Manningham Heritage Study Review 2005 Volume 2: Heritage Place & Precinct Citations Final 16 February, 2006 Prepared for Manningham City Council © Context Pty Ltd 2005 Project Team: David Helms, Senior Consultant Jackie Donkin, Consultant Karen Olsen, Senior Consultant Natica Schmeder, Consultant Martin Turnor, Consultant Dr Carlotta Kellaway, Historian Fiona Gruber, Historian Context Pty Ltd 22 Merri Street, Brunswick 3056 Phone 03 9380 6933 Facsimile 03 9380 4066 Email
[email protected] i ii CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I Overview i Purpose i HOW TO USE II Introduction ii Description ii History iii Statement of Significance iii Recommendations iii REFERENCES IV LIST OF CITATIONS V CITATIONS VI iii MANNINGHAM HERITAGE STUDY REVIEW 2005 INTRODUCTION Overview This Heritage Place & Precinct Citations report comprises Volume 2 of the Manningham Heritage Study Review 2005 (the Study). The purpose of the Study is to complete the identification, assessment and documentation of places of post-contact cultural significance within Manningham City (the study area) and to make recommendations for their future conservation. This volume contains all the citations for heritage places and precincts throughout the City of Manningham including: • All of the places assessed or reviewed by this Study (see below). • All of the places identified or assessed by previous studies including the City of Doncaster & Templestowe Heritage Study (1991), City of Doncaster & Templestowe. Additional Sites Recommendations (1993), Doncaster & Templestowe Heritage Study Additional Historical Research (1994), and the Wonga Park Heritage Study (1996). • Places identified by individuals and organisations including Council’s Heritage Adviser, local historical societies and residents. The citations are derived from an electronic database known as the Manningham Local Heritage Places Database (Manningham LHPD), which uses a program that was developed by Heritage Victoria.