Daniel Pinchbeck | 416 pages | 07 Feb 2008 | Little, Brown Book Group | 9780749928537 | English | London, United Kingdom Mayan Prophecy and the Shift of the Ages (Video ) - IMDb

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — by Daniel Pinchbeck. This is a literary and metaphysical epic that binds together the cosmological phenomena of our time, ranging from crop circles to quantum theory to the worldwide resurgence of , supporting the Mayan prophecy that the year will bring an unprecedented global shift. Get A Copy. Published March 1st by Piatkus Books first published More Details Other Editions 4. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions aboutplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Jan 26, Sean rated it it was ok Shelves: psychedeliamagick-speculationsocio-cultural. I wanted to like this book a lot, I really did. It seemed to be an honest exploration of psychedelic states of being by a confused, if well-meaning, Manhattan literary party-boy. I was excited when I first heard that "" was being published. It seemed as if Pinchbeck were stepping up to the plate 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy was going to pick up where McKenna left off, after 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy passing in I skimmed some reviews of " - The Return Of Quetzlcoatl" as the first edition was called Undaunted, I thought it was just the cynical contingent of the mainstream press. I checked some reviews over at GoodReads and it seemed to be the same. Now, I realise that anything with "prophecy" in the title as stated in the edition I have has the fundamentalist materialists and dogmatic rationalists reaching for their revolvers, but I thought there would be a lot more praise for the book. I decided to finally give it a go. In "", Pinchbeck has devoted his energies to studying the prophecy that a new age will emerge in Decemberwhich the Mayan calendar shows as 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy end of the world, or just the end of the current age, depending on your view. He jets off to Oregon to hang out with Jose Arguelles, who's created a new calendar based on the original Mayan dates. He visits England several times, specifically the Glastonbury area, to study the crop circle phenomenon. Mexico becomes a destination, so Dan can view the Mayan architecture. He goes to Burning Man again urgh! The participants swallow cupfuls of , then sing and do a two-step dance for up to 6 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy. All the while, he's having relationship problems with his 'partner'. She's never given a name, she's just his partner--though she is described as 'beautiful and svelte' Pinchbeck wants you to know he's no chubby-chaser. The couple have a child together, which seems ill-advised, as he relates that their union was a bit unstable from the outset. These bits were really where Pinchbeck lost me. In an afterword to the paperback edition, he states how he included all this personal detail to 'invoke a deep enough response in readers that if might incite a shift in perspective'. It just seemed a bit voyeuristic to me, his tendency to let his audience in on his somewhat private soap-opera, involving his 'partner', another woman he meets at a psychedelic retreat in Hawaii, whom he insists on referring to as "first priestess" she doesn't have a name either, apparently and his little girl again, no name. One chapter is devoted to the partner's father, for no other apparent reason than to compare him to Pinchbeck's own father. He also can't seem to stop exploiting his connection to the Beats his mother dated at the height of 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy fameas if that somehow lends him some extra credibility. In spite of the more frustrating aspects of Pinchbeck's narrative, I did enjoy parts of the book. I really liked the crop circle bits, though I've never really given much thought to the phenomenon, putting down most if not all of the designs down to hoaxers. I found myself looking up the various formations Pinchbeck discusses to get a better idea of what he is describing. He didn't convince me with his various theories, but I did think that maybe hoaxers weren't responsible for all of the circles. Some of the Arguelles chapters had interesting segments - but then Pinchbeck inserts some caustic New Yawk intellectual screed, completely dismissing Aleister Crowley, but he buys most of Arguelles' Mayan reincarnation schtick. His visit to the Hopi reservation 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy a bit of an anti-climax, but 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy words of the tribal chief almost redeem the plodding structure of the chapter. The book ends with an eco-warrior message about humanity's destruction of the environment and a possible redemption in the next 6 years well, it's down to 3 now. Pinchbeck doesn't seem concerned that all of his jetting about might've added to all that pollution So, for all that, you get a somewhat middling book I have to agree with a lot of the reviewers about and what may happen. For me, it seems a bit