Out of The Tombs: Ancient Egypt Revealed Oct 14 – 26 2022

Out of The Tombs: Ancient Egypt Revealed will show you treasures and wonders of Ancient Egypt by two Egyptologist that together have over 35 years of exploring the mysteries of Ancient Egypt. You will EXPLORE the Ancient Civilization and will have the most UNIQUE experiences from any other trip. You will explore iconic sites and also explore new can't miss destinations and peek into places that will reveal the true MAGIC that is EGYPT. Your "once in a lifetime" experience will grant you quality service, comfort, all at a great price. Book today as "Egypt is the Gift of the

Day 1 Oct 14, 2022 Welcome to Cairo You will be greeted at the airport and transferred to your hotel. The tour will officially begin tomorrow, this evening depending on arrival times we will gather for a welcome drink. Overnight Giza, Steigenberger Pyramids

Day 2 Oct 15, 2022 GEM – Grand Egyptian Museum This morning we head to the GEM, when it opens it will be the largest archaeological museum in the world, housing more than 100,000 of Egypt’s treasures, many of which were moved from Tahrir Square’s iconic Egyptian Museum including the Tutankhamun mask and the rest of the Tutankhamun collection.

We will have a tour of the museum and lots of free time to roam.

Lunch is on your own and afternoon is free, you can stay and explore the whole day if you want. Overnight Giza, Steigenberger Pyramids B

WWW.YOURJOURNEY.COM 1 800 978 0544 EMAIL:[email protected] Out of The Tombs: Ancient Egypt Revealed Oct 14 – 26 2022

Day 3 Oct 16, 2022Sakkara - the Step Pyramid After breakfast we head to Sakkara for a full day. including going inside the Step pyramid itself! We will visit Djoser’s court and the causeway. We will tour the fascinating new Kingdom tombs of Maya and Horemheb, seldom included on a mainstream tourist visit, the Serapeum, and whatever new tombs we can get into!. At publication there were many new openings, on the day of our visit we will be flexible, we will enter the latest open tombs available.

Lunch at the Sakkara Palm Club. Overnight Giza, Steigenberger Pyramids B, L

Day 4 Oct 17, 2022 Giza Plateau full day The last surviving of the Seven Wonders of the world, the Great Pyramid of Giza is perhaps the most famous tourist site in the world. The Giza plateau itself, with its three major pyramids plus Queen’s pyramids, ancient mastabas, and the ubiquitous and colorful camel drivers is a much-anticipated highlight of any trip. We will climb inside the pyramid of Khufu or Khafre (dependent on which pyramid is open). While on the plateau, we will also visit the extraordinary Sphinx. Today we will take our time to explore at leisure, check out the mastabas and Queens tombs and take in the views from the Panorama. Lunch at Abu Shakra restaurant across from the Sphinx. Overnight Giza, Steigenberger Pyramids B, L

Day 5 Oct 18, 2022 Sohag Museum, Red Monastery Seti I Temple Abydos This morning we fly to either Sohag or Luxor, depending on flight schedules. On arrival we will drive to Sohag to visit the Sohag National museum. It was recently opened in 2018, to preserve some of the rich finds from: one of the earliest Egyptian settlements at Um El-Ka'ab, the temples of Abydos, and the resting place of Osiris. The museum narrates Egyptian culture by displaying marriage contracts and traditions and local habits. It also focuses on the role of Egyptian women in the Upper Egyptian cities throughout history.

After our museum visit, we will visit the newly restored Red Monastery. The church of Saints Bishai and Bigol, the "Red Monastery," was the heart of a large monastic community. It was founded by Saint Bishoy in the beginning of the fourth century AD. It is known as the Red Monastery because of the red bricks that make up most of its masonry.

