our Lady of Grandparents pastoral Walsingham at and Letter Arundel children - page 7 - page 5 -pages 7 & 8 A&B News FREE

The Catholic Newspaper for the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton NOVEMBER 2019 - No.346 Friends Before God Catholicism and Islam

Left to Right: Ashwin Soni, Simon Trick, KateWilliamson, Kauthar Akhtar and Fr Martin McGee

eSpecT WAS A Key WoRd on our day on He made a distinction between what we can do Rcatholicism and Islam. More than 80 ourselves and what needs to be left to the qualified parishioners from across the diocese gathered on theologians. Saturday 28 September for the Annual dialogue This was echoed in the afternoon by Kate and Unity day which this year had an interreli - Williamson from St peter’s in Hove who gave a pre - Ballard & S hor tall gious focus. sentation about the work of the Brighton and Hove As dialogue and Unity Adviser for the diocese, I Interfaith contact Group. dr Kate explained how was privileged to welcome everyone to the day. her involvement is grassroots, and that we do not Funeral D irec tors I felt it was important to set the scene by explain - need to be theologians to build relationships with ing that we were not intending to pit catholicism those of other faiths and to work for the common against Islam and see who wins. Indeed, as the day good with them. went on, it became clear that such a perspective does not reflect our call from the teaching of the dialogue of Life, Action church. and Religious experience Canon Tony Churchill, episcopal Vicar for Fr Martin McGee explained this model dialogue. ecumenism, also welcomed everyone and offered a He highlighted the importance of being a good message from the Bishop to wish us well on our neighbour, the dialogue of Life and the dialogue of endeavours. Action, where we can work with those of other The catholic Approach religions for the common good. The day began with Fr Martin McGee, Interreli - The final area we can all be involved in is the gious priest Adviser for the dialogue and Unity ‘dialogue of Religious experience’ where we share Bec au se ev ery l ife i s un ique commission. Fr Martin explained the approach with each other our spiritual riches. we, as catholics, are called to take through the Crawley 0 1293 5 20 0 11 | E ast G rinstead 0 1342 3 23 0 92 model of different types of dialogue. (continued on page 8) Forest R ow 0 1342 8 22 1 20 | H orley 0 1293 8 20 3 77 Horsham 0 1403 2 57 2 43 | L ing eld 0 1342 8 34 9 25 www.c pj eld.c o.uk To read A&B NEWS on line please visit www.abdiocese.org.uk/publications 2 A&B NEWS November 2019 Bookshops/Repositories - More Diocesan Treasures Located! St Mary of the Angels St Theresa Chapel WORTHING HORSHAM HIS WAS STARTed by a parish - firmation merchandise were well re - Tioner with some retail experience, ceived. who was given a £500 start-up budget A volunteer’s son has brought a from our forward thinking parish good selection of items from Medju - priest who suggested we could use the gorje, whilst another parishioner St Theresa chapel which was sympa - brought us religious bracelets from thetically refurbished a few years ago. poland to give variety and interest to Following a visit to West Grinstead the stock we sell. parish to ask advice on suppliers and We have a small team of dedicated find out popular items, the next task volunteers and open after as many was to source card stands from eBay, Masses as possible. We are still looking along with bags for purchased mer - for more volunteers in the hope we can chandise, a money box for takings, and open after every Mass going forward. then we just needed to get stock! Many parishioners in Horsham have We purchase our stock from cBc in told us they enjoy the social contact Ireland - all online. It is easy and en - after Mass and being able to order and joyable, and the company are ex - buy religious items in St John’s Repos - tremely helpful. itory. We launched the repository in We are still learning but the founda - oR oVeR 30 yeARS there has been expenses. december 2018 with christmas nativ - tions are in place to hopefully grow Fa church shop in St Mary's of the We mainly buy our stock from cBc ity sets, Advent candles, candles, and expanded the repository going for - Angels, Richmond Road, Worthing, distributors in Newry, Ireland, and crosses, rosary beads, and cards for ward. BN11 4AF. from the catholic Truth Society. most occasions. communion and con - Story & Picture: Debbie Bovey We are open after most Masses on We, Michael and Roz Burholt, are in weekdays and on Sundays. overall charge of buying, displaying The shop sells a wide range of the stock and organising volunteers to christian cards for all occasions and serve. also rosaries, missals, bibles, candles We appreciate the support of our and statues etc. parish priest, Fr Terry Martin, and all It is also a welcome focal point of the wonderful helpers and of course information for visitors and new the parishioners for all their support. parishioners. our phone number is: 01903 507167 We are able to keep our costs down, as the shop is run by volunteers, but Story & Picture:Michael and any profit made goes towards parish Roz Burholt

He VARIeTy of responses has been impressive and so we have Tdetails of two more parish resources this month - and more to come. If you would like to let us know what your parish can offer, please contact us:- eliz Wood: [email protected] pauline Groves: [email protected]

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Upper TheBeeding, Towers Steyning BN44 3TF area, please contact Janet on 01903 812185 Vi sit our website: St. Joseph’s Specialist Trust 07931 836907 or email Please support our & click on ‘Re cruitment’ [email protected] www:thetowersschool.org [email protected] Advertisers A&B NEWS November 2019 3 New Canons for Arundel Cathedral Sister Jo Honoured with the Installed by Bishop Richard Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice

ISHop RIcHARd pReSeNTed commended for her dedication to chap - BSISTeR JoSepHINe Threlfall laincy, attentiveness to people in need S.N.d with a papal Award in Septem - and inspiring presence. ber, Members of Sister Jo’s congregation during a special Mass held at Gatwick joined in the celebrations, as did chap - Airport. lains past and present and monks from N THe FeAST oF ST FRANcIS , 4 grandparents and their influence for Sister Jo received the cross pro ec - Worth Abbey. The celebration also ooctober 2019, a full cathedral good; likewise canons are wonderful clesia et pontifice in recognition of her marked the 45th anniversary of the attended pontifical Vespers and the examples all can look to and the new work at Gatwick as part of the chap - foundation of the chaplaincy at the installation by Bishop Richard of two canons are similarly priests of proven laincy team. airport. new canons to the Arundel cathedral zeal, prayer and wisdom. chapter of canons. Recalling it was the Feast of St Having served at the airport for a Story and photo: Diocesan diocesan chancellor canon Jonathan Francis, he spoke of Francis’ simplicity number of years Sister Jo was Communications Team Martin read out the letters of appoint - and reminded us that titles and ment for Mgr Tony Barry and Fr chris positions are not about self but offices Spain, who then proclaimed their given to us in connection with the declarations of faith and made promises vocation that the Lord calls us to. of obedience. Bishop Richard then cardinal Newman, soon to be canon - GIFT vested them in their fur-trimmed ized, is another worthy example to be S ST FR ART mozzettas before canon Timothy followed. He helps us to understand OM JUST Madeley led them to their choir stalls more deeply the mystery of christ, the and the welcome of fellow canons. Bishop said, while demonstrating care £4 The new canons replace retiring Mgr for the poor. Bishop Richard then led the provost John Hull and retired Rev congregation in a Novena to celebrate canon Seamus Hester. the canonization of Blessed John Henry RzJXzJ!ٳIn his homily Bishop Richard recalled Newman. JXà0nXI0 a recent observation he had made about Story & Picture: A&B News Team JXIÁÁRX³!R«X³Áx³

This Christmas you can make a zÁXàXÁç TAXING TERMS lasting difference to the lives of Á«X¨Áç !R (explained) families and communities around £15 the world by buying a World Gift Limited Ix MoNTHS AGo we wrote about St Blaise, and receiving ashes on Ash for a loved one (or even yourself). av ailability SSAcRAMeNTS, which are defined Wednesday or palm branches on palm in youcat, the youth catechism, as Sunday. holy, visible signs instituted by christ To that list we can add many others For free Christmas delivery, ƺƬƺȅƫƺȸȒȇǼǣȇƺ)ײof an invisible reality, in which chris - that may be divided into ’actions’ and ȒȸƳƺȸƫɵ׭ tians can experience the healing, for - ‘things’. giving, nourishing , strengthening Actions are mainly blessings but ȒȸƫɵȵǝȒȇƺِ presence of God that enables them to also include exorcisms and liturgical ƬƏǔȒƳِȒȸǕِɖǸٖɯȒȸǼƳǕǣǔɎɀ love in turn; this is possible because gestures, such as making the Sign of װ׬׬׬׭װ׭״׬״God’s Grace works in the Sacraments; the cross, genuflections and bows. ׬ they are signs like Baptism, confirma - Things include holy medals; crosses tion, confession and Annointing of and crucifixes; relics; scapulars; cords the Sick. and cinctures; holy oils; holy candles; But, what are SAcRAMeNTALS sacred images; the Rosary and chap - and how do they differ from Sacra - lets – and, of course, the Bible. ments? In addition to the blessings, conse - SAcRAMeNTALS are defined as crations/dedications and exorcisms ‘sacred signs’ instituted by the that are described as SAcRAMeN - church, preparing us to receive the TALS in the catechism, it also speaks fruit of the sacraments and sanctify of christian Life being nourished by !RX«¨ç different circumstances of life; they ‘popular piety’. !RX!k0z³ á Á0«I « are sacred signs or actions in which a one way of thinking of SAcRA - £20 IxXnç blessing is conferred. MeNTALS is that they extend God’s £33 The youcat gives examples: holy presence to every part of our life, so water; the consecration of a bell or that through the blessing of everyday Th e Cat holic Age ncy for Ove rseas Deve lopment (CA FOD) is the off icial aid age ncy of the Ca tholic Chu rch in Engl an d and Wal es and par t of Car itas Int ernational. Cha rity no 116 0384 organ; the blessing of a house or a car; objects they encourage devotion and an d a com pany lim ited by gua rantee no 093 87398 the blessing of throats on the feast of spiritually aid us. ĸll ustrations: Lin da Brons on 4 A&B NEWS November 2019 Blessed Virgin Mary: The Four Dogmas perpetual Virginity originated in england with eadmer, the Another ancient belief, this dogma companion and biographer of A& B holds that Mary was a virgin before, St. Anselm, Archbishop of canterbury during and after giving birth to Jesus. in the twelfth century, indeed, that St early writers refer to their belief in Bonaventure, teaching in paris, called it NThe officEial monWthly paperS of the Mary’s ever-virgin status, authors like ‘a foreign doctrine’, reflecting its associ - origen of Alexandria, whose Commen - ation with england. Diocese of Arundel and Brighton tary on Matthew in Ad248 ascribes to FTeR THe HIATUS of August her the first fruit of (perpetual) virgin - Assumption into Heaven Awhen everyone seemed to be on ity. perhaps surprisingly, the early defined in 1950 by pope pius xII, this holiday, on pilgrimage or just hard to protestant Reformers Luther, Zwingli dogma holds that the Blessed Virgin find, things have suddenly got very and calvin did so as well, as did later Mary ‘when the course of her earthly busy: new staff, new projects, schools ones including Latimer, cranmer and life was completed, was taken up body bursting with enthusiasm and parish Wesley. and soul into the glory of heaven...’ groups doing new things – like the va - The dogmatic constitution for the (ccc974) riety of Laudato si initiatives. church, Lumen Gentium or the Light of The dogma does not state how Mary Among the events that we can look the Nations, put it like this: ( our passed from this life, whether she died forward to, there are two that I would Lord)… did not diminish His mother’s or was taken up before death (although particularly like to commend. virginal integrity but sanctified the former is the more common belief). on November 28, 29 and 30 Arundel it...’(S57). certainly, the belief in Mary’s cathedral is hosting the dowry Tour Assumption has a long history, from with the statue of our Lady of Wals - Immaculate conception apocryphal accounts titled ‘The cross - ingham and displays on the Holy The dogma that Mary was conceived ing over of Mary’ dating to the second House. This is part of the dowry Tour without trace of original sin was defined and third centuries, with a more sub - leading to the rededication of england by pope pius Ix in 1854. It says that the stantial foundation in the ‘Transitus as the dowry of Mary in early 2020; Blessed Virgin Mary was ‘from the first Stories’ from the sixth century. When see page 5 of this edition. moment of her conception, by a singular pope pius polled the catholic bishops for This is ‘the year of the Word; the grace and privilege of Almighty God their agreement with his proposed God who Speaks’ and there will be a and by virtue of the merits of Jesus dogma, an overwhelming 98% of the range of events, activities and re - christ, Saviour of the human race, pre - 1,232 bishops concurred. sources to participate in, all around served immune from all stain of original (CCC = Catechism of the ) the country as well as in our own dio - sin.’ (ccc491). A&B News Team cese. It has been suggested that this belief Also coming soon - the Schools of prayer and Weeks of Guided prayer that launched in Worthing, Lewes, Guildford and epsom deaneries from october. There is a real and tangible sense of activity and involvement that bodes well for the future. deo gratias.

