WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1986 — — ' — T—— PAGE THIRTY-TWO Avarage Daily Net Preis Ron iianrI|[fHtgr lEufttfatg t|gral?> For the Week Baded ApvO le, IMS About Town Bicycle Safety Martin Says He Disagrees 1 4 ,1 2 5 ila«rl|ratrr 1 ::::::ir Btahber o( the Audit Topic in Schools Easter Greetings Bureau of Obvulattou Maneheater^A City of Vittage Charm >(«mb«r8 o t Mary C. Keeney With Pension Fand Reports Tent. Daughters of Civil War A program designed to dem­ FROM Veterans, attended the 7Sth an­ MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1965 niversary of the organization onstrate the safe and enjoyable "1 have almoat as much Ih-^ Martin said that the reports TOL. LXXXIV, No. 166 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) and 100th anniversary of the manner of operating a bicycle is terest In the Town Pension are based on a 1937 Standard Annuity Mortality Table, "de- winning of the Civil War, Mon­ now being presented at 13 Man­ Board.” said General Manager day at Constitution Plaza, sigrned to produce a profit for PENTLAND’S ZZ" chester elementary schools. The Richard Martin last night in Uie Insurance companies then, Hartford. Memibers planning to program, consisting of a safety attend a national convention in defense of his recommended and c-irtalnly not appUcabte In Events California in August are Mrs. film and a commentary and $91,000 town contribution to 1965.” featuring lecture, is being conducted with the fund for the 1065-66 fiscal He added. “ 1 am not too hap­ Rampaging Mississippi Helen Andrews, Mrs. Freda Herman Yules Fired Schwarm, Mrs. Maude Shearer. the cooperation of the Man­ year. py with the actuarial estimates • ARTISTIC ARRANGEMENTS chester Police Department. He made the statement to the for fund earnings. We have In State Mrs. Luna Hutchinson and Mrs. board of directors at the sec­ • LOVELY CENTERPIECES Helen Henry. ‘T am no Fool on a Bicycle" done much better than even we is the title of the ten-minute ond of its six scheduled budget expected to do. . • BEST EASTER PLANTS color film which will be accom­ workshops, and everyone pres­ American Legion Auxiliary ent knew that he was referring “Until such time as we make • FRESH CUT EASTER FLOVy^ERS Mulvey Insists panied by a brief explanation improvements In the benefits From Housing Posts Will meet Monday at 8 pm. at to his announced intention to and talk by Patrolman Brian my rcscommendations should be • EASTER NOVELTIES Makes More Homeless the Legion Home. Mrs. Anthony Rooney of the local police force. resign his post shortly. Personnel Board Morganti of Rockville, presi­ Martin will be 60 years of sufficient for our present pur- Rooney is scheduled to speak pases. We may need an increase dent of the First District, and today at the Lincoln and the age on Nov. 18. and will be eli­ Atty. Herman Yules was*^ Has No Minutes her staff will attend. Members gible for minimum pension par­ in town contributions in some Robertson schools. The .series future year, but we don’t need Our Easter Special! Hred last night from the are reminded to bring articles will end May 12 at the Wash­ ticipation. twin posts of development Conductor Last December he disclosed it now.” HARTFORD (AP)—At­ for the peimy auction and cou­ ington school. Large Arti$tic Cymbidium director and counsel for the Twin Cities pons. Mrs. Henri Pessini is Vytautas Marljosius of Hartt that he might retire before the The town’s pension plan, orig­ torney General Harold ^M. chairman of the hostesses. College of Music, University of November date and that, to inally scl up In 1934. was im- ORCHID blended with three lovely Manchester Housing Au­ Mulvey said today that, Hartford. Is director and con­ protect his pension rights, he ptxjved under the supplemental SWEETHEART ROSES thority. He was replaced, at there are no “ minutes” of Of Minnesota Church Women ductor of the Manchester Civic would ask the board of direc­ social security plan in 1954. least temporarily by Atty. State Personnel Board Temple Chapter, Order of Orchestra, which will present tors for a leave of absence. Martin .served on the commit­ Complete $5.00 Bantem Star, will have a busi­ Invited to Talks its final concert of the season At the request of Mayor tees which drew up the plans. Sanford Plepler. meetings and never have [Under Water ness meeting tonight at 8 at the tonight at 8:15 in Bailey Audi­ Francis Mahoney, he consented Tire town now has seven pen­ i According to a resolution In­ been. Masonic Temple. Refreshments torium, Manchester High to remain at least through the troduced by authority member Women of St Mary’s Episco­ sioners drawing 'Benefits under In fact, he said, no meetings, win be served after the meeting. School. Tickets will be available budget preparation period. The the 1934 plan and about 15 — FLORIST TELEGRAPH DELIVERY — John Hutchinson, Atty. Yules as such, have ever been held. CHICAGO (AP) — pal Cihurch have been invited to at the door. board will adopt the 1965-66 drawing benefits imder the 1954 was flrsd because "it has be-, Mulvey informed Gov. John N. Spreading waters of 'the budgets on May 5. but Martin, 24 BIRCH STREET j' The board of directors of a spring meeting of the Epis­ Miss Estlier Hinds, soprano, supplemental plan. oome apparent to the authority Demjwey that Republican legis­ flooding Mississippi River, Manchester Homemaker Serv­ copal Church Women, Diocese a native of Barbados, to date, has not revealed his that a satisfactory working re­ lative leaders knew this when immediate plans. MANCHESTER || lationship no longer exists be­ and its tributaries engulfed ice. Inc., will meet tomorrow of OMinecticut, Hartford Arch- West Ir.die.s; and Roger Loucks they recently asked the gover­ noon at 176 E. Center St. The general manager, in de­ tween Mr. Yules and Itself." nor for the minutes. new areas in Minnesota and of Glastonbury. tenor„ will be fending hib' $91,000 Pension Just around comer from |i deaooni-y. The event will be featured soloists in tonight’s The resoluUon. which paaeed In making the request. Rep. held Wednesday, April 21, at Fund recommendation as op­ D . FALSE TEETH Wisconsin today, forcing concert. three to one, was not debated, J. 'Tyler Patterson, R-Old Lyme, Grace Episcopal Church, Broad posed to a $158,766 request, Main Street, below the hundreds of additional Those interested in Joining Rock, Slide or Slip? nor waa any explanation of the Speaker of the House, said that Brook. said, “My recommendation is families to flee their the orchestra may contact Mrs. FASTEETH, an ImproTed powder I h E f lo r ist state Theater. | ^harge offered to Atty. Yules. the board’s failure to keep regu­ T l^B ev. James Birdsall, rec­ bas^ on the same actuarial re­ to be eprlnkled on upper or lower lar minutes appeared to be a homes. Georg’ Dickie, 241 Henry St., ports sus is the recommendation Although he tried three times D O N T ” ? : , ^ ” tor of S t Peter’s Episcopal for information. platee. holds false teeth more firmly violaUon of state law. The mighty KHaaiaelppl, rac­ Church. Wapping, will be the of the Pension Board. In place. Do not sllJe, slip or rock. OPEN THURS. and FRI. NIGHTS TILL 9 to defend his position, Atty. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or Patterson noted also that a ing toward an expected record Still plenty of wear left In celebrant at Holy Communion .•^he reports make assump­ WITH PLENTY OF FREE PARKING Yules was cut off each Ume by report by the state auditors In crest of 27 feet at St. Paul. feeling.FASTEETH lealkallne (nun- Butchinson. yonr shoes when yon have at 10:30 a.m. TTiere will be a with Mrs. Edgar Ansaldi, 101 tions with which I do not agree, acid I Does not sour Checks "plate HERMAN YULES SANFORD PLEPLER 1963 had recommended that Minn., by Friday, already Iz them rebuilt In a professional business meeting after Com- Princeton St. Transportation one on the mortality rate and odor breath" Get FASTEETH at ■ The authority also voted last such minutes be kept. reoponrible for the esracuatkm mimion. Luncheon will be serv­ will be provided if needed. another on fund earnings.’’ drug counters everywhere. night to appoint Atty. Plepler to shoe repair shop. ALL '•as receiving a sala.ry of $7,200 The personnel board, by law, of more than M,in-1 Blond of Twill, Cord, Nylon shlill styles . . . a m W’s enginOera staged a brief nate niagM' eg ttiuiapdriatloa Democratic Gov. John N. Demp­ Mdd the Maas was an “ act of LIHLE iOYS' DRESS SHIRTS nil--' Ralph W. Yaihorauf^ of T«xas| PORK ... BEEF ... VEAL 3 lbs. $2.15 great assortment of important spring RBX2ULAR-8LIM8—HUSKIES ^LL STRAW HATS 150016.' ■ • sey of Oonneotlout. Under Demp- laltoi” teem«d to vtsuMla# a toigbi From a temouz maker. Rayon flan» Regular $2 w u , a dbwerehre firm rep- It didn’t; But the Long la- eey’s-’B plan,p lan , toe------four statep-would------th e Pope .said it distinguished styles. Mostly with zip fronts . . . some p t ^ w a tptal of IU.6 ipUllon ^Cream Puff Movie Action Roman CatooUca from "those .ribd hand ps tt My tnort an nets and polished Qottona in Ivy ■mam 3-8 . . . Wadi 'a REDUCED ragHKative,'was stranded at toe land’s thaiatant aupervlatng of-' le cheap coverlet. with hoods. A buy you just can’t afford League or Continental styles with wear Sne eodtoo dreae Jamaica, Queens, station for erator, W.'.B. Rqerckel, toaned to preserve tM puNiij|«ri sbrv- InoUitce ,who do not yet know Shop Pinehurst Thursday and Ice tor Claudia Cardinals woimd u "B v soM h U i of that meatove to miss. Blue, n a t i^ , red, gray. Sizes Besom pockets. Regular, slim and ahiite, ehotee a t anenX 1.69 2.69 t u t ’ hours when toe, trtona Lata 16 to toke ' a cab to a hand," he aaU. FYiday 8 A.M. tiU 9 P.M. 8-18. husky modela Oharooal, olive, edlar etyiae. ■ waning. Finally, In «lla- rmW agamy. ... '-Hew. " ^ ^ ^ ^ ** Reg. 1.99 R«,. gray. Sizes 8-30.' 2M ' boiga* h . Twii aiy , Ipqlt '6 * to4w *t and MB , w i a £ m ~ U te-m aaem m Pinehurst Grocery, Inc. m COBNEB liAIN AND MIDDLE TUBNPIKE dA 66 AM Si®s

■ ■ j, - ‘- ■v>y


MANO^STER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1966 ® ^ P A G E T W O ...... ' . Thunday.... Nila . till.... 9 .. . , ClSOU/di IK E I iM-cctr i:iA T * K S Q ueen Elizabeth of the celebrant and of sick I Lofeal Stocks Momiay through Saturday! A f/ Good Friday Services persons. A striking part of the Gvic Group Sheinwold on Bridge llmids Out Coins 9:80 to 6:30 ceremonlsl of this Mass Is the MEADOWS’ 956 main North drtHw ^ . . ENDS tONITBt Quototlans F utnlk^ by '.III "AdoraUon of the Cross.” The itaOBnNO YARBOBOVaa lo ih d d « vofaMiabw F or H oly W eek Dempaey-TegMer ^ facin g oak black covering is removsd from P lays W ell STOPS GAME OOmBAOr NORTH d e tiT M * The FaeMiBkan hi Nembora of New York liiP 966 midn facing oak a largo cmciflx which is placed A K752 CANTERBURY, England Stock Ekohaaga Churches Will Mark before the altar. Ttie entirs oon- «VEBBT CROSS THB Hi:! n e S fto T O T1 ''n TEENS By JOHN GBVBEB By AUr^ED 8HElNWOU> (AP) — Queen EUuheth H to­ iiii’ gregation, commencing with the NaOenal Men’a Team Oiampioa % AKQI2 M E B S in r :::: celebrant and his ministers, ap­ The Manchester Otvic Or- « lo ss _ a t e — I W IfliatItM day distributed Maundy Thura Bonk Stoeka !::: TRien you bold a hand with A sked ItH! Christ’s Crucifixion proach and, on their knees rev- chsstra gavs its second concert no cud higher than a nine, f f t n BAST , •A HABO DATH N lC n r | day money — specially minted Bid eretrtly kiss the figure of th# of tbs sesson last evening be­ some tqipoReni le sure to tell A n o A K 4 S IstABTS FBI 1st Wm Conn. Bank and ^ 8 6 4 flotna without current value — 72 crucified t Jones, Bishop of St. Albans, and church. Iho '"Ihree Hours De- 'Father, Into Thy bands I com­ ing in a better than average Frank Mitchell, 15, of niahea toe key to toe defenaa BTJGOY79 TIM E H ALVED So. New England new looks, single or double breastea, Ohurch, the service of the day hla assistant were grit with 14.90 19.90 Totlcn," borrowed from Roman mend My Spirit,” from Luke Springfield, 111., yes­ Telephone Co. . 65% 66% demi-fits, back belts, white, navy or consists of the Mass of the performance. against four hearts. CXJBVBLAND — More than towels in token of the days asage, wltti meditation on the 23:4« wlU be the theme of the A Mioet symphony by the terday became the West takas the first two tricks 86 years ago toe first motorised -when the monarch personally Manufacturing Companies Presanctified, the sacred host Service with Communion at seldom heard composer Bertoni pastels. e*'Sewen Last Words From the first Negro to be ap­ with toe king and queen of mail truck collected letters here, rH'-t> 783? washed the feet of the poor. Allied Thermal . 51 51 .lOoBS," Is usually scheduled not being consecrated but re­ 7:30 pM. at Zion Evangelical opened the program and failed clube, and can sea an eventual sizes 4 to 6x, 7 to 12, mostly one of cutting a horae-and'-buggy I AMPl f • Kik ‘ 'HK'M, Prince Philip read the lesson Arrow, Hart, Heg. 60 -from noon to S pjn. These are served from the preceding day. Lutheran Church. The church t o prove very valuaWe as a pointed a page in the third trick to toe o f toe tenrm lach^ule to half. and Dr. Michael Ramsey, Arch­ Barden ...... ^4% 15% a kind, pastels and navy. Come "'believed to be the bcurs that Communion is forbidden on has also scheduled noon-day de­ ootigioaiUon or exciting in per- House of Representar ace of tnim-pa. One other trick bishop of Canterbury, gave the Good Friday except in the case Bristol B rass ----- 8% 9% early for best selections. the Lord hung on the cross. votions from 12:20 to 12:40 formance. R woe good, bon»t tives. (AP Photofax.) is needed to defeat toe contract. blessing. . j 15% p.m . ; oumeyn)an composing, end toe Since toe bidding todlcatea that Coleco ...... 15 % Usually toe Maundy Thursday Colonial Board Emanuel laitheran Church perfonm ance w oe In keeping; South must hold the ace of cerem ony takes place In West­ itoere was IHUa or no Inoplra- orchestra ahnost came apart at Ctommon ...... 4% wlU be host to members of St. spades. West must try to devel­ minster Abbey, but this time Dunham-Bush ... 4% Mary’s H?pl^opal OiurMi, Con­ tlon to eitoer. the aeams, and toe soloist was 'Dina in Authentic Colonial Atnfiosphora' forced to make an entrance op toe nine of hearts aa toe set- ^nterbury, the mother shrine of Kaman Aircraft . 10 THE FORTY-EIGHTH cordia Lutheran Church and The same comments could be ttog trick. toe Church of England, was 37% Special Trinity Covenant Church at a about the two numbers over a very dubloua accom­ West makes tos first move to N. B. Machine ... 36% wonderful group of ^ ANNUAL paniment, but she entered with chosen. North and Judd . . 19 20% service and meditation on the by Robert DoeUner which fol­ this direction by leading a low PYQUAUG INN 33% lowed. Of the two, I preferred a surety that did much to chib at toe third tridc. East BUSINESS BUILDS SCHOOLS Peter Paul ...... 33 toddlers', infants' "Seven Last Words of the Plastic Wire Cable 16% 18% purchase! OONVENTION OF CHRISTIANS Cross” from noon to 3 p.m. the "Invocation” which to me, straighten toe orchestral con­ knows tost West has toe ace of pastors of the guest chunmes at least had a little more sub­ fusion, and things were soon clubs and has deliberately un- 161 MAIN ST. — WETHERSFIELD, CONN. MANCHESTER, England — Standard Screw -40 41 Stanley Works .. 26% 27 wUl assist the host pastors with stance and value than toe suc- set to rights. deried it. Obviously, East la ex­ TEL. 629-9408 a AMPLE PARKINO Five hundred British firms orig. to 3.98 Gathered unto the Name of the ceedtog "Indian War Dance” by pected to ruff, and he should do Veeder-Root ...... 29% 30 the service. raised S12.9 million to finance The above quotaUons are not spring coats the local composer. Both were so with toe six. The idea is to two new schools of biislnese 6t. Mary’s S^lscna after Stations until all FROM 3 PJd. TO 1 A.M. 4 to 8 10.98 have been heard. Sacred Heart green cobfa. Church of Vernon will have MENU B to EEE Sacred Lltuigy at 3 p.m. and sizes 14 to 18 confeaslona from 11 a.m. to Large PIZZA width 13.98 or ■osioN noon. 1:30 to 2:30 and 8 to 9 CteeCeti •eaaooo«o*oaA pm. while St Francis of Aasiel With 5 Items B«...... 909 Orami n ta .,,..,,,,.! Galey and Lord tarpoon, three button Church of South Windsor has Boiaii ctiiiPiinOT..... J09 leM Mr ivy style with venb back in handsome Bcheduled aolenm Commemo­ Mozzareltt aitnilila*Mie..w4S0 IMCteiMt... m or hop int^ ration of the Pamion and Com­ The Q ark’s ..119 tones. munion at 8 pm.. Stations of U S ortk Bt a TeL 429-9091 » Anchovlas ..U9 NM...... infants', girls', teens' the Croea at 7:S0 pm . and oon- WHJjafANTlC SIMMs • ep ip M I select from ovary feosions from 11 am. to noon and big boys' sizes to big 9 and 6 to 9 pm. CM>VB3IBT Peppera “ famous maker of boys' san d lerls EASTER DIMNEBB Choeoa Vtiflnla Bom Mnahrooms Ptoesqmla mUUn Sonee, SJM; Sprlog Lamb, Minted Onions P eer, 9,78; B en etee Shod and from 5*98 to IL98 "stay-pressed^^ slacks DINKY HEE14 Boo, 8.78; Booat Tnriny, t Rath Btmbir, SA8r Prime A L L FOR $2 QQ depending on size range bright, breezy, casual, cuAl Blhe wt«h Papovw.. 4A0; Just the thing for giita who Dnekllagi; Oraage Soaotk absolutely navar naads ironing ItaBoi Shrimp OP Ooo- ENJOY rr HERB OR LET US DELIVER IT ^s...wa stock STRIDE RITE are gt^ng idacea and want go oetnle, M di w ith iv 4 to 7 6 to 12 14 to 20 have fan getting ^ere. 4>7lt DdivariM mads within 5 mils radiiis OB orders of 12.00 1 Onhprip* bremlPE WM with the EXTRA SUPPORT Bwgfdaafc, S:89; AlmdM ormw*. Simplieitee Sipg Onto ImiMtlnl, 4AS; 3.98 4.98 5.98 in scarlet Lamb Chote Mfaited TEL. 643.1492 STREET Peer, 4A9; Tapdonpla Steak, or black. Mnohroem Oops, S.78; Steer OXISED ALL DAY EASTER SUNDAY your charge account invited BUly-Tho-Kid and Levis. Slima, S lr le lp Steak, Mnokroom •.ifr-ton fan » r 4 I, huskies in every wanted color, no eWUlTER OM REOTKUMNT cliir^ for coffinff. llOVcnASTEB GAK 8 T.~ilAM €BBam

