Su Check Point

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Su Check Point INSIDE: MABUt:iAY: Appeal from Cardinal Tong DAY Last seen at army for Caritas-Hong Kong's su check point. P5 fund-raising drive P2 Close to heart but Message from the Prefect not dear to soul P5 of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, Be vigilant or His Eminence Fernando continue to be Cardinal Filoni P2 ripped off P5 China puts squeeze on A not so celebrated foreign missionaries ... P11 arrest P7 Catholic News of the Week Published on 3 September 2014 httpt// > tel: 2522 0487· fax: 2521 3095 c...__ ' __ .• ._,_'.'_. __ .__. _.0_ "__ ~_""'__'__ "_''''''_'_ _''___'~'''__''__','''''':__ '_~''_ __ ''_''''''''''~.~._.,,_...,__,."",.. _~ ~, ~.''''''_."..".. .-..."..._ , _.............__.__ _ _. ,,__ ,.._ _'.' ..r ~ .. r., _,._ .....• _'r' '. ~_.~~ • ~ ,.~"' ,_.'.' r. ~ ,••.• "_ .... Three bishops ordained for the diocese of Hong Kong HONG KONG (SE): Three priests : ' that the service of a bishop is not were ordained as auxiliary bish- : simply a response in faith by an ops for Hong Kong diocese at individual, but something which the Cathedral of the Immaculate is born out of the communion of Conception on the afternoon of the Church. August 30. Cardinal Tong expressed his Sixty-eight-year-old Father gratitude to the Vatican congre- Michael Yeung Ming-cheung, a gation for the love and concern priest of the diocese; 58-year-old offered to the diocese of Hong Father Stephen Lee Bun-sang,' Kong, as well as to all those who from the prelature of Opus Dei; packed the cathedral and the adja- and 56-year-old Father Joseph cent hall to offer their solidarity, Ha Chi-shing, a Franciscan; were prayer and support for the minis- ordained by the Bishop of Hong try of the three new bishops. Kong, John Cardinal Tong Hon. As the senior of the newly- A packed cathedral, together ordained by some 10 years, Bishop with a large overflow gathered in Yeung noted that if age bestows the adjacent Caritas Hall partici- ~ any privilege it may be that he got pating in the ordination ceremony the last word of the day. through the big screen, welcomed "But if the prophet Job is right the three new bishops with loud when he says that wisdom is with applause, congratulating them the aged, it helps me to feel much warmly as they made their way younger!" he quipped, adding, "To down the main aisle of the church say I find the challenge of being a after the ordination rite and across Cardinal Tong lays hands on Father Stephen Lee, as Father Michael Yeung waits his turn during a bishop daunting, is an understate- to the hall to greet those not able to ceremony held at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on August 30 during which three priests ment. But the words of Job are also fit into the cathedral. were ordained as auxiliary bishops for the diocese. comforting, as I believe that the The former bishop of the city, faith that helped me to say yes to a Joseph Cardinal Zen Ze-kiun, was office of bishop is not an honour, : '1;, sur I iiud the (IW/- Wartime memories were still call that I did not desire is in itself one of the co-ordaining bishops but a position of service to the peo- '.~. ., fresh when the German diocese is a wisdom." and Hong Kong-born and bred pie. He cited the story of the Good . !l'lige ?! /Jem?: u bish- challenged its people to respond He thanked the many people Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-fai, the Shepherd, saying, "Whoever is Op dannting, i,\ {In to the plight of Chinese refugees who had put in long hours to secretary of the Congregation for first among you must become the uutief.'.,-tI.J1CIIU.!I11.. I pouring into the colony of its for- prepare the church and ceremony, the Evangelisation of Peoples, flew least, whoever is the leader must beli . hut J {;. I mer enemy of Britain. as well as the exceedingly classy from Rome to join him as the sec- : become the servant." oe ll'l'C 1hit 1te Jail. 1 The role played in the ecu-: music, and his family, who he ond co-ordaining bishop. The importance of Hong Kong ttuu helpet! me 10 say menical movement in Hong Kong said have always been his greatest The three bishops, togeth-' as a bridge Church with China l'eS to a calf that I did was also acknowledged by the strength as a priest. er with seven others present, laid was well marked with the pres- • JlO! desire is in itself" presence of representatives of the "1 hope I can leave this church hands on the three candidates, : ence of Archbishop John Hung :. • • . Anglican Communion, the