
Table of Content

1. Climate Jusce & Livelihood 03

1.1 GROW Campaign 03

2. Sustainable Livelihoods 06

2.1 Empowering Youth Employability and Enterpreneurship 06

3. Democracy & Governance 11

3.1 Finance for Development 11

4. Women Empowerment 19

5. Inspiraons, Encouragements & Linkages 22

6. Media Engagement 23

6.1 Newsleer 23

7. Financial Report 29 Message This is the fourth annual report of Indus Consorum since its registraon with SECP in June 2014. IC scope of work from riverine communies to rest of the populaon of Sindh and Punjab provinces in has scaled up during the last four years, now comprising of Policy advocacy iniaves for small farmers parcularly women, youth, common cizens and Civil Society Empowerment on Fair Tax System, Climate Change Adaptaon and Migaon, Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship, Women Voters' Registraon and awareness on Right to Informaon.

The salient achievements for Indus Consorum during 2018 included Effecve and High Quality Programme implementaon, successful resource mobilizaon leading to increase in donor porolio, obtaining PCP Cerficaon, registraon iniave with EAD and iniaon of Tax Exempon process.

The GROW Campaign under which IC and Oxfam are now recognized as key acve stakeholders on Climate Change in Punjab being member of the Provincial Steering Commiee of Climate Change Policy overseen by Planning & Development and EPD Punjab. IC has influenced the dra Climate Change Policy in Punjab and facilitated the small growers and women farmers to present charter of demand to Environment Ministry, engaged mainstream polical pares of Punjab for CC Policy and increase the budget allocaon of climate change adaptaon and migaon.

Under Finance for development iniave IC has enhanced the knowledge and capacies of civil society organizaons on fair tax system, inequality and equitable distribuon of public spending through Budget Advocacy.

Empowering Youth for Employability and Entrepreneurship (EYEE)is another important iniave which has engaged youth of South Punjab. Formaon and capacity building of Youth Employability Network is significant achievement of the Project which has taken lead and bridging the gap among the urban, rural, literate, illiterate, male, female youth through connecng with network and providing the plaorm for employability and entrepreneurship.

Under women CNICs and voter registraon campaign Indus Consorum has registered approximately 800 women voters neither having CNICs, nor registered as voters. Through this project women from coastal Sindh recognized their identy as cizen and voter which will help them to be part of democrac polical process of right to vote.

Under the “Identy and Informaon are Cizens' Rights: TABEER- Consolidang Democracy in Pakistan Project” IC as part of Sindh Coalion for SDG 16 has idenfied the issues, problems and obstacles regarding SDG 16.10 (Right to Informaon) with extensive engagement of relevant government departments and civil society.

Indus Consorum will be looking forward to work with Government Departments, Academia, and Parliamentarian, marginalized groups to make Pakistan prosperous, resilient and a developed country where no one will be le behind.

Last but not least, on behalf of Indus Consorum BOD I would like to extend my appreciaon to IC Management and staff whose hard work, efficient linkages, effecve engagement has made this possible.

We wish them all the very best for future endeavors!

Jamshaid Farid Chairman

01 Message I am pleased to share the fourth annual report of Indus Consorum for year 2017-18 which has been efficaciously published. The report entails the accomplishments of Indus Consorum in the core themac areas of Sustainable Livelihood, Water and Sanitaon, Climate Change and Tax Jusce. The reless efforts of IC Board of Director (BOD) members, hard work of dedicated management and enthusiasc field team make it possible for IC to engage stakeholders and primary actors through effecve advocacy, lobbying, strong networking and producve discourse generaon. The impact of IC efficient advocacy can be seen through several success stories in projects such as launching of Budget, blogging campaigns on Safe Food Fight Hunger and Beat Plasc Polluon media campaign, engaging youth from 27 public and private universies in Tax Jusce Film Fesval 2017, launching of Human Economy Report under Finance for Development project, formaon of Youth Employability Network and Translaon of Punjab Youth Policy under the project of Empowering Youth for Employability and Entrepreneurship. I would like to show my gratude and appreciaon for steadfast and unswerving IC team.

We expect that next year will be more brightened and fecund which will broaden and scale-up the scope of IC.

Moreover, I would like to be highly gracious for the efforts of Ms. Fiza Qureshi, Manager Program Implementaon and Ms. Maham Tariq, Media and Communicaon officer in the compilaon, eding and publicaon of this annual report.

Profound Regards Hussain Jarwar Chief Execuve Officer (CEO)

02 1. Climate Jusce & Livelihood 1.1 GROW Campaign A Case Study

Local Adaptation Plans of Action (LAPAs) on Climate Change - Development and Endorsement

Chasing the policy proposion and instuonal set up at provincial level aer the country's 18th constuonal amendment, GROW campaign in the strategic & implementaon partnership and collaboraon with Oxfam in Pakistan has started working on three tears. While iniang with creang sensizaon and awareness among the local communies including men and women small holders and farmers, develop and strengthen the linkages and networks working on climate change and food security agenda and development of district forums and provincial steering commiee Punjab to act as a technical assistance bodies under GROW campaign. Thirdly to iniate a discourse on the need of policy and instuonal set ups at provincial level on climate change and food security.

The district forums have facilitated the campaign to develop Local Adaptaon Plans of Acon in 6 districts of punjab including Rawalpindi, Layyah, , Multan, Rajanpur and Rahimyar Khan. It engaged in a dialogue on developing the climate change and food security adaptaon plans at union council level by extensive engagement of stakeholders at all levels, including district authories, civil society representaves, environmentalists, agriculturists, academia, youth, media, small holders and women farmers.

