnio»i Ih.t .1 tbi. eu» ertion aud close application to l*uai HWKKT, tiMtartl On reading and flllui tbw a* well aa others, for the coming ( ounty hut he wa* too mad to con terse iu of ssttb-wsst a % s#c. 7, in DIHipUtu, for f&oo | Million, duly vctif!*r ***o.we .nd ju« .h. Awl forth that bit flret end float account may Lw Fair bik 10. in At Johns, tor |*o U*OT|* Sweet, I Hoi-«.|U»*»oil brt rttticd w niuib tbrt mow |^ {^ { |() ^ 4y^l|di .nd Every nrllile Warrstilrd ma rep. Mary Kink Is John Rink, sw«t M nrre« of o stb* Art tied and allowwl. •farted for the depot, and boarded the hinr Hurd.H ing machine* arc largely used in cut oca a rfAwslfd. Mr J \V. Hutmeli, •>! Hiiigham. twt « a*r 17. n Kile,, lor f3*»V Ifilat W M YwunI f* M.W V> ainl.jfie* >K Thereupon it is tMdvrrdjThst 1 -I ) tbelktb , J .hr r.sk to Msrv Ftnk. enst % ol ee»* V of • M-ryU- JniiM J Kerr, Urid CUrk, Josspb Ilia* i ting the hay A portion ot tb*- uiatsh promote digestion We have tried six day of September, 14<4.at • o'clock iu tbw forvnoon, •nd Mr. Wm. Hanr of K*^x have twin, aod in the ae< 1 union of the bag* setith ,«*t v S*e. I), in Dolls*, tor fhv ba aawtgnwd for the hearing of a*i-l pctiUoti, and SUU i«.«M. | h*« * lr,»'l.T t'«n *° n;d »op bottle, for th.-«a* compUinU. an-1 feel that the heirs a: law of aaid dweeaa. i as 1 all other each purchased new and vwift hora*a. E*IP* clr removed the offenaive lunch. , pcraoii* int.-rewt. «1 iu *ald eatata, are repaired to Kxamixatiox or Trachirs .—Supt. u»y,<> r Vwca^ and other grasses adapted to wet lauds. |j,t| W(» ^,,.n much P 11-rod Slid I Appear at a A**w«ion of aax I Court, then to tw hold- KepairinuA Kngraving So we'ia told. He got lo Sbepardsvilln all light, and 1 urwsiuU -K. I loorba, it A ••mil John K and many tons of hay of first data ! ei. at lb* Probate Offle*. In the village of Ht Johna O I. Webster kfiveg notier that he P-wsr* sylv«s«r Bwb*s. J. rt adAm* bem-titted Manufactured onl) hv B. .(a. Uitit * u*r**te' <1 — The sixth nm.ua I meeting d the !N*W picking four <|uarfa of the deairetl M V. JukoAon. CkAilwA **w*toa*. 1- l». 1 oualitv have be« n pul up. | D"D>- a* u.u» . aa 4 Aatt will visit the several township* of the Uurtk.ireb KmukVnnh Aai>i«tt 1- latt i • , , * . . . , R. Stev en*, (ir.tii d Rapid**, M ieh. i „ • Or*4 Artbwny nrtboi. •, J A fotlM, J««w*k The mam ditch, H> feet w id*' aud TkaithtliK Ibe |»ui>li. f. i pet! > ill rrai American Worn so Suffrage Association letrio lf kia pants ami lacerating, t *ou# Intereste«l in eaid **t»i*. «if tbf t>rridrocy •,f i1 |>alrnruifff. et* h"pw j l»elow. for the purpose of Mardot k. M M liutrkioA, W II R.s,«. his hands and uttering *• tin* link nd * un *J . .... four tcct deep, commences at Park Aa) J petition,StMl 'Ilf Kean r>tr tl.« rvof, ‘ v reuelnga bv is to be held in Detroit «m Tuesday *t»d IHtrt- MArsluill Il»n4. i'bn* M Kw-kwrii. I. leapy of tbi* older to b«.* pubTi*bi-«l in tbe Clinton examining candidates for teaching in #ru*n. o*w i. Sitnmi* ns. Lake, a body of water ou scctiou 2** *II»M’I" * I TV I MOW mm . \ lie l>l •; A I A l\€i worJ« toward the pensive muajuitoe*, lndep' ndi nl a n«*w*t*ap< r prinlrd iih! < ireulatej Wednea*lay, Oct. 13th and 11th s£'i'l * J• L’m* u Mua«M«M*i, l f | io the t0WDMhip of Bath, Clinton Couu- In *.»!