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Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Papers Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Study

2011 Norms and reference values for wave velocity: One size does not fit all Merrill F. Elias University of Maine, [email protected]

Gregory A. Dore University of Maine

Adam Davey Temple University

Walter P. Abhayaratna

Amanda L. Goodell University of Maine

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Repository Citation Elias, Merrill F.; Dore, Gregory A.; Davey, Adam; Abhayaratna, Walter P.; Goodell, Amanda L.; and Robbins, Michael A., "Norms and reference values for pulse wave velocity: One size does not fit all" (2011). Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Papers. 63.

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This article is available at DigitalCommons@UMaine: The Journal of Bioscience and Medicine 1, 4 (2011) | Artcle

Norms and reference values for pulse wave velocity: one size does not ft all

Merrill F. Elias1,2,*, Gregory A. Dore2, Adam Davey3, Walter P. Abhayaratna4, Amanda L. Goodell2, Michael A. Robbins1,2

1. Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Maine, USA. 2. Department of Psychology, University of Maine, USA. 3. Department of Public Health, Temple University, USA. 4. College of Medicine, Biology and Environment, Australian Natonal University, Canberra, Australia. *Corresponding Author: Merrill F. Elias ([email protected])

Received: 05 June 2011, Accepted: 19 July 2011, Published: 31 July 2011

ABSTRACT: Carotd-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a gold standard non-invasive marker of arterial stfness, but its clinical utli- ty has been limited due to the need for normatve and reference group data for specifc measurement devices. Our community-based sample (N = 502) ranged in age from 40 to 93 years afer exclusion of individuals with a history of acute stroke, probable dementa, and diabetes. PWV was assessed with the SphygmoCor® system. Means, medians, SD and 95th percentle values were presented in ten-year age groups for normotensive and hypertensive partcipants. From among multple cardiovascular risk factors, a parsimoni- ous regression equaton for predictng PWV was developed. Results were compared with the Reference Values for Arterial Stfness Collaboraton (RVASC) study featuring mathematcally standardized reference values for an aggregate of clinic sites and measure- ment devices. As in the RVASC study, a systematc rise in PWV with age was observed with a more pronounced rise for hypertensive individuals, but our specifc point estmates of PWV difered from theirs. Our regression models accounted for 48 percent of the vari- ance in PWV using variables routnely available to practcing physicians: age, status, height, weight, heart rate, mean arterial , creatnine, and glucose. It is important to make available PWV norms and reference group data for specifc meas- urement devices. Development of reference group data for smaller samples is feasible and predicton equatons for PWV can be de- veloped from diagnostc informaton readily available to the practcing physician.

KEYWORDS: pulse wave velocity, norms, reference values, risk factors, atherosclerosis

arotd-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a gold jects were classifed as follows: optmal, normal, high normal, standard non-invasive marker of arterial stfness and grade I, and grade II/III hypertensive pressure (BP) catego- is itself a predictor of cardiovascular morbidity and ries by age decades, including two additonal groups not by decade mortality *1-11+. The clinical utlity of PWV has been but above 70 and below 30 years of age. Results for fve PWV restrictedC by limited normatve and reference group data, a situa- measuring systems were combined, necessitatng the merging of ton exacerbated by diferences in PWV measurement methods fndings from centers using diferent algorithms and diferent est- across studies *1-14+. The contnuing need for normatve and refer- mates of path length. Consequently, mathematcal adjustments ence values for specifc devices has been emphasized in studies designed to equate transit tme and path length estmates across comparing PWV measuring devices and meta-analyses *12-14+. studies were required. The RVASC (20) investgators cauton read- There are norms and reference group data for study partcipants in ers that “Even afer full adjustment, diferences between algorithm good health by age and by combined hypertensive-diabetc status and path length were blunted, but not totally abolished.” Moreo- *12-19+, but to our knowledge, none exists for hypertensive (HT) ver, they point out that there was a strong data collecton center and normotensive (NT) classifcatons by decades or HT and NT efect that was not accounted for by their standardizaton proce- groups, except for the Reference Values for Arterial Stfness Col- dures. laboraton (RVASC) study *20+. In the RVASC study, PWV data were gathered from 13 centers across eight European countries. Sub- DOI: 10.5780/jbm2011.4 | Page 1 Artcle Merrill F. Elias et al.| Pulse wave velocity

