While many students seemed 18 know all about the findi ng, nei\htr campus police, tbe Iowa City po. l~ce nor eitber dorm could oU~ any information about the incident. The rumor was (inally traeed Mourners Restless- back to one student who admitted Warmer that the body finding was his crea­ tion and that he thought it would Partly cleudy ..... w...... , make a good joke. throuth F .....y """. st.wen .... Nehru Cremated tfIuncItt atOl'ml west Friday ...... all owan HItIw Friday 7t ,*,"-at .. .. l Serving the State Universit y of Iowa and the People at Iowa City ...... Near Holy River 10 CeDtI P.- eop, Iowa City, Iowa - Friday. Kay ., 1M4 NEW DELH1, India til - Flames of a sandalwood bier consumed the body or Prime Minister J'awaharlal Nehru Thursday before a vast and restless throng of mourners who houted In Ihe anci nt mndu ritual: "May he be an immorllll '" Moon Flight 3 DAYS Rockefeller Though official esti'mates were lacking, one new paper guessed l o.y . 7:25 • 9:25 - "Flatu,.. ':35" ------million were on hand in final trl· bute to the wealthy, London-edu­ Plans Start cated Brahmin ari tocrat who de­ Crisis Talks Set Criticized E NATION! Lindquist To voted much of his Ii fe to bettering the lot of Indra's downtrodden. il· WASHINGTON f.fI - President literate mas es. He died Wednes· scale than last week when the Impressively Johnson Thursday ordered his top Commun t Pathet Lao swept neu­ By Goldwater day at 74 of a heart aUack. defense and diplom tic advisers The Election! Be Honored FRENZIED GRIEF was so to Honolulu on June 1·2 for a pe. tralist forces off the central great that two persons were killed Saturn I launches LB] Plans Review Charges Him PI Ine de Jarres. E. F. Lindquist. professor of ed· cial review of the crisi in South­ and six injured in a slampede out­ Unmanned Spaceship; ea t Asia. With Threats ucation and co-founder of the side the prime minister's official U.S. strategists believe the NNY Commun ' t military pre ure in American College Testing Pro­ re~ldence before the body was 6th Straight Succe .. Reds may not try at this tlme to To Bolt Party gram. will receive an honorary moved away on a gun carriage Lao was d scribed a easing up. drive all the way to the Thai CAPE KENNEDY. Fla. til Bul concern remained over loni' Of Southeast Asia SAN FRANCISCO 111- Gov. Nel­ Promises! doctor of letters degree from Au· pulled by 60 men. gustana College, Rock Island. III.. America's Apollo man·to-the-moon lerm prospects. and in the border, cutting Laos in two. But son A. Rockefeller, swinging IIIto Others were trampled durrng the Ie t night program rocketed to an th y note the Communists are in Monday during its l04th com· six·mile procession to the river tangled diplomatic nrena pro,· am ; Graham Martin. U.S. am· AMONG THEM is William Bun. Northern Call1ornia and callinI fOr mencement exercises. impressive slart Thursday when a re s admittedly was low . ba sador to Thai! nd . and Philip dy, a istant ~retary of state a po ition to move further in the "r ponslble Republicanism," which took 3'J2 hours. Saturn 1 superbooster propelled fulure unless something is done .11 He was graduated from Augus· U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acting on Johnson's directive. H. Chadbourn, d puty mi ion for Far Ea tern affairs, who hur- charged by Sen. Barry Goldwater into orbit an unmllnned model of as a While House announcement chief at Vienliane. ried 10 London on Wednesday to stop them. on 'nluraday with threatenin, to tana in 1922 and has been a memo Rusk. representing the United Ihe lunar spaceship. ber of the SUI College of Educa· States, narrowly escaped injury in put it , "to review the ituation Secretary of Defense Robert S. night for ura nt consultations AGAINST this backaround, dip. bolt the party. tion faculty since receiving his tWO brushes with the pressing, un· The feat raised National Aero­ in Ihe entire area." McNamara, GeD . Maxwell D. wilh the British. He told new .. lomatic maneuverina is under Both .tepped up the verbal lluI­ IT'S NEW Ph.D. Degree in ]927. ruly mourners. nautics and Space Administration SECRETARY OF STATE Dean Taylor, Joint Chiefs of Staff men at th British capital that way coneerning not only Laos but gin, with CalifOrnia'. GOP preal. DIH.r.nt - Novel -ealls A RUSK STOOD near the gun car· confidence that it can achieve the Rusk. now in New Deihl ror the chairman, and intelligence chief there Is real danger of a Com· also the rest. oC the Indochina dentlaJ prImary - Tueeday - Spade A Spade • . . A Frlud He presently serves as director goal of a moon landing in the of research and development for riage when it arrived wilh Nehru's funeral of Prime Minister Nehru. John McCone will leave Wa hing· mun! t takeov r in Southeast area. The Communists are fight· drawing n ar. At atake: the . ..te " A Fraud • •• 50 BOLD .. , 1960s. Ina also In South Vi.et Na m, while Be GOP National ConvenUon ~ SO BLUNT . , , the ACT, and 8S editor of the Na· body. The crowd surged forward will fly to Honolulu on Sunday Ion on Sunday on another night Asia. tional Merit Scholarship Qualifying and thrust him roughly aside. The mighty Saturn 1, the world's after brIef slops for t8lk. in for Honolulu . The lowdown of the Red push In cambodia they are supporting - winner take all. The site was near the spot where largest known rockel. registered its Bangkok and Saigon. AI 0 all ndina th two-day in Laos was reported by State Premier Norodom Sihanouk', call The Arizona aenator told • /left Test. He is a founder and presi· sixth slralght test night succe in dent oC the sur Measurement Re· Mohandas K. Gandhi was cremated Joining Rusk for the Honolulu sion will be :I number of other Deportment pre officer Richard for a conference of the 14 natiolUl conference In Loa Angelel that . earch Center - a nonprofit cor· in 1948. hurling the "boiler plate" Apollo trip will be Henry Cabot Lodge, high-ranking U.S. omcials from 1. Phillip . He said the [ightina signatory to the Geneva agree­ ROCkefeller wal "solicitln, votes MILITARY orticers lifted Neh­ capsule inlo lin orbit ranging from .S . amba ador to South Viet Washington ond elsewhere. now appears to be on a smaller ment on Indochina . on the Implicit basis of a threat to poration which provides educa· 123 to 140 miles high. tional test scoring and data pro· ru's body to their shoulders, --~.------~----~------bolt the party .hould the YOtiD, III cessing services to schools and col. walked along a newly spread car· Both rocket lind spacecraft are ------this primary, or any subsequent leges throughout the country. pet of red earth and mounted ea(ly model of hardware that Is 'fating, not meet his pel'Dlld de­ seven steps to the sandalwood expected to boost three-man Apollo Army Corps $1 Million mand nd plea ure." resting place. teams into ellrth orbits starling in I HE CHALLENGED Rockefell r Ruby Goes Berserk, Under watch of four priests in 1ge6, to practice for moon landings to pledge aUealonce to whatever yellow and white robes, they aently planned for 1969. OK's Ralston Gas, Refund man the Republican party nomI· Subdued by Jailer unwrapped the trIcolored Indian OFFICIALS of NASA hailed lhe I nates for president. The New York national nag that had shrouded the success 08 9 brilliant beginning for governor, he declared, never has DALLAS, Tex. IA'I - Jack Ruby, body, leaving II barefoot and clad the Apollo program - which is said he would IUppori a Goldwater co nvicted slayer of former Presi· only in a plain white sheet. The expected to cost more than $20 bil· Flood Study To, Begin ticket. " dcnt John F. Kennedy's assassin, head was on a pillow. lion before American astronauts Effort to control the flOOd po­ Over one million dollars In re­ At a Monterey rally, RocItelelier went berserk in his Dallas County ,\1embers ot Nehru 's family, in· plant the Stors ond Stripes on the lential oC Ralstun Creek moved a funds will be mailed Saturday to said the primary "ls not merely Jail cell Thursday and was sub­ cludlng his daughter, Indira Gand· lunar surface. 'nIe price tag on step to reaUly Thursday customers and former customers a competition between two eaudl· dued by a jailer, Sheriff Bill hi, mounted the pyre and helped Thursday's launchlna was more when the U.S. Army Corps of En· of 10wa-1IIlnois Gas and Electric dates. It is a contest betweea two Decker said. pile wOOd on the body. They than $20 million. including $17 mil· gineers approved 0 d tailed study Co. in the Iowa City area. different concepts of what the Jte. The sheriff said Ruby. 53. broke sprinkled the corpse with water lion for the Saturn 1. of the creek's flood problem. A tolal of '1,158,000 wftl be publican party should be IIId his eye glasses, grabbed a cus· from India's holy rivers and reli· George Mueller, NASA's associ· For city oeneial it was a long ma.iled In 22.000 checks to Iowa stands for." "ENDS giously purified rice smeared with ate administrator for manned awaited announcem nt. City Man­ City customers of the company for SATURDAY" pidor and threw it at a light bulb, 1------___ _ breaking the light fixture . vermillion. space fliglltS, reported "The suc· ager Carsten Lelkvold commented, the period between March 25, 1961. SAN FRANCISCO III - 1M Decker said the incident began NEHRU'S GRANDSON, SanJaya cess adds 10 our confidence In "We have been hoprng Cor this for and July 4, 1963, and Crom Coral­ San Francleco Chronicle Thu .... Kandhi, 17, appl1ed a lorch to the about 4:45 a.m. and that Ruby WIlS meeting our goal oC landing men some Um ," ville and University Heights cus­ day tndort... ' .... lcItntl...... "raising the deVil." wood at 4:36 p.m. on the moon in !.hIs decade." The City ha been work ina to al- tomers starting in May at 1961 latl. pi...... NellOft A. Rock· "lie is tree or his earthly bond· Major goals of the night are to leviate the threat of the creek lind continuing to July 4, 1963. tfeI'"' OIl .... R.,.,blka" ..., ... Ruby Caces death in the electric age ," the priests chanted. chair after conviction in a Dallas further qualify the Saturn I, verily since late 1962 when the £Irst seri­ Refunds will In lude interest at and to Gov. I dmund O. I,.... court for the slaying of Lee Iiar­ tructural compatibility of the ous attempts at fed eral a lstance tive per cent per annum and the OIl .... DtmocretJc tick ... vey Oswald who was charged with No Paper rocket and spacecraft during a jar. were considered. Iowa sales tax, ccordlng to James killing Kennedy. ring trip up through the atmos. The extensive study WIIS re- E. Stewort, district manager ot Goldwater earlier had said that Decker said a jailer reached the The Daily Iowan will not be pub- phere, and evaluate a new guld. qu ted last October ofter th lown Iowa·lll1nols. The typical r Iden· Rockefeller, Ambaasador Hell, r y y Ual customer wiJI receive about former night club operator and sub­ lished Saturday due to the Memo- ance system oC the same type thllt City counc:, heard ae pr Ilmfhjear Cabot Lodge and others not named ~ CO·STAU I/OIG GENE RAYMOND dued him immediately after he rial Day holiday. Publication will will steer astronauts on the path report putt ng co t 0 th pro ct $20 on payments for gas servIce had "ganged up to stop Gold· smashed his glosses and the light resume liS usual Tuesday. o[ the moon. at $850,000. The city would prob- and $50 on pllyments for electric Yand MAHAliA JACKSON $250,000. water." But Thursday he said IIMlBI III1III fixture. . IIbly have to pay about service In excess of that provided former Vice President RIchard M. Other schedule changes over the Preilmlnary data Indlcale now· aod the fedc:ral ioverwnenl would by the Iowa City ordinance ratee. It was the second incident In holJday inclUde the closin, of Unl- lells performance by the mammoth pay the rest. Nixon, Gov. William The Iowa Supre~ Court ruled W. Scranton and M\chl,an Gov. which Ruby has become unruly vcrsity offices tod3Y. booster; The first slDge hDS a clu - Aclual nood control work can Nov. 10, 1963, the refunds hould while in the jail cell. Most downtown stores and busi· ter of eight engines. generating 1.5- begin after the tudy I completed. George W. Romney had disavowed be made. any part in a Btop.Qoldwater move. A few weeks ago Ruby butted nesses will also be closed Saturday. m1l110n pounds of thrust.. The sec· The federal government would pay Still contested before the Illwa his head against the cell wall Library hours tor the weekend ond stage. powered by high-energy for actual construction work while Supreme Court Is the question Lodge supporters have been and superficially injured himself. are 7:30 a.m. to 2 a.m. today and liquId hydrogen, delivers a 90,000- the city would acquire needed land, whether 10wa-I1l1nol. must refund asked to swItch theIr support to 7:30 a.m: to 10 p.m. Saturday. The pound thrust. trlaintaln the completed project the amounts charged over and RockefelJer In the CalIfornia cam· In rormatlon, circulation and reo BECAUSE or the test nature or Bnd provrd for needed change in above the old ordinance rates since palgn. The South Viet Nam am· Presidential Guard serve desks will be clo ed all day the flight, no erfort was made to exisllng facilities. July 4, 1963. The creation of the bassador'. IOn, George, said Wed· Saturday. Iseparate the Apollo craft from the No estimate has been made as Iowa Commerce Comrru'sslon and nesday that Goldwater', nomina· HORT Pleads 'Not Guilty' The ~old Feather Room ~ n d ~e burned-out second stage and an to when construction can begin. its assuming jurlsdictlon of rates tion by the RepublicalUl "would recrealion area of the Umon Will instrument package. The three sec· The creek which VI and e r s Quad Remodeling as of that date Is the basis for the most likely set the party In de· CH ICAGO UPI - Abraham W. be open all day today and Satur· lions - 80 feet long, and weighing through most of the eastern and cline from which it w 0 u I d Bolden, suspended Secret Service controversy. day. The cafeteria will be open 37.300 pounds - orbited together. southern portion of the city has Worlcmon con.lder plumbln, Impro'ltm. nll btin, compl.ted II part Stewart said brIefs in the contro­ atrophy." agent, pleaded innocent Thursday today, but will be closed Satur· The~e is no. pl~ to recover the caused considerable damage in re- of the remodellnl of the southwest fiction of the Quadranll•• versy are being med with the Iowa ROCKlflILLIR, who forged to a charge that he tried to sell day. satellite, which IS expected to cent years. The last major flood - Photo by Steve d.WoH Supreme Court and that the ques­ ahead of Goldwater In recent pub· evidence in a counterfeiting case circle the eartb for about 4 days, caused by the creek occurred in tion should be submitted to the lic opinion polls after trailing, ac­ for $50,000. cused Goldwater of trying to dis· before beina burned up by almos· June 1962. 