•! cunly of C'lir.ton, for tbne euo ***lv# the school* of the county. It is earn The effect* upon the people, of a<.me week*, previous to *al<1 of bearihg. To inrrit r •rt- Iuuj mmdlhr easie. be turned his toes toward home, but f *r/®r — I . W . I'ptuO . li • • ? « M n A —- Th« Free Baptist Sunday >rhool ty, and tuns directly west two miles JUKI, II. I'KAV su N .lii-igi-.if Probate rally tnged that all candidates avail on , J Krtj b T my. of our ranine di\« of late, ha* hem de S(Atru*cop>i AluSw M. li KM Hf»N«. | 4"* It 11. KHMONd ol Lansing will join with the two at uiiaaed tbe tiain, and as ihs next train I’affffuen- I**t.i*l SbriBiar,, John CupM. ti. V. parallel with the sectiou hues, then di- themselves of these opportunities and Kiuney. A N lngerei.li verges northwesterly and empties into ‘ uiaphoietioai. — w as an express and didn't stop at Shop- ut-C C I*oUenbaugh. l coonijr of Clinton, •*. Ala ••'••ton ot thr Bath in a giand picnic at Fine Lake, thu* save trouble to themaclve* and the Looktog»Glass ’River, its whole Clay land is »o dry and hard that it ardsville, he startcl out on foot. Bath being minus two delegates, and 1’rubai* Court for the cuuuu vl t Union hold*-n > o to-morrow. expense to the comity. The examina ­ length being *even miles L pwards ot will not admit of good plowing a ! th* I’roUtt lilfl r, In thr vltia^r of Pt John#, d The d*y was one of lh**ae warm ouea, < 0 U2 — J. W. Bcgole, of Fliut, the pres­ Do Witt and Victor one each, the fol ­ .»!> miles «mi»eon p p Ra a the vacancies: Bath — A. H CUrk pre>liig that the la»t will and t-*Uni<-m «»f u J de- ii S at the Republican Congressional (’on- Bingham - Court llou**, **atuo Sept. 1*74 structed. These lateral ditches are us on Friday evening, Sept It li Dept. i rawed may be pruved and adiuittrd tu pro hat* (0 tiy before he started ou his j-»uriie\ . Kiiki Few lor, Mai wdtf, li. and B 8. Fratt. Victor —I. T. Hoi- 0 or d Thereupon it la ordered. That Monday thr 14th wntion at Owo»ao on Tuesday. Orrvol'UAk - Kureka, Hatniii*). IS, ually 40 rods apart, much depending Richard Moore, of St. John* will de ­ day of Beplemher, 1474, At 9oVIoek In Uie forenoon, when a gust of wind took oft his hat Riley Hourhton Xo. 1, Sa 'ui !*' I«. lister DeWitt—K. 8. Jcnney. — Next week we ahall issue a call ton the surface to be drained. Flaces liver the addre«a. Ml arc invited to br oAalgurd l»-r thr hearing of eaid petition, and tD-l c.mrj it .cr«rt » l«K lot. Tl.cn I^V^WSMtaunl.,. Ou motion, Hon J. V. Brunson, ot tliat th«- h**tre At Iaw aud ufeaid dec* »«'!, tor a Democratic County Convention to 11. ou this marsh where fuur^fcaia ago the. And ail other p.-ra.>aa intrre-ated in Aald ulll, are 12, Victor, and M. Me Donald, nf Kwex, ditcher had to shove a fiat boat ahead ri” ' reunit'd t <» appear at a aeaeton of eaid Court, then h.- ,io»u on tbr other .i •u« h other busine** as may pm|>erly IK that horse* hardly leave a footprint. ate. Fttie llnp*, a short time since tbr ulM al.onid not la- approved gust of wind came along aud turned D*'! ML“"'liv4,||*» •r,ul*l 14. And it i* Further fJtdered, that notire In fives to «*onie before the Convention. p c I'.etb—(*t« l«tn, N«IMU> is. The nomination of county officer* I pward of .rHM* tons ol hay have been IS wav t.vk*n wiili 1 t»-\ t*rc 'attack <-l bib the |>« toon*int«vr«'ed :n aa:d e^'tr.of tlir p*-n- the umbrella in*id*' out. A brief t-.