We will then continue on to Abydos and check into our hotel and have lunch at the hotel. This afternoon we will take a brief stroll to visit the cenotaph- temple of Seti I. The carvings within are probably the most symmetrically beautiful ever created in Egypt. Explore seven stunning shrines – each to a different god, including Ptah, who was said to have breathed and thought the universe into existence. Explore behind the temple to find the eerie Osirium – mythical burial grounds of the god Osiris. Overnight House of Life, Abydos B,L,D

WWW.YOURJOURNEY.COM 1 800 978 0544 EMAIL:[email protected] Out of The Tombs: Ancient Egypt Revealed Oct 14 – 26 2022

Day 6 Oct 19, 2022 Denderah to Luxor This morning we travel to Luxor. On our way to Luxor we will visit the Temple of at Denderah built during Ptolemaic and Roman times -- the most complete of Egypt’s ancient temples and one of the best restored. This is where Cleopatra possibly honeymooned with Julius Caesar – and you can see her image at the back. The ceiling of vibrant blue and greens shows sky goddess Nut (pronounced: Noot) swallowing the sun and giving birth to the new day. This is also a very rare two-story temple where the New Years Day Festival was celebrated – with Hathor’s union with as the new day sun. Venture deep into the crypt to see strange reliefs. Go up on the roof to see the site of the fascinating zodiac ceiling – the oldest in the world.

Lunch on your own. If the new café at Denderah is open, we can have lunch there or have your choice of places to eat when we arrive in Luxor.

After our visit we drive to Luxor, check into our hotel on arrival in Luxor. Overnight Luxor, Steigenberger Nile Palace B

Day 7 Oct 20, 2022 The magnificence of Karnak & Luxor Temples Board our Nile Cruise This morning you have an optional (approx. 275USD) early morning balloon trip. Rise before the sun and soar like Horus in a beautiful balloon, gliding high above the great monuments, mountains and green agricultural fields. After the ride back to the hotel for breakfast.

This morning we visit Karnak Temple. It is in the modern city of Luxor, ancient city of Thebes, and was the religious capital of Ancient Egypt during the Middle and New Kingdom There wasn't a king in the New Kingdom forward that did not add to Karnak, the Main temple to the God Amun, even Akhenaten! It is an UNESCO World Heritage Site and well worth getting up early for, as this temple was in continuous building for 2000 years, ever changing, "The Most Selected of Places". The temple contains spectacular statues, columns, obelisks, and temples dedicated to the main cult gods in this architectural masterpiece which is one of the largest religious places of worship in the world. We will walk through the Great Temple of Amun which is Karnak's main building and were most kings from the 18th dynasty onward added and expanded the Temple.

Today we will board our Nile cruise ship, The Livingstone Nile Cruise, which will be our home on the river during our 5-day journey to Aswan. Lunch onboard.

WWW.YOURJOURNEY.COM 1 800 978 0544 EMAIL:[email protected] Out of The Tombs: Ancient Egypt Revealed Oct 14 – 26 2022

We will visit the Kent Weeks Library on the west bank of Luxor. We may visit today or tomorrow; timing will be confirmed when we are in Luxor.

This evening we will explore Luxor Temple. A site of extraordinary harmony and beautiful proportion situated right in the centre of town, Luxor Temple is a highlight of any Luxor visit. It was largely constructed by the 18th Dynasty pharaoh Amenhotep III in the 14th century BCE, with a stunning double colonnaded court added by Ramses II in the 19th dynasty. Luxor temple was once joined by a massive Avenue of (under current restoration) leading all the way to the great temple of Karnak in the north of the city. Overnight Amwaj Livingstone Nile Cruise B, L, D

Day 8 Oct 21, 2022 The Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens After breakfast, we will visit the famous West bank – land of the dead – including the great rock cut tombs of the Valley of the Kings, with their vibrant colors and wonderful stories. Here you will have entrance into three of the tombs. If open, we will visit the Valley of Monkeys and the tomb of Ay, the original tomb of Tutankhamun.

