Welcome to Christ Church


The Revd Dr Richard Treloar, Vicar

The Revd Paul Bower, Senior Associate

The Revd Dr Linda Fiske, CCGS Chaplain

The Revd Marilyn Hope, Hon. Parish

The Revd Jenny Nelson, Hon. Associate Priest

The Revd Jill Renison, Hon. Associate Priest


Kim Bong, Part-time Jamie Miller, Hon. Prof. Peter Sherlock, Hon.


Michael Fulcher Director of Music

Siegfried Franke Parish Organist

CO-ORDINATOR OF SERVERS 8am Eucharist (BCP) Dr Jenny Baldwin, Hon.

VERGER 10am Choral Eucharist

Gihan Wijesinghe, Hon. & Sunday School

PARISH OFFICE 2.15pm Parish Council Meeting

Lance Coughlin 4pm Joint Parish Council Meeting phone 03 9866 4434 with St Martin’s email [email protected]

web 6pm Choral Evensong postal PO Box 8, South Yarra 3141 with Launch of ABM Lent Appeal Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm Welcome to this Celebration of the Seventh Sunday after Epiphany.

At 8am please follow the readings on pages 5-7, then return to the BCP service booklet. At 10am please follow the entire service as printed. Please ensure that your mobile phone is switched off.

8.00am Eucharist (BCP) Prayer Intentions for this Week President Paul Bower Sides Roger Blythman (Andrew Caröe)

10am Choral Eucharist & Sunday School President Linda Fiske

Deacon Marilyn Hope

Subdeacon Jennifer Took (Christina Port) World & Nation Acolytes William McCarthy, Refugees, those seeking asylum, those held in Henry Caudle detention, especially children. Those who are (Victoria McCarthy, Jenny Baldwin) persecuted for their faith, ethnicity, gender or sexuality. The peoples of Syria and Turkey. 75th Readers Jennifer Took, Roy Hardcastle Anniversary of the Darwin Defenders. (CCGS)

Preacher Paul Bower Church Intercessor Jamie Miller Diocese of Mahajanga, Madagascar; Anglicare (CCGS) Australia; Defence Force Chaplains; St Aidan’s Offertory Lucy Lociacono, Ros Lawrence Noble Park; St John’s Toorak, South Yarra; Procession (CCGS) Philip our Archbishop and Primate; Genieve Sides Audrey Harris, Faye Barrett our area . Our parish Education for (Jan Rothwell Short, Jim Short) Ministry program and Parish Council.

Tea & Coffee Anjali, Muthalaly, Henry Caudle, Walter McNally Community (Bunty & Mark Calder, Our emergency food relief ministry with St Friends of CCGS) Martin’s. The Alfred Hospital.

(Names in parentheses are for next Sunday) Special Need Setting Communion Service (Series III) David, Barney, Claudie, Poli, Denny, Alan – Mathias Baldwin, Bridget, Stephen Baldwin, Sara, Nigel, Baby Lily & her family, Rhondda, Nick 6pm Choral Evensong & Gregoria, Teff & baby Benji.

Officiant Richard Treloar

Preacher +Garry, Ballarat Departed Alan MEULEMAN

th ______Anniversaries: (19 ) Mary Ballantyne LATHAM;

th Scripture texts are from the New Revised Standard (20 ) James Anthony JENKINSON, Mabel Stella Version of the Holy Bible, © 1989 by the Division of BISHOP, Harriet Margaret BOORMAN, Julien Christian Education of the National Council of Churches Michel FERRETJANS, Mary Catherine BECKE; of Christ in the USA, and are reproduced herein with (22nd) Everard BAILLIEU, Lorraine Briggs permission. The rite for the Eucharist is from A Prayer th th Book for Australia, © 1995 by The Anglican Church of MOLNAR; (24 ) Margaret CHARLTON; (25 ) Australia Trust Corporation, and is reproduced with Thomas James DAVIS, Geoff HENDERSON. permission. Hymn texts are reproduced with permission under licence A1318 LicenSing, Copyright Cleared Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord;

Music for Churches. and let light perpetual shine upon them.

2 GATHERING IN GOD’S NAME INTROIT HYMN 1 3 Christ is our corner-stone, Here, gracious God, do thou on him alone we build; for evermore draw nigh; with his true saints alone accept each faithful vow, the courts of heaven are filled: and mark each suppliant sigh; on his great love in copious shower our hopes we place on all who pray of present grace each holy day and joys above. thy blessings pour. 2 4 O then with hymns of praise Here may we gain from heaven these hallowed courts shall ring; the grace which we implore; our voices we will raise and may that grace, once given, the Three in One to sing; be with us evermore, and thus proclaim until that day in joyful song, when all the blest both loud and long, to endless rest that glorious name. are called away.

