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Muslims . . . It’s SessionSession 22 Their Turn!

TheTheTheThe Qur'an:Qur'an:Qur'an:Qur'an: UnderstandingUnderstandingUnderstandingUnderstanding Islam'sIslam'sIslam'sIslam's HolyHolyHolyHoly BookBookBookBook HereHere amam II sendsend meme ...... IsaIsa 6:86:8 AlsoAlso II heardheard thethe voicevoice ofof thethe Lord,Lord, saying,saying, WhomWhom shallshall II send,send, andand whowho willwill gogo forfor us?us? ThenThen saidsaid I,I, HeHe rere amam I;I; sendsend

HowHow itit allall beganbegan UnderstandingUnderstanding Islam’sIslam’s HolyHoly BooksBooks

104104 booksbooks DeliveredDelivered toto mankindmankind toto AdamAdam 1010 toto SethSeth 5050 toto EnochEnoch 3030 toto IbrahimIbrahim (Abraham)(Abraham) 1010 toto MusaMusa (Moses)(Moses) 55 thethe TauratTaurat oror PentateuchPentateuch toto DaudDaud (David)(David) thethe ZaburZabur oror PsalmsPsalms toto IsaIsa (Jesus)(Jesus) thethe InjilInjil oror GospelsGospels toto MuhammadMuhammad thethe Qur’anQur’an Islam’sIslam’s ThreeThree MostMost HolyHoly BooksBooks TheThe Qur’anQur’an Islam’sIslam’s ScripturesScriptures TheThe SunnaSunna TheThe (path)(path) LawLaw –– sayingsaying andand actionsactions ofof MuhammadMuhammad TheThe HadithHadith TheThe (traditions)(traditions) narrationsnarrations 66 setssets OneOne setset withwith overover 100,000100,000 TheThe Qur’anQur’an UnderstandingUnderstanding Islam’sIslam’s HolyHoly BookBook

WhyWhy thethe Qur’anQur’an ?? How we got the Qur'an ( Koran)? (al-qur’an,(al-qur’an, literallyliterally “the“the recitationrecitation”) MuslimsMuslims believebelieve thethe Qur’anQur’an toto bebe thethe bookbook ofof divinedivine guidanceguidance andand directiondirection forfor mankind,mankind, andand considerconsider thethe originaloriginal ArabicArabic texttext toto bebe thethe finalfinal revelationrevelation ofof God.God. TheThe Qur’anQur’an waswas revealedrevealed toto MuhammadMuhammad byby thethe angelangel JibrīlJibrīl (Gabriel)(Gabriel) beginningbeginning inin 610610 AD,AD, whenwhen hehe waswas forty,forty, andand concludingconcluding inin 632632 AD,AD, thethe yearyear ofof hishis Followersdeath.Followersdeath. ofof IslamIslam furtherfurther believebelieve thatthat thethe Qur’anQur’an waswas writtenwritten downdown byby 'sMuhammad's companionscompanions whilewhile hehe waswas alive,alive, althoughalthough thethe primaryprimary methodmethod ofof transmissiontransmission waswas oral,oral, MuslimMuslim traditiontradition agreesagrees thatthat itit waswas fixedfixed inin writingwriting shortlyshortly afterafter Muhammad'sMuhammad's deathdeath byby orderorder ofof thethe caliphscaliphs AbuAbu BakrBakr andand Umar,Umar, CaliphsCaliphs AbuAbu BakrBakr andand Umar’s,Umar’s, ordersorders beganbegan aa processprocess ofof formalizationformalization ofof thethe orallyorally transmittedtransmitted texttext thatthat waswas completedcompleted underunder theirtheir successorsuccessor UthmanUthman withwith thethe standardstandard editionedition knownknown asas thethe "Uthmanic"Uthmanic recensionrecension".".