2 Solutions Cited- court near the end of June. A Bolden, countered with assertions Exams pheric friction . When notified of the aulhorlza· ______ruling may be handed dOWD by the tract CaJi(ornla voters with last· that the prosecution was framed MONDAY, JUNE 1 Per.sons in area.s over which the tion, First Di trict Congressman end of July, Stewart said. min ute political charges and spoke to discredit his accusations about 8:00 a.m. - All sections of Bus. satellite passes at da~n a~d. dusk Fred Schwengel said. "It has out sharply again. t extremism in drinki ng among Secret Service men Ad. 6E:258. Educ. 7L:125. Educ. sh~uld be able to spo~ It shtntng as taken a long time to get recogni· the Republican presidential pri. assigned to guard the president. 7V :I25, Core 11:6, Core 11 :8, Ger· brightly as the evenmg st.ar, Ve· tion of the unusual problems in SUI Men Face Britain Denies Red mary campal,n. Bolden's plea in U.S. District man 13:23, P.E.M. 27 :5, P.E.M. nus. connection with Ralslon Creek, but The New York governor alluded Court was made before Judge Jo· 27: 6. P.E.M. 27: 7, P.E.M. 27 :8, Aggression Claim in a questlon·and·answer period to P.E.M. 27:29 M. &H. 59 :2. the detailed project report should reports from his aldes that all 12 seph Sam Perry who set trial fo r local Youth, Cleared make it possible to deal with them June 12. 10 a.m. - Classes meeting first effectively... LONDON til - Britain sharply Rockefeller headquarters in Lot! Bolden, the fi rst Negro ever as· on Monday at 1:30. Of Recent Vandolism Dorm rejected Thursday a Soviet charge Angeles had received a aeriel of signed as a presidential bodygua rd, 1:00 p.m. - Classes meeting that U.S. flights over Laos violated bomb IhreatJ Wednesday. has asked the Warren Commis· first on Monday at 12 : 30. Two local youths, aged 14 and Bowen To Receive By STEVE deWOLF 10 other rooms rn the building. the little nation's neutrality. He said it was "the kind of ex· sion investigating the assassina· 3:00 p.m. - Classes meeti ng on 15, have been cleared of all con· 5tlH Writer In any event, Copeland sald, Then Britain and the United treme tactics that have been evi­ tion of President John F. Kennedy Tuesday at 11:30. nection with recent vandaUsm at Current and future remodeling overloading single and double States agreed on a firm stand be­ dent throughout the campaign." of Quadrangle will tighten up living rooms with two and three men re­ to hear his charges about laxity TUESDAY, JUNI 2 the new Recreation Center. Honorary Degree fore taking part in a conference on IN THE INTIRVIEW on bill ar· 8:00 a.m. - All sections of Bus. Detectives who had been ques· facilities in the men's dormitories spectively still exceeds the Uni· among the late President's gua rds. Dr. Howard R. Bowen. SUI presi· Laos requested by the Soviet Un· rival In Monterey, Rockefeller sald Ad. 6A:144, Bus. Ad. 6M:134 , tioni ng the youths said they were for at least the next three years, versity's minimum standard reo Ion. dent·eJect, is a candidate for an according to vtrgil Copeland, As· quirements for spaciousness in It was undel'lltandable that Nixon, Journ . 19:120, Educ. 7V :ll0, Core, satisfied beyond any reasonable The British Foreign Office dis· Scranton and Romney are main· SUI Female Employe 11:32. Math. 22:114, E.E. 55 :67. doubt the boys could not have honorary doctor of laws degree sistant Director of Dormitories and dormitory housing. from Knox College, Galesburg. m. missed as "purely propagandistic" taining neutralIty in the preslden· Found Unconscious 10 :00 a. m. -Classes meeting caused the damage. Dining Services. THE SECOND plan to alleviate the Soviet declaration that the tial race. first on Monday at 11 :30 and Core The vandals have not yet been Dr. Bowen will deliver the Knox During the three, or perhaps crowded conditions in dormitories United States was openly violating College commencement address ''They are all ambltlowl'and !1op­ An sur employe, Blanche Hora, 11 :5. found, police l18id. four·year remodeling and rennova· calls for the building of a new the 1962 Geneva agreements in ing lightning wiJI strilte," Rocke· 1148 Holz Ave., was found un­ 1:00 p.m. - Classes meeting first Damages estimated at $1,500 reo Monday. tion period, about 90 rooms in men's or women's dormitory every conducting aerial reconnaissance feller said. "What other potltlOIl conscious early Thursday morning on Tuesday at 3: 30. suited from the flOOdi ng of the Rec­ Two other persons will receive Quadrangle wUl be continuously year from now until 1970. This plan runs for the Laotian government. honorary doctor of laws degrees could they take?" I • in Close Hall . 3:00 p.m. - All sections of Bus. reation Center's unfinished swim· unusable as accomodations. These has been tentatively approved by She was admitted to Mercy Hos· Ad. 6A :2, Bus. Ad. 00:117, H. Ec. ming pool. Damages were also at the 119th commencement exer· rooms, if utilized to (ull capacity, the Board of Regents, according to pital where she is listed in gOOd 17 :1, Spanish 35:66 , Zoo. 37.2, E.E. done to water pipes and electrical cises. Ralph Dodds Stevenson, part· would house 222 men. Copeland. Superintendent Says- condition. 55:62, M. &H. 59 :43. conduiling. ner in the Cbicago law firm of At the same time, requests for '''nils building program Is still praisal Isham, Lincoln and Beale; and dormitory housing are certain to in the pre-planning stage," Cope­ \ I Dr. Edna Heidbreder, professor increase substan tiaUy, starting next land said. "At least there has been emeritus of psychology at Welles· year, as SUI's enrollment grows, a recognition by University oui· ley College, will join Bowen in Copeland said. cials that more dormitory housing 'City School Bond receiving degrees. WITH TH~ "squeeze" cammg on, is needed. J .. Kennedy Tributes Set Copeland cited two plans _ one "Our ultimate goal in thls proj· Meardon Drive short·range and the other long· eel Is to offer students nothing less / HYANNIS PORT, Mass. UPI - Ian from England. range - for alleviating the prob· spacious than double rooms." May Be Delayed This year, instead of celebrating The program is to call aUen· lem. D_SPITE the fact that requests the 47th birthday of John F. Ken· JFK Would tion to the Kennedy Memorial Li· Gains Momentum "The only way we can handle for dormitory accomodations will "u the air is clear" voters of former superb!tendent of aclloola, nedy today, his fou rth as Presi· brary, to be built close to Har· the immediate increase next year increase Dext fall while room faeU- the Iowa City school district will and former board members demon­ dent of the United States. Instead vard Un iversity on the bank or A campaign for the write·in can· is by doubling and triplint rooms ," jties remain the same, Copeland be asked in late October or early .. , didacY of William Meardon. Iowa strated a broad measure of fore· of a '~ound of birthday parlies Be 41, Today the Charles River. he said. "We don't like to do this, said he forsees no problems in November to approve a $6SO,ooo sight. That f1exlbUlty, however, II L. which would have been held, ob· The U.S. Post O(fice is mark· City attorney and former Republi· but on the other hand we doll" meeting and filling all requests. bond issue to buDd a new aca· will be shown. can county chairman. for state being lost because of IJIcreued eJI· ser vanc~ are scheduled around ing the birthday hy releasing the want to have to turn students away N. for the current remodeling demic wlDg on City High. His widow , Mrs. John F. Ken· senator gained momentum Thurs­ roUments, be said. the world in his memory. For it nedy. will be at Hyannis Port to John F. Kennedy memorial (rom the University for a Iac.k of and relUlClVation of the southwest Litigation pending in the courts City High mlllt now utilize 'audi­ was just six months and one week stamp - and the advance de· day. take part in the program which 'Tm not a candidate and I urge dormitory housing facilities.". portion of Quadrangle, neither may delay the vote. however, Bu. torium space for study balII. Book· ago tha~ John Kennedy was killed will be beamed by Telstar II to mand is so areat that the initial Contrary to some speculation, Copeland nor University Arcbftect ford Garner, superintendent of keeping Is offered in the caf~ by an assassin. printing ~ 250 million, twice the all Repuhlicans to support Senator Europe, with segments from Nolan," Meardon said. particularly by quadrangle resl· Richard Jordison were optimistic Iowa City schools, told the fowa and art in a former worltrooai UD­ As part of the ceremonies, an three European countries bounc· usual number for commemora­ den.ts. ~our men w~ not be forced that it would be completed in time City Rotary Club Thursday. der the auditorium stage. It II aI· international televis ion program in g back to the United States. tive stamps. Nolan, the incumbe nt, is the only to bve In rooms deSIgned as singles for occupancy next September. A suit brought by eight residents so necessary to lCbedule cIuaeI devoted to !.he spiritual legacy The former president's brother, Republican candidate on the ballot or doubles, Copeland sard o Jordison said be estimates work of Coralville asIts that the Feb. 13 at 7:30 a.m. and until 4:10 ]I.m., which Kennedy left lo the world Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy. is * * * for that omce. COPELAND said he felt "par· on th rs section Is 20 per cent com· vote merging !.he Iowa City and time previously eonsidered "before joining Mrs. Kennedy for the Fund Drive in Dallas Friends of Meardon have indio tial overloading" of rooms in Quad· pleted. "The men still have three Coralville school districts be void· and after school." Garner uld be * * * Hyann is Port segment. It will DALLAS , Tex Lf! - A financing cated because of his law practice, rangle, Hillcrest and South Quad months to go and they could POI' ed. As long as litigation is pending expects six 7:10 a.m. clauea .W LBJ Honors Kennedy be a half hour program on CBS drive for the DaUas Citizens Meardon wlU be unable to nm fo r would not make conditillll8 unllv· sibly make it in time for the start the election cannot be held. have to be lCheduled by fill. from 3:30-4 p.m. CDT. Memorial to John F. Kennedy will public office. able . of next semester. The proposed academic wing is The proposed academic _ WASHfNGTON til - President Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of be officially launched today. Voters wishing to vote for a "But whether the crowded con· Even when the remodeling of styled "phase one" in a three- could accommodate 40CJ studIDtI, Johnson paid tribute to his prede· Massachusetts will take part in W. Dawson Sterling, chairman ditions are entirely comfortable this section is finished, it will oC· phase building program for City cessor, John F. Kennedy, at a write·in candidate on voting mao Garner said. City High ~ a segment to be beamed from of the Dallas John F. Kennedy chines can open slots at the top of and convenient Cor students is aD· fer no rellef for "partial overJoad· High, Garner explained. The sec· this year Is just over 1,000. It II White House memorial service Dublin where he will appear at Citizens Memorial Committee, other question," he sardo ing" of rooms, Copeland said. ond phase would provide additional Thursday. the machine. The slots are above eXpected approximately lot C6rI1- the Irish Parliament with Irish said neither a specific dollar each office listed. This semester men's dormitory "Students will be able to move cafeteria and shop space: the ville students of senior hlp Iebool Then the President and Mrs. Prime Minister Sean Lemass. goal nor a time limit bas been Once the voter writes in a can· residents felt the impact of "par- in to the newly·remodeled section third, adidtlonal pbysical education age will go to City High this 1111. Johnson motored across the Po· Also [rom overseas the pro. set in the campaign. didate, the levers by the candi· tial overloading" when construc· as soon as it i. done. Just as quick- space. The second and third pbas· Garner said the directive 'Jlven tomac 10 Arlington National gram will bring an appearance He termed the drive an "ex· dates for that olfice listed OD the lion on the southwest section of Iy as they move in, students in es In the expansion plan might be the school board by the voten Feb. Cemetery and placed a wreath by Mayor Willy Brandt from pression of the community honor· baUot are locked and cannot be Quadrangle began in late April. At another section of Quadrangle will combined, Garner said. 13 instructs the board to operate 01 red , white and blue flowers West Berlin and former British ing the memory of President Ken· puUed unless the office bas votes that time nearly 200 students in have to move out to allow work· Garner said the Oexibility built the combined Iowa City-Coralvllle at Kennedy 's ,rave. Pri~ Minister Harold Mac Mil· nedy." lor two candidates. Quadrangle were forced to move men to start on it," Copeland sard .. into City High by Ivor Opstad, school district, effective J~ . 1.