of a wasted opportunity--too much about the author, not enough about the actual phenomenon. When he's not talking about his own foibles, he's borrowing ideas from McKenna, Arguelles, Robert Anton Wilson, crop circle devotees and a host of others. It 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy that maybe Pinchbeck started believing his own press and yeah, that Rolling Stone article didn't really help things. It appears that he wants to join the psychedelic pantheon and have his name amongst the greats Wilson, Leary, Huxley, McKenna, Kesey, etc. Going by "", I think he's got a ways to go. Sep 01, Erika Brady rated it liked it. A very hard read, but if you have the time and a bit of quite, you can get through it. Jan 06, Christina Ruth rated it it was ok. Don't bother reading this, read some Terence McKenna instead. Stu rated it liked it Jul 24, Cynthia rated it liked it Jun 30, David Moore rated it liked it May 31, Debs Hutchin rated it liked it Apr 19, Rachel rated it it was amazing Jun 14, Paul rated it liked it Aug 01, Karl William Lund rated it liked it Aug 13, Ethel Ross rated it liked it Jul 02, Maj Redmond rated it it was ok Feb 07, Andrew rated it liked it Jun 13, Monica Aguirre rated it it was ok Sep 20, Colettejones rated it liked it Jul 03, Amanda Knott rated it liked it Sep 13, Stellium Astrology rated it liked it Mar 08, Christina rated it it was ok Aug 30, Armani rated it liked it Sep 12, Dilettante Militante rated it it was amazing Jun 10, Nick Stibbs rated it really liked it May 01, Andrew Brodie rated it really liked it Jan 05, Luke Cullen rated it did not like it Jan 04, Steven Elmes rated it really liked it Dec 20, Chris rated it 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy liked it Jul 22, Claire rated it really liked it Mar 14, Angela rated it it was ok Feb 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy, Janice Barnard rated it liked it Jul 23, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. About Daniel Pinchbeck. Daniel Pinchbeck. Author Daniel Pinchbeck has deep personal roots in the New York counterculture of the 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy and s. Pinchbeck was a founder of the s literary m Author Daniel Pinchbeck has deep personal roots in the New York counterculture of the s and s. The Seven Mayan Prophecies

Together, we crossed the prophetic threshold of Dec 21,and have formally 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy World Ages. We are now living in a transitional time, in the beginning stage of the Dawning Sixth Sun, also called the Fifth World of Peace. 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy is essential that we recognize this new era is now only in its infancy stage. Just as we would care for a newborn baby, so too must we consciously nurture the seeds of the new world as they take root within us. One moment, and one day at a time, the journey of life continues unfolding through us In our collective consciousness, much space has been liberated now that we are no longer pre- occupied with our projections of hopes and fears onto Dec 21, While for many, Solstice did not meet their expectations of apocalypse or instant enlightenment, is it crucial that we grasp the true significance of what did occur on that day of Planetary Initiation. Dec 21, was not only a day of Spiritual Graduation out of a nearly 26, year cycle, it was also a day of unprecedented human unification. As many of you know, people of all paths observed and honored this monumental day with prayer, ceremony and celebration the world over. From Giza, to Stonehenge, to Lake Titicaca, to the temples of Mundo Maya, not only were countless sacred sites activated and countless indigenous ceremonies cast, but simultaneously millions and millions and millions of people tuned in and opened our hearts to the sacred unification of the Web of Life. I believe that we, and the planetary field, were changed by this encounter. Together, we offered ourselves in humble service to being instruments of a new time, determined to walk a new path into a new cycle dedicated to awakening peace and new harmonious potentials on Earth. Together, we commited to establishing a conscious culture in which the Interconnectedness of All Life is our central, guiding truth. Now our work continues. 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy we know, life is a creative process in which our minds and intentions play a leading role in our collective manifestations. As the Buddhist teachings remind us, Life is like a dream. As the Quantum physicists and ancient masters concur, "As viewed, so appears. Our consciousness is the key to our abilities to actualize new . In this New Era, we have just begun a time of great awakening. This shift into the Sixth Sun implies great transformation of the paradigms that dictate our world. The inherent Unity of all humanity, all species, all elements of Earth's biosphere, and our greater Galactic Whole is what has been drastically overlooked and disregarded in the previous world age. Because of this fundamental collective ignorance and denial, there is much karma and imbalance that must be