Treasury and Risk Management system for Financial Institutions

A comprehensive, cross-asset investment and debt management solution for financial institutions.

SUMMA supports all requirements for global market, credit, liquidity and operational risk controls and compliancy of treasury and investment policies.

Treasury and Risk Management system combines integrated front, middle and back office functionality with a unique workflow model, enabling user- configurable control throughout the lifecycle of any transaction.

This provides and financial institutions with the control and automation required for efficient, streamlined operations. Real time data otin onitoin F I as t issuanc ant II anant an FI acto it is iuiit lannin instnt Reliable information about future cash anant flows will help the organization increase confidence in the decision-making Pre-trade limit check, simulations and compliance, trade capture, position keeping and 'what-if' analysis process on planned investments, it can Cash positioning, pooling and sweeping, in-house operations, short help to reduce the need to finance its and long term cash ow forecasting, payments, reconciliations, bank relationship management operations from loans, as well as hedge open positions in foreign currencies to Funding and hedge requests, cash forecasting, payments, internal and external bank statements, reporting uts loo eliminate FX risk. on ision I I aiti it Limits and compliance framework, exposure, VaR, process atins F sts and audit controls SUMMA can quickly and reliably analyze IF all the data in real time and provide all Conrmations, payments, settlements, reconciliations, collateral required information in the graphical or processing with full integration of SWIFT table form reports, based on which the Automated generation of bookkeeping entries, compliance with system user can always make informed international accounting standards, IAS 39, IFRS 9 decisions.


System SUMMA is a modular solution, with a practical and easy integration with any existing 3rd party systems or information platform. v

Information flow can be implemented both ways, thereby avoiding duplication of manual entries and thus also reducing operational costs.

SUMMA provides the necessary consolidated data and comprehensive overview of the current and future state of organization’s finances. Treasury & Risk Management System for financial institutions

SUMMA treasury & risk management • Transaction management system presents modular single system • Instruments solution to help your organization • Position & risk management efficiently meet all the treasury needs and • Static data management optimize balance sheet performance. • Interfaces

Transaction management

SUMMA provides a comprehensive system for management of the entire • Confirmation sent, confirmation matched transaction lifecycle. From deal entry to settlements, valuations, reporting and accounting outputs, SUMMA fully integrates the process of managing • Settlement of deal transaction flow in a robust and detailed way. • Custody settlement

• Each transaction is assigned a unique reference number in a user-defined • Daily bookkeeping format. Becomes the unique audit number of the transaction

• Highly configurable workflow (direct and reverse condition-based transaction flow, ability to set-up and activate associated automatic events)

• Competitive counterparty quotes for improved execution analysis and auditing

• Deal acceptance - configurable 4-eyes principle for improved compliance and security


SUMMA covers an extensive range of instruments • Funds • Initial Principal and Repayments in different used in present-day financial markets, from simple currency cash instruments and securities, to more advanced • FX Market linear derivatives as well as complicated non- • Repayments linked to prevailing market FX rate • FX Spot/Forward/Swap linear products from the options space. In-depth • Equity Market coverage of all major markets is provided (FX • FX Options (Including exotic features) and Money Market, Fixed Income, Equities and • Shares/Equity Funds Commodities). • Non-deliverable Forwards • Commodities/Commodity Swaps • Fixed Income • Cash/Money Market • Islamic Finance • Bonds (Fixed rate/Floating rate/Index-linked) • Cash payments/transfers • Islamic Profit Rate Swaps • IR Swaps/ FRAs • Deposits/Loans

• Options on Bonds, Swaptions, Caps/Floors • Discount/Commercial Papers

• Loans/Bonds with foreign currency clause Instrument actions Position & risk management

Portfolios with extensive number of transactions • Option exercise Optimal capital allocation, prevention of excessive across various instruments require significant losses and meeting of regulatory requirements • Custody transfer amount of maintenance, tying down resources. are all critical aspects of running financial services SUMMA either automates or simplifies actions • Dividend calculations organization. SUMMA’s extensive risk management related to position management, reducing capabilities will enable you to achieve all of the costs and improving efficiency by preventing above leading to a well-run and sound institution. unnecessary errors • Mark-to-market of all transactions, price quote • Fee management (transaction and cashflows) calculation for currency pairs, zero-coupon yield

• Roll-over curves, valuation models for derivatives

• Early-expiration • Liquidity position () - by calendar gaps, risk gaps, by banks/bank account, by • Rate/coupon fixing currency, by company/portfolio. Option to

• Forward/future fixing Position & risk management

include forecasts, operational flows or any other simulated transactions) • Limits - possibility to define and monitor external flows (commodity related) multiple level limits on the positions and using • Drill-down up to a transaction level for risk different risk measures • Ability to link exposures and hedges together contribution (Hedge relationship) to better analyze and • Value at Risk – historical or applying Monte-Carlo • IR exposure – duration, DV01 evaluate hedging strategies simulation • Equity exposure, definition of equity risk per • FX exposure, definition of FX risk by currency instrument (percent of FX risk) • (client hierarchies, client groups, • FX risk management - Currency position countries, ratings, guarantors) monitor, grouping by FX gaps, FX hedging, currency contribution • Settlement Risk (with or without credit agreement in place) • Simulations (interest/FX rate sensitivities, Static data management

SUMMA provides a highly versatile and configurable system. By defining an appropriate portfolio structure and user groups, SUMMA gives you the ability to replicate and reflect the hierarchy of your organization, reporting responsibilities and fully implement your compliance strategy.