The objecve to develop LAPAs was to engage all relevant stakeholders in each district and develop a comprehensive plan on the climate change adaptaon which will not only be endorsed by the district authories but also be integrated into their Local Annual Development Plans (ADPs).

All six LAPAs were developed aer the comprehensive consultave sessions with the stakeholders, which later on received 12 endorsement leers from different departments including Livestock, Agriculture and Environment. In order to ensure implementaon of LAPAs in each district GROW district forums had lobby connuously with the district authories and also assisted the departments to implement the small chunks of acvies idenfied in the adaptaon plans. All six LAPAs were developed aer the Furthermore; through the excellent coordinaon and linkages comprehensive consultave sessions forest department of Punjab extended evidently an excellent with the stakeholders, which later on coordinaon through a leer of support wrien to district forest received 12 endorsement leers from officers of Rajanpur, Layyah, Rawalpindi, Multan and Lahore which different district and provincial enabled GROW campaigner to get outstanding support for departments showed up the level of provision of small plants saplings for tree plantaon as many as commitment and alignment of district they would like to have in any of campaign's target districts authories with the campaign's objecves. These endorsement and support leers from district and provincial departments showed up the level of commitment and alignment of district authories with the campaign's objecves.

03 During the reporng period, following acvies were recommendaons pertaining to climate financing in conducted: the light of the findings of Climate Public Expenditure Review. · LAPA Launch &Training of Government Oficials

Training session for Government officials and Launch of Local Adaptaon Plan of Acon (LAPA) and district advocacy plan was organized at Rajanpur and Layyah. 108 parcipants in total (37 female and 71 male) aended the event.

· GROW Week Celebrations

Indus Consorum, in collaboraon with Oxfam and Hashoo Foundaon celebrated GROW week from · Rural Women Convention October 16 to October 22, 2017 to commemorate World Food Day. The theme of this year for World Indus Consorum in collaboraon with Oxfam and Food Day was “Change the future of migraon, Hashoo Foundaon organized the Rural Women Invest in Food Security and Rural Development”. The Convenon “Financing Women Farmers, Invest in basic purpose of this celebraon was to promote Food Security and Rural Development” in Lahore. A awareness among the masses around food wastage week before the Rural Conference, focused group and encourage acon for those who suffer from discussions (FGDs) were carried out with 77 rural hunger. men and women farmers at Multan, Rajanpur and Layyah. A media stunt was also carried out by rural women and female university students holding placards with demands and recommendaons on behalf of all women farmers before the Minister Environment.

IC organized seminars and public rallies with local farmers and district authories in Layyah and Rajanpurin which 271 people (64 female and 207 male) acvely parcipated in the event.

In Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi and · Climate Public Expenditure Review Bahauddin-Zakriya University Multan. University Indus Consorum organized Launch of Budget students were engaged in blog wring compeon to bring ideas online at Indus Blog.

· Provincial Steering Committee Meetings

Two provincial steering commiee meengs were organized in Lahore. The objecves of the meengs w e r e t o fi n a l i z e t h e a l r e a d y c o l l e c t e d recommendaons from rural women of Rajanpur, M u l t a n a n d L a y y a h a n d fi n a l i z e t h e

04 · World Environment Day Celebration

To celebrate World Environment Day 2018, public and digital campaign on “Beat Plasc Polluon” was iniated. During the public campaign, volunteers distributed environment friendly bags at Savor Foods at Islamabad, 2 stores of CSD Rawalpindi, 2 Ramzan bazaars at Lahore, Barket market traffic signal Lahore, Jumma Bazaar at Islamabad, BahauddinZakria University and Bosan Road Multan.

Digital campaign included 10 blogs, wrien by Primer and GROW Fesval at College of Earth and students, university youth and GROW campaigners, Environmental Sciences (CEES), University of wide coverage of bags distribuon in mainstream Punjab, Lahore. Mr. Bilal Yasin, Minister Food print and electronic media, 2 TV talk shows, 2 radio officially inaugurated GROW Fesval, whereas programs and 210 radio messages in and Begum Zakia Shah Nawaz, Minister Environment Punjabi language on FM 101 and 100. launched the Climate Public Expenditure Review/ Budget Primer. CEES students parcipated in blog wring, storytelling and model making compeon and performed an interacve theater “Smog and other local Issues of climate change in Lahore”

The main speakers included Prof. Dr. Sajid Rashid Ahmad, Principal CEES, University of the Punjab, Muhammad Qazalbash, Country Director Oxfam, Prof. Dr. SarwatNazMirza, Vice Chancellor PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Prof. Dr. Taqi Bu, Acng Vice Chancellor University of the Punjab, Prof. Dr. Shakeel Ahmad, BahauddinZakariya University Multan, Dr. MeenaJafferLaghari, Ex-MNA, and Mr. JamshaidFarid, Chairperson Indus Consorum.


