
Sedgemoor District Council West and Council

13 April 2021

Dear Doug, Dawn and Andy

HPC Workforce Uplift – Topic Papers and Supporting Information

I write following our detailed conversations regarding the HPC workforce uplift and specifically the six topic papers that we have voluntarily developed to assess the impacts and effects of the workforce increase on the conclusions drawn in the DCO Environmental Statement (ES).

I am pleased to enclose copies of the six topic papers covering: Accommodation, Transport, Workforce Development, Environment, Health and Community Safety. I also enclose a copy of the Engagement Report which sets out the nature of and the outcomes from our community engagement activity which commenced in January and a revised Spatial Distribution Note which, as you know, underpins the content of the topic papers.

Appended to this letter are: (i) an explanatory note from our legal team setting out how we propose draw upon the existing contingency mechanisms under the DCO Section 106 agreement and also to secure voluntary enhancements to existing mitigation measures (Appendix 1) and a summary of the additional monitoring information (Appendix 2) which we intend to share, as appropriate, on an ongoing basis at the Transport Review Group (TRG) and the Socio-Economic Advisory Group (SEAG).

As you know, the Topic Papers have been drafted to enable the Local Authorities and EDF to consider whether, in relation to the DCO Section 106 agreement and the relevant strategies and plans under the DCO Section 106 agreement: a) No change would be required; or b) Changes may be appropriate which could be made under the processes set out within the DCO Section 106 agreement; or c) Changes may be appropriate which cannot be approved under the DCO Section 106 agreement itself and therefore would require a modification to the DCO Section 106 agreement.

Each of the Topic Papers sets out (on the basis of the assessment) which of the three options above is the appropriate conclusion and if changes to an approved strategy/plan are appropriate under the processes set out within the DCO Section 106 agreement, a recommendation to the appropriate decision making group (either TRG or SEAG).

I trust that the Topic Papers as drafted set out the necessary information and also the legal context to enable the Local Authorities to proceed with any required decisions at either the TRG or SEAG.

EDF Energy NNB edfenergy.com

Site Nuclear Compliance, HAN NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited. Registered in England and Wales. Building, Hinkley Point C Registered No. 06937084. Construction Project, TA5 1UF Registered office: 90 Whitfield Street, London W1T 4EZ

Ratio of Home-Based and Non-Home-Based Workers

Given the initial questions that you and the community have raised regarding the ratio of home-based workers and non-home based workers anticipated at the peak of construction we have reviewed the position and have taken account of the outcomes of the winter 2020 workforce survey. The revised Spatial Distribution Note has been prepared on the basis of a 38:62 ratio of home-based workers and non-home-based workers. The principal reasons for this revised ratio are due to: a detailed analysis of the winter 2020 survey included a review of the make-up of the Civils workforce compared to the previous winter 2019 survey; more detail being available from the MEH Alliance in terms of the profile and anticipated make-up of the MEH workforce; and more detail being available in relation to the nature and scale of the Hinkley Support Operative role at the peak of construction.


In relation to Transport, I recognise the ongoing discussion regarding the potential impact on the Roundabout in . Following the recent meeting between our consultants Mott MacDonald and SCC colleagues, I would welcome a specific discussion (once you have had time to reflect on the content of the Topic Paper) on the assumptions relevant to further specific assessment of the roundabout using the Highways England Paramics model. I propose that the outcome of that assessment would then be presented as an addendum to the Transport Topic Paper once complete and that this assessment is used to underpin any request to the TRG to increase the use of parking spaces at the Junction 23 Park and Ride site.


During the course of our discussions, you have raised the desire to enter into detailed dialogue regarding the future use of infrastructure, sites and services as the HPC project transitions from construction to operation as part of a strategic, region wide discussion. Whilst such discussions are not directly related to the workforce uplift, on behalf of the HPC project I am pleased to confirm our ongoing and renewed commitment to engaging with you and relevant partners on our input to the wider legacy of the HPC project. We recognise and support the strategic nature of discussions which are taking place with Government at the Hinkley Strategic Delivery Forum and would be happy to hold more direct and locally focussed discussions with you as appropriate.

Staff Resources

Where appropriate, we have sought to recognise within the Topic Papers the value and role that some posts (which are currently funded through the DCO Section 106 agreement) are providing and have proposed to continue to fund posts, such as the Joint Community Safety Project Officer, where the mitigation that these posts are providing remains relevant and related to the impacts arising from the workforce uplift.

More generally, and whilst not specifically connected with the workforce uplift, in accordance with the Review provisions of paragraph 12 of Schedule 13 of the DCO Section 106 agreement, I welcomed the recent discussion on the future funding of dedicated staff resources which were due within 6 months of the 4th Anniversary of Transition (December 2020). In accordance with paragraph 12.4 and in advance of the 5th Anniversary of Transition (June 2021) I am pleased within Appendix 1 to set out the basis of our continued funding of posts having reflected on the context of our discussions.

Repayment of Unspent Contributions

Paragraph 3.1 of Schedule 15 of the DCO Section 106 agreement requires that any contributions which remain unspent within 4 years of when the payment was made are returned. Given the revised timetable for the completion of the HPC Project, I can confirm that EDF will be willing to discuss with you on a case by case basis if any funds which have been paid remain unspent or are not anticipated to be spent within 4 years.

We propose that each Council identifies within the annual statement required by paragraph 2.2 of Schedule 15 any funds which remain unspent or are not anticipated to be spent within 4 years from 2021 onwards along with a proposition regarding the use and anticipated timescales for spending the contribution(s). Upon receipt of proposals EDF will confirm in writing its position in respect of these contributions.

Yours sincerely

Andrew Goodchild Lead Planner HPC Site Nuclear Compliance Hinkley Point C Construction Project EDF