It ., '- 1fI~ 1)ot1y Iowan ~ Letters t~ the editor-=- r Clear ana forceful ~ OBSERVATIONS iii. words' of Il KenneCly By JOSEPH L. BEI'4"AM # AND COMMENT JJU.J. Ex-Member guasti·ons AP Rtviewer THE BURDEN AND THE GLORY, by John F. K.nnedy. Her",r. $US. I ... CIty, I... FRIDAY, MAY 2f, " .. Of all the books by and about the late President John F. Kennedy which have deluged the market. this should prove one oC the most Mountaineer government enduring. The Kennedy years have been characterized as years of ideas A special mourning To the editor: three classes DC membership member shall have no voting dent may be useful in the (urth· more than of actions, of words more tban deeds - historians already are coming to agreement that he As an eJ[·aclivt' member and within this organization, only one rights or voice in his student or· erance of their ends (there being former vice president of the Iowa Of whicJl is available to the pro· was struck down too soon to see and observed in anolher t'bat ganization. bllt does provide {or no ohjective basis for selection tl1is Memorial Day Mountaineers, I would like to spective student member. a membership card and two to many of his projects to conclusion "The time to repair the roof is know why the governmental The three classes include ac· (our issues of the 1hree to five such as government service - and this book contains some of when the sun is shining." structure of this student organi· tive membership ($4.00 annual page c1uh news bulletin. • • exams ) or his political patronage his most characlerlsUc words lind The reaction of the reader prob. 6VER _Q~E MJLLION Americans have peris~ed in ideas. zalion is so strongly prejudiced dues). expeditionary membership THE EXPEDITIONARY memo is deemed advantageous, he is ably will vary according to how SCHWENGEL NOLA the wars of heir counb-y, and Memorial Day is the' day against the student. ($3.50) and associate mem~er· I berships are for those ex·univer­ then proffered active member· The volume. edited by Pulitzer he felt and feels about Kennedy, set aside ifi ,emembrance of their deaths. I It is quite possible that the ship ($3.001. sity affiliates who can no longer ship. Then for tne nominal fee of frize·winnin& biographer and his· but few would argue that Kenne· Iowa Mountaineers has one of the The associate class is the only dy had a rare ability to expresa tn ser~kes and private thoughts throughout the coun· be act e members or those pri· one additional dollar the student torian Allan Nevins, with fore­ straugest governmental struc· one available to the new memo marily interest.ed in summer ex· can purchase his right to vote. word by President Johnson, in· himself in clear and forceful Republic try, VIe parents, wido~vs l children and grand· children of tures in the entire gamut of stu· ber and strangely enough this peditions. cludes more than 50 selections terms. Anyone forgetting that will dent organizations. There are purchase stipulates that said Hence if the non·student coun· be reminded quickly by reading the men who died in the World Wars, Korea and earlier Finally one ar ives at that cil decides you can vote, they al· from the second and tbird years coveted membership category, low you to vote for those they of Kennedy's Administration , in· virtually any of the more than 50 wars will remember their losse~, perhaps grown less pain' cluding the speech which he had selections in this book. In State fullhrough tho years. the IIctive membership, which al· have pre·destined for the position lows the holder there·of to vote. already, which of course means planned to deliver in Dallas the Evan Hultman. (not Independents day he was killed. The meaulng of the day will be particularly fresh for d~ny There are, at present, approxi· thcms~ves . However in all fair· above). incumbant state The selections are formal and six groups of friends and relatives - those who will be mately 35 active members, Which ness. it should be pointed out that Texas finishes General. is the to the writer's knowledge consists space is allowed for wri~ e in's informal, ranging from State of publican candidate for mourning the six men who died in the Unon·war" of Viet apatliy charges of one student. and thus one is allowed a grain the Union messages to news con· Lt. Gov. W. L. Mooty Nam this past year. With student interests so ad· of sand from the sea shore. This ference comments. Each has with re-election and is To tIM Editor: mirably represented one might democratic governmental struc· it a brief but incisive footnote desegregation Robert W. Naden . o ,But May 30 will have a special significance for all Contrary to the article written by Judi Skalsky. and the opinions inquire as to what this coveted ture would seem to contain a from Nevins. recalling the events is the Republican A~ricans this year - and many years to come. The entire voting right commands in respect rather sizeable element of self whlch provoked or accompanied state Auditor . held by Jim Heaton. Allan Furney, and Gene Kiekhaefer apathy does the Kennedy remarks. coutttry has a "soldier" to mOUnl, one who wore his office not reign among ofC-campus residents. And furthermore, apathy does to a voice in the operation of our perpetuation. M. L. Abrahamson stUdent club? Il ;!,lows said bear· Like all Presidents. Kennedy Reed are both ca as a uniform - John Fitzgerald Kennedy. not reign among independents as If this club is not in pracll~e used speechwriters, and unques· process er to annuaUy select, according nor opel'ational philosophy a stu· state Treasurer. and the so·called "Greek student lead. tionably some of the material in By RALPH McGILL and Garry D. :SIx months haV'epassed sin e his death and the tragedy ers" claim. to a copy of the by·laws Article dent organization. and has no in· VI, 10 active members for the the speeches did not originate Fourteen years ago the Univer. seeking the candidacy has These involved the first cases legjslation would not only take from them a basic constitu· P.trici. B.ckford, A2 I did give or the one I delivered brought against discrimination in . ...." .re Invited to upr... Karen Cottrtll, A2 so brilliantly to myself on the tional freedom, it would also rob the stale of the Jleeded oplnlen. In Latta" to the 'clltor. segregated education. They in· All letta" mud Inc Iud. h.nd­ Ann Mosher, A2 way home in the car?" "Beat itl What do you think this is - some It wrltt.n "In.turta, .ddr..... end volved the graduate schools. aud well thought out views which they expreis. should be ty,ewrltt.n and double. 3404 Burg. Hall -Wilmount Observ.tion Post kinel of public semice operation?" was one of the shameful Cacts spaced. W. reHrv. tile rlillt " • -Jon Van shortan I.tters. of education in the South and its border states that no public law, medical, dental or other pro­ Cessional scbools were open to , the qualified Negro students in Round In' ~niversity ~~ . Senate Plans' Criticized those states. irS TIME TO REME By the eady 1950s decisions by Calendar To the Editor: account that the people thIS arti· since the residents of Summit Hill could adopt a program and know federal district courts bad open· Your feature article of May 19, cle intimately described are memo have already expressed their per­ so litUe about what was being ed the doors of university gradu· Friday, Slturd.y, M.y 29, 30 1964 on Summit Hill had good in· bers of our community who also sonal feelings in a second article done and what it was to do. ate departments in Arkansas. §i!JS(JllJ ".1A,1' PROVERB~L vicious circle made the 'founds University Holiday, 0 f f ice. tent. We appreciate your d,esire have a definite need for accept· and to us personally. Mundy looked at his purpose as Texas and Oklahoma. again Wednesday night, this time with former Vice Presi­ closed. to ful£ill one of the more idealistic ance and self-esteem. Relying on Being a group of students who that of being c~rdinator of At least two years before Gov. Through May 31 goals of journalism - namely to the statements of one neighbor as go to Summit Hill regularly un· groups that were vfsiting areas dent Richard Nixon on the "Town Meeting of the World" Faubus' political ambitions influ· Exhibit, "FUty Books DC the inform the community of the need the basis for an article cannot be del' the direction of the Campus such as Summit Hill . But since enced him to bring the chaos of television program. Year," - Main Lihrary. that should be constructively ap· justified by the canons of good Ministers and the Johnson Coun· tiJere is only one group now in­ riots to the Little Rock public Njxo~ expressed tbe typical attitude whicp be at­ Th,....h JUII. , proached and solved. But this journalism. Because the anony· t~ Council on Social Planning. volved, 'Please tell us where is school system, his state univer· constructive aim was torpedoed mity of the people was not pro· and who consider the children the need for co-ordination? tributed to "most Americans" that we could not recognize Exhibit, University Camera sity had been graduating rather Club ..... Union. by the irresponsible journalism of teqted, the artlcle qid become un· and parents there our good Why should a new organization large numbers of Negro students friends, w~ are concerned. Red .chln~ pr IIgw her to enter the United Nations. To do Monday, June 1 Miss Sarlette. fortunately. an "expose." We do so completely unaware of the sit· at integrated commencements. this" he said, loWluld cause us to lose too much prestige She did not seem to lake into n1 wish to belabor , this point, QUT OUR main quelition is uation elect itself co-ordinator THI! UNIVERSITY of Texas Postgraduate Course in Dental when will our new student body Therapeutics - Dental Build· when one established group can similarly had admitted and grad· with tlfe tmcommitted nations in A ia. pre si den t visil the depres ed and has been doing· the job? ing and Pharmacy Aud. area? Since