Meth- : today with the words of Jesus at before pronouncing the ordination Shan-chuan, from Taipei; togeth- l~ 1I )f'ISdOJIl' odist and Lutheran Churches, as the Last Supper singing in my prayer, anointing them with the er with his predecessor, Bishop The Catholic Chinese diaspora well as the Christian Church in heart, 'Arise and go forth from chrism oil of catechumens and Joseph Ti Kang, as well as Bishop that is spread throughout the world China and the Orthodox Churches. here .. .'," he concluded. placing a book of the gospels on Jose Lai Hung-seng, from neigh-: was represented by Bishop Igna- : A member of the Council of While the size of the diocese their heads as a mandate to preach bouring Macau. tius Wang Chung, who became the . Priests, Father Benedict Lam Cho- : would not seem to warrant three the good news of Jesus Christ. In addition, its position as a first Chinese-American to become : rning, presented the three bishops- : auxiliary bishops, the appointment Each of the three was then pre- . major player in the social service a bishop when he was appointed elect to the ordaining bishops and needs to be looked at in the context sented with a ring as a seal of fidel- . field in Asia, as well as Father to the archdiocese of San Francis- . the papal mandates, which were of being the largest relatively free ity and a crosier as a sign of the : Yeung's role as director of Caritas co in 2002. held aloft for all to see, were read bridge Church to the mainland bishop as a shepherd of God's peo- : Hong Kong, was acknowledged He retired from the position . by the chancellor of the diocese, . within the territory of the People's pie, and an expression of his con- : by the presence of the president in 2009. Father Lawrence Lee Len. Republic of China. cern for those who are lost. of Caritas Asia, Bishop Tarcisi- . However, universality is big- . Archbishop Hon read a letter of All three of the new bishops They also received a mitre as us Isao Kikuchi, from Niigata in ger than Asia and this was marked . congratulations to the three new are locally born and have lived for a sign of the responsibility of a Japan. by Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck, bishops, as well as to the people of the bulk of their priestly lives in bishop to radiate the light of faith The Franciscans were repre- from Hong Kong's sister diocese the diocese from the prefect of the Hong Kong. They also have had in his life. sented by Bishop Francis Xavier . of Essen in Germany, a relation- Congregation for the Evangelisa- deep exposure to life in the main- Cardinal Tong reminded the Yu Soo-il, the bishop of the Mili-· ship which began as a prophetic tion of Peoples, Fernando Cardinal land and long experience with its three newly-ordained that the tary Ordinariate in South Korea. move in the early 1950s. Filoni, in which he points out that people. lEI NEWS SUNDAY EXAMINER 7 SEPTEMBER 2014 A toast to Hong Kong's new bishops HONG KONG (SE): "The office stantial contribution to the life of of bishop is really a service and ~ II. 1. 1t i:t ttl the Church in Hong Kong and not an honour," the bishop of ,U'W r~l '~', "'lJIHMIli' thanked the Vatican for its con- Hong Kong, John Cardinal Tong sideration in gifting them to the Hon, said on September I in wel- . Episcopal Ordination diocese. coming guests to a reception to liDioC"ese qf Cardinal Tong particularly wel- introduce the three priests who comed the president of the Leg- were ordained auxiliary bishops islative Council, Jasper Tsang for the diocese on August 30, to Yok-sing, as well as the secretary members of the government, dip- for Home Affairs, Tsang Tak-sing, lomatic corps and civic society. to the gathering, together with oth- In introducing the three new : er secretaries and representatives auxiliaries, Bishop Michael Yeung of the government. Ming-cheung, a priest of the dio- : Also among the guests was cese of Hong Kong; Father Ste- • the former chief executive, Don- phen Lee Bun-sang, from the ald Tsang Yam-keun; chairper- prelature of Opus Dei; and Bish- : son of the Democratic Alliance op Joseph Ha Chi-shing, from the for the Betterment of Hong Kong Franciscans; Cardinal Tong told and Legislative Council mem- the 150 or so guests at the sunset ber, Tang Yiu-chung; secretary reception in the Caritas Hall that for Education, Eddie Ng Hak- Pope Francis had recently spo-: kim; as well as representatives ken about the role of bishops at an from the Anglican Commun- ordination ceremony in St.
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