••.'i'v'V V' BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, C O N N ., THURSDAY, APRIL 15. 19W the hedge and the Mn gHnted on the trees lining ths nearby NOW OPEN! MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, celvet numerous inquiries on Hebron Albany P ost Road.------Traosur* SlioppG PAGB FO UB whom to call for various Jobs. Fala Leading Figure Mrs. Eleanor RooseveR Mood B e U ^ This would simplify her task, JEWELERS mony James Ifott and Jerry beside the grave, next to Brig. ants who hod exhausted their l y ^ x e s she said. Local Chiircheg Gen. Elliott RooseveR, the only S. O. M. t . Are Set CairibriA PabOe Records Jobless Claims benefits. one of her four sons able to Maachestor In addition to tsdent from, Warrantee deeds: Henry and Plan Services South Windsor Statswids claims rose by 616 the town’# b»*o high schoois, Mrs. A“tLony Sobol Named At Final FDR Rites beck from combat areas, Shopping Parkads to a total of M,78S, Car below For Variety Show Dorothy LeCuyer to Leon and Up 8 in Week the Manchester Chapter of the m ta U. Hovanealan, property in her other side was her the 36,767 total for the cor­ St. Peter’s Bplsoopal Church married iMugtrter, Anna. Be­ Society for the PreservaUon, of Bolton Lake Shores; Helen Her­ MTDE PARK N.T. (AP) —4Church, where FnankUn Roaffonl these things, the would A total of 8©2 pereons, in­ ciation for the Help of Retard­ e w Iy m o n p a y - a p m Mrs. Sobol and other officers his leash and answered each llzer James F. Byrnes, y 648-4444—643-6247 go along with i t cluding 219 from toe Rockville- 3,950 claims, followed by Hart­ ter St. imd Volpl fid.; Jam es R. and Samuel, will hold an auc­ volley with a bark. been born. Open 8:30-5:30 nW turnout, some 200 people at- ed Children and the D a n iel 75,006 TO OLOBB-TBOT for 166<-88 during a brief busl- and Maureen J,- Bergen to Lending the only touch of Walter Umberfleld said that Vemon area, filed claims here ford with 8,881. New Haven nese meeting before produc­ tion, May 26, at their former Fala had been • led into the Open Thursday Nlgiits till f < Isttded the hearing on tte board with 8,587, and Waterbury with ManriHick Scholarship Fund WASHINGTON — T ra v e l a BknUe M. and Zllpha D. T ^ - Then a bugler sounded taps. formality were the members of the Action Committee had for the week ending April 10. authorities say 75,000 Ameri­ tion of "The Odyssey" at the home on Church St., the former The flag was removed from the garden on a leash by Miss the Supreme Court, the cabinet, dr educaUon’s |2,106,»M budg- Directed by RobM: V a t e r, vesque,VGflC|U€, propenyproperty onuu Cook Dr.; Frederick Bissell resiaence. as Parking Across the Street taken over for the Petition The slight rise, reflected in 2,466. cana will go around the world Cknnmunity Hall. F r^ e rick Bissell refridence. As casket and handed to the wid­ Margaret Suckley, a cousin of congressional leaderti and Committee and that it was ille­ The Manchester office re­ head of Manchester High's mu­ H ai^ Goodin Jr. to Robert pj.gyjjjy,jy gtoted, the Hildlng the dead President. They stood For 100 Cars ... «- all of the state, was attributed this year, 10,000 more than last Read Herald Advertisements Mra Harold Smith is the new and Jean E. Hermann, proj^rty and Mrs. Albert ow. who stood beside toe open heads of wartime agencies. The • Discussion c e n te re d on gal for them to represent the tained its 13th spot among the sic department, the show will with another cousin, Laura in part to the start of a new again have as masters of cere- year. vice president, Mrs. Armand on B a y b e ^ J t d ., and WllHami the place, grave, dressed in black, with only foreign dignltory present dfaether the town could or could 2,000 petitioners. benefit year for some claim- state's 20 officea. Aubey, the new treasurer. Mrs. i a heavy mourning veH puibed______Delano, behind a tiny, beshawl- was Prime MiniMer W. L. Leonard Adler, speaking In H. and Ida Parkinson to Ste­ living at-their new ashen 1 ed woman, seated facing the ^ attord piMtc kindergartens. Herbert Johnson will continue phen A. and Martha hT Ramo, back from her drawn, Mackenzie King of Canada. favor of the board of education i II as secretary, having filled an' home on Chestnut Hill, Hebron. head of the grave. The Rev. Anthony finished . Oplnlona seemed to be more property on Carpenter Rd. There ought to be some good FOR budget said the council was imexplred term this year. > n iu s, at 10:50 a.m. on April She was Mrs. James with the reading o< a poem In the support of the town putting the board in the posi­ Singers Perform -bargains at toe sale. The local Mrs. Sobol succeeds Mrs. The Round Table Singers 16, 1946, Franklin Delano velt Roosevelt, widow of the which ran in part: oouncU'a cut o t J160,000 from tion of choosing what it doesn't Richard Alton. At the meeting Women's Fellowship group will Pre.sddent's half - brother, who t|re board's budget to hold the from Mancheater High cater at the auction. Roosevelt was laid to rest in "Now the laborer's task Is Cosmefics want He said the first four GARDEN Mrs. Alton thanked all who had- the rose garden of his family lived on a neighboring estate. over, tax ra ta priorities of remedial reading 1 TOLLAND TURNPIKE under the direction of Robert To add to toe above g oin g s,— ----- " r ,. helped make her year a succees- on, the Gilead Congregational home overlooking■ toe Hudson Details of soldiers, sailors "Now the battle day is past I A vote was taken near the teaching for the high school, iii: ful one. Mrs. Sobol expressed Vater performed at an all- and marines stood at attention. IT’S Aid of the public hearing with CENTER MANCHESTER-VERNON JOWN LINE Bchool assembly yesterday at Church is sponsoring an auc- River, "Father, in thy gracious elementary and high school li­ Ullll the hope that she could carry on 88 residents In favor of UmI cut the high school. tion on May 8. It will be a hob­ The little Seattle, Fala, seem­ Unseen from the garden plot, keeping, braries and kindergartens were INC lillll with the same spirit that char­ a horse-drawn caisson was "Leave we now our brother Ip the board of education budg­ placed at the top of the list to acterized toe PTA this year. The Leeslde Singers will ap­ by and food sale, on the church ed a solemn spectator as 10 et. Twenty-eight residents op­ i l l grounds, and on May 1, the members of the armed forces bearing the casket up the wind­ sleeping." Uggetts stir up the greatest controversy. Mrs. Soboi and her husband pear at the musical review, Mrs. Roosevelt, the family, posed the out. Mrs. Anthony Sobol f^round the World and Back American Legion will hold a had carried his master's cof­ ing drive to the muffled beat John Madden also spoke in have lived in Bolton for about of drums and the mournful ca­ FDR’s WWte House staff, the I The vote was taken at 10:S0 favor of kindergartens. He said VITTNER’S Affain ” to be presented April food and rummage sale at toe fin to the gravesUe. At The Parkade 14 years. They have four boys dignitaries and toe troops left pjn. and many residents had 23 and 24 by the St. Maurice Legrion Hall. He stretched his head down dence of Chopin's funeral after serving on the Citizens in the Bolton schools snd one at The elementary school will be the garden. MANCHESTER bft the hearing Committee and listening to the Mancheater High School. Tbey Plavers along his paws and seemed to 1 In opening the meeting May­ dlamleaed at 1 p m. A aU te de­ flerald As the honor guard of 600 And, with head down, Fala experts, he felt kindergartens are active in round and square partment of education reading Lid by Keith Groethe of the Manchester , listen to the words of the nev.Rev. followed off behind Miss er John £}g:an outlined the Hebron correspondent. Miss 8u- Qgj,„gGeorge ^W. Anthony. 78, rector cadets marched slowly into the was something the town should dance clubs. conaultont will speak to the school music department, toe 4ieetingB that had taken place san B. Pendleton, telephone of nA-hv nearby st.St. James' Jam es' Episcopal garden, a brisk breeze riffled Suckley. have. Mrs. Sobol Is a member of the teachers on updating the read­ local group features W^ter before the pubttc hearing last He compared the cost of kin­ Simons on toe bass, Dick Hal- 228-3454. HUi Bolton Art Club, the Manches­ ing program. The high school «l«t*t. dergartens to the average ter Fine Arts Association and loran on toe guitar, along with -•fdaoror Kgan also explained homeowner with a pack of ciga­ Is a substitute catechism teach­ will be dismissed at 12:10, also and toe voices of rettes a week and he hated to for staff curriculum discuselons. Groeuie, Halloran and Bonnie the tax structure invoived if the ■ nlii er at St. Maurice Church. Kindergarten registration will ^ r o je aduoatlon budget and govern­ begrudge the future generation I:::: John O'Rourke's Grade 6 pre­ Massey. The men also sing. be held May 4, 6 ^ d 6. Pw - ment budget were not cut. an education. He asked the p-i sented Homer's "Odyssey" as Organized last year, toe town council to consider the re­ the main part ol the program. enta will be rcceivltig more in-1 group meets regularly for prac­ He said he was appalled at foimatlon through the malt. the possible 13-mitl increase tention of public kindergartens As sort of audience settler, three tice and has appeared at a Bol­ which would have been poe in the board of education's DAILY 8 A.M. to 7 P.M. sixth grade girls with guitars OrlenUtlon programs for ton Congregational Church con­ alble imder the old grand list budget SAT. & SUN. and three without played and parents of incoming kindergar­ cert and at private parties. prior to reaasessment. Without Hiring Teachers sang two songs. ten students will be held May Appearing in toe children s Supt Charles Warner, ques­ 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. One song, "Downtown", was 11 and 18 at 7:30 p.m. at toe numbers of the musical review budget cuts It might mean a tioned on the feasibllty of hir­ 10-mill increase. played In the dark and accom­ elementary school. The two will be the Miller children. ing kindergarten teachers in panied by a showing of colored kindergarten teachers, the prin­ Marine, Heidi, David, Noel, Gor­ This, Msyor Bgan notsd, was January, ^d tha teachers without projecting capitol needs Rushed Fresh To Us From Leading Thoughouf New En^and slides of Bolton's widely dis­ cipal and the guidance coun­ don and Glenn, and Kathy and queried on teaching in South Growers persed commercial establlsh- selor win discuse how parents for the town as a town hall- Windsor wanted employment In Julie Sheridan. menU. . can get their children ready for Mrs. Ernest Aspinwall and Ifcraiy, . two middle aobools September. y GARDENIAS y TULIPS/HYACINTH / ROSES / PANSY GERANIUMS The play Itself was enthusl kindergarten. Mrs. John McCabe'hvill be ticket and seweia. He commented that these astically applauded by the au­ He said the Uodergaotan pro­ teachers would not wait until RumiAoge Sale Planned collectors. dience, who later commented Briefs posal on'Nov. 18 by the Peti- January for South Windsor to on toe fine production and the The CCW of St. Maurice Uon Oum ntttes to the town stall public ktndergartens. i ^ / DAFFODILS / CINERARIAS / GLOXINIAS / DISH GARDENS Church will hold a rummage The Ladies Benevolent So­ ability of all the children *" ciety of Bolton Congregational oouncit dM not fall on deaf He said that it was necessary project their voices. sale April 29 in the church earn. Tha mayor said the rea­ Church will hold a rummage to hire th^.todehsm by May 1 1 *■'•1710The story was told in an epiepi-1 auditorium. A s^^awbeiY m - t j, ' 24 9 ;3o a.m. to son the council could not ap­ 16. He added that if kinder­ / AFRICAN VIOLETS / AZALEAS / HYDRANGEA «K«c - ths town If tos MBs are passed tesia file state aid siq;lit be HEADQUARTEI May 8. month. — . fered when his motorcycle FOIL ^ X FOIL Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hoffman, potluck supper, followed by a on shout June 1^ more than the $18. ^ . cracked up Sunday afternoon. The money would than go to Rep. Westbrook aald that co-chairmen, have announced talk by Jose Salazar, a Cuban State Police said Dino was that they need all sorts of toys, exile. the board of education for pub- South Windsor ^ not on the iliili heading north on Route 198 in lio kindeigartens. rocka.” It was in an exefeb games, attic treasures and even Bulletin Board Woodstock when he lost control Beveral pcoposala were made. lent position financlaHy and CLIMBERS — HYBRID TEA — RORIBUNDA cellar treasures to sell at the Town clerk Mrs. Olive Too- of the bike and struck a fence One was by board member Har- businesses realize this, he said. fair. mey has suggested toat local carpenters, plumbers, electri­ post. ry Anderson. Anderson mggest- He trtd the audience they must This year at the fair there will Dino, who was not wearing a sd putting the school aid mon­ be pony rides, fire engine rides cians. well-diggers, home re­ helmet, suffered severe head In­ put their sights on tha overaU :::::: We Also Have Patented Varieties pairers, painters, and the Ilka ey in the bank, if it was foitfa- plan of South Wlndaor. and a snack . bar. as in past juries, state police said. He was eomlng, for cjapltol improve­ years. Added to these will be AdvertUto on the bulletin board taken first to a hospital in Mrs. Joseph DeMaio com ouUlde her office in toe Town ments. H s said this would ac­ mented that remarka had been h more outdoor games, more con­ Southbrldge, Mass., and trans­ complish two things: maintain cessions and a mystery lady. Hall. She has suggested toat ferred later to toe Worcester maxie in favor of waiting an­ they send her pertinent infor­ the program as presented by other year to start pubilc -Wn- Honor Roll a t y Hospital, where he died the board of educetion and re- A t the end of toe third quar­ mation on 3-by-5 cards. dergartena and that tnis was the Mrs. Toomey said she re- Wednesday. tnstata the programs cut last same answer given In 1921 when ter marking period in Grades year this in tuni would put ths motion was tabled. WHITE BIRCH CLUMPS 7 and 8 Gretel Cote and Jean the town further ahead. Sha aald, "Forty-four years Peece won high honors. IL Rep. Warren Westbrook Aat- later we are still procrastinat­ Honors went to Robert But­ sd that state aid money for ing, I t kindergartens are not inn terfield, Renee Calhoun, Alan education may only be used for started in September of 1965 we CocconL Lawrence Flano, Anne sducaUon and not for o th e r will never get them until It be­ *5.95 to *19.95 Gauthier, Katoieen Geer, Pa­ putposes. comes mandatory." mela Geer, Karen Hills. Jean Robert Dickinson proposed SupL Warner commented on Hoar, Betsy Hunter, Donna bonowii* 8100,000 to rein- the question of where . kinder­ Jonea Duane LeBlanc, John stste kindeigarten and other gartens would be housed. He liclner, Mary Lou Maneggia, items In the budget. He sug­ stated that the proposed 10 WlUlam M lck^cz, Gary Mor- gested mmeading the payments rooms be leased because ,cur- tensen, Doroeh Pepin, Kathleen over a three-year bei^ and renUy there is no space aylll- Smith. Join Warfel and Mark when the state add was receiv able in existing schools. Wlntoer. ' sd to apply toward the There will be three kinder­ In gradto 9 and 10 high hon I Dividends paid from day loan, Dickinson stated the in­ garten rooms in the EU Terry JiD W S Jd m )^ SHADE TREES era went to Roger Grose. Janla I of doposlt — 4 timeo terest on the loan would be addition which is under con­ Hammond and Alana Rose. I year. some 84,000 per year. struction and It is hoped It wlU s Honors went to John Bos- Many people commended the be cMnpleted by Christmas this SILYER MAPLE worth, Dana Dlmock, Nancy town council for ita action and year, Supt. Warner observed. /FORSYTHIA Your Choice At the end of March, coepressed their confidence and DoUn, Brian BJdgerton. Paul El. "We have been adding 14 more, Thomas Freddo, Coralle Jane, Soptoqibor and Do- NO PAYMENTS 'til OCTOBER gratitude to the council. 1 classrooms per year in popula­ Gram, Grog Hirtchlnson, An­ oomber. They felt the two-mlU in­ tion, the kindergarten proposal crease might not be felt now /BRIDAL WREATH *4.50 to *11.95 thony iCrseolokl, Michael Lein was made by the board of edu­ er. John Lk>ckward, Judy Lodi, If the t>oard of education budg cation with leasing in mind," St was reinstated but a larger NORWAY MAPLE raise Matthews, Margo Matth­ Guarantee of Satisfaction increase wIH be felt when the Supt. Warner said. ews, Jeffrey Maxwell, John 1/ - mquiries had been made to /WEIGELA McDonald. middle schools are built, leased source and to the avail­ c Bffeot ow Industry Also, Anne Miner, Thomas Conatderable concern wss ex- ability of this space and Supt. EACH Miner. Steven -Nichols. Violet Warner could not give any date *5.95 to *35.00 LOWER than ever FUEL COST O'ReHly, Stepheq Paggloll, . pressed by some residents that when rooms in schools would be /HYDRANGEA PG. k there was sn increase in the Craig pispln, Janet Pepin, Nan- tax rate the effect it would have available. CRIMSON KING MAPLE da Rata^, Lynn Riley, Barry Industry Hike Noted on Industry coming into town. Sheridan, Pat Smith, David Dividend Paid Gaylord Paine commented SoutherUn, Nancy Struff, Jon­ Ray Hoicombe stated he /DEUTZIA ANY from Day of Deposit Hmt toe oouncH had the "eco­ athan Treat and Shlrtey Z«ppa. thought the smaller companies nomic fate of toe town In its would put a great deai of em­ *4.95 to *35.00 School Notos bands and we could be taxed For Bchool closed for the Easter phasis on taxes. He also com­ out of existence or taxed on a 10 •8.95 mented that taxes were lmpoi> /BLUE MIST holiday this afternoon and will sound b asla" . . 'C l 'C t tant in selling real estate and He emitoasized that South MULBERRY TREE— •5.95 reopen April 26. with Wgh taxes there was less LARGE 3-YEAR-OLD During vacation a high school Windsor was building a aohool WONDERFUL FOR THE BIRDSK ’ ‘ ; bond practice will be held in retail value on property. He system from nothing due to the /ROSE OF SHARON PLANTS S A VIM G S concluded by saying he hoped population expensjon of the last the high ochool gym Wednoe- "the town was blessed with a day April 21. The band is ent little time on the ed­ LIMESTONE C H ER R Y stats statutes provide for • 3 85 East Center St. ucational issues because U was 10-6.4 ' Type Please arrange my FREE H OM E H E A TIN G S U R > ^ kivtrtved in the aspects of the a roUing stock tax in any town APRICOT At Summit,St D workings of the government. If a trucking company has a I understand that I assume NO OBLIGATION of any k i ^ In making terminal or office in that town. Mayor Egpn said that this of these inquiries. Offer limited MAY 31, 1965. was not a matter of personal Lossman said the town is cur­ any to conflict Ths two boards bad rently deriving tax revemie F'irst In this Area had much cooperation and met from this rolUag stock tax, GROUND i avery two months to discuss which never goes through ttie town. The town oould loose this 50 * 2 ’ * * 5 0 “> > » 8 5 S ^ Name. problsnis. idling stock tax and industry One rwddsntnpropoaed that a d W a r f COVERS ’ by raising the mill rats, Lass- referendum be held on the kin- dargartsn issue within ons man commented. ■ 5 Street. Lasaman cxmcluded that it FLOWERING VINES I i week. On the proposed referen­ ' 7 b was important to keep the mlU • T dum voters would be asked if rate low to impress industry .Telephone V >!> they favored kindergartens in f C t b ■ T 0H POTTED PIAWT5 City or Town M -1 dm fall and a tax rate increase with the stability of SooMi Wind­ CRAB TREES lilLBS V f- . ‘.U : sor. j i ; of two mllla EVERGREENS Mayor Egan aaid a referen- FLOWER and - t y i would be imposoible since ScroUa to Tour U.S. LARGE SELECTION lACH budget must be pass- .95. Ml hnt^aveek by ordinance. WASHmOTON — r t m J ot- VEGETARLE W'. oooncU has set April danii^i govanunant'a axhlbltlon :i:r. cadi L^llw idoptton of the school of the famous Dead Ssa Scrolls ta ir JAP mm Upright, Sproadihg 1 • - u . wlU visit W&ahlngtrm and O O m ■ c , '1 ' ' ''4 y d L Clark atatad aha in five UJB. regions by mkh YEWS 1 0 F . T , PINK OR RED \ . ■ . : a- ' _____ in 1 ** gsptsmber. Tbs m d fa U llf a ^ t a la eooedinatlag toa temaj


MANGHESTEE e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1968 PAGE SIX Colom bia No Bonos Day Events P eople Steel Union Simple Ceremony Marks The green that the S * H Twin Cities Stamp Co. la laying out tor Lincoln Assassination Registration ^ o rigns at its new down­ In State Of Minneso^ Makes Offer town redempUon In the Mrs. Anale Noorss cash and not stamps, $250 (Continued from Page One) Mrs. Annie Emily Richardson (Oeatlnnad tram Pag* One) Fla., Dr. .Mudd did notable For Baseball Of Extension work combatting a yellow fever Under Water Nourse, 71. of 818 Center St., It appears that sign "We note,” he atided, "that died this morning at a conva­ tenced to life imprisonment on epidemic there. Then he was era p r « f ^ e folding kind to News pardoned by President Andrew Mr Baldwin, a member ot the lescent homo in Bedfortedford Ifilla, (ContbiMd from Pag* One) the dtarge of aiding, abetting, On Tuesday the sticky stuff. same poUtlcal party as Mr. (Ooatimed from Page On#) N.Y. Johnson, Lincoln’s successor. housing and setting the broken A monument to him stands Patterson, haa not \ seen fit LORD m Kr a n Mrs. Nourse was bom Oct. 8, era a token payment was not today at Ft. Jeffaraon, hearing Dr. Ralph Wobner, program through the years to request that LONDON (AP) —'Die condi­ the house. I' don't know 18*3, in London. England, and leg of th* assassin Booth. whether I was on my knees or learned. Johnson’s words: chairman for the (Columbia ton Anthony, formal meetings be held. But tion of the late 8ir Winston lived in the Hartford area more His grandson explained today Rcoreatlon Council, has an­ The nominating ccwnmlttee Churchill’s doctor and friend, what, but I r e c a lle d the Steel talks have been dead­ that the doctor was completely "Upon occasion of the preva then, Mr. Baldwin has, through than 28 years. She was a mem­ lence of the yellow fever, 8am nounced that registration for included Mrs. Donald C l w ^ . his long years of service to our L x ^ Moran, 82, was described ch u t^ playground. Then It blew ber of Second Church of Christ, locked over the Industry's refus­ guiltless; tiiat he knew nothing me riftrt back Into the house, uel A. Mudd devoted hlmseU to th* council’s baseball prog;ram Mrs. Edward Insalaco and Mrs. state, always displayed a keen today as satisfactory. Scientist, Hartford. al to answer union demands for of die assassination and that, Surgeons at London’s Moor- but put me down at the opposite o b s e r i^ th* Hippocratic Oath, the car* and cure of the sick, will be held Tuesday from 7:30 Harry Hlnman. sense of the practical and the •nd of U.” Survivors include a son, Don­ wage and benefit Increases that and Interposed his courage and to 8:30 p.m. for all boys add Firehouse Construction economical, whether It be time fields Eye Hospital removed a ald M. Nourse of Manchester: would cost more than a dollar he merely help^ Booth as a cataract from Lord Moran’s The flooding already has man in need of medical atten­ skill to protect the garrison aU tsIunM. The footings for or money.” , caused damage estimated at $20 a brother, William Richardson an hour over three years. Steel­ from peril and alarm, and thus A registration fee of $2 is re­ to the firehouse were built this right eye Wednesday. He will workers now earn about $4.40 an tion. million in Minnesota alone. of Windsor, and two sisters, Imprisoned at Ft. Jefferson, saved many valuable lives." quired, Dr. Wotaner added, week under the guld^ce or Bomb Threat False remain In the hospital for about More industries were ordered Mrs. Francis Handy and Mrs. hour in wages and benefits. whicb he pointed out Is lees Warren Jurovraty, who drew the 10 days. Lady Moran sold. Another condition of any ex­ WATERBURY (AP) —Police closed and residents were evac­ Alexander Campbell, both of than the cost of a broken bat, plana for the building. Md West Hartford. tension, sources said, would be Supt. Joseph H. Guilfoil# says JUDY GARLAND uated In St. Paul as the rolling Biggest Force lost ball o r wsar and tear on PhlUp Isham. a threat was made to blow up Mississippi began to force its Funeral services will be held that bargaining continue unin­ urtiforms. frey Lewis and Dean 'nbblta. HONOLULU (AP) — Singer terrupted. his home, but a search ot the Judy Garland fought a fire way through and under emer­ Saturday at 2 :30 p.m. at Taylor Of Viet Fight The council has arranged a Workers spreading the wn- premises and neighborhood fail­ and Modeen Funeral Home, 186 The union's proposal was special purtiiase for caps of a Wednesday in a clothes closet in gency dikes. drawn up at a series of meet­ crete brought In ^ the Mm - ed to turn up any essential S. Main St., West Hartford. Bu­ uniform color together with cheeter Sand and Gravel Tues­ a beach home she Is occupying rial will be in Cedar m il Ceme­ ings Wednesday. It was based Bombs Red Base evidence. in Hawaii. 8he Is on vacation on two industry proposals made presa-oa team letters for $1 day were Irving Tannenbaum, Gullfoile said Wednesday that tery, Hartford. each. Farm league caps will be with two of her children. earlier in the week, both of Saul Blum, Marshall Nuhfer the threat was made in a tele­ Police said that while Miss Many Off Jobs Friends may call at the fu­ (Continued from Page One) 70 cents each. Either may be Thomas Chowanec, Clarence neral home tomorrow from 7 to which involved an extension. phone call the previous day to Garland was trying to put out purchased registration night or Grant. William Soracchl and the Police Department switch­ On Good Friday 9 p.m. Under one, the union would which had befallen their pre the flames, her daughter, Lor- swap a three-month extension any time bMore the season Boyd Tuttle. board, and probably was the na, 12, called the fire depart­ \ious raids conducted In plain opens. Emlllo O. DeFeo for guarantees that certain con­ work of a prankster. ' ment. Five trucks arrived. Boys’ 2-Piece TomoiTow, Good FWday, will daylight." Lost year’s accident insur­ Manchester Evening Herald Although he took routine pre­ VERNON—Emilio G. DeFeo, tract demands would be met. Damage was slight. be a day off for many Man­ The other calls for immediate An explosion ripped through ance coverage expire* next (kihimbia correspondent. Vir­ cautions, Guilfolle said he took 73. of Hartford, father of Mrs. agreement on an interim con month and must be renewed. ginia M. CJarlson, telephone the incident lightly. "I Just went chester residents and a regular Edward R. Sluzinski of Vernon, TWiWiiiU______ikinenisBtaSilaKMM an ammunition storage area JUS’n C E DOUGLAS tract that could be reopened at The premium Is still $1 which 3*8-9*24. home and nothing happened,” PHILADELPHIA (AP) —Su­ working day for others. died Tuesday at Hartford Hos­ Wednesday night at a US. Army BLAZER any time, but presumably not covers all council actlvltle* for he said. preme Ccurt Justice William O. Pratt and Whitney, Hamilton pital compound in Qui Nhon. Six one year, with provisions for Standard and all other plants until the union's election dispute Douglas says money being spent Other survivors Include three was settled completely. cases of rockets were destroyed $1,000 medical: $5,000 loea of o f th* United Aircraft Corp. South Windsor and four helicopters, two trucks Hospital Notes to put“q man on the moon could daughters, two brothers, two limb and $1,000 lose of life. The be beUer spent for ending water will be closed, as will all of the sisters and two grandchildren. and one forklift were damaged. Wilson Confers ■Tea's insurance companies and Insurance covers May 23, 1965 pollution in the United SUtes. SUITS The funeral will be held to­ A spokesman arid Viet Cong to May 33, 1966. Patients Today: 26* most of the larger manufac- Manager Lauds Music Program saboteurs may have been re­ The costs for equipping the morrow at 8:15 a.m. from the The teams are as firflows: ADMITTED YESTERDAY: With President nation with adequate sewage sponsible. Qui Nhon, 270 miles Farm, boy# must be at least Mrs. Helen Berard, Wapplng; Mw^S^ipal Building will 1 ' Announced for northeast of Saigon, was the site disposal Is about equal to that of Insurance Unit eight years old by reglstraUon Mrs. Anna Borowetz. Rlverhead, (Continued from Page One) sending a man to the moon in a f 9 of a Viet Cong attack which Cburcb Service killed 23 U.S. enlisted men in date. It is from Uile group the L.I., N.Yi; Dwayne Denbow, the Apollo project, Douglas told noon unUl Monday morning, at St. ^wreiwe O T(»le Chu^h, General Manager Richard their billet in February. players will move up to one of Bkist Hartford: Mrs. Mary Dun­ sure both sides can make very a group of 500 Rotary Club •niA offices of privately owned Hartford. Burial will be in Mt. Martin has conunended the A Viet Cong battalion at­ the four Little League teams. lop, 101 Hamlin St.; Mrs. Hazel good use of the time we have members Wednesday. Water Co. will also St. Benedict Cemetery. Bloom- The program of special music Little League age team, play­ Harvey, RFD 1, Rockville; together. ” town's Insurance Advisory for Holy Week services at St. tacked three battalions of gov­ be cloeed tomoirow. . i, * ernment troops on the Quang ers must be older than 12 be­ Kathy JuUano, 10 Orchard S t, Wilson also had a date with ABEBE BIKILA One municipal sendee will go | Friends may caU at the fu- Committee "for the excellent Francis of Assisi Church, has fore Aug. 1, 1966 and must Rockville: William Llswell, Rt. Secretary of (Commerce John T. n e w YORK (AP) — Abebe been announced by Mrs. Ralph Tri-Thua Thien border in ex­ aa usual tomorrow. There neral home tonight from 7 to 9. job it is doing in placing the treme northern South Viet Nam have previously registered on 30, Vernon; Miss Karen Nielsen, Connor. Biklla, the Olympic marathon Will be the regular pickup of A solemn h i^ Mass of re­ town’s insurance.’’ Thrall of Manchester, choir di­ a team. 177 School St.: Donna and Wilson will leave foreign poli­ champion from Ethiopia, will be quiem will be celebrated for rector and Mrs. William Court­ Wednesday. Six government gaiisage and refuse. The five-man committee, soldiers were killed, 41 wounded Babe Ruth age group 13-15. Michael Nobile. Blast Hartford: cy issues for the most part to facing a new hazard next All banks will be closed to- Mr. DeFeo on Monday at 9 a.m. ney of South Windsor, organist and two armored personnel car­ players must reach the age of Isaac Snyder, 27 Wellesley Rd.; his companion, George Thom­ Wednesday: Running 13 miles whose members are chosen on The solemn commemoration of m o rrw but there wUl be no 1 In St. LAwrence O'Toole Church. a rotating basis from the ranks riers burned out. !Rve Viet Cong 13 by Aug. 1 but not more Albert Laliberto, 680 Center St.; son, a minister of state in Brit­ from Central Park to the New Interruption in postal service. „ . „ „ the Lord’s Supper and parish I were reported killed. than 15 by that date-—there are Linda Pendergast, 81 Benton ain’s Foreign Office. York World’s Fair for the expo­ of the Manoheeter Board of communion tonight at 7:30 will | A ll TMular m ^ deliveries will Mrs. Fred B. Hagedora Insurance Agents, places the In another action, in Quang t(wo teams in this class. St.: Mrs. Alice Richmond, 283 While the United States la cur­ sition’s opening. be made as usual and the main m ». Violet Cleveland Hage- town's insurance in sitock com­ be highlighted by the following Tin Province, five Viet Cong Greater WllUmanilc League Spring St.; Andrew 'Verpraus- rently less concerned with its Blkila and another Ethiopian selections from the Senior and branch post offices will be dom of Farmington, sister of panies, and distributes the pre were killed and seven captured -15-17. Must be 15 by Aug, kus, Boston Hill Rd., Andover; balance of payments because marathon runner, Mamo Wolde, open their regular hours. George M. Cleveland of Man- miums each year among Choir: “Jesus, My Lop Investigated. resigned. The dog pound will and Alan Slnder, a student at sor; Laurie Coralli, 25 Edward noon to 3 p.m. at South Meth­ Friends may caU at the fu­ for all legal expe:n*ee, plus the choir for Easter Sunday at the remain at Petacres Kennels at St.; Mrs. Beatrice Massa, Glas­ only a short circuit in a odist Church. tails. Navy, black and pastel colors. costs of Investigation and the the University of OonnecUcut, 2 P IE C E neral home tonight frwn 7 to 9 ajn. children’s Mass will be: the junction of Rts. 6 and 87. have been approached to In­ tonbury; Donna Sidney, South fluorescent light fixture when The Rev. Dr. J. Manley Shaw, Arnel triacetati and dacron prints In care-wonder 9 and tomorrow frpm 3 to 4 full settlement payments. "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today,” The kennel is subject to state Windsor; Kenneth Jones, 91 they responded to a call from pastor o t South Church, will fabrics in shifts, sheaths, shirtwaists and blousoiis. Thus, the average $20,000 struct. Both boys have had pro­ ICC Hears Tale and 7 to 9 pm . and 18th century melody dur­ inspection and approval before fessional InstnicUon and played Ridge St.; Mrs. Florence Spoon­ Kei’Ji’s Furniture CO. about open the service with the medl- Ruffles, bows, pleats. Pretty flower prints In pastels. yearly cost to the town may be ing the Processional: “Salve repayment of funds to the town er, 30 Eva Dr.; Kathy Pepin, 12:20 this afternoon! One en­ the on the Windham High School Utlon for. the First Word, Of RR Disrepair increased considerably by Regina Mass" by the Rev. G r^ - by the state for dog damage. team. Although they have not 81 Concord Rd.; Michael Ven- gine and the utility )ruck an­ "Father. Forgive Them, For SPORT Jr. Petites 5 to 11. Jrs. 7 to 15. added fee payments. ory Murray for the Gloria: The disposal area will be committed themselves, the pros­ nart, 129 Hemlock St.; Dean swered the calL They Know Not What They Funerals "People’s Mass" by Dom Greg­ Misses’ 12 to 20. (Continned from Page One) closed on Good Friday but pects look good, according to Gavello, Wapping; James Mc- Do.” John C. Beggs, soloist, ory Murray for the Gloria; open for business on Saturday Dr. Wolmer, (3urray, RFD 2, Bolton; John will sing, .'Thus Spake Jesus." “Ave Verum" by Guilmant for organisation’s proposal that Miss Mary Tuttle as usual. Lytikainen will give a short Morris, Hartford; Peter Masso- The Rev. Richard W. Dupee 12th Circuit the Offertory: "Salve Regina Cook also stated that soil llni. Notch Rd., Bolton; A!§in SUIT money to save the passenger talk on the game Friday when it will give the meditation at Funeral services lor Miss Mass" for the Sanctus; ‘Teo- percolation tests are in prog­ Harsdale, Bast Hartford; Mrs. service of the New Haven Rail­ Mary Tuttle of 9 Anderson 9t. is hoped plans will take shape 12:30 for the second word, "To­ road be raised by a tax on Court Cases ple’s Mass" for the Agnus Del; ress at the elementary school for the season. The program Edith Massey, 186 E. Middle day T h ou Be With Me were held yesterday at Wap- site for the proposed addition ■ales of stock ruffled some ping Community Church. The "Welcome Holy Morning" for calls for the use of an out-of- 77>ke.; Mrs. Diane Comollo, 8 In Paraii^e,’______and Gordon Ol­ feathers today at a legislative Rev. Roy Hutcheon, pastor, of the Communion; "Rejoice, Let to the school. Test holes were town court with three groups Hawley St.; Andrew .Cavazza, son. ydbto director of the 104 Main St.; Mrs. Mary Pink- public hearing. ficiaUd. Mrs. James HUl was MANC91ESTER SESSION Ailelullas Ring” for the post dug last Monday. ITie tests are set up. There will be ten in each FAIRWAY churoh. Will glv,e the meditation group for a series of eight ses­ ham and son, 297 South St., William Thoms of the Qin- organist. Burial was In Wap- The cases of Michael Welch, Communion, and-‘‘AHeluUa” by being made by the firm of at 12:5() ion th*Third Word, Chandler and Palmer of Nor­ RockviUe; Mrs. Tilu Tart and necticut State Labor (Council, ping Ometery. 16, of Rockville, and John E. Palestrina for the Recessional. sions. "Woman, BehoW Thy Son. Be­ AFL-CIO, told the Finance Com- Bearers were Raymond Hoc Boney, 18, of RockviUe, arraign­ Selections by the adult choir wich, architects engaged by the The first group would be in- daughter. South Windsor. Frilly, Frothy for the 10:15 Mass: "Jesus school building committee. atructed In May and June, the hold Thy Mother." ipittee the council is in favor of tor, Richard Peterson, Edward ed on mulUple criminal charges BOTH The, Row. John E. Past, Nor­ a bill that would Impose a tax winzler, Howard Keeney, Rob- today, were bound over to the Christ Is Risen Today" for the Palmer is a civil engineer and second, July and August and sanitary engineer. He la work­ the third September and Octo­ L. I. Commuter wich Dtetrlct superintendent, of five cents a share on stock ert Blanchard and Albert Feb next session of the Tolland Professional; "The Love of will give tee meditation at 1:16 God" by Joseph McGrath for ing with Willeford of the State ber. The programs, at this time STORES transfers made in Connecticut, broriello. County Superior Court after for the Fw rth Word, "My God, FASHION Although the bill makes no The Holmes Funeral Home, they waived examination. In the Kyrie; "Ave Verum" by Department of Health who is a is open to high schoolers only. Loser in ‘War’ Guilmant for the Offertory, sanitary engineer. Hootenanny Set OPEN My Goonald Tuttle. An outdoor tailed to prove the railroad neg- EASTER NEEDS! Sizes 3 to 8. injury. to peraonai property. will be there to receive them the...« Rev. _ James_____ .... M Gage the The poeeibillty of Incorporat­ Boney is charged with the same event Is being planned for the Ugent. And since the burden of and care for them. end of Jnly and will be held at • dANDY meditation for the Sixth Word ing Manchester Ckmtimmlty counts with the exception of proof was hjs. Latz had no case. 2 - = « Personal Notices Public Records Puppet Show Set the Firemen’s Field. at 3:08, ''it is Finished.” Rob­ aggravated asuult. Charges of Or, as the judige put It; • BASKETS ert Gorddn, soloist, will sing, Coilege into a state higher edu­ The Pickwick Puppets from PTA Slate Named "While I sympathize with'the larceny .under $50 against both Warrantee Deeds Hartford wiH be the big attrkc- • CARDS > "Were You There?” Card Of Thanks cation system has prompted were ndled by the prosecutor. A new elate of offlcera was rage that filled his brenst. Margery M. Plummer to tion in the second of the Youth accepted by members of the The Rev. Mr. Dupee wlU give We wish to thank all ot our nelrh-1 the Chtizens Advisory Council The charges stem from inci­ "As the events of March 1$ • T O Y S , the mediation for the Seventh bore, friends and relatives for the Robert C. Hewiitt and Therese Matinee Series, sponsored by PTA Tuesday night. The new deprived him of his rest, Carefree Dacron cot­ many acts of kindness aitd sym-1 to consider becoming a private dents in Tolland and Rockville L. Hewitt, property at 101-105 the Regional PTA (Council at • NAPKINS Word, "Bjather, Into Th y Hands paUiy shown us in our recent be­ during late March. The Rock­ "Upon all the evidence, the i I Chmmend My Spirit,” at 2:30. tons, Fortrel and cot­ reavement. foundation. Seamen drole. Rham Ugh school. The group :en; Milton Anthony, vice railroad'was not remiss; and Much, Mnoh Morel Deuishters and Son of ville charges, relating to a re­ Abraham L. Elkin and Char­ will present "Folk Tales from The Youth Fellowship CJholr will V'.. ton and rayon crepes. Esther Pontlcelli This move will be discussed president; Mrs. Marjorie Ma "Therefore, his case I was cent break, were rendered as lotte Elkin to Gerald Devine Around the World” oit Rham compelled to dismiss.” sing '’U k d Me Lprd.” Dr. Shaw Flip tie, ruffled and V at a meeting of the executive the two were brought into the thieu, secretary, and Mrs. Mil- I will give the prayer and bene- committee Monday at 7:30 p.m. Callahan and Catherine L. Cal­ auditorium on Saturday at 2 In Memoriam courthouse this morning. p.m. tlreek, Irish, German and dlcUon at 8. Good Friday music necklines. Whites and In lonrin* memory of Mrs. Ansela in the faculty lounge of Man­ lahan, property at 41 Hart- Ifeseero DeSimone, who passed (^rles A. Heck, 23, of 61 land Rd. American folk tales will be of­ from "Parsifal." by Wagner, Dramatid pastels. away April 16, 194*. chester High School. ttnnmore Dr., was sentencetl to Warren E. Howland and fered. as the poetTude.“ Dstlud Since the board of educa­ ^ ril comes with deep resret. six months at the State Jail in Eklitih W, Howland to Shirley Two fousloRda of children Sizes 32 to 38 tion and the council both favor Hartford, execution suspended, M. Tallent, pix^icrty on High- from town, with bus reser­ This is a month we will never for- regionalization of the coHege, on a' charge of breach of peace wood Dr. vations made beforehand, will Seamiest Deep in our hearts you will always either through the cooperation rriating to a disturbance occur Qttttelaim Deed be going. Bus will carry the Three Firms Get stay. of area towns or through a Loved and remembered every day. ring in November. He was also Olive L. Demeritt to Geral­ kindergarten children from state-supported network o# re­ fined $25 on the same charge. dine A. Bromley, property off both Anni Miller’s school and Town Contracts Husband. Sons, Daugbter, gional community colleges, a Daurhter-in-law and James Dailey Jr., 44, of no Tolland Tpke. the Co-op sohdol. Two Brownie Textured Grandchildren change in size or structure of certain address, arrested In Adoptkw o t Trade Name troops, supervised by Mrs. the council is likely. RodcvUle yesterday for intoxi J o a i^ Grimaldi d /b /a Man­ Richard Adams and Mrs. J, K. The town haa awarded a con- In Memoriam ItotatolMied In 1963 under pol­ cation, WM given a suspended chester Tailor Shop and Spruce CMllet, WiH ride on Bus No. 2. tnrapt ^ t to the Minnesota Mining In levins memory of our dear son icies set by the board of educa­ Jail sentence of 30 day*. St. Tailor Shop, 121 Spruce The buses will leave at 1:80 and Mfg. Co. of St. Paul for and brother, Howard E. Hastlnss, tion, the 45-member council is Bupfplytog ,th* poU*e depart­ who passed away April IS. IttX The case of Albert HewKt Bt. P.Rm. from the upper level at NYLONS Veroni^ U, Hastlnss subordinate to the board and Jr., 17, of 77 West 8t., was BoUdfara Permits thele school. For safety’s sake ment with 880 ffolloqa o< yellow FASHION The Right Short Coat for any Occasion Dorothea V, Spillane functions in the framework of referred to the Juvenile (Jourt To Piddle Sign Service for that area Is for buses only; and 800 ga|lona od -.wtiHe traf general board policy. the recommendation of the SAH Green Stamps, two signs private ca n delivering chil­ flc. paint. In Memoriam If legislation is enacted this at 964 Main St^ $200. dren to the aohopl should pse And, at the' same tlpie, It . In levins memory of my mother, Family Relations Division. GLOVES cT Bllsabetb Wamock. who passed session placing community col­ Hevfl’Itt has been accused of To Public Sign Service for the lower level. : ^ haa awarded con te$| jte to Nas away April 16. 1936. leges within the state’s Juris­ delivering liquor to ttw minors Marty's Lunch, sign at 111 V fo n acrival at Rham the ■iff Axma o f MiMifhe*ter and SPRING TOPPERS diction, It is probable that aome C ^er St„ $150. smaUar ohUdran, in the kinder­ flKHish you are sone, 1 feel you who la t^ beobme involved in Bill Ryan’a Inc. o t Bart Hart- nMkTf form of reg;lonal council would a series of fM it* on Main St, To Btylaraina Inc. for Bar­ garten and Brownie groups, ford for aupplytBal the recrea- I mise you more, mother, each take over the advisory coimcil's Feb. 6. The ovo, George B ff- bara Strickland, alterations to will b* aeated in reserved first Uon d*partmM»i -n — variety r passlna year. center sectlwis so that they the'sound^ ^ our voice, the touch duties. ber, 18, ta M Marg**^ di^slUag at 27 Lillian Dr., of aunimer oitoletlc equipment. of your------, ^ The council is also dlseusring and Albert G. Nortli, 17, o t 218 $3,000. , may get a jo o d vl*w of the The 8-M Co.' w«'ftimiah th# Sheer ■qamle** ^ny­ SlxM 8 tQ 18 ' ws'U meet asaln in another with Glastonbury and East Hilliond S t, were each given To Herbert Hansoh for Bar­ puppMry. This was done al«o paint at Mirtof' ^$8,467.50, or for tha rtMon that a larga at lon* in.p^ular.*had- 8.97 Hartford the possiblUty of con­ suspended jail sentence* and bara Strickland, demolish ga­ $S.8&*• “ ' ------Mr giUlqiL:..-th H u yellow ' ow diamond textur­ Dnugbfar. Myitis Klrpens verting the community coUege placed on probation a* a reauH rage at 27 Lillian Dr., $60. tendance Is expaoted. Double-woven cotton, trtron Th* parfomianc* laat* about aad | £ 7 0 for toe whit*. ed dertgn. Fashion into a regional coUege. Other of breach of peace charge* To A. Qioman for Beasint Na*alff eHM furnlah four sep­ ■tratoh fabrics in classic and . loUd er*: |a'MraM>riam Intereatsd towns may Join in emanating from thoee incldente. Bros. Raalty, demoUah dwelling an Ixntr so parante ahould 1m 'tonal . of novel^ detailed slip on*. ■hi* to pidit'up their ehIMhan arate itemrorira. the talks. The oaae o f Fraaele Rudeen, at BI7-B38 B. Middl* Tpk*., meto tor W an Ua, Iwlg* and black. Sizes . r$rt.i^Jg*,*nd navy, size* 8 to 18. A t praaent, the town Is sub- 23, Of 6g Btoch at., charged $Si0. s f «hout 8:45 p.m. at the ' jpwrtwnd rtm 8Vt will f i f M ^ t o i j . to 8. sidtriM the college *ducatl9h of with lH*eQh.’o< peace, )■•■ noil- puatoQt gobooL a cq^ o< 888.60.. r ta seOM iniail way. students from 27 towns. These ed. Spain, once off th* beaten -^e lowert bW* ' f! ^ V . students pay the same tuition WUUam WilKMi Jr„ M, o f tmek tor tourisU, now haa tbs Manobeeter i* atolrtlc^ltetn* and feet that Manchester stu­ New Haven, was fined 80 for (Mteat-growing vlaitor*’ Hat in Awhnrer dents do. speeding. jr Sw op*. . PAGE NINE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, APRIL 15,


