Sept./ Oct. 1980 lo this issue: Volume 30 Craftsmanship Number 5 Fancy the Ornament $2.00 Architecture for Health The John Sealy Hospital Texas Tomorrow Architect

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.... Sept./ Oct. 1980 In this issue: Volume 30 Craftsmanship Number 5 Fancy the Ornament Texas $2.00 Architecture for Health Tire John Sealy Hospital Texas Tomorrow Architect

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Orel.., w -· R wUCr In( y Contents

In the News 13 Texas A rchilect is published by the Texas Society o f Architects, Des Taylor, Executive Vice-Presi- dent. About this Issue 25 Larry Paul Fuller Editor Michael McCullar Associate Editor Craftsmanship John Lash . Associate Publisher 26 Sandy Otey Circulation Manager Michael Benedikt, an assistant professor of 1-lyder Joseph Brown, AJA Editorial Consultant architecture at UT-, offers a definition of "craft.una11ship," an explanation of its Contributing Editors significance for both producer and beholder, David Braden, FAIA; James Coote; Clovis lleim­ sath, FAIA; Peter Papadcmetriou, AIA; David and, implicitly, a challenge for architects to Woodcock desig11 for it. Publications Committee Alan Sumner (chairman), David Browning, Jack Fancy th e Ornament 38 Craycraft, Dennis Felix, Eugene George, Larry Buie Harwood, an associate professor of Good, Craig Kennedy, Dave Mayfield, Mervin interior design in the Department of Home Moore, Jack Tisdale, Barry Weiner Eco110111ics at UT-Austin, examines a sur­ Texas Architect is published six times yearly by prising wealth of "people's art," Victorian the Texas Society of Architects, the official orga­ nization of the Texas Region of the American In­ and vernacular decorative painting, applied stitute of Architects. Address: 212 1 A ustin National to Texas interiors in the late 19th and early Bank Tower, Congress at Sixth, Austin , Texas 20th cen111ries. 1no1. Telephone: 512/478-7386. Subscription pri ce is $8 per year for TSA members and $ 10 for non­ members per year for addresses within the con­ Architecture for Health 48 tinental United States excepting Hawaii and Alaska. Editor Larry Paul Fuller draws 011 overview Texas ArchitPct is available on microfihn and microfiche from Micropublishers. International, 58 of current trends i11 health care design from Old South Country Road, South Haven, New York presentations made at a recent Houston 117 19. seminar 011 health facilities spo11sored by Controlled circulation postage paid al Austin, the Texas Society of Architects and the Texas 78701. Texas Hospital Association. Copyright 1980 by the Texas Society of Architects. Reproduction of all or part of editorial material herein without written permissio n is strictly pro­ The John Sealy Hospital 52 hibited. Editorial cootributions, correspondence and advertising material is invited by the editor. Larry Wygant, associate director for history Appearances of names and pictures of products of medicine and archives at the Moody and services in either editorial or advertising does Medical Library i11 Galveston, discusses the not constilllte an endorsement of same by either the Texas Society of A rchitects or the American 1•ario11s influences 011 Nicholas Clayton's de­ Institute of A rchitects. Nor does editorial com­ sign of the original John Sealy Hospital in ment necessarily reflect an official opinio n o f Gafreston. Allusions to miasma, contagion ei ther organization. and Flore11ce Nightingale. BPA membership appli ed for May 1979. ISSN: 0040-4179.

Texas Tomorrow 60 TSA Officers Concluding our series of excerpts from the Boone Powell, FAIA, San Antonio Presicknt six essays which sen·ed as the bases for dis­ Lee Roy J-Ja hnfcld, Fort Worth President-Elect cussio11 during TSA's Lakeway Goals Co11- Jerry Clement, Dall as Vice-President Johnny Collen. Corpus Christi V ice-P resident fere 11ce in March: "Growth, Resources, E11- Jim Oochc, Amarillo V ice-President 1•iro11111e11t," hy Catherine H. Powefl, an Paul Kinnison, Jr. . San Antonio Vice-President assistant professor in the Department of Welch, FAIA, Midland Vice-Pre~ident Urban Studies at Trinity University in San Morton L. Levy, Jr., Houston Secretary Nancy R. McAdams, Austin . . . . . Treasurer Antonio; and "Architectural Education in Des Taylor, Austin Executive Vice-President the 1980s," by James Pratt, FA/A, a prin­ cipal in the Dallas architectural firm Pratt TSA Board of Directors M. R. Newberry Abilene C hapter Box Henderson & Partners. Darrell Fkmi ng . . .. Amarillo C hapter Chuck Croft Austin Chapter Craftsmanship: a Cold Can of Coors 83 Duane Cote Brazos C hapter On the Cover: Detail i·iew of main gallery Donalt! Greene Corpus Chris ti Chapter Contributing Editor OG1·id Braden, FA /A, Jim C lutts Dallas Chapter le1·el upon e11tering the Kimbell Art Mu­ Dallas, expounds 011 a somewhat refreshing W. E. Kuykendall E l Paso Chapter seum in Fort Worth, designed by Louis idea of craftsmanship, wit/, a sobering Robert LcMond Fort Worth C hapter Kahn. Photography by Phillip Poole, Phillip A. William Moclrall Houston Chapter thought or two 0 11 its potential for wider Poole Associates, Fort Worth. Calvin Walker Lower R io Grande Valley Chapter application. Tom Mills Lubbock Chapter Carroll Sinclair Northeast Tcx,is Chapter John Willia ms San Antonio Chapter Letters 87 Milton Bell Southeast Texas Chapter David Carnahan Waco C hapter Coming Up: T he November/ December Ernest W . Babb, Jr. West Texas C hapter J. G. Dixon, J r. Wichi ta Falls Chapter issue of Texas Architect will consider the Elliolt Kerl Association of city of Dallas and its architecture in con­ Student Chapters/AJ A iunction with the T exas Society of Arcl1i­ tects' 41st Annual Meeting at the Hyatt Regency Dallas Nov. 6-8.

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Circle 5 on Reader lnqu,ry Card

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Projects, People, Schools, Books, Firms, Events, Products

Edited by Michael McCullar

of plans which included the original 78,000 square feet for $40,000 less than the original appropriation. Then in April the commission asked architects if the firm would be willing to "gamble" part of its fee if construction contracts did not come in under the bud­ get. Questioning the propriety of such a proposal, architects respectfully declined. The project, scheduled for completion in 1981, involves renovating three build­ ings in the complex, providing 78,000 square feet of office space and 35,000 square feet of warehouse space. The major tenant will be the Texas Depart­ ment of Human Resources.

State Finally Approves State Office Building Project in San Antonio TENRAC Committee Puts Forth Recommendations The state Purchasing and General Ser­ 1979 that he "was not at all pleased" For Solar Application vices Commission voted in August to with plans to renovate the abandoned award $3.167 million in contracts for the San Antonio Manufacturing Co. foundry. All new state "structures" built after renovation of the old SAMSCO complex Accordingly, Clements asked the Pur­ Aug. 3 I, 1981, should be required to in East San Antonio as the first multi­ chasing and General Services Commis­ employ passive and active solar systems tenant state office building outside Austin. sion to re-evaluate the cost effectiveness for space heating, cooling, water heating Final go-ahead on the project marked of such a plan, compared to continued and interior daylighting, according to a the successful end of an arduous cam­ leasing of state office space. state solar advisory committee. paign by the San Antonio Conservation Much of the delay in getting final com­ Revising its initial recommendations Society, City Council, East Side commu­ mission approval was due to the state after a public hearing in August, the com­ nity groups, the architectural firm Ford, requirement that the project's cost stay mittee, which advises the Texas Energy Powell & Carson, and state Rep. Lou within the $3.6 million appropriation yet and Natural Resources Advisory Council, Nella Sutton, whose late husband and still provide the full 78,000 square feet recommended that such systems be used predecessor in the House, Rep. G. J. of office space originally specified in the "except where the use of a particular sys­ Sutton, first proposed the SAMSCO legislation. Also, construction contracts tem is clearly not in the public interest." renovation plan in 1973. had to be awarded before Aug. 31, J980, The "public interest" would be deter­ Opposing the project were downtown the end of the state's fiscal year. mined by life cycle cost analysis. San Antonio building owners who feared Charging that architects failed to meet An early recommendation that the that reuse of the complex as state office those requirements in their initial designs, Texas Board of Architectural Examiners space on the East Side would drain office the commission-chaired by Clements require its license applicants to demon­ tenants away from the central bmincss appointee Bod Dedman--continually strate a basic understanding of energy district. postponed its decision. Then state Atty. conservation and the use of renewable Gov. Clements also voiced some influ­ Gen. Mark White issued an informal energy resources was deleted from the ential doubt about the project after the opinion in March stating that, although committee's final recommendations. state legislature already had appropriated the project cost must indeed be limited TBAE Executive Director Phil Creer, $3.6 million for the renovation. Accord­ to $3.6 million, it need not contain 78,- FATA, responded to the initial proposal ing to the San Antonio Express-News, 000 square feet of office space. Mean­ in an Aug. 20 memo to TENRAC, stat­ Clements told reporters in November while, architects presented a revised set ing that both the Qualifying Test and

September/October 1980 13 the Professional Examination already in­ clude questions on energy conservation. And although neither exam addresses re­ newable energy resources, Creer pointed out, TBAE has no authority on its own to add anything to the exams, which arc prepared by a na ti onal committee com­ posed of members from the various state licensing boards. Other recommendations, which will be presented to TEN RAC for its endorse­ ment in September, include: • determining the available resources in the state that would allow engineers, architects, designers and planners to more adequately design solar systems; • adoption by local building officials Sam 1/011.11011 llomt• in l/1111tsville. of DOE':, "Document for Code Officials on Solar Heating and Cooling of Build­ Sam Houston Home: Clapboard or Log, P9rch or No Porch? ings" for use as part of local building Controversy over an historic building The Saml I ouston Home is both a codes; usually involves a conflict of interest be­ National Register Landmark and a Re­ • state adoption of standards for test­ tween those who want to preserve il and corded Texas H istoric Landmark. T he ing solar collectors and systems based on those who want to tear il down. In I lunts­ state legislature appropriated some $280,- those of the American Society of Heat­ ville, however, an unusual battle is being 000 for the restoration project in J979. ing, Refrigerating and Air Conditi oning waged between Walker County preserva­ According to Curlis Tunnell, an archae­ Engineers (ASH RAE); tionists and Sam Houston Stnte University ologi:.t with the Texas Historical Com­ • establishment of a Texas Solar Dank officials and their architects over the mission, there is no direct evidence- such to provide low interest loans for residen­ most authentic approach to re~toring the as a photograph of Houston himself tial applications of solar energy; hi.\toric Sam Houston Home. sitling on his front porch- that would in­ • encouraging a voluntary program T he dispute, in court at prc!>s time, in­ dicate exactly what the house looked li ke by the Texas Publ ic Utility Commission volves the Walker County Historical in the 1850s. Tunnell says that the Greek and Railroad Commission in wh ich the Commis!>ion, SHSU regents and the Aus­ Revival porch, in fact, was actually added electric and natural gas utility companies tin architectural firm Bell, Klein and on in 1957, although old photographs participate in financing the purchase and I loffman. The historical commission be­ do that the house had a similar installation of solar water heaters; and lieves that proposed plans for restoring porch in the I 890s. • encouraging the use of solar energy the building, calling for the removal of A restraining order stopped work for heating swimming pools, in lieu of the white clapboard siding and a Greek on the project, and a Huntsville judge heaters that use oil and gas. Revival front porch to expose original ruled that SHSU must obtain a per­ log construction underneath, would vio­ m it from the state Historical Commis­ Texas Construction Activity late the vintage architectural integrity of sion's Antiquities Commiuee before the the building and not come anywhere close project can resume. Meanwhile, the uni­ Shows 11 Percent Decrease to portraying the house as it was when versity has appealed the ruling, and the For First 6 Months of 1980 Sam Houston lived there in the J850s. buil ding stands fenced and locked. Total construction contracts in Texas re­ SHSU regents and architects, on the ''It's really nn architectural problem," flect an I I percent decrease for the first other hand, contend that restoration plans Tunnell says, "and a difference in philos­ six months of 1980 compared to the same arc as accurate as they can be, based on ophy. Both sides present strong argu­ six-month period in J979, McGraw-H ill's thorough historical research and detailed ments, and both sides want to do what's F. W. Dodge Division reports. arch itectural and archaeological invc!,ti­ besl for the structure." According to George A. Christie, galion of the i.tructu rc and the site. D odge vice president and chief econo­ mist, contracts for residential, non-resi­ South Padre Developments Escape Hurricane Allen Fairly Unscathed dential and " non-building" construction ~tatewidc totalled $6,123, 195,000, down The multi-million dollar strip of condo­ Aug. 10, was expected to be the first from a total of $6,904,424,000 for the miniums and hotels on South Padre major hurricane to test many of the same period in 1979. hland, the n~irrow barrier of sand be­ hurricane-resistant structures that have Non-building construction includes tween the Gulf and the Texas mainland, been erected on the island in the past such projects as streets and highways, survived Hurricane Allen without the decade. bridges, dams and reservoirs, river and massive damage many expected from As it turned out, though the storm harbor developments, sewage and water what had heen call ed the century's proved not as il"!lense as many had feared, supply systems, missile and space faci li­ ltecond-worst hurricane. high winds and seas raged over South ties, airports, utilities and communicat ion Allen, which steadily lol.t power as it Padre at the hurricane's peak, covering systems. swirled for hours just off the Texas coast the island with more than 10 feet of

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Circle 10 on Reader Inquiry Card In lhc News, co11ti1111ed.

wa ter. pletcd in 1942. According to arch itect Troy Brown and In September 1978, installation of five engineer H . G. Doyle, both with Dallas­ bronze bells in the restored Arneson based SHWC, designers of many of the River Theater in honor of H ugman South Padre structures, most of the struc­ marked the fru ition of his original River tural damage was caused by debris hurled Walk scheme. against the buildings by the hurricane Hugman was a 1924 graduate of archi­ winds. Minimal direct damage from wave tecture from the University of Texas. and wind was due largely to sea walls in strategic places as well as maximized floor heights and such defensive features San Antonio Chapter AJA as pressure relief vents which prevent ex­ Presents 1980 Design Awards plosions Crom the drastic change of pres­ Six projects have emerged as winners in sure that occurs during storms. the San Antonio Chapter AI A's 1980 Design Awards Program. River Walk Architect Excellence in Architecture Awards went to the firm Ford, Powell & Carson, Robert II. II. Hugman and Churnncy, Jones & Kell , for their Timber Trusses Dies at the Age of 78 joint-Venture design of a new library at Timber Decking San Antonio archi­ Trinity University in San Antonio; Ford, tect Robert H. Jl . Powell & Carson for renovation of San Laminated Timber&. Hugman, father of Fern ando Cathedral in San Antonio (also the city's famed a winner in TSA's 1979 Design Award's Texas Timbers, Inc. River Walk, died Program); and The Marmon Mok Part­ Texas Oldest Fabricator Of July 23 in San An­ nership fo r de!>ign of the Medical Center StTUCtural Lamina(ed imber tonio at the age Tower in San Antonio. Box 267 I LaGrange 78~5 / ( of 78. Hugman is cred­ ited with conceiving the original plan for the Pasco de! Rio in the I 920s as a means of both beautifying the river and alleviat­ ing the threat of fl ooding. To achieve the latter, the City had r------, origina ll y proposed straightening the San Antonio river between Olmos Oasin and Gunther Mills and building a cht111nel cut-off from Commerce to Yillita Streets. To many San Antonians, however, the remedy seemed almost worse than the ailment. Objections lo removing the me­

ENG I NEERS andering kinks in the river and c~1rvi ng ARCH I TECTS ARTISTS out a concrete flood channel arose among SUPPL I ES th o!>e who feared such a project would ... Trinity Unil'ersity library, San Antonio. REPRODUCTION desecrate the most picturesque part of SP EC IAL. I ST $ the river downtown, known as the Big Bend. Envisioning the Big Bend lined with sidewalk cafcs, mariachi bands and shops, with gondoliers poling their boats through li ly patches up and down the river, Hug­ man devised a plan that would beautify th e flood channel, enhance the Big Bend section of the river and bring merchants lo the riverside. The idea was well received, but the Sa11 Fnll(111do CatliNlral, San A 111onio. ambitious project didn't get off the ground until the Depression, when the Merit Awards went to The Marmon MILLER Works Project Administration with its Mok Partnen,hip for the NBC Center BLUE PRINT CO. legions of unemployed craftsmen and drive-in hank in San Antonio; Chumney !SO I WEST SIXTH ST laborers, and Hugman as project archi­ Jones & Ke ll for Windcrest C'redit Union AUSTIN, TEXAS 78767 tect, began work on the San Antonio Center in San Antonio; and For

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Circle 13 on Reader Inquiry Card In the News, coi1ti11ued. aroonao

~ ii! to ,!: N M edical Center Tower, Sa11 Antonio. San Antoni o. Juro rs for this year's program were Ehrman B. Mitchell, Jr., FAIA, former AIA president; James Prall, FAIA; and Ralph Anderson, J r. , FAIA .

Austin Police Complex Chosen for 1980 Exhibit Edmund Kirk Associates Dallas/1444 Oak Lawn, Suite 604, (214) 744-0696 On Architecture for Justice B< Houston/3000 Richmond, Suite 130, (713) 520-6385 Expansion of the city police complex in

Circle 15 on Reader Inquiry Card Austin, designed in joint venture by the Austi n firms Holt, F atter, Scott, and Wilson Stoeltje Martin, was one of 19 justice facility projects nationwide select­ ed for the 1980 Exhibiti on of Architec­ ture for Justi ce F acilities, sponsored joint­ ly by the American Correctional Association and AJA.

City Police lleadquarters, A u.rti11 ---. - The projects were displayed at the If you build homes for today's lifestyles, you need to know about Kent Moore ACA's 110th Congress of Corrections Cabinets. We build space efficient, high quality Oak, Ash and Birch cabi­ Aug. 17-2 1 in San Diego and at the In­ nets that rival site-built cabinets in both cost and eye appeal. With our wide ternational Association of Chiefs of variety of door s tyles, coordinating cabinets with the interior design is no Police convention Sept. l 3-18 in St. longer a problem. Call us today and find out why more builders are ruing Kent Moore Cabinets. Louis. The A JA Committee on Architec­ ture for Justice also plans lo display the projects at its juvenil e justi ce seminar ~nt u\ioore Cabinets Oct. 30-Nov. 1 in Gainesvi ll e, Fla. T he selected pro jects, located in 14 3206 Longmire, College S tntion, Texas 77840 713-693-29 states and Canada, include 12 correction/

Circle 14 on Reader lnqwry Card 18 Texas A rcl,itect Architectural Terra Cotta or Ceramic Veneer Call Great Southern Supply Company_

Whether you are refurbishing the old or rn an almost limitless range of colors. creating the new. Great southern can textures. and shapes to satisfy even the perfectly match existing ornamentation mosl highly defined taste. or precisel y tran slate your design We have a thirty-five year reputation expre ssion rnto archi tectural terra cotta for providing the unique. Let Great of the finest quality. Southern help you articulate your It rs the perfect medium for enduring design statement. Ca ll us today at archi tectural deta il and ceramic veneer. 713/ 644 · 1751 or com e and see our And architectural terra cotta 1s avai lable Houston showro om .