05 2. Sustainable Livelihoods 2.1 Empowering Youth Employability and Enterpreneurship

Youth Employability Network (YEN) is a network of youth volunteers who are dedicated to empower skilled, un-skilled, educated and uneducated youth of Multan and Muzaffargarh f o r t h e i r r e s i l i e n t l i v e l i h o o d a n d Entrepreneurship. It is a success story under Empowering Youth for Employability and Entrepreneurship (EYEE) Project funded by VSO and implemented by IC. YEN has envisioned to build an enabling environment for youth where they can have more opportunies for their resilient livelihood, decent work and entrepreneurship. Currently YEN has 32 registered youth members and it encompasses an execuve body which is responsible for administrave funconing of network. They have their framework and strategic plan. This network has provided a plaorm to raise voice for the rights of youth. On the occasion of Provincial Policy Dialogue organized in Lahore, YEN has presented recommendaons on Punjab Youth Policy to policians and policy makers to advocate for the current employability challenges and the rights of Pakistani youth at policy level. Within 2 months aer its establishment, YEN has placed 22 Youth as a skilled worker in Khuwaja factory (18 females & 4 males) Multan, capacitated 2 youth members as a Markeng Consultant, placed 2 “We work to change female youth as a master trainers and placed 6 youth members at the lives of those Mux Instute of Professional Studies. Moreover, YEN has iniated who need it most” 50% travel discount cards for 150 people with disability. A number of youth from different background are registering on YEN web portal YEN Message as a Youth volunteers and YEN is engaging youth from local communies of Multan and Muzaffargarh through acvely parcipang in different acvies of Empowering Youth for Employability and Entrepreneurship. 07 During the 2018-19 pilong phase of Empowering Reference for Youth Network formaon and four Youth for Employability and Entrepreneurship (EYEE) themac areas of capacity building, exposure, Project supported by Voluntary Service Overseas networking, research and experience sharing of (VSO), Indus Consorum (IC) as an implementaon youth network endeavour emerged through partner successfully organized following different collaborave discussion with youth. acvies:

· Consultative Meetings

A consultave meeng was organized with 40 Government officials, representaves from BhauddinZakaria University (BZU), civil society, youth and private sector in BZU Multan. The purpose of this meeng was to idenfy the role of civil society, Government & private sector in e n h a n c i n g y o u t h e m p l o y a b i l i t y a n d entrepreneurship in Pakistan.

· Consultative Meeting with Youth Network

Indus Consorum(IC) with the collaboraon of VSO · L a u n c h i n g C e r e m o n y o f Y o u t h organized a consultaon meeng with youth Employability Network networks for capacity appraisal on collaborave advocacy, resilience, and social accountability in Aer a successful dialogue with youth of Multan and Multan. More than 40 youth parcipants and Muzaffargarh to address the significance of youth representaves of networks have parcipated and network, a formal ceremony of Youth Employability shared their opinion about the youth employability Network formaon was commemorated in which and enterprise development in Pakistani context. Naonal Volunteers (NVs) of VSO, 30 members of Youth Employability Network and prominent members of CSO have parcipated. The agenda of this launching ceremony was to welcome all members on network board, to define the name and objecve of the network, hierarchy of youth network and nominaon of elecng execuve body and management team.

· Dialogue with Youth Network

A youth Network Dialogue was organized to get different insights regarding youth exposure to employability challenges and experiences in Multan and Muzaffargarh. During a dialogue, parcipants shared their views regarding the significance of forming youth network at Multan and they shared · Orientation Workshop for Government, their expectaons from youth network. By the end Private Sector and CSOs of session, parcipants addressed the need of youth network formaon for the youth of Multan and One day Orientaon Workshop for Government and Muzaffargarh. They also developed Term of Private Sector and CSOs was organized in Multan by

08 VSO in collaboraon with Indus Consorum and Youth Employment Network engaged the youth with MeraMaan on 16th February, 2018. The workshop the entertainment industry and also called them for was designed to establish a common understanding E-Baithak to promote them in the internaonal about Resilience, Social Accountability and Social market. Inclusion and Gender amongst government, private sector, CSOs and media and to idenfy the key · Provincial Policy Dialogue stakeholders for the establishment of Employability Agenda at district level. Volunteer Service Organizaon (VSO) Internaonal, Indus Consorum (IC) and Youth Employability · 0 3 - D a y R e s i d e n t i a l T r a i n i n g o n Network (YEN) jointly organized an inclusive and Strengthening Youth Employability parcipatory “Provincial Policy Dialogue Iniave on th Network Youth Employability” in Lahore on March 15 , 2018. Members of Punjab Assembly, Academia, Corporate A three day training workshop on “Strengthening Execuves, Universies' students, youth EYEE-Youth Employability Network (YEN)”was representaves from various districts across the organized to build strategic direcons and capacies province, and members of civil society parcipated of aYouth Network. Capacity building of 22 Youth in three different panel discussions probing roles of policy makers, public and private sector and academia pertaining to issues, challenges and pathways of youth employability.

members of Youth Network from districts Multan and Muzaffargarh regarding applicaon of social accountability, social inclusion, gender and resilience to employability for establishment of a successful and sustainable network was achieved through The objective of Policy Dialogue: workshop. YEN members have oriented 49 youth · Idenfy the gaps in youth Policy of Punjab members in district Muzaffargarh about YEN and its regarding youth employability and future acon plans. They facilitated 178 youth to recommendaon. register their CNIC to be eligible for their rights in Pakistan. · Idenfy the issues of educated youth r e g a r d i n g e m p l o y a b i l i t y a n d · Talent Hunt Show recommendaons by academia . A talent hunt show was organized in which more than 280 people from VSO (Islamabad Office), · Idenfy the issues and challenges faced by government sector, private sector, entertainment the private sector in hunng skillful youth for industry and local community had parcipated. The employability and entrepreneurship and main objecves of this event were to provide an recommendaons for problem soluon. opportunity for arsc youth to express their · Role of parliamentarian in youth policy talents; to support young arsts in presenng and making process and recommendaon for markeng their talents; and to build linkages of employability in a public sector. youth with top companies. Through this plaorm,