IKanrl^pBlrr Tomadods And Diesels Connecticut Pennsylvania Pioneering “ It sounded Uke s bunch of diesels Where SERVICE Is Soptttng IfTraUi coming.” Yankee PUHLISHSD BY TH » ____ That was ths colorful, graphic de­ inflatable Rubberized Dai HKRALX) PRINTINO CO.. JKC. scription given, by one of the men who 13 Btarcll Street By AJt.O. Mencheater. Ceon. saw them, of the approach of the twin Our Best PRODUCT strtlnc together acroostWnlng rubber and nykm,” he THOMAS r . FTOGUSOW tornadoes that hit the town of Dunlap, (TONBCRT, P *. (AP) -H sages" WALTER R. FERGUSON We altended the hearing of toe river. . , ^ Mad.~“ One inch of tola material Publlahera the legialattve Committee on ^enniqrlvantaia juat atepa away can support $,200 pounds of pre OPEN 9 to 9 — SAT. to 4 I>^>uiided October 1. Iffil Indiana, the other day. Inflated with water on the bot­ 445 HARTFORD ROAD We have all seen the pictures of the Banks for toe precise purpose p o m aMixilat oonMniotkm on tom ant air at the the dam asure.” Publlahed Erery Evenlnr Ew epl SundAye of trying to find out why Coii- V e of to* Tmw wonders of toe wUl form a l,0(»aore pool of So strong and durable. Is toe and Holideya. Entered at the P o « Office at twin tornadoes heading down both necUcut banks were not all material, dam designers feel it Vanchesler. Conn., aa Second Claaa Mall button sge — a oolk|Mible water surface for hoattng, Ash'; sides of that Indiana road. can 'wtthstand heavy Ice jams, Matter.______equipped with automatic cam­ 2am that can be in fla te or de­ ing and, eventually, swimniing; And we all know just what combina­ eras as one possible deterreiit In Umes of flood warning, it can floating trees or houses, and —■ SUBSCRIPTION RATES la te d with too fliek of i ssAtch. even a hunter who might acci­ Payable In Advance tion of sound and terror the witness waa to hold-up men, and we found •nis $900,000-dam wUl be bidU be deflated within mlnutee to let dentally shoot a hole Into It. One Year ...... *S'2n expressing when he said afterwards; out that almost everyone con­ M the Suaquritaiuia River near Mgh wsitors pass downstream. Six Montha ...... ll-gO cerned with toe situation seem­ (Operation of toe dam will be “ The pressure will be about Three Montha ...... •■fO “It sounded like a bunch of diesels pimbu^- R win create one of 214 to 8 pounds per square Inch, C-403 One Month . . . » ...... I » ed more philosophical about it & e finest wwtar-based recrea­ controUod by a pumphouse on coming.” than we were. In fact, a harsh toe east baito of the river Vfhere str low that bullet holes would m»b r of* tion spoU in Pennsylvania. have practically no effect,” Me- RANGES THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Interesting question now remains. judgment of what went on at Plaits call few a muHleeotlon water and air can be pumped The Aaaociated Preaa la exclualvely entlUiM the hearing would say that no­ into and taken out of toe fabric Oonnell says. “ It would be like Which would a community rather have, 'rubbertsed dam 7H-

*A' MANCHEStoR EVENING HERALD, MANC5HESTER, Hovls nnmniliMr elouda M a n o k a f lir a ottloUto aald that this during World War n was turned stamp out the "ha|mful cuK’’ 7:80 (34) French CSief rise service, outside if the ooatlBue bombing North Viet TMIIE-S BUIE SHmiPS into a morgue today for 26 per­ ( <) Admiral Jack (10-3M()). Daniel Boone w dN vWbM for mllaa last aigtit was tha flfth fire sines 4:30. (Contliioed from PiMto Om ) of Weetem muetc in 'O o m m ii;^ (aO) Whiplash PRICES weather peimits, 9 a.m. eiirty ata paaaaS and aent to the Nam but drawling with great wMi porrhase omeiiaUag to ftAS er raora at Been Named... sons killed in the crash of a ( 8-12) ThJ Munsteia when a tsbaoeo Shed buftiad on Tw o grass Jlres were Btsrted by (34) Friendly Giant ( 8-30-40) Johnny Queat (C) service and a 10:15 am . late Houaa Wadneaday a bill that deliberation through the part BriUdi airliner -Wednesday CMna. (ao> Maverick « T i w Rd. and |lye 8 t chUdren and two were by care- Oommlsstonsrs Association *of would appropriate an additional 1:00 (34) Vtelu with Sculptor service which include Holy cominlttlng the U.8. to a bUfion- night on the Isle of Jersey. It is urging that love songs (40) Swabby Show ( 8-30-4(>) Donna Reed The fire o f undetermined orl- leee burning, oCftolals said w in Connecticut, said tha nsed for $80,000 n r tha operation of the 6:16 (34) Sine HI Sing Lo . Oonununlon. A nursery will be dollar regional aid program. Only the French stewardess and other “ bourgeois music” be 6:30 ( 8) Huckleberry Hound ( 3-13) Perry Mason gin 'dsaed the ehed hwned by Tlie firemen rstumed to the the bill was self evident Coopaettout Educational Tele- SONNY’S MOBIL SERVICE replacei^ with groap rendiUone 8:10 (34) The FourOi Ealate provided for smaH children. That was the way he really felt survived after the twin-engine (18) Movie (1O-8M0) Dr. IGldare Oeneria Cigar Co. The blaM la fire stations about l this mom- ■What we need is unlfocmlty,” riakm Carp. (Channel 34, Hart­ MT CENTER.ST. MANCHESTER, CONN. of revolutionary eongs—a aort (30) Film Briefs Matthews told the General Law about Viet Nam, the President Brow^, AHm J r. son StephM A 1X3, trying to land in a fog, i (34) What’s New? ( 8-30-40) My Three Sons being investigated by the State ing, aocordlng to Assistant Fire ford). plunged into a potato field about of Bing Along with Mao. 3:00 ( 3-13) Password NORMAN^S Town Manager Terry V. Committee, "so that poltosmen said. Stompa om A n Saka Servtoa Tolf Brown, Alexandria, Va. He ^w.born ApirtllS ^ Geo^e (10) The Pioneers ( 8-30-40J^Bewltched Fire Manihal’s Ofitoe. OCftolals Chief Frank Enes. Furthermore, he deliberately 600 yards short of the St. Hfeller The magazine People's Music 6:00 ( 8) News Sprenkel snnounced the town from one town got the same TWO-MINUTE VOTE Waahintrton TTnlveraity H t^ U a l, D ^ . « i s said arson Is suspeoted. I KlndergarteEi Tnltloii Irit the Impression with the smnounced the oam j^gn under (10) Eye-Denttfy 3:80 (M) Talk With Eric Hoffer 445 Hortford Rd hall wHI be oioeed tomorrow protection as thoiM from anoth­ Coupoa Bxpiraa April 24th, IM S maternal sT^ndparenta are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 'TOr, o runway. The plane had taken off (34) Waterway Holiday Also destroyed In the blaae The South Windsor Coopeesr FAVORED ADA-era that he was a dove sur­ from Paris with 17 French and the heading: "The Cult of West­ (lO-SS^W) Haiel (04 , for Good Friday. The town haU er.” HARTFORD (A P )—BUla that Teresa Rd* His paternal grandparenU are Mr. (30) Buck Rogers ( 3) Richard Diamond w w a two-and-a-half ton tlve Kindergarten h a s an- rounded by hawks in his Admin­ Italian hotel workers coming to ern Bourgeois Music Must Be (35) Rocky and His Friends will reopen on Monday. The only person to q;>eak out would give voters two minutes muel W. Brown. Winchester, Va. His paternal great-grand­ (13) Celebrity Game tnick, two portable generatora nounoed there w ill be no school istration. After reading his UUNTIOOUPONTOAI Eboterminaited." (40) Adventures in Paradise ( 8-30-40) Peyton Plact St. Peter’s senior choir will against the measure was Hart­ instead of one In the 'voting mother is MVs, Leclal The firs dspartmsnt used two achoole. of State Dean Rusk, Secretary Ravnor, Karen Beth, datighter of James W. H I imd songs mainly are "bawl and (30) Rocky and Hie Friends (40) Wolpw Speclai The cooperative haa also low­ combined choirs wlH rehearse "Regardless of the possible machine for every 800 voters, four. 6:30 (10-23-.30) Huntley-Brinkley pumpers and an emergency of Defense Robert McNamara, M arilyiTR . LaPointe Raj-nor. 8 Ann St The stewardess was reported squall.” (10-33-30) Suswnse Thtr. (C) ered the May tuition fSe to |7 tonight at 9. merits of this bill," Freedman instead of one for every 900, (34) What’s New? (30) Jimmy Dean truck to' put out the blase. and Presidential Assistant Me- She bom April 9 at Ma^^^ester Atemortel Hosplt^ H^^^ Co-Chairs Drive The magazine said “ the phe­ (12) Newsbeat 'C'V said, “ I feel that since It In­ received favorable reports in fair condition. ( 3-12) The Defendera south Windsor firemen w ereltost^ of the usu^ George Bundy would let him maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. . The British air ministry be­ Mrs. John R. FitzGerald, 45 nomenon” of people "despising ( 3) Walter Cronklte 10:30 ( 34) Pathfinders Manchester Evening Herald volves local appropriatlone, the Wednesday from the Senate’s ( 8) Laramie (C) forced to toy tome 2,800 feet at make this speech in public. Coventry. ^Her paternal grandparents gan an investigation. revolutionary songs” is serious. 11:00 ( 3-8-10-12-30-32-30-40) News, FAIRWAY proposcU is one which should bo elections Committee. Battista Rd., is co-chairman in 6:48 ( 30) Peter Jennings—News Sports. Weather hose (frora‘ the nearast hydrant. » » « • South Windsor oorrespondent, Five days later (without any James W. Raynor H Bayport, U I., N.T. She haa two sisters, , Voetdists complain they cfin- 7:00 ( 31 Wyatt Earp and wera suocessful to keeping » ™ ^ tr ^ d e A Browals Joseph, telephone 644- handled between employeo and 78 • Manchester for the Channel 24 (32-3(M()) News, Sports. 11:16 (10-30) Tonight (C) noticeable interference from •68 »77 Patricia Ann, 7, and Jill Marie, IH - PANAMA (AP) — Negotiators not find good revolutionary (30) ABC NlghUlfe management" •87 Weather the fire from spreading to ad-1 *** 0148. HOUSE PASSES Messrs. Rusk, McNamara, and agreed early today on terms for "Viewers Drive” now getting songs to sing, the magazine add­ (40) Sports Final for kinder^ Freedman said liberal bene­ CATTLE BILL 78* (10) Wanted jacent sheds. Bundy) the President did make 79» settling a three-week-old strike under way in more than 60 Con­ ed, agreeing that some songs (30) Best of the Post 11:30 ( 3) Movie garten classes to begin in the fits are already available to the HARTFORD (A P )—A bUl that Waite, PatrloU Corbett, daughter of Charles P. wd (12) Movie The flra was reported by po- this speech. The proof of his •68 of sugar workers. Pre.sident "m ay not necessarily be suit­ (24) Survival In the Sea BOTH fall. Classes w ill begin on Sept. widows and families of Hartford would give the commissioner ol Catherine Corbett Waite. 34 Mavo Rd., Wellesley, Maw. She necticut towns. (18) Subscription TV 11:36 ( 8) Movie (C) Itoeman Alfred CowperthrwalU politick genius is that he was •68 Marco A. Robles conducted the able for all vocalists to sing.” 7:15 (30) Snorts Camera 11:30 (221 Tonight (C) 18. AppUcatloiu may be ob­ Four to Attend policemen. ag^riculture power to order an w ls bom March 18 at Faulkner's Ho.spitel, She ir a member of the (40) ABC NlghUlfe who was on patrol. A fter cMl- blessed at once with praise not final 12-hour bargaining session. However, the tune of a song (33) Maas Highlights ____ STORES tained nom Mrs. Stanley Bay, Among those who spoke for entire herd ol cattle destroyed •TO 7B^ Mass. Her maternal grandparents Mr. League of Women Voters, sec­ FOB COMPLETE LISTINO In g 'lh e fire departmestt Cow- only from hawks but also doves. Corbett 35 Banford St. She haa two brothers, Charles P. Jr., Other labor unions had rallied is not the Important thing. Peo­ SEE SATUBDAl-8 TV WEEK 150 Valley View Dr. the biU was Mrs. William La- if it was substantially infected ond vice president o f the N ath ­ pwtliwalte pulled equtoment Teacher Parley With U.S. planes continuing to the support of the sugar ple’s Music said: OPEN Blanady Hinrfiday Berrios duke, president of the Hartford with tuberculosis or brucellosis 9 and David C., 7; and a sister, Catherine P., 5. an Hale School PTA, and a from the shed and tried to put to cross the 17th parallel, it 1s • • • • • workers and paralyzed the capi­ "What is more important is Maundy Thursday servioe win Policemen’s Wives Association. passed the House Wednesday former president of the Jaycee out the fire. He also helped Four members of the Man­ doubtful whether Mr. Johnson’s 88^ G eitert. Nanov Snsan, daughter of Newman D. and tal Wednesday with a 24-hour the need to make use of the TONITE be held at the Our Savior Lu­ and was sent to the Senate. *• •74 Wives. voice to give profound reflection Radio flteEaen lay the hosa theran Church, 239 Graham Rd. chester Federation of Teachers critics will be quiet indefinitely 7S» Nanev Heller Gerhart, 128 Wetherell St. She w m bom strike. Mrs. Jdy Rublnow is chair­ B ill Hits Obstacle —particularly if the <3ommunlsts B9» The agreement is subject to to life and the thinking of the 15 Oowperthwalte was overoocne this evening at 7. Holy Com­ plan to attend an education con- INDUSTRIAUST DIES March 31 at Hartford Hospital. Her maternal ^an^arents man of the drive. She is on the (This listing Includrz only those nows broodensts of 1® w HARTFORD (AP) — A blU do not respond to his overtures 8te *9 ratification by the union mem­ workers, peasants and soldiers and FRI 1 tin by soduuistlon and smoke Inha­ munion wUl be celebrated In BRIDGEPORT (AP) —Martin 64* .62 SO 7 l» *72 are Mr. and Mrs. Philip O. Heller. Allentown. Her pa­ board of the Community Child minute length. Some stations eiarry other short newscasts.) feranca sponsored by the Con­ that would allow creation of a for negotiations. But the Balti­ bership. It provides for rein­ so as to educate the masses sil­ lation and toas treated M ^le honor o f the H oly Supper. K. Schnurr, president of the 26* • 54 • ternal grandparents are the Rev. and Mrs. L. F. Gerhart, i);30 Speak Up. Hartford necticut State Federation o( State Department of Corrections more speech did temporarily si­ 25 • 29. *27 Guidaiioe Clinic, Capital Region ently, serve the economic foun­ WDBC—1363 with an yoiir scena On Good Friday, a special' Largo. ^ ^ maternal e^^^t-pandparente we h ^ n statement of 70 per cent of the Yankees vs. Angeli Teachers, A F L • CIO, and the has received a setback in the Bridegeport Brass Co. and a lence opposition from the peace striking sugar workers, pay­ Mental Health Planning Advis­ dation of socialism, and drive 5:00 Long John Wade WTIC—14«3 vigil will be conducted from former director of the Jones A Wertz. Allentown, Pa., and Mrs. Margaret Heller, Catasau- or Committee of the Capital 8:00 Dick Robinson 6:00 Afternoon iklltton EASTER NEEDS! University ol Oonnecticut’e la­ General Assembly. bloc at a significant point, just »• ment of wages to the workers society forward.” noon to 3 p.m. Meditations on Laughlln Steel Oorp., is dead at 63* . . . Region, Regional Board of Ha- 1:06 News, Sign Off 6:00 News. ^ r t s . Weather bor-education' center on the The Republican - controlled when it was gathering momen­ Rf g 3D for the three weeks they have O itlcizing works of Beethoven WRCH—SI# 6:45 3 Star Extra • C A N D Y the “ Seven Words From the M. •* * . 52^ .51 ...... dassah. A comrnittee of volun­ Storrs campus. May 1. House Penal Institutions Com tum. And more important, this been on .strike, time and a half and the Russian classical com­ 6:00 Hartford Highlights 7:06 Ski Report mlttee failed to join with Its Schnurr, who was also a di­ 9o Keller, Alan David, son of Donald and Jw***^^ teers during the April drive 7:00 News, Sports and Weather 7:15 Conversation Piece • BASKETS They are William Dowd, MFT excellent r.ieech silenced the op­ for overtime work, and p.n 11- posers, the ylagazine said many NANOHESTER Democratlc-controlled Senate rector and vice president of sl*.*.44rV^ •• Keller. Summit Dr., Tolland. He was bom March 29 at Hart- will be contacting persons in 8:00 Gaslight 7:30 News of the World president; Theodore Martin, position without backing down in fordvHospttal. His maternal grandparents are Mr and hour work day. Chinese are fsiscinated and in­ 12:00 Quiet Hours 7:50 Sing Along • C A R D S John Garoppolo and Robert Va- counterpart Wednesday in re­ National Distillers and Chemi­ 24 • the area to enlist the support 8:10 Pops Concert Southeast Asia. Leon Perrott. Elmwood. His paternal grandparents are Mr. Company sources said about fluenced by ’’this bourgeois mu­ WINF—1283 O t t - H I I ter. porting favorably on the meas cal Corp., owners at Bridgeport 1966 Publishers Newspaper 41* '9 21. 160 of the 280 workers who for Channel 24. 6:00 Wall St. Today 9:06 NIghtbeat •TOYS AUTOMATIC !3 42* 22 17 and Mrs. Howard Keller. W est Hartford. sic of the west.” 6:00 News. Weather, Sports 11:00 News The theme of the day-long con­ ure. Brass, died Wednesday at Syndicate • • • • • struck March 28 in the interior The goal for this year’s cam­ It made its main blast against 6:15 Radio Greater Hartford 11:15 Sports Final • N APKIN S OLOSMOBILE ference is "The Role of Amer­ The bill is being supported by Bridgeport Hospital. city of Aguadulce were still paign centers on evening opera­ love songs. People’s Music said 6(45 l»w ell Thomas 11:30 Art Johnson Show nnd Much, Much Mora! TRANSMISSION ican Education in a Changing Gov. John Dempsey as part of He joined Jones A Laughlln POLLY PYGMALION Testermaii. Brian KeiOi, son of James I. and Gail U 7:00 News WPOP—1413 / 8* holding out. tion and is ,565.000. vocalists prefer to sing love 6:00 Georgle Brewer Society." Speakers will be Dr. his administration’s legislative In 1967 when the company ac­ CANBERRA — One Australi­ Bogue Testerman, 899 Parker St. He was born April 8 at 7:36-Capitol Cloakroom ^ o o r Oldsmobite Channel 24, the only noncom­ songs rather than revolutionary 8:01) Life Line 7:00 Ken Griffin Dealer” TROUBLE? Kenneth Weintrout, Americim program. quired RotaJTT Electric Steel Co. an zoo operates a remedial Manchester Memorial Hospital. His NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — mercial educational television songs. 8:30 Jerry Gordon Show 13:00 Jonathan Dark A similar bill won Senate ap­ Schnurr had been president of speech clinic for pmrots and ents are Mr. and Mrs. William Bogue, R ^kville. His pa­ International College, Spring- Kenya has agreed to accept a station serving Connecticut, of­ TheM Cars Are PrIeed proval two years ago but died In Rotary Electric. parakeets. ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Arde T e s te r m ^ lArFroa Rood Tost fleld. Mass.; Dr. John Vlandls 8« S* gift-of arms from the Soviet Un­ fers programs of entertainment, For o f the University of Connecticut; a House committee. TroutviUe, Va. He has two brothers, James I. Jr., ana ion. information and education for ikr AB Typts and Dr. J. David Colfax, also of Under the bill, one state agen­ l t « 7 » Scott M„ 2%. «* "The arms are going to be the entire family. -A- BudgM Torim UConn. cy would be created to super­ 10« 9 9 9 • • beneficial to Kenya and will not By supporting (Channel 24 ACTION vise all adult penal and cor I I • Walradi, Mara Ann, daughter of John H. Sr. and Janet be used for external invasion,” through memberships, each it AH Work METERS EARN $8 MIIXJON rectlonal Institutions In the EUeen DiTarando Walrath, 93 Pine St. She was bom April said Defense Minister Njoroge viewer receives the monthly Guaranftad New YO R K — The city col­ state. SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY 9 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her matemp Mungai. Program Guide and assures his SALE! lects more than 38 million a APRIL 10 APRIL 17 'Us Tanyton smokers parents are Mr. and Mrs. R ogw H He said a few Soviet techni­ fam ily’s continued selection of year in dimes dropped into its SENATE VOTES TV FUND Her paternal grandmother is Mrs. Beda Walrath, 112 cians will teach the army how fine programs— documentaries, MaRchester 60,000 piu’king meters. HARTFORD (A P ) — The Sen S t She has a brother, Jcrfin Jr., 214: and a sister, Debra to assemble the weapons and shows on music, art, local ad- 62 FA LCO N would rath o r 3-Door Sedan, Radio, heater, 99 Jean, 314. use them, but Britain will con­ fairs. Traaimifsion Co. • The Coventry Shoppe tinue to train the armed forces. Those working on the "View ­ automatla A reid nice com- fight than switch! Mungai did not describe the ers Drive” in the Manchester 3 3 3 3 oL Very deem. Weekend | Zwlck, Deldre Annette., daughter o f Michael Jota wid 7 OLCOn STREET DEPOT ROAD COVENTRY weapons. area are Mrs. Douglais Roberts toe Deidre Annette Migelis Zwlck. Box 79, Vernon Rd Bolton. (REAR 834 CENTER ST.) Jr., Mrs. William E. BeLfiore, She was bom April 10 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. SINGAPORE (AP) — A 26- Mrs. Sanol Solomon, Mrs. Lyn­ MANCHESTER Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Eugene •1095 8 out of 10 homes FREE—HANDBAG pound time bomb taken from wood Smith, Mrs. Sanford J. Mikells, Bolton. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and PboM 646-0022 Indonesian terrorists blew up Plerpper, Mrs. Thomas Healy, (Value $3.00 your choice). With purchase of any' Mrs. Jfichael Zwlck, 222 Lydall St Wednesday night, injuring two Mrs. Leo (Jharendotff, Mrs. Rob­ 61 OLDSMOBILE • • • • • British demolition experts. ert Kams. Dynamic *'88" Convertible. hove 0 cold room 1 >Suit or Coat $ 1 9 .9 8 «P* Ladies’ and peti^ sizes. Krtatotf, Kbnberty Ann, daughter of Martin F. Jr. ^ A Singapore policeman also Also. Mrs. B. R. Bliss, Mrs. Radio, heater, HydramaUc. T a r e y to n r Ruth Adamy Kristoff, 147 Pearl St She was bom April 9 was injured by the blast, which Mark Kravits, Mrs. Seymour [ power steering, brakes, IS YOURS ONE Of THE 8TTT? Join the Unswitchables. at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpp- shattered windows for half a Kaplan, Mrs. Melvin Horwitz, Iwhltewalla ExoepUon-1 , FREE—2 PAIR EARRINGS ' ents are Mr. and Mrs. WUliam Adamy. 105 McKw St. Her mile around. Mrs. Robert Murdock, Mrs. aUy clean. Weekend Price Get the filter cigarette p&temal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Knstofi None of the injuries were seri­ Mrs. W alter Schulthels, Mrs. C 'f ^ (V a lu e $2.00). W ith any Suit or Coat $ 1 0 .9 8 to with the taste Sr.. Glastonbury. Her maternal great-grandparents are Mr. ous. George Katz, Mrs. John Hauiey, Warm ap that $ 1 9 .9 8 . Ladies only.______t and Mrs. Michael Adamy|91 Bridge St., Mrs. Abbie Wilson, The Britons were defusing the Mrs. Richard Schwolsky, Mrs. •1495 FAIRWAY worth fighting for. 843 Main S t, and Mr. aMd Mrs. James McAdams. Ormand smaller of two bombs taken Merrill KUbinow. SWING hard-te-haot room Tareyton has a white outer tip Beach, Fla. Her paternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Andrew from two Indonesians when they Also, Mrs. James Miller, Mrs. 63 FORD * FREE—HANDBAG * Walek, Keeney St heard the bigger one click. The Robert Beach, Mrs. John Mro- Oelaxle "80V’ XL Ocovertl-1 ... and an inner section of charcoal. 9 9 9 9 9 experts and six local policemen sek, Mrs. Leon Podrove, Mrs. ble. A u to w ^ o trensmlsrion, | wtth the B8W « (Value $1.00). W ith any Suit or Coat for Children Together, they actually Improve Moore, JaMM Kevin, son of James Edward and Edwlna scrambled for'safety and were Glerni Mirtl, Mrs. Laurence power s fee ring, twwkes, BOTH Veronica Pinavich Moore, 113 N. School St. He was born 15 feet away when it went off. Perry, Mrs. George MoLafferty, ^ o , butM nats. And aU < ’$10318 up* the flavor of Tareyton’s fine tobaccos. April 9- at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His malem^ Police said the Indonesians Mrs. William WTiitney, Mrs. the standard X L egulpOMiit. | STORES CHfiL CHAStR grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Edward J. Pinavich, 170 would be charged with terrorist SAmuei Pierson, Mrs. EJugene Weekend Price activities. Morvtany. INTO SPRING lY MON FIKEMAN Wonderful selection in all sizes. 0>me and see. ’ ' Loomis St His paternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ OPEN Also, Mrs. William Wagner, ward J. Moore, Ithaca, N.Y. I THIS REVOLUnONARY n e w DB> PRE-1958’8 A JALOPY Mrs. 'Thomas Latham. Mrs. •2195 rt$^aaea One owner. Sold and servloied | FREE 5 LBS ROSE FOGG Variaty Of A60 CENTER STREET by ua. -Waekand P)rt08 / ) Colon MANCHESTER WrTH PURCHASE OP Good Luck •2795 \ 1 FEATURING — 3 O R M O RE TO OUR NEW NEIGHBOR , 44 OLOSMOMLE , EASTER Jetatar X ! ^ o ^ Ooiipe. Ra­ dio, hooter, automatio traao- POHED R05E5 mlaston, power )rteering, • FLOWERS brakeo, bucket seats, whlta- PINE toklls, fuE OQBsola and all tha • PLANTS Ipecial ihiorUi e<|Ulpment LETTUCE-ASPARAGUS voekend n ice FLOWER • CO RSAGES SALES ARE UP 43%' •3195 STRAWfeERRIES-SEEDLESS GRAPES and your Marcury daalar can show why!' W E DELIVER 80 Other Makes And •fWiaail 3*3 l| w i el eee iwdel Ii*e4w8lle3 W m n n » n * J O B t r ii SHOP m E r r t o N E Models To OhooM Worn UNDSOAK H oern s: 660 CENTER ST.—MANCHESTER M A N C H la T IR OLDSMONLB Mian And T u a a ...... 10-4 649-1561 NURSERY WWL - m ...... 10-S M O T O R S A L | S ■atnrday ...... t:B04 MORIARtY BROTHRUS, Inc FREE BOUWW'WOTOB - PINE PHARMACY 801-816 CENTER STREET-vMANCinWTBR , 664 CENTER ST.—MANCHESTER GIFTS «