We will also visit the majestic Valley of the Queens, used in the 19th and 20th dynasty, to bury 80 of the many wives, children and special people to the kings, including the most beautiful tomb of all of Egypt, Nefertari "she for whom the Sun shines", wife of Rameses ll, which you may visit for an additional price. (approx cost $90USD) Afterwards we will visit Dier el Medina - the Valley of the Workers, home to a complete ancient village and stunning tombs of the craftsmen who built the King’s final resting place. Our last stop today will be Medinet Habu – it was both a temple and a complex of temples dating from the New Kingdom. Overnight Amwaj Livingstone Nile Cruise B, L, D

Day 9 Oct 22, 2022 Edfu and Temples This morning we will disembark our ship and visit Edfu Temple by the local transport – Caleche ride. Edfu Temple, the best preserved of all Ptolemaic temples, dedicated to the falcon- headed Horus and his family. After our morning visit we sail down the Nile enjoying the scenery.

Later this afternoon we visit Kom Ombo, 45 Kms north of Aswan, we will visit the unusual double temple of Kom Ombo dating from Ptolemaic times, around 100 BCE. The southern half of the temple was dedicated to the crocodile god , god of fertility and creator of the world with Hathor and . Meanwhile, the northern part of the temple was dedicated to the falcon god Haroeris, also known as Horus the Elder. We will also visit the crocodile mummy museum. Overnight Amwaj Livingstone Nile Cruise B, L, D

Day 10 Oct 23,2022 Temples of Kalabsha and Philae Camel ride to Nubian Village We have a full day exploring around Aswan today. Kalabsha Temple was built over an earlier New Kingdom site during the Roman Period for Caesar Augustus. It was dedicated to Isis, Osiris and Horus-Mandulis. This is perhaps the finest example of a freestanding temple in Nubia and is constructed from sandstone blocks. The temple was built in the traditional Egyptian style The Holy of Holies was in the farthest room, which was later used as a Christian church. Kalabsha Temple complex is among the most important of the salvaged monuments on Lake Nasser.

WWW.YOURJOURNEY.COM 1 800 978 0544 EMAIL:[email protected] Out of The Tombs: Ancient Egypt Revealed Oct 14 – 26 2022

The great temple of Isis on Philae island, the last operational temple in Egypt in which Egyptians worshipped for centuries until the Roman Emperor Justinian closed its doors in the 6th Century CE. The entire temple – with its beautiful statuary and reliefs was moved onto this island in the 1970s to preserve it from submersion after the creation of the new Aswan dam.

After lunch on board we will head out for a camel ride to a Nubian Village. Enjoy the ride as the sun sets and visit the colorful Nubian Village. After our visit we will return to ship for dinner. Overnight Amwaj Livingstone Nile Cruise B, L, D

Day 11 Oct 24, 2022 Free time in Aswan Today is a day to explore or relax, up to you, all visits are optional and at your own expense. Visit the wonderful marketplace with the exotic smells and trinkets to buy. Visit the Nubian Museum, go for a felucca ride. Or take a trip to visit Abu Simbel.

Optional Abu Simbel trip $150USD per person min 2 people.

We drive for 3 hours to reach Abu Simbel (280 KM south of Aswan). Its temples, which are among the most magnificent monuments in the world, were built by the great pharaoh Ramses the second. They are perhaps the grandest & the most complete example of ancient Egyptian architecture, more than 3 thousand years have elapsed since they were erected, But the temples have stood the ravages of time & remained nearly intact. The great temple is dedicated to the sun god (Ra) while the second smaller temple is dedicated to the goddess Hathor, this second temple was built for Nefertari, the pharaoh’s wife. Drive back to Aswan to meet group for flight back to Cairo. Lunch is not included, however depending on timing the guide can pick a stop for lunch before returning to Aswan.

Late afternoon or early evening we will fly back to Cairo. On arrival we will be transferred to the Ramses Hilton. Overnight Ramses Hilton, Cairo B

Day 12 Oct 25, 2022 Old Egyptian Museum, Royal Mummies at NMEC After breakfast, we will set off to visit the Egyptian Museum, home to many of the greatest treasures of ancient history. We will see the current exhibit in the museum and see how they have restored and cleaned up this treasure.

After our visit lunch at Al Azhar Park for yummy lunch and wonderful views.