he, like President uated Negro stUdents in its pro­ So w. must lItinually try to solve our many problems Librarians' Workshop ..... UnIon. A second example bf ignorance fessional schools. This university. ADEM Johnson has begun a war on and unwise planning Is that one in ~putb East Asia without even recognizing the cause of Wadnttd.y, Jun. 3 University Bufletin Board poverty, it seems (itting that he which now has collegcs and in· of Mundy's first moves as direc· stitutions in eight cities and a WHO CA tb~m - Red Ohina - becaus if we were to officially recpg­ 7:30 p.m...... Commencement UII"',"," lulle.ln INreI tIotlc .. IIIlIst be recelv., at Til. D.lly low,1I sbould sit 011 some door step and tor, before he had contacted its Coocert ..... East Lawn, Old Capi­ effie.,. Room .1 COIIImunlc.tIOM Ctntar. bV noon 0' tto. d.V ""ore tell bis new "friends" - "Work total of some 22,000 studenls, has nize the situation as it exists, it would wQrsen. ,ubllc.tlon. Tiley mud be typed .ncl ",n,C( IIV In adviser or Officer of the present co·ordinator and volun· completed the move begun 14 toL ."",'lItlo4l beillt Pllbllclaed. Purely _tal fundleftl .re tIot 'Iltlble .., hard and aU will be well." But : How Mr. Nixon would solve our probJems WitJlOut till. MCtlon. teers, was to visit Summit Hill years ago. I 5:30 p.m. - Close of second se­ President Snyder is no new·comer and ask the residents there if he reoognizing them fully was not clear. Maybe some day mester classes. M!MORIAL DAV HOUIIS for main IA'VIITT... Ibay'be obta1DeQ bJ to poverty. It has desegregated all dormi· library: Friday, May 29, 7:30 a.m.· alIInI lb. YWCA oftJee dUrIltc tilt and his group might clean up the tories and dining halls. Athletic Tbund.y, June 4 2 •.m . (Service de~ks open 8 a.m.' "'-nIooD at x1W Three and a half years ago, we wtfll wake up to find that Red China really doesn't exist. place. teams previously had been open 4 p.m. - Commencement Rj). 5 p.m.; Reserve Desk open 8 a.m.' know, he was a member of a This, on the surface, may seem Dr~ waybe..rolJ)().day- we'll just wake up. -Jon Van 5 p.m., 7.10 p.m.) Saturday, May 30. WOMIN .. RlCRIATIOK... L IWIMo to all students. There presently ceptiOll for grljduatiug journalism 7:30 a.m.· IO p.m. (Clrcu~UOI1 Desk pledge class that "cleaned up" like a very altruistic, thoughtful I ' MI,.O will be I .... U.ble 606:15 _p.m. are about 150 Negro students in stUdents - Room 200, Commun- and Reserve Desk ooly open 8 a.m.· KODday throu,h Frtday .t the Wom­ Summi't Hill. We are thankful that act. But on the initial meetlog, to o p.m.) nOW 0)'111 pool for atudenta. ItafI the main institution in Austin, ications CCJI1er. . .. tai!ultr wi .... our student body president has ask a stranger if you can clean INTlIUM HOURS for main library: first·hand experience with this and Negroes have attended other 6:30 p.m. - College of Pbarm­ Wednesday·Saturday, June 3'- 7:30 his yard shows a poor under· divisions. acy Ilanquet ..... River Room, •.m .oS p.m. (Reserve Closed Satur. TO CANDIDATES FOR DEGRU. type of work. President Johnson standing an inadequate appreci· 11)ie-1)any IOWQtf IN IUNI: Commepcement announce· Texas provides an example for I I day). Sunday. June 7, Closed. Mon. UJ)ion. ments have arrived and ordera may bas a general welfare clause in ation of people and a condescend· day·TuC$day. June 11-9. 7:30 a.m.' the constitution that gives him other Southern states. Certainlf Tl DdJlr,~~0I4JQn" rltt ,., edUed 5y lfud..lt, and .. go~ by 8 p.m...... Medical CoDvocatipn 5 p.m. Servtce Desks open B a.m. be picked up d the Alumnl House, ing attitude that destroys rather none w:luld argue that the Lone ..... Union. 130 N. Ji(adJjon Street. certain freedom; but where in than builds the work done by ex· a ~rdJff~ student trU3tees elected by th, Ifudent body and four VIT ••AN.: Each nudent under our stUdent body constitution does Star state was not a major memo Frw."J..... 5 PL5S0 or PLII3' must mn for aUend· A"LICATION" ror aDCI.rgra~u · istin& groups to help the people ber of the Southern Confederacy. ~ ~lnted by 1M preMdcnt of th, Vnloetsity. Th, Daily ate ICholarshlps and for Nation&! the president receive the power ~:30 a.m. - University Com­ anc~ May 1 to June 3. A form will be of Summft; Hill to help them· It provided some of the better 10Ufl'i-t' ~or/IIl poUc, ill not an c:tpffl8lion of SUI admlnilfrallofl Ivall... In Room Bl. \lnlvel'llll,)o Hill Delel1M Student Loan. for the 19M- to become a social welfare agent selves. menceUleut - Field House. on or alier lbe day or the studcQl's 81 .;bool year are ave.llable In the known lJlilitary commanders; its State pof¥;!/.or .opltNpn, In any JIOrllC1Jlar. last. flnal examlnatlon. Hours are 8:30 office of Iinantlal aids. 106 Old for Jobnsoo County? THE STUQENT Senate has • f • letunlay, Juna' a.m. to noon and 1:00-4:30 p.m. DentaL Bulldlnl. De,dlLao for WInI Legally. however. we can be troop~ gained great reputation by -rPUcatlolll b June L , - r stuck Its nose into a touchy prob· • ,iI.,IIJh., : ...... l.tlreI ':~a~ NOOII - Alumni ~iatlOlll assured that lIomehow our "lead· the ferocity of their fighting qual· • i 'IIItClr" ...... LIllO Wllne, • Lwv:heoo - UniC/n. IUMMI!R ADiiiiiiEl shoUld ~ lem ~nd in so doing has already ities . rePorted by those atUl _king poBi. IIUNDAY -;;;;ATION' "OU": ers" COUIQ el'Plam their action. created serious repercussions. If "'-n.gl", 1\lII"r, ...... '.'" ,JOII ,Van National Fede,ratiolf oJ lode­ 1I01Ul. Thla nuoy be clone by post. ft. lI'Ield Bou... .,UI be (\»en fer The Southern tradJlion was no­ News .dltor ...... , .Curi ~MIt.r card /lr by leaving a memorandum .use4 recreatloDal act1Y1U.. h:om I Politically tQO, they could prob· the student Senl;lte is to improve 'pom I~tor ...... , I~II .... where stronger than in Texas. :~:e: pendeut UniOQl InsUtute - Iowa at the ECluc.tIonal Placelllenl Olilce • DJII. to • lO.m. ..ch SIIDd.y afta.. I aoly justify tIIeir sudden awak· . :}';. ~1I1e ...tur. Idltor ...... L_ard DOO_q. the situation, it should subject Some time ago, Texas decided it e CII ..' .....,OIr.,IIIe' ...... Mlk. Taller Center. AdmlHlon to lbe buIldln. wIQ . ning. On the other hand. they .a. " ,.-..-.- GRADUATE .TUDENT. .hould lie b)I ID card lbroUlh th. J!ortheMI its plans in this area to the had no "divine call tf) stand eter· PuflGs!t~ by St&ident PubUcatlon.. Alt. City Iclllor .. ..•. 0 .... MurIIIIy nine'" the foUowlng HelM at lbe door. All floUlOe. WIll be anIIabll may have some practical prob· Inc." ~ruc.tlon. Cente~, Jowa Ant. NIW1 Idllor ...... -nc. I.,. S""".y, June 7 J.C.C.S.P and agree to seek stu· Alit" SpOrt•• __ Llbrery for tbe Summer Seillon: ...... dl• .,....tlA!UM. , )ems. nal guard by the graves of dead CIt1.laWa, ''CWl7 MCePt lunOa!, alld r ...... li,1 'larrot Cancer Research Day - SUI Orad,l&ate loan books; Ph.D. study dent volunteers and help thrs or· KO_~' apd le,al holiday,. Entered Ant. F"f"r. Idllor . P,,1t IArIett. issues." Texas learned that edu· Medical Center. desks; Ph.D. grad1late deM lochr.; COMPLAINTS•• tua.DII wIaliJq .. Instead of running head·long if Burns stands a. _ ~l~ , ~~ter at the . po.t A"'artlsl", Director .. . Irv Of!lUl!Mn and lraduate shelves. These renew· ganization in other areas the cation and progress In research, ~ a v"'" under lit. Act Adv.rt"'", Melll.. r • . Iowa High Schools Journalism IDe Vnlverslty complainta ""n btlW into a complex situation with w. .. ali mUit be made OD or befol'll Juno DIck up thelr forma at lbe lDfoftDlo colncil feels it necessary. As they qt ctPtreu of K~ 2, 18711. Cathy I'1K1!IJund which they are not f~illar. by science and the new industrial elf· CI ..llfted Men ...r ...... Don OIlOn Workshop begins ..... Communica­ 4. bon Deu ot tile Union .Dd tun stand now the student Senate's a tilelD 10 at tile itud•• t ..nato oe. forming comrnillees and not even velopments go hand in hand. The Alit. CI~fIed MIIr• .... AI.n Kohtk tions Center. 'LAYN'OHTI of m1sed reereaUo.. plans have no justification. state has acted quietly withoot 7"'" (rom noon to mldnl,ht CI ...... Mgr ...... Mlke Ntw .. lOtI'I'ltte. for mden", 1Itatf, f •• realizing the consequences of to n: news Items, ..... omen'. p.ge N.t'l. Ad •. Mgr ...... O.ry .'"'..... " Twilley, Juno , .. This is not a political complamt turning her educational decisions Ue aod announcemenla to 'fha alty !lod lbelr Il10_. .re held INTIIl.vAIlIlTV CH.ISTIAN ,I.... their actions, the president and ~ A~. Con.lllt.nt ' , . . , Dennl. IInill", Registration for Summer lies. .t til...... Id lIau... ..rll Tue.~ .. on our part. We care not so much D~ 10",~. "cIl.to~lal oWees ar. 10 A . I'IIOf .ph.,. , ..... on II. t. LOWIHIP. In Inler~.nornlnatlonaJ Scnate, if really interested. over to racist political dema· <:,ommurilcatlo\11 Cenle~. sion. OUP of Rudenl.. meet. evetJ for the individual personallties lJa .. t ~ ~dUlltlo.:1.r •..... ,"; .11'11. c"fn., ~~~Id~fbt n:oljlo~~ ~~~~ esetay at ':10 p.m. 10 ,20$, Vala should support and <)ugment the gogues. =._teat II eebeduted. (AcImIaIlu ~ f , of ln~titute tor Correctional Work· bJ EMtIoi. fU'I o ...n to the publla. of the members of the Senato THERE IS not a single South· • A FORM OF T",.t"l, INrd IludfntpullllC41- ...... or ...,. Jb IUd.) already existing structure of the '""ptton .,tel: By carrier in ikln.! Inc.: Naney C. 'Sblnn, ~~ ers begins - Iowa Center. who are involved, but for the spe· ern state university that co~ld not lowaletty, ,10 {lei' }'ear In .dvaDce· I'/IoUNTS COOPIIl ..TIVI ....V. Johnson County Counci'l on Social FOUNDATION Mart ee R. Ngeni-AlI; 1M S.1'h.. 4 p.m. - Coffee hour (journal­ ALL LOCK.R. mult be mocked 'n cific issue concernmg Summit '~Uil' as.50; lliree months, "D. Jen Ll; Alan J. ','ouch, ~~ Larry IITTING LEAGUE . Those Inleresled Planning and its volun'teer staff complete the process as begun .,. aU In lo.a, .. per year; it" D. 