edIToRIAL BoARd of A&B NeWS Canon Kieron O’Brien, Harry Robertson, Dr Kate Williamson, Laura Maydew-Gale editor: Harry Robertson Painting of the Assumption from the deputy editor: David White Nativity Church, Arbanassi, Bulgaria editorial Assistants: Jackie Ballard, John Lodge, Veronica Peppiatt Special correspondents: Peter Burholt, Pauline Groves Administrative Assistant: Ruth Gerun editorial office: St Philip Howard Centre, 4 Southgate Drive, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 6RP Dedicated to Mary: Parishes and Telephone: 01293 513052 email: [email protected] Schools in A&B Website: www.abdiocese.org.uk distribution enquiries: Ruth Gerun, Editorial Office As many as on-quarter of parish churches and more than ten percent of Catholic maintained and publication date: Last Sunday of the month for the fol - independent schools in the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton are dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. lowing month. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Diocese. The Arundel and Brighton Diocesan Trust is a registered charity: No. 252878. Advertising: Janet, [email protected] The Annunciation, 01440 730399 or 07931 836907 Thurles Cathedral, East Transept publishers: Bellcourt Limited, Business Centre, Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 7BN HeRe ARe FoUR great truths or in - Tfallible teachings affirmed by the church about the Blessed Virgin Mary HJoUw dSo wTe h Aear GTodH spOeakUingG to Hus T (BVM), her relationship to God and her through his Word? Interestingly, role in human salvation. Jesus is sometimes described as The While all of them have ancient origins, Word. And, of course he speaks very two of them were explicitly defined as directly to us throughout the New dogma only within the last 200 years and Testament and especially in the now form part of the deposit of Faith. Gospels. each Sunday and sometimes on weekdays we hear him speak. But As dogmas, they are ‘lights along the do we really hear him? Are we dis - path of faith; they illumine it and make tracted or do we think ‘oh, yes that’s it secure’ (ccc90) - but also oblige us to the parable of the…’ and don’t really ‘an irrevocable adherence of faith.’ listen. But, truthfully, each hearing of (ccc88) the readings can reveal a new aspect of the passage, relevant to our lives. Mother of God our Bishops have joined with the declared in the council of ephesus in Bible Society to celebrate the year of 431Ad, this dogma approved the title of ‘The God who speaks’ from now, six - Theotokos (Birth Giver of God) and not teen hundred years since St Jerome’s the more limited Christotokos (Birth death, until Giver of christ). of course, this is nowa - december 2020. days supplanted by the more usual pope Francis in his Apostolic exhor - tation suggested that it is good to ask ‘Mother of God.’ ‘Lord, what does this text mean to me? That this title was in use earlier is sup - What is it about my life that you want ported by an ancient prayer to Mary (the to change by this text? What troubles Sub Tuum Praesidium ), written on pa - me about this text? Why am I not in - pyrus, the earliest version dating from terested in this? or maybe, what do I the third century, which says: ‘We fly to find pleasant, or that moves me, in thy patronage, o holy Mother of God; de - this text?’ spise not our petitions in our necessities, We pray that we may all listen more but deliver us always from all dangers, o fully to the God who speaks. glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.’ PFG A&B NEWS November 2019 5

HeN eNGLANWd GoaeSl BsAcKinto gha viasionm of th e CHolyo Fammily aet hosme itn o acAcourntsu of nmirdaculeousl h eailinngs mNulti -ovwaes remnamebd thee Slr ipper chapel as pil - WWalsingham, our Lady will return Nazareth. She was asked to build – in plied. By the twelfth century the King grims removed their footwear to walk to england - such are the prophetic Walsingham - a replica of the Holy himself was a patron and gold, fine met - the last holy mile to the Holy House. words of pope Leo xIII, indicating that House in which the Annunciation took alwork and precious jewels began to be (The Slipper Chapel with the enthroned Walsingham is intimately associated place. donated. statue of Our Lady of Walsingham is with the spiritual health of england. This was done - allegedly with angelic chapels were erected on surrounding shown below left.) during the course of 2018 to 2020 the assistance – and Walsingham rapidly be - ground to serve the vast number of pil - This all came to a halt when the statue of our Lady from the Slipper came a centre of pilgrimage. Augus - grims, the last in the fourteenth century protestant Revolution swept across chapel at the catholic National Shrine tinian canons and Franciscan friars dedicated to St catherine of Alexandria, northern europe and in 1538 the Shrine in Walsingham will be taken to each built houses to care for the pilgrims and patron saint of Holy Land pilgrims. It at Walsingham was destroyed and its cathedral in england for a three-day statue taken to London for burning. triduum of prayer, as part of the prepa - Rebirth rations for the re-dedication of england In 1829 the catholic emancipation Act as the dowry of Mary in 2020. restored freedom of worship and 34 england was last dedicated to the years later a lady called charlotte pear - Blessed Virgin Mary in 1381 by King son Boyd purchased the Slipper chapel Richard II at Westminster Abbey. (which was dilapidated and had been The dedication next year will be differ - used as a poor house, a forge, a cowshed ent; instead of dedicating the whole and a barn). country, the dedication will be a per - The following year pope Leo xIII ap - sonal gift of the faith of the people of proved restoration of the original england to the Mother of God, to help catholic Shrine and just over thirty her in building a strong spiritual foun - years later pilgrimages had resumed. In dation for the New evangelisation. 1934 cardinal Bourne led the Bishops of come to Arundel cathedral on Thurs- england & Wales and 10,000 pilgrims to day 28, Friday 29 or Saturday 30 Novem- the Slipper chapel, when it was declared ber to be a part of this historical and to be the National Shrine of our Lady potentially life-changing experience. for Roman catholics in england. you will be able to see and pray before Almost 1,000 years after Lady de the statue from the Slipper chapel, view Faverches’ visions, england is about to a likeliness of the Holy House and ex- be recognised once more as the ‘Holy hibits of life in the shrine today. Land, our Lady’s dowry’ and Walsing - origins ham may once more earn the title of In the year 1061 Richeldis de ‘The New Nazareth.’ Faverches, Lady of the Manor of Wals - Story: A&B News Team ingham, was praying when she received Pictures this page , courtesy of a vision of the Virgin Mary, followed by www.walsingham.org.uk