National Museum of Egyptian Civilization NMEC in al-Fustat – this new museum will house the royal mummies once they are moved from the current Egyptian Museum. The museum presents a comprehensive view of Egyptian civilization from prehistory to the present day.

This evening we will have our farewell dinner. Overnight Ramses Hilton, Cairo B, L, D

Day 13 Oct 26, 2022 Departure home Breakfast at our hotel. You are free today until your transfer to the airport for your departure flight. Check out time at the hotel is 12N. B Tour cost $4,795USD per person based on twin share $500USD non refundable deposit Single supplement $895USD Final Payment Due Aug 14, 2022

WWW.YOURJOURNEY.COM 1 800 978 0544 EMAIL:[email protected] Out of The Tombs: Ancient Egypt Revealed Oct 14 – 26 2022

Our Experts: Robin Snell, received her Egyptology diploma from the University of Manchester with a focus on animal mummification and paleopathology. Completing a country-wide mobile exhibition on mummification by the Manchester Museum, her cat mummy is now a part of the Queen’s Treasury in England. For six years, Robin took students, age 12 to 21 years old, to Egypt and Europe as an important campaign of education by traveling. In her travels in Egypt, she has had a private audience with Dr. Zahi Hawass, and met with Josh Bernstein, TV star of “Digging for the Truth” travel series. She is cited in the newly published book on Nefertiti by Dr. Joyce Tyldesley. Once she stands still, she is planning on writing Egyptology books for students age 8 – 14 years old. Currently, she has an Ancient Egypt Study Group that meets every week to discuss diverse topics of Pharaonic Egypt to modern-day Egyptian Christians “You should never stop learning and living your dream, no matter how outrageous it is to others. You can keep climbing life’s greatest pyramids just as well at the age of 55, 65, 75 as you could at 25. Look at me.”

Ramy Darwish is our certified Egyptologist tour guide. As a leader in his field, he has been the preferred guide for such prestigious tour companies as, Abercrombie and Kent, Vantage Deluxe World Travel and Scenic Tours. An Egyptology graduate from Helwan University and a consummate professional, he has led tours for over 20 years through Egypt, as well as Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman. Helpful, attentive and highly knowledgeable, Ramy possesses excellent people skills combined with a contagious passion for Egyptian history. He has received rave reviews on all our Egypt tours!

Tour includes: • 04 overnights accommodation in Cairo at Steigenberger Pyramids or similar on BB Basis • 01 overnight accommodation in Sohag at House of life on HB Basis • 01 overnight accommodation in Luxor at Steigenberger Luxor or similar on BB Basis • 04 overnights accommodation on board of M/S Amwaj Nile cruise or similar on FB Basis • 02 overnights accommodation in Cairo at Ramses Hilton or similar on BB Basis • All mentioned private transfers with air conditioned private bus • All tours as per the above itinerary including sightseeing with entry fees as mentioned • Meet and assistance at the airports , Baggage handling and portage • Hotel service charges, all governmental taxes. • 12 breakfasts, 8 lunches, 6 Dinners • Local professional private Egyptologist guide Ramy Darwish. • Robin Snell your American Egyptologist • Anna MacKay Tour leader – with min 12 people • Domestic flight Cairo to Luxor or Sohag and Aswan to Cairo

Tour excludes: • Tourist visa for Egypt. • International flights • Tips ( drivers, guide and Nile Cruise crew) • Meals not mentioned, All drinks, beverages. • Travel insurance - Health & medical insurance. • Excess baggage – only 1 bag included on domestic flights • Optional excursions – Balloon Ride, Nubian Museum, Abu Simbel

Cancellation conditions: Your Journey Travel 72 Highfield 60 days or more deposit is non refundable Rd,Toronto, ON M4L 2V1 59 - 31 days prior to departure 50% is non-refundable 647.347.9150 1.800.978.0544 30 days or less prior to departure 100% non-refundable TICO # 50019902

WWW.YOURJOURNEY.COM 1 800 978 0544 EMAIL:[email protected]