'rravJs. ~.i. , Prof. Dale . lentz. ism students) - Communications at the Field HOUlII before June I. In membership Ihoulct call MI'II. Ch .... Hill and other depressed areas. and concluded by Texas wi1h the SCHOOLS m til: three monthJ, 13. All \lnJnnttl' 1.10"""; Dr. G ol'@ S. Lock". not cheqed 10 afte( W. les HaWlrey at 8-6122. Those dellr· of professionals. In relation to o e. .n:Wl IUblCdPtlo'!.~ ,10 per Center. d.te wUl have loco removed and Ing sitters thouJd call lira. Jack Our fear is that Summit Hill same ease. There is lacking only Ea,to.n, c~'le of Dent.Jalr7; Prol. ..ateDte de.troy'" this 'grQup, the Student Senate )'tart aIx moo t h-I, ",.10; thIee Leslie G. oeUer, lidIool of ~oamal· WecInotcI.y, J .... 10 O'NeW .t "9081. will be usC(j as a political tool Ihe will so to do. 1D000{bI. ,ua. ' '-D; 'Prof. llren A. Van Dyke. Col· committee seems superflous. • INCREASED ol Education. • Summer Session classes begin. TH. D.PARTM'fln of lIualc ~W" MlrAO.IAL UNION HOUIlI! THIS INFORMATION, or lack by student government. The South Is learning that she Ie,. and Dram. In OOIIjunctlon with the Cafll&erta opeD 11:30 • .m.·l p.m. ~~ ..ted Prell .. enUtled n· • Thursd.y, J"". 11 FIne Arta Featlv" pnaeDt La lIoDdu,s.turday; U:41 p.m. MondaY­ of it, was revealed in an informal Antol. Colby, A3 has discriminated harshly againSt 1!l1Plf~ to the Ule for replIllllcl' 4 p.m. - CofCae Hour (Journal· Boheme, an opera In four acta, rrtdayi.. 11:~ • .m.·a, PJII • . Sunctu. disclliiion with "Sergeant Shiver" Robert GIII ..ly, A2 ber young people of whatever • lion.!' 01 III lOCal new. priDt.d complete with fuD on:hetltl'll, _'" Gold Hltb.r !loom .pe1l 7 a.IIi.· In ~II ne,..~pel'el s, weD II aU 4P ism Itudeo1l) - CommUllicaUol)ll '1'7, .04 co.lllJlles. luJ.y sa P. ,1 JO:.a P.JP. ~Ond'IY.T/~rJJ , • .••• Mundy, President Snyd~r's lipc' John Stum/M, A. color, and that in 110 dolna • 01\". Illd dls,p.tchet. • INCREASED CenLer. AUI. 1. )laU orden .eu-Ied .na 11:«,' p .111., '.'rlcJa,Y;, -:i),D.:lj:'" PJII. cial "general" in the "war on M.ria Cirulli, A2 bas impaired her ablli~ to move tlclfet ..lei .tart Jal1 11 throUCh .Iura.,: 1.. 0:. PJII. a_Ii . Bee EDUCATION Throuth July 21 "u~. .1 da1l)' 8',JO a.pl. to 1:30 p. ... poverty." lvalttvlct, A2 ahead. • ra: Edltonal. Prot. Arthur N. I'fIttonlIoactu·'n!utMa1; are. OpeD • • •.•.• l~pe V.... null ..\d" ...·U..;,I!I, 1'1·"r. Jot John "Pl';lwiu' nnci IIlI' (i'if!lll'r, 11(l()o r.4. T.ohh)' Ttck~. n.~k, ' IOWA II.· u.._ It'wa ~ ~ 1 11I1 1in (l Ih:Jt an offici:11 H.:.rry SJiiltllll, m<;1"ib,,'rtl 19f~ by ",II1II, _;1 ...... 11i'; . I • r. This Ad Paid Kilt D.i JIr ublt1!1i\" .PrOf WUhur Illo lal uO:on. AU ccall rcrerl'llll. organ ation or tile Un,vcrlldy 1004," - . Art J¥l(Ung. ~.(O. ii:f~ ~ "' T... ¥S"~At Ttzui~~~~c•. .:.i E.- .~~ .-- ~ -~ ...... • , Am rIca s War Dead Are • L. BENHAM Primary Candid ates by John F. Kennedy. H. rper. 'US. the late President John F. Kennedy Honored on Memorial Day this should prove one ol the most Thi Saturdar. lay 30. Amer- Only th President and the head ored Glory An American Soldier characterized as years of ideas icans throughout the land will of a Coreign country receive sucb Known But to God." tban deeds - historians already turn their thoughts to our coun- a alute. Since October 24. 1921. three try'S r lien h roes - the 0\' l:pon the Tomb are ngraved Unknown Soldiers have ~ and observed jn another thal diers. sailors. marto and air· these wonls : " Here R Is in Hon· I leeted. "The time to repair the roof is m n who died that their Nation 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ iiiiii ____.. when the aWl is shlniqa." might liv . r The reaction of the reader prob. The real meaning of femOl:ial ably will vary according to how SCHWENG EL NOLAN ERICKSON WHITING HUGHES Schmid~uwr BURN S SWI SH ER DODERER MAHAN Day is found in the aftermath of he felt and feels about Kennedy. th Civil War. Four years of but few would argue that Kenne. deadly combat crented hism in dy had a rare ability to express Americ which App matox could himself in clear and forceful Republican Candidates Democrats Seeking Offices not heal . terms. Anyone forgetting that will Yet. the entire N tion w 'K\S be reminded quickly by reading touched in 1867 by th g ntle g . virtually any of the more thaD SO ture of small group of women I selections in this book. in COlumbu. fL. i! Ippi who 'dWftlYff.n. .,- Led by Governor Hughes '" nt to the cern t ry to place ... ''!. , ~"!~~: ,~~~ ;. ~~~~.. ? "'" nowers on the ifav of their above). incumbant state Attorney overhaul of state tax structure. Texas finishes General. is the unopposed Re· He said a user tax base would Johnson County voters will Bums was educated at SUI. and tion as county auditor. Daniel W. Confederate dead - and stayed publican candidate for governor. have to choose between 22 Demo­ is now a sales representative lor Boyle. 70s Eastmoor Dr.. for to decorate the nion grnv a Lt. Gov. W. L. Mooty is seeking grow wlth the economy wherea cratic candidates and 16 Repub­ a Large feed concern. He ha county attorney. and R. Neil en w 11. re-election and is opposed by property tax is more or less sta· lican candidates in the statewide served on the Democratic Cen· Miller. 14 North Luea • for cl rk IN 1161, th fir t commander Robert W. Naden. Chet B. Akers primary electron Monday. In the tral Committee and s precinct desegregation tic, and lhe income is not nece - of District Court. of the Grand Army of the Repub­ Carpet d ean'", made ea. , 1 is the Republican nominee for sarily compatible with economic primary. voters are required tt) committeeman from H a r din There are six candidates for lic d ienated lay 30 a day state Auditor. Township. condition . vote either Cor the Democratic the Democratic nomination for set aside for the members of New Electric U~Brvsh M. L. Abrahamson and Dean ticket or Republican ticket. al· Former state representative county herm. They are: Walker th Union Vet rans Organization process Reed are both candidates for Nolan also said it must be "de· though Inter·party voUng is al· 1 Scott Swisher is also running for D. Shellady. 227 , ortb Du­ to d orate th grav oC their state Treasurer. and W. N. Bump termined whether management lowed In the national election to By RALPH McGILL the Democratic nomination for buque; John A. McGaffey. 71l follen comrad . Th dat wa $99S~ and Garry D. Woodward are of the highway should be changed be held this November. state senator. Swlsber. who 11th Ave.. Coralville; Gordon ch n. not beeau e of a signifi· Fourteen years ago the Univer. seeking the candidacy for state in view of widespread complaint. Topping the list of Democratic erved five sessions In the Iowa Russell. 123 W. Benton; Harold cant anniver ary. but in order sity of Texas - a Southern state. Attorney General. In the other throughout the state of highway nomln is Gov. Harold Hughes House of Represenlallves. and E. Smith. R.F.D. 4; carl J. tbat. aU across the country. there Bru.he. .... pile upw, nI, despite its southwest geography_ primary contest between two Re· \\i ho is seek ing his second two­ remov .. deep dIrt . nd ellm­ locations and constructions." was on the Interim Committee Menel . 1223 So. Riverside Dr .• might be flowers in bloom tbat in .... m.ttln,. No _ t car­ desegregated its law school. This publicans for a state office. in· year term in office. Robert D. for four years. said the most im­ and laynard Schneid r. RF.D. could be u ed in deeor ling the was four years belore the historic cumbent L. B. Liddy opposes DALE ERICKSON, 86 Olive Fulton i the Democratic candf. pet, no h.nctworll. Price Court. and Samuel B. Whiting. portant issu lor Johnson County 1. craves. .< ' I I quoted 'nclude. Hott CIe.n· decision by the Harry B. Thompson for Secretary date for lieutenant governor. and be 1511 E. College. are eeking the would the "change of the Democratic candidate for th In 1882. the day wa nam<'ll Ie­ tr .. cle.n • 141. ft. ., U. S. Supreme of Agriculture. Gary L. Cameron Is seeking the make-up of the Iowa lealsLature c.rpet. U.. our Electric RepubLican nomination for State 1965 term on th Board of uper· morial Day. t 1 .. Court ruling that INCUMBENT Fred Schwengel. nomination for ecretary of state. Crom reapportionment aod how it Up-Brush machine. Representative. ",rsors are Emil Novy. North Lib­ Throui/lout tile , land. th fam· the inequities is also \Ulopposed for the Repub· Other candidates seeking lhe alfects SUI." He added that erty. and Burt Falls. Hills. Ed I . and discrimina· lican nomination for congressman Erickson. who lost the election Democratic nomination Cor state changes in the executive officers ilies 01 Callen servicemen will for representative in the Febru· L. KessLer. 306 Highland Dr .• i decorate th grav . oC th ir per· tion of e~ucatloD. from the first CongressionaL Dis· office are Lorne R. Worthington at SUI will allO aflect how sueh a candidate for the 1966 term on ary special election by 611 votes. onal hr. At Ih Tomb of the KI'RWAN FURNITURE segregated trict. Schwengel has been repre­ Cor state audi'tor. Lawrence F. items as money for improve· the Board. bas been a precinct committee· Unknown Soldi r in Arlington Na· j:>y race. enforced senting the first district for 10 Scolisi for attorney g neral and ments. sabbatrcal • and other is­ 6 5. DUBUQUE by state or local years. man for lour years. Kennelh E. Owen for secretary su are view.ed by the legisla· tional Cem tery. just acro s the statutes and ord· D. C. NoLan. 