09 ·Panel Discussion with 4 Public Universities' Representatives

In this session the issues, challenges and pathways of youth employability and the role of academia were discussed. This session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Abdul Saboor, Dean, Social Sciences, Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi; Prof. Dr. Kalsoom Zulifqar, Chairperson, Economics Department Punjab University Lahore, Dr. Nazim Labar, HoD, Agriculture Department, BZU Multan , Dr. Muhammad Ismail Kumbhar, Director, University Advancement and Financial Assistance/Assistant Professor/Training Coordinator, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam and pathways of youth employability and the role of and Mr. Jameel Najam, the renowned educaonist private sector in Pakistan was discussed. The awarded with Tamgha-e-Imaz were the panelists of panelists in this session were Dr. Shafiq Ahmad the session. (Country Manager, Beer Coon Iniave) Mr. Qaiser Nadeem (Country Director, Louis Berger), Muhammad Ali Ibrahim (Head CSR, Mobilink) and Ms. Shahnaz Kapadia (CEO Mera Maan), whereas the session was chaired by Mr. Saajid Naseer ,MD, Punjab Vocaonal Training Council (PVTC).

· Panel Discussion with Parliamentarian

The session was moderated by Mr. Shahryar Khan (Program Manager, VSO). In this session youth policy of Punjab, its issues, challenges, pathways for youth employability and role of policy makers was extensively discussed. The panelists in the session were Sardar Ramesh Singh Arora (MPA, PML-N), Ms. Saadia Sohail  · Panel Discussion with Public & Private Rana (MPA, PTI), Ms. Faiza Malik (MPA, PPP) and Mr. Sector Sardar Wiqas Hassan Mokal (MPA, PML-Q). The session was moderated by Mr. Saud Masud (CEO, Vector Partner). In this session, issues, challenges

10 3. Democracy & Governance 3.1 Finance for Development

Case Study: Voice for Change

Pre-Elecon Campaigning on Public Manifesto The Tax Jusce Coalion is an independent naonal network launched in 2003 with the support of Indus Consorum and Oxfam under Finance for Development project. It is the representave forum of 50 civil society organizaons and journalists from 45 districts of Sindh and Punjab. The main objecve of the formaon of TJC is to provide plaorm to civil society and common cizens to bring the issues of inequality, unjust tax system and pro poor spending of public money. TJC is inclusive plaorm, covering all geographic, linguisc, gender inclusive, parcipaon of excluded segments of society including minories, transgender, PWDs and other marginalized and voiceless secons of the society .

General Elecons 2018 were scheduled on 25 August 2018 in Pakistan. Taking this as an opportunity, TJC devised a 4 point Public Manifesto to get it owned by main stream polical pares of Pakistan through incorporang it in their Elecon Manifesto. The 4 point agenda includes the declaraon of food, housing and health as fundamental right in the Constuon of Pakistan and the steps to be taken to change the regressive tax system into progressive taxaon in the country.

Tax Jusce Coalion members conducted 25 lobbying meengs with mainstream polical party leaders and the

11 constuon commiees of the polical pares across Pakistan from district to provincial levels. Furthermore, the members organized 23 district Public Forums parcipated by 1650 male and female representaves from all walks of life. During lobbying meengs and Public Forums, the members presented the public manifesto to the candidates of the polical pares and recorded their pledges as they would include public manifesto in their party manifestos and will work on these issues when they will come into power.

The Public Manifesto Campaign was a big success to put forward the cizens' priority demands to the polical pares on one hand and generate the discourse on regressive tax system in Pakistan. All mainstream polical pares of Pakistan have well taken the demands of TJC and incorporated in the elecon manifesto of these polical pares. This is a great accomplishment that tax and public spending including food, shelter and health will stand top most priority agenda of leading polical pares in the coming five years in Pakistan.


12 Under F4D Project the following acvies were · CSOs' Transfer of Trainings conducted in the reporng period: Twenty five civil society organizaons (CSOs) from · Social Media Bloggers Training Sindh and Punjab carried out 47 training sessions in their respecve communies both at urban and rural Three Social Media Bloggers Training were centers. The objecve of conducng sessions in conducted in , Lahore and Islamabad. In total communies was to get the masses aware issues of 57 social media bloggers were trained from fair tax, public spending and its relaon with poverty University of Sindh, Punjab University, Arid and inequality. In total 1508 tax advocates including Agriculture University, Naonal University of 710 women and 776 men and 22 transgender were Modern Languages, and Quaid-I-Azam University. trained. They produced more than 40 blogs on fair tax and public finance.

· Tax Justice Coalition The objecve of the meeng was to prepare recommendaons of pro poor demands in the shape of public manifesto. Aer comprehensive discussion · CSOs Training on “Tax and Budget” and brainstorming three key demands had/have Advocacy been finalized, to put in public manifesto document. Food shelter should be placed as fundamental rights Indus Consorum in collaboraon with Oxfam in the Constuon of Pakistan. Regressive tax system organized a training workshop in Islamabad with should be replaced with progressive tax system and twenty five civil society organizaons from Sindh and increase allocaon in educaon , health and social Punjab. The purpose of TOT was to build the capacity services. of Pakistani CSOs on fair finance and public spending. CSOs have representaon from Sindh and Punjab · Coalition Core Committee Meeting Provinces of Pakistan. One Senior team member of each CSO parcipated in the TOT to equip with In TJC meeng, they prepared implementaon plan knowledge. for lobbying meengs with polical pares, devised media engagement strategy and engagement of masses at district level.