[ AboutAbout 1919 yearsyears afterafter Muhammed’sMuhammed’s death.death. TheThe presentpresent formform ofof thethe Qur’anQur’an isis acceptedaccepted byby mostmost scholarsscholars asas thethe originaloriginal versionversion compiledcompiled byby UthmanUthman .. Khalif Uthman (22-34 AH; 644-656 AD – 24yrs after Muhammad’s death) ThereThere werewere severalseveral versionsversions initially:initially: HudhaifaHudhaifa waswas afraidafraid ofof theirtheir (the(the peoplepeople ofof Sha'mSha'm andand Iraq)Iraq) differencesdifferences inin thethe recitationrecitation ofof thethe Qur'an,Qur'an, soso hehe saidsaid toto Uthman,Uthman, 'O'O ChiefChief ofof thethe Believers!Believers! SaveSave thisthis nationnation beforebefore theythey differdiffer aboutabout thethe BookBook (Qur'an)(Qur'an) asas JewsJews andand thethe ChristiansChristians diddid before'.before'. SoSo UthmanUthman sentsent aa messagemessage toto Hafsa,Hafsa, saying,saying, 'Send'Send usus thethe manuscriptsmanuscripts ofof thethe Qur'anQur'an soso thatthat wewe maymay compilecompile thethe Qur'anicQur'anic materialsmaterials inin perfectperfect copiescopies andand returnreturn thethe manuscriptsmanuscripts toto you'.you'...... They.They diddid so,so, andand whenwhen theythey hadhad writtenwritten manymany copies,copies, UthmanUthman returnedreturned thethe originaloriginal manuscriptsmanuscripts toto Hafsa.Hafsa. UthmanUthman sentsent toto everyevery MuslimMuslim provinceprovince oneone copycopy ofof whatwhat theythey hadhad copied,copied, andand orderedordered thatthat allall thethe otherother Qur'anicQur'anic materials,materials, whetherwhether writtenwritten inin fragmentaryfragmentary manuscriptsmanuscripts oror wholewhole copies,copies, bebe burnt.burnt. ((SahihSahih al-Bukharial-Bukhari,, Vol.Vol. 6,6, p.479).p.479). WhatWhat MuslimsMuslims saysay aboutabout thethe Bible?Bible? ““TheThe bookbook thatthat isis calledcalled todaytoday thethe BibleBible diddid notnot existexist atat thethe timetime ofof thethe ProphetProphet IsaIsa (Jesus)(Jesus).. IfIf youyou looklook inin thethe BibleBible youyou willwill findfind “most”“most” writingswritings areare neitherneither fromfrom GodGod nornor JesusJesus,, butbut areare whatwhat othersothers wrotewrote byby theirtheir ownown initiative,initiative, somesome probablyprobably fromfrom heresy”heresy” ByBy SafiSafi AbdiAbdi AA SomaliSomali MuslimMuslim ScholarScholar WhatWhat MuslimsMuslims saysay aboutabout thethe Bible?Bible? “The Noble came to confirm Truth that exists in the Manuscripts in the different canons. The Noble Quran only recognizes the Bible as a HISTORY BOOK with errors and man's alteration in it. AnythingAnything thatthat agreesagrees 100%100% withwith IslamIslam isis validvalid, and anything else that has even the slightest disagreement with Islam is discarded” from Answering Ill:Ill: DrDr HamadHamad SallamSallam IslamicIslamic UniversityUniversity MplsMpls WhatWhat doesdoes thethe Qur’anQur’an saysay aboutabout thethe Bible?Bible? TheThe Bible,Bible, atat leastleast thethe TorahTorah andand thethe Injil,Injil, waswas foundfound reliablereliable inin Muhammad'sMuhammad's time,time, thethe sixthsixth century.century. BecauseBecause thethe Qur’anQur’an testifiestestifies toto it’sit’s authenticity:authenticity: FirstFirst thethe Qur’anQur’an instructsinstructs Christians:Christians: ""LetLet thethe PeoplePeople ofof thethe Injil(Gospel)Injil(Gospel) judgejudge byby whatwhat AllahAllah hathhath revealedrevealed therein.therein. IfIf anyany dodo failfail toto judgejudge byby (the(the lightlight of)of) whatwhat AllahAllah hathhath revealed,revealed, theythey areare (no(no betterbetter than)than) thosethose whowho rebel"rebel" ((Surah 5,5, AlAl Ma'idah,Ma'idah, verseverse 47).47). ""IfIf onlyonly theythey hadhad stoodstood fastfast byby thethe Law,Law, thethe GospelGospel,, andand allall thethe revelationrevelation thatthat waswas sentsent toto themthem fromfrom theirtheir LordLord,, theythey wouldwould havehave enjoyedenjoyed happinesshappiness fromfrom everyevery side.side. ThereThere isis fromfrom