Thus, our goals were: frst, provide normatve and reference ant-diabetc agents, or by a fastng glucose level ≥ 7 mmol/l. MAP group data based on a single algorithm (intersectng tangent) em- was calculated as diastolic BP+1/3 (systolic BP – diastolic BP). The ployed in a single widely used system (SphygmoCor®); second, to demographic and cardiovascular morbidity characteristcs of the compare our fndings with those of the RVASC study in so far as sample are presented in Table 1 . possible, e.g. we present data for persons 80 to 93 years of age Procedure rather than combining groups above 70 years of age; and third, to determine a parsimonious regression model for predictng PWV The University of Maine approved this investgaton and in- beyond age, hypertension, and necessary control variables such as formed consent for data collecton was obtained from all partci- height and weight, heart rate and mean arterial pressure (MAP). pants. Partcipants were admited to the study center on the day Previous studies have explored relatons between cardiovascular of the study, followed by medical history interview and then PWV risk factors other than hypertension and age that predict PWV *6- measurements. 8+. Here, we are concerned with the best predicton possible from the fewest variables beyond essental controls. (BP) and Pulse Wave Assessment

METHODS Brachial were measured using a Critkon Di- namap ProCare 100 (oscillometric method) instrument. All precau- Partcipants tons, training and procedures in BP measurement recommended by the Commitee Report: Blood Pressure Publicaton Guidelines The PWV data were obtained from a community-based sample were observed *26+. of 626 partcipants (61% women; 14% African American) ranging in age from 24 to 93 years (mean age 64.3). They were partcipants in Following 10 minutes of supine rest, 15 consecutve automated PWV studies conducted for the frst tme in the seventh wave brachial BP measurements were taken at 1 minute intervals, 5 (repeated serial data collecton) of the Maine Syracuse Longitudi- supine, 5 standing, and 5 sitng. The resultng 15 measurements nal Study (MSLS), which was initated in 1975. Recruitment proce- were averaged and used for analyses outlined below. Afer an dures have been described previously *21-23+. Subjects were re- additonal 10 minutes rest, fve supine brachial artery BP measure- cruited from the Syracuse, New York community and the surround- ments were obtained, averaged and used for calibraton of the ing area by means of mult-media advertsement for partcipaton SphygmoCor® device *27+. This procedure permited us to maintain in a study of cogniton and BP, and admited to the study unless the BP measurement protocol that has been used since the since they were diagnosed as psychotc or alcoholic, or were receiving the beginning of the MSLS study and to obtain additonal supine treatment for these diseases. Upon diagnosis of hypertension at measurements for device calibraton purposes. any wave, individuals were referred to their physician for treat- PWV was assessed noninvasively using the SphygmoCor® sys- ment and 88.6 percent were treated at wave 7. tem. Electrocardiogram-gated carotd and femoral waveforms Carotd-femoral PWV (m/s) was measured for the frst tme at were recorded using applanaton tonometry. Carotd-femoral path the seventh (fnal) wave (2006-2009) of the MSLS and cardiovascu- length was measured as the diference between the surface dis- lar disease (CVD) risk factor covariates from that wave were em- tances joining (1) the suprasternal notch, the umbilicus and the ployed. Thus the present data analysis is cross-sectonal. In an femoral pulse and (2) the suprasternal notch and the carotd pulse. inital analysis of the 626 partcipants for whom PWV data were Carotd-femoral transit tme was estmated in 8-10 sequental fem- obtained, subjects were excluded in the following sequence: (1) oral and carotd waveforms as the average tme diference be- dementa (n=2); (2) history of acute stroke (n=14); (3) diabetes (n= tween the onset of the femoral and carotd waveforms. The foot of 93); and (4) under 40 years of age (n=15). Individuals under 40 the pulse wave was identfed using the intersectng tangent meth- years of age were excluded due to the small number of subjects in od. PWV was calculated as the carotd-femoral path length divided that range. The fnal dementa-free sample consisted of 502 indi- by the carotd-femoral transit tme *27-28+. This is an established, viduals. Cardiovascular risk factor and demographic data were non-invasive and reproducible method to determine arterial stf- available for an additonal 174 persons meetng these criteria but ness *10, 27-28+ and no adjustments are required for transit tme missing PWV data. Their PWV values were derived by multple and path length *29, 30+. imputatons *24+, thus increasing the sample size to 676 for a sec- Predictors and Covariables ondary set of analyses. The clinical diagnosis of dementa was determined from cogni- Hypertension was defned as taking ant-hypertensive medica- tve data and family informant-report, medical records or chart tons at wave 7 or exhibitng an average (over 15 measurements) review *21-23+ using the Natonal Insttute of Neurological and brachial artery systolic and diastolic BP equal to or greater than Communicatve Diseases and Stroke/Alzheimer’s Disease and Re- 140/90 mmHg. The methods used to assess CVD risk variables and lated Disorders Associaton (NINCDS-ADRDA) criteria *25+. Preva- other covariates at wave 7 have been presented in detail previous- lent stroke, defned as a focal neurological defcit of acute onset ly *21-23+. persistng more than 24 hours, was based on self-report and rec- Two major diagnostc groups were employed: (1) a NT group (n= ord review, confrmed by hospitalizaton, treatment for stroke, or 206); and (2) a HT group (n= 296) using major selecton criteria both. Diabetes mellitus was defned by treatment with insulin, oral employed in the RVASC study (20) but with the inclusion of treated DOI: 10.5780/jbm2011.4 | Page 2 Artcle Merrill F. Elias et al.| Pulse wave velocity