GREAT SOUTHERN SUPPLY COMPANY P.O. Box 14507 • Houston. Texds 77021 • 7131644· 1751 Houston Showroom. 3637 Wes£ Alabama al Timmons Lane • 5Utte 490 7131626 9 172 Ctrcle 16 on Reader Inquiry Card In the News, corrtirrued. detention facilities, three police stations, two judicial complexes, one U.S. Border C1/li111 11/ lrcl,ifec ls ... Patrol station and one courthouse. The projects were chosen by six jurors on 1he basis of aesthetics, adequacy of TllGllATERTIIIG program, grouping of functional areas, accessibility, environmental controls, safety, site adaptation, site development and presentation of materials. TIATEYEIHAl!PEIEI

'Architect of Hope' Elected President of Peru TOA WALi! roWER Peruvian architect TOWER is the contract CONTRACT VINYL Fernando Belaunde vinyl wallcovering WALL COVERING Terry, a 1935 archi­ distinctively created tecture graduate of and produced in design The University of Offered exclusively in the state of Texas and maintenance, from the nation's number one distributor. Texas and the man exclusively for Time magazine commercial and called in 1965 "A institutional projects. Latin American 366 colors in 36 patterns Architect of Hope," became the presi­ of deep dimension A lull s11/11s 11nd s1uv1c11 stall ,n 011llas end 1n Houston dent of Peru in inauguration ceremonies w,111 w,rshouses conteinlng qua//tr wal/coverings. July 28 in Lima. textures for fabrics, Ken Oe1/ce Ed Tun According to the AU Journal, Bel­ cork, wood, grass, Commc•rcwl OIV1slon Commer<;ief Division ISGO CORPORATION /SGO CORPORATION aunde is 1he only head of state in the masonry, leather and 1237 Conveyor Lttno 5809 Ch1mn,y Rock DALLAS, Tex. 75241 HOUSTON. Tex 77081 world who is an architect by profession. more. (214} 634-1313 (713} ~5-3232 Belaunde's July 28 inauguration ended 12 years of military dictatorship in Peru and marked Belaunde's third election to Circle 18 on Reader Inquiry Card the Peruvian presidency since 1963. During his first term he actively pro­ moted land reform, a national housing program and the Marginal Forest High­ Waterproofing & Roofing way, a 3,500-mile road carved through Railton, Inc., carries a complete line of the jungle along the eastern foothills of materials and equipment for roofing and the Andes to open up the wilderness for waterproofing. Distributors for Bird & settlement and trade. Son, Celotex, Johns-Manville, Gulf State Many of Belaunde's proposed reforms, Asphalt, Koppers, Supradur, etc.... however, were diluted by an opposition state wide distribution ... complete congress. Re-elected president in 1967, inventory ... job site delivery he was deposed a year later in a military coup, which sought to completely rede­ fine Peru's still-flagging economy through Railton, Inc., (l-800-392-8626) 4063 Homestead Road / Houston 77028 I 713 676-7466 revolutionary social and economic re­ 604 Ca.rollna / San Antonio 78210 / 612-633-6023 forms. 613 8. West St. / Ha.rllngen 79560 / 512-425-6631 ,- Belaunde spent the next 10 years in . 1 .. exile in the United States, teaching archi­ tecture, planning and foreign affairs at Harvard, Columbia, Johns Hopkins, George Washington and American uni­ versities. In 1978, after the military junta in Peru announced plans to return the coun­ try to civilian rule, Bela(mde returned to Peru to run in the country's first national election since 1963. In a field of 15 can­ didates, he won 43 percent of the vote as candidate for the Acci6n Popular party, which he founded in 1956. Co11ti1111ed 011 page 68.

Circle 17 on Reader Inquiry Card 20 Texas Architect Nova Chair Contract and residential furniture/ li ghting Atelier International, LTO. Space 608 Circle 81 on Reader 1nqwry Card

Seating, Desks and Conference Tables by: Aldo series by Jack Cartwright Inc. is available in chair, love seat and sofa. Novikoff W. Glenn Hennings & Associates Space 662 Space 605 c,,c,e 84 on Reader /nqwy Card Space 600 Space 609 Space 623

Armstrong, American of Martinsville, Fabricut, Seabrook Wallcoverings, Sico, Simmons and many more.

Turn-Key Furnishers Houston & Dallas ftTHONET u herman miller Bill Chattaway Associates 214/741-2271 214/741-4937 214/651-0845 713/960-9538 ,. Space 604 Space 610 Space 638

Nemschoff, Precision, Charlotte, Omini, Artopex, Fine Arts, P.T. & C., Elevations/Design

Contract and Institutional Furniture Chromcraft Furniture 214/748-2706

MARLBOROUGH & LORD ASSOC. 8endecor 214/748-3051 713/974-4468 214/748-0394 =-==1 Mohasco company

Space 605 Space 611 Space 642

Representing Jansco, Contempo- · rary Shells, LS I , Terfeste, Ltd., Contract Furniture, Accessories and Salvarani Kitchens, Paul Hoppen­ Lighting feld, Desience Corp., Lomac Marble, Coeval Contract Glenn Hennings Monarch Furniture 214/741-5347 & Associates 214/651-1556 214/747-8839 1 MohNCO comptny

Space 608 Space 616 Space 645 Wwilliam Hammon !I " & Associates Furniture, Lighting, Art & 214/745-1371 Accessories Commercial & Institutional Furniture Representing Hiebert, Brueton, Showing: Gilbert, Rudd, Business Accesso­ Brickel Associates ries Cl Designs David Edward, Ltd. ai Modern Mode, Inc. Atelier lntemationa~ Ltd. and others ,ol1n albcrll ll1C 214/653-1161 ..a 214/747-2431 Space 646 Space 662 Space 670

Contract Furniture, Lighting & Ac­ cessories

Van Sant, Inc. Li ~-l ', rp) I. H. Pritchard, Inc. 214/747-4376 214/748-1976 I. 214/741•5097

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Interior products for the architect, specifier and interior designer Harvey Probber, Inc., Taylor Chair Co., Davis Furniture Industries, Office Specialty, Ltd. Metro Metropolitan Furniture Corp. Robert Long Lighting, Inc. For further information on any of the Helen Webber/ Heron Intl. showrooms listed in the ad, please cir­ cle the reader inquiry number. If you Metropolitan Showrooms, Inc. would like information from a specific l1~ P.O. Box 58256 showroom, please indicate so on the r -"!) Bob Gray, Inc. Dallas, Texas 75258 reader inquiry card. 214/747-6361 (214) 747-4135

Circle 19 on Reader Inquiry Card Just® Stainless Steel Sinlcs

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®Just Manufacturing Company

rfl ,~c.,~uul.~ •'1//c..., ,,....,,,w,,,.,,,.______Manufacturers---'- Representative____ - _-=-_ ~ _, 0 DALLAS: 4309 N . BEL TWOOD PARKWAY • 75240 • 214 • 661-0222 0 HOUSTON: 1999 KOLFAHL • 77023 • 713 • 923-2371 1-----+------+------+ 0 SAN ANTONIO: 5130 SERVICE CENTER • 78218 • 512 • 661-4161 C,rcle 20 on Reader lnqwry Card About this Issue

In a 193 3 edition of American Architect, one Leopold Arnaud wrote, "Building beautifully is the expression of the art of living, and so long as living is an art, it ( building) will probably make use of the crafts." Probably? Rather than an affirmation of conviction, this was more an expression of hope-a wish in anticipation of a swing away from the then­ prevalent Modernist dogma against ornament and embellishment in build­ ings. Arnaud bemoaned the "nudity" of the International Style, the un­ adorned blandness deriving from an aesthetic of functionalism and pure -~ ; form. Observing that craftsmanship in architecture is displayed principally in ornament, he extolled hand-crafted embellishment as the key to a more florid and acceptable architectural expression. As evidenced by Michael Benedikt's ambitious essay in this issue, the absence of craftsmanship in buildings still is being lamented, but on some­ what broader grounds than the mere Jack of ornamentation. True to Arnaud's hopeful predictions, architecture of the Modern Movement has become somewhat disfavored, but not entirely because of its sleek and unembellished form. Peter Blake observes in Form Follows Fiasco, "The underlying premise of building in the International Style-the premise of sheerness, flatness, smoothness, unornamcnted plainness-remains, to this day, an impossible dream. Impossible, for the simple reason that the facts of building in the real, outdoor world- the facts of such mundane problems as weather­ ing and maintenance- make it virtually impossible to attain the ideal of a flawless architecture of pure geometric forms." One suspects, however, that the failure to attain the ideal has had as much ( or more) to do with shoddy materials and poor workmanship-a lack of craftsmanship in the sense of "giving a damn" during the process of building. As for ornamentation, post-modernism, in a sense, has proven to be Arnaud's false hope. Ironically, much of the work being labeled as post­ modern reflects a concern for ornament and historical allusion while displaying a certain flimsiness unlikely to be associated with craftsmanship. Whether it appears as ornament and embellishment, or in the informed use and assembly of materials, craftsmanship in building is a rare and valuable commodity. It is rare because of the Machine Age breakdown of the day-by-day passing on of skills and tradition, begun in medieval times. And this rarity itself makes craftsmanship valuable, usually the product of sacrifice in an economy recking of crude indifference to the arts. In its highest form, craftsmanship reveals evidence of care, of joy in one's work. From the unique touch of a human hand, it bears the precious mark of individuality. It is the making-beyond all words- of things seen within the mind. And in its inherent quality of imperfection, so unlike the absolute precision of machines, craftsmanship reflects the true nature of living; it somehow brings buildings to life. -Larry Paul Fuller

September/ Oc1ober 1980 25 Craftsmanship

Human Presence in the Quality of Buildings

By Michael Benedikt

Attitudes toward craftsmanship in archi­ of like objects and/ or a request made by as cost, durability, and so on. In this tecture tend to be polarized. Some claim a designer; the craftsman's manner of respect, a building should be viewed like that craftsmanship in an age of advanced working-whether as independent pro­ any other object-a chair or a piece of technology, mass production, and com­ ducer, or commissioned or salaried work­ flatware. This last assertion I will re­ ponent assembly is an anachronism, at er; the degree of training and level of turn to. best a hobby. Others almost mystically skill required; and the degree of under­ One's ability to be happy with the prior revere craftsmanship as an antidote to the standing of the whole task. In this way argument depends on holding either one impersonal and standardized products we may include "fine workmanship" in or both of two beliefs: I) that the value and tasks of our time. our thinking about craftsmanship; for of an artifact to a user does not properly Historically, allegiances toward these fine workmanship, more often than not, include the good or harm done to people conflicting views have shifted from one describes what architects mean by crafts­ or environment during the process of to the other and back. "For" craftsman­ manship in the making of the building manufacture, or 2) the belief that the ship: the arts-and-crafts movement of the per se. (Alternatively, we may wish to free enterprise economic system reflects late 19th century, Art Nouveau, Ameri­ distinguish "building craftsmen" and and adequately compensates the pains, can architects like Sullivan, Wright, craftswomen-such as plasterers, joiners, difficulties, and costs of manufacture. Greene and Greene, and the recent glaziers, and masons- from "art crafts­ For example, redwood is a beautiful .. handmade house" craft renaissance. men ·'-such as weavers, potters, and bot­ building material-light, easy to cut, '·Against" (in the sense of being opposed tle blowers.) weather resistant, insulating, good-look­ to labor-intensive and antiquated build­ CRAFTSMANSHIP AND BUILDINGS ing. It is not plentiful, so its high price ing methods and materials): architects What, then, is the significance of is justified and "correct," and-so the of the International Style such as Gro­ craftsmanship in the design, construction argument goes-we need not concern our­ pius, Mies van der Rohe or S.O.M. and use of buildings? Leaving aside for selves with the actual magnificence and The former might be labelled romantics now the issue of the origin of the design, irreplaceability of the trees felled. Simi­ or medievalists, the !alter functionalists two primary relationships exist in the pro­ larly from this viewpoint, in deciding the or rationalists. These categories are decep­ duction and use of an artifact such as a extent to which a building is to be put tive of course; "for or against"' is too sim­ building: I) the relationship of the user/ together from standard parts and with un­ ple a dichotomy to begin to analyze the owner to the made object, and 2) the re­ demanding construction methods (and complex matter of modern architecture's lationship of the craftsman/maker to hence with little craftsmanship), the archi­ relation to craftsmanship. Nevertheless, what he makes. tect would be somewhat sentimental and a certain tension between the two oppos­ Regarding the first relationship, there foolish to consider not only the source of ing views seems to characterize argu­ is an argument which goes as follows: The the materials, but the environmental con­ ments about the beauty, humanness and evolution of production techniques by ditions under which the builder builds, his rationality of the whole design and build­ bare hands through tools, to machines human reasons for building at all or the ing process. and higher levels of automation-from values propagated by the building tasks Before looking more closely at the sig­ one-of through mass production-has that are set. The builder too, after all, is nificance of craftsmanship, we had best been continuous, unstoppable and, in a keen to get it over with and get paid. define craftsmanship a little more clearly. sense, natural. High technology, mass Why then does "craftsmanship" still I would suggest that it is best to think of production, and rapid component assem­ have such positive connotations? Can the craftsmanship as a spectrum of activities bly are today's craftsmanship. All these view above be countered? What is it from, say, violin-making to stone-laying. processes require some care and skill. about the craftsman's relationship to his The common feature here is the intelli­ After all. if something useful is well work (our second primary relationship) gent, non-automated fabrication of ma­ made- an ash-tray, a window, a car­ that is noteworthy? terial objects in small quantities and with why should it matter how it was made The sine qua no11 of craftsmanship, of individual variation to suit circumstances. or by whom. by automated machine or course, is the craftsman's understanding Some of the variable features in the by hand tool, in a second or in a week? of his material. Much of his art lies in spectrum would be: the o rigin of the Given a good master design to begin his eye for the quality, inner structure, design-whether it represents a tradition with, all that matters are such qualities surface character and potential for ma-

26 Texas Architect Interior 1•c111/1 detail, Kimbell Museum, Fort Worth, by Louis Kahn, 1972. Associate architect: Preston M. Geren & Associates.

September/ October 1980 27 nipulation of particular pieces of raw ma­ terial, as when a master mason chooses rocks of marble from a quarry, examin­ ing their cracks, color, veining and pro­ portions, or when, turning a piece of fieldstone over and over, the stonelayer lets the stone decide where it wants to go. Because the craftsman is apt to work with materials that are not highly pre­ processed, and because of th:: attention he must pay to their quality and rarity, he is able-with his measure of crea­ tivity-to respond adaptively, econom­ ically and responsibly to his sources and to appreciate their intrinsic value. Yet these considerations do not explain the underlying appeal of craftsmanship. products-on the part of people whose which has more to do with the nature of work neither requires vision and hand­ the vocation of craftsman itself, and our mind coordination nor produces tangible perception of the crafted building ( or products whose quality is evident. The object) on account of it. craftsman is thus both dreamer and What is it about a vocation that gives maker, artist and laborer, depending not satisfaction? Freedom, dignity, expertise, on power and persuasion but on skill and affiliation and identity, perceivable re­ reputation-a model of meaningful work. sults-these are some of the most impor­ Of course, no craftsman you or I know tant things: freedom (within accepted lim­ is likely to fulfill this ideal. But it is this its) to exercise choice in the manner and ideal, this myth, if you will, which lends timing of one's performance; dignity, self­ its power to the crafted object. esteem, and confidence in the worth of I have not argued for the beauty of the one's labor and its overall purpose; an crafted object over the industrialized ob­ affiliation with others who do similar ject. Such a case no longer can be made. work and a personal identity relative to The best examples of building craftsman­ that group; the feeling of one's own com­ ship, say, Japanese Buddhist temples, are petence, expertness, or adroitness in ac­ no more or less beautiful than the Yama­ complishing a task most find difficult; ha motorcycles that pour off the assembly and seeing the results of one's efforts line nearby, no more or Jess beautiful clearly, tangibly, and in good time. Few, than many of the fine machine-tooled indeed, are the vocations that offer these buildings of Arata Isozaki. The machine­ satisfactions; fewer still the work situa­ made object reminds us of its automated tions that realize them. birth and heritage, and may very well be The craftsman, even the fine workman, beautiful on just that account. (Machine­ can realize these potentials quite readily. made imitation handwork is too wretched Perhaps this phenomenon explains why, to discuss here). The hand- or tool-crafted in a period which emphasizes the impor­ object (or wall or ceiling), by the same tance of a fulfilling lifestyle, so many token, tends to look made and to display young people are turning to craft as a the human touch wherewith it was made vocation; why the bookstores are filled in the struggle for perfection. Even when with manuals and glosses on carpentry an object looks industrially machine­ and pottery; and why, perhaps, even the produced and we learn that it is in fact a profession of architecture (the architect singular hand-crafted piece (as is often being perceived as a supercraftsman in the case with prototype furniture and cer­ an age of dream peddlers and paper tain pieces of modern art) the integrity, pushers) is receiving new attention and indeed heroism, of the effort combines burgeoning school enrollments despite with the dispassionate perfection of the scant chance of substantial financial re­ result to imbue it ten-fold with value and FROM TOP LEFT: George Astie, Astie Art degree ward. significance. No, differences in of Metal Studio, Dallas; R. M. Reaga11, sto11e­ The value of craftsmanship arises, beauty do not distinguish handcrafted cw-.,er, ll'ith rep/acemem co/1111111s for Tips then, not only from its rarity in the built from mass-produced articles, and one Building restoratio11, Austin; Lynn Ford, environment but from its capacity to sym­ must be beware of setting examples of late brother of O'Neil Ford, with hammered bolize civility and creativity in direct good industrial design against poor ex­ lead panel, Sa11 A nto11io, /965; mason crafts­ men, Fort Worth (Local #I/). contact with material reality. There is amples of craftsmanship. and vice versa, even some envy of the craftsman-and which people often do. The difference hence, perhaps. a desire to possess crafted lies in the quality of that beauty in rela-

28 Texas Architect ~.. ..; " 'ii.. ~" .." -<> ~ <> "'l .: .::, ,!:" ~

TOP, LEFT TO RIGHT: Carved board wall by Ly1111 Ford, Skidmore College, New York; ironwork detail, Astie Art Metal Studio; plinth detail, Carpenters I/all, Philade/pl,ia. ABOVE: Detail of carved stick screen by Ly1111 Ford, U.S. Pavilion, San A11to11io.