513 So. Summit. of Agriculture. ture. Potomac Riv r from our Capitol. He said the reapportionment POLLING PLACES the Nation ~1I1 pay collecUve ~·~~~~~5~~~~~~~~~~~------~~~~~~~ inances. violated who has been state senator since issue will stand "in the lore in J 0 H N R. SCHMIDHAUSI:R. SWISHER said he looked for the constitutional 1952. is seeking his fourth term candidate for the Democratic PoUina places. pollworkers. and tribute to its war dad. the next General As embly se - the emancipation of SU [ and said A perpetual iUord of honor rights of those separated. in tbe senate. While serving as sion." He favors a Hou e of nomination Cor Congress from If elected would work to see th election judge for the primary Johnson County's representative. lowa's first district. I unopposed election in John on County were k p a day and night vigil ovcr In passing to a later develop. Representatives based on popula· University is pr nled as well as th tomb. ment at the state university in he has been majority floor leader tion. and II senate based on popu· in Monday's primary. He hilS announcl'd 10nday. Th 162 work· possibLe and considered as well EACH SENTINEL. walking his Tcxas. it is litting to note tbat and worked on most major com· lation and area. Erickson also erved a Johnson County Demo- as possible. ers will toff 39 polling piac in mittees. He has been chairman oC said Iowa needs a broader tax cratic Charrman and as First Iowa City and the county. tour. marchu at II riaid allen· 1050 was the year of the law McComas. who was eLected tion on a mat in front of the schooL desegregation. A great several important standing com· base. Congressional District Director of Half as mnny po1lworkers are Operation Support President Ken­ Johnson County Sherlfl lor srx Tomb. pon reaching the nd of )Srckman's many persons. especially in Lhe mittees. such as the Highway SAMUEL B. WHITING, served terms and has also been an Iowa required than In past election l 1960-61. nedy. the mat. he top., face the Tomb more directly affected Soutbern Study Committee of duro on the Iowa City Council from City policeman. Cavors a reappor· du to the u oC voting mach in s. ing which time a needs and fi· Schmrdhauser said Thursday and pau e 21 econds to emulate states. greeted the court's 1954 J939 to J943. and the Planning tionm nt plan whlcb would h~ve Polls will be open in lown City the 21·gun alute. decision witb stunned surprise. nnnce study were made 01 all and Zoning Commission from 1950 the compelling Issue in the gen· one house on a strlcUy population Iown highways and streets. eral election campaign Is the Crom 8 a.m to 9 p.m Thl. salute is th highest s:.lu· There were angry cbarges that to 19GO. In Lhe last four years he basiS. with the other house 00 tory honor in the Unih'


·s·lng Rates ROOMS for men. (;OO"lnl' Television. ACROSS from campus: I room fu:rnlah· erlecl envlronm."1 for children Tel. SlAMESE kltte .. tor ..Ie . DI.t UT. TRAIl.F:R "It It annu~ Po Ible 3 bed· Sublet June ~ Ihrou", Se9t~ I: g hcd· Advert. Available for summer. 20 E. Jeffer· eel apartment. 3 Itucl,"oll, 21 rean evlslon. phono.... ph. (alar hook I. 8498 . 5-31) room call TlCfln 2: 98. 6~~ room furnlMied hOU5C . '115.00 month· son. 331-7004. ... old. S38~1. $·29 lamea Ind toy.. BI~ back yard for Iy. m..ao7. )ut Ide 'tiD. 131·7432. 5-2 PUG pup pie.. Pol boardln •• Julia'. ----- ' TIw.- 0..-,...... 15c: • Won AVAILABLE Seplember lit: Sma" KJDt)IE PACKS. Carr)' b.by on )'OUI Farm Kenn II. 33&-3037. 6.23 LOST & FOUND SUBl>EITING alr..,ondillon ·d. furn· APPROVED ROOMS - Men. Clo .. In. furnIshed .p.rtmenl. Couple or J b.ck. 337·5340 alter 5;00 p.m. W Ished. 6 room houle. Summer. 3.1ft· Ilx DIY, ...... 1fc: • Wwd 831·2573. 6·I2AR .Irll. Ulllltl.. Curnlshed. S90.00. a MOilLe HOMES FOR SALE n~ 5-~ LOST; lun·. 1111' " In black case. T.n O.y...... %3c: • Won! blOllIu north of c.mpu•• 337·SUI . ..20 DR. SCHOLL'S aand.la, .1 .. 11. Wor~ USED CARS GRADUATE men; F,lI re.erv,Uon.. one•. '"-8015. 5-21 Reward. 611 . John.lon. LlInc . SPORTING GOODS One Month ...... 44c • Won Summ~r rale.. Cookln,. .howers. One single room. Male over 21. Lar,e I ______NEW and ulled mobile home •• Park· 5-29 ~30 N. Cllnlon. 337.st87 _ 33'/.:1848. 2 room .pt. 61~ N. Johnson. 5-2 I ~ Inc, lowlnl and parI•. DennJa Mobllo 1956 DODGE. Good condition. l'o"er. --~------~~~' ~ _ 6-15 MODERN davenport .nd chair. $1$.00 fleme Court. un MutcaUn. A\'II"ue, lidia, hll.ler. 338·9·)83. 5·29 t,OST; lliul' rimmed l'reacalpllon lun· CANOESI SUI' rlor Old Town. and ~Inlmum Ad • Words) ______FURNISIIED or unrurnlshed S room S37~IOI evenln,.. 5-30 low. ctl¥. 137-4'1»1. UIIAR ,Ia.· 338·8 84. 6-8 Grummanl. Varlety .Iock. h~e . , .. Consoc:utIv. In .."I_ apt. Summer .chOol. 338-0182 or 19S11 MERCUR Y-- converUble-. '3S~9J\3 Viall tI.1 We .peelall •• In c.nOOI. Free ROOMS - Boy. 21 or over. Summer 337-3800. 5-30 RALEIGH .port bike. FuUy equipped ,.~ MOMO·COACH. I' x 10'. Excellenl 5·28 color (11.101/. Carlaon. 1m AlbIa and tall. Some wllh cookln,. reo . --~ -- -.- LIke new. ~.OO . See .t 1131 E COlldlUon. I3I.,UO. ..IS ------WHO DOES m Road. Oltumwa. Iowa. 6·3 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS frl,erator. Close In. 338.0129. 6-IMll AVAILABLE June 15: .",,11 curnhhed COIle,.. "21 ~ 1959 hev. Impal.. 2·door, hlrdtoP, apartment. 635 So. Dodie. 137-5807. 1.54 PACEMAKER----- 3exa ",Ith .nno•. Vi .ulomalle Iranaml Ion . COQ(J 0... I... rtlon • Month .... $US· 6-4 REFRIGERATOR aU. Plano "0. S3I ~",.oo . Phone »Hotl 5-30 cond l lion. 338·600. 5·29 DIAPERF.NE Dla".r Rent.1 8~""1"" by SUMMER room. aVIUable .1 PI Kappa 6~38 . liS QUOMeI Park. 5-29 New Proce I",,,ndry. 113 S. Du· HELP WANTED Next time monotony mUM Flv. In...-tlona a Month " $1 .15" Alpha house. Kitchen facilities SUBLE'ITING Cor summer: FIne lar,e -- lHO HILTON IOx37. Cultom built. Car· 1836 CIl£vIlOLET \"8. Overhauled buque. rhOM S37·SMa. 5-28AR available. Rent $35 .00 monthlY. Call ---- Ton 1".."Ion. • Month ... $1.15· apartmenl. furnished. umlll • paid. REFRIGERATOR. Excellent condttlo~. peted bedroom. ldeal Cor .Iudenl Very lood. x2493 . 8 , :IO.7;~0 pm. 6-t Mh'N needed In the concnle In- you feel drowsy while drivinl, Wayne Thomplon 338·7991. For ' ·week very reasonable. See to appreclale. desk reasonable. '*7140 artor 5: ... couple. 937·7023. H IRONJNGS. Slud~nl ---bny. and ,IriS. session only. 8·5 dUllry and the mHrurk drlvlnl working or studying, do II ·R .... for E.c:h Column Inch 338-7949. &-13 p.m. 8-2 1157 CHEVROLET 1 door•• ulomall, 1018 )loch.. ter 837·2824. 1-8AR Indullry - Only mell wantlml' \0 lIel FOR RENT mobUe home. Dial .3S- tra ... Co our.d under millions do .. . perk up with MEN: Summer houllne. Approved wllh LARGE and 5maU ap.. tm~nls . No DESK and chair. Good condItion. 338· 5763. ..22 .. Ln:RA T10NS. "wIn, and tlppets. I".tnacllon cnlumn on thl. pa,·. Na· safe, effective NoDoz tabletl. kllchen. 897-5652. 5·30 children. Phone 336-4843. 1-13 7840. '·28 ------~) --~~----- ~ 337.7~9 6-1AR tlonal Inl Utul of Concrel. Construe· Phone 7-4191 SELLING 41xB 2 bedroom New !tloon. 1963 TRIUMPH I pitCh Modell. O"M' lion. Inc. &-23 An oth*r fine product of GroY.ll~rltorilS. ROOM for one man. Prlvate entrance. APARTMENT for lour. , blo<:k. from C.rpeted ~993 . 6-2 ove...... und r 10.000 mil' • lu,. Cooldn,. Summer rale S3~ . 00 . 8 campus. Furnbbed. Reasonable. ••,. carrier:, cover and .perlal tire •. In~ deadline N_ Oft uy TYPIfofO SIRVICI 10' x •• FURNI liED 2 bedrOOm traU· l\IALE AND FEM<\LE. Apply .1 It en· blo<:kl north of campus. 337.554.9. 6·20 337·~07. 8·5 Call Janet llrandmlll. 837·2178. 828 t: ry· •. IIwy ;:6. WOII. 6·3 procodlnt publication. er. Exterior reeenily painted. Inler· W. hlnzlon. 10"" Clly. lo"a. 5-2 Double. and Iln,le.. Kitchen prlvl. 2 ROOM furnished apartment.. 420 N. TYPING • • • Eaperlenc:ed. 137.U.7 lor recenUy refurnished. many extru. le,ea. Many exlr... ,25.00 up. see or Linn. '90, S07 N. Capitol $80. Phone a.ISAIl fl500. Call 33a.38n arter G \I.m. G~' 1958 FORD l-do~dan Six ~dr Fr'OII\ • I,m. to 4:38 p.m. with standard lrahlml.. lon. 338-3$08. ON w"· caU Mr •. Ford, 718 N. Dubuquo. 337. 338-11~ . 8-30 SUMMER. furnlahed 10' x 50' mobile ______&-:1 day •• Cloltd Saturday•• Aft ox .... 934.. 11-28 3 ROOM furnished apt. Close to Mercy TYPING. mlJJleOfl'raphin •• Notary Pub home wllh oMex. Air-conditioned. GUARD DaJ·June~l lei help yeti lie. lWarr Y. Buma, 400 Jowa Stat. 1370403 J. 11-:. 11161 R.;\IlllLER con,ertlble. E. cellenl t I rllnctd leiter will GIRLS over 21. Double room. KlIchc!'/ H05Dllol. Flrsl Floor. 333-3901. 11-.' Bank. 01. 337·1858. ..U condItion. x17~8 or 338-1441. S-30 AlWAYS I with your ocI. 10'x8' 1~ Spntan M.nor lroller. Air CI~~:~h. lummer or foil. 337-4838. ~"; SUBLET'I'ING furnlshed apt. lor 2 or 3 NANCY K'RU mM: electric lypln, condillonlnf and .Iorm wIndow. ... Your I. J: 1960 TR4. 1.0" mil... harp. Mu I ell. Armv lummer or longer. AvoUlble June "rvlce. Dial ,~ . 6-19Al1 ,2W15. 338·757 . s-:tO ROOMS. Girls fOI summer. Available Corllvtlle. 333-58« afler 8 p.m. 6-2 $1150. Larry Kirkpatrick. Norllt Eng. National IIsh. C.U day' 04-4115 . 5-2\. June 5th. ''''·2968. 6·:11 ELECTRIC ty~wrller. The"l .nd ii' x 50' 11160 Travclo. Includes 10' " 11' Gu.nI __---.:..--.:------SUMMER Large .p.rlmenl. several Innex. I' lit 10' acrccned In porch . • hort p.~ra. Dial 337-3143 ...lIAR SELWNG 1902 Au tln·Healy Sprite. --'-M-IS-C-.-'-O-R-S-A-L-E--- SORORITY annex for CIIl. 337.29:'::22 28U.oPle, ullllOes pald, close·ln. 33a!4 Completely furnished, newly carpeled. Recommended by Carpet I • J1iRIlY NYALL: Electrlc mM typl", Wuher-dryer. Youra Cor $500 down. Many extras. '10$0. 338·93~:;. &-10 and mJmeolnpbin,. 338·1330. PllJImenll II low IS .75 a monlh. Call Mills to Clean Modem Car· 3 PIE- scctlonal and day bed. 36x72. ROOMS~~~~------. Men. West at ChemJ.lry RENTING spaclou. Z bed.room Curnlah· ..lIAR ,37.7098 .fler 6;00 p.m. or weekend . """ BuUdIn,. 337·21\05. 8·23 cd aparlment. Ulllltle paid. Clo",! In. 6-3 AUTOMOTIVI pets. Use our Machine and Rcasqpable. 338-7272 afler 5. 5·30 3 or 4 boys. DIal 337~277 alter 5. U DORlSDELANEY T.I'pllllt Service clean 40 yards 01 carpet MEN over 21. Close 10 campus. Clean. Mlmeo.upblnlf. mM Electric, Nolary COLLEGE STUDENTS LADIES' AND MEN'S luggage. Cheap. quIet, . Cooking prlVllege.. 11 E. 2 FURNISHED 3·room apartments. 420 Public. DIal :13'(·51188. ..IUAB FOR QUICK CASH for ...... $9.95 of seven new, Alia Irlpod. 