Table 1. Sample characteristcs by diagnostc category.

Normotensive Hypertensive n= 206 N= 296 Age (years) 61.0 (11.7) 67.4 (11.3) <0.001 PWV (m/s) 8.9 (2.0) 11.0 (2.9) <0.001 BMI (kg/m2) 27.1 (5.1) 30.4 (6.2) <0.001 Waist (cm) 86.4 (15.2) 96.5 (13.9) <0.001 SBP (mmHg)1 116.6 (12.3) 137.4 (20.0) <0.001 DBP (mmHg)1 73.2 (7.8) 79.9 (10.4) <0.001 PP (mmHg)1 43.3 (10.0) 57.5 (16.4) <0.001 MAP (mmHg)1 87.7 (8.3) 99.1 (12.1) <0.001 HR (beats/min) 57.7 (7.9) 60.3 (9.6) 0.002 Glucose (mg/dl) 88.6 (9.2) 94.6 (11.0) <0.001 Creatnine (mg/dl) 1.0 (0.2) 1.1 (0.2) 0.006 Cholesterol (mg/dl) 200.3 (37.4) 185.0 (39.2) <0.001 HDL (mg/dl) 58.8 (16.4) 51.7 (14.6) <0.001 LDL (mg/dl) 122.4 (31.1) 109.7 (33.2) <0.001 Triglycerides (mg/dl) 97.3 (67.8) 117.5 (58.4) <0.001 Total/HDL 3.6 (1.0) 3.8 (0.9) 0.10 Alcohol (oz/wk) 1.4 (2.4) 1.5 (2.6) 0.59 Cigaretes/wk 7.6 (38.3) 8.5 (34.1) 0.79 Height (cm) 166.2 (9.2) 167.9 (10.5) 0.06 Weight (kg) 75.0 (16.4) 85.6 (18.9) <0.001 Homocysteine (μmol/l) 9.1 (2.1) 10.8 (3.6) <0.001 Duraton of hypertension 16.1 (14.3) Educaton (years)2 15.3 (2.7) 14.4 (2.7) <0.001 % Women 70.9 58.5 0.004 % Ant-hypert Meds 85.8 % CVD2 0.5 13.9 <0.001 % African American 9.2 12.2 0.30 % APOE-ε4 29.0 29.9 0.08

1brachial pressure 2CVD: (includes myocardial infarcton, coronary artery disease, and heart failure) Note: a t-test was used for contnuous variables; a chi-square test was used for categorical variables *28+. DOI: 10.5780/jbm2011.4 | Page 3 Artcle Merrill F. Elias et al.| Pulse wave velocity