Rededication Agenda & Timeline Annunciation. The consecrations to Jesus 1 January 2020 – The Feast of Mary, take place on this day. Statue of Our Lady of Walsingham Mother of God. A formal public announce - 26 – 28 March 2020 – A three day triduum of T oNe TIMe WALSINGHAM was sieur Marcel Barbeau, who used the ment by the Bishops of england & Wales re - prayer including recitation of the litany of Aone of the greatest pilgrim shrines model Mlle Marcelle Mandar and, in garding the rededication of england as the Saints and Martyrs of england, praying the of Medieval christendom, like Rome or 1954, it was crowned near the site of the dowry of Mary. Rosary and confession. Santiago de compostela, and, in eng - original shrine on behalf of pope pius 21 February 2020 – All catholics (and inter - 29 March 2020 – the personal rededication, land, it ranked alongside Glastonbury xII by his Apostolic delegate. ested others) invited to begin a personal 33 taking place in Walsingham, in every and canterbury. The statue was modelled on the an - day consecration to Jesus through Mary cathedral and in personal homes, following following the method of St Louis de Mont - the guidelines of the book ‘The Angelus cient design with our Lady dressed in fort promise’ (available from the Shrine). early descriptions traditional style and seated in a high- 25 March 2020 – The Feast of the More details at www.dowrytour.org.uk/ So, it is perhaps a little surprising to backed throne with a curved back (the learn from the pilgrim erasmus, who arch reflecting the rainbow covenant be - visited Walsingham in 1512 and 1524, tween God and his people). The seven that the statue of our Lady, placed in rings on the throne’s uprights refer to the dark at the side of the altar, was ‘a our Lady’s seven sorrows. little image, remarkable neither for its The child Jesus is seated on her left size, material or workmanship,’ while it lap. In his left hand the ‘Word made The Silver Lady Fund was surrounded by a Flesh’ holds a book of the glittering brilliance Gospels, while his right CHALLENGING POVERTY SINCE 1880 of ‘gems, gold and sil - hand is extended towards ver.’ His mother in a gesture 1920s The records suggest of blessing and protec - that after the original tion. Shrine was destroyed Mary wears a royal in 1538, its statue of crown; in her right hand the Virgin was taken is held a three-fold lily- to London and sceptre of virginity/sov - burned. ereignty, while her fingers point to her son. Image From a Seal Her feet rest upon a green Present day We believe we know toadstone, the east An - what the statue glian symbol of evil. looked like because Over 130 years dedicated to helping there survives a 15 th Interesting Fact century seal of the Interestingly, there is a the poorest and most vulnerable. medieval Walsingham possibility that the origi - A small, locally-based charity, The Silver Lady Fund started helping the poor priory. on this seal is nal statue was hidden, and homeless in London in the 1880s. Since then, with the support the figure of a seated not burned – and is now of benevolent donations, we have been able to support thousands of essential woman in a high in the Victoria & Albert projects that are life-changing for some of the poorest and backed chair. She is Museum in London. cer - most vulnerable individuals. holding a child in her tainly, the mysterious left arm and a sceptre Langham Madonna, pos - in her right, her long sibly a 13 th century statue Can you help us continue? dress spilling to the - and the only one of its ground at her feet. type to have survived – al - To continue our work we really need your Around the figure is though much damaged, support. If you are also able to th the Annunciation text in Latin: ‘ Ave resembles the 15 century seal from make a donation or want to learn more Maria Gratia Plena Dominus Tecum ,’ Walsingham priory. Now believed to about our work, please visit our website ‘Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is have originated in Norfolk, it bears at www.silverladyfund.org with you.’ physical signs such as dowel holes and or Email: [email protected] the marks of a band used to fix a crown

Latest Version in pace, that suggest it is the original If you prefer to write our address is post-medieval statues of our Lady of Walsingham Virgin – or a copy from the Walsingham have been constructed to same period (although carbon dating The Silver Lady Fund this model and the statue in the Slipper has not yet been done to prove this). Room 4, 23 St Leonards Road, chapel, the National Shrine of our To investigate the Langham Madonna Bexhill on Sea. East Sussex TN40 1HH Lady of Walsingham, is no different. for yourselves, visit the Victoria & Al - Registered Charity Number (England & Wales): 245657 The first statue was enthroned there in bert Museum, Medieval & Renaissance, 1934 by cardinal Bourne accompanied Room 8, The William and eileen Rud - With no large charity overheads, no premises and no staff salaries by 10,000 pilgrims. In 1954 a new stone dock Gallery, case 4. your donations go directly to those in need. statue was commissioned from Mon - Story: A&B News Team 6 A&B NEWS November 2019

THEeRxe IcS A iGtReeATm deAeL ofn extcit e -Mosucuh an bigt ocscas iofno for rth e tschoole an d CanAoTHnoLIics TRaUTHt SioocIenTy (coTSf) John Newman ment surrounding the impending for me. This is a once in a lifetime op - care very excited to share a fantastic canonisation of John Henry Newman portunity!’ new title: John Henry Newman, his life in St peter’s Square in Rome on Sunday Annmary Antony, year 8, agreed: ‘I and works. They are available from 13 october, not least in the two Arun - feel so honoured to have this opportu - www.ctsbooks.org/newman and now at del & Brighton schools named after nity. I am eager to see the canonisation a 10% discount. cardinal Newman, a primary school in and learn more about what this is like cTS have worked closely on this title Hersham and a secondary school in first hand. It is really going to be an with Fr Ignatius Harrison, the procura - amazing experience!’ Hove, where 14 pupils from the two tor for Newman’s cause – arguably the The students will be accompanied by schools are eagerly anticipating a trip a number of parents and school staff. A most influential person regarding New - to Rome to join in the celebrations. busy itinerary of events is planned for man in the world. He has written a dr James Kilmartin, principal at car - their stay in Rome culminating in the beautiful forward for the book and pro - dinal Newman catholic School in Hove, celebrations at St peter’s Square on 13 vided us with many images and content said: ‘We are absolutely thrilled to be october, accompanied by Bishop pieces that are unavailable anywhere invited to attend the canonisation of . else. It is the definitive publication on cardinal Newman and are delighted to The students will return to england Newman from the cTS, publishers to be taking a delegation of 10 students to the day after the canonisation, having the Holy See, and produced with close the event in Rome. our students will first attended a Mass of Thanksgiving collaboration from the organisers of gain so much from this and we will with cardinal . Newman’s canonisation. make sure that this experience is pictured are a group of the students ‘one of the last letters that John shared with our school and parish com - going to Rome with dr James Kil - Henry Newman wrote was to the martin( right ), Re teacher Ms Mc - munities.’ founders of the newly established cTS, Manus( left ) and Governor Mgr canon describing what the experience John Hull. congratulating them on their aim of means to him, Rocco di Rienzo, a year 9 producing catholic literature and pupil at the school, said: ‘I am very hon - Story & Picture: Diocesan teaching in a form, and at a price, oured to have been selected to go. It's Communications Team which made it accessible to the widest possible audience. It is fitting, there - fore, that his canonisation is being celebrated by the publication of this anthology of his writing, and I warmly commend it to those who want to know why it is that New - man has been raised to the altars of the church.’ Fr Ignatius Harrison

Special Mass of Thanksgiving for the new Saint Thursday 31 October, Solemnity of All Saints, at 7.30pm celebrated by Mgr of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, at Saint Peter’s, Portland Road, Hove After Mass there is a reception, at which Mgr Newton will speak, as will the Parish delegate at the canonisation.

Please note that the A&B NEWS goes to press before the canonisation, which will be reported in full in our December edition.

TheThe Faith Fait h Companion Companion - - translating translating faith faith into into life. l ife. AA new new two two monthly monthly parishioner parishioner magazine magazine CatholicCatholi c gifts gifts availableavailable ssoon.oon; Ordercand throughles, Ro syourarie parishs, jou priestrnals and more. or via our new website wOrww.thefaithcompanion.co.ukder through your parish prie st or via our new website Email:www .thefaithcompanion.co.uk [email protected] oror callc al l 000111141401403440033 77 757547548754807548085544880088 A&B NEWS November 2019 7


Bishop of Arundel & Brighton

PASTORAL LETTER for the 29th Sunday in ordinary Time 20th october 2019 dear Brothers and Sisters in christ, their communities. The initial response to the ccRS is to redouble your efforts in prayer for vocations to very encouraging indeed and I ask you all to remember priesthood. our vocations team is working on new re - In today’s Gospel, Jesus speaks of the effects of persis - in prayer those who have begun the programme this sources and I shall be leading a retreat for those inter - tent prayer and in the second reading, St. paul, writing term and to consider embarking upon this course in ested in priesthood early in the coming year. to Timothy, reminds him of the necessity of openness the future. This outlines just some of the groundwork that has to the Word of God if he is to be ready for the work that one of the key elements of the plan is the delivery of been carried out thus far. A fuller account will appear lies before him and be effective in his witness to the Weeks of Guided prayer in each deanery. These weeks in the next edition of A & B News – so please ensure Gospel. are now beginning and will be a very important ele - that you take a copy when it becomes available. Indeed, in reflecting on the life of our own diocese ment in the mission of the diocese. doing everything Now that we are at a moment when the foundational and the pastoral plan that has been slowly gathering from a place of prayer will be absolutely necessary if work of these last months is beginning to bear fruit, momentum since the presentations in deaneries last we are truly to be ready for every good work. may I thank you all for the commitment that is being year, prayer, the Word of God and preparation for ac - Some of the younger ones amongst us are already shown across the diocese. The time has now come to tion are enabling us to be ready for the work that lies showing us the way, for the first group to engage in the embrace the new possibilities that prayer and forma - ahead for every person in our diocesan family. Ascent programme has already begun this wonderful tion afford us. Such engagement will enable us to The working out of the plan thus far has, in many re - journey to a deeper relationship with the person of carry out the mission to which the Lord has called us – spects, been preparatory. It has consisted, as it were, christ. a mission that is for each and every person in our in the laying of some new foundations that will be al - School chaplaincy, an increasingly important aspect diocesan family. most hidden from view as the building progresses. of pastoral life, has also seen the laying of good foun - Let us seek the intercession of the patrons of our This is necessary if we are to be grounded in the per - dations through ‘taster evenings’ for those interested diocese: our Lady, Assumed into Heaven and St. philip son of christ and truly ready for the action that is to in chaplaincy. A programme of formation will be Howard, whose Solemnity it is today, for the work that follow. The closure of a small number of church made available in the coming months so that those lies before us. buildings has been painful for all concerned and I am whom the Lord calls to this work will be ready to apply grateful for the way in which parish communities have for chaplaincy posts as they become available. With every Blessing, worked towards these changes, even though it has been It is a little while now since everybody in our dioce - difficult. changes to deanery boundaries, enacted in san family received the prayer card for vocations to yours sincerely in christ, August, will enable formation to be delivered more ef - priesthood. As part of our mission it is really impor - fectively. tant that each and every one of us prays for vocations our diocesan Formation Team has been working to priesthood. We have wonderful priests serving in very hard to prepare for the delivery of the catholic our diocese and so that we can continue to be served certificate in Religious Studies that will enable people by devoted and well-formed priests, this prayer is abso - from every deanery to take on new responsibilities in lutely vital. As our pastoral plan unrolls, I call on you Bishop of Arundel & Brighton