-n v* eV* f Awirteh Na.a,TWUay being next in order, (he Chair a*ked cut the present season, although the ! drn, , of the bearing (hereof. hy — Mr. A. Plunistead has purchased Oetd «Nft4 VHUgr. WedaeedA. at,' ion* lever, but hs* rapidly •red i eaoAU'g a rop . of thi* order to t r pubiUlH d in rersation here ensued hefn«*eu himself IMyiw» ki**e,iViiedoy, if it wa- the desir** of the Convention er »p i* much lighter than last year. thr Clinton Indrpendent , » n< vrepnprr prtn ’.eil of Mr. C'ba* Kipp the old car|»enter OII\<““ fU1 ■ N< |rl*t»), aa tinder Dr Blip* treatment and circulated in wild county of Clinton, for three and the unbrella. and he again slatted Binglia* Cevrt H >«a. Saturday, 51, to take them up in tegular older, or About the same number of acres have •uetd day of hearing .bnp »nj ground, ou tbe corner ot fof |he h„ Whtn be got up to it be been mowed, the difference in quantity Ou the night of the 17th in*tant, JUKI. II CFr A NHUN. .7 edge of Prohate, || mi, l>—Samuel Smith, a youug otherwise, when it was moved that they f A true ropy I 4lS3w W.lker •n-1 Spring .trccU, nod U DO* kirk^t it ,r„und Hrrr>1 ,„a being accounted for by the drouth in Amanda Bli*v had n severe nttsck of , ...... | j ma uf ffi tears ot age. and a *on should be ao nominated 8h**iitf i*cing tbe early part of the scaaou, which af- neuralgia of the* heart, for which Lit iem e mg t e main »ni iuh r an it down on hia head, and 0f a %ery rilij ,«*ctable and industrious tirat, tbe balloting com in encnl and end* fecta the productiveness of marsh land Kx press oflic# life wav nearly despaired of. Dr Bliss started once mote through the bogs for witb-w of this village, has l**eu engaged |<*d s* follows as Well as of upland. We believe the — Tbe recent showers, though mod ­ ws* called Rxfortrr . New Styles! the road. It was a terrible *trugglo, in the restaursunt business at Bay City AIAVV iin-M.l ItllOt. amount put up l»*t rear wi* someth­ erate, did iucalculable benefit to this c. M t'arnor...... ii ing like 6u0 tons ♦<•••► lit the bogs were uncertain, but he for nearly a year paar, and for a while M D Srws ...... 17 ■ertion of coaotry, but it bn. nil been ; rtr>iU(tJ >uJ ^ ,Iljt ,n<1 L O Sunk..,., ...... 13 Mr. Chandler** cxpariineut iu hay- Bankriti Sam at the Barker (’sr- spit, boarded at the Globe Hotel, kept by Wm. Iav Iov ...... 4 drank up by tbe parched earth, and K H. J• bii#v...... 4 raising proved a blessing to the tar* riage Shop. St.John*. Sept. 11th, at howled, tud swore, and it did seem as Mr Chaa S Welle, formerly of this < ****** mars of logham and Cliuton Couutia*. II A. M everything is dry again. More rain ia ••ce*s lavusaeL ului t*r- if he would never reach it. An hour village, and wall known to Ik * a kind C. M Carrier...... 2 la*t apring. for hunlrel.* of cattle, nreded, and ia looked for anxiously. M. D. brv>wB...... »...... •j I horses, sheep must hsvo perished had t rial af Ihr i sparlif •! Use •• \ft* later he ap|>eared in St. Johns, wet and honorable gentleman. Buaine.