· Public Policy Forum and Report Launch “Reward Work, Not Wealth”

In regards to Global Celebraon of Even It Up Campaign Indus Consorum in collaboraon with Oxfam launched a briefing paper “Reward Work Not Wealth” at public policy forum at Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi. The key note speaker was renowned economist Dr. Kaiser Bengali, whereas the guest speakers including Dr. Pervez Tahir, President

13 the Bank of Punjab and Ms. Nadia Tahir, Women Chamber of Commerce Lahore. The guest speakers talked on different aspects of the inequality in Pakistan.

· Civil Society Statement on Budget : Indus Consorum team with the support of Tax Jusce Collaon has developed civil society statement and translated it in Urdu and English versions. Cartoon Exhibition and Inequality Concert The launch of civil society statement has been Cartoon Exhibion and Inequality Concert were held organized Karachi Press Club parcipated by 40 at F-9 Fama Jinnah Park, Islamabad, where journalists, business community and civil society. hundreds of youth from various walks of life TV talk show parcipated. Famous singer and social acvist Jawad Ahmad performed in the event. · Two member team represenng tax jusce collaon and Indus Consorum parcipated in our hour TV Talk show SAWAL on Awami Awaz TV Channel which was solely about the tax system of Pakistan and demands of civil society and cizens for tax reforms. ( Please crop the following photo from right side)

Shadow Budget of District Layyah

Ÿ The objecve of Shadow Budget was to promote the idea of inclusive planning and idenficaon issue of deficit planning. Under the shadow budget exercise communies, government line departments shared their experiences and jointly · Meetings with government oficials, elected idenfied priority areas of common cizen and representatives and civil society incorporated in recommendaon of shadow budget document. The recommendaons have Meengs were held with government officials, been presented to provincial government of elected representaves,civil society and Community. Punjab for future policy planning The parcipants of the community consultaons idenfied the most pressing issues of district Layyah

14 budget was to offer an alternave perspecve on development expenditure on a pilot basis so the same can be replicated at the provincial level next year. The shadow budget highlighted allocaon of expenditure in educaon, health and social welfare sectors at district level

· All Pakistan Chambers of Commerce Presidents Conference

All Pakistan Chambers of Commerce Presidents Conference was organized at Gwadar. It was parcipated by the members of chambers, internaonal chambers, Chinese Council Karachi, in the health, educaon and social welfare sectors, as locals of Gwadar, government officials and NGOs. well as determined priories for the next financial year's shadow budget.

· Joint Stakeholder Consultation Joint Stakeholder consultaon was conducted to idenfy development priories for Layyah. It was parcipated by 71 from various walks of life such as journalists, civil society acvists, government official and community.

· Launch of Shadow Budget The launch of shadow budget was held in collaboraon with the Department of Economics, · Orientation Sessions on National Tax University of Punjab Lahore During the launch, Justice Film Festival

Orientaon sessions on Naonal Tax Jusce Youth Film Fesval were conducted at Ilma University Karachi, University of Sindh Jamshoro and Sindh AgricultureUniversityTando Jam. It was parcipated by 160 people (127 male and 33 female) from all three universies.

idenfied obstacles in reducing inequalies in the areas of educaon, health and social welfare at district level were presented.

The specific purpose of preparing Layyah's shadow

15 Case Study: Identity and Information are Citizens' Rights project worked inclusively with the groups suffering from Identity Crisis in the Society

Nisha Rao (Muhammad Kashaf) is 26 years old and doing LLB from SM Law college Karachi in 3rd year. She/male is living with group of transgenders near Jinnah hospital Karachi in a Kacchi Bas. In this area there are many transgenders are living and working as volunteers with Gender Interacve Alliance (GIA) registered for Transgenders having 5000 registered members only in Karachi.

Under IICR project, we approached GIA to conduct mobilizaon sessions with them on casng their votes in Elecon. In a vibrant session with them, they openly shared the issues and challenges they specifically face on E-day. It was their feedback that IC team developed a theatre " Nazo Hali Vote Dean" i.e., 'Nazo will cast the vote' to depict the challenges transgender facing. This theater was performed with 8000 community males and females of Badin and Sijawal districts to sensize them that Identy is their basic right and that right should be exercised with respect , which is only possible if society give them their due place and respect.

Nisha is focal person of GIA and work socially for trans community. She requested us to document her life, along with her friends, to let the world know that transgenders are far more than what we predominantly believe. They are more than sex workers. They are more than beggars. They are more than all that we believe they are. Maybe if we open our hearts, our minds, and our eyes, we'll be able to see this.

16 Sindh Coalition on SDG -16 recommendaons.

TABEER Hum has facilitated local Civil Society · Meeting with UNDP Planning and Organizaons (CSO) to Development Unit u n d e r t a k e s o c i a l Mobilizaon around the A coordinaon meeng was held with UNDP-SDG S D G 1 6 A g e n d a ' a n d Unit in which Communicaon and Advocacy Lead, s u p p o r t e d i n t h e members from Development Policy Unit of UNDP development of “SDG 16 Coalions” comprising of Pakistan and the representaves of all 4 coalion CSOs of 4 provinces of the country. In Sindh, the members had parcipated during meeng.It was Coalion (SMIT) comprises of four partner decided that Sindh Collaon partners and UNDP organizaons of Tabeer-Hum, including Indus team will coordinate with each other in different Consorum. acvies and UNDP will support coalion members to get connected with focal persons on SDGs in · Consultative Sessions on SDGs - 16 different departments and with the youth groups they are working with on SDG 16. Indus Consorum organized 2 consultave sessions to ensure SDG-16 agenda as a mainstream in · Meeting with Ombudsman

An introductory meeng was organized with Registrar Provincial Ombudsman Sindh (Mr. Masood Ishrat) on 8th May 2018 at Ombudsman Office, Karachi. He was briefed about project entled as “Identy and Informaon are Cizens' Right” and its acvies. Mr. Masood showed keen interest and extended support in implemenng project acvies which aimed to promote the SGD 16 in the 2018 elecons.