September/October 1980 29 Detail, leaded glass door panel, by Renaissance Glass Co., Austin. tion to the human experience. On the slightly lower plane of fine workmanship, a similar distinction holds. When the workman assembles, connects, and molds things automatically, indiffer­ ently, and unheeding of the "will" of the parts and the circumstances, the results look violent and slapdash (even if the original design is good). When the work­ man cares about the whole and his stake in it, when he works with precision, skill, and sensitivity, the results speak to us of his care and individual attention. Even if the original design is pedestrian, this quality, what Robert Pirsig called "Qual­ ity," (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance) will prevail. As we read the arguments back and forth from Rus­ kin, Morris, Garnier, Le Corbusier, Mumford, and many others today, we find that the almost mystical ingredient of "humanness"- not beauty-is the moti­ vating issue for all the supporting talk of form and function and truth. Near the outset we broached the issue of whether a building should be viewed as just another product of industry- a chair or a piece of flatware- and whether, therefore, it docs not need whatever quali­ ties the crafted object uniquely has. Cer­ tainly the pioneers of the Modern Move­ ment had no problem with thinking of architecture as an industrial/technical problem and of architectural design as being continuous with industrial design. Or did they? Consider the shock value of Le Corbusier's dictum" ... a house is a machine for living in." Living in? This was new. Living with machines, using them like commonplace utensils, such as ploughs or can openers, was O.K. Chaplin, in Modem Times, Jived in a Crystal Cathedral, Garden Gro1·e Community C/111rcl,, Garden Gro,·e, California, by Joh11- machine for a while, passing from cog to so11/ B11rgee, Architects, 1980. cog, up moving belts (ramps?) and down. But houses that are machines for Jiving in tend to be houses for machines to live in. The awful anonymity of mass (-produced) housing, the changes wrought upon Le Corbusier's own Pessac housing scheme, the need for humans to lay hands on their environment (in the absence, perhaps, of a previous caring touch)- these are well known now. Throughout history the greater part of craftsmanship has had to do with dwelling, from pottery through weaving to the building itself. While weaponry and utensils were the first to be industrialized, architecture resisted till the last, and resists in some measure stil l. Perhaps, then, buildings are unique --environments, and not just things. Per­ haps we simply have different places in our hearts for the tools we use and for

30 Texas Architect Facade Proctor-Green House, Cuero 1890.

September/ October 1980 31 Entra11ce pore/,, J,ouse in Cuero. the places in which we dwell. In what sense is the architect a crafts­ man? Few architects today have had ex­ tensive "hands-on" experience in the process of building (though, with matu­ rity, they may direct and specify work to be done) such that they can be regarded as having served an apprenticeship. By contrast, most major sculptors, though craftsmen and workmen actually execute their work, once had to do so themselves. The workman functions as the architect/ artist's hands, the craftsman as part of his mind, too. Frank Lloyd Wright's craftsmen, for example, were forgotten until a recent book by David Hanks: "The debt which we owed clever crafts­ men who, to their eternal credit, under­ stood in those unsubtle days of house furnishing what he was driving towards, must be acknowledged."-The Decora­ tive Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright. Mo!.t directly, however, the architect's craft consists in his drawings and models. These arc what he makes uniquely and what the sensitive architect instinctively lavishes his attention upon. (Perhaps the recent resurgence of interest in architec­ tural drawings for themselves is part of the larger poi.itive feeling about crafts­ manship in general.) His buildings as such are vicarious crafti.manship. Untrained as a craftsman, the architect nevertheless can call forih crafti.manship and fine workmanship by several means: • Most obviously, by "designing in" tra­ ..... ditional crafted components-stairs, i paneling, cabinets, decoration. I.) • By calling for construction that re­ quires care and skill and that demon­ strates the results. BELOW, LEFT: Silting room, Ross House, Brenham, 1893. BELOW, RIGHT: Balcony, • By establishing personal working rela­ Wood Ho11s<•, Bre11ha111, 1897. tionships that respect and reward ex­ cellence with workmen, craftsmen, and certain contractors, both on a given job and over the long term. • By ensuring that those who construct a building are led to understand the in­ tentions behind the design and the nature of the total project. • By having his own craft-his drawings and models (and even specifications) -serve as examples of quality and artistry. • By making construction (and design) activity part of the public conscious­ ness-identifying builders by name, seeking community input physical and psychical, celebrating groundbreak­ ings and roof toppings, giving progress reports. • By showing clients, when necessary, the need for and worth of expenditure

32 Texns Arcl,itect Septem her/October 1980 33 Stair, National Gallery East Wing, Waslting/011, D.C., by I. M. Pei & Partners, 1978. on quality materials and workmanship, both from the investment point of view, and for the good done all people in­ volved with the building over time. Does all this imply that every new building ought to be layed, hewn, carved, and decorated from wood, stone, and plaster, at enormous expense? Not at al l. I have tried to make a case for fine work­ manship that is continuous with true hand-craftsmanship. Nevertheless, the building industry being what it is (that is, having found that set of least actions that will make an acceptable building), good craftsmanship, good workmanship, and good design cost "extra" money, almost inevitably.* Two recent buildings illustrat­ ing my point-both in terms of the sig­ nificance of craftsmanship and the seven points above-arc expensive, institutional buildings devoted to the arts. They are I. M. Pei's East Wing of the National Gallery in Washington, D. C., and Louis Kahn's Kimbell Museum in Fort Worth. As you know if you have visited the East Wing, the sense of space and light and human movement in the building is quite impressive. The configuration of skylit atrium and forty-five degree "zoots," blank walls, and long spans, however, is a rather common design fea­ ture of countless new banks, malls and certainly earlier Pei buildings, and there­ fore not entirely original. But the work­ manship, the craftsmanship, the detailing, color, precision, care, and tactile quality of the impeccably chosen materials are unprecedented in this style of building and cumulatively overwhelming. It took eight years and $19.4 million ($160/sq. ft., 1978) to build. The Kimbell is a more modest and in many ways better building. Here the care in the concrete work, the expression of joints, the marble, the wooden doors all give just embodiment to the grace of the design ($54/sq. ft., 1972). If these are very special buildings, then let them be modern exemplars. History has many others to show us. But it should be remembered that every building done by an architect is already a special build­ ing, if only because so few buildings are done by architects. Specialness in a build­ ing happens every time the architect puts ABOVE: Wall sltaped to contours of East a little more thought into the detail con­ Wing escalator. RIGHT: Exterior concrete struction, or when the client sets high seam, Kimbell Art Museum. standards, or when the builder forgoes a shortcut-but especially when the three together agree, however tacitly, that craftsmanship and fine workmanship are • an intrinsic aesthetic, social, and even economic good.

34 Texas Architect Vault corner columns, Kimbell Art 1'111seum, Fort Worth, by Louis Kalin, 1972. Associate architect: Preston M. Geren & Associates.

September/October 1980 35 Welch Hall, University of Texas at Austin, 1978, by Wyatt Hedrick. CRAFI'SMA.."JSHIP AND ARCHITEC­ TURAL EDUCATION What of the implications for architec­ tural education? One frequently hears complaints of the ignorance of recent graduates about the specifics of the craft o( building. This is often ascribed to an overemphasis on non-practical matters at school-social science, ecology and so on. If the 1975 exhibit of drawings from the f:cole des Beaux-Arts at the Museum o( Modern Art set Post-Modernism on course, and if Post-Modernism permeates the schools as it is beginning to do, then we should not look forward to any im­ provement soon. When the Ecole was at its height, the view was widespread that its students understood only the making of drawings and special effects, that "the constructional studies made by students at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts had no rela­ tionship to their design projects." (Peter Collins in Changing Ideals in Modern Architecture.) As had most architects before him, the Beaux-Arts architect de­ pended heavily on the traditional knowl­ edge and skills of a great variety of profit-making craftsmen and workshops. It is interesting to note that Auguste Perret, teacher of Le Corbusier and pioneer of reinforced concrete construc­ tion, who was known for the extraordi­ nary craftsmanship of his buildings, was one of the few students at the Ecole whose father was a building contractor (whom he later joined). Mies van der Rohe's initiation to craftsmanship also came from his father, a master mason. Mies later apprenticed himself for two years to Bruno Paul, a leading furniture designer, having learned to draw while designing stucco decorations. Gaudi came from a family of coppersmiths and worked in an ironwork shop as a student. Bernard Maybeck, son of a woodcarver, was apprenticed first to another wood­ carver, then to a furniture designer in Paris where he entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. The Greene brothers grad­ to building tasks of greater scope, speed, though such a program is perhaps the uated from the Manual Training High and social relevance, and with the slow only means, save apprenticing with fine School in St. Louis before going to M IT. disappearance of building craftsmen, the builders and craftsmen, by which a stu­ Louis Kahn's father was a stained-glass early Bauhaus took it upon itself to train dent can grasp the principles, attitudes, craftsman. And the close working rela­ architects and designers in the crafts. The and specifics required to give buildings tionship of O'Neil Ford to bis craftsmen aim was not to hand-build the world but aesthetic, material existence by whatever and his craftsman brother Lynn is well to create humane industrial products and constructional system. known. I suspect that many of this cen­ industrially produced environments CRAFTSMANSHIP AND tury's architects known for the craftsman­ through design in/ormed by first-hand THE FUTURE ship of their buildings have had a strong knowledge of a variety of materials and Finally. there seems to me to be two craft-oriented training prior to, alongside, crafts. There are no schools now that fol­ paths that architecture is traveling, one after, or instead of, their schooling in low the early Bauhaus model with any­ demanding craftsmanship, the other not. academic architecture. thing like its original artistic, "hands-on," On the one hand we have the phenome­ With the coming of industrialization ~ocially conscious rigor and spirit-even non of young design/build architects

36 Texas Architect Waggener Hall, University of Texas at Austin, 1931, by Greene, LaRoche & Dahl. Perhaps all these forms of architecture -from handmade houses to the freeway hotel-with their differing needs for craftsmanship and expressive fine work­ manship are appropriate responses to the variety of building tasks called for by today's culture and economy. But one thing is certain: the universal attraction to the well-made object, to the human touch in a human-scale environment, will not disappear, even though it may Jive on, alas, only as nostalgia- an oversize beam, an ersatz ceiling fan, an ashtray carved from stone.

* Despite what the construction price indexes tell you about the cost of buildi11g today, the resource input into buildi11gs, i.e., the time, labor and material input, has gone down. In constant 1972 dollars (usi11g the GNP deflator for co11structio11) buildings i11 1978 "cost" $15/sq. ft. on average, down more or less smoothly from $21.50/sq. ft. in 1950. A /so, i11 constant 1972 dollars, the percent of GNP accounted for by contract constructio11 dropped from 5.5% in 1950 to 4.3% in 1978, while the perce11tage of 11atio11al income derived from construction and real estate together has stayed constant. So if you suspect that more buildings than ever today are stripped-down money machines, you are probably right. The very high cost of construction today is due to a variety of "11011-quality" factors, such as market conditions (e.g., shortages), trans­ port, salaries, profits, cost of capital, regu­ lations, and various i11efficiencies. Build­ ings, then, with high le1·els of craftsman­ sl,ip, fine workmanship a11d materials were never easier to build in tl,e past than they would be to build now. It is just that today we seem less willing or able, as a 11atio11, to pay the price.

Michael Benedikt teaches desig11 in the School of Architec­ ture at the University of Texas at A ustin. doing generally small energy- and re­ its painted sheetrock and tile conceits, source-conscious architecture- such as plywood, glass block, and stucco every­ the work of David Sellars and Louis thing else, as well as the establishment McCall (ex-Yale, the only M. Arch Pro­ modernist/ pragmatists still searching for gram with a yearly real-building con­ the best pre-fab facade panel, the speed­ struction project)- for whom "old-time" iest structural cladding, and the ultimate craftsmanship is a matter of faith as fireproof, maintenance-free, vandal­ well as style. And there are growing resisting, sound-absorbing, anti-static and ranks of preservation and restoration integrated interior surfaces, all buildable architects for whom knowledge of, and in a jiffy by semicomatose laborers. access to, craftsmanship is a hard-nosed These two directions in architecture requirement. seem to me to reflect rather well the two On the other hand we have both the attitudes toward craftsmanship discussed burgeoning Post-Modern movement with earlier.

September/October 1980 37 Fancy the Ornament

Decorative Pai,nting in Texas, 1840s - 1940s

By Buie Harwood

Free-hand ceiling painting in McGregor-Grimm llouse, Winedale.

"Om.ament is that whic:h, superadded to pictorially well catalogued. However, number of publications available in Eng­ utility, renders the object more acceptable efforts to record and document painted land and America on architecture, inte­ through bestowing 011 it an amount of beau­ decoration in Texas interiors have been riors, furnishings, decorative design, ty that it would not otherwise possess . .." undertaken, and at this point over 100 crafts, and on the concept of Victorian -Christopher Dresser, structures are known to exist with their style. These publications took the form The Art of Decorative Design ornamentation "intact" or in a recordable of books, magazines, and trade journals, state. and many were used as a reference by We in Texas have a reservoir of 19th and Interior decoration in Texas in the painters ornamenting Texas interiors. The early 20th century painted ornament 19th century generally reflected a 10 to improvements in communication allowed decorating our residential and commercial 20 year time lag as the Victorian style for more publications to be made avail­ structures. Some of this "people's art" moved westward. The style was indeed able, and the improvements in trans­ responds to 19th century Victorian taste, accurately interpreted, but at a later date portation allowed for more materials of and some responds more precisely to a than when it was popular "back East." production to be purchased in Texas. vernacular expression. Our regional Communication and transportation prob­ T he general concept of Victorian inte­ architectural heritage is fairly well docu­ lems account for most of the delayed rior decoration in England and America mented, but Texas interiors of the fash­ impact of the style statement. Throughout advocated the fashion for "pattern on ionable period prior to the l 940s are not the 19th century, there was an enormous pattern" and color to provide mood and

38 Texas Architect toriana the painted decoration in Texas, as evidenced at this writing, is generally located on walls, ceilings, floors, move­ able objects, and signage in or on the structure. There seems to be no disparity in the kinds of structures that one finds "decorated" in our state; "high style Victorian" buildings as well as regional vernacular architecture feature painted ornamentation. The latter seems to be more prevalent, probably due to the fact that painted decoration was a less expen­ sive way to ornament at that time. Also, in reviewing the architectural material that is decorated, wooden structures seem to predominate, although orna­ mentation has been located on several stone buildings. An interesting fact sur­ faced in researching this project regard­ ing the time frame of ornamenting a structure: sometimes the decoration was applied at the time of construction and as an integral part of design and some­ times it was applied 15 to 20 years after the structure was built. It is particularly noteworthy that many times, when the painting was applied several years after construction, the decoration did not al­ ways coordinate with the style of archi­ tecture, as in the case of the Larkin Rogers House in Hopewell Community near Mount Pleasant. The Rogers house is a well proportioned 1840s Greek Revival building with the front parlor decorated in a somewhat "primitive" and simple style, Jacking any sense of sophis­ tication. (The painted decoration was said to have been done around 1885 by an itinerant painter traveling West.) The Larkin Rogers House is an example of the "Anglo ownership" represented in our state, and the painter was described by the family as having a European background, quite possibly German. In-fill wall painting in Wesley Brethren Church, Wesley. Hence, another factor evident in study­ ing the existing ornamentation is the character. Innovators of the time who ing provided at this time directly influ­ cultural diversity of the owners and paint­ promoted decorative pattern design were enced the richness of the colors, so col­ ers, which ranges from Anglo, German, Owen Jones, Christopher Dresser, and ors that were fairly intense, of medium and Swiss to Spanish and Czech. These William Morris and the PrcRaphaelites, to dark value and with somewhat strong are just some of the nationalities that to name but a few. These designers ex­ value contrast in effect became dull, very have been documented, but they are not pressed interest in stylized, natural and

September I October 1980 39 i!

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w @' I·' ... oh 'i T

Reflected ceiling plan, Eichholt-G11deria11 /louse near Brenham. shaded manner, with each pattern de­ murals and scenics, has been located on the " transfer" process requires the help scribing a different cut and color. Since walls and ceili ngs in several Texas struc­ of several hands. The overall efTcct is a this seems to have been a more popular tures. Characteristic features incl ude the fairly flat color representation with some method of ornamenting structures, many lack of a pallcrn repeal and the incorpora­ shading. Two of the most in tcrc~ti ng ex­ examples currently exist, including: the tion of a unique, individualized design amples of this type of decoration arc the McGregor-Grimm House, Winedale/ that has color variety and changes in First Presbyterian Church in GalveMon, Round Top, after 186 1, by Rudolph scale. A selected example might include and the Wesley 13rcthren Church in Wes­ Melchior (Winedale Documentation); the the Major Dowell Sterrett House in ley, J 890, by B. E. Lociak (Wincdale Eichholt-Ouderian Housz, Brenham area, Beckville, possibly decorated around Documentation). around 1902, by Charlie Meister (Wine­ 1890. • "Grnining" is a type of decoration dalc Documentation); the Robert Warren • " In-fill painting" usually exists where that simulates wood-graining through a House, Terrel l, 1903-1904, by Keith & there is evidence of an overall large re­ painted process and is generally found on Company of Kansas City; and Our Lady petitive pattern, generally over 24 inches moldings, mantels, dados, and furniture. of Grace Church in Lacoste, 1947 , by long. The pattern is "transferred" to the An interesting example of this ornamenta­ William and Leo Doneckcr (interior surface to be decorated, and then after tion is evident in Drowning Plantation in painting destroyed). the pallcrn is removed, the area is paint­ Chappell llill, structure built in the • "Freehand painting," in the form of ed. Typically, since the pattern is large, I 860s (Winedale Documentation).

40 Texas Architect • "Marbling" is an effect and a process that simulates real marble through the decorative painting of wood. Moldings, mantels, and columns are the most typi­ cal features to be ornamented. Generally, there is great variation in the finished effect, since the process is very individual­ ized, but it is common to have brush or feather lines show. A unique example of this type of decoration is found in St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Serbin, sup­ posedly painted by August Weber after 1854.

DF:SIGN FEATURF.S • Size and shape of decoration usually ed in and on structures, but also in the decorator (if known), and perhaps the followed a typical format of frieze border kind of painting materials used. Typical importance of the structure. Novices patterns that ranged from about four to surfaces to apply paint onto were wood, should call in qualified consultants to 42 inches high and six to 24 inches or so plaster, gypsum, canvas and paper. Many assist in preliminary investigation and in wide. Murals and scenics generally cov­ different qualities and manufacturers of establishing an appropriate direction for ered most of the wall or ceiling, and ceil­ paint were available and are noted in restoration or preservation efforts. Above ing medallions were characteristic. newspaper advertisements of the day. all, we must enjoy our ornament rather Curved and/ or angular shapes predomi­ Paint media included a casein or milk than destroy it. nated in most design statements. base paint, distemper or water base paint, • Motifs were stylized, naturalized, and oil base paint. However, these paints Buie Harwood is a11 and geometric in design following 19th were not generally used in combination. associate professor of and early 20th century English and Texas seems to be somewhat unique in interior design in the American fashion. Victoriana character­ the South and Southwest in the extent of department of home istics were evident in subject matter that painted decoration done in the late 19th economics at The Unfrersity of Texas included floral forms, classic motifs, and early 20th centuries, and in the ex­ at Austin. She would fruits, fans, stars, landscapes, and musical tent of what has remained. However, ex­ like to thank the fol­ instruments, to name just a few. istent artifacts are in imminent danger lowing for their help • Colors varied in Texas interiors from of being lost forever. Many people are i11 researching this article: Wayne Bell, 10h11 having a strong intensity to being some­ now trying to restore or preserve their Volz, Peter Maxson, Dick MyCue, Eugene what dull. As in typical Victorian in­ painted decoration and need to be con­ George, i11terior design stude11ts at the teriors of the early 19th century, medium cerned about accurate preliminary design Wi11edale Institute in Historic Preservation, value colors predominated. The most and color documentation. (Munsell Inter­ staff members of the Texas Historical Com­ popular colors in Texas were blue, green, national Color Code System is recognized mission, a11d regio11al historic preservatio11 gray, cream, brown, red, rust, pink.­ as appropriate for paint documentation.) organizatio11s i11 Texas. orange, yellow, and gold. The use of color It is important not to destroy original most probably responds to what colors fabric, if possible, since its value will be were popular or available in the area at verified by rarity, age, technique, painter/ the time. • Repetition of certain motifs is evi­ dent in different structures in the same area and in different areas of Texas. During the 19th century, most painters and decorators were referring to trade journals and books for design inspira­ tion. Also, some patterns seem to have been available in manufactured, mass­ produced forms. • Registration of patterns was not usually measured in a mechanical way, but was more typically "eyeballed" into position on the surface. This method of application is verified when the spacing from a center point in two or more direc­ tions is not exactly equal. Texas followed the fashion of Victorian ornamentation not only in the types of decoration and design features represent- In-fill wall pai11ting in the Robert Warrell House in Terrell.

