THE CONCORDIAN VOL. 93, NO. 20 THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 2017 – MOORHEAD, MINN. THECONCORDIAN.ORG Three Concordia seniors RECEIVE Fulbright Grants BY KATLEYN KASSELLA in an email interview. “I’m “As a German Ed major,
[email protected] sure part of the reason is I Germany was a natural fit,” As the majority of seniors actually didn’t feel confident Reitan said in an email inter- prepare for full-time careers enough in my German skills. view. “I look forward to get- or graduate school, three are However, I also wanted to ting firsthand experience in packing their bags for ten apply to a country I had never the German school system.” months abroad after receiv- been to before.” Steinwand said the ap- ing Fulbright fellowships. Scarborough explained plication process involves The Fulbright U.S. Stu- that she was not able to apply completing an application dent Program provides to some places like Russia, that includes a personal grants for individually de- where an additional inter- statement and a statement signed study or research view in the native language is of grant purpose, as well as projects for English Teaching required. She ultimately went participating in an on-cam- Assistant Programs. Jenna with Malaysia because it is a pus interview with a faculty Scarborough, Oliver Reitan non-Western country, which member. Next, the applicant and Ruth Peterson received she decided she wanted after moves through the national the award this year. Accord- a positive experience study- screening and host coun- ing to English Professor Jon- ing abroad in India, and had try selection.