*s L C,. Bitirt,., kreiar" Thrrthlng .Rachiar, — 0u Saturday laat a two-year old through to the *kin with prespirmtioo, j |>rifan lo grom {Zor and young Smith ...... * i it not been fur the bay cut upon this WsnsfAclured »»> Xirhal*. Phvp* -gan to grow iHRmp> 7 • vluf 1 marsh. Many men who ridiculed the nrd A fs., Bailie ( rerk. Wlrh. htld of Mr. Samuel Sherman, of Beo* limping with pain and covered with . ^ftlne hard np , so much riAsv soosal »*i lore . o that he C. M Carrier,...... i» enterprise when Mr. ('handler began above tiamoJ machines are gal township, whila playing in the barn, Just, t0(j uith an exjTc-sion on his M !>. Bmeii...... g it, and who charged enormously for u*ed to a large extent in this section of was induced to steal, or aid in so doing, L. O Burch...... tell a di*tance of about two fe«t, and ftC€ t|lgt WOuM have soared the town a raoc containing about $ D’» in postal K S. Jaunty, ...... jthair services or supplies because * he conlilrv , and sold by Mr. J H ('orbit striking in such a manner aa to rauae •eioas r«im ultDi. «u fooling hi. money .n-l rt>*T I of thi. rill^, wc gi.e the rerolt. of . Prints. Ladles' Bells pump \\ hen he reached the bouse hia m4 fiMlioail curr r -\ ' • v ■ |J i*im C M (arnev ...... M I> Hroaa, ...... ita death wife waa abed but not sleeping >h* hj)(j J«f„,mination —two each of all ex L M Surrk...... =» bo3y," nowprtiK the liberal outl.y tn»l which took l-laee in Snlcm, Stnbeo — Dr. G. E. Corbiu w as summoned Uy there tom by ioreboding*. and bar- cq,t wne .so cent piece of the very first taisa reiaaL aallsi < M tamer...... i4 by which a malarious tract hat been couuty, Ind , on the 7th instant, as re lo Clinton, Iowa, on Monday last to ,»*,*! by Miapeoa* Perhapv he waa itBlie T|lit wt> uken 0li x^9 nigbt of M D lro*D ...... L. a. Uuret...... ±2 made to help them in a famine *sas »n. portcupotted byhr the lUpmbUtbnHrpubUtan of that city aid in buring hia mother who died on J^ad, and hi* body being devoured by ^ jHltl lu>Ullt f0gether with a vre»t Marsh hay, sold, at thia farm... for £8W The trial wat witueaeed by a great A a t a floe tire Loren G. Burch, of Lebanon, waa W ton, waa drawn bv ahaip fell »w.H a nitU y farmers aud others interested in nominee of the f'on- •ge« "V.It 7IS. expected«Ll'b *hohe64 wrihn,,Vr,i?ni be » sent rj'fl,ff|r- b*->dy, andT7 groaned°,bf ; h; and'u*, ht thought;f v* The case relieved•* •*•' ei of" kiu °cashf ,h *value,h ^ and ^ - .« mute ud refold for 116 or more th# matter The d.y, it will ho re | vention for the office of Sheriff which probably originated the falsehood i mcuibcrcd, was ono ol tbe warmest and about ona week l Hm j • and groaned again Sha thei^t wera found man alley ad that Mr. Chandler speculated on the This was a stunner for Carrier aud moat oppressive of tha season. Tbe — Aa may be seen by a call ou our fcoew bia knock the moment it aoundaJ, joining the house. Mr. Wells alao lost sufferings of the farmer.—while he work begun at 6- 1H in the morning, and Sheetings, editorial page a Convention will be 10j ITlfhing down stairs in the costume a ^ but a short time previous, which Brown who run *o wall in the outset, ™ relieving them, in rainy m-l.noe. eJowd it 6:0C in tho .