September/ October 1980 41 KIND...

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C,rc/e 22 on Reader lnqwy Card Architecture for Health

A Summary of Trends

By Larry Paul Fuller

Note: The /ollowi11,: ob.w·1•01io11s larl(ely • Management improvement programs Regulation are drawn from prese111<11io 11.r made d11ri11g designed to increase the efficiency of the Bccau~c of its large-scale significance n se111i11ar (•111i1/rd, "Tr1' 11ds in llea/1/t health care deli very system. Facility De,•e/opmenl for the 1980s," held in and impact, the health care industry has • Reduced hiring, cmss-training of 1/011.11011 last April and co-sponsored hy tltC' ha,ra long hbtory of government regu la­ Tl'xas Society of Architects and 1/te Terns personnel. tion. Since the federal government be­ llospital Association. A list of prol(r<1111 • Rcgionalization of certain surgical came involved through the Hill-Burto n fr,rn ltv follows the article. procedures to avoid duplication of Act of I 946, which had the positive services. effect of 1,timulat ing the construction of The American health care industry is • Modification of insurance benefits to many needed facilities, regulation has bu rdened by tiers of overlapping and encourage competition among various expanded into a labyrinthi ne network often contradictory government regula­ health care allcrnali vcs such as health whose cumulati ve effect many sec as tion. [l is hescl hy conflicting demands maintenance organi1ations ( H MOs). hcing detrimental to the overall system: to expand acccssihilily and improve (Third party reim bursement, while seem­ • Public Law 93-641, of J 974, which service while avoiding dupl ication and ing to protect the consumer from med i­ resulted in Health Systems Agencies containing costs. ll is reel ing from the cal costs, actually has resulted in ovcr­ (I ISAs) :ind certificate of need legis­ impact of chaotic change in technology, util ization, lack of competition and lation requiring need to be proven before society and the economy. In short, our higher real costs which ultimately lhc facilities can be built. health care system is hurling. And ir­ consumer must bear.) • Minimum standards for construction retrievably caught up in the whole of • Limited capital investment and and superimposition of local, state and this turmoil and uncertainty is the health tighter utilization reviews. nati onal codes governi ng such areas as care design professional, whose role in For architects, continued emphasis on I IV AC, life safety, electrical, fire pre­ the development of health facilities is cost containment will mean tougher vention and accessibili ty for the handi­ likely lo he shaped by the major issues competition for fewer projects. A grow­ capped. and trends sum mari1ed here. ing percentage of the work that is funded • 1IEW conditions for participation in Cost Containment will he renovations and retrofits (al­ Medicare/ Medicaid. Assessing health care trends for the though many clients arc beginning to • IRS audits (which recently have eighties, Joe Sprague, director of design realize that new construct ion actually involved an increasing number of cases and construction for the American Hos­ can be more cost-effective in the long resulting in liabil ity for tax on income pital Association (AMA), says, "I have run if the ex isting facility is not well from unrelated activities.) to put cost containment at the top of the suited for conven,ion lo a parti cular new list. It's here to stay." Indeed. cost con­ use, or if renovation is being considered Ironicall y, a major purpose of much siderations permeate all aspects of the onl y as an interim me.isurc.) There wi ll government regulation is the containment health care system and are having a be increased use of fast-track scheduling of esca lating hea lth care costs. Yet the major impact on design and construction. in design and construction, an acknowl­ documentation of conformance and the Despite the Carter Administration's un­ edgement of the importance and expense duplication of surveys by various juris­ successful attempts to establish manda­ of time in an inflationary economy. 1-n­ dictional agencies have attendant costs tory controls, the industry still is under ci lities wi ll be smaller, requiring more which actually increase the price of intense pressure to contain costs and has efficiency through innovative and in­ health care. Jn additi on, since federal responded with its own vol untary effort fo rmed space planning, with the result reimbursements arc based on operating (VE) promulgated by a broad-based that he.illh faci lity interiors and graphics costs, health fac ilities have a disincentive coaliti on including the AMA, insurers, will continue to emerge as specialties in to cul costs. business, labor and consumers. Measures the design field. Life cycle costing will be Conti nued governmental regulat ion being taken include : increasingly important, and arch it ects will will make it e~scntia l for arch it ects to • Development of multi-hospital sys­ be held accountable for projects wh ich monitor health care issues and require­ tem~, shared services and joint purchase arc inefficient over the life of the build­ ments and lo understand the health plan­ agreements in order to capitnlizc on ing, as well as for initia l cost-related ning process as legisla ti vely connected economics of scale. decisions. al local, state and national levels. Also,

48 Te.,a.v A rc/1itcc·t the increasing complexity of establishing need for new facilities and conforming to regulations once they arc built wi ll insure a continuing role for hospital consultants as part of the design team. Energy Although energy conservation measures now arc a permanent concern for all buildings, they are particularly important in health facilities because of high energy requirements (for a hospital, up to three times the amount of consumption per square foot as in a large office buil ding or apartment complex.) Again, govern­ ment regulation comes into play in the form of the Department of Energy's proposed Energy Performance Standards for new Buildings ( BEPS), which estab­ lishes energy budget levels in BTUs per square foot per year for medical facilities and other buildings. Architects generally prefer the performance standards con­ cept over the prescriptive standards im­ posed by the 1974 criteria of ASHRAE 90-75 (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engi­ Nursing and Ancillary Unit, Ector County Medical Center Hospital, Odessa, 1978, Colemon neers). However, the AHA's Joe Sprague & Rolfe, Houston. Project invof,•ed renovation of existi11g hospital and a seven-story addi­ alleges that the BEPS budget figmes for tion i11cludi11g facilities for surgery (below), radiology, emergency, efectrodiagnostic a11d hospitals are arbitrary and based on a dietary, as we ft as patient rooms and special care areas. Stepped lower portion of building reduces overall scale. statistically invalid sampling of facilities and that they disregard the special needs and operating hours of medical facilities. The AIA Committee on Architecture for Health has expressed similar reservations. Many of the energy-saving measures being proposed for health facilities are equally applicable lo other building types, whi le some measures are primarily or uniquely suitable for hospitals and other medical settings. Herman Blum, of Her­ man Blum Consulting Engineers in Dal­ las, emphasizes the need to avoid over­ looking "practical, immediate solutions" such as the air conditioning of ancillary spaces only during hours of use, two­ speed motors for air-handling units, natural ventilation when and where ap­ propriate, and efficient lighting systems. Similarly, architect Ron Skaggs, of Har­ wood K. Smith and Partners in Dallas, points out that simply organizing an equipment maintenance program to in­ sure operating efficiency can result in significant energy savings. Skaggs recom­ mends the initiation of energy audit pro­ grams in order to ascertain where and how energy is being used. He also ob­ serves that computerized energy manage­ ment systems are being utilized widely with significant success. Raymond Reed and George Mann, both on the architecture faculty at Texas

September/ October ./980 49 A&M, report that an estimated 20 per­ James Coomer, that, "by the turn of the cent of the energy costs engendered by century, there is going to be one person many hospitals could be saved through working for every 2½ people who are conservation steps involving little or no retired and demanding the services of capital investment and up to 40 percent the society." through significant capital expenditures. Aging. Longer life spans will mean an Aside from standard considerations such increased need for physical and emotional as building orientation and configuration, therapy and improved concepts for long­ Reed and Mann also recommend mea­ term care facilities. Bob McGhee and sures such as: Bill Willson, of the University of Texas • Simpler, smaller and more accessible Science Center's Program on Aging. community hospitals and health facilities. maintain that "Texas is supporting a large • Federal subsidization for some energy number of elderly in a medical care conservation measures. model when social services such as as­ • Limited use of plastics such as the sistance in daily living and supervision disposable syringe. arc actually their most basic needs. The • Restricted use of energy-intensive result of this medical model obsession is services. unnecessary institutionalization of many • Location of large specialty hospitals elderly." in climate areas conducive to energy Changing Concepts of Health Care. conservation. Community education and health pro­ Solllh Addi1io11, John Sealy Hospital, Gal­ veston, 1978, The Office of Pierce Goodwin J n addition. Skaggs points out that a motion have helped begin a shift from Alexander, Houston. Recessed fenestratio11 variety of new and improved mechanical curative to preventive concepts, including affords sun protection. systems, such as heat pumps and heat improved diets and physical fitness activi­ recovery devices, promise greater effi­ ties, which could result in a decrease in ciency. And solar collections systems, al­ the use of traditional hospital services. though still requiring a long payback The buzzword is "holistic care." A logical period, now are finding their way into extension of this increased awareness, health facilities, particularly when sub­ Coomer observes, is an influence on the sidized by the government. marketplace in the form of income­ producing health-related enterprises such Other Trends as fitness centers. An invaluable trait for designers of health facilities in the next decade will A Broader Range of Care and Facili­ be the ability to adapt to what promises ties. With what Coomer terms "the demise to be a period of dramatic change in of the physician as demigod," consumers areas such as the following: are utilizing other alternatives such as Economy. The shift has been completed paraprofessionals and nurse practitioners. from an economy of abundance to an They also are seeking alternative delivery economy of limited resources. The future systems such as HMOs and pre-paid Mai11 dining room, Wilford Hall, USAF portends even more shortages and an group practices and are demanding a Area Medical Ce11ter, Lackland Air Force erosion of what we know as "the good plurality of sites for health care. Hence Base, San Antonio, slill in progress, Page life." Ingenuity and inventiveness will be the health facility designer will be work­ Southerla11d Page, Austin, and Benham­ required in large commodities. ing within a broadening range of building Blair Affiliates, Oklahoma City. Cheerful Technology. The technology explosion types including: community health cen­ color, aeronautical imagery. will continue, which means that design ters, outpatient clinics, emergency facili­ of facilities to accommodate new systems ties, ambulatory centers within and out­ will become increasingly sp::cialized. On side the traditional hospital, surgi-centers, the other hand, as Sprague points out, hospices and long-term care facilities. there is a limit to what we can afford in While demand for traditional tertiary and the way of expensive technology which secondary care facilities will continue, merely improves the quality of an the main emphasis for the next decade existing service. will be greater accessibility to primary Demography. Profound chan~es in the care. demography of the U.S. population The Archi1ect's Role. The range of par­ promise to impact the provision of health ticipants in the health facility planning care. Population shifts and the relocation and development process is becoming of city centers will affect accessibility. broader and more complex; no longer is The ratio of young to old will change there a simple collaboration between The Women's Clinic, Lubbock, 1978, dramatically. A combination of smaller architect and administrator. Coomer Charles R. Freeburg Associates, Lubbock. One of six examining suites, each with ef­ families and increased longevity will maintains that the traditional educa­ ficie11/ layout including waiting area, two mean, according to University of Hous­ tional process undergone by architects exam rooms, nurse's office, lab sta1io11 and ton Professor of Future Studies Dr. interested in health faci lities docs not re- consultation room.

50 Texas Archilect fleet the complexity of the architects' role. "Though the architectural education process is changing in some instances to become more integrated with health services, it is not evolving quickly enough. T he decision-making process is clearly one of integrated systems, including politics, economics, legislation and archi­ tecture. Planning health care fac ili ties is no longer a traditional, arbitrary or iso­ lated process. It is now one of participa­ tion and consensus. The hospital archi­ tect of today must become the health systems architect o( the future." As for design itself, the effort often is dil uted by the expenditure of energy to overcome the broad range of obstacles inherent in the facility development sys­ tem. Yet certain requisites wi ll endure: safety, efficiency, clarity, order, and human scale. But, in the end, the greatest challenge will be to cling to the notion lhat, despite severe limits on resources, aesthetic quality should not be com­ promised. For, as architectural writer William Marlin has said, architecture, like na ture, has its own power to heal.

Program t~aculty Scottish Rite Hospital for Crippled Children, Dallas, 1977, Harwood K. Smith & Partners, Dallas. S11rgery reco1·ery area has colorf11l ceiling graphics. lferma11 LJ/um , P.E., Chairman of the Boc1 rd, Herman Blum Cunsulting Engineers, Inc., Dallas: Jm,"'' Coomer, Chairman of F uture Studies. Uni­ versity o f Hou,ton. Clear Lake City; Robert H. ,ox. AJA, Director, The Health Facilities Group. BLG Y A rchitect>, Engi neers and Planners. A ustin: William Uono/Joo, Vice C hairman, TIIA Council on Construction a nd Plant Operation, Au,;tin; Jtm"'"

taster. Chairman1 TSA Committee on Architecturl.! for Heallh. Dall as; Garrett Gralwm. Executive Vice Pre'iident, Greater llouston Ho-,pital Council. Hou~­ to n: Duug/as D . Hawthorne. Executive Vice Presi­ dent, Prcsbytcri~tn Medical Cenlcr. Dalla5; Gt•or~,, Ma111,. AIA, College of Architecture and Enviro n­ mental Dc, i~n. Texas A&M University: Roherr fl. M cGee, A JA. Director o f Plannin~. The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston; Duug/11.1 ORilvie, A JA, President. Ogilvie Associates, Inc.. Scottish R ite Hospital Houston; 1\.fer/in I . Olson, Senior Vice President. Robert Do uglas, Associates, Inc., Houston; Josev/1 T . Painter. M .0., Vice President for Rc,ource Planning and Evaluation, University of Texas Can­ cer Sy:-.tcm. llou-,ton: William E . Pari.\'i, Executive Vice Pre,ident, Methodist llospita l, of Dall a,. Da llas: UaJ•mond Ueed. AIA. College o f Archikc- 1\Jre :rn d Environmental Oc')ign, Tcxa~ /\.&M University. Colkµc Station: .lo.,·e,,h G. Sprugrre. Oirecto r of Dc..:;ign and Con~lruct ion. American Ho,pital A,socia tion. Chicago; Rubert Street, Thoma..; Care Center. Inc .. Ho usto n; Philip P . Sun. AIA, D irector of Pla nning , Harris County H o~pital Hospital portion connected to ancillary 1111 its District; Carlo, Vuibomw. M.D.. Professor and C hairman, Comm. Medicine, Baylor College o f by multi-level bridges formill,:: central Medicine, Ho uston. atrium. (Sco11isl, Rite).

Scottish Rile clinical laboratory utilizes modular co111po11e11t casework for flexibility.

September/October 1980 51 The John Sealy Hospital

A Study of Late 19th Century Hospital Design

By Larry J. Wygant

When John Sealy, a Galveston banker, merchant and investor, died in 1884, he left a will which specified that the sum of S50,000 be alloted from his estate for "a charitable purpose." Sealy's heirs selected the construction of a new hos­ pital in Galveston as a suitable monument to his memory. From an historical perspective, it is not surprising that, four years later, it was the design proposal of architect Nicholas Joseph Clayton that was chosen from among four submissions as the scheme for the new John Sealy hospital. Clayton, who immigrated from Ireland with his widowed mother in the early 1840s, at­ tended parochial schools in Cincinnati John Sealy men's ward, circa 1906. and, after an apprenticeship as a stone­ ------mason, began the study of architecture ways and means adopted in the leading broken wall) were arranged along a cor­ with the Memphis firm of Jones and hospitals of Europe- those of England, ridor. Nightingale advocated adoption of Baldwin. It was as an employee of this France, Russia, Belgium- and the most the pavilion plan. firm that Clayton came to Galveston in celebrated ones in this country, among While she did not originate this French 1872 to oversee construction of the Tre­ them the Presbyterian hospital in New design, her advocacy and refinements mont Hotel and the First Presbyterian York, the St. Luke's hospital in Chi­ caused it to become known as the Night­ Church. Impressed with the city, Clayton cago, and the Johns Hopkins hospital ingale Ward. Her idea incorporated an decid~d to remain and es•ablish Galv~s­ in Baltimore.... (January 31, I 888) oblong ward ventilated on both sides by ton's first professional architectural prac­ Since Clayton did not visit these hos- windows: tice. I ndecd, he became the city's most pitals to study their features first-hand, ... at the entrance, a head nurse's promin-.:nt architect and during the next he undoubtedly depended upon published room with one window commanding four decad~s produced a widely respected descriptions to provide him with the the ward and the other opening out­ body of work including residences, necessary background for his design of doors, and opposite that room a scul­ churches, and commercial and public the John Sealy Hospital. Sources on hos­ lery; at the far end of the ward, behind buildings in Galveston. the state of Texas pital design available to him included the a partition and independently ventilat­ and the South. architectural journals of the day and ed, should be a bathroom and a lava­ According to the Galveston Daily three widely distributed books on hospital tory on one side of the corridor and News, Clayton's design for the new hos­ construction and design. The most impor­ water closets on the other. And that is pital contained: tant of these books was Florence Night­ all. No dining room, no smaller rooms. ... all the latest researches and studies ingale·s Notes on Hospitals (1859). The (John D. Thompson and Grace Gold­ made by him of the most recent and other two were published later and were in in The Hospital: A Social and most scientific systems of hospital con­ much influenced by Nightingale's work. Architectural History, p. 159.) struction and sanitary arrangements, After returning to England from the Nightingale's belief in miasma as a particularly in the extremely important Crimean War, Florence Nightingale cru­ cause of disease led her to place great respects of ventilation, heating, the saded to apply her experience to the prob­ emphasis on proper ventilation of the comfort of the patients, and the conve­ lem of hospital design. Up to that time wards. This concern made the old corri­ nience of the management of the insti­ the prevalent hospital design was the J 8th dor plan completely unsatisfactory be­ tution. With these objects in view a century corridor plan in which double cause ventilation from outside windows special study has been made of the wards (two wards separated by an un- supposedly would be contaminated as it