HT individuals so as to achieve maximum cell size for cross tabula- diton of 10 and 5 mmHg constants used in other studies *33-34+. ton of age and HT groups. Methods for adjustng for treatment are Consequently, we utlized the 8 and 4 mmHg adjustment for all BP defned in the results secton. classifcatons and calculaton of MAP. To check on the efectve- ness of the adjustment we compared treated and untreated HT Statstcal Analysis Plan individuals with respect to PWV values afer our adjustments for SAS version 9.2 and Stata 11 were used for all analyses. The fol- treatment and found no statstcally signifcant efects of treatment lowing steps were employed: (1) descripton of, and statstcal (p= 0.93). comparisons between, demographic and clinical parameters of the MSLS Classifcatons NT and HT groups; (2) multple imputaton of missing PWV values; (3) presentaton of descriptve reference group data by age and BP Figure 1 shows a systematc rise in PWV with age and consist- classifcatons; and (4) multple regression analyses with two pur- ently higher PWV values for the HT group. The top and botom poses, (a) determine the statstcal signifcance of age efects, HT portons of Table 2 show, respectvely, reference group data sam- group efects, and their interactons, and (b) determinaton of the ples based on the observed and imputed PWV values. Both show increased predicton of PWV aforded by adding other CVD risk the RVASC PWV data where comparisons are possible due to re- factors to the PWV equaton involving age and HT parameters. portng of data for the same age groups. PWV values were higher for the HT partcipants, and increased with age within the NT and Because of the positvely skewed nature of the PWV values, HT categories, and at each age the HT cohort exhibited higher PWV sensitvity analyses were performed including analysis of log PWV, values. This same patern was seen for medians and for the 95th robust regression and examinaton of residuals and infuence sta- percentle of the distributon. Regardless of whether observed or tstcs. Diagnostc results were within acceptable values and re- imputed means are employed in the analysis, agreement with the vealed no issues. The patern of results was identcal for log PWV RVASC study is generally good. Mean values for the RVASC study and raw score data and results are reported for raw scores which are within one-half SD from the MSLS means. are most directly interpretable. Using available CVD covariables and demographics, the imputa- ton procedure used chained equatons to construct 10 imputed data sets designed to provide the missing PWV data. Results from analyses were combined across imputatons using Rubin’s rules *31+. Agreement obtained with imputaton and listwise deleton was high and the similarity of the patern of signifcant results for the observed PWV and the imputed + observed values was high as discussed below. This allowed us to determine the impact of miss- ing data on our fndings and increase our sample size for a second- ary presentaton of the normatve and reference value data. Miss- ing data fractons were within statstcally acceptable limits. RESULTS

Sample Characteristcs Figure 1. A bar plot showing trends for age within HT and NT Table 1 shows the demographic and cardiovascular risk factors groups. for HT and NT groups for the observed data and p-values for difer- ences among the groups. For most of the variables presented, compared to the NT cohort, persons in the HT cohort exhibited a The regression equaton for the categorical regression with age centered was as follows: PWV = 9.152 + 0.844 × age group + 1.479 higher prevalence of CVD risk factors or higher clinical values 2 (p<0.05), were older (p< 0.05) and somewhat less educated × HT + 0.453 × age group × HT; R = 0.36. The age group (p< 0.001), (p<0.05), although educaton diferences were slight in absolute HT (p<0.001) and the age group x HT (p<0.01) efects were all sta- terms. tstcally signifcant. Preliminary Adjustment More Refned Diagnostc Groups

A majority of HT partcipants were treated by wave 7. In order to Visual inspecton indicates a high agreement between imputed compare our data with RVASC data for subcategories of HT it was and observed values of PWV. Consequently, using the imputed necessary to estmate untreated BP values. Following Tobin et al., data we were able to achieve cell sizes sufcient to reproduce ref- we added a “reasonable constant” to systolic and diastolic BP for erence group data for some more specifc diagnostc categories treated HT individuals *32+. With age and BMI controlled, difer- employed in RVASC and defned in Table 3. We show diference ences between treated and untreated systolic and diastolic values scores for PWV values for RVASC and our study. While sample size in our study were 8 and 4 mmHg respectvely. These values were is quite low at younger ages for our cells representng the RVASC used as constants. Results were essentally the same with the ad- hypertension grade II/III categories, the progression of increased DOI: 10.5780/jbm2011.4 | Page 4 Artcle Merrill F. Elias et al.| Pulse wave velocity


0.1 0.8 0.3 0.2 1.00 0.2 0.8 0.3 1.1

MSLS 0.7 - - - - - MSLS 0.7 - - 0.4 - -

RVASC RVASC M 7.4 8.2 9.7 9.0 9.6 11.4 RVASC RVASC M 7.4 8.2 9.7 9.0 9.6 11.4

th th

95 10.4 10.6 12.1 14.6 17.1 11.8 11.7 14.2 18.5 18.5 95 10.4 10.6 11.8 14.0 15.6 11.4 11.7 14.2 18.1 18.0

