Villa Barbaro - Maser - 11-29-2013 by Around & About Treviso - Around & About Treviso -

Villa Barbaro - Maser by Around & About Treviso - venerdì, Novembre 29, 2013

photo by aroundandabouttreviso

Dichiarata patrimonio dell’umanita’ dall’Unesco nel 1996, Villa Barbaro di Maser e’ un capolavoro di architettura che sorge alle pendici dei Colli Asolani, poco distante da Asolo.

La realizzazione ad opera dell’architetto si ritiene sia avvenuta tra il 1554 ed il 1560, quando la nobile famiglia veneziana Barbaro gli commissiono’ di ristrutturare la loro dimora medievale a Maser. Per la prima volta la casa dominicale, il corpo centrale riservato ai nobili come luogo di rappresentanza, e’ allineata in un unico corpo lineare con le barchesse, la zona preposta alla servitu’. Le regioni probabilmente sono dovute alla preesistente struttura medievale ed al fatto che Villa Barbaro si trova alle pendici dei colli.

L’interno e’ impreziosito dalle sei sale magnificamente affrescate da , mentre adiacente

1 / 14 Villa Barbaro - Maser - 11-29-2013 by Around & About Treviso - Around & About Treviso -

alla Villa, il Palladio verso il 1580 realizzo’ il Tempietto a piano circolare, in quanto il commitente volle donare una nuova chiesa alla comunita’ di Maser.

Percorrendo un sentiero, in pochi minuti vi troverete al Museo delle Carrozze che dispone di circa 30 mezzi antichi di locomozione. La Villa ha inoltre un’ottima cantina di vini, quindi se desiderate allietare anche il palato dopo la vista, vi consiglio di fermarvi al De Gusto, che si trova nella casa colonica attigua a Villa Barbaro. I taglieri che vi propongono sono molto buoni, con un’ampia scelta di specialita’ locali dai formaggi ai salumi, e per completare al meglio la vostra visita, fate accompagnare il tagliere da un ottimo calice di vino.


Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1996, Villa Barbaro in Maser is a masterpiece of architecture located on the slopes of the Asolo hills.

Designed by the architect Andrea Palladio, it was built between 1554 and 1560, when the noble Venetian family commissioned the Palladio to restore their medieval house in Maser. For the first time the manor house, the central body reserved for the nobility as a place of representation, is aligned in a single unit with the barns, the area for the servants. The rreasons are probably due to pre-existing medieval structure and the fact that Villa Barbaro is located on the slopes of the hills.

The interior is embellished by six rooms beautifully decorated with frescoes by Paolo Veronese, while next to the Villa, Palladio in 1580 realised the Tempietto with circular floor, because the orderer Marcantonio Barbaro wanted to donate a new church to the town of Maser .

Along a path on the back of the Villa you will be at the Carriage Collection which has about 30 antique carriages. The villa also has an excellent wine cellar, so if you want to delight your sight as well as the palate, I suggest taking a break at De Gusto, which is located in the farmhouse next to the Villa Barbaro. Try the tasty local cheese and cured meat plates with a good glass of wine and you’ll never forget this trip.

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photo by aroundandabouttreviso

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4 / 14 Villa Barbaro - Maser - 11-29-2013 by Around & About Treviso - Around & About Treviso -

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photo by aroundandabouttreviso

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photo by aroundandabouttreviso

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photo by aroundandabouttreviso

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photo by aroundandabouttreviso

photo by aroundandabouttreviso

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photo by aroundandabouttreviso

photo by aroundandabouttreviso

11 / 14 Villa Barbaro - Maser - 11-29-2013 by Around & About Treviso - Around & About Treviso -

photo by aroundandabouttreviso

12 / 14 Villa Barbaro - Maser - 11-29-2013 by Around & About Treviso - Around & About Treviso -

de gusto photo by aroundandabouttreviso

13 / 14 Villa Barbaro - Maser - 11-29-2013 by Around & About Treviso - Around & About Treviso -

de gusto photo by aroundandabouttreviso


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