Latin, before 9th cent., tr. J Chandler (1806-76) Tune: Harewood (A&M NS 161)

The presiding priest greets all in the name of the Lord In the name of God: Father,  Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Lord be with you. And also with you.

Kyrie eleison is sung

3 The deacon says As we prepare to celebrate the mystery of Christ’s love, let us acknowledge our need for the Lord’s forgiveness and strength.

Pause for reflection

Merciful God, our maker and our judge, we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, and in what we have failed to do: we have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbours as ourselves; we repent, and are sorry for all our sins. Father, forgive us. Strengthen us to love and obey you in newness of life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The presiding priest says the Absolution Almighty God, who has promised forgiveness to all who turn to him in faith: pardon you  and set you free from all your sins, strengthen you in all goodness and keep you in eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Gloria in Excelsis is sung

The Gloria continues, the Choir singing alone

Lord, Jesus Christ, only son of the Father, Lord God, Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world: have mercy on us; you are seated at the right hand of the Father: receive our prayer.

The Gloria continues, sung by all 4

COLLECT OF THE DAY Let us pray. Hidden God, whose wisdom compels our love and unsettles all our values: fill us with desire to search for her truth, that we may transform the world, becoming fools for her sake, through Jesus Christ, your Word and Wisdom made flesh, to whom be glory for ever. Amen.


A reading from the book of Leviticus. 19:1-2, 9-18

The LORD spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to all the congregation of the people of Israel and say to them: You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy. When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap to the very edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest. You shall not strip your vineyard bare, or gather the fallen grapes of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the alien: I am the LORD your God. 5 You shall not steal; you shall not deal falsely; and you shall not lie to one another. And you shall not swear falsely by my name, profaning the name of your God: I am the LORD. You shall not defraud your neighbour; you shall not steal; and you shall not keep for yourself the wages of a labourer until morning. You shall not revile the deaf or put a stumbling-block before the blind; you shall fear your God: I am the LORD. You shall not render an unjust judgement; you shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great: with justice you shall judge your neighbour. You shall not go around as a slanderer among your people, and you shall not profit by the blood of your neighbour: I am the LORD. You shall not hate in your heart anyone of your kin; you shall reprove your neighbour, or you will incur guilt yourself. You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against any of your people, but you shall love your neighbour as yourself: I am the LORD.

For the word of the Lord, thanks be to God.

PSALM 119: 33-40 Please repeat after the Choir and join in as indicated

1 Teach me, O Lord, the way of your statutes: and I will honour it to the end.

2 Give me understanding, that I may keep your law: that I may keep it with my whole heart.

3 Guide me in the path of your commandments: for therein is my delight.

4 Incline my heart to your commands: and not to selfish gain. R

5 Turn away my eyes from looking on vanities: as I walk in your way give me life.

6 Make good your promise to your servant: the promise that endures for all who fear you.

7 Turn aside the taunts that I dread: for your judgements are very good.

8 Lord, I long for your precepts: in your righteousness give me life. R Text: APBA Response: TiS 75 6 A reading from the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians. 3:10-11, 16-23

According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building on it. Each builder must choose with care how to build on it. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one that has been laid; that foundation is Jesus Christ. Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple. Do not deceive yourselves. If you think that you are wise in this age, you should become fools so that you may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, ‘He catches the wise in their craftiness,’ and again, ‘The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile.’ So let no one boast about human leaders. For all things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future – all belong to you, and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God.

For the word of the Lord, thanks be to God. [stand] GOSPEL ACCLAMATION & READING

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Alleluia. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Alleluia.

The Lord be with you. And also with you.

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mathew. 5:38-48 Glory to you Lord Jesus Christ.

On the mountain, Jesus continued to teach his disciples. ‘You have heard that it was said, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile. Give to everyone who begs from you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you. You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy.” But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous. 7 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax- collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.’

For the Gospel of the Lord, praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday School Prayer – Father Richard Sermon – Father Paul

The Nicene Creed is said, introduced by the deacon [stand] Let us together affirm the faith of the Church:

We believe in one God, the Father, the almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one being with the Father; through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became truly human. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.

We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

THE PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL The deacon says [kneel or sit] Let us pray for the world and for the Church. 8 After each prayer After last prayer …in your mercy, Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord; hear our prayer. and let light perpetual shine upon them.

The presiding priest concludes the prayers Almighty God, you have promised to hear our prayers. Grant that what we have asked in faith we may by your grace receive, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


THE GREETING OF PEACE We are the body of Christ. His Spirit is with us.

The peace of the Lord be always with you. And also with you.

You are invited to exchange a sign of peace with those around you. During the Offertory Hymn, a collection is taken up.