(u-rnoon. The Laid in tha village ol \\ estphalia, -n ippropriate to that hoar, she threw he valu'd at $15 and firmly believes especially Carrier to ,whom the oomi- rj given credit. to. poor men. . , running time waa 7 hours and 50 min- the I7lh rt SepUmber u„. f-r the h.wif ,»u, hi. h.ir, nnd hyrtoriortl, , oung Hmith urak He telegr.ph.d ££ £££*£ * ™ ^ j •“* * im,> °"e young , ,__ oaand buvhela of wheat. The num- purpose of aalecting a candidate for .h-mted • O. your I, come in here to know whether Smith waa here and .nd «u ongiii.lly bUcko.k and white er;ca[ forc< at th, mKhine «u 16 men '• IT:------wur‘ur * v m, u , ”',v must hare been humiliating to him to * s' A ii u t r u, ®nc* 1 forc# the m“,M Wl Shawls, iiapraaantative in tha State Legiala* , * * whether he had been spending any such , . . . , opening. The soil ia of a light aQ(j horaea The atraw wwas not in State T iacdkb ^ Nititiin. Io ’ ( iw thf biliBM of tbt old ofiofn re- iin^lv auilitT but ciDubldofbpinr tuidp » » •• » tura f'jr the Western District ... #-gl , currency, to which he received a reply ...... Ran iy quality,oui capable oi nemg maoe ^d thre^mg condition, beibeing damp compliance with thetbe petitionsp* tihor s f teacti : ~ nominated while h»a own Load lay to produce abundantly About 100 ...a ♦ K.f» tk« au>t «< — Wc noiios that a call has bean in the affirmative Mr. Wells was aud tough, but tbe wheat was turned en, school officers and ether citiiena blushing io the bushel. •crea are under cultivation, on nhich out jn % perfectly satisfactory manner issued by some of tbs moat prominent here ) eater day aud offered to take residing io the several localities iodi Tbe Convention then proceeded to are 1two . .. of the1 fios«t fields of corn in The job was pronounced well done in Carpets, sportsmen of th* country for a National / a i $53 50 the amount Smith owes him,, _____k.11— ,bl» T,c,D1‘r- . , cated below, the superintendent of pub* tnd rMnni borne, but not settle for tbe piepare their ballot, for Clerk, which every respect. The day ’# work certain Sportsman Convention, to bo held at A commodious farm bouee baa Wen lie instruction baa appointed a series of 0fffDre ; and if Smith men la his wayaa,, tallied np as follow* ly did credit to the machino used and Niagara Falla on September 9 and erected at a coat of about $3,000 on ita management. Tbe following ia a e*. to he held aa fol- probably nothing will be done about F B Cot lei. . teachers instituti tbe north edge of tbe marsh and a table of the time Jays following A great pigeon shoot ­ the matter. However, Mr. Wells Ibdwsrd Br«*» •. low* : M D Brown . . abort diatauce west of tha J , L A S. Hr w Tiss Brtiiu Clothing, ing tournament will also bs held at ths At Central L*S*. Antrim constjr. Aagast Lie' would rather have him properly pun Mr. Cutler was declared tbe nuani Railroad There ia alao a neat barn I « 16 to 7 16-1 hoar. 12S At Hadley. Lapeer soaatp September 7ik_ * 7 24 to ttt-1 Soar. 1JB Asms time. Let oar sportsmen make ivbsd than to receive this amount. Tbe rnouk choice of tbe Convention on the premiars. well arranged for At Tnrrara# tSlf, Omnd TrerSrm *oaaty, Sep | pleading* of hi* (Smiths) widowed I • 42 to tAf -1 boar. ISO a n *te of this. stock. The principal stock barn was « l<»ua to 11-uS-l hoar, |1« mother and young wife ia the only On motion, tbe Convention proceed 11 17 to 1144-* minataa. *3 At Moad *. Monroe ronaty. October Mb. erected two years ago at a coat of 8 4f- 1 SO to 230 1 hoot, 117 — Mr. C. E