Our Lady Queen of Heaven Grandparents’ Day RANdpAReNTS JoINed pUpILS pope Francis spoke fondly of the role Gat our Lady Queen of Heaven of grandparents on his Twitter account (oLQH) School in crawley for a morn - in 2018 saying ‘Grandparents are a trea - ing of learning fun on Friday 20 Septem - sure in the family. please, take care of ber. Grandparents joined the school’s your grandparents: love them and let celebration assembly and then attended them talk to your children!’ class with their grandchildren and took on the same day, oLQoH held a part in a range of reading, writing and MacMillan coffee Morning and raised art activities. £300 for the cancer charity. The event was held in support of our diocesan Grandparents’ Week. Story & Pictures: Lauren Kluge 8 A&B NEWS November 2019

The Diocese of Arundel and Brighton Formation Team Serving the communities of our Diocese

Friends Before God (continued from page 1 ) dialogue of Life, Action our friends from Woking people of and Religious experience Faith, Simon Trick who follows the (continued) Bahá’i Faith and from crawley Inter - faith Network, Ashwin Soni who is a This in itself is a call for us to deepen Hindu. They explained about the work our own prayer life, to become the best their groups are undertaking to help catholics we can be. people in their locality to have a good re - Fr Martin used the story of the Monks lationship and understanding with and of Tibhirine in Algeria to illustrate how of faith communities. far the call to harmony with those of other religions can take us. How to get involved our love for all humanity is rooted in other questions moved us forward to the teaching of the Second Vatican action by asking about where catholics council which clearly points us to un - might find interfaith groups in the dio - derstanding that there are ‘seeds of the cese. Kauthar explained that she has Word’, or fragments of truth, outside the links with many of the groups across boundaries of the catholic church. We Sarah Feist Kauthar Akhtar Surrey and the wider South east and can be Friends before God. she would be happy to put people in Fr Martin quoted pope St John paul II touch. ‘The differences [between human be - The key, Sarah explained, is to ensure As Fr Martin and Sarah Feist had evaluations for the day were over - ings] are a less important element, when respect, not just tolerance. done, Kauthar draw our attention to the whelmingly positive. For a full report of confronted with the unity which is radi - Sarah’s presentation was very well re - meeting between pope Francis and Iman the day with slides and texts please con - cal, fundamental and decisive.’ Fr Mar - ceived by those in attendance and they Ahemd el Tayeb (Grand Imam, Alazhar). tact the following: tin went on to say that this fundamental were grateful to know this important This meeting marked the 800th anniver - [email protected] unity is a work of the Spirit. work is being carried out in our schools. sary of the meeting between St Francis Also contact me if you are already of Assisi and Sultan Al Kamil during the part of or are interested in becoming What our children are taught about A Muslim Response 5th crusade. part of a local interfaith group. different religions In the afternoon we were privileged to When answering questions later, Kau - I am looking to arrange some gather - What are our children being taught in hear from Kauthar Akhtar who is the thar expressed her sadness that each ings of catholics on this subject area to our catholic schools about other Surrey Faith Links Adviser, a member time she comes to other faith groups to cover issues of interest, for example, religions? Sarah Feist, primary of the Shah Jahan Mosque in Woking, talk about Islam, violence is always how we pray in this context and what at - Adviser in our diocesan education and is married to the Imam. what she is questioned about. titudes may help us to flourish in this Service offered an inspiring summary to Kauthar is also the current chair of She challenged us to consider where work. Be part of the conversation and give answer to this question. We heard the South east england Faiths Forum, we get our information from, do we rely get in touch, and we can work out where how the teaching is about which recently held an inspiring event on information from our Muslim friends we might best hold these gatherings and developing a deeper understanding of on faith perspectives on climate and neighbours or do we get it from the what we might include. beliefs and practices. change. media. She asked us to consider how she Religious education is not taught in Kauthar responded to Fr Martin’s feels in this situation, to put ourselves in Story: Catherine isolation in the schools but is embedded talk, explaining to us the references to her shoes. Martindale, Dialogue & in the ethos of our schools. The purpose interreligious dialogue that can be This was indeed a pause for thought Unity Adviser and Diocesan is to equip our young people to live and found in the Qur’an and how the and I wondered about how I feel when Formation Team work in a world of diverse beliefs, bring - prophet Mohammed (pBUH), allowed people I meet only know catholicism Pictures: Diocesan ing clarity to the relationship between christians to pray in his Mosque and from the TV comedy ‘Fr Ted’ or by the Communications Team faith and life, and between faith and cul - served them with food, offering the bombs of the IRA. ture. hospitality with his own hands. Also, in the afternoon we heard from

Three Secrets of Good Relationships with Grandchildren MpATHy, quality time and uncondi - his many quotes and read the message that, when our own children may not children. etional love – these are the three se - which pope Francis carries in his bre - profess the faith, our Grandchildren crets of good relationships with viary written to him by his beloved would see something attractive in us, Mental Health Issues grandchildren and the message taken grandmother Rosa, who he tells us was who see with the eyes of christ. during the second session with away by a large group of grandparents very important in the growth of his He said we should borrow christ’s elizabeth we listed the types of mental from across the diocese who have taken faith. eyes when we look at young people and health issues affecting young people and part in the Annual diocesan Grandpar - place them at the foot of the cross as we the reasons why they are more common ents’ day of Reflection held recently. developing Listening Skills stand there. Asked about ‘Limbo’, he today. elizabeth then led us in a session to pointed to Blessed John Henry Newman We were given invaluable advice on Grandparents’ Formation day develop our listening skills helping us to and his writings on the development of how to spot issues and the use of We had been invited by the diocesan encourage children to open up about doctrine and the way in which pope different types of self calming methods Advisor for Marriage and Family Life, issues with which they are dealing, Benedict had affirmed that the God who which can be helpful to children, prayer Katherine Bergin, to be a part of a day children’s expectations of happiness loves us would not deny an unbaptised of course, being a key one. led by parenting expert elizabeth and what to do if a child is unhappy, baby the wonder of Heaven. These one of elizabeth’s outstanding o’Shea ( pictured below, presenting to exploring happiness and sadness using words were very reassuring for us to statements for us was the reassurance group ) , exploring strategies to support bible stories and real life examples. hear. of the enormous effect on children when young people with the pressures they The importance of empathising with Most importantly he stressed the need witnessing the joy and strength of the live under today. our grandchildren was stressed for us to pray for them as we then are faith of much loved adults. This speaks This was our seventh Formation day throughout. involved in a conversation with God volumes to them.... since the diocese became affiliated to about our grandchildren, taking an ac - We went back to our families and the catholic Grandparents Association Bishop Richard’s observations tive part in that relationship. parishes strengthened by Bishop (cGA) founded by catherine Wiley. The The afternoon opened with a talk by Bishop Richard likened grandparents Richard’s words, all that elizabeth had Mission Statement of the cGA is to pass Bishop Richard who understood and to the canons of the diocese: in the same led us to be aware of, knowledge of on the faith, to keep prayer at the heart spoke with great understanding about way that canons are examples to new-to-us strategies in communicating of family life and to support other our faith and its importance for us in brother priests, grandparents are with young people and feeling that grandparents. family life. He was reassuring, saying examples to their children and grand - batteries had been re- charged in our We are blessed that Bishop Richard is spiritual lives and in our roles as loving, unstinting in his support of grandpar - understanding and empathetic ents and, as at all our diocesan events, christian grandparents. speaks to us with great understanding elizabeth may be contacted by email and encouragement, strengthening our at [email protected] or faith which is witnessed by our families. www.parent4success.com. After the celebration of Mass and a If you would like to know more about welcome by Fr Aaron Spinelli at Grandparents Groups in the diocese St John the evangelist church in please contact Katherine : Horsham, Katherine set the scene for [email protected] the day reminding us of the value which pope Francis places on grandparents Story: Christine Evans and older people. She related some of Picture: Michael Evans A&B NEWS November 2019 9 The Diocese of Arundel and Brighton Formation Team Serving the communities of our Diocese

Below is the first in a series of reports on the work and mission of the For- In december’s edition we will look at the work of the remaining members mation Team, particularly in regard to their contribution in enabling the of the Formation Team, covering the areas of Social pastoral plan for A & B diocese. Action, Liturgy & Music, Inclusion and youth.

Progress Report on the Work of the Formation Team in Support of the A&B Pastoral Plan

The pastoral plan’s first 2019/2020 catholic certificate in Religious Study (ccRS) class with tutor Kathleen o’Gorman, far left