337.2764. 1-2 Burllnetoll. Phone 337·3268 or 337· N. Llnn. 90. 307 N. CaplloL $80. ,I . 5349. 6·23AR Phono 338·84.414. S-3O RING TYPING .• to • w"k dllJl" "" Soli Your Hou.. Trillor T. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES 8415. I-lIAI1 GOING TO EUROPE? KIRWAN FURNITURE frog ranees, REFRIGERATOR. ""parale Ireezer, pte; ROOMS. Summer and flU. Men. 221 LARGE two-bedroom apartmenl. Air DON'S MOBILE HOMES nlc IIble. TV, modern table. lour N. Linn. 337-4881. 8·28 t;onaltloned. JuJy.AUIust with op· TYPING _ ElectrIc l¥pewrlter. Ex· WI S. RooI.velt Avenue 6 S. DUBUQUE Applicants now being inter· chalra. che.l, mIsc. 338-8025. Il-6 I ! tlon to renew lea • 'US monlb. 338- perlencecL 338-3110. ..23AR We are specialists in arranging SINGLES and doubles. Cia," In. 21 and 6681 aflernoons or evenlnl5. 5-11 PIIono 752-1106 overseas deliveries. Choose from viewed for full time sum· over. 33a-47~. &-3 TYPING. Call na-8073 alter 5:00 p.m. t'A RM FRESII er.g. oA large. 3 dot. DOWNTOWN newly furnl6hed ,round 11-%6 BURLINGTON, IOWA Mercedes. Triumph. MG, Ren· mer employment. Those ae· HOUSE LEATHER $1.00. John's Grocery. Frce Delivery. ROOld for 'mao In' exchange cor work . leVel apLo Private entrance and balh. ault & other line cars. MALE AND FEMALE 3118-0441. 6·21lR 338.3801. &-3 LIvIng room. bedroom alld kllchenette. EXPERIENCED. Modlt.1 pre!erred Brand ne1l» can dellYered In copted will be offered: All uUlIlIc. Curnlahcd. $110. Adults or 11-27 RUM-ARCHWAY SOt',\ '20. English bicycle $7. 338·3871 MALE graduate sludent for 5Um;;;;;r graduale sludenls. nays 338-5492. Eve· Europe II low OS $9". COLLEGE STUDENTS aClcr 5 00 m • • and Call. Can be seen after 5:15 p.m. nlnl. 337·7975. ,-8 TYPING. Call .38-6073 Iller 5:00 p.m. ONE WAY TRAILERS I I : p...... or aU day SaL. 211 N. Dubuque. 333- "26. World'i Fair Extravagllnza GBGS. 6-30 SUBLETTiNG [or I5WIImer. Ntw air· FOR RENT 1) Salary of $110 preferred. "..--_.u... ND MARCH condlUoned duplex. complele~cur. ElCPERIENC.ED. Medical ALLEN IMPORTS Intern.'ion,1 firm to an"a,e 3G APPROVED ROOMS DOUBLE ROOM cor men. summer -'-~ed 2 or 3 ,iris or coupl·· 9 ~7·7S80. ..27 Siudont Rate. _ a week ,25 each. 125 River. 338-5970. 5-1d mau . ~ . • &-3 1024 lit Ave. NI EM H611 siuden!s lor June. July and August Myer's Texaco to ISlls! mln,,,ar of new products APPROVED Room. for men tor 8Um- SINGLE AND DOUBLE. Summer and APARTMENTS Cor summer. 3311-5637. 2) Chance of one of " 'I1er, Cookln, Privilege.. .21115. lall. Over 21. 338·5637 after 4:00. 7·2 After. p.m. 7·2 PERSONAL 331.,.1 Aeroll from Hy.V•• CEDAR RAPIDS division. Must be dvnamlt with -L-. 6·15 plelSlng personalily. 112 E. DAVENPORT. KI hen. 338·2720. FURNISHED apt. Cor I. Summer only. 15 $1000 scholar­ PLEASANT study•• 1 .... pI n Croom. U no answer 338-8218.· 6-5 430 E. Bloomington. 6-6 AN IMPO)lTANT QUESTION: Have Qulel. malure male graduate. Non· you ordered your COpy of the IlII4 $420 Monthly ships smoltor.. Refrlge.rator plano prl.vl· QUIET Sludy·sleeplng room. alr-condl· UDlversl\y EcUt.Ion? Be lure yoU do. YOURS FOR $200 AT KEN WALL IMPORTS IUel. Need car. Av.llable IUlllemr. tloned; male graduale. Inquire 730 TFN WANTED AND QUALIFIED CREDIT TOTAL COST~2m I • Ca~ 137·7842 Ilt,r ~;oo lI.m. 6-18 Walnut Sireet. 5-29 Guaranteed Salary 3) Chance for APPROVED rooms for ~lrlS. lIIJIUIIer. WANT!J: Used canoe. MONEY LOANED cooldlllt prIvileges. 337·2«7. 6-18 Iller 5;00. Triumph Over ,nd aboya weeklv pay check. vacation trips to ROOMS FOR DI,monft. eeRIer... Spitfire Compett With fellOW studtntl 10 LARGE pluunl room. MIn. We .. UNFURNISHED 3 or 4 bedroom bou... Typewruers, WatcheS, Lun.... tally for: Europe in Sept. I1de. 338-11308. 6-12 or apartment. 337·2992. 6-22 Gun.. Mulle.' Instrvrnetlh APPROVED rooms - nIce. Summer MEN WANTED: Copy of Age of Chaucer. HOCK-EYE LOAN A. $2.000 scholarshIp and tali. 338.2518. "23 (September) English M.sterpleces. PrenUss Ha!l, 8. $1.000 cllh IChollnhlps Students hired may cDntin· hard cover. 338-09Jl or x217S. 5-au 0101337-4535 C. AII-expenM p.1f World', Fair NICE lorge .pproved rooml. 338-8801 Profenlon.1 IIcilool students or ue on a part·time basis .,r 338-8535. 6-27 mature under,raduates who aJ!' INCOMING SUI faculty member and tlolldays famlly desire bouse beginnIng An· O. Valuabla wceklV Incentive when they return to school SUMMER ~ Single or double rooms. pr.clote well tqtllppecl and well RUst or later. Wrlle Dr. Leon Smith. • ...rdl Close In. 337·7169. 6-4 maintaintel quart.rs. University of CaUlornl.. Riverside. eXc!lISlvely for wom.n . in the fall. Thr" sin,ltS, four doubles, 1-9 SINGLE and double. Men. Close In . CAPITAL PERSONNEL For del'lIs conlld: s.mmer. x2274. &'2 two bath. (tub .. lhower). No TENT to sleep Six. CaU 33&-"7.. 1-21 coo kin, (.xcept coffee, If SERVICE Summer Progr.m Director FOR INTERVIEW mO»large approved rooms. 338-6801 or course). WANTED 2 or 3 male Ilu&!nll 10 abare KEN WALL IMPORTS Mr. Gordon. I'h_ 3»-113' ~5. 6-30 laree clean apt. Sumer. 338-4015. 815 Insurance Exchange Bldg. MRS. VERDIN &-8 IOWA CITY, IOWA D•• anport, Iowa. be'ore 12:31 p.m., PWIASANT l ummer housing. Unlver· FIfth and Grand MOnday through Frldr( MR. KEELER 338-6144 IiII1 women, Light cookln,. S3I·llSia. 131 Col .... ROOM AND BOARD Cor baby sltUn,. Des Moines. Iowa Highway 6. West Phone 338-9421 8-12 338-2720; If no answer 338-11118. 8-5

IlmlIAILIY Iy Mort Walker .. ~ ...... By Johorlylfat B.C. .

' rlE LOJEOF SHE' T~les'To HtDE: H~~ MY LIFE! TRUE FEELIN6S .BECALlSS SH=: K"NOV'ls WHAT A CASANovA o I AM AND SHE: DoESI-J'r WAloJr o 10 beT H RT. h .".tr­ . Ci).~ ~ /T~ . . , ~ .,., 1~ ... ~i •••c~ Polls Show '-i------P.g. &-TH! DAILY IOWAN-law. CIty, fowa-Frlda" MaY B. 19ft ...... DEDGnR • I Local Doctor Tells p- 'SL ~ aNoJatl Iowa Ity Schools x- U Iowan t ~.!JlLLt't41.) PIG Med Program Campus Mrs: S nds, 'Moth r' of 7®, KWAD _¥!&iiIlsT-RUNSI Close Wednesday Wi II Leave Dr. Lee H. Miller, medical direc- , ENDS The closing schedule ror Iowa tor for Procter nnd Gamble, Iowa Ii Notes To Retire from Phi Ep Post T:'~t!;;aJj~~'I~ NOW WEDNESDAY" City Public Schools has been an- For Ch'lle "RUN, nounced by Buford W. Gamer, Su­ City, told 53 Johnson County There are few women who can the fraternity, according to Rick ...... x.,. Medical Society members his com­ Pi Kappa Lambda claim a family of over 700 chil­ Sellzer, A2, Chicago. Frld.y perintendent of the Iowa City 12:00 Rlck Baum,arten DO NOT WALK" Community School District. John A. Hobbs. a February grad­ pany's medical program "is based . Pi Kappa ~mbda,. National M~- dren, but Sonia Sands, house­ "At all our parties and other 2:00 Torn Sheridan . . . SIC Honor Society, Will hold an im- .:00 Chuck Streit oters may pick the Elementary and junior high 30 functions, Sonia is always right ft To uate oC SUI, is one of Peace on the baSIC behef that It must liation ceremony and reception at mother of Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity 6:00 "SpeCifically MOfluet schools will be dismissed at the Corps volunteers now on home­ there, making sure everything is 9:00 Larry AkIn torrid contest with "THE PI K take every possible step to make 4 p.m. SUnday in the Old Gold since 194t, has earned that distinc­ ready. Few people realize the tre­ 12:OG Torn Snyder regular lime Wednesday. Semester leave prior to leaving for Chile 2:00 SIGN Ol"lI' 86 Republican Prp.~:idpi PA THER"! examinations will be given at City Sund ay. 1J0bbs is from Des Moines. its plants sare and healthy places Room or the Union. tion. mendous amount of work she does laturdoy IJigh School Monday through Wed­ They will join 80 other volun­ to work ." ProC. Hlmie Voxman, head of the Mrs. Sands, who will retire this for the house," Seltzer added. 10,30 "Mornlnl Merry·Go·Round" About two million "The Goings-on Department of MUSiC, will greet An unusual honor was bestowed 12:00 "I Like It LIke Tha, III" nesday. teers already at work in Chile in a 2:00 Oa•• Schoon under generally fair Speaking at plant luncheon the new members. spring because of her health, is the on Mrs. Sands at the Phi Epsilon 4:00 Bob Holcomb Are a Delightl" ;======. physical educa tion ond commu­ Wednesday, Miller said, "We are Students to be initialed are: Jane matriarch of SUI housemothers, 6:00 John Banon " Lee Wr.lth all battle between nitv development. Pi spring formal when she was 8:00 D ••• Manshelm geared to function on a preven· Andrews, A4, Mason Cit)L; Albert baving served in that capacity long­ chosen Dream Girl of 1964. Al­ 10:00 Keith Henry governor. The volunteers will work in 12:00 Dale Moor. rural community development pro­ live rather than a curative basis." Bertbouex, A4, Penr: Robe et than any other "mother" on though she received a similar honor 2:300 SIGN OFF The outcom could ijearson, A4, Iowa City; Karen in 1951, Sonia was apparently grams. They will learn the needs Procter and Gamble's preventive !ipilrgeon, A4_ B10(lmfl ; B.rnra campus. Sunda., the party 's choice of a of the community by visiting and caught by surprise this time 2:00 Steve John80n approach inVOlves a three-phase " Willard, A4, Arlington. Va_,~y 'The success of being a house­ 4:00 CArrol Holman bearer to oppose " talking with the villagers. and will standing shoeless on a chair. 7:00 Mike Mullins in November. program oC safety, ind\1Strial hy- Blair, G, Clinlon. Ark.; Ann lIaft· mother is to know when to be si­ 9:00 "Spotlight" work with them in finding prac­ Mrs. Sands was also honored 10:00 Mike Davldchlk WITH THE tical solutions to their problems. giene and health control. ley, G, Iowa qty; Paul Hartley, G, lent , when to be absent, and when May t7 by members of Phi Epsilon 12:00 "The Latese' vital California endlorseml CEDAR RAPIDS The group trained for three Iowa City; Olaf Malmfn, 'G, 'fa· to makt your presence felt, " Mrs. Pi and invited guests, including 2:00 SIGN OFF jng up as explosively a -' Tonlt. - Fri. -' Dr. Miller said, "A man's in­ coma, Wash.; Wendell Temple, G, ~ands saie! recently. Mond.y months at the University of New SUI president and Mrs. Virgil M. 1:00 "Electrically Yourl" Goldwater's backers got "MISS CEDAR RA"IDS" dividual health. necessarily contino Harrisonburg, Va.; and Oily And, according to the Phi Ep's, 2:00 Torn Bell B•• uty ".V •• nt Mexico, Albuquerque. where they Wil- Hancher and M. L. Huit, dean of interpreted as a boost • nd Coronation Ball ues to be largely his own respon­ son, G, Tallahassee, Fla. • .. , Mrs. Sands has, indeed, been a suc- Students Affairs, and his wife . 