y>-' M ▼

THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1966 Pages 13 ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, APRIL IS, 196S SMio n Two THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1966 lia n tiff 0trr lEawiitig ?ralib FACE TWELVE come to postwar Italy, many VeneUana prefer going else­ Young Folks where to taM^ J(«B in local T R U D r S N o One Hurt Baronesses in Haggle Announce Engagements hotels, restaurants and small i H m Hr teop s. Leave Venice " T.’ounger o people tend to ' I f . 1 m m .' In Crash of On Controversial Pill leave Venice because tdevlaion and the other mass media have .S w ’vhiB a M I m * * Saturday’a egg hunt In C*otor Springe Saturday at the VaUey SL playground. (Herald photo by gency room of Manchester Me­ the U.S. Marine Corps upon the Germans, 28 per cent of P U N UNITS tomtn the left. Roaemary Turkington and Linda Anne Jones, A a Albert Pearaoo Memor­ Used to Guard all the registered vistors. Next sell for 10.00 and 12.00 Solid Mihogany or nigged Mapit a il O flara.) morial Hospital and treated ter graduation. O T lS m S K taS S lS v and Kathy MarrtiaU boto 9 are a lacerated forehead and leg On Westhill Addition ial Mtwlc Scholaiabip Fhnd has are Americans (11.6 per cent), Bin*. AUn ------eoldehig «fg i donated by Bentley School parenta The hunt. The wedding is planned for priced 5.75 and 4.75 at the Aemteda^ bruises after receiving prelim­ Viet Bomb Runs June 12 ii St. Maurice Church, French (8.2), EngUsh (7.29) and been estabUahed by toe Maa» mill store. ber has anything to say,” said inary first aid from poHce at BoMon. Scandinavians. stained during the vote The sin­ Faced with the problem of fitting an addition to the Chester Federation of Teachers, With the mobility that has Fantastic savings on gle vote against the resolu­ Hutchinson, “I move toe ques­ toe scene. Robert Vater, chahrmaa of to* WASHINGTON (AP) — The S’TORR HOURS tion.” (The motion was to ap­ Police say toe accident hap­ Westhill Gardens housing projwt into a F^eral budget Air Force has started using the quality swim suits by tion was cast by Republican pened as toe motorist, Ernest MFT’s personnel policies com­ role In the skies over Viet Nam. Monday and ’Tueaday Open tUI S PJI.» Herman Yules Fired point Atty. Plepler to Atty. appropriation, the Manchester Housing Authority began supersonic Phantom jdt fighter A squadron of 18 F4C Phan­ FLEXEES. Full selection of I Otto Herrmann, who was L. Skoglund Jr., 41, of Rock­ mittee, announced today. Open Thnraday and BYtday Bhreninga surprised Into asking “What Yules’ poeL) Pearson, who taught musts to guard fighter-bombers from toms arrived in Thailand about Cronin asked that Atty. Yules ville, was driving north on a second round of cost-cutting last night. sensible styles that fit to Cloaed Wedneodaya J is this all about?” ■when In Manchester for 32 years, died Communist MIG attack in raids a week ago arfter a (light which AIR be allowed to speak, but Brind- Adams St. and Hatfield south The authority also authorized*® into North Viet Nam. reportedly began at MacDlU Air flatter every figure. A1 From Housing Posts toe motion was preeented. No­ in the same lane as Skoglund, putting the project out for a new amount; yet the bid came in recenfly. He had been a charter amour overruled him. Aitty. member of toe MFT and the Fiftieen F4C Phantoms sup­ Force Base in Florida. with original FLEXEES body answered him, except to Yules gathered his j>aperB, sta t­ which, police say, was toe set of bids, after the cost has considerably over the allowed ported an equal number of F106 The move was one of several LABELS made to sell for repeat toe charge. wrong lane for Hatfield. No po­ been brought within the budget. budget. first member to rrtke. flghter-bolnbers on strikes CONDITIONERS resolutions removtog Atty. ed that “ nils is a political deci­ The scholanrtdp wUl go to a made by the Air Force after two 17.95 to 25.00. Now avail­ (Oonttnned from Face One) The resolution was Intro­ sion, and I can see yxat I am lice iwrtion has as yet been tak­ Bids opened March 17 were al­ TUney wpUed that a number against two radar stations F106s were shot down by Com­ Yules, has been on the au­ duced and voted on wrltoout en. m ost $300,000 over the budget­ deserving senior who plans to Wednesday. able at the mill store at thority since November. Voting not going to have an opportim- of factoPB could have contrib­ study music. A committee com­ munist MIGs during a bridge ALL SIZES Inc in various capacltlee ter the Atty. Yules having an oppor­ ity to defend myself,” and Stuart B. Cheney, 62, of 139 ed $1,240,000. The authority re­ uted to toe high bid price, but Sources said this was the first HALF PRICE. Honest sav for toe ouster were Hutchinson, Hartford IW., was charged ■with jected an earlier proposal to posed of Mra. Gertrude Hitch­ attack. In that first air combat autoortty tec about 18 years. tunity to speak. walked ouL could offer no deflntte reaaone. mention in reports of the ap­ between U.S. planes and North chaitmsn Theodore Brlnda- Afterward, however, he failure to obey a stop sigh, after 1 ivegotlate a new price with the cock, Rail* Maccarone and ••HOr* PRE-SEASON ings of 50%. Atty, PlsplM, a DemocraL After toe meeting, Brinda- pearance of the Air Force ver­ Vietnam ese jets, the FlOOs were mour, and Pascal Mastrangelo, made three efforts to explain he allegedly went through a lowest bidder, Anderson-Fair- Both Hutchinson and Cronin Robert Vater has been formed was named by toe authority to mour tearan©e for Cheney was fired by the authority last plete redesign of toe project BOTH SpoBsorsd by WSCS of the sign or be replaced.” parent to the authority that a tlon Commission says the "tre­ land, across the Gulf of Tonkin Atty. Yulee replied t ^ he has been scheduled for April 26. night. (See story page one). which sw itch^ to * from North Viet Nam. satisfactory working relation­ The operator of the other vehi­ mendous liquor lobby’’ te The Chinese claimed the | intends to maintain his agree­ ship no longer exists.. and Changes in toe plans »P' Albany stands In the way of STORES ment with toe authority through cle, Sandra L. Brooks of 117 prov^by toe authority last teat Cronins proposal. Phantom was downed by a mis­ EASTER PUNT Usitai MtthodM ChuKh of Bolton that his salary and expenses Cedar St., was given a written New York action to raise tto July 1, but that he would turn n ich t __ in addition to others I " ~ ~ sile from another American shah be terminated Immediate- warning for failure to carry her minimum drinhhig age. OPEN r o u t e 44A over all working papers to the effected in March — Include j HEADS LIBRARY GROUP plane. The United States t ly. registration. Arthur M. Lewis> o i claimed one Communist MIG In authority. ■When It was pointed out that eliminating gutters, down- HARTFORD (AP)—David R. Hartford cited ine lobby TONITE "I know since hurt Novem ber No police action was taken mouts and undergpround drains; Watkins, a Yale librarian, was that battle. the reaolution was brief, Hutch­ in an accident which coidd have Wednesday In exptalning why be several efforts have been made simplifying basement emd base- elected Wednesday as president doubts that New York legisla^ The Marine Corps has sta­ inson repUed that ‘Tt was in­ been caused partly by a defeo- and Saturday, April 24 to remove me,” he said. He be­ ment stalrcasee design, ellml- of the Connecticut Library Asao- tors wlH vote to ralae the ago FRI s tm tioned a squadron of Phantoms tended to be.” tlve traffic light at W. Middle at Da Nang, where the Marines SPECIAL! gan, ‘Tve been asked to re­ Brin^amour said that the nating many of toe waiks con- elation. from 18 to 21. lilpke. and Broad St. about 6 with dl your have built up sizable ground AT THE CHURCH sign ..." but was cut off authority considers It "unwise nectlng toe rear of toe P*?- other (rffleers chosen at the Such a bill is before toa New -Ml (V again by Hutchinson, who com­ this morning. posed buildings; omitting 7o i annual convention York L^ilstatura. EASTER NEEDS! strength to protect that Impor­ to go into detail until Atty. The collision occurred as a tant air-naval base from possi­ BETTINOS S P.M, and 8:80 P.M. plained that toe authority meet­ Yules has indicated what action per cent of the planting around Lewis spoke at a meetbiff ing should not be used as a mechanic was on his way to re­ sponsored by the New FaWleM • CANDY ble ground attack by Commu­ ADUUn 82.00 CHILDBEN UNDER 12 $1.00 he wishes to takelt^ Meredith Bloaa of the New "sounding board” for Atty. pair the signal mechaivism, and Safety Commission. nist guerrillas In South Viet with He added that the dismissal involved Roger W. Gilbert, 48, wooden porch posts for jjaven Free Public Library, vice • BASKETS Nam. Yules’ complaints. was “A matter of personali­ columns. „ . „ president; Charles B. Funk Jr. Connecticut and other states Atty. Yules made a third ef of 236 HllHard St., who ■was • CARDS FOR RESERVATIONS CALL ties.” A rohit6ot Bradford I of American Cyanamid, Stam- bordering New York are seek­ WHISKY IN 80 LANDS tort to defend himself after souUteound on Broad St., and was dirsoted to study belt-1 secretary; and Mia. Mil- ing to persuade New York to BANDANE MCCOSO or MRS. MICHAEL QOLDSNIDBR, 849-1868 Atty. Yules, contacted at LJonel J. Menard, 58, of 31 •TOYS CHICAGO — DisUllera say Atty. Plepler said that the auto-, home after the’ meeting, said tightening changes in toe heat- SmaU of the Hartford Pub- conform to their a-year-old H it Soiitheni Ntiiir E h u W Ttfopbom Compaiiy American bourbon now can be ority’s contract with Atty Yules Avondale Rd., westboimd on and electrical systems, and Ubrary, traaaurer. drinking age. • NAPKINS that he has not yet decided how toe turnpike. The Menard car and Much, Much More! purchased in 80 foreign coun­ M1PNIT—Turkey, Roast Beef. Ham. Swedish Meatballs, appeared to be contrary to Fed­ to respond to too authority’s in the bathroom plana. | N r ta f ths I tries. Fifteen years ago it was Potato Salad. Macaroni and Cheese, Baked B e ^ eral Public Housing Admlnla- was towed away with consider­ action. able damage to its right rear Some of the changes ap­ a rarity abroad. Ren. tossed Salad. JeUled Salad, Cole Slaw. O H ^ tration practice. ‘Td like to answer that, proved or being reconsidered end. were rejected by toe authority Pickles, BslWies, Stulled Celery. Rolls, Coffee, Atowrted Atty. Yules said. “If no other commission mem­ last month. Since toe last cost Home Made Pies. - Senior Troop 2 cutting session, toe Public Dd ThreD Jobs Nothing Taken Coma to MUNSOITS Caady KHahaa To Visit Capital Housing Administration has At OncD rejected toe initial efforts as In Club Break insufficient. far tha VERY BEST la Nine members of Senior Girl According to authority chair­ If Pays To Drive To Scout Troop 2 and a chaperon The Manchester Country Club man Theodore Brindamour, toe EASTER CANDY 3-WAY combines a 10-64 ' will leave Monday ter a five- was once again toe scene of a project would coet about $20 fertilizer, pre-emergence J T lisa iA . §jv J djvjv day trip to Washington, D. C., break, toe third such case re­ per square foot of floor apace, ported for toe S. Main St. cdub- a figure that he said aeems to crabgrass control, white In a rented bus. Proceeds of two Made fresh daily in our grinder and rummage sales will houae in toe last three weeka. floor Federal housing offlcials. grub and lawn insect con­ • HIUV COOKED be used for toe trip. They will No loss was reported for this Tllney said the changea ap­ spotless kitchen in <^Bolton! break and police suspect that proved last nigh* would prob­ trol in one bag. return home Friday, April 23. SCRANTON MOTORS, Inc The g(roup Includes Miss Alice toe would-be burglar was prob- ably reduce the coet to about Casella, Mias Baihara Hurteau, aWy scared off. Over $700 in $16 per square foot, however. * Our own filled Easter An added feature — Miss Michele Benton, Miss cash 'and liquor had 'been Tllney’s firm came In for crit­ ROCKVIUE. CONN. snatched In the two previous Baskets .... 59c & up WITH 3-WAY YOU CAN Carol Olekslw, Miss Karen icism from the authority mem­ Blake, Miss Judith Slnon, Miss bresJis. bers lart night. Patrolman James McCooe * Hollow and solid Bunnies, SEEDTHE SAME DAY. Sue ^Martel, Mias Judy WU- John Hutchinson suggested HALF Uema and Miss Christine Rig- diecovered toe break as he w«« Milk or white, made with ^ To Pick Ouf Your Recondifioned Used Car Min checking the club early this that the elOctrical system be Apply with any spreader gott. They wUl be accompanied restudied because It looked like by Mrs. Lawrence Dunn. morning. Attempts at enliy had our own delicious choco­ The scouts WiU stay at Camp apparently been made at two a "lousy job” to Wm. late ...... 29c & up 5 Extra Large, Plump, NATIVE Rodiwood, a national CMrl Scout points. A broken window pane And John Cronin, a foimM CONVERTIDLES STATION WAGONS Camp In Washington, and visit m a door at toe rear of toe authority chairman, was crit­ 1965 Ford Country Squire. 200 miles. bulkUng was found as well as ical of toe archttsete’ coet es­ *Also foiled eggs, filled 1964 Olds 88. Air conditioning. • ROASTING CHICKENS u. 65c many historical sites, Including 1964 Ford Country Squire. Air Conditioning. toe Tomb of the Unknown Sol­ a pane of glass broken In a timate of toe project. Just be­ eggs. Panorama a g g s, 1964 Olds 88. door leading to toe lounge. The 1963 Chevrolet Biscayne. dier. They plan to place a fore the bWa were taken last Poachad aggs. Bon Bon 1964 Pontiac Bonneville. on tho of Preel- rear door was not broken month, he said, tha archttsete 1962 Pontiac. 6 passenger. J FROZEN CUBED dent John F. Kennedy. A lunch­ through due to extra security had aeUnurtsd toe project could aggs, pure pectin jelly 1963 Pontiac Bonneville. meaauree but thq kninga door 1963 Chevrolet Impala V-8. 1961 Comet. eon with Sen. Thomas Dodd, be buUt below the budgeted beans, kiddie boxes. 1961 Olds Dynamic 88. 79c (D. Cmm.) is scheduled. w«a found ajar. 1962 Volkswagen. • VEAL CUTLETS 1961 Cadillac. 1960 Olds Soper 88. FAlfCY, CELLO PAK SWEET LOTS PONHACS r A X J V * * This Eosttr Tiy A OLDSMOBILES 1963 Pontiac Grand Prix. \ JA. 69c FRESH KIUBD, Tempest Coupe.'“ S^ 9ACON 1964 Olds Jet Star I Coope. 1963 Pontiac NATIVE T o Our Customers 1963 Olds 98 Sport Sedan. 1962 Pontiac 4-Door Hardtop. Our own delicious 1962 Pontiac 4-Door Sedan. "GREYLEDGr' 1963 Olds Starfire Coupe. EASTER LILIES *3 ®?FOT Our Office W ill Be fresh chocolatos 1962 Olds 98 Town Sedui. 1961 Pontiac Bonneville. Ynmil, BOV 1961 Olds 98 Holiday Sedan. 1960 Pontiac Starchief 2-Door. bgxad for gift giv-' 1960 Olds 98 Holiday Sedan. r A n a n m L . lOe CLOSED $ ^ . 4 i * . & CADILLACS OTHERS ing . . $ U 9 S up TOMATOES lto l% Ui.Bakt WC Regular A MlnUtun' ■■ 1964 Cadillac Fleetwood. 1961 Chevrolet Corvalr 2-Door. TULIPS FRIDAY. APRIL 16 1960 Dodge 4-Door. jpSBIf, RIPli. 8UOINO 1961 Cadillac Coupe De Ville. I Also Lurem Si Im Hgn iliiiHiiiCi 1960 Cadillac Coupe. 1959 Volvo. GO9D FRIDAY QUAUTY AND SELECTION BUY NOW AND SAVE $$$$ While they last— grown In our greenhousea. These are grade plants. Sm ★ D f C X I A C K O m ★ KRNIE SCRANTON A^RUSS MATHIASON ONLY WOSK 'Of AM aMaao|MCT.,i«ii)ia ALSO SOME NEW 1 f4 5 M O D O S IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DEUYERY ■-ZtT - S • wni aa rttooiMlB 00 ym!* oa'y OR YOU CAN O U m YOUR CHOICE MOINEL AND EQMlFMlNT w d CABBY ONLY Candy ... . -'i -f. V ' . t , ' « ' t ■!.*.(>» ROUTE 6, MANCHESTER m HARTFORD O open DiDy aad Smi HMIMBING end also SSUFH.Y VI iONM. Urn 4 . . . ' *',-1 hfV MANC3HESTE3R EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1965