resolved to restore health and well- being in our shared world. We all know how holistically the work of global rebalancing spans - inclusive of our systems and sciences of energy, economics, education, justice, government, health care, agriculture and food, media, etc. This means there are infinite avenues for 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy to creatively apply ourselves in assisting the energies of the Sixth Sun to take root. We simply each need to follow our deepest positive passions and let them unfold the unique gifts we have to offer the whole. Rather it is wise to look inside and increasingly discover our Authentic Nature and our Genuine Souls' Callings that are seeking to come to fruition. This is a Time of New, Open Paths. Let us look within ourselves and ask: How can we perceive our existence with more self-love? How can we renew our lives and open to more positivity, health, ease, grace and illumination? What new choices can we make to support our evolution? What new capacities are we called to develop? What new dreams and new visions can we align with personally and collectively? What new roles of service can we step into? How can we live more sustainably and with greater care for our Living Earth? How can our lives become more creatively empowered? How can we more deeply know ourselves as living artists of consciousness? How can we refine the art of our relationships, the art of our communication, the art of our self-knowledge, the art of our , the art of our sciences, the art of expressing our souls' beauties? Let us continue to open to new possibilities on all levels of our personal and collective realities. As we believe in these possibilities, so we can be shown our roles in their actualization Let us open to new guidance, new inspiration, new collaboration with each other and with Great Spirit. The journey into the New 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy has just barely begun. Over Time, we shall see the continual fulfillment of the ancient prophecies We shall behold the Return of the wisdom of the ancestors, the remembrance of how to honor Mother Earth, the conscious unification of matter and spirit, the reconnection to natural time cycles, the awakening of feminine leadership, the re-balancing of feminine and masculine principles and perspectives, the ongoing development of 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy abilities and sensitivity to the Voice of Earth's Consciousness, etc. We shall see the ongoing exposure and liberation of long held secrets, as well as the steady dissolution of corruption and greed, making way for a world based in conscious interconnectivity and equality It's all a matter of Time Let us each commit to looking at life through the lens of being 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy a New World Age, and see how that view can guide our perceptions, values, and actions so we can activate and actualize our human potential. Our work is to be patient yet aligned with the 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy possibilities we can conceive of, and to act accordingly in our individual lives that we may stand as pillars of the New World which shall be constructed and realized both gradually and rapidly. December 21, was an end and a beginning, a zero point. Indeed, 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy 13 Baktuns of History closed as the snake ate its tail. As of Solsticewe now have a new foundation of conscious, global connectivity to work from in all our efforts. Let us celebrate that we have arrived in a new chapter of life on Earth; a new evolutionary phase is now in effect! The most essential key in embodying the energies of the New Era and radiating the vibrations of the Sixth Sun is learning how to live from our Hearts. This is one of the biggest areas we have to grow in our human development. For so very long we have been heavily identified with our egoic minds which are programmed for separation, judgement, and who guide us to live in the past and future. Within this 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy era, as we learn to live in the Now, we find it is the domain of our Spiritual Hearts. Our Hearts naturally resonate with the truth of interconnectedness. Our Hearts offer us boundless resources of love, wisdom and compassion with which to elevate all circumstances and moments of our lives. We are learning to let our hearts be our core, our guide, our master teacher, our internal beacon, our home Let's keep it simple and make it our main priority to let us our minds be subservient to our hearts. For our hearts speak the voice of self-love, and care for the good of the whole. Our hearts instinctually know how to nurture our bodies, how to root to the present moment, how to follow inspiration, how to be fluid, calm and non-linear, how to live in harmony with our relations and our 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy, and how to enjoy and beautify existence. This is the nature, meaning, and opportunity of the New World Age - actualizing heart-centered life! Your job is to pay attention to your heart, your