· Town Hall Meetings on Voter Education upcoming elecons of 2018. The purpose of and Mobilization consultaon was to understand the issues and IC engaged excluded groups (women Minories, challenges of the implementaon of Right to transgender, PWDs) to ensure voter educaon and Informaon law. The perspecve of government and increased parcipaon of marginalized groups in the cizens have been brought on one table for common General Elecons of 2018. A series of 08 Town Hall understanding. sessions were organized on Voter educaon and One consultave session was organized on the Challenges faced by these groups during elecon. behalf of SIMT – The Civil Society Coalion on SDGs During 8 town hall sessions, 33 Persons with for Sindh. During a session, 15 government officials Disability (women, men and children), 25 of different departments including Ombudsman transgender and 34 parcipants of minority Office, Elecon Commission, Irrigaon Department, groups(Chrisan and Hindu) from Karachi had Public Universies, Planning & Development, Water Sector Improvement Project (WISP), Urban Planning, and Public Prosecutor were engaged. Whereas other session was organized in which parcipants from diversified groups including CSOs, academia, researchers, journalist and media had shared their experience and highlighted challenges related to the implementaon of SDG-16.10 and possible future

17 NazoFaqeerjo vote dean” i.e., “ Nazo casts vote” focuses on transgender issues in vote casng. Both were interacve theatres.

Two-day training on community theater performance on voter mobilizaon was organized to train the theatre group.

The team performed total of 37 theatres at community level in districts Badin and Sujawal. In each theatre performance, around 300 people had parcipated. These theatres reached 8378 community males (3603), females parcipated. Moreover, 15 PWDs, 24 women from (4775) of marginalized community members minories, 25 parcipants from fishing communies including Muslims (4205) & Non- Muslims of Badin, 34 parcipants from agrarian communies (4173) .IEC material used in voter mobilizaon of MirpurKhas and 35 parcipants from fishing campaign was translated into Sindhi language. communies of Karachi were also engaged. During a Code of conduct for polical pares, candidates, series of sessions, parcipants discussed the challenges which they face during elecon, vong elecon and polling agents and process of vote process and also shared a set of recommendaons casng were developed and their 8000 copies on their right to vote. Moreover, PWDs network from were published to be disseminated in district Badin decided that they will contact local party Badin and Sujjawal during the theatre members from the constuency and raise demand performances. to facilitate their needs on the day of elecons as well as aer elecons. They presented such · Radio Campaign demands in wrien form against their 14,000 votes. Eight Public Service Messages (PSMs) radio · E l e c t i o n C a m p a i g n b y T h e a t r e messages aired from JeaMirpurkhas FM 88 Performances Radio (750 minutes) & FM 88 (650 minutes) Badin in Sindhi & Urdu languages before one IC team in consultaon with IC expert scriptwriter completed the task of wring the theater script for week of General Elecons. It has covered 9 elecon campaign acvity. 2 theatre scripts were districts including Badin, Tharparkar, Thaa, developed in local Sindhi language by a locally Sijawal, Mirpurkhas, TandoAllhyar, Tando idenfied person having such experse. One script “ Muhammad Khan, Umerkot and Sanghar. Wasandihali vote dean” i.e., Wasandi casts vote” focuses on Women Right to Vote and another script “

18 4. Women Empowerment

Achieving Political and Economic Empowerment: Identity has a Power to Change

NIC as an instrument for changing lives 83 meengs were conducted with 12 Coordinaon meengs were community leaders and elders in 41 districts in conducted with NADRA, ECP and District Badin and 42 districts in Sujjawal to encourage Administraon for boosng efforts for voter registraon registering women voters


IC team collected the applicaon from women census block wise and submied to NRC in charge 1325 women were facilitated through for collecon of 7570 NIC and MRV at Tehsil Taluka Ja District Sujjawal. distributed in women of different villages and census block in district Badin and Sujjawal district.

Indus Consorum under the project, “Women NICs Community Meetings and Voter Registraon Campaign”, funded by TDEA- UNDP facilitated 7761 women in acquiring NICs in __ IC Team mobilized 8,885 community members by Union Council of __ talukas of two districts of Badin highlighng the importance of NICs and voter and Sajawal. registraon and communies role in the elecon process. Communies were ensured that MRV will · Staff Capacity Building be used in the process and NRC Registraon will be ensured. A two day workshop on Staff Capacity Building was organized. IC staff was briefed about the project, implementaon strategy, social mobilizaon of unregistered women, facilitaon for NIC registraon, communicaon with NADRA/ Stakeholder & Acquision of NIC and role and responsibilies of project staff. Prior to this workshop, 22 volunteers were idenfied; 05 volunteers from each Tehsil were selected and trained to mobilize women at grass root level.

· Mobilizing Communities and Stakeholder

IC Team engaged the local influenal at grass root level began to embark mobilizaon to increase women's voter registraon and NICs. Mobilizaon was targeted to conduct door to door visits and regular meengs with local community's representaves, leaders and elders.

20 Tehsil Ja, Sujjawal and Shabandar. Door to door visits conducted in project talukas to idenfy the unregistered women and a list of those women were 188 villages , 26 ucs , 153 villages , made. Moreover, volunteers communicated with 4 talukas of 28 ucs & 3 talukas of District Badin District Sujjawal community members about the necessary documentaon required for CNIC registraon.