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, APRIL IB, 1965 toe states In improving their ' ^AGB FOTJBTKBN Mahoney Chosen legislative, administrative and Rockville-Vernon daiivend in time fw Judicial practices; to promote brary room at tha Church Com­ paitment la' ohalman of tiie Bearce, Allan Aho, Larry Dlni- South Execute interstate cooperation; and to presenting the elate: ChaHee moro, Eileen Safranek, Charles two of tile den motlieri. TOle la Strike Ends, Tourists Flood Rome Parley Delegate Ferguson,'erguaon, Mra Kenycn and munity Housa Atomic Region of Homo Eco­ A yearly good will project of facilitate and improve state-lo­ Library Wing Plans Shown; Coventry April 26 through May 1 will nomics Teachers. HUl and Lynn Howland. From Cong Tei^riflt cal and state-federal relations." Philip Eisenberg. Grade- 7, Robert Bray, Susan Pack 66. ■ Mayor Franfcla J. Mahoney Applicationa are open to the be open houae at the WilHman- Sodalltae Liberia (high school Dance Sto ROME (API — Iha BaeteiwChriet’e waehliig of too Apoa-*more than third of too l<»ig-dle-w Opera housee and ^ p l ^ c tlc Book Center with Mra. library cWb) will have a book Burns, Michelle AVen, Claire has been chosen by the Oonnec- WILSON’ S GOAL Construction in Septenther pubUo fo r the South Coventry Carrier, Rkbard Cunningham, The toon-agars dance DA NANO, loudi Vtot Ram touriet tide meumed In lU lyTo^ te s t at the last eupper^ | tanpe ti^ns w l^ Kaly,_ ^ ttcat VaHey Flood Control ■Alan Aho h Recognised Cooperative Nlixaety and Kin­ George Jacquemln, chairman of fair from 7:80 a.m. to B pm. day wlH be from 8 pm. to u (AP) — A Viet Oong terrorist today after a nationwide 34-hour ope J Airliners w ere, Jammed. three-day strike protesting de­ NEW YORK (AP) — British the local library board, invited. April 36 and from 7:30 a.m. to Thomas Duehesneau and Ellen lay in putting promised state Oommlasion, o t vdilch he Is a dergarten fall elaesea A limit­ pm. in the Nathan who triad to bomb abotsl SBlad rail etrlke ended. Other walk­ ritual In 1969. It had not been Oountlesa travelers were turned member, to represent It at toe Prime Minister Harold Wilson, f the whoto wlU be aeUereO Mra Haven will attend. Library 4 p m . A pril 97 In observance of Simmons: Bln. Lottie Roy and performed for more than 80 away. subsidies into effect. asked to say how he would like An architect’s rendering of th ed number of vacendee eadet WiSlam Taylor of tbe faculty muxBty Cantor. Jim NetUstr^ outs continued or were In toe May 9-11 aimual meeting of oMldren’e wing o t the Roc! >y repeating toe atandixig c o ^ For His Work in Forestry members interested In attend­ National Ubrary Week. Robert ot WVRC. and toe wMb AUMTloaB ssrvtcaman waa years. The first trains that pulled out . Museum employes belonging to be remembered in history, Mrs. Thomas SmgU xnay be ing ihould contact either wom­ are group coaohes. effing. Th« Couiurtl of State Govem- vine Public Library le on di; Ter roof of the exleting bnllA- contacted. ChaM Is chairman with Forater Countdowna’ from Manchester executed by a flciag aQuad at a The one-day rail strike dle- of stations after midnight Were to Ck>mmUniat unions set a replied: ,ng eiMl by incorporating WWto an. Orant and MaTaha IieDoyt as Soous Gifts heavily guarded aocoar fleld to Ae pilgrims and hoUdayers weekend strike to seek higher menU. play at the Ubrary. Onstructl'- „ Its meetifig this weak In Ubraty Borrows Books Easter tray favors for ebU- wM provide muelo. once more poured Into Rome, rupted hoUday travel at a time packed. More than 400,00(f for- “ My flret aim le to get Britain on the wing is expected to start marble blocke In the west waH.” Kingsbury House. A apectal display is being ar­ finance co-chairmen. Da Nang today; when the nation’s merchants eiciers are expected In Italy for wages. mils year's meeting will be A sro A . Aho e t Bonth S t, About 60 books were bor­ dren confined in Windham Com­ BeivloeNews Pope Paul VI prepared to Inau­ held at toe Deauville Hotel In on her own feet so she can kxA early in September. He added that toe tandewap* ranged at the library for ex­ In Spellix^; Bee Le Dau, 94, was seised when count on busy cash registers. the Easter period. Paper mill workers were in the world in the eye.” IwUl be only rtigtotly altered, * woo a »36 award and ia A camp-out ^ r ll 34 and 95 rowed at a library swap meet­ hibiting during National Li­ Local Junior high school stu­ munity Memorial Hospital Eas­ Marins Pfe WBUam B. Pat- gurate three days of pre-Easter the second , day of a 48-hour Miami Beach, Fla. Arohitect iv*.,.. -.h Glbbonf altad aa “the laadixic oontender will be at Mt Oreylock in Mass- ing for tha Porter Ubraiy at­ ter Sunday wlH be delivered oy eon of Mrs. Marie Pat- he attempted to ptont a bomb in ritual by washing the feet of 12 More than 90 per cent of Italy’s Three major Communist and He said he hoped he would be has foUowed the Greek revive the upper terrace leveled so that brary Week. dents are taking part in aapell- tbe Grand Hotel April A 'A radio 180,000 rallwaymen stayed off non-Corammilst unions called strike for more pay. * The Flood Control Commis­ -for raoognitton for 4-H foraatry achuaetts. tended by Mra Welter 8. Hav­ Cub Scouts of Den Pack 66. ifasiaii of South St, is aervlng eally handicapped youths sion, conslsUng of official rep- remembered as a man who example of the present build the lower floor of the ortolnal en, llbrarlaxi, and Mra. Cecil Accepted at College Ing bee with other junior high containing more than two e Basilica of St. John La- the Job from midnight to mid­ the strike to protest a bonus Doctors In public hospitals will be at ground level with tha woric In 1M4.”' by Um Ooanec- Bale Meetittg Slated level students from Rockville, Making the favon an Leonaitl with toe First Marine Brigade, resetatives from Connecticut, helped develop the work of the ing. He said the new wing will A ttout roraat and Pax* Aaaoda- Robertson, aeeUtant librarian. Ldnda HUl, daughter of Mr. pounds o f plaatlo b M axphialve teran. night, and only, a few dozen of awarded to only a limited num­ ended a three-day strike for bet­ United Nations and aided In tho be smaller than the present I wing. The present ckiveway'WlB The Nathan Hale Community Ellington, Somers and Tolland. BevUn, Ralph Cohn, Glenn which' rsceoUy left its home waa found on him. It w m set to ter wages, but those In Rome Massachusetts, Vermont, New ' tlno. Canter annual meeting wUl be A sup^y from the local library and Mrs. Wesley Hill of Snake Ferguson, Gary GlUon, Glenn base in HawaU for duty in the RThe pontiff heightened the the 7,000 dally trains moved out ber of Transport Ministry em­ development of the British Com­ building and, because the Max­ be widened, and a parWng lot, Robert Bray placed first; Bev- Hampshire and Maine, le a was taken In for loaning to HUl Rd., has been accepted af explode at a ttxxia when toe hotel of stations, manned by army ployes for extra hours they continued thelf' walkout for an­ monwealth of nations. to handle 80 cars, wM be bulR Aottva Ixi 4-H woric, Alaxx to at 8 p.m. Tuesday In the build­ eriy Bearce, second and Larry Olllon and Robert Bralnard. Far Bast waa crowded with Axnetloan personal humility of the Holy compact member of the council, well Memorial Building suggests ' tha paat woo awarda In faiden other libraries In the area. the Unlveralty of Connectiaot, Thursday rite this year by crews. spent on a state railway system other two days. the Acropolis in Athena, will in the rear. ing on Main St. Slated to be School of Physical Hierepy. Dlnamore and Allan Aho plac­ Den 1, with the reet of dens military man living there. reorganization. The unions said which la a Joint agency of all The exchange came In a ques- *'■ projaeta, woodawnidxig and elected: Sttuiley J. Harris, pres­ A new Buroly of books from of the pack, la making and Manobeeter Bvealiig Herald chooalng instead pf seminarians Most international'trains were tlGn-and-answer session after complement the present etruc Access to the wing will ba She le yearbook copy editor for ing within the first five contee- LaA Dau was ssntenead to halted at the border. Emergen­ the bonus should go to all minis­ The overwater sections of the the state governments of the 4axMUeraft Ovar the pant two ident; Kenneth Lemlre, vice the Center'Book Collection In filling Easter barirets for pa- or priests 13 young men who are nation—created, supported and his address to the Economic ture as “ lesSer temples comple­ from toe level of the first ^ier years ha haa taken part In WiUimanUc will be on the the 1966 Emerald at Coventry tents to gain points for Coven­ Coventiy eonreepoBdesit deathMb WWe edneod» by a fiva-ixion blind, deaf, crippled frOm polio cy buses brought their passen­ try employes. Chesaileake Bay Bridge-Tunnel of steps to toe present biiHduw- iresident; Mrs. Philip Eisen- try, in the last competition. UenU at tbe ManafteM State Paolina Uttte» telephone 748- Also on the Italian labor is sup^rted by 2,640 cylindrical directed by them. . Club of New York Wednesday ment the Parthenon.” pruxtlnf axxd other forest im- jerg, secretary, and Mrs. Wil­ shelves next week. High. , _ Training School and Hospital In mlUtaUtary court bsadad by sub- or missing an arm or leg. gers to the nearest major city. Gibbons said that the “unity An Inride stairway wlU lead to Mrs. Bethel Paris of the Cov­ Team members and alter- mi X m front: concrete plies. The council exists “to assist night. t- 'piorainant weak, axid planted liam H. Kenyon, treasurer. New stacks purchased are ManMleld Depot. Theee wUl be 898L Brig.ig. A W Lsm. The ritual commemorates Special buses also replaced the readlxig room. v-.nbout 1,900 whHe apruoa aeed- The nominating committee now In use In the Porter Li' entry High home economics de- natea from Grade 8 are Beverty Renovations in the Hbaary n* ettif tn a kxt next to hU home, Gibbons said, wUl doubla. Ita ■nils pUntinc la plaxmed aa a bo(* capacity and acconxnoda- AChrlatinaa tree preset Alan ia tions, provide better lighting A' eurrently enfaced In bmah oon- and reteoe aooustical difftcul- f.4rol aeUTltlea to aaaura deval- ties. '-"bpmant of the trees without Maxwell BeUUng, arting ':„Aaxwood bruah ootupetRkm. chairman of toe expoiudon atwn- Alan also reoelvad a copy of mlttee, announced that he‘ ex­ :t'-fllhintxated Oidde to Traea and pects to have working plana of deiniba" by Arthur H. Oravae, the new wing within ten rogram. Donationa may ba ... c Alan, wKh wmiaxn made to toe library. ‘ •t. in January, alao raoaivad Gyclist Hit by Truck 3^. naaognltion from the OoemaoU- An U-year-old boy unaa rteuek ant Vatetahla Otowara’ Aaao- by m truck yesterday aa * ha alation and was awarded 'WUB riding his bioyole. -'raflaqaa, ftvan annually to 4-H PUiil Sonler of 35 R iver St. stub xncmhars who hare shown waa hit ae he rode hds ' W- eutstandiac achievement In the oycle down Orchard St. MU>and aec^able gardening project OPEN THURS. & FRIDAY NIGHTS T croseed into W. Main St. Ha Only throe such awaxds are ghr- waa taken to RockvUle (Seneral ^. .<4n in the entire state each year. Cash and Tripia—C B iu a (CLOSED ALL PAY — EASTER MUNDAT) ______| Hoopltal with muHlpl* »> OKA Otanto Appeal DEL MONTE VERY FINE tuoiona and ahraslone. His con- The aonfug; board of appeals FULLY COOKED—BONELESS COLONIAL diblon is described oa aatlMac- -':<-'haa granted pennieaton to Hr. tory today. ,1^,. ' 'and H n. F r^ Skaff of WlHi EARLY P E i l C No chargto were plaoed ■^nuaiae to move a garage on GARDEN ■ K i J H L k # APPLESAUCE DINNER HAMS KIELBASI agaliuk the driver, Raymond S. ffaeir propeety on Woodlaiid Dr. GRAND UNION Boor of Stafford. Pateoknea * hi town. Tht^ avere Instmoted DEL MONTE ULTRA-REFINED John Stodd and Jack Redctaen- ' to oootaot Bernard A. Dion, iMRCh investigated. bnflding hia|)eotor, for : $ 1 0 0 9 9 ‘ Flahlng licenses ___ -r-jy pemita. HnSUEIETTn! Vernon’s city clerk, Henry T. FRUIT COCKTAIL CLOROX BLEACH IABI.T MOm , . Butler, will keep hie office Mauivdy ‘nnuraday servloes auumumen IBM •» HAFNIA IMPORTED DANISH open toEilght so that fisherman today at 8 pan. at the Second 5 FRANKS , 59™«v49' SLICED BACON 59® may obtain llcenees for the : O ongregaitional Chsxroh wUI ; . o . $ 1 0 0 iMPOsm »ANw» flahlng aeaeon which J^axto ’..waUbrate Holy Oonaunton and . CANNED HAMS cxicxnittbiutTiKfl *%riik c„n, I Saturday- The office will- ba vlbs Tenabras. This latter aer- DISTANTCOFFEE ^ 79' COCKTAtt SUCED BACON - 65’ ^R29 LEGS I THIGHS umk. 01 * open from 6 to 8 p.m. ’ - atoa ataxto wMh deaoona and ■WHT'IUttlELmS Ml V IM ^ CM ^ CHICKSXQVAXTIXS M A . Licenses may also be ob­ BVM BU BBS— SOLID SUMWAR ’ deaeon eaaea raadixig the sorlp- SAUSAGE BREASTS ;sa A 39® tained at toe Sport Center, tota. to U ^ of the last svanta 3 PRUNE JUICE Sport Mart, and Weetem A uto claadtxig up to the Ckoaa, with n A m n a o n ______WHITE TUNA 2i s 75' in Rockville, and at Rlrtey soOm aBtixigulaliIng of candles as CRARD m nOB NOW IS THE TIME TO STOCK YOUR FREEZER FOR QUICK Hardware in Vernon, BUtler ' ItM aarvtoa progreeaea ^ the nanTcocKTiUL mATO SAUCE 1 0 ~ 9 7 ' MUTRITIOUS MEALS said. _ c ongregation leaves the otairoh, GRAPE DRINK 2 » 5 9 ' RAGUSAUCE m x Office Ctoeed kldt ia in complete daihnass, le- WITH YOUR FAVORITE CUTS OF CHOICE BEEF! The Rockville Tax CoNUe- hxndxif on Master morning GRAND UNION-PAST. PROC. tor’e office wiU be closed aE sebenttM sendees celsbrete the SWEET PEAS VEG ™ ATO '5r 39' 2^ T 27' GRAND UNION GRANULATED GRAND UNION •BABB VHMHf PnJLSBBKY BBnoeSBATID s n - day ttwnorrow. Good Friday, raana nntinn of CbNat. Mrs. Mary Luddecke, tax coV BaaOtiy at the church Iden- 9fc39« BABY FOOD SUCREST SUGAR JUICY — TENDER CREAM CHEESE CHEESE SPREAD lector has announced. :gleai eesvioee wlB be oenduot- NAPKINS COOKIES ,-4 5 ' The RockvUle Public libraiy ad at 9:60 am. and 11 am WlU be closed tomorrow, but Church school will be omitted 2 7 0 < wUl be open during r ^ u la f - .-amd oMldrea win attend either BORDEN’S, PET or CARNATION CHASE & SANBORN OR 5 5 3 < -.aenrioa A mnaeiy service for SIRLOIN STEAK ib hours on Saturday. Mason Ball Set : hdhxMhi will be held during tbe EVAP. MILK BEECHNUT COFFEE •RAND UNION NATURAL GRAND UNION ____ The 21st Axmual Ban o f w o r s h ip hour, this in the MARISCO m d OIi c o t Chonh Oomnamlty Housa 8H0ULDER ^ ' MUENSTER SLICES 37' Fayette Lodge of Masons w in cf the church will at- h dashdogfood SWISSSUCES 5 73 GRAND UNION 9LICBD be held May 8 a t toe PAC BaH- COOKIES ktoStU 2 * 89' 6i r 89' LONDON BROH. CHUCK STEAK CUTRUnXLO room on Village St. •ti«l the CuBoeotkMt Cburch- DOLB-SUCBD . men's raly at 6:80 p m May 2 3 ".' 4 2 t ra iS N — LEAN BOIfELUS t t ' AMERICAN CHEESE 31' A social hour wlU start at 7 at RmUaxid Faxtn in Noitfaford Ricom 95 p.m. EUid dinner will be served PINEAPPLE 2 ~ 3 5 ' SALADDRESSmG ^ 4 9 ' FLANK STEAK BRISKET " » « " COTRUFELLO KRAFT-WHIPPED ___ at 7:30. The Rhytomalrea wlH BURT'S ITAUAB LEAN MSATT ' proride music for dancing K* Maundy Ttauxaday Berviooa at MOZZARELLA k 55‘ CREAM CHEESE 39 Reservations must be in the ^ iba Pxixioa of PMce Lutheran 4 & $ J 0 0 3'^n®® iuifoNNAiSE t 6 9 ' Chiurcfa today wdl ba af 7:80 TOMATO JUICE SPAGHETTI 5& n ® ® TOMATOES sim D E R STEAK PLATE BEEF EASY hands of the committee by May ,pm. wito Holy qommnnlon ob- •RABD BRAVT DOTT TO PREPARE 3. Reservatlone may be made - wwad. Tha test of toe Rerr. wito Ernest W. Boothroyd. HEINZ PILLSBURY LAYER JI.ICY TENDER Hospital Notes ^■^■IBmiam H. Wilkins, Aim FOIL *ml*' 49' T O M ^ S A U C E 10^ 95' GRAND UNION Admitted yesterday: David srtH be *nie lAst N l ^ - ^ SAS •RAHD UHIOH— SOLID SNOW CROP ICanqy Becomes Vlsmis to toe MUler, 42 Echo Dr.; Gloria HAN GLAZE V S' WHITE TUNA S ' MEAT POT PIES Schamhach, 863 Hartford Tpke.; .-JTriis Rev. Mr. wmrfxie wm use 3 31 89 KETCHUP ICAKE MIXES ORANGE JUICE Paul Sonler, 35 River S t; Ruth PORTERHOUSE Ib Charlebois, 16 Cold Spring Dr.; . ead.“ as his sermon , text at Lucia Riendeau, 30 Daria Ave.; Glenn Jordan, Wapplng. ’ -the Good Friday aervlce at too GOLD MEDAL CAMPBEiL’S BONELESS BONE1B8S jdxurcb at 7:80 pm. Paul Pe­ 2 ? : 8 7 ^ 4 8 9 ^ Discharged yesterday: Arnold terson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bd- CHUCK FH.LET TOP SIRLOIN STEAK LaBreck, 689 Main St., Man­ 2 4 9 < l 3 * 1 ® ® chester; Mrs. Joyce Gwen knd - - Win Peterson of Wright's Mm 09.0UIID NBCK * onicK OH HOT STUFFED ^ftd., will assist with the eervlce. PURPOSE FLOUR TOMATO SOUP •RAND UNION-PREPARED 10-ea daughter, 22 Grove S t CALIF. STEAK pkg>- He is a student, preparing for TENDERLOIN nnnxRunci 99' POTATOES 'wcim ' 3 J***- 99* Vernon news Is handled'by the mtolstry, at Conoordla Col­ JUICT, TENDER _ . CORN 4 legiate Institute in Bronxvme, m S T COT HOWARD JOHNSON I The Herald’s Rockville Burean, 10V20z^ fros togs 88 Park St. P.O. Box 897. tele­ - New Tork. Eva»;iira.K 6’*ir79' I '5r 39'; DELMONICO STEAK FRENCH ICE CREAM S * j-s- Sunday Bdiool taacbera meet cans BONELESS BRISKET SHRIMP CROHOETTES 'S r 59' 79 phone 875-3136 or 643-271L .-;at 9 Axn. Saturday and both 5 S 5 < 9 SARA LEE CINN. NOT COSTA E « A l! sonfirmatton claeaea at 10 a ,^ , D06F"0Wr~" 5 £.77' vJSlllAWAFERS 25^59' SHORT CUT 'S ;r ' ICE CREAM CAKE RDU . 59' all in the diurch. CARBAVIOR COFFEE CAKE 69 i Meditations Set A Matina Servlee (Easter •REEEUFOOD Rntenn mswA lee HOLLAND HALL i - A A n Sunrise Servloe) will be held at DRYNHS RO^ELATIN 42^39' t OATTC FnaReDnm ICE CREAM X ' At Center Church 6:80 am. Sunday with toe Rev, UGHTTUNA 4 APPLE RINGS V 29 lb K U L lid wPAimuoDB ’ 2T 49' 69 7 ttr . Wilkins' text, "Hs Is •RAHEQEIM RIB STEAK Biaen.” ' GIANT SIZE DINNER SIZE-WHITE DELIVERED From noon to 3 pjn. tonkir- A breakfast tor the eongrs- 3 * ^ 85* MUSTARD 2 t ^27 BBBiF • VEAL • POKH JVaney Lpnrt FRESH DAILY row Center C Good Brida;ty tbs liturgy ^affiuHRT %?79' B O m M ROUND R O A R . 89' . 89' aented toixKirrow at 7:80 p ifo. < ^ b e a t 8 p.m. Ooutearioiis wtt bs GLEENiwnmili -,.59' FLANKENRIBS GULF SHRIMP by toe Senior Choir at ‘8t ..ksard of tbs BbilELttS "jCkoea. SAVE Ale— UaOlD TOP SntLOIN ROAST . ' Mary’a Sptaoopal Churdi. %d- Holy Saiunlay the Bseter Vlg- ESCAROLE 2 s , 2 9 ‘ RADISHES RUMP ROAST 99 UTTLENECKS 2^ . 98' ney W. MacAlptoe, oiganiat and - M wiS be at 7 p.m. ending with PRELLwim 2b 39' etawni— fM g jg BaeHALI GRAND UHIOM FROEEN m ea _ choir director, will direct ghe ’''Mass about 8 p.m. Confessions 9 ^ cantata. Louie Lawrence, tegpr, ' wUl ba iiasrd from 8:80 p.m. to al9* SCALLIONS TOPMUNDSTEiU IKED nDUNDER FILLET ; £ 49' and Franklin Lawrence, " ’ . ' 8:80 p.m. Ooufassione St Bt. Jo- tone, wRl be faatored i ' aeph'a Mlartosi Cfauxeh in Bagle- Tha Rav. Roailt J elis wSi bs from 4 pm. to 8:80 man will conduct th RBNOKSIMVSRgRWMSWMAygscmwsr Dslkafessen Features (knd tntrodupa tha Sunday Mass af St g ra n . - -r'Miary’s wm bs at 7:80 a.m., DOUNLE STAMPS F R O n COOKED RARE Otoer Good 840 am . axtd 10:80 am ., and a W f l i M R I t V ' Q M Aj I i I C» p o t a: t o a OOUB SLAW f M e at St Mary's.' **ddldrsn’s Mass at 10:80 a.m. in EVERY OMLJIUw or MACARONI Ib. IT* ROAST BEEF «>.«> ObUdran’a Sarvioa CANDT A thn e .kg * to# cburch kalL Bastsr Sunday dMaFiMNOuiuMiHmAssoRnii»...tfLATiminp^^ N . Y a STAYS - (MJ> FASHIONED NEW ENGLAND ; . Maas at 8 t Joseph’s wlH bs at WEDNESDAY iHOn to 8,'|f;i -'^140 a.m. Paper Dilve Set noses • UyES • 7^ SHARP UHEIfflAR HAN BOLORNA ' Pkptonr Scout Poet 68 Satur- iMiroMicowoNNScwioaii, m nRAAnaPNR^o I !. W # u Nsm s Um HHht Do 9 a,m A a poat waa gtran 4to .-'waaptoW TjlP llafl

I nrTiffliwrir l^nBiliii^iriyBn^' V I V 7 PAGE SEVgNtiljgll'r.'- MANCHEST^ EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1966

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER^ CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 16, ld«B rXGB SIXTEEN Outstandins QualityLowi Low PriceSe. Plus Worid Green Stamps New Yorkerg Hit --- _ ------^ -- - I itoiiA II I—— toABB—BHiiaa I I iaili>PI 11 II I ■eiwaAN'Vtoii eeaVP^^IbB.eiMIOOA—toOOoM From Your Neighbor's Kitchen With New Taxes

By DOWS BEUmrO ALBANY, N.Y. (XP) New ftMov«r, wWch baftna to* York Stats elUsana taco a 3 per morrow at ounflowft, fan* on cent aalea tax and a M per cent Good Friday for 0>e fU»t tUn« tncreaae In automoUls registra­ In m any years. T liis U th e be* ginning of one of man's oldest tion fees to help balance the festivals and aU through the state’a record hew budget of algttt-day holiday, ancient laiws more than |8-4 billion, and customs rule mealtime. A breakthrough in a noUtical Km. Louis Hurwlts of 104 Con­ deadlock that had stailea-action way Rd. says, ‘The reciM for on Gov. Neleon A. Rockefeller’s Srweet Beet Preserve (Klnger* fiscal program came Wadres- Our E«it«r Bunn^«v«i you monoy— plenty of monoy— bo- .n m r m .T T.f.T.t.T r r o . t t n f,»».»? mach), Carrot Candy, (Merin), day night as the Democratlc- and Carrot Pudding Cnommes), controUed legislature gave final cause we've low-priced all your favorite foods for the feast. Fully Cooked Smoked VaLUf>BLE COUPON are traditional at PasaoTer approval to the spending and And what wonderful foods they are! Every one is a fin# quality Driat bi iMt Ciepea far time. Hiey Ulustrata beautiful­ tax programs. ly the SkiU and ingenuity that Members of the Republican FULLY COOKED food that sets th# Easter Fashion in Feasting. So take the a people, langeiy poverty strick­ minority, however, cast the 100 FREE S r STAMPS: en in EkMtem Europe, develop­ hopping out of food shopping. Coma straight to POPULAR WM Aay Pwcliaie af $S ar Mora ed to make dallcaciee out of deciding votes, because Demo- SMOKED YAHOLE E O < ccats were split over a financial and get all your food needs in one quick step. At Taar M eediy Pepalar humble, ineocpenslve ingredi­ program — a situation that had ents, together with long, pa­ left the stele without a budget A oum ONVY-GNI TO A FAMILY tient simmering, an ingredient since the fiscal year began April ladUng in-most modem meth­ HAMS - thru S«turd«y, April 17th ods. My mother, a fine tradi­ 1. 10-14 LB. AVERAGE No Stomps with Ciuorottos or Boor Stoto Low tional cook, gave me the re- The Bales tax will take effect FAMOUS NAME BRANDS clgaes." Aug. 1 and cover most retail Sweet Beet Preserve purchases, with food and drugs (Elngermaob) among the exceptions. The auto ,1 S pounds beets registration Increase starts next Best Center Cuts S pounds sugar year. S lem ons Already in effect is a doubling FULLY COOKED % tablespoon ginger of the state cigarette tax — SUGAR-CURED — SMOKED % cup blanohed aliverod al­ from 6 cents to a dime a pack — SHANK PORTION monds enacted two weeks ago. Republican Oov. Rockefeller Parboil beets, cool, skin aM immediately signed the spend­ grate or chop fine. Add peel^, ing and tax bills. With the ciga­ ehopped lemons and suggr. rette measure, they were essen­ Lb. Place on low heat untH sugar tially the same bllle he had sent melts. Cook uncovered about to the legislature Jan. 20. two hours. Add almonds and oook until beets appear clear The spending and tax propos­ and glased, then add glnnr. a ls won approval In the State Cool and store In covered ^rs Assembly and Senate from a in oool, dark place. lU s may coiOltlon of Democrats, mostly be used as a relisb with a meat from New York City, and Re Special Easter Polish publicans. oourse. They ended the state’s fiscal FULL CUT Full Shank Half Carrot Candy crisis on the sam e day 70.000 Bun (M erin) state employes were scheduled not sections S pounds carrots to be paid and on the eve of a SHANK HALF Mucke*s 8 pounds sugar payment of $636 mlUton In State PORTION or portions 8 navel oranges aid due to school districts. 8 lem ons The sales-tax measure author­ 725 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST 1 pounds walnuts izes cities and counties to levy CENTER CUT MANCHESTER tablespoons ginger local taxes up to 3 per cent on Kielbasa Peel carrote, grate coarsely, the same items covered by the FULL CUT HAM SLICES g^rlnd unpeeled lemons snd or­ state bill. anges, and place in large, At present, five counties and OR ROAST 89 GREAT W H H HAM OR TURKEY heavy kettle with sugar. Cov- eight cities — Including New B U n HALF sr and simmer about hours. (Herald photo by Oflara) York — have local sales taxes, Full Butt OCEAN SPRAY O Uncover and cotrtt slowly, stir­ MRS. LOUIS S. HURWITZ ranging from 1 to 4 per cent. HALF Lb.. ring frequently, uatk all liquid New York City’s 4 per cent tax CRANBERRY SAUCE ^ is absorbsd. About 10 minutes will go to 6 per cent. days no leavened bread or leav­ it strengthened their hope in Whole or Strained before the liquid evaporates ened products may be eaten. the redemption of mankind DUBUQUE — LEAN add chopped nuts and ginger. mshMdj'' mAtaoh, unleavened from the enslavement of war, Spread on wet pastry board hre^ Is used to recall the tyranny, oppreselon and pov­ OVEN and 1st dry 34 hOun. Cut 'in hhMs-wlth which the leraeUtea erty. FILLED EASTER pieces and roll In granulated left Egypt- READY sugar. The holiday of PasMwer has 6 STATES’ MARGIN MHXION Carrot Pudding insfHred countlass generations WASHINGTON — Six states BASKETS 9Sc,n. G R A D E A (T d m m es) of Jews with k love and a pes- —more than ever before—went 11 8 pounds sliced carrots to t freedom. It confirmed to the winner of the 1964 presi­ ARTHUR DRUG 8 pounds' sweet potatoes i their fUth in God aa the Re­ dential election by more than LESS WASTE — 5-LB. CAN sliced deemer of men and nations and a million votes. 8 large onions, sliced pounds short rU>a of beef 2 teaspoons salt OVEN READY 1/8 cup com ayrup jy s cup brown sugar FANCY PLUMP ROASTING NUTMEG RRAND —i- EASTER Govt. Grade A daki pepper water to cover Place an ingyedleots In tight­ ly covered D utch oven or roeurt- Ing pan. Cook slowly tor tw o 16 to to three hours, stirring oCca- 10 to C 24 lbs. sloiiaUy. Ecrndve fram kp M lb: . stove and place, in SM-degxne 14 IbsH oven uncovered, imtU brown and thickened. 1he amount of 5 avg. 'lb liquid added /varies with tbs LOCKER PLANT and MEAT MARKET lb. lib vegetaUek M absorb i MEATS — RETAIL DEPARTMENT LJ d .- more than otnera. If th# liquid r is too thm It may bs ttndkeosd. k i*’ If the pudding seems too dry, ALL OUR M e a t s a r e f r e s h l y c u t a n d d is p l a y e d -^ FRESH SEA FOODS Select Three Diamond water may be added. This Choice Lb. recipe freoea welL NOT PREPACKAGED CHUCK ROAST Mm. HurwHc Is dlrecAor of KING OF THE SEA PEELED and DEVEIT^D HAMS the Manchester Homemaker Fresh X O a » Sliced Service, Inc. She Is a graduate COOKED SHRIMP 'Ik G R O U N D C H U C K Lean Lb. 0 7 l a 7 Lb. Can of Blmmoos College, Boston, HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS FOR A HNE HOLIDAY MEAL SWORDFISH STEAKS and was trained in advertising and public relations. She was president of the Sisterhood of TODlirS FIRST PRIZE EASTER BABY RIPE — S V fm Pineapple $ ^ 8 9 Temple Beth Sholom four yean. "Big Buy Of The V/eeF' MAKING A $ Her husband Is employed at G. Fox and Co., Hartford. ^ 1 TEFLON ROASTING ■Ihe couple has tw o children, SWEET LIFE nNEAPPLES Busan, 11, a student at Budc- 46 oz. Afle 14''x10"x2'*— 13.49 VoliM No. 2 ley SAooI, and Gordon, 18, a 6RAPEFRUIT JUICE 8 Cans 0 0 Student at the School of Archl- WHITE OR PINK By Makers of Mirro Cans POPULAR CALIF. WHOLE tscture of Syracuse Unlvenrtty. TOMATOES HAMS MAXWELL HOUSE Pillsbury Passover Starts COFFEE...... l-lb . Can 79« SAVE For Jews Friday SHORT SHANK W hite Tuna KING SIZE 11.50 FLOUR “i 2 6 9 * DEFATTED SWEET LIFE Halfhill Chunk CLOROX Tomorrow night will mark WASHEQ & the beginning of Passover, the FRUIT COCKTAIL Jewish Holiday of freedom and 9 to 10 Lbf. CLEAI Hawcriiaii Punch 3 tZ liberation. The holiday will con­ CELLO PAK "Swish and it's clean" tinue for eight days of which CnEYUGDOE FABM NATTVZi . WAYBBST NATIVE FRESH SPRY SHORTENING 79« 5 - 4 9 < only the first two smd the last BOASTINO IDEAL FOR EASTER HAMS Dugan Bubka i. o f Moeea. In' th e flret NUmEG — FIRST PRIZE SPECIAL EASTER CAULIFLOWER two evenings of the holiday, the A Real Easter TreaH ^ Qt. Jar IS Inch story of the Exodus is read at C O R N “• SAVE 10« the epecial home aervlce at the I Heavy Duty dinner table. This service is ROYAL known as the Seder in which | head 3 9 ® Grade A famihes and friends join to ICE CREAM Va GAL. HP First Of The eelebrato the liberation of the | KIELBASA ALL FLAVORS ancient Hebrews. Souson EMtr's Synlxaic foods at the Seder CANTALOUPES SPECIAL Conn. Fresh a n Uttar herbs, which sfinbo- lias the bitter plight of the He- Ear Easter Eating-,,, SWEET Whole Ctovet brew klaves in Egypt, and a FRESH CHICORY OR mixture of nuts, apples snd CONN. GRADE A FIRM LAKEVMH wine, which resembles mortar I ' l i r 2 1 * A used by the ancient Israelltee in | FRESH — LARGE DEUCIOUS the making of bricks. Through- VINE 2 i b » ^ 2 9 ® outtbsan^ periodp ' of the boU- FH£SH AND SMOKED A O e RIPENED RED COLOR Z y^PkG Eggs ss* GRAPES D ELiaO U S 3 “» ^ 4 9 ® MTS iS .r EGGS TAFTS KEBBLER SAL/nNBS ...... 16'ox pkf. SSe NABISCO LORNA DOONB.... «t p^.ft ^ANCY lb -\NJOU French Mustard ANTHPUES CAPONS 2 « » 3 9 * • to T Uik. 88A HARTFORD ROAD FOR DELIVERY— CA LL 643-8059 IMPORTED DOZ. 2 'C 33 33* LONG ISLAND RIHIER n a U SA8-M0G 49» BAR-S-KRAKUS DUCKLINGS fo r 8WEET For Easter Coloring Ckefc Chip S •'2S'** OPEN iATINe OOLOEN COOKIES 2 '-S .:^ 4 9 * I ;; ■ ; 4 9 iL T i n 4 F

■ ,J. V ■■' \^ -T. ’


PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1W6 right. She means to tell tha New England Vignettes truth, but ihe is ao wedded to DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE her side that her enthusioam UNFEMININE Lrm .E SPORTS BY ROUSON OUR BOARDING HOUSE witll MAJOR HOOPLE and loyalty will not permit her to admit she is mistaken.” HAIR Hodgef^gp Spring Thaw in Maine Bully a woman in court, oays the judge, and she will resort to Permanently Removed ACROM Sltangm crocodile tears. Licensed raectrologlst mMUtaino Provided New Suspense But Judge Gillen says he la IKodMit ttUcM not arguing that men are bet­ MAOOR.OUR ■»)!( ARK KODGUCATK) KAodtnt 40 Tee Ciair« Allardye* t w o tSKUNif? ARAtOR TO CJASTRO country 41Quapoiro BOSTON (AP) — The »prinK^AtIanUc City, N .J., at the Wa- ter. UMYAS. HI&4INA,I tau«t IF Vtu PUTENOUflH R9CTA6E ON IT/ • DIO^ . 42Tln4^ thaw on the Piscataquis River tertown Arsenal’s officers Club. "A man,” he writes, “exhib­ NCrmER RAIN NOR ALU-me «AME,AllAILIh)*AnACKAM cootinf brought bristling sumnse to The Arsenal Is scheduled to its a keen desire to get out of 649-5577 ♦LBET WlLLSTAf ItFifh TO'rOORKKLF CAUSES MORE TALK 46 0b J«f the town of Guilford, Maine, be closed by 1967, and the Army the building as soon as possible 0EUV6RY OPtHlS IS Lonl'l ipouM dOBorllemeullTT 643-0301 ,1HAN A RFTH ACE/OID VOU HME 50M» MM«U1 this year. is trying to convince employes and back to business. He is flMTICASS TfcWORROW'f n’t ■dditkni STAMPS LOFT OKER FROM MOUR IS Number ElBumor The river, with Its Icy floor to transfer to the Plcatlnny Ar­ bored by it all.” BUUGS BUNNY V8«y (MteRTANT 1WAT IT CMtlCTiWAS C A K O i f H Brine Into UPemlnine preparing to give way, waan’t my Arsenal in Dover, N.J. Judge Gillen is a bachelor. ARRN6 ON HM» R3R— ezlilenee appelUUoe •■UtOeWeai SlllatifUd ISPeniited any different. Lyons, the president of the ER, AK— eW^RIMENtAL SSSInfinevulw • UnniaiMo S8 Satan But this year It had a car National Association of Govern­ The latest thing at Massachu­ — R AWNS/ 50 Perfume with M Permit SB Oral.ipafnA 7 B. U SSl WAKE UPl^ I^ HS CAN'T e O ^ 6 Oden • PoA ^ . parked on U. ment Employes, pointed out setts' Institute of Technology 58 Soviet dty lOFridinfbt dOlwerd«i4 MW days is to get a TIP from AIR VOU W A S H IW 1OSLSCP0N*mi 51 Mariner’i SOBenefocUou And 1,200 resldente were bet­ that the Picatinny Ar.senal is a / r s ie m o p firnPLADonz! direction STRodaetoro (ob.) ting on when the old station nowhere to be seen in the flms. MAC. THS WINDOWS! SSAnten w u on would go down. And he regretfully reported MAC is not a shadowy track CONDITIONERS 24 Remedy DOWN rodlabocSt. tout but a computer with a gi­ MPIebeUn dSPrinea | "nie idea was the product of the movies were a hit — Em ­ MNPT? 27 Expire ICeromony XSFIewofa an Imaginative Kiwania f u n d- ployes were waiting in line for gantic memory. 2 Arabian |ulf 24Cavem • 44Plexua ALL SIZES OKAY, SORcfuetent 281^ irio Upor . 4KWtthla (^ook. raiser, with proceeds from tick­ repeat performances. ■nP is the Technical Informa­ 52 Pervert of ^ SSoftaot PSTUNIA! 4IdoUio SeVbnda farm) 1 et sales going to community tion Program under which MIT •O ft dTRaqnIre , has classified and stored infor­ ■HOT" PRE-SEASON S4Hri( Uoon? SUneonunon 27Staonbto, projects. The closest guess—to “Beware of the woman wit­ 8 Chemical 28 Mother of 48 Obtain! the hour and minute—won a ness,” writes a Boston judge in mation on 36,000 articles in phy­ 3S Fountain 0 IKSbakeipMtan Horao (B P*-) 1100 bond. the Massachusetts Law Quar­ sics journals. PRICES 88 ConRume 7U1!• Oi inv It waa all over at exactly 1:07 terly. A scientist intere.sted In a par r - 7 T p.m. last Saturday. The I c e ticular field goes to a teletype i r “ 3 T 4 r " r “ ) ( r Municipal Court Judge Daniel AT -J. cracked and t h e old car sunk J . Gillen insists that women are near his laboratory, dials t h e K r 1 slowly In 12 feet of water. computer and , types a fe.w JT IS responsible for rapid aging in trial lawyer^. words telling what he wants. A dog named Casey credited “MAC” searches his memory 17 “A woman,” he says, “must NORMAN’S W J i ih with saving 11 lives—was in­ tell it her way. a n d fla.shes back the specifics ducted with full honors this "She does not care what the of what t h e researcher should 445 Hartford Rd BY HAMLIN JT week Into the pantheon of he­ other witnesses say, she is read. .L Y OOP roes. The furry white mongrel was i t 1 YOU'D KTTeR AM! UMN'MIOUMD flOMe M o n o UFE M A AND r JUST < Hero of the Day at the 88th an­ nmREMEOTegyB wrmjmgNe o v e MMHrNOTWlOO SEE A MAM Of , n nual meeting of the Animal -IHOUSHTBCIOMI iDDcm.nuEnY SMYrOKAMAN^ _ M3URTMSTM k ST Rescue League in Boston. YOUR KXPIRIENCS^ r LtVIN* ON A , t The American Humane Asso­ YDuaoiMio- p w rop HALP- 1 COOKBD TOOP/ ciation presented him with a CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER certificate and a gold nylon imos bone. Casey earned glorj* with his bark. ■ p r His BrookHne, Mass., apart­ for Bolton Clothes^Makers Turn Models ment house was burning down QATO - p r the morning of Aug. 4, and SRyenth Bolton Junior-Senior High School Donna Jones, Ellen Converse and Betty O’Reilly. Girls in Casey's barking awakened h i s THE LIVING TRIBUTE 4s 44 4 modeling resulU of their first try at making clothes from Grade 7 and 10 took part in the show, with commentary by mistress, Carol L. Nelke, 25, patterns. The clothea weresdlaplayed at a home economics Wendy Boyd. (Herald photo by Oflara.) and saved the tenant.s. A spokesman for U.S. Gov­ T U L I P S ...... 2 5 c GO 61 fashion show Tueaday. From left, Mary Lou Maneggia, 49 ernment employes accuses th e Blossom U NOWADAYS' The case was dismis.sed ies of sultry beach beauties in CORSAGES...... -w . $1.00 r v e B E E N BY J. R WILLIAMS LONDON (AP) — After 31 and up CMOSEN TO PLAV THE PICTURE ME AS IX > T H E Y D O OUT OUR WAY Of the News Wednesday when Vanderveer’s years as headmaster of a W O N D E R S attorney pointed out Uiat state BEAUTIFUL ANSEL A BEAUTlFUl/,/5Ul 1 AM.’ THIS CONDITION Church of England school, Geof­ IN OUR EASTER ANSEL. W I T H HAH.' ANCnHER BRAWL--AWP law prohibits a person from frey Birch has retired and be­ BOUGUETS ...... $1.00 PASEANT/ MARE-UP, 5CSAEBOOV SAVE YOU A (30IW6 AIN'T THE RE ALTHING- testifying against a spouse with­ n OVER ASAIW, EHT aOCO WtOHT, 1 IT5 AAAKE-UP.' 1 FIG­ ITS ORAWnSH, 8UH! <^tuted after fair officials protest­ come a bookie. EASTER GANDY and up URE NOBOOV'LL BOTHER out consent of the defendant. “I can make far more mon­ SHOULD TMIMN ’lOO’P GET SO BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) ed the original plan to use cows, COMPLETE SELECTION TIRED OF CCHAIM6 IN SECOND ME WHEN THERE AIN’T Gov. John J . McKelthen and saying: ey,” said Birch, 60. much th ey can a d d T Y PE CAS’nN O BEST, VDO’D TRY TO AVOID hundreds of guesta at the execu­ “It’s too risky having the "Being a bookie is something AZALEA PLAN TS...... $2.00 aETTlUO SOTO FIGHTS.' TO WHRTS already CUMMINS PRISON FARM. ARTHUR DRUG and up BEEN PONE.' tive ntanaion ate eight different wrinkled hands of any old busi­ I ’ve drearhed alxjut for at least Ark. (AP) — The 15 years. I only wish I ’d made crawfish delicacies servted by nessman trying to squeeze milk State Penitentiary baseball Ixiulslana Cajuns Wednesday. out of our modern-day cows. the decision earlier.” team announced its nlduiame LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ORCHIDS...... $4.00 And it’s crawfish as far as Cows nowadays are used to the Wednesday — the "Outlaws.” Birch aaid tiiat for the last a pot and up Louisiana is concerned — not soft touch of a milking ma­ year he’s tieen getting exper­ cj*****y^. crayfish, as some Yankees call chine.” PAUL-HENRI SPAAK ITED ience by working weekends and Poffed Plants w 0 the small oousln to the lobster. during s c 1k x )1 holidays at one of The menu was crawfish cock- TRAVEUNO OHFXIK BZE, France (AP) —Belgian Britain’s many legal betting Foreign Minister Paul-Henri AT REASONABLE PRICES tall, crawfish boulettes, craw­ HARRISON TOWNSHIP, shops. In o t i c e fish pie, crawfish etoufee, craw­ Mich. (AP) — A canceled check Spaak and Simonne Dear, a Bel­ The betting licensing commit­ McCONVILLE’S fish bisque, crawfish patties, found here by Janice Dewitt gian divorcee, were married in tee of Aldershot granted the re­ Fiogarty BrotiMn, • EASTER LILIES BY JOE CAMPBELL crawfish salad and plain fried didn’t bounce —but it traveled this Riviera village today. tired headmaster a license to Inc. GREENHOUSES AND FLORIST BONNIE quite a distance. Spaak, former secretary-gen­ • HYDRANGEAS crawfish. eral of the North Atlsmtlc Trea­ run his own shop. The check — blown here by Birch said his son Jeremy, 18, wlH dose at 302 WOODBRIDGE ST.—649-5947 CONTEST PLAN ALTERED Sunday’s tornado — was signed ty Organization is 66. Mrs. • GARDENIAS y b u v m ! THAT Dear, 50, is divorced from an would help him. Noon NoM-nwr? UX3K& AT LEAST DOWNEY, Calif. (AP) — by R .E . Brlnkerhuff of Manitou "The vdear seemed thrilled OPEN EVENINGS Plans for a milking contest at Beach — about 85 miles away Englishman. Good Friday knve-Foor Twemy FEET/ if amii,am,w.vHra»aat»tie< Spaak’s first wife died last about my new career,” said •MUMS JllU P f -15 the Downey Community Fair For Emergency WIFE HELPS TWICE August. Birch. "He didn’t throw up hds Open All Day Easter Sunday next month had to be altered bands In holy horror. On the “Dua to conditions beyond your oontrol, this program because dairy -sfflcials sa: SEATTLE, Waah. (AP) — Joe "nie ceremony In the Town Tel. 649^537 I Vandervecr’s wife got him into Hf^ll was attended by two wit other hand, the viedr didn’t ask will be temporarily interrupted. The pieture will many tired bueinessmen hav< nesses and 14 gueste, including to open a betting account with wrinkled hands. court, Injt she also got him out. be restored as soon as necessary adjustments A pair of goats will be substi Vanderveer was in court to tbe bride’s 18-year-old son. I me.’’ have been made at tha dinner table!" w-is

nww<*M7Mit8ei>m< THE WORRY WART ♦>; BEN CASEY TAKEN IN TRADE ON THE HEW 1D65 CHEVROIHS «u.avAea> ...w a x I 00N7 DI6 >OMR WAYS ANYAAORE THAN 4-» e^tfeucre—. you DO MINE. ycH/FB THE WORST KIND 0FS(?UAR^ yOtPREASfJUAREBY ^ H O RT RIBS BY FRANK 0 7 IEAL CHOICE, BECAUSE rns 62 BUICK 62 CHEVROLET EMKR TO STICK yOUR Special 4-Door .Deluxe. V-8. auto., radio, heat­ Impala Sport Coupe. V-8, auto., TOwer ,L2»r^ SS steering, radio, heater, whitewalls. $1795 NOSE IN THE AIR THAN er, whitewalls *^and it’s a gem. $t495 TO ADMIT SCPAEONE WHO USED CARS DOESN’T HAVE YDU4 63 CHEVROLET 63 CHEVROLET \ SOCIAL STANDARDS JUST^ Bel Air 4-Door. 6-cylinder, auto., C’tTQ S Impala Sport Coupe. 6-cylinder, auto., radio, heater, whitewalls. 0 • ■ ww 63 CHEVROLET radio, heater, whitewalls. Like new. AWSWr HAVE AAORE Impala Sport Coupe. V-8, auto., radio,U, heater,ilVCKkCiZ, M MV BOOK, whitewalls. W ait till you feast your 62 T-BIRD muREAPHONY 61 CORVAIR eyes on this one. $2195 CMCK.UKE, BECAUSE' Model "700” 4-Door Station Wagon. 6-cylinder, Tonneau Convertible, V-8, auto., power steer­ ing, brakes, windows, seats, radio, C 4 7 Q E MfP/SINCE THIS AIUV/K IHE XMEARAB01RDAND' auto., radio, heater, whitewalls $1095 64 CHEVROLET LAST TIME W EU.KH0MW 6 a t ' , TALK JIVB,y0U FldURE I heater, whitewalls. Super Sport Coupe. V-8. auto., bucket M f iQ E fHOULDBEDROPPSilN EACH OTHS7, r a UKE ID uavE mu Beats, radio, heater, whitewalls. 63 CORVAIR VYITH A FBV WBtCHOSEN WORDS. APOTOFHOT6UJJL. 65 FORD MUSTANG Monza 4-Door. 6-cylinder, 4-speed, radio, 2-Door Hardtop. V-8, 3-speed, radio, heater, V-// heater, bucket seats, whitewalls. $1695 MORTY M EEKI.E BY DICK CAVALLl bucket seats, vinyl top, whitewalls. M 4 Q K 63 CHEVROLET Impala 4-Door. 6-cylinder, standard, 01QQC BY ROY CRANE This is sharp! 64 CHEVROLET ^UZZ SAWYER ^^,,ev»hoopin’ It up radio, heater, whitewalls. DO0 6 ACe'STUPIP— ^ S tu WEKA,veALINOai«r 63 VOLKSWAGEN Impala 4-Door Hardtop. 6-cyllnder, M OOC standard, radio, heater. THEM, IF TOUR INFORMATION S THAT'S ABSURD/ WERE SAVINS MUM, I DID NOTICE THAT ^ JUST MtSWER ONE QUESTION. WHERE -iHevGANTa/eM IN oue MIDST. , Deluxe 2-Door Sunroof. 4-cyllnder, standard, 61 CHEVROLET HER WAIST SEEMED A DID WE 60 THE FIRST W6HT WE METf TRUE, PEIEK), THIS IS THE REAL I DONT.KNOW VOU'RE A TALfcC.AO-TWe/CAN radio, heater, whitewalls. S 1 S 9 5 Impala 4-Door Hardtop. ■ V-8, auto., power WHAT NDU'RE PHOtiV' HAD ^ITSMAILER/ 62 FORD MIIA MOBSAN.A C.I.A. A6ENT Z!L\. , HAH! SHE « a v i«ARF/r j / Blushing red body. OGOwW steering, radio, heater, whitewalls. C'lRRS IMPERSONATIN6 HER TALKINQ VOU SUSPECTED ' ANSWER CANT answer! Fairlane 500. V-8, auto, radio, heater $1345 rillPICULOl^ An eye stopper. IMPERSONATOR. ABOUT. 1T,6EN. DIAI? HO SUCH SHE DOESN'T 63 FORD , t TELL YOU.' SILLV KNOW/ I ■----L 59 FORD . qi*STlOHS.j J j = . — Galaxie 4-Door. V-8, auto, power steering, 62 CHEVROLET T radio, heater, whitewalls. S1fi95 Galaxie 4-DooT. V-8, auto., radio, C7QIS i - B J O O T W ^ Biacayne 4-Door. 6-cyllnder, auto., M M C heater, whitewalls. 2 to choose from. O e ® ® 0 radio, heater, whitewalls. OiOwO 61 COMET 61 CHEVROLH Deluxe 2-Door. 6-cyllnder, standard, TOOTIN' Bel Air 4-Door. 6-cylinder, auto., power steer­ 63 CHEVROLET Impala Convertible. V-8, auto., radio, M O O S radio, heater. CfiQ R ing, radio, heater, whitewalls. S I 'S R S GOOD VALUE SPECIAL! OW® ^ r I. As clean as we’ve seen. O ■ •wO heater, whltewaU8r2 to choose from. OfcOOO /M 4 ALL OK USED CARS ARE WARRANTED FOR A FULL 25 MONTHS ••• CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER |ia iCKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD on BOnOlPXBAT m s s m WWT AW 7 ? 9 e i: MfX CAMT A AH«l YES—IW VERY rWHYOtONT DONNIES T THAT WAS _ ^ t IMANTWXJ IACK.CATHy/ OUT THAT JBRK NOW HTS PAH WEAR THAT CARPBOARl) HOTR IT»A OPEN HAPPyiDSAY/ I awtherimakehim J t i ^ v g a a M eVERyTHINOWASMY FOR tAnTIW TH' M T \T h X PWNBPTO MVcaATL/pA^MN«.■rHE• AREAAARKABLE luP-ANDTAKE HIM /lOeA,SH«IPF/ OLASSTOO MMU.I MARTBR '^ '-'------EXACT s iz a i CHEVROLETS DOtMK!S MnCR B 60M*^ BY USINi IT TDAlUkKE IT, DOCTOR? WXNiXf! M WITH HER? ^ HESAIONEHAD m LBam oH T ALL DAY ' “ TD1MJC1D.HER THIS TIM»1 HE ‘ ‘ —FHWTf — Iho SIIMNtMl FRIDAY looking bargains in town w APRIL 15th


' NOyFO YOUR it- r f i VERY INTERBOTINa, BUT LET AAK WARM you NOVA 4-DOOR SEDAN MONZA CONVIVnNA AREVOU ABOUT SOMETHIN9... BM0Y1N6 MALIBU StORT COUPE OUBVOIT , - '■■'iT’w r r " . V- ■ ' - . " V T N a ' '■ '■‘it.,.- t V ' 5 ( .t. ART .J A t " / ;.: t HEV ■r.kiY trfTi:- ’ .,,1 < i|

UTiul 'I

' i

V ■ w - V V' .;- ■ '’1,^ .• . S , ’ A •'* PAGE TWENTY-OKl MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^, THURSDAY, APRIL IS, 1965 PAGE IWEWTt MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1966 THE Eagles Cop Second, Top Bloomfield, 4-2 Cardenal Beats Yankee^ and Osteen Plugs Dodger Gajj Herald Angle '• A I ■ ■ ' • ■ I I - -- f. . By Entire Hoop Season PETE ZANARDI Two-Rim Sixth Frame Rookie Hits Hard r . ‘He Must Be Kidding’ iBOWUNG Takes Over ‘Load’ Asalstant Sports Editor Caught in Trends of History Wrapped in One Tilt Funny, isn’t it? the way history keeps repeating it­ Ices Verdict for Kinel From Ace Koufax self? East patholic and Rockville High just seem to have BOSTON (AP)— entire seMon will be wrapped In Angel Triumph this thing about meeting in C!IAC tournaments. Last By JOHN GOLDEN up in one game when the defending champion BostOT h i NEW YORK (AP)—Claude Osteen went Mght sw * 'faprinsf .they met in the playdown round of the Class B Hosting Bloomfield High for their second home game, Celtics meet the upaet-minded Philadelphia 76ere in the NEW YORK (AP)—Caninal, 6r Cardenal. Either without a victory and five years with a losing recora in baseball tourney. This past winter they were in the semi­ the Eagles of East Catholic picked up their second seventh and final game of the National Basketbml Aa- way it seems to spell trouble for the New York Yan­ tthe Natifxial Leaffus. finals of the hoop classic. Chances are both are headed straight win yesterday as a sixth inning triple by Tom sociation Eastrn Division plnyoffs tonight Mt Bo6ton National League ELKS—Hector Rivard 356, Now, in less than two bourn, for the baseball tourney a g a l n ^ ------—' l^vier and a single by Dennis Lynch assured pitebef ------^Garden. kees. this season. , ■■ The winner wlH gain s berth The Yankees, who had trouble with 25 Cardinals from W. L. Pet. 0.11. John Rleder 367, Jim Aceto he’s removed both bUghta. each new season would do well Frank Kinel of his first victory^------Chicago .. .^ . 0 1.000 — 146-361, Mike Denhup 186. Horror Note His achievement, too, came at ‘ East was the winner both to survey these two clubs before of the season by a 4-2 score. The wlth a two for two perform­ in the chsmpionriiip playoffs St. Louis last October, ran into considerable difficulty Los Angeles . 0 1.000 — time when the Lba Angeles tlmM and added two regular leaving the area. Don’t bet Bloomfield squad came out with ance, including a run, and an Trio Tabbed sgslnst the Los Angeles Lakers with one Cardenal from Los Angeles Wednesday night Pittsburgh ... 1 .667 H PAGANI CLASSIC—Joe De- Dodgers needed an antkiota for "season basketball games in the against history repeating itself a 2-1 mark. RBI. Masiuk and Katz were CincinnaiU ... .600 As Radatz victory column ae well, so again this spring. who won the Western Division ' as they lost to the Angels 4-3. maio 211-208—560, Don Ander­ a serious arm aoha Uiey have Eaat retired Bloomfield’s first close behind, eawh going two Men to Beat title, beating BsUtmore four The new Cardenal peateringe------Houston ...... BOO son 212-570, Bill Brown 213- developed this q>rlng. should they play again later three batters in order and pro­ for three, and Pangburn added Milwaukee ... .600 306—574, Charlie Boesldy 200, this spring, the Rams have a one for tiAro showing for the games to two. the Tankees la Joee Domec Car' against ace Red Sox reliever Drops Tilt Osteen, malting Good Liftenen ceeded quickly to pick up its Boston has been tmtaHed ss ' denal, a 21-year-oM outfielder PhUadelphiB . .600 Pat Tremarco 205-568. Larry peorance for the Doteors since ’plenty to avenage. first run in the bottom of the loser*. Dick Radatx. WiUle Kirkland's San Francisco .333 ' The cast in this continuing When speaking ait East Kinel started both Eagle In Houston an elght-i»lnt faivortte to win who weighed in at 160 pounds double and a single by Jim King Lute 211-672, Bert Sweet 214, his acquisition from waWUngton OaithoUo's Winter Sports Ban­ first. Mike Maaluk gained first before the game and with four New York __ .000 Bct> Agnew 2(M, Jeff Warwick BOSTON (AP)—Hopeful fans last winter, pitched a two-hitter epic seems to remain the on an error by third baseman games but got credit for his on its home court, having beat­ tied i t before Blasingame St. Louis ...... 000 same. East's Ray LaGace must quet, UOonn Coach FVed Sha- first win yesterday tall Ray HOUSTON (AP) — Australian en the 76ers 10 times st Bos­ hits — a homer, double and two slammed his game-winner. 203, Pavan 214-234—627. were brought back to reality in Los iUigeles’ 3-1 trkunph over bel told the students to unite Glen Pangbimi. A single by singtes — during the game. Wednesday’s Results be Mr. Poison as far as Rock­ Laxictoe, who relieved got cre­ Bruce Devlin, defending cham­ ton, including three playoff Chicago 7, St. Louis 3 Wednesday when Boston loet its PtttMxirgh Wednesday nlgM. ville la concerned. Last spring academics with athletics. He Mike Iieach advanced Masiuk dit for the opener. Tom Villey gomes. The odds-makers have Stealing the tg>otllght from OOMMERCIAL — Stan Zima When the Dodgers obtained sure had a receptive audience. to sec and and another error by pion Mike Souchak and Califor­ the expected duel between Dean Houston 7, New York 8, 11 in­ 143^75, Mai DarMng 141-369, first game of the 1966 American in the tournament he limited was the losingi pitcher. nia’s Billy Casper were tabbed called the shot each time, pick­ nings League season. They learned it him in the seven-player deal the Rams to two runs in win­ Among the Bkigle athletes ac-< shortstop Rich Gutcheon moved The game produced three 'Chance, the Angels’ Cy Young Halted Wilson 142, Joe Qll- that sent Frank Howard to the oepted at coHegee are Frank both buys an additional base. the golfers to beat for the $12,- ing the home team in the other •Award winner, and ace left­ Angels Hang Los Angeles 3, Pittsburgh 1 will be a long, hard struggle be­ ning 3-2. Ho turned in three doubleplays, two for Bloom­ 000 top money in the $55,000- six gamee. San FVancisco 6, Philadelphia berto 136-366, Wendall Jacobs fore the Red Sox improve on Senators, they hoped Osteen Klnel St. Peter’s, Providence, Masiuk then scored on a wild hander Whitey Fiord of the Yan­ 137, Bill Shlel(ks 137, Mark Ja- would be able to fill In far John­ outstanding performances, both Boston CoUege), Pete Furmona- pitch to give the Easties a 1-0 field and one for East. The added Houston Classic which Coach Dolph Schayes says his kees, Cardenal connected for his 2 their lowly tinlsbes of recent offensively and defensively, on first came when second base- got under way today. Only games scheduled kosevlch 146-140—396, Mort ny Podres if that southpaw vloius (B. C., Providence, Holy lead. Philadelphia team wUl pull the first major league homer as the On for Win years. the hanfivoods in Elast’a victor­ man Fred Jenaen caught a fly Devlin jumped into the favor­ upset because he’s expecting a niday’s Games Tinker 366, G a ^ r Morra 360, failed to come back from a sore­ OoBS), Tom Bavler (Holy Bloom field came back with a by Bavier and tossed the bqM .leadotf hitter and later ataited Bhner Frechette 136-364, Stan As a matter ot fact there was armed 1964. ies over RookvUle. Cross), Walt Baanight (Rut­ ite’s circle with a competitive big effort from WlH Chamber- -the Angels winidng rally. No games scheduled a note of horror from Washing­ Frank Klnel and Ed Lltwin tying run in the top of the sec­ to Gutoheon who caught Leach course record eight-under-par 63 Over Yanks Domhrek 366. But now tt appears Osteen gers), Rick Wood (St. An- ond as catcher Dave Yush gain­ off base and got the out. during a final practice ' round lain. By that time both Chance and ton where the Senators came may have to take over tiie left- are also ntainstays of the Eagle aetans), and FVank Rizza “I ’m confident WIR will come fV>rd had left. American League from behind twice to down the cast. ed first on a fielder's choice. Gutcheon sparked the second over the 7,244-yard, par 71 W. L. Pot. O.B. MORNINGBELLE8 — Doris handed load from Sandy Koufax (UHartford). Yush then stole second and .vihen Masiuk singled and was Sharpstown course where 144 up with the big effort,” he said. Chance lasted a Httle longer, LOS ANOEILBS (AP) — The Deuse 342. Red Sox 6-4. The losing pitcher arid his arthritic elbow. Injuries kept Jim MarteUo Manchester hoopeters col­ “WIK can do anything he wsnU going aix innings before he was Detroit ...... 2 0 1.000 was ace reUef pitcher Dick Ra- and A1 Putz out last spring but went to third on an error by forced out at second as Gutch­ pros and amateurs started the Los Angetd''%ngels play base­ Osteen’s return to the Nation­ lege bound are Carl Hohenthal, East catcher Rick Harvey. An to do. He has a chance to make fifted for a phich hitter alter Cleveland ... . 1 0 1.000 dats. they returned to center stage Duke Hutchinson (Northeast­ eon picked up a grounder by 72-hole tournament. ball much lh(^ a golfer named Minnesota ... 1 0 1.000 FLORAI^^o Davla 176, Pa­ al League ends a four-year ab­ .attempted double steal allowed Leacii and threw him out at DeVlln won $500 for his 63 up six years of Iniatrotlon st the ,allowing five hits and two runs tricia BeU 476. Envisioning a Red Sox season sence. In between he ^>ent this past winter and have aU ern) and Bob Bosworth (Am­ hands of the CeHlce. .while walking an tmusually Mgh Joe Bananas gmM Into the last Baltimore .... 1 1 .600 1 'intentions of remaining there. *Yush to score as teammate first. Blast’s double play came which was low among the pros hole with a one-stroke lead over without a very successful “Mon­ three seasons and part of a herst). Pangburn was caught at second when Bob Machholz went to in a pro-am tournament "And s lot of the guys on our five men. FV*rd, meanwhile, was Boston ...... 1 1 .600 1 ster” in the buUpen is a genuine fourth compiling a loting record Joe Van ‘ Oudenhove, who was RockviUe standouts who’M be touched tor eight fatta and two- Jack Nicklaus. Chicago ...... 1 1 .600 1 REPUBUOAN WOMEN — after diverting the Eagle de­ first of an error and was Wednesday — the final practice team — men like Larry Ooetel- M. Mercer 179, Bea Bagley 171, horror. with WashlngtMi. an outstanding rebounder moving on to college are Mark lo, Johnny Kerr, HsJ Greer and nraa in B 1-g innings. Their ferns love it, especieUly Los Angeles .. 1 1 .600 1. against a taUer East, and Mark fense. foiced out by Gutcheon who before the tournament. The when Joe—pardon, the Angels Wasbii^n ..1 1 .500 1 Gretchen Sage 167-456, Pat Radatz actually had only a The 25-year-old lefty began Bucheri and Jim MarteUo while erounded to Masiuk and was slender Australian had eight Al BiancU, plus myself — had The two runs were the tint Turklngton 467, Pat Forstrom his major league career with Bucheii have also been steady ElUngton has prepared Don The home nine went ahead angler’a steal of home. Roy McMillan accounted for The Meta, who had tied the “ BEST BUYS in TOWN - two Wg runs. game 3-8 on Joe C hrlstoi^r’s “ Always a Choice Selection “Sometimes you get all homer fat the ninth, struck back SPECIAL wrapped up in W hat you are 17 Softhcdl Teams Sign Up for three runs in their half of going to throw a hitter,” said the 11th, but that’s aU they Spahn, explaining his tardy coV' could g et of Over 75 Reconditioned erage. ’’Momentarily you don’t For Play in Slow-Pitch see where the ball goes. Then you say ‘Oh, I’ve got to get over Trio to Receive there.’ But you’re too late.” Recreation slow'.pitch soft-<^North Methodist and Cktionial Stoner Smith Oscar Mfuin. In view of Spahn’s dreary 6-18 bail signed 17 teams at the or­ Board. Fran Dickenson Fine Automobiles-!” Cars to Choose From!” recorc^ and 8.28 earned-nin av ganizational meeting held last New dubs are Nutmeg U of C Medallion Treasurer Sales Manager erage at Milwaukee last year, night, six of which are new Homes, Charter Oak Reetau President • 2 1 ” •21” Self-Propelled man asked if he was satisfied. entries. Play is scheduled to rant. Rogers Corporation and STORRS (AP) — Three men “Satisfied?” he replied. “You beg^in Monday, May 10. There All-Stars. have been named to receive the want to win. Sure, it I could wUl be three leagues and'gamee University of Connecticut’s Rn- 109.95 NOW Reg. 154415 NOW have held the 2-0 shutout will be played at Mt. Nebo, Athletic Medallion, the univer­ i fid ehevrslet *1995i w 63uuruiu Ford *1895 IWW vs.iv62 Ford *1695 62------Pontiac. *1095 61 Chevrolet___ . *1595 Coupe59 Cadillac De Ville. Full power, *1495 au- sity’s h ip est athletic honor. 04 unevroiei Coupe De Ville. Full power, au­ would have been real happy, Robertson Park and Charter Country Squire Station Wagon. Tempest 2-Door Sedan. Auto­ 4-Door Nomad Station Wagon. But satisfied? I don’t know.” Oak Field. In making the announcement Galaxie 500 2-Door Hardtop. Au­ matic, radio, heater, whitewall Power steering, automatic radio, tomatic, radio, heater. Spahn had no complaints today. Athletic Director ,J. Or- Impala 2-Door Hardtop. V-8, au­ Automatic, power steering, ra­ The leagues Wul adhere to NATIONAL LEAGUE tomatic, power steering, radio, tires. heater, whitewall tires. about being taken out for a run the official slow pitch rule Kranepool 1, Christopher lean Christian said medals wlU tomatic, power steering, radio, dio, heater. A A A A A .9 5 ner. "I would say Casey has to book. There are still a number 1, Swoboda 1. Mets; Brook be presented to Provost Albert heater. E. Waugh and Sumner A. Dole heater. White. try to tie it up.” he reasoned. “I of teams from last year which 1, Cardinals; Santo 2, Alt­ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ At A' 'A' A A appreciate that he let me hit. have yet to register. These man 1, Cubs; Fairly 1, at the a^letic awards banquet ★ ★ ★ ’A’ ★ 59 Ford *645 Maybe I hit myseif out of the teams or any other interested, Dodgers; Bailey 2, PIratas; ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 9 Passenger (Country Sedan Sta­ game.” The third medal, for the late must contact Program Director Mays 2, Giants; Covington WerkleU H. Kinsey, will be given 62 Cadillac *2795 61 Chrysler *1495 61 Oldsmohile *1495 tion Wagon. Automatic, radio, WaUy Fortin at the East Bide 1, PhUUes. to his widow. Mrs. W. H. Kinsey 63 Oldsmohile *1695 WHILE THEY LAST—OR Center before April 20, the AMEBIOAN LEAGUE 64 FORD *1995 2-Door Hardtop. Automatic, pow­ 98 4-Door Sedan. Automatic, heater. of Storrs. Kinsey was a mem­ 4-Door Hardtop. Power steering, er brakes, power steering, radio, BASEBALL HEROES deadline. Wilson 1, Bed Sox; Na- ber of the athletic advisory com­ F-85 Station Wagon. Automatic, power brakes, power windows, Teams from last year that nun 1, Senators; Cardenal 4-Dopr Sedan. V-8, automatic, power seats, power brakes. FAC­ heater. A A A A A mittee for 21 years and served rai^o, heater. TORY INSTALLED AIR CON- power steering, power seats. — Hon ilanto, signed up last night were:-Tele­ 1, Angels; Treeh 1, Yan- as Its chairman from 1984 until hulio, heater. Cube, hit two homers, trigger­ phone, Si>ortaman Tavern, Com­ kea his death in September 196L DmONING. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ing Chicago to a 7-8 victory munity Baptist, Center Congo, ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ A A A A A 59 Cadillac *1495 over the St Louis Cardinals. Army A Navy, Wyman (5il, Of the 96 National FootbaB ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Convertible. Full power, auto­ PITCHING — Claude Osteen, Walnut Barbers, Liberty Mu- League games played last year, matic, radio, heater. Dodgers, checked Pittsburgh 8- ttial, Teachers, Gems, and Pel- 48 were won bv the home club, 63 Oldsmohile *2395 61 Cadillac *28)5 60 Cadillac *1995 1 on two hits, winning bis debut lin’a Restaurant. Teams fetum- 44 by the vlsitmg team and six 64 Oldafflobiie ^95 4-Door Hardtop Sedan De Ville. A A A A A for Lea Angles. Ing after a year’s absence are were tied, Super 88 4-Door Station Wagon. 62 Oldsmohile *1795 AutOTdatic, power steering, pow­ El Dorado Convertible. Auto­ SteJrflre Convertible. Autiwnatic, matic, power steering, power radp, heater, power brakes, pow­ Automatic, power steerihg, pow­ 88 Convertible. Automatic, pow­ er brakes, power seats, power 57 Cadillac *750 er brakes, AIR CONDITKMNG. er brakes, power steering, radio, windows, radio, heater. brakes, power windows, power er <^ts. seats. Coupe De Ville. Full power, au­ beater. tomatic, radio, heater. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Discover For Yourself ■ Hr ir ir ir ir A A A A A StEDS ^ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ A A A A A 2 Wonderful Worlds Of Golf! I 63 Chevrolet *1995 63 Oldsmohile *1995 61 Oldsmohile *1595 21” HEAVY DUTY MODEL 62 Ford *1695 Super 88 (Convertible. Automatic, 66 Oldsmohile *1195 57 Cadillac *545 GRAND OPENING FRIDAY, APRIL Uth 2-i)o^ Super Sport Hardtop. 88 2-Door Hardtop. Autwnatic, power brakes, power steering, 88 2-Door Hardtop. Autanatic, 4-Door Hudtop. Full power, ra­ power' steering, power brakes, Galaxie 4-Door Sedan. 6 cylinder, 426-400 4-speed engine, Radio,, radio, heater. power steering, radio, heater. dio, heatiit'. Light blue. .9 5 ARNOLD PALMER heater.^ Shaj^, nuring tP go! radio, heater. fiUtfHnatic, radio, heater. CHAMPIONSHIP MINIATURE COURSE IN ONRVANCI 6 f OOOD PRIDAY (18 HOLES) ^A P R ii \ m MOST CARS CARRY A 100% GUARANTEE-plu8-100% SERVICE BY US-! NO RACING AT NOTHING DOWN — UP TO 5 YEARS TO PAY! WE'RE_PPEj^NIGHTS UNTIL 9:30 P.M. TEL 643-79Se C hallenging 18 H o le PRO 47$ CENTCR STREET MCK MeELUOn CLINICS AND MANCHESTER PAR 3 PB IV A IX UQBSONB- last DAY OPBN DAY AND NIGHT—MERCURY UGHTING •At^APRii^rl Phom M M SE1 BURNSIDE AVE. (OPPi WICRHAH PARK) if . i l t IXOniHP CAMI