Williams, of this Til­ At Caro. Tsaeola roaatj, lietobsr lftb thing that would induce him to make ed to an informal ballot for Treasurer, 000. It ia situated half a mile north- . t4K lo 3 24 4f minute*, S6 ▲ Nl> At Deeater, Var> Keren couot) , October IStb | — erg lage, was tha first to place early peach­ this offer with the following revnlta: west of tbe farm-house, and haa all the AM to 4 1*3 1 h end 17 m. 14* Each nstitutc will begin promptly at | .3* to 6<*l —30 mluotee. SO ...... *3 modern conveniences for feeding and es upon this market the present aesvon. Joeiah Uptonpton ...... 1'otal, 7 hour* and 4S minute*. 1JMK> 2 o'clock p. m on Mooday, and coo- RmHR Nla^jlTf »• M.r«.wt Cbortss BsaeioD* ...... • watering stock. We tried to trade out 7.5 cents worth, The day a work wa* concluded by tinoe in aeaaion five days. The instruc Tbe most valuable stock on the farm bat tbe ides of paying a debt of sere* The Detroit /We Prm of Mond./. Ilobt. Yonng. tbe pre.enHocumheot threshingttireaning thetne balance ofoi tnethe crop, aboutaooni ( resent consist* of 22 head of horses ral fears Standing appeared to be ab- tion in these------institutes------is without. charge,. says:nti : " Tbeuir veirgrajiul«legr.|>b broughturuugut ucwinew. illof iurtbe officeuuivt * wiof n< lnd u,^ ,,„p.r | tn nlmort ever, jetton of «h« Hut. | cberon stallion, imported from France j I#D,B w#* ouc 01 a few years since, la in tine condition, yjb * fffiljN Jen horse M Vibrator»M •it V .nb.no paid u. not w. tb.nk f ______Hi. dawrt wm lypbo.d pneninoot.. • with mounted boiaopower, such as they *• w|* 0 ,rf enrolled aa mem g§td within one week from the The Convention then proceeded to and four yearlings and two two-y ears’ * WilUams will. •apply to their regallar trade. bars «»f the ioatitnte. will be aconimo active symptoms of the disease, take an informal ballot for Froaecuting old colts, all hia progeny, now u ▲ T — A m Eagle correspondent of tba dated with fro# boaid in families , though be had not been in good health Attorney, which resulted aa follows : the premises, are remarkable for their Fortland Ofiowrer, writing under date j {for som a time previous. Tne deceased ! xatsouy coot ...... similarityiilarif in color, make up, sise, and PHOlirAMLi: I %CT* ty. ' Thay bid fair to make strong ' of the 18th, writes thus ; ** On Sator Chios School .—Section 2, Part I\ waa aevent y-one year* of age, and had H«nry woit-nds* ...... • beanty. They bid fair to make strong j.j Urt. ■ iittU girl .nd boy, ebildrM of ‘b« “wo,, »d r* lr* »nJ r«g»*»»lon., rnided in -ul,ng ,h°r..,,*tV.!m* mi.'/ On motion, lb« l.nlutcc of tbe ofi farm•horaea or exeellent roadsters Tbe Men ’s boots $3 50 per pair at weight of the sire ia about 1,400 r^qn rt Willn BoekDy, wm eog.gcd with “ publi.hfd in lW kf.nart, providw years, coming there from Lapeer, McCabes . where he had long been a reaident. He Ntre nominated by aoelamation. •• pounds, and not lonjf since he trotted ... tboir gTM.df.tk.r, Mr Hildrrth. Srio, 'b.t RnpiD «.( ,b. 1'nmu, «, i Srt- ______a mile on the track in this city in four ’ " (omen a Serge Shoe# $1.50 per Bargains! 