· Sessions with Students Badin: 11329 IC team conducted 6 sessions in 5 districts in Badin Sujjawal: 4000 and 1 district in Sujjawal with students to raise awareness in young teenage girls. In total 170 students were engaged in these sessions. NADRA Registraon Office/ Semi Mobile Unit Corner Meetings Schedule about registraon process, transport to IC team established coordinaon with local religious women and families was coordinated. Also IC team scholars, local CSO's representaves for had built coordinaon with NRC staff and idenficaon of unregistered women. community. IC Team submied list of unregistered women to NADRA on a daily basis. Public Service Announcements (PSA)

PSA were made through local mosques to let the target audience and general community know about the MRV pick up point.

Public Forums

03 public forums in District Badin and 02 public forums in District Sujjawal to disseminate the importance of vong. These public forums included 908 community members and relevant stakeholders such as representaves from NADRA, ECP, local government, social welfare department and media. Grand Success Celebration Ceremony Indus Consorum, in collaboraon with Laar Humanitarian and Development Program (LHDP), held the ceremony to celebrate the success on May 10, 2018. The event was parcipated by the representaves of the Naonal Database& Registraon Authority (NADRA),Elecon Commission of Pakistan (ECP) and District Government Officials. Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability (TDEA) -Field Visit Door to Door Visits IC Team along with Mr. Ejaz Ahmed, Senior Program Door to Door Survey visits were conducted by IC Officer, TDEA, Pakistan, held a community meeng in team and Volunteers to idenfy and list unregistered Village MissriNohani, UC GharoTalukaGolarchi, and women in Tehsil Badin, Golarchy and Tando Bago, District Badin. The main aim of this field visit was to evaluate the impact and outcomes of the project.

21 5. Inspiraons, Encouragements & Linkages

· “Corporate and Policy Tax Research Parcipaon in 2-day training on GRB gender Training” in Bali Indonesia responsive budgeng. A gender-responsive budget is a budget that works for everyone – women, men, A three days training conducted by Somo, Oxfam and girls and boys – by ensuring gender-equitable Parakasa, in Bali, Indonesia on corporate and policy distribuon of resources and by contribung to equal Tax training. Purpose of the training was to increase opportunies for all. (GRB) is essenal both for the capacity of the parcipants around corporate gender jusce and for fiscal jusce. It involves and policy tax related issues. The workshop was analyzing government budgets for their effect on divided into 3 major segments i) Introducon to different genders and the norms and roles associated corporate tax research ii) Tax treaes and Tax with them, and the relaonship between genders. It incenves iii) How to do our own research around also involves actually transforming these budgets to these 2 major issues. The lecture and manual of the ensure that gender equality commitments are training was professionally stched and the realized. This means thinking about impacts on facilitator of the training informavely facilitated all people, including women and men, girls and boys. the parcipants by increasing their research and evidence generaon capacity and guided them, how · Bali Indonesia “Corporate and Policy Tax they can work in corporate tax dodging, tax treaes Research” Training – and Race to Boom issues in the context of their countries. It was a very producve and construcve 3 The Training took place in a conducive, interacve days' work and helped me to groom in the evidence environment and the logisc arrangements were generaon in regards to corporate policy research well managed by the host organizaon Prakarsa. The and how the tax treaes can help the elite of the training aimed to build the research capacity of the countries in terms of concentraon of wealth. parcipants on corporate and policy tax issues and the facilitators engaged in an effecve manner with · Entebbe Uganda “Fair Tax Monitor the parcipants through lectures, group work, exercises,simulaon of the “Race to the boom “, Aended 3 days Fair Tax Monitor in which a face to sessions on tax treaes, corporate tax incenves and face meeng was organized in Entebbe Uganda by guidance on research work for achieving the Oxfam Novib and TJN-A Uganda. The purpose of objecve of the training.The training has been holding an expert meeng was to share the valuable as it has helped in gaining an enhanced experience and learning of the countries in perspecve on corporate tax avoidance and how it is implemenng the common research framework and interlinked with tax treaes (Preferenal trade peer reviewing of each preliminary research work agreements in Pakistan context). This perspecve conclusion. Moreover, it was to create scoring will be useful in our day to day work including tax methodology and brainstorming on FTM conclusions exempons especially considering CPEC context. for influencing.

“Gender Responsive Budgeng”

22 6. Media Engagement 6.1 Newsleer

IC publishes a newsleer every month to keep ROZE NEWS : Indus Consorum Naonal Coordinator communicaons line open for new, current and past parcipated in TV talk show on Environment Day at donors, beneficiaries. It gives overview of the day to Roz TV with DG-EPA and representaves of other day acvies conducted under the supervision of IC. environmental organisaons.

Ÿ PTV NEWS: IC parcipated in TV Talk Show “45 Minutes” , topic of discussion was ,”Climate change is a bigger threat to Pakistan, especially CC and Environment Change that affects food security”. Hussain Jarwar (Naonal Coordinator, Indus Consorum), Dr. Aa Ullah Mohsin, Chairman Entomology, Arid Agriculture University, Ayesha Khan, CEO ,Hashoo Foundaon were panelists in this TV talk show.