AcH pARISH received a pastoral and dedicated volunteers to understand full of praise for the initiative. In de - hopes to include other faith denomina - eLetter from Bishop Richard on the the issues around life-limiting illness, scribing his experience of the course he tions over time. weekend of 20 october highlighting the the needs of the carer, the grieving said ‘The prayer guide leaders were ex - catherine is looking forward to visit - important progress being made with the process and the importance of active cellent communicators and everybody ing deaneries with the Formation Team Word Who is Life pastoral plan for the listening. left feeling very inspired.’ and working with parishioners and diocese. The latest intake began training in The scheme is due to launch with clergy to identify the needs and interests Many of you will be familiar with the early october and will be ready to begin Schools of prayer in the Worthing, in our diverse localities. Formation Team and their role deliver - serving in parishes from April next Lewes, epsom and Guildford deaneries She recently delivered a very well at - ing important elements of the pastoral year. before christmas and, in time, will be tended dialogue and Unity day - see re - plan from previous A&B News articles. parish Family Groups delivered right across the diocese. port on pages 1 and 8 of this edition - In this month’s issue we explore some Bringing parishioners together is an deacon Jon is also responsible for The which highlighted the need for more for - of the projects the Formation Team are important element of the Marriage and catholic certificate in Religious Studies mation in this area and plans to make working on across Arundel & Brighton’s Family Life team’s work. course, known as the ccRS. The course opportunities available for catholics eleven deaneries. Another of Simon’s projects is the offers participants the opportunity to who feel called to this work in their parish Family Group initiative, which is gain a comprehensive understanding of towns and villages. Marriage & Family Life in the process of being rolled out across the catholic faith, equipping them for each member of the Formation Team the deaneries. catechetical ministry ( see picture above) . Story:Diocesan Communications Team is responsible for a different part of the The Family Group programme aims This year’s course is now underway Picture: A&B News Team pastoral plan with Katherine Bergin to combat loneliness and enhance with a cohort of 27 students from a vari - and Simon South working in the area of church community links by establishing ety of backgrounds, parishes and Marriage and Family Life. a programme of enjoyable monthly schools. The recent Marriage and Anniver - functions, picnics and social activities Students need to complete eight saries Mass in Arundel cathedral was within each parish. modules in total including two elective one of a number of events for those The Family Group project is open to modules chosen from subjects as wide living the vocation of Marriage. This everyone, regardless of whether they ranging as: evangelisation, Interfaith Social Action Ministry extremely popular annual Mass have a family or not, with everybody and Unity, education in catholic provided a wonderful opportunity for welcome. Schools, Bereavement Ministry and couples to celebrate important marriage parish Administration. elective Advance Notice milestones and special anniversaries Formation & Spirituality modules will be advertised beyond the with family members and friends, and The Word Who is Life pastoral plan has student group so that people outside the was very well attended. a strong focus on the importance of course can attend. In the coming months there are a prayer. Annual Justice & Peace number of one-day courses and longer deacon Jon Harman oversees the spir - dialogue & Unity Assembly term initiatives planned, including a ituality elements of the pastoral plan catherine Martindale works on the dia - Day of Reflection for Marriage Prepara - and has worked closely with the Jesuits logue & Unity aspects of the pastoral tion Catechists with Bishop Richard in and the diocesan Spirituality Network to plan, liaising with people from other ‘Still No Room at the Inn?’ November and the expansion of the create the School of prayer and Week of christian denominations in Surrey and diocesan Ministry of consolation Guided prayer programme, which will Sussex. How can we respond to the bereavement programme. eventually provide an annual week of catherine is currently working with Homeless Crisis Today? guided prayer in every deanery. the Anglican dioceses of Guildford and the Ministry of consolation The course begins with an introduc - chichester and the South eastern Bap - Grief and loss affect people many tion to ways of praying called the tist Association on an awareness raising Saturday 25 January, 2020 different ways and can be extremely 'School of prayer.’ This is followed up to ecumenical Mental Health project. at the St Philip Howard isolating. The Ministry of consolation, 12 weeks later by a ‘Week of Guided Their first collaboration has been a overseen by Simon South, aims to prayer’ in which people meet with a poster Green for Go! Go for Help! which Centre, Crawley, RH10 6RP support the work of parish priests by prayer guide. highlights relevant and useful contact providing trained bereavement volun - The Spiritual Network will eventually details for those in crisis. teers, able to help people within our deliver both courses and have received The poster was launched throughout Save The Date! church communities, at what can be an four training sessions in readiness for the diocese in time for World Mental extremely difficult time. this from the Jesuits. Health day on 10th october. The Ministry enables compassionate course participant John Roberts was The collaboration continues and 10 A&B NEWS November 2019 A New Headteacher for Re-cycling award at St St Richard’s, Chichester Richard’s College, Bexhill... money for medical facilities at our local hospitals. ewan Hoyle and Grace Gillen accepted engraved awards as they collected more than 1,000 bottle tops each. Geography teacher, Mrs clare Akrasi, ( pictured left with Ewan and Grace ), was awarded a beautiful rose bowl to say ‘thank you and well done’ for promoting recycling at St Richard's. The Geography department is continuing to develop the recycling op - portunities at the school in the coming months, adding pens, printer cartridges, and clothing to the existing facilities to recycle glasses, football boots, paper, plastic and milk bottle tops. Mrs Akrasi, He GeoGRApHy depARTMeNT along with the Geography club and eco at St Richard's, Bexhill-on-Sea T Reps, is seeking to reduce our waste and were delighted recently to be awarded improve our use of the world around us. prizes by John and Mary carden who The plaque and lovely rose bowl will have pioneered a recycling scheme take pride of place in school. transforming milk bottle lids into playground equipment, while raising Stories & pictures: Miranda Pennington ...and New Head Girl and

Head Boy are Twinso!R THe FIRST He INdUcTIoN oF JAMeS FIeLd James and his family attend Mass at FTIMe eVeR at Tas Headteacher of St Richard's pri - chichester and he is very keen to build St Richard’s, the mary School took place at a Mass cele - on and strengthen the relationship be - Head Girl and brated by Bishop Richard in chichester tween parish and school. Head Boy are on Tuesday 17 September. clergy from James is pictured above ( centre ) with twins - Madeline chichester and Selsey concelebrated at (left to right) : canon Tom Treherne, and Joseph this joyful Mass at which a congregation parish priest; Marie Ryan, diocesan Baszczak. of school staff, children, parents and director of education; Mike Beal, chair Here they are parishioners pledged, with God's help, to of Governors at the school and Bishop pictured at the support James as he takes on this vital Richard. forefront of the role. We wish James all the best in his new new team of pre - Until recently, James was Headteacher role. fects, flanked by at St Robert Southwell School in Hor - Story: Becky Sleven their deputies sham and earlier in his teaching career Picture: Martin Downy Hannah chan and was a class teacher at St Richard’s. Ben Simmonds.

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A&B NEWS November 2019 11 The Diocese of Arundel and Brighton Education Service MISSION STATEMENT placing christ at the centre and empowered by the Spirit, we serve and support As the diocesan education Service, inspired by the Gospel, we are committed to our schools in the name of the Bishop, by aspiring to be the very best we can, serving in partnership with our family of schools to be the visible face of christ identifying, encouraging, nurturing and developing excellence in all aspects of and to promote the common Good through the ministry of education. catholic education. Denominational Catholic School Inspection Id yoU KNoW that a Bishop has the right and the duty to inspect any catholic dschool within his jurisdiction at any time? diocesan inspectors are trCainSedI biyn th et hedeuc aDtioino Scereviscee a nd are kept up to date with new initiatives and changes in catholic education through regular cpd meet - canon Law 806 §1 states that the diocesan bishop has the right to watch over and visit ings with the education Service. the Catholic schools in his territory, even those which members of religious institutes have founded or direct. Inspectors judge the overall quality of catholic education provided by the school considering three headline judgements: Bishop Richard has designated the education Service to be responsible for adminis - The quality of the catholic life of the school; tering and carrying out the inspection process in all schools in the diocese of The quality of Religious education Arundel & Brighton including catholic education Trusts, catholic Independent The quality of collective Worship and prayer life of the school Schools and Sixth Form colleges. We are proud to work in close partnership with all our schools and are delighted to celebrate all their achievements. For each of these headline judgements, inspectors evaluate The quality of pupil/student outcomes and responses (Impact) Similarly to ofSTed, catholic schools are inspected every five years. However, if a How well the school provides for that area of school life (Implementation) school’s last overall effectiveness judgement in their catholic School Inspection How well leaders and governors ensure the quality of that provision (In - (cSI) was less than ‘Good’, there will be a tent) cSI within three years. Should he feel it necessary, Bishop Richard may request a Inspectors use nationally agreed descrip - catholic school within his diocese to be in - tors and weigh up evidence against each as - spected at any time. pect to come to a judgement of either outstanding (1) Good (2) Requires Improve - We are proud to say that of our 53 primary ment (3) or Inadequate (4). In making these schools, 30 (57%) are graded as outstanding judgements, inspectors will consider the ev - and 23 (43%) are graded as Good. None of idence a school makes available against the our primary schools are graded less than descriptors and consider which grade de - good. of our 11 secondary schools, 10 (91%) scriptor best fits the evidence presented. are graded as outstanding and 1 (9%) These descriptors are a guide, not a check - graded as Good. None of our secondary list, and do not replace the dialogue with schools are graded less than good. schools and professional judgement of in - spectors that we encourage. The diocesan education Service provides practical advice, support and guidance to all Further information and supporting infor - our schools in preparation for a cSI through mation are held on our education Service administrative support, cpd sessions, work - website www.abdiocese.org.uk Sarah Feist, shops in schools and resources to support Lead officer for cSI, can be contacted at the school self-evaluation. diocese on 01293 511130

Pastoral Plan - 22 Oct 2019 The Word who is Life fter three ‘Taste and See’ sessions held in June 2019 to learn more about the ABishop’s pastoral plan and his vision for the role of chaplains in our diocesan schools, the education Service has now planned three further sessions exploring key aspects of the school chaplaincy role that may be of interest to those consider - ing chaplaincy in the diocese. The training will take place at the St philip Howard centre, crawley on the following dates: 22 oct 2019 - ‘christ at the centre’ · The distinctive Nature of our catholic Schools; · What it means to deliver a christ centred education; · The role of the chaplain in developing the catholic Life of the school. 20 Nov 2019 - chaplaincy in a school setting · professional Standards – working with students/pupils; · pastoral Support - expectations of the chaplain; · Religious education / catholic School Inspections; · Safeguarding. 10 dec 2019 - collective Worship in schools · The role of the chaplain as sacristan; · planning Masses, liturgies, collective worship; · Supporting, leading and guiding staff; · Working with clergy and the parish.