1 and aa such (follows stamps about eighty rods from ondary grades are requir< J to attecxl ^ gjg m^ tn hasten the ffiWVtk of thf minutes. pair at MeCabe'a 409 ('trnut Comrt ( ommtsston^n —Heory when the grandfather was the school estabhabed in tha anb dia- c|tj. private character could be Tbe uncleared 800 acres of oak open —I shall be prepared to |>ay cash tbr K. Walbridgv, Ringhan. and B. H. ings by a litle expense could be con-1 for WOolcn socks and mittens again ,-.IU4 t«.t for mb. purpoM. Dm, ing Iriel io which they wide, nolea p«r more bDm«l«. thin hi., Md hi* pub- JS .irlrtooT Ii wm Bitud U> .U«h« by.be School «* -cord *. v. «Urtortioo mm | Srtrtillc, Ovrt. verted into a beautiful natural park. tbit Pall, aa usual. E. K. Bxrhxtt . at thx the little boy and girl ient* N’arreysr—Lewis Fenrl, Grsaobush. btoThe built J., *L. rtrtion Sl 8. h00MRailroad oot Comu7?TOBi —Women . Serg. Shoe. 41.50 per Board Agreeably, therefore, to tbe *•» bi* ®PI«« soon discovered that ths clothes of tha . V* . . . He served two terms in the State ~Hen- C'ormfrs—John N. Me Far Ian, Bing- liwD (irl woro ia 4mbm. They workod shove proviaion, notice is hereby given ^ % Urm$ l0 the farm-hones, put ia s twitch, and pair at MeCabs'a. 409. that all pupils of the above named lhe ||Qum , hi. ImI being in 1868-9 “ „ , “ \ nL t l . .bort tiao to pit o#t tho fire ot t«»r designated it aa Chandler Station. A Mr.x’a boots $3 50 per pair at large building baa been erected near (409:tf] McCabb ’c. off tho clothe, bat bang frifblosod grades attending school, and residing It was through hia efforts more than, * r* ’ rj °"* ______I" ia the following described section of! “J other psmon ’a that Lansin g was A Potter, of Ovid, end Mr. Lyman the track, which is used for baling and j the Star Cloth* Mammoth Stora f.ilod "to ,7do TToilbcr,’ ^7bat oBothcrod T*l?tb« TZ.T ... . lh. i foikkrtl ^th rrtlroU Ilaogorford, of Riley, were .ppoiatod * h'IC*c«£r rt Mr. C h.ndler . f.rm,fof 10 rm" 1" bo*- 1* 8 Ira ^dMrtd, .»d rtMtod for Oc W-itort ho wd hi. liberty i. ra.kto, loc.l i- .. C£nt, C.n.r.l t’oBrai.Jfcr tho for 25 «eots. 409:2 howss as fast as they oonld go. When Femo -School. From the northern provm *mU has greatly henafitad tha I • 7 _ is four miles north of the Agricultural College, and the State rood running Ths following are a few of the many north from the College upon the line advantages claimed for the Empire no of the to wne of DeWitt and Bath pas Grain Drill, for which C. W. Lyon, of ass tlirough ths center of this farm Lyon s Mills, ia agent for thia ronoty : Lifhissisffi d la the spring of 1873, Mr. Chandler Mart mrmtf A ad Sear* i«a*s as Urt nerk> of Iba Jii tor thinks she is not dangerowaly burned. era limit of the district All pupils n«am*. O l. epasuiof* scoured the ssrvioee of Hon. R. K. Durability a ad sH»pM«'> Sows wbeat. rra. Wtoy. oala.fwaa. b#a*s,*ora, of grades other than tbe Primary ami ftWl-VlMOt.lK lax deaveirifh Prsataiiy sa4 Lost .—On or about ths 21at met, s Seco nda ry, nnd all pnpils of these — Card edge, g rate grain and belt ribbons onlv ^5 cents s vard at Rle Gold Pswoil with i garnet Mon# in ths grides residing in ths other section of it phenaoo a Neatly Executed top. The finder will bo suitably m* the district are required to attend the Mbs a boots 8$ 60 per near at by leaving the mom at Union School By order of the (409-tf] McCabs '#. 410 St. Johns. At Ihl4 ©Wee, 401 R B Brwxta. Snpt 1