1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCiHESTER, 00N N „ THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1966 PAGE TWENTY-THREE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1966 PAGE TWENTY-TWO Hoosss Sals 71 Boosss Sfils 72 Lots For Sdo 78 SsImriNui Fiw flslo T5 SfilmrbfiB.For S sk 71 Articles For Sale 45 Household poods 51 EfWEteltold Goods 5 1 1 ApartiiMBts—Fists— Bastness Property For THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY snd SHORTEN For S sk 70 IBoge COVENTRY — Lakefmnt A S Business Services I*’ vifta poro^ala TnfiBMnts 68 TUCX ROAD - 7 room Ootooial, PORTER BIRBBT Arse — pro- HEBRON—DmirabU comer lot, gpon BUrORB your ayes — FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, 0 ooMnot' Eok,i or $ acres, oultebla for hotiie. tive’s home, moftfled Oclonial, room ranoh, 3 er $ badroom% Offered 13 cu. ft., good condition; rotls- eondlttatetmutop. B ooioftir. large ponolad Homily room, 2 sed Roloed Ranoh, $ bod- vOETORPlMELAVlMr cn your new carpet — ramova NEW DUPUBX, « torga^noma. MAIN ETREBr site, near Oon- rooma, 2% bate, family room, Call 338-8868. 4 bedroome, t bate, opacloue ofi hot water hoat, flraplace^ serle; green leather dUir, in- larga yard, parking, convwl- ter, with boDdlng of AfiOO oq. fireplacea, built-Ins, wall-to- YHARPBNINa Setvlee—Sawa, LoOMfERR!/«AfPB> -A mdonceiheV SbUWAlMARUItlOUR tbam with Blua Lustra. Rant 9-oar Boimga. W oolw R . SraMh kttchen, loads of oabtaets, 19x23 knotty plae Uteben, fun cellar, CLASSIFIED oludiag foot rest BxosUent out tocafioti, f m . 60-3388. ft. M ny potenUolo. W m 7 waU oorp^ porch, 2 garagoo, NIXRTH COVENTRY — 60 roll­ tk>-top oondMon, $12,900. Wot> knivee, axea, sheara, ekatee, y«RE CETUED M alaetrtc ahampooar H- Psul’a KBLVlNATOR (toctrto otova, Agoney, Realtors, Om-IAn. living room with fireplace, foil DDTWtUSURMfO NEW6RA6$fadnA/ condign; slsctrie fan, 80. nanoo. Owner 8494229, f-6. gorgooua wooded M . nflchlna ing oorea, good drainage, river varton Agency, Roalton, 84S» rotary blades. Quick service. TME1R SUBUR0AM Paint A Wal^Mpar Aqiply- 838. BaUbla ovoa w it, P A . C m POUR ROOMS, fldor A gency, $46-0108. diniiv room, giant famtiy Capitol Equipment Co., S8 HR MDSVmONT iMTHEOTKETr S43-0196. „ > A tA k m . — ’• w - flows throuidi property, woods, room, barn and much mote, 3818. Main St., Manchester. Hours IWVEIDfLWTAft SHANCRI-LA~ aBaitatent, heat, hot water, pasture, hey fields, rood tront- im pem ble condition, $18,900. UNCLAIMED LAYAWAY m a n , -refrigerator, dlopooM, SEVEN ROOM oldar hoaoe, 4 ADVERTISING dally 7-6. Thursday 7-9, Satur­ V/lTRTHiTRAFflC- For Sslt 72 bedroomo, 2 baths, lot 72x281. ags, good potential. Only $32,- Leoseng er C o., R ealtore, 438- Boats and Accessories 46 p a r k ^ included, oduKs, $126. day 7-i. 64S-7968. Marlon E Robartsca, Raster. 0M>. Lawrence F. Flano, Real­ 9391, « » 4 t $ l . Refrigerator, Stove and TV A n tliiB E i 6 6 p er month. 9494808, 849-8889. SUBURBAN • room Obloalal NEW LISrnNG CLASSIFIED advertising DEPT. HOURS 84’ ROWBOAT, sturdily buflt. Ineluded’ A4S-6068. tors, •4S-37ai. HAVE SMAIX. m ucac — will with jm rago on a giant, iliadad T n nfimitiia fRxa Man- 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. needs usual p relaunch ing at­ I FOUR ROOM flat, third floor, R oek v ile clean up attics, odlars or get S Modem Rooms of Furniture FOR SALES — AnUqua aad noid lot, ratohen, living room, din­ MANCHESTER liookaut ehootor, 4 yoor oM 8'room rid of old appliances or furni­ tention, indudea oars. Located stove, refrigerator, hot water, ing room down. I bodroonu up. on Bolton Lake, $86. 649-7876 Appliancea, L ot Mo. 29S turnlturs. OoU 648-7449. garage. $66. 849-0483. Mountain. 4 Ranch, 2 Sabnrban For Ssk 75 CONVENIENT Cape, 4 ftalahad, firsfAma, COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. ture for you. Call MS-M19 after 10 Bedroom Set Inaxpenatva at an evap 214,000. iare old, IH tiled baths, large MANCHESTER oombinatioB wtadews, load- 6:30. Wotvarton Agency, Roalton, MONDAY XhTB FRIDAY 1»:80 A.M. — SATURDAY • A.M. 12 FOOT Outitoard speed boat, 6 Pc. Living Room 8*t ONE 4-ROOM oportmia rtm w L $70. E tchen, cathedral oelUng, dm. 5 - room Ranch close to ao^>ed yard, ameaKe fktva, 949-221JI garage, porch, fireplace, hot SO. WINDSOK-Spaclous 8% ood locatlcti, excaOenk LAWNMOWER Hiarpenlng; re­ aacrtfica, first $60 takes It 26 Pc. Kitchen Set ,, Wsotad—To Boy 58 One $-room aiiartnikiiIng ANDOVER — ■% room Ranch Formerly Puller Brush. Bldg. eoUectlons, polntlngi, sttlo oon- 6130. oii tente or whole oatataa. Funil-I 8444. J. D. Realty Co. hig. Wolverton Agency, Reol- pond and brook, 7 rooms, nariled ta the plnee, firaidace, FOUR ROOM apartment, heat 84S-8779 toro, 849-3818. steam heat, screened porch, (Rockville, Ton Free) 1;ET u s feed yotn- lawn, for- Open Monday Through , tu rs R epair Sorvtoa, •48-7449. CLEAN 7 room borne in quiet •4S4199 / large kttohen, full boseinent, Diamonds— Watchc and hot water, 10 mlmites from residential area, 4 bedrooms, large bam, Z(xied commercial. assumable mortgage, $18,900c tlHzing only. 64S-7487. Saturday ; BOLTON — Beautiful Roach of 875-3136 Jewelry 48 town, big yard for ehildrm. 1% baths, only $14,900. W esley Ideal fo r large familiL g(x>d P hilbrlck A gency, 640-8484. 643-2711 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Rooms Without Bmad 59 Oak 8484948. R . Smith Agency, R ealtor, 848- ■even rooms, including large conefition. Only 89,900. M saeng- MANCHESTER 16x32 fam ily room . Full base­ Household Services WATCH AND JEWELRY re­ 1867. er Co., R ealtors, 438-9391, 43$- pairing. Pnxnpt servlcs. Up to CALL — ASK FOR DAVID R o o m WOP. RENT, one U o c k lMODERN 4 TOomo, aeoond ment. garage, rec room, etc. 6311. Wanted— Real Estste 77 Offered 13-A DAV/P CAHi^ from 2fala Stroot, tree park-i Root, rtove, basement, laun­ Ten minutes from Man­ MANCHESTER — Modem Cape 160x200 lot. Sensibly priced at $20 on your d d watch In A FREE TV SET Trtiblt Rtaektai Oar AdvtrtiMr? mT. A/A'/l90Ae trade. Cloead Mondays. F. E faig, kkohen prtvllagaa, gmitla- dry, parking, available May, chester. N«wr Oops Oods, on lovely wooded lot, 2 bed­ 831,000. T . J. Crockett, R eal­ BOLTON — 6 room Ranch cus­ FIVE OR SDC nwm houee, not REWEAVINO of bums,> moth WITH THE PURCHASE OF mon eoly. 8 4 {4 ^ . 1st SO Padcord St, Tel. 84S- Ranches and R ^sed tor, 648-1577. tom bulk in 1966, 1-car garags, over $17,600, needed fo r weB boles. Zippers repaired. Win­ caoioM ,f/‘V. Bray, 737 Main Strest State rooms, den, tile bath, breeze- 24-Htir Aim riig S«nriet Theater Building,. 8 ROOMS OF FURNITURE 9779. Ranches. One acre ’Wooded way, garage, Brt Air Real Es­ summer porch and patio, walk­ qualified buyer as soon as pos­ dow shades made to measure, PRICED AT ONLY $322 . n iX THOMPSON BoMa, Oot-I lots, built - Ine, fireplace, ELLINGTON—6% room Ranoh, out basement with play room, sible. P lease ointment. chester. play at Main Store. 8a-1084. 6 room Ranch with 8 twin- Mitten Agency, ReaKors, 641' and place eeeSpied for s ^ h ea rts steed bedrooms, lireplaced liv­ 6930. COLONIAL BOX LETTERS 1086 FORD 4-door sedan, Rea- inets, built-ms, formica, tile. SEE IT DAT OR NIGHT AiMurtnients—Flst»— COLLI ft WAGNER be g n m ta alTpeisooe knosni to be aooabie oCfer. 646-6788. No Job too amalL WIlltaiQ Electrical Services 22 PAINTER — Only experienced Garden— Farm— ^Dair/ FIVE ROOMS, bath, ing foont and a family sized VERNON — $2,800 wUl as­ Interastsd th e r ^ to eaq ier and be need apply, steady work. 643- A—L—B—E—R—T’—S TencniMits 631 m h e a t aduMa Cfnij, kltdien. Full cellar, aluminum sume VA mortgage. Pay­ heard thereon bv pulmAsiBg a copp For T ow Robblna carpentry service. Products 50 Vernon of USs order ta same .nowspeper TOUIBWAOHN 16M, btack, FREE ESTIMATES. Prompt 6626 after 6:30. storms and screens, carefully ments $140 a month. House 289-0241 kaartag a elnxlatioa ta eeld DMrkX, NURSE’S AIDE, 8-11, full and 48-46 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD WE RAVE euatomon watting AVAILABLE very olean, top ecndKloa. OaU service on all types of slectriet part-time. Laurel Manor, 640- APPLias—^Macs and Oortlanda, OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9 maintained. Wolvecten Agency, is 8 years old, 8 bedrooms, at least seyen dsjrs behwe tto dss 640-1080, 4-7 p.m . CARPENTRY—Rec rooms, for­ al wiring. Licensed and in­ WANTED to work in Hartford a No. 1 and No. 2. Bunce Farm, lor Um rontel of ynur o p ^ Realtor!, 949481$. 1% baths, vacuum system, 4519. truly conscienUous man to as­ $ » . Manchester Property BOLTON UNE — New A rokw mica, cslUngs, closets, remod­ sured. Wilson Electrical Co., 14 Spenew St. aaiWING MACHINE — .Just re­ mont or home. J. D. R o ^ , FOUR ROOK apaatuMBt h i^ wooded lot Immediate THE HERAIX) wM act MOT CHEVROUDT, good T-B en­ eling, hatchways, atticb fin­ M anchester, 040-4817, 648-1388 sist on automotive counter and •494U9. ' Bxmth. laqulre Mt48l8. I OOLONIAX'-UH roorasTS% poeeeeekm. T. J. Crookett, Raised Ranch, 2 acres of trees WOMAN tor housework 4 days ceived in trade, elcctrie eonsole $ 1 4 , 9 0 0 wKh a brook in the back, $21,. mmAom the Mesrtlty of gine, new ophoUtery, needs ished concrete deps, floors, a week. References. OaU 649- on deliveries. Must have quaii- WHITE BOGS for coloring; also baths, Uvhig room $0x16, SoUd as a rode — 8 room R ^tor, 848-1677.______IbnctMster, Cenn.; Marion B. M g adverUMT natng bow fleations to become fuU-time apples. 172 S. Main Street. 646- in good condition, sews Mke THREE ROOM aportmente, 22$ I FOUR ROOK opartraciit, seo- 900. J. D. R ealty Co.. 648-6139. Ttaher, Hebron Bead, Andorw, rear panel body repair, origin­ porches, garages. No Job to* 6986. otoos flrcplaea, 8 oeroa of dwelling, 1% baths, 3-car Conn,; lb s ManohaXer M wtoriri letters. Rsadsm answer­ al atsnrtard aet-up, 8126. • 1066 Floor Finishing 24 counter man. 533-4297. 0087. » new, walnut cabinet, «tfy $19. Main Straet heat hot water, ond floor, unbooted, oontiaL load, ottuufldhiga, $$1,500 BUCKINGHAM S’mBBT — 6 0%-ro(Mn ranrik with 3-car small. 649-8880. Singer Sewing Ctonter, 882 Main garage, large lot, full price ITVE ACRES, 8 rooms, 2 baths, toepUeL e/b The Oonneotlcnt Beak ing bltad boot sd s who Ctievrblet 1-door, good btg en- CLEANING WOMAN wanted stova nfrigocator. MS-6339, 948-6972. PhnbrUk Agwey, $49-8464. room Colonial In prime residen­ arage, treed lot, plenty of and Tnist Oompany, Treewi j r . 1 FLOOR SANDING and rafin- PAINTER, experienced, steady St., 648-8883. $16,600. gvabURy for the wise buy­ aluminum atorma, very (Bean, dsalns to protect tbeir Igna, floor ahUt, $876., needa A. A. nON, INC. Roofing two days a week, Wapping. Oall GGe tial eecticn wttmn a block of ConslitaMaa Ptasa, Hartford. O q ^ : Idwttty can foQow tbla siding, painting. Carpentry. Al- ishing (speelalixtng In older work, apply in person, Mon­ Household Goods 51 BDC ROOM dupta lOONOORDRD. — BeoutlM A lot for a little — 6 room er. $460 down gets you the very attaoctlve, suborban, only WUUam J. Shea Jr., 64 JOUracr mar panel fender sroik, no rust 644-1947. •49-1476 af- Bowers School. Cuetom buUt in Drive. lOanrlkietwr, Conn.. KXeen- prooedurs: — M60 Ford for peats, 2-door, ternoons and additions. CaU- floors). Waxing floors. Paint' day - Friday, 8-4:80. Yost Con­ SEWING MACHINES — Singer, street ca bus hue. roach, lozgo Uvtng room, for­ dwelling with 1-oar at­ I960, 1% baths, 8 bedroom s, key. Joe Gordon haa details. 114,600. Hutchins A gency, 646- tor of (its Eriala of WUMam J. Shea. mgs. _Woriananshl|^ guso^ ing. Callings. Psparhanglng. b a b y s i t t e r WANTED, eve­ struction, 915 Hartford Tpke., BVERYTHIMQ la stefUsad re- special oale of machines taken' ter S p jn . mal dining room, cabinet tached garage, close to Can today! 0103. JOHN J. WALLBTT, Judge. ISaslom your rsplg to Iks amming cchdUlcn, $60. MbOOSe. condltlcoed used furniture and fuU basem ent, garage, aU on a bcK hi an anvetepe — teed. 289 Autumn 6tt-4880. No Job too smalL Jelm Var- nings, Monday through Friday. Vernon. In tra^^NOTMM^^T.^ Htotien with built • too, 1% 7-room Raised Ranch, fea­ this Oomrt for aHowaM.., aU asetras. CaU between 6-7:80 16 Lewis St, Hartford, 248- quirements o t the Zoning Regu­ Oarrteoa Oolooial, 12x34 living 848-4648 ORDERED: That tfas tem a>7 «« page catalog. Popular Club SEWING MACHINE — Singer Bedroom Apartments. b o t e , ta n iA f room off Mteh- turing 8 bedroome, loiga p.m ., 643-0460. 8807. Plan, Dept. L800, Lynl lations for the Town of Man­ IROCKVILLB — modarn S% room, family room, bultt-ln family room, 1% batbs, 3- April. 1666. at 6.60 oW ockTitow Roofing— Siding 16 automatic rig-sag, cabinet chester, Connecticut, the Zoning Membar O f en. lonnal dining room, one iMxai at the Probata OWoe in tha Lout au4 Fouad N.Y. Salesmen Wanted 36-A room aportmoat, rmidsatiall klteh^ spacious lot. Priced Multipla Lteting Servtoa oar g a n g a . b o o t in 19«6. $33,- oar garage, riectrtc kftrii- MunleiiMl BuUding ta .arid M am di^ CREDIT RATING model, excellent oonditlon, but­ Board of Appeals will i hold a FROM $120 PER MONTH r i^ t . Hayes Agency, •41-4808. $ 1 6 , 9 0 0 LIGHTNING RODS, rooflng, (Xachidoa hoot, hot water aad oroa , parking, aduMs only, $118. $00. r a ib r io k Agonoy, 849-8464. en, (inly $19,776. ter. ha aad the aaine la a a a lg ^ fW ‘ LOST —tody’s btoek handbag 1006 CHRYSLER 4-door, good WANTED-----woman for rALESMAN — fuel oil, experi­ ton bole<, embroiders, hems, public hearing on Monday eve­ m onthly. 649-4914, 976-llM . a ieartng on Om anowanee of . ’ vlctntty A A P, E. Center St., condition, $100. 648-8278. siding, gutters, aluminum win­ UNNECESSARY enced, car and entertainment etc. Repossessed, was $809.60, ning, April 19, 1966 at 8 P.M. p arid ag.) HOIAJ8TER STREET — 6 room admtatstraaon aoccant with aaid oa- dows, doors, aluminum cano­ cleaning and ironing one SDC ROOM GoiTteoa''Colontel , A handsome 6% - room COLLI ft WAGNER tete, asaertatament of diatributM bn portent papeiu. Reward. Mortgage loans, first-second' or two half days a week, expense furnished, $8,600. Box unpaid balance $69.60, take In the H earing Room o f the Mu­ IMMEDIATE ONE AND TWO room furnished Capo with 1% baths, died dor­ MANCHESTER — New S room ranch with big bedrooms, and evdar of riatribotton ^ thla 1936 FORD Coupe with rabuUt pies, roll-up awnings. Work over payments o f 88. monthly. executive Colonial, 4 largo bed­ high elevatkm witii v4tw, 1% ' „ Pleaae eafi 640-1106. third, arranged. AU kinds of transportation. Tel. 643-; Y, Herald. nicipal Building on the follow­ OCCUPANCY apartments. Heated. Bedroom mer, flidshed rec room, baths, buUt-ins, small down built - ta kitchen, ricnlc 289-0241 Court dtreria «iat notice of tto t o e atoek engine, new paint, $200. guaranteed. Beacon Lightning realty. Confidential-reasonable. City Sewing Center, Hartford, ing applications: screened poroh, antiall lot. Out rooms, spacious Uving room, and aarignadfer a A beating Protection, Steve Pearl, 643 set, kitchen set, rdHgerotor, payment osouinea m orte^. grove bock ya^. Flaeter qaU 640-0678. Albert Burke Agency, 983 Main, BKPERIENCED secretary 522-0476. ______Public Housing- Authority. ■ovatora — dosod dreuR TV gas range, tote electricKy, gas, of state owner wants quick sale formal dining room, kitchen 6315. Weriey R. Smith .AgwMy. Real- oonstniction adds even Hartford. Office 527-7971, Eve. wanted, typing, riiorthand and Help Wanted— Project 26-2, Northerly' side of and hiteroom—buUMas—extra tow rent. Apply 10 Depot | and baa priced the house real- and family room, rustle hoama, MAGIC CHEF, apartment aize, tots, 949-1847. moie vehie. Roger Walker 242-9400. knowledge of sentence struc Male or Female 37 Hartford Road (iuterior land doeet mace . . . and much Square, Apt. A tetioaUy. T. J. Crodtott, Real­ osntral llriT^o, 2% tiled has key. Legal NotlcM of thte order I k a m .qsgy n p er XMOCaOB TAXES prepared m Trucks— ^Tractors tore essential. Opportunity to electric stove, like new, very weet of Waddell Road), Resi­ more! Comar S. Adame aad tor. 84$-167T. baths, eomplete hiilK-tns, 3-cor Roofing and Chimneys 16-A SECOND MORTGAGE — Un­ good eofidltion, 8$0. 60 North BENTON BT. — Immaculate jf’ia.’a s T S .v s ^ your home or by appointment. advance with young but eetab- DOG SITTEIR wanted, someone dence Zone A. Request for an Olcott Sto. Just oao block garage. Truly a fine home In a rider Capo wKh ovanteod mod- AT A OOtJBT O f FROBATE. KiqMclenoed tax woilc. 24- 1940 FORD pick-up, retouiK en­ limiteda tunasfunds avauaDieavailable lorfor aec-sec­ Street. extension of the waiver of the south cf Osator St ToL 849- MAMCSESTER — Original own- prestige o re s. Asking $18,900. held at Hancheeter, end ter gine, 4 almoirt new tires, needs R (X )F IN a — BparJaUilng Hshed company, exceUent with fenced yard to keep small Boflinaas Locatiofw on kitnen aiid bath, trim the Dlstrtot of Mencbeeter, oa hour servioa. OaH 646-4726. pairing roofs of all kinds, new ond milortgages, paimients to working conditlcne. Phone 640- pedigreed dog, week days, for 120-day time limitations for 2863. Opon dolly 21 o jb .-T p m . ers. 4 bedroom, center en­ Robert D. Murdoek, UAR brakM , $126. 646-4046. suit your Dudget. Expedient landoei^ad lot, garage, patio, 19lh day of AprU. 1966. roofs, gutter work, cbLuneys 7736, 876-3817 for appointment. working owners. CaU 649-8764. starting construction, said For Rent 64 trance, Garrison Colonial situ­ R ealty Co., In e., 648-3692, 64$- many oxtra toaturos. Char-Bon $ 1 7 , 9 0 0 Preemt. Hon. John J. WaBstt. Manchaster. Oana.i . Itorijnift NO- INOOMH TAX rotumo, biul- service.« . J. D. Realty.Realty 648-6110. CALORIC gas stove, good eon- waiver was for six months, at lAKEONO for oBytloag la rooll ated on a diaded and private Judge. aem and mdivldual, prsparad eleanad, repaired. Aluminum dition, $86. 648-0608. •472. ______A genoy, •48-0681. Estate of Mary X. BlMott. late of siding. 10 yeara' experience. above location. ooteta rontels — uartmonl THREE ROOM offloe or buol- 90x380 yard. Double am eslte by fuQ-thna income tax ac- Trailers— hom as, m ultipla dwoUtaiga, ca ll | Lovingly mataitatasd Lr Manchaater, ta said DIetriot de­ Free estimates. Call Hovdey Situations Wanted— CLEAN, USED refrigerators, Chorches Motors. 80 Oakland neos, ground floor, 470 Main drive, 2 • oar garage with OVERLAND ST. — Ovandied NEAR BUOKLET School — ■haped ranch ta deelrafole ceased. oountant New laws effecting Business Opportunity 28 Help Wanted— ^Male 36 J. D. Raalty. 94$4129. Street, p le n ^ o f porU ng. 449- Mobile Homes 6-A 643-6861. 644-888$. Female 38 ranges, automatic washers and St., Business Zone II. Variance braozawag^ Utohen has built- brick Cope, on wooded lot, cosy, eleoa 8 room eustom young neighborhood offers Tha administrator having axMbta retirement moome. Raymond 6329, 9 4 ,______must sdl to aettle estate, ad his admtnietmtlcn aooouat wlm Oirard. Can ooUeet 875-7362. FOR SALE — Fully equipped CARPENTER, first class, wringer wariiers with guaran' Is requested to erect free-stand­ TWO ROOM heotod opartmont' in oven, imngs and dtehwoah- Capo, 2% bate, garage, dlih- ■Al oonvsnlencee Including a eld aatete to tbta Court for aUesr- 1964 ACE travel trailer. $1,286. WELL CARE for children in my ing ground sign at above loca­ down, and two undalrs rooms luncheonette. Reasonable, will steady year 'round wortc. H tees. Se* them at B. D. Pearl’s and bath, 149 OoU aad S t , $M. DB8IRABLB store or offlos or, phu a van attractive wosher, paneled fireplace wall, Short hop to schooL CaB ince U is Aluminum inaide and out. Heating and Plumbing 17 home, $16. weekly. Write Box tion. broa k a a t nook, it o m a l 12x13 are roughed In. rorohee front ORDERED: That the $f(b day el FEDERAL IN(30ME taxes Sleeps 4 or 6. I-ike new. Pri­ finance. Oall 649-8098 or 640- C. Hutchinson k Son, 643-5873 Appliances. 649 Main Street, or •49-ia39, 9 4 . spoea, ground floor, doon, at- piaster waBs, newly papered JoeI Gordoa1 prp rootol A |^, 1966, at four o’(dock anei-- prepared with your aavings in W, Herald. John Entwlstle. 18 Crestwood dtailng room, 14x24 edoitlal and bock. OMcken ooop. Asking and painted, rugs, oxtras. Coll vate owner has ft on display at FOR ALL your complete heat 9963. between 6-8 p.m. call 648-2171. troetiva mad reasonable. Apply noon at Um Probate Office in the mind. Reaaonnable rates. Ed­ Dr., Residence Zone A. Variance ROOM apaztmoDt with paneled Uvlng room with fire­ $16,000. T. J. Crockett, R ealtor, owner 8484)806 a fia r 6. Huidolpal ButlkUng ta eald Menchee DeOormier Motor Sales, Inc., ing, plumUng and remodeling MOTHER would like to take n v R Mr. Chasoe, State Theatre, il F ( » H E ft— ward J. Beyles, 649-6246. MANCHESTER—Coin operat­ KENMORE gas range. 30,” Is requested to erect attached Tnimbiw Stroot, avoU- place, and waU-to-wall carpet­ 648-1677. ter, be and the same to assigned 266 Broad, Manchester. Tel. needs, call MAM, 649-2871. care of child, my home, Bolton a.m. - 8 p.m. for a hearing (m the allosianee of ed laundromatic combination, glass windew door, double garage closer to Mde line than ^ % > r l l 1st. ThL M$4E84. ing. FuU cellar with roc room, MAN0HB8TBR — cosy 8 bed­ said admlnlstratian account wMh COSMETICS ELEiCTROLUX Sales and serv­ 643-4166 or tel. owner 640-0296. excellent location, doing very area. 649-6682. oven, like new, $85. 644-8032. allowed at above lotatlon. ' scroenod summer porch, weU THREE family, 4-4-4 ta idea room Ranch, patio, full base­ $ 1 8 , 2 0 0 id estate, ascertetament of helra PLUMBING AND Heating re WANTED OFFICE and desk space now ooncfltlon, new elding, copper ice, bonded representative. Al­ pairs and new installationr good business. Priced for quick W inslow k Mar|ha Place. 137 MANCHESTER — now Ooloatol availabla, new buUdtng. Secre- priced at $27,900. W olvertoa m ent, rityNNwem, $11,600. Ger­ and order of dMrSmtioa. and this FOK B A R E R 1984 CALORIC gas range, 30”, phimbtag, combination etoims, ard A gency, ReaKani, 6484)866, Court directs that notice (if tbs time fred AmeU, 110 Bryan Dr., Motorcycles— ^cycles 11 Special attention to emergen­ sale. J. D. R ealty Co., 643 Full snd part-time experi­ Situations Wanted— Deepwood Dr., Residence Zone 4% room flats and duplexes, terlal and onowarlng oorvioa A gency, R oaltors. 849-3618. 6 rooRta, 2 fiiU baths, fd and pteea aasignsd for said hearing M aneheoter, 644-8M1. 6129. excellent condition, $160. firm. A. Variance U requested to oaroiBlp bath, P a n , rtfrigora>- 3 new tu n a cea , Iwsome 83.840, Gertrude H agedom , 6494)688, mol (firing room, be given to all persons known to ha I ARTHUR DRUR cies. Tel. 649-2023. enced gauge and tool mak­ ‘ Male 39 OB prqmteae Apply ownor- g o ^ l^ e o tm e n t $38,900. 1066 HARLEY-DAVIDSON with ers to work on aircraft Call 843-5288. erect addition to house closer tor, private baasmsnt, fros tenaat, 867 E Omtw Street, NEW RAISED RANCH — 8 Jobanna B vara. 8494M99. lots of big trees, fireph interested therein to appear and he LEAVE YOUR plumbing prob­ to side line than allowed at gridng. Bojaa Agaaep, $48* rooms, one tun aad two half FlMna S. A. Beerider, Agent riiort walk to new : ard thereon tnr p(f>lMiing a eepr electric starter on display. Schools and Classes 33 parts. SCHOOL BOY desires work USED REFRIGERATOR, 10 or oon 649-468L PORTER STREET Area — j of this order ta some nawmaner XIXH model, all colors. 50 cc lems to us. No job too small above location. botho, 2 or 4 bodrooma, dtalag 8U-8089. mar eehooL R’a new,>too! having a eireiilaifoa In said S isbk t. TOP WAGES tilling gardens, afternoons and cu. ft., now In usa $25. Call Ellsie Davis, 61 F ox croft Dr., ' I room, family room, one car 7 room Oarrisan . f f i : model, $230., full price. Harley- I will pack any faucet, $3.50. ENROLL NOW weekends, Manchester areA MANCHESTER — Jurt a h o f, CaU Dkdc Beach. « STATE UCENSKD mat Im bm Roland Plumbing A Heating 843-4435. Residence Zone A. Variance is THREE ROOMS, - * a s feregA$88.900. PhUhrick ria l, 8h 4 bedrooms, of said saM hearing, and by malting on centrally located, raaaonable Davidsoa Sales, 46 Park Strset, — LIMITED SPACE — BENEFIT PLAN reasonable. Oall 843-9100. M p and a Jump from the bus eriey R. Smith or hefora April 16. IWK. by eerti- Hartford. 247-6774. Co. 643-4623. requeste(l to erect, carport and mAimlshod, cl! : Sabnrbiui For KSP|^ 66 A ^ oy, 849-8484.______family rooT X i fledd mail,mair a conyoooy of (Ms (mier to ratea, frlandly atmoapheca. HY-SPEED LONG HAND line. An expandable Cape with A g«n^, Reeltora, 84S-156T. DEPENDABLE MAN would UPHOI^TERED CHAIR. Rea­ sunporch closer to side line than abls, parklBg. aduMs, Now Bol­ Evriyn B. Darby, 60 Laural S t, — TeL 875-lOlL ... Stenographers regulations allow, at above lo­ BOLXOM OBNTBR Apaitftlata, PRIVACY — 6% aeres, custom four looms finished. Immacu­ llsnehester. Conn. ___ HAVE ABOUT M64 HARLEY-Davidson Model E & S GAGE CO. like lawn work mornings. sonable offer. Call 649-5738. ton R d. 648-8188 late as can be, with natural JOHN J. WALLOTT. JkSdge. Radio— TV Repair ... Reporters cation. Cksnor Braady St aad Bolton built Garrison Colonial, breem- DUPLEX 6A rooms, osMunable $ 1 9 , 2 0 0 BIDE WANTED, flrat shift, XLCH, black with white trim, Write Box C, Herald. O sator R Itoted this 5-year young held at Mencbeeter, wMbta aad ter , OaU 649-7116. Dogs—-Birds—Pets 41 NOTICE living room, oil not water heat S!9. t)>e DMrhH of Msachseter, en toe HARLEY-Davidson, 1962, Model Ice, available all boura. Satls- COMPLETE PROGRAM COMBINATION short order building, and to construct addi­ Hutohtaa Agsaey, 846-0108. spHt with 6% rooms, ga­ laih day of 11“ Utilizes Electronic System riotuiwpM looatlOB. 116,600. ob i WANTED -- Ride to Piatt k 74, 1,180 cc, blue, exceUent con­ factioo guaranteed. Cail 649 cook and grill man. Apply in POODLES — very small mini­ PUBLIC HEARING tion closer to north side line Rssort Proparty rage and flrrolaoe. You’U Prsaent, Bon. J4S. *166 ADAMS ST. I960 PLYMOUTH Belvaders 2- , 525-9817 Oolumbla. Delivered.' George lot at Oolonlal Oak Apte., ABUrtEIMt WnUdfafin I , ...... ft h ywET wooMy Ircdh Mgli drums, $3. Full ones emptied, H.-’ G rifflng, In c., 743-7886. door, V-S, automatic transmis- $2. 649-9767. Schools From Coast to Coast MANCHESTER, CONN. •8 OoR 8 t Bteat hot w ite, Fw'Sflk MlRAMdE^OlargaiuoaiAdlate CAREFREE LIVmO PUIVfflft • m u iv ana --- te- Ihg ItotoM of jo m M ikoT O tPn, mfrigorator, mh^ 1T8T B V t w room with rton, good ocmdltion, reas< 760 K a in St., Suite, 804, BRACE yourself for a thriU tha oeuttva 4-badroom OWnoial, hi YOU ARE A-1! Trurit la A-21 hl|^^rlvate patio a im ftfil ui-t firopUkoo, I bodrooms, ono ear ahie. Cafi 280-4674. PAINTING H a ^ o i^ first time vou use Blue Lustre M A N C H B B im 4 ap ait- flrstilBo#, $15,900 partfUks setting, ioreen^ pot­ Cellars, attics, trash, small Next Door To Travelers Ins. Has Immediate Openings I airiite, reowfiy rm ovated,! garage, level lot 04,900. PW- to, formal dtatag room. ft Which typ* of Mortgagt lo u Is tM Mat tar jw T OHEVRiCR-iErr, 1968, Brookw ood tru ck in g done A -1 rightl OaU — PAPERHANGING to olean '>rugs.. Rent electric b rlck A gency, 849-8464. sham pooer $1. Olcott Variety WOMEN kkcakton, rokhicod to $81,-, Six room Hayaa Agency,. 948-4808. Station Wagon, V-8, automat­ 848-2928, Tremano Triicucktng Bullard Marion Edhind, Real te, power steering, radio, heat- Service: Interior, exterior, residen­ Help Wanted— Female 35 Store, r HbCKLBOGB — large custom atone fireplace, 8 ft What prkt hoaM la yoar pedttOook aaltoi tar? Set-up And Operate eift-ieiH 649-4486 r take, 8a0-«$19, 4444414. new wood groin aluminum MANCHESTER — 24x83' Ranch, •r, exooUent condition, low tial, commercial and indus­ N e m Im I m Iftd mid Ird shHti ii CoNliif, 4 bedroom Ooloaial, buUt-tas, TYPEWRITERS — Standard RN or LPN , 11-7 ahlft. Part or DARK RIOHf stone-free loam, riding, new aluminum oom- bum 1984. tn e tmmmaot ok- i^ e a g s . Please ca ll after 5, trial spraying. Quality 8% bote, 2-oar faroga, gor- m m , • M g Ip droom s , f M l and electric. Repairad, over­ workmanship assured, fully fuU-time. Laurel M anor, 649- Turret Lathe .fill, gravel, sand, stone, ma­ S p iftE l i g « e4 Whidhig Depemwetsi f a p t r i * 649-6644 gaous woodqd lot btaaSem windawa, tito bath ftB oto aMKhi 975-8960.______• Bet-up And Operate nure, wWte 6an4 tor sand box- BBBlwMs^Pwgwrtjr WMh M b onriooure, aontrai- hauled, rented. Adding ma­ Inaured. OaU coUeot . . . 4819. ogr» $48-4000. 2969 RENAULT Dauphlne, good chines rented and rapalrad. es and oM pooU. Dalftery. 648- b i j ^ kNf EEf EECEHEry— wE trohi yEE. . For M b ' Iv hMfloft hsfr Mwolh aondtticiB, 9186. 848-4468 after Piclnm and daUvery aervlea. EWoiilMit BenttfHs 961k. . ' jfsfw f mgm oliuialiao ond otocaa. Qulat Yale Typewriter Service. Jesse Cook LPM o r R N , fua or port-tlBM, AH i « eHv e wEgEt, sMN bEEEt. ImiigEEef ,e« v - ■ X RO O K BVnVKinMXMle 6:80 p.m . S-0866 gMAIL RZDQfO traejor wtUi u n r m H W t 4988. U r7. sa in t Nyw. $4B-237A '^ ■jtow. 848-90M. 1966 CHEVRC«J3T 4 - door, anenndaw, cutter bar, plow, 5*252* jSSK 1”)?—— y**' hoIMbv an la cat Raymond A . LABORERS WANTED. ^ Ma- paotrage. High tratfle ( ' tiwmandouB value. Hayas Agen- •tiefc, atodlCisd 296; 1962 Kal- APPLUMQBS repaired — all 428-0068 W aim B D E tp erien red wait cultivator aiM dtoo harrow, •SSOTO. oy7«48-4$09. 6MT with 2958 Buick engine, makes washers, refrigerators, niw, Hie Country KttqBon ■on'e he^er. CaU after 8|' 848' $460. 6 4 H M . A wloa tavaotmont for LofI For itoo J. D. REALTY *-*^**^ transrolssloo. Also, traaiers, drytrs, gas and elec­ RoMUMot, BQlnrton Sports- ,1870. FOUR ROOM bested apart- g$.000. SU^raa Agsaey, MANCHESTER - Luxurious NEW LUriTNO • - Porter it. 7 land, Ine., Route il, CAMPINO aqutpm4l>t, 9H xl4’ m ^Csflhiast utohoa. flroplftoa, Hi AN D O Vm i many Obavratet p*ate. 748-8848 tric rangea. Oil burners BXPERiniMiBD woodw^er Roae^ t full maia- looms, gafoga. eleansd and rapalred. Coama PAJNTINO. EXTERKNC omiok boa, 8-burnar ALDON s p in n in g MILLS ioip fl floor, “ ■Otar ril.lMat, COMPANY after 8:80 p.m. or recent High fn eol gnUhiate fra#_tadweo4t oxUntor, tIM bote, hot Appliance, 649-0066. interior, p^wrhanging, wolL qORPORAXlON with fisoBhio% w on to w «i 4 4 M U * }«S$ VOUeSWAGEN Oonver- paper removed, dry well work. PART t TDOB eashlar, enperi- wUMiig ^ l i a m l n ^ . Apply at * m t m SM. ftr. wMte, red Interior, radio, IteM onable rmtea. fiiH y ' butwfiMraia. Jtlalay Woo&fAHttbng, m a,. 89a •,*/»■ TALG0vmii;i, otttw. • ■ person, 21 a .in «4 p a l . Lake Mreat Vamoa, er eatl OB. SoM at i BoEk 9 t r a a t '« 9 - .- i feed oaOdHkm. One own- TREE REMOVAL and la a i w red. Free aetlmatoe, 1 eloaileg mntm, 7484011. tH E E l r n m - p m . 8149. ---I . inn.HIM ■I ' ■ ’ 't / • - /.'S r .'H - a W ; ,