52 Texas Architect JOHN SEALY HOSPITAL. f"~CULTY OF" COLLEGE MEDICAL AND ~URGICAL STAF"F" . ..;;;..;;...___;:;_..:.;..;___,;;:,...___ ...,:::.==;;,, ; passed over intervening beds into the health, and disease etiology for the period. separation of cases" to be included in the corridor, where the foul air then could Acknowledging their debt to Florence ward design. The authors agreed with spread to adjacent wards. "These morbid Nightingale, all of the five essayists gave Nightingale on the necessity to limit the exhalations," stated Nightingale in her due consideration to 'light and air' and number of stories in the ward. Nores on llospitafs, "must be instantly ventilation systems. Dr. Norton Folsom With this background of ideas, Clay­ and perpetually carried off by ventila­ and Dr. Caspar Morris both stressed the ton submitted his plans for the proposed tion." importance of open verandas parallel to John Sealy Hospital. His design compares For Florence Nightingale, the ideal and on the south side of the wards. These very favorably with the ideal proposed hospital ward was not over two stories open areas would allow the patients ac­ in I 858 by Florence Nightingale. T he high, with a width of 30 feet, a length cess to the fresh, clean, outdoor air at planned hospital was a true pavilion de­ (for 32 patients) of at least 111 ½ feet, intervals. In addition, noted Dr. Morris sign which the newspaper account de­ and a ceiling height of 16 to 17 feet. in his essay, the "prevalence of the habit scribed as "four distinct and separate Windows would be placed to provide one of tobacco-smoking is also so general that structures, conveniently grouped and con­ for every two beds and would be within the appetite for it must be indulged" and nected together, yet entirely isolated from two or three feet of the floor and within open verandas would keep the smoke out each other by scientific means for sani­ one foot of the ceiling; "otherwise the top of the wards. tary reasons." The three-story administra­ of the ward becomes a reservoir for foul The third volume, Hospital Construe­ tive pavilion was centrally located for air." lion and Management, which was avail­ convenient access to the other areas of The second book that Nicholas Clayton able to architect Clayton, was published the hospital. Within this building was an might have used to guide him in the de­ only five years prior to 1888, when Clay­ elevator large enough to admit a bed and sign of the John Sealy Hospital was ton prepared his plans for the John Sealy allow patients to be moved between floors Hospira! Plans. This volume was the re­ Hospital. The authors, Frederic J. Mouat without using the stairways. The kitchen, sult of an invitation, sent by the trustees and H. Saxon Snell, agreed with Night­ dining rooms, boiler room, and laundry of the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Balti­ ingale on the superior design of the were located in a separate building to the more to five leading physicians, to submit pavilion plan and the need for adequate rear of the administrative pavilion. recommendations for the new Johns Hop­ ventilation but disagreed in certain other It is the plan of the ward pavilion kins Hospital. The resulting five essays, aspects of hospital design. Mouat and which most reveals the large debt that published in 1875, incorporated the most Snell did, for cxamplc, allow "annexes Clayton owed to Florence Nightingale advanced thinking on hospital design, containing one, two, or three beds for the and those who were influenced by her

September/ October 1980 53 I I I

~--~I ABOVE: After renovation, circa 1915. BELOW: Longitudinal section by Clayton, 1888.


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54 Texas Architect __ __ .,, _ "' __ ...... u rJ ...... -- , - 6 - _ ...,,.. ) l .. J I , t { ._ ! ,., ., ~ ___ .. ~-rrt ·---/1"1 - - !. ./ \..J'

First-floor plan by Clayton, 1888. John Sealy Hospital, circa 1895. ideas on hospital construction. The John a hospital. This system of entire isola­ Sealy Hospital wards were almost per­ tion, together with a close connection fect examples of the Nightingale Ward. with the administration building, is one WAil» WA.RD On each side of the central administrative of the leading features of the place pavilion were the ward pavilions, each under consideration. two stories high over an eight-foot base­ Along with isolation, ventilation played ment. The west pavilion was reserved for an important role in preventing the sup­ CO~RIOOII male patients and the east pavilion for posed miasmatic influences of foul air in female patients. The first floor of each the wards from spreading disease among Corridor plans: "what ought not be done." ward was the medical ward while the sec­ the patients. It should be noticed, said ond floor handled surgical cases. Each the News, "the means that have been ward contained 20 beds in an area 33 adopted to provide each separate bed in g~~Q,Q~~, WARO J feet wide and 76 feet long. Ceilings were all the wards with its own distinct and

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Circle 26 on Reader Inquiry Card TEXAS TOMORROW

TSA Goals Conference Essay Series Completed

Following are excerpts from the last two of The Certainty of Continuing Growth conversely, periods of change rarely ex­ six essays which served as a basis for dis­ in Texas hibit clear directions for the most satis­ cussion during TSA's TEXAS TOMORROW Of the recent growth in Texas, a very fJctory long-term results. On the thresh­ Goals Conference at Lakeway ]1111 near Aus­ tin Marclt 28. (See the May/June a11d July/ large portion is due to net inmigration­ old of major achievements in growth August issues of Texas Architect for ex­ people drawn to this most vigorous part and production, Texans must not assume cerpts from essays one and two-"The of the Sunbelt by economic opportunity. that a vigorous system will automatically Professional Society," by Reagan George, The increase in population between 1970 produce desirable results. Members of the AJA, and "Tlte Profession," by Herbert E. Duncan, FA/A-and essays three and four and 1976 (the dawn of the Sunbelt Era) design professions, whose activities col­ -"Public Policy," by Walter Wagner, AIA, was over twice as great a gain as in the lectively produce the "built environment," and "Consumerism and the Profession," by nation as a whole. Even if the rate of will be called to account for its quality Harold C. Fleming.) Tlte stated purpose of gain were to be slightly reduced, Texas by both its users and critics who yearly the conference-which attracted 73 archi­ tects, busi11essme11, scholars and otlter pro­ would still have 16.5 million people by become more knowledgeable and de­ fessional and community leaders-was to the year 2000. A large part of this pop­ manding. "pinpoint and address the social, economic ulation growth will occur in and near the Most thinking people agree that 20th and environmental challenges which will be already established regional centers; but century American urbanization is not of sltared by architects and otlters vitally con­ a significant part will occur in the smaller high quality. In the words of Rene cerned with the future of Texas in the 1980s." centers where expansion room is most Dubos: "This society has more comfort, The second phase of TSA's 1980 Goals readily available. more safety, and power than any before Program involves lite Society's 17 chapters The economy itself will continue to it, but the quality of life is cheapened by i11 a review of the proposed goals prior to diversify, depending less on oil and gas the physical and emotional junk heap we final revisions and formal ratification d11ri11g the TSA annual meeting i11 Dallas Nol·em­ production and related industries. The have created."-So Human An Animal, ber 6-8. Programs to achiHe tlte goals will greatest gains have been and will continue p. 5 be initiated during Fort Worth architect Lee to be in manufacturing and service indus­ The list of contributions to the "junk Roy llal111feld's term as 198 I TSA president. tries; but oil and gas and agribusiness will heap" is all too familiar: air and water continue to be major parts of the econ­ pollution, ground poisoning, lack of open omy. Texas is a major food-fiber-grain space, loss of any sense of place through Excerpts from Essay producer for the nation. One of the more endless sprawl and monotonous strip important effects of the diversifying econ­ development; too much noise, too little Number Five: omy will be an emphasis on smaller- privacy; and perhaps just as disturbing, scale operations than has characterized the relentless gobbling up of the country­ "Growth, Resources, the major exploitative activities of the side and the alarming destruction of Environment" past. These new processes will require wilderness and virgin soil. The paradox, different types of services, from capital of course, is that we can afford quality availability to housing and public support environments: "Environmental ugliness By Catherine H. Powell services for different types of workers. and the rape of nature can be forgiven The growth in the coming decade is when they result from poverty, but not "Just as the 1950s and 1960s have been clearly unavoidable and it will be of a when they occur in the midst of plenty called the California Decades, the 1980s type significantly different to require and indeed arc produced by wealth." and 1990s may well be the Texas Dec­ different responses from governments (ibid., p. 3) ades. Having overtaken Pennsylvania as and from professionals. The period of What is meant by quality environ­ the third most populous state only five growth also will be a period of turbu­ ment? The only possible answer to this years ago, Texas, with an estimated pop­ lence. question is another set of questions which ulation of 13 million, is rapidly gaining The Challenge to Account for Quality asks what human beings need in order to on New York, with 17.7 million, for No. It is a lesson of history that opportunity realize both individual potential and the 2."-Wm. K. Stevens, "Texas Barges and turbulence go hand-in-hand. Al­ collective potential of a particular soci­ Into The 20th Century," N.Y. Times, though not always exploited, opportunity ety. There are two inescapable groups November, 1979. accompanies any form of change; and of needs: 1) those which arc biological-

60 Texas Architect ly inherent in man, having to do with quality environment, and quite another individual development-the opportunity to agree on how we might achieve it. A to develop mental and physical senses "Members of the design profes­ concept of resource management might through contact with nature, frequent sions, whose activities collectively help us to define some general goals and and positive contact with other people, perhaps also some specific objectives. a diversity of environments, and quiet produce the 'built environment,' Equity and Jong-term efficiency are the and privacy to internalize such stimuli; will be called to account for its twin goals of resource management. Pre­ 2) those relating to social development quality . .." requisites to effectiveness, however, are, - linkages to groups, stability of en­ first, awareness of what resources are; vironmental orientation, and, thus, op­ and, second, a commitment to coopera­ portunities to express the common under­ tion in using them wisely. Some of the standings and positive hopes of groups as more obvious constraints posing chal­ a whole. ily in New England, a Texas cow would lenges to design professionals relate to T he fact that these needs are inescap­ have starved to death on that amount of two major scarce resource groups which able does not mean that man is powerless land. These attitudes have produced some clearly require management of some sort to mold his environment, for man is both ingenious and quite pragmatic schemes­ if we are to avoid massive disturbances adaptive and selective: "Design, rather Longhorn cattle and the Houston Ship in our lifestyle and society. than anarchy, characterizes life. In hu­ Channel, for examples. T hey can also Energy man life, design implies the acceptance lead to wild and impractical ideas, such The most obviously scarce resource is and even the deliberate choice of certain as the Texas Waler Plan which envisioned energy, specifically because of our de­ constraints which are deterministic to the pumping water from the Mississippi pendence upon fossil fuels. "For one extent that they incorporate the influence River over 1,000 miles uphill to the high thing," asks a Houston banker, "what of the past and of the environment. But plains in an open canal, using enormous happens when the age of oil is over, an design is also the expression of free will amounts of energy and delivering a high­ event that might well take place within because it always involves value judg­ ly saline product because of evaporation. the lifetimes of present-day Texans?" The ments and anticipates the future." (ibid., When some of the other parts of the very scale of the state has bred an atti­ p. 135) frontier character are involved in an tude of energy consumption into the A quality environment, then, is not a idea-self-reliance, neighborliness, ener­ bones of all Texans. In the past, migrants single organization of nature and man's getic hard work- the result is most often from the more industrialized areas have works. It has had various historical mani­ positive for all. Self-reliance, however, been first appalled at the distances rou­ festations which we may analyze to un­ can become fierce individualism, involv­ tinely driven by Texans, and then accept­ derstand what set of constraints was ing wasteful duplication or rejection of ed as natural this unusual consumption operating to produce the particular qual­ cooperation. Large-scale thinking may of time and fuel. ity in its time, but which we should not turn into exploitation. In a growth econ­ The days of cheap energy are over, attempt to reproduce in a different time omy, attitudes of this type may have even in Texas; and patterns of develop­ under different constraints. Instead, we unfortunate and negative results. We have ment will have to be reorganized. This must seek aspects of quality which meet already seen some of these: deadly pollu­ will require enormous re-education which the constraints of our time. tion of the Houston Ship Channel and can only be achieved incrementall y and Two concepts should guide design pro­ coastal waters, bays and estuaries; with a united effort by many different fess ionals in setting goals to guide growth stripping of rich and virgin topsoil and groups of professionals. Following is a in the coming decades in Texas. First, valuable kaolin to get at lignite; over­ minimal list of policy points which all those elements and activities which are mining of ground-water; and urban who participate in the environment­ clearly wasteful and destructive should sprawl fed by highways which operate building process should consider. be corrected; and second, positive steps in failure mode much of the time. Density: Low density sprawl encour­ toward defining design principles which It will be important to emphasize the ages use of the automobile, raises costs produce environments satisfying human best of these historic attitudes in build­ of delivering all types of services, and and social needs at the most basic levels ing quality environments in the coming makes more efficient transportation sys­ should be undertaken. decades. A primary constraint should be tems unworkable. We should begin to en­ In a growth economy, it is difficult to recognized: bigger is not necessarily bet­ courage the increase of densities, both ask others to focus on long-term impacts, ter. Recognizing constraints, selecting the residential and non-residential, so that even when they seem clear to some. It best options, choosing the most valuable they support some efficient and equitable may help to examine some of the atti­ goals-how can design professionals form of mass transit. Particularly impor­ tudes about growth historically ascribed guide the state's development? A concept tant would be density increases along to Texans. of resource management may give some major movement corridors in logical pat­ Texan Attitudes: Positives and Negatives insights. terns which may be either continuous or People in Texas have always been in How Can Resources be Managed? grouped into nodes. Houston, with one favor of growth, an attitude which is part "Texas has an Arcadian pre-eminence foot already planted in a Buck Rogers of the frontier character. Texans also among the states, and an opulent future time warp, is moving toward the centers think big, having inherited a certain before her, which only wanton misman­ pattern, although the transit problem ranginess in thinking from the Spanish, agement can forfeit."- Frederick Law which would make it workable remains and having had to adapt to the realities of Olmsted, A Journey Through Texas, to be solved. Beyond this logical step is landscape and climate. Whereas eight 185/ the challenge of working out new con­ acres once comfortably supported a fam- It is one thing to agree that we want a cepts of urban design based on energy

Se ptember/ October 1980 61 The European tradition of richn~, warmth It is elegance in the finest French tr'ddition. and sophistication are redefined in Anjou tile by Call Monarch 1lle Manufacturing, Inc. today to Cerabati. It's the cl~ic styUng that satis­ find out why Anjou by Cerabati is the fies the discriminating ~tes of today's choice of builders-and buyers aUke. particular home buyers. Anjou is a vitrified porcelain ceramic Tex:is Distributors American TIie tile that is rugged. Ideal for use outdoors l)all:ts/lRW \kl'Tfll Kd (l14) l •I I l,177 around pools. With its 8" hexagon l'on \lurl l·lH.I 0 Au

September I October I 980 63 social activity. Each development should get away from the competitive idea, the • one who understands the processes of consider all three equally. A m ajor objec­ survival of the fittest."-Newsweek, assemblies of construction; tive should be to seek diversity of en­ November 1979. • a resource for all the properties of vironments, natural and man-made. Larg­ The writings of both Fuller and Dubos equipment related to buildings, and er and larger populations require more suggest that the "fittest" who survive a for locating the equipment; and more organization and, without degraded and dehumanizing environment • a financial advisor on costs and meth­ diversity of environments, only those who may have lost the capacity for sensitive ods of financing construction. can tolerate regimentation survive. Rigid response and social interaction. Our goal, He must be regulation at the state level should be therefore, must be to provide environ­ • knowledgeable on all the ramifications avoided; but general guidelines for criti­ ments which support our human and of the law as applied to construction cal and fragile resources should be care­ social needs in the greatest possible vari­ agreements; fully worked out by many participants ety. We can achieve this quality if we • an ecologist to protect our environment in a cooperative manner and then fol­ can develop a new sense of cooperation, from our acts of building, and lead us lowed. Urban design and development bui'.ding on a resurrected spirit of fron­ to define our relation to nature in our patterns similarly should not be rigidly tier neighborliness. real self-interest; devised; but, again, general frameworks • an authority on bureaucratic require­ protecting resources and the natural set­ ments for a safe building for society; ting must be agreed upon, leaving in­ • a "psychologist-sociologist-cultural dividual developments to make the most Excerpts from Essay )listorian" who knows how to relate creative use of the land possible. Sub­ human activities to buildings; state governmental units must be given Number Six: • an artist to move men's minds at the the powers necessary to take control of building scale, large or small, at the growth and guide it into the most effec­ "Architectural interior room scale, at the multi-build­ tive places. Design professionals must Education for the 1980s" ing urban design scale; help others to sec that such guidance is • a super-communicator, articulate and literate, able to draw, to manipulate essential to continuing vitality. Wit/rout By James R. Pratt, FAIA it, Texas in the 1980s may blunder into complex. informational tools, and able the California position of unbridled to work fluently in at least two, better growth foil owed by alarmed and exces­ The schools should produce what ideal three, languages; sive regulation followed by economic re­ architect in the eighties? • a creative designer who can both trenchment. Neither laymen nor professionals have a analyze and synthesize into physical Will Texas become, as Larry McMur­ clear image of the personality and life of order myriads of factors important to try has put it, "a sort of kid brother to Lavoisier, except that he did something the client, from door knobs and park­ California, with a kid brother's tendency important in science, but many laypeople ing lots to electrical control systems to imitate?" Or will a distinctly new and we architects have clear images of of sunshades, security systems, video­ American subculture evolve, as Stevens Fuller, Wright, Stanford White, Adam, tape machines, autoclaves and human hopes, "based on a fresh mixture of Bernini and Michaelangelo. Perhaps the or product movement-and do it damn beli efs and attitudes? The chief ingredient reason is not only their strong personali­ quickly; of such a blend might well be the tradi­ ties, but also the breadth of their interests • a leader/coordinator/ broker of spe­ tional frontier values." and achievements. Architecture as a pro­ cialists in design of new construction, The key to quality growth in Texas fession allows those who grasp its possi­ and in the preservation of old con­ in the coming decade may, indeed, be bilities to range at will from the arts struction; found in the positive frontier values; but through the sciences. Someone said: "Any­ • one who understands power and the a note of caution should be sounded. The time one peels away the chaff to look for mechanisms of corporate and govern­ technological advances which now make theories behind some aspect of architec­ mental bureaucracies; possible tertiary recovery of oil, for ture, one winds up with the theories of • a futurist who can anticipate what will example, can be viewed as the positive another profession." If one attempts to be needed. result of individual determination and enumerate all of the qualities that the As my secretary commented after my inventiveness fostered by a competitive title "architect" is supposed to imply, one dictating the above, it is discouraging to economy, as long as responsibility for comes up with a list of incredible diver­ anyone entering a school of architecture. accompanying environmental quality is sity: Can one man still do all of these things? included as a goal. If such an attitude of An architect is The answer is obviously "no." Can one responsibility is omitted, however, our • one who knows about every chemical man coordinate all of these things with history of exploitation with its accom­ and physical property, every process some knowledge o( all of them? That panying destructiveness m ay predomi­ of manufacture, every chemical used answer can be "yes" if he has the right nate. A growth economy tends to reward in construction, in order to set build­ sort of education. short-term gain through increased op­ ings on the earth safely, span space Our schools need to educate persons portunities for exploitation. Buckminster safely, prevent decay from the ele­ who are specialists in one or more of the Fuller's point is appropriate: "When I ments, provide artificial air, light, above listed roles with extreme depth in look at the total resources and design power, audio and other environmental their knowledge, and generalists to keep of the planet, my big question for the systems within buildings, and maintain in perspective the work of numerous ex.­ '80s is whether the conditioned reflex. of the environments that have been cre­ perts in specific fields. Neither of these humanity can be altered so that we can ated; is superior to the other; they are the yin