Median 7.8 7.9 8.5 10.0 10.5 8.2 9.3 9.9 11.7 12.6

Median 7.9 8.0 8.7 10.4 11.0 8.4 9.4 10.4 11.9 13.4

SD 1.3 1.2 1.7 1.9 2.1 1.4 1.4 2.1 2.7 2.5 SD 1.3 1.3 1.9 2.1 2.6 1.5 1.5 2.3 3.1 3.1

Mean 8.1 8.0 8.9 10.1 11.4 8.6 9.3 10.3 12.3 13.1 Mean 8.1 8.1 8.9 10.3 11.5 8.7 9.4 10.4 12.2 13.2

N 34 69 48 40 15 17 63 85 84 47 N 42 90 62 54 24 24 79 112 112 77

49 59 69 79 93 49 59 69 79 93 49 59 69 79 93 49 59 69 79 93 ------

Age Group Age 40 50 60 70 80 40 50 60 70 80 Age Group Age 40 50 60 70 80 40 50 60 70 80

Normatve and group reference data for PWV by hypertensive status and age group.

Group/Observed Normotensive Hypertensive Group/Imputed Normotensive Hypertensive Table 2. DOI: 10.5780/jbm2011.4 | Page 5 Artcle Merrill F. Elias et al.| Pulse wave velocity

PWV across age and HT groups is consistent with expectatons.

Deviatons of RVASC mean PWV values from MSLS mean PWV - values are within 1 SD or less of the SD values reported for MSLS.

The trend across BP groups and age is illustrated in Figure 2. 0.9 0.6 1.3 0.9 4 MSLS RVASC - - - -

SD 1.3 1.2 2.8 2.3

Grade II/IIIGrade HT

M 8.9 9.9 10.9 13.1

N 5 6 13 43


0.3 0.7 0.4 MSLS RVASC 0.0 - - -


SD 1.4 1.4 2.0 2.7

Grade IGrade HT

M 8.6 9.3 10.4 12.5 Figure 2. A bar plot showing trends for age within BP catego- ries.

N 19 73 99 146

Norms versus Reference Values


RVASC investgators make a distncton between normal PWV 0.1 0.8 MSLS RVASC 0.9 - 0.2 - values and reference group values. This is possible in the present Blood Pressure Category study if we use the optmal or normal BP groups, or both as nor-

2 matve (in the sense of normal) groups. There was only one NT individual with CVD (diagnosed coronary artery disease in the 60 SD 1.3 1.2 1.6 2.3 to 69 year-old normal BP diagnostc group). Removing that individ- Normal

ual made no diference in results obtained for this group for either

the observed or imputed data. As an opton to the normal BP M 8.6 8.5 10.2 11.0 group as a basis for “normal BP” values one may use the optmal

BP diagnostc group (Table 3).

N 20 31 23 38 Using only the observed data for the expanded regression anal-

ysis (Table 3 top), the regression equaton was as follows: PWV = -

10.059 + 1.069 × age group + 0.447 × BP diagnostc category + 1.0

0.081 × age group × BP. Signifcant age group (p<0.001) and BP MSLS RVASC 0.7 0.3 - 0.1 diagnostc group (p< 0.001) group interactons were observed and


the age group x BP diagnostc group interacton p value was 0.06; 2 R = 0.38. SD 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.7 Optmal

Next we determined how well the RVASC equatons predicted

PWV data obtained in the MSLS. Applying the RVASC equatons, RVASC-Table 6 top *20+, to the observed data obtained in the M 7.7 7.9 8.1 10.3

MSLS, we calculated Ŷ PWV for each subject as a functon of HT or

age. These equatons accounted for 36 percent variance in our N 22 59 39 40 PWV values (R2= 0.36; p <0.001). Mean imputed PWV (m/s) values by blood pressure category and age group.