Training will begin at 4.30pm and finish at 6.00pm, light refreshments will be available. There is no charge for the training. To book a place on any of the above sessions please contact: claire Martin, cpd Administrator on [email protected] Bernadette Connor Deputy Director, Education Service 12 A&B NEWS November 2019

House of Prayer Light a candle for a loved one this Wheelchair push raises over £1,000 35 Seymour Road, November for charity East Molesey, Surrey KT8 0PB URING NoVeMBeR, the month of remembrance, we N ANNUAL SpoNSoRed Wheelchair push has this dtake time to pray for those who have died and give Ayear raised over £1,000 for local homeless organisation We hold a space of silence and thanks for loved ones who have made a deep and lasting im - the Snowflake Trust and international development charity, solitude which will support and pression on our lives. cAFod. deepen a developing life of prayer and For many people, remembering someone Michael, who has been taking part in the relationship with God. through an act of charity which helps poor and wheelchair push for many years, has raised thou - vulnerable families around the world is a way of We welcome individuals and groups sands of pounds with his annual sponsored chal - for day and residential retreats. celebrating a loved one’s life and memory. lenge. Being pushed by friend, Fidelis (pictured) - To find out more please contact us: A candlelight Fund is a special fund set up in who met Michael at the church T: 020 8941 2313 E: [email protected] memory of a loved one who has died, combining they both attend, the parish of The www.christian-retreat.org any donations made in their memory. Good Shepherd in St Leonards-on-Sea – the Just as we light a candle for a loved one who has passed pair set off on the two and half mile stretch be - St Joseph's away, creating a candlelight Fund in their name is a special tween Hastings Town centre and Hastings old way to remember them. candlelight funds celebrate a life Town, and back. They completed the walk in Nursing home and touch thousands more. good time, raising £1,040 which will be split be - East Street, over the years, cAFod tween the two charities. Littlehampton, has been blessed to work Jenny Finlayson, cAFod’s community par - West Sussex. BN17 6AU alongside the kindest and ticipation coordinator for Arundel and All denominations welcome. most committed friends any Brighton, said: ‘This is a wonderful event that Mass everyday . charity could hope for. over the years has raised thousands of pounds Within view of the town centre. If you would like to re - to help make other people’s lives better. From Caring and supportive environment. member someone who has everyone at cAFod, I would like to say a big passed away, please join us thank you for what your challenge has achieved – and of Contact: for the candlelight Funds course a massive well done!’ Home Manager Sarah Etherington and Blessing of the Memorial Book for Arundel and The money donated by Michael and Fidelis to cAFod will 01903 - 711325 Brighton diocese at christ the prince of peace church, port - go towards helping communities around the world gain the more Way, Weybridge Surrey KT13 8Jd on Thursday 7 tools, skills and knowledge to lift themselves out of poverty. November at 19.30 pm. Through The Snowflake Trust, their donation will help pro - TRAVEL INSURANCE Story: Elouise Hobbs, Regional News Officer for CAFOD vide overnight accommodation to local homeless people dur - arranged for readers of A B News ing the extreme winter months. ANNUAL TRAVEL For further information please contact Jenny Finlayson Story: Elouise Hobbs, CAFOD Regional News Officer community participation coordinator, Picture Raymond, son of Fidelis INSURANCE cAFod Arundel and Brighton Volunteer centre, AVAILABLE TO ANYONE UP TO St John’s Seminary, , Surrey GU5 0Qx Find out more at cafod.org.uk/snowflake- 85 YEARS OF AGE. Telephone: 01483 898 866 nightshelter.org.uk MOST PRE-EXISTING MEDICAL CONDITIONS ACCEPTED TOP QUALITY COVER FAIRTRADE NEWS………. lives of our future generations. With a 24 hour helpline and an ee TRAIdcRAFT Au - on 25th anniversary of the FAIRTRAde air ambulance get-you-home service. Stumn/Winter 2019 catalogue, Mark it is interesting to read about the first Mention this advert to get a Special the entire range chosen carefully: product to have the Mark. craig Sams, founder always fair, but also sustainable of Green & Blacks (and Whole earth Foods A B News discount. and organic wherever possible. from which it grew) was in the foothills of the Don’t forget we also offer Hope you will enjoy reading through, discovering the stories mountains of Belize trying to find a new source SINGLE-TRIP COVER, with no behind the products and understanding how products grown of organic cocoa for his chocolate. The Maya Indian farmers maximum age limit and up to £20,000 or made thoughtfully can be part of our everyday journey to stared ruin in the face having borrowed money and planted cancellation cover per couple. more sustainability and fairness. our lifestyles are having a trees encouraged by a promise to buy their cocoa but the CALL FOR DETAILS AND PRICES profound effect on the planet that sustains us. The choices price fell. It takes five years for cocoa trees to produce pods. we make and the things that we consume have consequences craig put an offer on the table. The result, chocolate 0116 272 0500 and how we choose to consume today will directly affect the flavoured with citrus and spices, named Maya Gold. Real people - not nachines! UK FTTravel Authorised and based regulated by the FCA Insurance NOTICE BOARD BISOHCTOOBEPR/’NSOV EDMBIEAR RY october Mass for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Sun 27 9am Mass of Thanksgiving, HMp High down The first Saturday of each month at St John the Evangelist, 11.30am eMM celebration Mass, Sacred Heart, Springfield Road, Horsham, RH12 2PJ at 1.00pm Sunningdale Next Mass on Saturday 2 November Mon 28 - Thu 31 Supporting clergy Leadership, Hothorpe Hall, Leicestershire November CATHOLAITY CHRISTMAS FAIR Fri1 10am Mass, Arundel cathedral SATURDAY 9 November 2019 - 10.30am -3.30pm Sat 2 9am parish Forum Meeting, Arundel cathedral Admission £1 Children under 14 free Cardinal Newman School 6pm parish Visitation to chichester THE UPPER DRIVE HOVE BN3 6ND Sun 3 8.30am parish Visitation to chichester Tue 5 11am cSAN criminal Justice Forum, Romero Free Car Parking at the school (follow signs) House, London No 27 Bus to Dyke Road Tavern on Dyke Road Thu 7 11am chapter Mass and lunch at Arundel A Joint Venture by Catholic Organisations-The Arundel cathedral and Brighton Trust Registered Charity No: 252878 3.30pm Meetings at Arundel cathedral Already Fri 8 6pm KHS Vigil, St George’s cathedral We hold you in prayer. Lewes Passion Play 2020 Southwark We are inviting anyone interested in taking part in any Sat 9 9am KHS Investitures, St George’s cathedral, Southwark Li ving in the he art of Lo nd on , the way to come along to one of the following sessions or Tyburn Bene dictine Co mmuni ty contact us directly on: [email protected] 6pm Mass at St dunstan’s Woking, Big ha s as its spe cial missi on , pra yer or call: 07971 398 146 or sign up via our website: encounter event for the pe op le of Eng land and www.lewespassionplay.org Sun 10 11.15am Remembrance Sunday Mass at Arundel Wales. Our mon ast ery is bui lt on Looking for actors to take main roles, minor roles and cathedral the si te of the Tyburn gallows Thu 14 deans’ Meeting, St philip Howard centre, whe re 105 Catho lics we re ‘Crowd’. Looking for helpers to make costumes, assist mart yre d duri ng the re form ation . with tech, work backstage, produce publicity or get in - crawley Our life of pra yer draws Si st ers volved in some other capacity. 4pm Meeting at eccleston Square, London from many nation s. Performance week April 5 – 12 2020 - Palm Sunday, Fri15 7pm Induction Mass for canon david parmiter, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Arundel cathedral Pleas e remem ber my int ent ion /s in pr ayer. Not all roles are required every performance day. Sat 16 9am Marriage preparation catechists’ day, ……… …...... …… …. ...…… ...... Are you interested in costume design or making? St. philip Howard centre, crawley ...... …… …… ……. .……. …… …...... Technically minded? Want to help backstage? Sun 17 11.15am Mass for deceased KSc, Arundel cathedral ...... ……… …… …. .….………...... Find out more - Join the team Mon 18 10am Mass at St Richard’s catholic college, ...... Fri 8 November 7-9pm Eastgate Hall, Eastgate Street, Bexhill I wo ul d like to he lp y ou r Missi on Found ation s. BN7 2LR My gift of £____ is enc lose d (pa yable to A dore rs 7.30pm Induction Mass at St edmund’s parish of the Sacre d He art of Je sus ). Tha nk you! Open Casting – Try out for a major or minor role, or Godalming for Fr Jonathan How join the crowd - Sat 23 November 10-12 noon Chapter Please se nd me voc ation s inf orm ation . Wed 20 10am Meeting at High oaks

House, Southover Church, BN7 1JH 3pm Bishops’/Staff Meeting Wonersh Name:……. ……… …...... …...... Sun 24 November 2.30-4.30pm Eastgate Hall, Eastgate Thu 21 10.30am Meeting at High oaks Addre ss: …. .…… …...... Street, BN7 2LR 5pm Governors’ Meeting at ..… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… ……… …… … Mon 25 November 7-9pm Eastgate Hall, Eastgate St Mary’s University, Twickenham ……… …… ...... ……...... ……. .. Please pri nt . Street, BN7 2LR Sat 23 1pm Alton day of Renewal REP LY TO: Moth er General, Tyburn Co nvent, 8 Hy de Fri 29 November 7-9pm Chapter House, Southover Sun 24 11.30am Mass at Mayfield School, Mayfield Park Place, Londo n, W2 2LJ Tel.: 020 7723 7262 Church, BN7 1JH A&B NEWS Nov embe r 2019 13

Keymer Youth Sleep Out to Help Homeless Charity Off The Fence

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JO E W ALSH T OURS OBERAMMERGAU 2 020 SALZBUR G, L AKE C HIE MSEE & O BERAMMERG AU £ £14 55 15 J UNE 2 020 | 5 NI GH TS pps From L ond on He BIG SLeepoUT is a fundraising below freezing, the lack of such basic They also learn about cuckooing, Tchallenge organised by the young necessities can be life threatening. Be - county lines and how young people who » Return ights f rom Lond on people of St Luke’s in Hurstpierpoint cause of such conditions, crime, disease have been through the foster care sys - » 2 n ights S alzburg and St edwards the confessor Rc and feelings of hopelessness and isola - tem are more vulnerable and often end church in Keymer to raise much needed tion are daily realities for many. up on the streets. » 2 n ights Prien a m C hiemsee funds and awareness for Antifreeze - off This was our third sleep-out. We’ve Many said when they are next in » 1 n ight i n O ber ammer gau the Fence in Brighton and Hove. raised over £6000 in the last two years Brighton and see a rough sleeper they » Passion P lay t ickets included ( Cat 1 ) off The Fence is a Brighton-based and we have a target of £4000 this year! will have a greater understanding of christian charity that works with vul - So on 20 September 15 young people what they are going through. » Daily b reakfast a nd e vening m eal nerable individuals and rough sleepers and 3 adults built a shelter and slept in In November each year we have » B oat r ide o n Lake K ön igssee in the city. The mission of off the Fence it overnight. Thanks to ‘carters’ a collection in the parish asking for is to eradicate social and spiritual electrics for providing huge cardboard toiletries, sleeping bags and winter Contact S tefan f or f urther d etails: poverty in Brighton & Hove, engaging boxes every year! clothes. stefan.burka rt@j oewa lsht ou rs.ie with individuals to create a new level of one young person said ‘my feet got If you would like to donate clean and LON DON : 0 203 4 68 0 617 | CARDIFF: 0292 0 00 3 865 hope in the city. very cold and it kept waking me up’. new items please bring them along to St www.joewa lshtours.co.uk | in fo @jo ew alsh tour s.co.uk St edwards is raising money for off Night time creatures came out and there edwards Rc church - Keymer on the Licenced b y t he C ommission f or A viation R egulation, T O 0 52 a nd T A 0 689 i n c ompliance the Fence so they can continue to were lots of slugs and snails. first weekend of december. with the P ac kage T ravel a nd L inked T ravel A rrangem ent P ac kage R egulation 2 018. support rough sleepers and the Another said ‘ the slugs were coming Here is the link to our just giving page homeless in the local area. into my box and it was horrible. I could uk.virginmoneygiving.com/St even though homelessness charities not sleep’. edwardsycc like off the Fence exist, many of the The group watched a clip about female For more info on the work of the Available from Redemptorist Publications everyday things that we take for granted rough sleepers in Brighton. They learnt charity please visit: – food, homes, warm and clean clothes – about the causes of homelessness, the www.offthefence.org.uk. Ha ve y ou g ot y our Diar y are hard to come by and, links to mental health issues and drug Story & Pictures: Pam Murray especially when temperatures drop addiction. for 2020?