4:00 "Sptn Out" (B.autlful girls In Formals studied Spanish and Chilean his­ ~ : OO John Denny York statement by , • ces~lul housemother. 8:00 Jim Patdernlk " KIY Owelll • nd Swimsuits) tory, sociology and geography . sibility and a' matter between' the A woman with much musical ex­ 7:00 John Koulr. dent Dwight D. EiSt~nh(l\i THE ESCORTS They received special instruction individual and his personal physi­ Medical Society "This woman has been a kindlY, perience, Mrs. Sands has channeled 10:00 Jay Russo Questioned about Adm. ,1.00 in community development tech­ gracIous mother to all Phi Ep's her musical ability in recent years 12:00 Tom Snyder cian." The Johnson County Medical So­ 2:00 SIGN OFF 01 his recent call S.turday niques. through the years who both respect to the fraternity. nominee who would BIG BATTLE OF MUSIC ciety will meet at 6 p.m. Wednes­ "TOP .to" Favorlt.s day at the summer home of Dr. One of the songs Sonia has writ­ sponsible, forward THE UNTOUCHABLES H. R. Jenkinson, Lake Macbride, ten for the Phi Ep's, which she publican ism, " "'1~t:IUIUW·1:1 VS. traditionally has sung at the an­ porters: THE STaMPERS How to spend a wHk.nd Solon, for a picnic. Adm. '1.00 In case oC rain, the picnic will be nual Phi Ep pledge prom, includes "You people read f1$f1±fD the lyrics "When I'm worried and Student R.tes SOc in Chicago for $15 held at the Maynower. of the Republican party, with 10 C.rds 1 can 't sleep, I count my pledges EISENHOWER'S TOM CHERR,. • • • instead of sheep." ~~!u~. U. of Kentucky NOW! ~~: <- the kind Loxinllton. Ky. Dental Course Another of her compositions has Frld.y, M.V 29 oof~o~~~:C:~~(t:, .' •• ' • , : ';. ', ': ",0 "" • ' . ' • SHOWS AT Says, "Any had been PI student, men The Refresher Course m Pharm­ been published in the Phi Epsilon 8:00 Morning Show Goldwater but 1 :30 - 3:25·5:35 - 7:30 - 9:30 or woman, 'In a:ol News .tlY ot acology and Dental Theraputics, Pi national song book. 9:30 Bookshell by Rockfeller's Chlc.go·s sponsored by the College oC Den­ When Mrs. Sands announced her 9:55 News unfavorable to the YMCA Hotol 10:00 Music NEWPDRT A GREAT PLAINS and ~nioy a tistry, will be held Monday and retirement after 23 years of work 11 :00 Great Recordings 01 the Put ator. woeke~" for Tuesday at the Dental Building. with the Phi Ep's at a chapter 11 :55 CAlendar of Event. Rep. William E. PREMIERE SHOWING $15.00. Hero It 11:58 News Headlines FOLl( I>Qw I did It." The coy Be II. desigl;)ed to inform meeting earlier this spring, the PM York. GOP national TROt SUZAHN£ _ practicilll entists abOut phBl'tna­ boys were silent for nearly 10 min­ 12:00 Rhythm Rambles a news conference 12:30 News cology and theraputics, the science utes, Seltzer said. . 12:45 News Back,found that if Goldwater Chicago Symphony of drugs and their application as FESTIVAL DOIAIE'I\ESI11E-_ "Sonia's retirement will be an 1:00 Emer,ency Broadcast Test Call[ornia it would put Cok. ,10 remedies. 1:01 Music immeasurable loss not only to Phi 2:00 Arternoon Feature close to the nomination 1_ 01,. Holel 2.71 2:30 Music strength. THURS, • FRI •• SAT•• SUN, Epsilon Pi, but to all those at 4,25 News Sal. A.M. Brook/ad oj Y Hoi" .5' SUI who know her," Strom said. 4:30 Tea Time Goldwater already is Sounding flifl An I•• 'ilul. Tour Herbie the Snake 5:15 Sports Time in the race for the 655 JULY 23-24-25-26 .... But, insists Sonia Sands, who 5:30 News C8/1 10 th, l ..... ~ at Io.. boo I... 1.'" 5:45 News Back,round votes needed lor the DIRECTORS Freebody Park • N~WPORT, 1.1. Sneaks No More plans to renew old friendships in 8:00 Eventng Concert Sol. P.M. 6:45 E.enlng al Ihe Opera Miller said a victory screen',. Nol. Hill. Mu.u. Tour "" her former home, Des Moines, .\ Theodore Bike} Dinn ... 0/ Y Hol.1 1.1$ 9:45 News Final efeller would enhance Ticket.: $3, $4, $5 MRS. SANDS "every ending Is alSO a beginning. " 10:00 SIGN OFF Clarence Cooper O... ,II O,d .....dd n c.... DES MOINES (.4'1 - A 61,1-foot adventure of Sot. nilo donco. Y Hotel _10 Phi Ep Dream Girl ernor's posItion ROMie Gilbert Evening concert. be Cok. dol. .45 boa constrictor named Herbie got THE CHAIRMA will adventures I stuck in the crack of a barbershop At Tiw WALKER GRANTS - Alan Lomax auglncnted by Inorning and . 100.. 01 Y Holel 2.71 and love her," said Phi Ep presi­ \!xpect the door Thursday. Tree House Lounge Applications are now being ~. Jean Ritchie dent Bruce Strom, AS, Waterloo. UUltUWOIlt:11 fI/lemoon pane" olld work.hop·. : Sun. AoM. Br.okfoll 01 Y HoI.1 .$1 ceived at the School of Religion for "break" either Mike Seeger WOl'lhip 01 C.nlrol Church Herbie, brought into Jon's Bar- Being a housemother is a gra- in the the Walker Scholarship Grant to deller. Peter Yarrow lunch 01 ,. Hoiol 1.35 ber Shop near the Drake Univer- clous way of growing old, accord- Clayton House Motel assist students studying for tbe As Goldwater gity campus by his owner Tom ing to Mrs. Sands, and working ministry. Applicants are required closed out their CHn~lliIl" George Wein Sun. P.M. Iock.o co .. "'" Schumacher, decided to go ex- with human beings, especially featuring the cocklall to be residents of Iowa. The grant wide polls gave Ch.i,,,•• n Tolol $14.97 ploring. . .. young people, is a rewarding ex- plano .tyllng of may be applied to any seminary. governor a narrow He crawled mto the mch·Wlde perience. LEO Selection of the students to reo his more conservative MEN • WOMEN • 'AAllliES ~rack between t~e door and the "Seeing these young people de- ceive aid from the grant will be The California Poll Stay at Chicago's Jamb and found ~t too narrow ~or velop is like reading a good book , CORTIMIGLIA made by the School DC Religion • ENDS TONITE • his body, which IS abOut four tn- and not knowing how it's going to faculty. Applications may be tJb. YM.CA HOTEL ches"He's thick, not causing any harm. and en d", . she sa.I'd . Ton i g h t an d Solur d oy N'19 h t talue "" d from th e Scoos h I' rna Ino- ( "THE FIANCES" 826 Soulh Wabash Ruby to I think he'll get out all right even. ~nta: as she IS known . to .the No Cover Charge fice, 308 Gilmore Hall. The eppli. at the edge of tM Loop tually," said Ron Hill, a barber Phi Ep s, puts her whole !tfe toto ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ca~t~lo~n~d~e~ad~l~in~e~i~S~J~U~ne~15~. I(ltmmNllltnl IOf 2.... • UJ. II1II .. == 4-DAYS , 't¥I'l!i1 STARTING "'Ii who is a partner of Jon Lettington :: Psychiatri Writ. 100 r •••,.ollon. Of call WA2-3IU in the shop. No one, however, was going near SATURDAY! TOMORROW A Herbie for the time being. They Open Sunday iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii __iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil thought he might be frustrated Care in _, J And Every Ennln, Va "A BIZARRE LOVE AFFAIR" DZSTANT iii lind angry. Special for Graduation Day ** * * CIIIdo 1101•• N ,w. 'DOORS OP"OI 1:15 ~.M!' -w nou" Herbie was brought to Des "AN ABSORBING AND CHUING RLI! SUSPENSEfUL, TBUMPE'l' Moines by Bob Netolecky, Drake KESSLER'S MACABRE! Atriumph for Mr. lIattsso., tile .ncter. t~~lt~ ~ University basketball player, as a Smith/s Chuck Wagon 1' 1 I I I H' r U I 1 \' \ I , pet. "Tho Tondor Crult" AFINE PSYCHOLOGICAL MELODRAMA!" Authorities vetoed the idea of PIZZA 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. & 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. -Jlidill. Crlol. Hmld Tribune ENDS keeping the snake in Netolecky's Also Shrimp, Ste.k. Friday, June 5 (No Menu Service) u'THE DOLL' IS CONVINCING EViDENCE THAT ANEW NOW SATURDAY" dormitory. and Netolecky gave Chicken, Spagiwttl . . SHOWS - 1:" - 3:25 • 5:2$ • Herbie to Schumacher, who bas an FREE DELIVERY CINEMATIC GENiUS HAS EMERGED IN SWEDEN_ ARNE 7:2$ - ':15 - "FEATURE ':35" MATTSSON IS AMASTER OF ANIMAGINATlYE CAMERA, apartment. ALL YOU CAN EAT - $1.27 WITH AN INSIGHT INTO WARPED LiVES!" CRACKLING DIALOGUE phone • ll -AUon Cool. WorW Td.'.... 7-2213 ••. SNAPPY COMEBACKS For a anack or a moal From our "Chuck Wagon directed by ARNE MATTSSON Smorgasbord It'l tho • Roast Beef • Fried Chicken (DIRECTOR OF "ONE SUMMER sardonic humor make OF HAPPINESS" I "THE BEST MAN" • Baked Halibut Sleak Every Sunday MAID-RITE CAFE • Breaded Tenderloin an entertaining t I 115 E. Washlnglon ends Wednesday! movie and an 12 Noon to 2 P.M. • Fried Lake Perch ers. thedoll absorbing onel Across from Schaeffer Hall He added that the 5:30 P.M, to 7:30 P,M. From our IIlce Wagon" be administered by --· OPEN • All your favorite cold, crisp salads. chiatrists present at BANNED IN ENGLAND LOAD UP THE CAR! ference. TONITE ONL VI JEFFERSON MOt .. thru ThOU, 'A.M. to 1 A.M. Ruby was sentenced For you it's ....90 Fri ••nd Sat. to execution for kUling For you'n 2 it's $1.80 HOTEL 'A.M. to 2 A.M. '7 Oswald, accused of DOORS OPEN 1: 15 P.M. Smith's Restaurant . , • ,President John F . For 3 or More ,ill Dalla" ' per car it's $2.50 11 South Dubuque T./Ie thr~ doctors' "in our medical , Iiflve that Mr. - 2 BIG FEATUR~S- When your taste calls for pizza ••• ~ ( treated properly; WHEREVER '{tou Roam recommend that you call George's Courmet for the taste temptingest pizza ousJy a formal sanJty him." This Summer .1m:1'lSOI' iDua· in town. THE THREE are IDa Dia18-7545 for pizza from George's tonight. the The Tender Trap Stubblefield, Dr. - alii • It's brook and Dr. LEImOI'IERIIII·RICL hot j)"'llber to calJ for piping hot pizza. Be Sure _OCIWI_ • HE d>