Men Versus Women

49 59 69 - - -

Means for PWV for men and women were 10.7 and 9.8 m/s Age Group 40 50 60 70+ Optmal: <120/80 mmHg Normal: ≥120/80 mmHg and <140/90 mmHg IGrade HT: ≥140/90 mmHg and <160/100 mmHg II/IIIGrade HT: ≥160/100 mmHg Table 3. respectvely (p< 0.001). Preliminary analyses indicated the ab- Note: High normal and normal groups were combined to increase sample size. 1 2 3 4 sence of a quadratc efect for age, and sex did not interact signif- DOI: 10.5780/jbm2011.4 | Page 6 Artcle Merrill F. Elias et al.| Pulse wave velocity

cantly with age or HT groups (all p values> 0.14). With adjustment -signifcant associatons were excluded. A regression table based of the full model (discussed below), the least-square means for on the imputed data is not shown as the same patern of signif- men and women were 10.2 and 10.0 m/s respectvely (p= 0.41). cant associatons and R2 values was obtained. Similarity of results obtained for observed and imputed values was confrmed by a Expanded Models with Risk Factors Wald test of equality of coefcients between the least squares Figure 3 presents a scater plot and regression lines (slopes) for deleton model (observed values) and the multple imputaton the observed data with age as a contnuously distributed variable. model: F(10,594)= 0.05, p> .999. The fnal steps in our analyses were designed to identfy a parsimo- Final Analyses nious regression model that would increase the predicton of PWV beyond that possible with age and HT parameters alone. The frst African American versus other ethnic group status did not enter set of variables, considered essental controls *15-21+, were fxed in into the regression equaton signifcantly (p= 0.19) and the patern the model: Age + HT + (HT × Age) + Height + Weight + Heart Rate + of results was not afected by excluding African Americans from MAP + Lipid Lowering Drugs (1 = drug). Ant-hypertensive treat- the sample. ment efects were not signifcant and not included in the model. The CVD variable could not be adjusted statstcally because of Once fxed variables were entered into the equaton, candidate its very low prevalence in the NT groups. However, when persons variables (footnote, Table 4) were entered with a stepwise back- with CVD (see Table 1) were excluded from the analyses, the ward eliminaton procedure. Variables that did not enter the equa- patern of results was nearly identcal to those presented above. ton signifcantly (p< 0.10) via the backward eliminaton procedure were not included in the fnal equaton. DISCUSSION

We provide PWV normatve and reference group data by NT and HT groups for the SphygmoCor® device, a system that uses an in- tersectng target algorithm, a functon shared with numerous other systems *13+. The rise in PWV with age and hypertension, and the interacton between hypertension and age is consistent with the RVASC *20+ study and others. Our data clearly indicate the limita- tons with respect to a focus on a single clinically signifcant fxed threshold value for elevated PWV, e.g., 12 m/s as has been recom- mended *9+. In our community-based study only for the 70 to 79 year old HT group do we see mean PWV values at the recommend- ed 12 m/s threshold value. Mean and median values for younger subjects (60 to 69, or younger), HT or NT, fall below this threshold. For the classifcaton based on more refned diagnostc groups (see Table 3), only the mean values for 70+ year old, Grade I and Grade II/III HT individuals were at or above the 12 m/s threshold. The validity of the RVASC regression equatons using age and HT parameters is exemplifed by the fact that they account for almost the same amount of variance (36 percent) in our own PWV values, as do our own equatons when limited to those parameters. Figure 3. Associaton between age and PWV for the hyperten- Moreover, the agreement between the RVASC PWV reference sive (dots, solid line) and normotensive (circles, dashed line) values and ours is remarkably high given the diference in sample groups. The regression equaton for age and hypertension for size between the studies. This fnding endorses the usefulness of the overall sample (with age centered) was: PWV = 9.210 + their data under circumstances where norms and reference groups 0.089 × age + 1.437 × hypertension + 0.041 × age × hyperten- for one’s specifc device and laboratory are unavailable, but does sion; R2 = 0.36. not obviate the need for system-specifc studies such as the pre- sent. Limitatons elucidated by the RVASC team include two points relevant to this issue: (1) their mathematcal calculatons atenuat- As may be seen in Table 4, also for the observed data, the basic ed but did not totally abolish diferences in PWV on the basis of age + HT + (HT × Age) model accounted for 36 percent of the vari- diferent algorithms and methods for determining path length; and ance in PWV; the fnal model, each variable adjusted for all others, (2) there was a strong data collecton center efect for PWV that accounted for 47 percent. Of all the candidate variables, only cre- was not accounted for by their standardizaton procedures. atnine and glucose entered the equaton signifcantly with alpha = 0.10, and account for a small porton of variance, ΔR2= 0.024. The Our third study goal was to develop a parsimonious model, us- same risk factors were signifcant and the regression model was ing multple risk factors that would allow a predicton of PWV be- similar when the larger imputed PWV data set was employed, yond that aforded by age and hypertension. We found that a when sex (p= 0.41) was included in the model, and when other non group of risk factor variables readily available to most practcing DOI: 10.5780/jbm2011.4 | Page 7 Artcle Merrill F. Elias et al.| Pulse wave velocity