OFFERTORY HYMN 1 4 For the beauty of the earth, For the joy of human love, for the beauty of the skies, brother, sister, parent, child, for the love which from our birth friends on earth and friends above, over and around us lies: for all gentle thoughts and mild: Lord of all, to thee we raise Lord of all, to thee we raise this our sacrifice of praise. this our sacrifice of praise. 2 5 For the beauty of each hour For each perfect gift and sign of the day and of the night, of thy love so freely given, hill and vale, and tree and flower, graces human and divine, sun and moon and stars of light: flowers of earth and buds of heaven: Lord of all, to thee we raise Lord of all, to thee we raise this our sacrifice of praise. this our sacrifice of praise. 3 6 For the joy of ear and eye, For thy Church that evermore, for the heart and mind’s delight, lifteth holy hands above, for the mystic harmony offering up on every shore linking sense to sound and sight: this pure sacrifice of love: Lord of all, to thee we raise Lord of all, to thee we raise this our sacrifice of praise. this our sacrifice of praise.

Folliott Sandford Pierpoint (1835-1917) Tune: Lucerna Laudoniae (TiS 137) 9 THE GREAT THANKSGIVING

The presiding priest begins the Eucharistic Prayer The Lord be with you. And also with you.

Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise.

The presiding priest continues the Eucharistic Prayer, concluding with

…for ever praising you and singing:

The presiding priest continues the Eucharistic Prayer; the deacon says ...Great is the mystery of faith.

10 The presiding priest continues the Eucharistic Prayer, concluding with

…in songs of never-ending praise:

The deacon says As our Saviour Christ has taught us, we are confident to pray:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen.


The presiding priest breaks the bread and says We who are many are one body, for we all share in the one bread.

Agnus Dei is sung [kneel or sit]

11 The presiding priest says Behold, Jesus is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. Happy are those who are called to his supper. Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word, and I shall be healed.

The gifts of God for the people of God.

Communicant members of all churches are welcome to receive Communion. If you would prefer a blessing, indicate this by crossing your arms over your chest. Please feel free to stand or kneel at the altar rail. Gluten free altar breads are available, please tell the priest if you require one.


Give almes of thy goods – Christopher Tye


Announcements are made after Communion


1 3 Now let us from this table rise To fill each human house with love, renewed in body, mind and soul; it is the sacrament of care; with Christ we die and live again, the work that Christ began to do his selfless love has made us whole. we humbly pledge ourselves to share. 2 4 With minds alert, upheld by grace, Then give us grace, Companion God, to spread the Word in speech and deed, to choose again the pilgrim way, we follow in the steps of Christ, and help us to accept with joy at one with all in hope and need. the challenge of tomorrow’s day.

Frederick Herman Kaan (1929-2009) Reproduced with permission. TiS 530 Tune: Solothurn (A&M NS 403) The presiding priest says the Post-Communion Prayer & Blessing The deacon says Go in the peace of Christ. Thanks be to God.

ORGAN VOLUNTARY Postlude – Alan Ridout

You are invited to the Old Vicarage for Morning Tea after the 10am Eucharist.

12 For your diary…

SUNDAY 26 FEBRUARY AT THE 10AM CHORAL EUCHARIST Bishop Genieve will Commission Mrs Chrissy Gamble as Principal of Christ Church Grammar School

ASH WEDNESDAY 1 MARCH 8.45am CCGS Chapel, 10am Eucharist, 7pm Choral Eucharist Imposition of Ashes at each service

FRIDAY 3 MARCH AT 8.45AM World Day of Prayer Service with CCGS

SATURDAY 4 MARCH 10AM-3PM AT ST MARTIN’S HAWKSBURN Lenten Quiet Day at St Martin’s – sign-up sheet at back of church MORNING PRAYER AT 9.30AM

SUNDAY 5 MARCH AT THE 10AM CHORAL EUCHARIST Commissioning of Churchwardens and Parish Council

SUNDAY 19 MARCH AT 4PM Bach’s St John Passion at St John’s East Malvern, featuring the Choir of Christ Church South Yarra, the Choral Scholars of St John’s East Malvern & the Melbourne Baroque Orchestra (see flyers at back of church)

LENTEN STUDIES Wednesdays at 10.40am in the Old Vicarage: ‘Explorations’

Wednesdays at 7.30pm in the Church: ‘5 Marks of Love’

Starting on 8 March, members of the Ministry Team will lead five weekly sessions based on this discipleship-focussed offering from The Society of St John the Evangelist inspired by the ’s Five Marks of Mission.

In keeping with the Parish’s own Vision, Mission, and Values statement ( and go to ‘mission’) this material invites us to reflect more deeply on our share in God’s mission to the world in Christ.

Each session will end with the brief service of Compline – a traditional ‘Office’ for prayer at the end of the day – concluding by 8.45pm.