64 Texas Architect and yang of our whole need. The question cated person's knowledge. Certainly pro­ is how to provide this professional educa­ "We are going to have to add a fessional architects must have a strong tion for both. ability to apply the principles of visual What do we need? new tradition of disciplined minds art to architecture. With exceptions, schools of architecture and even of scholarly attainment In summary, the understanding of the in Texas today serve most students on a to back us in the practice of the relationship of man to his envirooment­ "local-availability" basis; other students eighties. A major need is students visual, psychological, physical, ethical­ on a least-cost basis; fewer on a choice­ is important to being an effective prac­ of-curriculum basis; and a very few on trained with disciplined rigor in titioner and may be increased through a basis of intellectual attainment. We are both pre-professional and pro­ the study of our own and foreign lan­ going to have to add a new tradition of fessional education." guages and literature, history, mathe­ disciplined minds and even of scholarly matics, science and social science, and the attainment to back us in the practice of visual arts. the eighties. A major need for offices is vocabulary, one cannot communicate How are we going to get prospective students trained with disciplined rigor in even with one's self about any subject, architects into our offices who can read both pre-professional and professional verbal or visual.) and write? education. • should study English literature in order Last fall we turned over to a recent grad­ I happen to think that there are able to understand our culture; (which cer­ uate of one of our Texas schools the writ­ students, programs and faculty in Texas tainly includes an understanding of ing of a report for our firm. It came back architectural schools. Strong qualities in how architecture can arouse men's gibberish. The cause of his shallow design Texas students must not be underestimat­ passions, support or inhibit life, and work became more clear; he possessed ed. A Cornell professor visiting Texas provide a rich diversity which is our facile talent in drawing, but Jacked the three years ago told me that he was im­ profession's reason for being) thinking skills to harness it. His inability pressed with the openness, eagerness, • should be able to read and write a to structure thought showed him as and continued belief in the work ethic of language other than his own; (At the cheated in his schooling, probably before Texas students, as contrasted with his most pragmatic and commercial level, college, but that is no excuse for a uni­ own more culturally privileged and jaded how much more effective I could be versity to allow such a candidate to hold ones. But eagerness and commitment are with my German supplier if I could a professional degree. In checking with not enough. address him in his language, or with other offices, this problem shows up There are serious questions about the my French research assistant if I spoke often. Even though students enter with availabili ty of distinguished programs in French. Also, I can understand my high SAT scores and some proficiency most schools of architecture in the state own language better through my in writing skills, one dean commented of Texas. I have had personal experience knowledge of other languages-and that they leave less well-skilled than when with the failure of recent Texas gradu­ subtlety of mind proceeds therefrom they arrive. ls continuing practice in ates' ability to think. We practicing pro­ and leads even to subtlety in architec­ writing a necessity? fessionals need better-educated graduates tural concepts.) A larger percentage of students now to work with us. • needs to gain historical perspective in enter Texas architectural schools who We should be producing buildings here order to understand his own culture; have prior other degrees. Of graduate that compete on a world scale, irrespec­ (We get some of this in our study of students entering one college of architec­ tive of time. But by and large our schools ancient architectures. What we do not ture with no prior architectural education, and our practices are local and regional. normally get is their reason for being the best students in design have proven to Even though numbers of us have de­ -which prevents us, in part, from be those who received their prior degree signed buildings over the United States formulating solid reasons for what we in English. This may seem a surprise until or in foreign places, it is time we over­ do as professionals.) we remember that if we cannot render came our provinciality. Texas needs a • needs to understand mathematical con­ our thoughts into words, we cannot com­ higher level of vernacular buildings and cepts that underlie many fields of municate with ourselves clearly about a few Parthenons, both to be generated study; (including aspects of architec­ new concepts. Precision in subtlety of here, not in California or London. For it ture) mind comes from mastery of language. is we Texas architects, not the itinerant • needs to become acquainted with one One learns to write also through ample New Yorker, who must in the long run of the natural sciences; (The applica­ reading. The value of reading communi­ give our state its unique sense of place. tion of the scientific method of prob­ cated to students by the professional What kind of general education do pro­ lem-solving in architecture needs to be schools needs reinforcing. To give some fessionals need? taught to enable us rigorously to attack perspective on the quality of the Texas How do we get architects who are more problems.) schools, which includes the amount of literate in both the narrow and broad • should know something of the social reading done, I have called for a print-out sense of that word? sciences in order to find out what men of information on our six schools, now According to the "Guidelines for the know about living together; (In the being gathered annually by the National Distribution of Studies" (from the 1979- last two decades, the relationship be­ Architectural Accrediting Board, in order 80 Yale College Catalog), an educated tween architecture and social science to compare this with information on 14 man or woman has become markedly visible.) other schools. The latter include ones • should be able to express himself What is not in this list of the under- with national reputations, together with clearly in his own language in speech graduate Yale Catalog is a requirement representative state-supported schools and writing; (Without an adequate for visual literacy as a part of every edu- from all geographic sections of the coun-

September/October 1980 65 try. The particular choices are mine, wi th derive from peers rather than pontifica­ the help of N.A.A.8 .'s Hugh Blasdcl, and tion? In large amorphous state univer­ arc arbitrary; they were chosen in ig­ "In architecture, we need the sities, there are no substructures between norance of what information the com­ stimulus of other viewpoints to the individual and the mass other than the puter might hold. Not all institutions class level. There is ample precedent in turned in data for every question; after help us enrich our buildings. It is this country in such liberal arts colleges as study, I concluded that even with errors humbling to see architectural Yale for the use of this structure. Even and omissions. the print-outs show a con­ products superior to our own in without the physical house, an organized sist'!nt pattern in comparisons. The com­ places like India or Turkey." subgroup monitored by appropriate parisons arc surprising and of real con­ faculty offers a way to broaden students' cern. interests, especially at the lower levels. Comparison Lbt: Below arc what I consider to be some University of California, Berkeley; Cor­ salient questions: nell University; Georgia Institute of Not many students in Texas schools of What is the best way to inculcate Technology; Harvard University; Univer­ architecture realize how few of the really analytical skills among students of archi­ sity of Illinois, Urbana; Massachusetts good buildings of the world arc in this tecture? fa the performance of many Institute of Technology; University of region. They do not know enough about students in this area meagre because too Minnesota; University of Oregon; Uni­ the world. I do not sense that they get many skills are addressed at once? versity of Pennsylvania; Princeton Uni­ in school the stimulus to find out about ,. Is the studio method the best way to versity; University of Virginia; Clemson it. From the evidence of interns from teach design? University; Arizona State University; and Texas schools coming through my office What part should hands-on construc­ University of California, Los Angeles. in recent years, I construe that the atti­ tion play in training architects? Texas Schools: tudes they emulate are narrowly visual. When should office apprenticeship Rice University, University of Texas at The internationalism of architecture begin in the learning process? Why Austin, Texas A&M University, Texas needs to be communicated to students in should apprenticeship be a formal re­ Tech University, University of Houston, its economic, technical and social contexts quirement for graduation from an aca­ University of Texas at Arlington. as well as in superficial visual ones, and demic institution, as is now required in (Note: Due to space limitations, we are by an educated faculty. the graduate program at Rice? able to include here 011/y the following How do we bring poetry back into the Why should academic credit be given brief summary of findings which we have flesh of architecture? for a preceptorship when the experience drawn I rom the extensive table presented I sec a need for schools emphasizing must vary enormously Crom office to in the a111hor's original essay. His f i11d­ technical specialization, science-based, as office for any given student? Great gaps i11gs were based 011 library statistics re­ a resource to practitioners and as a train­ and omissions arc sure to occur because ported to the National Architectural ing ground at the graduate level. And we of the fluidity of the professional re­ Accrediting Board within the past three need several schools 1111i1i11g architecture sponse to the market. I am not against years.- Editor). On the average, the with related arts at the small scale. I can­ preceptorships but, rather, against aca­ Texas architectural libraries, compared not find where industrial design is taught demic credit for them since the experi­ to those in the national sample, in Texas. There is at present no school ences afforded are unpredictable. • circulated only about a third as many with a really strong arts relationship What standards should be maintained volumes and also reported owning which could produce a cadre of profes­ for class size in lectures, in studios, at about a third as many; sionals similar to those who came out of the different undergraduate and graduate • acquired less than half as many new Cranbrook in the forties. Architects' levels? I am for smaller size at the be­ volumes and reported subscriptions for training in interior architecture in Texas ginning rather than at the end when stu­ less than half as many periodicals; is weak, which leaves the field to those dents should be more on their own. • had only half as many reader stations picking products from catalogs, in home Do we need to find more money for our and operated on a library budget (per economics departments, or to those state schools? full-time equivalent student) o nl y I/ 6 ~choolcd elsewhere. I recently asked two The national comparisons all indicate that as large; wc(J-known Finnish designers how came we need to upgrade the financial re­ • were allotted 1/5 as high a percentage their high-level, strong coherence of sources for the state-supported profes­ of overall school budget (9.7 percent product design, fabrics and craft design sional schools if we arc going to compete vs. 2.1 percent). with art and architecture. Their answer nationally. We have an uphill battle in How do we eliminate parochialism in was that they all went to school together, the kind of shrinking economy we face schools of architecture? they each had to take rigorous courses in in the next decade, yet those five schools Parochialism may be defined as an ig­ the other's crafts, and that the milieu was need endowed chairs, scholarships, and norance of, and perhaps a willful blind­ small enough that they all knew each especially, lower student/ professor ratios. ness to, the rest of the world. Its elimina­ other. At first glance salary scales do not tion docs not mean the abandonment of What are ways to strengthen the learning look so bad, comparing the 14 national local culture, or even the adoption of na­ environment? schools with the six Texas ones. The tional culture. In architecture, we need A social and physical structure modelled catch comes, however, in that Texas the stimulus of other vii;wpoints to help on the Cambridge-Oxford "house" might teachers must either work a great deal us enrich our buildings. ll is humbling be an effective educational mechanism harder to serve their student load, or to sec architectural products superior to to foster a working peer group. Is it fifty Texas students get a great deal less atten­ our own in places like India or Turkey. or sixty percent of our learning that we tion from faculty than does the national

66 Texas Architect s.1mple. In dividing the salaries per full- From my perspective, this would greatly I "e eq11fra/e111 stmle11t (F. I .E.S.• ) the strengthen the quality of education in all national average dollar per F.T.E.S. was schools concerned, but of course would $1.700, but only S 1,200 for the six Tcxa~ be politically difficult to bring about. hoots. Administrative expenditure per How can we establish local control for I ·1 .ES. averaged .,hout 90 percent each school? more for 13 national schoob than for Another recommended course of action tiv~ Tcxa, ones. We need to examine our is to encourage the legislature to give O\\O value, of what \\C arc willing 10 each state university its own board of spend on education. reg<'IIIS c:omp.:,sed of 111e11 distinguished "Formula funding" may so far be the i11 those disciplines taught in that 1111i- most democratic way found for schools 1•errity. T cxa'> to receive equal treatment. The Sllfh a move would ('rocc~s is one whereby the Coordinating • provide each university with closer Board recommends levels of funding supervision than present arrangements ~ ·~cd on complex formulas to the Legis­ can possibly give; latvc Budget Board and Governor\ • make it po:.sible to place a leading Budget Committee. These lcvcb arc nor­ architect on the board of regents of mally modified and finally accepted by each of the five state universities teach­ the Legislature. Some dozen categories of ing architecture; subject areas receive differing amounts of • make possible continuing informal and money on a unit ha'>b, based in theory formal contact between the architect­ on the cost of teaching in that discipline. regent and the dean of that school of I his year\ unit ba,i'> recommended by architecture. In fact, periodic meetings the Coordinating Board for the category allended by the deans and regents from of salaries for engineers and architects is the different boards might be illuminat­ 52.75: for fine arh, $58.01: and for ing to all concerned. nursi ng. $89.50 per credit hour taught. Such a move would also eliminate por­ fhe TSA <,hould undertake to convince tions of the expensive "systems" offices. the Coordinating Board that architecture Our goal must be to bring the legisla­ " a more complex and costly '>ubjcct to ture, the regents, the professionals and be taught than fine art, not a less costly the academics together so that each can one, and therefore i.hould be placed at a inform and assist the other; and to elimi­ higher category of funding than any other nate the stifling effects of bureaucratic I nc art. layers oo architectural education by re­ llow can all geographic areas come to storing local control to each state uni­ have needed professional school support? versity. Although it will be difficult to accom­ Pie in the sky? This is not as big a pli,;h. we need to work at organizing our change as that undergone by the British resources so that all geographical areas 20 )Can, ago when they abandoned have needed profcsi.ional school support. hundreds of years of tradition by abol­ As a student at Harvard, 1 benefited ishing the Board of the Admiralty. It just greatly by taking courses at M.T.T. and takes political backing. h} having ,ome M .l.T. professor:, lec­ ture my classes at H arvard. It was a two­ Not,•: The 1111t/10r 11'011/d /iJ..e to acJ..11 owledge way street. The University of Houston t/11• rnluable c,mtribllfio11.r of Charier Green, is perhap'> better because of Rice and former De1111 , Colle~e of l.iberal Arif, U11i- presumably the relationship will grow as 1·er.1ity of 71•.111.1 at Arli11gtn11, ll'h<> .ll'n•ed the institutions mature. Can this Macy­ ar 11 "most helpful .so11ncli11g boarcl." Gimbel principle be applied in future planning to fill out other needs in three other geographical areas? Should a strong technical school be added in San Antonio to pair with the University of Texas' interest in soft sciences? Should a second school in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area ·omplcment nascent UT Arlington and i I out needed other programs? An in­ titution at UT Permian Basin might he paired with the school at Lubbock. In Catherine Poll'ell is an a.uista11 t professor i11 the Departmem of Urban St11dies at l rder to make this idea realistic in a Trinity Unfrersity in San Allfonio. James constricted economy, each existing school Pratt, fAIA, 1.f a principal in the Dallas to be paired could be reduced by half. firm Pratt Box 1/enderson & Partners.


s,,oil~~;;;;~~ 4110 Dumbarton Road • Houston, Texas 77025 • 713/668-8554 Manufactured by Simpson Company, San Leandro, California 94557 Lone Star Brewery, San A11to11io. Circle 29 on Reader Inquiry Card Lone Star Brewery Slated for Rebirth As San Antonio Museum of Art ,. The turn-of-the-century Lone Star Brew­ ery in San Antonio, built by St. Louis beer magnate Adolphus Busch, is slated for rebirth in March 1981 as the new San Antonio Museum of Art. The $7.1 million project, under the architectural direction of Cambridge Seven Associates, Cambridge, Mass. (Martin and Ortega Architects, San An­ tonio, associate architects), involves the renovation of 78,000 square feet of space to house the San Antonio Museum Asso­ ciation's art and archaeology collections. Architects also are restoring distinctive design features of the modified Roman­ esque complex: exterior masonry, arched windows, decorative merlons, columns, and high ceilings and open spaces which make the brewery especially suitable for reuse as a museum. New features will include a glass­ enclosed skywalk which will connect the two towers of the main structure. Sky­ lights will illuminate the main entry area, and a landscaped park area will surround the entire complex. In addition to its existing facilities, according to SAMA, the new San Anto­ nio Museum of Art will provide the city with one of the largest museum systems in the United States.

Church Addition Under Way in Houston An established inner-city congregation in Houston wanted to build a new worship space to accommodate growth and to pro­ vide for more flexibility in liturgical and community programs. To that end, archi­ tects of the Houston firm Charles Tapley Associates designed a 5,900-square-foot

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Guest Quarters West, Houston. Guest Quarters West Under Construction Near Galleria in Houston Construction is now under way on the 26-story Guest Quarters-Galleria West hotel on Westhcimer one block west of the Galleria in Houston, designed by the Houston office of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. The new Guest Quarters, similar to the existing Guest Quarters hotel on South Post Oak Road in Houston, will consist of 30 l one-bedroom suites with private balconies, 48 two-bedroom suites, six

Circle 31 on Reader lnqu,ry Card 70 Texas Architect ore people are turning to asphalt every day. And why not? Hot mix asphalt pave­ How good is that? ment is the most sensible surface choice Some full depth pavements con­ TEXAS available today. structed back in 1889 are still in use. HOT It's versatile, durable, economical, That's how good. MIX it ASPHALT and looks great too. Suitable for almost every type of PAVEMENT That's important. Because often it's subgrade, full-depth asphalt construc­ ASSOC. the first impression people have of your tion provides more strength per inch of office or shopping center. And an un­ thickness than any other type of pave­ 305 Perry-Brooks Building paved or poorly constructed parking ment structure too. Austin, Texas 7870 1 area can be a deterrent for prospective And that means lower maintenance 51 2 477-1824 customers and previous ones alike. costs. What is hot mix asphalt? For a list of the quality full depth It's a mixture of dried and heated hot mix asphalt dealers in your area, quality aggregates combined with hot contact the Texas Hot Mix Asphalt asphalt cement. And when properly Pavement Association. applied, while still hot,to required thick­ Or for more information, send for ness and grade specifications, hot mix our full depth asphalt design and con­ asphalt provides a quality surface at a struction guide. less than premium cost. You'll start turning to asphalt too.

Circle 33 on Reader Inquiry Card In the News, co11tin11ed. meeting rooms, a lounge and a swimming roof will be capped with a rolled vault to pool. complement the curved walls of the ex­ A grove of trees will accent the West­ terior. The two-story lobby will feature a heimer entrance to the hotel, which will marble wall and grand stairway leading be approached via a private tree-lined to a lounge on the second floor. street linking Westheimer Blvd. and West Construction is scheduled to be com­ Alabama Road. The entrance to tbe hotel pleted in early 1982. will feature a cloister-style courtyard, which will be landscaped to create a Plans Announced "totally separate environment" from the For Restoring activity of the nearbr streets. Historic Houston Bank H ouston National Bank Building. The building itself will be a series of "sculptured curves" and linear patterns The Houston development firm Todd­ Houston National Bank building at the of Texas Imperial bro\\-n granite ag­ Moore Properties has announced plans corner of ~lain and Franklin Streets into gregate and solar bronze windows. The to restore and convert the 52-year-old downtown Houston office space. Restoration work, under the direction of the Houston firm Harvin Moore & Barry Moore Architects, will include re­ pairing the building's 56-foot-high fresco r and bronze rotunda ceiling and preserv- ing its massive 47-foot by 108-foot lobby. The exterior of the 44,700-square-foot building is constructed of black granite, Bedford limestone, bronze and plate glass. Eight fluted columns, five feet in dia­ meter and 35 feet high, support the building's elaborate cornice, which is similar to the cornice on the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. The bank building was originally de­ signed by the Houston firm Hedrick & Gotlieb and built in 1928. In 1975 it was added to the National Register of His­ toric Places. which describes it as "an excellent example of Neoclassical Doric architecture- symbolic of the wealthy banking interests in Houston during the twenties."