redemp ori st publications St John Beaumont’s Eighth Ignite Conference T JoHN’S BeAUMoNT ScHooL is cashire, Barlborough Hall in Sheffield, A5 Har dback Sdelighted to be hosting the 8 th donhead School in Wimbledon and St diar y with annual Ignite conference in october. Aloysius School in Glasgow. The conference provides an opportu - during the conference the children ribbon nity for pupil delegates from each of the will work collaboratively to promote the pag e Jesuit province’s seven junior schools to worldwide mission of the Society of collaborate on leadership and ecology Jesus in caring for our common home as mark er projects throughout the year. well as taking the opportunity to visit The event this year will allow St Windsor castle and Runnymede, the site John’s to further its work in both of of the signing of the Magna carta over Diar y 2020 these areas and it will be a pleasure to 800 years ago. welcome students from St Joseph’s Fr Denis M cBride C .Ss.R . Pric e: £7 .95 School and St Mary’s Hall in Lan - Story: Sarah Feist www.r pbooks .c o.uk 01420 88222 cLeRGy MoVeS Fr Rod Jones advises that, while Orange the World Day cust omer car e@r pbooks .c o.uk Fr Rod Jones to University of Sussex claire Barrie, Brighton Univerity as chaplain chaplain is on maternity leave, she is UR A&B Fr paul Jenkinson is on sabbatical replaced by Marie Ann enriquez, odIoce - SAN LINK to from the Wellspring community. Professional advice, community minded the National Board of FOR COMPETENT, CARING LEGAL catholic Women (NBcW), Sue petritz, ADVICE WE OFFER: Catholicism at Chilworth reminds us that 25 November 2019 is > CONVEYANCING ISHop RoBeRT BARRoN'S tinuing on November 9 and december 7. orange the World day. > WILLS AND PROBATE 'catholicism' course is being pre - Then in 2020, January 11, February 8, B It is a day to raise awareness about sented monthly for a second time at St March 7, April 4, May 2, and June 6. > DIVORCE AND FAMILY MATTERS the need to eliminate violence against Augustine's Abbey, chilworth near each Study day will begin with Mass women and girls worldwide. This is > CHILD CARE LAW Guildford after a highly successful run at 9am, followed by coffee. The first the United Nations development pro - > CRIMINAL LITIGATION earlier this year, which showed how teaching session will conclude with Mid - gramme campaign (UNdp) where ev - much a desire to learn more about their day prayer, with the second beginning > HOME VISITS ARRANGED eryone, businesses, schools etc are faith is present in the hearts of believ - after lunch until about 3.30 pm. encouraged to wear orange, a colour ers. please bring a packed lunch and, if that will stand out, and symbolises a each of the ten episodes is shown you can, a friend. Tea, coffee and bis - Tel: (020) 8778 1126 brighter future for women and girls month by month, chapter by chapter cuits are provided. Free to attend. No Email: [email protected] to live in a world free of violence. do Web: ewings.uk.com with explanations, teaching and discus - need to book. Visit us online at consider supporting this in 2019. sion led by Benedictine monk Fr John http://www.chilworthbenedictines.com http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/i Seddon oSB. The presentations are on n-focus/end-violence-against-women the first Saturday of every month, con - Richard Morris Please support ourAdvertisers 14 A&B NEWS November 2019

FROM THE PARISHES (continued on page 16) ment when some were invested with the died suddenly at the beginning of his we meet, our sports fields where we play Brown Scapular. It was followed by holiday recently. He was an active mem - and our places of pilgrimage where we UpdATed NoTIce Recitation and Meditation of the Rosary ber of this parish and the local commu - reflect. To ALL oUR and Fatima prayers; then Veneration of nity being involved with dial-a-Ride As cAFod volunteers in Woking we coRReSpoNdeNTS the Relics. After lunch we watched the which does so much to help the elderly were inspired by this call in our parish, ITeMS FoR THe december 2019 issue Fatima film The Little Shepherds with a to get around. and on the weekend of 14/15 September, must reach the editorial office at talk on the Message of Fatima, next was The parish Women’s Group had a St dunstan’s church held a creation crawley by 10am on Monday 28 october the divine Mercy chaplet and enrol - house Mass celebrated by canon Frank Mass. This was not only to celebrate the 2019 and for the January 2020 issue by ment and investiture of the brown o’Sullivan, aged 96 from the Southwark gift of God’s creation and our beautiful Monday 25 November 2019. scapular; concluding with Adoration diocese, whose sister olive Wood had home, but a call to action. The youth of contributions may be sent by e-mail t o and Benediction. been an active member of the Group. As the parish and volunteers created dis - [email protected] and if so A truly wonderful day in which people always he gave a challenging and inter - plays for the Mass on the climate, show - please always include a contact from far and wide participated and for esting homily. Refreshments were en - ing not only the damage we have done, telephone number . which we must thank all our parish - joyed afterwards. but what we can do to help in our own It is helpful to us if correspondents ioners who helped in so many ways. We Peter Patterson way, and during the Mass, special offer - do want to say a big thank you to all keep them to no more than 200 words PETWORTH tory gifts were presented, with creation those who welcomed, made cakes or IN dUNcToN THe cHURcH oF and include a word count. please use inspired prayers and hymns. We gave helped in any way. St Anthony and St George celebrated short talks at the end of all Masses, the highest resolution possible when Penny Richardson the 150th anniversary of its consecra - taking photographs and do not reduce highlighting that although we’ve made tion on 12 September, that event having huge progress on climate change, we the quality when you send them to us. BRIGHTON AT ST MARy’S pReSToN pARK on been celebrated by Archbishop (later now know if we are going to limit global original good quality digital pictures 14 July SVp/Social concerns held a tea cardinal) Manning. We were delighted temperature rise to 1.5°c we need to be are very welcome. They should be sent party for the parish with proceeds going and honoured that Bishop Richard was going much further, faster. To stop tem - as e-mail attachments. We regret we are to the essential upkeep of the pres - able to visit the parish this time to mark peratures from rising, and to stand the unable to use photocopies or copies bytery. over 50 people enjoyed the event the occasion. best chance of keeping below 1.5°c we printed directly from computers. which was organised by a dozen volun - Many people worked so hard, need to make sure that a target of global please tell us who gave coNSeNT teers. It was a lovely social occasion and especially Fr peter Newsam, to make net zero emissions (that is the emissions FoR pUBLIcATIoN and the SIGNed we raised £600. this a wonderful and truly special event, we put into the atmosphere being no After the summer break our children and it was certainly that. The church written and/or email evidence you have greater than the ones we remove), is are back at school, the new sacramental and graveyard had been rigorously FoR ALL NAMed peRSoNS INcLUd- reached by 2045. Not only would we end programmes are being set up and cleaned and tidied so that it looked its up with a cleaner Britain, but we would ING ALL children’s photos. our photo thoughts are already turning to the very best. The evening Mass celebrated consent form will be sent on request. be sending a signal to other countries christmas Fair with jam jar collecting! by Bishop Richard was joyful and heart- around the world that we are leading the on 15 September the Social concerns warming with a gratifyingly large con - fight against climate change and Group held a coffee morning, cake sale gregation, and I think the Bishop encouraging the rest of the world to fol - and bring and buy stall, raising £135.50 probably made the right decision in not low suit. ADUR VALLEY for the Uganda Hands-For-Hope charity. emulating Archbishop Manning, who We asked our parishioners to call on AFTeR SoMe BeAUTIFUL early Claire Shelton-Jones apparently had preached for 110 min - September days it is now very firmly our politicians to go further and faster CATERHAM utes! His, much shorter, homily was with emission cuts, specifically to push into Autumn. However with Autumn oUR pARISHIoNeRS congratulated thought-provoking and very pertinent come all our usual activities back again. for zero net emissions by 2045, by sign - Fr Sean on the 30th Anniversary of his to our role in today’s world. ing petitions after Mass, addressed Like the Secret Singers; our Lunches; ordination on Tuesday, 24 September, Following Mass there was a buffet sup - our prayer groups; and receiving appli - directly to the prime Minister. We also and at a small gathering after Mass he per for everyone in the Village Hall, gave out prayer cards inspired by St cations for the next group of First com - was presented with a mosaic of petra which was most enjoyable and a lovely munion and confirmation candidates. Francis of Assisi and handed out made by refugeees and brought back way to round off a memorable evening. packets of plant seed to help green up However our most important event I from Jordan by eliz and Mike Wood Sally Bohane am proud to tell you about is that we gardens, kindly donated by Longacres in who had just returned from visiting the WOKING Bagshot and RHS Wisley Gardens. We were privileged to host a Visitation of catholic community in Madaba. THeRe’S No doUBT , especially with the National pilgrim Virgin Statue were rewarded with over 700 during September the parish have all the recent protests around the world, signatures – a show of just how much (NpVS) of our Lady of Fatima and the been hosting the ecumenical morning that climate change is really beginning relics of Saints Jacinta and Francisco this matters to us as a parish, and how prayer services connected with to concern all of us. In June 2015, pope much we want change. on Saturday 22 September. This was or - caterham churches together. Francis released an encylical entitled ganised by the Apostolate of Fatima in Thank you St dunstan’s, and thank The SVp excess garden produce stall Laudato Si , in which he has invited us you to everyone who helped us put for - england and Wales and we had the Na - after Sunday Masses has been very suc - to take care of our shared home. He ward this great cause! tional and diocesan directors of that or - cessful and some of the money raised calls us to an ‘ecological conversion’ The petitions will be presented to the ganisation here. It is a lay apostolate will go towards finding gloves and hats and encourages us to make a fresh start. prime Minister, and the event will be approved by the Holy See and our for the homeless in croydon and All changes towards a better world, no publicised to encourage others to make parish priest Fr Graham Ricketts has London. matter how small, are changes for the a difference. To read more on how you as just been appointed diocesan Spiritual Mass for the Scouts was held on Sun - better. The catholic Agency for over - an individual can make a change, go to director. day 22 September and our thanks to seas development (cAFod) took up this cafod.org.uk/News/campaigning- The day was well attended with peter Lovat for his hard work in this im - call and in the last year has been cam - around 120 people coming from all portant area of parish life for the youth. paigning on climate change, because, as news/Rewrite-climate-change. around the diocese. It started with the The family of Samir Kikhwa, whose a global agency reaching out to the poor, Audra Schlachter arrival at St peter’s in Shoreham and successful operation we funded, have they have seen first-hand how climate was followed by procession and en - been granted visas to go to Sydney and change affects our global family and the ‘We cannot do everything, and there is a thronement of the NpVS of our Lady of will be able to leave Madaba, Jordan, fight against poverty. It is already sense of liberation in realising that. This Fatima followed by crowning and in - where life is very difficult. affecting us all - our health, our homes, enables us to do something, and to do it censing. A very beautiful Mass followed And on a sad note our thoughts are our heritage and our beautiful land - very well.’ Saint oscar Romero and particularly moving was the mo - with the family of david Hodgson who scapes, our community centres where