Average Daily Nat Preaa Ron THURSDi^Y, APRIL » » IM S W tr Hto WMk M April le, i m ^AGE TWENTY-FOUR j i a n r l ; 0Bt»r lEwfutog Ifm lb 1 4 ,1 2 5 Mgh se-sa. boards are facsd with tbs same The Teen Center will be dos­ Health Problems "oompeUtivs problems” as are A THREE-HOUR DEVOTION for th» Mmehetur— d Cit, of V llh f Chorm ed thU weekend due to the boards Of education whan It n m tt OtmOmUam About Town Easter HoUday. The center will Subject of Play comes time to hire coHsgs grad­ PRICE SEVEN CENTi uates, qualiflsd tor Ubrary work. am Fsg. 10) re-open Thursday, Friday and MANCHES’TER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1965 Ooonle Johnson of 447 Hil- Saturday next week. I t ’s a Problem,” a health Manchester’s Ubrary board (EIGHTEEN PAGES) tiard St. was the recipient of has designed a salary soheduls VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 167 a $100 bond as a first prize win- James W. Mavor, meohanlcal play, was presented yesterday for Ubrarisuw which is compar­ Ber in the Stop and Shop’s re­ engineer at Woods Hole Ocea­ by Grade 3 at Buckley School. able to the teachers’ schedule cant coloring book contest. nographic Institution, win be The play’s idea was to have a set ig> by the board of educa­ the 'guest speaker at a meeting board of experts solve health tion. Events lioster LaFreixier o f Manchee- of the Society of Automotive problems enacted by children At present, the only full-time Based on W , a Junior at Merrimack Ool- Ehigineers tonight at 8 in the in the class. male employe of the library Latest U.S. Air Attack Jege, North Andover, Mass., is Terrace Dining Room, Bradley The problem children were board ia John F. Jackson, In State directing a one-act play entitled Field, Windsor Locks. Dinner Deborah Thomas, Michael reference librarian at Mary “The Seven Last Words From The Cross” •TTie Rising of the Moon” at the will be served at 6:46. Coughlin, Kathleen Charlebois, Cheney Ubrary. ecHlege. The play will be pre- Scott Matassa, Amy Ballard and In addition to several high wlU bs held at aented Tuesday at 8 pm . in the The duplicate bridge game, Norman Davey, Elizabeth • Ann usually played each Friday at school youths, who serve as as­ T ot’s Message atdlege auditorium. Qo^d was the announcer and sistants, the board employs one 7:46 p.m. in the basement rooms the other members of the class EMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH at the former technical school, other men on a nighttime part- To Policemen The Hartford Section of Amer­ were the board of experts. time basis at Mary Cheney U- Wrecks Cong Bridges ican Society lor Quality' Con­ 39 School St., has been canceled . CHURCH AND CHESTNUT STREETS for tomorrow and April 28. Play brary. This man’s duties, how­ trol will have its second annual ever, are mainly dlscipUnaiy. Helps Mother Space Age Gaging Show April will be resumed April 30. Nam’.tand_ the. Phu Diem__C^au rtol-^ «to«d SB and 29 from 10 a.m. to I p.m. Male Librarians Friday, April 16fh road bridge. Just south of the three road and rail bridgM, PLAINVILLE (AP) ■ S AIG 0 South ,V lett;S”Larmed forces shot down zeven sUrUng with a blow at Kim at the Hartford Armory. The VFW Auxiliary has can­ 12 Noon to 8:00 P.M. Nam (A P )— Half a dozen 17th parallel. celed its card party, scheduled “ My mother is just lying planes. Cuong bridge near Laos ana Sought by Board North Vietnamese railway The Navy plane used Bullpup Spokesmen gave this account Manchester Ministers Associa for tomorrow night, because of conUmiing up highway Route 1. Throw ’Em PARTICIPATTNO CLERGYMEN on the floor. She’s sick.” missiles to destroy a span of one of results: About 80 Navy planes swept in Son wlH meet Wednesday at 11 Good Friday. That was the message that and highway bridges were The single span of the 238-foot TTie Manchester Library DONT Away of two parallel bridges on High­ from the sea and concentrated n,m. at Center Oongregrtlonal Board, which has only one full­ Introduction, Rev. C. Henry Anderson, E m a ^ l ____ came to Policeman George wrecked by American air way 1 at Xom Ca Trang, 186 bridge al Kim Cuong was Church. Luncheon will be eerved Persons interested in seeing knocked into the water; two on highway strtictures. time male employe, on Its staff, StUl plenty of wear left In First Word, Rev. John Hughes, St. Mary s E p lso o ^ Litke when he took a call at raiders today. About 150 miles south of Hanoi. All planes returned sa f«y at noon. Reservations may be the end of the war in Vietnam headquarters Thursday. spans of the 5l5-(oot Trai Hoi are reminded of a walk Satur­ would like to place more men your shoes when you have Second Word. Rev. K. Ejnar Rask. Trinity U.S. Navy and Air Force This ml.s8ile, which a spokes­ with only minor damage. made at the church office. The as librarians at Mary Cheney, The caller was Jacquline man said the Air Force had bridge were destroyed; one Rev. Earle Custer, pastor of day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at them rebuilt In a profeeslonal Third Word, Rev. Luther Gerhart, L.C.A. Ch^laln^ Patt who will be (our tomorrow. warplanes took part. span of three in the 390-foot In New York. U.N. SecreUry- the Old State House, Hartford, Whiton Memorial and West Side “ We got three and the Air used previously In North Viet General U Thant said he has North Methodist Church, will shoe repair shop. AIJL Fourth Word, Rev. George Nostrand, SL Mary’s Bpisoopu For, a quarter of an hour the Nam. was described as a 906- steel structure at Phu Diem «>eak on "What Does MancWbs- sponsored by the Hartford Libraries. Force got three,” a Navy found some recent develop­ William E. Buckley, chairman WORK OUARANTEEpi Fifth Word, Rev. Melvin T. Peterson, Emanuel tot stayed on the line, some- pounder guided Ylsually by the Chau was dropped. (er Have to do With Sehna." Peace Center. Those wishing Umes responding to questions, spokesman said. In all, the Air Force planes ments in the Viet Nam war further information may cali the of the Library Board, has told Sixth Word, Rev. James Bottoms, SL Mary’s Episcopal Col. Edwin J. Witzenburger of pilot through a radio control heartening. the town boaixl of directors of sometimes not. unit. spent one hour on these mis­ David Hastinga, son of Mr. Peace Center at 144 S. Quaker Seventh Word, Rev. C. Henry Anderson, Emanuel "What’s your father’s name, Lusk, Who., deputy commander sions and dropped 120 tons of Thant told a U.N. correspond­ and Mrs. D. E. Haatlnge, 120 Lane, Hartford. the problem he has encountered SAM YULYES of the 2nd Air Division, said the About 70 Air Force planes in fuimUng his obJecUve, "due honey?" Datoll asked. rained bombs and rockets on bombs. ents’ luncheon President John­ Ralknor Dr., is on the honor Giordanos Wed 25 Years Same Side As Watkins AH are welcome! You may come ^ The reply sounded to the two strikes were a complete .suc­ "The idea was to destroy each son and North Vietnamese Pre­ Cub Scout Paric 144 will enUrely to the difficulty in find­ service or you may leave during the singing of the hymn three roads and rail bridges. (on at Kansas Wesleyan Univer men like "Pat.” cess, All planes were reported of the three bridges in turn,” an mier Pham Van Dong seem to slty, Sallnm w h m he is a sen­ meet tonight at 7:30 at the Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Giordano^' ing qualified, trained librarians SS OAK STREET at the close of a meditation. to have returned safely with These were at Kim (Juong, on assisted the Amers with the at the available salaries.” Acting on a hunch, Datoli Route 8 only seven miles east of Air Forcerorcc officer explained. agree on the need to return — to ior. Keeney St. Schott ^ of 43 Spring SL were feted at a only minor damage. No enemy “ the requirement being to drop the essentials of the 1964 Gene- eurprise party In honor of their party. ’The couple received a Buckley said that Ubrary dialed the headquarters of the the Laotian frontier: the Trai aircraft were sighted. one span minimum at each.” 1 ______. . . silver wedding anniversary Sat­ money tree along with their volunteer fire department be­ Hoi highway bridge, 80 miles cause the call had been receiv­ A Hanoi dispatch broadcast About 70 Air Force planee I (See Pago ElfM) urday night at the home of Mr. other gifts. by the New China News Agency north of the Vietnamese border; and Mrs. G. N. Amer, 66 Cush­ Mr. Giordano and the former ed at police headquarters on the man Dr. The Amers are Mrs. Harriet Amer, both of Man­ fire emergency line. Giordano’s brother and sister- chester, were married April 12, A caretaker at the firehouse told Datoli the roster had a in-law. 1940 by the Rev. Earl E. Story About 35 relatives and at the parsonage of South Sand Bag to Bolster Dike Detours Over House Roof volunteer named Willie Patt. friends from Manchester and Methodist Church. Minutes later, police entered Looking for an surrounding towns attended the Mrs. Giordano is employed as Patt’s home and found Jackie Katzenbach tells event. Mrs. R. E. Amer of Man­ a secretary In the office of crying on the floor beside the chester and Mrs. Olln Gerich of Atty. Herman Yules. Her hus­ still form of her mother. EASTER FINERY AlDhyslcian said later Mrs. Easter Blouse? W a p p 1 n g, Mrs. Giordano’s band is a foreman at Whitney mother and sister, respectively. Chain Co., Hartford. Cold Weather Slows Patt had apparently fainted. Crime News Policy A Textile Strike Visit the Cartwhesl and WILLJMAN'nC (AP) —TexUle Union Workers here and in WASHINGTON (AP)—A new set of rules governing see our new collection of EASTER BREAKFAST Norwich went on strike at mid­ the release of information on criminal cases by all Jus­ night. tice Department law enforcement officers was issued Jubilee blouses. Sizes 8- Mississippi’s Cresting ProducUon at the three plants involved is not expected to be today by Atty. Gen. Nicholas Katzenbach. Sunday Morning, April 18, 1965 affected until Monday. The attorney general 18, variety of colors. nounced the code in a speech to tent of the press," Katzenbach made their second attack oi the American Thread C3o. of WilU- told the 450 editors. 7:00 A.M. Oolder4>e»rller crest forecaats for areM< mantic, and Aberfoyle Mills and the convention of the American CHICAGO (AP) week on the nation. Society of Newspaper Editors, a "We, whether in the Depart weather today over the upper south of the Twin Qtles, includ­ Ponemah Mills, Norwich, had Sponsored By: The Men’s Club Of ing a peak of 18 feet at I * At least four tornadoes did a body alert to any attempt to ment of Justice or in the bar, Also other fine women's Misaisalppt River ayatem hop-sklp-and-jump through east­ already planoM to close down are hardly the exclusive keep Crosse, Wls., by Wednesday. today for the Easter weekend. suppress news. brought a revised forecast of ern Tennessee Thursday, kilting But Katzenbach described the ers of the keys to the kingdom eresUng Oh the rampaging The revised forecasts, bowr The WllUmanUc plant em­ apparel for giving. THE SALVATION ARMY over, brought no letup in Uie two persons, Injuring ■ 50 and rules as a formalization of the of justice,” he added. ■tream, preaaglng an extension ploys some 1.60Q persona. Some Katzenbach’s move was a 661 Main Street, Manchester, Connecticut flight against the rolling waters forcing 200 from their homes. same policies, generally, now of the misery wrought by spring One tornado smashed into a 260 are em ploy^ at Ponemah development in a debate that are lapping at a five-state and about 60 at Aberfoyle. observed by the department in ADULTS $1.25— (CHILDREN UNDER 12, 75c) flotsl*- _ — area along the Mississippi or its trailer camp In Cleveland, trying to protect a defendant’s which has raged among journal­ The Weather Bureau a M Tenn., sending 80 persons to The workers are among the ists, lawyers and jurists since tributaries. 6,000 textile union members in right to a (air trial while re­ freezing temperatures hM bospitais. Four of the injured specting the public’s right to be the arrest of Lee Harvey Os­ glowed the melting of ice and Thousands are homelesa and three New Elngland states to wald for the assassination of other thousands were making were in serious condition. The strike after rejecUng Thursday informed. anow, delaying erroto on ^ twister upset 66 trailers. “ The first consideration, I President John F. Kennedy: river at Minneapolis and at. preparations to leava their « five per cent wage offer by Should there be addition^ safe A tender-rich flavorful ham is homes in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Rescue workers pulled believe, is that it 1s not for us to 1st Prize Fully Ckioked Paul, which had ocGn exp ects screaming victims from the de regulate the conduct or the con guards against the puRllcaUon Pinehurst’s suggestion for a late today or Saturday, imtu Iowa and nunoto as the waters (8m Rage Eight) of Infonnatlbn which might in torts. SOUTH COVENTRY FIRE DEPT. grand and elegant Easter dinner. ghout Tuesday. . ^ ^ oontinu^ to rise. fluence a jury? Record high eiwta have, been Officials said 31 smaU air­ Morrell and 1st Prize hams w e But wtathor otflniala hald to The department’s new code forecast in those atatss ^ planes at the Cleveland atrpovl specifies a number of tacts fully cooked . . . a little heating along the Bad River g but tha 'With poltoe. . . fiUklto KhreahtoMV Mcnal Raoord . to explain why Parte Htm-aang, spokMman of LIN K S A U S A G E Lb. 79e the building ooat ao much more SM,S60 change was qroarad aft­ oelebMto htoJOto ^ Pinehurst > Inc. ttian w*a origmaUy oonlnwtad er the* orlgmgl contract had the oivoel^ avil ItnM party, (AP Phototax) home Satactocr. hie AImdi W H iMfifS OHIOKEN WMOS » Si bean nwsrOed. xald oMoalm of ^ w S m PCNHE B C R B aiai KTWUBASA OASINCM OOINER MAIN reason tor addtiii two Natlo^' .RjiemWy,.. Ywtove-yea r ^ h V is 1 ^ charge' survivor o f wbnt tzstfle m e r TURNPIKB .to Idnlstar Tbpn CGwte-Joo with Chaliiour CM s All Ready for Easter Parade ays5bt waa ai^Wnad thta ' la In aas- _ . ... ' 'xL. J__ It ia' 'Uaw irUvne 8. Brenda 7. I dent In fdaho’a hletogr, a - IfhspoiwflHIIty S tou r — l l . Kapcaa lOl Mary Etayna 8. Brenda 7, Laune 6, car MtUatan that ehtoMd Wall HawiJI Flae AtMitaeat a( Vary Tally Eailar Fallih KIELBASA r: ".To eiwAnt to WDidd'denahA ttufr AU drOsBod in pink Easter l l w . Moat .of Mr. and Mrs. ChjUifo^ , Am 6. K«thi 4 ud Ranaa 2- To ke^ up with tha Ihreeel IS p isW l CnOOSB FR<&1|AB7IN HpSOLS, NUTMEG ERAND, GROTS and WEIGEL OR MUCKE'S ' Did will waer ahirt. 6T» Redis ^ IV. with thair parent^ Tha ICL-Cheryl 17^ 15* SiflaillN al Flat