1. Electronic Media: Ÿ IC parcipated in”Subha se Agay/ World This Morning” on PTV World. Topic of talk show was TV Talk Shows were used to engage and create more around World Ocean Day and plasc polluon in awareness. Indus Consorum parcipated in the oceans. following TV Talk Show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL0zh- FEkHM&feature=youtu.be

23 Coordinator, IC, Dr. Aa UlMohsin , Director Internal Linkage, Chairman Dept Entomology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University and Ayesha Khan CEO Hashoo Foundaon

Ÿ TV Talk show was broadcaste on Sindh TV. Representaves from VSO parcipated in this TV talk show. Theme of this programme was to discuss youth policy, issues and challenges and Ÿ Key panelists of the PTV talk show were Hashim way forward for youth to come. Bilal, Country Director, VSO and Amer Shams Networking and Coordinang Officer, VSO. The Topic of discussion was youth employment, and its challenges faced by youth.

Ÿ Naonal coordinator, Hussain Jarwar and Fiza Qureshi, Manager Program Implementaon parcipated in two TV talk shows, 'Seedhibaat'. The theme of TV talk shows were Climate Change impact on society. Whereas the topic of discussion for second TV talk show was tax jusce and income inequality. Ÿ Dr. Fateh Muhammad Mari, Shahid Shah and Ms. Quratulain Soomro , Project Manager " parcipated in TV talk show on AwamiAwaz TV. The topic of discussion was based on RTI Law:idenfy and informaon are cizens rights.

Ÿ Indus Consorum parcipated in TV talk show "45 Minutes" along with representaon from Hashoo Foundaon and Expert from Arid Agriculture University. Topic of discussion was Climate change and its effect on small farmer. Key parcipants were Hussain Jarwar, Naonal NEWS PACKAGES

Indus Consorum engages different medium of disseminang informaon. One of the medium is news packages. It is a creave form of news that is conveyed to an audience by packaging together a story that includes informaon about themac issues, its challenges and way forward. Some of the news packages are given below that cover Indus Consorum's work around themac issues.

24 a) Beat Plasc Polluon a) Save Food Fight Hunger


Radio is an inmate form of adversing. Many people listen to radio everyday and it has wide listenership. Listeners develop strong relaonships with their favorite staons, In this regard, Radio messages and Radio Talk show were engaged to disseminate different themac messages.

· Radio Program on World Environment Day:

Medium of Radio was ulized where awareness was a) Rural Women Convenon create under Grow Campaign on the theme of Beat Plasc Polluon in Multan, Lahore, Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Radio promos were disseminated in the following districts.

A live Radio Program on Radio Program on FM 101 Multan Layyah on the topic Of Impacts of Plasc Polluon and World Environment Day. Indus Consorum GROW Multan team, Prof. Dr. NazimHussain and Dr. Irfan from BZU, Multan partcipated in Radio Program at FM 101 Multan Live on World Environment Day.

25 Ÿ A live radio program “Sangyan Sandi Sanjh ”on FM88 Mirphurkhas was broadcast on the topic,” Rights to Water”.

Ÿ A live Radio Programme on tax issues at JeayMirpurkhas, FM 88, was broadcast live. The programme was hosted by Fiza Qureshi , Manager Program Implementaon and parcipated by Hussain Jarwar , Naonal Coordinator and Majeed Thaeem.


News Coverage of Indus Consorum events were covered in different newspaperslike DAWN, The Observer, The Naon, The Express Tribune, The NEWS, Morning Mail, The Jung, Kawish Pakistan, NaiBaat, Ausaf, Naw-e-Waqt and Khabrain etc

26 Indus Blogs: IC Official Facebook and Indus Consorum Learning Group shares day to day acvies from mega events Indus Blog is an informaonal website that contains to small acvies conducted in the respecve arcles and blogs by students, academia, projects implemented by Indus Consorum. Community members etc. Uphill now Indus blog has uploaded 200 blogs by different eager writers from IC Facebook page has 3106 follower. all over Punjab and Sindhi. Indus Blog encourages young youth to engage in developing wring skills C Learning Group: has 6974 Members and wring down what they observe. ž It includes day to day detail of acvies, blog detail, video(TV Talk show), Pictures of Events.

ž The Group include students from different university students all over Pakistan, Journalists, Civil Society , CSO etc.

Indus Consorum Website:

Facebook Page : Twitter Page :

YEN Website:

Youth Employability Network : The key features of the web portal not only serves as a discussion and e- marketing platform for employment/enterprise seeking youth of Multan/Muzaffargarh but it also serves as a formal enrolment mechanism for new youth and Media advocacy platform. To highlight YENs initiatives and recommendations towards youth policy, the portal has a moderated discussion board for youth to participate in. Furthermore, the portal also has as an E-learning section that has video

27 lectures and tutorials on concepts and skills that Tax Justice Coalition Website improve enterprise and employability. Tax Jusce Coalion website was designed to provide The platform will sensitize youth about resilience, a discussion forum, along with informaon forum for social accountability and SIG involving discussion new civil society organizaon who are interested to forums and documentaries. Apart from that the portal w i l l p r o v i d e l i n k a g e t o I C T T V E T & join the Tax Jusce Coalion. Coalion already Entrepreneurship trainings hence creating linkages comprises of pro-acve and vibrant 25 civil society between the unemployed youth and entrepreneurs organizaons (CSOs) and working journalists from especially for Multan and Muzaffargarh by Sindh and Punjab, has emerged. It also gives updates promoting youth personal and business proles. of acvies, news, newsleer case studies collected by the civil society organizaon working towards fair taxaon.

28 7. Financial Report

29 Indus Consortium is a collaborative platform of 50 Civil Society Organizations working in 40 districts of Sindh and Punjab provinces HEAD Office: Lahore Office: Badin Office: House # 1043, House # 149, House # 91/92 Ali Town, Street 45-B, E-11/3, S Block, Model Town, Apposive Session Court Badin, Islamabad. Lahore. District Badin