• audit trail for all actions performed within the system

• configurable fields available across the system

• configurable Groups and Group levels available across the system

• portfolio hierarchical structure, multiple hierarchies

• active from/active to feature Reporting and Business Intelligence

Extensive range of reports and analytical tools formal reporting in PDF format) ensures timely and accurate overview and • Microsoft office connectivity with ability to monitoring of risk positions and exposures. enhance quality of documents by adding Reporting in SUMMA is highly customizable and system #hashtags the system provides interconnectivity with several applications.

• Position and risk reporting Accounting

• Workflow reporting, identification of required • Daily bookkeeping tasks and status monitoring • Periodic booking • Filtering/grouping/pivoting • Book value change • Calculated columns

• Delivery of the reports (screen-based, by e-mail,

Operations (Back Office)

SUMMA offers centralization, control and visibility • SWIFT in the entire Back Office process. Automating • Payment netting rules processes and tasks frees up resources, while rigorous checks minimize errors in payments, • Splitting settlements and general transaction management. • Bank balance import and reconciliation, • Automated Confirmations exceptions handling

• Tickets, e-mail confirmation • Custody settlement

• SWIFT messages • Custody settlement

• Matching systems connectivity • Deliver vs Payment (DvP) settlement

• Settlement • Custody balance calculation

• Direct bank interface • Custody balance import and reconciliation Cash & Liquidity Management for Financial Institutions

SUMMA Cash & Liquidity module provides • Cash & Liquidity forecasting CFOs and Treasurers with instant visibility • Scenario modelling of current and forecasted liquidity, bank • Bank account management accounts status, and multi-currency • Payments & Netting exposures of portfolios. • Document management & Compliance

Cash & Liquidity Forecasting

SUMMA CLM, building on its integration with ERP or any other 3rd party • Views by currency, portfolio, group or as defined by a user systems, provides immediate visibility of present cash positions for each • Recalculations of cash flows of financial instruments based on real-time portfolio as well as for the whole organization. Easy to use dashboards and market data reports provide either detailed or consolidated position by portfolio, currency, cash flow category or any other parameter requested by a system user. • Short, mid or long-term liquidity views with possible inclusion of projected financial instruments • Highly flexible liquidity forecasting

• Daily automatic feed of all transactions and balances

• Forecasts of cash positions for upcoming days, weeks or months

• Quick and transparent dashboards with individually customized views

• Automatic feeds from banks, ERP systems or treasury operations

Modelling (What-if scenarios)

Flexible functionality for quick and user friendly • Possibility to create detailed specific conditions modelling of key changes and its impact on for scenarios, specific portfolios, cash-flow types future cash flows. All changes are visualized in or time periods a new liquidity scenario that is easy to compare • Drilldown option to see details and components with the original view, highlighting key changes of any cash flow forecast shown on liquidity and its impacts. High level of flexibility, including screen adjustments on portfolio or group level, by currency, specific month or any other desired level is available.

• User friendly screen with predefined key parameters for quick scenario modelling

• Easy to compare multiple scenarios visualized on one screen

Bank accounts management Payments management & netting

SUMMA CLM provides organizations with a complete overview of all account Flexible platform for centralized payment management for the whole balances and transactions via automatic feeds of bank account statements. organization. SUMMA helps to administer all accounts from one place, it Personalized dashboards enable users to see all the balances of the also helps to manage access rights to create, approve and execute payment organization at any given time with adjustable structural views for portfolios instructions to different banks and bank accounts within the organization. or currencies. SUMMA CLM enables to work with counterparty accounts, supports netting • Automatic feed of account statements with balances and transactions and splitting of payments and automatically sends payment advises to clients or counterparties. • Instant overview of cash position by portfolio, country, currency, subsidiary or group • Adjustable payment flow to create | approve | execute payments from any bank and bank account • Possibility to review liquidity by including projected funding transactions • One single point for processing of all payments / settlements within the • User friendly dashboard with personalized views whole organization

• Automatic or Manual netting Documents management

Store and manage documents related to transactions and forecasts such as contracts, customer meeting notes or deal confirmation letters in the system.

Flexible transaction flow set-up enables to use the system for electronic ticket passing, including approval and payments generation, or as a platform to manage and store other documents or contracts. Detailed audit trail history is in line with standard compliance requirements. Since 1997 PREFIS provides financial services, advisory, implementation It means that we know and understand challenges that our clients face, as and support of Treasury and Risk management systems to financial we’ve been there ourselves. Our domain expertise enables us to address our institutions all over the world. client’s individual challenges, provide fresh perspective and advise clients how to maximize the system utilization while improving efficiency of their business We are also a software company that develops treasury management, cash processes. & liquidity management and risk management system for commercial banks and other financial institutions. Our business and technical competence also allow us to provide clients with complementary customizations tailored to their business processes. Our company has a team of experts with professional background from central banks, corporate treasuries or financial institutions. A comprehensive Treasury and Risk Management system for financial institutions.

SUMMA treasury & risk management system presents modular single system solution to help your organization efficiently meet all the treasury needs and optimize balance sheet performance.

Financial services providers often rely on multiple systems and spreadsheets when it comes to treasury management. SUMMA eliminates the inefficiencies and potential errors associated with this approach and enables treasures and risk managers to focus on value-adding activities. PREFIS, a. s. Metodova 7, 821 08 Bratislava, Slovak Republic [email protected] |