amongamong themthem aa partyparty onon thethe rightright course:course: ButBut manymany ofof themthem followfollow aa coursecourse thatthat isis evil"evil" (Surah(Surah 5,5, AlAl Ma'idah,Ma'idah, verseverse 69).69). "Say:"Say: 'O'O PeoplePeople ofof thethe BookBook!! YeYe havehave nono groundground toto standstand uponupon unlessunless yeye standstand fastfast byby thethe Law,Law, thethe GospelGospel andand allall thethe revelationrevelation thatthat hashas comecome toto youyou fromfrom youryour Lord...'"Lord...'" (Surah(Surah 5,5, AlAl Ma'idah,Ma'idah, verseverse 68).68). NumerousNumerous verses,verses, suchsuch asas SurahSurah 34,34, ,Saba, verseverse 31,31, SurahSurah 35,35, Fatir,Fatir, verseverse 31,31, attestattest thatthat thethe TorahTorah waswas uncorrupteduncorrupted inin thethe sixthsixth centurycentury A.D.A.D. TheThe ArabicArabic phrasephrase "bain"bain yadaihi“yadaihi“ literallyliterally meansmeans "between"between hishis hands".hands". "in"in hishis presence",presence", oror "in"in hishis power",power", oror "in"in hishis possession,"possession," oror "at"at hishis disposal...”disposal...” IfIf MuslimsMuslims believebelieve thethe Qur’an,Qur’an, theythey cancan notnot saysay thethe BibleBible waswas changed!changed! InIn SurahSurah 5,5, AlAl Ma'idah,Ma'idah, verseverse 4848 thethe Qur'anQur'an isis spokenspoken ofof asas confirmingconfirming thethe ScriptureScripture thatthat waswas beforebefore itit andand asas aa watcherwatcher overover itit.. TheThe ArabicArabic meaningmeaning ofof thethe wordword "watch""watch" (Muhaimin)(Muhaimin) cancan alsoalso bebe renderedrendered "one"one whowho safeguardssafeguards",", "stands"stands witness",witness", ""preservespreserves"" andand "upholds"."upholds". (See(See AbdullahAbdullah YusufYusuf Ali'sAli's footnote)footnote) ThisThis clearlyclearly contradictscontradicts thethe viewview thatthat thethe revelationsrevelations givengiven toto thethe prophetprophet ofof IslamIslam allegedlyallegedly abrogatedabrogated thethe Bible!Bible! TheThe TestimonyTestimony ofof thethe HadithHadith toto thethe unchangingunchanging wordword ofof God.God. Al-BukhariAl-Bukhari “none“none amongamong Allah'sAllah's creationcreation CANCAN REMOVEREMOVE THETHE WORDSWORDS OFOF ALLAHALLAH FROMFROM HISHIS BOOKS,BOOKS, THEYTHEY ALTERALTER ANDAND DISTORTDISTORT THEIRTHEIR APPARENTAPPARENT MEANINGS.MEANINGS. WahbWahb binbin MunabbihMunabbih saidsaid,, ""TheThe TawrahTawrah andand InjilInjil REMAINREMAIN ASAS ALLAHALLAH REVEALEDREVEALED THEM,THEM, ANDAND NONO LETTERLETTER ININ THEMTHEM WASWAS REMOVEDREMOVED.. However,However, thethe peoplepeople misguidemisguide othersothers byby additionaddition andand falsefalse interpretation,interpretation, relyingrelying onon booksbooks thatthat theythey wrotewrote themselves."themselves." Then,Then, Allah;> SoSo askask youyou MuslimMuslim friendsfriends ...... WhoWho shallshall wewe believe?believe? thethe testimonytestimony ofof manman oror thethe testimonytestimony ofof thethe Qur’an?Qur’an? TheThe SatanicSatanic VersesVerses SatanicSatanic VersesVerses isis anan expressionexpression coinedcoined byby thethe historianhistorian SirSir WilliamWilliam MuirMuir inin referencereference toto thethe inclusioninclusion inin thethe Qur’anQur’an ofof aa smallsmall numbernumber ofof apparentlyapparently paganpagan versesverses saidsaid toto havehave beenbeen uttereduttered byby Muhammad.Muhammad. Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22 Have you thought of al-Lat and al-Uzza and Manat, the third ... these are the exalted Gharaniq "the high birds". whose intercession is approved. (Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah, pp. 165-166) أفرأيتم اللات والعزى ومناة الثالثة الأخرى ألكم الذكر وله الأنثى تلك إذا قسمة ضيزى. سورة النجم - سورة ٥٣: ١٩-٢٢ TheThe IslamicIslamic accountsaccounts thenthen saysay thatthat thethe angelangel GabrielGabriel rebukedrebuked MuhammadMuhammad forfor whatwhat hehe hadhad said:said:

ThenThen GabrielGabriel camecame toto thethe apostleapostle andand saidsaid ,, "What"What havehave youyou done,done, Muhammad?Muhammad? YouYou havehave readread toto thesethese peoplepeople somethingsomething II diddid notnot bringbring youyou fromfrom GodGod andand youyou havehave saidsaid whatwhat HeHe diddid notnot saysay toto you."you." (Ibn(Ibn Ishaq,Ishaq, SiratSirat RasulRasul AllahAllah,, p.p. 166)166) AllahAllah dothdoth blotblot outout oror confirmconfirm whatwhat HeHe pleaseth:pleaseth: withwith HimHim isis thethe MotherMother ofof thethe Book.Book. Qur'anQur'an 1313 :: 39 39 TranslationTranslation byby YusufYusuf AliAli AccordingAccording toto somesome MuslimMuslim commentators,commentators, moremore thanthan 260260 versesverses ofof thethe QuranQuran havehave beenbeen abrogated.abrogated. OthersOthers concedeconcede onlyonly 55 versesverses while others deny there is any abrogation. Thus, there is no general agreement as to what all the abrogated verses are. This can become a point of confusion as sometimes, these abrogated verses deals with matters of life and death accusationaccusation ofof inventioninvention whenwhen aa verseverse isis replacedreplaced byby another,another, an-Nahlan-Nahl 16:101. 16:101. AllahAllah removesremoves whatwhat hehe wills,wills, ar-Ra`dar-Ra`d 13:39. 13:39. ShouldShould wewe useuse thethe Quran?Quran? II dodo notnot recommendrecommend usingusing thethe Qur’anQur’an exceptexcept toto contrastcontrast itit withwith thethe truthtruth oror toto respondrespond toto aa claimclaim mademade byby aa MuslimMuslim asas toto thethe claim’sclaim’s validityvalidity oror asas aa sourcesource forfor TheologicalTheological wordswords (( butbut herehere youyou mustmust bebe veryvery careful).careful). 1.1. IfIf youyou useuse itit youyou givegive itit credibilitycredibility 2.2. MostMost people’speople’s ArabicArabic exegesisexegesis skillsskills areare woefullywoefully inadequateinadequate ILL.ILL. SuraSura 3;393;39 && 3:453:45 ClosingClosing ObservationsObservations ReadRead thethe Qur’anQur’an –– toto knowknow whatwhat itit sayssays UseUse thethe BibleBible notnot thethe Qur’anQur’an asas thethe foundationfoundation ofof youryour witnesswitness Don’tDon’t showshow disrespectdisrespect forfor thethe Qur’an,Qur’an, butbut don’tdon’t leaveleave MuslimsMuslims wonderingwondering ifif youyou believebelieve LetLet MuslimsMuslims knowknow thethe ChristianityChristianity ofof thethe Qur’anQur’an isis notnot thethe ChristianityChristianity ofof thethe Bible.Bible. TheThe soso calledcalled ChristiansChristians ofof thethe Qur’anQur’an areare apostatesapostates TheThe endend A better way . . . TellTell thethe storiesstories ofof thethe prophetsprophets ASAS TheyThey telltell thethe storystory ofof SalvationSalvation AdamAdam andand Eve,Eve, Gen.Gen. 2:17 2:17 thethe bloodblood coveringcovering neededneeded –– notnot justjust beliefbelief –– notnot justjust repentancerepentance TheThe ArkArk ofof DeliveranceDeliverance - - JonahJonah TheThe SacrificeSacrifice ofof AbrahamAbraham –– EidEid Ul-AdhaUl-Adha TheThe PassoverPassover Mark, Mark, ExEx 2:12-132:12-13 TheThe GreatGreat EidEid Ul-AdhaUl-Adha of of IsaIsa Al-MasihAl-Masih