EGHAM CRAWLEY IT WAS LATe MARcH this year and my ity and passionate longing for peace in the GoSSopS GReeN cHURcH , crawley, was brother, who lives in christchurch, New world. The idea of a peace Garden was estab - packed leaving some standing, to celebrate Zealand heard a loud knocking at the door. He lished and we worked on it throughout the the feast of our patron, St Theodore of can - opened it to a policeman who was warning summer, digging and planting over the months terbury. The Mass was celebrated by Fr people to stay indoors. There had been a mass and jointly funding a plaque ( below ) to be Louis ezeilo, hymns sung and music sup - shooting at the local mosque and they were plied by the dominican Sisters for the offer - looking for the gunman. over the next few tory procession. days the full reality of what had happened In the sermon parishioners were reminded came to light. 50 people had been killed whilst of how highly influential Theodore of Tar - at prayer. Shocked and appalled at this news sus was in the development and harmonisa - we offered up prayers at Mass for our Muslim tion of christianity in this country during friends. the seventh century. It was surprising to At easter, in colombo, the capital of Sri learn that his ordination did not take place Lanka, three churches were similarly targeted until he was sixty five and he had to wait for by suicide bombers whilst easter services were his hair to grow for this to take place! being held. Many people lost their lives. Three placed in the bed on which our common senti - It was also a pleasure to welcome the Rev hotels and a housing complex were also at - ments were simply expressed. Much of the Ann Alexander, Vicar at St Albans church tacked and the dreadful death toll rose to 259 plaque was made freely by a local carpenter in Gossops Green, to our celebration. A spe - people killed and 100's more injured. our local 'Spike' cole. Finally, on 30 August a short ser - cial cake (pic - Muslim friends expressed their sincerest vice was held next to the peace Bed taken by tured) was prayers and sympathy for these terrible atroci - Fr chris Spain and Arshad Hamiet. prayers baked by parishioner pat Tarbin and ties. Meanwhile the world looked on in horror. and poems on the theme of peace were said. cut by Fr Louis to celebrate the sixtieth on Fridays throughout the year the local After refreshments, we left feeling a little more year of the church’s founding. After - Muslim community comes to pray at the hopeful that peace can be won. w a rds refreshments were shared by all Jurgens centre, part of the parish of egham at Since that time, across the whole world many and sentiments expressed the hope for the church of The Assumption of our Lady. more people have been killed simply for their a return of a regular Sunday eucharist This has been ongoing for some time and in - religious beliefs. How important it is to in the future. St Theodore’s worship - evitably many of us have got to know each demonstrate love and respect for our neigh - ping community continue to meet other over the years. Following these awful bour as an essential cornerstone in building a twice a month for praise, prayer and events we felt a mutual need to build some - peaceful world. coffee. thing tangible to express our common human - Nina Tresilian Nick Crocker A&B NEWS November 2019 15

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FROM THE PARISHES (continued from page 14) OBITUARY REDHILL, REIGATE & MERSTHAM EWELL compass Room at Worth Abbey. After a AT ST TeReSA’S in Merstham pamela THe LAST TWo weekends in Septem - leisurely settling in, the group attended Monsignor Bryan Chestle Schwenk, a very active member, was ber saw three major events in the life of Midday prayer and then ate lunch to - RyAN was from temporarily ‘arrested’ in the St clement’s parish in ewell gether. The afternoon began with a quiz BSouthwark and community Room by Simon Langton First, we were able to welcome Bishop to test the knowledge of our impact on was educated by the (pictured). Richard for his first formal visitation to the climate in small domestic decisions. Jesuits at Wimbledon the parish. Some parishioners thought It revealed many misconceptions. college from 1944 to it was a sort of ‘ofsted’ for the parish, There followed a time of reflection 1950. He attended the but it was nothing of the sort! In fact it based on pope Francis’ message for the Gregorian University was a very happy occasion for everyone. World day of prayer for the care of in Rome from 1956 The Bishop joined the congregation and creation. The retreat continued with a to1963 and was or - preached at all the Masses and after - ‘Meditative Wander’ and then the group dained priest in 1962. wards he did his best to speak to as spent some time considering what we His first and only appointment in eng - many people as possible. By a happy co- have done and what we could do to land was to St Joseph's, Mark cross, in incidence two of them ( pictured ) had further Live Simply. The day concluded Sussex; the minor seminary for St been his parishioners when he was a at the vigil Mass of the Sunday in the John's college, Wonersh. newly ordained priest in Southwark dio - Abbey church. In 1969 he moved to The Secretariat of cese. He even met the parish priest’s on the Sunday another important State in the Vatican. Bryan lived at the cats, chico and Lily. parish event, when Mrs Lisa Kelly was english college all the time he was in inducted as the new headteacher of the Rome. during his time in the Secretariat parish primary school. The of State he was directly serving the Holy ceremony was conducted by the parish See, 'I answer letters,' he said, 'letters priest, on behalf of the diocesan educa - sent to the pope, and it doesn't matter if tion Service and took place during the that letter comes from a diplomat or a 10.30am Mass. In introduction, Fr child in school, a head of state or any of - Simon, of denhams the Sussex Auction - Graham told Mrs Kelly that as a result fice worker, each one has to be answered eers, gave members of Merstham UcM, of her appointment, she now had the as if Jesus were talking. each one is im - and their visitors from Horsham UcM, a responsibility for ensuring that the portant.' fascinating talk about his career as an school is centred on christ and that The daily grind began to take its toll auctioneer. We were also given an in - every pupil is valued as an individual and he lost interest and made the sight into how prices paid for antiques who is loved and gifted uniquely by decision to leave the Vatican. What rise and fall according to fashion. God. She was to provide the best possi - happened then was a spiritual turning pamela’s arresting handcuffs dated from He celebrated the main Mass, during ble learning environment so that each point. He explained this to the college 1917. which a large number of children’s pupil can develop knowledge and skills students some years later. ‘It was based our chief altar server, clare, brought Liturgy youngsters came back at the for life as a christian. on the fact that God is love and that love some silver spoons which were a bap - offertory to show him and the congre - Fr Graham then asked staff, parents, is the meaning of everything. prayer tismal gift from her grandfather. There gation the work they had done. After - pupils present and all parishioners to suddenly became very easy, doubt of is an heiress in waiting! clare’s baby, wards, he joined the regular coffee agree to support her and pray for her. the existence of God is now inconceiv - Lena, was baptised only morning, circulating from table to table. In conclusion Mrs Kelly was pre - able. I never feel alone or abandoned.’ six months ago. of course there were some official sented by the chair of Governors, Retiring in 2003, he returned to eng - Simon donated his fee things in his visit. He met the Finance Michael davies, with the keys of the land in 2011, having lived for 49 years in and the valuation dona - committee and he was invited by parish school to symbolise the practical as - the college. The Sisters of our Lady of tions to The order of St priest Fr Graham Bamford to also meet pects of her task and by Fr Graham pity in Kiln Green welcomed Bryan. Lazarus charitable Trust the parish Live Simply team. Later he with a Bible, the Book of God’s Word as due to illness, last years were spent at who work closely with went with Fr Graham to visit the sick, the foundation of all learning and wis - St clare's Home in ditchling common, expert charities on a range of projects, including a nursing home within the dom. where he received nursing from the Au - from sponsoring student medical elec - parish. At the end of the Mass all were able to gustinian Sisters and Staff. tives in leprosy-hit areas of the world, to The next Saturday was a Live Simply greet the school head at the usual coffee One who had lived a life of faithful and supporting local initiatives in India, based retreat, run by the team, for morning. diligent service deserved nothing less. Nepal and parts of Africa. which more than 20 parishioners were Story: Pauline Groves (Above extracts are from an obituary Ann Lardeur welcomed by the community to the Picture: Mary Savage prepared by Bishop John Hine)


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