To register (at no cost), please email or telephone Fr Paul via the Parish Office and/or subscribe at


8am Eucharist (BCP) 10am Choral Eucharist & Sunday School 6pm Stations of the Cross

MONDAYS 1.30pm Eucharist

TUESDAYS 7.30am Eucharist

WEDNESDAYS 10am Eucharist 10.40am Lenten Bible Study – Explorations – in the Old Vicarage 7.30pm Lenten Study – see page 13 for details

THURSDAYS 5.30pm Eucharist

FRIDAYS 12noon Eucharist

SATURDAYS 4pm Confession & Absolution or at other times by appointment 5pm Eucharist

PALM SUNDAY – 9 APRIL 8am Eucharist (BCP) with Blessing of Palm Crosses 10am Palm Liturgy, Procession & Choral Eucharist with Sunday School 6pm Stations of the Cross

HOLY WEEK Monday – 10 April

7pm Eucharist & Homily

Tuesday – 11 April

7pm Eucharist & Homily

Wednesday – 12 April

10am Eucharist & Homily

7pm Eucharist & Homily


7pm Eucharist of the Last Supper Foot Washing, Stripping of the Altar, Watch of the Passion


10am Solemn Choral Liturgy of the Passion St John’s Passion, Sermon, Veneration of the Cross, Holy Communion reserved from Maundy Thursday, silence and reflection. Approx. 90 minutes

12noon Kids’ Church for Good Friday Stories and music around the cross. Approx. 40 minutes Holy Communion will be available at the conclusion

5pm Tenebrae – a Reflection on Shadows A time of reflection with choral music, readings, and symbol


7pm Great Vigil of Easter


8am Said Eucharist (BCP)

10am Procession & Choral Eucharist with re-affirmation of baptismal promises (No 6pm service)

THIS WEEK AT CHRIST CHURCH Mission Stall Monday 20 February The monthly parish Mission Stall for 2017 will William Grant Broughton, first Bishop of Australia recommence next Sunday 26 February. Normally 8.45am CCGS Chapel Service it will be held on the second Sunday of the 2.30pm Funeral: Alan Meuleman (Keilor Park) month, except in months where there is a 5.00pm Evening Prayer combined 10am Eucharist with Christ Church

Tuesday 21 February Grammar School – these will be on 26 February, 9.00am Morning Prayer 7 May, 6 August, and 22 October. Many thanks 10.00am Emergency Food Relief (St Martin’s) for your ongoing support. Dunstan Towning & St Martin’s Parishioners ______

5.00pm Evening Prayer Servers 6.00pm CCGS Governance Committee If you would like to consider becoming a member Wednesday 22 February of the altar servers’ team, please speak with one of 8.00am CCGS Chapel Choir Rehearsal the clergy – new members are most welcome. 9.00am Morning Prayer ______

10.00am Eucharist Emergency Food Relief 10.30am Explorations Study Group 10.30am ArtSearch Donation of items are always welcome, at present 11.00am Freemasons Homes Communion especially: Instant Coffee 100g; Honey 375g 5.00pm Evening Prayer squeeze tube; 1 litre long-life full cream milk; 6.30pm CCGS Cocktail Party Sardines in oil 105-125g; White or raw sugar 1kg. ______Thursday 23 February 9.00am Morning Prayer Old Palm Crosses

5.00pm Evening Prayer Please return any old palm crosses by next Sunday 7.30pm Choir Practice if you would like them included in the burning of 7.30pm Education for Ministry (OVPC) palms on Shrove Tuesday to make the ashes for

Friday 24 February Ash Wednesday. MATTHIAS, APOSTLE & MARTYR ______

8.00am CCGS Chapel Choir Rehearsal Audio Loop 8.45am CCGS Chapel Service Christ Church is fitted with a hearing 12noon Eucharist aid induction loop. Please use the 5.00pm Evening Prayer ‘T’ switch on hearing aids. Saturday 25 February ______10.30am Benedictine Oblates Eucharist 11.00am Benedictine Oblates Day (OVPC) Toilets are located in the front of the

______school building facing the south side

NEXT SUNDAY – 26 FEBRUARY 2017 of the church. Go out the main church door and around the LAST SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY - TRANSFIGURATION driveway to your left; they are 8am Eucharist (BCP) adjacent to the school flagpole.

10am Choral Eucharist & Sunday School ______

with CCGS & Commissioning of New Principal

11.15am Mission Stall

12noon Fourth Sunday Lunch Please take this pew sheet home with you 6pm Service of Light with Eucharist and refer to the prayer intentions and notices during the week. Last Sunday after Epiphany (Year A) Readings Exodus 24:12-18 [Psalm 2; 2 Peter 1:16-2; only at 8am] Matthew 17:1-9