Table 4. Raw multvariable regression coefcients (b), standard errors (SE) expressing the relaton- ship between risk factors and PWV (m/s) with each b adjusted for all others.1,2

Covariables b SE Cumulatve R2 Delta R2 Intercept -4.772* 2.061 Age (years)3 0.105*** 0.013 0.297 Hypertension (1= yes) 0.117 0.258 Hypert × Age3 0.041** 0.017 0.360 0.063 Height (cm) 0.013 0.011 Weight (kg) 0.018** 0.007 Heart Rate (bpm) 0.039*** 0.011 MAP (mmHg) 0.045*** 0.009 Lipid Meds (1=yes) -0.315 0.209 0.450 0.090 Creatnine (μmol/l)2 1.433** 0.532 Glucose (mmol/l)2 0.034*** 0.009 0.4744 0.024

1 8 and 4 mmHg respectvely are added to treated BP levels prior to analysis; the patern of signif- cant results is the same without adjustment. Findings are the same with waist circumference sub- sttuted for height+weight or in absence of adjustment for lipid medicatons. 2Variables up to and including lipid medicatons were fxed in the model (could not be eliminated). Once the fxed variables were entered into the equaton, the following candidate variables were entered into a stepwise backward eliminaton: educaton (years), plasma homocysteine (μmol/l), cigaretes/wk (or heavy smoking, >15/day), glucose (mmol/l), creatnine (μmol/l), triglycerides (mmol/l) (or other lipid values in separate analyses), alcohol consumpton (g/wk), APOE genotype (ε4/no ε4), race/ethnicity (African American versus other), and c-reactve protein. 3Age is centered 4model R2 (df = 10; 485) *p< 0.05, **p< 0.01, ***p< 0.001 physicians (Table 4) allowed us to account for 47 percent of the the analyses. In the Caerphilly Prospectve Study *6+, glucose was variance in PWV as opposed to the 36 percent accounted for by positvely associated with PWV, but only at baseline. In the same the age and hypertension variables. These fndings are consistent study, creatnine, an index of kidney disease, was signifcantly as- with fndings that CVD risk factors other than hypertension and sociated with PWV both at baseline and afer 20 years of follow-up age are predictors of PWV *6-8+. *6+. In terms of the queston of which CVD risk factors are dominant Study Limitatons with respect to the predicton of PWV, our results are consistent with a recent comprehensive review and meta-analysis of 65 stud- As was true for the RVASC investgaton, our study was limited ies *35+. The conclusion reached in this study was that the contri- because PWV was not measured longitudinally. Physicians treat buton of risk factors to the predicton of PWV other than age, hy- age cohorts (people born at the same tme) diferently and thus pertension, or BP is either small or non-signifcant. Viewed from a cross-sectonal norms and reference groups are of value, but longi- general perspectve, our fndings are entrely consistent with this tudinal data are necessary to answer the need for data relevant to conclusion. The point we wish to make in our analysis is that addi- serial treatment of the same patents over tme. tonal variables that account for a small percentage of variance in It is possible discrepancies in point estmates between RVASC PWV beyond that accounted for by age and hypertension do in- and our study related to our smaller sample, but results were the crease the predicton of PWV. same when imputaton of missing data allowed us to increase sam- Afer age + hypertension, age x hypertension interactons and ple size, and dissimilarity between our study and RVASC was not essental controls were fxed in our regression model, only glucose systematcally seen as a functon of cell size in our study. and creatnine entered into the regression model signifcantly. It is Over- or under-adjustment of BP to estmate the untreated con- of interest that glucose was positvely associated with PWV despite diton may have resulted from the Tobin et al. *32+ adjustment the fact that persons with diabetes mellitus were excluded from procedure, although the same results for various regression anal- DOI: 10.5780/jbm2011.4 | Page 8 Artcle Merrill F. Elias et al.| Pulse wave velocity

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