News of Schools

'Full Pardons' Promised For Return of Hilton Hotel Souvenirs A University of Houston professor of architecture has offered "full pardons" to sticky-fingered hotel guests for returning H ilton Hotel memorabilia for use in re­ storing the 64-year-old Mobley Hotel in Cisco, the first Hilton Hotel. Dr. Rinaldo Petrini, architect in charge of the restoration project, says that any­ thing that relates to Conrad Hilton or his hotels-towels, silverware, ashtrays, menus, receipts, bills, old photographs­ wiJI be used to authenticate individual rooms in the Mobley. The rooms will trace the history of the American hotel industry, with the decor of the late l 700s, the typical stagecoach

Circle 34 on Reader lnqwry Card 72 Texas Architect inn, a Victorian interior, a Mobley room brought architecture into a larger human of the 1920s, a typical Hilton Hotel room Books context and brought a spiritual awareness in 1946, a contemporary room circa 1982 more concretely into human culture in ,md a futuristic room. Between Silence and Light: Spirit in the ways which are rare today. In this book The Mobley was built in 1916 and pur­ Architecture of Louis I. Kahn, by John I have tried to present a small part of this chased by Conrad Hilton in 1919, mark­ Lobell. Shambhala Publications, Boulder, view of architecture as seen in Kahn's mg the beginning of the Hilton Hotel Colo., 120 pages, $7.95. work." chain. Curators of the restored hotel, Author John Lobell, a professor of The first book about Kahn for a gen­ ,chedulcd to open in 1982, will be the architecture at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, eral audience, according to the publisher, l lnivcrsity of Houston Conrad Hilton N.Y., studied under Kahn as a student Between Silence and Light consists of 1lote l and Restaurant Management Col­ of architecture from 1959 to 1966 at the three sections: the first, "Silence is lege. University of Pennsylvania. The experi­ Light," presents a selection of Kahn's Contact Dr. Petrini at UHCC College ence was a rewarding one. "The way I own words taken for the most part from of Architecture, 4800 Calhoun Blvd., was taught architecture," Lobell writes, a lecture he gave in 1973 at Pratt Insti­ 1l ouston 77004. Telephone: (713) 749- ·'and the way Louis Kahn practiced it tute; the second section, "Architecture is ·4256.

Raymond Reed Resigns As Texas A&M Architecture Dean Professor of architecture Raymond D. Reed has resigned as dean of the Texas A&M Coll ege of Architecture and En­ vi ronmental Design to return to full-time leaching.

Ravmond Reed Charles Hix Recd had served as dean of the college \ince 1973. Before that, he was an asso­ ciate professor and chairman of architec­ ture and interior design at the University of Southwestern Louisiana (1960-64), professor and head of the department of architecture at Iowa State University (l 964-70) and professor and coordinator of graduate architectural research and design at Iowa State (1970-73). He received his bachelor's degree in architecture from Tulane University in 1953 and his master's degree in archi­ tecture from Harvard in 1958. Reed's interim successor as dean of the college, Dr. Charles M. Hix, PE, a pro­ fessor of architecture, building construc­ tion and civil engineering, has taught at A&M since 1968. He received his bache­ lor's degree in civil engineering at Texas A&M in 1948, his master's degree there in 1951, and a doctorate in civil engineer­ ing from A&M in 1970.

Circle 35 on Reader Inquiry Card September/October 1980 73 Spirit," contains Lobell's thoughts on Balcones Office Park "Kahn's place in architectural history, on Kahn's insights, and on the human place in architecture"; the third, "Some of Kahn's Buildings," consists of photo­ graphs, plans and brief descriptions of PHASE 3 eight of Kahn's buildings and projects, in­ cluding the famed Kimbell Art Museum READY FOR LEASING in Fort Worth. Architecture in Context: Fitting N ew Now that we have completed phase professional activity in Austin. Buildings with Old, by Brent C. Brolin. one and phase two of Balcones Office Ample parking spaces are provided Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New Park, we are ready to lease space in for tenants and their clients at all times. our newest addition. This 5 story build­ And it's free. By pre-leasing needed York, N.Y., 160 pages, $16.95. ing will be ready for occupancy in Janu­ space during the construction stage, Author of The Failure of Modem ary of 1981. Approximately 60,000 sq. special arrangements for customizing Architecture, published in 1976, Brent feet of professional business environ­ requirements for individual mechanical, Brolin specifies and elaborates on one of electrical and plumbing needs can be ments are yours for the choosing. those failures in Architecture in Context: Balcones Office Park enjoys an ex­ held to a minimum. cellent location at MoPac and North­ the strong modernist emphasis on "spirit land Drive. As Austin continues to grow For leasing information call of the times" rather than "spirit of the to the northwest, this prime location be­ Jim Moritz, Realtor place." Taught to contrast new and old, comes more and more the center of (512) 451-7613 rather than make them visually compati­ ble, Brolin writes, modern architects have Mo-Pac at Northland, 3305 Northland Or Austin. Texas 78731 been more concerned with making a per­ sonal "artistic statement" with a building than with enhancing its context. His Balconesn~Park thesis: regardless of whether a new build­ ing copies architectural features from its immediate environment or creates new ones, those features can and should estab­ Circle 37 on Reader Inquiry Card lish a "strong and eloquent visual rela­ tionship" between new and old. To do this, Brolio says, architects can once again use design elements which modern­ ism discarded long ago, such as orna­ ment, and learn how to determine build­ ing relationships with the eye, not ideology. Also billed as a "how-to" hand­ book for architects and laypersons alike, Architecture in Context includes illustra­ tions of exemplary building-contextual relationships in the United States and Europe as well as pointers on dealing with architects to "get what you want."

News of Firms 0 One year only $15.00 0 Two years $26 ..00 --~~-----~--11 Demme Minneapolis-based Ellerbe, Inc., design­ lnternatlonal Subscriptions add $3.00 ers of the Mayo Clinic and the recently completed U.S. Navy Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., has established a South­ west regional headquarters in Austin. According to Ellerbe President Robert F.

Name J acobseo, the choice of Austin over other Texas cities was made because of "the

Mailing Address city's refreshing quality of life which puts such value on its natural beauty and

State Zip Code charm." C. Jack Corgan, president and chief executive officer of the Dallas firm Send to: Inland Architect, P.O. Box 10394 Corgan Associates, bas been elected the Chicago, Illinois 60610

74 Texas Architect firm's chairman of the board. The ad­ vancement was made upon the planned retirement Aug. 1 of Jack M. Corgan, the The 1980 NCARB Architectural firm's founder. Registration Handbook McKittrick Drennan Richardson and The only book created expressly to help you prepare Wallace Architects, Inc. will now be for the Professional Exam - known as McKittrick Richardson Wallace The same authorities who wrote the test have fitted the new Handbook with vital information on the Uecember exam. No other guidebook offers Architects, Inc. (MRW). 0. E. Peck the fottowing basic exam data: The Official Mission Statement (A Drennan has left the Houston firm to futt description of the 1980 exam subject: design of the home office ~tart his own practice. of a large insurance company situated on a 500-acre site in a "classic" suburban setting); what you should know about grading; a con­ Dallas-based Pickle Architects, Inc. densed version oflast year's exam; recommended readings. has relocated to Heritage Square, 5001 The valuable study information is yours for only $30.95, which I .BJ, Suite 200, Dallas 75234. includes $1 .35 state sates tax and postage. Paymenl must accompany all orders. No phone orders. Allow 2- 3 weeks for delivery. Dallas-based SHWC, Inc. has formed a Order from the Texas Society of A.l'chitects/2121 Austin new space planning department within National Bank Tower/ Austi.n, Texas 78701/(512) 478-7386. the firm. Judy Schoenhals will direct the department and coord inate all space­ Circle 39 on Reader Inquiry Card planning projects. Houston-based 3D / International has appointed Gilbert E. B. Hoffman and Robert W. Peterson senior associates in the firm's architecture division. Gary Boyd has been appointed a senior asso­ ciate in the interior architecture division. !\cw associates in the architecture divi­ ~ion arc Mark E. Gustus, Richard W. Moore, A. Matt Roesler, Roddy W. Sim­ mons and Alfonso Varela. Scott Ball ard 1s a newly appointed associate in the planning department. In upper manage­ ment promotions, Charles E. Burgess, Richard L. Kreutz, J. Russell Laird Jr., John E. Pearson and L. Herbert Rather have been named senior vice presidents, along with Thomas P. Hughes at the New York office. Appointed vice presidents were Daniel R. Brents in Houston, Kevin D. Dallas in New York and Ronald D . Schappaugh in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The Richardson firm James H. Meyer & Associates has named John Mark Hutchings an associate of the firm. Lockwood Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) of Houston has added California­ based Carter Engineers as a subsidiary to their organization. It is the second out­ of-state expansion for the firm in the last two months. Pa ul C. Crews Jr. and Craig A. Estes have been appointed associates of Wil­ son Stoeltje Martin, Inc., in Austin. Charles R. Womack & Associates of Dallas has added Thomas F. Schifer as an associate of the firm. Houston-based Sikes Jennin~ Kelly has moved to expanded facil ities at Brookhollow Central Two, 2900 North Loop West, Suite 1301, Houston 77092. Hatfield Halcomb Architects of Dallas has appointed Pat Darnell director of the firm's interior design division and Ann Mouzon as business development coordi­ nator.

Circle 38 on Reader Inquiry Card September/ October 1980 75 •• .why FULLSPACE1?? Workshops TSA to Host Professional Exam Seminar During Dallas Annual Meeting

The Texas Society of Architects, in con­ junction with TSA's 41 st Annual Meet­ ing, wilt host "A Seminar for the TBAE/ NCA RB Professional Exam" from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 6 at the Hyatt Regency at Reunion in Dallas for persons planning lo take the registration exam in Decem­ FILE CABINETS Specify FU LLSPACE and cut the areas ber. ,_,.,I....--1 1 J reserved for 4-drawer flllng In half I Cabinets Sem inar facu lty will include NCARB 11 1 1 111111 of shelving on movable carriages rol l left or Executive Director Sam Baten. FAIA; FIXED SHELVING right to open one access aisle. FULLSPACE Robert Norris, Part I coordina tor on the

3 performs equally well In stockrooms, NCARB exam-writing committee; ' , .. 11 H 111111 libraries, pharmacies, etc. Guaranteed In­ NCARB exam coordinator Sid rrier, FAI A; FULLSPACE stallations by factory-trained personnel. Ask TBAE Chairman Doug Steinman, FAJA; 13 46', 111111111 and TllAE Executive Director Phil , , ) , l \ilo'>•• ' for free literature, case histories, layouts, t:·z .... ,.. :~:,·, ·:-,:,~,. I 111111111111 estimates and specs. Creer, FA IA. .=. Fee for the seminar is $20. For more LUNOIA~ in formation, contact the TSA office, The World's Record Holdors- 212 1 Austin National Bank Tower, Aus­

LUNDIA OF DALLAS/FT. WORTH LUNDIA OF HOUSTON LUNDIA OF SOUTH CENTRAL TEXAS tin 78701. relephone: (5 12) 478-7386. 11311 Harry Hines Blvd. P.O. Box 55372 1600 Rio Grande Dallas, TX 75229 Houston, TX 77055 Austin, TX 78763 2141241-3481 7131467•1982 5121478-8299 The Texas A&M College of Architecture and Environmental Design al:.o wi ll host Circle 41 on Reader Inquiry Card an "Architeclurc Review Workshop" for persons preparing to take the December exam. The workshop will be divided into two sessions from 6 to 10 p.m. Friday, Nov. 14, and 8 a.m.. lo 8 p.m. Saturday, NEW FROM FRYFOR'80! Nov. 15 and will cover parts I through

PANEL DRIP MOLDI NG VENTl!D DRI P SCREED (VD-875-5/8°300) ••• l V of the registration exam. l:~~;!!~;~.~~ioo P•...,I• Fo" Gyrfr~: :}t:~, !;~ ~:l~ h-v.' 'i hl Im<,k lt1'1J ·1he fee for the workshop, which is Aoo1I 1·1 ,1dd,1S ,.,k, r>oltnt1,1I lot ror '.)VP'tl.inl hldm, ltlllh' lh,111 p{ltW" ti ( lo-.Ult' rol \.'l'll\ldl OI h011/111 I.II 1n1•t'h ftKli• h"tlUlh'nWnl, ,nvi'.. '" pl,1'>11'1 -.nn•J fm $45. For mo re information, contact 1'),1nd, J\l,o lwlp, , 1np l)tllld , 1.iln., IM1<1 1\·1d ,, 1v1.·., 1,.. h'tl'll111,1l lor 1•>:h-1101 qy1'h11m l't'\4'11.,,• IMtuMJlv. If, 11 <.hil) 1t111kJI M.,J,• ho11td Av11 il11hlt• "11th flw vt•nl ..,l<>l'i 111 w1thnU' Gordon Echols, Texas A&M College of .,f 1·>,;t1ud1-d W,O o 111'1,h'tn~\ wilh 11'-.n (011 "'lh'C 1J1 c,rd1.·•> Mi,dl' of Oh~!> ,•1rt.1111dl'd <\luml11url1 h,11..t•d on ,'I\ 1yl1• hrn,h wilh d11d1 h,1k1•d on'" , vlH h111,h Architecture and Environmental Design , Wlih•m <,tll 10U1.1v fui "~uuplt.'" JI H1 pm 1·.. ,,ud 1,,m huw.., Co llege Station 77843.

"Passive Solar Energy Conservation," l a two-day worhhop on the intricacie:. of •AH¥N! i,O . ... ,., yo u ,,,, ioo u11

Circle 40 on Reader Inquiry Card 76 Texas Architect Naturally beautiful for wood . .. the stain that shows the grain. Cabot's new Transparent Stains b ring out the best in wood, produce rich, lively colors in a variegated effect depending on the porosity of Samuel Cabot Inc. the wood surface a nd the exposure. These new slain s accent the beauty of wood grain and texture, beautify in a choice of 28 colors. Bute Colorizer like other stains in the Cabot line, Cabot's Trans parent Stains will not 712 W. Laurel/San Antonio/(512) 223-4234 crack, peel, or blister . . . are applicable to a ll types of wood. Central Supply Box 1660/San Antonio/(512) 227-8101 Cabot's Stains, the Orlglnal Stains and Standard for the Notion since 1877 Central Texas Decorating 5501 S. Congress/Austin/(512) 444-6869

Circle 43 on Reader lnqwry Card

Rustic Terrazzo: Combining the safety of stone with the beauty of color. terr

In the 15th century, terrazzo was born as a building art form as Venetians sought an a11raclIve. IOng-wearing, weather-resistant material for use on the terraces of their homes. Called "Rustic" Terrazzo, ii provides all the strength and beauty of any terrazzo flooring, plus the added advantage ol a safe. non-slip surface a Basically. Rustic Terrazzo consists ol carefully selected aggregate chips mixed wrth portland cement paste and spread evenly over a concrete base. II is then troweled, rolled, washed, and left to harden. Unliike rndoor terrazzo, rt has a rough. dense raw-stone surface. It may contain quartz, granite or gravel aggregate as well as certain types of marble chips. Rustic Terrazzo provides beauty and safety lor all types of building entrances. on stairways and z sidewalks, and rn plazas and malls. It Is an ideal all-around answer for pavements where good traction is needed and where beauty, d urability, safety and low-cost upkeep are crucial Designed for use in any clrmate, Rustic Te rrazzo with arr-entrained concrete precludes surface deterioration In any weather. As with indoor terrazzo. styling rs a matter ol imagination- indoors and outside. or as an z Accent for any surface. horizontal or vertical. 0

8outlt,we§t 'letfazzo cft§§ociatio11,, 111,c.

PO. Box 10018 Hackberry Station San Antonio, TX 78210

'Our Aim- Better Terrazzo for the Southwest"

Circle 42 on Reader Inquiry Card In the News, continued.

lecture. Corporate Art Services Fee for the workshop is $60, which includes break refreshments, lunch (on Friday) and educational materials. For more information, contact Lynn Cook­ Paintings sey, Continuing Education Coordinator, Drawings School of Architecture and Division of Continuing Education, Main Building, Prints 2500, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin 78712. Telephone: (5 I 2) 471- Sculpture 3123. Photographs Tapestries Industry News

Traditional to Contemporary Representational to Abstract

·------~-·---··· -----~~·- HARRIS GALLERY Kisabetlt craftsman at work. 1100 Bissonnet (Next to the Contemporary Arts Museum) Houston, Texas 77005 (713) 522-9116 Tues. - Sat. 10-6 Su n. 1-6 Specializing for 22 years in custom resi­ dential furniture, Carl Kisabeth Co., Inc., Contact Annette Kaupp of Fort Worth has recently expanded its traditional handcraft "cottage industry"

Circle 45 on Reader Inquiry Card Texas Architect Subscription Card

Please enter the following subscription for the coming year. Six issues mailed bi-monthly. Name ______Mailing Address ______

Occupation ______Firm or School ______

Method of Payment: _ 1 year, 6 issues, $10.00 _ Payment Enclosed (one extra issue for _ 2 years, 12 issues, $18.00 _ Bill me saving us billing cost) Billing Address (if different than mailing address):

••••••••••••••••••••••••• Texas Architect Reader Inquiry Service Card Name Company Address City State Zip Title Please Circle Number Please check the appropriate box 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 Owner/ Partner/ Principal 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 c Slaff Arch11ect 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0 Designer 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 O Protect Manager 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 0 Specification Writer 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 O Interior Designer 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 0 Engineer 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Type 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 D Chent 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 D Other ·····------Texas Architect Reader Inquiry Service Card Name Company Address City State Zip Title Please Circle Number Please check the appropriate box 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D Owner/ Partner/ Principal 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 Staff Architect 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 D Designer 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 D Pro1ect Manager 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 0 Specification Writer 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 D Interior Designer 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 '"' Engineer 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Type 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 D Chent 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 D Other NO POSTAGE NECESSARY 111111 IF MA ILED IN THE UNITED STATES



Texas Architect Texas Society of Architects 2121 Austin National Bank Tower Austin, Texas 78701




Texas Architect Reader Inquiry Service Texas Society of Architects 2121 Austin National Bank Tower Austin, Texas 78701




Texas Architect Reader Inquiry Service Texas Society of Architects 2121 Austin National Bank Tower Austi n, Texas 78701 If tight budgets are c1ri.ving you up a wall, make the wall ::.~,:,.~ .

It's true. Masonry construc­ In addition to the initial cost tion is one ot today's most savings, operating costs are ~ economical building systems. something every building You couldn't tell by looking designer must think about. The at it. energy savings alone are As a matter ot tact, the cost considerable. Maintenance ot masonry materials is about and tire insurance savings add the lowest there is. Modern up too. production methods have kept Look to masonry when you're the cost low. And the quality up. looking tor a way to beat the Today's masonry craftsmen budget. Without sacrificing are taster than ever, yet the quality. For more detailed superb quality ot hand labor is information, call the Texas still there. All at a cost that Masonry Institute at (713) you11 find surprisingly low. 629-6949. Or write P.O. Box Systems such as loadbearing 42097, Houston, Texas 77042. masonry and prefabricated masonry panels make the savings even greater. And the flexibility ot design and the wide range ot colors and tex­ tures are an architect's dream.

