20210530 Trinity
We are a beacon of God’s light and hope welcoming all to our table of love and diversity. Trinity — 30 May 2021 A PRAYER TO THE TRINITIE Trinitiee blessed, deitee coequal, Unitie sacred, God one eeke◦ in essence, also Yeeld to thy servaunt, pitifullye calling, Merciful hearing. Vertuus living dyd I long relinquish, Thy wyl and precepts misirablye scorning, Graunt toe mee, sinful pacient, repenting, Helthful amendment. Blessed I judge him, that in hart is healed: Cursed I know him, that in helth is harmed: Thy phsyick◦ therfore, toe◦ me, wretch unhappye, medicine / to Send, mye Redeemer. Glorye toe God, the father, and his onlye Soon,◦ the protectoure of us earthlye sinners, son The sacred Spirit, laborers refreshing, Still be renowned. Amen. Richard Stanihurst (1545—1618), Irish ✜ READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK 6 JUNE 2021 Pentecost 2 1 Samuel 8:4-20, 11:14-15; Psalm 138; 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:5; Mark 3:20-35 WELCOME Acknowledgement of Country Nganyi kaaditj Noongar moort kyen kaadak nidja boodja. As we gather for worship, we acknowledge the Whadjuk Noongar people as the original custodians of this land, and their ongoing relationship with it. We acknowledge their leaders, past, present and emerging. A very warm welcome to our service this morning, particularly if you are visiting St Luke’s for the first time. We hope you will join us for refreshments in the Alexandra Hall following today’s service and please be most warmly welcome. Children are welcome at all our services and there is a dedicated play area for younger children at the front of the church with Worship Bulletins and pencils available.
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