Massachusetts Collectors and Treasurers Association TREASURER’S MANUAL Revised 2017 Chapter 1 Overview and Legal Basis of Municipal Finance in Massachusetts Legal Foundation of Municipal Finance The development of the powers and duties of Massachusetts cities and towns has evolved since colonial times. The Massachusetts General Laws set out the legal foundation of municipal finance, but new statutes, court decisions, agency regulations, and guidelines are constantly changing. Knowledge of where to find the statutes and regulations, and keeping up with changes is of great importance for all treasurers. More detail can be found on the Division of Local Services publication “A Guide to Financial Management for Town Officials” Sources of Legal Information The Division of Local Services (DLS) of the State Department of Revenue (DOR) has statutory responsibilities regarding the assessment and collection of property and other local taxes, municipal budgets and debt, and municipal accounting and other financial practices. The Bureau of Municipal Finance Law serves as the legal bureau of the DLS and is available to municipal treasurers for legal advice and assistance. (See Bulletin 2006- 02B titled Bureau of Municipal Finance Law online at Treasurers can call to speak to one of the assigned “attorneys of the day” at 617-626-2400 or email a question to
[email protected]. In an email request, a treasurer needs to include name, community, position, telephone number, and best time to reach you in case follow up is needed. The DLS has a website ( which is invaluable to municipal treasurers looking for legal information pertinent to their jobs.