heart will pay attention to everything else. Learn About the Energy Signature for this Year. Visit Our Clothing Store. We are grateful to announce a new alliance with some dear local friends of ours who make incredible, high quality, high vibrational essential oils! Our friend Dr. Visit EOWizardry Shop. I've been using them for 2 years now, and they really changed my life! Thank you beautiful souls for contributing with 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy passion, art, and commitment to our evolutionary process. I am really enjoying it! We rely on our calendars daily! Wow wow wow wow! You never cease to amaze me to my core. We learn something new each time we open it. I am very thankful for it! Thank you so much for your fabulous contribution to our planet's well-being! What a gift! The artwork is galactivated and the wisdom is shared with compassionate understanding. This has been a tremendous resource, and I am so grateful you have provided this. It's a remarkable tool, beyond measure. Your calendar has indeed, been a blessing to me. Learn More! Beyond just the Galactic Calendar, expand your knowledge of the vast layers of Dr. Jose Arguelles' essential cosmic teachings. Enjoy this self-paced and interactive video tutorial with 13 lessons provided by our dear friend and ally Jacob Wyatt of The Foundation For The Law of Time. Intiana of Starseeds blends Galactic Dreamspell Astrology with intuitive wisdom and psychic insight. She helps you activate the power of your personal Galactic Signature and enliven a deeper connection with your own divine spirit and destiny! Each mind is connected with every other mind; and each mind, wherever it is located is connected with the whole world and cosmos. Birthdate Decoder. Send it! Life in the New Era. Order yours now! What Did Mayans Think Would Happen in ? | KPBS

December 14, by John. Some see it as nothing more than a reset, the beginning of a new cycle. Others see it as the date 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy the end of the world or at least some type of universal catastrophe. So, what is the Mayan Long Count calendar, and does it have any relation to the end of the world? The Mayans developed their own calendar The Long Count ca. They were able to use their observations and mathematical 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy to calculate the future movements of stars across the sky. At that time, the solstice occurs at the same moment of the conjunction of the Galactic Equator with the Milky Way. The year this occurs in relation to 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy Gregorian calendar is A. With Mayan mythology teaching that the sun is a god and the Milky Way is the gateway to life and death, the Mayans concluded that this intersection in the past must have been the moment of creation. The truth is that, apart from the astrological convergence, there is little indication that the Mayans prophesied anything specific regarding the events in their distant future. The Mayans were not prophets; they were not even able to predict their own cultural extinction. They were great mathematicians and accomplished sky watchers, but they were also a brutally violent tribal people with a primitive understanding of natural phenomena, subscribing to archaic beliefs and the barbaric practices of blood-letting and human sacrifice. They believed, for example, that the blood of human sacrifices powered the sun and gave it life. There is absolutely nothing in the Bible that would present December 21,as the end of the world. The Bible nowhere presents the astronomical phenomena the Mayans pointed to as a 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy of the end times. It would seem inconsistent of God to allow the Mayans to discover such an amazing truth while keeping the many Old Testament prophets ignorant of the timing of the events. In summary, there is absolutely no biblical evidence that the Mayan prophecy should be considered a reliable prediction of doomsday. Also included in the ancient Mayan prediction that December 21,would 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy the end of the world are the following theories: our sun is a god; the sun is powered by the blood of human sacrifice; the creation moment occurred at B. Like every other false religion, the Mayan religion sought to elevate the creation instead of the Creator Himself. To accept the Mayan prophecy is also to deny the clear biblical teaching about the end of the world. Comments RSS. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Home About. True Discernment 2 Timothy Feeds: Posts Comments. Share this: Facebook Twitter Email. Like this: Like Loading Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required. Christianity started in the Middle East as a fellowship; it moved to Greece and became a ; it moved to Italy and became an institution; it moved to Europe and became a culture; it came to America and became an enterprise, and when a fellowship changes into an enterprise, it becomes a prostitute. Search for:. Blog at WordPress. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.