Contributing c!lies ,nclude Austin. Corpus Chnsh. Dallas. El Paso. Fort Worth. San Antonio. Temple/Waco and W1ch1ta Falls Circle 46 on Reader Inquiry Card In the News, continued.

to include custom commercial contract (817) 281-7560. Texas Showrooms: 350 has introduced its new "Espana" series furniture as well. Responding to an in­ Decorative Center, Dallas; and Space of roof tiles, patterned after the roof creasing demand just in the last year or so # 109, 5120 Woodway, Houston. styling of the Spanish missions in San from architects and interior designers, the Antonio. Available in natural earth col­ company is now striving to meet that American Solar King Corporation in ors. Lifetile Corporation, P.O. Box demand in a new 40,000-square-foot Waco has moved into larger facilities at 21516, San Antonio 78221. Telephone: facility, while determined to maintain a 7200 Imperial Drive, Waco 76710. Tbe (512) 626-2771. tradition of fine craftsmanship. Now, new 31,000-square-foot plant will give commercial contract work makes up Solar King the capacity to increase its Howmet Aluminum's architectural prod­ about 40 percent of the company's busi­ production 500 percent over current ucts division in Terrell has introduced ness. Fabric is still C.O.M. (customer's levels, according to a company spokes­ the new HP-I 175 skylight system, own material). And delivery time, from person, to about 50,000 solar collectors designed to allow virtually no air in­ receipt of fabric, is five to six weeks. Carl per year. filtration and to provide an adequate Kisabeth Co., Inc., 5320 Glenview "weeping" system for condensation. The Drive, Fort Worth 76117. Telephone: Lifetile Corporation in San Antonio HP-1175 also can be unit-installed to don't draw the same line twice I GET THE POINT? ~· Join the PRQAv ·s team • PRO: !,in B,eghtered Qyerlays provides savings in drafting time and checking time. Team Drafting ut111z:in& the advantages of • "HP-1175 Skylite" system . precise pin- bar registration of prc-- punchcd drafting film will <'nhancc your Architectural and Engineering drawings. facilitate assembly and erection. Howmet • Aluminum Corporation, Architectural Products Division, P.O. Box 629, Ter­ rell 75160. Telephone: (214) 563-2624.

C. E. Shepherd Co., Inc., Houston, has announced the availability of its new designer series of plastic butt hinges, which come in assorted colors and never need lubrication. The hinges are de­ signed to endure the most corrosive and adverse conditions and to be used in lieu of metal hinges in residential, commer­ cial, industrial and marine applications. C. E. Shepherd Co., Inc., 7206 Dallas, Houston 77011.

Mark Weidner, president of the Indus­ try Foundation of the American Society of Interior Designers, Texas Gulf Coast Chapter, has announced the appointment of John Halderman as chairman of the Second Annual Houston Desig ner's Mar­ ket. More than 2,000 desig ne rs, specifiers RIDGWAY'S, INC. 57 11 HILLCROFT P.O. BOX 36150 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77036 (713)782-8580 and architects will be invited to attend the Nov. 8 market.

81 Circle 47 on Reader Inquiry Card Texas Architect Craftsmanship: a Cold Can of Coors

Humor by Braden plASTECO skyliql-tTS Standard, Custom and Structural Many models shipped pre-glazed I once owned a building that had medical Architectural Fon11n to have been mag­ tenants and therefore have had landlord netized! It has never been explained just experience with a broad variety of those why the steel frame was magnetized (or who earn their daily bread probing the if indeed it really was), but the Forum mental state of others-all of which has went into editorial ecstasy over the fact STANDARD DOMES TO a· x 8' led me to the conclusion that, more than that when struck with a mallet the col­ any other profession, psychiatry typifies umns of the frame gave off tones which the age-old expression: "It takes one to could only be compared with the clear know one." However, there arc some crisp sounds of pealing chapel bells. things involved in the practice of psychia­ One architectural wag was so enrap­ STRUCTURAL PYRAMIDS TO 20' x 20' try, and its attendant mental arts, which tured by the whole deal that he imme­ do intrigue me. One of these is the diately tossed off a parody of Edgar Rorschach Test, a process wherein the Allen Poe's "The Raven" and sent it to patient is asked to interpret ten standard the editors: ink blots. Architects who questioned said: STRUCTURAL VAULTS TO 24' SPAN There is a similar thing called "word "Build a house upon a river bed?" association," which anybody can do by "Few of us are sympathetic; simply closing their eyes and conjuring What if the structure is magnetic"! up a mental picture of any word or Yet there it stands, all bright and phrase which comes to mind. For exam­ gleaming. ple: a recent independent survey con­ Listen; hear the columns ringing, ducted among 50 laid-off Chrysler em­ "Bong Bong Bong" ployees indicated when the word Quothe der Rohe: ·'craftsmanship" was mentioned, 41 of .. Less is Mo" them immediately saw a Datsun 5 IO. Unfortunately, the lone exception in When a similar test was tried on a this group of architectural mental voy­ group of architects, which included me, eurs was me. ·'Craftsmanship," they said, the results were startlingly different. Jo and there projected on my cranial lobes our group of 50 architects, 25 immediate­ stood a cold can of Coors! You see, our ly saw the lovingly polished, hand-crafted, firm once had a client for whom we built mortise and tenon joinery executed in the a magnificent refrigerated Coors distribu­ redwood of a Greene Brothers house. tion facility. It was in the construction of Across the brain screen of 24 others that facility that I came to recognize flashed the picture of the beautiful archi­ "Craftsmanship" for what it really is. STRUCTURAL DOMES TO 24' DIA. tectural sculpture of the Farnsworth Craftsmanship is a cold can of Coors. House standing in the middle of its flood As a result of poor craftsmanship, our Ask for Catalog, or see Sweet's 7.8. plain site near Plano, Illinois. Coors facility developed a roof leak For the uninformed, the Farnsworth which all owed water to seep through To predict the energy performance House was designed in the late forties by some devious unknown channel out to of a specific skylight plan, request a the late, great architect Mies van der the edge and across the warm-tone stucco SUN Computer Analysis input form. Rohe. It represented perhaps the epitome facade. The resulting stain was one of of the machine-like architectural tech­ those things you either have to paint out Write Plasteco, Inc., P.O. Box 24158, nological thought in those times of sump­ or grow a bush over. As a group, archi­ Houston, Texas 77029. (713) 674-7686 tuous energy re,ources. It stood on white tects are more appreciative of craftsman­ steel stilts in the expanse of a dry river ship than most, and completely frustrated bed-a glass hox surrounding a rigid, in our ability to achieve it in our build­ @ plASTECO.,NC welded steel frame, dutifully reported by ings. We love to take great pains- and

DISTRIBUTORS AND FABRICATORS SINCE 1947 Circle 48 on Reader Inquiry Card 83 Peak performance.

At the very top of Mount Washington, the State of New Hampshire is building a new meteorological observatory and visitors center. The first problem is wind. The highest wind ever recorded, was recorded here (231 m.p.h., in 1934). The wind exceeds hurricane force 104 days each year. The second problem is the cold. The temperature has gone as low as -47°F. The third problem is snow. In the winter of 1968-69, they had 566 inches of it. The fourth problem is visibility. 60% of the time, the facil ity is covered by clouds. Architects Dudley, Walsh and Moyer of Concord, N.H., general contractor Harvey Construction Company of Manchester, N. H., and applicator Associated Concrete Coatings, also of Manchester had their jobs cut out for them. About the only problem they didn't have is deciding what product to use to coat and protect the $3.4 million structure, " ... from the worst weather in the world." So just before the furious winds of late Fall began anew, the concrete building was covered, top to bottom, with a trowel coat of Thoroseal Plaster Mix (mixed with Acryl 60 for enhanced bonding and curing). Thoroseal Plaster Mix is 100% waterproof, harder and more wear resistant than concrete alone, and bonds so tenaciously that it actually becomes a part of the wall. The toughest part. That's why it's on Frank Lloyd Wright's " Fallingwater," which has a waterfall going right through it. And it's also why it's on the concrete river beds at Busch Gardens. We're Thoro System Products, and when it comes to protecting your concrete and masonry, even from the worst weathering conditions in the - world, we do it. Better and more often than anybody else. .;;;;_.... dii _ _._iiiiiiijii; And have for more than 65 years. THORO SYSTEM PRODUCTS® Standard Dry Wall Products 7800 N.W. 38th Street, Miami, Florida 33166

*Thoroseal and Aery I 60 are registered Trademarks of Standard Dry Wall Products :1;) 1980. S1andard Dry Wall Products

C,rc/e 49 on Reader lnqurry Card THOROS SYSTEM T.ta•a ®PRODUCTS Wylie clhnbs the walls

Texas Dealers The company that carpets the floors is now climbing the walls. Hush-Craft textures in wool, acrylic and nylon combinations are the latest addition to a contract wallcovering selection that also Best Service Building Materials includes sisals and suede cloths in a wide range of patterns and P.O. Box 17821 colors. All meet Class A codes. Visit our Dallas showroom, or San Antonio. Texas 78217 make a toll-free call to 800-442-7550. 512/349-4301

Blue Diamond Company P.O. Box 15787 Dallas, Texas 75215 214/428-1331

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Builders Equipment & Tool Co. P.O. Box 8508 Houston. Texas 77009 713/869-3491

Featherlite Corporation P 0. Box 355 Abilene, Texas 79604 915/673-4201

Featherlite Corporation PO Box 425 Austin, Texas 78664 512/255-2573

Featherlite Corporation P 0. Box 357 BeaumonI, Texas 77651 713/727-2334

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Featherlite Corporation PO Box 67 San An tonio. Texas 78109 512/658-4631

3234 Dallas Trade Mart • Dallas, Texas 75207 kptember/October 1980 Circle 50 on Reader Inquiry Card 85 Humor, co11 ti1111ed.

give them to somebody else! The cl ient was righteously indignant at the thought o f having to go through life with stuincd stucco because of this crafts­ manship failure. And so il was that we came to reason together-our client and I- and to explore where the construc­ tion industry had gone wrong. T ex­ plained that, in my view, his busines~ was such that he received ench day from the bowels of refrigerated railroad cars thou­ sands of absolutely identical chilled ves­ sels of the perfect product of the brew­ er's art--cach housed in nn aluminum cnn so perfectly engineered that its walls could be no thinner and still support its contents. The product itself was an ex­ ample of the highest form of craftsman­ shig..executed under laboratory condi­ tions. All my client friend had to do with this perfect product was to put it on a cold truck and di!>tribute it for cold cash. On the other hand, we architects arc people in the business of describing our dreams ai. best we can, and turning them over to the lowest bidder who hires some guys off the street to put them into reality. I know of no other industry which has its products built by a bunch oc'complete strangers standing around in the mud beating boards together with clubs. Our client and I cried about this for a while, si pped a (cw cold ones and planted an ivy in front of the stain. Since that time I have come to understand that craftsmanship is still with us in our tech­ BIG MAN IN nological society, but only to the extent that it has become art. There is no reason for us to expect that craftsmanship will STRUCTURAL STEEL ever permcnte our mass-produced, tech­ nological society to the degree that we They rise into the Dallas skies like silver and white castles ... would like. llut, there is an abounding need to understand that there is a use Pa ul Mitch ell, Vice President-Manager of Sales for Mosher Steel in Da llas, has for craftsmanship in activities other than been helping turn dreams into reality for th e 33 years he's been with Mosher. the arts. We could use a little craftsman­ The 50-story Theme Tower and th e 1000-room llyatt Regency are th e keystones of REUNION, a project of Woodbine Development Company. Steel framework for th ese ship in our politics, our statesmanship, striking buildings, 7200 tons in all, came from Mosher. our thinking, and our own work, to name Paul hasn't just seen th e Dallas skyline change, he's played a big ro le in changing a few. Perhaps it is timely fo r America to re- it. REUN ION joins First International Buildilng, The World Trade Ce nter, th~ rel Mart, 2001 Bryan Tower, the Convention Centec and So uth land Center as recent flect on Gardner's Official Rule: additions to burgeon ing Dallas. Mosher "The society which scorns excellence Steel's name and reputation are built in- ) ' - in plumbing because plumbing is a to eve ry one of th em and Pau l Mitchell's IN EJd CI § E\~ humble acti vi ty and tolerates shod­ the man who led the Mosher sales team. I diness in philosophy because it is an Making friends out of customers is a STEEL COMPANY exalted acti vity will have neither good fami liar story to Paul and to Mosher. ll,1111,· Olt in- a11d Plan1 A plumbing nor good phil osophy. From design conce pts to on-time delivery l'O Bnx 1'711. lh,11, 11 111 77001 6' Neither its pipes nor its theories will (7 1 \J X61 XIKI at the site, Mosher's reputation for quali­ hold water"! 111 11 1 ty, reliab ility and service is unsurpassed. l'l;ini, Da ·"· Sun An 11111 n

Performance - the reason Mosher is ._...... _ _. A Tr/n,ty lnduslrles Company the big name in structural stee l. ~" Da ve Braden is a partner in the Dallas firm Dahl/ Braden/Chapman, In c.

Circle 51 on Reader Inquiry Card 86 Texas Architect Letters STEWART OFFICE SUPPLY CO.

Editor: I sincerely believe that Jim Coote's article "Eight for the Eighties" (July/ August) is the best written piece ever con­ TEXAS' LEA I HNG CONTHACT IJEA LEI\ tributed to the magazine. Last summer I stood on the corner of \malfi and Channel in Pacific Palisades and merely pondered FOR COMMERCIAL INTERIORS the Burns House on the hill above. But Coote walked us all through it in a way that was completely captivating and mean­ ingful. Architects and laymen alike I'm sure enjoyed what he had to say, and could read it without difficulty. He has the gift Offering these full services of an intellectual style which is not at all stuffy. For instance, no one has ever put Graves or the Gehry house in such correct to the Professional: p~rspective for me until now. And his selections (although I'm sure with great difficulty) were very well made. Bravo! Procurement & Expediting R. Lawrence Good, A IA Parkey & Partners Architects Dallas Showroom Facilities

Editor: Thank you for sending me the fine July/ August issue Delivery / Install ation of Texas Architect. It is as good a coverage of an awards com­ petition as I've seen. Of course, the entire program was con­ ducted in that manner. It was indeed a pleasure participating in Continuing Service the event. Product Research W. C. Muchow, FAIA WC Muchow and Partners Denver, Colo. Survey Analysis

Editor: Congratulations to you and your staff for an excellent Warehousing publication.

Roland Gommel Roessner, FAIA Make-Ready Austin Budgeting Editor: In reviewing the minutes of a recent TSA Publications Committee meeting, I read that you are concerned about the Receiving lack of letters-to-the-editor feedback from the readership. I thought you would like to know that I particularly enjoy "Humor by Braden."

Braden Dahl, Braden, Chapman, Joe. Dallas

Circle 52 on Reader Inquiry Card September/ October 1980 87 ..,, .. "-....

C,rcfe 53 on Reader lnqwry Card Energy-saving PPG glass should go on your building before your building goes on paper.

I xamine all your options. Make sensitive building that appeals to energy-saving statement known as sure you specify cladding materials professional tenants. And design Sixty State Street. By using large­ ns engineered parts of a total energy that building in a manner that does sized PPG Solarban 575-20 glass, a system. Many allow you to build in not intrude on the historic land­ specially designed lighting system significant energy savings while marks so dear to the community. and an HVAC system geared to creating perfectly stunning esthetics. The result? A fitting, elegant and complement both glass and lighting, Some of the most effective clad­ Cabot, Cabot & Forbes realized an ding materials are the imaginative energy savings of approximately glasses created by PPG. Especially 40% per square foot over their the Solarban '" family of glass prod­ neighboring properties. And the ducts, with its wide range of colors combination of glass with granite :md reflectivity. Any of the Solarban projected a look of quality, a look qroup is beautifully reflective, that particularly suited the adjoining attracting tenants while delivering landscape. Plus, the unusually strict •,1gnificant operating economies. Boston building codes were strictly And the range of appearances is satisfied. limitless. If you find that your build­ That's just one shining example. ing will work better wearing an all­ To learn more, send for our newest qlass skin, how could we object? Architectural Glass Products book. 13ut we can also show you how to Then get together with your build­ <'ffectively combine glass with gran­ ing team and talk glass before you ite, or with aluminum. or with brick, start all those papers. PPG to create a dramatic, energy­ Industries, Inc., One Gateway sensitive outer skin. Center, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222. For instance, here's the charge of n Boston developer to his team of PPG :a Concern for the Future nrchitects: Design an energy-

C,rc/e 54 on Reader Inquiry Card

Sixty State Street. Boston. Architect· Skidmore, Owings & Mernll, Chicago. Owner-Developer: Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Company, Boston. hour. Homes splintered like match boxes. The raging Gulf drove through the streets. washing away everything unable to withstand its fury. Then, suddenly at midnight, the winds began to die. By 1 a.m. the waters began to recede . .. it was over. An estimated 6,000 people had perished. Galveston lay in ruin, half the city de­ stroyed. Human bodies, dead animals, furniture and houses were scattered throughout the city. Yet in the middle of it all. .. stood Old Red. Though battered and torn. its masonry walls took the blow struck by one of the worst natural disas­ ters of the century. In the days that followed, the faculty and students treated the injured. Two months later, Old Red re­ N11rrl«1ne Stria fhllveston ••• opened for classes. Today, Galveston is once But 0/tl Red Tt1/te1 The I/ow. again a thriving resort commu­ tJl1AtJ It wasn't called Old find out. hurricanes are not so nity. And Old Red. restored to its # ~f#i Red back then. In predictable. original grandeur. still stands . . . 1891 it opened as On the 6th. word a Galveston landmark built the University of Texas Medical reached Galveston ... the of masonry. School. Being the first storm. now a full-fledged medical school in Texas. this hurricane. was in the Gulf. Romanesque structure was a Whether or not it would source of great pride for the strike Galveston, no one people of Galveston. knew for certain. In September Old Red was At noon on the 8th. a the center of activity as new wind started blowing medical students returned for a from the south and the new term. Life in Galveston Gulf began to churn. Resi­ went on as usual; the only real dents along the beach be-~ . talk around town was the rumor came frightened and fled _, of a newborn cyclone near the inland. Classes at Old Red - \.\est Indies. But storms down were canceled as Galves- there usually veered northwest. ton prepared for the worst. up the Atlantic Coast. As the Vv'ithin hours. the streets · To find out people of Galveston I were silent. The only things all the facts about masonry's would soon heard by those barricaded in durability, its sound and fire I their homes were the ever control capabilities and its last­ l present wind and driving ing beauty, call or write the ! rain ... steadily growing. Old Masonry Institute of Houston­ , Red, deserted now. stood Galveston. I alone to face the storm; only A landmark should be built · the rabbits in the small breed­ to withstand more than time. ing pen and Dash. the faculty Maso_nrylnstltutc dog, remained. Houston•GalWston By nightfall the full force HalboutyCenter. 5100 Westheimer of the storm hit. with winds Houston. Texas 77056 m(713) 629-6024 estimated at 125 miles per Photos Courtesy Rosenberg Library & UTMB

Crrcle 55 on Reader lnqwry Card